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Applications are invited on the prescribed form for the following faculty positions. The prescribed application form may be downloaded from the website, . illed in applications, along with a !egistration fee of !s.",500#$ %!upees &ne thousand and five hundred only' by way of (.(. obtained on or after 18-12-2013 on any nationali)ed ban* payable at +ellore, and drawn in favour of the !egistrar, ,i*rama -imhapuri .niversity, +ellore$ 524003 should reach the undersigned on or before 17-01-2014.
Department Group-I Arts: Commerce Economics Political Science #el$%$ Group-II Sciences: Bot n! "oo# Tec$no%o&! M t$e' tics P$!sics (oo%o&! Professor 1 1 1 1 1 Associate Professor 1-OC 1-OC(W) 2-OCEx.Ser. ! BC-C 2-OC!SC 2-OC!OC(W) 2-OCEx.Ser. ! BC-C 2-OC!SC 1-OC(W) 1-BC-D(W) Assistant Professor 1-BC-E (W)@ 1-BC-A "OC!SC(W)!OC(W)! BC-B "-S#!OC!SC!OC "-S#!OC!SC!OC "-BC-A!OC(W)! OC-P&(&&)!OC "-S#!OC(W)!BCB!OC 1-OC-(Ex.Ser) 1-OC(W)

Pro)*K* N &en#r + te: ,- -,.-./,0 REGISTRAR

Pr s #

NOTE:- /f a 0ualified and suitable candidate is not available from e1$servicemen, the turn allotted to e1$servicemen shall be deemed to be allotted To &pen 2ompetition. 3 Reserv t!o" to #C-E $ro%& '!(( )e s%)*e+t to t,e -*%-!+ t!o"s o. t,e (!t!$ t!o" )e.ore t,e /o"or )(e Co%rts !"+(%-!"$ .!" ( or-ers !" C!v!( A&&e ( No0A1 2228-2237 o. 2010 !" 345 No.7388-67 o. 20107 - te- 28-03-2010 "- or-ers .ro9 t,e :over"9e"t

Prospectus & Instructions



IN3TRUCTION3 TO T/E CANDIDATE3 ; E4I:I#I4IT< CRITERIA FOR TEAC/IN: 3TAFF :ENERA4 =UA4IFICATION3 2andidates are advised to read the instructions carefully before filling up the application form and dispatching it. The minimum 0ualifications re0uired for appointment in the .niversity as laid down by the .42 % approved
by the 4overnment in 4.&.5s.+o."4 6igher 7ducation %.7.//' (ept. dated 20$2$20"0 and contained in the .42 !egulations on 5inimum 8ualifications for Appointment of Teachers And &ther Academic -taff in .niversities and 2olleges and 5easures for the 5aintenance of -tandards in 6igher 7ducation, 20"0 vide letter +o. . 3$"#2009 dated 30.0:.20"0' for the posts of ;rofessors, Associate ;rofessors and Assistant ;rofessors are given below. The

candidates shall satisfy these re0uirements, in addition to the other re0uirements and desirable 0ualifications mentioned below, for consideration of their applications.

1 5ROFE33OR A. %i' An eminent scholar with ;h.(. 0ualification%s' in the concerned#allied#relevant discipline and published wor* of high 0uality, actively engaged in research with evidence of published wor* with a minimum of "0 publications as boo*s and#or research#policy papers.



A minimum of ten years of teaching e1perience in university#college, and#or e1perience in research at the .niversity#+ational level institutions#industries, including e1perience of guiding candidates for research at doctoral level. %iii' 2ontribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses, and technology < mediated teaching learning process. %iv' A minimum score as stipulated in the Academic ;erformance /ndicator %A;/' based ;erformance =ased Appraisal -ystem %;=A-', set out in this !egulation in Appendi1 ///.% ormats appended' OR An outstanding professional, with established reputation in the relevant field, who has made significant contributions to the *nowledge in the concerned#allied#relevant discipline, to be substantiated by credentials.


i. 4ood academic record with a ;h.(. disciplines.

