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Cisco Systems

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search "Cisco" redirects here. For other uses, see Cisco (disambiguation . !ot to be confused "ith #ysco, #is$%, or Certis C&#C'. &t has been suggested that Ardent Communications and AYR Networks be merged into this article or section. ((iscuss Proposed since November 2011. Cisco #ystems, &nc.

Type Traded as Industry Founded Founder(s) Headquarters Area served Key people


Revenue Operatin income !et income Total assets Total equity

)ublic !*#(*+: C#C', #,-.: /000 (o" Jones Component #1) 233 Component !et"orking e$uipments #an Francisco, California, 4.#. (567/ 8en 9osack, #andy 8erner #an Jose, California, 4.#.:5; World"ide John Chambers (Chairman 1 C,' !et"orking (evice !et"ork <anagement Cisco &'# and !=>'# #oft"are &nterface and <odule 'ptical net"orking #torage area net"orks Wireless, ?elepresence, @'&), #ecurity (atacenter 8ist of Cisco )roducts 4#A /0.B5 billion (B355 :B; 4#A C.DC billion (B355 :B; 4#A D./6 billion (B355 :B; 4#A 7C.36 billion (B355 :B; 4#A /C.B2 billion (B355 :B;

"mployees Su#sidiaries $e#site

C5,7B2 (B35B :0; 8ist of ac$uisitions

Cisco Systems% Inc& (!*#(*+: C#C' is an *merican multinational corporation head$uartered in #an Jose, California, 4nited #tates,:/; that designs, manufactures, and sells net"orking e$uipments. Cisco has more than D3,333 employees and annual revenue of 4#A /0.3 billion as of B355. ?he stock "as added to the (o" Jones &ndustrial *verage on June 7, B336, and is also included in the #1) 233 &ndeE, the Fussell 5333 &ndeE, !*#(*+ 533 &ndeE and the Fussell 5333 Gro"th #tock &ndeE.:2;


5 Corporate history o 5.5 567/>5663: early years

o o

5.B 566D>B332: &nternet and silicon intelligence 5.0 B33D>current: ?he -uman !et"ork

B <edia and a"ards 0 *c$uisitions / )roducts and services

o o o o o

/.5 -ard"are /.B #oft"are /.0 @o&) services /./ -osted Collaboration #olution /.2 !et"ork ,mergency Fesponse

2 Cisco Career Certifications D Criticisms and controversy

o o o o o

D.5 #hareholder relations D.B &ntellectual property disputes D.0 Censorship in China D./ ?aE fraud investigation D.2 *ntitrust la"suit

D.D &ntimidation

C #ee also 7 !otes 6 Further reading 53 ,Eternal links

'edit( Corporate )istory

'ne of the many buildings on the Cisco #ystems campus in #an Jose

'edit( *+,-.*++/0 early years

8en 9osack and #andy 8erner, a married couple "ho "orked as computer operations staff members at #tanford 4niversity, later Hoined by !icholas )ham:citation needed;, founded Cisco Systems in 567/. 8erner moved on to direct computer services at #chlumberger, moving full time to Cisco in 567C. ?he name "Cisco" "as derived from the city name, #an Francisco, "hich is "hy the companyIs engineers insisted on using the lo"er case "cisco" in the early days. For CiscoIs first product, 9osack adapted multiple>protocol router soft"are originally "ritten some years before by William Jeager, another #tanford employee "ho later Hoined #un <icrosystems. ?he companyIs first C,' "as 9ill Graves, "ho held the position from 567C to 5677.:D; &n 5677, John <orgridge "as appointed C,'. 'n February 5D, 5663, the company "ent public ("ith a market capitaliKation of ABB/ million and "as listed on the !asda$ stock eEchange. 'n *ugust B7, 5663, 8erner "as firedL upon hearing the ne"s, her husband 9osack resigned in protest. ?he couple "alked a"ay from Cisco "ith A5C3 million, C3M of "hich "as committed to their o"n charity.:C; While Cisco "as not the first company to develop and sell a router,:7; it "as one of the first to sell commercially successful routers supporting multiple net"ork protocols.:6; Classical, C)4>based architecture of early Cisco devices coupled "ith fleEibility of operating system &'# allo"ed for keeping up "ith evolving technology needs by means of fre$uent soft"are upgrades. #ome models (such as Cisco B233 managed to stay in production for 2N7 years virtually unchanged. *lthough Cisco products had their roots in the enterprise environment, the company "as $uick to

