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Verbos Past simple Past continuous Past perfect Past perfect continuous Present simple Present continous Present

perfect Present perfect continous Future simple Future continous Future perfect Future perfect continuous Going To

PRESENTE Present simple Acciones habituales, rutinarias o repetitivas, mandatos o instrucciones, frases de mucho peso con repercusiones permanentes de por vida, horarios futuros, aparece en las condicionales de primer grado, con hechos cientficos, con los state verbs, comentarios deportivos, cartas formales y bromas !very day, every "ee#, every year, once a "ee#, t"ice a "ee#, three times a "ee# al"ays, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, occasionally, hardly ever, never, unless$ otros enlaces como although %he plays tennis $ %he doesn&t play tennis $ Does she play tennis ' ( am al"ays happy $ ( never go to the cinema $ ( don&t al"ays play tennis (f you don&t study, you don&t pass the e)am *nless you study, you don&t pass the e)am Open the "indo" inmediately++ $ First you put the cassette in the machine %he is ,uite fit, although she smokes -. cigars a day / !lla est0 bastante en forma, aun,ue fuma -. cigarrillos al da %he goes to school every day ( am from %pain $ ( come from 1anada 2frases de peso3 The train leaves at 45,.. The planets revolve around the sun Does she understand' $ ( disagree completely 6omero runs to"ards goal and he kicks the ball+ ( enclose a copy of my 17 A man goes into a restaurant and orders some soup 2esta se supone ,ue es la broma, los ingleses son as, se supone ,ue hablan de un tio cachas y esperan ,ue se coma un filete y en ve8 de carne se pide una sopa3 9e9e :ater free8es at .;1 %cientific or natural la"s ( "or# five evenings a "ee# 6outine or regular, repeated actions (&ll as# him "hen ( see him Time clauses after "hen, as soon as, if, until, etc ( live in Athens Permanent situations (t&s the people ( li#e most about the 9ob :ith state verbs 2 "hich "e do not usually use in the continuous form3 be, believe, feel, hate, hear, #no", li#e, loo#, love, prefer, realise, remember, see, seem, smell, suppose, taste, "ant

Present continuous Acciones ,ue reali8amos en este momento, acciones ,ue pasan de un estado a otro, acciones temporales 2,ue no son para toda la vida3, planes de futuro 2certe8a alta3, para e)presar lo mucho ,ue nos molesta algo Today, this "ee#, this month, this year, at the moment, at present, no", right no", still They are "riting a letter $ They aren&t "riting a letter $ Are they "riting a letter' %he is playing tennis$ she isn&t playing tennis$ Is she playing tennis' ( am still "or#ing %he is going to school at t e moment <y headache is getting "orse $ All of a suddenly, his face is turning red+ Are you doing anything special this "ee#end' Are you eventually going to Paris' %he is al"ays tal#ing so loudly+ :hy are you al"ays telling me "hat to do' Annoying habits The level of unemployment is getting "orse 1hanging$ developing situations (&m sorry, but he is doing his home"or# right no" Actions happening no" or over a period of time around no" :e are having dinner "ith =ulie on Friday night Future arrangements %he is staying "ith friends in >or# for a fe" days Temporary situations otros e9emplos? ( thin# my father is probably having a meeting in his office <y younger brother is al"ays leaving his shoes and soc#s around the house (&m meeting <aria on %aturday morning and "e&re going shopping together The pollution "here ( live is getting "orse all the time+

Present perfect Acci@n concluida en un tiempo no concluido, esa acci@n sigue teniendo repercusi@n en el presente, cuando describimos eventos recientes 2 acabo de3, para describir acciones repetidas ,ue llevamos haciendo durante un tiempo y ,ue seguimos haciendo en el presente, cuando hablamos de nuestra e)periencias personales y cuando hablamos de algo por primera o segunda ve8, cuando hay una consecuencia inmediata de una acci@n pasada en el presente, cuando usamos el superlativo ever Para hablar de cosas ,ue pasaron entre untiempo del pasado en relaci@n con el presente For, since, 9ust, yet, already, ever, ho" long, never, during %he as played tennis $ she asn&t played tennis $ !as she played tennis' They ave "ritten a letter$ they aven&t "ritten a letter$ !ave they "ritten a letter' !ave you finished yet' >es, ( ave already finished# Ao, ( aven&t finished yet+ ( have lived in Pamplona for 4. years $ ( have lived in Pamplona since 4BB.$ (&ve lived in Pamplona during the year $ (t rained for three hours during the night ( ave lived in Pamplona $or 5 years 2y sigo viviendo all/ repercusi@n en el presente3 ( ave %ust eaten t"o hamburguers, an apple, a plate of spaghetti and four pieces of ca#e