(egree in the concerned#allied#relevant

ii. A 5aster>s (egree with atleast 55? mar*s %or an e0uivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed'.
Prospectus & Instructions

iii. A minimum of eight years of e1perience of teaching and#or research in an academic#research position e0uivalent to that of Assistant ;rofessor in a .niversity, 2ollege or Accredited !esearch /nstitution#industry e1cluding the period of ;h.(. research with evidence of published wor* and a minimum of 5 publications as boo*s and#or research#policy papers. iv. 2ontribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses, and technology < mediated teaching learning process with evidence of having guided doctoral candidates and research students. v. A minimum score as stipulated in the Academic ;erformance /ndicator %A;/' based ;erformance =ased Appraisal -ystem %;=A-', set out in this !egulation in Appendi1 ///. % ormats appended' 3. A33I3TANT 5ROFE33OR i. 4ood academic record as defined by the concerned university with at least 55? mar*s %or an e0uivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed' at the 5aster>s (egree level in a relevant sub@ect from an /ndian .niversity, or an e0uivalent degree from an accredited foreign university. ii. =esides fulfilling the above 0ualifications, the candidate must have cleared the +ational 7ligibility Test %+7T' conducted by the .42, 2-/! or similar test accredited by the .42 li*e -A7T#-7T. iii. +otwithstanding anything contained in sub$clauses %i' and %ii' above, candidates, who are, or have been awarded a ;h. (. (egree in accordance with the .niversity 4rants 2ommission %5inimum -tandards and ;rocedure for Award of ;h.(. (egree' !egulations,2009, shall be e1empted from the re0uirement of the minimum eligibility condition of +7T#-A7T#-7T for recruitment and appointment of Assistant ;rofessor or e0uivalent positions in .niversities#2olleges#/nstitutions. iv. +7T#-A7T#-7T shall also not be re0uired for such 5asters ;rogrammes in disciplines for which +7T#-A7T#-7T is not conducted.
NOTE: A rela1ation of 5? may be provided from 55? to 50? of the mar*s at the graduate and masterBs level for the -2 # -T # (ifferently$abled %;hysically and visually differently$abled' categories for the purpose of eligibility and for assessing good academic record during direct recruitment to teaching positions. A' !ela1ation of 5? may be provided from 55? to 50? of mar*s to ;h.(. degree holders, who passed their 5aster>s degree e1amination prior to "9 th -eptember, "99". =' /n C point scale with letter grade &, A, =, 2, (, 7 D shall be regarded as e0uivalent of 55? wherever the grading system is followed.

Prospectus & Instructions

I" --!t!o" to t,e )ove :e"er ( =% (!.!+ t!o"s7 t,e .o((o'!"$ re t,e s&e+! (!> t!o"s7 ?% (!.!+ t!o"s7 "- s&e+!.!+ re?%!re9e"ts .or t,e &osts. I. ART3:


5ro.essor irst # 6igh -econd 2lass 5asters degree and ;h.(. in Co99er+e with proven research e1perience in the field of Co99er+e as evidenced by research publications.
Des!r )(e Are o. 3&e+! (!> t!o" : 2ommerce # inance # /nternational inance # 2omputer Applications in 2ommerce

Asso+! te 5ro.essor irst # 6igh -econd 2lass 5asters degree and ;h.(. in Co99er+e with proven research e1perience in the field of Co99er+e as evidenced by research publications.
Des!r )(e Are o. 3&e+! (!> t!o" : 2ommerce # inance # /nternational inance # 2omputer Applications in 2ommerce

Ass!st "t 5ro.essor irst # 6igh -econd 2lass 5aster>s (egree in Co99er+e with 5,.D. !" Co99er+e or +7T # -A7T !" t,e Co99er+e -!s+!&(!"e.

5ro.essor irst # 6igh -econd 2lass 5asters degree and ;h.(. in E+o"o9!+s / E+o"o9etr!+s with proven research e1perience in the field of 7conomics # 7conometrics as evidenced by research publications. Asso+! te 5ro.essor irst # 6igh -econd 2lass 5asters degree and ;h.(. in E+o"o9!+s / E+o"o9etr!+s with proven research e1perience in the field of 7conomics # 7conometrics as evidenced by research publications. Ass!st "t 5ro.essor irst # 6igh -econd 2lass 5aster>s (egree in E+o"o9!+s '!t, 5,.D. !" E+o"o9!+s or +7T # -A7T !" t,e E+o"o9!+s -!s+!&(!"e.

