Environmental Training

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5TH June, 2012 Initiatives & Actions from Sites


The environmental initiatives and actions carried out in line with the World Environmental Day have started since beginning of the year covering the following initiatives:

Greenery Journey at Manifa Drilling Camp; Environmental Subcontractors Day; Onshore and offshore Spill Drills; Onshore Rigs and Dhahran Base Housekeeping Campaigns; Presentation of 5th Topic Corporate Environmental Campaign; Personal environmental initiatives developed at Dhahran Drilling Logistic Base.

Greenery Journey Manifa Drilling Camp

The initiative Greenery Journey was conducted at Manifa Drilling Camp on 24th February 2012. Aspects to remark from this activity: - Enthusiastic participation of Camp residents; - Each tree was adopted by participants; - Promotion of environmental awareness; - Motivation for changing people behavior with regard to environment; - Symbolic act to wake up & enhance indirectly, the on site environmental responsibilities; - Set up of pleasant benefits given by the trees especially at hostile environmental conditions.

Greenery Journey Manifa Drilling Camp Representatives from Rigs, offices, catering & camp had participated

Greenery Journey Manifa Drilling Camp

Greenery Journey Manifa Drilling Camp

Greenery Journey Manifa Drilling Camp

They were some of the trees planted as initiative to promote environmental awareness and to enjoy the environmental services given from them! 24th Feb/12

Greenery Journey Manifa Drilling Camp

Survival & growth status - 9th May/12

Environmental Subcontractors Day

OBJECTIVE To promote & enhance earned value by good relationship between SAIPEM and its Subcontractors, as a key element for the successful accomplishment of company HSE Policy and EMS ISO 14001 when jobs are performed at SAIPEM facilities. HSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS
ISO 14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001:2007





Environmental Subcontractors Day

THE IMPLEMENTATION The initiative Environmental Subcontractors Day was conducted at Dhahran Drilling Base on 19th & 20th May 2012. In line with the Environmental Aspects and Impacts Identification Register set by the SAS EMS ISO 14001, the aspect Use of cleaners and oily substances during cleaning of drilling pipes (required for NDT inspections) was addressed to SAS Drilling NDT contractors by the following actions: - SAS Drilling approached (through the HSE Department & Quality Department) to NDT Contractors management to open a space for training and discussion about Spill prevention and oily waste management through the Environmental Subcontractors Day initiative; - The Environmental Subcontractors Day addressed the HSE & Sustainability Policies, Corporate environmental campaign and identified environmental aspect attainable to NDT activities; - Enrollment of SAS Drilling Management; - Enrollment of NDT Contractors staff (Management, Supervisors & Technicians); - Open discussion for improvements.

Environmental Subcontractors Day



2 6 8 10 12 2

3 8 10 12 14 3

4 10 12 14 16 4 1 2 3 4


1 2 3 4

4 6 8 10 1


N (Negligible) L (Low) M (Medium) H (High)

8 - 10

11 - 13

14 - 16

The environmental aspect Use of cleaners and Oily substances was discussed with NDT Contractors in line with Company EMS document Environmental Aspects and Impacts Identification Procedure Doc. WI-SAS-HSE-010


Environmental Subcontractors Day

Environmental message was given by the Drilling Area Manager to NDT contractors to enhance environmental responsibilities in line with SAS environmental procedures, Client requirements and due to we need to think about the world that we are going to leave for our children

Environmental Subcontractors Day

In the frame of Subcontractors Environmental Day, the NDT Contractors underwent through Spill prevention and oily waste management training session; the SAS reusable bag and 2nd Topic of Corporate Environmental Campaign Dont Spill oilBe Responsible were promoted again.

Onshore / Offshore Spill Drills

In the frame of the World Environmental Day celebration, the rig sites (Onshore and Offshore) conducted and oil spill drills to enhance Emergency Preparedness and Response derived from potential environmental incidents

Onshore / Offshore Spill Drills




Spill Drill Documentation Cleaning

Onshore / Offshore Spill Drills

RIG 5865

Spill kit mobilization


Spill Drill Documentation Cleaning

Onshore / Offshore Spill Drills

Rig 102

R/Mechanic noticed the diesel spill on the ground and closed the valve

R/mechanic reported to T/P and made public address

Oil spill response team proceeded to the diesel tank

Tool pusher giving instructions to the crew

Onshore / Offshore Spill Drills

Rig 102

Crew employing dry sand from the oil spill kit

Crew contained the oil spill using dry sand

Forklift arrived to incident area to bring additional dry sand to reinforce containment and start spill absorption

Contaminated sand was transferred to metal trolley box for proper disposal

Onshore / Offshore Spill Drills

Rig 102

Spill Drill Documentation

Onshore / Offshore Spill Drills

Rig 201

Oil spill incident

Oil spill response team wearing the proper PPE

Oil spill kit mobilization

Use of dry sand as absorbent element

Appliance of dry sand to cover 100% of affected area

Absorption of spillage and start of cleaning activities

Onshore / Offshore Spill Drills

Rig 201

Collection of absorbed spill and deep cleaning of affected area

Disposal of removed contaminated soil

Use of loader to bring additional dry sand as absorbent element

Dry sand mobilized to affected area either for final absorption or Reinstatement of affected area

Onshore / Offshore Spill Drills

Rig 201

Spill Drill Documentation

Onshore / Offshore Spill Drills

Rig 202

Team retrieve the spill kit

Oil spill response team wearing the proper PPE

Team use absorbent material to clean up the spill

Appliance of dry sand to cover 100% of affected area

Onshore / Offshore Spill Drills

Rig 202

Backhoe operator transports the contaminated soil to the drilling cutting pit.

