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Class: IV

Home Assignment winter vacation


1) English A) Grammar

L-12 (Subject and Predicate)

Q1 Read the passage given below. Circle the subject part and put the predicate part in brackets.
My elder brother studies in a boarding school. He comes home for his holidays. He tells us about his life
there. The students get up early. School starts at half past seven. They work hard but they also have a
lot of fun.
Q2 Read the story given below. Divide the sentences into their subject and predicate parts by drawing a
line (/) between the two parts.
a) It was so cold that I woke up shivering .
b) A storm was raging outside.
c) The bed lamp in my room went plop.
d) I looked out of the window.
e) It was completely dark.
f) A bright purple glow darted into my room.
g) I saw a strangest creature.
h) It must be from another planet!
L- 13( Subject Verb Agreement)
Q1 Use the correct verb forms in the sentences below:
a) We ________(is/are/am) living in this house for the last four years.
b) It ___________(is/are/am) next to hillock.
c) My brother and I __________(has/have) a room for ourselves.
d) We___________(go/goes) to the park .
e) My dog _____________(play/plays) with the pets of my friends.

B) Course Book
L 9 (Puru the Brave)
I) Read the following conversation and answer the given questions:

: I see what you mean, and I agree with you. The Indian generals are still following the old
methods of warfare. Their battle plans are faulty and they depend too much upon their
elephants. But as fighters they are wonderful. I have the greatest respect for them.

Third General

: I was amazed to see how Porus fought in the battle of Jhelum.

Fourth General : He continued to fight even when others had left the field. I think he killed at least a hundred of our men with his sword.
Second General : And injured many more.
First General

: He was badly injured himself.


: Oh! He is a brave man and a great soldier. I wish he were one of my generals.

Second General : He is a proud man,your Majesty.


: A soldier is not a soldier if he is not proud. Im not at all angry with him.

Q1 For whom did Alexander have the greatest respect?

Q2 How Alexander described porus?
Q3 Was Alexander angry with Porus?
Q4 Why did Alexander think that Porus was not a proud man?
Q5 Write the meanings of the following words:
a) Faulty - ____________________________

b) capture - ______________________________________

II) Read the following conversation and answer the given questions:

: All right. Are you sorry for the mistake you made, Puru?


: I made no mistake, sir.


: Didnt you reject my proposal?


: I did. I refused to be your vassal.


: Do you know that many Kings have gladly agreed to be my vassals?


: I know that, and I also know that none of them is Puru.

First General : (softly to the Second General He is , indeed, a very proud man.

: Dont you realize that you are my prisoner?


: I do, but that doesnt make any difference to me. Im still the lawful King of my country.

Q1 Im still a lawful King of my country. Who is I here?

Q2 I refused to be your vassal. This statement shows that Puru was
a) a coward man
b) a proud man
c) a brave man
Q3 What mistake of Puru is Alexander talking about?
Q4 Make sentences:
a) Glad - __________________________________________________________________________________
b) proud-__________________________________________________________________________________
c) prisoner-________________________________________________________________________________

L 10 (King Shibi and the Dove)

I) Read the passage given below and answer the given questions:
Hundreds of years ago there was a King called Shibi. He was a wise King with a hjeart of gold. He took good
Care of his subjects and they loved him. There wasnt anyone in his kingdom who did not like him.
Soon the gods heard about Shibi and his goodness. They were a little envious of him. One morning King
Shibi was talking to one of his courtiers. Suddenly, a beautiful white dove flew in through the open window.
She flew straight into the Kings arms. The dove was frightened and was trembling.
Q1 What does the phrase King with a heart of gold mean?
a) a strong person
b) a kind person
c) a coward person
Q2 What was the doves condition when she came to King Shibi?
Q3 Who was chasing the dove?
Q4 Find out the words from the passage that means
a) shaking with fear - _____________________________________________________________________
b) afraid - _______________________________________________________________________________

II) Read the passage given below and answer the given questions:
Oh, Ill do that readily. And King Shibi sent for a pair of scales. He put the dove on one pan and cut some
flesh from his legs and put it on the other pan. But the pan didnt move! He then cut some more flesh from
his legs but the scales still did not balance. It was strange! Then he stepped on the pan and the scales
balanced perfectly. He looked at the hawk and said, Im your food. You can eat me.
As soon as he said this the dove and the hawk disappeared. In their place stood Indra, the lord of the gods
and Agni, the lord of Fire.
King Shibi, said Indra, we wanted to test your goodness. You are truly a good man.They blessed him and

Q1 When does the scales balanced perfectly ?

Q2 Complete the following statements.
a) He looked at the hawk and said,_____________________________________________________________
b) King Shibi, said Indra,_____________________________________________________________________
Q3 Who came in the form of the dove and the hawk?
Q4 Write the meanings of the following words:
a) strange - _______________________________

b) vanished - _______________________________

2) Hindi (Udaan)
Learn the following lessons:
L- 13
L- 15

3) E.V.S
Learn the question/answers of the following lessons:
L -23 (Garbage and its Disposal)
L- 26 (Things Around Us)

4) Maths -

L-9 ( Fractional Numbers) and L-12 (Time)

Q1 Arrange the following fractions in ascending order:

a.) 2 , 3 , 1
4 4 4

b.) 2, 2, 7
6 7 9

Q2 Arrange the following fractions in descending order:
a) 4, 2, 6
8 8 8

b.) 7, 7, 7
10 9 8

Q3 Add the following fractions:
a) 3 +


b) 2 + 3 + 1
11 11





Q4 Aman had planted mango trees in 4/6 of a field. He planted guava trees in 1/6 of the field.
How much field did he plant?
Solve _____________________________________________________________________________________

Q5 Subtract:
a) 6/10 from 9/10

b) 8/12 from 10/12









Q6 Find the difference of the following:

a) 7/16

and 2/16


2/7 and 1/7









Q7 Girisha ate 4/8 of her chocolate. How much was left, if she had 6/8 of the chocolate?
Q8 Write 3 equivalent fractions of the following:
a) 5/6



Q9 Find whether the following fractions are equivalent or not.

a) 5/6 , 18/10
b) 4/9 , 9/4



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