Prospectus & Instructions

031 5O4ITICA4 3CIENCE: 5ROFE33OR: ;h.(.in ;olitical -cience # ;ublic Administration Des!r )(e Are o. 3&e+! (!> t!o" : "' /ndian 4overnment and ;olitics # /ndian Administration 2' /nternational !elations 3' Aocal 4overnments %!ural # .rban' 4' ;ublic ;olicy 5' ;olitical Analysis %;olitical Theory # ;olitical thought' :' ;ersonal 5anagement A33OCIATE 5ROFE33OR: ;h.(. in ;olitical -cience # ;ublic Administration Des!r )(e Are o. 3&e+! (!> t!o" "' /ndian 4overnment and ;olitics # /ndian Administration 2' /nternational !elations 3' Aocal 4overnments %!ural # .rban' 4' ;ublic ;olicy 5' ;olitical Analysis %;olitical Theory # ;olitical thought' :' ;ersonal 5anagement A33I3TANT 5ROFE33OR: ;h.(. in ;olitical -cience # ;ublic Administration # ;ass in +7T#-A7T#-7T EEEEEEEEEEEEE 041 TE4U:U 5ROFE33OR: 5.A. in Telugu # ;h.(.in Telugu )(e s&e+! (!> t!o" ". Ainguistics # Aanguage 2. 2lassical Aiterature %Ti**ana -ahityam' 3. iction

Prospectus & Instructions

4. Fournalism # Translation A33OCIATE 5ROFE33OR: 5.A. in Telugu # ;h.(.in Telugu )(e s&e+! (!> t!o" ". Ainguistics # Aanguage 2. 2lassical Aiterature %Ti**ana -ahityam' 3. iction

4. Fournalism # Translation A33I3TANT 5ROFE33OR: 5.A. in Telugu # ;h.(.in Telugu )(e s&e+! (!> t!o" ". Ainguistics # Aanguage 2. 2lassical Aiterature %Ti**ana -ahityam' 3. iction

4. Fournalism # Translation

Prospectus & Instructions



"' =&TA+GH ;!& 7--&!H 5.-c, =otany and ;h.(. in botany Des!r )(e Are o. 3&e+! (!> t!o" : "' ;lant ;hysiology 2' ;lant Ta1onomy 3' ;hytomedicine 4' 7thno botany A33OCIATE 5ROFE33OR: 5.-c, =otany and ;h.(. in botany Des!r )(e Are o. 3&e+! (!> t!o" : "' ;lant ;hysiology 2' ;lant Ta1onomy 3' ;hytomedicine 4' 7thno botany A33I3TANT 5ROFE33OR: 5.-c, =otany and ;h.(. in botany Des!r )(e Are o. 3&e+! (!> t!o" : "' ;lant ;hysiology 2' ;lant Ta1onomy 3' ;hytomedicine 4' 7thno botany

Prospectus & Instructions

21 FOOD TEC/NO4O:<: 5ROFE33OR: Des!r )(e Are o. 3&e+! (!> t!o": ood -cience and allied sub@ects # Any =ranch of Aife -ciences # 2hemical -ciences # 2hemical Technology with established research publications in relevant @ournals with high impact factor.

A33OCIATE 5ROFE33OR: Des!r )(e Are o. 3&e+! (!> t!o": ood -cience and allied sub@ects # Any =ranch of Aife -ciences # 2hemical -ciences # 2hemical Technology with established research publications in relevant @ournals with high impact factor.

A33I3TANT 5ROFE33OR $ $ $ ;h.( in ood -cience # ood 2hemistry # +utrition # (iary Technology # ood Technology Any =ranch of Aife -ciences with established research ;ublications %Fournals with good impact factor' in ood -cience # +utrition ;ost graduate degree in ood -cience # Aife -ciences # 2hemical -ciences # 2hemical Technology with minimum 2 %two ' years e1perience relevant to food science.

Prospectus & Instructions



5ROFE33OR: 5.-c., in 5athematics # Applied 5athematics ;h(. (egree in 5athematics # Applied 5athematics Des!r )(e Are o. 3&e+! (!> t!o" Al)ebra # luid (ynamics # Analysis A33OCIATE 5ROFE33OR: 5.-c., in 5athematics # Applied 5athematics ;h(. (egree in 5athematics # Applied 5athematics Des!r )(e Are o. 3&e+! (!> t!o" Al)ebra # luid (ynamics # Analysis A33I3TANT 5ROFE33OR: 5.-c., in 5athematics # Applied 5athematics ;h(. (egree in 5athematics # Applied 5athematics Des!r )(e Are o. 3&e+! (!> t!o" Al)ebra # luid (ynamics # Analysis

