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Assalamualaikum wr, wb. The honorable the jury selection of national outstanding students , let me introduce my self.

my name is arini syarifah,im the student in Muhammadiyah University of purwokerto. Thank you for giving me chance to stand here to explain my idea in a paper entitled " Answering halal vaccine : Approaching A Polio Free Indonesian With Banana". The reason why im taking this tittle is based on the Republika newspaper on 12 September 2012 which is reported that Eleven countries of World Health Organization (WHO) in South East Asia have been ready to declare polio free on January 2014. Eridication program is still beingheld intensively including indonesia, one of them is through national immunization program or commonly called as PIN. This program has been done since 1995. One of the immunization types given is through polio vaccine. According to Director of Planning and Development Biofarma Company, Drs. Iskandar, Apt., MM, the making of polio vaccine is still using monkey kidney cells as a medium and trypsin enzyme from pigs as a catalyst. Of course, this becomes a problem for among Indonesian in which the majorities are Muslim, considering these materials are the animal forbidden in Islam. In addition, based on interviews with the chairman of MUI Banyumas, Dr.Ridwan M., Ag current polio vaccine is permissible, remembering there is no substitute for the polio vaccine which does not use pig cells or monkey cells. More over, it is afraid that there will be a lot of losses because of the vacum of polio vaccine giving. So I pursued the idea to replace the use of pig cells and monkey kidney cells with banana as the medium of polio vaccine. There will be two problem statements in this paper. The first is to describe the mechanism of banana plant which is used as a media of polio vaccine, and, the second is to explore the advantages and disadvantages of banana which is used as a medium of the vaccine The type of this writing is literature study in which the data collection were obtained from journals, books that support this paper, and interviews with academia, public health and MUI. The data analysis was done through two steps.First It starts from the identification of the polio vaccine and analyzing the problems,second seeking the exact solutions which is appropriate with the growing problem. In synthesis analysis I will describe the use of apes and pigs in manufacturing conventional vaccines. It begins with making the medium, and this is where the monkey kidney cells used to process poliovirus proliferate, and then the second is poliovirus planting which the poliovirus is inserted to the media of monkey kidney cells, and the last is harvesting the polio virus which has been numerous. At the harvesting process, it is used the trypsin enzyme from pigs that serves as a catalyst or separator enzyme between the medium with the polio vaccine which would be harvested. After harvesting stage, the last stage is the purification and virus inactivation.

After explaining the polio vaccine manufacturing process, we have already known that polio vaccine is still using monkey kidney cells and trypsin enzymes from pigs, which many scholars argue that the vaccine is not halal. However, because there is no other alternative, then the status of polio vaccine is highly needed but, in my point of view, it would be better if we, as Muslims, seek the halal treatment because we as Muslims are not allowed to be treated with the haram object. That is why I developed my idea in the paper to make banana as a medium of poly vaccines which are no longer using the cells of monkeys and pigs. The idea of the banana plants as a way of making the media of the polio vaccine refers to charlez Arntzen in 1995 about the making of vaccines that causes of dental caries using tobacco media are as follows.

The first is the poliovirus gene inserted into the Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium bacteria which have Ti Plasmid, where these bacteria will bring a banana plants dna gene which was inserted by poliovirus to be included in the banana plant cell suspension through infection process in the bananas flower tissue for then culturing process is done. After the cultured tissues were successfully done, there will be selection of gene candidates which are inserted poliovirus successfully. After the banana plants containing genes poliovirus grow and produce frul, then the mechanism of the formation of immunity that occurs is In Figure 1 is an image when the poliovirus attack first occurred. This process needs a long process because of the body's immunity try to recognize and eliminate poliovirus that invades our bodies. The number 2 is the image when the poliovirus attack for the second time. Because the body's immunity has already recognized the poliovirus immunity, without thinking long again, it eliminates the antigen.

Then, for advantages and disadvantages of using banana plants as the media of polio vaccine are as follows starting from disadvantages. The first; the continuity of vaccine production is not guaranteed due to currently being developed tools to measure doses of vaccine in one banana. Then the second one is easy to decay. We all know that banana can quickly decay in the n34days. Besides the disadvantages above, there are some advantages of using transgenic banana. First, we do not need medical personnel because bananas can be eaten without medical help to inject polio vaccine into the body. The second, it is economical and halal. The usage is easy enough; as other bananas, we just need to feed the toddlers as usual so that toddlers do not feel like being vaccinated. Furthermore transgenic bananas did not use the enzyme trypsin from pigs and monkey kidney cells.

From the fact above, it can be concluded that the banana can be used as a medium for making polio vaccine that is no longer using kidney cells from monkeys and trypsin enzymes from pigs. Therefore, it can be said that transgenic bananas can be used as a halal alternative vaccine. The first recommendation given is the need for further research to determine the levels of poliovirus, and the second because of the easy rotten bananas hence the need for further development to make transgenic banana used as a simple and efficient preparations such as suspensions, syrups or tablets. Those all of my presentation, lets protect the nation's future generation from polio by using halal treatment, one of them is by using transgenic banana polio Wassalamualaikum

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