Sfurthi Application

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Basic information to be submitted by Implementing Agency to State/ Divisional Office of KVIC for SF !

"I cluster
#If t$ere is more t$an one institutions implementing t$e same Cluster programme% suc$ associate institutions s$ould submit t$e filled in information% separately as per format&

'( +( ,( .( /( 1(

)ame of t$e State )ame of State/Divisional Office "ype of t$e Cluster #please tic-&* )ame of t$e Cluster 0ocation of t$e Cluster a& )ame of t$e District b& )ame of t$e Bloc-* Area to be covered by t$e Cluster a& )o( villages to be covered by t$e cluster b& )ame of t$e villages c& "otal )o( of artisans available at present

* * * * * * * * * a& b& c& #SC2333 S"2 33(( OBC2 333 4inority233(( Ot$ers2 4ale2 333( Female2 33((& K$adi Village Ind

5( 9( ;( '?(

6$et$er t$e cluster is * e7istent/ functional8 If so% give details * <resent Activities of t$e * cluster #vi=( spinning% >eaving%
processing% etc(&

:nclose details separately

Details of Implementing * Agency * 4ain / Associate a( Complete postal Address *


)ame of t$e Institutions

b( Affiliated to KVIC/KVIB

District333333333State <in code((33((33(( @es/)o


c( Details of office bearers*

d( e( f(

g( $( i( B(


l( m(

Sr( Office )ame Contact no( )o( Bearers '( C$airman +( Secretary ,( "reasurer Fa7 )o( Ban- A/c details * )ame of t$e BanAccount )o( 6$et$er interest subsidy * @es/)o under IS:C Sc$eme #Interest Subsidy :ligible Certificate& availed* If yes% Amount of IS:C * availed during last t$ree years Budgetary Allocation #+?''A * '+& :7perience in KVI or similar * 3333(( @ears ot$er programme Consent of t$e Institutions * for +/C o>n contribution of t$e proBect cost #$ard components& 6$et$er Certified under * @es/)o KVIC( If yes% Certification details may be given( Any ot$er e7pertise / * specialised >or- of t$e institution( 6$et$er t$ese institutions in * t$e cluster are >illing to form a consortium to implement t$e cluster programme during '+t$ Five year plan( )ame of Institutions ot$er t$an t$e Implementing Agency(

eAmail id

(Quantity: in nos, Value : Rs. in Lakhs)


4aBor products of t$e cluster #"a-ing t$e performance on Annual basis for +?''A'+/ in case ne> product% give t$e annual proBection&

Sr( a( b( c( d( e(

)ame of t$e <roducts eit$er being produced or to be produced in t$e cluster( G



* Indicate t$e present value% in case of e7isting cluster or proBect value in

case of ne> cluster( '+( a( b( c( d( e( f( g( $( i( B( :7isting Facilities/ infraA structure available in t$e cluster 0and Area Built up area 4ac$ineries "ools available >it$ t$e artisans namely C$ar-$as 0ooms Ot$ers Availability of ra> materials >it$in t$e cluster area Service <roviders Euality control facilities F 0ab( i( ISO certified% if any ii( Agmar- certificate% if any * * * * * * * * * * * * * 33(( sD( ft( 333 sD( ft(

)4C2((33((% "raditional2 33(( Improved 333% "raditional 333

iii( 0ab facility >it$ eDuipments -( S-ill upAgradation% if any i& "ypes of training already imparted to t$e artisan ii& Furt$er reDuirement of training* <lease Duantify iii& Hive details indicating various types of training

* * * * *

l( 4ar-eting facilities * i& 4ar-et outlets * ii& Computer F BarAcoding * facilities iii& Ve$icles to transport ra> * materials and products iv& Any ot$er facilities * ',( Status of t$e Institution/IA a( :mployees * 4anagement Staff <roduction Staff

4ar-eting Staff


b( Euantum of <roduction* #performance for +?''A'+&% i(e( e7isting production of I(A(