Backhoe operator brings fresh sand for further absorption and reinstatement of affected area

Team spread the fresh sand onto the spill area.

Final reinstatement of affected area upon spill drill actions

Onshore / Offshore Spill Drills

Spill Drill Documentation

Onshore Rigs and Dhahran Base Housekeeping Campaign

Housekeeping activities were performed not only limited inside Rig Site / Main Camp Area; our symbolic contribution was by extending the boundaries of waste collection outside worksite limits. The plastic bags of collected waste materials was disposed off inside Garbage Skips for subsequent proper disposal

Onshore Rigs and Dhahran Base Housekeeping Campaign

Rig 102

Housekeeping activities performed at Rig sites and surrounding area, and leaded by Toolpusher

Onshore Rigs and Dhahran Base Housekeeping Campaign

Rig 201

Onshore Rigs and Dhahran Base Housekeeping Campaign

Rig 202

Onshore Rigs and Dhahran Base Housekeeping Campaign

Rig 5829

Housekeeping activities performed at Rig site and extended beyond Rigs boundaries

Onshore Rigs and Dhahran Base Housekeeping Campaign

Rig 5846 Housekeeping activities performed at Rig site and extended beyond Rigs boundaries at sensitive areas

Onshore Rigs and Dhahran Base Housekeeping Campaign

Rig 5846

Onshore Rigs and Dhahran Base Housekeeping Campaign

Rig 5865

Catering staff was involved on Housekeeping activities at Rig site and beyond Rigs boundaries

Onshore Rigs and Dhahran Base Housekeeping Campaign


The light waste items usually transported by sand storms were collected at boundaries of Dhahran Base fence as well

Presentation of the 5th Topic Corporate Environmental Campaign

Rig 201

Presentation of the 5th Topic Corporate Environmental Campaign

Rig 5846 Rig 5829

The Footprint Minimization Campaign was presented at the Pre-Tour Meetings

Presentation of the 5th Topic Corporate Environmental Campaign

Dhahran Base

To be in accordance with Reduce your Ecological Footprint a reusable cloth bag was promoted and given to participants

Presentation of the 5th Topic Corporate Environmental Campaign

Dhahran Base

Environmental message was given by the Drilling Operation Manager to participants to enhance environmental responsibility: beyond borders of Company EMS, policies and campaigns, we need to think about our current environmental behavior to avoid for our future generations potential wars due to lack of food and water

Presentation of the 5th Topic Corporate Environmental Campaign

Dhahran Base

People from all departments of Dhahran Base had attended the presentation of Reduce your Ecological footprint footprint

Personal Environmental Initiatives Developed at Dhahran Drilling Base

Running of environmental campaigns at SAS Drilling Project and personal commitment have woken up environmental sensibility along Saipem people; the remarkable initiatives are given to Dhahran Base residents and visitors the opportunity to enjoy the greenness of the nature like oasis in the middle of the Saudi Desert.

Personal Environmental Initiatives Developed at Dhahran Drilling Base

The Dhahran Base fruit trees garden

Name: Mohamed Abdulkarim Al-Shevip Job Position: Driver Nationality: Saudi

The set up of fruit trees has been developed by his own initiative given at Dhahran Base corner the opportunity to enjoy the scarce green color

Personal Environmental Initiatives Developed at Dhahran Drilling Base

The Dhahran Base Oasis

Remarkable aspects: - Reuse of surpluses of concrete after civil works at Dhahran Base were employed for plants pot; - Reuse of steel scrap for plants pot; - Reuse of surpluses of paint for additional green decoration; - Important sort of plants have been set by dedication at (ornamentals, aromatic herbs and food plants). the free time

- Organic production of tomatoes, watermelon, garlic and aromatic herbs within others; - Vegetable wastes generated by garden maintenance are recycled by simple composting practices

Personal Environmental Initiatives Developed at Dhahran Drilling Base

Name: Abdou Aly Farid Job Position: Logistic Supervisor Nationality: Egyptian

Personal Environmental Initiatives Developed at Dhahran Drilling Base

The Farids garden developed by his own initiative begins to be a pleasant place where the greenness is welcome at desert environment within working journeys

The more people do these actions, the more we can be effective in protecting our future THANK YOU!

Reference person: Nelson Andres Torres SAS Environmental Engineer Coordinator nelsonAndres.torres@saipem.com

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