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Certified Business Accountant

Certified Business Accountant

Certified Business Accountant Certified Business Accountant Certified Business Accountant Certified Business Accountant
Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code VS-1015
Business Accountancy Business Accountancy Business Accountancy Business Accountancy is a very fast growing area of employment with great demand from small and
medium industries sector. Vsills Certified Business Accountant record and analy!e the financial
information of the companies for which they wor. "hey are usually part of e#ecutive and finance
teams. Vsills Certified Business Accountants can find $o%s in S&'s all over the country.

(hy should one tae this certification) (hy should one tae this certification) (hy should one tae this certification) (hy should one tae this certification)
*n order to demonstrate a clear understanding of the su%$ect and evaluating the practical aspects of
accounting with a view to get a visi%le recognition for the nowledge possessed.

(ho will %enefit from taing this certification) (ho will %enefit from taing this certification) (ho will %enefit from taing this certification) (ho will %enefit from taing this certification)
Students looing to find employment in accountancy $o%s+ teachers of accounts+ managers of
companies who wish to understand accountancy+ small and medium enterprise proprietors who
want to have a %etter control over their accounts and anyone having interest in the Accountancy

"es "es "es "est ,etails- t ,etails- t ,etails- t ,etails-
,uration- ,uration- ,uration- ,uration- .0 minutes
/o. of 0uestions- /o. of 0uestions- /o. of 0uestions- /o. of 0uestions- 50
&a#imum mars- &a#imum mars- &a#imum mars- &a#imum mars- 50+ 1assing mars- 25 350456 "here is no negative maring in this module.

7ee Structure- 7ee Structure- 7ee Structure- 7ee Structure-
8s. 2+0009- 3*ncludes all ta#es5

Companies that hire Vsills Certified Companies that hire Vsills Certified Companies that hire Vsills Certified Companies that hire Vsills Certified Business Accountant Business Accountant Business Accountant Business Accountant
Business Accountant are in great demand and ma$or companies in *ndia hire them.
*nternational $o% consultants also are constantly looing for overseas $o%s. "he sill is also greatly in
demand in super speciali!ed government pro$ects on contract %asis.
Certified Business Accountant

Table of Content
&eaning And Scope :f Accounting &eaning And Scope :f Accounting &eaning And Scope :f Accounting &eaning And Scope :f Accounting
&eaning of Accounting
Basics of Booeeping and Accounting
Accounting Concepts and 1rinciples
Branches of Accounting
Classification of '#pense+ *ncome+ Assets and ;ia%ilities
7inancial Statements
Systems of Accounting
Source ,ocument
"rial Balance
Su%sidiary Boos
"ypes of Su%sidiary Boos
<ournal 1roper
Cash Boo
Ban 1ass Boo
1etty Cash Boo
*mprest system
Ban 8econciliation Statement
8ectification of 'rrors
Suspense Account
Capital '#penditure and 8evenue '#penditure
Capital 8eceipts and 8evenue 8eceipts
Company 7inal Accounts

"a#ation "a#ation "a#ation "a#ation
8esidential Status of an entity
*ncome "a# ;ia%ility
Computation of "otal *ncome
=eads of *ncome "a#
"a#a%ility of *ncome
*ncome under =ouse and 1roperty
,eductions from >ross "otal *ncome
*ncome from other source
Advance "a#
"a# ,eduction at Source 3",S5
Certified Business Accountant

(ealth "a# in *ndia
Service "a# and statutory provisions
VA" >eneral 1rovisions

Baning ? 7inance Baning ? 7inance Baning ? 7inance Baning ? 7inance
Baning Acts and 8egulations
"ypes of Bans
Services offered %y a Ban
,eposit 1roducts
&ortgage and ;oans
Baning *nstruments
Clearing =ouse
&*C8 @ &agnetic *n Character 8ecognition
A"& @ Automated "eller &achine
'lectronic Baning
Corporate Baning
"ele%aning9"elephone Baning
Voice-&ail 7acility
1lastic &oney
;oan Scheduling and ,evelopment

Costing ? Auditing Costing ? Auditing Costing ? Auditing Costing ? Auditing
*ntroduction to Costing
Concept of Cost Accounting
&aterial 9 *nventory
Activity Based Costing 3ABC5
&arginal Costing9 Brea 'ven Analysis
Variance Analysis
*ntroduction to Auditing
Boo-eeping+ Accountancy and Auditing
Advantages of Auditing
;imitations of Auditing
1urpose of Audit
"ypes of Audit
Verification of Assets and ;ia%ilities

