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Welcome Back from the Health Room Staff

Theresa Johnson, RN, School Health Nurse  Rishena Summers, Health Room Technician

Please read the following for some general information regarding the Health Room and information to guide
you should your child need to be seen in the Health Room routinely for medications or as needed for

The health room is staffed by a Registered Nurse and a Health Room Technician. The nurse is responsible for
more than one school and is not at CMS every day. Your child will be seeing the Health Room Technician most
of the time.


What health information do I need to provide my child’s school?

Record of Physical Examination

All students initially entering Maryland public schools are required to have a physical examination. The
parent/guardian completes Part I of the physical exam form and the physician completes and signs Part II. As
your student receives additional physical examinations throughout his/her school years, we encourage you to
take a copy of this form to complete so that we can update your student’s health file. Copies can be obtained at
any time from the Health Room or online at

Immunization Certificate (DHMH Form 896)

This form is completed by your physician or can be completed by your School Health Nurse with
documentation of your child’s immunizations. Your child will not be able to attend school until a completed
immunization certificate is on file.

Emergency Cards
These cards are distributed at the beginning of each school year. Please fill out completely, sign, and return all
emergency cards as soon as possible. Please make sure to provide emergency contacts, physician information,
any medical concerns and/or medications your child may be taking. This information is very important to the
Health Room staff in the event your child becomes ill or injured while at school. If there are any changes in any
of the information on the emergency card during the school year, please contact the school’s front office and
Health Room immediately to make changes.

What routine health screening is done at school?

Per requirements in the state of Maryland, specially trained technicians will complete vision and hearing
screenings for 8th grade students and all new students entering from outside Maryland. In addition, 6th and 7th
grade students who were not screened in 4th grade or are referred by parents and/or teachers for symptoms of
possible vision or hearing problems will be screened. If a student is found to have difficulty in either area, the
parent will be notified to schedule an evaluation by your health care provider.

What if my child needs to take medicine at school?

ALL medications to be taken at school, whether prescription or over-the-counter, must have a Medication
Authorization Form completed by the child’s physician and parent. These forms are available through the
Health Room and at This form, along with the medication, in a pharmacy-labeled bottle or
original unopened package, should be brought into the Health Room by the parent/guardian. Students are not
permitted to carry medications to and from school. Students found to have any medicines with them will be
referred to administration and subject to disciplinary procedures as outlined in the student handbook. For the
protection and safety of all students, medications must be taken in the Health Room. If your child requires an
EpiPen for severe allegic reactions, please use the Management of an Allergic Reaction form also available in
the Health Room or at
What if my child is sick or injured at school?
The Health Room staff will assess all injuries and symptoms of illnesses. We will provide first aid as necessary
and notify parents/guardians as appropriate. A brief note indicating your child’s visit to the health room will be
sent home with the student for your review. Additional information is available upon request.

When should I keep my child home?

Important signs of illness:
- Temperature of more than 100o F - Earache
- Nausea or Vomiting - Thick discharge from nose
- Stomachache - Painful sore throat
- Diarrhea - Rash or skin infection
- Pale or flush face - Red or pink eyes with/without discharge
- Headache - Loss of appetite
- Persistent cough - Loss of energy/decrease in activity

If these symptoms persist for more than 24 hours, you should contact your child’s physician. If your child
comes to school with these symptoms, he/she will be sent to the health room. You may be called to pick up
your child during the school day if we deem it necessary for them to be sent home.

To help ensure a healthy experience at school and help prevent illness:

- Handwashing and cough/sneeze etiquette are more important than ever with seasonal and H1N1 flu
viruses circulating. Make sure your child washes their hands at appropriate times (i.e before meals,
after sneezing/coughing, after using the restroom, when visibly dirty, etc.) It is the single most
important step to reducing the spread of infection!
- Make sure your children are well rested each day by getting 8-12 hours of sleep each night. Some
children require more/less sleep.
- Food is very important for proper brain activity, and skipping breakfast results in headaches,
stomach aches, and poor performance. Please make sure your child eats a healthy breakfast every
day at home or by purchasing breakfast at school.

Please feel free to call the health room with any questions you may have concerning your child’s health. We
can be reached between 7:45 AM and 3:15 PM at 240-566-9014.

Together we can keep Crestwood Middle School
students healthy and safe!

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