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Republic of Yemen Hodeidah University Zabid College of Education Department of English Date: /01/2012

In the name of Allah Final exam (Regular)

Level & Course: I Year English Subject: Spoken English 1 Time: 2 hours Total marks: 150 Teacher: Dr. Abdullah Shaghi

Name of the student: Enrollment No.:

Question No. Marks Secured Maximum marks

I 30

II 30

III 30

IV 30

V 30

Total 150

ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS (FROM I-V) IN THE SAME QUESTION PAPER (2 PAGES) I . Put a circle around the correct vowel sound(s) of each word in the following table appropriately; the first has been done for you. (3 x 10 = 30 marks)

N O. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

VOWELS WORD Short Sounds 1 2 3 4 5 e e e e e e 6 7 i: i: i: i: i: i: Long Sounds 8 9 10 u: u: u: u: u: u: : : : : : : : : : : : : 11 : : : : : : 12 e e e e e e 13 Diphthong Sounds 14 15 16 17 a a a a a a a a a a a a 18 e e e e e e 19 Schwa 20

bad book my seat about it sadness girlish

II. Complete the following table, the first has been done for you as an example. Minimal Pairs cross > crop speak > speed straight > street Transcription /krs / - / krp / Sounds of Minimal Pairs s > p ei /skil/ - /skl/ /spa/ - /ska/ bride > cloud 1 p > > i:

(3x10=30 marks)

Sounds of Consonant Clusters kr - kr sp - sp sk - sk

k br - kl

III. Mach each utterance in group (A) with its corresponding utterance in group (B) to make appropriate and contextual utterances. Write your answer on the table given below; the first has been done for you. (6 x 5 = 30 marks) Group (A): a. We have just eaten all the dinner. Sorry. b. The children from next door are stealing apples again. c. Tamer's already gone home. d. This wire should go into the second hole. e. Do you know the meaning of "slam"? f. Do you know the meaning of "slap"? Group (B): 1. Ah, yes, I see now. 2. Er, I think it means to hit with the flat part of your hand. 3. Er, I think it means to close something with great force. 4. Oi, get out of my garden! 5. Oh, that's a shame. 6. Oh, I'm sorry I missed him. a 5 b c d e f

IV. Use these utterances ( It's funny!, I'll turn up the volume, Mm! , It's the adverts again, It's horrible!, More fearful! ) to complete the following conversations; the first has been done for you. (6 x 5 = 30 marks) A: (On TV) Who are you? Are you . Are you . Dracula? B: (On TV) More fearful! A: More fearful! B: I'm the most fearful thing in the world. I am C: This is frightening. D: No, it isn't. ______________________________. Charlie Chaplin's more frightening! C: It isn't funny. ____________________________ E: (On TV) For the whitest, cleanest teeth. Use Dentol. D: It's the adverts again. I'll turn down the volume. E: (On TV) Tingling fresh Dentol' C: I don't like that toothpaste. D: Ours is better. C: ______________________________________ Our is the best. D: And the most expensive. C: No it isn't. It isn't the most expensive. But it's not the cheapest. D: It's the film again. ________________________

V. Write at the back of this sheet a conversation between two friends (A:) and (B:) on any topic of your choice. The conversation should include a minimum of 5 exchanges, that is to say, 10 utterances. (30 marks)

Best wishes & good luck! Teacher & Examiner: Dr. Abdullah Shaghi, SE1, Regular, 2011/2012 2

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