Certified Business Accountant

*nvestment ? 7inancial &aret *nvestment ? 7inancial &aret *nvestment ? 7inancial &aret *nvestment ? 7inancial &aret
*nvestment &aret and its operation
8is and 8eturn
7inancial &aret+ 1articipants and *nstruments
Security &aret and 'merging "rends
Company Capital9Shares
1ortfolio &anagement
Bonds and ,e%entures
,ematerialisation and 8ematerialisation
&utual 7unds
Stoc '#change9Screen Based "rading
*nvestors 1rotection+ >rievance and 'ducation
"ime Value &oney
8atio Analysis

Certified Business Accountant

Course :utline Course :utline Course :utline Course :utline

&eaning And Scope :f Accounting &eaning And Scope :f Accounting &eaning And Scope :f Accounting &eaning And Scope :f Accounting
Anderstand the &eaning and scope of Accounting
'#plains the %asics concepts of Booeeping and Accounting
Anderstand the Concepts and 1rinciples of Accounting
'#plains a%out the Branches of Accounting and there applications
'#plain the Classification of '#pense+ *ncome+ Assets and ;ia%ilities
'#plains the various financial statements used in the accounting system
Brief on the structure of accounting system
,escri%es a%out the source documents used
'#plains the methodology of $ournali!ing+ the type of entries recorded in the $ournal and the
advantages of $ournali!ing.
Anderstand the type of ledger accounts that can %e maintained+ procedure of posting ledger
and how the accounts are %alanced after posting
,escri%es a%out the o%$ectives+ methodology and draw%acs of preparing trial %alance
*ntroduction to the types of su%sidiary %oos+ advantages of preparing a su%sidiary
,escri%es the types of Su%sidiary Boos such as purchase %oo+ sales %oo+ purchase return
%oo+ sales return %oo+ %ills receiva%le %oo and %ills paya%le %oo
'#plains the concepts of <ournal 1roper i.e.+ how to pass an opening entry+ transfer entry+
ad$usting entries and entries with rare transactions.
,istinction %etween cash and non-cash transactions and the documents re0uired to %e
maintained in a cash %oo
'#plains the types of cash %oos such as single column+ dou%le column and triple column cash
%oo and provides with the rules and procedures of posting entries in these different types of
cash %oo.
,escri%es the *mprest system and the procedure of maintaining a 1etty Cash Boo
'#plains the causes of difference %etween the %an statements and cash %oo maintained+ need
and practice of maintaining Ban 8econciliation Statement
,escri%es the types of accounting errors and the various stages of rectification of these
accounting errors
'#plains the need for maintaining a suspense account and the procedure of disposal of
suspense account
,escri%es the types of capital and revenue e#penditure incurred and distinction %etween capital
and revenue e#penditure.
,escri%es the types of Capital 8eceipts and 8evenue 8eceipts distinction %etween capital and
revenue receipt.
'#plains the characteristics and o%$ectives of charging depreciation
Anderstand the causes of depreciation and e#plain the various methods of charging
'#plains the characteristics of a company and ela%orates on the classification of companies on
the %asis of lia%ility+ num%er of mem%ers
1rovides details a%out the documents re0uired to %e filed in the formation of a company.
Certified Business Accountant

Anderstand the types of shares issued %y a company
>ives details on the guidelines issued %y S'B* on issue of shares to raise capital
'#plains the procedure of issue of shares and the treatment in case of over-su%scription and
under-su%scription of shares
,escri%es the conditions of forfeiture and surrender of shares and the procedure of re-issue of
forfeited shares
'#plains the conditions and process of redemption of preference shares+
'#plains the guidelines for issue of %onus shares and the procedure of %uy-%ac securities

"a#atio "a#atio "a#atio "a#ation nn n
Anderstand the %asic terminologies used in ta#ation
'#plains the income ta# lia%ility depending on the 8esidential Status of an entity such as an
individual+ an association of persons+ a company+ every other person and =indu Andivided
7amily 3=A75.
'#plains the classification of lia%ility of income ta# depending on *ndian and 7oreign income.
'#plains the procedure of Computation of "otal *ncome
,escri%es the five heads under which *ncome "a# is charged such as *ncome from salary+
*ncome from house and property+ *ncome from capital gains and *ncome from other sources
,etails of the mathematical computation of ta# lia%ility
,escri%es the "a#a%ility of *ncome under 1artnership firm+ ,omestic company and 7oreign
'la%orates the various deductions applica%le from >ross "otal *ncome such as Section B0C+
B0CCC+ B0CC,+ B0,+ B0,,+ B0,,B+ B0'+ B0>+ B0>>+ B0>>A+ B0>>C+ B0CCB+ B088B+
'#plain the concepts of Advance "a# and the section that are applica%le
Anderstand the concept and the procedure of application of "a# ,eduction at Source
3",S5 under different circumstances
>ives details on the various types of assets that are su%$ect to wealth ta# and the assets that are
e#empted from wealth ta#.
'#plains the procedure of filing return and the process of payment of wealth ta#
'#plains the concepts and statutory provisions of service "a# in *ndia
Anderstand the general provisions of VA"+ different stages of application of VA" and the
method of calculation of VA".
,escri%e the new C'/VA" scheme+ the types of input and output services
1rovides details a%out the documents on the %asis of which C'/VA" credit can %e availed
and the penalty with respect to wrong availment of C'/VA" credit

