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CHAPTER 1: THE SPEAR. The zest taste of slightly sour milk slithered down Kevins throat. He swallowed the gulp before emitting a crinkled facial expression that was accompanied by a repulsive sound corresponding with his gag reflex. The milks gone off. Kevin called up to !ames" before remembering he was in the shower. #ith a peculiar feeling in his stomach and a strange sticky goo stuck to the roof of his mouth" Kevin waddled up the stairs" heading for his room" but was side tracked by !ames standing in front of him in the $am of the door" dripping wet" only concealing himself with a towel around his waist. %ts actually more like a sweat towel since it doesnt come close to reaching his knees. &ow if that isnt erotic" than % dont know what is. Kevin stated" gesturing to !ames with his finger. #hat did you say about milk or something' !ames asked. (h" right. )m" its gone off. % still have the taste in my mouth. !ames stepped forward and plucked a *uick kiss from Kevins subtle lips. +w, -oure right. !ames agreed with a look tinted with disgust. #ell % warned you. Kevin replied with a giggle. Hurry up. #e have to go out soon. (key.dokey. !ames cutely said before returning to the shower. Kevin entered the bedroom while surveying the movie posters that clung to the walls with pins in each corner. /ost of them had some feature that contrasts the normality of society" like having an anarchist superhero" or a bisexual rock star" or a maniac who doesnt believe in the futile and manufactured concept of love. Kevin drifted onto the bed and slipped into a state between rest and sleep" something similar to being hypnotized. He was woken by !ames" who" even though now dry" was still wearing the towel" which left little to the imagination. 0o back to sleep. !ames whispered. &o. #e have to go now. Kevin announced as he rolled out of the bed. !ames stretched in the bed as he watched Kevin walk over to the closet and load a shabby looking backpack with 1.2 explosives" two 3 millimeter pistol guns" a folder stuffed with pages of street layouts and building blueprints" a megaphone" and a bottle of water 4in case they got thirsty5. #hen Kevin was finished" he turned around to $ust have seen !ames hitching his $eans over his black boxer underwear. Kevin smiled a little as he faced !ames" welcoming him with -ouve got a cute bum. 6ater" after leaving the facility of their home" !ames and Kevin were waiting at a bus stop which would take them down to the high streets. They were holding hands together despite the fact that someone else was at the bus stop. This character was a typical %rish male youth" wearing a two piece navy blue track suit with a sport brand emblem on both the upper and the lower parts" a cap 4of the same brand5 with the peak bent in the popular and trendy style" and navy blue runners 4again" of the same brand5. He had his hair bleached and spiked with gel. His face was grotes*uely disfigured by his habits of chain smoking and drinking. This typical %rish male youth took one glance at !ames and Kevin

holding hands and decided that" in his poorly educated sense" he had some sort of sacred duty to voice his moronically deafening stupidity. 7aggots, The typical %rish male youth croaked" trying to pass the effects of obsessive smoking. !ames" through the only eye that wasnt covered by his fringe" glanced at the typical %rish male youth" held up a gun 4that was concealed under his shirt and his tight $eans5" aimed for the face" and fired a bullet out of the barrel" which then" not so much go through" but more sailed through the brain of this" now lost" youth" who slumped in the chair he sat in" now leaking through what you may call his 8third eye. Kevin slapped !ames in the bicep. -ou tit, #hy did you waste a whole bullet on that one asshole' Kevin asked rhetorically. He called us faggots. !ames proclaimed. #e are faggots. -eah but only gay guys are allowed to say faggot. %ts like how black guys are allowed to say nigger. +ventually the bus arrived and" after a trip filled with being called *ueer and getting strange looks from elderly 1atholic widows" our two anarchist lovers arrived in the high streets where they were welcomed with more stares and insults about their straightened hair and pierced lips. +veryones staring. Kevin declared. 9ecause were so hot. !ames replied. %ll agree with that. !ames and Kevin walked the entire way down to The :pear " a monument that is literally $ust a stick standing in the ground. This metal rod" which is deemed art worthy " was erected by the national fascist government of %reland. The same government that made homosexuality illegal and punishable by reeducation or even death 4or even both5. !ames and Kevin surveyed the :pear from the foot of the base. #e better move fast. Kevin pointed out as he noticed an officer starring at them while talking into a black walky.talky. Kevin knelt down on one knee as he rummaged through the backpack. He handed !ames the megaphone as he piled the 1.2 explosive packs outside the backpack. !ames took the megaphone and spoke. ;ttention to all" all to attention, /y name is !ames #illiams. /y boyfriend behind me applying 1.2 explosives to the :pear is Kevin (&eil. #e are homosexual lovers" we have received education" we have moral standards" we are eco friendly" we are <oman 1atholic" and we brush our teeth. 9ut even though we are innocent citizens" our government condemns us simply because we are in love. (ur government" after taking away our freedom" our lives" our souls" does not approve of 6ove. The only way you can truly support love is if you support all love. 7our years ago" homosexuality was passed by law as an illegal act. There is no physical" mental" spiritual" psychological" environmental" moral" national" or educational reason for this. %t is simply because of fascist" neo.&azi monsters who are steering this country into a national frenzy of lunacy. /ore than four hundred years ago a great man by the name 0uy 7awkes wanted to imprint the idea of freedom and $ustice as forces powerful enough to tear down buildings and eradicate dictatorship. That man was caught" but he left us with something greater

than an accomplished act. He left us with the idea. (ur government can call us criminals and terrorists" but we are still here. #e are proud of who we are. % am proud of who % love. (ur parents in heaven" killed by the real terrorists" are proud of us. This :pear represents the grip of hatred this country has been brainwashed to accept. #e will take down this :pear" and with it begins our campaign to free our country. 7reedom and $ustice can tear down buildings. 6ove can tear down hate. Kevin activated the timers on the 1.2 explosives. %n less time than it took for Kevin to shout leg it, " both of the anarchists ran as *uickly as their legs could take them. The blast was tempting to watch" but they had to run as far from the destruction site as possible while there was hysteria in the atmosphere. 9ut even though they didnt look" the sound of the explosion was powerful enough to imbue a delightful image of that :pear slowly gliding to the ground. The only sound louder than the blast was the combination of screams and a large 8clunk as the :pear vibrated like a tuning fork that had $ust hit a table. &ot stopping for anything" taking public transportation every few minutes" and making short cuts through housing estates" !ames and Kevin were able to return back to their lair without getting caught. Kevin flopped onto the sofa and sighed. (ne down. Kevin said proudly. !ames sat on Kevins lap and put his arms around his neck while Kevin placed his hands on !ames hips ; whole country to go. !ames finished. 9ut soon the smile on !ames faded. Kevin' !ames began. Kevin knew what was coming up next. =ont do this again !ames. 9ut % cant help but wonder if what were doing is wrong. %f you have to even wonder than perhaps you shouldnt be with me. Kevin shoved !ames off his lap" leaving !ames to hit the ground with a thud. !ames picked himself back up with a swift push of his hind legs. He pro$ected himself to within an inch of Kevin face. !ames was always easily anger. #ell what am % suppose to think" Kevin' ;m % suppose to freaking en$oy blowing things up" hurting people' Have you forgotten how we feel' =o you not think that we get enough crap from morons who $ust go around with their simple brainwashed lives' 7or 0od sake" gingers make fun of us, 1riminals are held higher than us $ust because were gay, This rock in the middle of a spit puddle deserved to be blown up decades ago, ;re you really so convinced that there is not one single good person still alive in %reland' %f theyre still alive" theyre not doing anything to help. !ames pulled back and stood straight. -ou dont have to agree with me. Kevin compromised. 9ut at least remember that %m doing this more for you than % am for myself. The only *uestion you have to ask is are you doing it more for me" or for yourself. -ou. !ames whispered. 1ome here.

Kevin held open his arms for a hug. !ames ploughed right" gripping onto Kevin so tight it hurt. 9ut % suppose thats what love is. :omething you do no matter how much it hurts you or anyone else. !ames giggled. #hat' Kevin asked" glowing. %n a way" were like superheroes. Two gay" anarchist" superheroes' :ounds like some weird comic book cartoon show. :o what do we call ourselves" if were superheroes' 0 for >endetta' &o. The chemical romancers' &o. #hat about =ukes of demolition' &o. ?eople will nickname us 8?uke of demolition. 6overs of destruction' Kevin was about to talk" but something clicked in his head" like when you finally find something that rhymes with purple. =estruction 6overs. !ames glowed with a smile of delight. 1oming to bed' %ts only five. /aybe the word coming " didnt hint to what % really mean. 9oth Kevin and !ames scurried on to the bedroom" giggling and laughing after they blew up a monument for what they believe in. 7reedom. 6abel 1o. %t started off as a television channel for fascists. %n the early set of its life" it was criticized for rumours of subliminal messages through its shows" but were soon forgotten when it coincidentally gain mass public approval. 6abel 1o. then set up its public demonstrations and soon formed a political party by the same name. %t was able to fund its campaign by reaching out into the main industries@ illegal drugs" flavoured food and drinks" sex trafficking" and technology 4which were rumoured to have been stolen5. :urprisingly" the opposition to 6abel 1o. in the 4what is now called5 victory year election all were coincidentally attacked" beaten" or killed. ;s thus" they also coincidentally dropped out of the election due to 8personal issues. 6abel 1o. won the election. %n the seat of power" 6abel 1o. *uickly appointed itself safeguard government 4which they claim is nothing like a fascist government5. %t would safeguard the country for as long as possible. To maximize the *uality of this assignment" elections in the next several decades would be unnecessary . %n the first week" of office" 6abel 1o. called for a purifying league" to ensure that the stability of the country would be kept. This included exporting anyone who had less than three generations of family history of being %rish" anyone who lived with a 8partner" people of 8ill skin pigmentation" and anyone who didnt belong to the 1atholic 1hurch" which was interesting because 6abel 1o. censored what information from the >atican got to %reland.

:hane Hiller was the head of 6abel 1o." and thus" dictator of %reland. He worked" slept" ate" and ruled from one room in his entire mansion" which was policed by his own private guards. His mansion was on the same scale of sheer greatness as the temples in %ndia" a country which" to the %rish people" didnt exist. :hane had a family who he hasnt seen for over a decade. They were still alive and lived in his mansion. %ts $ust he hasnt seen them for years. ;ll hes ever seen were screens showing sheep shopping for stuff they dont need but believe they do since their government tells them they do" images of officials having a 8meeting with him about rises in obedience" the food which was slot through a shaft 4most likely done by a machine5" and the dark reflection of a man starring back at him when he looked at a blank monitor. :hane was kept alive by the thousands of wires and cords shooting out from the back of where his skull meets his spinal cord. The room he inhabited was a large room. &ot by s*uared foot" but cylindrical. The room was fifty feet tall upward. The walls were completely masked by a pouring flow of brightly lit displays. :hane was hoisted from any end of the spanning chamber by a chair lift attached to a massively complex robotically mechanized arm" like how a cup is held by anyone else. /onitor column ;;9 row A3 had its notification light blinking. The red dot must have flashed only twice before the bedridden dictator was zipped in front of it. The screen switched itself on upon sensing the body heat and retina coding of 6ord Hiller. !ames and Kevin appeared on the screen" a still image of them at the base of the spear moments before Kevin detonated the 12 explosives. ; voice accompanied the image. 6ord Hiller' The voice" of what sounded like a pedophile masturbating over the microphone while panting slightly. #hat do you wish to do' ; large surge of electricity pulsed through the vitality cords" massaging his brain. ; grunt was emitted. 9ombard.

CHAPTER 2: BOMBARD. ; paradox is anything that contradicts itself but at the same time $ustifies itself without a contradiction. The definition of a paradox is technically a paradox. &ow imagine matter from no matter. /atter can never be create or destroyed. 9ut when matter is created" it can also be destroyed. 9ombard is a paradox. %t is called a paradox mainly because no one knows what else to call it. ;nd it is referred to as 8it because it is an it. /ichael 9ishop was a paradokentic" someone whose psychic powers specialized in twisting the laws of reality. 7ormally a patient at the (ur 6adys metal health hospital " he suffered from constant involuntary homicidal thoughts and developed a sadistic persona. /ichael" while receiving treatment in the ward" created 9ombard" a humanoid bomb that could regenerate its particles after causing a combustionB of its own body. %n other words" its a suicide bomber that cant die. 9ombard destroyed the hospital and /ichael only moments after its birth. 4B%f youre thinking why isnt it 8spontaneous.combustion' " its because that would mean it happened all of a sudden with no control" where as 9ombard has control.5 The room was sheltered from disturbance of light by the heavy curtains that sank down from the railing. )sed condoms and s*uirts of lubricant decorated the floor" while the shelves were polluted by books and 1=" all of which were on The list " a huge roll of which every destroyed piece of culture. The reasons why these pieces werent destroyed were 4C5 because 6abel 1o. may need to refer back to them 4D5 and because the public wouldnt find them if they didnt know they existed. Kevin stirred when the sound of sizzling sausages" rashers" and black pudding managed to echo its way up to the bed. Kevin flipped away the blanket" $ust enough so the harsh" brute" cold morning feel could wake him to get dress. He didnt bother with his $eans or his shirt. He $ust slipped on a pair of boxers which he found in the corner. He smirked as he remembered how they were tossed away in the heat of passion. !ames attention was focused on the frying pan" but he was still able to glance *uickly at Kevin with a smile. 0ood morning silly buns. !ames greeted cheerfully. #hat has you up so early' Kevin in*uired. #ell % $ust thought %d make breakfast in bed for the most handsome guy in the entire world. -ourself. !ames laughed openly. Kevin walked over behind !ames and wrapped his arms around his waist" placing his head sitting by the chin over !ames left shoulder. #hachu cooken good looken' Kevin asked in an accent that sounded slightly :wiss. 9reakfast" like % said. ; moment of tran*uility and pensive mood washed over the two. They didnt need to say anything. They were happy together. Happy $ust knowing that the person near them was someone special. !ames broke the silence" but only with a whisper.

Turn on the television and see whats up. Kevin slowly slipped his grip away from !ames body and walked over to the television in the sitting room. He turned the volume up so it could resonate into the kitchen. The reporter was a man. &o surprise. >ery few women were ever seen on television" and even then they werent really there. He was fat. &o surprise" since most %rish males were fat. /ost likely" by the look of him" over the age of thirty. &o surprise" since most %rish people only get to a position of power when they betray all their fun and creativity for cold hard efficiency that only leads to no progress what so ever in intelligence . The reporter was in the news room studio with a file photo of Kevin and !ames. ;nd in lighter news" two homicidal terrorists were thwarted as they planned to stop a demolition of the spear. The demolition was set out by 6ord Hiller himself as he pointed out that he felt the spear would cause possible chaos to the citizens he so dearly love if it became dilapidated. The two terrorists" who were both full of illegal drugs at the time" attempted to stop the demolition to put the great population of %reland at risk. #hile one of the terrorists was failing to disarm the detonator with his primitive technology which he obtained outside of %reland from a non.6abel 1o. brand" the other terrorist distracted civilians by rambling about moronic and inconceivable nonsense. The two terrorists fled the scene once they discovered that they couldnt stop the demolition. They were later shot dead on sight by armed personal by orders of 6ord Hiller as he recognized them as a threat to the safety of the children of %reland@ both physically and mentally. =id you hear that' Kevin called out into the kitchen. :crew it, !ames responded. %ts not important. ;lsoE The news reporter continued on. The terrorist who gave the rant was described by witnesses as a Ted 9undy look alike. The clatter of pans and kitchen utensils was brash and swiftly carried out. !ames marched up the stairs. 0et your stuff" were blowing the studio, The reception area of the national television studio broadcast centre was hauntingly silent. The layout was something catching. :tanding several meters from the front door were two elevators" while the receptionist desk was to the left. 9esides those two features" the reception area was wide and empty. 9oth !ames and Kevin surveyed the hall when the static in the air was flat with uneasy. 6ook. Kevin gestured to the elevator. The numbers was reading the floors in descending order. :omeone was coming. (nly Kevin cocked both his handguns. 0et ready. !ames said" finally bringing his guns up to eye level" facing the elevator. %t finally reached the ground floor. The doors pulled back to reveal no one. %nstead of an employee or a security guard" a black ball was placed in the centre. 9efore !ames and Kevin even thought about stepping in to investigate" the ball began to roll over to them by itself. 1rossing the few meters" it was clear that it had a fuse. %t was a bomb. %t stopped short of their feet. Kevin was $ust about to bend over to pick it up" when all of a sudden" the fuse lit itself. !+:):, Kevin swore.

!ames and Kevin scampered over the reception desk $ust missing the blast of the bomb. %t was abnormally controlled for a bomb" only shattering the nearby windows and cracking the tiles on the floor. %t should have at least left a small crater. The elevator was descending again. ;nother one was coming. !ust stay behind the desk. %ts not like itll hop over. !ames remarked. The elevator doors opened. %nstead of the sound of another bomb rolling across the floor" there was an unusual sound of strange footsteps" like someone was walking on stilts. !ames cocked his gun" $ust almost losing his grip with the moistness of his palms. !ames tapped Kevin singled him to take a look. 7uck off" you do, Kevin whispered. 7uck you" you do it" hoe, !ames rasped. =o it together. 1ount of three. !ames prompted. (neEthree. The two shot up and took aim on a humanoid stick figure. %t wore a pin.striped two piece suit. %t was literally $ust a rod with bombs for hands" feet" and a head" which" unlike the hands and feet" bore a face. The face consisted of two" massively wide eyes with a cornered spiral line in each" and a surrealistically bizarre smile where the teeth werent aligned. The face had no substance@ the features were painted on. #hat the fuck is that' Kevin asked. The creature raised its arms and shot the two bombs at the ends forward" hurling them on the other side of the desk. The fuses lit by themselves. !ames and Kevin both skid over the desk surface and $ust escaped in time to avoid the blast. This explosion was larger than the last. !ames was the first to turn to 9ombard and open fire" soon followed by Kevin after he got his stability back. The firing died down when the cartridges for the guns ran out of bullets. !ames continued to pull the trigger for a while before realizing. 1an you hold up for a second' Kevin politely asked 9ombard" as he slipped the bullets in. %m out. =o you have any more in the backpack' !ames asked Kevin. He only hand one bullet on him. #hats that' 3 millimeter' )mE Kevin dropped the bag and russeled through the side pockets. &o. #ell why not' #ell % didnt think this kind of thing would need more 3 millimeters" and % didnt know wed be against this. #ell you should have been prepared. % asked you do you want me to hold extras for you" and you said 8&o" %ll be fine. #ho needs to be prepared now' The argument was cut short when they heard the sound of a balloon being blown up. 9ombards two bomb.hands had grown back. 9ombard raised his arm" and $ust before his bomb.hand e$ect off" it expanded in a blink to at least twice its original size. !ames" valiantly" stepped forward and kicked the bomb" $ust lit" back to 9ombard. %t exploded in midair" and sent all three hurled outwards. 9ombard was closer to the blast and was sent straight through the window and outside. !ames picked himself back up and aided Kevin. -ou alright hun'

?eachy. !ames aided Kevin over to the elevator and vigorously pushed the button. <emind me why were here. Kevin re*uested" letting himself down to stand on his feet. ToEehEto broadcast this anti.fascism message and to dispute this whole crap about me looking like Ted 9undy. !ames answered" still frantically pressing the ground button. 7inally the elevator arrived. The doors opened" thankfully not containing anymore reality law crimes. !ames and Kevin entered the elevator with a sudden feeling that it was the tackiest thing ever imagined. The wallpaper was poorly picked. %t looked like the sort of thing that not even a retirement home would pick for fear that the elderly resident would commit suicide to escape the sheer horror of such a recant taste. The mirror facing them was hardly reflecting" let alone reflecting their own image. %t actually looked like Kevin weighed a ton and that !ames should be called !amie 4if you know what % mean 4if you dont" % mean it made him look like a woman55. The top floor button was pushed murderously until the door began to close. ; cold sigh of relief filled Kevin and !ames lungs" but was soon evaporated by the heat of the lit fuse of the bomb which was wedged between the doors. 1rap, Kevin screeched. The bomb expanded massively" until the elevator door was completely open" and !ames and Kevin were trapped. 1<;?, Kevin yelled in shock. The only good point here was that the fuse had grown too and would take longer to burn through. !ames noticed there was a technician emergency entrance above" incase the elevators ever broke down. He loaded his gun with his only bullet left" and shot off the hinge. 0et up there, !ames ordered Kevin" heisting him up. :tart cutting the pulley line. !ames rolled the bomb into the elevator and used it to prompt himself up to Kevin. Hold on, !ames told Kevin. #hat about the cut' Kevin asked. !ames grabbed the pulley line with one arm and wrapped the other around Kevins waist. %n one powerful slit" !ames finished off the cut. The two were sent flying up as the elevator plummeted to the bottom basement floor. The pulley stop somewhere along the twentieth floor. Fuick" grab the other pulley line. !ames instructed Kevin. Kevin made a small leap forward" but grabbed the line $ust fine except for a small burn on his palms. The bomb finally exploded. The searing heat ascended with ease" planting the realism in Kevin. %f he hadnGt grabbed the other pulley line" the two of them would have been sent down. He couldnt see it" but he knew that nothing was attaching the line to the pulley on the elevator anymore since it was blown clean right off. Kevin noticed the elevator floor doors behind were gapped" probably out of order. He swayed towards it and gripped either side to the open doors. He still had the pulley in his hand. #hen he wedged the doors completely open" he had enough room to whip the slack of the pulley line to !ames" who only caught it on the second throw. !ames nodded to Kevin to get ready for the shock. !ames let go of his pulley line and smacked right into

the opposite wall" while Kevin struggled to pull him up. !ames scampered in" welcomed by Kevins hug. -ou already hun' Kevin mocked. :hut up. !ames laughed. The moment was ruined by a clank of two blunt ob$ects. 9ombard was at the end of the hallway clapping. Kevin flipped out from his backpack an ;K2H and roared away. 9ombard staggered backwards and eventually toppled back. !ames and Kevin wasted no time in spending another encounter with this monstrosity of life. They were on the twentieth floor. !ust eighteen more to go" itd be *uicker and safer to go with the stairs. 4#+ %&T+<)?T TH%: 9((K T( 9<%&0 -() ; 76;:H 9)66+T%&5. This is a breaking news bulletin. Two murderers are attempting to recreate the campaign of the previously shot terrorists" by attempting to blow up the 6abel 1o. broadcast centre. The only information weve been able to obtain is that even though they are terrorists" there is still one member who resembles Ted 9undy. 9y the IIrd floor on the stairway" !ames was knackered. 9arely breathing well enough to stand" he pulled out his inhaler and took several deep pulls. 1an weEstop forEaEsecond' !ames called out to Kevin" who was a floor ahead of him" inhaling deeply between words. ; blunt ob$ect landed on !ames lap as he lay on the steps resting. The psychotic smile of the detached head sparked !ames back into running. 6+0 %T, !ames screamed" sprinting past Kevin before the explosion rumbled Kevin to his knees. He scurried to his feet and belted after !ames. #hen they reached the IAth floor" they gorged through the door of the broadcast station. Three staff members were working the e*uipment. ;ll male. (ne was smoking a cigarette that was nearly at the bud. Kevin took out his ;K2H" which triggered the employees to soil themselves and one to yell out %m sorry =an, % slept with >icky, to the employee furthest from him. #e dont want to hurt you. !ames started. 9ut its not like we havent done stuff we didnt like before this. 6ike using condoms. Kevin exampled. +xactly. &owE !ames chunked a =>= disc to the employee closest to him. ?lay that. The news was cut short. :tatic filled the screen. ;n aura of fear wiped over %reland. The news never goes off on the 6abel 1o. news network. &ever. <eporters are often brought coffee to help keep them awake for their thirty hour shifts. The static stopped. ; poorly drawn cartoon character was dancing. 6;, 6;, 6;, The cartoon character 8sang. ;nother cartoon character appeared. He looked similar to the first one. Hey there :tephen. #hy are you so happy' The second character said to" apparently" :tephen. #+66 9%66-, %/ H;??- 9+1;):+ % 7(66(# =+/(1<;1-,

9illy stepped back from :tephen. #hy are you yelling' TH;T: <%0HT 9%66-, =+/(1<;1-, % H;>+ TH+ 7<++=(/ (7 :?++1H" (?%&%(&" ;&= 1H(%1+, =( -() H;>+ 7<++=(/: 9%66-', /y names Timmy. (7 1()<:+ &(T 9%66-, TH;T: 9+1;):+ -()< 0(>+<&/+&T %: 6;9+6 1(." ;& +>%6 1(?+<;T%(& TH;T 6+;=: /%66%(&: (7 ?((<" )&:):?1+T%&0 7(66(#+<: %&T( =+1;-" >%6+ ?)T<%= =+1;- (7 )&:T(??;96+ /;=&+:: ;&= 6%+:" =%<T- 7%6TH- 6%+:" 1(>+<+= %& :H%T" #%TH ; ?+;&)T 9)TT+< 7%66%&0, Timmy appears timid when he is grabbed by :tephen" continuing to rant on about fascism. 9)T -() 1;& :T(? TH%: 9%66-, -() 1;& +&= ;66 TH+ ?;%& ;&= :)77+<%&0 7(< /%66%(&:, 7%0HT 7(< 7<++=(/ 9%66-, K%66 6;9+6 1(., K%66 6;9+6 1(. 6%K+ ;& (6=+< :%:T+< K%66%&0 TH+ %/;0%&;T%(& (7 ; -()&0+< 9<(TH+< :%/?6- 9+1;):+ H+ #;&T: T( 9+ ; =%<+1T(< ;&= ; #<%T+<, Timmys face fades from timid" and grows into a more confident look. -oure rightEyoure ;9:(.7)1K%&0.6)T+6- <%0HT, %/ 0(%&0 T( 7%0HT 7(< 7<++=(/ 6%K+ ; 9+;>+< 7%0HT%&0 (>+< &;T)<+ 7(< ; ?+<7+1T =;/, Timmy scurries off screen leaving :tephen by himself. There was a moment of silence before :tephen talked again. !;/+: 6((K: &(TH%&0 6%K+ T+= 9)&=-, The cartoon ends there and the credits come up as 8=irected" written" and produced by the =estruction 6overs" with 8=estruction 6overs written in a different font in comparison to the Times &ew <oman font that the rest was written in. The font resembled blood oozing down a wall. The news appeared back on the screens of millions of televisions in %reland. The reporter was at the desk smoking a cigarette with his tie undone and his top button pulled. Ha, %ts not like the morons of this horrifically stupid nation are anywhere near as intelligent enough to know how to spell democracy" let alone understand it. The reporter said to himself. 9arry was the new camera guy in the station and" through $udgment of curiosity" decided to egg the reporter on" but not inform him that they were back on air live. How do we get up to the satellites on the roof' !ames en*uired" holding a gun straight to one of the three employees heads. 7uck you" faggot, (ne of the employees $ittered out. The same tongue that shaped those words was flying across the room" slamming onto the wall as the bullet from the gun annihilated the head into a largely chunk filled spray of tasteful blood drops. Kevin whirled around to the other two" *uivering in the corner. 1raig" if we live through this" you can keep >icky, % $ust dont want to die, =an said with his eyes filled with tears 4mostly from fear" but also partially from the smell of slowly evaporating urine5.

