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China Communications Construction Baosteel Group Iberdrola KDDI Cisco Systems MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings Fonci re !uris Morgan Stanley "oyal Ahold Hyundai Hea#y Industries

40,414 40,327 40,305 40,100 40,040 39,754 39,449 39,320 39,111 38,996

1,394 2,230 3,802 2,979 7,767 63 20 4,703 1,130 3,24

Hyundai Heavy Industries Founded in 1972, South Korea-based Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) has grown into the world s largest shi!builder and "ontinues to be one o# the world$s #astest growing industrial "o%!anies& 'he "o%!any, whi"h a""ounts #or a!!ro(i%ately 1) !er"ent o# the global shi!building %ar*et, !rodu"es tan*ers+ bul* "arriers+ "ontainershi!s+ and gas and "he%i"al "arriers& It also %anu#a"tures shi! engines+ o##shore oil and gas drilling !lat#or%s+ and undersea !i!elines& ,hung -u-yung, the late #ounder o# the Hyundai .rou!, "reated Hyundai as a "onstru"tion "o%!any in 19/7& ,hung de"ided to enter into shi!building in the early 1970s ignoring that Hyundai had no e(!erien"e, "a!ital, or shi!building te"hnology whatsoever& Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), #ounded by the late ,hung -u-yung on 1ar"h 22, 1972, wrote the #irst "ha!ter o# its shi!building history in -une, 197/, by "o%!leting "onstru"tion o# the world$s largest shi!yard and two 230,000-dwt 45,,s all at the sa%e ti%e& 6 de"ade a#ter its #irst delivery, the Hyundai Shi!yard to!!ed 10 %illion deadweight tons in aggregate shi! !rodu"tion, and has %aintained the leading !osition in the world shi!building %ar*et ever sin"e& Hyundai Heavy has delivered %ore than 1,373 shi!s to 237 shi!-owners in /7 "ountries sin"e 1972&

HHI has a global business networ* in ea"h o# its seven business divisions8

9usiness :ivisions Shi!building

$roducts &'(CCs) *an+ers) $roduct Carriers) Chemical *an+ers & Containerships) Bul+ Carriers) ,B, Carriers & "o&$a- Ships) "o&"o Ships) $ure Car Carriers & (.G Carriers) ($G Carriers & Submarines) Destroyers) Frigates & Floating /nits & Fi-ed $lat%orms & $ipelines & Subsea Facilities & ,%%shore Installations & Combined&0Cycle $o1er $lants 2CC$$3 & *hermal $o1er $lants & Co&generation $o1er $lants & ,il & Gas $lant & $rocess $lant & (.G4G*( $lant & $lant !5uipment & *1o& and Four&Stro+e 2HiMS!.3 Diesel !ngines & $ropellers) Marine $ropulsion Sha%ts) Cran+sha%ts and Side *hruster & Marine Steam *urbines) and *urbochargers & Diesel $o1er $lants and $ac+aged $o1er Stations & Industrial and Marine $umps) Ballast 6ater Management System & Steam *urbines %or Industrial $lant & Industrial "obots & $resses) Con#eyor Systems and Steel Strip $rocess & "eduction Gear %or marine propulsions & Gas Compressors %or gas production %acilities on land and

'his division has its groundbrea*ing "ere%ony in 1972 in ;lsan, a "ity lo"ated on the southeastern ti! o# the Korean !eninsula&

<##shore = >ngineering

;lsan ?ort, ) *% away #ro% HHI$s %ain "o%!le( in ;lsan, Korea& 'he :ivision has a 21)-a"re !aved yard&

Industrial ?lant = >ngineering

>ngine = 1a"hinery

F$S, units & Gas !ngine

>le"tro >le"tri" Syste%s

& *rans%ormers & GIS & S1itchgear & (o1 and Medium 'oltage Circuit Brea+er & $o1er !lectronics and Control Systems & Motors & Generators &Solar $o1er System & 6ind *urbine System & *idal Current Generation &!-ca#ators & 6heel (oaders & For+li%ts *ruc+s & S+id Steer (oaders
'his division has one %anu#a"turing !lant in India and three %anu#a"turing !lants in ,hina, along with overseas subsidiaries in the ;&S&6&, >uro!e, India and ,hina, as well as o##i"es in ,hile, ,olu%bia, ?ana%a, 'ur*ey, ;&6&>& and Aussia&

.reen >nergy

,onstru"tion >@ui!%ent

HA In Hyundai Heavy Industries

Hyundai Hea#y7s success in the %ield o% hea#y industries is based on our people the %undamental resource %or competing on the global stage0 Hyundai Hea#y is al1ays a1are that our people are intrinsic to our achie#ements0 In order to help our people become specialists in their respecti#e %ields) HHI o%%ers #arious educational programs %or employees0

Hyundai Hea#y7s 1or+%orce consists o% leaders in their occupational %ields0 6e care%ully select) de#elop) and train our employees in order to help the company maintain its position as a 7Global (eader7) e-pand into ne1 business areas) and challenge paradigms through technology0

& Global !-ecuti#e ,%%icer Course & *op Strategic Management Course 2Digital C!,3 & Business Courses at *op Business Schools & Global Manager Course & 8unior Board Course & Hyundai *echnical !ducation Institute 2H*!I3

Hyundai *echnical !ducation Institute9s intensi#e #ocational programs pro#ide speciali:ed training in manu%acturing techni5ues and sa%ety regulations in the 1or+place0 6e help our employees %ace the challenges presented by the global economy0 Since ;<=>) graduates o% H*!I7s programs ha#e 1on >? medals) including @A gold medals) at the 6orld S+ills Competitions0 & Specialist De#elopment Course 2Domestic & International3 & In&company Apprenticeship $rogram & Comprehensi#e 'ocational *raining $rogram 2@; courses3 & Hyundai *echnical College & !ducational $rograms %or Family Members and Subcontractors Hyundai Hea#y is committed to pro#iding educational opportunities to our employee7s %amily members0 6e also pro#ides systematic technical support to our subcontractors0 & Summer Camp %or Family Members & *echnical Support $rograms %or Subcontractors

>(isten"e in India
,onstru"tion e@ui!%ent #a"tory o# HHI is in ?une, 1aharashtraand in western India&

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