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Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the US Economy in 2011

Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in 2011 July 2013

American Petroleum Institute

Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the US Economy in 2011

Table of Contents
Executive Summary I. II. IV. V. Introduction Industry Definition
Detail by Component of Economic Impact: Direct, Indirect, and Induced Impacts

E-1 1 3 6

III. Total Economic Impact

Wages, Capital Spending, and Dividends from the Oil and Natural Gas Industry 26 27 79

Appendix A: Detailed State-by-State Operational Impact Results Appendix B: Data Sources and Methodology

This document has been prepared pursuant to an engagement between PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and its Client. As to all other parties, it is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitution for consultation with professional advisors.

Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the US Economy in 2011 Executive Summary
The American Petroleum Institute engaged PwC to quantify the economic impacts of the US oil and natural gas industry in terms of employment, labor income, and value added.1 This report provides PwCs economic impacts estimates for 2011, the most recent year for which a consistent set of national and state-level data are available. The reports findings show that the oil and natural gas industry has a widespread economic impact throughout all sectors of the economy and across all 50 states and the District of Columbia. These impacts result directly from the employment and production within the oil and gas industry, indirectly through the industrys purchases of intermediate and capital goods from a variety of other US industries, and by the personal purchases of employees and business owners both within the oil and natural gas industry and out of the additional income in the supply chain to the industry and from dividends received from oil and natural gas companies. In describing these economic impacts, this report considers three separate channels -the direct impact, the indirect impact, and the induced impact -- that in aggregate provide a measure of the total economic impact of the US oil and natural gas industry. Direct impact is measured as the jobs, labor income, and value added within the oil and natural gas industry. Indirect impact is measured as the jobs, labor income, and value added occurring throughout the supply chain of the oil and natural gas industry. Induced impact is measured as the jobs, labor income, and value added resulting from household spending of labor and proprietors income earned either directly or indirectly from the oil and natural gas industrys spending.

This report quantifies the industrys operational impact (due to purchases of intermediate inputs and payments of labor compensation and dividends) and capital investment impact (due to its investment in new structures and equipment) at the national level. Separate detail is also provided on the industrys operational impact at the state level.2 These economic impacts represent all of the backward linkages of the US oil and natural gas industry to its suppliers. They do not capture any forward linkages (i.e., the economic impact on production in sectors that use oil and natural gas as an input).
Value added refers to the additional value created at a particular stage of production. It is a measure of the overall importance of an industry and represents the industrys portion of US gross domestic product (GDP). Value added consists of: employee compensation, proprietors' income, income to capital owners from property, and indirect business taxes (including excise taxes, property taxes, fees, licenses, and sales taxes paid by businesses). 2 The industrys capital investment impact is not quantified at the state level due to the non-availability of capital expenditure data at the state level.


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The US oil and natural gas industrys total employment impact to the national economy in 2011, combining the operational and capital investment impacts, amounted to 9.8 million full-time and part-time jobs and accounted for 5.6 percent of total US employment (see Table E-1). At the national level, each direct job in the oil and natural gas industry supported approximately 2.8 jobs elsewhere in the US economy in 2011. Counting direct, indirect, and induced impacts, the industrys total impact on labor income (including proprietors income) was $598 billion, or 6.3 percent of national labor income in 2011. The industrys total impact on US GDP was $1.2 trillion, accounting for 8.0 percent of the national total in 2011. Table E-1. Total Operational and Capital Investment Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the US Economy, 2011
Direct Im pacts Indirect and Induced Im pacts Capital Operational Inv estm ent Im pacts Im pacts 5,854,500 $31 1 .8 $522.5 1 ,388,1 00 $82.2 $1 35.8 T otal Im pacts Percent of U.S. T otal

Employ ment* Labor Income ($ billions)** Value Added ($ billions)

2,590,7 00 $203.6 $551 .0

9,833,200 $597 .6 $1 ,209.4

5.6% 6.3% 8.0%

Source: PwC calculations using the IMPLAN modeling sy stem (201 1 database). Note: Details may not add to totals due to rounding. * Employ ment is defined as the number of pay roll and self-employ ed jobs, including part time jobs. ** Labor income is defined as wages and salaries and benefits as well as proprietors' income.

The economic impact of the oil and natural gas industry reaches all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The total number of jobs directly or indirectly attributable to the oil and natural gas industrys operations (i.e., not counting any capital investment impacts) ranged from a low of 13,700 (in District of Columbia) to 1.9 million (in Texas) in 2011. The top 15 states, in terms of the total number of jobs directly or indirectly attributable to the oil and natural gas industrys operations in 2011 were Texas, California, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Florida, New York, Illinois, Ohio, Colorado, Michigan, Kansas, North Carolina, New Jersey, and Georgia. Combined these states account for 70 percent of the total jobs attributable to the US oil and natural gas industrys operations (see Table E-2a).


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Table E-2a. Total Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industrys Operations in 2011 Top 15 States, Ranked by Total Employment Impact
State Tex as California Louisiana Oklahoma Pennsy lv ania Florida New Y ork Illinois Ohio Colorado Michigan Kansas North Carolina New Jersey Georgia Em ploy m ent* Percent of Am ount State T otal 1 ,938,7 00 1 3.6% 7 93,200 4.1 % 41 2,600 1 6.2% 364,300 1 6.8% 339,000 4.7 % 286,800 2.9% 27 0,600 2.4% 263,7 00 3.6% 255,1 00 3.9% 21 3,1 00 6.7 % 1 82,000 3.6% 1 48,300 8.1 % 1 46,1 00 2.8% 1 43,900 2.9% 1 41 ,600 2.7 % Labor Incom e** Percent of ($ Million) State T otal $1 44,085 1 8.7 % $58,884 4.9% $24,21 3 1 9.4% $23,298 22.9% $1 9,550 5.1 % $1 2,91 9 2.8% $20,41 9 2.7 % $1 5,7 45 3.8% $1 2,7 44 4.1 % $1 4,088 8.1 % $8,808 3.5% $7 ,21 1 8.6% $6,7 64 2.6% $1 0,1 24 3.3% $6,7 65 2.5% Value Added Percent of ($ Million) State T otal $308,346 23.2% $1 31 ,445 6.7 % $7 3,925 35.5% $39,002 23.1 % $34,654 5.8% $23,1 54 3.1 % $35,1 97 3.0% $33,308 5.1 % $28,445 5.7 % $25,81 1 9.1 % $1 5,7 61 4.1 % $1 2,903 9.5% $1 2,47 9 3.0% $1 9,87 6 4.0% $1 2,902 3.0%

Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

The top 15 states in terms of the percentage of jobs directly or indirectly attributable to the oil and natural gas industrys operations in 2011 were Wyoming (20.4 percent), Oklahoma (16.8 percent), Louisiana (16.2 percent), Texas (13.6 percent), North Dakota (12.0 percent), Alaska (11.9 percent), New Mexico (9.9 percent), West Virginia (8.9 percent), Kansas (8.1 percent), Montana (6.7 percent), Colorado (6.7 percent), Mississippi (6.6 percent), Arkansas (5.9 percent), Utah (4.9 percent), and Pennsylvania (4.7 percent) (see Table E-2b). Table E-2b. Total Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industrys Operations in 2011 Top 15 States, Ranked by Employment Share of State Total
State Wy oming Oklahoma Louisiana Tex as North Dakota Alaska New Mex ico West Virginia Kansas Montana Colorado Mississippi Arkansas Utah Pennsy lv ania Em ploy m ent* Percent of Am ount State T otal 80,000 20.4% 364,300 1 6.8% 41 2,600 1 6.2% 1 ,938,7 00 1 3.6% 64,000 1 2.0% 56,600 1 1 .9% 1 05,600 9.9% 80,400 8.9% 1 48,300 8.1 % 43,1 00 6.7 % 21 3,1 00 6.7 % 97 ,800 6.6% 92,500 5.9% 7 9,600 4.9% 339,000 4.7 % Labor Incom e** Percent of ($ Million) State T otal $5,1 34.7 21 .3% $23,297 .9 22.9% $24,21 3.4 1 9.4% $1 44,085.3 1 8.7 % $3,831 .4 1 3.1 % $4,501 .6 1 2.6% $5,350.1 1 0.3% $3,638.6 8.8% $7 ,21 1 .1 8.6% $2,009.3 7 .7 % $1 4,087 .6 8.1 % $4,526.1 7 .4% $4,220.3 6.3% $4,091 .5 5.3% $1 9,550.5 5.1 % Value Added Percent of ($ Million) State T otal $1 3,01 8.7 32.9% $39,001 .9 23.1 % $7 3,925.4 35.5% $308,346.0 23.2% $6,57 5.1 1 2.3% $1 9,27 7 .0 34.7 % $1 1 ,27 3.6 1 4.2% $5,7 56.1 8.7 % $1 2,902.8 9.5% $4,546.7 1 0.8% $25,81 1 .3 9.1 % $9,055.3 9.4% $8,062.7 7 .8% $8,37 6.7 6.9% $34,654.3 5.8%

Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the US Economy in 2011 I. Introduction

The American Petroleum Institute engaged PwC to quantify the economic impacts of the US oil and natural gas industry on the national and state economies in terms of employment, labor income, and value added.3 This report presents PwCs economic impact estimates for 2011, the most recent year for which a consistent set of national and state-level data is available.4 This study quantifies the industrys operational impact (due to purchases of intermediate inputs and payments of labor compensation and dividends) and capital investment impact (due to its investment in new structures and equipment) at the national level. Separate detail is also provided on the industrys operational impact at the state level.5 These economic impacts represent all of the backward linkages of the US oil and natural gas industry to its suppliers. They do not capture any forward linkages (i.e., the economic impact on production in sectors that use oil and natural gas as an input). In describing the economic impact of the US oil and natural gas industry through its employment and purchases of goods and services, this report considers three separate channels -- the direct impact, the indirect impact, and the induced impact -- that in aggregate provide a measure of the total economic impact of the US oil and natural gas industry. Direct impact is measured as the jobs, labor income, and value added within the oil and natural gas industry. Indirect impact is measured as the jobs, labor income, and value added occurring throughout the supply chain of the oil and natural gas industry. Induced impact is measured as the jobs, labor income, and value added resulting from household spending of labor and proprietors income earned either directly or indirectly from the oil and natural gas industrys spending.

Together these effects result in the oil and natural gas industry having a widespread economic impact throughout all sectors of the US economy and in all geographic areas.
Value added refers to the additional value created at a particular stage of production. It is a measure of the overall importance of an industry and represents the industry's share of gross domestic product (GDP). Value added consists of: employee compensation, proprietors' income, income to capital owners from property, and indirect business taxes (including excise taxes, property taxes, fees, licenses, and sales taxes paid by businesses). 4 PwC prepared a prior study for the American Petroleum Institute that quantified the economic impacts of the oil and gas industry in 2009. See PwC, The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the US Economy in 2009: Employment, Labor Income, and Value Added (May 2011). 5 The industrys capital investment impact is not quantified at the state level due to the non-availability of capital expenditure data at the state level.

Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, PwC has built customized multiplier models for the US as a whole, as well as for each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The models calculate the oil and natural gas industrys economic impacts at the national and state level in 2011, the most recent historical year for which a consistent set of national and state level data is available from the IMPLAN modeling system.6 The rest of this report is organized as follows. Section II defines the oil and natural gas industry for this study. Section III presents PwCs estimates of the industrys total economic impacts at the national and state level in 2011. Section IV provides detail on each of the three separate components -- the direct, indirect, and induced economic impacts -- that in aggregate represent the total economic impacts of the oil and natural gas industry. Section V presents a composite measure of the industrys total spend based on its direct labor income, capital expenditures, and dividend payments. Detailed state-by-state operational impact results are presented in Appendix A. A description of the data sources and methodology used for the study is provided in Appendix B.

The IMPLAN input-output economic modeling system is supported by the IMPLAN Group LLC. Its users include academia, federal, state, and local governments, and the private sector.

Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry


Industry Definition

The US oil and natural gas industry encompasses a number of activities that span separate industry classifications in government economic data. Oil and natural gas exploration and production is included in the mining sector; oil refining is part of the manufacturing sector; pipeline operations are included in the transportation sector; natural gas distribution is in the utilities sector; and oil marketing is considered part of the wholesale and retail trade sector. For this study, PwC has defined the oil and natural gas industry to include all of these activities. Table 1, below, shows the composition of the industry as defined by PwC, followed by detailed descriptions based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Table 1. Composition of the US Oil and Natural Gas Industry IMPLAN NAICS Description Sector 211 20 Oil and gas extraction (including NGL extraction) 213111 28 Drilling oil and gas wells 213112 29 Support activities for oil and gas operations 2212 32 Natural gas distribution (private) 2212 432* Natural gas distribution (public) 23712 36* Oil and gas pipeline and related structures construction 32411 115 Petroleum refineries Asphalt paving, roofing, and saturated materials 32412 116, 117 manufacturing (primarily petroleum-based products) 324191 118 Petroleum lubricating oil and grease manufacturing 4247 319* Petroleum and petroleum products merchant wholesalers 44711 326 Gasoline stations with convenience stores 44719 326 Other gasoline stations 45431 331* Fuel dealers 486 337 Pipeline transportation *IMPLAN sectors 432, 36, 319, and 331 include additional NAICS activities outside the US oil and natural
gas industry. Modeling of the economic impacts includes only the portion of these sectors that include the oil and natural gas industry NAICS segment.

NAICS 211. Oil and gas extraction. Establishments in this subsector operate and/or develop oil and gas field properties. Such activities may include exploration for crude petroleum and natural gas; drilling, completing, and equipping wells; operating separators, emulsion breakers, desilting equipment, and field gathering lines for crude petroleum and natural gas; and all other activities in the preparation of oil and gas up to the point of shipment from the producing property. This subsector includes the production of crude petroleum, the mining and extraction of oil from oil shale and oil sands, and the production of natural gas, sulfur recovery from natural gas, and recovery of hydrocarbon liquids. Establishments in this subsector include those that operate oil and gas wells on their own account or for others on a contract or fee basis.

Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

NAICS 213111. Drilling oil and gas wells. This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in drilling oil and gas wells for others on a contract or fee basis. This industry includes contractors that specialize in spudding in, drilling in, redrilling, and directional drilling. NAICS 213112. Support activities for oil and gas operations. This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in performing support activities on a contract or fee basis for oil and gas operations (except site preparation and related construction activities). Services included are exploration (except geophysical surveying and mapping); excavating slush pits and cellars, well surveying; running, cutting, and pulling casings, tubes, and rods; cementing wells, shooting wells; perforating well casings; acidizing and chemically treating wells; and cleaning out, bailing, and swabbing wells. NAICS 2212. Natural gas distribution. This subsector comprises: (1) establishments primarily engaged in operating gas distribution systems (e.g., mains, meters); (2) establishments known as gas marketers that buy gas from the well and sell it to a distribution system; (3) establishments known as gas brokers or agents that arrange the sale of gas over gas distribution systems operated by others; and (4) establishments primarily engaged in transmitting and distributing gas to final consumers. Both privately and publicly owned establishments are included in this study. NAICS 23712. Oil and gas pipeline and related structures construction. This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in the construction of oil and gas lines, mains, refineries, and storage tanks. The work performed may include new work, reconstruction, rehabilitation, and repairs. Specialty trade contractors are included in this group if they are engaged in activities primarily related to oil and gas pipeline and related structures construction. All structures (including buildings) that are integral parts of oil and gas networks (e.g., storage tanks, pumping stations, and refineries) are included in this subsector. NAICS 32411. Petroleum refineries. This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in refining crude petroleum into refined petroleum. Petroleum refining involves one or more of the following activities: (1) fractionation; (2) straight distillation of crude oil; and (3) cracking. NAICS 32412. Asphalt paving, roofing, and saturated materials manufacturing. This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in (1) manufacturing asphalt and tar paving mixtures and blocks and roofing cements and coatings from purchased asphaltic materials and/or (2) saturating purchased mats and felts with asphalt or tar from purchased asphaltic materials. These are primarily petroleum-based products. NAICS 324191. Petroleum lubricating oil and grease manufacturing. This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in blending or compounding

Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

refined petroleum to make lubricating oils and greases and/or re-refining used petroleum lubricating oils. NAICS 4247. Petroleum and petroleum products merchant wholesalers. This subsector comprises establishments with bulk liquid storage facilities primarily engaged in the merchant wholesale distribution of crude petroleum and petroleum products, including liquefied petroleum gas. NAICS 44711. Gasoline stations with convenience stores. This subsector comprises establishments engaged in retailing automotive fuels (e.g., diesel fuel, gasohol, gasoline) in combination with convenience store or food mart items. These establishments can either be in a convenience store (i.e., food mart) setting or a gasoline station setting. These establishments may also provide automotive repair services. NAICS 44719. Other gasoline stations. This subsector comprises establishments known as gasoline stations (except those with convenience stores) primarily engaged in one of the following: (1) retailing automotive fuels (e.g., diesel fuel, gasohol, gasoline) or (2) retailing these fuels in combination with activities, such as providing repair services; selling automotive oils, replacement parts, and accessories; and/or providing food services NAICS 45431. Fuel dealers. This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in retailing heating oil, liquefied petroleum (LP) gas, and other fuels via direct selling. NAICS 486. Pipeline transportation. Establishments in this subsector use transmission pipelines to transport products, such as crude oil, natural gas, refined petroleum products, and slurry. It also includes the storage of natural gas because the storage is usually done by the pipeline establishment and because a pipeline is inherently a network in which all the nodes are interdependent.

Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

III. Total Economic Impact

This section presents the estimated total economic impact of the US oil and natural gas industry on the national and state economies. As shown below, the oil and natural gas industry has a widespread economic impact throughout all sectors of the economy and across all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The total economic impact we have measured includes the direct impact (the jobs, labor income, and value added within the oil and natural gas industry), the indirect impact (the jobs, labor income, and value added occurring throughout the supply chain of the oil and natural gas industry), and the induced impact (the jobs, labor income, and value added resulting from household spending of income earned either directly or indirectly from the oil and natural gas industrys spending and from dividends received from oil and natural gas companies). A. National Impact As shown in Table 2, the total economic impact of the US oil and natural gas industry in terms of jobs, labor income (including wages and salaries and benefits as well as proprietors income), and value added is significant. Employment PwC estimates that, at the national level, the oil and natural gas industrys operations directly and indirectly supported 8.4 million full-time and part-time jobs in the national economy in 2011. Further, the industrys capital investment supported an additional 1.4 million jobs in the national economy. Combining the operational and capital investment impacts, the oil and natural gas industrys total employment impact on the national economy amounted to 9.8 million full-time and part-time jobs in 2011, accounting for 5.6 percent of total US employment. Labor Income The associated labor income (including wages and salaries and benefits, as well as proprietors income) from jobs directly or indirectly supported by the oil and natural gas industry through its operational spending, dividend payments, and capital investment is estimated to be $597.6 billion, or 6.3 percent of total US labor income in 2011. Value Added Value added refers to the additional value created at a particular stage of production. The sum of value added across all industries in a country or region is, by definition, equivalent to its Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Value added consists of: employee compensation, proprietors income, income to capital owners from property, and indirect business taxes (i.e., those borne by consumers rather than producers).

Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

PwC estimates that the US oil and natural gas industrys operations directly or indirectly generated $1.1 trillion of value added in the national economy in 2011, and its capital investment added an additional $135.8 billion of value added. Combining both operational and capital investment impacts, the industrys total value added impact at the national level was $1.2 trillion, accounting for 8.0 percent of US GDP in 2011. Table 2. Total Operational and Capital Investment Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry to the US Economy, 2011
Item Operational Im pact Employ ment* Labor Income ($ millions)** V alue Added ($ millions) Capital Investm ent Im pact Employ ment* Labor Income ($ millions)** V alue Added ($ millions) Total Im pacts Employ ment* Labor Income ($ millions)** V alue Added ($ millions) 9,833,200 $597 ,61 5 $1 ,209,389 5.6% 6.3% 8.0% 1 ,388,1 00 $82,247 $1 35,837 0.7 % 0.9% 0.9% 8,445,200 $51 5,368 $1 ,07 3,552 4.9% 5.4% 7 .1 % Am ount Percent of US T otal

Source: PwC calculations using the IMPLAN modeling system (2011 database). Details may not add to totals due to rounding. * Employment is defined as the number of payroll and self-employed jobs, including part-time jobs. ** Labor income is defined as wages and salaries and benefits as well as proprietors income.

B. State Impacts The US oil and natural gas industrys economic impact reaches all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The impact varies from state to state, depending on factors such as each states industry mix, wage structure, spending and saving patterns, and connections to other economies. Table 3a shows the oil and natural gas industrys state-by-state total operational impact in terms of jobs, labor income (including wage and salaries and benefits as well as proprietors income), and value added, where the states are shown alphabetically. Table 3b is the same as Table 3a, except that the states are ranked in order of the industrys total employment impact as a percent of each states total employment. Statelevel results, as explained earlier, do not include the economic impact of the industrys capital investment due to the non-availability of state capital expenditure data.

Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Employment The total number of jobs directly or indirectly attributable to the oil and natural gas industrys operations as a percent of each states total employment in 2011 ranged from 1.7 percent (District of Columbia) to 20.4 percent (Wyoming). The oil and natural gas industry directly or indirectly supported 5.0 percent of more of the total employment in 13 states in 2011: Wyoming (20.4 percent), Oklahoma (16.8 percent), Louisiana (16.2 percent), Texas (13.6 percent), North Dakota (12.0 percent), Alaska (11.9 percent), New Mexico (9.9 percent), West Virginia (8.9 percent), Kansas (8.1 percent), Montana (6.7 percent), Colorado (6.7 percent), Mississippi (6.6 percent), and Arkansas (5.9 percent). In these 13 states, the oil and natural gas industry was, on average, directly or indirectly responsible for one out of every nine jobs. Labor Income As a percent of each states total labor income (including wages and salaries and benefits as well as proprietors income), the labor income from total jobs directly or indirectly supported by the oil and natural gas industrys operations ranged from 1.3 percent (District of Columbia) to 22.9 percent (Oklahoma) in 2011. The oil and natural gas industrys total labor income impact exceeded 5.0 percent of the state total in 15 states: Oklahoma (22.9 percent), Wyoming (21.3 percent), Louisiana (19.4 percent), Texas (18.7 percent), North Dakota (13.1 percent), Alaska (12.6 percent), New Mexico (10.3 percent), West Virginia (8.8 percent), Kansas (8.6 percent), Colorado (8.1 percent), Montana (7.7 percent), Mississippi (7.4 percent), Arkansas (6.3 percent), Utah (5.3 percent), and Pennsylvania (5.1 percent). Value Added As a percent of each states economy, the oil and natural gas industrys total value-added impact from its operations ranged from 1.9 percent (District of Columbia) to 35.5 percent (Louisiana) in 2011. The oil and natural gas industrys total value-added impact accounted for at least 5.0 percent of the state total in 22 states: Louisiana (35.5 percent), Alaska (34.7 percent), Wyoming (32.9 percent), Texas (23.2 percent), Oklahoma (23.1 percent), New Mexico (14.2 percent), North Dakota (12.3 percent), Montana (10.8 percent), Kansas (9.5 percent), Mississippi (9.4 percent), Colorado (9.1 percent), West Virginia (8.7 percent), Arkansas (7.8 percent), Utah (6.9 percent), California (6.7 percent), Alabama (6.4 percent), Indiana (6.3 percent), Pennsylvania (5.8 percent), Ohio (5.7 percent), Nebraska (5.4 percent), Illinois (5.1 percent), and Minnesota (5.0 percent).

Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Table 3a. Total Operational Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry By State in 2011 (Sorted Alphabetically)
State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Mary land Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nev ada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mex ico New Y ork North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsy lv ania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Tex as Utah V ermont V irginia Washington West V irginia Wisconsin Wy oming U.S. T otal Am ount Em ploy m ent* Percent of State T otal 1 03,300 4.2% 56,600 1 1 .9% 97 ,1 00 3.0% 92,500 5.9% 7 93,200 4.1 % 21 3,1 00 6.7 % 59,400 2.7 % 1 6,1 00 3.0% 1 3,7 00 1 .7 % 286,800 2.9% 1 41 ,600 2.7 % 20,500 2.3% 27 ,000 3.1 % 263,7 00 3.6% 1 36,400 3.8% 65,1 00 3.3% 1 48,300 8.1 % 94,7 00 4.0% 41 2,600 1 6.2% 28,800 3.6% 7 5,400 2.2% 1 06,300 2.5% 1 82,000 3.6% 1 22,1 00 3.5% 97 ,800 6.6% 1 1 8,800 3.4% 43,1 00 6.7 % 47 ,200 3.8% 48,600 3.2% 24,900 3.0% 1 43,900 2.9% 1 05,600 9.9% 27 0,600 2.4% 1 46,1 00 2.8% 64,000 1 2.0% 255,1 00 3.9% 364,300 1 6.8% 60,400 2.8% 339,000 4.7 % 1 5,1 00 2.5% 67 ,7 00 2.9% 22,500 3.9% 1 1 1 ,500 3.2% 1 ,938,7 00 1 3.6% 7 9,600 4.9% 1 4,600 3.6% 1 41 ,600 3.0% 1 04,300 2.8% 80,400 8.9% 1 03,300 3.0% 80,000 20.4% 4.9% ($ Million) Labor Incom e** Percent of State T otal $4,903.9 4.2% $4,501 .6 1 2.6% $4,654.4 3.0% $4,220.3 6.3% $58,883.6 4.9% $1 4,087 .6 8.1 % $4,1 60.4 2.8% $957 .4 3.2% $1 ,426.6 1 .3% $1 2,91 8.6 2.8% $6,7 65.0 2.5% $1 ,036.4 2.0% $1 ,041 .0 2.9% $1 5,7 44.6 3.8% $6,699.1 4.1 % $2,568.0 3.0% $7 ,21 1 .1 8.6% $4,054.0 3.8% $24,21 3.4 1 9.4% $1 ,1 50.2 3.2% $4,1 90.0 1 .9% $7 ,1 1 7 .9 2.6% $8,807 .8 3.5% $6,01 8.2 3.4% $4,526.1 7 .4% $5,527 .1 3.3% $2,009.3 7 .7 % $2,687 .4 4.7 % $2,432.7 3.2% $1 ,252.7 2.8% $1 0,1 23.7 3.3% $5,350.1 1 0.3% $20,41 9.4 2.7 % $6,7 63.6 2.6% $3,831 .4 1 3.1 % $1 2,7 44.4 4.1 % $23,297 .9 22.9% $2,81 1 .2 2.8% $1 9,550.5 5.1 % $934.4 2.8% $2,634.2 2.4% $857 .0 3.5% $5,086.1 3.0% $1 44,085.3 1 8.7 % $4,091 .5 5.3% $567 .0 3.1 % $7 ,21 5.2 2.5% $5,908.4 2.7 % $3,638.6 8.8% $4,557 .1 2.9% $5,1 34.7 21 .3% ($ Million) Value Added Percent of State T otal $1 1 ,327 .8 6.4% $1 9,27 7 .0 34.7 % $9,01 6.6 3.4% $8,062.7 7 .8% $1 31 ,445.1 6.7 % $25,81 1 .3 9.1 % $7 ,683.0 3.3% $1 ,965.6 4.1 % $2,7 02.6 1 .9% $23,1 54.0 3.1 % $1 2,902.3 3.0% $2,1 67 .2 2.9% $1 ,7 96.9 3.1 % $33,307 .9 5.1 % $1 6,595.7 6.3% $4,41 9.0 3.1 % $1 2,902.8 9.5% $7 ,867 .8 4.6% $7 3,925.4 35.5% $2,37 0.5 4.2% $7 ,084.8 2.2% $1 2,638.9 2.9% $1 5,7 61 .3 4.1 % $1 4,305.7 5.0% $9,055.3 9.4% $9,81 0.9 3.8% $4,546.7 1 0.8% $4,7 22.2 5.4% $4,539.9 3.8% $2,250.3 3.3% $1 9,87 5.5 4.0% $1 1 ,27 3.6 1 4.2% $35,1 96.8 3.0% $1 2,47 9.2 3.0% $6,57 5.1 1 2.3% $28,444.7 5.7 % $39,001 .9 23.1 % $5,027 .0 3.0% $34,654.3 5.8% $1 ,650.0 3.2% $4,67 2.8 2.8% $1 ,459.0 3.9% $8,91 8.5 3.4% $308,346.0 23.2% $8,37 6.7 6.9% $1 ,042.2 3.6% $1 2,460.6 2.9% $1 4,004.8 4.0% $5,7 56.1 8.7 % $7 ,901 .5 3.1 % $1 3,01 8.7 32.9% 7 .1%



5.4% $1,07 3,552.3

Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). Det a ils m a y n ot a dd t o t ot a ls du e t o r ou n din g . * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Table 3b. Total Operational Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry By State in 2011 (Sorted by Employment Share of State Total)
State Wy oming Oklahoma Louisiana Tex as North Dakota Alaska New Mex ico West V irginia Kansas Montana Colorado Mississippi Arkansas Utah Pennsy lv ania Alabama California Kentucky Ohio South Dakota Nebraska Indiana Illinois Maine Michigan V ermont Minnesota Missouri Iowa Nev ada Tennessee Idaho Arizona Wisconsin Delaware V irginia New Hampshire Florida New Jersey South Carolina North Carolina Oregon Washington Georgia Connecticut Rhode Island Massachusetts New Y ork Hawaii Mary land District of Columbia U.S. T otal Em ploy m ent* Percent of Am ount State T otal 80,000 20.4% 364,300 1 6.8% 41 2,600 1 6.2% 1 ,938,7 00 1 3.6% 64,000 1 2.0% 56,600 1 1 .9% 1 05,600 9.9% 80,400 8.9% 1 48,300 8.1 % 43,1 00 6.7 % 21 3,1 00 6.7 % 97 ,800 6.6% 92,500 5.9% 7 9,600 4.9% 339,000 4.7 % 1 03,300 4.2% 7 93,200 4.1 % 94,7 00 4.0% 255,1 00 3.9% 22,500 3.9% 47 ,200 3.8% 1 36,400 3.8% 263,7 00 3.6% 28,800 3.6% 1 82,000 3.6% 1 4,600 3.6% 1 22,1 00 3.5% 1 1 8,800 3.4% 65,1 00 3.3% 48,600 3.2% 1 1 1 ,500 3.2% 27 ,000 3.1 % 97 ,1 00 3.0% 1 03,300 3.0% 1 6,1 00 3.0% 1 41 ,600 3.0% 24,900 3.0% 286,800 2.9% 1 43,900 2.9% 67 ,7 00 2.9% 1 46,1 00 2.8% 60,400 2.8% 1 04,300 2.8% 1 41 ,600 2.7 % 59,400 2.7 % 1 5,1 00 2.5% 1 06,300 2.5% 27 0,600 2.4% 20,500 2.3% 7 5,400 2.2% 1 3,7 00 1 .7 % 8,445,200 4.9% Labor Incom e** Percent of ($ Million) State T otal $5,1 34.7 21 .3% $23,297 .9 22.9% $24,21 3.4 1 9.4% $1 44,085.3 1 8.7 % $3,831 .4 1 3.1 % $4,501 .6 1 2.6% $5,350.1 1 0.3% $3,638.6 8.8% $7 ,21 1 .1 8.6% $2,009.3 7 .7 % $1 4,087 .6 8.1 % $4,526.1 7 .4% $4,220.3 6.3% $4,091 .5 5.3% $1 9,550.5 5.1 % $4,903.9 4.2% $58,883.6 4.9% $4,054.0 3.8% $1 2,7 44.4 4.1 % $857 .0 3.5% $2,687 .4 4.7 % $6,699.1 4.1 % $1 5,7 44.6 3.8% $1 ,1 50.2 3.2% $8,807 .8 3.5% $567 .0 3.1 % $6,01 8.2 3.4% $5,527 .1 3.3% $2,568.0 3.0% $2,432.7 3.2% $5,086.1 3.0% $1 ,041 .0 2.9% $4,654.4 3.0% $4,557 .1 2.9% $957 .4 3.2% $7 ,21 5.2 2.5% $1 ,252.7 2.8% $1 2,91 8.6 2.8% $1 0,1 23.7 3.3% $2,634.2 2.4% $6,7 63.6 2.6% $2,81 1 .2 2.8% $5,908.4 2.7 % $6,7 65.0 2.5% $4,1 60.4 2.8% $934.4 2.8% $7 ,1 1 7 .9 2.6% $20,41 9.4 2.7 % $1 ,036.4 2.0% $4,1 90.0 1 .9% $1 ,426.6 1 .3% $515,368.0 Value Added Percent of ($ Million) State T otal $1 3,01 8.7 32.9% $39,001 .9 23.1 % $7 3,925.4 35.5% $308,346.0 23.2% $6,57 5.1 1 2.3% $1 9,27 7 .0 34.7 % $1 1 ,27 3.6 1 4.2% $5,7 56.1 8.7 % $1 2,902.8 9.5% $4,546.7 1 0.8% $25,81 1 .3 9.1 % $9,055.3 9.4% $8,062.7 7 .8% $8,37 6.7 6.9% $34,654.3 5.8% $1 1 ,327 .8 6.4% $1 31 ,445.1 6.7 % $7 ,867 .8 4.6% $28,444.7 5.7 % $1 ,459.0 3.9% $4,7 22.2 5.4% $1 6,595.7 6.3% $33,307 .9 5.1 % $2,37 0.5 4.2% $1 5,7 61 .3 4.1 % $1 ,042.2 3.6% $1 4,305.7 5.0% $9,81 0.9 3.8% $4,41 9.0 3.1 % $4,539.9 3.8% $8,91 8.5 3.4% $1 ,7 96.9 3.1 % $9,01 6.6 3.4% $7 ,901 .5 3.1 % $1 ,965.6 4.1 % $1 2,460.6 2.9% $2,250.3 3.3% $23,1 54.0 3.1 % $1 9,87 5.5 4.0% $4,67 2.8 2.8% $1 2,47 9.2 3.0% $5,027 .0 3.0% $1 4,004.8 4.0% $1 2,902.3 3.0% $7 ,683.0 3.3% $1 ,650.0 3.2% $1 2,638.9 2.9% $35,1 96.8 3.0% $2,1 67 .2 2.9% $7 ,084.8 2.2% $2,7 02.6 1 .9% 7 .1%

5.4% $1,07 3,552.3

Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). Det a ils m a y n ot a dd t o t ot a ls du e t o r ou n din g . * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

IV. Detail by Component of Economic Impact: Direct, Indirect, and Induced Impacts
The total economic impact presented in the previous section includes the direct impact (the jobs, labor income, and value added within the oil and natural gas industry), the indirect impact (the jobs, labor income, and value added occurring throughout the supply chain of the oil and natural gas industry), and the induced impact (the jobs, labor income, and value added resulting from household spending earned either directly or indirectly from the oil and natural gas industrys spending or from dividends received from oil and natural gas companies). In this section, the three different economic impacts are separately quantified. A. Direct Impact Table 4 shows the direct impact of the US oil and natural gas industry by NAICS subsector for the country as a whole in terms of employment, labor income (including wages and salaries and benefits as well as proprietors income), and value added. In 2011, the oil and natural gas industry directly provided 2.6 million jobs for American workers, paid $204 billion in wages, salaries and fringe benefits and proprietors income, and generated $551 billion in GDP. Table 4. Direct Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in the US Economy by Subsector, 2011
NAICS 21 1 21 31 1 1 21 31 1 2 221 2 221 2 237 1 2 3241 1 3241 2 3241 91 4247 Sub-sector Description Oil and gas ex traction (including NGL ex traction) Drilling oil and gas wells Support activ ities for oil and gas operations Natural gas distribution (priv ate) Natural gas distribution (public) Oil and gas pipeline and related structures construction Petroleum refineries Asphalt pav ing, roofing, and saturated materials manufacturing Petroleum lubricating oil and grease manufacturing Petroleum and petroleum products merchant wholesalers Fuel dealers Pipeline transportation T otal Oil and Natural Gas Industry Em ploy m ent* Am ount 7 83,800 97 ,400 269,300 1 1 2,300 6,500 1 1 2,500 7 2,500 24,200 1 0,200 95,900 87 9,400 83,200 43,500 2,590,7 00 Labor Incom e** ($ Millons) 61 ,454 9,040 22,27 1 1 5,599 356 9,443 20,596 4,225 1 ,899 7 ,558 30,650 1 ,840 1 8,660 $203,591 Value Added ($ Millons) 1 7 4,1 7 8 1 5,883 39,1 30 59,021 557 1 0,036 1 25,332 25,7 1 2 1 1 ,554 1 3,297 48,522 6,655 21 ,1 40 $551,018

447 1 1 , 447 1 9 Gasoline stations 45431 486

Sou r ce: Est im a t es ba sed on 2 0 1 1 em ploy m en t da t a fr om t h e U.S. Bu r ea u of La bor St a t ist ics, U.S. Bu r ea u of Econ om ic A n a ly sis, a n d U.S. Cen su s Bu r ea u a n d 2 0 1 1 in pu t -ou t pu t r ela t ion sh ips fr om t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em . Det a ils m a y n ot a dd t o t ot a ls du e t o r ou n din g . * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Table 5a shows the direct employment, labor income (including wages and salaries and benefits as well as proprietors income) and value added impacts of the oil and gas industry as a whole by state, where the states are shown alphabetically. Table 5b is the same as Table 5a, except that the states are ranked by the oil and natural gas industrys direct employment. In 2011, the ten states with the largest direct employment effect generated by the oil and natural gas industry were, in order: Texas, California, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Colorado, Illinois, and New York. These ten states accounted for 59.0 percent of the oil and natural gas industrys national direct employment, 73.3 percent of the oil and natural gas industrys national direct labor income, and 73.3 percent of the oil and natural gas industrys national direct value added in 2011.


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Table 5a. Direct Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry by State, 2011 (Sorted Alphabetically)
State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Mary land Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nev ada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mex ico New Y ork North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsy lv ania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Tex as Utah V ermont V irginia Washington West V irginia Wisconsin Wy oming U.S. T otal Direct Em ploy m ent* Percent of Am ount U.S. T otal 33,900 1 .3% 1 8,7 00 0.7 % 27 ,500 1 .1 % 33,800 1 .3% 1 82,800 7 .1 % 69,7 00 2.7 % 1 5,900 0.6% 4,500 0.2% 2,1 00 0.1 % 7 2,000 2.8% 42,600 1 .6% 4,7 00 0.2% 9,000 0.3% 65,200 2.5% 39,600 1 .5% 24,500 0.9% 56,900 2.2% 33,400 1 .3% 1 30,300 5.0% 1 2,400 0.5% 1 7 ,900 0.7 % 26,7 00 1 .0% 53,000 2.0% 36,300 1 .4% 37 ,7 00 1 .5% 38,200 1 .5% 1 5,500 0.6% 1 4,300 0.6% 1 4,500 0.6% 8,7 00 0.3% 34,500 1 .3% 39,200 1 .5% 63,200 2.4% 44,7 00 1 .7 % 27 ,900 1 .1 % 7 7 ,000 3.0% 1 49,300 5.8% 1 6,800 0.6% 1 00,7 00 3.9% 4,1 00 0.2% 23,800 0.9% 9,1 00 0.4% 34,500 1 .3% 61 9,000 23.9% 23,600 0.9% 6,1 00 0.2% 47 ,000 1 .8% 26,7 00 1 .0% 35,900 1 .4% 32,1 00 1 .2% 32,900 1 .3% 2,590,7 00 100% Direct Labor Incom e** Percent of ($ Million) U.S. T otal $1 ,7 87 .6 0.9% $2,241 .0 1 .1 % $1 ,240.5 0.6% $1 ,686.3 0.8% $21 ,7 25.4 1 0.7 % $6,31 2.5 3.1 % $1 ,048.5 0.5% $286.5 0.1 % $1 65.5 0.1 % $2,7 08.5 1 .3% $1 ,650.8 0.8% $254.9 0.1 % $299.6 0.1 % $3,895.6 1 .9% $2,1 68.1 1 .1 % $7 68.8 0.4% $2,937 .2 1 .4% $1 ,340.9 0.7 % $1 0,91 2.4 5.4% $386.0 0.2% $804.0 0.4% $1 ,697 .0 0.8% $2,385.9 1 .2% $1 ,41 5.6 0.7 % $2,1 1 0.7 1 .0% $1 ,521 .8 0.7 % $923.9 0.5% $1 ,21 0.9 0.6% $7 05.8 0.3% $392.1 0.2% $2,869.1 1 .4% $2,322.3 1 .1 % $4,000.5 2.0% $1 ,831 .1 0.9% $2,1 55.3 1 .1 % $3,87 5.9 1 .9% $1 3,87 0.3 6.8% $7 83.1 0.4% $6,51 8.2 3.2% $288.1 0.1 % $7 1 0.2 0.3% $304.8 0.1 % $1 ,263.4 0.6% $7 5,459.0 37 .1 % $1 ,501 .0 0.7 % $206.4 0.1 % $1 ,660.5 0.8% $1 ,568.5 0.8% $1 ,609.6 0.8% $1 ,1 51 .8 0.6% $2,657 .4 1 .3% $203,590.8 100% Direct Value Added Percent of ($ Million) U.S. T otal $6,1 1 1 .6 1 .1 % $1 5,691 .6 2.8% $2,543.4 0.5% $3,990.4 0.7 % $69,466.0 1 2.6% $1 2,482.1 2.3% $2,409.3 0.4% $848.9 0.2% $91 5.1 0.2% $5,269.9 1 .0% $3,7 1 8.7 0.7 % $947 .5 0.2% $532.6 0.1 % $1 3,642.1 2.5% $8,91 0.0 1 .6% $1 ,256.2 0.2% $5,856.0 1 .1 % $3,291 .4 0.6% $52,267 .4 9.5% $1 ,081 .5 0.2% $1 ,632.2 0.3% $3,81 8.0 0.7 % $4,924.2 0.9% $6,328.7 1 .1 % $5,1 23.2 0.9% $3,065.1 0.6% $2,693.6 0.5% $2,264.1 0.4% $1 ,538.3 0.3% $849.7 0.2% $7 ,639.3 1 .4% $6,554.3 1 .2% $8,27 1 .1 1 .5% $3,847 .8 0.7 % $3,944.4 0.7 % $1 3,859.4 2.5% $23,1 58.0 4.2% $1 ,538.2 0.3% $1 3,1 68.9 2.4% $61 2.0 0.1 % $1 ,406.6 0.3% $546.4 0.1 % $2,600.2 0.5% $1 92,087 .3 34.9% $4,1 26.0 0.7 % $426.5 0.1 % $3,450.5 0.6% $6,81 9.6 1 .2% $2,331 .5 0.4% $2,1 32.3 0.4% $9,028.7 1 .6% $551,017 .8 100%

Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). Det a ils m a y n ot a dd t o t ot a ls du e t o r ou n din g . * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Table 5b. Direct Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry by State, 2011 (Sorted by Direct Employment)
State Tex as California Oklahoma Louisiana Pennsy lv ania Ohio Florida Colorado Illinois New Y ork Kansas Michigan V irginia North Carolina Georgia Indiana New Mex ico Missouri Mississippi Minnesota West V irginia New Jersey Tennessee Alabama Arkansas Kentucky Wy oming Wisconsin North Dakota Arizona Massachusetts Washington Iowa South Carolina Utah Alaska Mary land Oregon Connecticut Montana Nev ada Nebraska Maine South Dakota Idaho New Hampshire V ermont Hawaii Delaware Rhode Island District of Columbia U.S. T otal Direct Em ploy m ent* Percent of Am ount U.S. T otal 61 9,000 23.9% 1 82,800 7 .1 % 1 49,300 5.8% 1 30,300 5.0% 1 00,7 00 3.9% 7 7 ,000 3.0% 7 2,000 2.8% 69,7 00 2.7 % 65,200 2.5% 63,200 2.4% 56,900 2.2% 53,000 2.0% 47 ,000 1 .8% 44,7 00 1 .7 % 42,600 1 .6% 39,600 1 .5% 39,200 1 .5% 38,200 1 .5% 37 ,7 00 1 .5% 36,300 1 .4% 35,900 1 .4% 34,500 1 .3% 34,500 1 .3% 33,900 1 .3% 33,800 1 .3% 33,400 1 .3% 32,900 1 .3% 32,1 00 1 .2% 27 ,900 1 .1 % 27 ,500 1 .1 % 26,7 00 1 .0% 26,7 00 1 .0% 24,500 0.9% 23,800 0.9% 23,600 0.9% 1 8,7 00 0.7 % 1 7 ,900 0.7 % 1 6,800 0.6% 1 5,900 0.6% 1 5,500 0.6% 1 4,500 0.6% 1 4,300 0.6% 1 2,400 0.5% 9,1 00 0.4% 9,000 0.3% 8,7 00 0.3% 6,1 00 0.2% 4,7 00 0.2% 4,500 0.2% 4,1 00 0.2% 2,1 00 0.1 % 2,590,7 00 100% Direct Labor Incom e** Percent of ($ Million) U.S. T otal $7 5,459.0 37 .1 % $21 ,7 25.4 1 0.7 % $1 3,87 0.3 6.8% $1 0,91 2.4 5.4% $6,51 8.2 3.2% $3,87 5.9 1 .9% $2,7 08.5 1 .3% $6,31 2.5 3.1 % $3,895.6 1 .9% $4,000.5 2.0% $2,937 .2 1 .4% $2,385.9 1 .2% $1 ,660.5 0.8% $1 ,831 .1 0.9% $1 ,650.8 0.8% $2,1 68.1 1 .1 % $2,322.3 1 .1 % $1 ,521 .8 0.7 % $2,1 1 0.7 1 .0% $1 ,41 5.6 0.7 % $1 ,609.6 0.8% $2,869.1 1 .4% $1 ,263.4 0.6% $1 ,7 87 .6 0.9% $1 ,686.3 0.8% $1 ,340.9 0.7 % $2,657 .4 1 .3% $1 ,1 51 .8 0.6% $2,1 55.3 1 .1 % $1 ,240.5 0.6% $1 ,697 .0 0.8% $1 ,568.5 0.8% $7 68.8 0.4% $7 1 0.2 0.3% $1 ,501 .0 0.7 % $2,241 .0 1 .1 % $804.0 0.4% $7 83.1 0.4% $1 ,048.5 0.5% $923.9 0.5% $7 05.8 0.3% $1 ,21 0.9 0.6% $386.0 0.2% $304.8 0.1 % $299.6 0.1 % $392.1 0.2% $206.4 0.1 % $254.9 0.1 % $286.5 0.1 % $288.1 0.1 % $1 65.5 0.1 % $203,590.8 100% Direct Value Added Percent of ($ Million) U.S. T otal $1 92,087 .3 34.9% $69,466.0 1 2.6% $23,1 58.0 4.2% $52,267 .4 9.5% $1 3,1 68.9 2.4% $1 3,859.4 2.5% $5,269.9 1 .0% $1 2,482.1 2.3% $1 3,642.1 2.5% $8,27 1 .1 1 .5% $5,856.0 1 .1 % $4,924.2 0.9% $3,450.5 0.6% $3,847 .8 0.7 % $3,7 1 8.7 0.7 % $8,91 0.0 1 .6% $6,554.3 1 .2% $3,065.1 0.6% $5,1 23.2 0.9% $6,328.7 1 .1 % $2,331 .5 0.4% $7 ,639.3 1 .4% $2,600.2 0.5% $6,1 1 1 .6 1 .1 % $3,990.4 0.7 % $3,291 .4 0.6% $9,028.7 1 .6% $2,1 32.3 0.4% $3,944.4 0.7 % $2,543.4 0.5% $3,81 8.0 0.7 % $6,81 9.6 1 .2% $1 ,256.2 0.2% $1 ,406.6 0.3% $4,1 26.0 0.7 % $1 5,691 .6 2.8% $1 ,632.2 0.3% $1 ,538.2 0.3% $2,409.3 0.4% $2,693.6 0.5% $1 ,538.3 0.3% $2,264.1 0.4% $1 ,081 .5 0.2% $546.4 0.1 % $532.6 0.1 % $849.7 0.2% $426.5 0.1 % $947 .5 0.2% $848.9 0.2% $61 2.0 0.1 % $91 5.1 0.2% $551,017 .8 100%

Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). Det a ils m a y n ot a dd t o t ot a ls du e t o r ou n din g . * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

B. Indirect and Induced Impacts The oil and natural gas industry purchases intermediate inputs from a variety of other US industries, supporting jobs in these industries and spurring additional rounds of input purchases by these industries. Other economic impacts are generated by the personal spending of employees and business owners in the oil and natural gas industry and out of the additional income in the supply chain to the industry. Additional economic impact is generated by shareholder spending out of dividends received from oil and natural gas companies. The jobs, labor income (including wages and salaries and benefits as well as proprietors income), and value added supported by this cycle of spending, or multiplier process, are referred to as the indirect and induced economic impacts. The oil and natural gas industry also purchases capital goods from a variety of US suppliers, which has a similar multiplier effect on the rest of the US economy. Based on data from the Census Bureau and US Department of Commerce, PwC estimates that the oil and natural gas industry invested $177 billion in new equipment and structures in 2011. PwC quantified the indirect and induced impacts of the oil and natural gas industrys operational and capital spending using the customized impact models PwC has built based on the IMPLAN modeling system. Table 6 shows the oil and natural gas industrys indirect and induced impacts by sector, separately identifying its operational and capital investment impacts at the national level. PwC estimates that at the national level, each direct job in the oil and natural gas industry supported nearly three jobs elsewhere in the US economy in 2011. That is, in addition to the 2.6 million direct jobs in the oil and natural gas industry, 7.2 million additional jobs were supported in the US economy through the indirect and induced impacts of the industry. The industrys purchase of intermediate inputs from other US suppliers and payment of dividends to shareholders supported more than 5.8 million indirect and induced jobs in other industries across the country in 2011, and its capital investment supported 1.4 million additional indirect and induced jobs across the US economy. Combined, the oil and natural gas industry directly or indirectly supported 9.8 million jobs in the US economy in 2011. The service sector accounts for the largest number of indirect and induced jobs attributable to the oil and natural gas industrys spending (3.5 million) in 2011, followed by Wholesale and Retail Trade (1.0 million), Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Rental and Leasing (0.9 million), and Manufacturing (0.6 million). The industrys estimated national indirect and induced labor income (including wages and salaries and benefits as well as proprietors income) was $394 billion and its estimated national indirect and induced value added was $658 billion in 2011.


