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The Chalice

A publication of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

201 East Second Street , Edmond Oklahoma 73034

Vol. 1 No. 10 September 3, 2009

Significant Numbers Is there a basis to superstition over

numbers? I seriously doubt it. I think the
Minister’s Message by Rev. Chris Shorow, Senior Minister importance of numbers in scripture is to
Numbers are remind us of God’s faithfulness
summer. As we were going up, they
often significant throughout the ages. Whether 3, 7, 40—
noticed that the hotel did not have a
in scripture. or even 9!, God walks with us every step
13th floor. They were astounded to find
Three is big. of the way.
out that many (most?) buildings do not
Father, Son, Holy have a 13th floor. They are now on a
Spirit. Three
days in the tomb.
mission to find out which buildings have
a 13th floor. All because of superstition?
Seven is a That is why I’m going to enjoy my Sunday School Class
number of perfection. Seven days in the
week. 40 also appears many times in
son, William’s, upcoming birthday. He
was born on Sept. 9, 2000, or 9/9/00.
Continues Study of
scripture. 40 days of rain, 40 years in So, on 9/9/09 he will turn 9. I guess “Deadly Sins”
the wilderness, 40 days of temptation. that would be a numerologist’s dream! Starting September 13 for 10 weeks,
When a number appears, it usually We’re going to have a big “nine” the Cornerstones Sunday School Class
signifies something important. celebration. We’ve had fun trying to is continuing their study of the Seven
Many in the ancient world were very think of all things “nine” for that day. Deadly Sins. This is a historical look of
superstitious about numbers. For that About the only scripture I can think of each sin and how they became known
matter, many folks today are with nine in it is from Acts, on the day as deadly. Adults interested in the
superstitious. Just ask the baseball of Pentecost, when Peter said that the topic, or searching for a class are
player who obsesses over statistics and disciples were not drunk, because it welcome to join us in Room 115 at
won’t change his socks during a hitting was only 9 o’clock in the morning. Not 10:00am anytime during this series.
streak. I enjoyed an elevator ride with exactly a fitting scripture. Questions? Contact Kelly VanOsdol @
my children in a hotel in St. Louis this

All women are invited to join our September Disciples Women general gathering

Disciples on Tuesday, September 15 at 6:30pm. Come, bring a friend, and a salad to share
with the group. Our featured speaker will be Erma Stewart, impersonating Eleanor
Roosevelt. Erma was a librarian at Edmond Memorial High School for 22 years. She

Women has presented Eleanor in cities from coast to coast. She comes to us with high

September Other Disciples Women Meetings in September Include:

Deborah DW Group will meet on Thursday, September 3 @ 1:30pm in the home

Gatherings of Margaret Hostetter

Hope DW Group will meet on Wednesday, September 9, at 9:30am in the home
of Ann Maxwell.
Mary DW Group will be joining the General group gathering on Tuesday,
September 15 at 6:30pm.
On Wednesday evenings during the school year, we UNITE for dinner, learning and fellowship. In a culture that is
increasingly individualistic, personal and private, we are called as Christians to connect, grow, serve and care together.
Come UNITE with us this fall! Register now @

Options for Adults Fall 2009

Before Dinner with Chris UNITE Calendar
Join Rev. Chris Shorow for a look at the theology of Paul. In all of
Paul’s letters, he only speaks twice about the life and ministry of • September 9, 16, 23, 30
Jesus (in the communion passages). Most of his focus is on the • October 7, 21, 28
risen Christ. However, Luke’s gospel is the story of Jesus’ earthly • November 4, 11, 18
life. Luke then goes on to write Acts, telling the story of Paul and • December 2, 9
the early church. How have these two differing theologies affected
the church? How do they relate to one another? We’lll look at Paul’s
letters compare them to the gospel of Luke, all the while thinking KIDS (Pre-K – 5th grade)
about how we see Paul’s message today. “Studio Go! Game Show” Together
we’ll meet leaders from the Bible who
5:00-6:00pm Adult Bible Study led by Rev. Chris Shorow
teamed up with God and decided to
Rm 125 (NOTE: First Session - September 16) GO for it!