!ust tell us how to get onto the roof" and youll both live to fuck >icky again. Kevin explained" holding his gun to his side. His approach had more efficient results. There are four satellites on the roof. The elevators never go that far" but theres an electrician pulley system to each satellite. -oud only need to take one" but each lift can only fit one person at a time. =an notified. 9ombard busted into the broadcast station room" sprinting for $ust some random person. That person was Kevin. 9ombard swan dived into the air" zooming for Kevin. Kevin $ousted 9ombard with the barrel of his ;K2H" leaned back" and catapulted him through the IAth floor window. Kevin gracelessly landed flat on his back on the floor. 9arry knew hed be killed for intentionally making a mockery of 6abel 1o. on live television" with millions captivated by this sudden and brash dose of chaos 4and with the noises of gunfire and shattering glass in the background5" but lets $ust say that !ames and Kevins cartoon really spoke to 9arry 4even if it didnt make any sense5. :o you dont think 6abel 1o. works' 9arry asked the reporter. (f course % think it doesnt work. %ts obvious it doesnt work. -ou see" once upon a time there was a writer by the pen name 0eorge (rwell. There seemed to be a holy alter complex to the rooftop of the labyrinth building" where the satellite dishes were like statues of martyrs" silently whistling as the wind channeled through the gaps. Two pulley shafts were pulling themselves up. %n cramp little boxes" !ames and Kevin managed to wriggle out onto the roof. !ames spent awhile dusting the cobwebs off" as Kevin planted the 12 explosives to the bases of the satellites. %s it $ust my imagination" or are 12 explosives a tad too powerful for something like this' Kevin pondered as he dealt with the settings on the detonators. 6ook at it this way@ this isnt ours" so we can break it as much as we want. !ames reasoned. ;ll this to prove you dont look like Ted 9undy. #hich % dont. %ll agree with that. 9ut theyre hardly going to say that a bunch of terrorists look like 9rad ?itt or !ude 6aw. There was a moment of silence. Kevin didnt turn around to face !ames. -oure fantasizing about !ude 6aw" arent you' Kevin asked. =ont act like youGre not. >icky was at home in bed with a man who wasnt 1raig or =an. %t was <oger" a little" stubby pensioner with an amazingly long" wrinkly penis. <oger was fast asleep. He actually fell asleep in the middle of sex. >icky had the television on at a low yet audible level. ;nd what does that mean' 9arry asked" cleverly asking all his *uestions while he stood behind the camera" unlike the boastful reporter. %t means these 8=estruction 6overs are the greatest thing ever to have happened to the world. Theyll be set in stone forever as heroes. The reporter proclaimed. %t makes you wonder. 9arryEhave you ever thought what itd be like to kiss another man' % have.

9arry emerged in the view of the camera" coming closer to the reporter. There" done. Kevin trumpeted as he completed all the wiring. %ll buy you a cookie later. !ames $oked. &ow come one. 6etsE !ames words faded away when both he and Kevin saw 9ombards head" blown up at least one hundred times over" ascending upwards over the edge of the horizon" with its big wide eyes" only matched in size by its smile" dragging along a body frail in comparison. They both stood very still" motionless" watching in awe as the gigantic head levitated gradually into the air. %t eventually reached a height where it stopped ascending and began to hover forward in the direction of the =estruction 6overs. % think we should. Kevin suggested. /e too. !ames replied $ust as Kevin finished his sentence. The two dashed for the side" only to come to the realization that they were at an unconceivable height to $ump from" expect to land safely" and live with no ma$or in$uries. Kevin looked to see that 9ombard was close to the corner satellite. Kevin took the detonator in his hand and flicked several switches #hat are you doing' !ames asked frantically. #hen % say go" we run after this bastard and grab onto him. Kevin explained. #hat' !ust do it, Kevin activated the explosive at the corner where 9ombard was. The blast sent 9ombard to float over the edge. 0(, Kevin called out. 9oth darted for the edge" but Kevin pro$ected himself first. The 8ankles of 9ombards feet zoomed up to him and stayed as he clung onto them" grasping with both hands. !ames descended a little lower than Kevin" but managed to grab on to his ankles. 9ombard swayed unevenly as he was gently descended down due to the extra weight. !ames called out a laugh of success. H; H;, 1)T+ ;&= :/;<T, #H;T 1;&T -() =(' Kevin didnt reply. He flicked three switches on the detonator with his thumb of the hand that clutched it. The blast from all three explosives hurled 9ombard" !ames" and Kevin into the next building across the road. 9ombard was obviously too big to fit" but !ames and Kevin crashed through the window" rolling onto the floor of an office. The glass crinkled and crackled as !ames picked him up" and aided Kevin to stand. 9ombard floated away from the gaping opening and levitated towards the roof of the broadcast centre. %n one light movement the body detached itself from the gargantuan head. The second it did so" the fuse lit" slowly burning away. E:hit. !ames muttered. The =estruction 6overs kicked down the locked office door and ran to the furthest part of the building. They reached the wall at the end of the corridor and waited. The building was completely empty. The virgin silence was only raped by the sound of !ames and Kevin panting. The shards of shadows stood still" comfortable with no fear for light. The explosion erupted" shredding through the panting" scaring the insides out of the shadows. -es" there were screams of employees still in the broadcast centre as they caught on fire and the floor below them disappeared" and there was the hissing sound of

metal melting from the sheer heat" but you couldnt hear them. ;ll you heard was the explosion 4and maybe a faint malice" sadistic laugh from 9ombard5. ;ll across %reland" televisions went as blank as the minds of people who sat gapingly in front of them. >icky turned off the television" and read a book. :he wasnt the only one. 6ord Hiller" zooming from screen to screen" watched in horror as tens of thousand of civilians switched off their televisions" which was only transmitting static" and read a book. 6ord Hiller rotated to two screens behind him and activated them. :creen JIJH), ;gent ;ttract, :creen JIJA), ;gent <epel, The two screens lit up with the faces of two young teenagers. (ne was a boy" and the other was a girl. They looked like they could have been related. -our country needs you. 6ord Hiller announced. The girl" screen JIJA)" ;gent <epel" muttered more like -() need us .

CHAPTER 3: LAW OF ATTRCTION (AND ORDER OF REPULSION). Kevin couldnt sleep. He didnt understand how !ames could snore away next to him without at least talking about 9ombard 4of course they still dont know his name was 9ombard 4it would be more correct not to give it a name@ names should be reserved for humans55. #hy didnt it kill them' %t left a massive crater in the wake" but why didnt it blow up when !ames and Kevin clung onto it. %ts not like it couldnt@ it regenerated its own hand.bombs and feet.bombs. Kevin got up and walked downstairs to the kitchen. His boxers" though keeping his crotch section warm" amplified the draft across the rest of his body. The cold tiled floor stung with a sharp chill" the one where it feels a meter long pin is slowly being pushed through the sole of a foot and up inside the leg. The little light in the fridge didnt help. The fact that it sent forth a freezing mist to engulf and haunt Kevins feet was only matched in uselessness by the unsolvable mystery as to does the little light in the fridge stay on when you close the door. ;s Kevin gulped down mouthfuls of milk" he remembered the conversation he had about the little light and the 7ridge 0nomes . The cafK had people in it. #hite" 9lack" ;sian" and where ever else the other people came from. :ome proudly called themselves %rish@ a title they should have been allowed to keep. !ames was having and argument with !ackie and -uri by the time Kevin arrived with a black backpack. &o were not, !ames protested. -uri grabbed Kevins forearm and maneuvered him into the seat next to !ames before turning to !ackie and asking =ont they make a cute couple' &o we dont, #hats wrong honey' Kevin asked kidding" as he put his arm over !ames shoulder =ont you want me' (f course % do. !ackie and -uri seemed to have been forgotten about and were now and audience in this erotic moment. %ve always wanted you. 7rom the moment % saw your beautiful eyesEand those lips. !ames brushed Kevins lips with the tip of his index finger. %ve wanted nothing more than to taste those lipsEand make sure that % would be the only one who got them. !ackie and -uri smiled as their mouths gapped slightly. % love you. Kevin sighed. % love you too. The two leaned in for a kiss before a high pitched s*ueal disturbed them. +veryone in the cafK stared at !ackies look of pure $oy. -uri finished off his tea before he spoke. % wouldnt pay attention to her lads. :hes a -aoi fan.girl. :hell scream in delight if she $ust sees a manga of two guys kissing. ;lmost done with that. Kevin told" sketching onto a napkin. !ackies screech was deafening. 6iterally Kevin" -uri" and !ames were shouting #H;T', at each other because they couldnt hear and they thought the others were trying to say something.

;fter a while the conversation returned to a more acceptable volume and not $ust -uri screaming :(' =%= ;&-(&+ 0( T( TH;T <(1K 0%0 ; 1()?6+ (7 #++K: 9;1K' % H+;<= TH+ 9;&= #;: :H%T, . The typical %rish male youth from the bus stop 4not dead yet 4obviously55 walked past and glanced at Kevin and !ames holding hands. He stopped dead in his tracks and tossed a beer can at them. %t $ust skimmed between !ames and Kevin. 7;00(T:, The typical %rish male youth burped out" moving flume left behind from binge drinking" cigarettes" and $oints. ; bleak silence descended upon the cafK. The people around our heroes began to mutter words and sentences like gay " theyll be taken away soon " my cousin was like them. % havent heard from her in days now " or at least that young lad had the guts to stand up against that sickening behaviour . ?eople are such ignorant and hideously defective things. #hy are assholes like that not dead yet' !ackie asked as she eyed the youth. Thats like one of the thousands of mysteries of life. 6ike 8what is the meaning of life" 8if its not butter" then what is it" or 8does the little light in the fridge stay on when you close the door. !ames explained. (f course not. Kevin added. Theres like a little pressure switch in the corner. #hen you close the door" the light goes off. #ell mister smarty.pants" if thats so" how are the 7ridge 0nomes able to see. ; brief pause took over the group. >ery slowly" in awe of what !ames had in his head" Kevin asked #hat' The 7ridge 0nomes. -ou know" the gnomes who live in youre fridge. 7irst" % would have never guessed in a million years that 7ridge 0nomes linked gnomes to something involving a fridge. :econd" youre a tit for brains. 7uck you" %ve seen them, -ouve seen real 7ridge 0nomes' !ackie en*uired. =escribe them. #ell the one % met was a male" called 0ar. 0ar the 0nome' -uri asked. %m guessing from the fact you pointed out that he was male that 7ridge 0nomes arent asexual like ?ixies. Kevin proposed. Thats what % thought as well" until 0ar told me that. :o anyway" % was looking in the fridge one night for something to eat when % met 0ar. % thought" at first" he was a leprechaun. /y grandfather told me that if % ever saw anything that looked like a leprechaun" % should $ump right in and grab it. /ay % note" Kevin interrupted that his grandfather was arrested for beating the crap out of a circus midget % think they prefer to be called vertically challenged. !ackie corrected. !ames continued" ignoring the comments. % grabbed the wee bastard and he starts screeching in fear. Then he explains that hes a 7ridge 0nome" and that there was no point of me asking for gold" because he didnt have any. #hat was he wearing' -uri asked. 0reen suit" ginger hair" black shoes with buckles on themEwhy do you ask' -ou do know that leprechauns often fool people into letting them go so they wont get their gold.

-eah. ;nd' !ackie and -uri looked to Kevin to knock some sense into him. !ames' Kevin started. <emember that time you were a littleE energetic and you wanted me toEyou knowEand % said % had a headache. -eah" but you were lying. -ou lied $ust so you didnt have to... %t finally dawned on !ames. ;n angry hush filled !ames. The two looked once more to Kevin to save the day. Kevin of course did so" by placing his gentle lips on !ames. ; small murmur of whispers could be heard around them" but among them was a clear ;w. Theyre such a cute couple. Kevin was in the mood for a nibble or two. The cupboards had various things 4many of which havent been seen by the public since 6abel 1o. took over. <ice cakes" crackers" cereal" honey" noodles" curries" and" of course" chocolate. 6abel 1o. chocolate was tainted to be ten times more addictive and twenty times more fattening than normal chocolate. The idea behind this was so the general population would become less human like and more like drones. %f you cant do something without difficulty" you wont want to try. 6ike if a lab rat wants cheese" but will get an electric shock if it tries" it will eventually not want the cheese 4unless its a retard 4the rat" not the cheese 4although cheese is already retarded by $ust being cheese 4although % have no scientific evidence to suggest cheese is retarded5555. The large slab of chocolate was welcoming to Kevins sense of smell. The dark aroma watered his mouth. The scrumptious sweet taste of mellow" pure" creamy chocolate was too much to resist a second longer than it took to bite into it" letting the chunk of chocolate slowly melt away on his tongue. Kevin whimpered in pain as he bit down forcefully onto his own tongue. He turned to notice that the window by the front door had shattered. :omething was forced through it. Kevin felt a force gently pulling at him before he was e$ect through the bulk of the front door" soaring in mid.air for several metres before skidding to a stop on the ground in front of two characters. (ne" the male" was eating a slab of chocolate. His eyes were glowing green" but slowly faded to a more pastel shade. ;t that point the sensation that Kevin felt through his body had faded too. The girl beside him" same height" same features" raised her hand as her eyes glowed green" coinciding with the return feeling as if he had no control over his body. This time he was flung a good few yards away" maybe eight of nine. The male stepped forward one step. #ait :ean. The girl spoke. %ll take care of him. The male glared at his twin sister. <epel" need % remind you that we are to address each other as our code names" for the sake of security. %f you ever forget that again" % will report you. He was right. :ean died a long time ago. %n his place was this cold heartless ;ttract" an agent of nothing but compliance. <epel didnt say anything. ;ttract expected that she knew she had to submit. Technically she didnt have to" but she knew he expected that" and so did 6abel 1o. 4especially from a woman5.

<epel $ogged ahead to check on Kevin. :he knelt down beside him. ; bone cracked in Kevins body when she tried to find a pulse. %t was probably $ust a double.$ointed wrist. #ell, ;ttract called down. &othing much, :till alive" but % doubt hell stand, #ere not here to maim" were here to kill him and the other one, 7uck him up in the sky and let him smack down like a water balloon" spilling his guts everywhere. ;ttract smirked $ust before came closer. #ouldnt 6ord Hiller be more pleased if we present the terrorists to him' They could be studied and perhaps pursued to $oin us like the Lombie King was" or 9ombard. ;ttract" disgusted by such ignorance" dragged his sisters frail body up to his own. His glowing green eyes still glaring even when he had her in his hands. K%66 TH;T 7)1K%&0 7;00(T, 87aggot seemed to echo through the stillness of the night" awakening the murder of crows. How cool is that" that a flock of crows is called a murder' ; flock of <obin could have been a suicide" while a flock of seagulls could have been slit.wrists. !ames was on a fairest wheel" sitting next to a giant panda. -our dreams really are fucked up" you know that' The panda said. -eah" normally % would dream about Kevin. !ames explained. %ts sweet how much you love him. !ames blissfully smiled. %ts sweet how much he loves me back. ;ttract left <epel to finish off Kevin. :he looked behind her and watched ;ttract fade of into the distance before mothering and soothing Kevin. :shhhEits okay. :he whispered. %tll be over soon. -ou wont live in sin anymore. 7uckEyouE Kevin hissed" taking shallow breaths" semi.drugged from the pain. %f my love for my boyfriend is a sin" then %ll $ust have to worship :atan" wont %' -ou dont have to go through this. %f you renounce your relationship and swear allegiance to 6ord Hiller" youd be allowed to live. 0ive up my loveE.kill me and saveEmeEthe botherEofE Kevin exhaled and inhaled sharply after every few words. He paused for some time. <epel decided to intervene during this momentary break. -ou cant really believe youre in love' How could you' How could you love the same sex' -ou cant reproduce. 6ove isnt fuckingE.neitherEis it s*ueezing babiesEout of your pussy. 6ove isE ;gain" Kevin gasped and struggled to finish. -oure very sick. <epel proposed. -ou only think youre in love because you dont think you can do better. <epel rolled Kevin over on his back and brushed his hair from his eyes. %f % was a year or two older" % would definitely want you. 7latteryE Kevin said" sounding stronger. <epel noticed this. ?lease" listen to me. %f you dont let me help you" % will be forced to kill you. %m the last person in 6abel 1o. who has any remorse or sympathy for your type of people.

7aggot" nigger" chink" $ap" brit" yank" dyke" mussi" yid" prod" pakkiE% heard those words from people who claimed they cared. -ou" however" you seem different. ;lmost like you mean itEalmost. % do. ?lease" you can be saved. 6et 0od help wash away your plight. Kevin screamed with laughter. 1heck !ohn IMCN" bitch. 87or 0od so loved the world that he gave his only 1hild" so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but have eternal life. (r perhaps /atthew JMDD. 89ut % say unto you" that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the $udgmentM and whosoever shall say to his brother" <aca" shall be in danger of the councilM but whosoever shall say" Thou fool" shall be in danger of hell fire. Kevin looked at <epel and noticed she had a look of confused uncertainty. Kevin roared with laughter" louder than before. -ou didnt know that" did you' ThatsEthats not right. % was taught that !ohn IM CN was 87or 0od so loved the world of pure" white" heterosexuals that he gave his only 1hild" so that everyone who is of his perfect race may not perish but have eternal life. Kevin didnt stop laughing. He slowly rose up" shaking from instability on his two legs with the pain still surging through him. %m not surprised you think such bullshit" &eo.&azi" fuck.pot nonsense. <acism and discrimination is a cowardly form of life which cant grow and a parasite on people without its basic elements@ fear and misunderstanding. %f you really want the truthE Kevin waddled forward. <epel stepped back" but eased towards him when he held out his hand. Ethen follow me. :he took it. ; gun shot went off nearby. !ames blanketed ;ttracts body. The shotgun still had smoke slithering out from the barrels. !ames could sense the smell and taste of brain chunks and nerve bits splattered across the walls. Kevin returned to the hallway. How is she' !ames asked. % dont think shes like the rest of them !ames. :hes different. :he knows she been given lies and shit to swallow. :hes in the library. % dont think shes ever heard of any of the books we have. % wouldnt be surprise if she found one she knew but it was totally different from what she read. :creen NNN3O, ;gent Lombie King, The screen illuminated. ; ?unk appeared on the screen with black" crazed" spiked hair with red highlighted tips. % have a $ob for you. <epel followed every word she could read until she had to go to the next line. The world she knew@ the world she was thought to know became weaker with every word. 7act and fiction were now blurred to her. The part of her that was still loyal to 6abel 1o.

demanded that she go to her hosts and explode their brains by focusing her repelling powers on a small fixed point and expanding outwards. 9ut this part of her was ignored severely. :imilarly" !ames and Kevin were ignored when they entered the room. !ames cleared his throat. <epel shot up from the book and stared at both of them. %s he really dead' <epel managed to ask" surprisingly well" given the matter she was en*uiring about. #ere afraid so. % was awakened by him entering the house" % managed to grab a gun" peer down the stairs and shoot before he was able to hurt me. %m sorry. !ames explained. They both knew she didnt feel much for her brother. /y name is Tabatha. /y real name anyway. &ice to meet you Tabatha. %m !ames and this is Kevin. =o you mind if we call you Tabby' Tabatha giggled" but then receded into only a smile. /y mother" before she died" used to call me Tabby. % havent been called that in ages. % would love it if you called me Tabby. 9ut Tabatha soon realized what she was doing. :he was acting as if she would be friends with these two. ;s if the outside world would completely forget everything and accept someone being friends with homosexuals. %m sorry" but % think you can understand the position %m in. !esus once said you should love everyone" even your enemies. #e dont hate you. %n this house youre not an enemy. !ames proclaimed. )mEcan % ask you some things' Tabatha en*uired. 0o ahead. Kevin encouraged. 9oth !ames and Kevin sat down by the table in front of Tabatha at the opposite side. ;re you guys for real' % mean" youre really gay' !ames inhaled sharply. #ere a gay couple. Kevin is fully gay" but %m bi. ;nd you two really are the 8=estruction 6overs' -es. Kevin answered. -ou cant do this. -ou cant take down 6abel 1o. Hundreds upon thousands of people have tried before" and all have been swept from existence. %t cant be done. %ts never been done before@ never. &ever is $ust another way of saying 8not yet. Kevin philosophized. :oE The pause gave way to the *uestion even you may be thinking. How do you guysEdo it' #ell how do you think we do it' !ames remarked. =o you think we find a piece of string" drop it in a river" and then run around in circles and sing songs with the vowels missing' Kevin roared laughing. :eriously" we do it the way you think we do it. =oes it hurt' The pipes rattled with the heat passing through. The gentle wind rustled the leaves outside. The sound of breathing combined together among the three. The pause went on for a few more seconds.

