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William E. Spear

Two Plus Plus Productions LLC

Clinton, New Jersey
The Splendor in Midland - Episode One i

Georgie Amberson Minafer is viewed with contempt by
the residents of Midland. Since his antics as a
spoiled youth, they have longed to see him get knocked
down a notch or two. But no one could have imagined
the pounding he would go through.

THE SPLENDOR IN MIDLAND tells the story of Georgie and

his families, the Ambersons and Minafers, as they face
financial and personal upheavals. The return of the
Morgans, absent for 20 years after a public
humiliation, rekindles ancient recollections and
ignites new emotions.

Episode One, titled, "A Gem in Its Setting," takes

place on Christmas Eve at the Amberson Towers in
Midland. The occasion is their annual holiday open
house and this year the family is celebrating
Georgie's sophomore year in college.

The evening begins with laughter and smiles as Eugene

Morgan is reunited with childhood friends Isabel
Amberson Minafer, Georgie's mother, and Jack Amberson,
Georgie's uncle.

But the party ends with a somber tone and sets into
motion events which will make the participants wonder
if there is any splendor remaining in Midland.

Characters (in Order of Speaking)

Lucy Lucy Morgan, daughter of Eugene.
She is quick witted, vibrant, and
every ounce the equal to Georgie
throughout their combative

Eugene Eugene Morgan, father of Lucy.

Introspective with two consuming
interests, Lucy and Isabel
Amberson Minafer. His relationship
with Isabel ended 20 years ago but
his passion for her never dimmed.

Midtones Local singing ensemble. Twenty

years ago, Eugene Morgan, Jack
Amberson, and Fred Kinney sang and
serenaded around Midland. Now,
The Splendor in Midland - Episode One ii

Thomas Kinney and Janice Steele

lead the group.

Narrator One and Narrator Two The two Narrators

set the tone and style throughout.
They also provide internal
exposition to set up, and segue
between, scenes.

Isabel Isabel Amberson Minafer, Wilbur’s

wife and Georgie’s mother. Her
preoccupation with Georgie’s well-
being keeps her from realizing his
shortcomings and negative impact
on her.

Georgie Georgie Amberson Minafer, son of

Wilbur and Isabel. He is the next
generation of the Ambersons, the
wealthiest family in Midland. His
self-centered perspective and
misguided attempts to preserve the
family’s name have disastrous

Janice Janice Steele. Sings with, and

leads, The Midtones. Her easygoing
demeanor and sense of humor hides
a fiercely competitive nature. She
strives to be the best in
everything she does.

Jack Jack Amberson, brother of Isabel.

He embodies grace and tact. His
diplomacy is increasingly called
upon to manage the colliding
interests of the Ambersons,
Minafers, and Morgans.

Fanny Fanny Minafer, sister of Wilbur.

She is frequently in Isabel’s
shadow or dismissed as Wilbur’s
sister. But Eugene Morgan’s return
fuels in her ancient recollections
which have modern reverberations.
The Splendor in Midland - Episode One iii

Major Major Amberson, father of Isabel

and Jack. The Major’s wealth is
the source of stature for the
family. But his commitment to his
son and daughter is the Major’s
true strength.

Kinney Fred Kinney, father of Thomas.

Years ago, Fred sang with Jack and
Eugene in The Midtones. All three
were fairly wild in their youth.

Thomas Thomas Kinney, son of Fred. Thomas

sings with The Midtones. Many
years ago, he and Georgie had an
argument that nearly came to
blows. Their friendship never
The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 1

1 Beat 1) Introduction to Lucy and Eugene


3 LUCY: Papa.

4 EUGENE: Yes, Lucy.

5 LUCY: Where are we spending Christmas Eve?

6 EUGENE: With some old friends at Amberson Towers

7 here in Midland.

8 LUCY: Is it much further?

9 EUGENE: It’s the tall sparkling affair up ahead.

10 LUCY: It’s wonderful. I can’t imagine anything

11 more beautiful.

12 EUGENE: Wait until you meet Isabel Amberson. (TO

13 DRIVER) Driver, let us off at the front

14 entrance.

15 Beat 2) Opening credits and narrative



18 NARRATOR ONE: (PAUSE) Midland, and its wealth, are

19 located in the central part of the country.