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Table 6. The Direct, Indirect, and Induced Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry to the US Economy, 2011
Sector Description Em ploy m ent* Labor Incom e ($ m illion)** $203,591 $394,024 $311,777 $2,591 $1 ,064 $3,256 $23,7 62 $26,826 $33,1 7 9 $1 1 ,869 $1 0,432 $37 ,435 $1 42,602 $1 8,7 61 $82,247 $592 $282 $525 $1 ,1 7 0 $1 7 ,941 $1 1 ,497 $3,07 3 $3,81 0 $8,091 $34,27 0 $997 $597 ,615 Value Added ($ m illion) $551,018 $658,37 2 $522,535 $3,97 8 $2,7 49 $1 2,950 $25,822 $46,883 $54,430 $1 6,1 59 $20,7 1 0 $1 44,867 $1 7 2,7 64 $21 ,221 $135,837 $87 6 $699 $2,1 65 $1 ,390 $28,886 $1 9,450 $4,342 $7 ,950 $26,553 $42,57 5 $953 $1,209,389

Direct Im pact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry Indirect and Induced Im pact on Other Industries Operational Im pact Agriculture Mining Utilities Construction Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing Information Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Serv ices Other Capital Investm ent Im pact Agriculture Mining Utilities Construction Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing Information Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Serv ices Other T otal Econom ic Im pact

2,590,7 00 7 ,242,600 5,854,500 84,7 00 1 3,7 00 24,600 430,000 380,200 7 7 7 ,600 228,900 1 01 ,7 00 7 21 ,200 2,829,1 00 262,7 00 1,388,100 1 7 ,400 3,7 00 4,000 20,900 221 ,800 21 8,000 57 ,600 35,200 1 55,000 640,500 1 3,900 9,833,200

Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). Det a ils m a y n ot a dd t o t ot a ls du e t o r ou n din g . * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

The remainder of this section provides details on the operational economic impacts of the oil and natural gas industry at the state level. As previously discussed, the state-level impacts exclude the economic impacts from capital investment in the oil and natural gas industry because capital expenditure data is not available at the state level. Table 7a shows the sum of the oil and natural gas industrys indirect and induced effects from its operations (i.e., not including its capital investment impact) in terms of employment, value added, and labor income in the 50 states and the District of Columbia, where the states are shown alphabetically. Table 7b is the same as Table 7a except that the states are ranked in order of the indirect and induced employment effect. In 2011, the five states with the largest combined indirect and induced employment effect generated by the oil and natural gas industry were, in order: Texas, California, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, and Oklahoma. These five states accounted for 45.5 percent of the oil and natural gas industrys national combined indirect and induced employment, 45.4 percent of the oil and natural gas industrys national combined indirect and

Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

induced labor income, and 45.4 percent of the oil and natural gas industrys national combined indirect and induced value added in 2011. Table 8a shows the direct, indirect, induced, and total employment impact of the oil and natural gas industry from its operations in the 50 states and the District of Columbia, where the states are shown alphabetically. Table 8b is the same as Table 8a except that the states are ranked in order of the industrys total employment impact from its operations as a percent of each states total employment. Using this metric, the top five states in 2011 were, in order: Wyoming (20.4 percent), Oklahoma (16.8 percent), Louisiana (16.2 percent), Texas (13.6 percent), and North Dakota (12.0 percent). Table 9a shows the direct, indirect, induced, and total labor income impact of the oil and natural gas industry from its operations in the 50 states and the District of Columbia, where the states are shown alphabetically. Table 9b is the same as Table 9a except the states are ranked in order of the industrys total impact from its operations as a percent of each states total labor income. The top five states by this metric in 2011 were, in order: Oklahoma (22.9 percent), Wyoming (21.3 percent), Louisiana (19.4 percent), Texas (18.7 percent), and North Dakota (13.1 percent). Table 10a shows the direct, indirect, induced, and total value-added impact of the oil and natural gas industry from its operations in the 50 states and the District of Columbia, where the states are shown alphabetically. Table 10b is the same as Table 10a except that the states are ranked in order of the industrys total impact from its operations to each states GDP. The top five states by this metric in 2011 were, in order: Louisiana (35.5 percent), Alaska (34.7 percent), Wyoming (32.9 percent), Texas (23.3 percent), and Oklahoma (23.1 percent). More detailed state-by-state operational impact results are included in Appendix A.


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Table 7a. Indirect and Induced Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industrys Operations by State, 2011 (Sorted Alphabetically)
State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Mary land Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nev ada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mex ico New Y ork North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsy lv ania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Tex as Utah V ermont V irginia Washington West V irginia Wisconsin Wy oming U.S. T otal Em ploy m ent* Percent of Am ount U.S. T otal 69,400 1 .2% 37 ,900 0.6% 69,600 1 .2% 58,800 1 .0% 61 0,400 1 0.4% 1 43,400 2.4% 43,400 0.7 % 1 1 ,600 0.2% 1 1 ,7 00 0.2% 21 4,800 3.7 % 99,000 1 .7 % 1 5,7 00 0.3% 1 8,000 0.3% 1 98,600 3.4% 96,7 00 1 .7 % 40,500 0.7 % 91 ,400 1 .6% 61 ,400 1 .0% 282,300 4.8% 1 6,400 0.3% 57 ,500 1 .0% 7 9,500 1 .4% 1 29,000 2.2% 85,800 1 .5% 60,1 00 1 .0% 80,600 1 .4% 27 ,600 0.5% 32,900 0.6% 34,1 00 0.6% 1 6,200 0.3% 1 09,400 1 .9% 66,400 1 .1 % 207 ,400 3.5% 1 01 ,500 1 .7 % 36,1 00 0.6% 1 7 8,1 00 3.0% 21 5,1 00 3.7 % 43,7 00 0.7 % 238,300 4.1 % 1 1 ,000 0.2% 43,900 0.7 % 1 3,300 0.2% 7 7 ,000 1 .3% 1 ,31 9,7 00 22.5% 56,000 1 .0% 8,400 0.1 % 94,600 1 .6% 7 7 ,7 00 1 .3% 44,500 0.8% 7 1 ,200 1 .2% 47 ,1 00 0.8% 5,854,500 100.0% Labor Incom e** Percent of ($ Million) U.S. T otal $3,1 1 6.3 1 .0% $2,260.7 0.7 % $3,41 3.9 1 .1 % $2,534.0 0.8% $37 ,1 58.2 1 1 .9% $7 ,7 7 5.0 2.5% $3,1 1 1 .9 1 .0% $67 0.9 0.2% $1 ,261 .1 0.4% $1 0,21 0.1 3.3% $5,1 1 4.2 1 .6% $7 81 .4 0.3% $7 41 .4 0.2% $1 1 ,849.0 3.8% $4,530.9 1 .5% $1 ,7 99.2 0.6% $4,27 3.8 1 .4% $2,7 1 3.1 0.9% $1 3,301 .0 4.3% $7 64.3 0.2% $3,386.0 1 .1 % $5,420.9 1 .7 % $6,421 .9 2.1 % $4,602.5 1 .5% $2,41 5.4 0.8% $4,005.4 1 .3% $1 ,085.4 0.3% $1 ,47 6.6 0.5% $1 ,7 26.9 0.6% $860.6 0.3% $7 ,254.6 2.3% $3,027 .9 1 .0% $1 6,41 9.0 5.3% $4,932.5 1 .6% $1 ,67 6.1 0.5% $8,868.4 2.8% $9,427 .5 3.0% $2,028.0 0.7 % $1 3,032.3 4.2% $646.3 0.2% $1 ,923.9 0.6% $552.2 0.2% $3,822.7 1 .2% $68,626.3 22.0% $2,590.6 0.8% $360.6 0.1 % $5,554.7 1 .8% $4,339.9 1 .4% $2,029.0 0.7 % $3,405.4 1 .1 % $2,47 7 .3 0.8% $311,7 7 7 .2 100.0% Value Added Percent of ($ Million) U.S. T otal $5,21 6.2 1 .0% $3,585.4 0.7 % $6,47 3.2 1 .2% $4,07 2.4 0.8% $61 ,97 9.1 1 1 .9% $1 3,329.3 2.6% $5,27 3.7 1 .0% $1 ,1 1 6.7 0.2% $1 ,7 87 .4 0.3% $1 7 ,884.0 3.4% $9,1 83.6 1 .8% $1 ,21 9.7 0.2% $1 ,264.3 0.2% $1 9,665.8 3.8% $7 ,685.6 1 .5% $3,1 62.7 0.6% $7 ,046.8 1 .3% $4,57 6.4 0.9% $21 ,658.0 4.1 % $1 ,289.0 0.2% $5,452.6 1 .0% $8,820.9 1 .7 % $1 0,837 .0 2.1 % $7 ,97 6.9 1 .5% $3,932.2 0.8% $6,7 45.8 1 .3% $1 ,853.1 0.4% $2,458.2 0.5% $3,001 .6 0.6% $1 ,400.7 0.3% $1 2,236.3 2.3% $4,7 1 9.4 0.9% $26,925.8 5.2% $8,631 .5 1 .7 % $2,630.6 0.5% $1 4,585.2 2.8% $1 5,844.0 3.0% $3,488.8 0.7 % $21 ,485.5 4.1 % $1 ,038.0 0.2% $3,266.2 0.6% $91 2.7 0.2% $6,31 8.3 1 .2% $1 1 6,258.7 22.2% $4,250.7 0.8% $61 5.7 0.1 % $9,01 0.1 1 .7 % $7 ,1 85.2 1 .4% $3,424.5 0.7 % $5,7 69.2 1 .1 % $3,990.0 0.8% $522,534.5 100.0%

Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). Det a ils m a y n ot a dd t o t ot a ls du e t o r ou n din g . * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Table 7b. Indirect and Induced Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industrys Operations by State, 2011 (Sorted by Employment Impact)
State Tex as California Louisiana Pennsy lv ania Oklahoma Florida New Y ork Illinois Ohio Colorado Michigan New Jersey North Carolina Georgia Indiana V irginia Kansas Minnesota Missouri Massachusetts Washington Tennessee Wisconsin Arizona Alabama New Mex ico Kentucky Mississippi Arkansas Mary land Utah Wy oming West V irginia South Carolina Oregon Connecticut Iowa Alaska North Dakota Nev ada Nebraska Montana Idaho Maine New Hampshire Hawaii South Dakota District of Columbia Delaware Rhode Island V ermont U.S. T otal Em ploy m ent* Percent of Am ount U.S. T otal 1 ,31 9,7 00 22.5% 61 0,400 1 0.4% 282,300 4.8% 238,300 4.1 % 21 5,1 00 3.7 % 21 4,800 3.7 % 207 ,400 3.5% 1 98,600 3.4% 1 7 8,1 00 3.0% 1 43,400 2.4% 1 29,000 2.2% 1 09,400 1 .9% 1 01 ,500 1 .7 % 99,000 1 .7 % 96,7 00 1 .7 % 94,600 1 .6% 91 ,400 1 .6% 85,800 1 .5% 80,600 1 .4% 7 9,500 1 .4% 7 7 ,7 00 1 .3% 7 7 ,000 1 .3% 7 1 ,200 1 .2% 69,600 1 .2% 69,400 1 .2% 66,400 1 .1 % 61 ,400 1 .0% 60,1 00 1 .0% 58,800 1 .0% 57 ,500 1 .0% 56,000 1 .0% 47 ,1 00 0.8% 44,500 0.8% 43,900 0.7 % 43,7 00 0.7 % 43,400 0.7 % 40,500 0.7 % 37 ,900 0.6% 36,1 00 0.6% 34,1 00 0.6% 32,900 0.6% 27 ,600 0.5% 1 8,000 0.3% 1 6,400 0.3% 1 6,200 0.3% 1 5,7 00 0.3% 1 3,300 0.2% 1 1 ,7 00 0.2% 1 1 ,600 0.2% 1 1 ,000 0.2% 8,400 0.1 % 5,854,500 100.0% Labor Incom e** Percent of ($ Million) U.S. T otal $68,626.3 22.0% $37 ,1 58.2 1 1 .9% $1 3,301 .0 4.3% $1 3,032.3 4.2% $9,427 .5 3.0% $1 0,21 0.1 3.3% $1 6,41 9.0 5.3% $1 1 ,849.0 3.8% $8,868.4 2.8% $7 ,7 7 5.0 2.5% $6,421 .9 2.1 % $7 ,254.6 2.3% $4,932.5 1 .6% $5,1 1 4.2 1 .6% $4,530.9 1 .5% $5,554.7 1 .8% $4,27 3.8 1 .4% $4,602.5 1 .5% $4,005.4 1 .3% $5,420.9 1 .7 % $4,339.9 1 .4% $3,822.7 1 .2% $3,405.4 1 .1 % $3,41 3.9 1 .1 % $3,1 1 6.3 1 .0% $3,027 .9 1 .0% $2,7 1 3.1 0.9% $2,41 5.4 0.8% $2,534.0 0.8% $3,386.0 1 .1 % $2,590.6 0.8% $2,47 7 .3 0.8% $2,029.0 0.7 % $1 ,923.9 0.6% $2,028.0 0.7 % $3,1 1 1 .9 1 .0% $1 ,7 99.2 0.6% $2,260.7 0.7 % $1 ,67 6.1 0.5% $1 ,7 26.9 0.6% $1 ,47 6.6 0.5% $1 ,085.4 0.3% $7 41 .4 0.2% $7 64.3 0.2% $860.6 0.3% $7 81 .4 0.3% $552.2 0.2% $1 ,261 .1 0.4% $67 0.9 0.2% $646.3 0.2% $360.6 0.1 % $311,7 7 7 .2 100.0% Value Added Percent of ($ Million) U.S. T otal $1 1 6,258.7 22.2% $61 ,97 9.1 1 1 .9% $21 ,658.0 4.1 % $21 ,485.5 4.1 % $1 5,844.0 3.0% $1 7 ,884.0 3.4% $26,925.8 5.2% $1 9,665.8 3.8% $1 4,585.2 2.8% $1 3,329.3 2.6% $1 0,837 .0 2.1 % $1 2,236.3 2.3% $8,631 .5 1 .7 % $9,1 83.6 1 .8% $7 ,685.6 1 .5% $9,01 0.1 1 .7 % $7 ,046.8 1 .3% $7 ,97 6.9 1 .5% $6,7 45.8 1 .3% $8,820.9 1 .7 % $7 ,1 85.2 1 .4% $6,31 8.3 1 .2% $5,7 69.2 1 .1 % $6,47 3.2 1 .2% $5,21 6.2 1 .0% $4,7 1 9.4 0.9% $4,57 6.4 0.9% $3,932.2 0.8% $4,07 2.4 0.8% $5,452.6 1 .0% $4,250.7 0.8% $3,990.0 0.8% $3,424.5 0.7 % $3,266.2 0.6% $3,488.8 0.7 % $5,27 3.7 1 .0% $3,1 62.7 0.6% $3,585.4 0.7 % $2,630.6 0.5% $3,001 .6 0.6% $2,458.2 0.5% $1 ,853.1 0.4% $1 ,264.3 0.2% $1 ,289.0 0.2% $1 ,400.7 0.3% $1 ,21 9.7 0.2% $91 2.7 0.2% $1 ,7 87 .4 0.3% $1 ,1 1 6.7 0.2% $1 ,038.0 0.2% $61 5.7 0.1 % $522,534.5 100.0%

Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). Det a ils m a y n ot a dd t o t ot a ls du e t o r ou n din g . * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Table 8a. Employment Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industrys Operations by State, 2011 (Sorted Alphabetically)
State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Mary land Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nev ada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mex ico New Y ork North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsy lv ania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Tex as Utah V ermont V irginia Washington West V irginia Wisconsin Wy oming U.S. T otal Direct Em ploy m ent 33,900 1 8,7 00 27 ,500 33,800 1 82,800 69,7 00 1 5,900 4,500 2,1 00 7 2,000 42,600 4,7 00 9,000 65,200 39,600 24,500 56,900 33,400 1 30,300 1 2,400 1 7 ,900 26,7 00 53,000 36,300 37 ,7 00 38,200 1 5,500 1 4,300 1 4,500 8,7 00 34,500 39,200 63,200 44,7 00 27 ,900 7 7 ,000 1 49,300 1 6,800 1 00,7 00 4,1 00 23,800 9,1 00 34,500 61 9,000 23,600 6,1 00 47 ,000 26,7 00 35,900 32,1 00 32,900 2,590,7 00 Indirect Em ploy m ent 30,200 1 8,300 25,500 27 ,1 00 235,500 61 ,7 00 1 3,1 00 4,1 00 4,000 7 7 ,7 00 33,500 5,7 00 6,7 00 81 ,800 40,500 1 4,7 00 47 ,300 26,900 1 51 ,300 5,500 1 7 ,900 24,1 00 51 ,800 32,900 29,500 29,200 1 3,900 1 0,7 00 1 2,600 5,200 38,800 34,000 64,800 36,000 1 7 ,200 7 5,1 00 1 02,800 1 4,600 97 ,200 3,200 1 5,300 5,000 28,900 602,7 00 24,7 00 2,900 35,900 26,900 22,400 25,7 00 27 ,200 2,440,300 Induced Em ploy m ent 39,200 1 9,600 44,1 00 31 ,600 37 4,900 81 ,7 00 30,400 7 ,500 7 ,600 1 37 ,1 00 65,500 1 0,000 1 1 ,300 1 1 6,800 56,300 25,900 44,1 00 34,500 1 31 ,000 1 0,900 39,500 55,500 7 7 ,200 52,900 30,600 51 ,500 1 3,7 00 22,300 21 ,500 1 0,900 7 0,600 32,400 1 42,600 65,500 1 8,800 1 03,000 1 1 2,200 29,1 00 1 41 ,1 00 7 ,7 00 28,600 8,300 48,1 00 7 1 7 ,000 31 ,300 5,600 58,7 00 50,7 00 22,1 00 45,400 1 9,900 3,414,200 T otal Contribution 1 03,300 56,600 97 ,1 00 92,500 7 93,200 21 3,1 00 59,400 1 6,1 00 1 3,7 00 286,800 1 41 ,600 20,500 27 ,000 263,7 00 1 36,400 65,1 00 1 48,300 94,7 00 41 2,600 28,800 7 5,400 1 06,300 1 82,000 1 22,1 00 97 ,800 1 1 8,800 43,1 00 47 ,200 48,600 24,900 1 43,900 1 05,600 27 0,600 1 46,1 00 64,000 255,1 00 364,300 60,400 339,000 1 5,1 00 67 ,7 00 22,500 1 1 1 ,500 1 ,938,7 00 7 9,600 1 4,600 1 41 ,600 1 04,300 80,400 1 03,300 80,000 8,445,200 T otal Contribution as a % of State T otal Em ploy m ent 4.2% 1 1 .9% 3.0% 5.9% 4.1 % 6.7 % 2.7 % 3.0% 1 .7 % 2.9% 2.7 % 2.3% 3.1 % 3.6% 3.8% 3.3% 8.1 % 4.0% 1 6.2% 3.6% 2.2% 2.5% 3.6% 3.5% 6.6% 3.4% 6.7 % 3.8% 3.2% 3.0% 2.9% 9.9% 2.4% 2.8% 1 2.0% 3.9% 1 6.8% 2.8% 4.7 % 2.5% 2.9% 3.9% 3.2% 1 3.6% 4.9% 3.6% 3.0% 2.8% 8.9% 3.0% 20.4% 4.9%

Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). Det a ils m a y n ot a dd t o t ot a ls du e t o r ou n din g . Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs.


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Table 8b. Employment Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industrys Operations by State, 2011 (Sorted by Employment Share)
State Wy oming Oklahoma Louisiana Tex as North Dakota Alaska New Mex ico West V irginia Kansas Montana Colorado Mississippi Arkansas Utah Pennsy lv ania Alabama California Kentucky Ohio South Dakota Nebraska Indiana Illinois Maine Michigan V ermont Minnesota Missouri Iowa Nev ada Tennessee Idaho Arizona Wisconsin Delaware V irginia New Hampshire Florida New Jersey South Carolina North Carolina Oregon Washington Georgia Connecticut Rhode Island Massachusetts New Y ork Hawaii Mary land District of Columbia U.S. T otal Direct Indirect Induced T otal Em ploy m ent Em ploy m ent Em ploy m ent Contribution 32,900 1 49,300 1 30,300 61 9,000 27 ,900 1 8,7 00 39,200 35,900 56,900 1 5,500 69,7 00 37 ,7 00 33,800 23,600 1 00,7 00 33,900 1 82,800 33,400 7 7 ,000 9,1 00 1 4,300 39,600 65,200 1 2,400 53,000 6,1 00 36,300 38,200 24,500 1 4,500 34,500 9,000 27 ,500 32,1 00 4,500 47 ,000 8,7 00 7 2,000 34,500 23,800 44,7 00 1 6,800 26,7 00 42,600 1 5,900 4,1 00 26,7 00 63,200 4,7 00 1 7 ,900 2,1 00 2,590,7 00 27 ,200 1 02,800 1 51 ,300 602,7 00 1 7 ,200 1 8,300 34,000 22,400 47 ,300 1 3,900 61 ,7 00 29,500 27 ,1 00 24,7 00 97 ,200 30,200 235,500 26,900 7 5,1 00 5,000 1 0,7 00 40,500 81 ,800 5,500 51 ,800 2,900 32,900 29,200 1 4,7 00 1 2,600 28,900 6,7 00 25,500 25,7 00 4,1 00 35,900 5,200 7 7 ,7 00 38,800 1 5,300 36,000 1 4,600 26,900 33,500 1 3,1 00 3,200 24,1 00 64,800 5,7 00 1 7 ,900 4,000 2,440,300 1 9,900 1 1 2,200 1 31 ,000 7 1 7 ,000 1 8,800 1 9,600 32,400 22,1 00 44,1 00 1 3,7 00 81 ,7 00 30,600 31 ,600 31 ,300 1 41 ,1 00 39,200 37 4,900 34,500 1 03,000 8,300 22,300 56,300 1 1 6,800 1 0,900 7 7 ,200 5,600 52,900 51 ,500 25,900 21 ,500 48,1 00 1 1 ,300 44,1 00 45,400 7 ,500 58,7 00 1 0,900 1 37 ,1 00 7 0,600 28,600 65,500 29,1 00 50,7 00 65,500 30,400 7 ,7 00 55,500 1 42,600 1 0,000 39,500 7 ,600 3,414,200 80,000 364,300 41 2,600 1 ,938,7 00 64,000 56,600 1 05,600 80,400 1 48,300 43,1 00 21 3,1 00 97 ,800 92,500 7 9,600 339,000 1 03,300 7 93,200 94,7 00 255,1 00 22,500 47 ,200 1 36,400 263,7 00 28,800 1 82,000 1 4,600 1 22,1 00 1 1 8,800 65,1 00 48,600 1 1 1 ,500 27 ,000 97 ,1 00 1 03,300 1 6,1 00 1 41 ,600 24,900 286,800 1 43,900 67 ,7 00 1 46,1 00 60,400 1 04,300 1 41 ,600 59,400 1 5,1 00 1 06,300 27 0,600 20,500 7 5,400 1 3,7 00 8,445,200 T otal Contribution as a % of State T otal Em ploy m ent 20.4% 1 6.8% 1 6.2% 1 3.6% 1 2.0% 1 1 .9% 9.9% 8.9% 8.1 % 6.7 % 6.7 % 6.6% 5.9% 4.9% 4.7 % 4.2% 4.1 % 4.0% 3.9% 3.9% 3.8% 3.8% 3.6% 3.6% 3.6% 3.6% 3.5% 3.4% 3.3% 3.2% 3.2% 3.1 % 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 2.9% 2.9% 2.9% 2.8% 2.8% 2.8% 2.7 % 2.7 % 2.5% 2.5% 2.4% 2.3% 2.2% 1 .7 % 4.9%

Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). Det a ils m a y n ot a dd t o t ot a ls du e t o r ou n din g . Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs.


