1) Offended: Wors Meanings

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hamd o sana

Stormy wind is blowing

1) Offended Pained
Hurt or upset. Why do you get offended? She looked offended. Face had a pained and puzzled expression. Keep an account of. Give an account to me.

1) Scratch

VerbItch, Rub

Scrape or rub as if to relieve itching. She is scratching her mouth. Don`t scratch your insect bites!

1) Doe


Mature female of mammals of which the male is called `buck'.


VerbDiscern, Distinguish, Make Out, Pick Out, Recognise,Spot, Tell Apart

Detect with the senses. Faisal, did you recognize me? Sorry i couldn`t recognize you. Do you recognize me? The fleeing convicts were picked out of the darkness by the watchful prison guards. I can`t make out the faces in this photograph.

) Sceptical

Doubting, Questioning, Skeptical

Marked by or given to doubt. He is a skeptical person. A skeptical husband. A skeptical attitude. A skeptical listener. A skeptical manager.

) Ewer


An open vessel with a handle and a spout for pouring.

) Listen


Hear with intention. I listened him saying that. Listen to the sound of this cello.

1) Ewer


An open vessel with a handle and a spout for pouring.

1) Innocency


An innocent quality or thing or act. The innocencies of childhood.



Abstaining from food. I will also keep fast after growing up. How many of you will keep fast tomorrow?


Noun24-Hour Interval, Mean Solar Day, Solar Day, Twenty-Four Hour Period, Twenty-Four Hours

Time for Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis. Power cut off since two days. Two days later they left. They put on two performances every day. There are 30,000 passengers per day.

) Opening The Fast Verb

Opening the fast at the time of sunset. He is breaking the fast.

) Grin


To draw back the lips and reveal the teeth, in a smile, grimace, or snarl. Grinning like an idiot.

2) Grin
NounGrinning, Smile, Smiling

A facial expression characterized by turning up the corners of the mouth; usually shows pleasure or amusement. I smiled looking up at her.



According to custom or rule or natural law. Lawful food.

2) Lawful


Conformable to or allowed by law. Lawful methods of dissent.



Bleeding from the nose. She has nosebleed.

) Sunset Prayer Noun

Prayer which is performed after sunset and before total darkness. He is offering sunset prayer.

1) Today


The day that includes the present moment (as opposed to yesterday or tomorrow). I also have a haircut today. He reminded me that today is school holiday. Today is beautiful. Did you see today`s newspaper?

1) Influenza

NounFlu, Grippe

An acute febrile highly contagious viral disease. How long do colds and flu last?

1) Indian Relish NounChutney
A spicy condiment made of chopped fruits or vegetables cooked in vinegar and sugar with ginger and spices.

) Want


Feel or have a desire for; want strongly. I don`t want to have a word with you. I want to make you feel. I want to go home now. I want my own room.

) Jugular Vein

NounJugular, Vena Jugularis

Veins in the neck that return blood from the head. He injects heroin into his jugular vein.

) Google Verb
Search the internet (for information) using the Google search engine. He googled the woman he had met at the party. My children are googling all day.

) Bored World-Weary
Tired of the world. You get bored very easily. Bored with life. Strolled through the museum with a bored air.

1) Centipede


Chiefly nocturnal predacious arthropod having a flattened body of 15 to 173 segments each with a pair of legs, the foremost pair being modified as prehensors.

) Exam

NounExamination, Test

A set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge. She has an exam tomorrow. When the test was stolen the professor had to make a new set of questions.

1) She


Used to refer a woman or girl. She lost her wits. She is having an affair. She works hard so that she may pass. She loved you with all her heart. She got so naughty. She grew angry. She is a good wife. Hosh,,,,,,wits,,,,, consciousness

) Uvula


A small pendant fleshy lobe at the back of the soft palate.

) Didactics

NounEducation, Educational Activity, Instruction, Pedagogy,Teaching

The activities of educating or instructing; activities that impart knowledge or skill. He received no formal education. Our instruction was carefully programmed. Good classroom teaching is seldom rewarded.

1) Embarrassing


Causing to feel shame or chagrin or vexation. It`s too embarrassing. The embarrassing moment when she found her petticoat down around her ankles. It was mortifying to know he had heard every word.

1) Dealing

NounDealings, Transaction

The act of transacting within or between groups (as carrying on commercial activities). I am not in dealing terms with her. No transactions are possible without him. He has always been honest is his dealings with me.

) Mansion

NounHall, Manse, Mansion House, Residence

A large and imposing house. They live in mansion.

1) Faucet


A regulator for controlling the flow of a liquid from a reservoir.

1) Bell Pepper


Large bell-shaped sweet pepper in green or red or yellow or orange or black varieties. Bell pepper powers up your immune system.

1) Beheaded Decapitated
Having had the head cut off. The beheaded prisoners.

1) Merely

AdverbBut, Just, Only, Simply

And nothing more. I was merely asking. It is simply a matter of time. Just a scratch. He was only a child. Hopes that last but a moment.