20 Within this oasis of opulence, Amberson

21 Towers rises above its surroundings and

22 dominates the landscape.

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 2

23 NARRATOR TWO: At the top of the towers, and at the

24 top of Midland’s list of wealthiest

25 families, resides the Ambersons. Major

26 Amberson made his fortune during the Second

27 World War and then doubled it during the

28 economic boom of the 1950s. He doubled it

29 two more times in the 1960s.


31 NARRATOR ONE: But the Major’s real wealth is his

32 children – Jack and Isabel. On this evening,

33 Christmas Eve, Jack is tending to the needs

34 of hundreds of guests at the annual Amberson

35 holiday open house. And Isabel, sparkling

36 and charming, is greeting new arrivals to

37 the party with the bored assistance of her

38 son, Georgie.

39 Beat 3) Isabel and Georgie welcoming guests


41 ISABEL: (PERFECTLY COMPOSED) Thank you so much for

42 coming to our party.

43 GEORGIE: (BORED) I remember you very well indeed.

44 ISABEL: Thank you so much for coming to our party.

45 GEORGIE: I remember you very well indeed.

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 3

46 JANICE: (BRIGHTLY) Good evening Mrs. Minafer.

47 ISABEL: Good evening, Janice, and welcome to another

48 Christmas Eve at Amberson Towers.

49 GEORGIE: (BORED) I remember you very well indeed.

50 ISABEL: All the guests are looking forward to the

51 concert.

52 JANICE: Thank you for having us again this year. Are

53 the guys already here?

54 ISABEL: All the way to the top in the ballroom.

55 Break a leg.

56 JANICE: Thank you Mrs. Minafer. Merry Christmas,

57 Georgie.

58 GEORGIE: I remember you very well indeed.

59 ISABEL: Yes, yes. Thank you all, so much, for coming

60 to our party tonight.

61 GEORGIE: I remember . . .

62 Beat 4) Eugene and Lucy arrive

63 EUGENE: (BITE CUE) Excuse me Isabel. I don’t know if

64 you remember me but . . .

65 ISABEL: (BITE CUE: GIDDILY) Eugene? Eugene Morgan!

66 GUESTS: “Gene Morgan’s here!” “Let me see.” “That’s

67 the fellow in the newspaper.”

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 4

68 ISABEL: But you . . . I thought . . . We heard you

69 were overseas.

70 EUGENE: Our investors want us to find a new global

71 headquarters, so here we are.

72 ISABEL: In Midland? You mean you might be back for

73 good?

74 EUGENE: Seems like. Say, I don’t see Wilbur

75 anywhere.

76 ISABEL: He never was one for parties.

77 EUGENE: I remember. Is this your boy, Isabel?

78 ISABEL: Georgie, this is Mr. Eugene Morgan and his

79 daughter, Lucy.

80 GEORGIE: (VERY INTERESTED) I remember you very well

81 indeed.

82 ISABEL: No you don’t, Georgie. You don’t remember

83 her yet, but of course, you will.

84 Beat 5) Introduction to Jack Amberson

85 JACK: (OFF MIC) Did someone say Gene Morgan’s

86 here?

87 EUGENE: (CALLS TO JACK) Over here Jack.

88 JACK: (ON MIC) I can’t believe it’s you after all

89 these years.

90 EUGENE: How are times treating you?

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 5

91 JACK: No different than when you left. But I see

92 things have changed for you.

93 EUGENE: This is my daughter. Lucy, this is the

94 Honorable Jack Amberson.

95 JACK: (WITH GREAT FLOURISH) May your holiday

96 season be as full of the grace that you’ve

97 brought to Amberson Towers.

98 LUCY: (MATCHES HIS GESTURE) It would only be half

99 as much as I see embodied within you.

100 JACK: She’s very good, Gene.

101 GEORGIE: Lucy, why don’t you and I . . .

102 Beat 6) Introduction to Fanny Minafer


104 Morgan? We thought you were out of the

105 country.

106 EUGENE: Fanny Minafer, you haven’t changed a bit.

107 FANNY: You must tell us all about your travels.

108 GEORGIE: Perhaps Lucy and I might travel to . . .

109 Beat 7) Introduction to Major Amberson

110 MAJOR: (BITE CUE) Why bless my soul if it isn’t

111 Gene Morgan.

112 EUGENE: How are you, Major?

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 6

113 MAJOR: Quite well and thank you for asking. Might I

114 pour you some champagne?

