Evangelization Training

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CFC Singles for Christ EVANGELIZATION TRAINING 1st Year Formation Trac


S!ea er"s O#tline I$ Intro%#ction$ A$ &hen 'o# (oine% CFC Singles for Christ 'o# (oine% an e)angelistic mo)ement$ &e contin#e to reach o#t to more an% more single men an% *omen$ 1$ In SFC 'o# fin% not (#st a nice+ comforta,le+ leis#rel' in% of Christian life+ ,#t an action-oriente% one$ It is o#t*ar% rather than in*ar% loo ing$

.$ &hen 'o# (oine% SFC+ 'o# (oine% Go%/s arm'+ fighting to ,ring !eo!le to Christ+ to e0ten% Go%/s ing%om$ 1$ E)angeli2ation is reaching o#t to others$ It is !roclaiming the goo% ne*s so as to lea% !eo!le to a !ersonal an% li)ing relationshi! *ith 3es#s$ C$ 1$ .$ 9$ a$ ,$ II$ The Great Commission$ 4atthe* .5615-.7$ This is 3es#s/ final instr#ction ,efore his ascension$ t#rning o)er the *or that he ha% starte% to his %isci!les$ These are o#r marching or%ers as *ell$ In fact+ it is inten%e% for all Christians$ &e in SFC *ant to ta e serio#sl' o#r call an% mission to e)angeli2e$ This *or is not (#st for the lea%ers+ ,#t for e)er'one$ It is to ,e a *a' of life: 8e *as no*

&h' E)angeli2e; A$ 1$ .$ 1$ 4ost f#n%amentall' ,eca#se 3es#s comman%s #s$ 3es#s is not merel' s#ggesting or enco#raging+ ,#t a#thoritati)el' %irecting #s to %o so$ &e nee% to res!on% o#t of o,e%ience$ The test of o#r lo)e for the Lor% is o#r o,e%ience$

It %ra*s #s into a %ee!er #nion *ith Christ$

1$ S!rea%ing the gos!el+ (#st li e !ra'er+ fello*shi!+ ser)ice+ etc$+ is a cr#cial life-gi)ing ingre%ient of o#r s!irit#al life$ Thro#gh it *e learn ho* to %ra* closer to Go%+ rel' on his hel! an% ,e le% ,' his S!irit$ .$ As *e ta e concern for others+ o#r hearts are transforme% into the heart of Christ$ C$ <$ 1$ It is a than f#l res!onse to Go%/s action in o#r o*n li)es$ The *orl% %es!eratel' nee%s the goo% ne*s$ There/s *ar+ !oll#tion+ crime+ %i)orce+ loneliness+ m#r%er+ !o)ert'+ etc$ 8#man sol#tions to these ha)e consistentl' fallen short$ Onl' 3es#s is the ans*er$

.$ The Christian !eo!le are ,eing attac e% ,oth from *ithin an% *itho#t the Ch#rch$ E$ 1$ .$ F$ 1rief %escri!tion of the local sit#ation$

This f#ll t'!e of Christian life is fille% *ith e0citement+ challenge an% (o'$ An e)angelistic lifest'le is essential to tr#e self-f#lfillment$ There/s great !ersonal (o' in ,ringing Christ to others$ There is in)ol)e% an eternal choice for all men$ 1$ 4an has free *ill$ 8e is free to choose ,et*een goo% an% e)il+ ,et*een life an% %eath$ a$ In the s!irit#al realm+ there is no mi%%le gro#n%$ One is either for or against Christ$ ,$ Others+ ,' not choosing for Go%+ lose ,' %efa#lt$ .$ &e+ as Go%/s instr#ments+ can contri,#te to ,ringing sal)ation to men$


Essential =#alities The Great Commission is inten%e% for all Christians$ An% all Christians can ,ecome e)angelists+ ,eca#se *hat is im!ortant is not so m#ch talent or a,ilities+ ,#t three ,asic >#alities of ,eing a Christian$ A$ Faith The *or of e)angeli2ation %e!en%s !rimaril' #!on the action of Go%$ ?salm 1.@61$ ,A Since this is Go%/s *or + *e %o not nee% to *orr' a,o#t o#r o*n gifts or a,ilities$

1$ 1$ .$

Lo)e of Go% This+ *e ha)e learne%+ is the Christian i%eal$ It is o#r reason for ,eing$ If *e lo)e Go%+ *e *o#l% also %esire to see all !eo!le f#lfilling the reason for their e0istence+ that is+ to no*+ lo)e an% ser)e Go%$ &e *ill ,e eager to see his *ill %one on earth$

9$ As *e lo)e Go% !racticall' in !ra'er+ rea%ing of his &or% an% in ser)ice+ *e *ill gro* in the fr#it of the S!irit$ An% the fr#it of the S!irit am!l' %emonstrate% in the life of a Christian ser)es as an almost irresista,le attraction to others$ C$ 1$ Lo)e for others$ Go% lo)es h#man in% so m#ch that 3es#s %ie% for the sins of man in%$ 3es#s *ants all men to ,e sa)e%$ If *e lo)e Go%+ *e *ill *ant *hat 8e *ants$