6-6:30 Community Dinner - Fellowship Hall

After Dinner with Jerry
Join Rev. Jerry Black for a 12-week survey of the Old Testament.
We will look at biblical origins, primeval and patriarchal history, the
exodus, law and sacrifice from the wilderness to the conquest. As
well as, the early monarchy, the divided kingdom, eighth century Kid’s Schedule
prophets, prophets of the collapse and exile, postexilic literature, 5-5:30 Cherub Choir (preschool)
and the writings. We will use the Bible (any translation) and 5-6:00 Kids Choir (elementary)
Celia Brewer Marshall’s, A Guide Through the Old Testament. 6-6:30 Dinner in Fellowship Hall
6:30-7:30 Kids Small Groups
6:30-7:30pm An Introduction to the Old Testament 7:30-8:00 Kid’s Extended Session
led by Rev. Dr. Jerry Black - Rm 116 (for families with older children in
Pre-Registration is required: Cost $15 the youth program)

Finish the Evening with Diane

Our Chancel Choir offers musical gifts throughout the year in STUDENTS (6th-12th grade)
worship services and on special occasions. We would love to have This year we will be taking a serious
you sing with us! Share your gift. look at the life of Jesus by “Walking In
His Footsteps.” Bring your bibles; you
7:30–8:45 Chancel Choir led by Diane Ball - are going to need them!
Sanctuary (Nursery Available)
Students Schedule
Could You Help With UNITE? 5:30
Choir in Chapel
Dinner in FLC
We need volunteers for dinner preparation, dinner set-up, dinner clean-up, 6:30 Worship in Chapel
home baker, children’s small group leader, children’s crafts, children’s games. 7:15 Small Groups
Let us know if you can help. Sign up on your connection form in worship, or
online @
Engaging The Next Generation in Making A Difference
by Shelley Regan, Communications Director

One of the One woman tidying a kitchen, taking

First Christian’s 2010 Annual inventory of a pantry and building a
greatest feelings
Campaign theme is “Making A grocery list, so that another person
we can
Difference.” Over the past month as can shop for food to feed many
experience is
we’ve been making plans for the 2nd through Breakfast on Boulevard.
knowing we
Annual “Gratitude Celebration” I’ve caught
have made a
sight of a few ways people are making a The “Making A Difference” sermon
difference in the
difference at FCC. series begins September 13. You’ll be
life of another. There are numerous
ways to do this, but the results are the invited to consider the difference FCC
Ten women gathered in a home to is making, the impact you make, and
same. You feel wonderful to have
brainstorm and make dinner plans - the difference we can make in the
impacted a person’s life in a positive
ideas flying! Eagerness to create a future.
delightful atmosphere to celebrate the As you think about the future
Look around and you can’t help but
ways FCC is making a difference! remember there is a generation that
see the trend in society. Much of it is
being led by young people, getting wants to make a difference. We must
Two women preparing and launching fall blaze the trail of social responsibility
involved in practical ways to make a
Bible studies for over 100 women. and community impact if they are to
difference in their community, whether
by volunteering in their local find the church relevant.
Men and women organizing a school God has made a difference in us.
neighborhoods, nursing homes, or
supply drive and block party for children Because of that difference we are
soup kitchens. Organizations like
who have far less than most of us. empowered to make a difference
(RED), Ethos Water and The Greater
Good have recognized people have a God’s world!
natural desire to contribute to the
greater good.
A recent study of young adults,
ages 18-30 conducted by the Pew
Research Center shows the growing
trend towards greater social
responsiblity among the next
generation. Consider these statistics: Join us for our 2nd Annual
 66 percent rated the opportunity to
meet the needs of others (locally and
globally) as extremely important in
their lives
Gratitude Celebration
Sunday, September 20 at 5:00pm
 72 percent believed churches were
Allow us to say “Thank You!” for all the ways YOU Make A Difference
irrelevant if they were not serving
others in tangible ways As We Celebrate How First Christian Is Making A Difference in God’s World

These young people are clearly aware FREE Dinner Following Our Program & Children’s Activities
there is something bigger than their
personal world. They desire to take
part in something that makes a differ- Sign-up online by September 13 @
ence. One quote from an interviewee is
striking: “Wow me, befriend me, and
let’s make a difference.”
Prayers of the People Happy Birthday!
Ed Berry in Mercy; Betty Winn in Bone & Joint; Ron Carol Hawkins
Davis in Baptist 8/31 Dot Hammond, Gayle Smith
OTHERS IN NEED OF PRAYER Grady Freeman (Les & 9/1 Kelly Beall, Kathrynn Cavanaugh,
Tracy Hastings’ grandson) Nita Johnson (Robert Hall’s
Max Speegle
mom), Bart Rodr, Hannah O’Meara, Charlie Young, Kathy Lee, Roger Banks (Jennifer
9/2 Rodney Helms, Marc Pate, Paula
McGrew’s dad), Barbara Hall, Ed Penland, Dana Shadid, Phil Rehrig (Glo Rehrig’s son),
Nita Williams (Jeff Williams’ mom), Hank Thomas (Randy Thomas’ brother), Hurshell Umphers
Wright (Patrick Wright’s dad), Margaret Basso (Anne Stone’s sister), Patrick Douthitt 9/3 Jan Cowling, Laura Kysar, Jim Turner
(Duke Douthitt’s brother), Eric & Penny Koegel, Alyssa Baker 9/4 Taylor Grant, Traci Sarani
9/5 Jay Biby, Peyton Mabry, Lindy
OUR SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS to the family of Terri Dunn in the death of
Terri’s stepmom, Miller Hamilton, who passed away on August 29. Rahhal, John Timmons, Jim Williams
9/6 John A. Hammond, Matthew
OUR SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS to the family of Kathi DeSpain in the death of Mitchell, Aidan Polk, Kimberly Woods
Kathi’s uncle, D.K. Hart, who passed away on August 29.