:e ave seen three movies this "ee# 2 lo hice cuando era pe,ueCa, y lo sigo haciendo3 ( ave traveled to Australia constantly since ( "as a child %he as read all boo#s from Agatha 1ristie 2e)periencia personal3 Dh no+ %omeone as let the dog into the living room and no" there are pa" prints all over the sofa+ That&s the first time ( ave driven a real car+ This is t e most ama8ing house ( ave ever been into+ %he is t e most beautiful girl ( ave ever seen in my entire life+ ( have met one famous person in my life, and that "as Tom 1ruise :hen "e tal# about e)perience, that is things that have happened at some time in our lives ( have 9ust spo#en to Einda %he "asn&t very happy :hen "e can see a present result of past actions ( have #no"n Peter for ages :ith state verbs , be, believe, etc ( have lived here since 4BBF :hen "e are describing situations that have continued from some time in the past until no" ( have "atched every match they have played since ( "as a boy :hen "e are describing repeated actions that have continued from some time in the past until no" Dh no+ %omeone has split Fanta all over the living room carpet :hen "e can see a present result of past actions

Present perfect continuous / Present Perfect, pero dedicamos m0s tiempo a reali8ar la acci@n (ndicamos y enfati8amos cu0nto tiempo nos ha llevado hacer algo, para sugerir ,ue una actividad es temporal y en algGn momento se terminar0, para sugerir ,ue estoy haciendo algo y aGn no he terminado con ello For, since, 9ust, yet, already, ever, ho" long %he as been playing tennis $ %he asn&t been playing tennis $ !as she been playing tennis' HuI has estado haciendo' Je estado pintando las paredes :hat have you been doing' ( ave been painting the "alls $ ( ave been painting the "alls all morning $ ( ave been painting the "alls t e " ole morning+ ( ave been smo#ing for a "hile, but ( am going to stop+ ( ave been reading the ne" boo# of % King novel, but ( haven&t finished yet+ Farmers have been campaigning for more support from the government for years

PASADO Past simple Acciones ,ue ocurrieron en el pasado, sale en las condicionales de L grado, hablamos de habitos del pasado, in reported speech 2 she said3 >esterday, last "ee#, last month, last year, t"o days ago M They "rote a letter $ they didn&t "rite a letter $ Did they "rite a letter' ( "ent to a fantastic concert last night+ (f ( ad 2 have3 money ( "ould buy a car (f ( "ere 2to be3 you, ( "ould study more Did you go to the beach often "hen you "ere younger' Nespite the rain, "e "ent for a "al# ( "ent bac# because of the rain Je played brilliantly, but he still lost the match ( lived in Pamplona 5 years ago %he said she didn&t $eel like coming to the party tonight 2feel li#e / apetecer3 After the football match, "e "ent to a bar, had a fe" drin#s and celebrated our "in Past continuous Acciones ,ue ocurrieron en un tiempo concreto del pasado 1uando hablamos de algo ,ue se suponia ,ue iba a pasar y al final no pas@ por algGn tipo de incidencia o causa desconocida, para hablar de varias acciones ,ue estaban sucediendo al mismo tiempo :hile$ :hen >esterday at 5 o&cloc#+ They "ere "riting a letter $ They "eren&t "riting a letter$ 'ere they "riting a letter' %he "as playing tennis$ %he "asn&t playing tennis $ 'as she playing tennis' This time last year ( "as preparing for the !nglish e)am They "ere going to :ales on holiday that summer, but there "as a train stri#e and they had to cancel their trip :hile ( "as doing the "ashing up, =oanna "as aving a sho"er (nspector Eomas loo#ed out the "indo" (t "as sno"ing and the streets "ere becoming icy Past perfect !s el tiempo m0s pasado ,ue hay 2 pasado n; L3 Asi ,ue es para referirmos a un tiempo m0s pasado ,ue otro tiempo ya pasado 2 pasado n;43 TambiIn aparece in reported speech Oy the time, before, after, for , since, 9ust, yet, already, ever, ho" long, "ishP(f only M %he ad played tennis $ %he adn&t played tennis$ !ad she played tennis'

