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San Tan District Varsity

Wilderness Challenge
November 13-14, 2009
Friday Evening – 12:30 Saturday
What is it?
The San Tan District Wilderness Challenge is a physical and mental challenge for the Varsity
Team/Squad and the Varsity Scout.

The Wilderness Challenge is an awesome team competition that will test the scouting and
wilderness skills that have been learned in Boy Scouts and in Varsity. There will be shooting,
knife and tomahawk throwing, orienteering, GPS, team challenges, races, C.O.P.E. challenges,
team challenges, and individual challenges. It is timed from beginning to end and points for time
and precision will be given at each challenge.

Its activities will be similar to some of the team and individual challenges of reality shows like
Survivor and The Great Race. It will be fast, action packed, fun, challenging, and rewarding.
The winning team and individual will be awarded the highly coveted “Varsity Man” award.

Who Can Attend?

This rendezvous is for all Varsity units in the San Tan District. Only Boy Scouts and Varsity
Scouts age 14 – 15 at the time of the rendezvous may participate in the Wilderness Challenge.
No younger persons in any capacity including siblings, younger unit members, children of adult
leaders, etc. will be allowed to attend. Older boys may only attend if specifically invited and
then only as staff - not as participants. We are inviting Venture Crews to work events at
Wilderness Challenge as a crew. The parent or guardian of any child younger than 14 will be
asked to take that child home. There will be no exceptions!

How Do We Sign Up?

Registration forms are at the back of this packet. Feel free to copy this form and give it to other
teams. Forms with payment may be turned in at Huddle. We strongly encourage teams to pre-
register. You are not registered until payment is received in full. A copy of the receipt will be
issued to the person at the time of registration.

How to Registration
In order to better plan for the needs of this event and to encourage early preparation for the
outpost activities, incentives have been established for those teams with early paid registration.
The price schedule follows:
Required Leaders $0.00 (1 per every 5 youth, minimum 2), Additional Leaders $3.00
Varsity scout Price $5.00

Leadership Requirements
Two-Deep Leadership, two registered adult leaders, or one adult and a parent of a participating
Scout, one of whom must be at least 21 years of age or older, are required for all trips and
outings. There should be a minimum of one adult for every five youths in attendance (always
with a minimum of two, of course). Each participating Varsity Scout Team should also have an
appointed Team Captain who will be responsible for leading and coordinating all of his team’s
efforts. Information will be furnished to the Team Captains or squad leaders throughout the
rendezvous for relaying to their teams. If a team has more than 6 youth, a team captain should
lead one squad and a squad leader should lead the other. Adult leaders will be required to stand
back and allow the Team Captain’s and squad leaders to carry out his duties and to run the Team
and or squad, both at registration as well as during the activities.
Paperwork Requirements
The form and payment are to be turned into the Varsity San Tan Districts. Contact Stephen W.
Follett 480-234-5405 or
• Fees and registration must be turned in to consider a team registered!
Tour Permits
A tour permit is required.
Physical Forms
Coaches are required to have "evidence of fitness assured by a complete health history from
physician and parent, or legal guardian" for every boy and leader. Use the Medical Record
Class 2 form for all youth and adults. Also, as a reminder, this form is good for one year only.
The Team Captain will present a completed form for each youth and adult leader at check-in or
ones that will be still valid as of the Wilderness Challenge may be turned in at registration to
speed up the registration process.
Medical Consent Forms
Each participating youth and adult must have a completed Medical Consent form even if the
parent is in attendance. These forms insure that prompt medical attention may be given in case
of need. These forms along with the others required, will be presented at check-in or may be
included at the time of registration to speed up the registration process
Preparing your Team
There are several things that you can do as a team to prepare for this grand event. Those teams
that come prepared tend to have the greatest success and the most fun. Here are some of the
ways that teams can prepare ahead of time:
• Team Leader Training – This will allow your Team Captain and other team leaders to be
ready to take the full responsibility of leadership. This is key to your team’s success.