.$ &e are to lo)e o#r neigh,ors as o#rsel)es$ &e *ant all men to e0!erience the same rene*e% relationshi! *ith Christ that *e are e0!eriencing$ IV$ Concl#sion A$ Go% himself has commissione% #s to reach o#t to others an% %ra* them to the Lor%$ 1$ &e in CFC Singles for Christ *ho ha)e taste% the goo%ness of the Lor% sho#l% *ant others to e0!erience s#ch as *ell$ C$ &e gro* in faith+ lo)e of Go% an% lo)e of neigh,or+ in%ee% in the )er' essence of o#r Christianit'+ as *e follo* the Lor% an% ,e fr#itf#l for his ing%om$

CFC Singles for Christ EVANGELIZATION TRAINING 1st Year Formation Trac


?artici!ant"s O#tline I$ The Great Commission$ 4atthe* .5615-.7 A$ 1$ II$ This is 3es#s/ final instr#ction ,efore his ascension$ It is inten%e% for all Christians$

Reasons for E)angeli2ation6 A$ 1$ 3es#s comman%s #s$ 3es#s %oes not merel' s#ggest or enco#rage+ ,#t a#thoritati)el' %irects #s to %o so$ C$ &e nee% to res!on% o#t of o,e%ience an% lo)e$ <$ E$ F$ S!rea%ing the gos!el %ra*s #s into a %ee!er #nion *ith Christ$ It is a than f#l res!onse to Go%/s action in o#r o*n li)es$ The *orl% %es!eratel' nee%s the goo% ne*s$ G$ 8$ I$ 3$ B$ 4an' *rong an% e)il things ha!!ening in the *orl% to%a'$ 8#man sol#tions ha)e consistentl' fallen short$ Onl' 3es#s is the ans*er$

An e)angelistic Christian life is f#ll of e0citement+ challenge an% (o'$ An eternal choice for all men is in)ol)e%$ &e+ as Go%/s instr#ments+ can contri,#te to ,ringing sal)ation to men$


Essential >#alities of an e)angelist6 A$ Faith$ The *or of e)angeli2ation %e!en%s !rimaril' #!on the action of Go%$ ?salm 1.@61$ 1$ Lo)e for Go%$ If *e lo)e Go%+ *e *ant to see his *ill %one on earth+ that is+ for all men to no*+ lo)e an% ser)e him$ C$ Lo)e for others$ If *e lo)e o#r neigh,or as o#rsel)es+ *e *ant them to e0!erience the same rene*e% relationshi! *ith Christ that *e are e0!eriencing$

CFC Singles for Christ EVANGELIZATION TRAINING 1st Year Formation Trac


S!ea er"s O#tline I$ Intro%#ction The last tal sho*e% #s the C*hatC an% the C*h'C of e)angeli2ation$ No* *e *ant to loo at Cho*C to e)angeli2e$ II$ Forms of E)angeli2ation There are man' t'!es or forms of e)angeli2ation6 A$ 4ass or ?roclamation E)angeli2ation E$g$ an e)angelistic rall' 1$ .$ 9$ 1$ 1$ .$ C$ one shot %eal$ to a )er' large an% anon'mo#s cro*%$ #s#all' %ominate% ,' a no*n !ersonalit'$ Ran%om E)angeli2ation Short-term contact$ One-shot %eal$ Normall' %one to strangers$ E$g$+ street e)angelism+ or going %oor to %oor$ Rare for #s+ ,#t Go% *or s in %ifferent *a's$ 1e o!en to it$ If !ossi,le+ follo* #!$ Get tele!hone n#m,er an% a%%ress$

Christian Entertainment E$g$+ m#sic+ %rama+ %ance+ Coffeeho#se$+ mall e)angeli2ation+ Cl#, ?raise

<$ 1$

Circ#mstantial or E)er'%a' or En)ironmental E)angeli2ation$ This has to %o *ith the circ#mstances that *e are in+ *ith o#r %a'-to-%a' en)ironment$ It is %one thro#gh the reg#lar contacts of o#r life+ *ith !eo!le *ith *hom *e ha)e ongoing relationshi!s+ e$g$+ famil'+ co-*or ers+ neigh,ors+ classmates+ gro#!mates+ etc$ &e nee% to ,e rea%' to o!en #! o#r li)es+ to ,e !ersonal$


9$ &e nee% %iscernment$ &e %on/t thro* the gos!el at !eo!le the first time aro#n%$ After all+ *e %on/t ha)e to ,eca#se *e see these reg#larl'$ E$ 1$ a$ ,$ c$ Strategic or Selecti)e E)angeli2ation Elements6 Choose !eo!le caref#ll'$ <e!en%s on caref#ll' ,#ilt relationshi!s$ Foc#s on lea%er t'!es !eo!le