(y t e time ( sa" my best friend again, she ad already married Tom (f you ad studied more, you "ould ave passed the e)am ( "ish ( ad studied more$ (f only ( had studied more 2significan lo mismo3 %he said she ad told him about the "edding Past perfect continuous Past perfect, pero dedicamos m0s tiempo a reali8ar la acci@n Oefore, after, for , since, 9ust, yet, already, ever, ho" long %he ad been playing tennis$ %he ad&t been playing tennis$ !ad she been playing tennis' Oy the time the fitness trainer finally turned up, "e had been "aiting for half an hour *sed to $ "ould *sed to? hablar de habitos pasados y estados ,ue ya han de9ado de e)istir :e used to "alk to school, but no" "e get the bus 2h0tibo3 Je used to be really shy, but he is much more confident since he started his ne" 9ob 2estado/ ser3 :ould? lo usamos para hablar de habitos pasados 2 de una forma m0s literaria3 pero nunca para hablar de estados !s decir, ,ue siempre ,ue apare8ca un state verb no lo podremos usar, pondremos el used to :hen ( "as little, I "ould dress up in our mother&s old clothes

)*T*RO Future simple Acciones ,ue reali8aremos en el futuro, decisiones espont0neas 2certe8a ba9a3 Predicciones de hechos sin tener ninguna evidencia al respecto TambiIn lo usamos para hacer promesas, amena8as, cuando nos ofrecemos a hacer algo por alguien, cuando pedimos a alguien ,ue haga algo por nosotros, ( thin# it "ill be cooler tomorro" >ou&ll meet someone and fall in love eventually (f you play that 1N again, ( "ill t ro" it out the "indo" ( promis ( "on&t tell anyone 'ill you turn that stereo do"n' ( "ill pick you up at the airport if you li#e %he "ill play tennis$ %he "on&t play tennis$ 'ill she play tennis' (f you study, you "ill pass the e)am $ >ou "ill pass the e)am if you study ( thin# (&ll lie do"n for a moment 2"ith state verbs/ thin#3 (&ll do the dishes 2acci@n inmediata3

(&m tired ( thin# (&ll go to bed A spontaneous decision

Going to voy a futuro pensado$meditado 2certe8a media3 TambiIn lo usamos para predecir situaciones de las ,ue s tenemos evidencia ( am going to buy a mansion %he is going to play tennis$ she isn&t going to play tennis$ Is she going to play tennis' They are going to "rite a letter$ they aren&t going to "rite a letter$ Are they going to "rite a letter' :hen are you going to ta#e a holiday' ( am going to go to the sumpermar#et in a fe" minutes, is there anything you "ant me to buy' Eoo# at this gloomy s#y (t&s going to rain+ (&m going to be sic#, ( feel it+ Present simplePPQ con funci@n de futuro Dur train leaves at - ocloc# tomorro" morning A timetable or tavel plan Present continuous con funci@n de futuro? acciones pensadas y decididas con mucha firme8a 2certe8a segura3 Ae)t month ( am $lying to %pain 2tengo el tic#et+3 ( am having my hair cut tomorro" An appointment $ definite arrangement

Future continuous para describir una acci@n ,ue reali8aremos en un momento concreto del futuro tomorro" at 5 o&cloc# $ ne)t year on Dctober 4Fth $ by the time They "ill be "riting a letter$ They "on&t be "riting a letter$ 'ill they be "riting a letter' (&ll be lying on a beach soa#ing up the sun by the time you receive this A personal plan