• Build Teamwork – Work together to build teamwork within your team. Your success in the
Wilderness Challenge activities rely heavily on teamwork. Use C.O.P.E. exercises in your team
program to accomplish this.
• Build a Service Attitude Service, spirit and deed. Instilling a general attitude of service and
excellence in your team will help them to succeed. Look for opportunities at the Wilderness
Challenge to go above and beyond what is expected.
Vehicle Preparation
Transportation for scout outings is very important. The BSA is very much aware of the special
needs for travel. Being safe is of utmost importance. Please make sure there is adequate space for
all passengers in the vehicles you will use for transportation to and from the rendezvous. Don't

count a place for a rider unless an operational seat belt is available. Remember! Count the
vehicles you need by the number of seat belts available in the vehicle. Team registration will
take place from 4:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.
Personal/Team Camping Gear
During November the weather can get rather chilly in the evening and night hours. Sometimes it
will be close to freezing. You should come prepared with warm clothes that can be removed in
layers as the day warms up. Also remember that if you do not bring a burn barrel for your fire
you will not be able to have a fire in your camp for those chilly nights.
Arrival and Setup
Wilderness Challenge Rules
• A three–times–three ringing of the bell will designate an emergency. Assemble at your
campsite and send buddy runners (2) to HQ for information or instructions.
• Each unit is required to have a properly stocked first aid kit and plan on treating minor injuries.
Medical staff and facilities will be identified at the rendezvous site for any major problems
encountered. Band-Aids, Pepto, Aspirin (and it’s many forms) should be supplied by you, not the
medical staff, so be sure your First Aid kit is stocked appropriately and abundantly.
• After lights out time designated on the schedule of events, all teams should be in and remain in
their campsites until reveille the next morning. HQ staff will be on patrol in the area at times
during the night and any team member found out of camp will be escorted
back to his campsite and the leader notified. If malicious mischief was involved, the team may
be asked to leave the immediately!
• Tents other than yours are off limits. Do not enter these structures. Adult leaders and Team
Captains will be responsible to instruct their team members regarding the off limits policy prior
to attending, and will be held responsible for any unit member who violates the above stated
rules. Other areas, such as the shooting areas, will be marked off by yellow tape. These areas
must not be encroached upon or serious consequences could result.
Crossing these lines will result in expulsion from the rendezvous.
• Varsity Scouts are expected to follow the Scout Oath and Law. Vandalism hurts us all and is
against the law. Anyone caught destroying property will be expelled from the rendezvous and
their names turned over to the proper authorities for prosecution. This includes plants and
animals as well as structures.
• Possession or lighting of illegal fireworks will result in immediate confiscation and notification
of authorities.
• Campsites are laid out and grouped by ADC. Space is at a premium. Please be conservative in
your camp setup so that all members of your campsite will have sufficient room to camp also.
All disputes regarding campsites will be arbitrated by your ADC or assistant campsite leaders
and their decisions are final.
Parking will be provided as directed at the time of onsite check in. Signs will be posted along
the road way highway indicating what area to camp. Pull vehicles off the road! We will need the
roadway in the event of an emergency. We are in public lands and do not have the right to block
roadways. Please be a good example to your boys of being obedient and trustworthy by
following these simple rules.
Camp Location
We are still finalizing the location for the Wilderness Challenge. It will be at a location within
one and one half hour from Chandler/Gilbert.
Camp Site Assignments

