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Deemed university status to national laboratories: Need for a national

N. Raghuram

The recent emerging trend in the govern- neither helped the universities nor na- ‘user industries’ did not grow in an ex-
ment to accord deemed university status tional laboratories. Yet, the current pro- pected manner, except in certain areas
to national laboratories did not receive posal to accord deemed university status such as drugs and chemicals. Develop-
the attention and debate it deserves, de- to national laboratories only deepens this ment which determines the eventual suc-
spite its immense public interest value, dichotomy further. cess of any prototype technology in the
especially for higher education and re- What is this dichotomy all about? Uni- market and demands most of the invest-
search in science and technology (S&T) versities were entrusted with the task of ment in terms of money, time and man-
in India. National laboratories include teaching and setting standards in higher power, was not taken up to the required
those under the Union Government’s education through curriculum development, level, as scientists in national laboratories
Council of Scientific and Industrial Res- affiliation and examination, as well as did not find them sufficiently intellectu-
earch (CSIR), Indian Council of Medical award of research degrees such as M Phil, ally challenging or rewarding. Indian in-
Research (ICMR), Department of Atomic Ph D and D Sc to accomplished resear- dustries preferred to take up fully deve-
Energy (DAE), Defence Research and chers. Gradually, even research degrees loped, scaled-up and tested ‘ready to use’
Development Organization (DRDO), became courses for which pupils took technologies rather than work with proto-
Department of Space (DOS), etc. Some admission, worked under the supervision types and ideas. With the willingness of
DAE institutions have already obtained of a university faculty, submitted a thesis foreign companies to transfer such tech-
deemed university status, and the Uni- which was peer-reviewed and degrees nologies, the primary preoccupation of
versity Grants Commission (UGC) has awarded. This was a part of an internatio- the Indian industry was to look for colla-
already recommended the case of CSIR nal trend, driven by the increasing role borations and technology transfers from
for its approval. It is not clear whether all played by S&T in modern socio-economic abroad. This suited the foreign firms to
the national laboratories are under con- development and the growing need for make whatever money they could, for their
sideration for this status, but it is most well-trained scientists to be employed in (often outdated) technologies in a protec-
likely that all of them would eventually R&D activities in government institutions ted Indian market, which had huge barri-
like to seek such a status, as they find the or industries. The worth of a Ph D degree ers for direct entry of foreign companies,
current practice of ‘affiliating’ themselves gradually came to be measured not merely direct sale of imported goods or foreign
to mainstream universities to register their by the thesis submitted or the name of direct investments for local manufacture
Ph D students inconvenient. This opinion the university/department or the ‘guide/ (the situation has now changed to the other
examines the various aspects of this trend supervisor’, but by the number of papers extreme). On their part, the scientists in
and its impact on national laboratories, published in professionally recognized national laboratories were content with
universities and more importantly, on the peer-reviewed journals. research which is again best measured in
pursuit of S&T by the scientific man- The national laboratories, on the other terms of publications, as patents were not
power in the country, whether employed hand, were established with the specific particularly popular or relevant in the Indian
or seeking employment, and on the social aim of making more direct contributions situation at that time.
values and expectations attached to res- to the technological needs of the country The above background has made these
earch and education. in chosen areas such as medicine, agri- national laboratories more sophisticated
Why do national laboratories/institutes culture, petroleum, metallurgy, energy, versions of university departments, drawing
want to become deemed universities? One defence, space, etc. It was expected that better monetary and infrastructural sup-
needs to look back at history to under- these national (or regional) laboratories port. Their original purpose of making
stand the foundations of the university– would employ selected scientific man- direct technological contributions to the
institute dichotomy. In the early years af- power generated from the colleges/uni- economy and society got diluted, but their
ter Indian independence, there were several versities and nurture their talents towards relative opulence attracts research students,
debates among prominent scientists and specific applied goals. A mixed economy who cannot be retained and tapped,
national leaders about the role of higher model, driven by a strong public sector unless they are promised research degrees.
education and research for national re- and a highly regulated private sector, was With higher education becoming the best
construction and the most appropriate in- expected to take up the technologies de- escape route from unemployment and
stitutional structure that would suit the veloped in the national laboratories and underemployment, the country produces
perceived needs of the nation. While it translate them into various marketable several thousand Ph Ds every year, most
was recognized that higher education and products, processes and services. How- of whom migrate abroad as postdocs. With
research were related activities, the policy ever, barring a few successes in strategic research becoming increasingly capital