Ways YOU Can

Student Ministries get connected@ Make A Difference!
Come help fill shoeboxes for

Thursday, September 10
 “Operation Christmas Child” -
Sunday, September 6
10:00am Youth Café & Classes – FLC Lunch Memorial Freshman Academy Sept. 17 10-1pm
Give Blood - Sept. 27
Wednesday, September 9
 
5:30pm UNITE - See p 2 for details September 11-13
CROP Walk/Fight Hunger
Fall Fest @ Central Christian Camp
Oct. 4 @ 2pm at Mitch Park

Classics Plan Fall & Holiday Branson Trips

Monday, September 21 the Classics will repeat of last spring’s Stillwater trip (tours of the police station and
the new OSU Athletic facilities with lunch at Eskimo Joe’s. Then on Tuesday, October 13,
the Classics will Go West on Route 66. They will visit a Wind Farm and Watermelon
Farm, tour the Stafford Air & Space Museum in Weatherford and enjoy lunch at the
White Dog restaurant. If you wish to reserve a spot for these trips, call Winnie Hall at
The yearly Classics Branson Trip will be December 3-5. The exciting itinerary
includes the first nights dinner and show featuring the Miracle of Christmas, where you
not only can enjoy the story of Christmas but can interact with the characters and animals of
the Nativity story as well.
A trip to Branson must include some shopping time, and on December 4, after the continental breakfast at the hotel,
the Classics will be shopping the stores of Branson Landing and Branson Old Town. The afternoon will be spent at The
Hughes Brothers Celebrity Theater with Six Amazing Brothers. Then the evening will include dinner and show with the
Twelve Irish Tenors. Then it’s back to Edmond by late afternoon on December 5. The cost of this exciting trip is $359/pp
and includes transportation, two nights lodging, meals and attractions as indicated by itinerary. A $50/pp deposit is due with
reservation, and final payment is due November 3, 2009. Travel insurance is available. Premium is age-based--please call
for quote. For information and reservations call Winnie Hall, 341-4297, or Ellen Chitwood, 341-2859.
FCC FOLLIES and Chili Cook-Off
October 4 Fun for the Whole Family!
Worship Get out your old tap shoes, blow the dust off of your horn,
at First Christian brush up on your jokes, because a new star is sure to be born!
We are making plans for our 3rd annual FCC FOLLIES and CHILI COOK-OFF, on
September 6 - 8:15, 9 & 11 October 4. Join us for an evening of food, fun and fellowship for the whole family!
We will with an old fashioned chili cook-off at 5:30 pm. If you don't have a famous
Labor Sunday/Thank You Sunday
chili recipe, then please bring your favorite finger food or dessert to share.
Message: Rev. Chris Shorow Our variety show will kick off at 6:30 pm. We would love to find hidden talents
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:4-9 (or the lack there of) and have participation from every group in the church. Would
your Sunday school class like to do a skit? Do you have a secret past as a circus
September 13 - 8:15, 9 & 11 juggler or a flamenco dancer? Do you tell a good story, play the harmonica, swallow
“Making A Difference” Season fire, or do all three at the same time? We want all types of acts, but remember to
Begins keep them to a 3 minute maximum.
Register online @ or in
Message: Rev. Chris Shorow
person at the Follies display in the Rotunda.
Scripture: John 2:13-22 Deadline to register your act and/or chili is
Sunday, September 27.
The Chalice CONNECTION Questions? Contact Diane Ball @
Shelley Regan, Editor , or any of the FOLLIES Committee: Dana Theobald, Darcy Biby, Frank
Gresh, Sherry Parks, Mark Nash, or Gary Owen

The Chalice CONNECTION, PO Box 3548, Edmond, OK 73083

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Edmond, OK paid by First Christian Church, 201 E. Second, Edmond, OK
Postage Paid New Year's Day and Christmas Day). Periodicals postage
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