Campsites are set up and grouped by ADC and any concerns regarding the assigned area should
be taken to the ADC or his assistant. Campsite assignments will be given at registration time.
Check In
Registration check in will begin at 4:45 P.M. on Friday.
• If you have registered (Meaning registered and paid), turned in all medical permission and
physical forms, and there are no adjustments to be made, registration will consist of picking up
your packet, filling out the vehicle identification forms and placing them in your vehicles.
(Nice, huh!)
• If all of the forms were not previously turned in then those will need to be checked prior to
packet pick up.
• Should you need to make adjustments such as adding boys or leaders, you will need to take a
bit longer so that money can be collected and additional forms and patches can be added to the
packet. (Still not too bad, right?)
• Finally, if you have not registered, you get into the long and tedious line and wait for a packet
to be built, your information to be entered and monies to be tendered. (We call this the “Ugly
Line”.) Try to avoid the Ugly Line.
As usual, emphasis on uniforms is a key part of the success of any Team and we encourage all
Varsity Scouts and their Leaders to have a "class B uniform" activity uniform.
There will be a uniform inspection. A portion of the points awarded for the Wilderness
Challenge activities will come from the uniform inspection.
No meals will be provided. Low impact camping procedures will be implemented by Teams
attending the rendezvous. Don't dig trenches or fire pits or holes of any
kind. There is one campfire allowed per team. This must be in a barrel or grill only which you
must bring with you. Please NO bonfires! Ashes from your campfire will have to be hauled out
by your unit. You may want to bring a stove or charcoal for cooking. Do Not count on finding
firewood at the campsite.
Campsite Set up
Keep an orderly camp. Your ADC will check your campsite prior to your unit leaving. It is
imperative that each unit do it’s part to leave the area in pristine condition so that we will be
invited back. Thanks in advance.
Low impact camping is leaving no trace of being there. One of the great dangers of holding this
kind of event is wildfire. Each unit must bring a shovel and a 5-gallon bucket (to keep filled
with water) for fire safety. Also, you must bring a burn barrel in which to build your fire or
go without a fire. There are some permanent fire rings, but do not count on your unit getting
one. Fire Rings and Burn Barrels are the only places that a fire is allowed. You will be required
to remove your ashes to a designated receptacle during camp clean up.
All garbage needs to be hauled out of your campsite by your unit. The Forest Service is very
cautious of any group this size and the impact it will have on the area. Be very conscious of our
presence in the area and be protective of our right to use it. Please do your part to leave only
footprints, and take only pictures…and your garbage.
Port-A-Johns will be available. You are required to use these facilities to preserve the sanitation
during this large of a campout. Do not defecate anywhere but in the privies.

No water is available. Bring enough water to accommodate your group.

Campsite Clean Up
Campsites need to be appropriately cleaned and checked prior to departure. Your ADC will
assign someone to inspect the campsite before you leave. Please leave the campsites looking
better than we found them.
Each Team or Squad, upon completion of registration at check-in, will receive a card or
"passport" with the different event areas listed. Scores will be kept on the passport and turned in
at the end of the day (4:00 pm) on Saturday. Do not lose the card, only one will be issued!
Trading Post / Trader’s Row
There will be a sample mountain man trading post set up for your participation. The trading post
will have a small variety of mountain man items for trade or sale on the trading blanket. You
should bring items to trade for items on the blanket.
Service Outpost
A service area will be setup and manned at the Headquarters outpost. Teams will be assigned to
do service projects throughout the rendezvous in small groups rather than as one large group.
Each team should check-in at the service outpost at their earliest convenience to receive a
specific service assignment. Points are awarded for active participation in these projects and each
team is required to participate in a minimum of one.
Cracker Barrel
There will be a cracker barrel session at headquarters for all Team Captains and Coaches on
Friday evening at headquarters after campfire. Adult leaders should accompany their team
captains and will be split off to a separate meeting during that time. It is very important that all
Team Captains attend these session because important updates to schedules and activities, as
well as other announcements will be relayed to them at that time. It is then the Captain’s
responsibility to communicate this information to their teams. Each team coach and captain,
please come prepared with paper and pencil so that notes can be taken.
Flag Ceremonies
There will be an All-Team flag ceremony on Saturday morning. All participants should be in
attendance for these ceremonies.
Vespers Trail Program Friday Evening
A special experience is planned for Friday night. The Vespers trail is a short trail that will be
walked by one team at a time at short intervals after sunset. All Teams should be plan on
attending. It will be an experience you won't want to miss. Please remind your scouts to be
respectful to those speaking as well as to their fellow Scouts.
Honors Program
Staff will look for individuals, squads and teams that exemplify the scout Oath and Law in deed
and spirit. Top teams should be aware of those who need help around them and should take
opportunities to assist where needed, even if they are not asked.
Awards Program
Each Team may earn reward based on their performance. Awards will be based first on Team
unity and Leadership and second on Performance. Awards will be presented for overall and for
several individual events. In the event of ties, multiple awards are available. There will also be
special awards and prizes awarded for Top Team, Individual Awards, and honors program.