capitaliKe in emerging service provider market as "ell, entering market "ith successful product lines such as Cisco C233 and G#F. 9et"een 566B and 566/, Cisco also ac$uired several companies in ,thernet s"itching, most notably .alpana, Grand Junction and Crescendo Communications "hich together formed the Catalyst product line. *t the time, the company envisioned layer 0 routing layer B (,thernet, ?oken Fing s"itching as complementary functions of different intelligence and architecture > the former "as slo" and compleE, the latter "as fast but simple. &n 5662, John <orgridge "as succeeded by John Chambers

'edit( *++1.2//30 Internet and silicon intelli ence

?he phenomenal gro"th of &nternet in mid>to late 5663s $uickly changed telecom landscape. *s the &nternet )rotocol (&) became "idely adopted, the importance of multi>protocol routing declined. !evertheless, Cisco managed to capitaliKe on the &nternet "ave, "ith a "ide range of products that became vital to &nternet service providers and by 5667 gave Cisco de>facto monopoly in this critical market segment. &n late <arch B333, at the height of the dot>com boom, Cisco became the most valuable company in the "orld, "ith a market capitaliKation of more than 4#A233 billion.:53;:55; &n !ovember B355, "ith a market cap of about 4#A6/ billion,:5B; it is still one of the most valuable companies.:50; <ean"hile, the gro"th of &nternet band"idth re$uirements kept challenging traditional, soft"are>based packet processing architectures. ?he perceived compleEity of programming routing functions in silicon led to formation of several startups determined to find ne" "ays to process &) and <)8# packets entirely in hard"are and blur boundaries bet"een routing and s"itching. 'ne of them, Juniper !et"orks, shipped their first product in 5666 and by B333 chipped a"ay about 03M from Cisco #) <arket share. Cisco ans"ered the challenge "ith homegro"n *#&Cs and fast processing cards for G#F routers and Catalyst D233 s"itches. &n B33/, Cisco also started migration to ne" high>end hard"are CF#>5 and soft"are architecture &'#>=F.

'edit( 2//1.current0 T)e Human !et4or5

*s part of a massive rebranding campaign in B33D, Cisco #ystems adopted the shortened name "Cisco" and created "?he -uman !et"ork" advertising campaign. ?hese efforts "ere meant to make Cisco a "household" brand > a strategy designed to support the lo">end 8inksys products and future consumer products (such as Flip @ideo camera ac$uired by Cisco in B336 . Cisco built a presence in &ndia. establishing its GlobaliKation Centre ,ast in 9angalore for A5 billion planning that B3M of CiscoIs leaders "ould be based there.:5/; -o"ever Cisco continued to be challenged by both domestic *lcatel>8ucent, Juniper !et"orks and overseas competitors -ua"ei.

(ue to lo"er than eEpected profit in B355, Cisco "as forced to reduce annual eEpenses by A5 billion. ?he company cut around 0,333 employees "ith an early>retirement program "ho accepted buyout and planned to eliminate as many as 53,333 Hobs (around 5/ percent of the C0,/33 total employees before curtailment .:52;:5D; (uring the B355 analyst call, CiscoIs C,' John Chambers called out several competitors by name,:5C; including Juniper and -).

