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MlnLCLA, n.?. - nassau CounLy ulsLrlcL ALLorney kaLhleen 8lce announced Loday LhaL a recenL [olnL
lnvesLlgaLlon wlLh Lhe new ?ork SLaLe ueparLmenL of Labor has led Lo crlmlnal charges agalnsL 17 Long
lslanders accused of sLeallng approxlmaLely $270,000 ln unemploymenL lnsurance beneflLs from new ?ork

1he defendanLs were all found Lo have falled Lo reporL employmenL as requlred by ueparLmenL of Labor
regulaLlons, Lhereby fraudulenLly obLalnlng unemploymenL beneflLs. 1hey were arresLed over Lhe pasL monLh
and are all charged wlLh a Lop counL of Crand Larceny ln Lhe 1hlrd uegree, whlch lncludes a maxlmum
senLence of seven years ln prlson.

1he defendanLs were lnvesLlgaLed by Lhe ueparLmenL of Labor's Cfflce of Speclal lnvesLlgaLlons, whlch Lhen
referred Lhe cases Lo uA 8lce's offlce for evaluaLlon and, where approprlaLe, arresL and prosecuLlon.

unemploymenL lnsurance ls meanL Lo help honesL workers geL Lhrough hard Llmes whlle Lhey look for [obs,
buL Lhese defendanLs are charged wlLh abuslng LhaL LrusL and asslsLance by cheaLlng Lhe sysLem," uA 8lce
sald. 1hankfully Lhe ueparLmenL of Labor caughL Lhe scams and we'll work LogeLher Lo prosecuLe Lhese cases
and reLurn falrness Lo new ?ork Laxpayers."

1he followlng defendanLs have all been charged wlLh a Lop counL of Crand Larceny ln Lhe 1hlrd uegree:

Maryann 8rachfeld, 47, Massapequa ark. 8eLween CcLober 20, 2010 and !anuary 1, 2012, collecLed
approxlmaLely $13,998 ln unemploymenL lnsurance beneflLs whlle allegedly employed.

urew Plmmel, 33, WesL PempsLead. 8eLween lebruary 21, 2010 and CcLober 2, 2011, defendanL collecLed
approxlmaLely $10,448 ln unemploymenL lnsurance beneflLs whlle allegedly employed.

Lechelle PolsLon, 47, 8oosevelL. 8eLween CcLober 4, 2009 and november 20, 2011, defendanL collecLed
approxlmaLely $7,184 ln unemploymenL lnsurance beneflLs whlle allegedly employed.

!anlva !ones, 28, 8aldwln. 8eLween !une 28, 2009 and May 23, 2010 defendanL collecLed approxlmaLely
$9,936 ln unemploymenL lnsurance beneflLs whlle allegedly employed.

Carmerose !ullen, 36, PempsLead. 8eLween March 12, 2012 and CcLober SepLember 2, 2012 defendanL
collecLed approxlmaLely $7,493 ln unemploymenL lnsurance beneflLs whlle allegedly employed.

8oberL kennedy, 32, Massapequa. 8eLween !uly 19, 2009 and March 7, 2010 defendanL collecLed
approxlmaLely $14,620 ln unemploymenL lnsurance beneflLs whlle allegedly employed.

Alfred Lombardl, 37, Carden ClLy. 8eLween CcLober 18, 2009 and !uly 23, 2010, defendanL collecLed
approxlmaLely $14,281 ln unemploymenL lnsurance beneflLs whlle allegedly employed.

1erry McCrlmmon, 48, WesLbury. 8eLween Aprll 3, 2009 and March 29, 2010, defendanL collecLed
approxlmaLely $13,433 ln unemploymenL lnsurance beneflLs whlle allegedly employed.

MaLLhew C'Leary, 48, aLchogue. 8eLween March 3, 2007 and CcLober AugusL 12, 2012, defendanL collecLed
approxlmaLely $32,208 ln unemploymenL lnsurance beneflLs whlle allegedly employed.

Ale[andrlno CrLlz, 43, WesLbury. 8eLween SepLember 20, 2009 and november 14, 2010, defendanL collecLed
approxlmaLely $19,391 ln unemploymenL lnsurance beneflLs whlle allegedly employed.

1lffany eLLway, 29, WesLbury. 8eLween !une 9, 2009 and May 16, 2010, defendanL collecLed approxlmaLely
$7,746 ln unemploymenL lnsurance beneflLs whlle allegedly employed.
Sonla 8amlrez, 37, LlmonL. 8eLween !anuary 10, 2010 and !anuary 29, 2012, defendanL collecLed
approxlmaLely $28,928 ln unemploymenL lnsurance beneflLs whlle allegedly employed.

ChrlsLopher 8ay, 44, lreeporL. 8eLween AugusL 9, 2009 and SepLember 4, 2011, defendanL collecLed
approxlmaLely $26,018 ln unemploymenL lnsurance beneflLs whlle allegedly employed.

neal 8lvera, 49, valley SLream. 8eLween lebruary 7, 2010 and uecember 12, 2010, defendanL collecLed
approxlmaLely $10,603 ln unemploymenL lnsurance beneflLs whlle allegedly employed.

SLeven SoLo, 49, lL. Lauderdale, lL (formerly of valley SLream). 8eLween !une 7, 2009 and March 28, 2010,
defendanL collecLed approxlmaLely $18,490 ln unemploymenL lnsurance beneflLs whlle allegedly employed.

kevln 1homas, 30, PempsLead. 8eLween !anuary 18, 2009 and Aprll 22, 2012 defendanL collecLed
approxlmaLely $10,911 ln unemploymenL lnsurance beneflLs whlle allegedly employed.

SLeven 1rakls, 31, Long 8each. 8eLween november 19, 2008 and AugusL 1, 2010, defendanL collecLed
approxlmaLely $17,937 ln unemploymenL lnsurance beneflLs whlle allegedly employed.

AsslsLanL ulsLrlcL ALLorney Wllllam !orgenson ls prosecuLlng Lhe case under Lhe supervlslon of CovernmenL &
Consumer lrauds 8ureau Chlef Marshall 1rager of uA 8lce's offlce.

1he charges are merely accusaLlons and Lhe defendanLs are presumed lnnocenL unLll and unless proven gullLy.


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