115 EUGENE: Nothing for me, sir.

116 JACK: Still not drinking since the bass viol?

117 EUGENE: Not a drop.

118 LUCY: Bass viol?

119 EUGENE: I’ll tell you later. Lucy, this is Major

120 Amberson, father of Jack and Isabel,

121 grandfather of Georgie. He built Amberson

122 Towers.

123 GEORGIE: Lucy, why don’t we build . . .

124 Beat 8) Eugene’s serenade – twenty years ago

125 LUCY: (BITE CUE) Major Amberson, thank you for

126 having my father and me in your home this

127 evening.

128 GEORGIE: I give up.

129 JACK: Can you give up quietly, Georgie? We’re

130 getting reacquainted with an old friend and

131 his daughter.

132 MAJOR: Young lady, did your father ever tell you

133 about the night he serenaded Isabel?

134 LUCY: I didn’t even know he sang.

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 7

135 MAJOR: He performed the worst rendition of “Back in

136 Midland” since the town was formed.

137 ISABEL: Father, nobody wants to hear that story.

138 MAJOR: (WITH HUMOR) He was drunk and after a few

139 off-key notes he stepped clear through a

140 bass viol. Isabel got so mad at him she went

141 and married Wilbur. All because Gene had a

142 few drinks down in the lobby.

143 ISABEL: (BLUSHES) Oh, father.

144 MAJOR: (LAUGHS) Isabel Amberson, you’re blushing.

145 ISABEL: Who wouldn’t?

146 Beat 9) Consequences

147 FANNY: The important thing to remember is that

148 Wilbur got her and kept her.

149 EUGENE: There’s another important thing, at least it

150 is, for me. In fact, it’s the only thing

151 that makes me forgive that bass viol for

152 getting in my way.

153 MAJOR: What’s that?

154 EUGENE: Lucy.

155 LUCY: Thank you, father.

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 8

156 Beat 10) Singing . . .

157 ISABEL: (REGAINS COMPOSURE) Georgie, your duties are

158 finished here. Would you like to escort Lucy

159 to the concert?

160 GEORGIE: (SARCASTICALLY) Why didn’t I think of that?

161 FANNY: Would you like me to greet the guests with

162 you?

163 ISABEL: That would be a help, I’m sure. (TO GEORGIE)

164 Georgie, remember to warm up before you

165 sing.

166 GEORGIE: Mother.

167 LUCY: So many people sing around here. First my

168 father and now you.

169 GEORGIE: (TERSELY) I don’t sing.

170 ISABEL: You have a lovely singing voice.


172 Beat 11) . . . and Cigars

173 JACK: Gene, you didn’t give up cigars did you? A

174 few of us are enjoying a new shipment in the

175 library.

176 EUGENE: As long as they don’t get poured into a

177 champagne flute or a martini glass I’m okay.

178 Isabel, will you save a dance for me? And

179 you, also, Fanny?

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 9

180 FANNY: (GIDDILY) Of course I will, Gene.


182 EUGENE: (CALLS TO LUCY) Enjoy the concert, Lucy.

183 LUCY: And you enjoy your cigar.

184 Beat 12) Backstory of Eugene and Ambersons



187 NARRATOR ONE: (PAUSE) As Georgie and Lucy headed off

188 to the concert in the enclosed rooftop of

189 Amberson Towers, Eugene and Jack made their

190 way to the library.

191 NARRATOR TWO: The two grew up together in Midland.

192 Both were fairly wild in their youth. And

193 Eugene’s wildness didn’t subside, whether he

194 was practicing law or courting Isabel.

195 NARRATOR ONE: Just when the whole town assumed Eugene

196 would win her hand, he had a bit too much to

197 drink and, as the Major put it, stepped

198 clear through a bass viol while serenading

199 Isabel. Although Gene promised Isabel he’d

200 never have another drink, two weeks later,

201 she announced her engagement to Wilbur

202 Minafer.
The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 10


204 NARRATOR TWO: Eugene left Midland, got married, and

205 his wife bore their daughter, Lucy. Mrs.