Future perfect Para describir una acci@n ,ue ser0 concluida en un momento dado del futuro Tomorro" by 44 o&cloc# , Ae)t "ee# by this time ( "ill ave passed my driving license e)am by t is time ne)t year %he "ill ave played tennis $ she "on&t ave played tennis$ 'ill she ave played tennis'

Oy this time ne)t year, (&ll already have left school and found a 9ob An action that "ill be in progress at a certain future time Future perfect continuous Future perfect, pero dedicamos m0s tiempo a reali8ar la acci@n tomorro" by 44 o&cloc# Oy the end of this "ee#, they "ill have been travelling for a year An action happening for a continuous period before a future point %he "ill ave been playing tennis$ she "on&t ave been playing tennis$ 'ill she ave been playing tennis' *sos especiales de %hall 43 %hall ( open the "indo" for you' >o me ofre8co 2educadamente3 para hacer algo L3 %hall "e go to the cinema' %ugerimos$proponemos hacer algo

Relaciones entre tiempos verbales 1ombinaci@n de futuro simple y presente simple despuIs de " en+ as soon as+ i$+ until (&ll phone her " en# as soon as ( get home %ay hello to Tim i$ you see him (&m not going to spea# to him until he apologises >ou&ll meet someone and $all in love eventually (f you study, you "ill pass the e)am Presente perfecto y presente perfecto continuo $ presente perfecto continuo y presente perfecto ( ave been reading the ne" boo# of % King novel, but ( aven&t $inis ed yet+ Pasado simple y presente simple :hen ( "as a child ( loved the beach, but no" ( don&t like it so much anymore+ Pasado continuo y pasasdo simple ( "as having a sho"er "hen the doorbell rang Pasado simple y pasado perfecto (y t e time ( sa" my best friend again, she ad already married Tom %he said she ad told him about the "edding Futuro perfecto continuo y presente simple

(&ll be lying on a beach soa#ing up the sun by the time you receive this *na acci@n larga 2past continuous3 se ve interrumpida por una acci@n corta 2past simple3 ( "as "atching T7, "hen the phone rang !staba viendo la tele cuando el telf son@ Euego hay acciones ,ue no se interrumpen, pero ,ue, por l@gica, los tiempos verbales acaban combinandose entre s como este e9emplo? A pesar de ,ue estaba lloviendo, nos fuimos a dar una vuelta Nespite the fact that it "as raining, "e "ent for a "al# / past continuousR past simple 1uando las acciones se suceden una detr0s de otra van todas en Past simple / el telef son@, me levantI y contestI / the telephone rang, ( got up and 2(3 ans"ered it Past simple vs Past perfect Pasado n;4 / "atch T7 2Past perfect3 had "atched Pasado n;L / go to bed 2Past simple3 "ent NespuIs de ver 2de haber visto3 la tele me fui a la cama / After ( had "atched tv, ( "ent to bed Antes de irme a la cama vi la televisi@n / Oefore ( "ent to bed, ( had "atched T7 Present simple vs future simple (f you don&t come to my house, "e "on&t go to the cinema So , Suc -vienen a ser lo mismo. %he is so 2tan3 beautiful that she is a model %he is suc a beautiful girl that she is a model $ she is suc an intelligent girl They are suc beautiful girls 2en el plural no ponemos a3 (t is suc bad "eather 2en los nombres incontables tampoco3 %oPsuch lo usamos dependiendo de c@mo ,ueramos decir las cosas, aun,ue en realidad significan e)actamente lo mismo+ !9emplo? 43 The "eather is so bad that ( prefer to stay at home L3 (t&s suc bad "eather that ( prefer to stay at home

sustituciones posibles? %o far / such a long "ay so long / such a long time so little time / such a little time !9ercicios A3 1ombinaci@n de Present simple S Future %imple 4 ( L F 5 2paint3 the #itchen "hen ( M 2have3 some free time :e M 2start3 the meeting until everybody 2arrive3 (f she M 2find3 a better 9ob, ( thin# she 2leave3 They 2move3 house as soon as they 2find3 a buyer :hen he M 2come3 bac#, ( 2tell3 him "hat "e have decided