Baning ? 7inance Baning ? 7inance Baning ? 7inance Baning ? 7inance
,escri%es the present system of %aning with respect to the various %aning Acts and
regulations such as Baning regulation act+ 8eserve %an of *ndia act
'#plains the categori!ation of Bans in the *ndian %aning system and the services that are
offered %y a %an
,escri%es the various type of deposit products such as ,emand deposit and "erm deposit and
their further categori!ation
Certified Business Accountant

'#plains the various type of %usiness loans+ procedure of taing a home loan+ characteristics of
a personal loan ad the documents re0uired for applying consumer loans
>ive details on the various type of %aning instruments+ their provision and woring such as
deposit slips+ che0ue etc.
'#plains the clearing process+ mem%ership in a clearing house+ settlement of funds+ and return
*ntroduction to &*C8 @ &agnetic *n Character 8ecognition and its advantages
Anderstand the type of A"& facilities that are offered in general and its %enefits
'#plains the %enefits and limitations of 'lectronic Baning
'#plain the concept of "ele-%aning9"elephone Baning and voice-mail services offered
Anderstand the usage+ %enefits and limitation of plastic money such as ,e%it card and Credit
Anderstand the ;oan Scheduling and ,evelopment procedure and ela%oration on
presentation of a loan

Costing ? Auditing Costing ? Auditing Costing ? Auditing Costing ? Auditing
*ntroduction to Costing
'#plains the Concept and the primary features of Cost Accounting
'#plains the type of &aterial 9 *nventory+ motives of holding inventory+ types of cost incurred
in maintaining inventory and the factors affecting the level of stoc
'#plain the various methods of material valuation+ descri%es the various methods of
remuneration and the steps for setting up an incentive scheme
Anderstand concept of Activity Based Costing 3ABC5 and the ABC modeling
'#plains the concept of &arginal Costing9 Brea 'ven Analysis and distinguish %etween
marginal costing and a%sorption costing
Anderstand the theory of Variance Analysis and e#plains the types of variances such as
&aterial variance+ ;a%our variance+ :verheads variance and Sales variance
*ntroduction to Auditing+ steps involved in auditing+ need of auditing
Anderstand the o%$ectives and purpose of auditing+ descri%es the 0ualities of an auditor
,istinction %etween accountancy and auditing
,istinction %etween investigation and auditing
,escri%es the advantages and limitations of auditing
'#plains the different types of Audits
'#plain the concept of Vouching+ o%$ectives of vouching + techni0ues of vouching+ need of a
voucher and inspection of a voucher
'#plains the procedure involved in vouching of cash sales
Anderstand the concept of Verification of Assets and ;ia%ilities
*ntroduction to valuation of assets depending on their classification and the responsi%ility of an
auditor in valuation of assets

*nvestment ? 7inancial &aret *nvestment ? 7inancial &aret *nvestment ? 7inancial &aret *nvestment ? 7inancial &aret
Anderstand the *nvestment environment+ investment process+ motives of investment and the
various factors of sound investment
Classification and distinction %etween different investment activities
Certified Business Accountant

'#plains the concept of ris and return when investing in financial maret
Anderstand the current financial system+ classification of 7inancial marets+ mem%ers in the
financial maret and the various financial instruments used in the 7inancial &aret
,escri%es the Security &aret and 'merging "rends+ methods of issuing securities 31u%lic
issue through prospectus+ offer for sale+ private placement+ offer through %oo-%uilding process
Anderstand the woring of the primary maret+ methods of issuing securities in primary maret
'#plains the process of *nitial 1u%lic :ffer 3*1:5+ method of applying *1:+ allotment of shares
in *1: sales
Anderstand the woring of the secondary maret+ listing and delisting of securities
Anderstand the distri%ution of Capital9Shares in an organi!ation
Anderstand the procedure of 1ortfolio &anagement+ need and %enefits of diversification
'#plain the various ,e%t instruments issued in the financial maret and its features
,escri%es the issue of Bonds and ,e%entures under primary and secondary maret
'#plains the characteristics and features of derivatives
Anderstand the functioning of the various types of financial derivatives such as forwards+
futures+ options and swaps
'#plains the need and principles of =edging
,escri%es the need of a depository+ services offered %y a depository and the constituents of the
depository system
'#plains the concept and need for ,ematerialisation and 8ematerialisation
Anderstand the %enefits of investing in mutual funds+ procedure of setting-up a mutual fund+
types of mutual funds and the performance evaluation of mutual funds
Anderstanding the different types of stoc e#change+ e#plains the trading system of /S'
3/'A" 5
,escri%es the draw%ac of not trading on a recogni!ed stoc e#change
'#plains the concept of foreign capital issuance and e#plains the functioning of A,8+ A,S and
'#plains the guidelines issued %y S'B* to for *nvestors 1rotection+ the procedure to resolve the
investors grievance and educating the investor a%out its rights and responsi%ilities
Anderstand the various compounding techni0ues to evaluate present and future value of
'#plains the procedure of evaluating financial accounting ratios such as li0uidity ratios+ leverage
ratios+ profita%ility ratios and maret value ratios.