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Table 9a. Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industrys Operations on Labor Income by State, 2011 (in $ Millions, Sorted Alphabetically)
State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Mary land Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nev ada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mex ico New Y ork North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsy lv ania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Tex as Utah V ermont V irginia Washington West V irginia Wisconsin Wy oming U.S. T otal Direct Labor Incom e $1 ,7 88 $2,241 $1 ,241 $1 ,686 $21 ,7 25 $6,31 3 $1 ,049 $286 $1 66 $2,7 09 $1 ,651 $255 $300 $3,896 $2,1 68 $7 69 $2,937 $1 ,341 $1 0,91 2 $386 $804 $1 ,697 $2,386 $1 ,41 6 $2,1 1 1 $1 ,522 $924 $1 ,21 1 $7 06 $392 $2,869 $2,322 $4,000 $1 ,831 $2,1 55 $3,87 6 $1 3,87 0 $7 83 $6,51 8 $288 $7 1 0 $305 $1 ,263 $7 5,459 $1 ,501 $206 $1 ,661 $1 ,569 $1 ,61 0 $1 ,1 52 $2,657 $203,591 Indirect Labor Incom e $1 ,561 $1 ,294 $1 ,463 $1 ,357 $1 7 ,1 62 $4,036 $1 ,21 1 $297 $560 $4,343 $2,07 6 $337 $321 $5,882 $2,233 $7 60 $2,529 $1 ,383 $8,1 09 $306 $1 ,340 $2,1 29 $3,095 $2,1 57 $1 ,31 9 $1 ,7 84 $61 6 $57 7 $7 7 4 $331 $3,237 $1 ,7 80 $6,805 $2,1 20 $942 $4,47 3 $5,1 40 $829 $6,403 $244 $7 99 $232 $1 ,639 $36,805 $1 ,339 $1 42 $2,638 $1 ,829 $1 ,21 1 $1 ,489 $1 ,640 $153,07 5 Induced T otal Contribution T otal Labor as a % of State T otal Contribution Incom e Labor Incom e $1 ,556 $4,904 4.2% $967 $4,502 1 2.6% $1 ,951 $4,654 3.0% $1 ,1 7 7 $4,220 6.3% $1 9,996 $58,884 4.9% $3,7 39 $1 4,088 8.1 % $1 ,901 $4,1 60 2.8% $37 4 $957 3.2% $7 01 $1 ,427 1 .3% $5,867 $1 2,91 9 2.8% $3,039 $6,7 65 2.5% $445 $1 ,036 2.0% $420 $1 ,041 2.9% $5,967 $1 5,7 45 3.8% $2,298 $6,699 4.1 % $1 ,039 $2,568 3.0% $1 ,7 45 $7 ,21 1 8.6% $1 ,330 $4,054 3.8% $5,1 92 $24,21 3 1 9.4% $459 $1 ,1 50 3.2% $2,046 $4,1 90 1 .9% $3,292 $7 ,1 1 8 2.6% $3,327 $8,808 3.5% $2,446 $6,01 8 3.4% $1 ,096 $4,526 7 .4% $2,221 $5,527 3.3% $47 0 $2,009 7 .7 % $899 $2,687 4.7 % $953 $2,433 3.2% $530 $1 ,253 2.8% $4,01 8 $1 0,1 24 3.3% $1 ,248 $5,350 1 0.3% $9,61 4 $20,41 9 2.7 % $2,81 2 $6,7 64 2.6% $7 35 $3,831 1 3.1 % $4,395 $1 2,7 44 4.1 % $4,287 $23,298 22.9% $1 ,1 99 $2,81 1 2.8% $6,630 $1 9,550 5.1 % $403 $934 2.8% $1 ,1 25 $2,634 2.4% $320 $857 3.5% $2,1 84 $5,086 3.0% $31 ,821 $1 44,085 1 8.7 % $1 ,252 $4,092 5.3% $21 8 $567 3.1 % $2,91 7 $7 ,21 5 2.5% $2,51 1 $5,908 2.7 % $81 8 $3,639 8.8% $1 ,91 7 $4,557 2.9% $837 $5,1 35 21 .3% $158,7 02 $515,368 5.4%

Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). Det a ils m a y n ot a dd t o t ot a ls du e t o r ou n din g . La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Table 9b. Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industrys Operations on Labor Income by State, 2011 (in $ Millions, Sorted by Labor Income Share)
State Oklahoma Wy oming Louisiana Tex as North Dakota Alaska New Mex ico West V irginia Kansas Colorado Montana Mississippi Arkansas Utah Pennsy lv ania California Nebraska Alabama Indiana Ohio Illinois Kentucky Michigan South Dakota Minnesota Missouri New Jersey Nev ada Delaware Maine V ermont Tennessee Iowa Arizona Wisconsin Idaho Connecticut Florida New Hampshire Oregon Rhode Island New Y ork Washington North Carolina Massachusetts Georgia V irginia South Carolina Hawaii Mary land District of Columbia U.S. T otal Direct Labor Incom e $1 3,87 0 $2,657 $1 0,91 2 $7 5,459 $2,1 55 $2,241 $2,322 $1 ,61 0 $2,937 $6,31 3 $924 $2,1 1 1 $1 ,686 $1 ,501 $6,51 8 $21 ,7 25 $1 ,21 1 $1 ,7 88 $2,1 68 $3,87 6 $3,896 $1 ,341 $2,386 $305 $1 ,41 6 $1 ,522 $2,869 $7 06 $286 $386 $206 $1 ,263 $7 69 $1 ,241 $1 ,1 52 $300 $1 ,049 $2,7 09 $392 $7 83 $288 $4,000 $1 ,569 $1 ,831 $1 ,697 $1 ,651 $1 ,661 $7 1 0 $255 $804 $1 66 $203,591 Indirect Labor Incom e $5,1 40 $1 ,640 $8,1 09 $36,805 $942 $1 ,294 $1 ,7 80 $1 ,21 1 $2,529 $4,036 $61 6 $1 ,31 9 $1 ,357 $1 ,339 $6,403 $1 7 ,1 62 $57 7 $1 ,561 $2,233 $4,47 3 $5,882 $1 ,383 $3,095 $232 $2,1 57 $1 ,7 84 $3,237 $7 7 4 $297 $306 $1 42 $1 ,639 $7 60 $1 ,463 $1 ,489 $321 $1 ,21 1 $4,343 $331 $829 $244 $6,805 $1 ,829 $2,1 20 $2,1 29 $2,07 6 $2,638 $7 99 $337 $1 ,340 $560 $153,07 5 Induced T otal Contribution T otal Labor as a % of State T otal Contribution Incom e Labor Incom e $4,287 $23,298 22.9% $837 $5,1 35 21 .3% $5,1 92 $24,21 3 1 9.4% $31 ,821 $1 44,085 1 8.7 % $7 35 $3,831 1 3.1 % $967 $4,502 1 2.6% $1 ,248 $5,350 1 0.3% $81 8 $3,639 8.8% $1 ,7 45 $7 ,21 1 8.6% $3,7 39 $1 4,088 8.1 % $47 0 $2,009 7 .7 % $1 ,096 $4,526 7 .4% $1 ,1 7 7 $4,220 6.3% $1 ,252 $4,092 5.3% $6,630 $1 9,550 5.1 % $1 9,996 $58,884 4.9% $899 $2,687 4.7 % $1 ,556 $4,904 4.2% $2,298 $6,699 4.1 % $4,395 $1 2,7 44 4.1 % $5,967 $1 5,7 45 3.8% $1 ,330 $4,054 3.8% $3,327 $8,808 3.5% $320 $857 3.5% $2,446 $6,01 8 3.4% $2,221 $5,527 3.3% $4,01 8 $1 0,1 24 3.3% $953 $2,433 3.2% $37 4 $957 3.2% $459 $1 ,1 50 3.2% $21 8 $567 3.1 % $2,1 84 $5,086 3.0% $1 ,039 $2,568 3.0% $1 ,951 $4,654 3.0% $1 ,91 7 $4,557 2.9% $420 $1 ,041 2.9% $1 ,901 $4,1 60 2.8% $5,867 $1 2,91 9 2.8% $530 $1 ,253 2.8% $1 ,1 99 $2,81 1 2.8% $403 $934 2.8% $9,61 4 $20,41 9 2.7 % $2,51 1 $5,908 2.7 % $2,81 2 $6,7 64 2.6% $3,292 $7 ,1 1 8 2.6% $3,039 $6,7 65 2.5% $2,91 7 $7 ,21 5 2.5% $1 ,1 25 $2,634 2.4% $445 $1 ,036 2.0% $2,046 $4,1 90 1 .9% $7 01 $1 ,427 1 .3% $158,7 02 $515,368 5.4%

Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). Det a ils m a y n ot a dd t o t ot a ls du e t o r ou n din g . La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Table 10a. Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industrys Operations on Value Added by State, 2011 (in $ Millions, Sorted Alphabetically)
State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Mary land Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nev ada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mex ico New Y ork North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsy lv ania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Tex as Utah V ermont V irginia Washington West V irginia Wisconsin Wy oming U.S. T otal Direct Value Added $6,1 1 2 $1 5,692 $2,543 $3,990 $69,466 $1 2,482 $2,409 $849 $91 5 $5,27 0 $3,7 1 9 $947 $533 $1 3,642 $8,91 0 $1 ,256 $5,856 $3,291 $52,267 $1 ,082 $1 ,632 $3,81 8 $4,924 $6,329 $5,1 23 $3,065 $2,694 $2,264 $1 ,538 $850 $7 ,639 $6,554 $8,27 1 $3,848 $3,944 $1 3,859 $23,1 58 $1 ,538 $1 3,1 69 $61 2 $1 ,407 $546 $2,600 $1 92,087 $4,1 26 $427 $3,451 $6,820 $2,332 $2,1 32 $9,029 $551,018 Indirect Value Added $2,525 $1 ,880 $3,036 $2,047 $27 ,7 87 $6,7 80 $2,091 $495 $7 82 $7 ,661 $3,7 23 $487 $541 $9,491 $3,7 21 $1 ,299 $4,020 $2,1 88 $1 2,688 $508 $2,050 $3,41 9 $5,1 96 $3,7 42 $2,041 $2,91 8 $1 ,01 5 $953 $1 ,344 $51 8 $5,361 $2,554 $1 1 ,1 48 $3,483 $1 ,397 $7 ,048 $8,283 $1 ,402 $1 0,266 $385 $1 ,300 $380 $2,663 $60,235 $2,1 1 1 $236 $4,055 $2,834 $1 ,97 6 $2,484 $2,501 $249,049 T otal Induced T otal Contribution as a Value Added Contribution % of State GDP $2,691 $1 ,7 05 $3,437 $2,026 $34,1 92 $6,549 $3,1 83 $621 $1 ,006 $1 0,223 $5,460 $7 33 $7 24 $1 0,1 7 4 $3,965 $1 ,863 $3,026 $2,388 $8,97 0 $7 81 $3,403 $5,402 $5,641 $4,235 $1 ,891 $3,828 $838 $1 ,505 $1 ,657 $882 $6,87 5 $2,1 66 $1 5,7 7 8 $5,1 49 $1 ,234 $7 ,537 $7 ,561 $2,087 $1 1 ,220 $653 $1 ,966 $533 $3,656 $56,023 $2,1 40 $380 $4,955 $4,351 $1 ,449 $3,285 $1 ,489 $27 3,485 $1 1 ,328 $1 9,27 7 $9,01 7 $8,063 $1 31 ,445 $25,81 1 $7 ,683 $1 ,966 $2,7 03 $23,1 54 $1 2,902 $2,1 67 $1 ,7 97 $33,308 $1 6,596 $4,41 9 $1 2,903 $7 ,868 $7 3,925 $2,37 0 $7 ,085 $1 2,639 $1 5,7 61 $1 4,306 $9,055 $9,81 1 $4,547 $4,7 22 $4,540 $2,250 $1 9,87 6 $1 1 ,27 4 $35,1 97 $1 2,47 9 $6,57 5 $28,445 $39,002 $5,027 $34,654 $1 ,650 $4,67 3 $1 ,459 $8,91 8 $308,346 $8,37 7 $1 ,042 $1 2,461 $1 4,005 $5,7 56 $7 ,901 $1 3,01 9 $1,07 3,552 6.4% 34.7 % 3.4% 7 .8% 6.7 % 9.1 % 3.3% 4.1 % 1 .9% 3.1 % 3.0% 2.9% 3.1 % 5.1 % 6.3% 3.1 % 9.5% 4.6% 35.5% 4.2% 2.2% 2.9% 4.1 % 5.0% 9.4% 3.8% 1 0.8% 5.4% 3.8% 3.3% 4.0% 1 4.2% 3.0% 3.0% 1 2.3% 5.7 % 23.1 % 3.0% 5.8% 3.2% 2.8% 3.9% 3.4% 23.2% 6.9% 3.6% 2.9% 4.0% 8.7 % 3.1 % 32.9% 7 .1%

Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). Det a ils m a y n ot a dd t o t ot a ls du e t o r ou n din g .


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Table 10b. Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industrys Operations on Value Added by State, 2011 (in $ Millions, Sorted by Value Added Share)
State Louisiana Alaska Wy oming Tex as Oklahoma New Mex ico North Dakota Montana Kansas Mississippi Colorado West V irginia Arkansas Utah California Alabama Indiana Pennsy lv ania Ohio Nebraska Illinois Minnesota Kentucky Maine Delaware Michigan Washington New Jersey South Dakota Nev ada Missouri V ermont Arizona Tennessee Connecticut New Hampshire Rhode Island Florida Wisconsin Iowa Idaho Oregon North Carolina New Y ork Georgia Massachusetts Hawaii V irginia South Carolina Mary land District of Columbia U.S. T otal Direct Value Indirect Induced T otal T otal Contribution Added Value Added Value Added Contribution as a % of State GDP $52,267 $1 5,692 $9,029 $1 92,087 $23,1 58 $6,554 $3,944 $2,694 $5,856 $5,1 23 $1 2,482 $2,332 $3,990 $4,1 26 $69,466 $6,1 1 2 $8,91 0 $1 3,1 69 $1 3,859 $2,264 $1 3,642 $6,329 $3,291 $1 ,082 $849 $4,924 $6,820 $7 ,639 $546 $1 ,538 $3,065 $427 $2,543 $2,600 $2,409 $850 $61 2 $5,27 0 $2,1 32 $1 ,256 $533 $1 ,538 $3,848 $8,27 1 $3,7 1 9 $3,81 8 $947 $3,451 $1 ,407 $1 ,632 $91 5 $551,018 $1 2,688 $1 ,880 $2,501 $60,235 $8,283 $2,554 $1 ,397 $1 ,01 5 $4,020 $2,041 $6,7 80 $1 ,97 6 $2,047 $2,1 1 1 $27 ,7 87 $2,525 $3,7 21 $1 0,266 $7 ,048 $953 $9,491 $3,7 42 $2,1 88 $508 $495 $5,1 96 $2,834 $5,361 $380 $1 ,344 $2,91 8 $236 $3,036 $2,663 $2,091 $51 8 $385 $7 ,661 $2,484 $1 ,299 $541 $1 ,402 $3,483 $1 1 ,1 48 $3,7 23 $3,41 9 $487 $4,055 $1 ,300 $2,050 $7 82 $249,049 $8,97 0 $1 ,7 05 $1 ,489 $56,023 $7 ,561 $2,1 66 $1 ,234 $838 $3,026 $1 ,891 $6,549 $1 ,449 $2,026 $2,1 40 $34,1 92 $2,691 $3,965 $1 1 ,220 $7 ,537 $1 ,505 $1 0,1 7 4 $4,235 $2,388 $7 81 $621 $5,641 $4,351 $6,87 5 $533 $1 ,657 $3,828 $380 $3,437 $3,656 $3,1 83 $882 $653 $1 0,223 $3,285 $1 ,863 $7 24 $2,087 $5,1 49 $1 5,7 7 8 $5,460 $5,402 $7 33 $4,955 $1 ,966 $3,403 $1 ,006 $27 3,485 $7 3,925 $1 9,27 7 $1 3,01 9 $308,346 $39,002 $1 1 ,27 4 $6,57 5 $4,547 $1 2,903 $9,055 $25,81 1 $5,7 56 $8,063 $8,37 7 $1 31 ,445 $1 1 ,328 $1 6,596 $34,654 $28,445 $4,7 22 $33,308 $1 4,306 $7 ,868 $2,37 0 $1 ,966 $1 5,7 61 $1 4,005 $1 9,87 6 $1 ,459 $4,540 $9,81 1 $1 ,042 $9,01 7 $8,91 8 $7 ,683 $2,250 $1 ,650 $23,1 54 $7 ,901 $4,41 9 $1 ,7 97 $5,027 $1 2,47 9 $35,1 97 $1 2,902 $1 2,639 $2,1 67 $1 2,461 $4,67 3 $7 ,085 $2,7 03 $1,07 3,552 35.5% 34.7 % 32.9% 23.2% 23.1 % 1 4.2% 1 2.3% 1 0.8% 9.5% 9.4% 9.1 % 8.7 % 7 .8% 6.9% 6.7 % 6.4% 6.3% 5.8% 5.7 % 5.4% 5.1 % 5.0% 4.6% 4.2% 4.1 % 4.1 % 4.0% 4.0% 3.9% 3.8% 3.8% 3.6% 3.4% 3.4% 3.3% 3.3% 3.2% 3.1 % 3.1 % 3.1 % 3.1 % 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 2.9% 2.9% 2.9% 2.8% 2.2% 1 .9% 7 .1%

Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). Det a ils m a y n ot a dd t o t ot a ls du e t o r ou n din g .


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry


Wages, Capital Spending, and Dividends from the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

As shown in the previous section, the US oil and natural gas industrys direct labor income in 2011 is estimated to be $203.6 billion and capital expenditures are estimated to be $176.7 billion in 2011.7 One measure of the industrys total spend is the sum of the industry labor income, capital expenditures, and dividend payments. Total dividends paid by the industry were obtained from S&Ps Compustat North America database for US-headquartered companies in the oil and natural gas industry.8 Excluding distributions from Master Limited Partnerships and other passthrough entities,9 PwC estimates that the industry paid out a total of $32.0 billion in dividends in 2011, including dividends paid to individuals, retirement plans, foreign shareholders, and other businesses. Using this measure of total spend (consisting of the estimated direct labor income, capital expenditures, and dividend payments), the industrys total spend amounted to $410.3 billion in 2011. Another source for the industrys annual capital expenditures is a survey published annually by the Oil & Gas Journal, which puts the industrys 2011 US capital expenditures at $292.0 billion.10 If this estimate of the industrys capital expenditures is used for the purpose of computing the industrys total spend as defined above, the industrys total spend was $527.6 billion in 2011.

The Census Bureau defines capital expenditures to include all capitalized costs incurred during the year for structures and equipment chargeable to asset accounts, and for which depreciation and amortization accounts are ordinarily maintained. 8 The measure of dividends used includes cash dividends from all classes of common stock, cash paid in lieu of fractional shares, liquidation payments to shareholders and other cash distributions to shareholders. It also includes dividends paid to US shareholders out of income from US operations by foreign corporations. It does not include the dollar value of stock dividends or dividends paid or accrued on preferred stock. 9 Distributions from pass-through entities are included as proprietors' income in PwC's estimate of direct labor income. 10 Oil & Gas Journal, March 5, 2012, available at:

Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Appendix A: Detailed State-by-State Operational Impact Results


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Alabama, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Construction Transportation and warehousing I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 33,926




T otal

As a % of State T otal

8,97 6 6,559 1 ,829 4,255 4,61 8 1 ,7 7 1 1 ,07 7 31 9 255 27 4 232


1 8,7 87 5,97 5 7 ,005 2,968 652 1 ,01 5 1 ,1 1 3 1 ,094 203 70 303


27,764 12,535 8,834 7,222 5,270 2,787 2,190 1,413 458 344 536 103,27 8 4.2%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade Construction I nformation Transportation and warehousing Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 1,7 87 .6

$ 1,7 87 .6



T otal
$ 1,7 87 .6

As a % of State T otal

$385.0 $383.2 $261 .2 $89.8 $21 9.9 $66.3 $80.1 $30.9 $9.8 $24.0 $1 0.4
$ 1,560.6

$698.7 $248.1 $1 59.9 $235.8 $31 .4 $64.9 $45.7 $24.0 $27 .4 $6.2 $1 3.6
$ 1,555.7

$1,083.7 $631.3 $421.1 $325.6 $251.3 $131.2 $125.8 $54.9 $37.2 $30.2 $24.0 $ 4,903.9 4.2%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Construction Utilities Transportation and warehousing Mining Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 6,111.6



T otal
$ 6,111.6

As a % of State T otal

$691 .0 $447 .0 $47 2.7 $1 51 .3 $207 .9 $238.0 $1 26.4 $1 1 1 .7 $52.0 $1 0.4 $1 6.6
$ 6,111.6 $ 2,525.0

$7 57 .9 $808.6 $267 .1 $37 3.0 $21 4.9 $37 .9 $97 .4 $63.5 $1 3.4 $35.7 $21 .8
$ 2,691.2

$1,448.9 $1,255.6 $739.8 $524.3 $422.8 $275.9 $223.8 $175.2 $65.4 $46.1 $38.4 $ 11,327 .8 6.4%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Alaska, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Transportation and warehousing I nformation Manufacturing Utilities Mining Agriculture Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 18,7 45

18,7 45



T otal
18,7 45

As a % of State T otal

5,350 4,7 7 8 97 0 4,568 1 ,27 1 621 21 7 1 61 202 27 1 37


1 0,390 2,51 6 4,07 5 21 0 844 445 61 6 94 47 1 07 21 9


15,741 7,294 5,045 4,779 2,115 1,066 832 255 249 134 356 56,612 11.9%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Construction Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing I nformation Manufacturing Utilities Mining Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 2,241.0

$ 2,241.0



T otal
$ 2,241.0

As a % of State T otal

$31 1 .8 $37 5.1 $360.9 $46.1 $89.0 $46.9 $1 4.4 $1 7 .8 $1 5.0 $5.0 $1 1 .5
$ 1,293.5

$47 6.0 $1 60.0 $1 6.7 $1 58.4 $56.1 $32.4 $30.5 $1 0.2 $3.4 $5.3 $1 8.2
$ 967 .1

$787.9 $535.1 $377.5 $204.5 $145.1 $79.3 $44.9 $28.0 $18.4 $10.3 $29.7 $ 4,501.6 12.6%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Construction Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Transportation and warehousing Utilities Mining Manufacturing Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 15,691.6



T otal
$ 15,691.6

As a % of State T otal

$61 5.0 $381 .3 $383.6 $7 5.4 $1 45.5 $1 05.2 $7 1 .9 $60.6 $1 9.2 $4.9 $1 7 .4
$ 15,691.6 $ 1,880.1

$563.2 $57 1 .8 $20.7 $249.4 $1 08.2 $66.5 $39.7 $1 4.3 $38.2 $5.6 $27 .7

$1,178.3 $953.1 $404.3 $324.7 $253.7 $171.7 $111.6 $74.9 $57.4 $10.6 $45.1 34.7 %

$ 1,7 05.3 $ 19,27 7 .0


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Arizona, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Construction Transportation and warehousing I nformation Agriculture Mining Utilities Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 27 ,508

27 ,508



T otal
27 ,508

As a % of State T otal

8,353 7 ,688 1 ,1 7 0 2,1 04 2,930 1 ,406 1 ,057 1 40 449 1 32 77


21 ,87 2 9,47 1 7 ,489 1 ,327 404 1 ,222 1 ,268 609 113 1 52 1 85


30,225 17,159 8,658 3,431 3,334 2,627 2,324 749 562 285 262 97 ,125 3.0%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Construction I nformation Transportation and warehousing Mining Utilities Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 1,240.5