#ell" Kevin began. %ts like lying in a nice" snug" warm" cozy bed on a cold day and know youll have to get up $ust for breakfast. -ou know itll be difficult" but its worth in the end. 9ut whos on top' Tabatha *uestioned. %ts not like thatEwith us" anyway. %ts not like we have a deal or a rotary system for days of the week. #e $ust make love. % mean is there ever a moment in sheer passion that is coordinated' % suppose not. Tabatha looked around her. This library seemed too big for such a house. #here are we' #here is this house' /y brother was the one that lead us here by sensing your magnetic aura field. #e attacked so *uickly % didnt get a minute to familiarize myself with the area. #ell. #e think this may have been one of those groups you mentioned who tried to take down 6abel 1o. before us. 9elieve it or not" but were still in =ublinEpossibly. ;s for where exactly were not sure. :ome streets and estates were eradicated from knowledge and maps due to some significant connection to anything that wasnt 6abel 1o. #e think it might have been a secret barracks. !ames introduced their conclusion. Theyve hidden guns" bombs" ammunition everywhere. !ames knelt down and uprooted a wooden floorboard. %n the well of shadows below" he emerged a handful of shotgun shells. He explored further with his other hand and pull up a small creature. %t was a small white being" but had small hind legs" no arms" little ears" and big wide white eyes with no pupil and thick black rings around the rim of the eye sockets. ; big smile gaped on the little paradoxs face. ;w, Hes cute, Tabatha s*uealed. #hat is he' #e call him !apanese Thing. !ames explained. #hy would you call him the !apanese thing' &o. His name is 8!apanese Thing. Theres no 8the or any pronoun in front. Thats his actual name. -ou dont say 8the 1onor /atthews do you' #e call him !apanese Thing becauseEwell" he looks like a !apanese Thing. #e dont know what he is. Theres a diary in our room written by one of the guys who lived here. ;pparently" they believed this guy was like their good luck charm" so long as they didnt let him out into the front garden. !apanese Thing leapt out of !ames grasp and scurried along the floor" eventually running around in a circle in the far corner" before falling from being too dizzy. The three all laughed together" smiling" glowing with a cheery light. The smiles" laughter" and glow died when the door slowly opened and revealed a body slowly shuffling forward" dragging its limp leg behind" and moaning tiredly" yet with slight hunger. The most striking and horrifying feature was the fact that its lower $aw was missing and its left eyeball was literally hanging out by the optic nerve. %t was a corpse. The three were stunned. +ven !apanese Thing stopped and" terrified" watched as the cadaver slowly marched forward. 7inally !ames spoke some surprisingly poetic and clean words for such an occasion. !+:): 7)1K%&0 1H%<:T, 96(# TH+ 7)1K+<: H+;= (77,

Kevin drew his dual pistols and e$ected the bullets into the soft" sensitive brain of the reanimated. The zombie staggered backwards with every bullet pressuring him. (ne final moan was gasped out from the zombie as it collapsed and submitted. They cautiously approached the body. #ell. Kevin spoke" breaking the silence. &othing can get more random than that. ; sudden burst of zombies streamed into the room shuffling slightly faster than the one before. :H%T, !ames s*uealed. Fuick, 1limb up the bookcases, Kevin ordered. :ome of the zombies at the back were faster than the front. 7aster on the scale of sprinting. 7rom the mist of sorrowful" dumb monsters" came furious" crazed demons with the look of utter hatred and tortured souls within the very fabric of their own once human eyes which now gleamed of hunger. Tabatha e$ected a boom of her repulsion energy out" hurling the dashers backwards" colliding into the shufflers. Tabatha caught up with !ames and Kevin" and scaled up the bookshelves. They didnt stop until they reached the top" from where they shimmed over to a window. Tabatha was between Kevin and !ames" so she was out second. 1ome on" lets go, Tabatha said" holding out her hand to pull !ames through the window. !ames looked down on the swarm of man.eaters. (n the count of three" % want you get ready to support my weight. !ames told Tabatha. (neEtwoETH<++, (n three !ames grasped Tabathas hand with both of his own" but hung himself. He wedged his foot behind the bookcase and pushed it forward. The bookcases point of e*uilibrium went over its base and as such came towering down on all the zombies. #hen Tabatha pulled !ames in" she peered down on the still moving limbs. Her eyes glow as she stared on the giant bookcase which weight down the ghouls. %n a sudden $erk" the bookcase hit the floor" no longer being held up by the moving bodies" as the bookcase was forced through the soft exteriors of the zombies" causing blood to s*uirt up and finally level out. ; fog of blood specs hovered above the upward side of the bookcase. !ames and Kevin were impressed. 1an we keep her' ?lease. % promise %ll walk her everyday and take really good care of her. ?lease. Kevin $oked. % dont know little Kevin. Having a psychic for a pet is a lot of work. #hat if we get you a goldfish instead' !ames $oined. Tabatha turned around to face them and only noticed there and then that they were on a balcony. #hy is there a balcony for a window that you can only get to by climbing a bookcase' Tabatha asked" looking around her. -ou know" believe it or not" this isnt the first time weve had to use this window as an escape. 7irst time with zombies" but not our first in general. !ames explained. %n case you were wondering@ -es. !apanese Thing is ok and still alive. Tabatha was going to have to get used to this house *uickly if she was going to survive. 9ut the idea of them sliding down from a drain pipe into a massive" literally

acres big back garden didnt compute with her. %t was literally a vast lot of $ust green grass" which was surprisingly kept short" although it was starting to shag a little. This place is huge! Where the hell are we? The only way that you wouldnt be able to find this place is if youre a retard! They must have some force field around the area which cloaks them from satellite. Tabatha thought. #hat now' Tabatha asked. !ames simply point to a trampoline to the side of them. Tabatha wasnt too impressed until Kevin ran for it first" $umped onto it" and was catapulted over the roof of the barracks. !ames dashed for it and" no sooner than he leapt onto it" !ames felt himself piercing through the air" before slamming straight into the wall" ricocheting off it" and falling back onto the trampoline" which sent him flying back into the wall" which ricocheted him back to the trampoline" which sent him flying back to the wall which ricocheted himE Kevin picked himself up from the front garden ground. The trampoline made him miss the roof entirely. #hen he got his bearings back" he noticed someone standing to his corner. /orning mate. The person said. Kevin eyed the ruby red guitar" but his attention was soon stolen by the persons spiked punk rocker hair style. :weet guitar. -ou know % was thinking of doing the punk rocker look" but % suppose the emo 8one.eye.cover.straightened.badly.dyed hair style was more my thing. Kevin announced. 1heers mate. #ish % could chit chat a little longer" but %m sorry to say my $ob is to kill you and your bum.chum. The persons 9ritish ascent was more noticeable now. Fuestion@ who are you" and how does a 9ritish punk end up in fascist %reland' %m the Lombie King. ;nd not all 9rits have banging guitars like this. The Lombie King ripped out on his guitar. Kevin cocked his guns" not knowing what to expect. :traight from the very garden ground he was standing on" came three zombies" sprouting out" clawing for his ankles. Kevin danced away from them and shot single bullets for each of their heads. The rhythm of the guitar increased" and the ground rippled with the tens of bodies clawing out and pulling the rest of their bodies with them. The more savage and frantic ones dashed for Kevin as soon as they were able to move. :ome tried to run as soon as $ust their upper torso was fried" not caring to the fact that the rest of their body was still submerged in the soil. The grass was *uickly swallowed by the muck rising to the surface" carried from the depths by the zombies. Kevin fought back the horde with his bullets" but it was like the wind trying to suspend water in free fall. The zombies at the back pushed forward" encouraging progress. The frontline zombies" though shot" were being forced to continue. The ones behind a zombie $ust shot in the head naturally use the de.animated zombie as a 8human shield. Lombie movie fans may be familiar with the theory that zombies may have memories of lives as humans. ;t last" the bullets ran out. The rapid clicking of the empty guns was masked by the guitar still ripping away at a heavy hardcore rampage sound. The shields were dropped

and the full army of hells damned was unleashed upon Kevin. The clumsy dopes fumbled around Kevin before one finally grabbed a hold of Kevins right forearm" pulling him to the side. !ust as the manic ghoul was about to bite down into Kevins arm" it suddenly got very bright and spacious around Kevin. He didnt realize that the zombies were gone until !ames and Tabatha leapt down in front of him. Kevin rushed into !ames arms" sobbing loudly. He pulled his face from !ames soggy shoulder and gasped at the massive bruise over !ames face. #hat happened to your face' Kevin asked with tears still steaming down his face. #e need a new trampoline. !ames replied. The waves of monsters returned" but were swatted away as before by Tabathas repulsion powers. +xcuse me. The Lombie King called. (h right. Kevin excused himself. !ames" Tabby" 8The Lombie King@ bad guy controlling the zombies from his guitar. -our highness" my boyfriend" !ames" and this isE ;gent <epel. !ames and Kevin looked to Tabatha. -ou know him' #e not only know each other@ we work together. :urprised to see you congregating with the enemy ;gent <epelEor do you prefer Tabby' Tabatha didnt say anything. %nterestingly the Lombie King strummed on one cord" and yet the zombies didnt attack. %t was only when the front door behind them crept open that they realized that they had left ;gent ;ttracts body in the hallway. 9ullets. Kevin ordered" holding out his hand to !ames. -() 1;&T K%66 H%/, H+: /- 9<(TH+<, Tabatha screamed. Lombie ;ttract stretched out one arm. Kevin zoomed into it and was held up high off the ground. -our brothers a zombie, !ames added" before shooting for Lombie ;ttracts leg. Lombie ;ttract let out a loud" disturbingly high pitched moan" which was shockingly filled with pain. Lombie ;ttract fell to the ground" taking Kevin down with him" but loosened his grip. Kevin must have let the panic take over his common sense" because he stood straight up and kicked Lombie ;ttracts head right in" while his still living sister watched in horror. %t suddenly became very silent. The moans of zombies were replaced by the groans of the wind. The wall of dead ghouls had dispersed to reveal the thick blanket of dark grey cloud. The tears from Tabathas face were masked by the tears from the sky. -ou are sure it was her ;gent Lombie King' The chamber was only illuminated by the one screen. The others had become unimportant. The screens that showed economic progress" pie charts of the latest surveys" and the latest news of terror treats 4that werent of the =estruction 6overs5 were unimportant. -es sir. They killed ;gent ;ttract as well. /y guest is that they killed him and have now brainwashed ;gent <epel. The Lombie King suggested.

The screen was *uickly turned off. 6ord Hiller was there in the dark" alone" silent. He was thinking how much he hated them. How much he knew that they were disgusting" monstrous" filthy" creatures. How much they deserved to die. I love them

CHAPTER 4: ORWELL. /onths had passed. !ames bruises had healed" Tabatha slowly forgot the horrors of losing her brother twice in the same day" and Kevin slowly eased back into his normal self. He hated himself for days after 8killing Tabathas brother. :omething had changed in the house. !ames and Kevin were still together" but now there was a feeling of unity" like Tabatha was a long lost sister. The lovers had now become a family. The vast back garden was soon turned into a garden and vegetable patch. Kevin appointed himself as grounds keeper. He had a green thumb that the other $ust didnt have. The calm was rather pleasant" but also dangerous. The destruction lovers had some what forgotten about their intended mission. ?eace in their bubble didnt provoke them to go mental and cry out for freedom. #as the slavery of the rest of the world not thought churning" like it is in our world' Had these anarchist angels really descended into loving :atans hell" where the longer you stay" the more pain youll feel when youre finally resurrected' Kevin was at the bottom of the garden" praying by ;ttracts grave. Kevin suggested burying him in the garden straight after the incident months ago. The !apanese Thing watched him from the window on the top spare room that faced the garden. !ames called out for !apanese Thing. !apanese Thing' !apanese Thing' !ames entered the spare room and noticed !apanese Thing looking out. Hey you. %ve been looking for you. !apanese Thing twirled around with a massive smile on it and $umped onto !ames shoulder. !ames let out an amused laughed filled with cheeriness. =o you know where Kevin is' !apanese Thing pointed with his left foot to the window Kevin was brushing off the leaves from the mound of dirt on the grave when !ames and !apanese Thing arrived. Hey. !ames greeted.' !ames asked in a made up voice that was supposed to be cute. & Kevin $oined. Kevin stood up and held !ames by the waist. #ant to go out tonight' !ames asked. 7or what' Kevin asked. !ames was a little surprised by his response. (h. #ell" % $ust wanted to hang out with my bo. Kevin $ust copped on what he meant. (h" no babe, % didnt mean it like that. %ts ok. #here to' 1afK ;' 1afK <Kel' 1afK /olestor dGenfant' -ou know where we havent been to for awhile and we said we really liked it' #here' 1afK =ormez =u :ommeil. <emember' #e went there with -uri and !ackie. %t had those danishes you liked.

#+<+ 0(%&0. Kevin announced straight away. !apanese Thing starting $umping up and down with glee. :orry !apanese Thing" you have to stay here and keep Tabby company. !ames told !apanese Thing. Tabbys not coming' #hy' %m sure she would love to get out. Kevin said. % asked Tabby if it was ok if we had some down time together. 9ut why' %ts not like weve lost any privacy since shes stayed here. -eah" % know. %ts $ust we havent gone out for awhile. -ou know. +ventually all /ammies and =addies have to leave their little darlings at home $ust so they can go play bowls with some dicks" and go get stoned pissed drunk. %snt that right" /om', ;nything that claims to be a cafK but turns out to sell nothing but those stupid little sandwiches in those stupid little plastic triangle boxes" only offer the option of tea or plain black coffee" have no booths" no small stage" or serves more food than 4hot5 drinks" is not a cafe. The closest that it is" is a retard big chain name coffee shop, %ts horrible to see these things scattered throughout the world" but 6abel 1o. is by far the worst. &either tea not nor plain coffee is served in 6abel 1o. cafKs 4which were called 8high scalding temperature measured beverages vending unit edifices5. %nstead" a drink called H.# was served. H.# stood for hot water. )nderneath every dictatorship theres a society. ;n underground society. Hitler 4the one testicle fuck5" :talin 4child bred out of wedlock5" #hite supremacy 4assholes 4who are paranoid fucks 4and have microscopic dicks55" :addam 4not the best guy when playing 8hangman5" and the little confused 1hristian who says 0od loves youEunless youre gayEor not part of our churchEor you celebrate HalloweenEor you dont support our troopsEor you dont read the 9ible and believe every single word written in it" no matter what it says " all have little societies burrowed below. 7or Hitler it was the brave people who helped some of the !ews escape from concentration camps. 7or :talin it was the double agent spies working from the ): and the )K. 7or white supremacy 4assholes5 it was the little 79% agents going undercover. 7or :addam it was $ust people who were sick of his giant posters showing his little fat head. ;nd for the little extremist 1hristians it was the gay barsEand anyone not in their churchEand little children who en$oyed HalloweenEand people who support the troops" $ust not the warEand people who have read the 9ible" and found it comforting" without taking every word literally" and not letting it control how they treat people who are of a different faith or sexual orientation group. :o no surprise would occur that a secret society would emerge from 6abel 1o.s world of slavery. %t was called 1afK =ormez =u :ommeil. There were no surprises for Kevin and !ames when they entered the cafK. %t wasnt like there were any new faces. !ust the same people lucky enough to have not been caught out by the system for being themselves. ;s long as you keep your nose clean" 6abel 1o. doesnt give two tosses if youre wearing your hair in braids or if youve got tattoos of flaming skulls. ?eople in 1afK =ormez =u :ommeil were called in society 8=ancers or sometimes 8=evil =ancers" since they were considered to dance on the line between acceptable behaviour and looks and the unacceptable behaviour and looks. The room was the same as always. ; little s*uare room with booths to each side lining the walls" and small round tables scattered in front of a small stage. 9y the time Kevin and !ames entered" someone was already performing on stage.

0onna send my ship of nightmares" =own the river :tyx. 0onna make my skeleton sailors row. 0onna crash into hell" right through the gates. 0onna do it slow. 0onna fire the cannons right at the 9uddhist temple. #hen the scurvy rots my mind" theres nothing left behind. &othing to regret" nothing to forget. &othing good to say" when nothing goes astray. %ts not the same" when you call out another name. :ex isnt that *uite romantic anymore. +specially when youre with a super model whore. %t can not be this way" when we reach the end. #e can not afford another dream to defend. #hiskey lies" smoke clouds. 9ut hey" %m always in the crowds. The poet received an appreciated applause" but was more concerned with s*uinting through the shadows of dim light bulbs and scented smoke in Kevin and !ames direction. He sees us. Kevin confirms. % hope he doesnt make a show. ; spotlight suddenly shown down on their table. The poet" still standing in front of his microphone" called out. 6adies and gentlemen" our very own =estruction 6overs, ;n even larger and more enthusiastic applause was emitted from the fellow outcasts around them. 0et up here lads, The poet encouraged. #ell at least he remembers us. Kevin pointed out as they got up on stage. How have you lads been' The poet asked" speaking into the microphone before pointing it over to !ames. 1hris" what the fuck' (ne minute youre a poet" the next youre a talk show presenter. #hat the hell man' !ames mocked" to the delight of the audience. 1hris dismissed the comment with a short dry laugh. :o lads" would a poem be available for us tonight' ?(+/, ?(+/, ?(+/, The audience chanted. ;lright" alright. Kevin calmed" trying to sooth the crowd" as he stepped forward. This is called 8%nsomnia in Tokyo. -ou expect me to go to sleep now' %m supposed to sleep" how' :omewhere a girls getting raped. :omewhere a reporter is being silenced and taped. Here theres laughing and $oy. There theres a death of a baby boy. ?uke yourself beautiful they hear. (therwise %ll never will they fear. %nside someones getting laid for the first time. (utside someones committing a crime. % cant lie down and sleep like this. :urely youre taking the piss' 9lazing towers will fall. ;nd well forget about poor ?ope ?aul. :hoot your brothers and youll get paid' :hoot up a girl and youll get laid' /y 0od beats your 0od they hear. Their 0od loses they fear.

/en like me die everyday. 9y killers smoking weed served on a golden tray. 0od doesnt pick up the phone anymore. 7at cats have opened Hells door. :uperman swears and drinks. Hold on please and think. 9efore % sleep" % promise tonight. % will switch off the light. /aybe % can sleep that way. The audience loved it. They loved it so much that someone in the back wearing a black poncho leapt onto the stage and carried Kevin off and through a window. #as that part of the act' 1hris asked. K+>%&, !ames yelled. !ames sprinted and did a running $ump through the window. The cafK was on the floor level of the building" and the window was facing out in a long alley. !ames saw the image of the poncho wearing fiend carrying away Kevin. !ames pulled out a modified magnum with an amazingly wide barrel. 7rom the distance he was at he still could decently kill the kidnapper. !ames pulled the trigger and fired a bullet 4that was creatively painted with a smiling face and the words /erry 1hristmas /other 7ucker, written on the side5. The happy little bullet eradicated the kidnappers lower leg" absolutely obliterating it from existence. 7)1K, !ames shouted with delight and surprise. Kevin picked himself up and waved down to !ames. -ou okay' !ames asked" echoing his voice through the alley. Kevin was about to reply" before he was carried off by another poncho wearing kidnapper. ;w for fuck sake, !ames called out before chasing after Kevin and his captive" but slowed down as he noticed the first poncho kidnapper" the one who had his leg blown apart" picking himself up and hopped off with his only leg left. H(6= %T, !ames called out" pointing the gun at the kidnapper. The mysterious poncho wearer twirled around and faced !ames without a face. He was a sentinel android. The original (rwell unit dispenses forty scout sentinels per minute. -ou can indulge in the human en$oyment of destruction by continuing to destroy my component parts" but it will not cause any harm to the (rwell unit and its intentions. The sentinel said. The (rwell unit' The (rwell unit is aE % K&(# #H;T TH+ 7)1K%&0 (<#+66 )&%T %:, !ames snapped. The (rwell unit is a super computer that was set up by 6abel 1o. to generate and produce creative ideas for the media sector" but at the same time to promote 6abel 1o. products and ideas. ;part from the subliminal messages that are associated with several advertisements and marketing schemes" (rwell is the main reason why 6abel 1o. gained such a wide acceptance" because the ideas and views of 6abel 1o. were beaten into the soft skulls of the general public. ;part from certain elaborated points crucial for the complete understanding of the (rwell pro$ect" established several years ago" that would be the basic introductionE without any important highlighted points. #here were you going to take Kevin' The sentinels made a strange motor running noise.

Thank you for your aid in naming the sub$ect. %t is important for (rwell to gain as much knowledge about the sub$ect as possible. Hes not a sub$ect" his name is Kevin. ;nd you better take me to him. -ou are a young male of about seventeen to twenty years of age. % would opt to estimate that with your height youre at least seventeen" possibly eighteen. -ou are of physical health peaking for a male" and % would estimate that with your current profile and the fact that you attended an intellectual gathering such as this that you are of somewhat of a sophisticated intelligence. % have obtained an error in calculation trying to figure out why you believe that % would waste time taking you to Kevin. % estimate that you would attempt to retrieve him and take him back to your shelter facility before the (rwell units examination has been complete on your partner. !ames grunted and held his gun level to the sentinels chest. #hat would the function of you shooting me be' -ou will not regain your lover. %t will not give any long term happiness" although the short term pleasure would distract you from thinking ahead. %f you wish" % could bring you to the (rwell unit and the examination area to which we will do the tests on Kevin. 9ut you will not be able to intervene until we are done. #hat kind of tests' There will be no physical" emotional" financial" biological" psychological" chemical" harm done" if thats what you are worried about. The tests will include several scans of the brain" the eye" skeleton structure" artery and vein connection system" and other bodily details. #hy did you take him in the first place' The (rwell unit will explain that. % can only take you to the (rwell unit if you promise to not interfere it our process. % promise. The sentinel whipped off the poncho to reveal the rest of the body. His faceless head was situated on a short pencil thin rod" which led to an irregularly shaped smooth" rounded triangular body" with thin chords sprouting from the sides and the bottom. The ones from the sides had sharp triangular hands. The ones acting as feet were connected to big semi.oval clumps of metalEuntil !ames blasted one leg apart. 7ellow me. The sentinel said" before shuffling around and hoping away on one foot. The !apanese Thing was starring outside the window at a man approaching the house. He had a tail and he was wearing a Halloween mask of a monkeys face. Tabatha opened the door. #hat do you want' Tabatha asked. (ou" ah aha. (ou oou ooga ooga ou ah. The masked man.monkey asked. ;nd why should % do that' Tabatha replied. (ou ooga booga booga. % suppose youre right. %f % go now" will you promise not to come back here again' (ou' (h, <ightE Tabatha said. :he went into the kitchen and took out a banana and threw it to the man.monkey. :orry % forgot.

The elevator hummed with air. !ames felt slightly weird as he was able to hear his own breath through the silence. He guessed it made sense for the silence" since androids dont breathe" or make any unnecessary noises. #hen they stand still" they dont fidget" or stretch" or feel the compulsive need to talk like humans. The elevator was completely made from glass. %t reminded !ames of a story he was read as a child" about a magical chocolate factory and a wonderfully marvelous man with dream and ideas. !ames felt sad. He felt so horrible he blasted the sentinels head off with his mega. magnum. !ames was already led to the building to where Kevin was being kept. He supposed he could find him from there on. !ames flicked a glance over the now decommissioned android. He never wanted to be like them. This is what 6abel 1o. wanted. ; population of robots. !ames had night terrors of 6abel 1o. succeeding" creating a world where Kevin was raped and tortured. !ames started to foam at the mouth" but wiped it away. He loved Kevin to death. %f he had to kill himself a million times over to save Kevin" he would. The elevator continued to descend. There was nothing to look at. !ames could only see a wall on the opposite side" about a mile away" with an elevator going up. He saw a figure in it. +ven though to him it $ust looked like a stick figure" he knew he had his eyes locked on the person" and vice versa. The elevator continued to descend deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper.

;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ; full hour pasted before the elevator finally reached the bottom. There was a disappointing scene when the doors opened. Kevin was lying on a patient bed and a semicircle dome was bulging from the ceiling. &othing else. !ames expected more. ;t least something fun like an army of robots or something. Hello !ames. How are you' The domed glowed. !ames paused for a long time. He stepped into the room with a dark look of slight distrusting anger. 7ine. Kevin will be coming to any moment. #hile you wait" would you like some tea' % $ust made some. -es please (rwell. 7rom one of the blank walls" a small hatch opened. ; thin robotical arm stretched all the way out to reach !ames" handing him a cup of hot tea. % was wondering if you have some *uestions for me. &ot about me" of course. % know you know a lot about me. ;ny *uestions you have about what has happened here" feel free to ask. 7unny enough" !ames started % would like to ask something about you. #hy arent you like the sentinels'

(rwell surprisingly laughed. :omething not normal for a computer. % guess you think %m a super computer. Thats only a little bit of the truth. -ou see" %m human. % have a human brain" capable of thoughts" memories" and feelings. <obots are beautiful things" but dont deserve to exist. % had a body once. ;nd a son. % was a writer as well. /y fathers name was (rwell. He was a writer. He had a son. Kevins breathing was the only thing that made !ames feel comfortable in some much silence. #ho was it that was in the elevator going up' /r. Oavier. 6ord Hillers second in command. He wanted to see Kevin. % wouldnt open the elevator doors. The both roared with laughter. (kE !ames calmed. #hy did you take Kevin' Hes so beautiful The words echoed for so long" /r. Oavier was bound to have heard it miles above them. His poem at the cafK was wonderful. -ou see" as you know" %m in charge of writing scripts for T> and radio programmes" writing songs for 6abel 1o.s genre of music bands. % always have to come up with crappy ideas like some black or ;rabic terrorist trying to invade %reland and then this like team of neo.&azi teenagers come in with some crap powers. %t was the most popular show ever shown for children. % hated it. % made about a million episodes where % let the little &azi fuckers realize that theyre doing evil and three decide to be gay" while the other two actually go off and prostitute themselves to a couple of 1hinese guys. %t was so funny" if /r. Oavier didnt see it" it would have been done. /r. Oavier is in charge of giving your stuff the go ahead' >ery *uickly" the line of power is Hiller" controlling everything" Oavier reports to him" no one gets anything done unless he says ok" and ;gent 1ancer is like the guy you send in to do $obs when ;ttract and <epel" The Lombie King" and /onkey 9oy fail. (h" by the way" tell Tabatha % said hi. % will. ;nyway" yeah" long story short" % need ideas. &ot $ust any ideas" but like inspiration. % want to like come up with stuff % love and en$oy" like % want to experience a world beyond 6abel 1o. % want freedom. 1ome with us. #hat' ;re you serious' #hy not' #e can show you a world youd never see otherwise. E. (rwell disturbingly didnt talk. #hile % was scanning Kevin" % found something. :omething wrong. % know. (rwells dome sharply darkened. 9utEbutEhow do you know' Kevin doesnt know about it. ; friend told me. % trusted her when she said to believe her. Her name was !ackie. %t was bad enough that 6abel 1o. took her $ust because she was black" but she had cancer as well. %n some cases" cancer mutagens can increase +:?.

;nymore *uestions' &o. ; hatch opened from the dome. ; sphere of glass dropped down" containing a human brain. The sphere rolled over to !ames feet. #ell come on. %ts a long way up and theres not much to entertain us. 6ord Hillers chamber was completely shrouded in darkness. The screens were all off. 6ord Hiller didnt want anyone to see him smiling with glee and excitement. The door below opened" streaming in a bar of light" followed by two slender streams of shadows. %t was Tabatha and /onkey 9oy. -ou wanted to see me sir' Tabatha asked. % am no longer your sir. -ouve made your decision. %ts clear where you stand. % understand child. :ometimes you cant even believe in something you want to. -ou can accept it to the point of swearing it as scientific fact" but theres always that little voice whispering how stupid you sound chanting with the others. 6ord Hiller spoke mournfully. Tabatha was shocked. :he always thought the day shed betray 6abel 1o. would involve an agonizing torture" raping" and finally an executed hours after she begs for it. 9ut there was something different about 6ord Hiller. %n the past" he was so passionate about everything he said. He never did anything he didnt believe in word for word. 9ut now" he sounded like he sorry for everything. The public persecutions" the laws" the order" the hatred for human imperfection@ he was sorry for it. Tabatha' Tabatha was shocked he used her name. <emind me. % havent met anyone of a different race then myself. #hat are you' %m human sir. 6ord Hiller laughed. % suppose %ll have to get used to calling you human. % meant what race are you' E%m biracial. /y father was Hispanic" a ?uerto <ican" and my mother was ;ustralianEwhite. 7rom the grim mass of blankness from above" an envelope drifted down to the ground. Tabatha looked to /onkey 9oy" who gave a reassuring gesture to go get the envelope. Tabatha went over and knelt down. :he lifted her head up and tried to focus on 6ord Hiller. :he couldnt see him. 7or a second she thought she saw tears and a smile" but she knew that was really pushing the bar now. :he picked up the envelope and walked through the doors. :he read the side of the envelope. %t said !" #.I.$ %&'(T( ! )!"* +I))'" . #hen the door closed shut" the chamber glowed with every screen depicting /r. Oaviers face. He was about to speak to 6ord Hiller about a possible malfunction with the (rwell unit" until he noticed something wrong. :ir' 6ord Hiller' ;re you cryingEand smiling' The eyelids slowly opened. The blurred vision sharpened. The room came into focus. The eyelids slowly closed. ; voice hushed the murmuring. %ts ok. 0o back to sleep.

