Chilling Protocol

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Chilling Protocol
Ending young life -- now, and even here.
By Colleen Carroll Campbell
Posted: Monday, March 13, 2006

National Review Online
Publication Date: March 13, 2006

When little Chanou was born in 2000 with a rare and painful illness that leads to abnormal bone
development, doctors gave the Dutch infant less than three years to live. As it turns out, she only had seven

That's when her parents and physicians, discouraged by her grim prognosis, joined forces to do something
that has become increasingly accepted in the Netherlands: They euthanized her.

"It is in some ways beautiful," Dutch pediatrician Eduard Verhagen told the London Times, when describing
the dying moments of children like Chanou. "But it is also extremely emotional and very difficult."

Not as difficult as it should be. In the Netherlands, euthanasia of teenagers and adults is legal and baby
euthanasia -- already practiced among Dutch doctors -- will soon be sanctioned by the government.
According to the Times, a committee established at the urging of the Dutch Royal Medical Association will
begin regulating baby euthanasia in a few weeks. Its standard for deciding who lives and dies will be
Verhagen's own invention, the Groningen Protocol.

The Groningen Protocol is chilling, not only because of its audacity in attempting to judge the worth of
human lives but because of its subjectivity in making those judgments. The protocol says that a newborn can
be euthanized if his diagnosis and prognosis are "certain," his suffering is "hopeless and unbearable," and
his quality of life is "very poor," according to the child's parents and "at least one independent doctor."

That standard assumes that physicians are infallible, our current medical knowledge is complete, and human
beings are omniscient. How else could one assess with certainty another's prognosis, experience of
suffering, and quality of life? We can know a child suffers; we can know a disease has no known cure. But
we cannot pronounce with certainty that another person has no hope or that his suffering has rendered his
life worthless. Verhagen himself suggested as much when he told the Times, "No doctor likes to do this.
You will always ask yourself, 'Is there something I have not thought of?' That is why it needs to be done
under a spotlight: you can never, ever be wrong."

But human beings will be wrong. Discouraged doctors, distraught parents, and distant bureaucrats will make
mistakes. And even when their deadly decisions conform perfectly to the protocol, they will commit grave
evil by destroying innocent human life in a futile quest to destroy suffering itself.

Americans may be tempted to think that such things could never happen here. But support for infant and
child euthanasia has a long history in the United States, stretching from the founding days of the Euthanasia
Society of America in 1938 to the recent pronouncements of Peter Singer, a prominent Princeton ethicist
who favors a parent's right to kill disabled newborns.

The threat of euthanasia is already a reality for some American children. Haleigh Poutre, the 12-year-old
Massachusetts girl severely beaten by her stepfather last fall, had spent only eight days in the hospital
when her state custodians began fighting for the right to remove her ventilator and feeding tube. Doctors
had diagnosed her condition as a persistent vegetative state, but Haleigh recovered before they could
euthanize her.

Haleigh's case reminds us that child euthanasia can happen in any nation that has lost respect for the
intrinsic value of life and the inviolable dignity of the person. The chilling reality is that although our depraved

1z2 2009-09-01 11:14

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indifference to the sanctity of human life may not be as advanced as Holland's, we are moving in that

-- Colleen Carroll Campbell, an NRO contributor, is a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, a
former speechwriter to President George W. Bush, and author of The New Faithful: Why Young Adults Are
Embracing Christian Orthodoxy.

2z2 2009-09-01 11:14

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