206 Morgan died soon afterward and Eugene raised

207 Lucy in cities around the world. Not once

208 did he travel back to Midland, although he

209 often thought of Isabel. Not once did he

210 speak with the friends of his early manhood

211 until Jack escorted him into the library of

212 Amberson Towers.

213 Beat 13) Eugene catches up with the old gang

214 JACK: Gentlemen, your attention. I am pleased to

215 present a long absent, but surviving, member

216 of middle age, Mr. Eugene Morgan.

217 MALE GUESTS: “Welcome back, old man.” “If you aren’t

218 a sight . . . ” “You missed Isabel’s wedding

219 . . . by twenty years.” (ALL LAUGH


221 JACK: Gene, catch up with the old gang while I get

222 a dozen of my best cigars.

223 EUGENE: Thanks, Jack.

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 11

224 Beat 14) Eugene talks with Fred Kinney

225 KINNEY: (GRIZZLED) Gene Morgan. I heard you were in

226 town. You may not recognize me.

227 EUGENE: Yes I do, Fred Kinney. Your real face, the

228 one I used to know, is just underneath the

229 one you’re masquerading in tonight. You

230 ought to have changed it more if you wanted

231 a disguise.

232 KINNEY: Twenty years. It makes some difference in

233 faces, but more in behavior.

234 EUGENE: So it does. My own behavior began to change

235 about that long ago, quite suddenly.

236 KINNEY: I remember.

237 EUGENE: Well, know what I remember? Your wedding. I

238 saw your lovely wife upstairs.

239 KINNEY: We always come out to these Amberson

240 celebrations. My son’s singing in the

241 concert.

242 EUGENE: I remember singing at your bachelor dinner,

243 too. Most of our singing, that is.

244 KINNEY: More than what I can say about the night we

245 went serenading.

246 EUGENE: That’s a night I try not to remember.

247 KINNEY: Sorry Gene.

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 12

248 Beat 15) Midland’s last 20 years

249 EUGENE: Don’t think anything about it. Tell me,

250 what’s the old town been like for the last

251 twenty years?

252 KINNEY: There’s an heir to the Amberson line. Have

253 you seen young Georgie?

254 EUGENE: Real good-looking boy. Seems like fine

255 Amberson stock.

256 KINNEY: Too much Amberson, it seems. There’re some

257 folks that live for the day when young

258 Georgie gets his comeuppance.

259 EUGENE: His come-what-ance?

260 KINNEY: His comeuppance. When someone pounds all his

261 arrogance and high handedness out of him.

262 Beat 16) Georgie, the Angel . . .

263 EUGENE: Isabel would never let that happen.

264 KINNEY: That’s what beats me. I don’t have to tell

265 you what Isabel Amberson is. She’s got a

266 touch of the Amberson high stuff about her,

267 but I can’t figure out what she sees in that

268 boy of hers.

269 EUGENE: Something that we don’t.

270 KINNEY: What?

271 EUGENE: An angel.

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 13

272 KINNEY: If she sees an angel when she looks at

273 Georgie Minafer, she’s a funnier woman than

274 I thought she was.

275 EUGENE: Maybe. But that’s what she sees.

276 KINNEY: My Lord. In the short time that you’ve

277 looked at Georgie have you seen an angel?

278 EUGENE: No. All I saw was a remarkably good-looking

279 fool-boy with the pride of Satan and a set

280 of nice new boarding school manners that he

281 couldn’t use more than half an hour without

282 busting them.

283 Beat 17) . . . Is what Isabel sees

284 KINNEY: Then how is he an angel?

285 EUGENE: Mothers see the angel in us because the

286 angel’s there. When a son cuts somebody’s

287 throat, the mother only sees a misguided

288 angel, not a devil, and she’s entirely right

289 about that.

290 KINNEY: I remember how well you argued as a lawyer

291 but I think you’d lose this case. You’re

292 saying Georgie Minafer is as much of an

293 angel as any murderer, and that his mother’s

294 always right.

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 14

295 EUGENE: I’m afraid she always has been.

296 KINNEY: She was wrong once, old fellow. At least, so

297 it seemed to me.

298 EUGENE: (AWKWARDLY) No, I, well, no.

299 KINNEY: Wait till you know him a little better. Then

300 tell me if you see an angel.