$ 1,240.5



T otal
$ 1,240.5

As a % of State T otal

$41 4.1 $461 .8 $7 2.0 $1 38.6 $1 64.1 $7 4.5 $67 .7 $39.8 $1 8.0 $7 .1 $5.1
$ 1,462.7

$932.7 $387 .5 $320.7 $86.2 $22.5 $80.8 $58.0 $1 0.3 $1 9.9 $21 .0 $1 1 .6
$ 1,951.1

$1,346.8 $849.3 $392.7 $224.7 $186.6 $155.2 $125.7 $50.1 $37.9 $28.1 $16.7 $ 4,654.4 3.0%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Manufacturing Mining Construction Transportation and warehousing Utilities Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 2,543.4



T otal
$ 2,543.4

As a % of State T otal

$1 ,41 9.1 $491 .1 $1 23.3 $21 8.6 $231 .7 $1 90.2 $1 7 6.3 $93.2 $7 3.8 $1 1 .0 $7 .8
$ 2,543.4 $ 3,036.2

$1 ,090.8 $1 ,1 1 2.8 $529.6 $252.6 $1 59.8 $50.7 $28.2 $7 9.3 $7 8.5 $36.9 $1 8.0
$ 3,437 .1

$2,509.9 $1,603.9 $652.9 $471.2 $391.5 $240.9 $204.5 $172.5 $152.2 $47.8 $25.8 $ 9,016.6 3.4%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Arkansas, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 33,7 95

33,7 95



T otal
33,7 95

As a % of State T otal

7 ,989 5,57 1 1 ,562 5,580 3,1 62 1 ,600 922 382 1 83 92 1 03

27 ,146

1 5,7 99 4,024 5,7 99 461 2,1 7 0 97 9 803 1 ,227 1 36 23 1 86


23,789 9,595 7,360 6,041 5,332 2,579 1,726 1,609 319 115 289 92,549 5.9%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Transportation and warehousing I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 1,686.3

$ 1,686.3



T otal
$ 1,686.3

As a % of State T otal

$397 .8 $303.9 $1 91 .3 $7 3.9 $225.5 $7 3.2 $53.0 $9.3 $20.3 $4.9 $3.9
$ 1,357 .0

$560.0 $1 47 .2 $1 1 1 .8 $1 97 .6 $1 8.9 $43.7 $44.8 $30.7 $1 4.0 $1 .2 $7 .0

$ 1,17 7 .0

$957.8 $451.1 $303.1 $271.6 $244.4 $116.9 $97.7 $39.9 $34.4 $6.2 $10.9 $ 4,220.3 6.3%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Construction Transportation and warehousing Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 3,990.4



T otal
$ 3,990.4

As a % of State T otal

$461 .5 $537 .0 $303.4 $1 23.3 $1 65.2 $242.5 $99.8 $82.7 $1 3.5 $1 1 .5 $6.4
$ 3,990.4 $ 2,046.8

$645.7 $529.3 $1 87 .7 $31 0.7 $1 48.0 $23.8 $58.6 $55.2 $52.4 $2.9 $1 1 .4
$ 2,025.6

$1,107.2 $1,066.3 $491.1 $434.1 $313.2 $266.2 $158.4 $137.9 $65.9 $14.4 $17.8 $ 8,062.7 7 .8%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in California, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Construction Transportation and warehousing I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 182,7 7 7

182,7 7 7



T otal
182,7 7 7

As a % of State T otal

7 7 ,290 64,002 1 7 ,890 20,206 29,205 1 3,354 1 0,020 1 ,7 61 7 59 31 1 7 48


1 82,1 53 7 1 ,7 23 68,667 1 6,865 3,7 88 1 0,457 1 1 ,863 7 ,069 67 9 78 1 ,545

37 4,887

259,444 135,725 86,556 37,071 32,993 23,811 21,883 8,830 1,438 389 2,294 7 93,210 4.1%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing I nformation Construction Transportation and warehousing Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 21,7 25.4

$ 21,7 25.4



T otal
$ 21,7 25.4

As a % of State T otal

$4,7 33.7 $5,344.8 $1 ,1 46.3 $1 ,603.2 $1 ,324.6 $1 ,931 .6 $7 7 5.8 $96.2 $1 1 6.3 $1 9.1 $7 0.2
$ 17 ,161.8

$8,61 9.6 $4,1 90.3 $3,07 6.4 $1 ,249.6 $1 ,383.9 $253.9 $603.5 $37 5.2 $96.9 $4.7 $1 42.2

$13,353.3 $9,535.1 $4,222.7 $2,852.9 $2,708.5 $2,185.5 $1,379.3 $471.5 $213.2 $23.8 $212.4 4.9%

$ 19,996.4 $ 58,883.6

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Manufacturing Construction Transportation and warehousing Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 69,466.0



T otal
$ 69,466.0

As a % of State T otal

$1 0,648.8 $1 0,889.5 $5,601 .8 $1 0,407 .3 $1 ,949.2 $5,01 6.5 $2,829.5 $3,246.0 $2,844.6 $2,293.8 $2,07 4.7 $31 7 .8 $1 ,095.8 $888.7 $467 .6 $369.3 $1 23.8 $536.6 $45.7 $1 1 .5 $1 05.8
$ 69,466.0 $ 27 ,7 87 .4

$21,538.4 $16,009.1 $6,965.7 $6,075.5 $5,138.4 $2,392.5 $1,984.5 $836.9 $660.5 $57.1 $320.5 6.7 %

$21 4.7

$ 34,191.7 $ 131,445.1


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Colorado, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 69,67 3

69,67 3



T otal
69,67 3

As a % of State T otal

1 7 ,324 1 8,87 8 3,636 1 2,1 38 3,452 2,698 2,223 281 352 41 5 27 7

61,67 5

39,41 5 1 6,455 1 5,943 928 2,542 2,046 2,27 7 1 ,255 250 87 550
81,7 48

56,739 35,334 19,579 13,066 5,994 4,744 4,501 1,536 602 503 827 213,097 6.7 %

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Construction I nformation Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing Utilities Mining Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 6,312.5

$ 6,312.5



T otal
$ 6,312.5

As a % of State T otal

$1 ,1 21 .2 $1 ,257 .6 $21 5.0 $645.8 $298.4 $236.4 $1 53.2 $43.4 $39.3 $7 .6 $1 7 .9

$ 4,035.7

$1 ,668.8 $7 7 0.7 $639.4 $50.1 $234.5 $1 62.0 $1 1 2.3 $29.6 $8.2 $28.7 $34.9

$2,790.0 $2,028.3 $854.4 $695.9 $532.9 $398.3 $265.6 $73.0 $47.5 $36.3 $52.8 8.1%

$ 3,7 39.3 $ 14,087 .6

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Construction Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing Utilities Mining Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 12,482.1



T otal
$ 12,482.1

As a % of State T otal

$2,848.9 $1 ,324.7 $363.1 $627 .1 $688.1 $380.7 $225.7 $1 7 5.5 $1 06.0 $1 2.5 $27 .6
$ 12,482.1 $ 6,7 7 9.9

$2,1 1 8.2 $2,01 0.0 $1 ,035.0 $61 1 .6 $62.1 $290.3 $1 68.0 $1 1 8.0 $23.2 $58.9 $54.1
$ 6,549.3

$4,967.1 $3,334.7 $1,398.2 $1,238.7 $750.1 $671.0 $393.7 $293.5 $129.1 $71.4 $81.7 $ 25,811.3 9.1%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Connecticut, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing I nformation Construction Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 15,932




T otal

As a % of State T otal
0.7 %

4,007 3,881 508 2,594 696 608 627 35 44 33 49


1 5,37 8 6,57 2 4,7 28 1 ,292 771 840 389 1 60 75 8 1 49


19,386 10,453 5,236 3,886 1,467 1,448 1,016 195 119 41 199 59,37 8 2.7 %

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Transportation and warehousing Construction Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 1,048.5

$ 1,048.5



T otal
$ 1,048.5

As a % of State T otal
0.7 %

$458.1 $305.7 $240.0 $39.7 $7 7 .1 $33.7 $42.8 $7 .5 $0.8 $1 .6 $3.8

$ 1,210.9

$620.8 $7 58.6 $1 32.0 $21 4.7 $84.1 $38.3 $25.7 $1 2.5 $3.3 $0.4 $1 0.8
$ 1,901.0

$1,078.9 $1,064.3 $372.0 $254.5 $161.1 $72.0 $68.4 $20.0 $4.1 $2.0 $14.6 $ 4,160.4 2.8%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Transportation and warehousing Utilities Construction Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 2,409.3



T otal
$ 2,409.3

As a % of State T otal

$980.4 $360.1 $37 5.0 $69.8 $1 69.2 $49.3 $30.4 $47 .1 $1 .2 $2.7 $5.8
$ 2,409.3 $ 2,091.0

$1 ,328.4 $87 9.2 $237 .6 $364.0 $21 5.0 $55.5 $48.7 $31 .5 $5.8 $0.7 $1 6.5
$ 3,182.7

$2,308.8 $1,239.2 $612.6 $433.8 $384.2 $104.8 $79.1 $78.5 $7.0 $3.4 $22.3 $ 7 ,683.0 3.3%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Delaware, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing Construction I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 4,528




T otal

As a % of State T otal

1 ,547 1 ,1 06 27 2 31 5 296 31 0 1 56 14 38 12 23

3,660 1 ,657 1 ,234 330 179 113 21 0 61 29 2 23

7 ,498

5,207 2,763 1,507 645 476 423 366 75 67 13 45 16,115 3.0%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing I nformation Construction Transportation and warehousing Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 286.5

$ 286.5



T otal
$ 286.5

As a % of State T otal

$96.4 $1 04.0 $1 6.5 $25.0 $1 4.4 $1 8.8 $1 4.8 $5.1 $0.9 $0.3 $1 .1
$ 297 .3

$1 60.9 $1 06.1 $44.1 $22.7 $1 7 .3 $6.3 $8.1 $3.7 $3.2 $0.1 $1 .2

$ 37 3.6

$257.3 $210.1 $60.6 $47.7 $31.7 $25.1 $22.9 $8.8 $4.1 $0.4 $2.3 $ 957 .4 3.2%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services I nformation Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Utilities Transportation and warehousing Construction Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 848.9



T otal
$ 848.9

As a % of State T otal

$203.6 $1 1 3.4 $44.1 $28.0 $40.5 $20.7 $20.2 $20.6 $2.0 $0.5 $1 .8
$ 848.9 $ 495.3

$221 .5 $1 91 .7 $55.7 $7 0.5 $40.1 $1 4.1 $1 1 .1 $8.1 $6.5 $0.1 $1 .8

$ 621.4

$425.2 $305.2 $99.8 $98.5 $80.6 $34.9 $31.3 $28.7 $8.5 $0.6 $3.6 $ 1,965.6 4.1%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in the District of Columba, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing I nformation Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing Construction Manufacturing Utilities Mining Agriculture Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 2,055




T otal

As a % of District T otal

1 ,501 1 ,7 84 263 51 175 1 80 18 14 16 1 13


4,885 1 ,87 1 245 343 1 82 50 17 19 2 1 26

7 ,641

6,386 3,655 508 394 357 230 36 33 18 2 40 13,7 13 1.7 %

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing I nformation Transportation and warehousing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Utilities Manufacturing Mining Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 165.5

$ 165.5



T otal
$ 165.5

As a % of District T otal

$1 88.5 $300.0 $32.7 $1 4.4 $4.2 $1 4.6 $1 .7 $2.3 $0.2 $0.0 $1 .2

$ 559.9

$399.5 $233.1 $28.5 $1 4.7 $1 5.6 $3.6 $2.3 $1 .6 $0.0 $0.0 $2.2
$ 7 01.2

$588.0 $533.2 $61.2 $29.2 $19.8 $18.2 $4.0 $3.8 $0.3 $0.1 $3.4 $ 1,426.6 1.3%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services I nformation Transportation and warehousing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Utilities Manufacturing Mining Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 915.1



T otal
$ 915.1

As a % of District T otal
0.7 %

$450.1 $205.0 $7 1 .1 $1 9.4 $7 .4 $1 5.6 $7 .0 $4.0 $0.3 $0.1 $1 .8

$ 915.1 $ 7 81.8

$434.9 $439.0 $64.5 $20.2 $27 .1 $4.2 $9.4 $2.8 $0.1 $0.1 $3.4
$ 1,005.6

$885.0 $643.9 $135.6 $39.7 $34.5 $19.8 $16.5 $6.8 $0.4 $0.2 $5.2 $ 2,7 02.6 1.9%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Florida, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Transportation and warehousing Manufacturing I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 7 1,983

7 1,983



T otal
7 1,983

As a % of State T otal
0.7 %

25,608 22,508 4,005 1 1 ,235 4,61 9 4,937 3,37 9 561 347 1 46 341
7 7 ,688

7 0,1 04 27 ,250 23,234 1 ,584 3,949 3,541 4,302 2,009 336 39 771
137 ,118

95,712 49,758 27,239 12,820 8,568 8,478 7,681 2,570 683 185 1,112 286,7 89 2.9%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Construction I nformation Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 2,7 08.5

$ 2,7 08.5



T otal
$ 2,7 08.5

As a % of State T otal

$1 ,305.5 $1 ,37 6.3 $226.5 $539.2 $27 5.9 $31 4.0 $21 2.7 $1 9.0 $41 .2 $8.3 $24.8
$ 4,343.3

$2,832.7 $1 ,1 88.3 $91 1 .8 $7 3.2 $301 .9 $220.2 $1 81 .1 $63.1 $38.4 $2.2 $53.9
$ 5,866.8

$4,138.3 $2,564.6 $1,138.2 $612.4 $577.7 $534.2 $393.7 $82.0 $79.6 $10.5 $78.7 $ 12,918.6 2.8%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Manufacturing Construction Transportation and warehousing Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 5,269.9



T otal
$ 5,269.9

As a % of State T otal
0.7 %

$3,382.8 $1 ,57 0.7 $386.3 $7 1 0.9 $482.3 $57 8.8 $297 .4 $1 68.2 $27 .0 $1 9.0 $38.0
$ 5,269.9

$3,307 .2 $3,448.2 $1 ,480.9 $87 9.9 $422.7 $93.7 $257 .1 $1 53.2 $92.0 $5.1 $82.8

$6,690.0 $5,018.9 $1,867.1 $1,590.8 $905.0 $672.5 $554.5 $321.4 $119.0 $24.1 $120.8 $ 23,154.0 3.1%

$ 7 ,661.3 $ 10,222.7


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Georgia, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing I nformation Construction Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 42,638




T otal

As a % of State T otal

1 1 ,91 8 8,663 1 ,7 43 4,7 20 2,426 1 ,7 1 5 1 ,499 326 1 89 1 67 1 36


31 ,431 1 1 ,7 23 1 1 ,361 4,286 2,1 08 2,238 7 40 941 259 43 359


43,349 20,386 13,104 9,006 4,534 3,953 2,239 1,267 448 210 495 141,630 2.7 %

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing I nformation Transportation and warehousing Construction Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 1,650.8

$ 1,650.8



T otal
$ 1,650.8

As a % of State T otal

$595.2 $61 8.4 $1 1 9.7 $293.9 $1 96.6 $1 23.6 $7 5.7 $1 4.5 $20.6 $1 1 .6 $5.8
$ 2,07 5.5

$1 ,232.0 $61 0.9 $47 7 .2 $269.6 $21 5.5 $1 07 .9 $35.0 $45.0 $28.2 $2.9 $1 4.4
$ 3,038.7

$1,827.2 $1,229.3 $596.9 $563.4 $412.1 $231.5 $110.7 $59.5 $48.8 $14.5 $20.2 $ 6,7 65.0 2.5%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services I nformation Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing Utilities Construction Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 3,7 18.7



T otal
$ 3,7 18.7

As a % of State T otal

$1 ,462.0 $697 .4 $491 .4 $464.3 $206.4 $1 82.9 $85.2 $83.2 $1 7 .2 $24.0 $9.3
$ 3,7 18.7 $ 3,7 23.3

$1 ,609.6 $1 ,441 .9 $61 2.4 $603.7 $7 85.9 $1 62.3 $1 1 4.5 $43.4 $57 .1 $6.2 $23.3

$3,071.6 $2,139.3 $1,103.8 $1,068.0 $992.3 $345.1 $199.7 $126.6 $74.3 $30.2 $32.7 3.0%

$ 5,460.3 $ 12,902.3


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Hawaii, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing I nformation Construction Manufacturing Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 4,7 30

4,7 30



T otal
4,7 30

As a % of State T otal

2,1 7 5 1 ,250 37 2 1 ,066 246 37 6 1 42 47 44 12 19

5,7 49

5,1 67 1 ,47 9 1 ,57 4 87 0 283 1 35 21 0 205 41 3 28


7,341 2,730 1,946 1,936 529 511 352 252 85 16 46 20,47 3 2.3%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Transportation and warehousing Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Construction I nformation Manufacturing Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 254.9

$ 254.9



T otal
$ 254.9

As a % of State T otal

$1 1 3.0 $7 7 .3 $67 .8 $1 7 .2 $30.1 $1 6.1 $6.6 $5.0 $1 .2 $1 .0 $1 .4

$ 336.8

$225.5 $59.0 $57 .5 $55.7 $9.9 $1 7 .2 $8.1 $4.6 $5.0 $0.3 $2.0
$ 444.7

$338.5 $136.3 $125.3 $72.9 $40.0 $33.3 $14.8 $9.6 $6.2 $1.3 $3.4 $ 1,036.4 2.0%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Transportation and warehousing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Construction Utilities Manufacturing Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 947 .5



T otal
$ 947 .5

As a % of State T otal

$1 40.8 $1 1 7 .3 $82.0 $29.1 $48.8 $32.6 $20.6 $9.9 $1 .4 $2.5 $2.1

$ 947 .5 $ 487 .1

$281 .1 $1 93.8 $63.4 $87 .7 $53.7 $1 1 .9 $1 8.4 $1 3.1 $5.8 $0.7 $3.1
$ 7 32.6

$421.9 $311.2 $145.4 $116.8 $102.5 $44.6 $38.9 $23.0 $7.2 $3.2 $5.1 $ 2,167 .2 2.9%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Idaho, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Construction Transportation and warehousing Agriculture I nformation Mining Utilities Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 8,989




T otal

As a % of State T otal

2,051 1 ,7 22 31 6 7 23 7 39 461 172 302 1 25 22 25


5,252 1 ,97 3 1 ,87 1 61 9 1 36 367 654 337 29 31 56


7,303 3,696 2,187 1,343 875 828 826 638 153 54 81 26,97 2 3.1%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Agriculture Construction Transportation and warehousing I nformation Mining Utilities Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 299.6

$ 299.6



T otal
$ 299.6

As a % of State T otal

$88.5 $91 .0 $1 4.8 $39.8 $9.2 $32.1 $1 8.9 $1 5.1 $8.0 $2.5 $1 .2
$ 321.1

$1 82.7 $66.7 $61 .4 $32.7 $32.6 $6.0 $1 4.9 $1 5.6 $1 .8 $3.2 $2.7
$ 420.2

$271.3 $157.7 $76.1 $72.5 $41.8 $38.1 $33.8 $30.7 $9.8 $5.7 $3.9 $ 1,041.0 2.9%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing I nformation Agriculture Transportation and warehousing Construction Mining Utilities Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 532.6



T otal
$ 532.6

As a % of State T otal

$1 92.2 $1 03.7 $25.4 $66.3 $45.0 $1 0.7 $25.3 $34.9 $25.2 $1 0.1 $1 .9
$ 532.6 $ 540.6

$1 98.7 $21 4.2 $1 03.4 $57 .5 $49.2 $50.4 $1 9.7 $7 .7 $6.3 $1 2.5 $4.2
$ 7 23.7

$390.8 $317.9 $128.8 $123.8 $94.1 $61.0 $45.0 $42.6 $31.4 $22.6 $6.2 $ 1,7 96.9 3.1%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Illinois, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Construction Transportation and warehousing I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 65,17 5

65,17 5



T otal
65,17 5

As a % of State T otal

26,023 1 9,1 29 5,898 1 1 ,31 8 9,883 5,289 2,895 37 4 41 9 295 243

81,7 66

58,505 20,604 20,397 6,268 1 ,263 3,91 7 3,431 1 ,635 326 71 369
116,7 86

84,527 39,733 26,295 17,586 11,146 9,206 6,326 2,009 745 366 613 263,7 27 3.6%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade Construction I nformation Transportation and warehousing Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 3,895.6

$ 3,895.6



T otal
$ 3,895.6

As a % of State T otal

$1 ,61 2.7 $1 ,7 46.1 $862.8 $382.1 $626.6 $256.7 $280.6 $61 .9 $1 4.2 $23.8 $1 4.7
$ 5,882.3

$2,555.1 $1 ,399.0 $458.5 $865.5 $7 7 .0 $27 9.2 $1 97 .9 $47 .0 $59.6 $5.8 $22.2
$ 5,966.7

$4,167.8 $3,145.1 $1,321.3 $1,247.6 $703.6 $535.9 $478.6 $108.9 $73.8 $29.6 $36.8 $ 15,7 44.6 3.8%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Construction Transportation and warehousing Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 13,642.1



T otal
$ 13,642.1

As a % of State T otal

$3,287 .3 $1 ,864.2 $1 ,51 6.0 $651 .0 $7 59.2 $67 3.3 $385.1 $253.2 $29.0 $50.3 $22.8
$ 13,642.1 $ 9,491.4

$3,37 8.1 $2,968.7 $7 97 .8 $1 ,41 8.1 $87 9.1 $97 .3 $27 2.8 $1 89.6 $1 26.0 $1 2.6 $34.4

$6,665.4 $4,832.9 $2,313.7 $2,069.1 $1,638.3 $770.6 $657.9 $442.7 $155.0 $63.0 $57.3 5.1%

$ 10,17 4.4 $ 33,307 .9


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Indiana, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Transportation and warehousing I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 39,628




T otal

As a % of State T otal

1 2,1 7 7 7 ,436 8,561 2,804 4,354 2,927 1 ,21 0 31 2 27 9 244 1 83


27 ,904 7 ,7 54 4,982 9,835 7 29 1 ,841 1 ,31 2 1 ,37 2 21 5 62 245


40,081 15,190 13,542 12,639 5,083 4,768 2,522 1,684 495 306 428 136,366 3.8%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Manufacturing Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Transportation and warehousing I nformation Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 2,168.1

$ 2,168.1



T otal
$ 2,168.1

As a % of State T otal

$532.7 $629.4 $41 0.8 $1 39.0 $242.1 $1 44.3 $68.0 $32.7 $8.5 $1 8.7 $6.5
$ 2,232.6

$1 ,054.5 $331 .3 $31 3.7 $326.4 $38.7 $89.3 $69.5 $24.3 $37 .2 $4.8 $8.7
$ 2,298.3

$1,587.2 $960.7 $724.5 $465.4 $280.8 $233.6 $137.4 $57.0 $45.6 $23.6 $15.1 $ 6,699.1 4.1%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Transportation and warehousing Construction Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 8,910.0



T otal
$ 8,910.0

As a % of State T otal

$857 .9 $630.5 $1 ,1 1 6.0 $235.3 $21 1 .6 $206.4 $262.3 $1 32.8 $1 6.4 $40.9 $1 0.6
$ 8,910.0 $ 3,7 20.7

$1 ,023.3 $1 ,245.3 $563.0 $529.4 $228.2 $1 29.3 $47 .9 $95.9 $7 7 .9 $1 0.6 $1 4.2
$ 3,964.9

$1,881.2 $1,875.8 $1,679.0 $764.7 $439.8 $335.7 $310.3 $228.6 $94.3 $51.5 $24.8 $ 16,595.7 6.3%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Iowa, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Agriculture Transportation and warehousing I nformation Construction Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 24,542




T otal

As a % of State T otal

4,47 3 3,026 7 45 2,7 64 340 1 ,1 31 714 1 ,242 86 76 56


1 1 ,986 3,605 4,234 2,052 1 ,7 56 87 0 881 258 87 20 114


16,459 6,631 4,979 4,817 2,096 2,002 1,594 1,500 172 96 169 65,057 3.3%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Agriculture Transportation and warehousing Construction Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 7 68.8