Certified Business Accountant

Sample Cuestions Sample Cuestions Sample Cuestions Sample Cuestions

1. 1. 1. 1. (hich of the following statements is not true) (hich of the following statements is not true) (hich of the following statements is not true) (hich of the following statements is not true)
A. "he auditorDs responsi%ility for detection and prevention of errors and frauds is similar.
B. &anagement fraud is more difficult to detect than employee fraud
C. *nternal control system reduces the possi%ility of occurrence of employee fraud and
management fraud
,. All the statements are correct
2. E>oods sent on approval %asi 2. E>oods sent on approval %asi 2. E>oods sent on approval %asi 2. E>oods sent on approval %asisD have %een recorded as ECredit salesD. (hich "ype sD have %een recorded as ECredit salesD. (hich "ype sD have %een recorded as ECredit salesD. (hich "ype sD have %een recorded as ECredit salesD. (hich "ype
of an error is it) of an error is it) of an error is it) of an error is it)
A. 'rror of :mission
B. 'rror of Commission
C. 'rror of 1rinciple
,. Compensating 'rror
F. Cost of material consumed under ;*7: costing method is 8s F. Cost of material consumed under ;*7: costing method is 8s F. Cost of material consumed under ;*7: costing method is 8s F. Cost of material consumed under ;*7: costing method is 8s..+000. Conversion ..+000. Conversion ..+000. Conversion ..+000. Conversion
Cost is 8s. Cost is 8s. Cost is 8s. Cost is 8s.1.+ 500 1.+ 500 1.+ 500 1.+ 500. 1+000 units of the product were manu . 1+000 units of the product were manu . 1+000 units of the product were manu . 1+000 units of the product were manufactured out of which B00 factured out of which B00 factured out of which B00 factured out of which B00
G 8s. G 8s. G 8s. G 8s.F0 units sold. "here were no %eginning and ending inventories of wor in F0 units sold. "here were no %eginning and ending inventories of wor in F0 units sold. "here were no %eginning and ending inventories of wor in F0 units sold. "here were no %eginning and ending inventories of wor in
process and finished goods. "he process and finished goods. "he process and finished goods. "he process and finished goods. "hen n n n per unit cost is- per unit cost is- per unit cost is- per unit cost is-
A. 8s.10
B. 8s.1..50
C. 8s.22.50
,. 8s.2B.50
H. ,eduction under H. ,eduction under H. ,eduction under H. ,eduction under section B0, in respect of medical insurance premium is section B0, in respect of medical insurance premium is section B0, in respect of medical insurance premium is section B0, in respect of medical insurance premium is
allowed to- allowed to- allowed to- allowed to-
A. Any assessee
B. An individual or =A7
C. *ndividual or =A7 who is resident in *ndia d5 *ndividual only
,. /one of the a%ove
5. "he future value of a 8s.12+ 000 investment made today+ whi 5. "he future value of a 8s.12+ 000 investment made today+ whi 5. "he future value of a 8s.12+ 000 investment made today+ whi 5. "he future value of a 8s.12+ 000 investment made today+ which gives an annual ch gives an annual ch gives an annual ch gives an annual
rate of return of 104 per annum+ after one year should %e IIIIIIIII. rate of return of 104 per annum+ after one year should %e IIIIIIIII. rate of return of 104 per annum+ after one year should %e IIIIIIIII. rate of return of 104 per annum+ after one year should %e IIIIIIIII.
A. 8s.1F+250
B. 8s.1F+200
C. 8s.12+J00
,. 8s.12+.00
Answers- Answers- Answers- Answers- 1 3C5+ 2 3C5+ F 3C5+ H 3B5+ 5 3B5 1 3C5+ 2 3C5+ F 3C5+ H 3B5+ 5 3B5 1 3C5+ 2 3C5+ F 3C5+ H 3B5+ 5 3B5 1 3C5+ 2 3C5+ F 3C5+ H 3B5+ 5 3B5

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