301 EUGENE: Beauty’s in the eye of the beholder and the

302 angel is in the eye of the mother.

303 KINNEY: Somebody’s eyes must have been pretty

304 angelic if they’ve been persuading you that

305 Georgie Minafer is a cherub.

306 EUGENE: They’re more angelic than ever.

307 Beat 18) Only new times . . .


309 EUGENE: Good-bye, I’ve promised some dances.

310 KINNEY: With whom?

311 EUGENE: Isabel.

312 KINNEY: Twenty years have passed, but has anything

313 changed? Tell me, have you promised one to

314 poor old Fanny, too?

315 EUGENE: Of course.

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 15

316 KINNEY: (VIGOROUSLY) My goodness. Old times are

317 starting all over again. My goodness,

318 indeed.

319 EUGENE: (VIGOROUSLY) Old times? Not a bit. There

320 aren’t any old times. When times are gone

321 they’re not old, they’re dead. There aren’t

322 any times but new times.



325 Beat 19) . . . But they look like old times

326 NARRATOR TWO: (PAUSE) Eugene Morgan’s insistence that

327 there aren’t any times but new times might

328 have convinced Fred Kinney and others in the

329 library. But Eugene recognized the path he

330 was travelling. He was unable to resist the

331 charms of, and his own ancient recollections

332 for, Isabel Amberson. Twenty years had

333 passed but her pull on him had not

334 diminished.

335 NARRATOR ONE: Meanwhile, on the enclosed rooftop of

336 Amberson Towers, Georgie escorted Lucy

337 towards the concert and dance floor. She had

338 met many would-be suitors during the holiday

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 16

339 social season and they inundated her with

340 dance requests. Georgie, who expected to be

341 the sole focus of the evening, was ill-

342 prepared to be outshone by anyone, let alone

343 by someone new to Midland. His displeasure

344 was about to burst forth while The Midtones

345 were warming up for the concert.

346 Beat 20) The Midtones warm up


348 JANICE: Allright, allright. Let’s get down to work

349 and run through a few songs. How about “Deck

350 the Halls.”

351 MIDTONES EXCEPT THOMAS: Deck the halls with boughs of

352 holly

353 Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

354 'Tis the season to be jolly

355 Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

356 JANICE: Now a slow one, “Silent Night, Holy Night.”

357 MIDTONES EXCEPT THOMAS: Silent night, holy night!

358 All is calm, All is bright

359 Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child

360 Holy Infant so Tender and mild,

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 17

361 Sleep in heavenly peace,

362 Sleep in heavenly peace.

363 JANICE: That was okay but someone’s a bit flat.

364 MIDTONES #1: Not me.

365 MIDTONES #2: I was on key.

366 MIDTONES #3: I hit my notes. That only leaves . . .

367 JANICE: (BITE CUE) Don’t say it. Let’s finish with

368 “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.”

369 MIDTONES EXCEPT THOMAS: We wish you a Merry Christmas

370 We wish you a Merry Christmas

371 We wish you a Merry Christmas

372 And a Happy New Year.

373 Beat 21) The Midtones as suitors

374 LUCY: Bravo, bravo. Everyone sounds great, Janice.

375 GEORGIE: They’re okay.

376 JANICE: Thanks, Lucy. We’ve been practicing a lot

377 for tonight’s concert.

378 MIDTONES #ONE: Don’t forget the dance you promised me,

379 Lucy.

380 MIDTONES #TWO: Me as well, Luce.

381 LUCY: Of course, of course. Thee’s plenty of

382 dances left.

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 18

383 GEORGIE: What do you mean by saying of course, of

384 course?

385 JANICE: (WITH HUMOR) Hey, Lucy, I’ll pass on those

386 dances. Nothing personal, though.

387 LUCY: (WITH HUMOR) Nothing personal. Of course, of

388 course.

389 GEORGIE: (WITH INSISTENCE) What do you mean of

390 course, of course?

391 LUCY: Janice doesn’t want to dance with me.

392 GEORGIE: (HARSHLY) Not her, them.

393 LUCY: They’ve all asked to dance with me tonight.

394 GEORGE: How could they? You just got here.

395 LUCY: We’ve been out every night this week.


397 you have a waltz saved for me?