'edit( 6edia and a4ards

Cisco products, most notably &) phones and ?elepresence, are fre$uently sighted in movies and ?@ series.:57; ?he company itself and its history "as featured in the documentary film #omething @entured "hich premiered in B355. Cisco "as a B33BN30 recipient of the Fon 9ro"n *"ard,:56;:B3; a 4.#. presidential honor to recogniKe companies "for the eEemplary $uality of their relationships "ith employees and communities". Cisco commonly stays on top of Fortune "533 9est Companies to "ork for", "ith position !o. B3 in B355:B5;

'edit( Acquisitions
<ain article: 8ist of ac$uisitions by Cisco #ystems Cisco ac$uired a variety of companies to bring in products and talent into the company. &n 5662N 566D the company completed 55 ac$uisitions.:BB; #everal ac$uisitions, such as #tratacom, "ere the biggest deals in the industry "hen they occurred. (uring the &nternet boom in 5666, the company ac$uired Cerent Corporation, a start>up company located in )etaluma, California, for about 4#AC billion. &t "as the most eEpensive ac$uisition made by Cisco to date, and only the ac$uisition of #cientific *tlanta has been larger. #everal ac$uired companies have gro"n into A59nO business units for Cisco, including 8*! s"itching, ,nterprise @oice over &nternet )rotocol (@'&) platform WebeE, and home net"orking. ?he latter came as result of Cisco ac$uiring 8inksys in B330 and in B353 "as supplemented "ith ne" product line dubbed Cisco @alet. &n the recent merger deals, Cisco bought #tarent !et"orks (a mobile technology company and <oto (evelopment Group, a product design consulting firm that helped develop CiscoIs Flip video camera.:B0; *lso in B353, Cisco became a key stakeholder in e-Ski s !eek. &n <arch B355, Cisco completed the ac$uisition of privately held net"ork configuration and change management solutions company )ari !et"orks.:B/; *lthough many buy>ins (such as Crescendo !et"orks in 5660 resulted in ac$uisition of flagship technology (e.g. Catalyst D233 to Cisco, many others have failed > partially or completely. For instance, in B353 Cisco occupied a meaningful share of the packet>optical market,:B2; revenues "ere still not on par "ith 4#AC billion price tag paid in 5666 for Cerent. #ome of ac$uired technologies (such as )ure (igital in B353 sa" their products discontinued, "hile others like Cisco Pmi are receiving significant criticism.:BD;

'edit( Products and services

CiscoIs current portfolio of products and services is focused upon three market segments N ,nterprise and #ervice )rovider, #mall 9usiness and the -ome. ?he solutions for each market are segmented into *rchitectures, "hich form the basis for ho" Cisco approaches each market.

Corporate mar5et: ,nterprise net"orking and #ervice )roviders

9orderless net"orks: for their range of routers, s"itches, "ireless systems, security systems, W*! acceleration, energy and building management systems and media a"are net"orks.:BC; Collaboration: &) video and phones, ?ele)resence, -ealth)resence, 4nified Communications, Call Center systems, ,nterprise social net"orks and <obile applications:B7; (atacenter and @irtualiKation: 4nified Computing, 4nified Fabric, (ata Centre #"itching, #torage !et"orking and Cloud services.:B6; &) !G! (!eEt Generation !et"orks : -igh>end routing and s"itching for fiEed and mobile service provider net"orks, broadcast video contributionQdistribution, entitlement and content delivery systems.:03;

Small #usinesses:05;

Fouters and s"itches (including those for net"orks of smart meters


#ecurity and surveillance: &) cameras, data and net"ork security solutions etc.:00; @oice and conferencing solutions: @'&) phones and gate"ay>systems, Web,E, video conferencing Wireless: WiFi *ccess points !et"ork storage systems

Home user:0/;

8inksys product line of access points, s"itches etc. 9roadband: cable modems Cisco Pmi N video conferencing

With the ac$uisition of )ure (igital ?echnologies, Cisco began to sell a line of video recording devices called "Flip @ideo" that had been )ure (igitalIs only line of products. ?his line of products "as not as popular as Cisco had thought it "ould have been, and on *pril 5B, B355,

Cisco announced they "ere discontinuing all Flip camera production. &t "ill no longer carry the making of Flip cameras.:02;:0D;

'edit( Hard4are

* Cisco *#<QB>0B,< router deployed at C,F! in 567C.