Campsite Clean-up
Each unit needs to completely police their camping area before leaving. Clean up all trash (even
old litter), replace ground cover, etc. Leave your camp site as undisturbed as possible. After all,

we are Scouts and are more experienced in these matters than most individuals. The Team
leaders are responsible for seeing these rules are followed (Yes, that means the Captain).
The designated clean-up time is Saturday afternoon after completion of the activities and before
the award ceremony. We ask all teams to not leave during the activities for safety reasons.
When a team is ready for site inspection they should contact their ADC or Campsite
director/Assistant ADC (who should be in the campsite) and have them check the site for the
team. In order to finish on time it is important that teams use slack time in-between close of
outpost activities and closing ceremonies to clean up, pack up and be checked out. Any teams
finishing early can check-in at headquarters to assist in taking down and packing up the base
As with arrival keep your vehicles completely off the road and next to your camp. When leaving
please be considerate and use the golden rule.

Registration Form
By submitting this registration, I am showing our intention to attend the San Tan District
Wilderness Challenge 2009. I have read and agree to abide by, and have the team members and
adults abide by all of the rules as stated in the syllabus and documents provided, as well as by
any updates given during Varsity Huddles and other notifications in the San Tan District, and as
given during the Wilderness Challenge, including vehicle parking and campsite cleanup.
Violation of these instructions will result in forfeiture of participant ribbon / awards. No youth
younger than 14 or older than 16 years of age will attend or participate.

*TEAM CAPTAIN Signature ___________________________________ Date _____________

*Team # ----------------------------------------------------------------: *Date ...................

*Sponsoring Organization (Ward if LDS):

*District Patrol (Stake if LDS):

*Team Captain’s Name: .

Captain’s Phone: .

Captain’s Email Address: .

*Coach’s Name: .

*Coach’s Phone (H) *Cell: .

*Coach’s E-mail Address: .

List all members that will be attending including Captain, Coach, scouts and
all leaders who are attending on the following page.

Team #__________


Names of Scout Leaders / Adult

2 Adult minimum for up to 10 Youth


_____________________________________________3 for up to 15, 4 for up to 20

Total Registration Fee: Check # __________

Our unit has special needs.
If you have participants with medical needs that the staff needs to be aware of, please describe briefly and legibly
the nature of the need in your unit and what is desired.
Send to:

Stephen Follett stephen.follett@gmail or deliver at Huddle.


I hereby give consent for my child/self ______________________________

to participate in the San Tan District Wilderness Challenge. I also hereby appoint any adult
leaders and each of them individually, in case of emergency, to act in my place for the purpose
of signing for or consenting to any medical, dental, or surgical treatment, including anesthesia,
that might be needed by my said child/self during the course of the trip and activities.

Dated this ______ day of ________________, ____________.

Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian / Adult


I hereby give consent for my child/self ______________________________
to participate in the San Tan District Wilderness Challenge. I also hereby appoint any adult
leaders, and each of them individually, in case of emergency, to act in my place for the purpose
of signing for or consenting to any medical, dental, or surgical treatment, including anesthesia,
that might be needed by my said child/self during the course of the trip and activities.

Dated this ______ day of ________________, ____________.

Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian / Adult

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