399 GEORGIE: Stop giving away dances.

400 LUCY: I could charge for them.

401 Beat 22) Even the Major wants a dance

402 MAJOR: I’d be willing to pay for a dance.

403 LUCY: (PRETTILY) You may have as many dances as

404 you wish, Major.

405 GEORGIE: Grandfather, I was talking with Miss Morgan.

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 19

406 MAJOR: A pretty young lady is meant for dancing,

407 not talking, Georgie.

408 Beat 23) The Return of the suitors

409 MIDTONES #ONE, #TWO, and #THREE: “I’ll dance with

410 her.” “Over here, Luce.” “Don’t forget me.”

411 JANICE: Maybe it’s me, but I’m still not interested.

412 GEORGIE: I don’t know why my mother even invited

413 them.

414 LUCY: Doesn’t the Major live here?

415 GEORGIE: (CROSSLY) I meant the other fellows.

416 LUCY: Perhaps it was on account of their parents.

417 Maybe she didn’t want to offend their

418 mothers and fathers.

419 GEORGIE: Oh hardly. I don’t think my mother needs to

420 worry about offending anyone in this old

421 town.

422 Beat 24) On being an Amberson

423 LUCY: It must be wonderful, simply wonderful, Mr.

424 Amberson. I mean, Mr. Minafer.

425 GEORGIE: What must be wonderful?

426 LUCY: To be so important as that.

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 20

427 GEORGIE: That isn’t important. Anyone that really is

428 anybody ought to be able to do as they

429 please in their own town.

430 LUCY: Aren’t those friends of yours?

431 GEORGIE: We were in a singing group years ago.

432 LUCY: So you do sing.

433 Beat 25) On being Georgie

434 GEORGIE: I grew out of that when I went to college.

435 LUCY: What are you studying at school?

436 GEORGIE: College.

437 LUCY: University. What are you studying?

438 GEORGIE: Lot’s of useless junk.

439 LUCY: Why don’t you study some useful junk?

440 Something you’ll use later in a business or

441 profession.

442 GEORGIE: I don’t expect to go into any business or

443 profession.

444 LUCY: What?

445 GEORGIE: Look at the people around you. Nothing but

446 lawyers, bankers, and politicians. What do

447 they get out of life? When their eulogies

448 are read or their gravestones carved, what

449 will they have accomplished?

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 21

450 LUCY: Then what do you want to be?

451 GEORGIE: A yachtsman.

452 Beat 26) Off to the dances . . . for Lucy


454 THOMAS: (OFF MIC: OVER EVERYTHING) Has anybody seen

455 Lucy?

456 MIDTONES #ONE: (CALLS TO THOMAS) Over here, Thomas.

457 MIDTONES #TWO: With Georgie.

458 MIDTONES #THREE: She’s the pretty one.

459 JANICE: What am I?

460 MIDTONES #3: The other pretty one.

461 JANICE: That’s better.

462 GEORGIE: I give up.

463 THOMAS: Well, Lucy. I’ve come for that dance.

464 LUCY: Just in time.

465 GEORGIE: See here, Miss Morgan. I want the third

466 dance.

467 LUCY: Are you asking me?

468 GEORGIE: (CALLS TO LUCY) And the third dance after

469 that.

470 LUCY: (OFF MIC: CALLS TO GEORGIE) Or telling me?

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 22

471 GEORGIE: (CALLS TO LUCY) Well, I want every third

472 dance for the rest of the evening. (PAUSE)

473 Did you hear me Miss Morgan?


475 course.

476 Beat 27) Georgie sulks while Lucy dances

477 NARRATOR ONE: (PAUSE) Lucy swirled across the dance

478 floor for hours. Even the Major enjoyed the

479 pleasant charms of Miss Morgan. But every

480 third dance with Georgie was an exercise in

481 waltzing with holly branches. Finally she

482 stopped looking for her prickly partner.

483 NARRATOR TWO: Elsewhere, the splendid music was

484 enjoyed by all ages. But the highlight of

485 each Christmas Eve at Amberson Towers was

486 the singing of “Back in Midland.” Twenty

487 years ago, Jack Amberson and Eugene Morgan

488 were the featured singers. But now, The

489 Midtones, led by Thomas Kinney and Janice

490 Steele, are entertaining the guests.

491 Beat 28) Introduction to The Midtones


The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 23



495 JACK: (OVER GUESTS) If I may have everyone’s

496 attention. (PAUSE) Please.