$ 7 68.8



T otal
$ 7 68.8

As a % of State T otal

$1 81 .1 $1 64.1 $1 7 9.3 $38.4 $52.1 $1 6.7 $48.9 $63.2 $9.5 $4.0 $3.0
$ 7 60.3

$401 .0 $1 69.0 $1 20.9 $1 42.3 $58.8 $7 9.0 $38.7 $1 2.7 $9.4 $1 .1 $6.0
$ 1,038.9

$582.1 $333.0 $300.2 $180.7 $110.9 $95.7 $87.6 $76.0 $18.9 $5.1 $9.0 $ 2,568.0 3.0%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Manufacturing I nformation Wholesale and retail trade Agriculture Transportation and warehousing Construction Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 1,256.2



T otal
$ 1,256.2

As a % of State T otal

$354.5 $21 2.2 $284.5 $1 57 .6 $65.6 $32.4 $69.3 $69.3 $38.9 $1 0.5 $4.7
$ 1,256.2 $ 1,299.5

$47 6.1 $469.6 $1 92.7 $1 89.2 $233.2 $1 82.6 $53.7 $1 5.9 $37 .8 $2.8 $9.5
$ 1,863.3

$830.7 $681.9 $477.2 $346.8 $298.8 $215.0 $122.9 $85.2 $76.7 $13.3 $14.2 $ 4,419.0 3.1%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Kansas, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 56,941




T otal

As a % of State T otal

1 3,386 1 1 ,803 3,67 8 1 0,1 50 3,609 2,1 1 2 1 ,57 5 27 7 369 59 234

47 ,252

21 ,567 6,907 8,980 504 2,01 1 1 ,1 1 0 1 ,224 1 ,31 8 1 58 15 348


34,953 18,710 12,658 10,654 5,619 3,222 2,799 1,595 528 74 583 148,336 8.1%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Construction Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing I nformation Transportation and warehousing Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 2,937 .2

$ 2,937 .2



T otal
$ 2,937 .2

As a % of State T otal

$67 4.4 $637 .6 $51 1 .7 $1 81 .5 $241 .8 $98.3 $1 1 3.2 $46.6 $1 2.2 $3.0 $8.3
$ 2,528.6

$81 9.5 $27 4.2 $25.4 $309.0 $1 08.6 $7 7 .0 $53.9 $1 9.6 $44.9 $0.8 $1 2.4
$ 1,7 45.3

$1,493.9 $911.8 $537.1 $490.5 $350.4 $175.2 $167.2 $66.2 $57.1 $3.7 $20.7 $ 7 ,211.1 8.6%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Construction Manufacturing Utilities Transportation and warehousing Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 5,856.0



T otal
$ 5,856.0

As a % of State T otal

$1 ,27 9.0 $7 7 6.0 $304.5 $31 9.1 $548.3 $404.7 $1 90.3 $1 59.3 $1 8.2 $7 .3 $1 3.7
$ 5,856.0 $ 4,020.3

$855.2 $947 .4 $494.9 $261 .7 $31 .8 $1 7 0.5 $7 9.5 $7 6.1 $87 .2 $1 .9 $20.3

$2,134.2 $1,723.4 $799.4 $580.7 $580.1 $575.2 $269.8 $235.4 $105.4 $9.2 $34.0 9.5%

$ 3,026.5 $ 12,902.8


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Kentucky, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Construction Transportation and warehousing Agriculture I nformation Mining Utilities Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 33,37 4

33,37 4



T otal
33,37 4

As a % of State T otal

7 ,7 84 5,382 1 ,61 0 3,81 7 4,21 9 1 ,643 349 905 892 1 47 170


1 6,490 4,7 45 5,820 2,507 443 1 ,1 85 1 ,7 44 950 203 1 02 266


24,274 10,127 7,431 6,324 4,662 2,828 2,093 1,855 1,095 249 435 94,7 46 4.0%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Transportation and warehousing I nformation Mining Agriculture Utilities Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 1,340.9

$ 1,340.9



T otal
$ 1,340.9

As a % of State T otal

$353.7 $286.7 $233.5 $7 8.6 $1 87 .0 $83.4 $51 .9 $7 0.2 $1 6.2 $1 4.9 $6.8
$ 1,382.8

$61 3.7 $1 93.0 $1 33.8 $1 99.1 $1 9.5 $59.4 $51 .0 $1 6.6 $23.7 $9.9 $1 0.6
$ 1,330.3

$967.4 $479.7 $367.4 $277.7 $206.5 $142.7 $102.8 $86.8 $39.9 $24.8 $17.4 $ 4,054.0 3.8%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Construction Transportation and warehousing Mining Utilities Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 3,291.4



T otal
$ 3,291.4

As a % of State T otal

$544.2 $409.3 $387 .8 $1 31 .9 $1 57 .1 $202.1 $1 23.0 $1 41 .9 $60.6 $1 9.3 $1 1 .1

$ 3,291.4 $ 2,188.2

$61 4.3 $7 1 1 .9 $332.6 $31 6.6 $1 64.0 $24.1 $88.9 $34.8 $39.7 $44.1 $1 7 .2
$ 2,388.2

$1,158.5 $1,121.2 $720.4 $448.5 $321.1 $226.2 $212.0 $176.6 $100.3 $63.3 $28.3 $ 7 ,867 .8 4.6%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Louisiana, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Transportation and warehousing Manufacturing I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 130,316




T otal

As a % of State T otal

48,51 8 34,602 1 1 ,962 35,200 7 ,7 05 6,321 4,1 85 773 1 ,1 00 83 839


69,383 1 9,943 27 ,552 1 ,97 2 3,1 98 2,7 42 2,962 1 ,7 84 503 17 989


117,901 54,544 39,514 37,172 10,903 9,063 7,147 2,557 1,603 100 1,828 412,649 16.2%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Construction Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing I nformation Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 10,912.4

$ 10,912.4



T otal
$ 10,912.4

As a % of State T otal
8.7 %

$2,1 82.5 $2,002.5 $1 ,957 .0 $57 1 .4 $527 .1 $420.1 $240.8 $1 32.4 $21 .2 $6.4 $47 .9
$ 8,109.3

$2,7 1 9.7 $7 7 2.2 $1 06.0 $939.5 $1 7 5.1 $1 59.0 $1 68.7 $55.1 $38.4 $1 .3 $56.6
$ 5,191.7

$4,902.2 $2,774.7 $2,063.0 $1,510.9 $702.2 $579.1 $409.5 $187.5 $59.5 $7.7 $104.5 $ 24,213.4 19.4%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Wholesale and retail trade Construction Manufacturing I nformation Transportation and warehousing Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 52,267 .4



T otal
$ 52,267 .4

As a % of State T otal

$4,1 43.7 $2,583.4 $946.6 $2,069.9 $1 ,01 4.3 $7 27 .9 $553.9 $533.5 $26.6 $1 3.5 $7 4.8
$ 52,267 .4 $ 12,688.0

$2,7 38.0 $3,1 97 .2 $1 ,462.9 $1 29.8 $326.2 $535.4 $21 5.8 $21 4.8 $58.6 $2.9 $88.4

$6,881.7 $5,780.7 $2,409.5 $2,199.7 $1,340.4 $1,263.2 $769.7 $748.3 $85.2 $16.4 $163.1 35.5%

$ 8,97 0.0 $ 7 3,925.4


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Maine, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing Construction I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 12,37 0

12,37 0



T otal
12,37 0

As a % of State T otal

1 ,7 22 1 ,305 234 7 84 552 481 233 1 34 26 16 16


5,7 09 1 ,525 1 ,859 608 363 1 83 286 296 27 4 39


7,432 2,830 2,093 1,392 915 664 519 430 52 20 55 28,7 7 2 3.6%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing I nformation Construction Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 386.0

$ 386.0



T otal
$ 386.0

As a % of State T otal

$7 6.8 $95.5 $54.0 $1 1 .6 $22.5 $1 5.0 $1 9.5 $4.2 $2.8 $3.0 $0.8
$ 305.6

$21 6.2 $89.9 $39.6 $61 .6 $1 4.6 $1 6.7 $7 .2 $7 .2 $2.9 $0.8 $1 .9

$ 458.6

$292.9 $185.4 $93.6 $73.2 $37.1 $31.7 $26.7 $11.4 $5.7 $3.8 $2.8 $ 1,150.2 3.2%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Transportation and warehousing Construction Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 1,081.5



T otal
$ 1,081.5

As a % of State T otal

$1 88.9 $91 .2 $90.0 $20.4 $42.6 $29.4 $21 .4 $1 1 .4 $4.2 $7 .2 $1 .3

$ 1,081.5 $ 508.0

$246.5 $252.6 $7 2.7 $1 03.2 $52.3 $1 8.9 $9.0 $1 1 .4 $9.4 $2.0 $3.1
$ 7 81.0

$435.4 $343.7 $162.7 $123.6 $94.9 $48.3 $30.4 $22.8 $13.5 $9.2 $4.4 $ 2,37 0.5 4.2%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Maryland, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing I nformation Construction Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 17 ,923

17 ,923



T otal
17 ,923

As a % of State T otal

6,000 6,1 94 7 87 1 ,528 1 ,21 6 81 3 1 ,089 75 94 76 74

17 ,946

20,482 8,268 5,931 1 ,203 1 ,1 85 1 ,1 57 697 308 1 26 14 177


26,482 14,462 6,717 2,731 2,401 1,971 1,786 383 220 90 251 7 5,418 2.2%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing I nformation Construction Transportation and warehousing Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 804.0

$ 804.0



T otal
$ 804.0

As a % of State T otal

$394.4 $523.5 $51 .1 $1 1 8.6 $85.0 $82.7 $58.9 $1 4.8 $1 .3 $5.1 $4.8
$ 1,340.3

$97 9.7 $505.3 $237 .8 $90.5 $95.3 $46.3 $53.4 $20.0 $5.6 $0.9 $1 0.9
$ 2,045.6

$1,374.1 $1,028.8 $288.9 $209.2 $180.3 $129.0 $112.3 $34.8 $6.9 $6.0 $15.7 $ 4,190.0 1.9%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing Construction Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 1,632.2



T otal
$ 1,632.2

As a % of State T otal

$87 1 .1 $453.1 $87 .7 $1 99.8 $1 83.7 $84.1 $91 .0 $60.7 $2.9 $8.5 $7 .5
$ 1,632.2 $ 2,050.0

$1 ,238.2 $1 ,1 33.0 $37 8.5 $258.9 $1 46.4 $7 7 .1 $57 .0 $80.7 $1 4.2 $1 .6 $1 6.9
$ 3,402.5

$2,109.2 $1,586.2 $466.1 $458.7 $330.1 $161.2 $148.0 $141.4 $17.1 $10.1 $24.4 $ 7 ,084.8 2.2%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Massachusetts, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing I nformation Construction Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 26,7 24

26,7 24



T otal
26,7 24

As a % of State T otal

7 ,929 7 ,67 7 996 3,497 1 ,57 4 1 ,27 8 885 58 66 40 51


29,441 1 0,663 8,345 2,381 1 ,7 96 1 ,7 06 658 243 1 08 10 1 45


37,369 18,340 9,342 5,878 3,370 2,984 1,543 301 174 50 196 106,27 2 2.5%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Transportation and warehousing Construction Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 1,697 .0

$ 1,697 .0



T otal
$ 1,697 .0

As a % of State T otal

$57 4.8 $87 7 .2 $289.1 $7 7 .0 $1 29.0 $1 01 .1 $63.2 $1 0.4 $1 .7 $2.1 $3.0

$ 2,128.6

$1 ,461 .7 $926.1 $1 97 .2 $359.0 $1 59.1 $1 1 4.7 $41 .0 $1 6.8 $8.0 $0.6 $8.1
$ 3,292.4

$2,036.5 $1,803.2 $486.3 $436.0 $288.1 $215.8 $104.2 $27.2 $9.7 $2.7 $11.2 $ 7 ,117 .9 2.6%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services I nformation Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing Construction Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 3,818.0



T otal
$ 3,818.0

As a % of State T otal

$1 ,51 0.9 $67 3.7 $37 6.2 $446.1 $1 33.4 $1 55.3 $7 0.0 $42.4 $1 .8 $4.5 $4.7
$ 3,818.0 $ 3,419.3

$1 ,97 1 .9 $1 ,694.2 $486.9 $328.0 $594.2 $1 85.3 $50.9 $66.9 $9.4 $1 .2 $1 2.7
$ 5,401.6

$3,482.8 $2,368.0 $863.1 $774.1 $727.7 $340.6 $120.9 $109.3 $11.2 $5.7 $17.5 $ 12,638.9 2.9%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Michigan, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Construction Transportation and warehousing I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 53,044




T otal

As a % of State T otal

1 5,334 1 2,556 2,465 9,27 5 7 ,239 2,286 1 ,646 356 299 1 43 1 86

51,7 85

39,248 1 2,936 1 2,850 5,497 888 1 ,804 1 ,960 1 ,326 27 1 39 394

7 7 ,211

54,582 25,491 15,314 14,773 8,126 4,090 3,606 1,682 570 182 579 182,040 3.6%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade Construction I nformation Transportation and warehousing Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 2,385.9

$ 2,385.9



T otal
$ 2,385.9

As a % of State T otal

$838.5 $804.1 $661 .5 $1 31 .8 $357 .0 $1 1 3.3 $1 1 4.1 $42.0 $1 0.1 $1 1 .9 $1 0.6

$ 3,094.9

$1 ,506.5 $564.9 $435.1 $466.6 $42.9 $1 24.8 $88.5 $37 .7 $35.0 $3.2 $21 .9
$ 3,327 .1

$2,345.0 $1,369.0 $1,096.5 $598.4 $399.9 $238.1 $202.6 $79.7 $45.1 $15.1 $32.5 $ 8,807 .8 3.5%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Construction Utilities Transportation and warehousing Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 4,924.2



T otal
$ 4,924.2

As a % of State T otal

$1 ,845.8 $97 8.9 $1 ,009.0 $221 .5 $347 .5 $387 .7 $1 7 1 .5 $1 61 .4 $1 4.0 $41 .6 $1 6.6
$ 4,924.2 $ 5,195.6

$1 ,602.1 $1 ,7 64.5 $685.2 $7 46.7 $400.3 $54.6 $1 53.0 $1 26.4 $63.1 $1 1 .3 $34.2
$ 5,641.4

$3,448.0 $2,743.3 $1,694.2 $968.2 $747.9 $442.3 $324.5 $287.8 $77.1 $52.9 $50.8 $ 15,7 61.3 4.1%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Minnesota, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing Construction I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 36,341




T otal

As a % of State T otal

1 1 ,7 08 7 ,267 2,335 4,87 5 2,058 2,482 1 ,247 382 200 21 0 1 64


26,360 8,7 50 8,7 03 3,209 1 ,508 650 1 ,527 1 ,7 1 6 170 55 225

52,87 5

38,068 16,017 11,039 8,084 3,566 3,132 2,774 2,098 370 266 389 122,146 3.5%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Construction Transportation and warehousing Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 1,415.6

$ 1,415.6



T otal
$ 1,415.6

As a % of State T otal

$7 1 0.0 $530.2 $357 .3 $1 55.3 $93.6 $1 40.8 $98.3 $1 7 .6 $24.9 $1 9.2 $9.4
$ 2,156.6

$1 ,062.0 $491 .8 $223.2 $342.5 $1 05.9 $34.8 $7 0.6 $7 6.1 $21 .0 $5.1 $1 2.9
$ 2,445.9

$1,772.0 $1,022.0 $580.6 $497.8 $199.4 $175.6 $168.9 $93.8 $45.9 $24.3 $22.2 $ 6,018.2 3.4%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Transportation and warehousing Construction Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 6,328.7



T otal
$ 6,328.7

As a % of State T otal

$1 ,303.1 $831 .0 $547 .4 $266.4 $27 9.4 $1 46.0 $1 52.3 $1 02.0 $24.0 $7 6.3 $1 4.6
$ 6,328.7 $ 3,7 42.4

$1 ,346.4 $1 ,230.4 $354.8 $57 1 .0 $334.3 $1 08.4 $41 .1 $85.3 $1 22.5 $20.4 $20.1

$2,649.4 $2,061.4 $902.2 $837.4 $613.7 $254.4 $193.4 $187.2 $146.6 $96.7 $34.7 5.0%

$ 4,234.5 $ 14,305.7


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Mississippi, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 37 ,681

37 ,681



T otal
37 ,681

As a % of State T otal

9,1 56 5,880 2,264 5,925 2,41 1 2,044 908 37 3 283 47 208


1 5,298 4,07 6 5,806 448 1 ,7 87 892 7 51 1 ,1 44 1 62 11 21 3


24,454 9,956 8,070 6,372 4,198 2,937 1,659 1,518 445 58 420 97 ,7 68 6.6%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 2,110.7

$ 2,110.7



T otal
$ 2,110.7

As a % of State T otal

$37 7 .1 $266.3 $98.0 $258.6 $1 31 .5 $88.3 $51 .7 $1 0.8 $28.2 $2.3 $6.6
$ 1,319.3

$538.7 $1 29.5 $1 84.6 $20.1 $89.2 $37 .4 $40.4 $34.2 $1 4.5 $0.5 $6.8
$ 1,096.1

$915.8 $395.8 $282.6 $278.7 $220.8 $125.7 $92.1 $45.0 $42.7 $2.8 $13.4 $ 4,526.1 7 .4%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Construction I nformation Transportation and warehousing Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 5,123.2



T otal
$ 5,123.2

As a % of State T otal

$453.4 $51 3.4 $1 63.2 $21 2.6 $27 6.7 $1 59.3 $1 21 .5 $1 1 4.1 $1 1 .7 $4.1 $1 1 .0
$ 5,123.2 $ 2,040.9

$638.2 $505.5 $289.2 $1 38.2 $24.1 $1 34.5 $51 .3 $56.8 $41 .2 $0.9 $1 1 .4
$ 1,891.3

$1,091.6 $1,018.9 $452.4 $350.8 $300.8 $293.8 $172.7 $170.9 $52.9 $5.0 $22.4 $ 9,055.3 9.4%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Missouri, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing Construction I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 38,17 9

38,17 9



T otal
38,17 9

As a % of State T otal

9,655 6,992 1 ,389 4,080 1 ,969 2,860 1 ,400 41 7 1 34 176 1 22


25,326 8,422 8,51 7 2,7 62 1 ,61 9 603 1 ,67 7 2,038 1 57 44 291


34,981 15,414 9,907 6,842 3,588 3,463 3,077 2,455 291 220 413 118,828 3.4%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Construction Transportation and warehousing Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 1,521.8

$ 1,521.8



T otal
$ 1,521.8

As a % of State T otal

$551 .3 $458.1 $257 .2 $7 7 .6 $1 43.7 $1 52.8 $99.3 $7 .1 $1 5.9 $1 5.2 $6.1

$ 1,7 84.3

$1 ,01 7 .5 $399.6 $1 67 .9 $31 3.6 $1 43.2 $31 .6 $80.2 $31 .5 $1 8.1 $4.0 $1 3.9
$ 2,221.1

$1,568.8 $857.7 $425.1 $391.2 $286.9 $184.4 $179.6 $38.6 $34.0 $19.2 $20.0 $ 5,527 .1 3.3%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Manufacturing I nformation Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing Construction Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 3,065.1



T otal
$ 3,065.1

As a % of State T otal

$942.3 $642.2 $424.5 $332.4 $1 33.5 $1 40.7 $1 64.9 $65.1 $1 2.2 $50.1 $9.6
$ 3,065.1 $ 2,917 .6

$1 ,087 .6 $1 ,1 89.7 $322.4 $387 .6 $51 9.4 $1 1 3.3 $38.5 $7 1 .9 $62.3 $1 3.5 $22.1
$ 3,828.3

$2,029.9 $1,832.0 $746.9 $720.0 $652.9 $254.0 $203.3 $137.0 $74.5 $63.6 $31.7 $ 9,810.9 3.8%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Montana, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Transportation and warehousing I nformation Manufacturing Agriculture Mining Utilities Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 15,505




T otal

As a % of State T otal

4,220 3,7 35 996 2,524 7 63 492 535 1 93 242 1 41 96


6,91 0 2,31 2 2,424 1 89 334 37 5 300 605 53 66 83


11,130 6,047 3,421 2,713 1,097 867 834 798 295 207 179 43,093 6.7 %

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Construction Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing I nformation Manufacturing Mining Utilities Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 923.9

$ 923.9



T otal
$ 923.9

As a % of State T otal

$1 68.5 $1 53.2 $1 1 1 .3 $42.2 $42.9 $26.4 $26.9 $20.3 $1 7 .2 $4.6 $2.4

$ 615.9

$243.4 $65.3 $8.5 $7 6.0 $1 6.7 $1 9.5 $1 2.9 $4.5 $7 .4 $1 3.2 $2.1
$ 469.5

$411.9 $218.5 $119.8 $118.2 $59.5 $45.9 $39.8 $24.8 $24.6 $17.8 $4.5 $ 2,009.3 7 .7 %

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Construction Utilities Mining Transportation and warehousing Manufacturing Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 2,693.6



T otal
$ 2,693.6

As a % of State T otal

$297 .7 $200.0 $7 0.6 $81 .9 $1 1 7 .7 $69.1 $68.3 $57 .0 $41 .9 $6.6 $4.2
$ 2,693.6 $ 1,015.0

$239.2 $291 .3 $1 20.0 $64.5 $1 0.2 $29.3 $1 5.7 $22.4 $1 9.8 $22.1 $3.7
$ 838.1

$536.8 $491.3 $190.6 $146.4 $127.9 $98.4 $84.1 $79.3 $61.7 $28.6 $7.8 $ 4,546.7 10.8%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Nebraska, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing Construction Agriculture I nformation Mining Utilities Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 14,280




T otal

As a % of State T otal

3,383 2,61 4 51 5 1 ,1 61 869 1 ,287 202 538 33 6 43


1 0,586 3,494 4,047 1 ,283 7 87 269 1 ,01 2 629 9 9 1 27


13,969 6,108 4,562 2,444 1,656 1,556 1,214 1,167 42 15 169 47 ,184 3.8%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Construction Transportation and warehousing I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 1,210.9

$ 1,210.9



T otal
$ 1,210.9

As a % of State T otal

$1 63.5 $1 48.4 $25.0 $65.8 $7 2.1 $46.5 $37 .0 $1 3.4 $1 .4 $2.1 $2.3
$ 57 7 .4

$383.9 $1 51 .9 $1 31 .6 $69.5 $1 4.9 $40.4 $40.4 $57 .7 $1 .8 $0.6 $6.4

$ 899.2

$547.4 $300.3 $156.6 $135.4 $87.0 $86.9 $77.3 $71.1 $3.2 $2.7 $8.6 $ 2,687 .4 4.7 %

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Manufacturing Agriculture Transportation and warehousing Construction Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 2,264.1



T otal
$ 2,264.1

As a % of State T otal

$334.7 $1 89.5 $42.7 $1 03.0 $1 00.7 $21 .5 $69.5 $7 7 .2 $5.2 $5.2 $3.5
$ 2,264.1 $ 952.8

$425.7 $443.6 $21 4.9 $1 20.4 $97 .8 $1 08.4 $58.2 $1 8.1 $6.6 $1 .4 $1 0.1
$ 1,505.4

$760.4 $633.1 $257.6 $223.4 $198.5 $129.9 $127.8 $95.3 $11.9 $6.6 $13.6 $ 4,7 22.2 5.4%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Nevada, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing Construction Manufacturing I nformation Mining Agriculture Utilities Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 14,534




T otal

As a % of State T otal

4,41 4 3,41 2 540 954 1 ,431 7 43 422 61 6 18 50 16


1 1 ,300 4,37 0 3,47 5 861 1 89 469 496 1 32 90 49 41

21,47 1

15,714 7,782 4,015 1,814 1,620 1,213 918 747 108 98 57 48,620 3.2%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing Construction I nformation Manufacturing Mining Utilities Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 7 05.8

$ 7 05.8



T otal
$ 7 05.8

As a % of State T otal

$253.9 $1 84.9 $29.2 $61 .2 $95.7 $38.2 $45.9 $56.2 $6.3 $1 .1 $1 .0

$ 7 7 3.6

$51 3.1 $1 41 .8 $1 38.2 $55.0 $1 2.2 $39.1 $28.8 $1 2.6 $6.1 $3.9 $2.4
$ 953.3

$767.1 $326.7 $167.5 $116.2 $107.8 $77.3 $74.8 $68.8 $12.3 $4.9 $3.3 $ 2,432.7 3.2%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Mining I nformation Transportation and warehousing Construction Manufacturing Utilities Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 1,538.3



