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Sandra Moua Mr. Martinez IB World Literature Period 6 12/10/13 Panel Study Page 40 panel 6 A t e!

e in t i" panel t at I # oo"e to $o#u" on i" %&ourney'( )e#au"e *ourney #an )e a di$$erent idea to ot er"+ it #an !ean tra,eling to anot er pla#e or ta-ing a "tep in li$e. I a! going to $o#u" on t e latter. .a)io Moon and /a)riel Ba u"e i!agery or %0olor 1 eory( to repre"ent t e"e di$$erent t ing" in li$e' )e#au"e you #an(t really "ee or de"#ri)e t ing" $ro! your o2n point o$ ,ie2. In t i" panel you "ee Bra" "2i!!ing in t e "ea' I t in- t e "ea repre"ent" t e endle"" a!ount o$ # oi#e" t at you #an # oo"e to "et your li$e "traig t or ta-e a "tep to2ard" a orri)le e,ent t at you #annot turn )a#- to2ard" your original # oi#e. 1 e #olor" t ey u"e in t i" panel are lig t )lue" t at gradually turn dar-er. 1 ere i" 2 ite at t e ,ery top o$ t i" panel' t at I t in- repre"ent" t e lig t in our li,e" )e#au"e e,ery)ody(" lig t in t ere li,e" #an )e di$$erent' li-e it #an )e your parent"' tra,eling to a di$$erent pla#e' ta-ing a *ourney to $ind your"el$' and it #ould al"o )e a goal in your li$e t at you 2ant to a##o!pli" + a "tep or *ourney to2ard" t e )etter eig t o$ your li$e. A" you go to2ard" t e )otto! o$ t i" panel you "tart to "ee t e dar-ne"" "eep in' 2 i# #ould !ean t at you a,e ta-en a dar-er pat t at' #ould lead you to your deat or to "o!et ing appening in your li$e t at you #annot ta-e )a#-. It i" a "tep to2ard" your do2n$all in your li$e t at you #annot turn )a#-. W en Bra" i" "2i!!ing in t e !iddle o$ )ot lig t and dar- #olor" I t in- it repre"ent" i" pat "o $ar' i" # oi#e in li$e a" ta-en neit er dar- nor lig t pat )ut e #an # ange i" $ate. 3e #ould # oo"e to ta-e a "tep to2ard" t e dar-ne""' deeper into "o!et ing terri)le and dangerou" t at e t en #annot #li!) or "tep )a#- to' e 2ill a,e regret" "in#e e a" not # o"en t e rig t "tep' or e #ould # oo"e to #li!) up to i" lig t' i" goal in li$e' i" rea"on $or li,ing and to ta-ing a )etter "tep in i" li$e' i" # oi#e #ould !ean t at e i" !o,ing $or2ard to a##o!pli" all e #an )e$ore i" deat .

1 e )oat" #an repre"ent $reedo! in a 2ay )ut i$ you loo- #lo"ely t ey are tied do2n )y "o!et ing' 2 i# #an !ean t at e,en i$ you t in- you a,e $reedo! it doe"n(t really !ean t at you are $ree' t ere$ore' you #annot truly )e $ree to # oo"e your o2n de"tiny' t ey(re only # oi#e" t at you #an # oo"e to !a-e your out#o!e $or t e 2or"e or $or t e )etter. 1 e ro#-" t at you "ee t at are on t e le$t "ide o$ t i" panel' I t in-' repre"ent" o)"ta#le" in your li$e' li-e o2 t e "and i" not truly "!oot and o2 t e o#ean i" not really #lear. 1 e"e ro#-" are a dar-er #olor in t e "ea+ t ey are road)lo#-" in your li$e' your # oi#e in your *ourney t at you 2ant to li,e. I$ you 2ant to pa"t )y t e"e o)"ta#le" you need to # oo"e t e # oi#e t at 2ill a$$e#t o2 you 2ill li,e $or t e re"t o$ your li$e. In #on#lu"ion your out#o!e #ould )e )ot $or t e 2or"e' and t e regret" t at you a,e not a##o!pli" ed 2ill aut you and you 2ill li,e a li$e $ull o$ regret"' not truly -no2ing 2 at true appine"" i" and 2 at it i" li-e to li,e a $ull li$e' or it #an )e t e greate"t li$e you a,e li,ed' you a,e ta-en t e rig t *ourney and "tep" and you a,e li,ed a $ull li$e 2it not regret" 2 en you #o!e to deat . 1 roug !y o)"er,ation" t roug t i" panel t i" i" t e rea"on 2 y %&ourney( i" a "upporting t e!e and #an e4i"t in t i" panel and t roug out t e "tory.

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