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Cycling Protein Powders Charles Poliquin

Q. Should protein powder shakes be cycled? I have been taking a well-known protein powder for approx. 1 year. I have been following the directions ( 1 scoop, o! water, " ti#es$day% as well as regular " #eals. It appears that I have developed so#e kind of &allergy& or &lactose intolerance&. In addition to the occasional gastric upset, I have &foul breath& and &very offensive body odor - upon sweating& ('o one wants to &spot& #e in the gy#%..... (fter stopping the protein shakes for " days the sy#pto#s have virtually disappeared, and are co#pletely gone after about ) weeks. *hat alternatives are there for protein powder drinks - other than soy products. *hat+s your opinion of a#ino acid tablets? *hat about people who are allergic to soy, wheat, and lactose$dairy??? ( reply would be greatly appreciated??? A. ,ost bodybuilders know only - solid protein sources. beef, eggs, chicken and tuna. /he proble# with that is if you consu#e the sa#e protein foods over and over you beco#e allergic to the#. (ll athletes who train under #y guidance at the 0oli1uin 0erfor#ance 2enter are tested for food allergies. /urns out that #ost of the# are allergic to beef, eggs, chicken, and #ilk proteins. /herefore they are instructed to go off those allergens for 3 weeks and substitute other protein foods such as shri#p, scallops, turkey etc...and are given a specific supple#ent progra# to rebuild the integrity of the digestive track. /hey cannot eat the sa#e protein source ) days in a row. 4sually within ) to 3 weeks, the allergy to a given protein is gone and the protein can be reintroduced. In #y own case, I got rid of #y beef and sal#on allergy in two weeks but took another weeks to get rid of #y egg protein sensitivities. I always test positive for soy protein, even though I never eat it, which is a sign to stay away fro# it. 5or #uscle building and opti#i!ing recovery purposes, I suggest you rotate your supple#ental proteins over 3 days. So for exa#ple.
Day Day Day Day Day Day 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

liver protein *hey and casein proteins 6gg protein 2hickpea protein 7ice protein 8oat protein

(thletes who vary their protein intake #ore often than the nor# report increased energy levels and lessened re1uire#ents for sleep. I vary the whey and casein proteins co#panies I use often. /here are #any good ones out there like 2ha#pion 'utrition, ,7,, 9everly International, San 'utrition. 5or the chick pea, I use the :ouglas labs one, and the goat protein I use is fro# 8arden of ;ife under the brand na#e 8oatein. /he liver protein I reco##end is the 9everley International. 5or rice protein, I use the ,etagenics and /horne brands.

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