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Village Dag Behsud, Tehsil and District Nowshera, P. O. Pabbi, Near Cherat Road Or A 1, ector !

!"#, Phase V$$, %a&atabad Peshawar Pa'istan

Phone (Res)*++,-.,-/.-10+-, (O11) ++,-.,1.#231+-4, #231+-# 5obile* ++,-./--.,+1#/02 !.6ail

Career Goal:

Seeking a career with a future oriented organization, which will provide me the platform for becoming a well recognized professional ultimately attaining prestige and pride for the organization and myself. Personal Details: Fathers Name $ate of %irth !arital Status Nationality National ,.$. -ard . +assport . Academic/Professional Qualification: !4,Sc. %4,Sc. %." 78ons9 F. Sc. S. S. -. Other Professional Qualification/Training: N. -. -. 7>uaid=e= "zam %adge9 4ibrary "utomation ? !anagement +rogramme Bef. ? "ir= conditioning 7<=,,, 4evel9 Professional Experience: @orked as a ;rainee at ,nstitute of !anagement Studies, 6niversity of +eshawar from September &((' 1 "ugust &(((. @orked as a 4ibrarian at %B",NS $egree -ollege and ,nstitute of -omputer Sciences from !arch 5000 1 Danuary 500&. @orking as a 4ibrarian at ,nstitute of !anagement Sciences, 8ayatabad +eshawar from February 500& till to date &((&=&((/ &((& 5000 N-- ;raining at ,slamia -ollege, 6niversity of +eshawar -ertificate +rovided by +akistan %oy Scouts "ssociation @aAas -omputer "cademy +eshawar 5000 &((( &((* 1 &(() &((/ &((& $epartment of 4ibrary and ,nformation Sciences, 6niversity of +eshawar $epartment of 4ibrary and ,nformation Sciences, 6niversity of +eshawar Shaikh :ayed -enter for ,slamic and "rabic Studies with -omputer ;echnology, 6niversity of +eshawar ,slamia -ollege, 6niversity of +eshawar <overnment 8igh School $ag %ehsud, Nowshera !uhammad "nwar #han $ecember &', &()* !arried +akistani &)/0& 1 &/20/(/ 1 3


%oard of ;echnical Cducation, N@F+, +eshawar +akistan

Co-Curricular Acti ities: Beading %ooks, !agazines, Newspapers 4istening !usic, @atching and +laying -ricket Computer !"ill: !S Effice 5000 ,npage 5002 76rduF"rabic Software9 -omputer -omposing of Cnglish, "rabic and 6rdu ;eGt with a faster speed -orel $raw Net -ommunication #ain Duties and $esponsi%ilities at &nstitute of #anagement !ciences 'i%rar( Main Duties and Responsibilities at the Institute Library: &. 5. /. *. 3. +roviding information about books of their interest. +roviding information about different articles appeared in the periodicals such as newspapers, magazines, research Hournals etc. ,ssuing or circulation of books and other library reading materials to the students and faculty members. 8elping the students and faculty members in finding, using and evaluating library and ,nternet information. "t the beginning of new session, , arrange an orientation programme regarding how to use the library, how to use library books, and other reading materials, how to retrieve their reAuired information and also understand them the broad $ewey $ecimal -lassification Numbers particularly used at ,nstitute of !anagement Sciences 7,! Sciences9 4ib. "cAuisition of 4ibrary materials including books, magazines, research Hournals, newspapers, annual report etc. 8elping the research workers in their research by directing them to the appropriate books, magazines, databases and the ,nternet, and instructing and assisting them to understand how to use these resources. "ll the interlibrary loan services and negotiation with other library regarding interlibrary loan period, procedure and system is my responsibility. +roviding information in brief at circulation desk needed by the readers regarding to their reAuired data and information. ,nstructing to other assistants of library regarding display of new arrivals including books, HournalsFmagazines. +reparation of library statistical record including i. Number of books issued per month ii. Number of books returned per month iii. Number of booksFHournals acAuired in the library in a particular monthFyear iv. Number of booksFreading materials lost in a particular monthFyear. Ctc. "ssisting other library assistants in shelving library materials. Iisiting local book market for consulting new arrival each weekend. +reparation of -omputerized record of all the books, magazines etc along with remarks and sources. +rofessor Syed 4iaAat "li -hairman $epartment of 4ibrary and ,nformation Sciences 6niversity of +eshawar !r. Sarfaraz #han !arwat 4ibrarian +ashto "cademy 6niversity of +eshawar +rof. $r. Nasser "li #han $irector ,nstitute of !anagement Sciences 7,!Sciences9 8ayatabad +eshawar

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