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Current affairs November 1 , 2013 2013 Indira gandhi Prize winner? Answer: ! !

waminathan Which indian state host 2013 "or#d Chess Cham$ionshi$ ? Answer: %ami# nadu &'hennai( Current affairs November 2 , 2013 a#a)a#am *iterar) award ezhutha'han $uras+ar 2013 winner ? Answer: , !anuWhat is the fu## form for ./ C. that was recently in news? Answer : /orward ar+ets CommissionWho is the $resent Chief !e'retar) of the !tate? Answer : ,aushi+ u+her0ee Current affairs November 1,2013 Which nation host 2012 men3s ho'+e) "or#d Cu$s ? Answer: India Which nation host 2012 women3s ho'+e) "or#d Cu$s ? Answer: 4ng#and Current affairs November 2,2013 %)$hoon 5ai)an was hit in whi'h 'ountr)? Answer : Phi#i$$ines 6enue for 2013 Commonwea#th summit &C578 answer: !ri *an+a 2013 ( ?

Who is the winner of Austra#ian 7$en 2013 "omen3s tit#e ? Answer: 6i'toria Azaren+a 2. Who is the winner of Austra#ian 7$en 2013 men3s tit#e ? Answer: Nova+ 90o+ovi' Did you know who are the winners of Austra#ian 7$en 2012 ? 3. Who is the 'hief guest of 2013 Pravasi :harati)a 9ivas ? Answer: ;a0+eswur Purr)ag, President of Mauritius (Held in ochi! ". Who is the 'hief guest of re$ub#i' da) 2013 ? Answer: <igme ,hesar Namg)a# "ang'hu'+, ,ing of :hutan

#. Who is first fema#e President of !outh ,orea ? Answer: Par+ 8uen=h)e $. Who is the first fema#e Chief <usti'e of !ri *an+a ? Answer: !hirani :andarana)a+e (recently im$ea'hed! %. Who is the winner of 9!C Prize for !outh Asian *iterature 2&'3 ? Answer: <eet %ha)i# ((ook ) Nar'o$o#is! *. Which is the *ongest ;ai#wa) %unne# in India? Answer: Pir Pan0a# ;ai#wa) %unne# (:aniha# railway tunnel!

+. Where did the "or#d 4'onomi' /orum annual ,eetin- held ? Answer: 9avos, !witzer#and '&. Who has (een conferred won ,eerthi Cha+ra (the second hi-hest a,on- .eace ti,e -allantry awards of the country! ? Answer: a0or Anoo$ <ose$h ''. Which Indian s'ientist conferred with China3s to$ s'ien'e award ? Answer: CN; ;ao '2. Who is the winner of ;an0i %ro$h) 2012=2013 ? Answer: umbai '3. Which country recently test fired Hatf)+ (/asr! ,issile ? Answer: Pa+istan '". Who is the new 0hair,an of *a#it ,a#a A+ademi ? Answer: ,a#)an ,umar Cha+ravart) '#. Who is the new President of !ahit)a A+ademi ? Answer: 9r- 6ishwanath Prasad %iwari '$. Who is a..ointed as the ne1t Permanent ;e$resentative of India to the >nited Nations ? Answer: Aso+e ,umar u+er0i '%. Who is the worlds o#dest Answer: /au0a !ingh arathon runner ?

7!CA; "inners 2013 (2?th A'adem) Awards "inners!

'%. Which fil, won this year2s :est Pi'ture 7s'ar ? Answer: Argo '*. Which actor won this year2s :est A'tor (in a 3eadin- 4ole! 7s'ar ? Answer: 9anie# 9a)=*ewis (3incoln! '+. Which a'tress won this year2s :est A'tress (in a 3eadin- 4ole! 7s'ar ? Answer: <ennifer *awren'e (5il6er 3inin-s Play(ook! 2&. Who won this year2s :est 9ire'tor 7s'ar ? Answer: Ang *ee (3ife of Pi! 2'. Who is the first .erson to win :est A'tor 7s'ar thrice ? Answer: 9anie# 9a)=*ewis 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 22. What is the the,e of 2013 Internationa# "omen@s 9a) (,arch *! ? Answer: A $romise is a $romise: %ime for a'tion to end vio#en'e against women 23. New 8overnor of Naga#and ? Answer: Ashwani ,umar 2". New 8overnor of ,era#a ? Answer: Ni+hi# ,umar 2#. New 8overnor of 7disha ? Answer: ! C <amir 2$. Who is the new President of ,en)a ? Answer: >huru ,en)atta 2%. Who is the new P Answer: *i ,eAiang ( Pre,ier of the Peo.le2s 4e.u(lic of 0hina! of China ?