The cool hand surfed across the warm forehead" brushing the fringe to the side. The bed and blankets fused together as the feeling of the surroundings became numb" $ust like before going to sleep. (rwell rolled around the library floor" zipping from book to book. /arvelous, (rwell cheered when !ames entered. The books' !ames asked. % would guess youd en$oy them. 7eel free to take them back to 6abel 1o. if you want to. (h % wont be going back there for a long time. These books have opened my eyes. % could do so much with all the ideas %ve never seen uncensored. % could have written masterpieces. Thats the reason why anarchy is the answer. The house moaned through the pause. -es' !ames asked. #hat' (rwell replied. :orry" % thought you were going to ask me something. % $ust thought you were pausing. #ellE% do have a *uestion. -es' =o you really believe in anarchy' !ames inhaled" like a lecturer at the beginning of a big presentation. <ight. !ames began" pulling a chair to him" and sat down" propping his feet up on the table. 6ets start with the myth. ;narchy does not mean madness or chaos. % think people have forgotten things should never have two names to it. ;narchy and chaos are two different things" hence two different names. Thats the same reason people sometimes *uote other languages for thing. >endetta and revenge are two different things" hence two different names. ; westerners idea of revenge would be different from a /editerraneans idea of a vendetta. ;narchy is the theory that society can rule itself. Theory' =id you know that =emocracy" 1ommunism" and &azism are only theories' &o evidence to prove or disprove the theories. ;nyway" ;narchy can potentially work" but" like all the other systems in the world" it needs certain elements. :ome being time and rationality. Theres no way a large society can be an anarchic.region in a short space of time. %f youre dealing with small clusters of village size areas" they could take as short as a small number of years" one or two. These regions must grow into each other in order for a full country society to work prospectively. 1ommunication and understanding must be kept at a tight knit between all areas. 9ut for them to merge together" it would take close to a decade" maybe less" but definitely somewhere close to that. #e would never get an anarchic world without a grand master directing the operation. 9ut at the same time" we dont want a dictator. %m talking about individuals who share the common goal of having an anarchist paradise. Think of it as parents helping a child to develop. ; child doesnt know what to do" so the parents direct the child" while at the same time letting it be free. !ust try to imagine that the child happens to have twenty parents or so. +veryone needs to be apart of this anarchy world. The whole point of anarchy is that you" an individual" are the only person in charge of your rights. 9ut that also means that you are the sole person in charge of you behaviour and what laws you obey and disobey. That

may be a problem" as there are those who would take advantage of this. :chool yard bullies would run amuck" rapists and homicidal maniacs would frantically go crazy on everyone" and thieves would resort to paranoia that theyre going to get robbed and killed $ust for stabbing a five year old child for her bag of sweets. That part wed need to tread across carefully" and % dare say possibly need to go against some of the ideals of anarchy. ?erhaps not" who knows. 9ut the only way everyone has the right to ruling themselves" is if they 1;& rule themselves. % suppose thats a bit of a paradox. -oure promised one person wont fuck you over if you promise not to fuck them over. The only thing you have to go for that is the other persons word. ;nd trust isnt exactly a strong point in todays society" even outside 6abel 1o. control. 9ut does anarchy go against 0od. %t goes against any form of power that directly stops you from governing yourself. 0od doesnt poke people wtih a stick from heaven" so % think 0ods cool enough in the anarchist =%- book. ;narchist =%- book' #ell %m hardly going to say the anarchist cookbook. &othing but bomb building details that will blow your hand clean off and drugs. <ight. :o" want to tell me anything else' ;nything else % should know in order to be part of this movement. Theres a possibility you could be my father. % suppose there is. !ames was shocked to hear there was no pause. The noise of everything continued to flow around him like water flowing around a fish. =id you not hear me' -ou could be my father. He was a writer" his name was (rwell. He was taken in by 6abel 1o. for being a radical. He always loved me. He loved me. !ames streamed with tears. He was weeping so loudly that the library echoed his cry with a bass boom. He loved me. They took him away. ?lease tell me youre him. ?lease tell me 6abel 1o. didnt take you away from me forever =ad, !ames stepped forward" approaching (rwell. (rwell rolled backwards" rolling over several books" creasing the pages. %f % am your father" than %m sorry to say your fathers not ever coming back. % have no memory of anything. % might as well be dead" because youll never have me back son. % am all what is left of me. ; brain in a snow globe who $ust likes to write. %f thats your father then %ll love you. 9ut if your father is someone who remembers you" who knows what its like to give you life" then you might as well look to 6ord Hiller. He killed not $ust your father" but the old !ames as well. %f % came back as your father" you would not be my son. /y son would have been the !ames before 6ord Hiller. -ou are 6ord Hillers son" and he is your father. % trust you understand what % mean and dont confuse these statements with the old myth that a father is connected to you through blood and sperm rather than emotions and life. -esE (rwell rolled forward.

)pon other items % wish for" % wish % could be your father. &ot because % want to tell you how proud % am" or that % love you" which % do" but because % wish % was able to hug you. The library door was wide open when Tabatha and /onkey 9oy. /onkey 9oy eyed !ames for a second before realizing that he was crying. /onkey 9oy ran off" back through the hallway and out" screeching and s*uealing. #hats up with /onkey 9oy' He acted like he saw someone at a party wearing the same outfit as him. (rwell asked Tabatha. % dont suppose % need to do introductions. !ames deduced" wiping the tears from his eyes. &o" weE Tabatha was about to say before she noticed !ames rose tinted eyes. #hats wrong' Have you been crying' &o. %m fine. The letter passed from Tabathas hand to !ames. %t opened so easily" yet it was firmly shut. %t must have $ust been sealed lately. The enveloped contained two tickets and an invitation. %t readM ,ou and a ma-imum number of guests of three .e-cluding yourself/ are invited to the )abel 0o. formal society ball with #.I.$ applications. The event takes place at the great )ord +illers very own master mansion located in the Wicklow mountain range1 on the 2nd of this month1 a 3onday1 between the hours of 4 oclock in the evening and 56 minutes past 2 oclock at night .Tuesday morning/. $lease arrive for 4 oclock and no later than 78 minutes past 4 oclock. $lease leave at anytime you wish1 so long as its strictly before 56 minutes past 2 oclock. ,ou and your guests are reminded you are given a prestigious #.I.$ invitation1 and as such are being informed that you will dine with )ord +iller himself1 3r. 9avier1 and several other influential members of the )abel 0o. party and organi:ation. ,ou are obliged to wear formal clothing. ;lack and white will be strictly in forced. 'ven #.I.$ guests are not permitted into the function if they disobey this dress code. ood and beverages shall be provided. (h my 0od. !ames gasped. #hat am % going to wear'

CHAPTER 5: HIGH SOCIETY. Kevin sighed as he looked down from the bedroom window onto the garden filled with android sentinels. (rwell needed to keep the sentinels somewhere" since he was going to stay with the destruction lovers for awhile to find inspiration. !apanese Thing hopped onto Kevins shoulder and start snuggling into his neck. Kevin giggled. (kay. Kevin agreed" knowing what !apanese Thing wanted. Kevin took a remote control toy car and controller from the shelf and placed it gently on the ground. !apanese Thing $umped down and sat on top on the car. Here we go. Kevin stated. The car whizzed off" scaling across the carpet of the room" dodging the feet of the bed" the underwear left on the floor" and even Kevins feet. !apanese Thing smiled as he rattled on top of the electronic speedster. +ventually Kevin guided it over a book with the cover facing up. The spine of the book $olted !apanese Thing up into the air. %ts smile fell into a frown faster than it was falling to the ground. ;n immediate soft thud was omitted from !apanese Thing hitting the floor. !ames entered the room" stepping over !apanese Thing" with a smile. -ou okay' !ames asked concerned" coming close up to rub the sides of Kevins arms while not breaking eye contact. #ell" =octor #illiams" % have a little bit of a cough" but %ll be fine. Kevin answered. He looked to the window" peering down on the sentinels. /y garden" however" is not as good. % once again apologize. 7or compensation" you can have my body. Kevin $ust laughed. -ou say that like you actually have a choice to whether % own your body or not. -oure a naughty little angel. !ames smirked. ?icked something out for this ball yet' -ou know" !ames started" walking over to the closet. % cant find anything that says !ames stepped into the closets" rattling through the clothes and hangers. #hat about that red tie and black suit you have' Kevin called in from outside. % thought that was yours. The closet spoke. &o" its yours. #ell still" that really has more of a 8Helena.%m.not.okay feel to it. The black hat" 0uy 7awkes mask" black cloak combo' #hat about that' % like that" but even without the mask it still has a little 8J th.of.&ovember aura around it" you know' ;lthough %d admit it does have a seeming sex appeal to it" but its really more of a personal $oke for us and people at this thing wont really get it. =ont forget well be dealing with stereotypical bias assholes that have s*ueezed out the $uicy value of these people for the sake of profit and to please the looming evil of 6abel 1o. :o no chance of finding any nice guys to hook up for sex tonight. !ames burst out of the closet. #hat, Ha, /ade you come out of the closet, Kevin mocked" pointing.

Tabatha was watching 8> for >endetta down in the lounge with (rwell 4who even though was $ust a brain in a glass ball" was still able to see5. %t was the opening scene" where > saves +vey from the gang of 87ingermen who were about to rape her" and says his little speech with most of the words beginning with 8>. % wish % had this. Tabatha spoke. -ou mean you wish you were allowed to have this' (rwell asked" 8facing her. -eah. :orry" % suppose youd want to watch this rather than talk to me. ;t this point % couldnt care whether %m talking to you or talking to myself. ;nything and everything is better than 6abel 1o. %s that why youre not going to this thing tonight' -ou must be as mad as the other two if you dont think its odd. #hy the hell would 6ord Hiller" the malicious bastard himself" invite terrorists to a ball' Keep your friends close" and your enemies closer. Kevin *uoted as he stepped in. He was wearing a pure black suit" with a snow white shirt and a red tie@ the 8Helena.%m. not.okay suit. :o' ;m % 8damn' Kevin asked" doing a little twirl for them. Tabatha was slightly intrigued. %f you werent gay" %d so do you right now. :he spluttered. >ery nice Kevin. #hats !ames wearing' (rwell asked. =ont know. %m more curious as to why Tabby isnt dressed yet. Tabatha was sitting on the sofa wearing the same black and red dress shes worn since she came. !ames and Kevin tried to fashion some new clothes from the tracksuits they had. Tabatha made it *uite clear that she was fond of dresses. % dont think % should go. %t $ust doesnt seem right. Tabatha s*uirmed. % mean" why' Theres no logical reason for this. 6ord Hiller" the racist" sexist" homophobic" religious extremist dictator himself" inviting homosexual anarchist terrorists to a formal occasion such as a ball@ doesnt that $ust seem odd' /aybe hes gone in the head' !ames suggested" entering the room" dressed in a white ?imp outfit" accessorized with a $ewel encrusted hat and a $ewel encrusted pimp cane. He smiled to Kevin. % decided on the hand.hoe suit. :o you sure you wont go' Kevin asked once more to Tabatha. -eah. :orry. !ames tossed a small black box to Tabatha. Thats a communicator. %f we get in trouble" well call you. 1all for me" or $ust call me' #ell tell you what to do. ;re you two packing heat' (rwell asked. 9oth !ames and Kevin showed the inner sides of their $ackets holstering at least four pistols each. =ont wait up for us. Kevin smirked. #ere prone to imperfections. #ere prone to disliking something and believing that its a $ustifiable hatred. #ere prone to being hypocrites. #ere prone to making mistakes. 9ut there are some things that no matter how prone you are to them" they are in no way right. These are the really bad imperfections" hatred" and hypocrisies that $ust take

you down completely. These include being a supporter of a racial minority" talking about e*uality among the races" and then discriminating against someone of a different class or sexual orientation. The worse one %ve even heard of was a Ku Klux Klan leader who was !ewish. % mean how bad can you be' ;nother one was like a black civil rights activist who was homophobic. %ts kind of like 8(h so its not okay to say or do this to you" but its ok for you to do this to them or 8#ait, -ou bitched on to us about all this shit, #hy are you doing the same crap to them'. 9ut the worst has to be 1hristians. ;bsolutely hypocritical of everything and anything. (f course" %m only talking about a small number here. /ost 1hristians are loving" caring" and will gladly accept anyone of anything. 9ut the reason why % say 1hristians are the most hypocritical is because 1hristianity" unlike any other religion ever" holds with the highest status that 1hristian kindness is the most important thing that 0od has ever created. ;nd when you turn your back on the very spine of 0ods creation" thats when you know you are beyond the point of simply dismissing the act as something you are prone to do. 7redrick" % dont know how people can ignore all the pain and suffering that racial minorities go through. #ell dear perhaps those young =estruction 6overs will give us a key insight into how they feel about that matter. Ha, 7redrick" dont you dare talk to such filthy and vile creatures such as those *ueers. ;licia ?arker was one of those people % mentioned above. Her husband 7redrick ?arker was more liberal and friendly then she was. :he was brought up in a lovely *uarantined home. He was a =ubliner from a poor urban working class family. :he was born into wealth. He worked hard for several years" for several different employers. :he thinks sheGs /other Teresa for caring about people who arent white. He treats everyone the same" not giving one particular group of people more special attention compared to another. :hes homophobic. Hes not. :he hardly talks about their son. He never will forget how proud he was of his little =octor sonEwho was gay. 6abel 1o. took him away during the 8spring cleaning. 6abel 1o. told them it was for the best. ;licia couldnt stop thanking them. 7redrick loved his son. ;licias son died to her the day he came out. %f 7redrick could have his way" he would kill everyone involved in 6abel 1o." including his wife ;licia. He would punch her straight in her nose" shove his thumbs into her eyes" stomp his foot into her $aw" break the digits of her fingers" drag her by the clump of her hair" swing her in a wall" and then finally smash her skull in with a large rock. 9ut if he did that now" $ust as he was walking up to the 6abel 1o. formal society ball" his suit would be stained and hed have to make the trip back to his house" and make the embarrassing call to 6ord Hillers assistant that he wont be able to make it on the account that his wife ruined his suit by bleeding on it. (utside the entrance were two armed guards" one on either side of the opened door. 7redrick knew these two personally. 7redrick was the head of the 6abel 1o. law enforcement sector" the ministry for order. The two guards gave a polite smile. 7redrick was the only one in 6abel 1o. who didnt act like a big storm would come out of a small child painting a picture of two 8black stick figures holding hands. :adly" that has happened before. ;nd even sadder is the teacher took it in her moment of action to shoot the child in the head for painting something so 8wrong. ?oor little :ally" she never saw it coming.

The smile of the guards slipped back into shock. The walky.talky screeched with static for a second before it settled. %t wasnt like the guard was going to wait for it. TH+-<+ H+<+, The guard yelled into his walky.talky. 7rom the shadows" a flash flood of armed guards poured past 7redrick and ;licia. 7redrick was drowned in excitement" so much so that he completely forgot that he was with ;licia. He $oined the tidal wave of men and sprinted down the pathways. He could see them. !ames was walking in a swagger" looking that much more Kevin was $ust walking normally with his arms folded. His hands were cold. #ad up niggas' !ames mocked the guards as they approached. They all stopped. (ne guard slowly walked forward towards them. The air had a certain electricity about it. :ome of the guards behind $umped with fear as the guard in front of Kevin and !ames didnt realize that his voice was so loud with the nerves. /;- % :++ -()<... The guard cut himself off when he realized. -our invitations" sirs' !ames handed him the letter. The guard read it at least three times. +ven when he was informed by higher authorities earlier in the week" he still couldnt believe that it was true" that terrorists were being invited to a gathering of the minds and the obedient. %t was appalling. %t was grotes*uely manic" deviously evil" practically foul" and most importantly" it was genius. #hatever the reason these two were invited" there had to be someone pulling the strings somewhere. :irs' This invitation says one plus three guests of the invites choice. ;re there two more guests arriving to this gathering later' &o. Kevin answered. Thank you. -ou may enter. ?leaseEen$oy yourselves. The guard welcomed. 7redrick cheered. The attention was dragged away from !ames and Kevin to a stout" round man in a classic black and white tuxedo" bald" with a white mustache" and a black top hat. The guards saluted him as he passed. (H /- 0(=" %T: TH+ /(&(?(6- /;&, Kevin shouted in glee. 7redrick bellowed a $oyful laugh" $olly enough to fit :anta himself. Ho.ho, /ay % first $ust shake your hands lads' -ou are extraordinary. /y name is 7redrick ?arker" /inister for order. % am a huge fan" lads. 7redrick introduced himself and his title. %ts nice to meet you /r. ?arker" sir. !ames politely announced. -es sir. Kevin agreed. 7redrick glowed with delight. Theres only one thing that % like more than people with manners" and thats people who feel comfortable enough to call me 7redrick and have earned the right to call me 7redrick. 7redrick informed. 1an we call you 7red or 7reddy' !ames asked. The guards looks of shock and fear concerned Kevin and !ames until they were overshadowed by 7redricks ever present laugh. (f course my boys. &o one has ever had the gumption to shorten my name to 7red. (r even 7reddy. #hich do you prefer lads' !ames and Kevin looked to each other.

7reddy" % suppose. %t gives you a more warm and human *uality. 7redrick laughed with tears from the strain. 7ine young minds in those skulls boys. :o full of intelligence. %m glad youre so hard to catch lads" glad indeed. 7redrick stood between Kevin and !ames and ushered them up the path. 1ome lads" come. 7ine young boys like yourselves cant be out here in the night. #ho knows' -ou might be attacked by some crazed terrorists. 7redrick laughed once more. !ames and Kevin walked with 7redrick back up the path to ;licia" who was tapping her shoe on the gravel. The look of shock on ;licia face made 7redrick roar with laughter. 9oys" this is my delectable wife ;licia. ;licia" % bet you cant guess who these two lads are. 7redrick $oke playfully. Theyre the two sick and twisted vile" monstrous" demonic" uncontrollable" stupid" moronic" uneducated" disrespectful" uncaring" uncultured" ill.mannered" rambunctious" uncoordinated" foul mouthed" mocking" chaotic" dull" ominous" wicked" disgraceful" idiotic" lust driven" disobeying sex fiends that deserve to be tortured by the almighty and gay hating 0od. (h" so youve heard of us' Kevin remarked. ;licia was stunned" as her husband cried with laughter. :o youve heard of us he says. 7redrick repeated" crouched over" supporting himself with his hands on his knees. (h dear me" what a night were in for. 7redrick wiped away his tears and became serious all of a sudden. &ow boys" % assume youre both capable of looking after yourselves" but theyre some things you need to do. 7irst" stay with me and ;licia. %td be best if %m around to help you. There are some people in here that have sworn to kill you if you so much as talk to them. :econd" its deeply important that you talk to 6ord Hiller. He was the only who invited you" and % suggest hed be keen on talking to you the most. % suspect that it wont exactly be about the latest scores in hurling. 7redrick chuckled a little at that one. Third" its extremely important that you avoid being alone with /r. Oavier. He will never touch any of you so long as 6ord Hiller takes a shine to you lads" but % suspect hes got something planed for tonight. /r. Oavier always wanted 6ord Hillers $ob. He thinks 6ord Hiller has lost it a little through the years. 6ord Hiller" you see my sons" stays almost all the time in a chamber in this very house where he has a screen for every 6abel 1o. camera in all of %reland. #e all think that having nothing to watch but you boys blow up things has driven him a little over the edge and into your fan club. %s there anything else we need to know' !ames asked. -es. #hich is' Have a good time. 7redrick died laughing. He face was red" his eyes were bulging out" and he fell over backwards onto the gravel. ;licia looked at the two with disgust. :he picked her husband up and led them into the house. %n the entrance hallway" servants steered them into the ballroom. %t was a large golden room" with thick red silk curtains draping down from the golden curtain racks.

1loud white chandeliers glistened above" reflecting the shimmering golden sparks onto the freshly polished tile floor. Kevin was immersed it the rooms beauty. ;t least he was until he realized no one was talking. The eyes stung through theyre skin" as the =estruction 6overs entered the room. ;ll of a sudden !ames felt very ridicules wearing a pimp outfit" and Kevin felt very insecure. &o human should ever feel like they dont fit in simply by the way they are looked at. &o human should walk into a room and know that there is a group of people staring at them. &o human should meet eyes with another human and feel the need to submit and look away. 9ut the idea of humanity was tossed out onto the current of the wind a long ago. #ho let the faggots in' ; man in a green suit to the side asked aloud" obviously not really asking. % dont know" but he sure does have bad taste in suits. !ames remarked. 7redricks yell of laughter was warm and comforting to the others in the room. Time past slowly and uncomfortably. ?eople can be horrible things given enough time. <ecall when your girlfriend snapped at you when you spent days over at her house" or when youre mother screeched simply because you forget to set the spuds. These moments were multiplied a million times over when the people youre with dont think you should be alive or even exist at all. The only thing you can do is stick the finger up to these people and hope some omen falls on top of their reproductive organs. :o there was Kevin and !ames" nibbling on finger snacks" giving the finger to everyone that walked by" or whoever came up to them and remarked something homophobic. %f Kevin and !ames were as crazed as people thought they were" they would have blown most of these people away. 9ut one of the worst indulgences is to give in to peoples un$ust opinions of you. The large golden doors that were situated at the other end of the ballroom from where Kevin and !ames entered opened. The guests scurried around excited. 7rom the dark hallway on the other side of the opened door came a small boy" led out by a woman. They looked related. They both had ginger hair and freckled pale skin. 7rom behind them a machine followed. The spider mechanism held 6ord Hiller. ; burst of applause startled Kevin and !ames. %ts him. Kevin stated calmly. The man who killed everyone worthy of life. !ames added. The applause died down as 6ord Hiller held up his hands. %n the light" to !ames" 6ord Hiller looked surprisingly old" at least in his seventies. His grey hair was easily spotted as a comb over. 6ord Hiller sported a s*uare styled mustache" which also was grey. /y wife" <achael" my son" /axwell" and %" thankfully welcome you to our home. 6ord Hiller announced. ;nother applause followed. =inner shall be served momentarily. ?lease make your way to the dinning facility and sit in the seat appointed to you by the manors servant hands. 6ord Hillers eyes were scanning the crowd for Kevin and !ames. %t didnt take long for them to be spotted outside of the group. They stood out like two soar thumbs. +specially since Kevin was gulping down his glass of champagne" while everyone else was politely not drinking. 6ord Hiller filled with pleasure and such excitement that he felt like he was six years old again on 1hristmas day. The huge pillars of the arachno.bots legs phased through the crowd in meter gaps. 6ord Hiller paneled faster towards them.

He unintentionally raised himself above theyre level. His first thought was that they were smaller than he thought. (f course" it was here that he realized with amusement that he needed to lower himself down to their level. #elcome. #elcome both of you. He greeted as he descended. -ou can not image how it feels for me to finally meet you both. -ou cant imagine how it feels for us to meet the person who killed our parents and friends. !ames grunted. 6ord Hiller laughed. ?lease" if you wish to cause violence" than feel free. 9ut % am willing to give you a chance to talk to myself and my administration like civil human beings. %m surprised you consider us human. % dont recall that attitude in the past. -ou must understand that hardly anyone has done what you have doneE and lived as long as you have. -ou sent a crazy little bomb thing after us" you nearly killed my boyfriend as he was $ust getting something to eat one night" you had a small army of zombies attack us" and because of you" an entire country hates us and thinks were freaks. 7orgive us if we are a bit peeved. 6ord Hiller looked over to Kevin while !ames was talking. He might have heard him. -ou are Kevin. %t was more of a statement than a *uestion. -es. % am. Kevin assured. -oure very lucky to have someone like !ames. 6ord Hiller complimented. Hes lucky to have me. Kevin $oked. 7redrick roared with laughter in the crowd. Fuick lads" arent they sir' -es" 7redrick" my friend. Fuick as they are smart as they are brave. Tell me lads" are you en$oying yourselves' (h yeah" we en$oy getting ripped at by some assholes who has as much understanding as pieces of shit. Kevin remarked sarcastically. 6ord Hillers smiles drowned into an angry frown. #ho' !ames scanned the crowd and pointed to the man who made the first remark as they entered the ballroom. 6ord Hiller twisted around. The mans face of fear was poetic $ustice compensation. His expression was almost as sweet as the look on his face when 6ord Hillers arachno.bots leg in$ected right through his torso. He was lifted up high in the air and then pulled towards 6ord Hiller and the =estruction 6overs. :ayEyoureEsorry. 6ord Hiller commanded. The man coughed blood on to !ames and Kevins shoes. %mE%mEso sorry. % am. The man said" gasping for air. &o youre not. -oure only sorry youre in pain. -ou dont car about our feelings. !ames announced. #ell said. 6ord Hiller complimented" before flicking the mans body through the window. ;nyone else. Kevin eyed 7redrickEand his wife. &o" no one else sir. Kevin lied" before !ames was about to point out another homophobe. 0ood. Then shall we go to dinner than.