041 5/<3IC3 5ro.essor irst # 6igh -econd 2lass 5asters degree and ;h.(. in 5,@s!+s with proven research e1perience in the field of 5,@s!+s as evidenced by research publications. Des!r )(e: E(e+tro"!+s / Co"-e"se- 9 tter 5,@s!+s Asso+! te 5ro.essor irst # 6igh -econd 2lass 5asters degree and ;h.(. in 5,@s!+s with proven research e1perience in the field of 5,@s!+s as evidenced by research publications. Des!r )(e: E(e+tro"!+s / Co"-e"se- 9 tter 5,@s!+s

Ass!st "t 5ro.essor irst # 6igh -econd 2lass 5aster>s (egree in 5,@s!+s with ;h.(. in ;hysics or +7T # -A7T in the 5,@s!+s -!s+!&(!"e
Prospectus & Instructions

081 AOO4O:<:

5ro.essor irst # 6igh -econd 2lass 5asters degree and ;h.(. in Aoo(o$@ with proven research e1perience in the field of in Aoo(o$@ as evidenced by research publications. Asso+! te 5ro.essor irst # 6igh -econd 2lass 5asters degree and ;h.(. in Aoo(o$@ with proven research e1perience in the field of in Aoo(o$@ as evidenced by research publications. Ass!st "t 5ro.essor irst # 6igh -econd 2lass 5aster>s (egree in Aoo(o$@ with ;h.(. in Aoo(o$@ or +7T # -A7T in the Aoo(o$@ -!s+!&(!"e.

I"str%+t!o"s to C "-!- tes A&&(@!"$ .ro9 A)ro -: 2andidates %/ndian 2iti)ens' applying from abroad may note that the registration fee for each application is .- J50. A (emand (raft on -tate =an* of /ndia, +ellore 5ain =ranch, +ellore for .- J50.00 should be attached to the filled in application of the candidate if the application is sent by post. T,e &&(!+ t!o" .ro9 + "-!- tes &&(@!"$ .ro9 )ro - can also be sent by e$mail to the !egistrar, ,i*rama -imhapuri .niversity, +ellore < 524 003, Andhra ;radesh, /+(/A, to the following /(H or such applications sent by internet, .- J50.00 may be mail$transferred to the following Account with -tate =an* of /ndia, +ellore 5ain =ranchH / - 2odeH -=/+0000IICK 5/2! 2odeH 524002003K 2urrent Account +o. 3050CI:"C"2 with e$mail information furnishing full particulars of the transaction to the !egistrar to the /( given above as also fa1 information to the !egistrar 0I:" $ 235235:. Mo-e o. I"terv!e' .or C "-!- tes A&&(@!"$ .ro9 A)ro /f found 0ualified to be called for the interview, candidates from abroad will be informed about the date and time of the interview at short notice. They must attend the /nterview at the designated place in /ndia as per the re0uirements of the /nterview 2all Aetter sent to them by e$mail, failing which they will not be considered for the post for which they have applied. All Candidates shall attend for the interview at their own cost. U:C 3+ (es o. 5 @-2002 5ro.essorH Rs. 3C,400$:C,000LA4; "0000 Asso+! te 5ro.essorH !s. 3C,400$:C,000LA4; 9000 Ass!st "t 5ro.essorH !s. "5,:00$39,"00LA4; :000 ". A copy of the Advertisement is displayed on the website. 2. -eparate application shall be submitted for each post along with registration fee prescribed as per the +otification # ;rospectus. !egistration fees once paid will not be refunded.
Prospectus & Instructions


