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Moscow 2013


Russian Public Opinion 2012 2013. M.: Levada Center, 2013. 205 pp.

This twelfth edition of the annual Russia Public Opinion 2012 2013 continues a series of publications which present the main findings of socio political and socio economic research conducted on the basis of mass surveys. Published materials that previously appeared in periodicals are available on our web pages. Compiler and person responsible for the edition N. Zorkaya Formatting, layout E. Tsvetkova Involved in preparation of materials N. Bondarenko, L. Gudkov, M. Krasilnikova, M. Plotko.

Levada Center, 2013


Page Preface .....................................................................................................5 1. Public opinion about the year 2012 ...................................................6 2. Public sentiments, expectations ........................................................13 3. State and society .................................................................................18 3.1. Russian identity ...........................................................................18 3.2. Russian prospects ......................................................................22 3.3. Russia and democracy ...............................................................26 3.4. Society .........................................................................................28 3.5. Political participation ..................................................................29 3.6. Citizens and the power ...............................................................32 4. Estimate of the actual economic situation ........................................42 5. Living standard of Russian population .............................................47 5.1. Living standard of Russian population .....................................47 Index of consumer attitudes ........................................................51 Ideas about levels of poverty ......................................................52 5.2. Personal savings .........................................................................53 6. Estimates of social problems and employment ...............................56 Evaluations of social problems ........................................................56 Social sentiment index ......................................................................58 Social sphere ......................................................................................60 Taxes ...................................................................................................61 Employment ........................................................................................62 Unemployment ...................................................................................65 Pension and pension reform .............................................................66 Social protests ...................................................................................67 7. Rating the performance of social institutions...................................70 7.1. Healthcare ....................................................................................70 7.2. Education .....................................................................................74 8. Government institutions .....................................................................76 8.1. Overall assessment of institutions ............................................76 8.2. Prime minister .............................................................................80 8.3. Putin President, Prime minister and President again ..............81 8.4. Government .................................................................................87 8.5. State Duma ..................................................................................89 Special laws 2012 ......................................................................90 Foreign agent ............................................................................91 8.6. The Army ......................................................................................93 8.7. Military service ............................................................................94 8.8. The law enforcement bodies ......................................................97 Police ...........................................................................................100 Magnitsky case...........................................................................102 9. Elections ............................................................................................ ...104 9.1. Follow up to State Duma elections ........................................... ....104 9.2. President elections ..................................................................... 107

Page 10. Political parties ...............................................................................111 United Russia .............................................................................112 Election law ....................................................................................112 11. Protest movement and opposition................................................113 Bolotnaya square case ..............................................................116 Persecution of opposition .............................................................117 Alexey Navalny ...............................................................................120 Pussy Riot Trial ..............................................................................121 12. Authorities and business ...............................................................124 Trial of M. Khodorkovsky and P. Lebedev in YUKOS case ........124 13. Corruption and corruption scandals among the top officials ....128 A. Serdyukovs resignation ...........................................................129 14. Constitution, Russian laws and human rights .............................131 15. Mass media .....................................................................................133 Television........................................................................................135 Internet ............................................................................................137 16. Religion ............................................................................................140 Religion and society ......................................................................142 The Lent and Easter.......................................................................148 17. Family...............................................................................................149 Family problems .............................................................................149 Leisure ............................................................................................150 Relationship in the family ..............................................................153 18. Interethnic relations .......................................................................154 Nationalism .....................................................................................156 19. Chechnya and the Northern Caucasia ..........................................160 20. Acts of terror in Russia ..................................................................164 21. Russia and the CIS countries ........................................................167 Belarus ............................................................................................168 Ukraine ............................................................................................169 Georgia ...........................................................................................171 South Ossetia and Abkhazia .........................................................172 22. Russia and the world .....................................................................173 Russia and the West ......................................................................178 Middle East .....................................................................................179 Iran ..................................................................................................180 Syria ................................................................................................181 Russia the USA ...........................................................................184 Russia and international organizations .......................................186 23. Memorable dates ............................................................................189 24. Celebrations ....................................................................................201

The current edition of the annual Russian Public opinion 2012 2013 is the twelfth successive issue. Provided in it are the results of research into public opinion obtained in 2012, for questions, which are regularly asked, we have also added data trough August 2013. The findings of the research that were regularly published in specialised and mass publications are available on our web pages. The materials incorporated in this edition of the annual, from research led up to the end of August 2003, were obtained and published by FSUE VCIOM. In September the entire staff at VCIOM transferred to ANO (autonomous non profit organisation) the analytical Service of VCIOM (VCIOM A). In February 2004, the name ANO was changed and registered as Levada Analytical Center (Levada Center). Presented in the annual are indicators of trends in public sentiment, attitudes, assessments and interests concerning various aspects of everyday life, processes in socio political and socio economic spheres and events in Russia and the rest of the world. Published materials of various mass surveys tell an entire, sufficiently complex and sometimes conflicting, story about the climate of public opinion in Russia over the past year. A more detailed analysis of the results of the Analytical Centers research can be found in their self published journal Vestnik obschestvennogo mneniya (The Russian public opinion herald) and in other publications, as well as on the website
In the given data, a few points should be taken into account 1) in cases where respondents are asked to provide one answer, the sum of the percentages may deviate from 100% by 2% as a consequence of rounding errors; 2) in cases where the question provides the opportunity to give several alternative answers, the sum of the answers in percentages may significantly deviate from 100%; 3) the position of the response Other, as a rule, is not provided; in the case that the sum of responses is significantly lower than 100%, it may be that the position of Difficult to answer is not cited; 4) the survey program Monitoring , which has previously been carried out up until June 2008 with a sample of 2100 people, was resumed within the framework of the project Vestnik and conducted with a sample of 1600 people.

Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 1.1

Do you believe the past year was successful or unsuccessful for you personally?
Year of evaluation
Successful Unsuccessful Difficult to answer

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 36 51 14 37 51 12 42 38 20 47 37 16 51 34 15 42 37 21 47 34 19 49 29 22 52 28 20 46 32 22 43 37 20 48 29 23 50 26 24 47 31 22

Diagram 1.1

How was this past year for you and your family?
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1988 1989 1991 1992 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 1.2

This year is coming to an end. How was it for Russia?

2010 Year of evaluation Harder than the previous Easier than the previous The same as the previous

58 55 62 37 82 50 38 23 32 21 34 26 22 20 46 62 43 28 31

12 13 11 17

15 27 31 22 25 18 23 24 33 17 11 22 23 22

30 32 27 46 15 35 35 46 46 54 48 51 54 47 38 26 36 50 47

Table 1.3

How would you evaluate the past year in general?

Year of evaluation 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Very good Good Average Bad Very bad Difficult to answer


2 15 69 10 2 2

2 12 62 19 3 2

1 16 66 14 2 2

2 20 62 13 2 2

3 22 61 11 2 2

2 16 60 19 2 2

1 12 61 23 2 2

2 19 59 17 1 2

1 17 67 12 1 2

2 15 64 14 1 3

Table 1.4

How would you evaluate this year?

Year of evaluation Very good Good Average Bad Very bad Difficult to answer

2003 2 15 69 10 2 2

2004 2 12 62 19 3 2

2005 1 16 66 14 2 2

2006 2 20 62 13 2 2

2007 3 22 61 11 2 2

2008 2 16 60 19 2 2

2009 1 12 61 23 2 2

2010 2 19 59 17 1 2

2011 1 17 67 12 1 2

2 15 64 14 1 3



















Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 1.5

How has your confidence in the future changed during the last year?
Year of Evaluation 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Strengthened 13 13 16 24 11 13 16 12 10

Has not changed 44 52 57 56 51 52 58 59 60

Weakened 26 21 17 14 32 24 20 22 21

Never had it 14 12 9 4 6 9 4 7 7

Difficult to answer 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2

Table 1.6

How has your trust in people changed during the last year?
Year of Evaluation 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Strengthened 8 7 8 13 5 7 10 9 7

Has not changed 59 62 63 67 66 67 64 65 66

Weakened 24 21 20 16 23 20 20 19 19

Never had it 6 7 6 2 4 4 4 6 6

Difficult to answer 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2

Table 1.7

How has your confidence in yourself changed during the last year?
Year of Evaluation 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Strengthened 20 22 20 25 15 16 22 18 15 Has not changed 60 61 66 63 71 69 65 63 71 Weakened 15 12 10 9 11 11 9 13 9 Never had it 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 3 3 Difficult to answer 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 3

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 1.8

What events in the last year you consider as the most important ones?*
2010 2011 2012

Abnormal heat wave and forest fires in July and August, 2010 th Celebration of 65 anniversary of Victory day Exposure campaign on Russian TV against Moscow Major Yury Luzhkov and his wife Elena Baturina Moscow subway suicide bombings Russian population census Death of Polish President and government delegation members in the plane crash near Smolensk, Russia Death of miners in explosion in the Raspadskaya coal mine in Kemerovo Oblast Mass murders in Kuschevskaya village, Krasnodar Kray Mass ultranationalist riots under Russia for Russians slogan on Moscow Manezhnaya Square and in other Russian cities Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada BP oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico Direct Line with Vladimir Putin Football world cup in South Africa Vladimir Putins trip through Siberia in yellow Lada Kalina Grigory Perelman refused to accept one million dollars in the Millennium prize for resolution of the Poincare conjecture
* 15 most popular events N=1600

43 32

Bulgaria cruise ship disaster Lokomotiv hockey team plane crash Earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster in Japan Terrorist attack in Moscows Domodedovo airport Russias State Duma elections Daylight saving time was cancelled World population reached 7 billion Yulia Timoshenko trial

49 43

Floods in Krymsk and Gelendzhik Russian Presidential th election on March 4 Increase of housing utilities fees and prices of pharmaceutical drugs Summer Olympics in London

30 29




21 21

32 26

26 23


Resignation of the Minister of Defence Serdyukov Corruption scandals involving Ministry of 19 Defense and Ministry of Agriculture 16 Sandy hurricane in the USA Pussy Riots Punk prayer in the Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Moscow Obamas victory in Presidential elections








Russia was approved for WTO membership



15 12

Cincture of the Virgin Mary arrived in Russia Protests against the rigged elections to Russian State Duma


Militia renamed to Police

14th UEFA European 16 football championship in 11 Poland and Ukraine Russias official accession 15 11 to WTO Adoption of the Federal Law On Protecting Children from Information Harmful to Their 15 Health and Development, 10 and introduction of age restrictions for media 13 9 London Paralympics Opposition protests For Fair Elections before the Presidential elections Celebrations marking 200th anniversary of battle of Borodino 10 8

9 8

Civil war in Libya and ousting of M. Gaddafi Finance Minister Kudrins resignation Terror attack in Norway perpetrated by Anders Breivik

Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 1.9

Who would you name the Person of the year (men)?*

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

V. Putin D.Medvedev Alexy II V. Zhirinovsky D.Bilan A.Solzhenitsyn B. Obama A.Lukashenko S. Shoigu A. Arshavin

40 V. Putin 27 D.Medvedev 8 Barack Obama 3 S. Shoigu 3 G. Zyuganov 3 V. Zhirinovsky 3 Patriarch Kirill 2 Michael Jackson 2 A.Lukashenko 1 V. Tihonov

37 V. Putin 29 D.Medvedev 7 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 S. Shoigu V.Zhirinovsky S. Sobyanin Patriarch Kirill Y. Luzhkov A.Lukashenko Barack Obama F. Kirkorov


V. Putin

28 17 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 2

V. Putin S. Shoygu D.Medvedev Barack Obama M.Prokhorov G.Zyuganov Ph. Kirkorov A. Malakhov I. Oleynikov

28 10 8 5

24 D. Medvedev 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 V.Zhirinovsky M. Prochorov G. Zyuganov S. Mironov Barack Obama L.Roshal A.Lukashenko A. Kudrin

V.Zhirinovsky 4 4 2 2 1 1

*) 10 most frequently mentioned positions are cited N=1600

Table 1.10

Who would you name Person of the year? (women)?*

2008 V.Matviyenko A. Pugacheva K. Sobchak S. Rotaru E.Isinbaeva A.Zavorotnyk Y.Timoshenko I.Khakamada N. Mordykova T.Kandelaki 2 2 2 1 1 1 6 3 2 2 2009 A.Pugacheva V.Matviyenko T. Golikova Respondents own wife/ mother/ daughter E. Isinbaeva K. Orbakaite K. Sobchak 8 6 4 3 2 2 2 2010 V.Matviyenko T. Golikova A. Pugacheva Respondents own wife/ mother/ daughter K. Sobchak A. Merkel E. Nabiullina S. Rotaru A. Kabaeva L. Gurchenko 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2011 V.Matviyenko A. Pugacheva Y.Timoshenko K. Sobchak E. Malysheva A. Merkel Ch. Chamatova I. Khakamada S. Rotaru R. Markova 13 7 6 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 2012 G.Vishnevskaya A. Pugacheva V. Matvienko K. Sobchak Angela Merkel Y. Timoshenko Elizabeth II T. Golikova I. Khakamada Y. Malysheva 6 5 4 4 2 2 2 1 1 1

Y.Timoshenko 2 A. Merkel L. Zykina 1 1

*) 10 most frequently mentioned positions are cited N=1600


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 1.11

What do you expect from the coming year to be compared to the last one?
2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2010 2012 6 3 4 18 14 19 25 18 22 25 17 24
Year of evaluation Certainly better Better, I hope I dont think tll be worse


42 36 33 28 31 27 46 51 42 45 47 38 46 41 45 43 48 49 50 50 10 15 19 12 20 14 17 18 22 24 21 13 18 17 17 20 19 20 21 21 23 20 25 30 25 27 18 17 20 19 19 26 19 25 18 15 13 12 17 16 11 15 12 19 8 9 6 6 9 11 23 7 6 7 4 4 5 4 4 3 3 3 12 3 7 4 5 4 6 3 11 6 4 7 4 6 2 5

The same Probably worse Difficult to answer


Table 1.12

Do you expect the next year to be peaceful?

Definitely yes Most likely, yes 51 48 54 40 24 39 36 20 38 Most likely, no 15 29 15 25 48 29 27 47 27 Definitely no Difficult to answer

For your family and you personally 2011 2012 2013 2011 2012 2013 2011 2012 2013

13 7 11 6 2 7 7 2 7

4 2 2 5 7 3 5 14 5

For Russian economy

For Russian politics


2013 6



Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 1.13

Is it possible that Russia will face next year

Definitely yes 2006 2010 2011 2012 2006 2010 2011 2012 2006 2010 2011 2012 2006 2010 2011 2012 2010 2011 2012 2005 2010 2011 2012 2010 2011 2012

Most likely, Most likely, Difficult to Definitely no yes no answer anthropogenic disaster ? 7 34 28 8 24 7 36 32 5 20 5 46 26 6 18 8 43 26 6 16 mass epidemics? 4 26 37 10 23 6 28 39 8 20 3 34 36 9 19 4 27 37 12 20 high profile corruption scandals and resignation of ministers? 14 46 16 5 19 13 47 18 4 19 10 50 21 4 14 16 55 15 4 11 coup? 1 9 44 36 9 3 14 40 25 18 3 16 45 20 16 3 16 43 24 15 turmoil and mass protests? 6 40 28 8 18 6 50 25 5 13 5 45 31 8 12 armed conflict with one of the neighbouring countries? 2 18 44 22 4 19 38 18 1 22 42 17 3 21 40 18 escalation of the situation in Chechnya and North Caucasus? 6 32 28 8 3 30 34 8 5 35 30 9 14 21 19 18 26 25 22 Table 1.14

Can Russia potentially face the economic recession similar to the one in 2008?
2010 Definitely yes Most likely, yes Most likely, no Definitely no Difficult to answer
N=1600 12

2011 2 37 34 7 19

2012 6 33 37 8 16

7 28 40 7 19

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


Diagram 2.1

How would you describe your sentiments in recent days?

Until June 2008 N=2100; from June 2009


Diagram 2.2

Are you satisfied with your life?

(Proportions of positive and negative answers)

Until June 2008 N=2100; from June 2009



Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Diagram 2.3

Do you feel confident about your future?


Diagram 2.4

Indices of optimism
(A ratio of those who made positive evaluations (average , good and very good) to those who made negative ones (bad, very bad). The option Difficult to answer was not taken into account)

Until June 2008 N=2100; from June 2009 N=1600 14

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Diagram 2.5

Which statement about the current situation would you agree with?

Until June 2008 N=2100; from June 2009 N=1600

Diagram 2.6

Types of adaptation

Until June 2008 N=2100; from June 2009 N=1600


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 2.1

What feelings emerged or became stronger in people around you over the past years?
1999 2003 2006 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Hope Tiredness, indifference Loneliness Fear Self respect Resentment Confusion Envy Desperation Confidence in the future Feeling of freedom Bitterness, aggression Responsibility for the situation in the country Pride in their nation Difficult to answer Number of respondents

10 52 5 29 3 26 24 8 37 3 4 37 2 2 3

30 40 8 15 11 18 18 8 14 11 14 18 4 4 11

34 33 13 16 18 16 13 13 15 15 9 18 7 6 6

41 27 7 9 18 11 12 13 8 15 13 15 4 8 13

29 42 11 19 8 16 22 12 17 7 7 19 4 6 10

34 33 11 11 14 14 16 10 11 12 12 17 7 7 8

30 36 11 8 10 13 10 9 12 8 7 15 4 4 18

30 37 7 12 10 13 19 12 12 9 6 18 4 4 9

1600 2000 3000 1500 1600 1600 1600 1600 Table 2.2

What are you afraid of the most?

(The answers are ranked based on the last poll)
1993 I Loss of loved ones Wars and massacres Poverty Old age, illness, being helpless Abuse of power Famine Physical violence Own death Wrath of God, The Last Judgment Public humiliation, insults I am not afraid of anything

2004 I 48 42 34 27 22 25 14 7 9 8 8

2007 XI 57 46 31 27 21 23 17 8 9 8 5

2012 II 54 38 32 25 20 17 12 8 6 6 6

50 56 28 20 22 37 19 8 9 6 4


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 2.3

Considering the current circumstances, how many years ahead can you be certain about your future?
1990 Many years ahead To the nearest five six years The next one two years I do not know what will happen to me even in the next few months Difficult to answer Number of respondents 1 3 17 61 18 2500 1991 2 3 14 63 18 2800 2001 2 6 34 53 5 1600 2006 3 11 34 48 5 1600 2010 4 14 31 47 5 1600 2012 4 15 32 45 5 1600


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 3.1.1

How proud are you to be a Russian citizen?

2000 IV Very proud Rather proud Not too proud Not at all proud Difficult to answer
*option was not given N=1600

2003 VII 34 37 22 6 *

2007 IV 32 38 21 5 3

2007 XII 34 42 17 4 4

2008 III 35 43 15 3 4

2008 VI 47 37 12 4 *

2009 VI 26 48 16 5 5

2010 VII 32 46 19 3 *

IX 33 44 20 3 *

32 48 15 5 *

Table 3.1.2

How strong is your connection to ?

Very strong Your city, village or town Your oblast, krai or republic Russia Europe Asia
2012, October; N=1600

Fairly strong 38 36 38 9 5

Not too strong 27 30 23 30 24

Do not feel any connection 9 11 12 52 62

Difficult to answer 2 3 4 7 8

24 20 24 2 1

Table 3.1.3

How important it is to to be a true Russian?

Very important Be born in Russia Have Russian citizenship Live in Russia for most of your life Speak Russian Be Orthodox Christian Respect Russian political system and laws Feel yourself a Russian Have Russian origins
2012, October; N=1600

Important to a No too No important Difficult to certain extent important at all answer 34 35 35 29 31 37 32 34 10 9 12 9 18 12 8 14 2 2 2 2 9 3 1 4 2 2 2 1 4 4 2 2

51 53 50 58 38 44 57 47


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 3.1.4

How proud you are of

Very proud Current state of democracy in Russia Russia political influence in the world Russias economic achievements Populations social security Fairness and equal rights for all social groups in Russia Russias scientific and technical achievements Russias sports achievements Russias achievements in literature and art Russian armed forces Russian history
2012, August; N=1600

Proud to a certain extent 26 37 26 17 18 47 45 45 37 41

Not much proud 41 31 39 35 31 20 17 13 23 12

Not proud at all 20 15 23 39 38 8 6 7 11 5

Difficult to answer 9 8 5 4 7 7 3 7 7 4

5 9 7 6 6 19 29 28 22 39

Table 3.1.5

To which extent do you agree or disagree with the statement that strong patriotism in Russia?
Completely agree Leads to a rise of intolerance in Russia Required to maintain Russias territorial integrity Leads to a negative attitude towards immigrants in Russia Reinforces Russias position globally
2012, August; N=1600

Rather agree 26 39

Neither agree or disagree 29 20

Rather disagree 17 5

Completely Difficult to disagree answer 5 1 14 11

8 25

8 27

25 38

31 18

16 7

4 2

16 8


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 3.1.6

What is your first association when you hear of Russias unique course?
2008 Discrepancy between the values and traditions of Russia and the West Economic development of the country, caring more about regular people than benefits and interests of the life masters Accounting for the spiritual and moral aspects in relations between State and its citizens in the policy Citizens are ready to sacrifice themselves for the glory of the Russia Interests of the Authority dominate over those of the people Need to always account for the hostile e environment and a threat of aggression against the country I can see no unique course here, nothing comes to my mind I have never heard of that I think Russias development should not differ from the other countries Difficult to answer

2011 16 39 19 8 9 5 15 11 6 7

2012 18 41 20 7 6 11 17 8 8 6

2013 19 30 15 5 7 8 17 11 7 8

22 34 18 7 7 9 16 11 9 9

Table 3.1.7

What type of state would you like Russia to be in future?

1999 Socialist state like the USSR A state like Western states with a democratic government system and market economy A state with a special system and a unique course of development Difficult to answer Number of respondents 15 35 45 6 2600 2008 17 32 39 11 1600 2011 23 30 36 12 1600 2012 22 31 41 7 1600 2013 24 33 33 10 1600

Table 3.1.8

Which type of state you would like to see Russia?

1998 III United centralized state with local authorities appointed by the federal government State where the local authorities enjoy extensive powers and the federal government coordinating the local authority interests Difficult to answer
1998 N=1500, later N=1600

2006 II 41 40 20

2010 II 46 36 19

2012 I 37 44 20

2013 III 36 44 21

25 52 23


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 3.1.9

Which of the statements best fits your idea of what is right and what is supposed to be?
2002 To ensure a successful development, Russia should become an open country, join the world community; otherwise we are doomed to fall behind other countries To ensure a successful development, Russia should not open to the world otherwise openness will destroy our unique culture, whereas we should not be afraid of lagging behind others, as we have enough resources to be successful
August, N=1600

2012 58




Table 3.1.10

Which of the statements best fits your idea of what is right and what is supposed to be?
2002 For me, the countrys greatness is in how well the citizens live, their quality of life, equal rights and opportunities regardless of ethnic background , this defines the countrys leadership in the world For me, the countrys greatness is in its leading position in the world, the size of the countrys territory and the leading positions of my people in the country
August, N=1600

2012 71




Table 3.1.11

What kind of Russia do you need?

2002 A powerful military country, where the interests of the state and countrys prestige and the position in the world is of paramount importance A comfortable and liveable country, where human wellbeing, interests and opportunities is the prime concern
August, N=1600

2012 22 78

30 70


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Diagram 3.2.1

How would you estimate the political situation in Russia?

Until June 2008 N=2100; from June 2009 N=1600

Diagram 3.2.2

Is Russia moving in the right direction or this course is a dead end?

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
11.1996 05.1997 11.1997 04.1998 09.1998 03.1999 08.1999 01.2000 06.2000 11.2000 04.2001 09.2001 02.2002 07.2002 12.2002 05.2003 11.2003 04.2004 08.2004 01.2005 05.2005 09.2005 02.2006 05.2006 09.2006 02.2007 07.2007 12.2007 05.2008 10.2008 02.2009 06.2009 09.2009 03.2010 08.2010 02.2011 09.2011 02.2012 07.2012 12.2012 05.2013



Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 3.2.1

What do think of the current changes in the country?

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013










Need faster and more decisive and 60 50 44 35 37 30 36 34 38 37 35 42 38 40 31 37 40 39 32 39 overwhelming changes Need to proceed more 23 33 34 41 37 49 48 47 43 52 54 43 49 47 52 49 43 47 56 52 carefully and cautiously Difficult to 17 17 22 23 26 22 16 18 19 11 11 15 12 13 16 13 17 14 12 9 answer

Table 3.2.2

To which extent do you agree with the statement: I feel shame for what is happening in Russia now?
Completely agree Rather agree Neither agree or disagree Rather disagree Completely disagree Difficult to answer
2012, October; N=1600

16 36 26 14 5 4

Table 3.2.3

Do you have any idea about the course our country is moving and what goals its current leaders have set?
2004 III Fairly clear idea Quite a vague idea No idea It is clear that they just let things slide Difficult to answer

2005 VIII 14 41 22 18 5

2006 VIII 22 36 23 13 5

2009 VIII 20 43 21 8 8

2009 XII 14 45 27 8 6

2010 XII 15 38 30 12 6

2011 IV 15 43 23 12 7

2011 XII 23 38 20 10 9

2012 IV 12 47 27 8 6

2013 IV 13 44 27 12 4

18 43 23 14 4


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 3.2.4

Do you think, can you call modern Russia a police state?

Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer
2012, August; N=1600

6 21 42 14 18

Table 3.2.5

What are the major threats for Russia now?

(the answers are ranged on the last poll)
2008 II Growing prices, mass impoverishment Growing unemployment Rise in crime Economic recession No confidence in the future Arbitrary rule Weakness, incompetence of country authorities Growing dependence on the West, Russia is turning into an third world country Russias breakup into separate regions Colonization of Russia, plunder of national wealth by foreigners New Caucasus war / escalation in the North Caucasus Russias embroilment in military conflicts abroad Property redistribution, expropriation of private property Establishment of dictatorship Mass repressions, witch hunt Queues, deficit, food rations Civil war Danger to private property, infringement of the private sector interests Escalating tensions between Russia and the West Conflicts with CIS countries / neighboring countries Limitation of freedoms (freedom of speech, borders being closed) Difficult to answer
* the variant was not asked N=1600 24

2009 I 55 56 23 59 22 8 7 7 5 6 5 8 2 1 1 * 3 2 5 13 <1 5

2010 I 47 43 29 39 14 17 15 11 9 10 6 7 5 4 1 2 2 4 3 5 3 8

2011 I 62 42 29 32 18 17 13 11 11 13 8 6 5 3 2 4 3 3 3 5 3 4

2012 I 58 40 26 38 20 19 20 16 10 12 5 9 4 5 2 2 8 4 5 6 2 5

2013 III 55 30 27 26 22 18 16 15 14 14 7 6 6 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 9

51 30 32 22 * 20 14 15 18 17 9 14 4 3 2 * 0 3 12 8 2 10

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 3.2.6

What is the main obstacle to democratic and market reforms in Russia?

2000 Wrong course of reforms Lack of a mature reform program Slow pace of reforms, inconsistency of reforms The reform pace is too fast, rapidly changing life of the population Market relations inconsistent with Russian lifestyle Lack of skilled and competent professionals in the government Corrupt ruling elite Reluctance and sabotage on part of the bureaucrats The population does not know how to live in a market economy and democracy, lack of initiative and ability to work hard Difficult to answer
March, N=1600

2004 16 30 13 12 21 24 42 12 17 12

2007 18 39 13 15 22 23 42 16 14 11

2010 14 28 13 13 17 25 49 16 18 12

2011 15 28 11 13 21 20 47 13 16 11

2012 17 30 10 9 17 16 38 9 11 19

25 45 12 17 22 24 47 10 18 9

Table 3.2.7

What should the President and government do now?

2001 I Clamp down and take a tough stance against any liberties in politics and economy Give people freedom to take care of their business and only make sure they follow the law Difficult to answer

2006 III 39

2007 III 48

2009 X 37

2012 III 35

2013 III 43


33 14

47 14

36 17

48 15

48 17

43 14


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 3.3.1

Where does the Russian political life going now?

1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Development 9 8 13 11 14 14 9 10 32 33 36 54 36 39 36 36 29 of democracy Re establishment 17 18 12 13 15 12 12 8 7 6 9 8 9 10 7 10 10 of the former Soviet order Development of 5 5 5 9 5 4 6 6 12 14 13 16 14 13 18 19 16 authoritarian regime and dictatorship Escalating 51 53 54 51 51 54 58 62 30 22 14 9 21 16 18 19 21 chaos and anarchy Difficult to 17 16 16 13 14 17 15 14 18 24 28 13 20 22 21 18 24 answer Number of 1700 2000 3000 1600 1600 1600 1700 1600 1600 1600 1600 1500 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 respondents

Table 3.3.2

Does Russia need democracy?

2005 VI Yes, Russia needs democracy No, the democratic form of government is unsuitable for Russia Difficult to answer

2006 XII 56 27 17

2007 XII 67 16 17

2008 VI 62 20 18

2009 VI 57 26 17

2009 XII 57 23 20

2010 VI 60 24 16

2011 VII 55 32 13

2011 X 61 25 14

2012 VII 63 24 13

66 21 13

Table 3.3.3

What kind of democracy does Russia need?