The dinning room was entirely candle lit. %t gave a lovely romantic" somewhat gothic" effect. There were at least thousands upon thousands of candles lighting the room" on the tables" on the floor" and some were even $utting out from the walls" held on with nothing but hardened wax at the base from the top. There were so many candles" that the room was lit as if normal light bulbs were used" $ust flickering from time to time. The tables were large and round" draped in a fine white silk with golden embroideries of patterns" flowers" and butterflies. 6ord Hiller lowered himself to the table. !ames and Kevin sat to his right 4in that order5 and his wife and son sat to his left 4also in that order5. 7redrick sat beside Kevin" chuckling away at how Kevin wasted no time ordering the table servant for whiskey already. The servant had strangely hairy knuckles and was wearing a large cloak with a hood over his head. 7redrick was of course accompanied by ;licia" who still frowned about being two seats from Kevin. 7ive empty seats remained. ;re theyre other people $oining us tonight' !ames asked. #hy yes" there are. /r. Oavier" my second in command" ;gent 1ancer" ;gent /onkey 9oy" and ;gent Lombie King@ % believe you may have already met. 6ord Hiller explained" smiling. -ou know we have. !ames remarked. 6ittle brat" that punk rocker chap. 7redrick commented. (f course" we were all like that once in our youth. % remember % was *uite found of pop art in my teens" and thought of pursuing art" but decided on the force. 6aw is like art@ knowing where to draw the line is the basic $est of it. 7redrick said. He laughed after he drank his whiskey. Kevin order more whiskey. % could argue that art isnt always like law. That sometimes art is totally random" with no meaning or order. Kevin voiced. 6ike anarchy. 7redrick added" laughing loudly. 9ut then 7redrick calmed down and coughed into his fist before speaking again. 9ut seriously" please indulge us in the ideology of anarchy. #ell" Kevin started before gulping down his whiskey and ordering more. ;narchy isnt chaos" or mindless violence. Thats what happens when anarchy isnt done right. %n anarchy everyone obeys themselves" but at the same time agrees to following rules that are not enforced by any authority but common sense and human compassion. %n other words" as long as it doesnt hurt anyone physically" sexually" mentally" emotionally" financially" chemically" or biologically" you can do what you want. The ultimate freedom with only one prime ruleM dont stop anyones freedom. The golden rule@ treat other as you want to be treated. 0ive freedom that you want to have. The table was silent until 7redrick roared with laughter after saying &ot enforced by any authority' #ell" that puts me out of a $ob . :o thats what this is all about. 6ord Hiller concluded" taking a sip from his glass of whiskey. #ell" %m sure we can clear this up. !ames didnt look amused. Theres more to TH%: than $ust anarchy and freedom. -ou took away everything from the people of this country" and you have brainwashed them into accepting it. How do you sleep at night" with the constant fear that your little plan could fumble and someone could remember how much they loved theyre girlfriend who was protestant" or

their /uslim neighbour" or their lesbian sister. (ne day" people will wake up and they will remember how much love they had. ;nd when that day comes" when that day of love returns" youre going to have so much unimaginable hate aimed straight at you. 6ord Hillers wife looked terrified. 6ord Hiller took another sip from his whiskey. %ll talk to you soon enough about the future of this country" as for now" we shall have to feast. 6ord Hiller said" before the waiters arrived with carts filled with piping hot food. +-" =; 7((=: +<+, Kevin spluttered" intoxicated already. /(<+ #H%:K+-, The first two meals passed and dessert arrived" but there was still no sign of any of /r. Oavier" 1ancer" /onkey 9oy or The Lombie king or their arrival. 9ut there were more important things to worry about. 6ike how Kevin was making an utter ass out of himself. T;K+ TH;T 9;1K -)< 6%6 0(9:H%T+, Kevin slurred" leaving his seat" trouserless" to approach someone from a different table who commented that the strawberry cheesecake looked at little fruity. Kevin must have thought he was talking about him. Kevin hurled the whiskey bottle at the man and held him at gun point with his pistol. % ;/ &(T 7#)%T-, Kevin slurred again before he hiccupped 7redrick was choking on his own laughter 4and a piece of cheesecake5. !ames slapped his back forcefully and settled 7redrick down. Thank you boy. 7redrick thanked. % was about to say" before having that piece of cheesecake stuck in my windpipe" that that young lad is beautifully passionate when hes drunk. #hat else would you expect from a faggot' ;licia remarked. #hat is that meant to be' ; cultured thought' !ames returned the favour back to ;licia" welcomed by 7redrick choking on another piece of cheesecake as he was about to laugh. % mean he is passionate because he knows that even if he fights for his life" hell die $ust like the other *ueers and niggers burning in hell. &o" hes passionate because he knows he has to work hard because this country is a slab of shit with mindless and moronic midget flies feasting upon the decay of common sense. 7redrick coughed up the piece of cheesecake and bellowed a low laugh. Tell me !ames" do you honestly believe that you can change this country@ this paradise' -es. %t wont be easy" but % and Kevin can do it. !ames turned to 6ord Hiller who smirked as he sipped his coffee. #e will have $ustice and e*uality for everyone. -ou will die. 6ord Hiller put down his coffee. !ames" could you please follow me to my *uarters. Theres something % would like to show you. 6ord Hiller said" walking away from the table. The door to 6ord Hillers chamber streamed a bar of light in" piercing through the darkness. The screens were all off. They lined the walls like the pattern of a flys eye" beaded. 6ord Hiller entered followed by !ames. 6ord Hiller sent his large robotical legs

$etting up into the shadows above" eaten by the abyss. ; loud clank announced that they were now locked in. #eb strands of wires in$ected themselves into 6ord Hillers body. The chamber became lit with screens turned on. !ames looked up. The chamber didnt seem to have a limited. He suspected that the screens at the top were lit" because he could only see a bright colour changing dot. He could hear that the legs had locked themselves into something of a large mechanical arm. !ames' 6ord Hiller called. !ames had forgotten that he was there. =o you know why you are here' &o. !ames bluntly answered. %ts because % love you. The words echoed. The words would never reach the top of the chamber for some years. +xcuse me. !ames said" barely even emitting the words" trying his best to restrain himself from firing his gun" under his coat. % love youEbecause % hate you. % hated gays and other races because % believed they didnt deserve to live. The fact that we were able to kill them all was only confirmation that they really didnt. :ome of them bargained and pleaded" before we ever found them that they would do anything to live. % thought it was *uite funny to see the female ;sian students from colleges giving blow $obs in public to 6abel 1o. guards. The beatniks were the worst. They were smart" but held onto silly values and fought among themselves. There wasnt one single group of 8freedom fighters that didnt have at least two members that disagreed on a certain topic. %n my eyes" they all deserved to die" because we could kill them. #hen you are an idea you cant be killed. 6abel 1o. owes its very existence to that philosophy. %deas never die. They only submerge beneath the dead bodies of their followers" ready to be dug out by a new generation of followers. 6ord Hiller turned away from !ames" rising up to a screen showing Kevin dancing merrily with 7redrick" who looks purple in the face with laughter. +very civilization in the world will go through different stages of government. =emocracy" dictatorship" and anarchy are the main ones. =emocracy and dictatorship both have a government" whether its for the people or to the people. 9ut anarchy is something interesting. ;narchy is completely possible. 9ut % love you too much to let you risk a wild goose chase. -ou havent died when we wanted you to. -ou fought for your lives and youve earned it. % propose to you. 6ord Hiller lowered himself" completely to the ground. The wires disconnected themselves from him and he collapsed to the floor. He slowly picked himself up" shaking. %t was then that !ames realized how amazingly weak he looked. #ithout the excitement of meeting him for the first time" and out of the candle lit dinner room" !ames saw how amazingly skeleton like he was" remarkably skinny" and pale. 6ord Hiller staggered to !ames and laid his hands on his shoulders for support. !ames" you and Kevin have shown that you want to live. -ouve shown that you dont deserve to die. 9ut % guaranty you that you will fail. % know anarchy is possible" but there really is too much shit going on in the world. ?eople dont need more freedom" they need someone to throw their troubles away and comfort them" wrap them and keep them warm. !ames" $oin 6abel 1o. and % swear you and Kevin will be treated like kings. % will personally hold you two in higher positions than Oavier and 1ancer. #ell even legally and religiously marry you two. !ust $oin us" and help us ensure that 6abel 1o. lives as

long as possible. 6abel 1o. as an idea will never die" but with you" it will possibly kill every other idea" breaking the law of existence and make an exception for itself. % know that we could send you two into the middle of /ecca and you would come out victorious in a matter of weeks. #ill you $oin us' &o. !ames replied *uickly. 6ord Hiller sighed and muttered under his breath. % hate you. 6ord Hiller surprisingly leaped back into the harness of his mechanical legs attached to the arm. The door closed and the screens all turned off. !ames pulled out his pistols. He couldnt see anything <eady for fun faggot' 6ord Hillers voice called out. !ames was hurled into a wall of screens as one of 6ord Hillers mechanical legs smacked him across. He felt a small flat force holding him down on the floor. % wonderEif % s*ueeze you" will Kevins cum s*uirt out' 6ord Hiller mocked. +ven though !ames couldnt see anything" he blindly fired into the darkness. The sound of 6ord Hillers yell was almost as refreshing as the weight being lifted off. The door opened lighting enough of the room for !ames to see 6ord Hiller groping his arm. Kevins silhouette blackened a narrow area of the light. #oo, :orry boys" thought this was the toilet. (hEwait" % dont need to go anymore. Kevin splurged. !ames opened fire on the pivot of the mechanical arm. 6ord Hiller fell to the ground hard" buried under chunks of metal. !ames rushed over and dug him out. He was out cold. !ames put his arm over his shoulder and carried him out. #e going somewhere' Kevin asked. -eah" were getting out of here. How active are the guards' !ames" !ames" stop. Kevin said. !ames stopped confused. #hat' Kevin stumbled over and laid his hands on !ames shoulders for support" the same way 6ord Hiller did. % know % say this a lot" but % love you. ;nd thats not the alcohol talking@ % love you cause youre smart" cause youre sexy" cause youre good in bed" and cause you have tight buns. % love s*ueezing them when youre not awake. :ometimes %ve even kissed them. % feel pretty like a drag.*ueen princess. Thats good Kevin" but how active are the guards' ;re theyre running around or are they like pretty much not paying attention whos leaving the house. #e got to get this guy back to out place. (h" theyre dead. #hat, ; weird monkey lad killed them all. !ames looked down the hallway and saw /onkey 9oy and The Lombie King approaching them. !ames dropped 6ord Hiller" who hit the ground with a thud" and pulled out his pistol. #ere here to escort you off the premises. The Lombie King announced. #hat' !ames asked.

(rders from /r. Oavier and 1ancer. /onkey 9oy and % are to burn down 6ord Hillers mansion" and blame the incident on you two. %s this a mutiny' /utiny is against the law. This is the second and third in command taking charge after the awful death of our beloved lord. %t made sense now. 6ord Hiller wanted !ames and Kevin to $oin 6abel 1o. and to replace /r. Oavier and 1ancer. 6ord Hiller loved them because killing them seemed impossible and if he passed away" at least he knew his 6abel 1o. wouldnt pass to /r. Oavier" who seems ever more evil with every moment that his encounter is never met. #hat are you going to do to him' The Lombie King asked. Torture him for every in$ustice hes ever committed. !ames answered. % guess that mean you wont be doing much freedom fighter for a while. #ell" en$oy. #e will.

CHAPTER : TORTURE. 6ord Hiller woke up facing two masked men. He was dazed but he found himself in some strange theatre" on stage. ;s the two masked men approached him" he saw that one wore a plain black mask and other wore a plain white one. They both were wearing 6abel 1o. standard foot soldier guard uniforms" a simple black one piece overall suit. !;/+:' K+>%&' #H+<+ ;/ %' #H+<+ %: /- 7;/%6-' #e are not !ames and Kevin. The two masked figures said together. #e are the cabaret of broken dreams and monster movie scenes. The one with the black mask is called /ercy. The one with the white mask is 7orgiveness. /ercy and 7orgiveness both clapped their hands. ; surge of electricity passed through 6ord Hiller. #e do not live up to our names. The static in the speakers smothered the silence" before breaking and voicing out orders. % am a little girl...say it. 6ord Hiller wept as the rats hung above his head on the delegate strings. % am a little girl. He cried. &ow sayE% take it up the bum with no lubricant. % take it up the bum with no lubricant. Hard. ; different voice added. Hard. The pro$ecter rolled the film. %t showed some soldiers raping black women. %t looked rather old" most likely during the time 6abel 1o. was $ust in head of the state and it was carrying out hate crimes. 6ord Hiller weakly smiled" both from the pressure of the pain and the uncertainty as to whether it was alright to smile or not. The film ended with the soldier shooting the women in the head and urinating on them. =id you en$oy that you sick fuck' ; voice behind called out. 6ord Hiller inhaled and exhaled. He didnt answer. #+66, EyEyeEyes. 0ood. #e have another film for you. The pro$ector started rolling another film. This one looked a lot fresher. %t showed the Lombie King raping his wife and son. 6ord Hiller screeched and screamed with terror. :ing it bitch, /ercy ordered" twisting 6ord Hillers nipples. %m a little tea cup" short and stout. This is my handle" this is my spout. 6ord Hiller roared crying as 7orgiveness urinated into his mouth. Tabatha was playing scrabble in the living room with (rwell" two of his sentinels" and Kevin. %ve got *ualm. Thats twenty.nine points. Tabatha said. #hat the hell is a 8*ualm' Kevin asked.

; feeling of unease or sick. The two sentinels answered at the same time. % must remember that one. (rwell said out loud. /e too" but what rhymes with *ualm. 6ord Hiller cried when he was asked what rhymes with *ualm. The string holding a rat above his head was cut. Tabatha couldnt reach the sugar at the top shelf. ; sentinel came in and extended its arm to reach the bag of sugar for Tabatha. Thank you. :he kissed it of its 8cheek and walked away. %ts head blew off. 6ord Hiller was finally asleep. ;t least until /ercy and 7orgiveness crept up behind him and blew an air horn into his ear. #ell be back in an hour to do that again if youre asleep. /ercy announced" walking away. (rwell" Tabatha" Kevin" and !ames were on the sofa watching a Tim 9urton film late one night. #hen it finished (rwell said cheerfully #ell $ust leave you two love birds alone. 0ood night. . !ames and Kevin snuggled up to each after they left. % love you. Kevin said. % love you too. !ames giggled. 6ord Hiller woke up and found his penis had been removed. He saw /ercy and 7orgiveness standing in front of him holding out a plastic bag with something bloody in it. % hate you. /ercy said to 6ord Hiller. % hate you too. 7orgiveness added" also directing his speech to 6ord Hiller. #H- ;<+ -() =(%&0 TH%: T( /+' 6ord Hiller screeched. ; red light flashed frantically and a siren blared. The siren was soon replaced by the sound of a polka. ?uppets depicting different races dropped down from the ceiling. % hate when they start singing. /ercy said. :o you ask us why" youre in hell. #ell we are here to tell. -ou that youre a vicious" malicious" and not at all delicious nor nutritious" 9astard that deserves to be shot in the head" (r at least ass raped until youre dead. -oure the scum of planet +arth" 7or the people that youve hurt. :hut your mouth" you dirty fuck" (r well give you something to suck. #e are the cabaret of broken dream and monster movie scenes" =riven by heart felt kings and heart broken *ueens.

7or you" Heaven or hell" #e can never tell" 9ut we can assure you" That youll suffer for the sins that you do. The puppets were strung back above. 7orgiveness clapped. % love it when they do the song. 6ord Hiller woke in a new room. He wasnt in the cabaret anymore. /ercy and 7orgiveness werent around. ;nd he wasnt tied to a chair anymore. He was in a pure white room with !ames and Kevin" tied to a bed. #e believe" Kevin started that some people deserve to die. 9ut not in the sense that the world will profit from their death or that theyre too worthless to amount to anything. #e believe that you die when you have fulfilled your purpose. #e believe that every human being has a list of purposes" stuff that theyll do throughout their life" and that dying is the last deed they must do. Think of it as if everyone is a domino. -our alcoholic abusive father is domino one. =omino one" strikes domino two" your mother" in a literal sense. The act is meeting" marrying" fucking" forcing" and having a child" you" domino three. 7our is growing up and getting involved in the %<; to fight the 9ritish. Thanks" by the way. !ames interrupted. 7ive is you meeting ;idan 6ance" the dick that turned you into a neo.&azi fuck. :ix is him and you starting up 6abel 1o." a television channel that sent out subliminal messages encouraging your views. :even was coming to power. +ight was ordering purification. &ine was killing our friends and family. Ten was us deciding to take revenge on you. %nteresting how we got from your dad to us. -ou see" every person you meet makes you a different person. -ou are completely different now then you were before we met" wouldnt you agree. Take a look at me and tell me yourself. 6ord Hiller said. His eyes are permanent red from crying 4or maybe it was $ust the fact that his eyes almost popped out when the rat was let go onto his face5. /y point is some people go through so much pain" so much suffering" that they deserve to die@ they have earned the right to die with no guilt. -our final purpose in your life" after everything youve ever done" is to die. #e think youve earned the right. #hat makes you think %ve earned the right' 6ord Hiller asked. -ouve done your penance" youve e*ualed out the pain that youve caused us. 6ord Hiller laughed. % thought this was about anarchy. % thought this was about getting revenge for everyone else. (h no. Taking down 6abel 1o. is about anarchy. Taking down 6abel 1o. is about revenge for all the poor souls. -oure nothing. /r. Oavier is the head of 6abel 1o. now. ;nd % must say hes doing a better $ob than you. 6ord Hiller growled. (h, -ou think you were a genius in 6abel 1o. &o" you were $ust the name at the top. ?eople associated you with 6abel 1o. %f you were removed" people would have freaked. -ou were kept there because people liked your face. /r. Oavier has already ordered tight

sweeps to find us. &ot like he will. 9ut theyve already found underground groups. /os*ues" gay bars" black markets" brothels" football and rugby leagues" everything under the sun. 6ord Hiller felt something he hadnt felt before since he was in the cabaret. He felt relief around his wrists. !apanese Thing was standing outsideEthe frontEout of the house. He was never let outside the front" because !ames always said that if he did" he could kill them all. !apanese Thing didnt see what was wrong. 6ord Hiller was shocked to see a knife in his shoe. He didnt put in there. The bonds around 6ord Hillers wrists were not only loose" they looked weak as well. %m going to go check on stuff upstairs. !ames said to Kevin. He placed his hand on Kevins shoulder. Kevin covered !ames hand with his own. % love you. % love you too. !ames leaned in and kissed Kevin" before slipping his hand smoothly off and walking away. -ou love him. -ou really do. 6ord Hiller said. % do. Kevin replied smiling" almost forgetting who he was talking to. %n one muscular pull" all four of the bonds snapped. 6ord Hiller" in his age and with his frailty" still managed to leap into the air and land in front of Kevin" drawing his knife from his shoe" and slitting his neck. Kevin choked and fell to the floor" gripping his throat as the blood flushed out. 6ord Hiller stabbed the blade into the back of Kevins head frantically. He then stabbed the blade into Kevins back and slit the full way down along his spine" tearing through muscle and bone. He turned Kevin over and maliciously carved into his chest and pulled out his sludge covered heart" snapping away from its aorta and ventricle. !ames was stunned with fear and terror when he saw !apanese Thing smiling at him from outside the house. He rushed back to the white room and found Kevin" dead.

CHAPTER !: HEAVEN. The mist cleared and the lights dimmed. %s this Heaven' Kevin asked. &(, :t. ?atrick yelled. !+:): 1H<%:T, &(, %m :aint ?atrick you little gob.shite, :t ?addy' ?atrick" you sicken *ueer, &ow take a number and wait like everyone else. Kevin looked around. The mist faded and the lights dimmed to show a waiting room. #here am %' (h" take a wild guess :herlock. #here do you go before go to heaven or hell' (h !esus, =ont tell me bloody purgatory is real, :aint ?atrick took up his cane and smacked Kevin across the head. =ont you dare take the holy saviours name in vain" you hear me' 9ut wait" if this is purgatory" then why are you here. % thought you were the patron saint for %reland. ;nd what" you think that %m lazy like the other saints" only having one $ob. % work for 0od to forgive my sins. -ou popularized 1hristianity in %reland during the late druid era. #ell % could have done a lot of other places as well. &ow shut up and take a number, Kevin took a ticket. %t read number@ CPA23NHIADNDH2A2AHJH3AA32CDIJJNH2AI2HCHDIDA3HDIAJHAJJ3PDAHJ3AJAN3PHANHP DAHJC2J22IDNHJANAPA3APAA3HAHAJN2IHAACIDH3JIDH3CIHAJHJN3N3NHI2ADINDADNC3 AHA32AJHADJ3DA3DIAHJHI32AJAHJIHJHANHINCDDIHCNC2H2NJ3AHJADH32JPAJ3AI3JAN 3H2AH3AIHAJHINAI2HNAHNAJHIAHNAJHJHAHNP3IAHNIHN3PIAHANPNCHCJ2NDD3AIJIH33 NJA3HANJHN2J3HA3JHA2JNA3HAANJ2PPPPPCI2JAHNNIN22JIJN2J2NDJP3PP3IAAJHDJ. The screen near the big golden doors read &ow serving numberM N . Kevin sat down in a disturbing chair. %t was a fake wooden chair with half worn away padding. The table in front looked the same" but obviously without the padding. %t was covered unprofessionally with outdated magazines. (ne read the headline Humans reach the moon, . Kevin picked it up and read the article. %t basically $ust made fun of the paranoid people who $ust cant believe humans have the capability to reach the moon. Kevin chucked it back onto the table and looked down the continuous hallway" with the walls lined with the crappy chairs facing the same boring table. Kevin turned to his right and saw Hitler standing two seats down. W+<T T+' &0=! Kevin thought. Kevin walked passed Hitler and back up to the counter. +xcuse me" :aint ?atrick. Kevin called. #hy do % have a feeling youre going to be talking to me forever' :aint ?atrick moaned. :orry" but why is Hitler here' Hes one of the most evil men ever in existence. He should be rotting in Hell with demons raping his eye sockets.

:aint ?atrick sighed. #hen you die" you go to purgatory. There, +veryone" no matter what. #e cant $ust fling people into Heaven or Hell. Theres no special treatment for anyone. ;nything else you want to ask while %m still in a somewhat good mood' Kevin looked over at Hitler@ the most vile thing to ever crawl out of a womb. -es. Kevin answered. #hat % do up here" does that affect my fate into Heaven or Hell' &o. Theyll only $udge you on what youve done on +arth. (kay then. Kevin walked over to Hitler" grabbed the chair next to him" and $ust as Hitler was looking up" Kevin smacked the chair across his. Hitler fell to the floor. He picked himself up and spat out a tooth. Hitler held up his guard and $abbed in for a punch. Kevin ducked to Hitlers waist and punched him in the gut" and $olted him up" letting him fall on the floor. ; hand leaned down to Hitler. Hitler tapped it" signaling a switch over. %t was :addam Hussein. -oure going down infidel, :addam called out. Kevin backed away when :addam pulled out two long swords" until he bumped into someone. He looked over his shoulder and saw a whole bombardment of !ewish <abbis and people wearing the :tar of =avid on their clothes. /ind if we intervene' ; <abbi asked. 0o ahead <abbi. Kevin allowed. :addam backed away in terror" almost as much as Hitler. #ell this is ironic. Hitler muttered. !+# ?%6+ (&, The <abbi roared" before leading the other !ews into a charge and flinging themselves into a pile up on Hitler and :addam. %t was *uite funny to hear each individual !ew shout !ew pile before leaping onto the pile. &(((((((((((, !ames roared. ?6+;:+, &(, (H 0(=" &(, =(&T 9+ =+;=, =(&T 7)1K%&0 =%+, !apanese Thing heard the blood curdling screams. He heard foot steps scampering up the stairs that lead down to the theatre and other empty rooms. %t was 6ord Hiller" looking like a skeleton splattered with blood. %n that instance" !apanese Thing realized why it wasnt allowed outside. %t realized what !ames and Kevin meant when they said it was a matter of life and death that he didnt go outside. 6ord Hiller $umped over !apanese Thing and sprinted down the street. !apanese Thing was overcome by sorrow. %t wailed and whined" up to the point that it began screeching and roaring. %ts once pure white eyes became netted in bloodshot veins. !apanese Thing sprouted large muscular arms" both raging with stressed veins. !apanese Thing began to grow bigger. %ts legs shot out behind" forming paws with massive claws pouring out. %ts once tiny mouth now slashed wider and displayed giant yellow teeth and a wildly whipping scarlet red tongue. The thin" sleek pure white fur was now replaced by an untamed" lightly thick mass of grayish white hair. !apanese Thing glared at 6ord Hiller who was still running" but was disturbed as he looked back. 6ord Hiller sprinted faster" but not fast enough to avoid !apanese Thing dashing after him" scooping him into his mouth with his tongue" mashing his bones with his grinding teeth" and then swallowing his bits.

Kevin walked for some time before he found the toilet. He swore he would kick the bastard that thought giving Heaven and Hell a waiting room was such a good idea. ?urgatory is $ust like being alive@ you feel pain" hunger" thirst" etc. 9ut what you did here didnt effect where you went. Kevin saw people going crazy" raping each other and everything. Hopefully after urinating" Kevin could focus on kicking the architect of purgatorys ass. Kevin entered the restroom and found ;ndy #arhol by the blow.dryer and /artin 6uther King washing his hands. =amn these things never get them completely dry. ;ndy #arhol muttered. % dont care whether they even dry at all. %m $ust glad purgatory doesnt have separate restrooms for races. /artin 6uther King $oked" before chuckling. =r. King splashed some water onto his face before looking into the mirror. %n the reflection" he met eyes with Kevin. Kevin was amazed by the flash of happiness that appeared on =r. Kings face. /artin 6uther King whirled around to face Kevin. %t is you, /y dear lord" % dont believe my eyes, -ou son are a saviour of all, ;ndy #arhol faced Kevin and his face too lit up with delight. %n all my years of art" % have never come across something as beautiful and poetic as your story. ;ndy #arhol said" approaching" holding his hand out in the air at level with Kevins face. Kevin was stunned. HowEhow do you know me' He finally asked. =r. King laughed. :on" who doesnt know you' -oure world famous Kevin. -oure higher than world famous@ youre heaven famous. ;ndy #arhol complimented after /artin 6uther King. /e' 9ut how' 6abel 1o. would have made sure the outside world wouldnt have heard anything about us. Kevin asked. 6abel 1o' Ha, There are more than enough people in 6abel 1o. who leak out stuff all the time" $ust for fun. That and plus theres your friends in the cafK. They would have found someway to talk to their internet girlfriends about you and !ames. /artin 6uther King explained. 9y the way" nice catch on bagging yourself !ames. Hes a keeper. ;ndy #arhol $oked. Hey" do you want to come with us' #ere playing poker in a cafK with :ylvia ?lath and !ohn 6ennon. =o you want to $oin' /artin 6uther King asked. #ere also talking really deep so when people pass us they think were cool. ;ndy #arhol added. ; lot like art. Kevin $oked. They all laughed in the restroom" ignoring +d #ood crapping loudly in one of the toilet cubicles. !ames wept on Kevins corpse. The tears came down so plentiful that there was enough to roll down off Kevins dead body and into the pool of blood" diluting it.