.$ This is essential *hen starting in a ne* area so that !otential lea%ers *ill ,e a)aila,le to f#rther the *or of SFC$ F$ ?rogram E)angeli2ation 1$ 8ere those ,eing e)angeli2e% are !#t in a sit#ation *here the gos!el can ,e !resente% more s'stematicall'$ .$ G$ E$g$+ Neigh,orhoo% 1i,le st#%'+ c#rsillo+ LSS+ CL?$ Ver' str#ct#re%$ In)ol)es a lot of !lanning an% logistics$ Relational or !astoral e)angeli2ation$ 1$ A contin#o#s reaching o#t to a !erson+ e)en after the !erson has committe% his life to Christ$ .$ III$ E$g$+ 8o#sehol% in CFC after CL?$ E)angeli2ation is contin#ing *or $

E)angeli2ation in CFC Singles for Christ A$ In SFC+ *e %o all these %ifferent t'!es of e)angeli2ation$ 1#t the most ,asic metho% for e)er' SFC mem,er to carr' o#t Christ/s Great Commission is to #n%erta e e)er'%a' or en)ironmental e)angeli2ation$ 1$ 1$ .$ E)er'%a' e)angeli2ation is characteri2e% ,' the follo*ing6 It %oes not necessitate going to far-off !laces as a missionar'+ ,#t is %one in the %ifferent en)ironments *e fin% o#rsel)es in %ail'$ It %oes not necessitate a thoro#gh familiarit' *ith the 1i,le or Christian %octrine+ ,#t (#st a !#re %esire to share *ith others *hat Go% is %oing in o#r li)es$

9$ It in)ol)es sim!le *itnessing+ often a silent *itness+ of o#r gro*ing relationshi! *ith Go%+ of ,etter relationshi! *ith o#r s!o#se+ of greater !eace an% or%er in o#r famil'$ IV$ 8o* %o *e e)angeli2e; A$ 1$ First *e nee% to ,#il% #! a relationshi!$ To %o this+ *e nee% to ,egin *ith the !lace *here the !erson is at$ &e nee% to !resent o#rsel)es ,ase% on *hat is going to ma e the ,est connection *ith the !erson$ Common interests$ Not getting shoc e% at *orl%liness$ Earn hisDher res!ect rather than (#st ,e li e%$ 1$ .$ 9$ State o#r !osition as Christians clearl'+ ,#t *itho#t ,eing /holier than tho#/ or !reach'$ S!ea sim!l' an% %irectl'$ Relate confi%entl' e)en *hen intimi%ate%$

.$ 9$ 1$

C$ 1e aggressi)e$ Ta e initiati)e in the relationshi!$ 4a e time in 'o#r sche%#le to get together often$ 1e creati)e Ee$g$+ ha)e a ,ottle of ,eer+ !la' ,as et,all+ etc$A$ <$ 1ring himDher into a relationshi! *ith other ,rothersDsisters+ es!eciall' *ith a !otential !eer gro#!$ E$ <o not relate f#nctionall'+ ,#t ,e o!en to ha)ing a gen#ine frien%shi! %e)elo!ing$ F$ After the relationshi! is in !lace+ !resent the gos!el to himDher$ sensiti)e to timing$ G$ 1$ .$ Challenge himDher$ Stress the high i%eals+ %e%ication+ commitment+ !ersonal strength inherent to Christianit'$ Christianit' is not (#st a goo% thing+ ,#t is o#rs to change the *orl%$ 1e

8$ In)ite the single to o#r CL? EIf marrie%+ in)ite them to the CFC CL?F if still a st#%ent+ to YFC Yo#th Cam!s an% gatheringsF if o)er G7 to 8OL< or SOL<A$ V$ Concl#sion A$ &e are all calle% to ,e e)angelists$

1$ SFC is a glo,al e)angelistic arm'+ no* com!rising HHHHHH committe% singles thro#gho#t the ?hili!!ines an% in HHHHHH foreign co#ntries$ C$ Thro#gh o#r *or of e)angeli2ation+ *e are to ,e families in the 8ol' S!irit+ rene*ing the face of the earth$

CFC Singles for Christ EVANGELIZATION TRAINING 1st Year Formation Trac


?artici!ant/s O#tline I$ Forms of E)angeli2ation A$ 1$ C$ <$ E$ F$ G$ II$ 4ass or !roclamation Ran%om Christian Entertainment Circ#mstantial or E)er'%a' or En)ironmental Strategic or Selecti)e ?rogram Relational or ?astoral

8o* &e E)angeli2e in CFC Singles for Christ A$ 1asicall'+ e)er' SFC mem,er o#ght to %o e)er'%a' or en)ironmental e)angeli2ation$ 1$ 1$ .$ 9$ G$ I$ J$ @$ 5$ 8o*; 1#il% #! a relationshi!$ Earn his res!ect$ Ta e initiati)e$ 1ring him into a relationshi! *ith other ,rethren$ 1e o!en to %e)elo!ing a gen#ine frien%shi!$ ?resent the gos!el$ Challenge him *ith the high i%eals of Christianit'$ In)ite the single to o#r CL?$

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