T otal
$ 1,538.3

As a % of State T otal

$324.2 $390.5 $49.8 $1 94.7 $1 09.6 $7 3.5 $1 02.3 $7 0.5 $25.8 $1 .6 $1 .5

$ 1,538.3 $ 1,344.2

$666.8 $430.5 $230.5 $49.0 $1 1 9.6 $66.6 $1 4.9 $44.0 $24.6 $7 .3 $3.7
$ 1,657 .4

$991.0 $821.0 $280.4 $243.7 $229.2 $140.1 $117.2 $114.5 $50.4 $8.9 $5.2 $ 4,539.9 3.8%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in New Hampshire, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing Construction I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 8,7 11

8,7 11



T otal
8,7 11

As a % of State T otal

1 ,57 3 1 ,31 6 226 1 ,1 42 350 323 1 84 47 25 18 20


5,47 9 1 ,880 2,046 587 31 7 1 60 258 1 09 34 4 57


7,052 3,196 2,272 1,729 668 483 442 156 59 22 77 24,866 3.0%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing I nformation Construction Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 392.1

$ 392.1



T otal
$ 392.1

As a % of State T otal

$86.3 $93.6 $7 4.2 $1 5.1 $1 8.6 $1 5.0 $1 6.7 $3.9 $3.5 $2.8 $1 .2
$ 330.9

$236.4 $1 04.3 $40.0 $83.1 $1 6.8 $1 7 .8 $8.2 $1 4.3 $4.7 $0.7 $3.3
$ 529.7

$322.7 $197.9 $114.2 $98.3 $35.4 $32.9 $24.9 $18.2 $8.2 $3.5 $4.5 $ 1,252.7 2.8%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Transportation and warehousing Utilities Construction Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 849.7



T otal
$ 849.7

As a % of State T otal

$1 7 1 .0 $99.4 $1 1 2.5 $26.7 $39.0 $26.2 $1 4.1 $1 8.4 $3.9 $5.1 $1 .9

$ 849.7 $ 518.2

$27 6.6 $27 2.6 $64.7 $1 40.7 $52.0 $24.7 $1 8.9 $1 0.1 $1 5.6 $1 .4 $5.1
$ 882.4

$447.6 $372.0 $177.2 $167.4 $91.0 $51.0 $33.0 $28.5 $19.5 $6.5 $7.0 $ 2,250.3 3.3%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in New Jersey, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing I nformation Construction Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 34,47 9

34,47 9



T otal
34,47 9

As a % of State T otal
0.7 %

1 3,229 1 1 ,07 3 2,634 4,507 2,81 1 1 ,568 2,564 73 1 36 49 1 84


34,520 1 4,829 1 2,047 3,037 2,488 2,07 4 801 309 1 46 12 352

7 0,615

47,749 25,902 14,681 7,545 5,299 3,643 3,365 382 282 61 536 143,924 2.9%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing I nformation Transportation and warehousing Construction Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 2,869.1

$ 2,869.1



T otal
$ 2,869.1

As a % of State T otal

$997 .8 $1 ,021 .7 $205.4 $449.2 $1 82.5 $1 51 .5 $1 85.1 $24.1 $2.0 $3.5 $1 4.3
$ 3,237 .1

$1 ,690.1 $966.7 $61 8.0 $289.5 $206.0 $1 30.1 $56.5 $25.0 $8.1 $0.9 $26.6
$ 4,017 .5

$2,688.0 $1,988.4 $823.4 $738.7 $388.5 $281.5 $241.6 $49.1 $10.2 $4.4 $40.9 $ 10,123.7 3.3%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Transportation and warehousing Construction Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 7 ,639.3



T otal
$ 7 ,639.3

As a % of State T otal

$1 ,984.3 $1 ,1 7 4.1 $825.2 $354.0 $482.1 $21 0.5 $201 .4 $96.2 $3.2 $8.0 $21 .8
$ 7 ,639.3 $ 5,360.9

$2,293.3 $1 ,986.0 $562.5 $1 ,029.1 $599.3 $1 83.9 $7 1 .2 $94.4 $1 3.1 $2.0 $40.7
$ 6,87 5.4

$4,277.6 $3,160.1 $1,387.7 $1,383.1 $1,081.4 $394.4 $272.7 $190.6 $16.3 $10.0 $62.4 $ 19,87 5.5 4.0%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in New Mexico, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Transportation and warehousing I nformation Manufacturing Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 39,208




T otal

As a % of State T otal
3.7 %

1 0,320 1 0,252 1 ,882 7 ,254 1 ,406 1 ,1 30 984 112 233 27 2 1 25

33,97 0

1 7 ,297 5,222 6,280 432 7 35 853 665 51 5 1 37 57 207


27,617 15,474 8,163 7,687 2,141 1,983 1,649 627 370 329 332 105,57 9 9.9%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Construction Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing I nformation Manufacturing Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 2,322.3

$ 2,322.3



T otal
$ 2,322.3

As a % of State T otal

$491 .3 $592.3 $351 .1 $7 5.5 $84.2 $58.9 $59.3 $1 3.4 $25.1 $23.2 $5.3
$ 1,7 7 9.7

$638.2 $206.2 $20.5 $204.1 $39.8 $43.5 $35.8 $33.2 $1 3.4 $4.9 $8.7
$ 1,248.2

$1,129.5 $798.5 $371.6 $279.6 $123.9 $102.4 $95.1 $46.7 $38.6 $28.1 $14.0 $ 5,350.1 10.3%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Wholesale and retail trade Construction I nformation Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing Utilities Mining Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 6,554.3



T otal
$ 6,554.3

As a % of State T otal

$87 2.6 $583.0 $1 25.8 $37 3.4 $1 86.7 $1 1 0.2 $1 09.8 $1 01 .9 $7 2.0 $9.8 $8.5
$ 6,554.3 $ 2,553.8

$666.2 $7 65.7 $327 .2 $25.6 $1 38.5 $7 1 .7 $51 .1 $52.4 $1 5.5 $37 .5 $1 4.0
$ 2,165.5

$1,538.8 $1,348.8 $453.0 $399.1 $325.3 $181.9 $160.9 $154.3 $87.5 $47.3 $22.6 $ 11,27 3.6 14.2%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in New York, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing I nformation Construction Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 63,184




T otal

As a % of State T otal

20,967 20,344 3,041 6,994 3,87 8 3,7 07 4,896 21 7 31 4 174 31 7


7 3,862 29,230 20,824 4,967 4,7 7 1 4,91 1 1 ,7 31 943 421 48 847


94,829 49,574 23,866 11,962 8,648 8,618 6,627 1,160 735 222 1,164 27 0,587 2.4%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services I nformation Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Construction Transportation and warehousing Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 4,000.5

$ 4,000.5



T otal
$ 4,000.5

As a % of State T otal

$3,097 .7 $1 ,633.3 $7 05.6 $21 5.3 $507 .3 $352.1 $208.6 $44.4 $7 .3 $8.6 $25.2
$ 6,805.3

$3,439.0 $3,61 1 .5 $7 20.6 $97 2.4 $360.0 $1 1 3.8 $241 .2 $60.0 $29.5 $2.3 $63.3
$ 9,613.7

$6,536.7 $5,244.8 $1,426.1 $1,187.6 $867.3 $465.9 $449.7 $104.5 $36.8 $10.9 $88.5 $ 20,419.4 2.7 %

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services I nformation Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing Construction Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 8,27 1.1



T otal
$ 8,27 1.1

As a % of State T otal
0.7 %

$5,7 83.7 $1 ,904.3 $1 ,334.9 $37 2.3 $828.8 $293.9 $380.7 $1 83.0 $7 .6 $20.6 $38.3
$ 8,27 1.1 $ 11,148.2

$6,634.5 $4,268.4 $1 ,600.7 $1 ,61 4.4 $7 86.7 $341 .4 $1 40.9 $243.4 $44.5 $5.7 $96.7
$ 15,7 7 7 .5

$12,418.2 $6,172.7 $2,935.7 $1,986.8 $1,615.6 $635.3 $521.6 $426.4 $52.1 $26.3 $135.1 $ 35,196.8 3.0%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in North Carolina, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Construction Transportation and warehousing I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 44,67 1

44,67 1



T otal
44,67 1

As a % of State T otal

1 2,21 0 7 ,980 1 ,802 6,1 40 3,37 6 2,1 87 1 ,587 306 1 35 1 27 170


32,57 1 1 0,428 1 0,7 95 5,099 848 1 ,7 29 2,1 28 1 ,27 4 1 54 33 394


44,781 18,408 12,597 11,239 4,224 3,917 3,715 1,580 289 160 564 146,146 2.8%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Construction Transportation and warehousing Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 1,831.1

$ 1,831.1



T otal
$ 1,831.1

As a % of State T otal
0.7 %

$654.0 $500.0 $420.3 $99.8 $1 49.8 $1 54.0 $98.4 $1 4.1 $1 6.1 $6.5 $7 .5
$ 2,120.4

$1 ,236.7 $462.2 $321 .8 $393.5 $1 85.6 $37 .7 $80.8 $57 .4 $1 7 .9 $1 .7 $1 6.7

$ 2,812.1

$1,890.7 $962.2 $742.1 $493.4 $335.4 $191.7 $179.2 $71.5 $34.0 $8.2 $24.2 $ 6,7 63.6 2.6%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Manufacturing I nformation Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing Construction Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 3,847 .8



T otal
$ 3,847 .8

As a % of State T otal

$938.1 $7 64.6 $7 1 0.0 $47 9.6 $1 7 0.2 $1 40.9 $1 67 .7 $66.0 $1 4.3 $1 9.4 $1 2.0
$ 3,847 .8 $ 3,483.0

$1 ,326.7 $1 ,445.5 $7 85.3 $61 2.0 $634.2 $1 1 7 .5 $47 .3 $7 1 .7 $7 6.2 $5.1 $26.9
$ 5,148.5

$2,264.9 $2,210.1 $1,495.3 $1,091.6 $804.4 $258.4 $215.0 $137.7 $90.5 $24.5 $39.0 $ 12,47 9.2 3.0%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in North Dakota, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Transportation and warehousing Manufacturing I nformation Agriculture Mining Utilities Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 27 ,937

27 ,937



T otal
27 ,937

As a % of State T otal

6,1 30 4,398 1 ,000 2,445 994 968 807 205 172 1 02 24

17 ,246

9,995 2,487 4,01 2 230 41 0 358 496 658 26 86 64


16,126 6,885 5,012 2,675 1,404 1,326 1,304 863 199 188 88 64,006 12.0%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Transportation and warehousing Manufacturing I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 2,155.3

$ 2,155.3



T otal
$ 2,155.3

As a % of State T otal
7 .4%

$282.8 $223.5 $48.8 $1 44.8 $7 8.4 $7 2.5 $47 .8 $1 4.4 $1 1 .5 $1 6.1 $0.9
$ 941.5

$367 .5 $81 .9 $1 28.3 $1 2.9 $32.5 $26.7 $27 .3 $43.2 $9.6 $2.4 $2.2
$ 7 34.6

$650.4 $305.3 $177.2 $157.7 $110.9 $99.2 $75.0 $57.6 $21.2 $18.5 $3.1 $ 3,831.4 13.1%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Construction Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 3,944.4



T otal
$ 3,944.4

As a % of State T otal
7 .4%

$329.4 $37 7 .5 $82.6 $1 35.5 $1 56.2 $1 21 .0 $1 05.1 $46.9 $1 4.7 $26.7 $1 .4

$ 3,944.4 $ 1,397 .0

$426.9 $320.3 $207 .3 $87 .0 $1 6.6 $40.8 $42.7 $38.9 $45.2 $4.3 $3.7
$ 1,233.6

$756.4 $697.7 $289.9 $222.5 $172.8 $161.8 $147.9 $85.7 $59.9 $31.0 $5.1 $ 6,57 5.1 12.3%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Ohio, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Transportation and warehousing I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 7 7 ,025

7 7 ,025



T otal
7 7 ,025

As a % of State T otal

23,328 1 6,592 1 3,61 2 3,048 1 0,1 52 4,448 2,37 0 401 354 308 457
7 5,07 0

53,7 92 1 5,897 6,7 85 1 6,983 1 ,227 2,97 4 2,526 1 ,682 27 3 66 7 99


77,120 32,489 20,397 20,031 11,379 7,422 4,896 2,083 627 374 1,256 255,098 3.9%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Transportation and warehousing I nformation Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 3,87 5.9

$ 3,87 5.9



T otal
$ 3,87 5.9

As a % of State T otal

$1 ,306.4 $1 ,028.3 $1 ,01 0.7 $1 39.1 $51 6.5 $222.6 $1 54.5 $44.4 $8.8 $21 .7 $20.5
$ 4,47 3.4

$2,089.8 $7 64.1 $486.8 $583.1 $61 .9 $1 45.6 $1 54.8 $33.5 $35.7 $4.6 $35.2
$ 4,395.1

$3,396.2 $1,792.3 $1,497.5 $722.1 $578.3 $368.3 $309.3 $77.9 $44.5 $26.3 $55.7 $ 12,7 44.4 4.1%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Construction Transportation and warehousing Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 13,859.4



T otal
$ 13,859.4

As a % of State T otal

$2,067 .6 $1 ,51 7 .6 $1 ,61 5.3 $233.0 $47 2.4 $559.6 $31 1 .0 $1 80.7 $1 5.0 $43.0 $32.7
$ 13,859.4 $ 7 ,047 .9

$2,301 .2 $2,425.0 $800.7 $956.6 $498.7 $7 8.4 $205.3 $1 34.7 $7 0.4 $9.8 $56.4

$4,368.9 $3,942.6 $2,416.0 $1,189.7 $971.1 $638.0 $516.3 $315.4 $85.5 $52.8 $89.2 5.7 %

$ 7 ,537 .3 $ 28,444.7


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Oklahoma, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Manufacturing I nformation Transportation and warehousing Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 149,258




T otal

As a % of State T otal

30,824 28,7 29 6,566 22,242 4,994 3,689 3,894 628 7 90 1 25 347


57 ,507 1 6,7 23 23,382 1 ,283 3,392 2,7 58 2,1 87 3,51 3 439 28 1 ,008

88,331 45,452 29,948 23,525 8,387 6,446 6,081 4,141 1,229 154 1,355 364,308 16.8%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Manufacturing I nformation Transportation and warehousing Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 13,87 0.3

$ 13,87 0.3



T otal
$ 13,87 0.3

As a % of State T otal

$1 ,606.4 $1 ,361 .9 $304.9 $928.3 $329.4 $258.7 $21 5.1 $90.3 $23.5 $6.1 $1 5.4
$ 5,140.1

$2,203.8 $57 8.8 $839.8 $54.6 $1 7 8.3 $1 69.4 $1 1 4.1 $48.6 $54.6 $1 .4 $44.0

$3,810.2 $1,940.8 $1,144.8 $983.0 $507.7 $428.2 $329.1 $138.9 $78.1 $7.4 $59.4 22.9%

$ 4,287 .4 $ 23,297 .9

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Construction Manufacturing Utilities Transportation and warehousing Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 23,158.0



T otal
$ 23,158.0

As a % of State T otal
13.7 %

$2,949.3 $1 ,868.0 $507 .8 $7 1 1 .4 $987 .4 $549.7 $363.1 $280.0 $27 .8 $1 4.1 $24.6
$ 23,158.0 $ 8,283.3

$2,254.8 $2,57 7 .3 $1 ,348.1 $529.6 $7 0.6 $27 4.6 $1 92.2 $1 47 .5 $92.1 $3.3 $7 0.4

$5,204.2 $4,445.3 $1,855.9 $1,241.0 $1,058.0 $824.3 $555.3 $427.5 $119.9 $17.5 $95.1 23.1%

$ 7 ,560.6 $ 39,001.9


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Oregon, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing Agriculture I nformation Construction Mining Utilities Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 16,7 91

16,7 91



T otal
16,7 91

As a % of State T otal

4,81 1 3,7 38 693 2,457 961 436 61 3 688 88 37 53

14,57 4

1 4,347 4,842 4,7 1 4 1 ,7 29 895 1 ,307 773 262 23 50 1 37

29,07 7

19,157 8,579 5,407 4,186 1,855 1,743 1,386 950 111 86 190 60,442 2.8%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Transportation and warehousing Construction Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 7 83.1

$ 7 83.1



T otal
$ 7 83.1

As a % of State T otal

$249.6 $21 1 .7 $1 61 .9 $44.5 $44.2 $48.2 $40.8 $1 4.7 $5.1 $3.7 $4.5
$ 829.0

$552.6 $1 96.2 $1 06.0 $1 84.7 $50.5 $45.7 $1 4.6 $29.9 $6.8 $0.9 $1 1 .0
$ 1,199.0

$802.3 $407.9 $267.9 $229.2 $94.6 $93.9 $55.4 $44.7 $11.9 $4.7 $15.5 $ 2,811.2 2.8%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Transportation and warehousing Agriculture Construction Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 1,538.2



T otal
$ 1,538.2

As a % of State T otal

$47 3.6 $297 .2 $261 .7 $7 6.8 $1 20.9 $7 2.1 $1 8.8 $45.0 $20.8 $8.2 $6.8
$ 1,538.2 $ 1,401.9

$584.5 $669.7 $1 97 .8 $304.5 $1 47 .3 $7 0.2 $48.1 $1 8.8 $27 .1 $2.2 $1 6.7

$ 2,086.9

$1,058.1 $966.9 $459.5 $381.3 $268.1 $142.3 $67.0 $63.8 $47.9 $10.4 $23.5 $ 5,027 .0 3.0%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Pennsylvania, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Construction Transportation and warehousing I nformation Agriculture Mining Utilities Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 100,7 16

100,7 16



T otal
100,7 16

As a % of State T otal

30,833 24,1 7 0 5,7 68 1 3,858 1 1 ,1 58 6,37 4 3,07 6 455 7 52 445 330

97 ,219

7 3,247 22,1 31 25,498 7 ,31 1 1 ,805 4,629 3,434 1 ,7 98 1 81 407 61 0


104,080 46,300 31,266 21,169 12,963 11,003 6,510 2,253 934 852 940 338,986 4.7 %

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade Construction I nformation Transportation and warehousing Utilities Mining Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 6,518.2

$ 6,518.2



T otal
$ 6,518.2

As a % of State T otal
1.7 %

$1 ,853.5 $1 ,7 92.9 $951 .3 $338.4 $667 .2 $333.0 $324.9 $66.2 $49.0 $1 0.2 $1 6.3
$ 6,402.7

$3,1 91 .6 $1 ,241 .3 $485.4 $956.3 $1 06.9 $294.3 $21 8.7 $58.4 $1 1 .8 $35.3 $29.7

$5,045.0 $3,034.2 $1,436.7 $1,294.7 $774.0 $627.2 $543.5 $124.6 $60.8 $45.4 $46.0 5.1%

$ 6,629.6 $ 19,550.5

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Construction Transportation and warehousing Utilities Mining Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 13,168.9



T otal
$ 13,168.9

As a % of State T otal

$3,51 1 .1 $2,1 47 .8 $1 ,681 .6 $57 7 .6 $7 7 3.0 $7 1 9.9 $443.0 $268.1 $1 05.7 $1 2.3 $25.7
$ 13,168.9 $ 10,265.6

$3,428.7 $3,7 23.6 $882.1 $1 ,57 7 .5 $81 3.3 $1 32.9 $300.0 $229.6 $26.3 $59.0 $47 .0

$6,939.7 $5,871.4 $2,563.6 $2,155.1 $1,586.3 $852.7 $743.0 $497.7 $132.0 $71.2 $72.8 5.8%

$ 11,219.9 $ 34,654.3


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Rhode Island, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing I nformation Transportation and warehousing Construction Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 4,120




T otal

As a % of State T otal
0.7 %

1 ,094 851 1 21 61 2 202 1 91 1 35 8 6 7 5


4,302 1 ,324 1 ,056 41 6 282 204 81 33 10 2 15

7 ,7 26

5,396 2,175 1,177 1,028 484 395 217 41 17 9 21 15,07 7 2.5%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Transportation and warehousing Construction Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 288.1

$ 288.1



T otal
$ 288.1

As a % of State T otal

$90.9 $66.4 $38.6 $7 .5 $1 9.9 $1 0.0 $8.2 $0.9 $0.3 $0.4 $0.4
$ 243.6

$222.4 $7 2.5 $24.7 $40.8 $24.3 $9.9 $4.6 $1 .4 $0.9 $0.1 $1 .1

$ 402.7

$313.3 $138.9 $63.3 $48.3 $44.3 $19.9 $12.8 $2.3 $1.2 $0.5 $1.5 $ 934.4 2.8%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing I nformation Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing Construction Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 612.0



T otal
$ 612.0

As a % of State T otal

$1 07 .8 $1 1 8.8 $55.8 $61 .2 $1 3.0 $1 3.6 $9.1 $3.7 $0.4 $0.7 $0.6
$ 612.0 $ 384.7

$262.8 $1 84.5 $7 2.3 $38.9 $66.0 $1 3.9 $6.0 $5.6 $1 .3 $0.2 $1 .7

$ 653.3

$370.6 $303.3 $128.1 $100.1 $79.0 $27.5 $15.2 $9.3 $1.7 $0.9 $2.3 $ 1,650.0 3.2%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in South Carolina, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing I nformation Construction Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 23,849




T otal

As a % of State T otal

4,800 3,400 3,465 61 3 1 ,1 54 553 87 5 1 89 114 41 87


1 3,861 4,7 63 2,325 4,831 81 2 7 41 37 6 546 1 50 11 1 88


18,662 8,163 5,791 5,445 1,967 1,293 1,251 735 264 52 275 67 ,7 46 2.9%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Transportation and warehousing Construction Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 7 10.2

$ 7 10.2



T otal
$ 7 10.2

As a % of State T otal
0.7 %

$203.4 $1 83.2 $224.3 $31 .4 $41 .0 $49.7 $41 .9 $1 2.3 $5.5 $2.4 $3.6
$ 7 98.7

$498.7 $1 84.0 $1 40.9 $1 63.9 $49.0 $35.8 $1 6.6 $1 6.0 $1 2.2 $0.6 $7 .6
$ 1,125.3

$702.2 $367.2 $365.1 $195.3 $90.0 $85.6 $58.5 $28.2 $17.7 $3.0 $11.2 $ 2,634.2 2.4%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Transportation and warehousing Utilities Construction Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 1,406.6



T otal
$ 1,406.6

As a % of State T otal

$345.1 $246.3 $353.2 $53.1 $1 1 9.8 $67 .2 $50.7 $46.3 $6.5 $6.1 $5.9
$ 1,406.6 $ 1,300.2

$569.9 $595.9 $222.2 $257 .7 $1 53.5 $48.4 $64.9 $20.7 $1 8.9 $1 .7 $1 2.3
$ 1,966.0

$914.9 $842.2 $575.4 $310.8 $273.3 $115.7 $115.6 $67.0 $25.4 $7.8 $18.1 $ 4,67 2.8 2.8%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in South Dakota, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Construction Agriculture Transportation and warehousing I nformation Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 9,148




T otal

As a % of State T otal

1 ,446 1 ,1 50 27 5 554 849 1 28 31 0 235 36 41 18


3,932 1 ,238 1 ,405 436 111 604 223 253 31 10 38


5,377 2,388 1,680 990 960 733 533 488 67 51 56 22,47 1 3.9%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Agriculture Construction I nformation Transportation and warehousing Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 304.8

$ 304.8



T otal
$ 304.8

As a % of State T otal

$60.7 $48.0 $1 3.0 $31 .2 $8.9 $37 .2 $1 3.8 $1 3.4 $3.4 $2.2 $0.5
$ 232.2

$1 40.0 $41 .2 $45.8 $22.2 $38.0 $4.8 $1 3.9 $9.6 $2.9 $0.6 $1 .0
$ 319.9

$200.7 $89.2 $58.8 $53.4 $46.9 $42.1 $27.7 $23.0 $6.2 $2.8 $1.4 $ 857 .0 3.5%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Manufacturing Agriculture Construction Transportation and warehousing Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 546.4



T otal
$ 546.4

As a % of State T otal

$1 09.0 $7 1 .1 $22.2 $42.4 $45.9 $1 0.7 $40.0 $1 8.4 $1 3.6 $6.0 $0.8
$ 546.4 $ 380.1

$1 32.1 $1 63.3 $7 5.3 $46.3 $30.0 $52.3 $6.0 $1 2.8 $1 1 .4 $1 .5 $1 .7

$ 532.6

$241.0 $234.4 $97.4 $88.8 $75.9 $62.9 $46.0 $31.2 $25.0 $7.5 $2.5 $ 1,459.0 3.9%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Tennessee, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing Construction I nformation Agriculture Mining Utilities Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 34,461