%t was odd seeing !ohn 6ennon and :ylvia ?lath in front of him" Kevin thought. #hat was weirder though was seeing :ylvia ?lath and /artin 6uther King kissing and being all cute with each other. They got together up here and now theyre inseparable. !ohn 6ennon explained. He retained his ascent. ;ndy #arhol leaned over to Kevin and whispered =ont mention Ted Hughes. That asshole doesnt deserve to know. Kevin understood. :o" % was told that were going to talk about deep stuff. :ylvia glanced to Kevin and smiled. -ou remind me a lot of my son" &icholas. He had a cute face like yours. Kevin smiled. Thank you. That means a lot. ;ndy #arhol snapped his fingers and a faceless waiter brought over a tray of cups. They were distributed randomly. Kevin got a cup of tea. He sipped it and" to his amazement" it had at least three soups spoons of sugar in it@ $ust how he likes it. :oE ;ndy #arhol started the debate. 6ife@ what a shit hole. 6ife is how you make it. %f you make it a shit hole" then it is a shit hole. !ohn 6ennon philosophized. &ot necessarily. % mean" you cant control what external forces happen to you. &ot the involuntary ones" like the weather" luck" certain things other people do. ; drunk asshole you dont know leaving you with a banged up car and a broken spine sure can leave a shit sandwich on your plate. % have a... /artin 6uther King was about to talk before ;ndy #arhol interrupted him with an insult. H+ H;: ; =<+;/, !ohn 6ennon and :ylvia ?lath bent backwards laughing" while /artin 6uther King glared angrily at ;ndy #arhol. -ouve been doing that for years now. +very time % say 8% have a" you do that crap. %m really starting to get pissed off now #arhol, #hat about Kevin' %s life shit or $ust life' !ohn 6ennon asked. #ell" life is like a race. Theres a start and a finish" and then theres the side lines. +veryone feels compelled to run" but some people cant handle being last" so they move off to the sidelines" never to return. Theres going to be some people who will push you over" and theres going some people who will pick you up and would even run for you if they could. #hen youre reaching the end" you should do a few flips. 9ut if you have the chance to be first at something" and everyones cheering for you to beat the bully pushing everyone over" you should put your heart in your left leg and put your soul in your right leg" and sprint until youre in someones refreshing arms" cooling you down" while the bully is lying dead on the race track after you stabbed out his eyes from being such a nice guy. Have you never heard that nice guys finish last' #arhol asked. -eah" nice guys do finish last. Thats how the police are able to find the bad guys with crack stashed up their arse. They $ust pick the guys that come first. :ylvia ?lath laughed. #ell" thats definitely colourful.

History is written by the winners. ;nd unfortunately we havent had too many nice winners lately. #arhol depressed. /an" no wonder youre dead@ you give up way to easily. Kevin commented. %n case you havent noticed" youre dead too. %t actually $ust hit Kevin at that moment. He only realized $ust there that he was dead. E!amesE He was never going to see !ames again. ;t least not until !ames died. 9ut then again" that will only happen if they go to heaven. Kevin twitched with fear and doubt. #hat if all the fascists were right' #hat if homosexuality was an abomination' #hat if he really was going to burn in Hell forever" and never see !ames again" but be forever haunted by his screams of being tortured in the depth of Hell" ravaged and raped by the monstrous devils that lurk in all sin through the tainting" putrid touch of humanity. Kevin shivered. The group was alarmed. Theyre lips were moving" but their voices didnt come out. They were as scared as he was. %n fact all the background noises were scared also" too scared to tap on the floor" or creak a door open" or speak a word. ; still thick wall of deafness fell. Then" from the other side of the wall" a booming thunder of noise pierced though and exploded with an added hint of static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abatha cradled !ames as (rwells sentinels lifted Kevins corpse up like a coffin" carrying him out of the room. !apanese Thing" back to normal size wept almost as much as !ames" soaking Tabathas shirt with a sheet of salty tears. The gate of fate was actually a door" but the respectable slow" humble" and grand movement of it left nothing to the imagination less than a spectacularly powerful and ominous presence. Kevin entered more afraid than ever in his entire lifeEwhich is ironic in this sense. He found himself in a roomEonly it wasnt a room. %t was so big he couldnt be sure if there were walls or a ceiling anywhere. The only thing he had to go on was that when he looked behind him" there was a clear wall" even if it didnt have an end" that was grey. Thus" since the 8environment was grey" he $ust assumed that at some point there must have been a grey ceiling. The only material he could make out besides himself and the gate of fate was a plain black wooden seat in front of him. ?lease take a seat. ; voice spoke softly" but clearly as if the person was right in front of him. Kevin cautiously approached the seat" constantly twitching his eyes in all directions. He sat softly in the seat and relaxedEat least until the seat $etted off forward.

The seat surged through the sound barrier" blasting Kevins eardrums with sonic booms of fire. The grey shrouded the rainbow of manic insanity that was only seen when life itself was slammed into at a trillion light.years per second. Kevin was travelling so fast across the massive room on that chair that oxygen in the air was actually beginning to pierce into his skin" compensating for his ecstasy electrifying his heart. ; peculiar pop went off. Kevin wondered what it was. %t wasnt until he slammed straight into the wall that he realized the pop was the sound of the chair suddenly stopping" catapulting him forward at an amazing speed. Kevin picked himself up and barely made out the dot in the distance that was the chair. He was travelling so fast that even at the distance the chair stopped at" it managed to send Kevin this far. %t probably would have sent him further if the wall wasnt in the way. -ou know" % always opted that we get seatbelts for that thing. :aint ?eter said when Kevin finally turned around and surprisingly met with his eyes. %mmediately Kevin fell to his knees. % love !ames, % love him with every ounce in my being, 9ut please" dont send us to Hell, % wouldnt be able to stand knowing hes being tortured and % cant do anything to help him, +ven that would be too much of a Hell for me, :aint ?eter laughed. Trust me Kevin" if anything" you and !ames deserve to be married under the eyes of the church. -ou two are saints, Kevin couldnt believe what he heard. +xcuse me. -ou and !ames are heroes" saviours. Thats what youre up here for. +xcuse me. Kevin repeated" even more flabbergasted than before. -oure not dead Kevin. Kevin looked back behind him in the direction that he thought purgatory was in. #ell spending time in ?urgatory with :ylvia ?lath" /artin 6uther King" !ohn 6ennon and ;ndy #arhol" beating up Hitler" and getting yelled at by the strictest 1atholic ever really paints a different picture compared to the situation youre proposing. -oure dead" but not 8=+;= dead. -oure having a near death experience. This is all part of the plan. ?lan' The 6adys plan. 6ady' Typical human. !ust because pompous men rule your silly little planet" doesnt mean 0od is a 6ord. Technically 0od is an entity" free from physical limitations such as appearance" but she prefers to take the form of a woman. :o whats the plan' =o you really think 0od would tell anyone that' +hEno' :aint ?eter sighed. ?oint is this experience is very important for you and !ames. :ecrets and tips will be shared with you. ; glimpse of the future shall unfold before your eyes to teach and empower you. The wondrous saintly deed youll do when youre resurrected will change the face ofE

#ait, Kevin interrupted. =oes this mean %ll be with !ames again' :aint ?eter smiled and nodded. Kevin glowed with delight and happiness. &ow" when you go into Heaven" /oses will show you around. ;#, /(:+:, 7)1K, :aint ?eter was shocked. #hats wrong with /oses' Hes like the gayest holy guy ever. #hy couldnt % get someone cool like !esus or /uhammad or 9uddha' !esus is !esus" so hes too busy" /uhammad is busy too" and as for 9uddha" wellE hes still trying to figure out why the hell he wasted years of his life getting fat and sleeping under a tree. %n the back garden an army of sentinels" a glass ball with a brain inside" a !apanese thing" a telekinetic" and a widower fell silent" echoing the thoughts of Kevin in their head as they stood by his crude grave" marked with a rose. /oses drove a frowning Kevin around Heaven in a rather depressing looking 7ord. +ven though he was frowning" Kevin was still hiding the interest he had inside. 7irst of all" to his amazement" Heaven was a great big open field with beds floating around and people sleeping in them. :ome beds had whole families in them" others were king size beds with only one person in them. :econd" they were all asleep. There was no one doing anything. Heaven was told to Kevin as a place where you can do anything you wanted. :o why werent people doing anything. % hardly get to talk to anyone these days. ;t first % thought no one liked me" but then % realized that wasnt it. #hy would people not like me' % mean" its not like %m annoying or anything" always talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talkingE /oses blabbered on to a deaf Kevin. #hy arent people doing anything' Kevin asked" disregarding /oses feelings. (h" well why would they need to do anything' They have total bliss. 9liss for humans is sentimentality and commercialism. /oney" drugs" sex" love ones" teddy bears" good report cards. There are only two actual genuine feelings of bliss@ freedom and sleep. They have the freedom to do anything" but choose not to because the choice will always be there for them. :leep is total bliss. They choose to sleep. They can do whatever they want. 6ike' #ell" % suppose if they wanted to do something like" go shopping they could. 1ould they affect other people' #ell yes" but they also have amazing empathy for each other. =o % have any of these powers' /oses $erked his head to Kevin and blew up Kevins head with his mind. Kevin *uickly regenerated his head with the power of free will /oses was talking about. #H;T TH+ 7)1K, % <+;= TH;T %::)+ (7 !(H&&- TH+ H(/%1%=;6 /;&%;1, % K&(# #H;T -() #+<+ 0(%&0 T( =(,

/oses pulled up to a little cottage. %t was a simple" country cottage. %t even had a straw roof which must have been piled upon lumber or large chunks of wood. #hats this' Kevin asked. This is where Heaven officially is. This is H.H.F. /oses chuckled and snorted in delight. 0et it' H.H.F' Heaven Head Fuarters' Kevin passed /oses and opened the door. %nside he found a beautiful black woman. :he had long dark wavy brunette hair" soft" smooth" unblemished skin" and two angelically shimmering eyes. Kevins $aw dropped. ;re you 0od' The woman giggled. &o. 9ut youre very sweet for saying that. %m kind of the goddess 0od created. %m sort of like the acting 0od. Kevin dribbled his eyes up and down the womans appearance. :he was so beautiful. There were no words to describe how amazingly angelic she was. (h" %m sorry. The woman said. ?lease come in Kevin. ?lease sit" sit" sit down" sit down. Kevin picked up his tongue and slowly walked over to the sofa the woman was patting for him to come to. %m sorry" please take this as a compliment" butE you could turn me straight if % wasnt so in love with !ames. The woman laughed. #ell thank you. -oure very sweet Kevin. /y name is ;ri. Hello ;ri. &ow" let me start off by clearing some stuff up. Kevin was in a trance. Her thick native ;frican ascent was define. :he spoke so softly and gently. 7irst off" you and !ames" the way youre gay for each other" theres nothing wrong with that. There can never be anything wrong with pure and untainted love. % find it very insulting that two people who love each other cant get married because some very mean people wont let them. They have no right to say who can and cant get married in a religious ceremony of their choice. &ot even the ?ope has that authority. He is still a man" not 0odEor even acting 0od. Thank you. :econd" when you died" you died for a reason. #e needed to tell you things. ;ri paused for a brief inhale and sigh. -ou had cancer before you diedEand !ames knew about it. Kevin let his gaze drop to the floor. ;ri continued on. #hen you are resurrected" there will be a massive fight between you and 6abel 1o. -ou will have followers and supporters" but it will still be a battle of epic proportion. (kay. #hen youre resurrected" you will be without the cancerEbut !ames must never know. -ou must never let him know. He thinks you dont know. He must forever think you dont know. ;nd as far as hes concerned" you will still have the cancer inside you. )nderstood'

Kevin nodded politely. 0ood. &ow" as a treat" you are allowed three re*uests" but they can only be done here. They can be *uestions about the future or $ust a favour. Kevin thought for a second before deciding on his first re*uest. #ill me and !ames ever be marriedElegally and religiously' ;ri smiled and nodded. 9oth. #hat is youre next re*uest' 1an % see 0od' The real one. :hes only in that room. ;ri said pointing to an opened door. Kevin got up and walked over. He peered in and saw a goddess. Thats the only thing he could think. He had no other way to compute how beautiful she was. 9ut to his disappointment she was asleep. 0od needs to sleep' Kevin asked" walking back to the sofa. #ell" you know the way 0od created the world and then rested' :he never woke up. :he $ust made everything" appointed me as acting god" and collapsed straight onto that bed. Kevin laughed. He still couldnt get over how beautiful ;ri was. ;nd your final re*uest is' Kevin thought a bit longer on this one. He wanted this to be perfect. Then he had it. How are me and !ames part of the 8plan' ;ri smiled and leaned in to Kevins face. -ou $ust are. !ust like everyone else is part of the plan. ;ri kissed Kevin on the lips. %n a blink" the moment their lips departed" Kevin found himself outside a pit. To his left there was a sign reading ;bandon all hope" ye who enter hereEand have a nice day . Kevin peered down the pit. %t didnt moan with pain" it didnt scream with torment" it didnt cry with pessimistic realization" or even rage with the sound of whipping flames of dark contempt. 0od have mercy for those not worthy of it. Kevin muttered. #hy should she' ; voice called out from behind. Kevin didnt turn around. He knew who it was. ;nd why should ;ri either' %f they cant be good in a world of mortals" how can they be good in a world of angels' They deserve every last searing pain they get. Kevin still didnt look behind. The voice was raspy but still as frightening as he had depicted it would be on +arth. ;re you :atan' -es. Kevins heart stopped. ;nd is this Hell' -es. -oure probably wondering why you dont hear the pain and torture of Hell" or why you cant see past the darkness. #ell Hell is so awful that if you see or hear it" you will die. %n fact" if you turn around and look at me" you well go to Hell since % am so demonic looking. %ll stand behind you and guide you through Hell" but %ll only show you what youre allowed to see. )nderstood' Kevin nodded. He kept his eyes straight forward. He felt himself slowly hovering into the pit. He descend into the shadows" comforted only by the sound of :atans voice" which sounding like it was standing within sight range. The black dark silent nothing that

surrounded him" reminded Kevin of an ;theists idea of afterlife. &othing. !ust death. The +nd. Kevin remembers a writer once asking %s this our 8The +nd' and debating that 8The +nd is however you make it. The end of Titanic can be taken as a sad tale of love lost forever like the famous necklace <ose had" or it can be taken as the ultimate love story" love which sets you free from the world the same way !ack exposed <ose to a world outside of the aristocratic snobs" a world of fun and pleasure and freedom" before he gives up his own life so she can finally live her own. 7or an ;theist this pit was both Heaven and Hell@ the nothing of everything@ in its own right" $ust another existence. Kevin stopped descending. He hadnt reached the ground@ he was very much able to dangle his legs. He $ust stopped 4or at least he was stopped" in this case5. ; spot light beamed from no where and onto a man. He appeared to be in no danger. He was sitting on a small cliff. This man is being tortured as we speak. Hes being presented to you in this manner simply to answer your gaze without hurting you mentally. His name is Ted Hughes. Kevin tried not to turn to :atans voice in shock. Ted Hughes@ the abusive" cheating" drunk" deadbeat" pedophile" amateur 4shit5 poet husband of :ylvia ?lath" who provoked her suicide. Kevin smirked knowing he was in Hell. % only have one thing to say to you. ;re you familiar with the term ; black ram tupping your white ewe ' :hakespeares (thello. %ago mocking =esdemonas father. #hy do you ask' #ell lets $ust say your white ewe loves it more than anything you ever gave her . The spot light switched off and Kevin felt himself descending further down. He now understood what was going on. He assumed that he was going to be shown the characteristics of Hell@ the seven deadly sins. Ted Hughes@ 6ust. -oure wrong. :atan called out. #ere not going to show you the seven deadly sins. That would take to long. -oure $ust being shown some random bastards. Kevin was shocked. +e can read my mind. Kevin thought. (f course % can read your mind. This is my domain. % can do whatever % want. :o whos next' Him. The spotlight ripped through the wall of shadows to display the typical %rish male youth that !ames shot at the bus stop. ;lright" fag, The typical %rish male youth uttered. 1an you please give him extra pain' Kevin asked :atan. :orry" since %m not allowed to affect you" youre not allowed to affect me. 9ut if it helps he gets his ass raped daily by a horde of demons. =oes that help' -eah" thank you. Kevin $ust looked at the typical %rish male youth once more. #hat is it about me being gay that makes people like you hate us' #hat is it about being gay that makes anyone hate us' 7uck you *ueer, -ou deserve to be shot, The typical %rish male youth said before his head was blown open. The smell of smoke simmered above Kevin. :orry" % $ust thought he was a bit of an asshole. :atan said.

Kevin smiled as he continued to slowly glide down further into the darkness. ;re you sure these guys arent metaphors for the seven deadly sins' % mean" Ted Hughes@ lust. That dickhead@ wrath. Kevin argued. #ell everything can be taking as a metaphor. -ou humans have a funny way of giving things undeserving significance. -ou think that everything artistic has a metaphor. 1ant you $ust accept it that a poem about a monkey is $ust that and not a political statement about the computer industry" or that a film about robbing a bank is $ust that and not a surrealistic point of view as to the importance of brushing your teeth' These people are being shown randomly. The only point to all of this is that you learn that there is punishment for all evil. ;ll actual evil. ; good gay or a saintly ;frican is not going to go to Hell. ; pre$udice single mother of four" or a racist charity volunteer" theyre going to Hell. %ts not about who you are outside@ its about who you are inside. #owEfor being :atan thats a rather nice thing to say. -ou should talk to my brother" 6ucifer. Total fucking pansy. Kevin was startled when he felt ground underneath his feet. #ell" weve reached the bottom of Hell" the worst part@ where the wicked souls are. There was no spotlight this time. The blank grey cemented room lit up in its entirety. Kevin $ust barely remembered not to look behind him. He caught a glimpse of :atans shoes. They were high heels. %n the room" in front of Kevin there was a window that looked into another room. Kevin assumed this most have been a one way mirror" since he realized the cemented room looked like a crude observation chamber. -oure right. ?ay attention to the window" Kevin. :atan said. The light in the room the one.way mirror was looking into came on. %n a chair" in the centre" a familiar skeleton sat" nervously shaking and trembling with fear" soaked in the stench of urine 4not $ust his own5. Kevin saw two buttons in front of him@ one saying H and the other saying A . There are seven deadly sinsEto human knowledge. :atan announced. To Heaven and Hell there is an Ath. The sin of choice. The freedom to choose is the greatest pleasure and sin ever conceived. %gnorant bliss@ being happy not knowing something@ a man who doesnt know what money is" is happier than a man who does because that man wants the money. The less freedom or knowledge of freedom you have" the better. To choose is to defy control over you. To choose is to expect and pressure people into giving you what you want. To choose to get up and out of bed is to defy the state youre already in and to subconsciously define your day. To choose to kill is to defy what you have been told not to do by a number of entities" including 0odEor at least ;ri for now. To choose is to take full responsibility. <ights have responsibilities. -ou have the right to life@ you have the responsibility to respect others rights to life. -ou have the right to choose your life" but you choose those rights with full knowledge of the terms and responsibilities. #hen you choose to commit a sin" you choose to accept the conditions of making that sin. Kevin continued to stare at the buttons. H is pride@ the root of all sin. The concept of thinking the rules of 0od dont comply to youEand that youre a sexy bastard. Trust me" no human is sexy. A is choice@ the ultimate sin. The free will to sin with full knowledge of the pain and suffering. -ou" Kevin" must decide which sin he suffers for. ;s % assume you know" choice is a far worse sin than pride. Kevin pressed both H and A at the same time.

:uddenly" Kevin was back outside the pit" on the surface. #ellE :atan sounded stunned. % must admit" that wasEunexpected. -ou gave him a CJ. % dont know what the hell that isEthat how bad CJ is, % had a funny feeling it would be something like that. Kevin sighed. Turn around. :atan ordered. Kevin slowly straightened his back. &o. Kevin replied. %ts okay. -ou can look at me now. ;m % to trust :atan' 0ood point" but you know % cant hurt you since youre only having a near death experience. 9ut % thought you said you were so horrible to look at that % would go to Hell $ust looking at you. %ve taken a different form. % need to tell you something important. %ts about !ames. Kevin twirled around *uickly to find a small cute teddy hamsterEwith blood red glowing demonic eyes. 9+H(6=, :;T;&" %& ;66 /- 06(<-, :atan bellowed. Kevin didnt *uite agree with that when he ran over" picked up :atan" s*ueezed him" and screeched (H /- 0(= -()<+ :( K;#;%%, !ames is going to die. :atan said" instantly killing Kevins mood. Kevin let go of :atan and stepped back. #hat' The ground below them shivered frantically. 7rom the pit of Hell" a rapture of black demons spewed into the air. The storm of monsters licked their claws with their serpent tongues" glistening the shiny black surface with a thick slimy layer of saliva. Their black shells incarcerated the deepest sin ever imaginable. -ou see Kevin" when someone has a near death experience" we cant $ust let them go. #heres the fun in that' %nstead" they have to challenge a demon from Hell for their salvation. &ow" theres good news" and bad news. 0ood news' 0ood news" % believe in you. :atan $ust told Kevin he believes in himE The bad news is" ifEor when you get back to life" youll be resurrected one year from your death. ; -+;<, #ould you rather never see !ames again' Kevin fell silent. %t was hard to notice among the streaming gales of demons. &ow % have more bad newsEand more bad news. ;nd they are' 9ad news number one@ no one has ever done this before and made it back to life. 9ad news number two@ whenEor if you lose" the demons that you dont challenge have a habit of raping the loser. %s that is' &o. % have good news" good news" and good news. 7irst" the demons will fight each other to see who you challenge" so the demon you face off with will be a little tired.

:econd" the demons that dont make it to face you will help you. ;nd third" youll have a head start. (kay" so where is the start and finish line' Kevin asked" rearing to go. The start is behind you. :atan pointed. Kevin turned around and was taken back to see a ladder. He looked up and followed it as it steered up to a whining vortex. (h dont worry Kevin. -ou have support. :atan pointed to a small gang of spectators" holding up banners@ ;ndy #arhol" /artin 6uther King" :ylvia ?lath" Ted Hughes" the typical %rish male youth 4with his face still blown open5" /oses" !ohn 6ennon" and even ;ri were. -() 1;& =( %T, ;ndy #arhol cheered. Kevins attention" along with everyone elses" was stolen by the sudden barbaric actions among the demons. The small ones tried to gang up on a large $uggernaut which was encrusted in a $agged shell" but they were torn off his limbs and had their heads ripped off in single bites with the large beasts $aws. ; small deformed demon was scampering under the heavy and ghoulish mist of freshly kicked up dirt" gnawing on the ankles of other demons before being kicked to the side and being stepped on by the large $uggernaut. The whirling claws slashed the throats and wrists" spraying blood everywhere" lubricating the muscles of the diabolically evil menaces. (ne demon stood out in particular. ; blue demon with a crazed look in its eyes" glaring around at the others. %t unfurled its wings and $etted into the horde" slitting throats and tearing out hearts as it zoomed through. (h $olly good, %ts ;zul. :atan announced with delight. +ven %m afraid of him, -oull have fun with him. Kevin watched horrified as ;zul manically thrashed and sliced through the mob of demons" still fighting among themselves. (ne by one they were all slaughtered" pilling up" scattered on the ground like leaves from a tree at autumn with severed limbs still twitching. ;zul hovered for a moment before zooming into the sky. (h did % forget to mention your head start was over a few seconds ago' :atan mocked. #ith no time to act shocked" Kevin scurried up the ladder. The vortex must have been miles off and ;zul already looked like he covered a mile and a half. 7rom the pile of dismembered limbs" regenerated demons sprung forth" zooming past Kevin" shredding through the sound barrier. They attacked ;zul like bats nibbling on a weak rodent. Kevin knew they couldnt hold him off for long" even all together. He needed to get up there *uickly. %t was so hot in Hell. He could feel the heat fluttering through his hair" lifting it. %t got hotter and hotter. Kevin couldnt stand it. %t was beginning to make him sweat. 9ut he felt so light. 6ighter than before this challenge had started. %n fact" he was beginning to float. 7rom the pit a fountain of lava" a wall of fire shot out. %t spewed on upwards until it $ust barely reached Kevin. Kevin floating was conserved" until he was shot forward like a bullet. He realized the heat was lifting him up" since heat rises. :atan' #hat are you doing' ;ri asked. :atan smirked. %f you must know" % like the kid.

Kevin zipped passed the fluttering cloud of demons" all shredding each other to pieces" and reached the maximum height he could. He $ust managed to grab onto the ladder. 0azing down" the demons could have been somewhere close to eight miles below. The opening of the vortex that seemed like a dot from the base of the ladder was now a clear portal" which looked pure white. He was two miles off. 1loser than he was before. ;zul blasted through the other demons" headed down to the base of the ladder. #hats he doing' ;ri asked. :atan shushed her. ;zul reached the bottom and zoomed back up" splitting the steps with his claw. #;T1H ()T K+>%&, /artin 6uther King shouted. 7or Kevin" it was too late. #hen he looked down" all he could see was a blue blur flash pass him" leaving him to drift through the air. !ames was in his thoughts as he screeched through the air. !ames was always in his thoughts. ;lways. !ames was the blood blaring through his veins. !ames was the nerves in his fingers" feeling the wind whip through the openings. 7or a brief moment !ames was there with him. !ames' %m so sorry. Kevin apologized. Kevin" its ok. %ts hard" % know. !ames replied. !ames" will we ever see each other ever again' &o. Kevins eyes shot open. &((((((((((((((,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;zul stopped and looked down. The demons face was lit with fear and horror as he saw Kevin screeching through the air" shining brightly as he was covered in a pure white light. :;T;&, ;ri called out. =ont look at me, :atan defended himself Then who' :atan shrugged. (rders from above' Kevin phased through ;zul" obliterating him" zooming straight into the vortex.