3. /f the space provided in any column of the application is not sufficient to furnish full details relating to that column, a separate sheet may be attached mentioning the head of the column at the top of sheet. 4. Attested True 2opies of all the testimonials, details of educational 0ualifications, (ate of =irth 2ertificate, 2aste 2ertificate, 71perience 2ertificate, etc., shall be enclosed to the application. All the &riginal certificates shall be compulsorily produced at the time of the interview for verification and also at the time of @oining, if selected. 5. 5oney &rders#;ostal &rders are not acceptable. :. 2andidates belonging to -2 # -T # =2 categories shall enclose attested true copies of /ntegrated # ;ermanent 2aste 2ertificate issued by the 5.!.&. # Tahsildar in the prescribed proforma. 2andidates from other categories should enclose certificates issued by the competent authorities, failing which their claims will not be considered. C. %a' Applicants who are employed shall send their applications through the proper channel accompanied by a letter of consent obtained from the employer concerned. %b' Teachers in the employment of the .niversities, etc., shall apply through the proper channel. %c' /f the applicant is selected for the post, he # she will be appointed to the post on the minimum pay of the time scale attached to the post and no protection of last pay drawn in the previous employment will be given unless the -election 2ommittee which selects him # her specifically recommends such protection and the appointing authority accepts it. 8. EB&er!e"+e "- ?% (!.!+ t!o"s '!(( )e re+Co"e- s o" t,e ( st - te &res+r!)e- .or t,e s%)9!ss!o" o. .!((e- !" &&(!+ t!o"s to t,e U"!vers!t@. :oo- "- +(e r &,oto+o&!es o. (( +ert!.!+ tes 9%st )e tt +,e- to t,e &&(!+ t!o". 9. Applicants for the posts of Associate ;rofessor # ;rofessor shall submit the A;/ score based on ;=A- formats enclosed "0. 2anvassing in any form will be construed as a dis0ualification. "". Applications received after the due date or incomplete or not conforming to the prescribed format in any respect will not be considered and no communication will be entertained in this regard. Any postal delay will not be considered. "2. The candidates shall attend the interview at the venue and time D date fi1ed as specified at his # her own e1pense. "3. A candidate who is found to have furnished false particulars or to have suppressed material information or to have been found involved in unlawful activities shall be dis0ualified, and if appointed, will be liable to be dismissed without any notice. "4. /f any candidate was found convicted by a 2ourt of Aaw involving illegal activities at a later date and such appointment shall be cancelled automatically without any notice. "5. The -elected candidates will be governed by Co"tr!)%tor@ 5e"s!o" 3+,e9e made applicable to all the newly appointed candidates, as per 4.&.5s. +o.:53, :54 D :55, inance %;en' (ept., dated 22$09$2004. 6owever !evised ;ension !ules for the .niversity Teachers, "992 as per 4.&.5s.+o.2C:, 7ducation %.7./' (epartment dated 2$"2$"993 and 4.&.5s.+o.22C, 7ducation %.7./' (epartment dated 2$"2$"993 shall be made applicable for those who are in service and governed by !evised ;ension !ules for the .niversity Teachers, "992 with amendments made thereof.
Prospectus & Instructions


":. The appointees are liable for transfer to any of the centres established # to be established by the .niversity outside its campus at a future date. "C. -ub@ect to fulfillment of other criteria vi)., roster points etc., the .niversity may offer lower post to a candidate, who may have applied for a higher post, in case suitable candidates are not available for the advertised post. "I. The .niversity reserves the right to fill or not to fill any or all of the posts advertised. "9. illed in applications in all respects should be sent to the RE:I3TRAR7 DIERAMA 3IM/A5URI UNIDER3IT<7 D r$ 9!tt 7 NE44ORE - 824 003 0A.5.17 INDIA , by !egistered ;ost # -peed ;ost with Ac*nowledgement due so as to reach the .niversity office o" or )e.ore 17-01-2014 super scribed on the cover as MA&&(!+ t!o" .or t,e 5ost o. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFG.

20. There is no provision for the sale of applications at the .niversity or elsewhere. Applications have to
be downloaded from the university websiteH 2". The ;rospectus and /nstructions to the candidates is also available on the website.

22. NebsiteH a1H L9" I:" 235235:

Note: 4.&. 5s. +o. "I 6igher 7ducation %..7$/' (ept., dated 2C.02.2004 granted rela1ation from possessing of +7T # -A7T for recruitment of Assistant ;rofessor reserved for -2#-T for =ac*log ,acancies in the .niversities whenever notified sub@ect to the condition that incase of eligible candidates are not available if such candidates are recruited, they will not be eligible for increments and promotion under 2A- 6owever, this provision is to be reconfirmed by the 4ovt., in accordance with para 3.3.3 of 4.&. 5s. +o. "4 6igher 7ducation %.7$//' (ept., dated H 20.02.20"0 since it says that in case of -tate .niversities, where +7T # -A7T 0ualified candidates are not available, the concerned .niversities may grant e1emption only with the concurrence of the respective -tate 4overnment. The 2andidates applying for =ac*log ,acancies are re0uested to ma*e a note of the same. RE:I3TRAR

Prospectus & Instructions


Prospectus & Instructions


Prospectus & Instructions


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