2005 VI Like in developed countries of Europe and America Like in the former Soviet Union A special kind, which suits national traditions and the specific Russian character Russia does not need democracy Difficult to answer

2006 XII 18 13 48 10 11

2007 XII 22 10 47 7 14

2008 VI 20 13 45 8 15

2009 VI 20 18 39 10 14 XII 23 14 43 7 13

2010 VII 23 16 45 7 10

2011 X 19 14 49 7 11 VI 23 17 44 7 10

2012 VII 27 20 38 3 12

24 16 45 6 9


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 3.3.4

What is democracy in your opinion?

(the answers are ranked on the last poll)
2000 2001 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 Freedom of speech, press and conscience Economic prosperity of the country Appointment of all top government officials by election Opportunity for everyone to do whatever they want Submission of the minority to the majority Guarantee of minorities rights Strict rule of law Order and stability Anarchy and general lawlessness Idle talk Difficult to answer

37 33 15 10 6 5 29 28 6 10 8

39 26 14 10 4 7 23 24 4 10 6

44 31 18 6 3 6 24 29 6 11 7

44 32 13 10 4 6 24 30 5 9 6

40 35 12 7 2 5 26 35 5 10 6

44 26 17 10 3 6 21 30 4 11 5

46 47 15 7 3 5 26 41 2 1 2

38 39 13 7 3 7 29 37 3 5 5

27 35 6 8 4 21 8 13 9 29 6

47 24 18 10 6 6 20 24 2 10 5

Table 3.3.5

Is there democracy in modern Russia?

2006 Definitely yes To a certain extent, yes It has not established yet It has been dwindling recently Difficult to answer
February, N=1600

2010 4 32 36 20 8

2012 8 40 31 14 8

2013 6 31 32 22 8

4 33 33 20 11

Table 3.3.6

What is more important?

2007 III Observance of the civil rights of the political, ethnic, religious, sexual and other minorities Submission of the minority to the majority Difficult to answer

2010 IV 53 27 20

2011 V 55 32 13

2012 III 56 28 16

2013 III 59 26 15

52 27 21


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 3.4.1

Which of the two principles of social order is right and just?

2002 VIII Above all is the individual freedom and interests of individuals, whereas the state should guarantee these freedoms and interests are followed Above all are the national interests, and every individual should facilitate such state interests

2012 VIII 70 30

72 28

Table 3.4.2

Do people in Russia have enough freedom, too little freedom or too much freedom at present?
1990 Too little freedom Enough freedom Too much freedom Difficult to answer

1997 20 32 34 14

2007 12 57 24 6

2010 17 61 13 10

2011 18 51 23 8

2012 18 59 16 7

38 30 17 16

Table 3.4.3

Do you personally need the freedom of ?

Speech Definitely need it Rather need it Do not need it much Do not need at all Difficult to answer
2012, August; N=1600

Assembly and demonstrations 23 39 24 9 6

International travel 39 37 13 7 4

37 46 11 3 4

Table 3.4.4

Would you say one can trust people in general or one should always be cautious dealing with other people?
2005 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 X VI V X IV X IV X II One can always trust other people Usually one can trust other people Usually one should be cautious dealing with other people One should always be cautious dealing with other people Difficult to answer
2005 N=1800, 2009 2010 N=1600 28

1 20 59 17 2

3 24 49 17 7

3 24 51 21 1

4 27 54 15 2

3 25 53 18 1

3 25 53 17 2

3 26 51 20 2

5 28 46 17 5

4 30 50 15 1

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 3.4.5

Did you feel higher social stress recently?

2006 XII Definitely yes Most likely, yes Most likely, no Definitely no Difficult to answer

2010 XII 15 35 35 7 8

2011 XII 14 40 35 6 6

2012 XI 14 44 31 3 7

20 34 30 8 8


Table 3.5.1

Overall, how much are you interested in politics?

1990 Very interested Interested to large extent Interested to some extent Not too interested Not at all interested Difficult to answer Number of respondents

1991 1 15 40 23 13 8 1500

1992 5 10 33 32 20 <1 1500

1997 2 9 36 32 17 4 1700

2006 5 10 37 27 20 1 1600

2010 1 8 39 32 19 1 1600

2011 2 6 34 34 24 <1 1600

2012 2 8 36 31 21 2 1600

6 15 44 23 12 1000

Table 3.5.2

Are you willing to be more politically active?

2006 Definitely yes To a certain extent Rather not Definitely not Difficult to answer
February, N=1600

2012 3 14 38 39 6

2013 3 13 35 45 5

5 14 30 47 4


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 3.5.3

Why do you not want to be more politically active?

(of those who do not want to, the answers are ranked based on the last poll)
2006 Politics are not for common public, it is the authorities business I am busy with my routine and I have no time for politics You cannot change anything, and, anyway, might is right I do not understand anything in politics, I dont know how the authorities work Politics is a dirty business and I do not want to have anything to do with it I do not want to stand out: majority of people are not interested in politics I am afraid of the governments persecution, it is best to stay away from the politics Difficult to answer
February, N=1600

2012 22 30 25 18 11 5 4 2

2013 32 27 24 21 15 6 5 2

32 29 25 22 15 4 3 3

Table 3.5.4

To which extent you are satisfied with your options to participate in politics?
2010 IV Completely satisfied Rather satisfied Rather unsatisfied Absolutely unsatisfied Difficult to answer

2011 IV 8 25 25 14 28

2011 X 9 31 23 10 28

2012 VI 13 27 20 11 29

2012 X 13 33 22 10 21

12 21 25 14 28

Table 3.5.5

Would you like to participate in political life at least on the level of your city?
2008 VI Definitely yes Yes, rather than no No, rather than yes Definitely no Difficult to answer

2010 VI 5 21 28 34 13

2011 IV 4 21 37 30 8

2011 X 5 18 33 33 11

7 21 30 33 9

2012 VI 3 17 33 37 10

2012 X 3 23 35 31 8


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 3.5.6

To which you extend you agree or disagree with the statement: Politicians just need to be elected and do not care about doing anything for the voters?
2010 IV Agree absolutely Rather agree Rather disagree Absolutely disagree Difficult to answer

2011 IV 49 34 10 1 7

2011 X 50 32 8 1 8

2012 VI 39 34 12 3 12

2012 X 40 38 13 1 8

50 35 7 1 8

Table 3.5.7

To which extend you agree or disagree with the following statement: I know nothing about politics?
2010 IV Agree absolutely Rather agree Rather disagree Absolutely disagree Difficult to answer

2011 IV 15 36 35 9 5

2011 X 22 28 34 8 8

2012 VI 17 31 33 11 8

2012 X 15 32 36 10 7

15 32 36 10 7

Table 3.5.8

To which extend you agree or disagree with the following statement: Politics gives me the blues?
2010 IV Agree absolutely Rather agree Rather disagree Absolutely disagree Difficult to answer

2011 IV 17 35 28 12 8

2012 VI 19 27 33 9 11

2012 X 17 31 33 10 10

17 30 33 12 9

Table 3.5.10

What would be better?

2006 II Centralized power in the country The power is shared between various structures, keeping each other in check Difficult to answer
N=1600 31

2010 II 45 42 13

2012 I 38 46 17

2013 III 39 46 15

50 36 14

Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 3.6.1

Which of the definitions below is closest to your idea of a strong state authority?
2010 IV The authority that guarantees and ensures that all institutions, entities and citizens comply with the law, but does not interfere with the private lives of the citizens The authority controlling all aspects of public life: economy, education, religion, culture, morals, etc. Difficult to answer

2011 IV 57 34 9

2012 VI 51 34 14

54 35 11

Table 3.6.2

How strong or weak you believe is the current state authority in Russia?
2001 X Very strong Fairly strong Fairly weak Very weak Difficult to answer

2010 IV 4 40 35 9 13

2011 X 4 35 36 15 1

2012 VI 5 36 36 8 16

5 40 37 10 9


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 3.6.3

What should be the foundation for authority in the country where you would like to live and which are the current primary foundations?
(ranked by the first column)
Should be Adherence to Constitution Support of the voters who expect improvements from the authorities Accountability to society and strict adherence to law People who came to government for their professional or personal qualities (talents abilities, initiative) The system of the government created for and functioning in public interests Support of the voting taxpayers which hire authorities for a certain term to serve the common interests Free people which are confident in their interests and able to defend them Independence and clear separation of all branches of power and cross checks between the branches Public opinion support People who came to government for personal loyalty Free property owners Control over the property owners All government authorities reporting to the head of state All power of the government machine serving only the interests of the authorities Unaccountability to the society and disregard of law Publics fear of the government and its powerlessness to defend the public interests Cover up and corruption among the countrys bureaucracy Manipulation with public opinion
2012, August; N=1600

Now 18 24 7 11 8 21 7 5 7 21 5 8 16 24 24 19 37 19

55 32 30 28 26 24 23 21 19 11 7 7 4 4 4 3 2 2

Table 3.6.4

What is most important for the people currently in power in Russia: national prosperity or consolidation of personal power?
2006 II National prosperity Maintain and consolidate personal power Difficult to answer

2010 II 27 60 14

2012 I 28 59 14

2012 VIII 30 58 12

2013 IV 26 62 12

16 72 12


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 3.6.5

Would you agree with the statement that current Russia developed a system of mutual cover up and responsibility avoidance by the people in power?
Definitely agree Rather agree Rather disagree Definitely disagree Difficult to answer
2012, N=1600

33 46 9 2 10

Table 3.6.6

Who is the primary decision maker in Russia now and who should be the chief decision maker for most critical national issues?
Current Presidential Administration of Russian President Russian State Duma Russian Government Difficult to answer
2012, July; N=1600

Should be 32 20 30 18

55 13 17 16

Table 3.6.7

Which kind of handover of power you would rather support in Russia?

2007 V The individuals in power should be regularly replaced in popular democratic elections The individuals in power should later name the successor and handover the power to him The same people should remain in power as long as possible Difficult to answer

2012 IX 62 14 12 13

57 15 18 10

Table 3.6.8

Which of the following ideas about the system of government in Russia you would rather agree with?
Need a sweeping change of political power in the country half hearted measures will not succeed Need gradual reforms, whereas the authorities, even when they enforce such reforms, are always too slow and inconsistent Need gradual reforms, and authorities enforce them at a right pace in the right direction No need to reform anything the current stability is good for the country Difficult to answer
2012, October; N=1600

20 37 19 10 15


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 3.6.9

Do you agree or disagree with the opinion that Russia doesnt have an efficient system to select, assess and people to government position?
Completely agree Rather agree Rather disagree Completely disagree Difficult to answer
2012, November; N=1600

32 43 14 3 9

Table 3.6.10

Which of the opinions describe your views the best?

2002 IX Specific individuals in power are the problem, you just need to replace them and life will improve The problem is the system of government in Russia, so the system should be changed Difficult to answer

2012 XI 27 62 11

30 61 9

Table 3.6.11

Do you think Russia has more government bureaucrats at various levels, the same or less than it in the Soviet Union?
2011 More Same Less Difficult to answer
July, N=1600

2012 69 19 3 8

73 18 3 6

Table 3.6.12

Do Russias government officials and bureaucrats have more benefits now than in the Soviet Union?
2011 More Same Less Difficult to answer
July, N=1600

2012 68 20 4 9

71 17 6 6


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 3.6.13

Is there more oversight over the government officials and bureaucrats now, the same or less than in the Soviet Union?
2011 More Same Less Difficult to answer
July, N=1600

2012 9 17 63 11

14 14 63 9

Table 3.6.14

Which of the below should be, in your opinion, the founding principle of the society you would like to live in?
2001 XI The authorities should care about people The public should be able to get from the authorities what they need Difficult to answer

2006 XII 68 28 4

2007 XII 66 30 6

2010 XII 65 29 6

2011 XII 63 32 5

2012 XII 64 32 4

64 33 3

Table 3.6.15

Which of the statements below you believe describes the current Russia the best?
2006 II The general public controls the authority Authority controls the general public General public and authority control each other Neither authority nor general public control each other General public and authority deceive each other Difficult to answer

2010 II 1 24 11 31 24 9

2012 I 2 31 9 27 20 11

2 21 7 30 31 10

Table 3.6.16

Why the majority of Russian public do not control or have any considerable influence on the authority?
2006 II The public do not care much about what the authority is doing The people hope that the authority already takes care of their needs The officials only care about what their superiors would say and ignore the needs and opinions of the common people Authority does not inform the public about what it is doing Elections, referendums and free debates are getting less important in the social life Difficult to answer
N=1600 36

2010 II 11 16 47 21 18 10

2012 I 11 17 48 26 16 10

18 17 48 29 27 7

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 3.6.17

To which extend the authoritys decisions affect the lives of other people, like you?
2006 To a large extent Inconsiderably Do not affect at all Difficult to answer
February, N=1600

2010 40 33 22 5

2012 31 42 21 5

50 28 19 4

Table 3.6.18

How would you describe your relations with the authority?

2006 When you come in contact with the authority, you get what you want from it Your life is totally dependent from the authority You maintain independence and avoid any contacts with the authority Difficult to answer
February, N=1600

2010 3 27 62 8

2012 6 21 65 8

2013 8 22 64 6

6 24 62 8

Table 3.6.19

Can people like you influence government decisions in the country now?
2006 II Definitely yes Somewhat No, rather than yes Definitely no Difficult to answer

2007 X 3 21 31 41 5

2010 II 2 12 34 51 1

2012 II 1 14 39 42 4

2013 III 3 10 35 49 4

2 13 39 45 2

Table 3.6.20

Can people like you influence the political decision making in your region, city or district?
2006 II Definitely yes Yes, to a certain extent Most likely, no Definitely no Difficult to answer

2010 II 2 16 34 46 2

2012 II 1 21 38 37 4

2013 III 2 14 34 46 4

3 21 36 39 2


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 3.6.21

To which extend, you believe, the Russian public controls the authority?
2001 XI To a very large extent To a fairly large extent To a fairly small extent Does not control at all Difficult to answer

2006 XII 3 6 32 51 8

2010 XII 1 8 39 41 11

2011 IV 1 10 42 39 8

2012 VI 2 13 42 31 13

2012 X 3 11 42 34 10

2 9 34 48 7

Table 3.6.22

What does Russia need more now: strong authority or the public needs to control the authority?
2001 XI Strong authority The public needs to control the authority Difficult to answer

2006 XII 43 42 16

2010 XII 39 51 10

2011 IV 39 48 13

2011 XII 31 60 9

2012 VI 42 42 17

2012 X 40 48 13

2012 XII 35 55 11

37 54 9

Table 3.6.23

To which extend, in your opinion, Russian citizens perform their duties to the State (comply with the law, pay taxes, etc.)?
1998 III Perform duties completely Perform their duties for the most part Perform as much duties as they do not Do not perform for the most part Do not perform at all Difficult to answer
1998 N=1500, then N=1600

2001 I 6 33 38 16 3 5

2006 II 7 30 38 19 4 4

2010 IV 6 33 40 15 2 4

2011 IV 3 39 43 10 2 3

2012 VI 6 37 37 13 2 6

2013 I 9 42 33 10 3 3

4 15 36 31 9 5

Table 3.6.24

To which extend the current Russian state performs its duties to the Russian citizens?
1998 III Performs duties completely Performs its duties for the most part Performs as much duties as it does not 3Does not perform for the most part Does not perform its duties at all Difficult to answer
N=1600 38

2001 I 2 8 29 41 16 3

2006 II 1 8 33 39 15 4

2010 IV 2 20 39 27 10 3

2011 IV 1 20 39 27 9 3

2012 VI 2 18 36 27 12 5

2013 I 2 12 36 32 14 4

1 4 23 45 25 2

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 3.6.25

How can Russian citizens more likely get their problems solved?
2010 XII Appeal to the executive authority with their requests and proposals Vote for the political forces which are ready to work on solving the problems Appeal to the court of law Appeal to the media Be socially active, participate in public organizations, civic initiative Appeal to the local counselor Participate in public protests: rallies, marches and strikes Participate in political parties, political movements They cannot Difficult to answer
* option was not offered N=1600

IV 18 9 40 24 7 13 12 4 25 8

2012 VI
20 12 36 22 6 11 12 4 24 10

2012 X
22 13 33 24 6 14 9 4 29 10

21 10 41 23 5 15 15 * 24 10

Table 3.6.26

Will most of the people in Russia be able to live without the states constant care and protection or not?
1990 The majority will be able to live without the state care The majority will not be able to live without the state care Difficult to answer

1997 17 72 11

2007 21 74 5

2008 15 81 4

2009 15 80 5

2010 15 77 8

2011 19 75 6

2012 20 75 4

21 62 17

Table 3.6.27

Which is more likely to ensure the wellbeing of people: decent people in the government of the country or reliable laws that really work?
1990 1997 1998 2001 2007 XI V III I VI Decent people in the government Reliable laws that really work Difficult to answer Number of respondents 29 56 15 32 53 14 33 54 14 30 58 12 33 62 5 2008 2009 II VII VIII 37 57 6 34 59 7 37 57 6 2010 II VII 34 62 5 35 60 5 2011 VII X 2012 I VII 35 61 4 38 56 6

37 58 5

40 56 4

1600 1600 1500 1000 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 3.6.28

How would you describe the people in power now?

1994 1997 2000 2001 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

III These are people concerned only with 47 their financial well being and careers These are honest but weak people, who do not know what to do with 16 the power or how to secure order and a consistent political course These are honest but incompetent people, who do not know how to 18 cope with the economic situation in the country It is a good team of politicians leading the 4 country in the right direction Difficult to answer

IV 59

XII 55

VI 52

II 53

VII 64

XII 51

VII 60

III 31

III 31

X 43

III 42

III 40

III 50
































21 16















Table 3.6.29

What the people in power mostly concerned with?

(Responses are ranked by the last poll)
2011 Their own interests Cling to power Countrys interests Interests of large corporations National security Well being of the general public Difficult to answer
March, N=1600

2012 28 29 19 6 7 5 7

2013 35 26 13 8 7 5 6

27 27 14 12 10 3 7


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 3.6.30

Can there the situations in the country where the people need a strong and authoritative leader, a strong hand?
1989 1994 1995 1996 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 VII XI IX VII IX III III VII X IX III III Our people need a strong hand at all times There can be situations (like now) where it is necessary to give full power to one person It should never be possible for one person to have full power Difficult to answer Total questioned 25 35 33 37 42 45 43 40 44 42 35 41













44 16

23 18

24 15

18 13

20 8

18 8

18 10

25 5

19 5

22 8

22 5

20 8

1500 3000 3000 2500 1600 1600 1500 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600

Table 3.6.31

Which of the statements below regarding the relationship with the state you would rather agree with?
1989 1999 Our state gave us everything we need, we have no right to demand anything else from it The state provides a lot, but we can still ask for more The state provides us with so little that we do not owe anything to the state Our state is in such a condition now that we should help it, even if we need to make a sacrifice We should make the state serve our interests Difficult to answer Total respondents 5 11 8 37 25 15 1 6 38 17 37 2 2006 2010 2011 2012 2013 1 15 39 9 27 9 3 22 31 7 24 13 4 23 31 5 26 10 3 23 31 5 30 9 3 26 29 9 23 10

1500 2000 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Diagram 4.1

Evaluation of the economic conditions in the country and the family

June 2008 N=2100; from June 2009 N=1600

Diagram 4.2

How do you estimate the economic situation in Russia?

Until June 2008 N=2100; from June 2009 N=1600


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Diagram 4.3

What do you think awaits Russian economy in the next few months?

* from 2009 survey conducted by sampling N=1600 N=2100

Diagram 4.4

How do you estimate the economic situation in your city, rural area?

* from 2009 survey conducted by sampling N=1600 N=2100


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Diagram 4.5

Which economic system do you think to be the right one..?*


60 50 50 43 40 40 39 36 45 47 51 48 48 48 46 37 35 33 52 52


58 56 53 51 55 54 51

57 54 49 51








34 30


36 31 29 31 28 30 30

36 29




0 04 1997 11 1997 09 1998 11 1998 12 1998 05 1999 08 1999 11 1999 12 1999 01 2000 02 2000 04 2000 05 2001 03 2003 03 2004 11 2005 11 2006 11 2007 02 2008 02 2009 02 2010 01 2011 01 2012 01 2013

The one based on government planning and distribution

The one based on private property and market relations


Table 4.1

Are we living through the hardest times now, are they already in the past or still to come?




2010 2011



Living through them now Are already in the past Are still to come Difficult to answer

21 1 73 5

27 6 58 9

25 18 45 12

39 17 33 11

25 30 32 13

24 29 33 15

22 33 30 15

24 26 38 13

17 32 35 16

Table 4.2

Is the economic recession over in Russia?

2010 X Already over Winding down Still in recession Recession is just picking up Recession did not happen and will not happen Difficult to answer

2011 III 6 19 57 9 5 5 XI 8 16 48 14 7 8 IV 7 19 52 11 5 7

2012 VI 8 14 53 11 6 9

5 21 51 7 10 6


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 4.3

What is the main reason why Russia is better off economically now than it used to be in the late 90s?
2007 Russians work better now Russian government pursues a reasonable economic and fiscal policy Oil and gas prices are high now I do not believe Russian economy is in good shape Difficult to answer
January, N=1600

2008 11 31 33 18 7

2012 7 23 36 25 9

10 23 37 20 10

Table 4.4

Why, in your opinion, Russia does not demonstrate any considerable economic growth now?
2003 2004 2005 2006 2011 2012 2013 Wrong economic policy of the Russian government Russian government does not have any clear economic programs Lack of investments in Russian economy Outflow of capital from Russia/ capital transfer to offshore accounts Plunderers policies of large Russian businesses and oligarchs, lack of interest among the large business owners in Russias economic recovery Top managers embezzlement (siphoning off the profit to their own pockets) Bureaucratic abuse of power, corruption and bribery in the top echelons of power High business taxes Lack of legal protection for business owners Key assets are worn down Russian products cannot compete with the western produce Difficult to answer
March, N=1600

27 22 11 25 38 28 34 15 9 13 9 12

28 22 11 27 34 20 34 10 7 11 10 12

34 29 12 26 29 21 31 13 7 11 10 9

32 27 12 26 33 24 34 13 9 17 12 11

26 19 12 29 35 31 33 13 8 16 14 11

26 22 15 28 33 25 35 14 6 15 13 9

25 18 15 37 35 33 42 14 9 15 13 11


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 4.5

How current high oil prices will affect Russia?

2011 Russia will receive more revenue to invest in economic development and improve the quality of life for Russians Russian government will have money to pay state employees salaries and pensions to retirees. The prices for all goods and services will increase Oil profits, just as earlier, will slow down reforms and will be an obstacle for an efficient overhaul of national economy Such super profits will be simply siphoned off and divided between the bureaucrats and the oligarchs They will not make any difference Difficult to answer
March, N=1600

2012 24 25 25 11 34 6 7

12 19 34 14 39 7 8

Table 4.6

Do you think the government of Russia has a sound economic program?

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2010 2011 2012 2013

VIII There is a sound economic program There is no sound program, they just have a general idea of what should be done The government does not have a program, the decisions are made on the spur of the moment Difficult to answer

VIII 19 40

VIII 24 37

XII 46 26

XII 32 27

VIII 24 43

XI 34 33

I 33 32

VI 29 38

IX 26 38

II 23 38

21 35

34 11

31 11

29 10

14 14

26 15

21 13

22 11

24 12

23 11

23 13

24 14


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


Diagram 5.1.1

Which class of the society you would affiliate yourself with?

Until June 2008 N=2100; from June 2009 N=1600

Diagram 5.1.2

How would you estimate your familys financial standing?



Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Diagram 5.1.3

How do you expect your family live in a year?

Until June 2008 N=2100; from June2009 N=1600

Diagram 5.1.4

How do you expect the prices for goods and services grow in the near future?

Until June 2009 N=2100; from June 2009 N=1600


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 5.1.1

Which group your family is more likely to belong to?

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 XII XII XI XI XI XI XI XI VI VI X We can hardly make ends meet, there is not enough money even for food We have enough money for food but buying clothes is a serious problem We have enough money for food and clothes but buying durables is a problem Buying durables is not a problem but it is difficult to buy expensive things We can afford to buy expensive things a car, a flat, a dacha and a lot of other things 22 19 15 18 15 14 12 12 9 9 9


































* from 2009 survey conducted by sampling N=1600 N=2100

Table 5.1.2

Is now a good time for buying on credit?

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XI X X X X VI Now is a good time for buying on credit Neither good, nor bad Now is not a good time for buying on credit Difficult to answer

5 16 64 15

7 17 59 17

11 17 57 15

12 18 50 20

24 18 39 19

29 19 37 15

27 26 33 14

24 25 36 15

18 26 39 17

9 16 67 8

9 20 65 7

12 28 54 6

15 29 50 6

17 35 43 5

19 32 44 5


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 5.1.3

Have you bought anything on credit in the last two years? If the answer is yes, what did you buy?
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2009* 2010 2011 2012 2013 XI IX IX IX IX X X X VIII VI Havent bought anything on credit Bought: Household appliances, video, computer Furniture Flat, dacha, other real estate Car Education, health Other 2 1 2 3 4 3 3 3 2
* from 2009 survey conducted by sampling 1600 N=2100











12 3 1

17 5 1 2

22 5 2 3

26 6 4 2

24 7 5 3

16 6 3 6

19 6 2 6

18 7 3 7

23 8 2 7

22 4 3 4 2 3


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


Diagram 5.1.5


The index of consumer attitudes (ICA) is an important instrument in forecasting consumer behavior. During the development of the market economy in Russia, consumer activity and the level of consumer demand are becoming an important driving force in the economic development of the country. Long term observations showed that the ICA predicts the trends in retail sales several months in advance. ICA provides short term forecasting of the development in the Russian economy and gives the business sector the opportunity to react expertly and in good time to changes in the economic situation. The procedure for building the ICA is fairly straightforward: the index is estimated on the basis of respondents answers to five questions. For each question, an individual index is formed as the difference in proportions of positive and negative answers and adds up to 100, in order to avoid the appearance of negative values in the index. The cumulative index, ICA, is calculated as an average of the individual indices. ICA varies between 0 and 200, where index values below 100 indicate the predominant negative evaluations in society. ICA is formed on the basis of public opinion surveys, conducted by representative sampling, which reflect the opinions of the adult (over 16 years of age), urban and rural populations of the country (Total respondents 1600).


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Based on the subjective evaluations of the level of poverty and the actual incomes of the respondents, Levada Centre calculates the share of the poor population, i.e. the actual share of the population which, according to the data of the surveys, has incomes below their own evaluations of the level of poverty. However, in order to understand the nature of poverty, it is important to single out groups of the poor differing by the relative level of subjective evaluations. If we define the group of the poorest as those whose subjective evaluations are not higher than the average level, according to the population overall, we will see that they constitute about a third of all the poor. The financial situation in the group of the poorest families is truly miserable. The rest of the poor are closer to the middle strata of the population.

Diagram 5.1.6

Peoples perceptions of the poverty level

(share of the poor as a percentage of adult population)

Until June 2009 N=2100; from June 2009 N=1600


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 5.2.1

Do you or your family have any savings?

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 VII Yes No Difficult to answer/ refused to answer

VII 24 69 7

VII 24 68 8

VII 21 70 9

VII 22 69 9

VII 22 66 13

XII 18 75 7

X 22 73 5

X 26 69 5

X 24 68 8

X 31 64 5

26 68 6

Table 5.2.2

For what purpose do you make savings (or you would if you were able to)?
Purpose of savings Buying expensive things Purchase of an apartment or a house Education Healthcare Holidays, entertaining, traveling Purchase of a private business or shares Purchase of land, dacha, cottage Car purchase For an emergency, just in case Other purpose Wouldnt make any savings without any purpose Difficult to answer 2002 IX 14 20 22 27 12 4 3 9 35 6 9 8 2005 IX 13 21 20 24 13 4 3 10 36 5 7 9 2007 IX 11 21 19 19 12 4 2 10 33 7 10 10 2009 X 11 22 18 24 19 6 6 13 41 4 11 5 2010 X 13 22 14 26 21 5 6 14 42 6 11 6 2011 X 12 21 15 26 20 5 8 15 40 7 10 5 2012 X 17 17 11 20 21 3 4 12 38 5 17 4

Till June 2008 N=2100; since June 2008 N=1600


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 5.2.3

Type of savings
2002 IX Sberbank (primarily state owned savings bank) Commercial bank Public bonds, other public securities Accumulative insurance plans Shares and other securities of stock companies, investment funds, banks, etc. Cash Convertible currency Rubles in cash US dollars in cash Euro in cash Fine jewelry, antiques, paintings Other Difficult to answer 8 2 17 41 4 2 1 3 20 40 2005 IX 44 5 2 1 5 24 24 * * * 6 2 21 6 2 20 2007 IX 50 6 2 1 5 29 16 2009 X 53 6 1 1 3 * * 29 8 17 8 3 16 2010 X 58 9 1 1 3 * * 29 8 10 5 1 16 2011 X 55 9 1 2 3 * * 27 10 10 8 2 11 2012 X 56 10 1 1 3 * * 29 9 9 6 2 14

* No option was offered Before June 2008 N=2100; Effective June 2009 and later N=1600

Table 5.2.4

How long do you think your savings could support your family if all other income sources are gone and you could only use your savings to support your daily needs?
(Of respondents who have savings)
2002 IX Savings would last less than a month Savings would last for 1 month Savings would last for 2 months Savings would last for 3 4 months Savings would last for 5 6 months Savings would last for 7 12 months Savings would last for over a year Difficult to answer 7 17 16 17 11 7 6 19 2005 IX 7 13 14 20 12 6 4 25 2007 IX 6 13 16 18 14 6 5 22 2009 X 2 13 11 18 15 8 6 27 2010 X 7 8 9 16 16 9 11 24 2011 X 5 6 8 23 16 8 10 26 2012 X 5 9 13 17 11 6 13 27

Before June 2008 N=2100 Effective June 2008 and later N=1600


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 5.2.5

Which currency is the safest and most profitable to keep your savings in?
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 VII Rubles Dollars Euro In different currencies/ in several currencies Difficult to answer
* No option was offered N=1600

2011 III 48 6 19 13 15 XII 47 6 7 14 27

2012 VI 36 8 9 22 25

VII 29 27 25 * 19

VII 38 17 28 * 17

VII 35 23 25 * 18

VII 50 8 24 * 18

VII 49 5 30 * 16

VII 48 4 35 * 14

VI 33 9 25 18 17

VI 46 6 11 19 19

29 33 18 * 21

Table 5.2.6

Do you have a bank card with credit purchase or overdraft option?