eventually adopted sought to separate uni- sectors such as defence, space and atomic and technology-intensive, national labo-
versities from research and development energy, in which the institutions that de- ratories are often better equipped than
(R&D) laboratories. In recent decades, it veloped or adapted technologies were universities to do more fashionable res-
has been repeatedly acknowledged in In- also ‘users’ of those technologies, tech- earch, often dictated by the Western trends.
dian scientific circles that this dichotomy nology transfer between ‘developers’ and Students naturally tend to flock to these
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 89, NO. 1, 10 JULY 2005 21
institutes for their Ph Ds, as they are bet- versities do, the institutes can only do it wants to develop glorified technicians
ter launching pads for their careers in In- better and that therefore, the latter would and sycophants or make versatile scien-
dia and abroad. The present demand for not like to depend on universities and tists and conscious citizens. Barring a
seeking deemed university status could share credit with them as co-guides and few exceptions, the monolithic hierarchy
therefore be interpreted as an exercise to co-authors. If this argument is true, it of national laboratories does not provide
legitimize the current situation of the na- needs to be established by a comparison enough opportunity to young researchers
tional laboratories and redefine their original of number of papers published per person to relate their research to broader social
goals. per lakh of intramural investment in na- and national values. The more open intel-
One of the main arguments of national tional institutes and central universities. lectual environment of universities, which
laboratories in favour of deemed university If institutes are better, it is mainly because include natural and social sciences, is essen-
status is that they need younger work- of better intramural funding and infrastruc- tial for interdisciplinary learning, person-
force for their research, and that they are ture, more scientists working in areas re- ality development, national values and
better equipped to attract them by offer- lated to the mandate of the institute, elite better citizenship.
ing research degrees. There is nothing recruitment and promotional mechanisms It has how become fashionable for our
wrong in awarding degrees and publish- and more functional autonomy. If all these scientist-managers to argue that universi-
ing papers, as long as it remains a small are provided to Indian universities, they ties have gone down the drain, so let us
component of the activities of national may actually do better, when one consid- at least save research quality at the insti-
laboratories/institutes, and affiliation with ers that university faculty also do a lot of tutes. However, one can also argue that
universities is good enough to meet this teaching and administrative work. As far we have anyway given up on improving
limited purpose. What is wrong is shift- as sharing credits is concerned, if univer- the university system, so let us downgrade
ing focus from technology development sities can be made to give research degrees the national laboratories to degree-awarding
to degrees and publications, especially at to deserving young scholars based on the institutions. Thus, the issue of deemed
a time when the country is witnessing quality of their theses, without insisting universities is just one of the many facets
gaping gaps in development, and Indian on involving a co-guide, the problem of of the growing dichotomy between uni-
firms are not able to get technology from credit appropriation can be eliminated versities and national laboratories/institu-
abroad any longer. Following the liber- and the need of institutes for young tes. The country is almost on the verge of
alization and globalization of the Indian workforce can be fulfilled without altering according brahminical supremacy to the
economy, foreign firms no longer need to their basic goals. In fact, credit appropria- institutes and condemning the universi-
sell their technology, as they can sell their tion is a far more serious problem in the ties as untouchables that will only pro-
finished products in India. It is also national laboratories/institutes, where di- duce college science teachers and social
wrong to seek university status for a lim- rectors, divisional heads and team leaders scientists. We need an open national de-
ited purpose of awarding Ph Ds, without often take authorship or other forms of bate to deal with these trends, as they
fulfilling the other roles of a university, credit with little or no contribution to the have major implications for our higher
such as teaching at the undergraduate and published work or technology developed. education and research in S&T.
postgraduate level, as well as curriculum One also hears the argument that institutes The views expressed are the author’s
development, examination and affiliation. provide more focused research training own.
If institutes fulfil all these roles, they in mandated research areas of national
may as well become full-fledged univer- relevance, whereas universities do every-
sities and work with comparable budgets, thing under the sun. There is also the
leaving the pretension of being national danger of national laboratories using the
laboratories created for a different pur- above argument to justify inbreeding and N. Raghuram is in the School of Biotech-
pose. favouritism, and deny employment opportu- nology, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha
Another common argument of the natio- nities to Ph Ds. from universities. More- University, Delhi 110 006, India.
nal laboratories is that whatever the uni- over, the country needs to decide whether e-mail:

22 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 89, NO. 1, 10 JULY 2005

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