* Cisco C6D3G &) )hone. (atacenter products: !eEus #"itches (5333v, B333, /333, 2333, C333 , <(#, 4nified Computing #ystem (4C# Flip pocket camera ((iscontinued in *pril B355:0C;

Cisco #)*233 #eries &) )hones 8inksys #)*633 #eries &) )hones Cisco 4nified &) )hones (C6/2, C6D2, C6/B, 7633 series, 6633 series, D633 series Cisco *pplication Control ,ngine (*C, : *pplication (elivery Controller Fouters, including: 70C, 5333 #eries, B233 #eries, CD33, 5B333, 0D33 #eries, *#F #eries and CF#>5 and CF#>0 Cisco #ecurity <anager #ecurity appliances: *#* 2233, )&= 233 series

4nified Computing: Cisco 4nified Computing #ystem (4C# virtual server platform: "ith @<Ware virtualiKation system run servers on Cisco hard"are:07; Catalyst s"itches: Cisco Catalyst B633 #eries, Cisco Catalyst 0333 #eries, Catalyst /233, Cisco Catalyst D233 #eries Collaboration systems such as Cisco ?ele)resence, Cisco <anufacturing <obile @ideo Collaboration "ith 8ibrestream, Cisco ac$uired ?andberg, the "orld leader in ?elepresence systems:06; @'&): Wireless &) )hone C6B3 C8,': 8o" ,arth 'rbit router Cisco Wireless 8*! Cisco Cius: a ne" *ndroid>based collaboration tablet Cisco Wide *rea *pplication #ervices (W**# #et ?op 9oEes (-igh (efinition )@Fs > CableQ&)

'edit( So7t4are

&nternet"ork 'perating #ystem (&'# !=>'# &'#>=F Cisco *ctive !et"ork *bstraction Cisco Fabric <anager Cisco *nyConnect #ecure <obility Client Cisco #ystems @)! Client Cisco@ie" (ata Center <anagement and *utomation N Cisco &ntelligent *utomation Cisco ?idal ,nterprise #cheduler CiscoWorks !et"ork <anagement soft"are Clean *ccess *gent, Cisco !*C *ppliance Cisco ,os )acket ?racer, didactic net"ork simulator

Cisco !et"ork <agic )ro Cisco 4nified Communications <anager Cisco 4nified 'perations <anager (C4'< > is a !<# for voice. &t features real>time monitoring of all system elements, and performs automatic discovery for the entire system and provides conteEtual diagnostics for troubleshooting. Cisco &) Communicator Cisco +uad Cisco #ecurity <anager Web,E Collaboration ?ools

'edit( 8oIP services

Cisco became a maHor provider of @oice over &) to enterprises, and is no" moving into the home user market through its ac$uisitions of #cientific *tlanta and 8inksys. #cientific *tlanta provides @o&) e$uipment to cable service providers such as ?ime Warner, Cablevision, Fogers Communications, 4)C, and othersL 8inksys has partnered "ith companies such as #kype and JahooR to integrate consumer @o&) services "ith "ireless and cordless phones.