(% of respondents who have a bank card)
2009 X Yes No Difficult to answer

2010 X 25 72 3

2011 X 32 65 4

2012 VI 30 69 1

24 74 2

Table 5.2.7

Did you use the bank card in the last month, and, if yes, for what purpose?
(% of respondents who have a plastic card)
2009 X Cash withdrawal in Russia Cash withdrawal outside Russia Account top up, cash deposit to your bank account Payment for items or services purchased in stores in Russia Payment for items or services purchased in stores outside Russia Payment for online purchases (for instance, hotel bookings, payment for items purchased in online stores, online payments for services) Utilities and other bills paid via pay stations Did not use the bank card in the last month
* No option was offered ** In the last three month N=1600

2010 X 82 4 10 17 1 2 * 13

2011 X 86 3 17 21 3 2 * 9

2012 VIII 89 6 15 27 3 4 15 5**

83 3 5 16 0 0 * 13


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Diagram 6.1.1

Which problems in our society you are concerned the most? Social and economic problems

Until June 2008 N=2100; from June 2009


Diagram 6.1.2

Authority and management

Until June 2008 N=2100; from June 2009



Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Diagram 6.1.3

Social life

Until June 2008 N=2100; from June 2009


Diagram 6.1.4

Culture and environment

Until June 2008 N=2100; from June 2009



Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Diagram 6.2

Social sentiment index (SSI)


Social Sentiment Index (SSI) is a composite indicator of the mass sentiments in society which reflects the influence of mass consciousness on the countrys development. It takes into account peoples appraisals of their current private life, of the situation in the country as a whole, appraisals of the authorities activities and of their expectations for the near future. SSI summarizes the answers of the respondents to 12 questions, each of them intending to expose positive or negative appraisals. On each question, an individual index is calculated as a difference in percentages of positive and negative answers. Total SSI is calculated as the mean of individual indexes. Since autumn 2008, Levada Centre has been publishing the dynamics of SSI, calculated according to a revised procedure that retains all the basic principles of SSI compilation and ensures the consistency of measurements. This revision has been due to the increasingly important projection component, reflecting peoples expectations for the near future. In addition, the revised SSI takes into account appraisals of the populations confidence in the fundamental governmental institutions. Furthermore the method of data collection has changed as well it is now the interview format with the sampling reflecting the opinions of adult rural and urban populations (18+), N = 1600. The new procedure was introduced at the beginning of 2008; the diagram extends the data accumulated since 1995.


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Diagram 6.3

Index of national well being

INDEX OF ECONOMIC OPTIMISM is a general indicator of the state of national economy, which is built on individual appraisals of the economic situation in the country, peoples personal financial situations and the satisfaction with the leaderships economic program. INDEX OF PRESIDENTIAL POWER is based on an overall assessment of the activities of the President of Russia, his influence on the countrys state of affairs and the support of his actions. INDEX OF NATIONAL WELL BEING is a general indicator based on the index of economic optimism and the index of presidential power as well as assessments of the situation in Russia from a perspective of satisfaction with the changes in Russia on the whole and in terms of morals and virtues, as well as the expectation of changes in quality of life and the position of Russias position in the international community. Every index adds up to an average value calculated based on the answers in the survey carried out once every three months using representative all Russian sampling with a range of 1600 people aged 18 years or over. The values of the indices vary within the range of 0 to 100 and are determined by the comparison of positive and negative statements, without taking the rank of Difficult to answer into account. More detailed information on the indices in on the website


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 6.1

What would you prefer: so that you and your children had an opportunity to have free healthcare and education or that you had enough assets to pay for the healthcare and educational services?
2004 Opportunity to have free healthcare and education Enough assets to pay for the healthcare and educational services Difficult to answer
July, N=1600

2005 76 22 2

2007 60 35 5

2010 73 23 4

2011 67 30 3

2012 64 33 3

68 30 2

Table 6.2

Who do you rely on in a time of need?

1994 III Only myself My relatives and friends My company or the organization where I work (or worked) State assistance (social welfare institution) Social organizations (trade union, etc.) Charity Church Difficult to answer 32 53 8 8 2 1 1 3 1995 I 34 56 5 5 <1 1 2 2 1996 I 36 54 5 4 <1 <1 1 3 1997 I 33 59 5 3 1 1 1 2 2004 IV 33 60 4 4 <1 <1 2 1 2007 IX 41 54 2 3 1 1 2 1 2011 VI 39 56 3 2 1 1 <1 1 2012 I 40 54 2 4 <1 1 <1 1

1994 N=4000; 1995 N=2000; 1996 1997 N=2500; 2004, 2007 2012 N=1600

Table 6.3

What do you primarily rely on?

1996 1997 1998 2003 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 III IV IV XII IV VIII X IX VII Your own capacities and powers Social security and social and state support Difficult to answer

75 20 5

77 15 8

78 17 4

78 19 3

79 18 3

74 24 2

69 28 3

74 23 3

72 24 3


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 6.4

Would you support or disapprove if Russia re introduced the progressive tax rates for above average incomes?
Completely agree Rather agree Rather disagree Completely disagree Difficult to answer

2011 IX 17 37 21 9 16

2012 II 22 35 20 9 14

2013 I 16 40 20 9 16

Table 6.5

Are you in favor or against a significant property tax hike?

Definitely in favor Rather in favor Rather against Definitely against Difficult to answer

2011 IX 3 13 40 31 13

2012 II 8 20 36 27 9

2013 I 7 15 37 28 14

Table 6.6

Are you in favor or against the introduction of the luxury tax?

Definitely in favor Rather in favor Rather against Definitely against Difficult to answer
September, 2011; N=1600

2011 IX 22 30 19 14 15

2012 II 31 34 18 9 8

2013 I 28 31 18 10 13

Table 6.7

Are you in favor or against the tax hike for tobacco and alcohol, which will effectively increase the prices for such products?
2011 IX Definitely in favor Rather in favor Rather against Definitely against Difficult to answer
September, 2011; N=1600 61

2012 II 16 26 28 20 10

18 25 24 21 13

Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 6.8

Do you know how the taxes paid by individuals, companies and business owners are distributed and how they are used in Russia?
I know how it works and I believe the taxes in general are distributed fairly, for the benefit of the state and majority of people I know how it works and I believe the taxes in general are distributed unfairly, not for the benefit of the state or majority of people I do not have any idea how the taxes are used Difficult to answer
2012, June; N=1600

12 38 45 5

Table 6.9

Which would you prefer if you could choose?

1989 1994 1995 1998 1999 2003 2008 2010 2011 2012 Having a smaller salary but more time off the job, an easier job Having a steady salary, even if it is a small one, and confidence in the future Working a lot and having a good income even if there are no definite guarantees for the future Having own business and running it at your own risk Difficult to answer Total respondents
*No alternative options were offered

10 45 26 7 11

3 55 24 5 12

3 60 23 6 8

4 61 22 5 9

3 60 23 6 8

4 54 22 10 10

4 56 21 8 11

* 50 26 12 13

* 47 34 11 9

* 47 34 11 8

1500 3000 3000 1700 2000 2000 1500 1600 1600 1500

Table 6.10

If you were looking for a job now, what would be most important for you?
2000 XI Good pay Chance to work in my profession Potential for professional growth Good work environment Regular salary payment Convenient work schedule Proximity from my home Independent work, chance to show initiative, creativity Potential to get housing, availability of a clinic, daycare, etc. Chance to work in a good team, among people Difficult to answer
N=1600 62

2010 II 81 22 17 38 26 20 13 9 9 9 6

2011 II 82 23 20 41 29 22 14 6 8 11 4

2012 II 81 23 18 44 30 27 15 8 10 11 3

85 25 13 34 41 16 10 7 8 11 3

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 6.11

If you were looking for a job now and you were free to choose the employment, where you would prefer to work?
2011 I would prefer to work for government, in a federal or municipal government, in a federal or government institution I would prefer to work for government in education, healthcare, social security or academic institution, etc. I would prefer to work for a private company I would prefer to work for a foreign company or joint venture I would prefer to have my own business and be self employed I would prefer to work for a non profit or a non governmental organization Difficult to answer
February, N=1600

2012 35 14 18 5 13 1 13

33 15 18 7 11 1 14

Table 6.12

Which would you prefer?

2002 IV Be the owner of a company (own a business) Be an employee and receive a steady salary Difficult to answer

2007 X 39 51 10

2008 IV 32 48 19

2009 IX 32 52 16

2010 X 37 51 12

2011 VII X 33 56 11 31 54 15

35 56 8

2012 VII 37 55 9

Table 6.13

Which of the following statements about what the work means to an individual is the best fit for you personally?
1996 XI The work is important to me and interesting for me as such, regardless of the pay The work is primarily the source of income for me The work is not the most important for me, there are other things in my life more important than work The work is an unpleasant duty for me; I would never work if I could Difficult to answer Total respondents 13 63 15 4 5 2400 1997 XI 12 61 17 6 5 2400 2000 XI 16 66 8 4 6 2400 2001 VII 19 62 8 2 9 2400 2010 II 14 62 13 3 10 1600 2011 II 14 64 12 3 7 1600 2012 II 15 66 11 2 6 1500


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 6.14

Which job is the best in Russia, in your opinion?

(responses are ranked)
Work for the government In law enforcement agencies (police, security, judiciary, prosecutors office) In foreign companies/companies where the majority stake is owned by foreign companies Have your own business In state run companies/ companies where the majority stake is owned by the government In public sector (education, healthcare) In private companies / companies where the majority stake is owned by private individuals and international companies Difficult to answer
2012, August; N=1600

27 18 14 10 10 5 5 9

Table 6.15

Which professions you have the most respect for, and which are less respected?
(responses are ranked by first column)
Doctors School teachers Scientists Farmers Industrial, construction, transport etc. workers Military Artistic intelligentsia (writers, poets, artists and composers) University instructors Movie and theatre actors Clergy Accountants and economists Businessmen Journalists Pop stars Customer service Police Trade Prosecutors office Judges Office workers Politicians and members of Parliament Show business Government officers/bureaucrats Difficult to answer
2012, September; N=1600 64

Respect 55 48 44 44 40 39 25 21 20 18 15 13 9 9 9 8 7 6 6 4 3 3 3 7

Do not respect 8 4 1 2 1 5 3 3 9 4 5 11 14 24 7 29 13 16 17 7 36 28 28 19

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Diagram 6.4

Unemployment expectation index

(Difference between the % of respondents who believe the unemployment is decreasing and % of respondents who believe the unemployment is on the rise, plus 100)

Until June 2008 N=2100; from June 2009


Table 6.16

Do you think you could lose your job in the near future? If yes, how easy or hard it will be for you to find a new job in your profession?
(% of employed respondents) 2009 XII
No, I dont think I will lose my job Yes, I could lose my job, but will be able to find a new one fairly easily Yes, I could lose my job, and it will be hard to find a new one Yes, I could lose my job, and it will be practically impossible to find a new one Difficult to answer

2010 XII 56 10 20 6 8

2011 X 53 11 22 6 8

2012 II VI 59 11 19 6 6 56 14 19 4 8

53 12 20 7 8


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 6.17

Did you ever think about what would be your source of income once you retire?
2010 II No, never thought about that Yes, I thought about that and I count on the government old age or disability pension Yes, I thought about that and I count on the industry specific or departmental pension Yes, I thought about that and I count on payments from the private pension plans Yes, I thought about that and I count on my kids and relatives to help me Yes, I thought about that and I count on my own savings or property income (renting out an apartment, etc.) Yes, I thought about that and I count on something else I will continue working Yes, I thought about that and there is nothing I can count on Difficult to answer

2011 II 33 54 2 3 6 8 <1 1 3 3

2012 II 36 52 1 2 5 7 <1 3 2 2

41 47 1 3 6 7 <1 2 3 2

Table 6.18

Are you aware of the upcoming pension reform?

I am well aware of it I have heard something about it It is the first time I ever hear about that Difficult to answer
2012, August; N=1600

11 51 35 3

Table 6.19

Are you concerned with the upcoming pension reform?

Very concerned Concerned to a certain extent Not concerned much Not concerned at all Difficult to answer
2012, August; N=1600

29 30 22 13 6 Table 6.20

Will, in your opinion, the pension reform will improve the lives of the retirees, make it worse or will not have any affect?
Improve Make it worse Will not have any effect on retirees Difficult to answer
2012, August; N=1600 66

6 42 28 24

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Diagram 6.4

Protest potential
(positive estimation of probability of mass protests against decline in standard of living and level of willingness to participate in protests, %)

Table 6.21

How would you estimate possibility that the escalating social tension will result in strikes, protest marches and demonstrations in the near future?
1992 VIII Very high Rather high Medium Rather low Very low Difficult to answer

2010 IV 5 13 32 27 14 9

2011 IV 5 16 35 27 11 8

2012 VI 4 18 37 22 9 10

2012 X 4 20 36 21 10 9

17 29 22 12 9 1


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 6.22

Which view of street rallies and demonstrations you would rather share?
2008 V Street rallies and demonstrations are standard democratic means that citizens use to get what they want, and authorities have no right to ban them If street rallies and demonstrations disturb people around or incite riots, authorities should ban them Difficult to answer

2010 IV 59

2011 IV 54

2012 VI 51

2012 X 48


32 12

27 14

35 11

37 13

39 13

Table 6.23

Do you think people like you can influence the situation in the country by taking part in rallies, protests and strikes?
2001 I Definitely yes Most likely, yes Most likely, no Definitely no Difficult to answer

2010 IV 4 18 36 32 9

2011 IV 3 18 40 32 7

2011 X 4 15 40 34 8

2012 VI 4 14 35 35 12

2012 X 4 20 39 29 9

5 19 41 30 5

Table 6.24

If there is a mass demonstration taking place in your town on 1 of May, would you like to participate in the demonstration in support of the presidents and governments policy?
2004 Yes No Difficult to answer
April, N=1600


2006 20 70 10

2008 21 66 13

2009 17 71 12

2010 26 63 11

2011 17 76 7

2012 18 75 8

2013 17 71 12

23 72 5

Table 6.25

If there is a mass demonstration taking place in your city on 1 of May, would you like to participate in the demonstration to protest the authorities policy?
2004 Yes No Difficult to answer
April, N=1600


2006 12 77 11

2008 10 75 15

2009 11 76 13

2010 11 76 12

2011 11 80 10

2012 10 83 8

2013 16 70 14

10 84 6


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 6.26

Have you participated in any mass protests (picket lines, rallies, marches or demonstrations) in the last 12 months?
2011 Yes No Difficult to answer
April, N=1600

2012 3 95 2

3 95 2

Table 6.27

Have you participated in strikes in the last 12 months?

2011 Yes No Difficult to answer
April, N=1600

2012 1 96 3

2 95 3


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 7.1.1

What has changed in the operation of hospitals and clinics in the last year?
Year of rating Situation improved Situation deteriorated Situation remained the same Difficult to answer

1989 1990 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2010 2011 2012 5 40 36 19 3 67 18 10 8 45 40 7 11 52 32 6 12 50 33 5 12 45 37 6 13 39 39 8 11 41 40 8 16 30 46 9 18 47 29 6 11 36 43 10 12 37 45 7 10 40 42 8 9 40 45 6

Table 7.1.2

Are you satisfied with the healthcare system in Russia?

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 VIII VIII IX XII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII Definitely yes Yes, rather than no Neither yes, nor no No, rather than yes Definitely no Difficult to answer

2 9 23 39 23 4

3 11 20 36 29 2

2 9 21 36 29 3

2 10 19 36 32 2

3 14 21 34 26 2

2 13 20 36 27 3

3 15 23 36 22 1

2 13 22 35 25 4

1 14 22 37 22 4

1 15 22 33 24 4

2 13 22 32 29 2

Table 7.1.3

How did the quality of medical services in Russia change over the past year?
2002 XII Improved considerably Improved somewhat Has not changed Became somewhat worse Became considerably worse Difficult to answer

2005 I 1 9 34 27 24 5

2005 VIII 3 19 36 22 16 6

2006 VIII 3 20 44 22 10 5

2007 VIII 2 21 45 17 10 6

2008 VIII 3 20 48 17 7 4

2009 VIII 2 9 45 17 13 14

2010 VIII 1 12 43 21 13 9

2011 VIII 2 12 42 21 16 8

2012 VIII 1 12 46 26 10 4

3 11 37 28 14 7


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 7.1.4

Can you and other members of your family get a good medical service if necessary?
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII Definitely yes Yes, rather than no No, rather than yes Definitely no Difficult to answer

7 18 47 26 2

7 19 40 32 2

6 19 41 31 3

5 18 39 36 2

5 23 43 27 3

4 20 41 31 3

6 24 40 26 4

2 18 42 28 9

2 20 45 25 8

3 21 42 26 8

2 23 49 22 4

Table 7.1.5

How would you rate your own health?

2007 IX Perfect Very good Good Satisfactory Bad Difficult to answer

2012 VI 5 10 39 33 13 1

5 8 20 38 26 3

Table 7.1.6

When you feel you are getting sick, do you usually see a doctor or try to treat yourself on your own?
2010 II Essentially always see a doctor I would see a doctor more often I would try to treat myself more often Essentially never see a doctor Difficult to answer
February, 2010; N=1600

2011 II 15 26 42 17 1

2012 IV 16 26 43 13 2

13 30 40 15 2


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 7.1.7

Where do you go for medical care in event of illness or serious ailment?

(% of respondents who seek medical care) 2011 II District polyclinic Polyclinic or medical centre on the insurance partially or completely paid for by the employer Polyclinic or medical centre on the insurance which I pay for myself / paid by my family Polyclinic or medical centre for cash I go to the private doctor of which I have been a long term patient Difficult to answer

2012 IV 72 20 3 2 2 <1

82 11 3 2 2 1

Table 7.1.8

Do you visit fitness centers/gyms and, if you do, how often?

A few times a week Approximately once a week 2 3 times a month Approximately once a month Less often Never
2012, September; N=1600

2 2 3 4 6 84

Table 7.1.9

Do go to the swimming pool and, if you do, how often?

A few times a week Approximately once a week 2 3 times a month Approximately once a month Less often Never
2012, September; N=1600

1 2 2 4 12 79

Table 7.1.10

Did you or your family have to decline treatment or health care for lack of funds in the last year?
1996 On regular basis Occasionally Very seldom Never
N=1600 72

2000 43 30 13 13

2001 33 32 15 20

2002 35 30 15 20

2005 39 30 13 18

2007 34 30 15 22

2009 27 29 19 25

2010 25 27 18 31

2011 27 30 17 27

2012 25 29 17 30

35 25 15 25

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 7.1.11

What would be your attitude towards proposal to legalize soft drugs (marijuana, etc.)?
2006 IV Positive Neutral Negative Difficult to answer

2011 V 11 10 77 3

2012 VII 8 9 81 3

2013 V 8 11 79 3

5 8 85 2

Table 7.1.12

What would be your attitude towards proposal to introduce a mandatory drug testing program for school students?
2011 V Positive Neutral Negative Difficult to answer

2012 VII 68 18 10 4

2013 V 73 18 6 3

75 13 7 5

Table 7.1.13

What would be your attitude towards proposal to take drug tests when hiring new employees or admitting students to universities and colleges?
2011 V Positive Neutral Negative Difficult to answer

2012 VII 68 20 9 3

2013 V 73 17 6 3

76 13 7 4

Table 7.1.14

What would be your attitude towards proposal to criminalize the drug use (effectively means the mandatory rehab for drug users)?
2011 V Positive Neutral Negative Difficult to answer

2012 VII 68 18 9 5

2013 V 75 13 7 5

77 12 6 5


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 7.2.1

How would you rate the system of education in Russia?

2011 V Excellent Good Mediocre Bad Very bad Difficult to answer

2012 IV 1 23 39 14 14 8

2013 V 2 19 49 18 5 8

3 24 48 16 5 5

Table 7.2.2

Are you satisfied with the education system in Russia?

2004 III Definitely yes Yes, rather than no Neither yes, nor no No, rather than yes Definitely no Difficult to answer

2005 I 3 15 22 29 21 10

2005 VIII 2 15 19 33 25 6

2006 VIII 3 22 22 28 18 8

2007 VIII 4 21 22 29 18 6

2008 VIII 4 21 26 30 13 6

2009 VIII 4 19 24 27 12 15

2010 VIII 1 18 28 26 12 15

2011 VIII 2 16 25 29 16 13

2012 IX 3 16 24 27 23 7

5 18 20 30 20 8

Table 7.2.3

How did the quality of the education system in Russia change over the past year?
2005 I Improved considerably Improved somewhat Has not changed Somewhat declined Declined considerably Difficult to answer

2005 VIII 3 13 37 21 13 13

2006 VIII 3 17 44 15 7 14

2007 VIII 2 20 45 15 6 13

2008 VIII 4 19 47 15 5 10

2009 VIII 1 9 35 20 9 26

2010 VIII 1 11 38 21 9 21

2011 VIII 1 10 34 23 14 18

2012 VIII 1 11 43 23 9 13

1 10 35 23 17 14


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 7.2.4

Is it possible for you (your children, grandchildren) to get a good education now if necessary?
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII Definitely yes Yes, rather than no No, rather than yes Definitely no Difficult to answer

7 30 38 21 4

6 26 38 26 4

6 30 35 25 3

6 26 35 28 5

7 35 34 19 5

8 31 35 21 5

7 36 36 17 5

3 27 34 15 21

4 32 33 14 18

4 28 35 15 18

3 28 43 16 10


Table 7.2.5

What is your attitude to the practice of abolishing entrance exams to higher education institutions and entry based instead on a uniform state examination to be taken upon high school graduation?
2001 V Entirely positive Rather positive Rather negative Very negative Difficult to answer

2002 VIII 20 35 18 12 15

2003 IX 19 25 20 14 22

2004 VII 13 31 22 15 19

2006 VI 14 30 22 10 24

2007 VI 12 28 25 11 24

2009 VI 6 22 25 15 32

2010 V 9 25 31 12 23

2011 V 10 26 25 16 23

2012 V 9 29 25 16 22

2013 V 13 28 23 12 24

18 32 19 9 22

Table 7.2.6

How do you think the Unified State Exam assesses the knowledge of school graduates in comparison to the usual exams?
2004 VI Better Worse Neither better nor worse Difficult to answer

2006 IV 18 29 31 22

2009 III 16 36 27 21

2010 V 12 41 28 18

2011 V 15 43 25 18

2012 V 14 45 28 14

2013 V 13 34 33 21 Table 7.2.7

24 22 32 23

With the introduction of the Unified State Exam, around the end of school and entrance to higher education institutions, the number of bribes, use of profitable connections and other corrupt practices will
2009 III Increase Decrease Remain the same Difficult to answer
N=1600 75

2010 V 27 15 31 28

2011 V 30 17 33 20

2012 V 35 16 31 18

2013 V 30 13 34 24

25 17 36 23

Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Diagram 8.1.1

Indices of confidence in public institutions:

Until June 2008 N=2100; from June 2009 N=1600

Diagram 8.1.2

Indices of confidence in security and law enforcement bodies

Until June 2008 N=2100; from June 2009 N=1600


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Diagram 8.1.3

Indices of confidence in parties and trade unions

Until June 2008 N=2100; from June 2009 N=1600

Indices of diagram 8.1.1 8.1.3 were calculated as the sum of the percentages of those who have complete confidence plus half of those who do not have complete confidence minus the share of those who have no confidence plus 100.


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 8.1.1

How important in Russia is the role of ..?*

2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

I II 1 2 3 President Presidents Administration Oligarchs, bankers, Financial officers Media Government Regional governors









3,90 4,12 3,96 4,11 3,85 3,92 3,91 3,99 4,08 4,25 4,22 4,51 4,11 4,03 4,17 3,87 2,9 2,84 3,1 ** ** 3,28 3,43 3,42 3,44 3,63 3,55 3,96 3,81 3,6 3,69 3,51

3,79 3,78 3,80 3,89 3,67 3,64 3,71 3,71 3,59 3,74 3,64 3,58 3,71 3,66 3,63 3,63 3,52 3,57 3,53 3,48 3,40 3,39 3,43 3,49 3,52 3,48 3,53 3,43 3,48 3,32 3,45 3,36 3,53 3,48 3,38 3,48 3,25 3,22 3,22 3,41 3,30 3,56 3,45 3,84 3,87 3,7 3,78 3,61 3,42 3,25 3,29 3,32 3,18 3,14 3,27 3,23 3,30 3,34 3,26 3,47 3,39 3,28 3,25 3,18 3,28 3,25 3,29 3,26 3,30 3,21 3,34 3,21 3,51 3,5 3,47 3,62 3,61 3,46 3,36 3,42 3,21 3,21 3,31 ** 3,40 3,41 3,54 3,50 3,69 3,74 3,65 3,78 3,73 3,55 3,36 3,61

4 5 6 7 8

Armed forces Federal Security Service 9 Top managers of large corporations 10 Public Prosecutors Office 11 Judicial 12 Federation Council 13 Church 14 State Duma 15 Intelligentsia 16 Political parties 17 Trade unions 18 Police

3,35 3,28 3,15 3,40 3,16 3,12 3,21 3,11 3,17 3,18 3,17 3,27 3,30 3,09 3,01 3,10 2,9 3,08 2,97 2,8 2,73 2,91 ** ** 3,2 3,13 3,2 3,14 3,32 3,36 3,28 3,43 3,39 3,35 3,22 3,26 ** 3,01 3,08 3,06 3,13 3,25 3,11 3,27 3,29 3,16 3,18 3,17

2,99 3,00 2,93 3,10 2,95 2,93 2,93 3,11 3,08 3,23 3,09 3,41 3,33 3,18 3,22 3,10 2,91 3,08 2,74 2,92 3,02 3,06 2,98 2,89 3,17 3,26 3,00 3,04 3,42 3,16 3,04 3,04 2,81 2,90 2,86 3,01 2,90 2,85 2,80 2,95 2,81 3,07 2,89 3,29 3,18 3,16 3,09 3,06 2,53 2,46 2,44 2,52 2,43 2,42 2,38 2,47 2,49 2,59 2,43 2,67 2,56 2,42 2,54 2,42 2,69 2,68 2,60 2,82 2,56 2,61 2,50 2,75 2,55 2,73 2,64 3,04 2,84 2,81 2,81 2,81 1,95 1,85 1,91 1,97 1,91 1,91 1,77 1,91 1,88 1,89 1,93 2,01 2,05 1,91 1,92 1,91 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 2,86 3,10

* average on a 5 point scale, with 5 as very important and 1 as unimportant ** the question was not asked N=1600


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 8.1.2

How dependent are . from the Presidential Administration in Russia?

Fully dependent State Duma and Federation Council Federal mass media outlets Russian Judiciary Russian business
2012, September; N=1600

Strongly dependent 45 44 38 41

Somewhat dependent 11 12 14 12

Absolutely independent 1 2 5 5

Difficult to answer 16 16 18 16

27 27 26 25

Table 8.1.3

Who should be primarily credited for Russias economic success and growing wellbeing of the population?
2010 D. Medvedev V. Putin Russian government/Ministers Governors / local authorities Businessmen No one Difficult to answer
August, N=1600

2011 30 38 16 7 6 12 17

2012 11 59 12 3 3 13 13

33 44 14 5 5 9 14

Table 8.1.4

Who in Russia is primarily responsible for the countrys problems and increasing cost of living?
2010 D. Medvedev V. Putin Russian government/Ministers Governors / local authorities Businessmen No one Difficult to answer
August, N=1600

2011 41 29 40 16 6 4 10

2012 19 51 31 12 6 5 11

36 31 30 12 7 5 14


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Diagram 8.1.4

Who, in your opinion, holds the actual power in Russia?