1) Pee

NounPiddle, Piss, Urine, Water, Weewee

Liquid excretory product. There was blood in his urine. The child had to make water.

1) Juvenile

NounJuvenile Person

A young person, not fully developed.

2) Juvenile

Adolescent, Jejune, Puerile

Displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity. Adolescent insecurity. Jejune responses to our problems.+ More

1) Hermit

NounRecluse, Solitary, Solitudinarian, Troglodyte

One who lives in solitude. Hermit woman.

2) Hermit


One retired from society for religious reasons.

1) Ingrate

NounThankless Wretch, Ungrateful Person

A person who shows no gratitude. What an ingrate you are, my friend.

1) Indorse

VerbBack, Endorse, Plump For, Plunk For, Support

Be behind; approve of. He plumped for the Labor Party. I backed Kennedy in 1960.+ More

2) Indorse

VerbBack, Endorse, Second

Give support or one's approval to. I'll second that motion. I can't back this plan.+ More

1) Outfitter


Someone who sells men`s clothes.

) Junkie

NounDrug Addict, Junky

A narcotics addict. I am an alcohol junkie.

2) Junkie

NounAddict, Freak, Junky, Nut

Someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction. A golf addict. A car nut.+ More

1) Braid

NounPlait, Tress, Twist

A hairdo formed by braiding or twisting the hair. Dense tress. She still has a long braid.

2) Braid

VerbLace, Plait

Make by braiding or interlacing. Lace a tablecloth.

1) Rumor

NounHearsay, Rumour

Gossip (usually a mixture of truth and untruth) passed around by word of mouth. It`s only a rumor.

2) Rumor

VerbBruit, Rumour

Tell or spread rumors. It was rumored that the next president would be a woman.

1) Utter

VerbExpress, Give Tongue To, Verbalise, Verbalize

Articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise.

She expressed her anger. He uttered a curse.

2) Utter

Arrant, Complete, Consummate, Double-

Dyed, Everlasting, Gross,Perfect, Pure, Sodding, Staring, Stark, Thoroughgoing, Unadulterated

Without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers. An arrant fool. A complete coward.+ More

3) Utter

VerbEmit, Let Loose, Let Out

Express audibly; utter sounds (not necessarily words). She let out a big heavy sigh. He uttered strange sounds that nobody could understand.

4) Utter


Complete. Came to a dead stop. Utter seriousness.

5) Utter

VerbMouth, Speak, Talk, Verbalise, Verbalize

Express in speech. After coming close he began to speak. Speak after thinking.+ More

1) Semolina


Milled product of durum wheat (or other hard wheat) used in pasta. Semolina dessert.

1) Chatty

Gabby, Garrulous, Loquacious, Talkative, Talky

Full of trivial conversation. You are too gabby. How chatty you are! + More

2) Chatty

Gossipy, Newsy

Prone to friendly informal communication.

1) Tidings

NounIntelligence, News, Word

Information about recent and important events. Glad tidings. This news has broken today.+ More

1) Camisole


A short sleeveless undergarment for women.

1) Moan


An utterance expressing pain or disapproval.

2) Moan


Indicate pain, discomfort, or displeasure. The students groaned when the professor got out the exam booklets. The ancient door soughed when opened.

1) Fidget


Move restlessly. The child is always fidgeting in his seat.

1) Stampede


A headlong rush of people on a common impulse. When he shouted `fire' there was a stampede to the exits.

2) Stampede


A wild headlong rush of frightened animals (horses or cattle).

3) Stampede


Run away in a stampede.

1) Ardently


In an ardent manner. The spirit of God knew very well that there was a deeper question to be settled before there could be the intervention in power that was so ardently desired.

1) Heed

VerbListen, Mind

Pay close attention to; give heed to. Heed the advice of the old men.

2) Heed

NounAttentiveness, Paying Attention, Regard

Paying particular notice (as to children or helpless people). His attentiveness to her wishes. He spends without heed to the consequences.

1) Whirlwind


A more or less vertical column of air whirling around itself as it moves over the surface of the Earth.

1) Amend

VerbAmeliorate, Better, Improve, Meliorate

To make better. Amend your tone. The editor improved the manuscript with his changes.

2) Amend


Make amendments to. Amend the document.

3) Amend

VerbRectify, Remediate, Remedy, Repair

Set straight or right. Remedy these deficiencies. Rectify the inequities in salaries.+ More

1) Shin Bone NounShin, Shinbone, Tibia

The inner and thicker of the two bones of the human leg between the knee and ankle.

1) Halloo


A shout to attract attention. He gave a great halloo but no one heard him.

1) Scallion

NounGreen Onion, Spring Onion

A young onion before the bulb has enlarged; eaten in salads.

1) Accruement NounAccrual, Accumulation

The act of accumulating.

1) Accumbent

Decumbent, Recumbent

Lying down; in a position of comfort or rest.

1) Acerbity


A sharp bitterness.

2) Acerbity


A sharp sour taste.

3) Acerbity

NounAcrimony, Bitterness, Jaundice, Tartness, Thorniness

A rough and bitter manner.

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