498 JACK: (PAUSE) Thank you spending Christmas Eve at

499 Amberson Towers. The night is only a few

500 minutes from being over. But before we go,

501 The Midtones, with young Thomas Kinney and

502 Janice Steele, will bring in Christmas.


504 Beat 29) The Midtones sing “Back in Midland”

505 THOMAS: Thank you Mr. Amberson. It’s an honor to

506 once again perform at Amberson Towers and

507 sing “Back in Midland.”


509 BED)

510 THOMAS: I’ve traveled so far and seen other lands

511 Been miles from home and away from friends.

512 The highway is long and covered with snow

513 The view is pretty but it’s time to go.

514 MIDTONES: Back in Midland, that’s where we’ll be.

515 JANICE: Laughing and smiling with all that we see.

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 24

516 MIDTONES: Back in Midland, old friends are best.

517 JANICE: Travelling back home to lay down and rest.


519 THOMAS: I’ve turned around and put miles behind me.

520 More hours to go and cities to see.

521 Your lovely voice calls to me from ahead

522 I’m racing home to hear all that you’ve

523 said.

524 MIDTONES: Back in Midland, that’s where we’ll be.

525 JANICE: Laughing and smiling with all that we see.

526 MIDTONES: Back in Midland, old friends are best.

527 JANICE: Travelling back home to lay down and rest.


529 THOMAS: When my time comes and I can’t walk with

530 you,

531 JANICE: And do all the things we wanted to do,

532 THOMAS: My spirit remains although I have gone.

533 JANICE: We’ll laugh and cry as we have for years.

534 JANICE and THOMAS: Our voices will sparkle and ring

535 in your ears.

536 And together we’ll sing our favorite song.

537 MIDTONES: Back in Midland, that’s where we’ll be.

538 JANICE: Laughing and smiling with all that we see.

539 MIDTONES: Back in Midland, old friends are best.

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 25

540 JANICE: Travelling back home to lay down and rest.


542 THOMAS: So gather ‘round friends and sing all the

543 songs.

544 Make these good feelings last all night

545 long.

546 When tomorrow comes we’ll go our own ways

547 And one by one count down the days ‘til

548 we’re . . .

549 MIDTONES and GUESTS: . . . Back in Midland . . .

550 MIDTONES: . . . That’s where we’ll be.

551 JANICE: Laughing and smiling with all that we see.

552 MIDTONES and GUESTS: Back in Midland . . .

553 MIDTONES: . . . Old friends are best.

554 JANICE: Travelling back home to lay down and rest.

555 MIDTONES and GUESTS: . . . Back in Midland . . .

556 MIDTONES: . . . That’s where we’ll be.

557 JANICE: Laughing and smiling with all that we see.

558 MIDTONES and GUESTS: Back in Midland . . .

559 MIDTONES: . . . Old friends are best.

560 JANICE: Travelling back home to lay down and rest.


The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 26

562 Beat 30) The party ends


564 bravo.” “Go Midtones.” “Merry Christmas to

565 Midland. That’s where I’ll always be.”

566 JACK: Merry Christmas, Midland. Circle Christmas

567 Eve on your calendars for next year. We’ll

568 be right here again.



571 Beat 31) Celebrating the moment

572 NARRATOR TWO: (PAUSE) The warmth of human spirit hung

573 heavy in the air over the evening’s

574 participants. Hugs and kisses were tossed

575 about with generous abandon. The Morgans,

576 Eugene and daughter, Lucy, left Amberson

577 Towers promising their immediate return on

578 Christmas Day.

579 Beat 32) Eugene and Lucy leave Amberson Towers


581 EUGENE AND LUCY: (SINGING) Back in Midland, that’s

582 where we’ll be; Laughing and smiling with

583 all that we see.

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 27

584 LUCY: Papa, do you think George is terribly

585 arrogant and domineering?

586 EUGENE: Oh, he’s still only a boy. Plenty of fine

587 stuff in him. Can’t help but be. He’s Isabel

588 Amberson’s son.

589 LUCY: You liked her pretty well once, I guess.

590 EUGENE: Yep. Do still.

591 EUGENE AND LUCY: (SINGING) Back in Midland, old

592 friends are best. Travelling back home to

593 lay down and rest.