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 XII 2008 IX 2009 IX 2010 IX 2012 XI 2009 XI 2010 IX 2008 XI 2008 VII 2008 VII 2009 VII 2010 VII 2011 XI 2012 II 2009 I 2009 I 2010 I 2011 IV 2009 V 2009 III 2010 V 2010 VIII 2008 III 2011 I 2013



Equally both



Table 8.2.1

Have you formed a generally positive or negative impression of D. Medvedev?

2008 X Generally positive Generally negative 55 9 I 62 9 26 3 2009 V 59 13 24 4 VIII 62 11 22 5 XI 55 9 33 4 II 65 17 15 3 2010 V 66 15 15 4 VIII 62 15 18 5 XI 64 17 15 4 II 60 17 17 6 2011 VI 54 21 19 5 VIII 54 22 19 5 XI 51 24 17 7 2012 I 44 30 20 6

Do not know enough 33 about him Difficult to answer


Table 8.2.2

To what degree does D. Medvedev influence what happens in Russia?

2008 X Very strongly Strongly Average Weakly Very weakly Difficult to answer
N=1600 80

2009 I 8 35 38 9 2 8 V 6 29 41 15 3 6 VIII 7 29 42 13 3 7 XI 5 29 43 14 3 6 II 9 36 38 11 3 4

2010 V 10 35 37 12 2 4 VIII 6 31 42 14 3 5 XI 10 36 35 12 2 5 II 12 36 35 12 1 4

2011 VI 7 33 37 15 3 5 VIII 8 28 34 18 4 7 XI 7 27 39 17 4 6

2012 I 5 24 39 20 6 5

7 30 41 10 3 10

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 8.3.1

How would you describe your attitude to V. Putin?

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2010 2011 V Admiration Like him Cant say anything bad about him Neutral, indifferent Cautious, wait and see approach Cant say anything good about him Dislike, disgust Difficult to answer

2012 I 3 20 32 19 11 VIII 2 20 31 20 11

2013 III 2 18 30 22 10

V 3 30 37 12 11

V 4 32 40 9 9

XI 4 38 39 10 5

XI 4 30 35 14 7

XI 4 32 36 11 5

VIII 4 31 37 15 5

IX 9 38 34 9 4

VI 9 40 31 10 3

VIII 4 31 38 11 7

I 3 28 36 18 4

3 28 35 8 18

3 1 4

4 2 1

4 2 0

3 1 2

7 3 1

8 3 2

6 1 1

2 1 2

3 1 2

6 2 2

2 1 3

8 5 2

8 4 3

8 7 3

Table 8.3.2

Which groups interests do you think V. Putin promotes? (ranked by the last survey)
2000 2001 2003 2005 2006 2007 2010 X VII VII VII IX VIII X Oligarchs, bankers, big business The military and law enforcement agencies Civil servants, bureaucrats Top management of large enterprises The middle class: people with incomes above average Yeltsins former closest associates, the Family Common people: white and blue collar workers, farmers All people without exception Cultural and academic elite Intelligentsia Difficult to answer
N=1600 81

2011 I VII 26 31 24 18 26 10 20 10 10 10 13 29 33 22 22 25 13 19 12 9 10 12

2012 2013 I VII III 36 37 26 21 27 15 18 7 9 8 9 39 43 32 26 21 14 14 11 10 7 7 36 35 27 18 18 13 12 10 7 6 6

24 54 12 16 10 25 13 5 4 5 13

15 43 15 16 16 22 15 7 8 10 18

27 51 21 21 19 25 15 7 9 9 11

25 51 26 23 23 20 18 6 11 12 12

23 34 21 12 24 13 18 10 7 7 12

18 39 19 13 31 13 24 12 10 10 13

26 34 24 18 27 11 20 8 10 10 14

Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 8.3.3

Why do so many people have confidence in V. Putin?

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2009 2010 2011 2012 People have seen that V. Putin copes with Russias problems efficiently People hope that V. Putin will cope with Russias problems in the future People do not see anyone else to rely on Difficult to answer






















41 35 9

34 9

31 4

34 5

41 3

42 6

38 5

35 4

31 6

34 6

29 8

Diagram 8.3.1

How much do you trust Vladimir Putin?

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0



III 2000 IV 2000 V 2000 VII 2000 IX 2000 XI 2000 I 2001 III 2001 V 2001 IX 2001 XI 2001 II 2002 V 2002 VIII 2002 XI 2002 III 2003 V 2003 VIII 2003 XI 2003 III 2004 V 2004 VIII 2004 XI 2004 II 2005 V 2005 VIII 2005 XI 2005 III 2006 V 2006 VIII 2006 XI 2006 II 2007 V 2007 VIII 2007 XI 2007 III 2008 V 2008 VIII 2009 VIII 2010 I 2011 IX 2011 I 2012 VIII 2012 II 2013 IV 2013 Trust Do not trust

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 8.3.4

What would you call V. Putins main achievement during his term in office and what would you call V. Putins biggest failure?
2004 Economic development of the country Improvement of the living standards, salaries and pensions Raising the level of optimism and hope for an improvement in the country in the near future Introducing order in the country, maintaining a calm political situation Ensuring the economic and political environment for the development of private business Harnessing the oligarchs, restraining their ascendancy Fight with corruption, bribery Fight with crime Solving the Chechen problem Securing higher military efficiency and reform of the armed forces Defending democracy and political freedoms of the citizens Elimination of the threat of terrorism in the country Cooperation with other CIS countries Improvement of the relations between Russia and the West Strengthening Russias position in the world Improvement of the relations between people of different ethnic groups in Russia Safeguard of morals of the public I dont see any achievements Difficult to answer

2005 7 18 11 9 2 6 3 2 2 3 2 1 4 8 4 1 1 13 4

2006 2007 10 14 14 8 2 5 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 6 7 1 1 13 8 18 16 10 6 3 4 2 1 4 2 1 2 2 5 8 <1 <1 10 4

2008 2009 21 16 12 8 1 2 2 1 5 2 1 2 2 4 8 1 <1 5 7 17 22 9 8 2 2 2 1 4 1 <1 2 1 5 7 <1 <1 8 8

2010 2012 12 20 10 8 2 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 4 6 7 1 <1 9 10 14 14 7 7 4 2 1 1 5 3 1 1 2 4 8 1 <1 15 8

10 24 13 6 3 6 2 1 2 2 1 <1 3 6 4 <1 <1 12 4


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 8.3.5

Is Vladimir Putin, in your opinion, responsible for the issues Russia faced while he was in the office?
2012 I Yes, completely Yes, to a certain extent No, he did everything right and if anything failed the problem were the negligent and corrupt bureaucrats He did everything right and if anything failed, it was due to external circumstance Difficult to answer

2013 II 48 30 13 5 4

50 28 12 6 5

Table 8.3.6

Do you agree with the statement that Russias population is tired of waiting till Vladimir Putin makes any positive changes in the country?
2010 VII Definitely yes Most likely, yes Most likely, no Definitely no Difficult to answer

2011 V 20 35 26 10 9 X 17 35 34 6 8 II 20 33 29 10 9

2012 VIII 17 39 27 6 12

2013 IV 22 39 37 3 10

15 28 31 9 17

Table 8.3.7

Which part of the society will Vladimir Putin rely on in the future?
(The answers are ranked based on the last poll)
2000 Law enforcement, officers of security service, military and Ministry of Internal Affairs Governors, Russias political elite Oligarchs, bankers and big business Government officials and bureaucracy Directors of major companies Middle class: people with average European incomes Intelligentsia: teachers, doctors and engineers Art and academic elite Common people: small clerks, workers, farmers Fringe urban population: paupers and degraded people Everyone without any exception Difficult to answer
N=1600 84

2012 47 44 39 27 25 16 11 11 11 1 5 11

59 31 19 16 23 11 10 10 12 1 5 16

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 8.3.8

What is, in your opinion, is the largest concern for V. Putins associates: national issues or personal material interests?
2005 National issues Personal material interests Difficult to answer

2008 56 29 16

2012 40 41 19

2013 33 52 16

31 55 14

Table 8.3.9

Is V. Putin, in your opinion, guilty of abuse of power his opponents accuse him for?
2012 IV Definitely guilty: a lot of facts on the Internet and in mass media points to that Probably guilty, like all top government officials, however, I do not know much about that and I do not follow such news; Even if it is true, most important is that Russia improved while he was in the office Whatever people say, I do not believe V. Putin ever abused power Difficult to answer

2012 XII 11 37 14 15 23

16 32 25 11 16

Table 8.3.10

Is there anyone, in your opinion, who can replace V. Putin as the President of Russia?
You can already name a politician who can replace V. Putin It is possible to find a person who could replace V. Putin, if need be There is no one in Russia who could replace V. Putin Difficult to answer

10 47 27 15

Table 8.3.11

Would you want Vladimir Putin to be re elected the President in 6 years for another term in the office or you would rather have D. Medvedev or someone else to replace him in the position?
2012 VIII I would want V. Putin to be re elected the President in 6 years I would like to have D. Medvedev or someone else replace Putin in 6 years I would like to have someone else replace Putin in 6 years Difficult to answer
N=1600 85

2012 XII 23 5 44 28

2013 III 22 8 47 23

22 7 49 22

Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 8.3.12

Which of the assessments of V. Putin as the Prime Minister you would rather agree with
2010 VIII I share Vladimir Putins ideas and views completely I am willing to support V. Putin as long as he is willing to pursue the democratic and market reforms in Russia I used to admire V. Putin, but I have recently been disillusioned I support V. Putin for lack of other decent political figures I am not a supporter of V. Putin I did not admire V. Putin until recently, but I hope he will be useful for Russia in the future I believe we should anyone but V. Putin Difficult to answer
June, 2011; N=1600

2011 VI 16 29 19 14 11 5 2 6

2012 V 15 26 17 7 17 12 2 5

22 30 11 4 18 8 1 7

Table 8.3.13

Will, in your opinion, Vladimir Putins resignation from the Presidency destabilize Russia?
Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer
2012, December; N=1600

10 36 28 8 18


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Diagram 8.4.1

Will the current government be able to improve the situation in the country in the near future?
(Sum of positive and negative answers)
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
06.1997 11.1997 03.1998 08.1998 12.1998 10.1999 02.2000 08.2000 12.2000 04.2001 08.2001 01.2002 05.2002 09.2002 01.2003 05.2003 09.2003 01.2004 03.2004 07.2004 10.2004 02.2005 06.2005 10.2005 02.2006 06.2006 10.2006 03.2007 07.2007 11.2007 04.2008 11.2008 06.2009 02.2010 05.2010 09.2010 03.2011 07.2011 11.2011 03.2012 01.2013


Table 8.4.1

In terms of the economic policy of the government, for instance, the measures it takes to fight the financial crisis, inflation, unemployment, etc., how in your opinion does the Russian government meet the challenges?
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2010 2011 2012 2013 X VI XI XI XI IX XI XI XI XI XI VI X IV X X

Well Average Poorly Difficult to answer


1 17 68 14

1 24 58 17

2 37 51 10

2 35 52 11

2 32 55 11

2 25 62 11

1 30 57 12

3 39 49 9

3 37 47 13

7 38 42 13

6 46 40 8

5 47 42 6

5 47 40 7

6 45 45 8

5 47 41 7

5 45 45 5


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 8.4.2

Which areas of the governments performance have you been dissatisfied the most?
(the answers are ranked by the last poll)
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 XI XI XI X XI VIII XII VIII II I XI XI VI II Cant curb price hikes and personal income decline Doesnt care about social support of population Is corrupt, mainly pursues its own interests Cant ensure peoples employment Lacks a sound program to beat the recession Acts in the interests of big business Cant overcome economic crisis and production decline Fights crime inefficiently Shows little professionalism Cant ensure peoples safety, cant cope with terrorism Acts in the interests of foreign capital Is waging a strange war in Chechnya / cannot keep the peace in the North Caucasus I am satisfied with the way the government operates 44 46 43 48 53 52 52 51 57 41 50 56 46 47




























































23 22 4

23 24 4

25 26 5

20 26 5

24 20 3

30 23 7

21 19 6

21 23 5

25 16 6

28 6 5





20 5

19 10

12 8

14 11






















* the question was not asked N=1600


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 8.4.3

How long D. Medvedev will stay Chairman of the Russian Government?

Not more than a few months A year or two Three or four years Until V. Putin ends his Presidential term in 2018 Difficult to answer
2012, November; N=1600

3 12 14 50 22

Table 8.4.4

Would you now be in favor or against Russian governments resignation?

Definitely in favor Rather in favor Rather against Definitely against Difficult to answer
2012, November; N=1600

10 28 33 8 22


Table 8.5.1

What is your attitude towards the fact that there are so many wealthy individuals and businessmen in Russian State and Federation Council?
(responses are ranked)
Negative: they use their position influence to retain and increase their wealth Negative: they represent and protect the interests of rich people only Negative: you can be rich and a member of Parliament in Russia by fraud, intrigues and scheming only I do not mind that: the problem is not in rich or poor, it is important that everybody worked for the benefit of nation and common people Positive: they already made a fortune and therefore will be less tempted to embezzle and will think more about common people and national cause Positive: these are established and experienced people which run their business well enough to be able to run the country Difficult to answer
2012, February; N=1500

36 31 27 22 11 5 5

Table 8.5.2

How would you rate State Dumas performance?

Very good Rather good Rather poor Very poor Difficult to answer
2012, February; N=1500 89

3 34 35 12 16

Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 8.5.3

What is your attitude to special amendments to law on meetings, demonstrations and assemblies introducing tougher penalties up to 300, 000 Roubles?
Absolutely positive Rather positive Rather, negative Very negative Difficult to answer
2012, June; N=1600

5 25 28 18 24

Table 8.5.4

Why do think State Duma and Federation Council adopted the amendments so hastily?
Because the authorities are concerned with maintaining order and peace Because the authorities are concerned with growing protests Difficult to answer
2012, June; N=1600

24 62 15

Table 8.5.5

Do you agree or disagree with the opinion that controlling Internet / having a list of banned web sites restricts the freedom of speech in Russia?
Absolutely agree Rather agree Rather disagree Completely disagree Difficult to answer
2012, July; N=1600

11 23 34 17 14

Table 8.5.6

What are the authorities trying to accomplish by adopting the laws increasing the fines for unsolicited protests, On libel, tightening the control over non profit organisations and regulation of the Internet?
Maintain the order and stability in Russia Stop the protest movement Tighten control of Russian society and opposition These laws do not have any higher purpose Difficult to answer
2012, July; N=1600

30 32 25 5 8


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 8.5.7

What is your general perception of the phrase foreign agent?

Positive, in general Negative, in general Difficult to answer
2012, September; N=1600

12 62 26

Table 8.5.8

What does foreign agent phrase mean to you?

(responses are ranked) A spy, intelligence officer of a different country planted in Russia, an undercover spy Covert enemy from within active in Russia in the interest of other states, a fifth column Official representative of another state or foreign commercial company, organization openly representing interests of the government, company or corporation in Russia Any non governmental organization, Russian or foreign, which receives foreign funds to finance the activity in Russia Difficult to answer
2012, September; N=1600

39 22 18 11 10

Table 8.5.9

What is your attitude towards the tougher law on non governmental organizations and the requirement to register as a foreign agent for any organization receiving funding from abroad?
2012 VII Absolutely positive Rather positive Rather, negative Very negative Difficult to answer

2013 VI 14 35 15 5 30

17 28 14 4 37

Table 8.5.10

Do you know what is a non profit organisations?

2012 VII I understanding the term well I heard something about it I am not aware Difficult to answer

2013 VI 16 52 29 4

19 49 25 7


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 8.5.11

What, in your opinion, non profit organizations primarily do in Russia?

2012 VII Aid to various groups of society Deal with various social issues Solve local issues Defend civil rights Political activity They do not do any real job but tap into money in grants Difficult to answer

2013 VI 35 31 15 20 15 12 20

42 35 18 21 15 7 19

Table 8.5.12

How would you estimate the performance of non profit organizations in Russia?
2012 VII Absolutely positive Rather positive Rather, negative Very negative Difficult to answer

2013 VI 9 41 15 4 31

11 39 10 3 38

Table 8.5.13

Which activities from the list below you would classify as political activity?
(Responses are ranked)
Starting political parties and movements Organizing events (rallies, picket rings, strikes) under political slogans (change of political system, etc.) Organizing events (rallies, picket rings, strikes) to protect social rights Organizing events (rallies, picket rings, strikes) to solve local issues Participation in any elections Proposals to improve the social order Aid to various social groups Observation of the elections to eliminate any fraud at various levels Developing proposals to solve any social issues Boosting social activism among Russian citizens Legal defense of civil rights Difficult to answer
2012, July; N=1600

43 41 29 27 26 22 19 18 18 17 15 12


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 8.5.14

What is your attitude to NPOs operating in Russia analyzing the national developmental outlook, civil rights defense and civil society development in Russia and seeking foreign donations?
Absolutely positive Rather positive Rather, negative Very negative Difficult to answer
2012, July; N=1600

13 42 12 2 31


Table 8.6.1

To what extent can the Army be trusted?

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX III X IV X 2011 2012 IV VI

Fully trusted Not fully trusted Not trusted at all Difficult to answer

28 36 16 20

28 34 19 19

35 31 16 17

35 35 16 15

33 31 18 19

28 36 21 15

28 32 22 19

30 34 20 16

30 33 21 17

26 35 23 15

30 33 19 18

37 33 12 18

37 38 37 34 33 34 33 39 16 15 16 17 13 13 13 11

39 38 15 8

1997 2008 N=2100; 2009, N=1600

Table 8.6.2

Do you think that at present our army will be able to defend Russia in case of a real military threat from other countries?
2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 I Definitely yes Yes, rather than no No, rather than yes Definitely no Difficult to answer

I 17 39 23 7 14

I 13 42 29 8 8

I 16 44 24 8 8

I 14 38 25 13 10

II 21 41 20 8 10

II 21 44 19 8 9

II 24 49 13 4 10

II 27 46 12 4 11

I 18 45 15 7 15

I 17 42 22 6 14

I 15 47 20 7 11

II 13 44 21 8 15

19 41 23 8 9


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 8.7.1

Should we continue with universal military service and compulsory draft for young men of conscription age?
1997 1998 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

IV Should continue with universal military service and compulsory draft Should start forming a contract based army consisting of contract soldiers who are paid for their service Difficult to answer

II 35

I 30

I 27

I 31

VII 35





III 47

I 39

I 47

I 43


31 39 32 41 34 45







62 52 62 54 57 48









5 10

Table 8.7.2

If someone from your family were to be drafted to the army, what would you prefer?
2005 II Would prefer him to serve in the army Would try to find a way to avoid military service Difficult to answer

2006 II 34 53 13

2007 X 45 42 13

2009 III 50 35 15

2010 I 46 42 12

2011 I 46 41 13

2012 I 46 39 15

52 39 9


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 8.7.3

Would you like your son, brother, another close relative to serve in the army now? If negative, why?
1998 2000 2001 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2010 2011 2012 I II I I I II I I I II II II Yes, I would No, I would not because (of) Possible death, wound in Chechen type conflicts Dedovcshina (hazing), violence Lawlessness and humiliation of servicemen Difficult living conditions, bad food, danger for the health Moral degradation, drinking and drug abuse Chaos in the army, the governments irresponsible military policy Criminalization of the army, servicemens involvement in criminal offences The years spent in the army is time wasted Would not, but cannot give the reason Difficult to answer













30 40 20 21 19 25 15 11 7 3

48 34 18 27 15 21 12 8 6 6

38 30 13 18 10 13 5 6 4 5

44 35 19 23 16 20 10 8 5 6

42 42 23 24 13 21 10 9 4 3

33 36 19 18 12 18 9 9 6 5

32 49 24 14 16 16 10 8 2 5

27 42 17 12 10 10 6 7 4 6

21 34 15 10 10 6 5 6 4 11

23 27 13 11 10 8 7 7 5 9

23 29 15 14 10 10 7 5 3 10

21 32 16 13 10 10 8 2 5 10

Table 8.7.4

How common is hazing in the military and humiliation of conscripts by older servicemen and officers?
2006 II Isolated cases Just a few military units Many military nits Very common Difficult to answer

2007 II 9 21 45 20 6

2008 II 9 23 42 17 9

2011 I 11 27 39 13 9

2012 I 9 23 38 20 9

2 12 50 32 4


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 8.7.5

Would you be in favour or against increasing the military service term from one to one and a half years?
Definitely in favour Rather in favour Rather against Definitely against Difficult to answer
2012, November; N=1600

14 19 29 29 8

Table 8.7.6

Would you be in favor or against getting rid of deferred draft for University students?
Definitely in favor Rather in favor Rather against Definitely against Difficult to answer
2012, November; N=1600

5 12 32 44 7


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 8.8.1

How did the work of the Militia (police) and other law enforcement change last year?
Year of evaluation Improved Deteriorated Did not change Difficult to answer
N=1600 1989 1990 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

16 19 31 34

9 38 29 24

11 30 48 11

9 40 40 11

10 41 38 11

9 36 40 14

10 29 46 15

7 35 45 13

9 25 51 15

17 39 36 11

10 24 48 18

6 34 44 14

11 32 45 13

8 25 52 15

10 23 55 11

Table 8.8.2

How did the citizens personal safety change last year?

Year of evaluation Improved Deteriorated Did not change Difficult to answer

1989 1990 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 5 54 24 16 3 71 13 13 5 41 49 5 4 55 36 6 8 57 31 4 10 47 37 6 7 50 37 6 5 44 45 5 6 33 53 8 11 44 38 8 6 33 48 12 6 41 46 8 6 35 52 7 6 29 57 8 7 28 59 6

Table 8.8.3

Do you trust or mistrust the Law Enforcement (police, prosecutors office)?

Definitely trust Rather trust Rather mistrust Definitely mistrust Difficult to answer
2012, April; N=1600

5 26 48 15 7

Table 8.8.4

How serious for modern Russia, in your opinion, is the problem of lawlessness and abuse of power of the law enforcement?
A very serious problem Quite a serious problem Not a very serious problem There is no such problem Difficult to answer
N=1600 97

2004 VII 40 42 10 2 6

2005 I 40 42 11 2 6

2006 I 40 42 10 2 6

2010 I 34 47 11 1 7

2012 IV 36 47 9 2 5

Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you think the Russian authorities use the law enforcement against their political opponents?
Do not use Use rarely Use quite often It is a common practice Difficult to answer

Table 8.8.5

2004 VII 7 20 34 15 25

2005 I 6 21 36 14 23

2006 I 5 20 35 14 26

2010 I 8 21 28 12 32

2012 IV 6 25 34 14 21

Table 8.8.6

Do you think you yourself or your family and friends can suffer from the abuse of power by the law enforcement?
Constantly abused by the law enforcement It may well happen It is not really possible It is out of the question Difficult to answer

2004 VII 4 70 18 3 4

2005 I 3 72 19 3 4

2006 I 2 71 20 3 4

2010 I 3 63 24 3 6

2012 IV 2 62 25 3 9

Table 8.8.7

To what extent do you personally feel protected against abuse by the law enforcement?
Fully protected Quite well protected Not protected well enough Absolutely unprotected Difficult to answer

2004 VII 3 12 46 34 6

2005 I 2 12 50 31 6

2006 I 2 12 52 29 5

2010 I 5 11 53 24 7

2012 IV 2 16 51 22 9 Table 8.8.8

Do you think that if you become a victim of law enforcements abuse you will be defended by other law enforcement (court, prosecutors office)?
2004 VII Definitely yes Yes, rather than no No, rather than yes Definitely no Difficult to answer
N=1600 98

2005 I 5 24 44 17 10

2006 I 5 24 39 18 14

2010 I 4 24 39 15 18

2012 IV 5 24 40 15 17

4 26 43 16 12

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 8.8.9

In your opinion, is it possible in Russia to defend your rights, violated by the court?
2006 XI Definitely yes Most likely, yes Most likely, no Definitely no Difficult to answer

2010 I 4 20 39 16 20

2012 IV 6 22 40 16 17

6 19 36 21 18

Table 8.8.10

What do think the increasing number of recent reports about the police crimes against individuals mean?
2010 I This is a sign of degrading Russian militia which cannot be covered up anymore This is an organized campaign with the purpose of discrediting the existing law enforcement officials and Russian government in general This is a sign of the free press This is a sign of increasingly open law enforcement Difficult to answer

2012 IV 57 11 11 11 11

62 10 9 10 9


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 8.8.11

Did the last years police reform (militia reformed to police) bring any improvements?
2012 II Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Not aware/ difficult to answer
* In the last years in 2013 N=1600

2013 II 5 21 37 25 12

3 15 43 29 10

Table 8.8.12

What do you think: in the last year or year and a half, did Russian police start working better, worse, or the same?
1997 X Better The same Worse Difficult to answer

2007 X 12 51 28 8

2011 X 6 75 14 6

2012 II 7 72 15 6

2013 II 12 65 14 9

13 39 38 11

Table 8.8.13

What is militia/polices primary purpose now?

Ensure the public security Protect government interests Protect its own interests Difficult to answer
2012, April; N=1600

23 33 32 11

Table 8.8.14

Are you currently satisfied with the polices performance in your city/district?
2010 X Definitely yes Most likely, yes Most likely, no Definitely no Difficult to answer

2011 III 6 28 38 18 10

2012 IV 5 29 37 15 13

2013 II 4 33 35 13 16

3 24 37 23 13


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 8.8.15

Do you trust or mistrust the local police officers in your city/district?

Definitely trust Rather trust Rather mistrust Definitely mistrust Difficult to answer

2010 XI 5 28 42 18 7

2011 III 5 30 43 17 6

2012 IV 3 30 45 16 6

2013 II 4 34 43 13 7

Table 8.8.16

What do you feel about police in your city/district?

Trust Respect Sympathy Antipathy Concern and fear Indignation Difficult to answer

2010 XI 11 15 10 20 15 16 21

2011 III 14 14 8 22 18 12 20

2012 IV 10 16 7 19 22 13 20

2013 II 9 20 10 20 14 9 24

Table 8.8.17

Can police in your city/district protect you/your family from the crime?
2010 XI Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer

2011 III 6 31 33 17 13

2012 IV 4 27 39 18 13

2013 II 3 29 39 16 13

4 27 40 20 10

Table 8.8.18

Should public assist in police business?

2010 XI Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer

2011 III 33 49 8 3 7

2012 IV 24 55 12 3 6

2013 II 22 52 13 5 9

27 49 11 4 9


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 8.8.19

Who you think is responsible for S.Magnitskys death?

(responses are ranked) 2011 VIII Magnitskys death was caused by the investigators 18 which he accused of embezzling the public assets Magnitskys death was caused by the top government 14 officials which were threatened by Magnitskys exposures Negligence of doctors who ignored his illness Inhuman conditions in Russian prisons and detention facilities No one did anything wrong, Magnitskys death was a tragic accident I havent heard anything about it Difficult to answer
August, 2011; N=1600

2012 VI 11 12 8 8 6 43 12

2012 XI 12 12 10 9 5 33 19

9 10 5 31 13

Table 8.8.20

What do you think of the Wests initiative to impose the US and EU visa ban for the officials involved in Magnitskys case: those who were implicated by his testimonials and those who were involved in his death?
2011 VIII I completely support it I rather support it I rather disapprove it Completely disapprove it Difficult to answer

2012 VI 12 24 14 5 45

18 26 10 3 44

Table 8.8.21

What is your attitude towards the recently enforced US law banning US visas/freezing bank accounts of Russian government officials involved in death of S.Magnitsky and human rights abuse in Russia (Magnitsky List)?
Absolutely positive Rather positive Rather, negative Very negative Difficult to answer
2012, November; N=1600

16 23 11 3 48


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 8.8.22

Would you be in favor or against the EU and US arresting the property and banning the entry visas to Russian government officials involved in death of S.Magnitsky and human rights abuse in Russia?
Definitely in favor Rather in favor Rather against Definitely against Difficult to answer
2012, December; N=1600

12 31 16 6 35

Table 8.8.23

What, in your opinion, guided State Duma when it passed retaliatory measures to Magnitsky Act?
Protection of Russian national interests Protection of private interests of Russian government officials Difficult to answer
2012, December; N=1600

36 34 30


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 9.1.1

How fair was Central Election Commission headed by V.Churov during the election campaign and vote count?
Absolutely fair Rather fair Rather unfair Absolutely unfair Difficult to answer
2012, February; N=1600

4 30 27 10 28

Table 9.1.2

How fair were polling station commissions on the election campaign and vote count?
Absolutely fair Rather fair Rather unfair Absolutely unfair Difficult to answer
2012, February; N=1600

6 27 27 13 27

Table 9.1.3

Were the State Duma December 4 election results published by Central Election Commission true?
Absolutely To a large extent Very far from reality Have nothing to do with the reality and were completely rigged Difficult to answer
2012, January; N=1600


10 38 26 8 18

Table 9.1.4

What is your attitude towards Russian watchdog organizations monitoring the Russian government officials violation of Russian electoral law?
Very negative Rather, negative Neutral Rather positive Very positive Difficult to answer
2012, January; N=1600 104

1 4 35 36 11 13

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 9.1.5

Will political movements in opposition to current political regime and rigged elections be able to join forces and take part in upcoming Russian Presidential elections as a united opposition?
Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer
2012, January; N=1600

2 15 40 18 26

Table 9.1.6

Would you agree or disagree with the proposal to cancel the State Duma election results and schedule re elections?
Absolutely agree Rather agree Rather disagree Completely disagree Difficult to answer
2012, January; N=1600

9 19 32 25 15

Table 9.1.7

Would you agree or disagree with the proposal to amend the Electorial Law with the provision to make it illegal for President to stay in the office for more than two terms in total?
Absolutely agree Rather agree Rather disagree Completely disagree Difficult to answer
2012, January; N=1600

25 32 17 5 22


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 9.1.8

Does Russia benefit from the foreign observers at the elections?

