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Elizabeth A.

Bailey Period 2 RP PROPOSAL

Area of Research: The oligodynamic anti-microbial effect of metals, the subject of this study, pertains to a metals effectiveness at inhibiting the growth of a given microbe, in this case Escherichia coli. Outbreaks of Escherichia coli, a microbe most frequently transmitted through food products especially meats - occur each year. Antimicrobial metals are a potential source for the preventative disinfection of produce. Commonly used pestilence sprays and other disinfection techniques are sometimes harmful to the product. Not only could the various metals be applied to produce and vegetation, but also in conventional tools. Tools made of a metal proven to have antimicrobial effects may be more sanitary and less prone to transferring contagions than those made of alternative substances. Statement of the Problem: The purpose of this experiment is to determine by comparison the varying effectiveness copper, zinc, and iron have when tested against cultured Escherichia coli. Hypothesis: There will be no significant difference in Escherichia coli growth between the three different metals tested. Variables: Independent: The metal applied to the culture of Escherichia coli Dependent: Amount of bacteria growth Measurement used to determine the variables: a. Colonies of bacteria that grow b. Amount of metal applied Controls: Cultures of Escherichia coli grown undeterred by anti-microbial metal Procedure: Materials: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Petri dishes (30 per test group at least 120 in total) Agar individually applied to Petri dishes Powdered Zinc (100+ grams) Powdered Iron (100+ grams) Powdered Copper (100+ grams) Test tubes Nutrient broth Autoclave (for disinfection) Inoculating loop Bunsen burners Medicine droppers Escherichia coli samples

Methods: Escherichia coli will be cultured in nutrient broth, contained in test tubes. Metals will be stirred into nutrient agar, in sterile beakers, and then applied to the dish. Metals will be added in increments for testing of 2.5 grams. Afterwards, the Escherichia coli will be applied and spread evenly across the plate. The plates will be stored

in a refrigerator until the culture is developed. Cultures will be separated by the metal applied. In order to comparatively determine the effectiveness of each metal, colonies in the separate group will be counted. The process will be repeated until an adequate data set is obtained.


Yes _____

No _____



Mentor Information

If you have a mentor list the following information:

Name of Mentor:_____________________________________________



Phone:______________ Hours mentor can be reached:_____________________

e-mail: __________________________________________________

Where will you be conducting the research?_____________________________

Can descriptive statistics be performed?_________________

Can inferential statistics (t-test, ANOVA, chi-square, regression) be performed?______________

Measurement used to determine the variables:


Mentor Signature: ________________________________________

Date: _____________________

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