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'n(ard )ourney Ticket *etails e+T,C-.T A*/A0C. 1.S.1/AT,'0

A0*H1A P1A*.SH STAT. 1'A* T1A0SP'1T C'1P'1AT,'0 Hyderabad - 500020, Andhra Pradesh, India. Telephone No. : 18002004599 e- ail : online.s!ppor"#apsr"$ %eb : h""p:&&'''.apsr"$ Ticket 0o& Service Code20ame 6rom Picku8 Point 0o& o% Seats Plat%orm 0o& 'B 1e%& 0o& Passenger 0ame - . A AH/0H Basic 6are Service 6ee Concession Amount 9evy Amount Total Price ,28.00 9.00 0.00 1.00 ( )/003TA4 : 1.005 *

!!""#!$ 3"4!2 M5BS + A*0 H7*.1ABA* M5BS H7*.1ABA* M5BS

1( Ad!l"s:1 )hildren:0* 1+-21 ,00299,859 Age 2+

*ate o% )ourney Service Category To *e8art 'n Arrival 'n Start Time at 'rigin Bank 0ame Category A1.2T 1eservation 6ee Toll 6ee *inner Amount 5ender A2/


,* Proo% 0ote: *uring bus ;ourney< one o% the 8assenger on an e+ticket a88ears should carry the original identity card such as: *riving ,* card issued by Central2State 5ovt&2Private 'rganisations< AdharCard< Pan Card< Pass8ort< Credit Card (ith Photo identi%ic Pass Book (ith Photo issued by any 0ationalised Bank <CAT CA1* issued by APS1TC&


The sea"(s* boo6ed !nder "his "i$6e" is&are no" "rans7erable. This e-"i$6e" is 8alid only 7or "he sea" n!9ber and b!s ser8i$e spe$i7ied herein.

This e-"i$6e" has "o be $arried by "he passen:er d!rin: "he ;o!rney alon: 'i"h an ori:inal pho"o I1 )ard o7 "he passen:er 'ho Please 6eep "he "i$6e" sa7ely "ill "he end o7 "he ;o!rney. Please sho' "he "i$6e" a" "he "i9e o7 $he$6in:.

)orpora"ion reser8es "he ri:h"s "o $han:e&$an$el "he ser8i$e $a"e:ory. <==>IN?&)AN)/22ATI=N o7 "i$6e"s $an be done be7ore 1 ho!r o7 "he s$hed!led s"ar" "i9e a" ori:in o7 "he ser8i$e only. Par"ial $an$ella"ion is no" allo'ed 7or on'ard ;o!rney "i$6e"s 'hi$h are boo6ed 'i"h re"!rn ;o!rney $on$ession. @ree "ra8el in $i"y b!ses(eA$ep" A&) b!ses* be7ore 2Hrs. o7 depar"!re "i9e and a7"er 2Hrs. o7 arri8al "i9e is allo'ed. @or e-Ti$6e"in:&Be7!nd Bela"ed C!eries& 0er8i$e )an$elled re7!nds "o /- ail: online.s!ppor"#apsr"$ I7 'ai"in: lis" "i$6e" is no" $on7ir9ed, please $an$el "he "i$6e" prior "o 1 ho!r o7 "he s$hed!led s"ar" "i9e a" ori:in o7 "he ser8i$e reser8a"ion 7ee.

Please no"e "ha" 7ares are s!b;e$" "o $han:e 'i"ho!" no"i$e. I7 yo! ha8e p!r$hased a "i$6e" and s!bseD!en"ly "he 7ares ha8e in "he di77eren$e.

Ho'e8er, i7 yo! de$ide "o prepone&pos"pone yo!r "ra8el da"es, 'hi$h reD!ires re-iss!an$e o7 "he "i$6e", "he sa9e "i$6e" 'ill be 9a6in: $han:es and "he di77eren$e 'o!ld ha8e "o be paid. Please $he$6 yo!r "i$6e" a7"er i" is iss!ed, 7or i"s $orre$"ness and 'e reD!es" yo! "o read "he Ter9s and $ondi"ions.

In $ase o7 de"e$"ion o7 al"era"ion o7 7are & Ti$6e" No. & -o!rney de"ails & e"$., a" "he "i9e o7 ;o!rney, in "he paper "i$6e" 9ailed "o passen:er o7 e-"i$6e"in: 'i"h '''.apsr"$ is liable 7or prose$!"ion !nder $o!r" o7 la'.

I7 ser8i$e is $an$elled by AP0BT) 7or any reason, $!s"o9er $an $an$el "he "i$6e" 'i"hin 15 days 7ro9 "he da"e o7 ;o!rney "o : )an$ella"ion is no" allo'ed a7"er 15 days 7ro9 "he da"e o7 ;o!rney. PAN )AB1 ; !9a9ahesh ,* Card 0umber Booked 'n A CP-4E+1 2,-1e$-201, 22:5, :AA H1S ===

,* Card Ty8e Booked By 0ame

=== >,SH 7'? HAPP7 )'?10.7&< S1/C STA1T T,M. @'1,5

/ersion &#!&# F )opyri:h" G 2011 apsr"$, All ri:h"s reser8ed. Po'ered by H @ACs F Pri8a$y Poli$y F Ter9s H )ondi"ions F 1o'nload -B/

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