2011 September Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer

2012 January 15 41 23 9 13

16 39 25 7 13

Table 9.1.9

Can public supervision of election campaign and elections enforced by political parties, journalists, foreign observers help minimize the electiorial violations?
Yes No Difficult to answer
2012, January; N=1600

70 20 10

Table 9.1.10

Would you like to participate in monitoring Russian Presidential elections as an observer during elections and vote count at a polling station?
Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer
2012, January; N=1600

7 20 31 36 6


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 9.2.1

Are you interested in the upcoming presidential elections in Russia?

2007 X Definitely yes Most likely, yes Most likely, no Definitely no Difficult to answer

2008 I 38 38 15 6 3

2011 X 32 38 17 9 4

2012 I 30 40 16 10 4

37 43 13 5 3

Table 9.2.2

Can the upcoming presidential election in March 2012 improve your life and the life of others?
2004 I Definitely yes Most likely, yes Most likely, no Definitely no Difficult to answer

2007 X 9 30 34 12 16

2011 X 10 32 29 19 10

2012 I 11 32 31 14 12

10 33 33 15 10

Table 9.2.3

What are you primarily expecting from the president you are going to vote for?
(Responses are ranked by the last poll)
1996 I Restore Russias superpower status* Ensure the rule of law and order Ensure the fair distribution of wealth in the interest of common people Reinforce the states role in the economy Continue the reforms but with a greater focus on the social security of the population Reimburse the population for the savings lost in course of reforms End the war in Chechnya/ tensions in North Caucasus Keep Russia on the reform track Pursue the agenda of re unification of the republics of the former Soviet Union Pursue the agenda of converging with the West Difficult to answer 54 58 37 37 35 38 59 13 13 6 5 1996 IV 37 53 39 25 37 39 58 16 12 6 4 2000 I 55 54 43 37 35 38 56 12 10 8 3 2004 I 58 45 48 39 38 41 43 11 12 7 2 2008 I 51 45 41 34 37 28 23 15 9 6 2 2011 IX 45 55 57 33 37 35 21 22 11 9 3 2012 I 57 52 49 37 34 29 18 16 9 5 3

* since 2011 maintain Russias status of a superpower in the international community N=1600 107

Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 9.2.4

Was endorsement of Vladimir Putin who already has served two Presidential terms as the Presidential Candidate in line with the letter and spirit of Russian Constitution?
Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer
2012, April; N=1600

15 35 22 10 19

Table 9.2.5

Why Vladimir Putin decided to become a presidential candidate at March 4th Presidential elections?
(responses are ranked)
He did not have enough time to carry out all of his plans for economic and government development in Russia Power was the ultimate goal for Putin, it is most valuable thing and will hold on to it and protect it no matter what Even if he wanted to go, his supporters and the balance of power and factions in the current system of government would not allow him to do that He cannot go, otherwise he can be criminally prosecuted for multiple abuses Difficult to answer
2012, April; N=1600

39 24 16 9 12

Table 9.2.6

In light of upcoming Russian Presidential election, do you support the slogan: Not one vote for Putin?
Definitely support Rather support Rather do not support Do not support at all Difficult to answer
2012, January; N=1600

9 13 32 35 11

Table 9.2.7

Will the upcoming Presidential elections be fair or rigged?

2008 Fair Rather fair than unfair Rather unfair than fair Unfair Difficult to answer
January, N=1600

2012 10 39 19 9 23

24 40 14 5 17


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 9.2.8

Will the Presidential elections on March 4 be a real contest between candidates or just an imitation of contest, and authorities will distribute the votes?
2008 Will be a real contest between candidates Will be just an imitation of contest, and authorities will distribute the votes Difficult to answer
February, N=1600


2012 43 44 14

30 58 13

Table 9.2.9

If majority of voters support a certain candidate, but the polls were rigged slightly in the candidates favour would he still be a lawfully elected President?
Yes, he will be No, he will not Difficult to answer
2012, June; N=1600

20 57 23

Which issues should V. Putin focus on after he is elected the President of Russia?
(responses are ranked)
Economic growth, Russias economic recovery Crackdown on corruption Restore social justice and improve quality of life for common people Restore order in the country Ensure both the public and authorities observe the law War on crime Develop National Education, Science and Culture Boost Russian defense potential Improve Russian positions internationally Russias spiritual regeneration Building of democracy, protection of human rights and individual freedoms Smooth over ethnic conflicts, fight against racism Ensure sanctity of private property and support of local business Protection of the natural environment Difficult to answer
2012, March; N=1600

Table 9.2.10

59 46 44 42 28 23 21 19 18 13 12 8 7 7 5


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 9.2.11

Do you think that V. Putin concentrating practically all the power in the country is going to be beneficial for Russia?
2004 III Will be beneficial for Russia Is not going to be beneficial at all Difficult to answer

2005 XII 57 29 15

2006 XI 59 24 18

2007 X 66 20 14

2009 VII 63 16 21

2010 VII 52 22 26

2012 III 53 26 21

2013 III 49 33 18

68 20 13

Table 9.2.12

Will Vladimir Putin be able to keep his promise to in 6 years time?

Definitely yes Make a 200 300% increase in the salaries of government employees Create 25 million new jobs in innovation industry Ensure annual inflate on rate is down 3 4% Improve production efficiency to European standards Rearm the military to NATO military equipment quality standards Build new roads on a massive scale and develop the infrastructure across the nation Bring the corruption rate by 2 to 3 three times below the current rate
2012, March; N=1600

Rather yes 42 31 31 28 45 42 20

Rather no 28 31 34 35 21 27 34

Definitely Difficult to not answer 9 15 13 17 9 12 26 11 17 17 15 13 11 14

11 5 5 5 12 8 5

Table 9.2.13

Are you concerned with hardening of political regime following Vladimir Putins Presidential re election?
Yes, and it may affect me personally Yes, but it will hardly affect me personally No, it is hardly possible Difficult to answer
2012, March; N=1600

6 27 54 13


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 10.1

How many political parties does Russia need now?

2001 2004 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 IX IV X X IX X VII IV VI VII VII IV One strong ruling party Two or three large parties A lot of relatively small parties We dont need political parties at all Difficult to answer

34 41 4 9 13

34 41 8 7 11

34 44 6 6 9

38 39 4 7 12

32 42 5 7 14

30 46 7 6 13

32 45 8 6 10

17 59 9 4 11

18 58 10 3 11

23 47 12 3 4

22 51 12 5 11

23 46 11 7 12

Table 10.2

Which of the views on political power struggle between the parties you would rather agree with?
2008 VII Political struggle between the parties allows to voice the interests of broad public which, in its turn, drives the decision making supporting the needs of common people Parties protect their interests and ignore the public opinion, so common people do not benefit from the political struggle Difficult to answer

2012 VII 31 59 10

30 61 10


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 10.3

Which interests, in your opinion, United Russia defends: interest of all Russian population or the ones of the government officialdom?
2011 All Russian population Government officialdom Difficult to answer
July, N=1600

2012 35 52 13

32 57 11

Table 10.4

Do you agree with the opinion that United Russia is the party of frauds and thieves?
2011 IV Definitely yes Most likely, yes Most likely, no Definitely no Difficult to answer

2012 XI 13 23 28 17 20 II 15 21 30 17 17 IV 15 23 31 17 15 VI 17 24 28 12 19 VIII 15 30 30 12 13 XII 16 24 30 13 16 II 16 24 27 14 18

2013 IV 18 33 24 9 16 V 14 27 29 10 20 VI 14 31 29 9 17

VI 14 19 29 18 19

IX 12 20 28 22 18

8 23 30 15 23

Table 10.5

Are you personally in favor of or against ?

Definitely Rather in in favor favor Reinstating the right to create electoral blocs Reinstating the private citizens and public associations with the right to put changes to legislation to a public referendum
2012, September; N=1600

Rather against 9 7

Definitely against 4 2

Difficult to answer 42 26

15 27

31 38

Table 10.6

Are you personally in favor or against the against all box returned to ballot paper?
2010 VII Definitely in favor Rather in favor Rather against Definitely against Difficult to answer
N=1600 112

2011 VII 42 31 8 3 16

2012 IX 37 37 10 5 12

30 37 9 5 18

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 11.1

Do you support the mass protests active since December 2011 (For fair elections, March of Millions, etc.)?*
2011 XII Definitely support Rather support Rather do not support Do not support at all Difficult to answer 12 32 26 15 15 I 10 33 28 14 15 II 10 28 26 19 18 III 7 25 29 23 17 IV 12 26 32 14 15 VI 7 30 30 14 19 2012 VII 11 31 31 16 11 VIII 10 29 31 12 18 IX 13 26 25 21 16 X 8 22 31 22 17 XI 11 29 27 14 19 XII 8 28 30 16 18 2013 I 11 30 23 14 22 V 5 22 20 10 44

* The question offered in January April was Mass protests against election fraud and rigged votes N=1600

Table 11.2

Will you join such protests if they occur in your city or district?*
2012 I Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer 3 10 31 47 9 II 3 10 30 49 9 III 2 6 30 48 14 VI 3 11 28 48 10 VII 5 14 30 44 7 VIII 2 11 31 49 7 IX 6 11 27 47 9 X 4 11 32 43 11 XI 8 14 30 38 9 XII 3 12 33 42 9 2013 I 5 16 32 38 9

* The question offered in January February was Will you personally join the protests against election fraud and rigged votes 2012 ., N=1600

Table 11.3

Will the protest moods in Russian society increase, remain at the current level or decline in the near future?
2011 XII Will increase Remain at the current level Will decline Difficult to answer
* Following the Presidential election ** Summer and Fall this year *** Fall N=1600

2012 I* 18 29 40 14

2012 IV** 14 31 44 11

2012 VI** 17 42 32 9

2012 VII** 18 41 24 17

2012 VIII** 15 36 33 16

2012 IX*** 15 37 29 20

2012 X 18 39 25 18

23 35 29 13


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 11.4

Have you heard or seen the slogans Russia without Putin and Putin must go?
2011 XII Often Occasionally Once or twice Never Difficult to answer

I 6 19 23 48 5

II 6 28 26 35 5

2012 IV VI 8 30 24 34 5 9 30 25 32 4

2013 IX 9 27 25 34 5 XI 8 26 24 36 5 IV 6 27 24 39 5 V 9 23 23 38 8

6 17 17 55 5

Table 11.5

Do you support the slogans Russia without Putin and Putin must go?
2011 XII Definitely support Rather support Rather discourage Absolutely discourage Difficult to answer

I 6 15 29 32 17

II 6 12 29 38 15

2012 IV VI 5 14 35 31 16 7 14 29 32 17

IX 5 14 30 31 19

XI 7 18 30 27 18

2013 IV V 8 16 36 26 14 9 11 33 27 20

6 15 26 35 19

Table 11.6

What motivates the public to the protests?

II Drive to express the indignation with election fraud Accumulated discontent with the way things are going in the country / Government policies Public disappointment with the promised policy of national modernization / disappointment in Medvedev Public discontents with the reality when the authorities make decisions disregarding the public opinion / public is excluded in the decision making Support of parties participating in mass protests Sympathizing with protest organizers Putins arrogance towards the voters Curiosity Its fun/gives you an adrenaline buzz A lot of people come to the protests with their friends for company A lot of people were paid to show up at the protests Difficult to answer
* This option was not offered 2012, N=1600 114

VI 23 43 17 28 11 4 7 10 8 13 21 11

III 25 37 15 22 16 5 2 11 7 11 19 12

* 38 18 25 13 4 4 8 7 12 20 10

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 11.7

Do you support the protesters demand to

Definitely not Fire V.Churov, Head of Central Election Committee Overturn the results of State Duma December elections and go back to polls Release all political prisoners
2012, April; N=1600

Rather no 31 39 23

Rather yes 23 17 26

Definitely yes 8 8 8

Difficult to answer 27 18 30

12 18 12

Table 11.8

What do people participating in rallies protest against?

(responses are ranked)
Bureaucrats abusing the power Social injustice Embezzlement and corruption among high echelons of power Lies and hypocrisy of authorities Putins authoritarian rule Violations of civil rights and liberties Privileges bureaucrats are entitled to Violation of the Constitution Looming national stagnation They are just bored out of their mind They are paid for by the West/Follow the leaders bought by the West Difficult to answer
2012, June; N=1600

34 28 28 22 19 16 16 9 9 8 7 11

Table 11.9

What does non system opposition rallying in the streets miss to be more efficient?
Clear program Good leadership, bright and active leaders A closer cooperation between and unification with Parliamentary opposition Popular opposition Difficult to answer
2012, October; N=1600

24 28 11 33 22


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 11.10

Were the protests successful, did they improve the situation in the country?
Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer
2012, November; N=1600

4 21 40 18 16


Table 11.11

Are you aware of the upcoming trial against the protesters at Moscows Bolotnaya square case on 6th of May, 2012?
Yes No
2012, December; N=1600

30 70

Table 11.12

What is the main reason for this trial?

(for respondents who heard about Bolotnaya square case)
Charge the guilty with breach of peace Intimidate the protesters Difficult to answer
2012, December; N=1600

36 60 5

Table 11.13

Will this be the first and the last trial, more trials will follow?
(for respondents who heard about Bolotnaya square case)
It will be a single show trial It will be succeeded by other massive and harsh court cases and repressions Difficult to answer
2012, December; N=1600

29 56 16 Table 11.14

How this trial will affect the society?

(for respondents who heard about Bolotnaya square case)
There will be more public discontent with the authorities, indignation at unfair sentences and abuse by courts, police and bureaucrats The situation in the country will settle down, and order and discipline will be restored Feelings of apathy and fear will increase in the society The protests will be on the rise and radicalize Difficult to answer
2012, December; N=1600 116

40 19 16 12 13

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 11.15

Will toughening of the laws, and attempts to persecute and intimidate the opposition and people who attend protest rallies, intensify or will not continue?
Will intensify Will remain at the same level Will not continue None of these are happening and none will happen later Difficult to answer
2012, September; N=1600

22 37 18 4 19

Table 11.16

Do you believe that such political persecution is able to affect you personally?
Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer
2012, September; N=1600

3 11 34 44 9

Table 11.17

Do you view the governments actions against the protest organizers as political repressions or efforts to restore law and order?
Political repressions Efforts to restore law and order Difficult to answer
2012, October; N=1600

27 39 35

Table 11.18

Will such political repressions be increasing or will stop soon?

(for respondents who view the events as political repressions)
They will stop soon under the pressure from Russian and International public opinion They will stop as soon as protests stop and the authorities do not feel any threat from the opposition anymore They will happening with the same intensity They will be increasing every month Difficult to answer
2012, October; N=1600

9 34 38 13 7


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 11.19

Do you view the recent events in Russia (persecution of protesters, opposition leaders and toughening of the laws) as an onset of political repressions?
Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer
2012, August; N=1600

6 21 41 15 17

Table 11.20

What does the government pursue by persecuting the opposition?

(among respondents who view the events as political repressions)
Disorganize and cripple the opposition in a long term perspective Re institutionalize the opposition Government does not pursue anything in particular following a short spell of liberalism the authorities are turning back to methods of government developed in 2000s. Difficult to answer
2012, August; N=1600

44 26 25 5

Table 11.21

Does Russia need a political opposition to the government now?

2004 V Definitely yes Yes, rather than no No, rather than yes Definitely no Difficult to answer

2005 VII 34 30 9 5 23

2006 VII 27 29 14 6 24

2007 VII 25 34 9 5 27

2008 VII 27 34 14 7 17

2009 VII 25 32 15 5 24

2010 VII 23 44 12 4 16

2011 VII 27 45 19 7 2

2012 VII 29 43 10 3 15

32 29 12 5 22

Table 11.22

Is there real a political opposition to the government in Russia now?

2004 V Definitely yes Yes, rather than no No, rather than yes Definitely no Difficult to answer

2005 VII 14 27 22 13 24

2006 VII 11 26 27 12 24

2007 VII 20 33 14 7 25

2008 VII 15 32 22 13 19

2009 VII 11 28 26 12 22

2010 VII 11 28 30 8 14

2011 VII 16 35 33 14 2

2012 VII 21 45 18 6 11

18 24 25 13 20


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 11.23

Does the opposition have a sound program to improve the situation in the country, or does it criticize the authorities without any sound program?
2007 VI Opposition has have a sound program to improve the situation in the country Opposition criticizes the authorities without any sound program Difficult to answer

2011 IX 22 49 29

2012 XI 20 57 23

23 39 38

Table 11.24

Why did the authorities use force to disperse the rallies and demonstrations of the opposition?
To maintain the public order Authorities are concerned that the protests will transform into the public unrest or an orange revolution This is the result of lack of any public oversight of the authorities and security forces, and their total impunity It is a show of force designed to suppress any alternatives and civil activism Difficult to answer

2010 IV 24 27 16 19 14

2011 IV 26 33 12 17 12

2012 VI 30 29 10 17 13 Table 11.25

Do you think the use of force in dispersals of rallies and marches organized by the opposition means that the current government feels strong and confident or insecure and weak?
2007 IV Definitely strong and confident Probably strong and confident Probably weak and insecure Definitely weak and insecure Difficult to answer

2010 IV 6 20 42 14 20

2011 IV 8 22 40 13 18

2012 VI 9 26 35 10 21 Table 11.26

9 19 37 14 22

Do you think there are political prisoners (people who were convicted for their political views or for an attempt to participate in political life) in Russia now?
2004 V Definitely yes Yes, rather than no No, rather than yes Definitely no Difficult to answer
N=1600 119

2005 VI 14 35 22 7 22

2007 III 14 30 22 5 29

2007 X 16 24 21 8 31

2010 VI 11 37 22 7 22

2012 II 12 36 21 6 26

2013 IV 13 31 20 9 27

21 29 21 9 20

Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 11.27

Do you know who is Alexey Navalny?

2011 IV Yes No

2012 III 25 75

2012 VI 35 65

2013 III 37 64

6 94

Table 11.28

Is the information about massive syphoning of public money by the government officials and affiliated businessmen posted on A. Navalnys RosPil web site really true?
(% of respondents who know about A. Navalny)
2011 IV Definitely yes I hope it is true Most likely, no Definitely not Difficult to answer

2012 III 27 23 11 5 33

2012 VI 17 46 12 2 22

2013 III 24 30 14 5 28

33 35 19 4 9

Table 11.29

Why Alexey Navalny and other RosPil employees were called in by the investigators for questioning?
(Responses are ranked)
To intimidate A. Navalny and his supporters to make them stop exposing corrupt government officials In order to launch a formal investigation of corruption cases on the evidence posted on RosPil web site In order to protect the government officials and businessmen against any unsubstantiated public accusations made by A. Navalny and his supporters Because RosPil web site breaks Russian laws Difficult to answer
2012, March; N=1600

38 19 8 9 27


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 11.30

Have you heard about Pussy Riots punk prayer Mother of God, get rid of Putin at Moscows Christ the Savior Cathedral and criminal prosecution of the band members?
2012 III Follow the events closely I am aware of that I have heard something about it, but do not know what it is about I have never heard of it till now
2012 ., N=1600

2013 VI 8 48 24 21 IX 13 55 16 16 IV 6 54 23 18

IV 10 41 22 27

4 30 20 46

Table 11.31

Who was the target of Pussy Riots event at Christ the Savior Cathedral?
(Offered to respondents aware of who Pussy Riot are)
Orthodox Church and believers Vladimir Putin Churchs involvement in politics The first, second and third options are all correct Difficult to answer
2012, July; N=1600

23 19 20 19 19

Table 11.32

What do you feel towards the Pussy Riot members?

Respect Sympathy I cannot say anything bad about them Neutral, indifferent I cannot say anything good about them Annoyed Dislike Difficult to answer
2012, August; N=1600

0 6 5 20 20 14 17 19


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 11.33

What was essentially Pussy Riots gig at Moscows Christ the Savior Cathedral?
(offered to respondents aware of Pussy Riot case, responses are ranked)
Simple hooliganism Political move directed at V. Putin the Churchs involvement in politics A focused outburst against the Orthodoxy and the Church An art performance and a work of contemporary art Difficult to answer
2012, September; N=1600

41 29 19 5 6

Table 11.34

What is the main reason for criminal prosecution of Pussy Riot for the gig at Moscows Christ the Savior Cathedral?
(Offered to respondents aware of Pussy Riot)
They insulted the religion and believers They called for V. Putin resign from power It was a public disorder and disturbing the public peace The first, second and third options are all correct Difficult to answer
2012, July; N=1600

42 17 29 8 6

Table 11.35

Was it Pussy Riots intention to insult Russian believers?

(offered to respondents aware of Pussy Riot case)
Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer
2012, September; N=1600

17 36 24 10 13


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 11.36

Is 7 year prison sentence Pussy Riot stand to receive adequate or excessive punishment for their action, or you believe such actions should not be criminally punishable?
(offered to respondents aware of Pussy Riot)
III Adequate punishment Excessive punishment Such actions should not be criminally punishable Difficult to answer
2012, N=1600

IV 47 32 10 11

VII 33 43 15 9

46 35 9 10

Table 11.37

Is 2 year sentence at general regime penal colony Pussy Riot received for their action at Moscows Christ the Savior Cathedral an adequate punishment?
(offered to respondents aware of Pussy Riot)
2012 IX Adequate punishment Light punishment Excessive punishment Such actions should not be criminally punishable Difficult to answer
* option was not offered N=1600

2013 IV 56 * 26 9 9

35 43 14 2 7


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 12.1

Is the property, which once ended up in private hands in course of 90s privatization, being returned to the country and public or is it just a redistribution of wealth between the ruling elite?
2007 The property is actually being returned to the country and public The property is being redistributed among the ruling elite Difficult to answer
May, N=1600

2012 11 72 17

12 68 20

Table 12.2

Is the overall activity of large Russian business beneficial or harmful for Russia now?
2003 VIII Definitely beneficial Beneficial, rather than harmful Harmful, rather than beneficial Definitely harmful Difficult to answer

2005 VIII 9 30 32 17 13

2006 VIII 9 34 32 12 13

2007 VIII 8 36 28 12 16

2008 IV 8 37 27 11 17

2010 VIII 7 33 34 8 19

2011 VIII 9 31 33 10 17

2012 VIII 4 41 33 5 17

2013 V 6 37 30 7 20

9 28 35 16 12


Table 12.3

Did the authorities put any pressure on the judges in M. Khodorkovsky and P. Lebedev case in order to have a guilty verdict?
2005 VI Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer

VII 10 32 16 5 38

VIII 8 32 16 4 40

IX 8 36 17 3 36

2006 VIII 13 31 14 2 41

2012 X 12 26 14 4 44

15 37 15 2 29


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 12.4

What would be your attitude towards P. Lebedev, if, after serving 9 years and 1 month of his sentence, is released in a month or two on parole?
Absolutely positive Rather positive Rather, negative Very negative Difficult to answer
2012 August; N=1600

5 20 19 8 48

Table 12.5

What would be your attitude towards a situation when, in line with the liberalization of economic crime laws, YUKOS ex boss boss M. Khodorkovsky has his sentence considerably reduced?
Absolutely positive Rather positive Rather, negative Very negative Difficult to answer
2012 August; N=1600

4 25 22 7 42

Table 12.6

Would you, personally, be in favor or against letting out M. Khodorkovsky, who served almost 9 years of his 13 year sentence by now, in a month or two on an early release?
Definitely in favor Rather in favor Rather against Definitely against Difficult to answer
2012 August; N=1600

6 25 24 7 38

Table 12.7

Will M. Khodorkovsky play a significant role in politics upon his release?

2005 VIII Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer

2005 IX 7 27 28 15 23

2005 XII 5 25 27 19 24

2006 VIII 5 25 27 15 29

2006 XI 4 19 27 21 29

2008 VII 4 16 28 19 34

2009 III 3 20 28 15 34

2009 X 3 18 31 14 33

2010 IX 2 13 27 28 30

2012 VIII 3 22 29 10 36

2012 X 5 26 23 10 36

7 27 27 11 29


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 12.8

Will M. Khodorkovsky, if released, be a threat to the authorities?

Definitely yes Maybe yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer
2012, August; N=1600

3 18 32 11 35

Table 12.9

Why do you think M.Khodorkovsky still remains imprisoned?

2010 V Because of his political views and because he criticizes the authorities If released, he may create problems for those who laid hands on YUKOS assets Top government officials personally dislike M.Khodorkovsky He is a frequent violator of the prison regime He is a danger to society Because there are more of his crimes yet to be exposed Because he is a defendant in a new case Difficult to answer
* option was not offered N=1600

2011 X 17 27 15 2 3 10 * 38

2012 X 18 25 15 2 3 10 1 39

2013 VI 19 28 13 2 3 7 1 38

11 16 9 3 4 12 5 48

Table 12.10

What do you feel towards Mikhail Khodorkovsky?

2005 VIII Respect Sympathy I cannot say anything bad about him Neutral, indifferent I cannot say anything good about him Annoyed Dislike Difficult to answer

2005 IX 3 5 10 38 16 7 8 12

2006 VIII 2 5 11 50 11 4 4 13

2008 X 1 6 10 40 10 3 4 27

2012 X 4 10 13 48 7 2 2 16

3 5 11 38 14 8 8 13


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 12.11

Did you or your family benefit anything after the government took over YUKOS business from the private owners?
2009 III Yes, absolutely Yes, though the result was less significant than I expected No, Russia is too big and assets too small to make general population feel any benefit No, except for those who received the company property, no one else benefited It is not about the immediate benefit, it is about restoring the law and order Difficult to answer

2011 X 1 2 18 56 3 21

2012 X 2 2 21 45 7 25

2013 VI <1 3 16 58 3 20

1 3 19 47 6 24

Table 12.12

Who has benefited from the bankruptcy and sale of YUKOS?

2007 X All Russian population A group of businessmen close to government officials and the government officials themselves Difficult to answer

2009 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 II X VI I III X 6 59 35 6 67 29 7 63 31 4 67 29 5 68 27 3 71 26

6 53 42


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 13.1

Is there more, the same or less corruption and embezzlement than 10 12 years earlier?
2012 I More Around the same Less Difficult to answer

2013 XI 41 43 9 7 II 51 33 8 8

50 35 6 8

Table 13.2

Did the top officials and members of the government declare all their incomes sources or just part of them?
2010 All income sources The majority of income sources Small part of their income sources Only a tiny fraction of their income sources Difficult to answer
April, N=1600

2011 1 11 43 34 11

2012 2 13 38 32 15

2013 3 15 43 28 11

2 10 44 34 10

Table 13.3

Do Russia top officials have accounts in the banks abroad?

2007 Definitely yes Most likely, yes Most likely, no Definitely, no Difficult to answer
May, N=1600

2011 65 26 2 0,4 6

2012 70 24 2 0,5 3

68 24 1 1 6


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 13.4

Which of the views on corruption in Russia you would rather agree with?
2012 III Putin will be able to score the victory in fight against the corruption after a profound cleanup of government bureaucracy and issuing tougher sentences Putin will try to fight corruption, but he will hardly make any significant breakthrough because corruption in Russia is incurable It is extremely difficult for Putin to fight corruption, because he also heavily relies on corrupt officials Putin will not put up a serious fight against corruption, because he is also involved Difficult to answer

2013 XI 27 35 21 12 6 IV 20 35 21 17 7

27 35 15 15 8

Table 13.5

Do you agree with the opinion that current anti corruption campaigns only purpose is to shore up the public confidence in Vladimir Putin and fend off the accusations of him building a corrupt regime in Russia?
2012 XI Completely agree Rather agree Rather disagree Completely disagree Difficult to answer

2013 II 25 34 24 5 12

22 38 21 5 14

Table 13.6

Have you heard about investigations in financial fraud and abuse of office in the Ministry of Defense and associated agencies and companies?
November I follow the events closely I am aware of them I heard something about it, but not sure what it is about I have never heard of it till now
2012, N=1600

December 12 48 24 16

14 46 23 17

Table 13.7

Are the corruption schemes Minister Serdyukov got involved in?

