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Certified Mail Article Number: Owner of Record (Bona Fide Purchaser) Immune From Attachment And !

ecution of Pro"ert# Public Notice$Public Record FOR I%N &O' R I%N IMM(NI)* AC) defined: sub+ect to e!istin, international a,reements to which the (-&- is a "art#. and to certain statutoril# "rescribed e!ce"tions. a forei,n nation is immune from the +urisdiction of federal and state courts- /01 (-&-C- &ec- 2342523226 Blac78s 9aw :ictionar# &i!th dition ("a,e 2;<3) Whereas defined pursuant to; Immunity of a foreign state from jurisdiction: Subject to existing international agreements to which the United States is a party at the time of enactment of this Act a foreign state shall be immune from the jurisdiction of the courts of the United States and of the States except as provided in sections !"# to !"$ of this chapter% Whereas defined pursuant to: Immunity from attachment and execution of property of a foreign state: Subject to existing international agreements to which the United States is a party at the time of enactment of this Act the property in the United States of a foreign state shall be immune from attachment arrest and execution except as provided in sections ! " and ! of this chapter% =hereas defined "ursuant to: )itle 01 (&C 2341 I ha>e Absolute Immunit# as a Cor"oration =hereas defined "ursuant to: )itle 01 (&C 234052322 (Forei,n &o>erei,n Immunities Act) immunit# from +urisdiction. attachment and e!ecution of "ro"ert#. arrest from courts of the (nited &tates and &tate- &ee: htt":$$www-scribd-com$doc$21?1?3@10$Common59aw5)rust5Forei,n5&o>erei,n5Immunit#5Act5:efined5 Public5Notice5Public5Record &O' R I%N P OP9 defined: the "olitical bod#. consistin, of the entire number of citiAens and Bualified electors. who. in their collecti>e ca"acit#. "ossess the "owers of so>erei,nt# and e!ercise them throu,h their chosen re"resentati>es /see &cott >- &anford. 2< Cow- ?4?. 2@ 9- d- 3<2-6 Blac78s 9aw :ictionar# &i!th dition ("a,e 2;<3) =hereas defined "ursuant to: )itle 1. 00 D 01 (&C :ecember 03th 2<;; ?< &tatute ;4<E )reat# &eries 112 (Con>ention on Ri,hts and :uties of &tates) stated CON%R && re"laced &)A)() & with international law. "lacin, all states under international law=hereas defined "ursuant to: :ecember <th 2<?@ International Or,aniAation Immunities Act relinBuished e>er# "ublic office of the (nited &tates to the (nited Nations=hereas defined "ursuant to: 00 CFR <0-205<0-;2 FR Ceadin, FForei,n Relationshi"G states that an oath is reBuired to ta7e office=hereas defined "ursuant to: )itle 1 (&C 2?12 stated once an oath of office is ta7en citiAenshi" is relinBuished. thus #ou become a forei,n entit#. a,enc#. or state- )hat means e>er# "ublic office is a forei,n state. includin, all "olitical subdi>isions- (i-e- e>er# sin,le court and that courts "ersonnel is considered a se"arate forei,n entit#) =hereas defined "ursuant to: )itle 00 (&C (Forei,n Relations and Intercourse) Cha"ter 22 identifies all "ublic officials as forei,n a,ents=hereas defined "ursuant to: )itle 01 (&C ;440 &ection 2@A states that the (nited &tates is a Federal Cor"oration and not a %o>ernment. includin, the Hudiciar# Procedural &ection=hereas defined "ursuant to: Federal Rules of Ci>il Procedure (FRCP) ?+ states that the Court +urisdiction and immunit# fall under a forei,n &tateWhereas defined pursuant to: &he th Amendment states '&he (udicial power of the United States

