Benefits of Online Marketing

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Promotion of goods
and services is one of
the major factors
behind the success of
a product
manufacturing or a
service proving
company. You may
be the best
manufacturer of a
particular product or
the best service
provider in a city or a
state but without
proper promotion of
your products or
services you cannot
survive in this world
of tough competition.
To earn recognition
as a company you
need to build up
strong and intelligent
marketing strategies.
You should aim at
customer base at the
maximum level
possible. Reputed
companies spend
billions of dollars for
marketing and
product promotion so
that people can get to
know about their
products in large
numbers. But the
world is not a small
place where you can
earn recognition very
easily and there may
be hundreds of
companies like
yours, selling the
same products or
services. So how will
you compete with
them? Well, the
answer is, through
online marketing.

Online marketing,
also known in other
names such as
internet marketing, e-
marketing and e-
commerce is a new
concept as far as
marketing and
product promotion
are concerned, but
has proved to very
useful tool for
organizations. Today,
irrespective of their
sizes and area of
operation are opting
for the long-lasting
benefits of online
marketing. The
benefits of online
marketing are huge.
In fact in the present
situation, when the
world is witnessing a
economic meltdown,
it is the best way to
adopt for companies
to survive. Today,
companies are
stressing on
reduction of cost o
ensure maximum
revenue. So it is
important to plan
marketing strategies
that do not involve
huge expenditure. In
case of general
marketing, a
company has to pay
its marketing
personnel. To make
people aware about
its products and
services, it needs to
maintain stores,
which involve
recurring costs like
rent, electricity
charges and
salaries. By opting
for online marketing,
a company can
curtail all these costs.
There is no need to
pay sales teams, to
maintain stores and
to appoint
storekeepers. All you
need to do is to
develop a business
portal with all
information about
your company and
you can do that at
much lower cost.
Another added
advantage of online
marketing is that
people can access
information about
your products or
services at any day,
any time. It’s a 24 x 7
service. This is a
major reason why
companies are not
advertisements in
Maintaining a
website is much
cheaper than paying
the newspaper houses

Another huge benefit

that a company can
enjoy from online
marketing is
maximum visibility.
Suppose you are
planning to publish n
advertisement in
newspaper, but it will
appear weekly, or
fortnightly or
monthly. You cannot
afford to publish
advertisements in
newspapers on daily
basis. Moreover, you
cannot expect good
response as
maximum people
have a tendency to
turn over the ‘ad’
pages quickly.
Besides, you have o
take the circulation
of the newspaper into
account. Is it well
available in the
market? Does it have
a good readership?
But when you
advertisements on
website, it is
available for people
living in all corners
of the world. Today
companies are not
satisfied with
operations in local
and national level,
they are targeting the
global market for
which they need
recognition in a
higher level and for
that online marketing
is the best way.

Another important
reason behind the
growing popularity
of online marketing
is its potential to
build strong business
to consumer and
relationships. By
providing easy access
to information, this
new concept is
bringing companies
much closer to the
world. Today a
customer does not
need to go to the
market to check
availability of a
product that you
manufacture. He or
she can log on to
your website at any
time and get to know
about that and can
acquire it sitting at
his or her home
within seconds.
Similarly a company
may need to buy
some of your
products or acquire
your service. Simply
by clicking on your
business portal it can
get into dealing with
you. And as it is a
fast service, you can
always expect
consumers to come
back to you.
So if you are running
a company and
targeting the global
market, its time for
you to develop and
design a business
portal so that people
across the world can
get to know about
you and your

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