O3 !li9e la forma de futuro ,ue corresponda 4 L F 5 T 4 Jave you heard' Anna and <ar# 2 are going to get$ "ill get3 married %urely not+ Anna 2 "ill start$ is starting3 university ne)t "ee# :ell she must have changed her mind Jer parents 2 are going$ "ill go3 cra8y "hen they find out >ou&re not 9o#ing+ Are you absolutely certain' Huite certain (&ll tell you "hat, 2 ( am going to $ (&ll 3 ring her right no" and she can tell you herself %he 2 "ill have$ is having3 some friends over for dinner tonight so she should be at home Good idea+ ( hope it&s not 9ust a rumour ( thin# 2 they&ll ma#e$ they&re ma#ing3 a perfect couple

13 !li9e la forma correcta de futuro en el siguiente e9ercicio U V B No you thin# most office "or#ers 2 "or#3 from home by L.L.' M space tourism M 2 become3 "idespread "ithin the ne)t five years, in your opinion' Jo" li#ely is it that ordinary people 2use3 robots to do domestic tas#s in their houses in the very near future' 4. No you thin# scientists M 2clone3 a human being by ne)t year' 44 :here do you thin# most people in your country M 2live3 in 5. years& timeW in rural or urban areas'

N3 1ombinaci@n, eli9e entre Past simple S Present perfect simple (dentifica las e)presiones ,ue te puedan ayudar 4 L F 5 T U ( M 2study3 in Paris for si) years until my parents moved to 6ome This isn&t the first time ( 2taste3 shar# meat As a child, ( 2e)cel3 at sports Duch+ ( 2 t"ist3 my an#le ( "as a long time before ( 2dare3 tell my parents ( had a tongue stud ( 2resist3 eating a single piece of chocolate for the past si) "ee#s <any of the plays that %hba#espeare 2produce3 have been made into films

!3 1ombinaci@n, eli9e entre Present perfect simple S Present perfect continous 4 L F 5 Je M 2play3 for the national football team three times so far this season ( 2"or#3 on the computer since V am %o far M 2phone3 =im give times this morning but ( h aven&t managed to catch him yet (f you M 2read3 the boo# ( lent you, can ( have it bac# no"' Dpera singer Pavarotti 2travel3 round the country all summer giving performances

F3 *n te)to con combinaci@n de todos los tipos de pasado <ost of us see gorillas on T7 but fe" people ever/observe one in the "ild ( M be fascinated by these creatures since ( be a child %o imagine my delight "hen, a fe" "ee#s ago, ( get the chance to go to 6"anda to trac# "ild mountain gorillas The trip "as not "ithout danger An armed soldier accompany us to scare off the buffalo "hich attack a previous group Dur guide cut a path through the undergro"th and "e follow :hen "e M find "hat loo#ed li#e cla" mar#s in some trees, "e realised that gorillas M feed there recently %udenly, "e M catch sight of themP a "hole family of gorillas+ The adults sit in the sun "atching the youngsters, "ho play in the trees Dne of the adults stare at me, M scratch his head, and M yawn For me, it "as love at first sight+

G3 <e8cla de cual,uier tiempo verbal , presente, pasado o futuro 4 L F 5 T U V B his bac# "as aching because he M dig in the garden all day M your father/work 9abroad at present' <aria left college earluy today because she M have a dental appointment an hour ago A% soon as it stops raining, "e M take the dog for a "al# <y neighbour couldn&t stop because his bus M leave and he didnt "ant to miss it For the past si) "ee#s, ( M have singing lessons ( can&t phone you at that time because ( M travel on the underground The photocopy machine break down t"ice already and it&s not even lunchtime+ As a rule, "e spend part of each summer at my parents& house

J3 > m0s de lo mismo 4 (f you feel that (&m being unreasonable, please say so L %andra M smell the blossom on her cherry tree "hen she "as stund by a bee F !ven though you have e)plaine dit three times no", ( still not see "hat you mean - %ince ( "as a young boy, ( ,, have a fear of heights 5 M you /think you could give me a hand lifting this e,uipment'

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