2*. Who is the new Po$e? Answer: Po$e /ran'is

2+. What is the na,e of India3s first regiona# navigationa# sate##ite ? Answer: I;N!!=1 3&. Who scored fastest hundred on debut in test 'ri'+et ? Answer: !hi+har 9hawan 3'. Where is 8ndia2s first a## women $ost offi'e inau-urated on wo,en2s day ? Answer: 9e#hi 32. What is the theme of 2013 wor#d water da) (,arch 22! ? Answer: "ater Coo$eration 33. Which year is declared (y 9/ as Internationa# Bear of "ater Coo$eration ? Answer: 2013 3". Who is the winner of 2013 miss India ? answer: Navneet ,aur 9hi##on 3#. who is the winner of 2013 !araswati !amman ? Answer: !ugatha+umari (Manale:huthu! 3$. Who is recently reelected as IA4A (Internationa# Atomi' 4nerg) Agen')! Director -eneral ? Answer: Bu+i)a Amano 3%. Who is the new Prime Answer: ,hi# ;a0 ;egmi inister of Ne$a# ?

3*. Who is the first fe,ale Pri,e ,inister of 9 who recently .assed away ? Answer: argaret %hat'her 3+. Who is the new $m of North ,orea ? Answer: Pa+ Pong=0u "&. Who is the new venezue#a $resident ? Answer: Ni'o#as aduro "'. Who is the new $resident of :ang#adesh ? Answer: Abdu# 5amid "2. What is the the,e of 2013 "or#d 4arth da) ( 22! ? Answer: %he fa'e of '#imate 'hange

"3. Who is the new 8overnor of <ammu and ,ashmir ? answer: Narinder Nath 6ohra "". Who is the new $resident of A9: (Asian De6elo.,ent ;ank! ? Answer: %a+ehi+o Na+ao "#. Who is the new $rime minister of Ita#) ? Answer: 4nri'o *etta "$. Who is the first woman s$ea+er of :ang#adesh ? Answer: !hirin !harmin Chowdhur) "%. Who is the new Com$tro##er and Auditor 8enera# of India ? Answer: !hashi ,ant !harma "*. Who is the first Indian am$utee to s'a#e 4verest ? Answer: Arunima !inha "+. Who is the first Pakistani wo,en to scale the <6erest ? Answer: !amina :aig #&. Who is the first >! women in s$a'e ? Answer: !a##) ;ide (4ecently she won hi-hest ci6ilian honour of 95A, Presidentia# meda# of /reedom! #'. What is the theme of 2013 Internationa# :io#ogi'a# diversit) 9a) & a) 22( ? Answer: "ater and :iodiversit) #2. Who is the winner of 2013 Answer: *)dia 9avis an :oo+er Internationa# Prize ?

#3. What is the the,e of 2013 "or#d No= %oba''o 9a) ( May 3' ! ? Answer: :an toba''o advertising, $romotion and s$onsorshi$ #". Who is the new 9ire'tor 8enera# of 9;97 ? Answer: Avinash Chander ##. Who is the new $rime minister of Pa+istan ? Answer: Nawaz !harif #$. Who were the first twins to s'a#e mount 4verest ? Answer: %ashi and Nan') a#i+

#%. What is the theme of 2013 "or#d 4nvironment 9a) (=une #! ? Answer: %hin+, 4at, !ave #*. Who won the 2013 %em$#eton Prize ? Answer: 9esmond %utu #+. Who is the #ongest serving defen'e minister in India ? Answer: A-, Anton) $&. Who is the winner of 2013 /ren'h o$en women3s tit#e ? Answer: !erena "i##iams $'. Who is the winner of 2013 /ren'h o$en men3s tit#e ? Answer: ;afae# Nada#

$2. Who is the new $rime minister of Austra#ia ? Answer: ,evin ;udd $3. Who is the .resent 'hief 0usti'e of India ? answer: P !athasivam $". Which is the first smo+e free state of India ? Answer: 5ima'ha# Pradesh $#. Which is 8ndia2s first na6i-ational satellite ? Answer: I;N!!=1A > $$. Who is the .resent foreign se'retar) of 8ndia ? answer: !u0ata !ingh > $%. Who won 2&'3 "imb#edon Answer: And) urra) en3s %it#e ?

> $*. Who won 2&'3 "imb#edon "omen3s %it#e ? Answer: arion :arto#i > $+. what is the the,e of 2013 "or#d $o$u#ation da) (=uly ''!? Answer: Adolescent .re-nancy with an as.iration of safe child(irth and that each .re-nancy is wanted >%&. Who is the ;e'ent#) e#e'ted iss wor#d 2013 ?


egan Boung & iss Phi#i$$ines(

C%'. Who will re.resent India in iss >niverse 2013? answer : ansi oghe& iss 9iva 2013(

2013 Nobe# $rize

> %2! Winner of 2013 Nobe# $rize in $h)si's ? Answer: /ranDois 4ng#ert and Peter "- 5iggs >%3! winner of 2013 'hemistr) Nobe# $rize ? Answer: artin ,ar$#us , i'hae# *evitt and Arieh "arshe# C1E( 2013 Nobe# Prize for *iterature "inner Answer: A#i'e unro C1?( 2013 Nobe# Pea'e Prize winner Answer: 7rganization for the Prohibition of Chemi'a# "ea$ons &7PC"( C1F(winner of 2013 Nobe# $rize for edi'ine ? Answer: <ames 4- ;othman, ;and) "- !'he+man and %homas C- !udhof C11( C)'#one Phai#in is e1.ected to hit whi'h indian state ?

Answer: 7disha C%*! Current A9: President ? Answer:?akehiko /akao

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