'edit( Hosted Colla#oration Solution

Cisco partners can no" offer cloud>based services based on CiscoIs virtualiKed 4nified Computing #ystem (4C# . * part of the Cisco 4nified #ervices (elivery #olution, it "ill include hosted versions of Cisco 4nified Communications <anager (4C< , Cisco 4nified Contact Center, Cisco 4nified <obility, Cisco 4nified )resence, Cisco 4nity Connection (unified messaging , and Cisco WebeE <eeting Center.:/3;

'edit( !et4or5 "mer ency Response

?he company maintains several !et"ork ,mergency Fesponse @ehicles (!,F@ s "hich are staffed by Cisco employees during natural disasters and other public crises. ?he vehicles are self contained and provide "ired and "ireless services including voice and radio interoperability, voice over &), net"ork based video surveillance and secured high definition video conferencing for leaders and first responders in crisis areas "ith up to 2 <bitQs of band"idth via a 5.7>meter satellite antenna. !,F@s are normally stored at Cisco facilities in #an Jose, California and Fesearch ?riangle )ark, !orth Carolina for strategic deployment in !orth *merica and are capable of being fully operational "ithin 52 minutes of arrival, running for CB hours continuously.:/5;:/B; ?he !,F@ has been deployed to incidents such as the 'ctober B33C California "ildfiresL hurricanes Gustav, &ke, and .atrinaL the B353 #an 9runo gas pipeline eEplosionL and tornado outbreaks in !orth Carolina and *labama in B355.:/0; &n B355, Cisco received the &nnovation )reparedness a"ard from the *merican Fed Cross, #ilicon @alley Chapter for its development and use of these vehicles in disasters.://;

'edit( Cisco Career Certi7ications

<ain article: Cisco Career Certifications Cisco #ystems also sponsors a line of &? )rofessional certifications for Cisco products. ?here are five levels of certification: ,ntry, *ssociate, )rofessional, ,Epert, and recently *rchitect, as "ell as eight different paths, Fouting 1 #"itching, (esign, !et"ork #ecurity, #ervice )rovider, the ne"ly introduced #ervice )rovider 'perations, #torage !et"orking, @oice, and Wireless. Cisco also provides training for these certifications via a portal called the Cisco !et"orking *cademy. +ualifying schools can become members of the Cisco !et"orking *cademy and then provide CC!* level or other level courses. Cisco *cademy &nstructors must be CC!* certified to be a CC*& certified instructor.

'edit( Criticisms and controversy

'edit( S)are)older relations
* class action la"suit filed on *pril B3, B335 accused Cisco of making misleading statements that ""ere relied on by purchasers of Cisco stock" and of insider trading.:/2; While Cisco denied all allegations in the suit, on *ugust 57, B33D, CiscoIs liability insurers, its directors, and officers paid the plaintiffs 4#A65.C2 million to settle the suit.:/D;

'edit( Intellectual property disputes

'n (ecember 55, B337, the Free #oft"are Foundation filed suit against Cisco regarding CiscoIs failure to comply "ith the G)8 and 8G)8 license models and make the applicable source code publicly available.:/C; 'n <ay B3, B336, Cisco settled this la"suit by complying "ith F#F licensing terms and making a monetary contribution to the F#F.:/7;

'edit( Censors)ip in C)ina

Cisco has been criticiKed for its involvement in censorship in the )eopleIs Fepublic of China.:/6; *ccording to author ,than Gutmann, Cisco and other telecommunications e$uipment providers supplied the Chinese government "ith surveillance and &nternet infrastructure e$uipment that is used to block &nternet "ebsites and track Chinese on>line activities. Cisco says that it does not customiKe or develop specialiKed or uni$ue filtering capabilities to enable governments to block access to information and that it sells the same e$uipment in China as it sells "orld"ide.:23; Wired !e"s had uncovered a leaked, confidential Cisco po"erpoint presentation that details the commercial opportunities of the Golden #hield )roHect of &nternet control.:25; &n her article, Hournalist #arah #tirland accuses Cisco of marketing its technology "specifically as a tool of repression."