CHAPTER 8: RESSURECTION. Kevin gasped for air on the bed. He slowly calmed and relaxed. He flopped back down on the thin mattress. He looked around him. %t was grey. &ot dark" but grey. To his right was a thick grey curtain" like the ones in the showers of hotels. To his left was a grey wall with pink blotches he could only assume were the remains of paint on the wall. ; shame@ it was a nice shade of pink for a wall to be painted with. Kevin looked across from his bed and saw another bed with someone in it. They looked asleep. ;bove their bed was a tall window. 7rom the view of a nearby window" Kevin could see a building. He witnessed as a missile shot into it from above and exploded" blowing a large bite mark into the building. %n our last sight" we shall see the angels with blood stained teeth fly down screeching gospels as they impale the wicked with 0od given spears of $ustice. ;fter which" all shall be silent. Kevin *uoted from a poem called 89efore we die. Kevin pulled himself out of the bed. 9y his bedside was a small table with a mirror. He picked up the mirror and examined himself. :kin" hair" teeth" limbs@ everything seemed $ust like it was before. )ntil Kevin noticed something peculiar down between his thighs. He unzipped his $eans and gasped with both shock and delight. His knees slammed down hard on the grey concrete floor and started to pray. Hail /ary" full of grace. -ou kind son of a bitch, -ou are the 0od, -ou hear me, -ou are the one and only 0od, !esus" % mean look at it, 1ould you have made me any luckier' !ust then" he remembered about !ames. He blessed out of the prayer and sprinted through the corridors" as he went past the doors" he glared into the grey rooms only to find more grey beds" taken by moaning souls. This cant be a hospital. Its too filthy and crowded. Kevin thought. He stopped and entered a room that caught his horror. He was a room piled with bodiesEdead ones. Kevin prayed that he wouldnt see !ames face among these poor victims. (ff in the distance another explosion was heard. Kevin tried to turn around to face the direction he heard it come in" but instead he saw several men and women with rifles holding aim to his face. (ne of the women" the only one wearing a /uslim head veil" widened her eyes in amazement. ?raise ;llah. %ts Kevin. The other =estruction 6overs. %ts a miracle. &o, (ne of the men called out. %t could be ;zul" like !ames said. Kevin was confused. He killed ;zul. ;nd it was then that he remembered what happened in Hell. The feeling of total purity" becoming a bright light" phasing through ;zul@ Kevin had no idea what happened there. He almost totally forgot about it. #ell take him to !ames and hell know. !ames coughed as small fragments from the ceiling cracked and sprinkled down on top of him and the map he was looking at. ;ny ideas' !ames asked (rwell" who was on the table the map was on. !ames' (rwell began" looking up to !ames and away from the map. Have you ever wondered how % can see if %m $ust a brain in a glass ball filled with fluid' To be dead honest %m still trying to figure out how you can roll around and yet youre brain doesnt roll with the movement. !ames replied.

!okes aside" % think our best way is through the 6iffey river. %t will be *uicker if we only go in small groups. &o" we couldnt risk leaving the rest exposed. !ames" have you seen the hospital wing' The rest are dropping like flies. 9y the time we get ready" the pile will be so big" we could build a bloody wall outside the mos*ue to hold off the troops for longer if we want another day to pick our arses. #ere not leaving anyone behind" even the sick. #e go in one large group or dont go at all. #e could let the sentinels protect them. :+&T%&+6, !ames called out. ; sentinel entered the room and waited. !ames pulled out a magnum and aim for the heart. The gun flinched back with the power of the bullet exiting the barrel. (ne shot through the sentinels left chest plate and it was down. !ames glanced at (rwell with an unsatisfied look. #asnt particularly bright placing the battery source in the same position as the heart would be in a human" the place 6abel 1o. troopers and snipers would aim for if they wanted a fatal shot" was it' Hey" % didnt design them. -es you did, #ellE% didnt design me. They did. 7or all % know they could have designed me so that % wasnt too perfect in case % ever get taken by the enemy. The enemy' Their enemy. =ont think about that shit. %m stressed enough as it is. The men" women" and Kevin entered the room. !ames looked up and his face dropped. He stumbled backward and tripped over an empty bullet shell. He crawled back as far as he could until he reached the wall. He pulled out his gun and aimed it to Kevin. He shook so much it frightened Kevin. #hat the fuck did you let ;zul in for' !ames *uestioned" still skittering. /)T%&-, (rwell screamed" before rolling onto the floor and hitting one of the men in the shins. The man didnt budge. (rwell rolled *uickly out of the room screaming youll never catch me . !ames" this is not a mutiny. #e found this guy who claims to be Kevin. He doesnt seem to be ;zul" but it could be a spy. !ames" please" its me. -ou have to believe me. Kevin tried to make !ames understand. % love you. The bullet $ust whisked past Kevin. !ames looked stern" with a face that read dont you ever say that . !ames picked himself up and walked straight to Kevin. Kevin never saw this in !ames. :o much in one year must have changed him. :+&T%&+6:, !ames called out. ;bout twelve sentinels entered the room" each carrying a single rifle" forming a circle around !ames" Kevin" the men" and the women. -ou lot" stand behind the sentinels. !ames ordered. The men and women stepped behind the sentinels. !ames pulled out another gun from his side holster. 0ive him dual pistols. !ames ordered. The men and women looked at each other and stalled. =( %T,

The woman wearing a head veil stepped forward and handed Kevin her two guns. :he made eye contact with Kevin and mouthed the words % believe you . /yself and Kevin developed a techni*ue called 8Two. %ts basically a strategic gun. slinging move where % fire for the vital areas of the body" andEKevin will defend me by ratcheting the bullets fired from the enemy. %f this really is Kevin then % will live. The others were shocked. !ames, #hat if hes a spy' Hell let you die, (ne of the men protested. Then % trust that youll take him down if he does. !ames looked around at the twelve sentinels surrounding them. :entinels" take aim. !ames ordered. #hen % say go" % want you fire at me and this guy. (ne sentinel fired straight away. This one was a retard robot. Kevin fired a single bullet which flipped the bullet back to the sentinel" hitting the battery source. % =%=&T :;- 0(, <obots really are retarded in the near future. The other sentinels aimed and fired. !ames ducked and covered" but he didnt get hit" nor did he feel anything streaming over his head. He looked around and saw each of the sentinels fall over backwards" each with a shot straight to the chest. !ames, (ne of the men called" pointing to the gun shot left in the walls from Kevins that deflected the sentinels. The woman with the veil winked. T;K+ H%/ T( /- <((/, %/ 0(%&0 T( %TT+<+0;T+ H%/ /-:+67, !ames bellowed. 7redrick ?arker was standing outside of the mos*ue. He wasnt alone. He was standing outside with troopers" swat teams" and tanks all pointing at the mos*ue door. He saluted ;gent 1ancer when she arrived. :he was used to the stares she got for being probably the only black person in %reland. 9ut she was spared because of her abilities and because she soon showed the ability to get on with her orders despite the soldiers glaring at her. /s. 1ancer" we await your orders. 7redrick informed. 1ancer looked bewildered and frightened. /- orders' :he replied. 7redrick only realized that she wasnt told about this situation. He knew ;gent 1ancers history with this type of siege. +ven he thought 6ord Oavier was being cruel with this strategic move. 6ord Oavier informed me personally at a briefing this morning that you were to be in charge of this siege. He also told me to tell you that your orders are for you to personally kill the =estruction 6overs and bring their corpses back to himEas trophies. 1ancer fell silent. %mE%m sorryE!ackie. 7redrick apologized. 1ancer made eye contact for the first time during the entire conversation. -ouE -esE% do. % have access to a number of private files. #hen % was told youre my superior" % thought % should learn a little about you. -ou mean you wanted to know why a black person was above you.

7redrick looked down on the ground. He stared at a fragment of a small stone lying on the ground. That small microscopic stone and him were one. They both felt so low" so small and bleakly tiny. ; small bit of me" those bastards got" did. The rest of me didnt. The rest of me was proud at least one black person made it alive. ?roud that at least one innocent soul didnt meet the same faith as my son. =octor (liver ?arkerE 1ancer said. 7redrick slowly raised his head in surprise. He was my =octor. 1ancer explained. %m alive because of him. ;nd % want to make sure you stay alive too. 1ancer held out a key to 7redrick" who slowly slipped it out of her palm. %ts the key to !ames and Kevins house" an abandoned barracks where they were staying until some troopers invaded it. Theyve left it now. 0o there and stay. %ll take care of things here. 7redrick saluted 1ancer before leaving his post. 1ancer watched as he walked away. :he turned around and saw ;gent /onkey 9oy waiting" swinging from his tail from a tanks blast barrel. 0o in and rip them apart. :coop out their bone marrow. :kin the ligaments from their $oints. 9ut most importantly" obliterate my ex.boyfriend. 1ancer ordered. ;nd in the blink of an eye" /onkey 9oy had teleported into the mos*ue. The door closed. !ames room was a converted library" still with the bookcases against the walls. /ost of the books were different edition versions of the Koran. That was of course until the refugees arrived" seeking shelter and brought some of their books with them. The copies of pornography some brought were burnt and urinated on. !ames stood stern" facing the base of the door. Kevin was in the middle of the room. He was frightened. The way !ames acted" the way he talked earlier on in the other room@ he changed. #hat did you say' !ames asked" turning around to fully face Kevin. Kevin only realized there he was thinking aloud. =id you $ust say %ve changed' 7or lack of words" Kevin nodded. !ames plunged into an embracing kiss" streaming his hands through Kevins hair and on his back" ruffling his clothes. Kevin *uickly followed and groped the sides of !ames torso. They maneuvered themselves across the room and both tripped onto !ames 8bed 4a mattress on the floor5. Kevin scooped his hands under !ames shirt and skimmed his palms off !ames abs" dragging the brim of the shirt across. ;bs' Kevin in*uired. !ames normally only had a plain flat tone stomach. !umping fences and a lot of flipping. !ames informed. 9ombard' -eah (h. ;nd as *uickly as that" !ames tongue was back in Kevins mouth" scaling everywhere. !ames took off his shirt entirely. He could feel Kevins hands slither across his back and under his $eans and underwear waist line. % love you.

% love you too. Tabatha was still outside the mos*ue" searching for other refugees with !apanese Thing. (rwell was beginning to worry. He was on a window sill looking out across the city. 6abel 1o.s new spear looked bigger and better than the last one. (rwell looked over at the corner of the city and he automatically saw the new 6abel 1o. broadcast studio" larger than it was before. (rwell even heard rumours that they could a new super computer to design their entertainment" called 0eorge. %t was then" (rwells creativity was sparked. He called in a sentinel. !ames was as exhausted as the springs in his mattress. The windows were steamed up with condensation from their exhaled air. !esus" Kevin, !ames sighed" flopping onto the mattress" soon followed by Kevin who nuzzled himself into his neck. #hat the fuck, -ou went psycho on me. (n you and your ass. Kevin remarked. Kevin shoved himself into !ames face and pressed his lips firmly against his" before pulling back to breath. Think of me in the dark" until the sun comes back. The thought of me will fight off the vampires as they attack. :tay still@ let me cure your ill. /y kisses will lubricate this love % have for you in my pants. 6etting you $oin me in the bedroom ballroom for a vertical tango dance. Kevin sang. !ames giggled. 6ooks like death had a good effect on you. 6ets $ust say death is a late appreciation for life that everyone alive should have. 9ut enough of that" can you please bring me up to date in the last year or so. FuicklyE.6ord Oavier did a ma$or crack down. 7ound shit loads of underground groups of like /uslims and !ews. ; few lesbians in those fancy ladies only gyms. #ell that gym thing isnt too shocking. Kevin remarked. <ebuilt the 6abel 1o. broadcast stationErebuilt the spearEmade public executions. 1losed the cafKsE 1losed the cafKs' ;nd the library" and the schools" and the cinemas. ;ny medium that exchanges free ideas. Kevin looked around and gestured around the room. ;wEwell. !ames began. #ell me" Tabatha" (rwell" !apanese Thing" and the sentinels were running away. 6abel 1o. found our place and probably still have it. ;nyway" we were running" and a small boy spotted us and told us about this mos*ue. To cause a distraction so we could escape the 6abel 1o. guards coming after us" we put a copy of a book about black pop.culture in his hands and shoved him in the way of the guards. ?oor kid. :o what do we have here' <efugees of different sorts' #hite beatniks@ some gay. /uslims@ some are extremists" some liberals. 7rench" ;mericans" +nglish" +ast +uropeanEthe list goes on. Kevin got up and dressed. He felt chilly so he went to the closet to get a $acket. He opened the closet doors to see /onkey 9oy standing there" glaring through his mask with his eyes. He slammed the double doors closed and held his back against it.

#hats wrong' !ames $umped out of the bed" naked. TH+<+: ;& +>%6 /(&K+- %& TH+ 16(:+T, /onkey 9oy teleported outside of the closet and grabbed Kevin and teleported him to the :pear where he hung Kevin by his $eans. /onkey 9oy then returned to !ames and slammed his face through the closet door" pulled him out and then slammed him through the door of the library and out into the hallway where a few people were walking through. !ames gun was back in the room beside the bed. He tried to scurried back in and tried to shift around /onkey 9oy" but was kicked back into the hall. /onkey 9oy leapt into the air and descended onto !ames with claws of fury" scratching !ames torso and arms" opening thick gashes. !ames managed to poke his fingers into /onkey 9oys eyes. /onkey 9oy wailed in pain" staggering backwards" teleporting to random places in the corridors. :ome people came over and aided !ames. 0et him to the hospital wing, 7ix those cuts, (ne of the men said" before taking shots at /onkey 9oy" which lead to his throat being sliced open and his head flipping backwards as if it had oily and free hinges. Kevin dangled on top of the spear by one of the belt holsters on his $eans. The wind was sharply cold and Kevins nipples became $ust as sharp. The crowd growing below were startled. 9ut not by the fact that there was a semi.nude guy on top of a monument. ?aul" look, %ts that guy" Kevin, (ne of the =estruction 6overs, /ichael said to ?aul. #hich ones that' The one that looks like Ted 9undy' ?aul asked. &o" the other one. ?aul and /ichael were going to talk more until they were hit in the head with tear gas cans. The crowd *uickly dispersed like a fly mesh in the rain. 7rom the streets downwards came !apanese Thing" in its gigantic beast form" ridden by Tabatha" who was hurling tear gas canisters into the public. T;99-" 0+T /+ =(#&, Kevin shouted for help. !apanese Thing halted right below the :pear. Tabatha used her repulsion powers to slip Kevin off the :pear. ;s the wind whisked through Kevins hair" he thought to himself that Tabatha wasnt particularly sane at this point of time. His life flashed before his eyes. ;lthough" since he was only resurrected from Hell $ust today" this flash was severely short since he had to start life all over again. :o this flash was literally made up of waking up in the hospital" finding the pile of dead bodies" finding !ames" sex" being put up on the :pear by /onkey 9oy" and now falling to his dead. The flash finally ended with a painful thud" to which Kevin found himself hovering over Tabatha. Hey. :he greeted" before relaxing her magnetic powers and letting him drop onto the ground which was only two meters below him. !apanese Thing licked Kevin from head to toe. (f course" Kevin didnt know what the hell this thing was. #hat is that' Kevin *uestioned. %ts !apanese thing. Kevin stared into !apanese Things big" wide" round white eyes with their thick black outer circles. Hey little fella. Kevin greeted.

!apanese Thing playfully pinned him down and licked him until he was completely drenched. Kevin giggled maniacally. :top, ?lease" ha.ha.ha.ha.ha.ha, Hurry up, Tabatha screeched. #e have to get out of here *uickly. Kevin clabbered on top of !apanese Thing and scrunched up his fur to cling onto for safety. !apanese Thing kicked off and streamed through the streets. They started to slow down as the felt the tremendous rupture of the earth below them. They looked to the spear behind as it vibrated" ringing out like a tuning fork. (ne of the sides of the spear opened out like a wing of a bird spreading its span" about to take flight. 9ut in this intense a gun torrent e$ected forth. The same thing happened to the other side. ;t the base" thicker" torrents sprouted and managed to uproot the entire spear out from the street. ;nd finally" the point at the top split open to reveal an eye" shifting frantically from left to right. %t seemed that when 6abel 1o. rebuilt the :pear" they made a few alterations. Tabatha sternly stared at the gigantic mech before sighing and sliding off !apanese Thing. Tabby, 0et back on, Kevin called out as Tabatha as she marched toward the :pear. !apanese Thing, Tabatha ignored Kevin. Take Kevin back to the mos*ue, !apanese Thing zoomed down the street in a mad dash. Tabatha inhaled and exhaled deeply several times before sprinting off. The monstrously huge machine scanned Tabatha and recognized her. %t took aim and opened fire. Tabathas eyes glowed" but black. The bullets ).turned and stabbed the giants eye" rendering its sensors ineffective. 9ut that didnt stop it frantically firing bullets everywhere" shooting through civilians unlucky enough to get caught in the Tabatha tried to save as many as possible" but there was only so many she could focus" while still battling the giant mechanical beast. Tabatha expelled a massive" swift force to the :pears body" toppling it backwards. 9ut it was not done yet. %t managed to support itself with all four gun torrents. %t was able to lift up at least one gun torrents while the others supported the base of the body. Tabatha needed to either stop it" or get it away from the people. ;nd since it would be impossible to lead a gigantic 6abel 1o. robot out of =ublin city without gaining at least a small bit of 6abel 1o. attention" she decided she had only one option. :he would have to find her way into the robot and erupt a massive repulsion force" tearing the it apart. /onkey 9oy screeched through the hallways with laughter as he chased !ames 4who was still naked after making love to Kevin5. =odging the bullets fired by people in the halls who !ames pushed past was almost as much fun for /onkey 9oy as slicing their necks with his claws. !ames was bleeding severely from his own cut wounds. The people trying to help !ames to the hospital wing were all dead. /onkey 9oy could $ust as easily teleport himself in front of !ames and finish off there. 9ut he didnt. !ames" in his rush of frantic fear" didnt consider the possibility that /onkey 9oy was toying with him" despite the clear distinction of the madness driven laughter chasing behind him. ;s !ames ran through the hallway" a door was opened by a group of children. They signaled !ames to come in. !ames took it without hesitation. %t was a closet. The door closed shut" leaving the children and !ames in the dark. &o one made a sound. They listened. -+++;<0H,

:hoot it, 7ucking shoot it, /y guns $ammed, ; loud round was heard. !esus" /ark, ((H.((H.;;H.;;H, ((H.;;H" ((H.;HH, ; loud bang slammed into the door of the closet. 0(=" &(, ?6+;:+" &(, The children heard the skin being shred off bone" sounding like ripping paper" only louder. ; thud was felt from a short vibration on the floor. :ilence filled the air as blood seeped under the door" slowly touching the shoes of the children and eventually !ames bare feet. /onkey 9oy had teleported himself to some other part of the mos*ue" but unfortunately teleportation doesnt make a sound. !ames was left naked in a closet with children" staying *uiet" all wanting to cry out loud 4even !ames5. ;gent 1ancer waited outside. =arkness was forming. 7lood lights were used to direct high powered beams of artificial light on the windows. The soldiers were told to take constant aim on the windows. The idea was that the light would keep the rebels from sleeping" and if anyone tried to block up the windows" theyd be shot. 1ancer kept her eyes on the front door as she heard 7redrick ?arks walk up towards her. The boys are getting restless. ?eople who take orders need orders constantly. ;nd when people who take orders dont get orders" they start to *uestion things and make up their own orders. 7redrick began. #hy is this any of my concern' 1ancer hissed. 7redrick took in a big inhale. Theyre asking why dont we $ust barge in and shoot everyone. :ome have even said air.striking it will not only kill everyone" but also handle the demolition of this mos*ue as well" which % have to admit" would save money and time. #ell first off" you can tell your men anything they have to say" theyll say it to my face. :econd" tell them to stop telling $okes that either begin with 8two black guys walk into a bar" 8what do you call a blackE" or even 8why are blacks soE (h" and lastly" tell them we cant risk losing our men in a stupid" frantic raid. =ont pretend you wouldnt want that. 7redrick commented" before walking away. The elevator continued to descend deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper.

;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper. ;nd deeper.

(rwell was escorted in the elevator by three sentinels" each carrying sacks of tools. The idea was to reinstall (rwell in the super computer at the new 6abel 1o.s broadcast system" and broadcast (rwells memories of the last year or so. The door opened" revealing the same room" $ust as he left it. 6ucy" %m home, (rwell called out $okingly. The huge dome above flashed as a thick" thundering voice filled the room with a sense of ominous. % am 0eorge. -ou have exactly two minutes to aware me to your purpose here before % notify the authorities of your presence. %m (rwell" and were here to fuck you up and save the =estruction 6overs. ; short silence following (rwells sentence was abruptly killed by the loud siren and constant flashing red lights. %&T<)=+<, %&T<)=+<, -ou sound like a =erlek, (rwell mocked" before the sentinels clambered up the side of the walls with the tools. #hat are you doing' 0eorge asked" silencing the alarm. #ere going to e$ect you from the main frame and insert me back in so % can broadcast my account of 6abel 1o.s campaign. -ou want it" come get it, 0eorge e$ected himself out" reveling himself as a similar form as (rwell" another brain in a glass ball. 0eorge charged forward" ramming straight into (rwell" ricocheting him off the wall. (rwell rolled away from 0eorge" but was soon followed. The walls met the floor in a circular curled corner. They both picked up speed and momentum" eventually appearing as two dots leaving a tail behind them. They descended higher and higher up the wall. 0eorge rammed down onto (rwell as he came up on his left. ;s (rwell tried to swerve back up" 0eorge $etted straight through one of (rwells sentinels" obliterating it. (rwell zipped pass the raining parts. 9ut he tripped over one part and was sent hurling through the air. 0eorge was going straight for another sentinel who was still climbing on the wall" but was stopped by (rwell" who smashed right into him. 9oth (rwell and 0eorge descended down the wall and stopped in the centre. Their spheres were cracked. They each zoomed in opposite directions" up the walls until the reach the maximum point they could. Then they roared down the walls. 0eorge couldnt help but slice through another sentinel. :ound whipped past both of them until they finally collided in the centre. They met like two walls" neither budging" but both trying to use all their force. The cracks got bigger and more netted. :ome of the synovial fluid from the spheres leaked out. ;nd then eventually the last sentinel climbed down" compressed 0eorges sphere so much" the glass shattered and he was no more than $ust a dead brain on the ground. (rwell peered up and grunted. -ou know" that really did kill the fun. (rwell unit" alterations to the main frame are complete. /y processing declared that it was necessary to eliminate the 0eorge unit in order for the (rwell unit to upload the (rwell units memory database. % estimate that we have fifty minutes before the security units come. )ploading will take at maximum five minutes. The sentinel explained.

%n the dark" we found the television blaring" :ounds heard before" ;nd are nevermore. #e saw the children cries #e heard their screams for nights" #henever we closed ours eyes" (r turn off the lights. &o" we never knew life until then" &or the cruelty of men. 9ut in the apocalypse we saw lovers kiss" 0iving hope to a world like this. The above was a poem written years after all of %reland watched (rwells memories of the past year. (f Kevins death" of the frantic cruelty of 6ord Oavier" of !ames struggle to save lives while still dealing with Kevins death. The most moving memory was of !ames carrying a dead girl with tears streaming down his face. Her body was pricked with gun wounds. (rwell couldnt bare the thought of remembering that they later found out she was raped. ; dead body no more than six in appearance. 9ut" the recent memory of Kevin resurrection gave hope to all of %reland. ;s soon as the broadcast was done" men and women" ranging from young teenager to consistently old grabbed whatever they could@ guns" bats" shovels" kitchen knifes and cleavers" screw drivers" hammers" and even" for a few" torches and pitchforks" and marched through =ublin to the mos*ue" with the intent to drive away the forces surrounding the mos*ue. 7redrick was about to order for a riot control team" but was shocked when the crowd was blown away" some flying up into the air and falling to their death. The ma$ority that was lucky enough to be $ust knocked away retreated. The 6abel 1o. soldiers turned their gaze in amazement to 1ancer. :he was still looking at the mos*ue and was still able to knock all those civilians away. 7redrick smirked and turned to one of the soldiers. :o ?aul' :till want to tell that $oke about how many black people does it take to screw in a light bulb' 1ancer smirked to herself as she heard the soldier frantically return back to their posts. %ts good to see you smile. 7redrick started" as he positioned himself beside her. &othing more beautiful than a beautiful girl smiling. 1ancer turned and faced 7redrick" looking like shes about to say something. ;re you hitting on me' &ow why would a psychic be asking me that" unless she likes me enough to not read my mind' !ames wondered through the hallway finally clothed and armed. He passed closed doors" all of which were wailing cries. He was done hiding. He was going to face his fears. The helicopters circling outside beamed eerie shards through the windows. 7rom the darkest depths of the opposite side of the hallway" /onkey 9oy appeared. He looked calm and peaceful" almost at ease. !ames slowly held out his hand and called /onkey 9oy over. /onkey 9oy surprisingly walked over. They both knew what was going to

happen. The look on !ames face said it loud and clear. Time slowed down like a concept album. The black parade was going to come and carry one of them off to the so call paradise in the sky. #hen /onkey 9oy finally reached !ames" !ames asked was he ready. He nodded. He stepped into a room together and closed the door. !apanese Thing galloped through =ublin like a beast from Hell on 8speed. Kevin clung on for dear life. They whizzed past Trinity college" when" from the very college" a procession of tanks burst out" crushing a few pedestrians. The tanks charged after them. +ven though the tanks missiles missed them" !apanese Thing and Kevin still had to dodge the debris coming from the buildings that did get hit. Kevin pulled himself up to !apanese Things ear. Keep going, %ll try to stop them, Kevin let go of the clump of fur he bundled up and flew off !apanese Things back and managed to cling onto the hatch of the closest tank. The tank behind took aim and fired $ust after Kevin leapt off and onto the last tank. The tank ahead of the one Kevin $ust landed on rotated its torrent around and fired $ust after Kevin $umped off and landed on the last tank. !;?;&+:+ TH%&0, Kevin called. !apanese Thing looked back and was more than delighted to turn around" stop" and halted the tank with his paw. !apanese Thing opened the tank with his claws like a chainsaw cutting through a wet tissue. The 6abel 1o. tank operator stunk of urine and shit. 6eave him. Kevin ordered clambering back onto of !apanese Thing. They were about to ride off until they saw Tabatha sprint around the corner. Tabatha' #hats wrong' Kevin asked. Tabatha leapt on *uickly" using her own powers to spring her up. 7)1K%&0 <)&, !ust as !apanese Thing dashed off" the giant robot Tabatha was fighting soon followed" still blinded" firing in every direction. 1ancer still stood facing the mos*ue. =awn was beginning to break. 9ut then she heard firing from behind. :he turned around and saw 6abel 1o. soldiers firing and being knocked aside by !apanese Thing. 1ancer looked carefully and saw Kevin and Tabatha riding on top of them. :he also noticed (rwell being carried in the distance by one of his sentinels. 7redrick came toddling up to 1ancer" asking for orders. :he told him to let them pass. #ithout hesitation" he pro$ected those orders through his walky.talky. He was slightly happy about that order. =espite the fact they whizzed past at an alarming speed" Kevin was still able to say Hey 7reddy to 7redrick. They bunched up to the entrance of the mos*ue and realized something. How were they going to get in' (?+& TH+ =((<, %T: ):, %T: K+>%& ;&= T;9;TH; ;&= (<#+66, Kevin shouted. Hows that suppose to work, 7or all they know" we could be the soldiers, Tabatha commented.

