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AIM : Determine the moisture and ash content in a given coal sample. THEORY : Coal is a fossil fuel which occurs in layer in the earth crust. It has been formed by the partial decay of plant material accumulated millions years ago and further altered by the action of heat and pressure. Coal is highly carbonaceous matter and an important fuel. The process of conversion of wood into coal can be represented as WOOD !"T #I$%IT! &IT'(I%O'! "%T)*"CIT!

The coal is classified accordingly to the ran+ which measure of the change it has undergone in the transition from wood to anthracite. eat, the youngest phase has the lowest ran+ and anthracite has a high ran+. The classification according to ran+ is largely based on the carbon content. The composition of coal varies widely and hence it is necessary to analy-e and interpret the results from the point of view of commercial classification, price fi.ation and proper industrial utili-ation. The following methods of analysis can be used for the selection of coal. 1. THE PROXIMATE ANALYSIS : Which includes the determination of moisture, volatile matter, ash and fi.ed carbon. This gives /uic+ and valuable information regarding commercial classification and determination of suitability for a particular industrial use. 2. THE ULTIMATE ANALYSIS : Which includes the estimation of ash, carbon, hydrogen and sulphur, nitrogen and o.ygen. The ultimate analysis is essential for calculating heat balance in any process for which coal is employed as a fuel. SIGNIFICANCE OF PROXIMATE ANALYSIS : a) MOISTURE: Increases the transport cost. *educes the calorific value. Considerable amount of heat is wasted in evaporating the moisture during combustion. )ence, high 0 of moisture is undesirable.


VOLATILE MATTER : The volatile matter is not a constituent of coal, but consists of a comple. mi.ture of gaseous and li/uid products resulting from the thermal decomposition of the coal substances. The volatile matter content of a coal is related to the length of the flame, smo+e forming tendency and the ignition characteristic. )igh volatile matter coal gives long flames, high smo+e and relatively low heating values. Coal with low volatile matter content burns with shorter flame. Thus the higher volatile matter content the larger the combustion space re/uired. )ence the volatile matter content of coal influences the furnace design.

)igh volatile matter content coal is preferable in coal gas manufacturing and in carboni-ation plants, particularly when the main ob1ective is the by product recovery. 2or manufacturing metallurgical co+e, a coal with low volatile matter content and high fi.ed carbon is preferred. It is important to note that, volatile matter 0 gives some idea about co+ing property of the coal .


ASH : "sh is useless and non combustible matter, usually consists of silica, alumina, iron o.ide and small /uantity of lime, magnesia etc. its composition is of considerable importance in metallurgical operations. "s it affects the slag, metal composition and conse/uently its prime consideration in selecting the flu.. It decreases the heating value of a coal. It may forms clin+ers during burning, clin+ers may bloc+ interspace of the grate on which coal is being burnt. It also increases the cost of storage, handling and disposal of ash.

It also causes early wear of furnace wall and burning apparatus.


FIXED CAR ON : )igher the 0 of fi.ed carbon greater is its calorific value and better the /uality of coal. 1. 2rom fi.ed 0 of carbon design of fire bo., furnace can be decided. MOISTURE : (oisture is generally determined by heating a +nown /uantity of air dried coal from 456 to 445 5C for one hour and calculating the loss in weight as percentage. Ta+e about 4.5 gm of the air dried coal sample in a previously weighted silica crucible. )eat the partially covered silica crucible in an electric oven at a temperature of 456 to 445 5C for one hour. 2. Cool the crucible first in air and then in a desicator. Weight the crucible. The loss in weight corresponds to the moisture. ASH : Weight about 4 gm of the finely powdered air dried coal sample in a previously weight silica crucible. lace the crucible without lid on a pipe clay triangle and heat carefully in muffle furnace at 755 65 5C until all the carbonaceous matter is burnt off8 stir the residue and ignite it for 95 minute. Cool first in air and then in a desicator and weight. *epeat ignition, cooling and weighing till a constant weight is obtained. %ote the constant weight.


O SERVATION AND CALCULATION : 1. MOISTURE : i: ii: iii: Weight of the empty crucible ; W4 ; <<<<<<<<<<<<gm. Weight of the crucible = Coal sample ; W3 ; <<<<<<<<<<gm. Weight of the crucible = Coal sample, after heating ; W9 ; <<<gm.

0 of moisture ; W3 W9 > W3 W4 . 455 ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 0 2. ASH : iv: v: vi: Weight of the empty crucible ; W? ; <<<<<<<<<<<<gm. Weight of the crucible = Coal sample ; W6; <<<<<<<<<<gm. Weight of the crucible = Coal sample, after heating ; W@; <<<gm. 0 of ash ; W6 W@ > W6 W? . 455 ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 0

RESULT : 4: 3: ercentage of moisture ; <<<<<<<<<<<< 0 ercentage of ash ; <<<<<<<<<<<< 0 D. A .%I$)OT B #!CT'*!* I% C)!(ICT*D :

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