T otal

As a % of State T otal

8,97 0 6,231 1 ,51 3 5,1 07 2,287 3,01 3 1 ,1 01 347 1 90 46 1 43


23,57 9 7 ,291 8,1 26 3,488 1 ,898 564 1 ,37 0 1 ,402 42 47 261


32,549 13,521 9,639 8,595 4,185 3,576 2,471 1,749 231 93 404 111,47 5 3.2%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing Construction I nformation Mining Agriculture Utilities Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 1,263.4

$ 1,263.4



T otal
$ 1,263.4

As a % of State T otal
0.7 %

$443.8 $399.9 $323.9 $85.2 $1 48.6 $1 44.4 $7 0.1 $1 0.8 $2.7 $4.1 $5.6
$ 1,638.9

$1 ,035.8 $358.6 $221 .0 $31 6.8 $1 1 8.7 $27 .5 $82.3 $2.4 $6.6 $4.0 $1 0.0
$ 2,183.8

$1,479.6 $758.5 $544.9 $402.0 $267.2 $171.9 $152.4 $13.2 $9.3 $8.1 $15.6 $ 5,086.1 3.0%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Transportation and warehousing Construction Mining Utilities Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 2,600.2



T otal
$ 2,600.2

As a % of State T otal

$839.5 $521 .8 $51 9.5 $1 45.2 $205.5 $21 0.2 $1 57 .4 $31 .8 $1 6.2 $6.4 $9.1
$ 2,600.2 $ 2,662.6

$1 ,01 0.4 $1 ,207 .4 $407 .4 $51 0.3 $253.5 $1 68.8 $33.9 $7 .6 $1 5.5 $24.7 $1 6.3
$ 3,655.8

$1,849.9 $1,729.2 $926.9 $655.5 $459.1 $379.0 $191.3 $39.4 $31.8 $31.1 $25.4 $ 8,918.5 3.4%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Texas, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 618,97 4

618,97 4



T otal
618,97 4

As a % of State T otal

1 7 1 ,299 1 65,857 46,235 1 31 ,494 31 ,458 30,032 1 6,626 2,381 4,1 00 81 1 2,41 1
602,7 04

348,509 1 24,645 1 56,665 8,885 22,256 1 8,322 1 6,307 1 3,986 2,7 45 1 66 4,535
7 17 ,021

519,808 290,502 202,900 140,379 53,714 48,354 32,933 16,367 6,845 977 6,945 1,938,7 00 13.6%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Manufacturing I nformation Transportation and warehousing Utilities Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 7 5,459.0

$ 7 5,459.0



T otal
$ 7 5,459.0

As a % of State T otal

$8,605.6 $1 1 ,495.1 $2,869.8 $7 ,386.6 $2,67 0.2 $1 ,385.9 $1 ,520.8 $633.3 $7 5.7 $51 .0 $1 1 1 .2
$ 36,805.0

$1 4,31 1 .9 $6,045.7 $6,464.5 $51 7 .6 $1 ,497 .9 $1 ,244.3 $87 2.5 $389.7 $258.5 $1 0.3 $208.3
$ 31,821.2

$22,917.5 $17,540.8 $9,334.3 $7,904.2 $4,168.1 $2,630.2 $2,393.3 $1,022.9 $334.2 $61.3 $319.5 $ 144,085.3 18.7 %

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Wholesale and retail trade Construction I nformation Manufacturing Utilities Transportation and warehousing Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 192,087 .3



T otal
$ 192,087 .3

As a % of State T otal

$23,600.9 $1 8,1 88.0 $9,995.5 $1 6,650.2 $4,833.1 $1 0,363.4 $7 ,87 1 .2 $632.7 $4,001 .2 $3,928.1 $4,950.9 $2,81 8.7 $2,495.9 $1 ,47 7 .1 $2,1 27 .9 $1 ,229.6 $7 3.9 $381 .8 $1 07 .4 $22.1 $1 7 7 .1
$ 192,087 .3

$41,788.9 $26,645.7 $15,196.5 $8,503.9 $7,929.4 $7,769.6 $3,973.0 $3,357.5 $455.8 $129.5 $508.9 $ 308,346.0 23.2%

$331 .8

$ 60,235.2 $ 56,023.5


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Utah, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Construction Transportation and warehousing I nformation Agriculture Mining Utilities Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 23,560




T otal

As a % of State T otal

7 ,981 6,81 0 1 ,7 54 2,368 2,865 1 ,37 4 980 83 324 1 00 87

24,7 25

1 4,646 6,661 5,604 1 ,501 364 823 1 ,029 428 67 72 1 25


22,627 13,470 7,358 3,868 3,229 2,197 2,009 510 391 172 213 7 9,605 4.9%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing Construction I nformation Mining Utilities Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 1,501.0

$ 1,501.0



T otal
$ 1,501.0

As a % of State T otal

$37 3.4 $336.6 $92.1 $1 53.7 $1 28.9 $1 53.8 $56.6 $26.1 $1 2.6 $1 .3 $3.8
$ 1,338.8

$554.2 $220.2 $21 1 .5 $87 .3 $80.0 $1 9.5 $54.6 $5.1 $8.5 $5.4 $5.5
$ 1,251.7

$927.6 $556.8 $303.6 $241.0 $208.9 $173.3 $111.2 $31.2 $21.1 $6.7 $9.3 $ 4,091.5 5.3%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing I nformation Transportation and warehousing Construction Mining Utilities Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 4,126.0



T otal
$ 4,126.0

As a % of State T otal

$629.9 $437 .1 $1 56.9 $27 0.7 $1 57 .9 $1 60.7 $1 66.2 $7 0.5 $51 .1 $3.7 $6.1
$ 4,126.0 $ 2,110.8

$626.1 $647 .1 $356.8 $1 48.0 $1 60.1 $1 01 .1 $24.5 $1 5.3 $34.0 $1 8.1 $8.8
$ 2,139.9

$1,256.1 $1,084.2 $513.7 $418.7 $317.9 $261.8 $190.7 $85.8 $85.1 $21.8 $14.9 $ 8,37 6.7 6.9%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Vermont, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing Construction I nformation Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 6,124




T otal

As a % of State T otal

890 7 81 1 07 41 6 222 242 1 20 27 21 21 11


2,995 7 93 881 31 7 1 62 71 1 45 1 48 24 6 27
5,57 0

3,885 1,574 988 733 385 314 265 175 45 27 38 14,554 3.6%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing I nformation Agriculture Construction Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 206.4

$ 206.4



T otal
$ 206.4

As a % of State T otal

$33.7 $39.3 $24.7 $5.2 $9.5 $7 .4 $6.3 $1 0.1 $2.7 $2.6 $0.8
$ 142.3

$1 07 .4 $32.5 $1 7 .3 $30.0 $7 .1 $8.3 $7 .0 $3.0 $3.1 $0.7 $2.0

$ 218.3

$141.1 $71.8 $41.9 $35.2 $16.6 $15.8 $13.3 $13.2 $5.8 $3.2 $2.8 $ 567 .0 3.1%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Utilities Transportation and warehousing Construction Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 426.5



T otal
$ 426.5

As a % of State T otal

$7 4.7 $40.2 $40.8 $9.2 $22.5 $1 1 .1 $1 3.0 $1 1 .2 $6.0 $5.8 $1 .2

$ 426.5 $ 235.6

$1 03.4 $1 26.2 $33.0 $50.7 $26.7 $1 2.8 $9.6 $4.0 $8.9 $1 .6 $3.0
$ 380.0

$178.1 $166.5 $73.8 $59.9 $49.2 $23.9 $22.6 $15.2 $14.9 $7.4 $4.2 $ 1,042.2 3.6%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Virginia, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Construction Transportation and warehousing I nformation Agriculture Mining Utilities Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 46,97 9

46,97 9



T otal
46,97 9

As a % of State T otal

1 1 ,323 1 1 ,1 34 1 ,397 3,368 4,1 7 8 2,1 22 1 ,431 264 337 1 39 203


28,968 1 1 ,832 9,389 2,502 922 1 ,651 1 ,7 51 1 ,042 79 1 42 448

58,7 25

40,290 22,966 10,786 5,870 5,100 3,773 3,182 1,307 415 282 651 141,599 3.0%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing I nformation Construction Transportation and warehousing Mining Utilities Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 1,660.5

$ 1,660.5



T otal
$ 1,660.5

As a % of State T otal

$7 95.3 $1 ,01 9.4 $80.3 $21 8.7 $1 30.0 $227 .3 $1 00.4 $32.0 $1 9.2 $4.1 $1 1 .4
$ 2,638.0

$1 ,303.8 $7 80.4 $346.0 $1 51 .8 $1 47 .1 $47 .4 $7 8.8 $7 .8 $1 9.3 $1 0.2 $24.1

$ 2,916.7

$2,099.1 $1,799.8 $426.3 $370.4 $277.1 $274.7 $179.2 $39.8 $38.5 $14.3 $35.5 $ 7 ,215.2 2.5%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services I nformation Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Construction Transportation and warehousing Utilities Mining Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 3,450.5



T otal
$ 3,450.5

As a % of State T otal

$1 ,7 39.7 $932.3 $365.6 $1 37 .3 $320.2 $244.7 $1 45.2 $7 8.8 $66.9 $6.7 $1 7 .8

$ 3,450.5 $ 4,055.1

$1 ,7 34.8 $1 ,525.4 $442.4 $560.8 $359.2 $57 .3 $1 1 6.0 $7 8.4 $1 6.9 $26.1 $37 .9

$3,474.4 $2,457.7 $807.9 $698.0 $679.4 $302.0 $261.2 $157.2 $83.8 $32.8 $55.7 2.9%

$ 4,955.0 $ 12,460.6


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Washington, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing I nformation Agriculture Construction Mining Utilities Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 26,666




T otal

As a % of State T otal
0.7 %

9,1 55 6,7 06 2,21 9 2,980 2,21 3 1 ,1 46 489 1 ,537 1 44 68 27 8


24,7 95 8,862 8,7 31 2,27 3 1 ,832 1 ,497 1 ,7 56 530 31 60 37 0

50,7 36

33,949 15,568 10,950 5,253 4,045 2,643 2,245 2,067 175 128 648 104,338 2.8%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing Manufacturing I nformation Construction Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 1,568.5

$ 1,568.5



T otal
$ 1,568.5

As a % of State T otal
0.7 %

$541 .7 $480.9 $1 46.5 $1 7 0.6 $1 95.0 $1 32.6 $1 04.5 $22.2 $7 .9 $8.0 $1 9.0
$ 1,829.0

$1 ,088.5 $442.0 $391 .2 $1 65.6 $1 37 .2 $1 48.1 $34.1 $7 0.3 $6.7 $1 .7 $25.4

$ 2,510.8

$1,630.2 $922.9 $537.7 $336.2 $332.2 $280.7 $138.6 $92.5 $14.6 $9.7 $44.4 $ 5,908.4 2.7 %

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Transportation and warehousing Manufacturing Construction Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 6,819.6



T otal
$ 6,819.6

As a % of State T otal

$7 94.4 $643.5 $254.4 $337 .6 $288.2 $294.6 $1 1 3.9 $25.7 $32.1 $20.9 $29.3
$ 6,819.6 $ 2,834.5

$1 ,234.5 $1 ,294.3 $67 8.3 $41 8.9 $305.6 $21 8.6 $43.9 $87 .1 $25.8 $4.6 $39.1

$2,028.9 $1,937.8 $932.7 $756.4 $593.8 $513.2 $157.8 $112.7 $57.9 $25.5 $68.3 4.0%

$ 4,350.7 $ 14,004.8


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in West Virginia, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Construction Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing Mining I nformation Agriculture Utilities Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 35,925




T otal

As a % of State T otal

5,809 4,663 1 ,364 5,455 1 ,850 97 1 1 ,058 697 21 6 1 81 110

22,37 4

1 1 ,840 2,493 4,47 8 298 7 53 482 249 51 6 680 112 1 99


17,649 7,156 5,842 5,753 2,603 1,453 1,307 1,213 896 293 309 80,401 8.9%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Construction Wholesale and retail trade Manufacturing Mining I nformation Transportation and warehousing Utilities Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 1,609.6

$ 1,609.6



T otal
$ 1,609.6

As a % of State T otal

$27 8.8 $249.6 $287 .6 $53.8 $1 23.0 $96.9 $46.9 $46.7 $21 .0 $2.6 $3.8
$ 1,210.6

$431 .5 $92.0 $1 5.2 $1 35.9 $43.1 $23.3 $30.5 $22.5 $1 2.4 $5.0 $6.9
$ 818.4

$710.3 $341.6 $302.8 $189.7 $166.2 $120.2 $77.4 $69.2 $33.3 $7.6 $10.7 $ 3,638.6 8.8%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Construction Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade Mining I nformation Utilities Transportation and warehousing Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 2,331.5



T otal
$ 2,331.5

As a % of State T otal

$559.2 $322.4 $304.4 $222.2 $89.0 $1 96.1 $1 22.4 $85.4 $64.6 $3.9 $6.3
$ 2,331.5 $ 1,97 5.8

$384.3 $504.2 $1 8.2 $84.4 $21 4.3 $48.4 $93.8 $48.7 $31 .5 $9.8 $1 1 .4
$ 1,448.7

$943.4 $826.6 $322.6 $306.6 $303.3 $244.4 $216.1 $134.1 $96.0 $13.7 $17.7 $ 5,7 56.1 8.7 %


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Wisconsin, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Manufacturing Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing I nformation Agriculture Construction Utilities Mining Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 32,116




T otal

As a % of State T otal

7 ,668 7 ,566 4,886 1 ,082 1 ,7 06 960 354 1 ,1 98 110 88 1 09

25,7 27

21 ,7 06 4,446 6,7 55 7 ,208 1 ,524 1 ,300 1 ,634 441 1 39 24 255


29,374 12,012 11,642 8,291 3,230 2,259 1,988 1,638 250 112 364 103,27 5 3.0%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Manufacturing Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing I nformation Construction Agriculture Utilities Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 1,151.8

$ 1,151.8



T otal
$ 1,151.8

As a % of State T otal
0.7 %

$393.9 $501 .4 $284.0 $60.2 $82.6 $62.9 $69.1 $8.6 $1 4.1 $5.7 $6.3
$ 1,488.8

$830.0 $286.1 $302.8 $249.5 $7 3.0 $7 9.7 $23.8 $38.1 $1 7 .8 $1 .5 $1 4.1

$ 1,916.5

$1,223.9 $787.5 $586.9 $309.6 $155.7 $142.6 $92.9 $46.7 $31.9 $7.3 $20.4 $ 4,557 .1 2.9%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Transportation and warehousing Utilities Construction Agriculture Mining Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 2,132.3



T otal
$ 2,132.3

As a % of State T otal

$668.8 $461 .0 $7 69.9 $1 03.8 $1 93.6 $1 1 7 .8 $58.1 $7 6.2 $1 2.5 $1 2.4 $9.8
$ 2,132.3 $ 2,483.9

$867 .0 $961 .4 $466.7 $423.8 $255.5 $1 04.3 $7 2.3 $29.5 $7 9.4 $3.3 $22.1
$ 3,285.3

$1,535.8 $1,422.4 $1,236.6 $527.6 $449.1 $222.1 $130.4 $105.6 $91.9 $15.7 $32.0 $ 7 ,901.5 3.1%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

The Economic Impact of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Wyoming, 2011
Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Construction Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing I nformation Manufacturing Mining Agriculture Utilities Other Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Employ ment 32,933




T otal

As a % of State T otal

7 ,497 6,931 6,563 1 ,803 1 ,484 840 928 469 1 84 259 206
27 ,164

9,87 0 3,327 281 4,425 525 47 2 295 1 05 31 8 1 03 221


17,366 10,258 6,844 6,228 2,009 1,313 1,223 574 503 362 427 80,040 20.4%

Labor Income** ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Services Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Construction Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and warehousing Manufacturing I nformation Mining Utilities Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Labor Income $ 2,657 .4

$ 2,657 .4



T otal
$ 2,657 .4

As a % of State T otal

$384.7 $47 5.3 $383.1 $83.3 $1 00.1 $7 7 .0 $45.0 $46.1 $31 .0 $4.4 $9.8
$ 1,639.9

$445.1 $98.4 $1 6.1 $1 50.8 $33.0 $31 .2 $24.4 $1 0.6 $1 1 .9 $5.4 $1 0.5
$ 837 .4

$829.8 $573.7 $399.2 $234.1 $133.2 $108.2 $69.5 $56.7 $42.8 $9.9 $20.3 $ 5,134.7 21.3%

Value Added ($ Millions)

Sector Description
Direct Operat ional Impact of t he Oil and Nat ural Gas Indust ry Indirect and Induced Operat ional Impact s on Ot her Indust ries Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing Services Construction Wholesale and retail trade I nformation Utilities Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing Mining Agriculture Other Tot al Operat ional Impact on Value Added
Sou r ce: Pw C ca lcu la t ion s u sin g t h e IMPLA N m odelin g sy st em (2 0 1 1 da t a ba se). * Em ploy m en t is defin ed a s t h e n u m ber of pa y r oll a n d self-em ploy ed jobs, in clu din g pa r t -t im e jobs. ** La bor in com e is defin ed a s w a g es a n d sa la r ies a n d ben efit s a s w ell a s pr opr iet or s' in com e.

$ 9,028.7



T otal
$ 9,028.7

As a % of State T otal

$860.7 $457 .9 $404.1 $1 38.6 $1 41 .5 $1 26.0 $1 22.7 $1 27 .4 $97 .5 $9.4 $1 5.5

$ 9,028.7 $ 2,501.2

$41 4.6 $535.2 $1 9.3 $241 .1 $81 .3 $47 .8 $50.8 $42.2 $22.7 $1 7 .0 $1 6.7
$ 1,488.8

$1,275.4 $993.1 $423.4 $379.7 $222.8 $173.8 $173.5 $169.6 $120.1 $26.4 $32.2 $ 13,018.7 32.9%


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Appendix B: Data Sources and Methodology

This Appendix describes the methodology used to derive the results for the study. It first discusses the data sources PwC utilized to develop estimates of the US oil and natural gas industrys direct employment, labor income, and value added impacts and its dividend and capital investment impacts. It then describes the development of the indirect and induced impact estimates. Estimating the Direct Jobs, Labor Income and Value Added This study uses data on employment, employee compensation, proprietors income, and GDP by industry from the Bureau of Economic Analysis Regional Economic Accounts and data on employment and wages and salaries from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages to develop our estimates of the direct economic impact of the oil and natural gas industry. PwCs employment estimates include both full-time and part-time workers as well as self-employed business owners. The State Annual Personal Income and Employment data set published by the US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) is the only source on total employment including self-employed individuals by industry. In cases where there is a one-to-one correspondence between the subsectors of the oil and natural gas industry as defined by PwC and the BEA sectors, we use the BEA data without any further adjustment. This is the case for three NAICS codes: NAICS 211 (Oil and gas extraction), NAICS 447 (Gasoline stations), and NAICS 486 (Pipeline transportation). For the remaining subsectors for the oil and natural gas industry, which are more disaggregated compared to the BEA data, PwC obtained each subsectors paid employment from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). PwC then estimated total self employment for the more aggregated industry using the BEA data and allocated across the subsectors according to each industrys share of paid employment. For example, self employment was estimated for NAICS sector 213 (Support Activities for Mining) and was then allocated across five sub-industries including 213111 (Drilling Oil and Gas Wells) and 213112 (Support Activities for Oil and Gas Operations). In a limited number of cases, data from the Census Bureaus Nonemployer Statistics was used to allocate self employment across subsectors.11 Direct employment was separately estimated for the US as a whole and for each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The state-level estimates were then scaled to match the national level estimates. A similar methodology was used to estimate labor income for industries where there wasnt a one-to-one correspondence between the subsectors of the oil and natural gas industry as defined by PwC and the BEA sectors. Labor income was estimated as the
A nonemployer is a business without paid employees. Most nonemployers are self-employed individuals operating small unincorporated businesses, which may or may not be the owner's principal source of income.


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

sum of employee compensation (i.e., wages and salaries and fringe benefits) and proprietors income. GDP by subsector was estimated by allocating GDP for the aggregated industry to each subsector based on each subsectors share of direct labor income and data from the IMPLAN model. Estimating Capital Investment Impact To quantify the industrys capital investment impact, PwC estimated their capital expenditures for 2011 based on data from the Census Bureau and the Bureau of Economic Analysis. For the impact analysis, capital spending was then translated into purchases of capital assets by type through the use of the so-called capital flow matrix from the US Department of Commerce. Estimating Dividend Impact PwC obtained data on common stock dividend payments by companies in the US oil and natural gas industry. Dividend payments were allocated between households, foreign shareholders, retirement plans, governments, and other businesses using data from the Federal Reserve Boards Flow of Funds Accounts. Dividends paid to households by the oil and natural gas industry were allocated by income group and across the 50 states and the District of Columbia using tax return data published by the IRSs Statistics of Income Division. Dividends paid to pension plans and other retirement accounts were allocated across income group based on data on retirement assets by income quintile obtained from the 2007 Survey of Consumer Finances, conducted by the Federal Reserve. The data were then allocated across the 50 states and the District of Columbia using data on the distribution of assets in 401(k) and thrift savings accounts from the Survey of Income and Program Participation conducted by the US Census Bureau. These data were combined with the data on dividends paid directly to households by the oil and natural gas industry to derive our estimates of total dividends paid by the industry to residents in each state. To quantify the economic impact resulting from the dividend payments of the US oil and natural gas industry, PwC first converted dividend payments into additional household consumption expenditures. For dividends paid directly to households, after-tax dividend income was estimated by income class based on average tax rates on dividend income. The additional consumption from dividends received from the oil and natural gas industry was estimated using published estimates of the marginal propensity to consume by income quintile.12 Similarly, the additional consumption resulting from
The marginal propensity to consume (MPC) is a measure of the additional consumption resulting from the last dollar of income earned. The MPCs used for this study were estimated as one minus the marginal propensity to save reported in Table 9 of Karen E. Dynan, Jonathan Skinner, and Stephen P. Zeldes, Do the Rich Save More? Journal of Political Economy, 2004, Vol. 112, No. 2, pgs. 397-443. The estimated MPCs ranged from a high of 0.93 in the lower income levels to 0.75 in the top income quintile.


Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

dividend payments by the oil and natural gas industry to retirement accounts was estimated based on published estimates of the marginal propensity to consume out of wealth.13 Estimating the Indirect and Induced Economic Impacts Estimates of the indirect and induced economic impacts of the oil and natural gas industry were derived based on the IMPLAN models for the US as a whole and for each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The IMPLAN model is built around an input-output table that relates the purchases that each industry has made from other industries to the value of the output of each industry. To meet the demand for goods and services from an industry, purchases are made in other industries according to the patterns recorded in the input-output table. These purchases in turn spark still more purchases by the industrys suppliers, and so on. Additionally, employees and business owners make personal purchases out of the additional income that is generated by this process, sending more new demands rippling through the economy. Multipliers describe these iterations. The Type I multiplier measures the direct and indirect effects of a change in economic activity. It captures the inter-industry effects only, i.e., industries buying from local industries. The Type II (Social Accounting Matrix or SAM) multiplier captures the direct and indirect effects and, in addition, it also reflects induced effects (i.e., changes in spending from households as income increases or decreases due to the changes in production). The indirect and induced impacts by the oil and natural gas industry on other sectors of the economy in terms of employment, labor income (including wages and salaries and benefits as well as proprietors income), and value added were calculated through the multiplier process built into the model.14 For a given direct impact in a state, IMPLAN state models capture only the indirect and induced effects within that state, excluding the indirect and induced effects crossing state borders (cross-state spillover effects). PwC estimated and allocated the crossstate indirect and induced employment, labor income, and value added effects by industry across the 50 states and the District of Columbia in proportion to each states share of the total national employment, labor income, and value added in each industry. The state indirect and induced effects reported throughout this study include such allocation of the cross-state spillover effects.

A review of the literature suggests that each additional dollar of financial wealth increases consumption between two and five cents (see, for example, the literature review in Sherif Khalifa, Ousmane Seck, and Elwin Tobing, Financial Wealth Effect: Evidence from Threshold Estimation, September 26, 2010). To be conservative we have assumed an MPC out of wealth of 0.02 for all income groups. 14 Because the IMPLAN models are used for total impact analysis (as opposed to marginal impact analysis) in this study, necessary adjustments are made to the initial indirect and induced impact estimates to prevent double-counting. For instance, any indirect or induced effects from the estimates that are mapped to the oil and natural gas industry are removed.


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