'edit( Ta9 7raud investi ation

'n 'ctober 5D, B33C, the 9raKilian Federal )olice and 9raKilian Feceita Federal (e$uivalent to the *merican &F# under the ")ersona 'peration" uncovered an alleged taE fraud scheme employed by Cisco #ystems since B33B that eEempted the company from paying over FA5.2 billion (4#A7B/ million in taEes.:2B;:20;

'edit( Antitrust la4suit

'n (ecember 5, B337, <ultiven filed an antitrust la"suit:2/;:22;:2D;:2C;:27;:26; against Cisco #ystems, &nc. in an effort to open up the net"ork maintenance services marketplace for Cisco e$uipment, promote competition and ensure consumer choice and value. <ultivenIs complaint alleges that Cisco harmed <ultiven and consumers by bundling and tying bug fiEesQpatches and updates for its operating system soft"are to its maintenance services (#<*F?net and through a series of other illegal eEclusionary and anticompetitive acts designed to maintain CiscoIs alleged monopoly in the net"ork maintenance services market for Cisco net"orking e$uipment. Cisco responded by accusing the person "ho filed the anti>trust suit, 9ritish born )eter *lfred> *dekeye, "ith hacking and pressured the 4# government to eEtradite him from Canada "here he "as giving evidence against Cisco in an anti>trust hearing. Canadian Judge Fonald <c.innon, "ho oversa" the eEtradition hearing, stated the real reason for the eEtradition proceedings "as because *lfred>*dekeye "dared to take on a multinational giant." -e also condemned the 4# prosecutor for hiding the fact that *lfred>*dekeye "as in legal proceedings against Cisco #ystems, for stating that *lfred>*dekeye had left the 4#* in a time period "hen he had not and a formal re$uest for eEtradition "as not filed against *lfred>*dekeye "hen he "as taken into custody. Judge <c.innon described the information provided by Cisco and the 4# prosecutor as "full of innuendo, half>truths and falsehoods" adding "?his speaks volumes for CiscoIs duplicity" and accused them of "unmitigated gall" in using such a heavy>handed move as an unsupportable arrest and Hailing to pressure *lfred>*dekeye to drop or settle his civil antitrust complaint.:D3;

'edit( Intimidation
Cisco has been reported as using intimidation tactics in several ne"s reports.:D5;:DB;

'edit( See also

8ist of information technology acronyms

'edit( !otes
: "Cisco Contacts >". !ovember 56, B355. http:QQ""".cisco.comQ"ebQsiteassetsQcontactsQindeE.html. Fetrieved B355>55>56. B. S a b c d e "Cisco Feports B355 ,arnings". Cisco #ystems. *ugust 53, B355. http:QQne">release>contentTtypeU"ebcontent1article&dU/2D0B3. Fetrieved B355>36>30.


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C. 7. 6. 53.


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'edit( "9ternal lin5s

San Francisco Bay Area portal Companies portal

'fficial "ebsite (<obile Cisco !et"orking *cademy N *rmenia &ntervie" "ith former C,', John <orgridge, by #tanford students of iinnovate Cisco #ystems vs. Juniper !et"orks *.#>&nnovations team ] Find out more about Cisco &^)riKe, the contest "hich "as the main reason to build the *.#>team and start generating ideas @o&) for business Cisco (@ideos

9usiness data Cisco #ystems at Google Finance Cisco #ystems at JahooR Finance

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Components o7 t)e <o4 =ones Industrial Avera e

0< *lcoa *merican ,Epress *?1? 9ank of *merica 9oeing Caterpillar Chevron Cisco Systems ?he Coca>Cola Company (u)ont ,EEon<obil General ,lectric -e"lett>)ackard ?he -ome (epot &ntel


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6a?or in7ormation tec)nolo y companies

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Servers only

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+et#odo o(y7 )Y2010011 app icab e revenues o* over7 (roup 1-10 and 12 - :S;< bi ion= (roup 11 - :S;10 bi ion

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566/ establishments in the 4nited #tates Cisco #ystems Companies based in #an Jose, California Companies established in 567/ (eep packet inspection

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