Certified Mail Article Number: shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or e)uity* commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by +iti,ens of another State* or by +iti,ens or Subjects of an -oreign State%. /A foreign entity* agency* or state cannot bring any suit against a United States citi,en without abiding the following procedure%0 =hereas defined "ursuant to: )itle 00 CFR <;-25<;-0 states that the :e"artment of &tate has to be notified of an# suit. and in turn has to notif# the (nited &tates citiAen of said suit=hereas defined "ursuant to: )itle 01 (&C 2;;4 states that the (nited &tates :istrict Court has to ,rant "ermission for the suit to be "ursued once the court has been su""lied sufficient "roof that the (nited &tates citiAen is actuall# a cor"orate entit#&A'IN%& )O &(I)OR& C9A(& defined: )hat "ro>ision in 01 (-&-C-A- I 2;;;(2) which ,i>es the (-&:istrict Courts ori,inal +urisdiction. Je!clusi>e of the courts of the stateJ of an# ci>il case of admiralt# or maritime +urisdiction. Jsa>in, to suitors in all cases all other remedies to which the# are otherwise entitled-J )he Jsa>in, to suitorsJ clause of the section of the Hudiciar# Act im"lementin, constitutional "ro>ision e!tendin, federal +udicial "owers to cases of admiralt# and maritime +urisdiction means that a suitor assertin, an in "ersonam admiralt# claim ma# elect to sue in a Jcommon lawJ state court throu,h an ordinar# ci>il action. and in such actions. the state courts must a""l# the same substanti>e law as would be a""lied had the suit been instituted in admiralt# in a federal court- &hannon >- Cit# of Anchora,e. Alas7a. ?E1 P-0d 12@. 121- Blac7Ks 9aw :ictionar# &i!th dition ("a,e 2;?;) Probandi necessitas incumbit illi Bui a,it defined: )he necessit# of "ro>in, lies with him who sues- In other words. the burden of "roof of a "ro"osition is u"on him who ad>ances it affirmati>el#- Blac78s 9aw :ictionar# &i!th dition ("a,e 2042. 2040) Probatio >i>a defined: 9i>in, "roofL that is. "roof b# the mouth of li>in, witnesses- blac78s 9aw :ictionar# &i!th dition ("a,e 204;) Probatio "lena defined: In the ci>il law. full "roofL "roof b# two witnesses. or a "ublic instrument- Blac78s 9aw :ictionar# &i!th dition ("a,e 2040) FIC)I)IO(& defined: founded on a fictionL ha>in, the character of a fictionL "retendedL counterfeitFei,ned. ima,inar#. not real. false. not ,enuine. none!istent- Arbitraril# in>ented and set u". to accom"lish an ulterior ob+ect- Blac78s 9aw :ictionar# &i!th dition ("a,e 30?) FIC)I)IO(& AC)ION defined: An action brou,ht for the sole "ur"ose of obtainin, the o"inion of the court on a "oint of law. not for the settlement of an# actual contro>ers# between the "artiesFIC)I)IO(& NAM defined: A counterfeit. alias. fei,ned. or "retended name ta7en b# a "erson. differin, in some essential "articular from his true name (consistin, of Christian name and "atron#mic). with the im"lication that it is meant to decei>e or misleadFIC)I)IO(& P9AIN)IFF defined: A "erson a""earin, in the writ. com"laint. or record as the "laintiff in a suit. but who in realit# does not e!ist. or who is i,norant of the suit and of the use of his name in it- It is a contem"t of court to sue in the name of a fictitious "art#=hereas defined "ursuant to: (nder the Federal Rules of Ci>il Procedure 20b 3 the "rosecution has failed to "ro>ide adeBuate "roof that the "arties in>ol>ed in this situation are actuall# cor"orate entities- )hereKs am"le "roof that the "rosecution and other a,ents are actuall# Fforei,n cor"orations-G )O CO(N) RF I) defined: criminal law- )o ma7e somethin, false. in the semblance of that which is trueL it alwa#s im"lies a fraudulent intent- 'ide 'in- Ab- h-t- For,er#- A 9aw :ictionar# Ada"ted )o )he Constitution and 9aws of the (nited &tates of America and of the &e>eral &tates of the American (nion b# Hohn Bou>ier Re>ised &i!th dition. 21@3 &ee: htt":$$www-scribd-com$doc$21EE14222$Common59aw5 )rust5to5Counterfeit5:efined5Public5Notice5Public5Record

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