A random and abnormal phenomena for Russian top leadership Manifestation of overall corruption of authorities Difficult to answer
2012, November; N=1600 129

12 80 8

Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 13.8

Will the scandal, which A.Serdyukov was fired for, develop further, will it help clean up the top echelons of power from people abusing the office?
Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer
2012, November; N=1600

10 34 30 10 15

Table 13.9

Will the high ranking officials, recently charged with corruption and scheming , get just a slap on the wrist?
(of respondents aware of financial fraud)
They will be held accountable They will just get a slap on the wrist Difficult to answer
2012, December; N=1600

32 55 13

Table 13.10

Is Vladimir Putin involved in massive scale financial fraud with government property and finances exposed recently?
Not involved at all He is not involved personally, but he must have had the knowledge of it and had to tolerate it, since he relies on the people involved in scheming He is involved in corruption schemes and receives his interest Difficult to answer
2012, December; N=1600

22 39 16 23

Table 13.11

Did your confidence in Vladimir Putin change after the recent scandals involving financial fraud with government property and finances at the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Agriculture and affiliated agencies and companies?
Increased considerably Somewhat increased Did not change Somewhat decreased Fell dramatically Difficult to answer
2012, December; N=1600

4 13 55 15 7 7


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 14.1

Which of the following human rights are the most important?

(Answer are ranked by the latest measurement)
1994 1999 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2009 2010 2010 2011 2012 VIII IV I X X X X X X I I X X XI

The right to have a free education, medical care, maintenance in old age and in illness The right to live The right to have a well paid professional job Personal immunity The right for the minimum of subsistence guaranteed by the state The right to own property Freedom of speech The right for information Freedom of religion The right to elect ones representatives to governing bodies The right to go to another country and come back Difficult to answer

64 63 49 55 33

68 57 53 46 33

56 63 51 65 24

70 52 51 44 35

66 50 49 45 38

74 54 51 45 41

76 61 57 52 45

74 64 56 50 40

67 46 51 38 24

68 58 51 45 31

65 60 54 52 36

69 57 51 50 38

70 67 53 46 41

67 66 56 54 40

29 18 8 14 9 11 6

23 14 9 8 8 8 3

41 38 26 20 17 24 0

25 19 12 13 8 13 1

28 19 15 12 10 11 3

30 24 17 13 14 13 1

35 28 19 16 16 15 1

35 28 17 17 14 15 1

28 21 13 11 10 11 2

33 28 14 15 13 13 1

34 29 20 19 17 15 2

36 34 22 22 20 17 2

38 36 25 21 19 18 1

38 36 30 25 24 20 1

Table 14.2

Which is more important for Russia now: order in the country or observance of human rights?
1997 IV Order in the country Observance of human rights Difficult to answer

2007 IV 54 36 10

2011 VII 53 42 5

2012 VII 53 42 5

2013 VI 57 33 10

60 27 13


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 14.3

Which of the following statements about Russian laws, individual rights and Constitution you would rather agree with?
2010 Sometimes the laws conflict the Constitution, but we still need to follow them If the laws conflict the individual rights and the Constitution, we need to fight for their repeal or revision Difficult to answer
November, N=1600

2011 30 57 13

2012 29 54 17

21 65 14

Table 14.4

Which of the following opinions about the role of the Constitution in the life of the country would you rather agree with?
1997 2002 2003 2005 2007 2008 2010 2011 2012 The Constitution guarantees the rights and freedoms of the citizens The Constitution maintains some order in the activity of the state The Constitution is a tool allowing the President of Russia to have control over all other government bodies The Constitution does not play an important role in the life of the country as not many abide by it Difficult to answer

12 20 11

21 22 7

14 25 11

21 22 15

31 30 10

22 30 11

38 22 8

44 21 6

41 22 22

45 12

41 10

42 8

35 7

21 9

28 10

25 6

20 9

8 9


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 15.1

To what extent can todays press, radio and television be trusted?

1989 1993 1994 1995 1996 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 20032004200520062007200820092010 20112012

Quite Not quite Not at all Difficult answer

Total respondents

38 26 27 23 24 24 25 26 30 23 22 26 24 24 25 28 28 29 25 26 40 48 38 47 47 44 44 44 47 44 46 45 45 43 39 40 49 51 47 50 10 17 17 17 18 19 18 17 21 22 18 18 21 22 18 16 15 21 16 to 7 16 16 18 12 12 14 12 12 6 12 10 11 13 12 14 14 7 5 6
2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 210021002100210021002100160016001600 1500

Table 15.2

Do you trust the reports about the national events broadcasted by major TV channels?
Trust completely Trust to a large extent Trust to some extent Do not trust at all Difficult to answer
2012, September; N=1600

9 38 43 8 3

Table 15.3

Do you ever get a feeling that when you watch TV, listen to radio or read papers, something is hidden from you, that some information is missing, or you are distracted from important events and discussions?
Very often Fairly often Fairly seldom Very seldom Difficult to answer
2012, September; N=1600

9 46 28 7 10

Table 15.4

Do you ever get a feeling that when you watch TV, listen to radio or read papers, you are deceived or misinformed?
Very often Fairly often Fairly seldom Very seldom Difficult to answer
2012, September; N=1600

7 38 32 11 12


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 15.5

How impartial are Russian mass media in reports about top public officials?
Quite impartial Too biased and critical Too flattering and sugar coating the reality In depends Difficult to answer
2012, August; N=1600

19 13 38 21 9

Table 15.6

Are Russian mass media free or still under the government control currently?
2006 VII Absolutely free Free to a large extent Under government control to a large extent Completely under government control Difficult to answer

2008 VII 12 34 35 10 9

2012 I 8 31 37 10 14

12 31 36 12 9

Table 15.7

Did, in the last two months, government control of mass media increased, relaxed or remained the same?
Increased Relaxed Still the same Difficult to answer
2012, February; N=1600

35 8 46 12

Table 15.8

Should the government increase, relax or keep the same amount of control of the mass media?
Increase Relax Keep the same Difficult to answer
2012, February; N=1600

24 16 44 16


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 15.9

Will the government control of mass media following March 4 elections increase, relax or remain the same?
Will increase Will relax Remain the same Difficult to answer
2012, February; N=1600

25 12 44 20

Table 15.10

Do you read any daily papers on regular basis and, if you do, how many dailies you read regularly?
2003 XI Two or more One I cannot say I read papers regularly Difficult to answer
2012, January; N=1600

2008 VII 15 23 57 4

2012 I 12 20 65 4

18 21 59 2

Table 15.11

What is you source of Russian news?

2011 XI Russian state TV channels (Perviy kanal, Rossiya, Kultura, regional channels of VGTRK corporation) Russian private TV channels (NTV, Ren TV, other private/ commercial channels, including regional and local channels) Internet Foreign news outlets (foreign TV channels, radio, papers and magazines) State newspapers ("Rossiyskaya gazeta", newspapers of regional and local governments) Radio Family, friends, neighbors Private newspapers Difficult to answer

I 72 7

II 66 9

2012 III IV VI 73 73 71 8 6 6

VIII 73 6

X 69 10

2013 II VI 69 70 6 5

74 10 6 1 2 1 3 1 2 13 17 13 14 16 16 <1 1 0 1 3 1 15 0,5 1 0 2 2 2 17 1 2 <1 1 3 1 17 <1 1 0 2 5 1

<1 0,5 <1 <1 <1 1 <1 1 3 1 2 0 2 3 1 1 1 1

<1 <1 <1 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 3 1


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 15.12

Which of the following opinions about Russian television today are you more likely to agree with?
2000 VIII Overall, television gives a full and objective picture of current events It is possible to get a lot of useful and objective information about world events Television gives a scanty and distorted picture of world events Television gives a false idea about world events, it is used to manipulate peoples way of thinking Difficult to answer

2007 IX 15 46 16 13 9

2010 VIII 17 51 15 12 5

2012 VIII 16 48 17 14 6

16 51 14 12 8

Table 15.13

What should be the primary purpose of the TV: inform, educate, train or entertain the viewer?
2000 VIII Inform Educate Train Entertain Difficult to answer

2007 IX 48 23 14 10 5

2010 VIII 51 28 12 7 2

2012 VIII 50 24 15 7 4

57 19 14 7 5

Table 15.14

How did the situation with the free expression change last years?
Year of evaluation The situation changed for the better The situation changed for the worse The situation did not change Difficult to answer
N=1600 1989 1990 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

68 4 16 12

62 6 17 15

19 18 56 8

26 19 45 11

31 20 42 7

29 15 48 8

16 18 58 8

20 17 55 8

14 13 62 11

36 17 39 9

13 18 59 10

8 18 63 11

10 23 56 11

15 17 58 10

10 21 62 8


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 15.15

Do you personally use Internet at home, at work, in any other place (besides email correspondence)? If you do, how often do you use it?
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Never Every day, several times a week About once a week 2 3 times a month About once a month Less often than once a month 95 2 1 1 0 1 93 3 1 1 1 1 93 2 1 1 1 2 91 3 2 1 1 1 87 6 3 2 1 2 85 7 3 2 1 2 81 7 6 2 1 2 75 12 6 4 1 2 72 18 6 2 1 1 64 28 3 1 2 2 53 31 11 3 1 1 45 48 4 2 1 0,5 41 45 11 2 1 1

2001 2008 N=2100; 2009, N=1600

Table 15.16

How many hours on average do you surf the internet in a week (besides email)?
(in % of those who use internet)?
2009 VIII Up to 2 hours 3 5 hours 6 10 hours 11 20 hours 21 30 hours More than 30 hours Difficult to answer

2010 VIII 39 22 15 11 2 5 7

2011 VIII 32 27 18 6 6 6 6

2012 X 27 29 14 11 7 8 4

39 31 11 5 4 3 7


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 15.17

For what purpose do you most often use the internet?

( in % of those who use internet)
2010 2011 2012 VIII VIII X Receive and send messages via electronic mail I use it for voice/video links (for example, on Skype) I make or accept phone calls though the Internet I communicate in the instant messages (for example ICQ) Read newspapers, journals, news portals, internet publications, internet sites of television channels, radio stations, newspapers and journals Seek information for study Seek information and obtain information needed for work Seek information for personal, family or household matter Seek information in encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference media for personal interest Download or read fiction texts Download or read interesting nonfiction texts Communicate in chats, forums and blogs I upload/download photos, videos, music, texts Run a personal site, blog, live journal Communicate in social networks (eg. Classmates, In contact) Meet people on dating sites Post information about myself for the purpose of finding work, income Run an online business project Take part in internet campaigns (charitable, political, human rights) Look at or download photographs, visual materials Watch, download films or series Listen to, download music Play online games Download software Online shopping (goods, tickets, hotels etc.) Make bank transactions, pay for services (telephone, utilities) ia the internet I receive the information on activity of the state bodies/ establishments on official sites Download official document forms Difficult to answer

52 17 9 20 26 36 34 39 23 11 6 21 19 2 42 4 5 2 1 15 34 37 15 12 8 2 14 10 3

42 19 8 18 23 38 28 42 27 11 7 13 17 2 45 7 4 <1 1 15 31 33 14 9 7 4 5 8 2

56 29 14 17 28 41 38 49 31 22 11 21 28 4 54 7 7 2 1 25 42 42 18 17 15 8 14 14 3


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 15.18

Do you visit social networks? If you do, then how often?

(of Internet users)
2011 VIII Daily/practically daily A few times a week Approximately once a week 2 3 times a week Approximately once a month Less than once a month Never

2012 X 37 27 12 4 2 3 15

28 23 14 5 3 4 22

Table 15.19

Which social networks do you use?

(% of social networks users)
2011 VIII My World on Moy krug (my circle) Facebook V kontakte Myspace Twitter Difficult to answer
August, 2011; N=1600

2012 X 74 27 6 14 58 2 6 1

74 31 4 10 49 1 3 2


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 16.1

How trustworthy is the church?

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 IX III IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX IX III X X IV X

Quite trustworthy Not quite trustworthy Not trustworthy at all Difficult to answer

38 22 11 30

35 20 13 32

37 20 12 31

38 21 12 28

38 21 12 28

40 22 10 28

40 20 10 31

43 22 8 27

44 23 11 22

40 21 11 28

41 19 12 27

40 25 10 25

48 21 10 20

54 24 6 17

49 23 9 18

50 29 10 12

1997 2008 N=2100; 2009 N=1600

Table 16.2

Which role should the Church and religious organizations play in Russian public life?
1991 VI Should not get involved in public life at all Support public morals and virtues Facilitate public, national and political consensus Meet spiritual requirements of the believers Help keep cultural traditions Support charity and charitable work Help poor and disadvantaged Help develop the spiritual literature and art Difficult to answer Number of respondents 8 50 27 38 37 37 32 11 5 3000 1998 IX 11 46 27 36 28 34 39 14 10 1700 2008 I 15 46 22 37 29 31 30 13 10 1600 2012 VII 13 50 21 49 30 32 37 19 5 1600 2013 III 22 44 18 43 33 34 36 16 6 1600

Table 16.3

How much influence the Church and religious organizations have on the governments policy in Russia?
1991 V Too much Slightly more than they need to Just enough Slightly less than they need to Too little Difficult to answer Number of respondents

1998 IX 5 11 27 9 13 35 1700

2008 I 4 14 45 11 7 19 1600

2012 VII 10 18 44 8 7 14 1600

2013 III 6 19 48 8 5 14 1600

2 4 22 16 30 26 3000

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 16.4

Do you generally approve or disapprove Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Cyrils actions?
2012 IX Approve Disapprove
2012, September; N=1600

2013 II 67 33

71 29

Table 16.5

Do you generally approve or disapprove Russian Orthodox Church performance?

Approve Disapprove
2012, September; N=1600

75 25

Table 16.6

Should the Church influence important government decision making?

Definitely should Rather should Rather not Definitely not Difficult to answer

2007 IX 7 22 33 28 10

2012 VII 6 20 37 28 10

2013 III 5 21 39 26 10 Table 16.7

How significantly is Russian Orthodox Church involved with national government?

Very significant Fairly significant Fairly insignificant Very insignificant Difficult to answer
2012, September; N=1600

10 41 22 9 18 Table 16.8

How would you estimate the significance of Russian Orthodox Churchs influence and the government support it receives now?
Russian Orthodox Church takes part in national affairs and receives just enough support from the state it should Russian Orthodox Church does not have the influence on the nation it should and receives insufficient government support Russian Orthodox Church exercises excessive influence in the national affairs and receives excessive support from the government Difficult to answer
2012, September; N=1600 141

45 19 14 22

Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 16.9

What caused more more critical materials in press and on Internet about the top hierarchy of Russian Orthodox Church?
(responses are ranked)
Churchs involvement in politics, and serving the interests of current authorities Difference and conflicts between preaching the righteousness and adherence to spiritual rather than worldly, and the actual lifestyle of the Church hierarchy with their leanings to gain wealth, luxury and power Enemies of Russian national revival trying to humiliate the Church and break up the unity between the authorities, the church and public Discontent of the liberal community and the increasingly conservative and aggressive Church and its top hierarchy The so called liberal community rejects the Orthodox values Difficult to answer
2012, April; N=1600

25 16 13 7 6 33


Table 16.10

Would you agree with an opinion that nowadays a lot of people want to show their affiliation with the Church, but in reality very few are believers?
1994 VIII Agree Do not agree Difficult to answer Number of respondents 68 11 21 3000 1997 IV 80 9 11 1600 2012 IX 73 14 13 1600

Table 16.11

Would you agree with the opinion that the Church in Russia has very little influence on the everyday life and morals?
1994 VIII Agree Do not agree Difficult to answer Number of respondents 51 19 31 3000 2012 IX 52 29 20 1600


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 16.12

Would you personally agree or disagree with the opinion that the Orthodox Christians in Russia should have legally defined privileges over atheists and other Confessions?
1997 VIII Yes Rather yes Rather no No Difficult to answer

2007 IX 8 13 25 45 10

2012 I 8 15 24 43 10

2013 III 8 17 24 38 12

15 12 15 44 14

Table 16.13

Would you be in favour or against if fundamentals of religion and the law of the Lord wefre added to school curriculum?
2001 IX In favor Against Difficult to answer

2007 IX 45 41 15

2012 I 44 43 13

46 39 15

Table 16.14

Would you be in favour or against introducing a tax to the benefit of religious communities in Russia?
2001 IX In favor Against Difficult to answer

2007 IX 14 68 18

2012 I 10 74 17

15 68 18

Table 16.15

Would you support a tougher administrative penalty for insulting the religious feelings?
Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer
2012, September; N=1600

19 44 16 7 14


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 16.16

Do you approve of the initiative to introduce criminal prosecution for insulting the religious feelings?
Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer
2012, November; N=1600

14 35 24 10 18

Table 16.17

Would you support the proposal to make an amendment to the Criminal Code which will introduce tougher punishment for insulting the religious feelings?
Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer
2012, September; N=1600

18 39 20 9 14

Table 16.18

How important is religion in your life?

2007 IX Very important Fairly important Not too important Religion does not play any role for me Difficult to answer

2012 I 6 25 42 21 6

2013 III 5 29 43 19 4

6 26 41 24 3


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Diagram 16.1

What religion do you profess?

Until June 2008 N=2100; from June 2009 N=1600

Table 16.19

Do you attend religious services? If yes, then how often do you?

2003 VII Several times a week Once a week Two three times a month About once a month Several times a year Once a year Less than once a year Never

2007 IX 1 2 2 3 24 10 18 39

2008 I 0,2 1 2 4 14 15 19 38

2010 XII 1 2 3 4 18 11 12 45

2011 XII 2 2 3 5 19 11 12 45

2012 X 2 3 4 6 21 14 15 33

1 1 2 3 20 10 18 46

Table 16.20

Did you read the Bible?

The Four Gospels Other scriptures in the New Testament Old Testament I did not read the Bible Difficult to answer
2012, November; N=1600

24 11 16 61 6


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 16.21

What, do you think, people gain from the religion primarily?

1991 VI Soul saving and a path to eternal life Moral standards of everyday life Purification of soul Oblivion, comfort, relief from spiritual pain and suffering Reconciliation with death Meaning of life Religion does not give anyone anything significant, however, it does not harm either Only food for prejudice, superstitions and deceit of ignorant people Difficult to answer Number of respondents 12 31 12 5 2 7 19 2 11 3000 2008 I 16 31 14 5 3 7 12 3 9 1600 2012 VII 14 26 16 16 2 4 9 3 9 1600 Table 16.22

Do you believe in heaven?

1991 VI I believe it exists Most likely it exists Most likely it does not exist I believe it does not exist Difficult to answer Number of respondents 14 15 20 32 19 3000 2008 I 20 25 21 19 14 1600 2010 VIII 29 29 8 15 19 1600 2012 VIII 22 31 19 10 18 1600

Table 16.23

Do you believe in hell?

1991 VI I believe it exists Most likely it exists Most likely it does not exist I believe it does not exist Difficult to answer Number of respondents 11 13 21 35 20 3000 1998 IX 10 15 22 30 23 1700 2008 I 17 24 22 22 16 1600 2010 VIII 21 30 10 17 21 1600 2012 VIII 16 31 21 11 19 1600


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 16.24

Do you believe in religious miracles?

1991 VI I believe it exists Most likely it exists Most likely it does not exist I believe it does not exist Difficult to answer Number of respondents 17 16 19 30 18 3000 1998 IX 10 19 20 29 22 1700 2008 I 22 27 19 19 13 1600 2010 VIII 24 29 12 18 18 1600 2012 VIII 17 35 23 10 16 1600

Table 16.25

Do you believe in evil eye or hex?

2010 I I believe it exists Most likely it exists Most likely it does not exist I believe it does not exist Difficult to answer Total respondents 30 36 10 11 13 1000 2010 VIII 29 32 9 15 16 1600 2012 VIII 21 38 18 10 13 1600

Table 16.26

Do you consider yourself an atheist?

Definitely yes Rather yes Rather not Definitely not Difficult to answer
2012, November; N=1600

5 10 36 41 9


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 16.27

It is now Lent time before Easter. Do you observe it and if you do, how strictly?
1997 2000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 III III II II II II II II II II II I III Keep to my usual diet Already partly observe Lent (do not eat meat, do not drink alcoholic beverages) Not yet, but am going to fast during the last week of Lent Strictly observe Lent Difficult to answer

73 20

77 14 2

77 16 2 3 2

78 13 4 4 1

76 13 5 4 2

76 15 4 2 3

79 15 2 2 2

79 15 2 2 2

70 17 4 2 5

73 19 2 3 4

72 18 4 3 4

74 17 4 1 4

69 21 3 2 4

5 2

3 4

Table 16.28

Will you observe Easter? If you will, then which of the following you or members of your family will do?
1997 1998 1999 2000 2006 2010 2011 2011 2012 2013 Cook the curd Easter cake Bake the Easter cake Will buy Easter cake Paint (dye) the eggs Consecrate the Easter cakes Will attend the Easter vigil service I go visit the cemetery I will have guests I will go visit my friends I will give presents to my friends and relatives I do not know how I will observe it I will not observe the Easter I am not sure whether I will observe Easter or not
* No answer option was offered N=1600

17 38 16 67 13 7 * 31 25 7 10 8 3

19 45 19 71 18 11 * 33 25 8 9 6 2

11 44 21 74 14 8 * 27 24 6 7 7 3

13 43 21 72 14 5 * 25 23 4 11 4 3

18 39 39 76 21 7 28 32 26 7 5 7 2

14 31 39 70 19 8 19 23 25 7 6 7 3

18 33 41 76 25 9 27 32 30 7 4 4 1

18 33 41 76 25 9 27 32 30 7 4 4 1

17 30 42 70 21 7 23 28 26 8 6 6 3

18 29 43 69 24 11 25 29 30 10 5 7 3

Table 16.29

Did you attend the Easter service in church this year? Did you watch the TV broadcast of the Easter service in Moscows Christ the Savior cathedral?
Attended the Easter service in church Watched the TV broadcast of the Easter service Neither
2012, April; 1600

15 37 50


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Diagram 17.1

How has the life of your family changed?

135 125 115 105 95 85 75 65

Until June 2008 N=2100; from June2009


Diagrams calculated as a sum of positive and negative evaluations of the situation of the family in the coming year and in the past year + 100.

Table 17.1

What makes the life of your family most difficult at present?

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2010 2011 2012 I I I I I I I VIII VIII II 72 73 73 66 71 61 60 60 59 61 15 35 15 20 10 3 4 13 13 9 5 15 30 12 19 11 2 2 16 15 8 6 20 30 12 21 11 2 3 12 18 9 7 16 32 14 21 10 2 2 15 12 10 7 14 35 12 20 11 2 3 16 13 10 5 17 31 18 20 9 2 3 16 15 11 9 14 32 13 21 7 2 2 16 12 13 12 17 31 15 28 10 2 4 19 11 19 5 17 27 15 27 10 2 4 17 12 15 7 14 30 14 29 8 2 1 19 15 14 7

Low incomes, lack of money Fear of losing a job Poor health, problems with medical treatment Inadequate housing Routine difficulties No access to a good education for my children Bad relation within the family Drinking or drug addiction of a family members Fatigue and exhaustion Hopelessness and absence of prospects in life Lack of free time Difficult to answer

VI 2009 VIII 2009 X 2009 XII 2009 II 2010 IV 2010 VI 2010 VIII 2010 X 2010 XII 2010 II 2011 IV 2011 VI 2011 VIII 2011 X 2011 II 2012 VI 2012 X 2012

I 2003 III 2003 V 2003 VII 2003 IX 2003 XI 2003 I 2004 III 2004 V 2004 VII 2004 IX 2004 XI 2004 I 2005 III 2005 V 2005 VII 2005 IX 2005 XI 2005 I 2006 III 2006 V 2006 VII 2006 IX 2006 XI 2006 I 2007 III 2007 V 2007 VII 2007 IX 2007 XI 2007 I 2008 III 2008


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 17.2

How much of your family income is now spent on food?

1991 1992 1999 2002 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 VI XI II II XII I VIII VIII IV IX VIII IV X IV IX IV Less than a half About a half About two thirds Almost all Difficult to answer 6 20 40 30 5 4 15 24 56 1 5 15 21 55 4 6 24 29 37 4 14 33 28 23 3 14 32 29 22 3 15 37 29 16 4 18 36 26 13 8 18 39 23 14 5 16 40 25 13 5 22 17 20 23 22 17 41 36 41 38 41 43 20 26 26 24 20 25 12 15 9 5 2 4 9 10 6 7 8 7

1991, N=1300; 1992 2009, N=1600

Table 17.3

Where are you, your family going to have your vacation this summer?
1997 1999 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

V At the dacha, garden plot At the Black Sea (Russia) In the Crimea In the Baltic countries In another city/ town/ village in Russia In other places, territories of the former USSR Abroad Will stay at home, will do what we need to do Not going for a vacation anywhere, have no money Have not decided yet

V 23 3

VI 26 4

V 23 4 1

V 27 4 1 0 5 1 1 40 17 8

V 27 5 1 0 7 2 1 32 20 7

VI 24 7 1 0 7 3 2 37 19 3

V 22 6 2 0 6 3 1 34 17 11

V 21 7 1 1 6 1 2 34 20 11

V 22 7 1 1 5 2 2 33 22 15

V 24 6 2 0 5 2 2 31 20 13

V 25 7 2 1 4 3 3 29 16 18

V 24 7 2 2 5 2 3 28 18 14

V 24 8 2 0,5 5 1 5 30 15 15

V 22 7 2 <1 7 3 4 27 14 19

23 3

0 7 1 1 33 31 10

0 5 1 1 46 26 7

0 5 2 0 36 25 7

0 6 2 1 40 22 6


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 17.4

Do you have an international passport?

I do I do not
2012, March; N=1600

17 83

Table 17.5

How often do you travel abroad (outside the former Soviet Union) on business?
4 times a year or more 2 3 times a year Approximately once a year Once every 2 3 years Less often Used to travel before, but not anymore I have never been outside the former Soviet Union Difficult to answer
2012, March; N=1600

1 2 2 2 1 9 78 6

Table 17.6

How often do you travel abroad (outside the former Soviet Union) for leisure or personal trips?
4 times a year or more 2 3 times a year Approximately once a year Once every 2 3 years Less often Used to travel before, but not anymore I have never been outside the former Soviet Union Difficult to answer
2012, March; N=1600

1 2 4 6 3 10 70 6

Table 17.7

Did you travel abroad in the last five years?

2008 VIII Yes No

2012 IX 21 79

16 84


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 17.8

Did you travel outside the former Soviet Union in the last five years?
2008 VIII Yes No

2012 IX 12 88 Table 17.9

9 92

Do you spent your vacation abroad and, if you do, how often?
2008 VIII Twice a year or more Once a year Once every two years Less often Never Difficult to answer

2011 IX 1 5 4 9 78 4

2012 IX 1 5 4 9 78 4

1 4 3 9 82 2

Table 17.10

What is your attitude to the fact that many young people now often prefer to live together without getting married?
Positive Rather positive Rather, negative Negative Difficult to answer
2012, June; N=1600

16 38 21 18 7

Table 17.11

What is your attitude to the fact that many people live together without getting married and have children?
Positive Rather positive Rather, negative Negative Difficult to answer
2012, June; N=1600

12 31 30 20 7


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 17.12

How would you describe your current relationship with your parents?
We get along really well We understand each other even when our views differ We do not understand each other very often We have bad relationship, we fight all the time We do not communicate I do not have (I do not know) parents Difficult to answer

2007 III 31 28 6 1 1 31 2

2012 II 35 30 5 0 1 27 3 Table 17.13

How would you describe your current relationship with your children?
We get along really well We understand each other even when our views differ We do not understand each other very often We have bad relationship, we fight all the time We do not communicate I do not have (I do not know) parents / I do not have children Difficult to answer
2007, March; N=1600

2007 III 36 32 6 1 2 20 3

2012 II 35 32 7 2 0 19 4 Table 17.14

Do you have fights in your family and, if you do, how often?
Almost every day Once or twice a week Once a few times a month Less often Never have fights Refused to answer

2002 II 4 12 23 31 23 7

2003 III 6 11 25 34 19 5

2007 III 3 7 18 34 30 8

2012 II 2 7 20 35 30 7 Table 17.16

Did your current or ex husband or partner beat you / Did your current or ex wife or partner beat you?
Often A few times Once or twice Never happened Refused to answer
2012, February; N=1600 153

1 4 7 77 12

Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 18.1

Can you feel ethnic tension in the city, region you live in?
2005 XI Definitely yes Yes, rather than no No, rather than yes Definitely no Difficult to answer

2006 IV 4 18 44 30 4

2006 XI 7 23 40 24 6

2007 IV 4 18 46 27 5

2008 XII 7 20 41 24 7

2010 XII 7 19 46 20 8

2011 XII 3 21 46 24 6

2012 XI 5 24 46 20 6

5 21 44 26 4

Table 18.2

Do you at present feel hostility from people of another ethnic origin?

2002 VII 2004 VIII 2005 VIII 2006 VIII 2007 VIII 2008 X 2009 XI 2010 VIII 2011 VIII 2012 IX

Very often Quite often Rarely Never/ practically never Difficult to answer

2 8 29 60 2

4 10 29 56 1

3 9 26 61 2

2 8 27 60 3

4 11 29 53 3

3 9 26 58 4

1 9 28 60 2

3 13 25 55 4

4 14 27 50 5

4 14 32 44 6

Table 18.3

Do you at present feel hostility towards people of another ethnic origin?