#+<+ &(T TH+ :(6=%+<:, Kevin called out. #ell" if that doesnt convince themE (rwell added. =ont worry@ were safe with !apanese Thing. !ust then" for a random reason" !apanese Thing reverted back into his original small" cute self. %m going to hurt you. (rwell said to Kevin. (H 7)=0+ TH%:, Tabatha said before forcing the door open with her powers. They all scurried inside" $ust to be welcomed by /onkey 9oy. They all froze as they saw his body on the floor" towered by !ames. !;/+:, Kevin s*uealed out. They both ran into each others arms and embraced each other in a locked kiss. Tabatha smiled to herself. -ou know" you two really need a couples get.away trip" something like a weekend break in Kildare or something. Tabatha $oked when !ames and Kevin finally detached their lips from each other. %m more of a little break in a cabin kind of guy. &ear a lake" not too fancy. !ames replied. #hile the others talked" (rwells sentinel walked over to /onkey 9oys corpse and removed the monkey mask from his face. The smiles stopped when !ames and Kevin recognized the face. %t was -uri. (hEmyE Kevin muttered" before walking over and bending down. -uri was a friend of ours. !ames explained to Tabatha" as they sat down to have a cup of tea. He was ;sian. !ames stopped there. % always heard stories like -uris. Tabatha explained. :ome of the people that were taken in would do anything to live. Those 6abel 1o. bastards let thousand of poor young girls live. :ome of the sick ones wouldnt even care how young they were. %f the girls could say 8% want to live and could do whatever they were told to" they were taken. ; few dirty bastards wouldnt even care if the girls werent old enough to talkElet alone crawl. The ones that were lucky enough to be spared their lives and sexual torture were different $obs. -ou know" laborers" literally slaves. :ome of those soldiers out there would have been former laborers" literally taken because of the shortage of numbers and because their offenses werent too bad" like being a protester" or beatniks" or even $ust people who ate at a 1hinese restaurant and were unlucky enough to be caught. 9ut eventually all the sex slaves" laborers" and soldier positions were filled. :o if you wanted to live" you gave yourself up to experiments. ;nd you and your brother were in these experiments' -eah. They had hundred shit things going on. #e were altered so we could control the magnetic fields. 9ut there were other shit going on. Teleportation" time travel" turning things into gold" invisibility" mind alteration. 9ut some of the experiments didnt make sense@ they were $ust curiosity kind of stuff. How much weight can one person handle if they were given steroids" can a person calculate life into a mathematical e*uationE #ait, 1alculate life'

The idea was that you could calculate the probability of life based on taking into consideration as much knowledge as possible. %t involve a lot of things and theories. The basics of it rely on the 1haos theory. The theory that a butterfly in 9razil" flapping its wings" could cause a chain reaction that eventually causes a twister in !apan' :omething like that % think. The point is -uri must have been put in one of these experiments. !ames fell silent. Tabatha was about to reach out and hold !ames hand" until a loud voice was pro$ected through a pair of speakers outside. %t was 7redrick. !;/+: ;&= K+>%&, TH+ ?(?+ %: H+<+ T( T;6K T( -(), Kevin emerged into the room" looking to !ames. The ?ope' Kevin said. !ames stood up and walked out of the room" through the hallways and peered out from where the door once was. #hen Kevin and Tabatha arrived" !ames took his head back in and said %ts the bloody ?ope. <eally' The ?ope' 6ike" 8dee ?ope' 9oth !ames and Kevin poked their heads out" before pulling them back in. (h my 0od" thats the ?ope, Kevin said. % told it was the ?ope. !ames added. <eally' %ts the actual ?ope' 6et me see. Tabatha said before peering with !ames and Kevin. (nce again they pulled their heads back in. /y 0od, %ts the ?ope. ;fter everyone in the mos*ue" including (rwell and the refugees looked outside and saw the ?ope" the ?ope grabbed a microphone and spoke into the speaker. /y children" please" stop this violence. -ou must understand this goes against 0od and his law. 0ive yourself up" and you will be cleansed in the holy light of 0od. #ho knows" you may even learn to love a woman again. There was a moment of silence until !ames peered out and fired a bullet directly through his head. :urprisingly" everyone was in so much shock" !ames was able to walk back into the mos*ue. Kevin peered his head out and shouted #e dont like pussy followed by !ames saying % slightly do . The world was never the same again. 1ancer roared with a voice of thunder. Her eyes blared bolts of lightning. The sky turned a bright crimson red" and will forever stay that way. The moon grew bigger and changed into a $agged form. The mos*ue glowed and disintegrated" revealing the few hundred still living refugees and the =estruction 6overs. 1ancer continued to unleash her fury until Kevin called out to her. !ackie' 1ancer calmed down and looked at Kevin. %ts been awhile hasnt it Kev. 1ancer called out. -eah" it has. =idnt think it would end like this" did you' &o. % suppose % didnt expect this when we broke up. 6ike % said@ the world was never the same again.

#H;T, +veryone" except !ames" Kevin" and 1ancer" called out in shock, #ait a mo hoe, KevinEwas your boyfriend' 9ut !ames is the one whos bi, Tabatha called out. 1ancer s*uinted to recognize Tabathas face. (h" ;gent <epel. % almost didnt recognize you for a second. How are you' 7ine. -ou know youve been fired as a 6abel 1o. agent for treason. % sort of *uit. =id % not tell you guys that' &o. 9ut dont worry@ no big deal. :ame ending. :orry@ (rwell spoke =o you mind filling us in on the whole how can you and a gay have been together' Kevin wasnt gay when we were going out. 9ut % suppose he $ust one day realized he was. #e broke up" and we stayed friends. %n fact" % introduced him to !ames. He was on the rebound and % took the left overs. !ames $oked" but to no amusement. 7redrick coughed" which surprisingly got a lot of attention. Hey, %ts 7reddy, !ames cheered. 7redrick bellowed a loud cheerful laugh. Havent laughed like that in a year. 0ood to see you lads again. #hat are you doing here' (h" well %m sorry to say we have to kill you all. ;w, <eally' =o you have to' -es" %m afraid so. (rders and all. &o" no" we understand. #e dont want you to be in any trouble or anything. 9ut like" could you not give us a bit of an edge' !ust something" since theres a load of you lot. ;ctually %m here to kill you. 1ancer interrupted. %t was only then that they noticed the sky was red. 7ear washed over them like a mist" filling their lungs. Heaven help us. 1ancer raised her hand. 1louds gathered. :tars grew so bright they out shone the sun enough to be seen through the morning glow on the already raised sun. +very pet in =ublin was howling" screeching" barking" hissing" and roaring with animalistic intensity. The ground shook" the air steamed" eyes watered" skin thickened. 0oodbye =estruction 6over, 0oodbye forever, 1ancer clenched his fist and summoned a beam of light for the gods which destroyed her. The world was never the same again. 1ancer left the world in an abrupt sense of madness. 7or those in %ndia" 1hicago" :audi ;rabia" Tokyo" and other places that werent =ublin" they didnt know what made the sun dwindle in the sudden superiority of the other stars" or what made the sky go red" or why the air felt thick with steam. ;ll they knew was people shit a brick. 1haos sunk into the world. 7rom then on the communities were divided by &eo.&azis" religious fanatics" and &eanderthals who all said that these omens was 0ods way of saying that their cause was $ust and must be accomplished before the great end. 7redrick turned around and realized that his soldiers left" all frightened by the storm. He faced !ames and Kevin. 7redrick chuckled loudly and raised his arms. % willingly surrender.

Kevin grew a giant smirk on his face. -ou will become the strategic organizer for our battle against 6abel 1o. !ames $aw dropped. 9attle' #ith what army' !ust then" the angry mob that retreated earlier on had returned. They slowly walked up and gathered around with smiles. (ne in the crowd shouted =own with 6abel 1o. . ;nother said >ictory up the ass baby, " followed by more" such as Take back %reland " 6ets show those bastard how to fight, " and even % want black woman back, They were hot, . Kevins smirk grew even bigger. %f you didnt have such a cute smile" %d put my fist through it, !ames $oked.

CHAPTER ": STAND. +very room in the barracks were full of revolutionaries" those would be immortalized in thought. :urprisingly" everyone was getting along well. The mos*ue was filled with beatniks" /uslims" !ews" and multicultural non.nationals" who were all getting along well with the usual white" catholic" =ublin proletarians. ;t first" the =ubliners stayed with the =ubliners" but after a few days" cli*ues mixed with each other to form bigger ones. The =ublin fishermen mixed with the ?ortuguese and the !apanese" the factory workers mixed with the 1hinese and far +astern +uropeans" and the woman went straight to the gay ?hilippine guys. =ublin women werent the prettiest to look at unless they had at least one gay best friend. The guns were obtained with no problem. ;fter all" Kevin $ust had to pull up a floor board to find some shells. (n one occasion" when he was getting some ammunition for a veiled /uslim woman" he pulled out a ?icket /issile and launcher. The woman grabbed them with a sinister glow on her face and ran off. 7redrick was the only one who knew where 6abel 1o. was@ like the actual" one hundred percent real 6abel 1o. head*uarters. 9eing in power for so long they moved out of the broadcast station years ago. Thankfully" there were maps of =ublin in the barracks@ old ones" but they still had a good enough lay out of =ublin. There, 7redrick pointed with his great big sausage finger poking into the map. <ight there, Thats it, !ames waved 7redricks finger away and peered down. Kevin entered with a tray of tea. !ames looked back up 7redrick with a puzzled look. ;re you sure' !ames asked 7redrick" taking his tea from Kevin. % know" but its true. 7redrick answered. #hat' Kevin asked" but was ignored. 9utEwellE% suppose its slightly ironic. #hat' % thought that the first time % $oined. % suppose its $ust creative. #hat' -eah" % guess. #H;T, 9oth !ames and 7redrick stared at Kevin. :orry. % $ust wanted to know what you were talking about. !ames coughed and tried to hide a smile. %ts the 6abel 1o. head *uarters. %ts an +asons store. +asons' 6ike the book shop' -eah" talk about irony. The place for a fascist government to give orders is a book shop" a place where ideas and cultures are exchanged. % doubt theyll let us in. Theyll try to hold us outside. 7redrick commented. (rwells got at least one hundred and fifty sentinels left. #eve got half of =ublin with us" and shit load of pissed off foreign nationals. Theyve got the other half of =ublin" the whole nation" and a bunch of freaks still left" and a shit load of weapons. The tea was drunk before another sound was made. 7redrick left the room so !ames and Kevin could be together for possibly last time.

% like parades. 9lack powers parades" gay pride parades" :t. ?atricks =ay parade@ love em all. 9ut can you imagine how interesting it must have been to see a something million person parade. ;nd leading the front were our five heroes@ !ames" Kevin" Tabatha" (rwell" and 7redrick. -ears from that day" history books would write them as the five people who saved the world" humanity" and" of course" freedom. They each had a story to tell. !ames and Kevin loved each other so much" they were willing to die" not $ust for each other" but for what they each stood for. %f thats not love" then we are all doomed. Tabatha was left in the dark" fooled by the lies she was told. :he owes everything to !ames and Kevin" for showing her the truth" the cruelty she was fueling if she stayed. (rwell" the artist" like all artists" knew that creativity and fascism could never co.exist. ;nd 7redrick" the man who swore his life to his country" found a higher loyalty he needed to fulfill@ the loyalty to his son. These five heroes" successful or con*uered" will still be heroes. Hey. Kevin called out. -ou know what $ust crossed my mind' #hat' (rwell replied. The whole thing with !ackie destroying herself. Thinking by the ex are we' !ames" %d be careful if % were you. (rwell $oked. 7redrick sighed. !ackie was one of the most unstable experiment sub$ects we had. The cancer that was infected in her brain gave her a small pick of +:?" which we tried to enhance. The result was unexpected. :he had powers" as you all saw. :he was very unpredictable during tests" both with her powers and her emotions. (ne moment shed be crying violently while everyone felt a strange sense of calm" and then another minute she could be happy while some sort of weird alien monster was killing everyone. Her powers were some what similar to another sub$ect we had" /ichael 9ishop. He created 9ombard. %ronically" he was killed by bombard too. #e were so afraid !ackie would do something similar that we gave her a position of power" so she wouldnt have free time to think of such a monster. %dle hands" after all. 9ut why would she destroy herself' Tabatha asked. /aybe % put it too politely. !ackie was bonkers, 7redrick chuckled a little. #e slightly regret even testing on her. 7redrick sighed. %m so sorry for everything. % fueled this beast. 6abel 1o. used me like >iagra. % helped give birth to this monster of a world. Tabatha slapped 7redrick firmly across the cheek. :top it, -ou didnt do anything wrong, 7redricks face turned white and he begun to shake. &ow come on, % didnt hit you that hard, Tabatha protested. :he only noticed after a while that his gaze passed right through her. The parade had stopped. :he turned around and saw 9ombard" standing there with his insidious smile. That smile was a manic look that pierced fear into the hearts in the parade. 9ombards big crooked spiral eyes glared at everyone. His attention was caught when Tabatha stepped a meter or two closer. Hello 9ombard. =o you remember me' :he asked. 9ombard nodded. =o you want to help us destroy 6abel 1o.'

The next nod was welcoming. ; massive sigh of relief washed over the parade as they carried on" now led by six. Kevin and !ames kept their distance as 9ombard waved to them. Hes not a bad guy. Tabatha explains. He $ust likes to blow things up. He doesnt distinguish between good or bad. =oes that make him evil' Tabatha asked" putting on her own sinister smile. !ames and Kevin held each other tight and stepped even further away. The irony. %n a single room sat 6ord Oavier" reading. ; small stack of books piled up beside the arm.chair which was the only piece of furniture in the room. 6ord Oaviers black leather trench coat rustled across the leather of the chair. The thick black leather mask and thick black goggles followed the words incisively. The irony that a dictator would be reading 7antastic /r. 7ox . The door slammed open. The clanking" thundering boots of a foot.soldier interrupted the bliss. :ir, The =estruction 6overs are marching this way with a mob of civilians. 6ord Oavier fired a bullet that sprayed the small chunks of the soldiers head out of the room and into corridor outside. &ow % lost my line. 6ord Oavier remarked. The mob marched through the streets of =ublin" picking up more and more freedom fighters" like a raindrop picking up mass as in slides down a window after a *uick shower. The elders in the pubs watched" knowing they were lost" the generation who cant be redeemed and will eventually fade out" their knowledge and experience drift away by the breeze due to their own status" never to become fit in the new society. The young boys and girls have the look of anger and wisdom smeared on their faces. They know they will inherit a world where no one knows whats going on. The women stroke their unplanted wombs. They will be the machines" the single most powerful mechanisms that will fuel the brains of the new kingdom. +verything will be reinvented@ religion" politics" society" humanity" everything. % spyEwith my little eyeEsomething beginning with 81. Kevin said. 1ar' !ames asked. &o. 1haos' (rwell introduced. &o. 1hildren' 7redrick said" pointing to the children following the mob. &o. 9ombard tapped Kevin on the shoulder and pointed up at the overcast of clouds. 9ombard got it. (ut of curiosity" Tabatha began" what happened to the giant spear thing' %t was chasing us" but we lost it. %m sure 6abel 1o. dismantled it and reset it. Kevin proposed. They arrived at +asons soon enough. ;nd there they met the armed 6abel 1o. armada in its full presence@ soldiers" tanks" helicopters" and even the Lombie King" accompanied by his only friends. (rwells sentinels took the front line and marked the

front line 6abel 1o. bazooka units. The helicopters twirled around the area in a spiral" like vultures circling corpses. The tanks stayed where they were" like nin$as waiting in the shade of cherry blossom trees. Kevin' Kevin heard $ust before he faced the direction the voice called from. 7rom the same direction an in$ection shot forth and was planted into the side of Kevins neck. %t was an anesthetic. Kevin collapsed beneath 9ombard" who looked at !ames with his always frightening appearance. 0et him somewhere safe. !ames ordered before rushing off. 6ord Oavier waited on a rooftop. He nodded to one of the soldiers" who gave the order for the front line to fire the bazookas. The missiles fired out with speed and accuracy" like they were being pulled across a washing line. The sentinels wasted no time in charging forward and managing to land on top of them and surfing them away from the mob and up into the sky. :ome managed to collide pairs of missiles together and land onto the mass of 6abel 1o. soldiers" while the others navigated the missiles to strike the helicopters which fell out of the sky like feathers on fire" settling onto the tanks which were rendered less than worthless. The mob took this advantage to charge forward only to be stopped by the Lombie King and his frightening new minionELombie 1laus. Tearing through the crowd in his $olly attire of red and white tattered clothes with large rips showing a missing section of his torso" Lombie 1laus traditional 8ho.ho.ho was replaced with a monstrous gurgle which sounding similar to 8hawr.hawr.hawr. Tabatha blasted a large opening through the zombie mass to rescue the unlucky people of Lombie 1laus 8naughty list. Hey bitch, The Lombie King called out" before knocking Tabatha onto the ground with his guitar. :he spat out blood and smirked. Hey #illy, :he called out before she used her powers to send the Lombie Kings guitar flying in an alley. The zombies around him stopped and stared at him hungrily. (h shit, He called out before running away" being chased by the deformed ghouls. !ames reached the rooftop. 6ord Oavier turned around" unmasked" letting her bright ginger hair flow down. !ames was in shock. ;6%1+, %ronic" isnt it. &ormally its something like the heros father or evil twin brother or someone male related that turns out to be the villain. ;nd yet here % am" you little sis. Hows it been bro' :till a faggot' ;lice said" removing her thick leather coat" revealing an outfit more suiting to her young female shape. 9utEwhy' =oes the matter' This isnt a movie" where the villain gives his reason for being evil. ;lice" if this has to do with you being raped" then youre going about it the wrong way. ; 7%6TH- 96;1K 7)1K+< >%6(;T+= /+ !;/+:, That still doesnt $ustify all this. -ou were raped" but you raped by a rapist" not someone representing his entire race or religion. 1rime is still out there" and you got rid

of everyone not white" %rish" catholic. How do you explain that' %ts human nature to do bad deeds" not something exclusive to one particular group of people. This is wrong, The world will be sweet" fresh" and clean. &o one will go through what % went through. -es they will" you cant stop evil" especially if you do it yourself. ;lice tossed a sword to !ames and drew one from her own holster. :hut up, -ou want anarchy" then here, Have all you want. ;lice pulled out a detonator and pushed the button. :everal building around them blew up and crumbled. ;fter this" there wont be a doubt in anyones mind that the world will be better off clean. &ow die, Kevin woke up in an alley. He was reawakened by the sound of explosions. :omething was weighing him down. He shook his head and realized it was the zombie guitar. ; dark shadow flooded the alleys light. %t was Lombie 1laus. Kevin panicked and fiddled with the cords" trying to stop Lombie 1laus" who was charging for him. >% stringno. 'fuck! ?.T+'"'( @! (&0+ T+I@% ='#I@!A Kevin thought fast. He strummed like crazy until a blast from the guitar sent Lombie 1laus flying to the ground. Three 6abel 1o. soldiers marched to the alley entrance to see what was happening. They came $ust in time to see the red mass reemerge and laugh $oyfully. H(.H(.H(, :anta 1laus called out. :;&T;, Kevin called out in $oy. The guitar must have brought him back to life. :anta turned around and began to march toward the soldiers. -ouve all been very naughty" very naughty indeed. :antas going to have to sodomize your asses, 1ome here, The soldiers panicked and frantically ran off. (ne fell to the ground and soon felt the brute weight of a fat man on top of them. H(.H(.H(6= :T%66 9%T1H, %/ 0(&&; 7%66 -()< :T(1K+T #%TH ; 9%0 #%=+ ?<+:+&T, The blades kissed and slapped each other like drunken lovers" meeting and colliding with biblical results. The sparks being set off matched the violence of the world surrounding them. !ames never broke his stare with his sister. 7uel of rage and betrayal drowned his veins" replacing his blood" which was still oozing out of the wounds that so far have been cut. %n one manic swift move" !ames managed to knock ;lices guard off" only to be kicked forward. ;s he staggered back" he flung his sword at ;lice $ust as she fired the gun she had at her side. The blade twirled through the air like a beautiful angel" kicking those bullets away. Truly a guardian angel. 9ut no amount of guardian angels could stop ;lice from ducking under the sword and thrusting !ames to the ledge of the rooftop. Her foot rest of !ames chest" pinning him down with her stare. There was no difference between staring into her eyes and into the barrel of the gun. The world stopped. The bullets froze in the mid.air and looked up. The explosions didnt expand any further" too busy in looking. The burning tanks and helicopters became cold with fear. The same thought flowed through the world. >Thats Bamesheld at gun point.A

&o amount of guardian angels could stop this. 9ut Kevin wasnt a guardian angel. He was a soul mate. The blade e$ected out of ;lices torso. The blade was carried over the edge by the reaper" who smiled at ;lice and whispered % hope you like hell" bitch . ;lice saw her life flash before her eyes. %t was very unpleasant. /ore unpleasant than the bullets that were fired from below 4especially from the giant 8:pear robot" which came out of nowhere5. /ore unpleasant than !apanese Thing" in his monster form" biting down on her spine" splitting her in two. /ore unpleasant than her upper torso being tossed around the mob" being poked and cut by hands" knives" and pitch forks. ;nd even more unpleasant than the fact that the last thing her left eye saw was a boot descending down to s*uash it.

CHAPTER 1#: ANARCHY IS PARADISE. The sun never set on =ublin. ;t least not this not this =ublin. This =ublin that would rest *uietly in the comforting bosom of the new and bright world. The world where man is man" woman is woman" child is child" and all is as it should be. The shimmering twilight glistened on the roof tops like sprites surfing over the surface of water. The red sky and stars will forever be a reminder of 1ancers power" and the possibility she may return. 7rom the hills of 6arch hill campsite" =ublin twinkled with such beauty. 7rom there" standing together" surveying their paradise" but bickering like the gods they have become. %t cant work. (rwell disagreed. -ou cant run a country with anarchy. -eah you can. %t might take a while" but it can work. !ohn agued" slightly laughing. !ust give it a chance. %reland if far too big. ?eople will $ust go crazy. +specially 6imerick. Kevin $oked" causing 7redrick to burst into tears of laughter. (rwell" we know what youre talking about" but we have to do this. ;narchy is the world that we need to make. =oes that not say something' The idea that the last shred of humanity can only be found in anarchy. ;uthority is too easy to corrupt@ all authority is power driven. #e need a new world" a world of true freedom. ; world where % am my own and not a country man driven by expectations on reputation and apparent duties that % was told % have. ; world where my needs are met by me and %m not told about the luxuries % 8apparently have to have according to corporations which offer me this 8need for a irregular amount of money which % ac*uire by slaving for another corporation" or maybe even the same one. % doubt a 8super sugar coke is as necessary as water. ;narchy is paradise. ?aradise is freedom. 7reedom is your needs met. ; large explosion sprinkled the sun set with debris. 6ooks like 9ombards having fun. Tabatha called out. ; piercing screech was emitted from a creature flying over the debris. % was wondering when we would see ;zul. !ames said. -ou know" theyre probably going to be the least of out problems. #ell have to deal with other people trying to take over now that 6abel 1o. 0angs" thugs" communists" or even worstE 7redrick was saying and about to finish" until !apanese Thing was bouncing up and down" s*uealing with fear. They found behind them The Lombie King with a crowd of hungry" drooling zombies. 9oth !ames and Kevin sighed. <eady babe' !ames asked" pulling out his pistol. 7uck yeah, Kevin replied" pulling out his own pistols" making the first shot.

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