(Quantity: in nos, Value : Rs. In Lakhs)


Euantum of Sales* #performance for +?''A'+&% i(e( e7isting sales of I(A( Sr( )ame of t$e <roducts sold Quantity Value '( +( ,( .( TOTAL '.( Financial status of IA #As on ,'st 4arc$ +?'+& #!s( In la-$& a( Fi7ed capital * b( 6or-ing capital * c( Current liabilities * d( Fi7ed assets * e( Status of <rofit/0oss for t$e last t$ree years
Sr( @ear Accumulated Loss Accumulated Profit

(Rs. in Lakhs) '( +( ,( +??;A'? +?'?A'' +?''A'+

(Rs. in Lakhs)

'/( <roBection of t$e cluster i( Indicate t$e I<roductJ to be produced/manufactured in t$e cluster% >it$ Duantity% value s$o>ing mar-et assessment of demand% cost benefit analysis and IContributionJ per unit produced based on marginal costing( ii( <roposed no( of Artisans in t$e cluster >it$ details of suc$ Artisans under a separate Anne7ure along >it$ ne> artisans proposed to cover under t$e cluster( iii( 6$et$er any Ban-/<ostal pass boo- $as been issued to t$e e7isting artisans( '1( Design of CFC
Setting up of improved CFCs for K$adi and V(I( >it$ C$ar-$as% 0ooms% !eady 6arp% Dying F <rinting% !" % "esting 0aboratories and "ools and 4ac$ineries >it$ improved tec$nologies for Kandmade <aper% 0eat$er% $erbal% Fruit F Vegetables% <ottery and similar products in V(I( clusters(

* *

* *

'5( !eplacement / Additional * reDuirement of tools% c$ar-$as looms% 6arping unit% Dying unit% tools%

4ac$ineries etc( '9( Design Development inputs #select t$e reDuired ones& a( Improvement of !a> 4aterials b( Improved processing c( "$rust on $ig$ value addition d( Improved pac-aging e( Improved designsAengaging a professional designer f( Diversification of product line g( "ieAup >it$ designerLs $ouses $( Euality and product standardisation i( <roduct catalogue B( <roduct promotion t$roug$ eAcatalogue -( Any ot$er design issues l( 4iscellaneous ';( 4ar-eting <romotion inputs #select t$e reDuired ones& a( Common logo b( Signage c( Visual merc$andising d( Computerisation including billing and bar coding e( "raining of Sales staff f( Furniture and fi7ture including civil >or-s incidental to renovation etc( g( Formation of consortiums $( 6ebsite M eAmar-eting i( ISO B( <roduct promotion t$roug$ domestic and international e7$ibition -( <ublicity l( 4obile mar-eting of t$e products m( Buyer seller meet +?( Availability of For>ard Bac->ard 0in-ages #>it$

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

assured target& i( 0i-ely engagement of ne> artisans in t$e Cluster ii( 0i-ely increase in production and sales #yearA>ise& +'( Details of sales outlet a( !etail sales t$roug$ o>n B$a>ans /B$andars /sales outlet b( 6$ole Sales to Bul- buyers #"arget& c( Sales t$roug$ :7$ibitions #"arget& d( :7port #"arget& ++( !esolution of Implementing Agency and Associates Agency proposing t$eir acceptance of #submit t$e
resolution for SF !"I <rogramme as enclosure& Cluster

* * * * * * * *

+,( Any ot$er relevant information

:nclose separately

Date: Place:

"reasurer #IA&

Secretary #IA&

C$airman #IA&

)O":* "o be submitted in original to t$e concerned State/ Divisional

office of KVIC >it$in t$e closing date of submission of application% and enclosing t$e follo>ing* A& "$ree copies of "emplate M I B& Attac$ing t$e latest balance s$eet/Statement of Accounts #"$ree copies& C& Formal application D& Attested copy #"$ree copies of t$e resolution in original&

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