2002 VII 2004 VIII 2005 VIII 2006 VIII 2007 VIII 2008 X 2009 XI 2010 VIII 2011 VIII 2012 IX

Very often Quite often Rarely Never/ practically never Difficult to answer

3 9 29 59 1

4 13 29 53 2

4 9 25 60 2

3 8 27 59 3

3 9 32 53 3

2 8 32 55 4

1 10 30 56 3

4 15 25 52 4

6 14 26 49 6

4 14 32 44 6

Table 18.4

Are violent ethnic clashes possible in Russia now?

2002 VII Definitely yes Most likely, yes Most likely, no Definitely no Difficult to answer
N=1600 154






13 37 32 8 10

10 29 32 18 10

3 20 39 25 12

15 41 28 6 11

11 28 39 11 11

2012 XI 11 32 36 11 10

12 37 30 12 10

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 18.5

Are violent ethnic clashes possible in your community?

2002 VII Definitely yes Most likely, yes Most likely, no Definitely no Difficult to answer






6 16 46 22 10

4 16 41 30 10

2 8 38 42 10

8 22 42 21 8

6 14 40 28 12

2012 XI 3 20 45 23 9

5 19 43 25 9

Table 18.6

What do you feel towards the residents of the southern republics in your city or district?
2002 XI Respect Affection Annoyance Dislike Fear No particular feelings Difficult to answer

2003 XI 5 4 18 23 4 45 4

2004 XI 3 4 23 24 4 46 4

2006 XI 4 4 18 15 3 56 3

2007 IV 3 3 19 23 3 52 2

2007 XI 6 5 16 18 4 54 3

2008 XII 4 4 14 14 2 61 2

2010 XII 5 4 14 15 6 57 4

2011 XII 1 4 15 20 3 57 1

2012 XI 3 5 21 21 3 46 3

3 5 25 28 5 39 4

Table 18.7

Do you think that the population of the following ethnic groups living in Russia should be restricted?
2004 2005 2006 2007 2009 2010 2011 2012 VII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII YES: Vietnamese Jews People from the Caucasus Chinese People from the former Central Asian Republics of the USSR Ukrainians Gypsies All ethnic groups except Russians There should be no restrictions on the number of people of any ethnicity living in Russia Difficult to answer 39 15 44 39 31 8 32 14 21 5 42 18 50 46 31 8 30 11 20 5 35 13 42 41 23 7 29 11 25 6 34 10 44 41 25 6 25 10 23 8 24 6 38 34 20 7 22 16 19 14 33 11 37 36 27 6 30 16 21 12 21 8 39 30 26 5 18 17 17 15 31 10 42 37 35 6 29 13 18 9


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 18.8

What is your attitude to the term nationalism?

2009 X Positive, in general Negative, in general Difficult to answer

2012 IX 13 70 16

9 75 16

Table 18.9

Would you agree that non Russians are the cause of many Russian problems?
2004 VIII Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer

2005 VIII 13 25 32 25 6

2006 VIII 12 22 33 25 8

2007 VIII 7 25 35 23 10

2009 VIII 10 20 28 25 16

2012 IX 10 24 37 21 8

16 26 37 15 6

Table 18.10

Would you agree with the opinion that minorities have too much power in Russia?
2004 VIII Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer

2005 VIII 15 31 30 17 9

2006 VIII 12 26 32 19 11

2007 VIII 9 32 31 16 12

2009 VIII 11 24 27 20 18

2012 IX 12 31 32 14 12

16 31 34 10 8


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 18.11

What is your attitude to the idea Russia for Russians?

1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 2011 2012 XII I 15 XI 16 XII 16 VII 21 XII 16 XI 16 XI 15 VIII X VIII XI VIII XI 19 XI 15

I support it, it should have been put into practice long ago It would be a good idea to put this into practice but within reasonable limits Negative, it is pure fascism I am not interested Never think about it






















30 14 7

27 12 6

20 11 5

26 9 3

18 7 8

25 12 4

23 12 5

26 12 4

27 11 7

25 12 7

27 11 8

32 9 5

21 16 9

23 11 7

23 14 6

Table 18.12

Do you support the slogan Enough to feed Caucasus?

2011 XI Definitely support Rather support Rather do not support Definitely do not support Difficult to answer

2012 I 22 35 13 7 23

2012 XI 26 39 17 6 11

2013 V 20 35 16 16 14

28 34 18 6 15


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 18.13

What do you think about the fact that there a lot of migrant workers from
Moldova, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and other countries of former USSR employed at

the construction sites of Russia?

1997 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 V XII I XI XII XII VIII IX VIII VIII X XI VIII X

Definitely positive Positive, rather than negative Neutral Negative, rather than positive Definitely negative Difficult to answer

10 15 34 19 14 8

11 18 33 24 10 5

10 17 32 23 15 3

8 20 39 22 8 3

6 16 44 22 9 3

7 15 42 20 12 5

6 15 39 25 13 2

6 16 42 24 11 1

6 14 45 21 12 2

6 12 49 25 6 2

5 16 46 22 7 3

4 15 44 23 11 2

3 11 42 29 11 4

2 9 39 28 19 3

* before 2010: migrant workers from Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and other countries of the Former Soviet Union N=1600

Table 18.14

To which extent do you agree with the statement:

Completely agree Immigrants increase the crime rate Immigrants generally facilitate Russian economic growth Immigrants take jobs from Russians Immigrants enrich Russian society by bringing in new ideas and cultures Immigrants destroy Russian culture
2012, October; N=1600

Rather agree 37 19 36 15 28

Neither agree, Rather Completely Difficult to Nor disagree disagree disagree answer 17 29 18 27 28 7 29 11 29 15 1 14 1 17 4 5 6 4 8 7

34 5 31 4 18

Table 18.15

To which extent do you agree with the statement: Legal Immigrants in Russia, although not Russian citizens, should have the same rights as Russian citizens?
Completely agree Rather agree Neither agree or disagree Rather disagree Completely disagree Difficult to answer
N=1600 158

2003 VII 12 24 17 18 12 17

2012 X 8 26 25 20 15 8

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 18.16

What should the Russian governments policy be like towards migrants?

2002 VII 2004 VIII 2005 IX 2006 VIII 2007 VIII 2008 X 2009 XI 2010 VIII 2011 XI 2012 VIII

Should try to restrict the influx of migrants Should not have any administrative barriers against the influx, should try to use it for the benefit of Russia Difficult to answer

45 44 11

54 38 7

59 36 6

52 39 9

57 32 11

52 35 13

61 30 9

60 27 13

64 28 8

70 20 10

Table 18.17

What should be done with illegal immigrants from the CIS countries?
2006 XI Legalize them and help them get a job and integrate into the Russian society Expel them from Russia Difficult to answer

2007 XI 35 50 15

2008 XII 25 54 21

2010 XII 27 52 21

2011 XII 20 57 22

2012 XI 20 64 15

31 53 16

Table 18.18

Would you be in favour of or against limiting access to migrants from other Russian regions to your city/region for permanent residence or work?
2012 IX Definitely in favor Rather in favor Rather against Definitely against Difficult to answer

2013 VI 34 31 20 8 8

24 33 25 6 12


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Diagram 19.1

How would you describe the current situation in the Northern Caucasia?


Diagram 19.2

How will the situation in the North Caucasus change within the year?



Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 19.1

Do you think the Russian authorities will ultimately be able to assure order and peace in North Caucasus?
2009 VIII I think restoring peace will succeed in coming I think this will require many years I think generally this will fail and Chechnya will remain a source of tension and conflict in Russia for decades I think it will fail and sooner or later Chechnya and possibly other republics of North Caucasus will break away from Russia Difficult to answer

2010 IV 9 44 28 9 10 VII 11 37 29 13 10 VIII 12 38 27 13 10 I 9

2011 IX 11 38 29 13 10 I

2012 IX 8 38 27 13 16 13 37 29 11 10

12 34 30 16 9

37 30 14 10

Table 19.2

If you were a head of state, what program you would offer to fix the issues in the North Caucasia?
(responses are ranked by the last poll)
2011 Tighten control over the residents of the North Caucasia coming to Russia Use any peaceful means available to resolve the issue (negotiate with the separatists and insurgents) Use the power of the Russian military to crash the separatist insurgency once and for all Create an efficient network of informants warning any potential terror attacks Separate the North Caucasia from Russia and resettle those who would chose to live in Russia Difficult to answer
January, N=1600

2012 34 26 24 21 16 12

36 18 26 35 18 13

Table 19.3

Do you approve or disapprove Russian authorities tactics in response to the recurring acts of violence in the North Caucasus?
2010 II Approve completely Rather approve Rather disapprove Absolutely disapprove Difficult to answer

2011 X 13 47 13 5 21 II 9 40 18 8 25 V 13 44 18 6 19 VII 10 43 18 5 24 X 9 42 16 6 28 I 12 46 17 6 20

2012 VI 9 40 16 5 30 VIII 11 44 17 5 25

2013 VI 13 45 18 6 19

IV 16 49 15 5 16

VII 18 47 13 4 19

17 42 16 6 19


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 19.4

Who is mostly responsible for unleashing the 1999 war in Chechnya?

1999 X Chechen government Chechen militants, armed gangs Russian top officials overall Government of Russia Prime minister V. Putin Russian generals / military departments President B. Yeltsin Presidents associates / the Family A. Lebed Nobody is to blame / it was impossible to change anything Difficult to answer

2001 VII 17 25 16 15 3 7 29 6 1 2 15

2007 VII 22 26 17 14 2 6 25 8 3 4 21

2009 VII 19 35 15 12 2 5 17 5 1 4 16

2010 VII 21 37 16 9 2 6 18 5 2 3 19

2012 VII 22 35 14 10 2 7 21 5 1 5 19

22 25 20 18 2 7 36 10 3 1 15

Table 19.5

Do you think the second Chechen war achieved its goal or it was not a success considering its violence and gross losses?
2007 IX The goals of the war as the government of Russia saw them have been fully achieved the separatists are crushed, Chechnya is a part of Russia The goals of the war have been partly achieved the separatists are defeated but the threat of revolts in the Caucasus is still there The war was useless, a lot of people were killed but the Caucasus will break away from Russia sooner or later anyway Difficult to answer

2009 VII 10 50 24 16

2010 IX 6 45 35 14

2011 IX 6 34 39 21

2012 VII 10 47 28 15

8 35 46 11


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 19.6

Were the victims among the peaceful Chechen population during the course of the counter terrorist operation exonerated?
2009 VII To the fullest extent Yes, to some extent No Difficult to answer

2010 III 7 27 51 15

2012 VII 7 20 58 15

5 22 59 15

Table 19.7

How much do you think the federal authorities are controlling the situation in Chechnya at present?
2006 IX Fully Considerably Only partly Not at all Difficult to answer

2007 IX 7 34 38 9 12

2009 IV 11 33 30 7 19

2009 VII 7 41 33 8 11

2010 IX 5 31 48 8 8

2011 III 6 33 40 11 10

2012 III 8 44 32 5 12

2013 III 9 39 30 11 12

5 29 43 16 7


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Diagram 20.3

Are you afraid that you or your relatives may be victims of acts of terrorism?


Table 20.1

How successful you believe the Russian Special Forces are fighting the terrorism in Russia?
2006 VIII Very successfully Fairly successfully Without much success Absolutely unsuccessfully Difficult to answer

2010 VIII 4 32 48 8 9

2012 IX 4 35 42 8 11

2013 IV 3 39 42 6 11

2 31 53 8 7

Table 20.2

Do you think Russian special services and Ministry of Internal Affairs will be able to protect Russias population from renewed acts of terrorism?
2000 2003 2007 2009 2010 VI VI VI VIII VI Definitely yes Yes, rather than no No, rather than yes Definitely not Difficult to answer
N=1600 164

2011 III VIII 4 25 43 14 15 5 33 40 12 10

2012 III 4 39 35 7 15 IX 4 38 36 8 14

2013 IV 4 36 38 9 14

6 31 37 19 7

7 22 44 19 9

6 41 33 9 12

5 40 31 9 14

3 27 42 13 15

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 20.3

Will large Russian cities see new acts of terror, seizures of hostages?
2004 V Definitely yes Yes, rather than no No, rather than yes Definitely no Difficult to answer

2005 V 32 50 8 1 10

2006 VIII 16 53 13 1 17

2007 V 17 49 16 2 16

2011 III 23 50 13 2 13

III 9 41 23 3 24

2012 V 13 47 17 3 21

IX 9 44 20 4 23

39 52 4 0,3 5

Table 20.4

What is more important if terrorists take hostages and demand that their conditions to authorities?
2004 Eliminate the terrorists even if the price to pay might be human lives Avoid bloodshed at any cost even if the terrorists conditions had to be accepted Difficult to answer
October, N=1600

2005 30 60 10

2006 25 65 10

2007 22 69 9

2010 20 67 13

2011 16 74 10

2012 20 68 12

29 62 9

Table 20.5

What would Russian authorities try to do, if the terrorists again took hostages and require their demands are met?
2004 Destroy the terrorists, even if it leads to casualties Will try to avoid bloodshed at all costs, even if it means meeting the terrorists demands Difficult to answer
October, N=1600

2005 39 45 16

2006 40 41 19

2007 30 54 17

2010 24 54 22

2011 27 49 24

2012 31 48 21

34 48 18

Table 20.6

Is it clear to you now who was behind the blasts in residential buildings in Russian cities in the autumn of 1999?
2007 IX Yes, I am completely satisfied with the work of our investigation and law enforcement bodies on this case Yes, rather than no; though I still dont have a full picture No, rather than yes because even though some of the actual perpetrators were convicted, the idea of the crime itself is still not clear No, I am absolutely dissatisfied with both the investigation itself and with the trial Difficult to answer
N=1600 165

2009 VIII 7 32 29 13 19

2010 VIII 6 31 32 13 17

2011 IX 4 20 31 17 28

2012 IX 5 22 27 12 35

5 22 35 19 19

Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 20.7

Are the authorities telling the truth about the circumstances of the seizure of hostages in Moscow (Nord Ost)?
2002 XI All the truth Only a part of the truth They are withholding the truth They are lying and shifting Difficult to answer

2003 X 7 50 27 8 8

2004 X 6 57 25 7 6

2005 X 4 48 34 8 5

2006 X 5 51 25 9 11

2007 X 8 48 25 8 11

2010 X 9 52 19 3 17

2011 X 8 42 24 4 21

2012 X 11 47 22 5 16

9 58 23 5 5

Table 20.8

How dignified and responsible, in your opinion, was Vladimir Putin during Nord Ost hostage crisis in Moscow in 2002?
Completely To a large extent Not much You cannot tell Difficult to answer
2012, September; N=1600

12 34 18 9 26

Table 20.9

Did the authorities do everything to release the hostages at Beslan school or they just tried to save the face and they did not care about the hostages?
2004 X Authorities did everything to release the hostages Authorities just tried to save the face and they generally did not care about the hostages Difficult to answer

2005 VIII 52 34 14

2006 VIII 53 34 14

2012 VIII 49 27 25

54 34 12

Table 20.10

Do the authorities tell the truth about the events related to the Beslan hostage tragedy?
2004 IX All the truth Only a part of the truth They are withholding the truth They are lying and shifting Difficult to answer
N=1600 166

2005 VIII 6 53 28 7 6

2006 VIII 5 50 28 8 8

2007 VIII 8 51 24 6 11

2009 VIII 10 50 25 5 11

2010 VIII 12 52 19 5 12

2011 VIII 11 48 24 5 12

2012 VIII 12 41 22 5 21

13 56 22 5 4

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 21.1

Did the relations between Russia and CIS countries improve, deteriorated or remained the same while V. Putin and D. Medvedev were in the office?
2011 I Improved Deteriorated Remained the same Difficult to answer

2012 I 42 18 33 6

38 21 35 7

Table 21.2

How would you describe the current relations Between Russian and CIS countries?
1998 IV Friendly Good, neighborly Normal, calm Cool Tense Hostile Difficult to answer

1999 XII 8 14 33 25 10 2 8

2000 XII 9 7 30 28 16 4 7

2001 XII 11 13 35 25 9 2 5

2002 XII 7 12 29 35 11 1 5

2004 XI 8 16 34 22 12 2 6

2007 XII 8 13 41 24 8 1 4

2011 XI 6 9 42 27 7 <1 9

2012 XII 5 16 40 26 6 1 6

6 7 23 31 21 4 9

Table 21.3

Which form of relations between the former USSR republics would you support?
2002 2003 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 XII XI XI XI XI XI XI XI XII Re establishment of the USSR as it used to be Maintaining the CIS in its current form Forming closer unions of several republics if they wish to do so Closer union of the former USSR republics like the European Union Independent existence of all the republics Difficult to answer

21 12 29 20 10 8

25 10 25 19 12 9

18 17 23 19 12 12

16 12 23 23 17 10

13 15 28 21 14 10

16 13 27 22 14 9

15 17 26 19 13 12

14 16 25 18 12 15

16 21 24 16 11 12


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 21.4

What is your overall attitude to the Belarus now?

1998 1999 2000 2003 2005 2006 XII Very good Mostly good Mostly bad Very bad Difficult to answer

2007 II

2009 III XI

2010 I XI

2011 I 9 IX 8 I 8

2012 V 9 IX I

2013 V VII

XII 27 61 4 1 8

VII 25 57 9 2 5

VII 30 60 6 1 3

V 16 66 9 2 7

II VIII I 15 15 9

30 55 6 2 7

9 12 11 12 7

10 14 18 16

65 70 64 61 68 72 67 69 62 67 66 72 70 68 67 72 11 7 16 15 8 2 7 2 7 3 5 3 7 2 9 12 15 13 12 2 3 4 3 2 8 1 9 9 2 9 9 2 8 6 1 8 6 1 5

9 11 9

8 10 9 10 9 12

Diagram 21.1

Index of attitude to Belarus

(difference between positive and negative evaluations, per cent)



Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Diagram 21.2

Index of attitude to Ukraine

(difference between positive and negative evaluations, per cent)





2001-07 2002-10 2004-02 2005-01 2005-04 2005-07 2005-10 2006-01 2006-04 2006-07 2006-11 2007-02 2007-05 2007-08 2007-12 2008-03 2008-11 2009-05 2010-01 2010-07 2011-01 2011-07 2012-01 2012-07 2013-01 2013-07

Table 21.5

How would you rate current relations between Russia and Ukraine?
2012 II Friendly Good neighborly Normal and peaceful Chilly Tense Hostile Difficult to answer

2013 I 4 12 34 34 9 1 6

4 10 27 30 19 4 6


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 21.6

Which of the following views on relations between Russian and Ukraine would you most agree with?
2008 III IX Relations between Russia and Ukraine should be the same as with other 18countries with closed borders, visas, customs Russia and Ukraine should be independent but friendly states with open borders, no visas and no customs Russia and Ukraine shall unite to make one state Difficult to answer

2009 I V IX

2010 I V IX

2011 I V IX

2012 I V IX

2013 I V



29 25 25

25 17 16 20 16 16 16 17 14





51 55 55

55 64 60 61 64 63 61 62 60



19 6

13 11

12 14 13 8 6 7

14 13 18 13 15 14 16 14 20 6 6 6 6 5 6 8 7 6

18 6

15 8

Table 21.7

Which direction is Ukraine heading now?

2011 I Gradually gravitates towards closer ties with Russia Gradually gravitates towards closer ties with the West (European Union, USA) and drifts further away from Russia Maneuvers between Russia and the West Difficult to answer

2012 XI 19 32 36 14 Table 21.8

29 21 38 12

Which would be more beneficial for Russia?

2004 XII Ukraine becoming an independent country that has good neighborly, mutually beneficial relations with Russia Ukraine being under economic and political control of Russia Difficult to answer

2006 VIII 44 41 15

2007 X 41 36 23

2010 II 55 33 12

2011 X 53 32 15

2012 XI 47 39 14

48 38 14

Table 21.9

How relations between Russia and Ukraine be changing in the next few years?
Will improve Remain the same as they have been recently Will deteriorate Difficult to answer
N=1600 170

2006 IV 28 42 20 10

2007 X 14 43 18 24

2011 X 24 51 11 14

2012 XI 28 50 10 12

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Diagram 21.3

Index of attitude to Georgia

(difference between positive and negative evaluations, percent)


Table 21.10

Georgia recently declared it reinstates the visa free entry for Russian citizens. Should Russia reciprocate with visa free entry for Georgian citizens?
Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer
2012, March; N=1600

7 19 32 24 19


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 21.11

Do you think South Ossetia is

2004 IX A part of Georgia A part of Russia An independent state Difficult to answer

2006 II 18 36 22 25

2009 VIII 8 29 51 12

2010 VIII 13 29 43 15

2011 VI 11 27 47 15

2012 III 11 30 43 16

2013 VII 13 27 45 16

17 46 17 21

Table 21.12

Should South Ossetia be part of Georgia, part of Russia or an independent state?

2004 VII Should be part of Georgia Should be part of Russia Should be an independent state Difficult to answer

2006 IV 12 40 26 22

2007 VII 9 34 32 25

2008 VIII 4 46 34 16

2009 VII 6 35 40 19

2010 VIII 5 30 46 20

2011 VI 6 23 53 18

2012 VII 8 35 43 15

2013 VII 7 29 43 20

12 34 30 24

Table 21.13

Do you think Abkhazia is

2004 IX 27 32 17 24 2006 II 22 31 21 26 2009 VIII 9 26 52 13 2010 VIII 17 27 44 16 2011 VI 10 25 49 16 2012 III 9 28 45 18 2013 VII 11 28 48 14

A part of Georgia A part of Russia An independent state Difficult to answer


Table 21.14

Should Abkhazia be part of Georgia, part of Russia or an independent state?

2003 III Should be part of Georgia Should be part of Russia Should be an independent state Difficult to answer

2004 VII 14 32 29 26

2006 IV 13 41 27 19

2007 VII 7 34 32 27

2009 VII 6 35 41 19

2010 VIII 4 32 46 19

2011 VI 6 25 53 17

2012 VII 9 34 41 16

15 40 20 25

2013 VII 9 30 42 19


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 22.1

Did Russia West relations improved, deteriorated or remained the same while Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev were in the office?
2011 I Improved Deteriorated Remained the same Difficult to answer

2012 I 55 12 29 4

60 9 25 6

Table 22.2

Does Russia have a sound foreign policy or is its foreign policy reduced to responding to immediate issues only?
2005 Has a sound foreign policy Foreign policy is responding to immediate issues only Difficult to answer
January, N=1600

2006 41 36 23

2007 45 33 22

2008 60 21 19

2009 49 27 24

2010 48 27 25

2011 49 31 19

2012 50 33 21

41 40 19

Table 22.3

Which countries do you think Russia should seek to cooperate with in implementing its foreign policy?
(Answer are ranked by the last measurement)
2001 2003 2004 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Germany, France, UK, other West European countries Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, other CIS countries India, China Japan US Iraq, Libya, Cuba, Northern Korea Difficult to answer

49 53 22 27 31 11 10

51 38 21 23 27 11 15

54 49 21 26 30 7 15

53 48 24 20 24 7 16

46 44 26 19 15 11 16

49 48 28 24 18 12 17

45 42 32 22 15 12 18

50 46 29 23 30 9 15

48 43 23 22 22 8 16

49 50 36 19 19 11 12

48 46 30 22 18 16 10


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 22.4

Does Russia have any enemies?

1994 Yes No Difficult to answer Number of respondents 41 22 37 3000 1999 65 14 22 2000 2003 78 9 14 2000 2008 68 14 18 1500 2009 69 18 13 1600 2011 70 19 11 1600 2012 63 18 19 2000

Table 22.5

Who would you term enemies of Russia?

(of those, who think there are enemies; answers are ranged to the last measurement)
2008 VI US Chechen militants NATO Special political forces of the West Islamist, radical Islamic supporters Former union republics of USSR (the Baltic States, Ukraine, Georgia etc.) Oligarchs, bankers China Those in power today Separatists within Russia Zionists Russophobes, pro western forces National patriots Countries of the former social camp (Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic etc.) Communists Democratic reformers Liberals Difficult to answer Total number of answer

2009 VII 51 47 34 19 15 38 19 13 7 10 4 2 2 7 3 3 2 5 276

2011 I 40 48 32 30 27 18 20 13 7 15 8 6 4 9 2 4 1 3 297

2012 X 56 39 35 27 20 14 14 11 10 9 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 5 262

51 45 39 28 17 27 19 8 7 13 5 4 3 5 4 5 3 5 280


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 22.6

Name five countries that you could call the closest friends, allies of Russia*
(answers are ranged to the last measurement)
Belarus Kazakhstan China Ukraine Germany Armenia Bulgaria Cuba Azerbaijan India Venezuela Moldavia Tajikistan Turkey Uzbekistan Italy Kyrgyzstan Japan USA France Poland Finland Serbia Israel Czech Republic ngolia Great Britain Syria Egypt Slovakia Turkmenistan South Korea Georgia Sweden Hungary North Korea Iran Latvia Iraq Canada Lithuania Romania Australia Afghanistan None Difficult to answer 2005 46 20 12 17 23 9 11 5 16 2 3 2 4 6 5 4 11 13 5 6 3 5 2 5 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 0,4 3 1 10 14 2006 47 33 24 10 22 14 10 7 15 4 3 3 6 7 7 6 5 8 4 6 4 3 2 4 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 4 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 13 15 2007 38 39 19 11 24 15 9 8 5 14 2 4 7 3 6 8 7 5 6 9 3 6 3 3 2 3 3 1 2 2 8 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 10 18 2009 50 38 18 3 17 15 9 11 10 12 8 5 9 4 9 5 9 5 2 9 2 5 5 3 1 5 3 1 2 2 5 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 0,4 13 14 2010 49 32 16 20 24 15 8 10 8 14 10 5 4 5 5 8 4 5 7 11 5 5 3 4 2 4 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 11 12 2011 35 33 18 21 20 11 9 13 9 16 6 4 5 7 7 6 6 5 5 9 3 7 4 5 2 5 3 1 5 2 3 2 2 3 2 4 1 1 0,2 2 1 1 2 2 11 15 2012 34 28 16 13 17 11 7 8 9 9 5 4 4 4 5 7 5 4 2 9 3 6 4 4 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 0,3 1 1 1 17 18 2013 46 31 20 16 14 12 10 9 8 7 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 14

* supplied are countries named by no less than 2% of respondents May, N=1600 175

Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 22.7

Name five countries that you could call unfriendly or hostile in relation to Russia?*
(answers are ranged to the last measurement)
2005 2006 37 44 46 42 28 27 12 5 7 4 9 7 3 0 4 2 4 2007 35 46 36 32 60 23 11 3 20 3 8 7 3 1 4 2 3 2009 45 62 35 35 30 41 7 8 10 3 5 3 3 1 2 3 3 2010 26 57 36 35 28 13 14 6 14 3 9 7 4 1 3 1 2 2011 33 50 35 34 30 20 15 8 20 9 9 7 4 1 5 4 3 2012 35 41 26 25 23 15 8 7 8 6 8 7 4 1 2 3 3 2013 38 33 21 17 16 11 10 9 8 7 7 5 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 <1 2 2 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 20 1 1 3 2 2 1 3 2 1 1 2 9 <1 1 23 1 1 2 2 5 0 2 1 0 1 0 1 3 <1 2 19 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 1 <1 1 3 3 1 3 1 <1 1 <1 1 2 0 <1 <1 21 1 1 3 3 8 1 4 3 1 2 1 1 3 <1 1 1 15 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 <1 2 1 1 <1 28 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0,4 0,4 0,4 31

USA Georgia Latvia Lithuania Estonia Ukraine Afghanistan Great Britain Poland Japan Iraq Iran China North Korea Azerbaijan Germany Israel

23 38 49 42 32 13 12 3 4 6 10 6 4 1 5 3 3

Arabia South Korea Egypt Turkey France Tajikistan Romania Belarus Serbia Armenia Kazakhstan Canada South Africa Finland Uzbekistan Moldavia Italy Czech Republic Cuba Difficult to answer /None

* supplied are countries named by no less than 1% of respondents May, N=1600 176

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 22.8

Do you think there is a military threat to Russia from other countries?

2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 I I II II II I I I II I I I II Definitely yes Yes, rather than no No, rather than yes Definitely no Difficult to answer

14 33 37 8 8

15 27 37 6 16

14 33 38 7 8

11 26 48 7 7

12 32 35 9 11

10 30 39 12 9

15 33 33 11 8

15 37 31 7 10

18 32 30 11 9

14 33 33 9 11

15 38 31 6 10

18 38 29 7 8

13 38 33 6 11

Table 22.9

What line of action should Russia take toward the Muslim world?
2005 XI Strengthen mutually beneficial ties with the Muslim world Distance itself from the Muslim world Difficult to answer

2006 XI 62 18 20

2007 XI 65 17 18

2011 V 62 25 13

2012 V 64 21 16

2013 V 52 30 18

54 29 18


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 22.10

Do you think that Russia should

1999 2000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 IX II III XII XII XI XI X X V V V V Strengthen mutually beneficial relations with Western Countries Distance itself from the West Difficult to answer














22 17

13 13

11 12

16 14

16 14

11 12

14 11

26 17

27 12

11 11

16 11

13 12

16 13

Table 22.11

Do you think we should care about the Western criticism of Russia?