596 Beat 33) Back in the lobby

597 NARRATOR ONE: From the lobby of Amberson Towers,

598 Georgie stood with his mother, uncle, and

599 aunt. They watched the Morgans drive away

600 into the snowy night. Georgie’s mood was a

601 few degrees lower than the temperature. But

602 his frosty demeanor was completely unnoticed

603 by his family who was saying goodbye to the

604 last of the guests and the singers.

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 28

605 Beat 34) Fred Kinney

606 GUESTS: “Thank you, Isabel.” “Please stop by during

607 the holidays.” “Don’t forget the concert

608 this week.”


610 Kinney. Please, Mr. Kinney and young Thomas.

611 And Janice.

612 JANICE: Hello, again.

613 KINNEY: Good evening, Isabel.

614 THOMAS: Yes, Mrs. Minafer?

615 ISABEL: You and The Midtones sang magnificently.

616 “Back in Midland” is one of my favorite

617 songs.

618 THOMAS: Thank you for the opportunity to entertain

619 your guests. And George, your mother tells

620 me you still have a fine voice.

621 GEORGIE: (HARSHLY) Mother.

622 THOMAS: We’re always looking for new singers.

623 GEORGIE: I’m going back to school soon.

624 THOMAS: Such a wonderful voice. Oh well, thank you

625 for having us Mrs. Minafer. Good night

626 everyone.

627 KINNEY: Thank you for your generosity, Isabel. Enjoy

628 the holidays.

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 29

629 JANICE: Merry Christmas, Mrs. Minafer and everyone.

630 AMBERSONS and MINAFERS: “Good night.” “Merry

631 Christmas.” “The group was marvelous.”

632 Beat 35) Isabel turns in

633 ISABEL: I’m turning in. Anyone else coming with me?

634 JACK: Not me.

635 FANNY: In a couple of minutes.

636 GEORGIE: No, mother. I’ll see you upstairs.

637 ISABEL: Don’t stay up too late, Georgie.

638 GEORGIE: Just go, mother.

639 JACK and FANNY: (CALLING TO ISABEL) “Good night,

640 Isabel.” “See you in the morning, dear.”

641 ISABEL: (OFF MIC) Good night, everyone.

642 Beat 36) “What sort of man is this Morgan?”

643 JACK: It’s not possible to find the words to

644 congratulate Gene on all his success.

645 FANNY: He’s come a long way in twenty years.

646 GEORGIE: What sort of man is this Morgan?

647 FANNY: His proper name is Mr. Eugene Morgan.

648 GEORGIE: (IRRITATEDLY) Excuse me. What sort of man is

649 Mr. Eugene Morgan?

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 30

650 Beat 37) Fun at Georgie’s expense

651 JACK: First, he’s an old friend. Second, he used

652 to practice law here. Third, and most

653 visibly, he’s a man with a pretty daughter.

654 GEORGIE: He seemed very comfortable dancing with Aunt

655 Fanny.

656 FANNY: (IN FEIGNED PROTEST) He danced as many times

657 with Isabel as he did with me.

658 JACK: Permit me to ask a question. Do you always

659 take the same passionate interest in the

660 parents of every girl you dance with?

661 FANNY: Jack, perhaps this is a new fashion you old

662 bachelors might take up. Is this the thing

663 to do this year, Georgie?

664 Beat 38) Georgie’s father has a heart attack

665 GEORGIE: (BITE CUE) Oh, go on. I only wanted to know

666 . . .


668 quickly.

669 GEORGIE: What’s the matter?

670 ISABEL: Your father’s had a heart attack.

The Splendor in Midland - Episode One 31

671 Beat 39) Closing narration

672 NARRATOR TWO: Georgie’s father, Wilbur, died on

673 Christmas morning. At his bedside were

674 Georgie, Isabel, Fanny, and the Amberson

675 family.

676 NARRATOR ONE: Wilbur’s passing barely drew any notice

677 in Midland. Expressions of condolences and

678 sympathies here and there. But the real

679 ripples of Wilbur Minafer’s death would not

680 be felt for several months. By then, a tidal

681 wave of events would be bearing down on the

682 Minafers, Ambersons, and Morgans.


684 Beat 40) The End

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