2007 Yes No Difficult to answer
February, N=1600

2010 42 45 12

2012 38 50 12

46 38 16

Table 22.12

Why do you believe we should not care about the Western criticism?
(% of negative responses)
2007 The West has a vague understanding of our life, but still tries to educate us The West is unfriendly towards Russia, the Western criticism is hostile The West sees Russia as a competitor and tries to weaken it The West criticizes Russia for something it has often been found guilty of (double standards) Difficult to answer
February, N=1600

2010 36 22 35 14 3

2012 29 26 40 17 5

38 24 39 22 4


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 22.13

What is your overall attitude to Israel now?

2003 VIII Very good Mostly good Mostly bad Very bad Difficult to answer

2006 III 3 43 24 7 22

2008 V 4 52 20 4 20

2011 II 7 63 13 2 15

2012 V 4 57 14 3 22

2012 VII 6 56 16 3 20

7 58 13 4 19

Table 22.14

Which side do you sympathize with in the Palestine Israeli conflict?

1997 X The Palestinians The Israelis Neither side Difficult to answer

2007 VII 10 10 56 23

2008 V 9 12 61 18

2009 I 12 10 57 21

2010 VI 14 9 64 14

2011 IV 6 12 71 11

2012 XI 8 15 53 24

10 13 53 24


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 22.15

Do you think Iran is a threat to peace and security in the world now?
2006 VIII Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer

2012 IX 10 26 27 8 30

8 27 34 11 21

Table 22.16

Do you think Irans nuclear program is a threat to Russia?

2006 IX Very grave threat A fairly large threat Small threat No threat at all Difficult to answer

2009 IX 4 24 33 22 18

2011 XI 11 30 25 17 18

2012 III 8 26 26 17 23

10 27 24 21 18

Table 22.17

Should Russia continue nuclear cooperation with Iran and sell weapons to it?
2007 IV Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer

2012 III 6 20 22 12 40

11 28 21 10 31


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 22.18

What do you feel about the events in North Africa and Middle East: Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain and other states?
2011 III Interest Satisfaction Concern, worry Fear No particular feelings Difficult to answer

2012 II 5 3 45 10 30 8

10 3 47 9 27 4

Table 22.19

Which of the opinions on the Syrian events you would rather agree with?
2012 III Bashar Assads regime massacres anyone who is opposing it Terrorists are encouraged by the West and lead a bloody fight against the lawfully elected government There is a civil war in Syria now Difficult to answer

2013 VII 7 29 36 28 VI 6 26 37 31

6 28 29 37

Table 22.20

What would be the scenario of the political conflict in Syria? (answers ranged by the last poll)
2011 VIII NATO will interfere in the conflict The civil war will go on I know nothing about it Syrian authorities will get rid of the opposition The authorities and the opposition will find a compromise solution The opposition will win Difficult to answer
August, 2011; N=1600

2012 II 28 18 16 6 14 6 23 VII 28 25 9 8 10 3 26

2013 VI 23 22 15 12 11 3 23

21 18 21 5 11 4 27


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 22.21

Would you support Russia joining the Wests economic sanctions against Bashar Assads regime in order to protect the civilians in Syria?
Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer
2012, March; N=1600

6 17 21 14 42

Table 22.22

Would you support a military operation in Syria, similar to a military campaign in Libya last year, in order protect the civilians in Syria?
III Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer
2012, N=1600

VII 3 15 27 22 34

3 9 20 25 44

Table 22.23

Were Russian representatives in UN right when they blocked the sanctions against Syrian government?
Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not I do not know anything about it/ difficult to answer
2012, February; N=1600

16 31 8 3 43


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 22.24

What stance should Russia take now towards the Syrian government, which the West is accusing of human rights violation and brutal repression of opposition?
2012 II Syria is historically one of Russias allies and Russia should support Syria in the standoff with the West Because of the human rights violations in Syria, Russia should support the sanctions the West is proposing against Syria Russia should not support any side in a standoff between Syria and the West, but should try to gain maximum benefits from it Difficult to answer

2013 VII 29 14 VI 21 11

23 13

29 35

28 29

34 34

Table 22.25

Which side do you sympathize with in the current Syrian conflict?

2012 VII Bashar Assads government Insurgents Neither side Difficult to answer

2013 VI 19 7 51 24

11 9 52 28


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Diagram 22.1

Index of attitude to the US

(difference between positive and negative evaluations, per cent)


Table 22.26

What is your attitude to the word USA?

1999 X Positive, in general Negative, in general Difficult to answer

2009 X 39 42 20

2012 IX 35 46 19

41 34 25

Table 22.27

Regarding Russias foreign policy within the next few years, do you think, Russian government should ...
2003 II Move closer with the US Keep a distance in relations with the US Maintain the existing relations with the US Difficult to answer

2010 II 16 39 33 12

2010 II 14 36 40 11

2011 I 20 33 34 12

2012 II 15 39 34 12

2013 IV 12 43 31 14

24 38 29 10


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 22.28

The USA for you now is...

2003 II Advocate for peace, democracy and order all over the world Aggressor which is trying to establish control over all the countries of the world Difficult to answer

2007 II 8 76 17

2010 II 8 73 19

2011 I 11 65 24

9 75 16

2012 I 8 75 17

Table 22.29

What role does the United States of America have in the modern world?
Generally positive Generally negative Sometimes positive and sometimes negative Neither positive nor negative / neutral Difficult to answer

2008 VII 12 53 25 3 7

2012 IX 10 43 33 5 9

Table 22.30

Which of the following statements you would rather agree with?

2008 VII The US hypocritically tries to make other countries follow the International Law, although the US does not always comply The US is a good role model for other countries because they always comply with the International Law Difficult to answer

2009 V 76 13 12

2012 IX 67 14 19

76 10 15

Table 22.31

At the inter government level, does the US usually treat Russia with respect or tries to put pressure on Russia to make it do what the US wants?
Treat with respect Put pressure Difficult to answer

2008 VII 19 69 12

2009 V 12 75 13

2012 IX 17 68 15

Table 22.32

What will be best for Russia if Barack Obama or Mitt Romney wins the Presidential elections?
Barack Obama Mitt Romney Difficult to answer
2012, October; N=1600 185

41 8 51

Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 22.33

What is your attitude towards the word NATO, in general?

Positive, in general Negative, in general Difficult to answer
2012, September; N=1600

21 61 18

Table 22.34

Which of the following is in the interests of Russia, in your opinion?

2003 2004 2008 2009 2010 I I II II II Russias accession to NATO Development of cooperation with NATO Establishment of a defense pact to counter NATO Russias non participation in any military blocs Difficult to answer

2011 I 5 29 21 31 14 III 5 39 16 27 12

2012 II 3 26 23 36 12

5 43 14 22 16

8 33 10 31 18

4 25 21 32 17

3 23 25 36 14

3 26 25 37 10

Table 22.35

Are closer relations between Russia and NATO generally in the interests of Russia overall?
2002 2003 2004 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 V IX IV VI VII IV IV IV V X VI VI Are in the interests of Russia Are contrary to the interests of Russia Difficult to answer

48 23 30

35 35 30

33 39 28

44 36 20

34 36 30

26 46 29

28 42 31

24 49 27

23 49 28

22 45 33

27 42 31

25 47 29

Table 22.36

What is your attitude towards the intention to set up a NATO Transit base in Ulianovsk oblast for NATO cargoes shipped to Afghanistan?
Absolutely positive Rather positive Rather, negative Very negative Difficult to answer
2012, April; N=1600

2 7 32 40 19


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Diagram 22.2

Index of attitude to the European Union

(difference between positive and negative evaluations, per cent)


Table 22.37

What is your attitude towards the words European Union, in general?

1999 X Positive, in general Negative, in general Difficult to answer

2009 X 65 13 23

2012 IX 62 20 18

54 13 34

Table 22.38

Should Russia try to join the European Union in future?

2000 VIII Definitely yes Yes, rather than no No, rather than yes Definitely no Difficult to answer

2001 III 21 36 17 7 19

2004 XII 26 33 14 6 21

2005 XI 19 34 16 8 22

2006 XI 19 36 14 9 22

2007 XI 23 29 16 7 26

2010 X 20 36 16 7 22

2011 VI 14 37 21 8 20

2012 VI 8 35 24 8 25

23 31 19 6 22


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 22.39

Do you think joining the World Trade Organization is in the interests of Russia?
2002 IV 2003 IX 47 22 31 2004 VI 58 22 20 2005 VI 55 21 24 2006 IV 45 27 28 2007 IV 50 21 29 2008 IV 48 27 25 2009 V 47 28 26 2010 V 49 21 30 2011 VI 44 27 29 2012 VI 38 35 28

Is in the interests of Russia Is contrary to the interests of Russia Difficult to answer


53 18 29

Table 22.40

Do you approve or disapprove of Russia joining WTO?

Approve completely Rather approve Rather disapprove Absolutely disapprove I am not aware of that Difficult to answer
2012, July; N=1600

8 35 21 11 8 18


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 23.1

Was the aggression of Germany against the USSR on June 22, 1941 unexpected for the leaders of the Soviet Union?
Definitely yes Yes, rather than no No, rather than yes Definitely no Difficult to answer

2005 I 16 22 30 25 7

2010 V 23 28 29 11 9

2011 VI 14 32 31 17 6

2012 V 16 34 27 16 7

Table 23.2

Do Russian authorities give attention to the problems the veterans of Great Patriotic war face?
With great attention With fair amount of attention Without much attention Do not pay any attention Difficult to answer

2007 V 16 39 32 7 6

2010 III 15 47 29 3 6

2012 V 18 38 34 5 6


Table 23.3

What are your main grievances against those who started Perestroika in thelate 1980s? Which of the following opinions reflects your position best of all?
2001 They started the reformation of the country not realizing what it can lead to They did not think of how simple people live and what they need They overestimated their strength , turned out to be too weak to carry out the reforms They only criticized the past without proposing any constructive program They acted in their own interests only They challenged the fundamental values of the Soviet society Their actions were inconsistent and lacked determination Their actions were too blunt and radical I do not have any grievances against them Difficult to answer
March, N=1600 189

2006 45 36 26 23 24 16 14 12 6 3

2011 36 30 22 17 16 12 10 7 14 7

48 40 35 25 37 16 17 16 6 3

Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 23.4

Which of the following opinions about the reforms which the Gaidar government began in 1992 would you be more likely to share?
1997 2000 2002 2004 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 III III III III II III III III XII III They definitely had a positive impact on Russias economy They were painful but necessary There was no need to have them at all They had a destructive impact on Russias economy Difficult to answer

3 19 15 41 22

1 19 22 44 14

2 14 17 51 16

4 21 19 36 20

5 21 20 35 20

3 20 21 33 23

7 31 19 24 19

5 21 22 24 29

4 20 18 29 28

6 18 23 31 22

Table 23.5

What is your primary problem with Yegor Gaydar and his associates who started the reforms in 1992?
2011 They started the reforms without a clue where they can lead They did not care about the lives and needs of the regular people They overrated their powers and were too weak to pursue the reforms They pursued their own interests only They just criticized the past without offering any constructive program They proceeded too roughly and radically They impinged upon the foundations and values of the Soviet society They were too inconsistent and half hearted I have no problem with them Difficult to answer
March, 2011; N=1600

2012 27 21 14 16 10 11 11 7 14 18

27 26 16 15 11 9 8 7 17 15


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 23.6

How do you now see the August 1991 events?

1994 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 IX VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VIII VII VII VII VII VII VII

Victory of a democratic revolution which put an end to CPSU power Tragic event which had disastrous consequences for the country and the people Just an episode of power struggle within leadership of the country Difficult to answer






























































Table 23.7

Do you think the country started to develop in the right or the wrong direction in August 1991?
2003 VIII In the right direction In the wrong direction Difficult to answer

2004 VII 27 49 24

2005 VII 25 50 25

2006 VII 30 44 26

2007 VIII 28 37 35

2008 VII 33 40 27

2010 VII 30 37 33

2011 VII 27 49 24

2012 VII 26 46 27

2013 VII 25 44 31

30 47 23


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 23.8

Do you regret the collapse of the USSR?

1992 1993 2000 2001 2002 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

III Yes No Difficult to answer


I 63 23 1

XII 75 19 6

XII 72 21 7

XII 68 25 7

XI 71 22 7

XI 65 25 10

XI 61 30 9

XI 55 36 10

IX 60 30 10

XI 60 28 12

XI 55 30 16

III 58 27 15

XI 53 32 16

XII 49 36 15

66 23 11

Table 23.9

What is the main reason why you regret the collapse of the USSR?
(In % of those who regret)
1999 IV People no longer feel they belong to a great power A single economic system is destroyed It is now a problem to travel freely, go on a vacation Ties with relatives and friends are broken One no longer has the feeling of being at home everywhere There is more mutual distrust, bitterness Difficult to answer

2006 XII 55 49 23 35 25 36 3

2007 XI 44 49 21 38 18 36 2

2011 XI 45 48 18 34 20 41 1

2012 XII 51 49 19 26 18 39 1

29 60 10 29 10 32 7

Table 23.10

Do you think the disintegration of the Soviet Union was unavoidable or it could have been avoided?
1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 2012 II Was unavoidable Could have been avoided Difficult to answer

III 26 62 12

XII 29 58 13

XII 29 59 12

III 25 65 10

XI 24 65 10

XI 29 61 10

XI 27 59 14

XI 30 56 14

XI 30 55 15

XI 28 57 15

XI 32 53 15

III 29 52 19

XI 33 53 14

XII 31 48 21

24 58 18


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 23.11

What was the primary cause of the 3 4 October events 1993 in Moscow?
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2009 2011 2012 Ambition of A. Rutskoy and R. Khasbulatov to cling to power by any means Irresponsible policy of B. Yeltsin and his associates The indecision of B. Yeltsin and the government in suppressing the unrest Willingness of communists and extremists to stage a coup Hesitation of the army and internal security forces General decline of the country initiated by M. Gorbachev The herd mentality of the crowd Difficult to answer









































5 37 3 17

3 31 3 23

3 25 3 28

4 24 2 22

4 35 2 27

4 36 3 15

3 31 3 23

4 33 1 16

4 35 3 21

4 35 3 21

3 32 2 25

3 32 2 25

5 29 5 31

5 29 3 31

Table 23.12

Was the use of military force during the unrest in Moscow in October 1993 justified?
1993 Yes No Difficult to answer

1999 18 56 26

2002 22 59 19

2003 20 57 23

2004 21 58 21

2005 17 60 23

2006 19 60 21

2007 26 49 25

2009 17 60 23

2011 15 55 30

2012 17 54 29

51 30 19

Table 23.13

Who do you think was right in October 1993?

2006 B. Yeltsins supporters Supporters of the Supreme Soviet To some extent, both Neither one nor the other Difficult to answer
N=1600 193

2007 8 11 16 38 27

2008 9 11 19 28 32

2009 9 10 19 34 28

2011 7 10 22 30 32

2012 7 8 17 35 32

9 10 20 39 22

Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 23.14

Which of the following views on the Russian monarchys collapse in 1917 you would rather agree with?
1997 III Collapse of the monarchy was a breakthrough for the country Collapse of the monarchy brought Russia on the path of declining national and statehood greatness The good and bad consequences of monarchy collapse compensate each other Never thought about it Difficult to answer

2012 III 9 25 18 36 12

16 23 19 29 14

Table 23.15

Which of the views on abdication of Nicholas II you would rather agree with?
1997 III Nicholas II did the right thing because he could not rule the empire anymore Nicholas II did the right thing because he wanted to avoid the bloodshed Nicholas II was wrong, because he had no right to avoid the responsibility for the nation Difficult to answer

2012 III 17 29 19 35

24 28 19 29


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 23.16

Vladimir Lenins birthday is coming up on April 22. What is the role Vladimir Lenin had in Russian history?
Completely positive Rather positive Rather negative Completely negative Difficult to answer
2012, April; N=1600

13 36 23 7 22

Table 23.17

What should be done with the body of V. Lenin?

1997 VIII The body should be buried in the Volkov Cemetery in St. Petersburg It should be buried by the Kremlin Wall Should be left in the Mausoleum Do not know/ difficult to answer

2000 XII 34 16 44 8

2005 X 36 15 40 10

2006 IV 44 11 38 7

2008 I 31 21 34 14

2011 I 40 16 31 14

2012 XII 34 19 25 23

37 13 38 11

Table 23.18

What should be done with the Mausoleum in this case?

1997 VIII Leave it in Red Square Move it to another place Demolish Do not know/ difficult to answer

2000 XII 82 6 6 6

2005 X 80 6 6 9

2006 IV 75 9 6 10

2008 I 64 8 12 16

2011 I 66 13 8 13

2012 XII 52 14 12 22

74 9 9 8

Table 23.19

What is your attitude to the proposal that all the graves of the Soviet party officials should be moved from Red Square to cemeteries?
2005 X Positive Negative Do not know/ difficult to answer

2006 IV 37 47 16

2011 I 38 40 22

2012 XII 35 37 29

32 51 17


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 23.20

What is your overall attitude to J. Stalin now?

2001 Admiration Respect Sympathy Indifference Dislike and annoyance Fear Loathing and indignation I do not know who Stalin was Refused to answer Difficult to answer
* Option was not offered N=1600

2006 5 23 8 19 18 15 5 * 8

2008 1 22 8 37 12 7 4

2010 2 23 7 38 12 7 5

2012 1 21 6 33 12 7 4 1 5

4 27 7 12 18 16 9 * 6



Table 23.21

Would you, personally, like to live and work under a leader like Stalin?
2008 Definitely yes Rather yes Rather no Definitely not Difficult to answer Refused to answer

2012 5 13 33 34 9 6

3 13 31 43 10

Table 23.22

To which extent you would agree with the statement that Stalin was a wise leader who made the USSR a powerful and prosperous nation?
2008 Completely agree Rather agree Rather disagree Completely disagree Difficult to answer Refused to answer Number of respondents 1600 1200 13 37 26 11 14 2011 12 35 22 10 21 2012 15 32 25 13 10 5 1600


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 23.23

To which extent you would agree with the statement that, regardless of any mistakes or flaws Stalin was attributed to, the most important is that the Soviet Union emerged the winner in Great Patriotic War?
2008 Completely agree Rather agree Rather disagree Completely disagree Difficult to answer Refused to answer

2012 20 40 18 9 8 5 Table 23.24

26 42 15 4 13

To which extent would agree with the statement that Stalin is a cruel and ruthless tyrant guilty of killing millions of innocent lives?
2008 Completely agree Rather agree Rather disagree Completely disagree Difficult to answer Refused to answer

2012 26 40 14 6 10 6

24 44 15 4 13

Table 23.25

To which extent would you agree with the statement that our nation cannot succeed without a leader like Stalin, who will come and restore the order?
2008 Completely agree Rather agree Rather disagree Completely disagree Difficult to answer Refused to answer

2012 10 20 27 25 10 8

10 24 31 19 17

Table 23.26

Would you be in favour or against renaming Volgograd back to Stalingrad?

2001 September In favor Against Difficult to answer

2002 December 31 52 17

2010 February 17 59 24

2012 October 18 60 23

22 54 24


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 23.27

Would you be in favor or against erecting a monument to Stalin in Moscow?

In favor Against Difficult to answer
2010 , October; N=1600

23 56 22

Table 23.28

Do you know about the repressions of 1937 1938?

2007 VIII Know a lot and in detail Have a general idea Know about it, but very little Know practically nothing about it Difficult to answer

2011 IV 17 46 24 11 2

2012 VIII 13 47 25 12 3

13 44 27 13 2

Table 23.29

Which of the following opinions about these repressions would you rather agree with?
2007 They were politically necessary and justified historically It was a political crime and it cannot be justified I dont know anything about it Difficult to answer Refuse to answer
* Option was not offered N=1600

2011 14 70 * 17 *

2012 22 51 6 13 8

9 72 * 19 *

Table 23.30

Who do you mainly suffered from the repressions in 1937 1938?

2007 VIII Those who were openly or secretly opposed to the Soviet rule The most devoted supporters of the Soviet rule The most capable and respected people Anybody because of the arbitrariness of the authorities or by a tip from a hater Difficult to answer

2011 IV 11 8 23 48 10

2012 VIII 10 8 25 45 12

11 6 27 44 13


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 23.31

How many people in the USSR do you think suffered in the repressions of 1937 1938?
2007 VIII Hundreds of people Thousands Tens of thousands Hundreds of thousands About a million Several million Tens of millions Difficult to answer

2011 IV 2 5 11 21 14 22 10 15

2012 VIII 1 6 10 21 13 21 8 21

1 3 8 21 15 21 6 24

Table 23.32

What motivated the organizers and perpetrators of the repressions?

2007 Ideology Sense of duty and orders Fear to be repressed Selfish motives Sadism Did not have any motives, they were indifferent and did not question the orders Difficult to answer
August, N=1600

2012 21 22 47 18 9 20 15

19 23 55 18 6 9 13

Table 23.34

Does it make sense to look for the guilty of the repressions?

2007 Yes No Difficult to answer
August, N=1600

2012 21 64 16

18 68 14


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 23.35

Should someone repent for the repressions and, if yes, who should repent?
2007 Current Russian political leaders Current leadership of the Communist Party Current leadership of the law enforcement: FSB, Ministry of Interior and General Prosecutor office Surviving leaders who gave the orders to execute Surviving perpetrators: investigators, prosecutors and guards All nation We do not need any repentance Difficult to answer
August, N=1600

2012 8 7 7 23 21 11 28 23 Table 23.36

9 8 7 24 20 9 30 20

Do you think...
2007 VIII It is necessary to actively discuss what happened in those years, not to forget our history It is better to discuss the repressions less, we shouldnt rake up the past Difficult to answer

2011 IV 44 42 14

2012 VIII 49 37 15 Table 23.37

42 39 18

Is it possible that similar repressions will be used again in the foreseeable future?
2007 VIII Definitely yes Yes, rather than no No, rather than yes Definitely no Difficult to answer

2011 IV 4 19 44 15 18

2012 VIII 3 21 37 14 25 Table 23.38

5 14 42 14 25

Do great objectives, special status of the country over that period and shortly gained results justify victims of Soviet people in the era of Stalin?
Definitely yes Yes, to some extent No, they cannot be justified anything Difficult to answer Refuse to answer
* Option was not offered N=1600 200

2008 X 3 24 60 13 *

2010 II 5 29 58 9 *

2011 IV 4 26 61 10 *

2012 XI 4 21 60 8 7

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 24.1

Which of the following holidays are the most important for you?
1998 III New Year Birthdays/patron saint days of friends and acquaintances May 9th Victory Day Your birthday Easter January 7th Orthodox Christmas March 8th International Women's Day February 23rd Defender of the Fatherland Day May 1st Spring and Labor Day Your patron saint day Wedding anniversary Kurban Bayram June 12th Russia Day Russian Constitution Day November 4th National Unity Day December 25 Western Christmas Difficult to answer

2000 IV 81 34 34 37 32 16 23

2002 II 79 28 30 37 26 19 27 12

2004 XII 83 35 29 30 23 22 20 10 8 3 4 2 3 1

2005 XII 81 30 32 31 28 26 23 12 6 2 5 3 3 1

2010 III 78 37 36 33 31 19 18 9 4 4 2 3 3 1 1

2012 II 81 36 33 39 29 19 20 12 6 2 5 3 3 1 1 1 1

82 38 29 37 29 23 28

13 2 4 3

2 1

2 1

3 1

1 2 3 2 2 2

1 2


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Table 24.2

With the New Year vacation approaching, which holidays do you intend to celebrate?
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011* 2012

Western Christmas 13 25 December New Year Orthodox Christmas 7 January Old New Year Epiphany Will not mark these holidays 92 58 53 * 4

13 89 59 49 * 6

17 94 67 57 * 4

17 92 62 57 * 3

11 92 74 61 * 3

18 93 69 62 * 4

16 87 59 44 * 5

6 93 60 47 * 3

4 93 69 56 * 4

6 95 67 53 * 3

6 92 66 54 * 6

4 92 68 52 * 4

5 93 61 47 * 2

5 96 65 51 41 1

7 96 65 52 43 2

* Option was not offered N=1600

Table 24.3

How would you like to celebrate the New Year?

2005 At home with relatives and loved ones Visiting friends, with friends At a holiday home, with new unknown people Abroad, away from home Alone Dont celebrate the New Year Difficult to answer
December; N=1600

2006 74 16 2 2 1 2 3

2007 74 17 2 3 2 1 3

2008 74 16 2 2 2 3 3

2009 73 19 2 2 1 1 2

2010 68 21 3 3 2 2 2

2011 73 21 1 3 1 1 1

2012 70 20 3 4 1 1 2

72 19 1 3 2 1 2

Table 24.4

How are you going to use the New Years holiday 1 10 January?
2005 Go to relax/go on a trip/ To relatives or friends abroad Go on a trip/ to relax at a resort, vacation home in Russia Go to visit relatives or friends in another region of Russia Relax at home Do things around the house, repairs etc. Continue working Difficult to answer
December; N=1600

2006 2 1 10 58 24 16 6

2008 2 1 8 54 24 18 5

2009 2 2 11 58 22 14 4

2010 2 3 14 56 25 10 4

2011 3 2 11 56 24 14 3

2012 4 1 9 62 22 9 6

2 2 9 61 26 14 5


Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 24.5

Do you plan make pancakes; eat meat or meat products; visit people or receive guests; go to folk festivals to celebrate Maslenitsa or will you mark Maslenitsa in another way in your family?
1997 2000 2003 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 III III III II II I II I III Plan to make pancakes Plan to eat meat Plan to visit people or receive guests Plan to go to folk festivals Will celebrate slenitsa in an alternative way Dont plan to celebrate Maslenitsa

68 48 37 16 10 16

72 27 35 19 4 15

80 31 40 21 4 11

75 27 37 25 3 14

75 26 30 22 2 17

79 30 33 21 3 12

79 31 38 24 4 10

78 33 42 27 3 10

74 44 34 21 4 11

Table 24.6


8th of March for you is

2003 III International Working Womens Day Womens holiday Start of spring holiday Just an extra day off I do not consider this day a holiday Difficult to answer

2004 II 8 69 13 6 3 1

2005 II 10 64 14 9 3 0

2007 II 11 63 14 4 3 1

2010 II 9 66 15 6 4 1

2011 III 12 65 15 5 3 2

2012 II 10 70 14 4 2 1

9 66 13 8 4 0


Russian public opinion 2012 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 24.7

Do you intend to celebrate 1 May this year? Victory Day?

2008 Intend to celebrate 1 May Intend to celebrate Victory Day Dont intend to celebrate 1 May, nor Victory Day
April, N=1600

2009 57 63 23

2010 53 74 16

2011 58 72 17

2012 59 65 18

2013 52 70 19

58 75 17

Table 24.8

What does the 1 of May signify to you personally?

2003 Spring and Labor Day International day of working class solidarity Extra long weekend Usual week day Difficult to answer


2007 44 19 25 11 1

2009 43 20 26 9 2

2011 43 20 26 8 3

2012 45 18 23 12 2

42 21 27 10 1


Table 24.9

12 June is a public holiday. Do you know exactly what is celebrated in Russia on this day?
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 VI V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V

Anniversary of the election of the first President of Russia Anniversary of adopting the Declaration of Independence of Russia Russian Independence Day Russia Day Other Do not know, difficult to answer Dont consider this day a holiday
N=1600 204










47 23

53 21 2 16 4

40 37 4 12 3

44 38 2 10 3

42 34 2 14 5

41 40 2 11 3

36 40 2 11 6

30 50 1 9 7

2 25 11

3 25 12

2 28 10

3 28 6

3 20 8

4 23 8

3 22 4

3 23 7

3 18 5

2 17 6

Russian public opinion 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Table 24.10

Do you know which holiday will be observed on 4th of November?

2005 Day of accord and reconciliation National unity day Day of liberation from Polish Lithuanian invaders October revolution day Dont know/ difficult to answer
October, N=1600

2006 27 20 3 5

2007 22 23 4 1 47

2008 26 28 2 3 37

2009 26 31 2 6 32

2010 25 36 2 5 29

2011 24 41 4 2 28

2012 25 43 3 4 23

33 8 5



Table 24.11

Are you intending to celebrate

2006 X National unity day on 4 of November October revolution day on th 7 of November Neither Dont know/ difficult to answer

2007 X 15 23 59 11

2008 X 18 21 52 18

2009 X 15 17 63 11

2010 X 14 17 61 13

2011 X 16 18 59 15

12 23 58 12

Table 24.12

Do you know about the holiday Halloween and do you intend to celebrate it this day?
2006 X Know about and intend to celebrate Know about but dont intend to celebrate Dont know about this holiday

2007 X 5 54 41

2009 X 4 61 35

2010 X 5 62 33

2011 X 6 67 27

2012 X 9 64 27

4 50 46


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