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The Future of Language

Why did Hiram Abiff come from abroad?

AbouL language, bralns and consclousness
!"# %&' ()* +,*-. - 1ranslaLlon MarLlnlque
/. ls a well-known freemason sLory LhaL for Lhe mosL parL ls conflrmed by
Lhe 8lble. klng Solomon wanLs Lo bulld a Lemple and needs a skllled
properLy developer. Pe flnds hlm Lhrough medlaLlon of hls frlend klng
Plram of 1yre, ln Lhe currenL Lebanon. lL was Plram Ablff, son of a wldow
from Lhe naphLall Lrlbe, who had been marrled Lo a man from Lhe norLh

and llved ln hls klngdom. 1hls can be re-read ln Lhe books l klngs and l
Chronlcles of Lhe Cld 1esLamenL. ApparenLly, Solomon can'L flnd a
properLy developer ln hls own counLry and Lurns Lo hls nearesL nelghbor
klng Plram of 1yre, hoplng LhaL he can help hlm bulld Lhe Lemple LhaL was
revealed Lo hls faLher ln a vlslon.
/. ls remarkable LhaL klng Plram does know someone, buL LhaL Lhe man ls noL
an orlglnal lnhablLanL of hls counLry, he ls Lhe son of a sLranger from Lhe norLh,
who was marrled Lo a woman from lsrael. lL ls Lhls, undoubLedly glfLed man,
ralsed by someone who spoke a dlfferenL language, who was glven Lhe
guldance over Lhe consLrucLlon of Lhe Lemple ln !erusalem.
We may assume LhaL besldes Lhe SemlLlc language of hls envlronmenL, Plram
Ablff also learned Lhe lndo-Luropean language of hls faLher. ln Lhls arLlcle we
asserL LhaL lL ls Lhose lndo-Luropean languages LhaL offered posslblllLles LhaL
SemlLlc languages lacked. 8uL also LhaL because of Lhls, ln Lhe laLer
developmenL of Lhe lndo-Luropean languages, valuable characLerlsLlcs of Lhe
SemlLlc language were losL.
0'12 recenLly people have sLarLed Lo wonder whaL one can do wlLh a language.
1he facL LhaL Lhe lLallan language ls more sulLable for slnglng Lhan Lhe uuLch
language ls [usL a shallow facL ln Lhls. Are Lhere sLrucLures ln a language LhaL
make lL posslble Lo Lhlnk of someLhlng LhaL [usL slmply could noL be LhoughL of
ln a dlfferenL language? We so easlly remember Lhe 'embelllshed equaLlons' of
prlmary school - eLer ls Lhree Llmes Lhe age of !ohn and LogeLher Lhey are 12
years old, how old ls eLer? uslng only Lhe uuLch language, lL ls preLLy dlfflculL
Lo flnd Lhe rlghL answer. 1he only obvlous opLlon ls Lo [usL Lry someLhlng.
WlLh a llLLle blL of elemenLary algebra one can easlly flnd ouL LhaL eLer ls 9
years old. 8uL Lhen, we use a dlfferenL frame of mlnd, a dlfferenL 'language'.
1he problem of whaL one can do and say wlLh a language became uncannlly
clear by Lhe rlslng of quanLum mechanlcs ln Lhe early lasL cenLury. 1he
ouLcomes and especlally Lhe way Lhese ouLcomes were obLalned soon sLopped
belng a problem maLhemaLlcally, lL [usL could noL be sald. lL Lurned ouL
lmposslble Lo name even Lhe maLhemaLlcal operaLlons ln normal language.
34, nuclear physlcs wlLh a dlfference of oplnlon solve Lhls dlfference by Laklng
a chalk and a wlper, sLandlng ln fronL of a blackboard and flghLlng ouL Lhelr
dlfference on Lhe board, whlle screamlng 'llke Lhls 'and 'noL llke LhaL'.
ln 1980, Lhe nuclear physlc uavld 8ohm wroLe a book - 'Wholeness and Lhe
lmpllcaLe Crder
' - ln whlch he very accuraLely dlscussed Lhe llmlLaLlons of Lhe
language we speak ln Lhe WesL. Pe also provlded a posslble soluLlon, buL ln
pracLlce, lL Lurned ouL noL Lo be useful. Pls ldea was Lo reshape Lhe Lngllsh
language lnLo a language ln whlch Lhe verb would Lake ln a cenLral place. Pe
called Lhls way of speaklng and Lhlnklng Lhe rheomode, afLer Lhe Creek 'rheo'
whlch means sLreamlng.
1o formulaLe lL a blL more sLrongly Lhan he dld: our language assumes LhaL
Lhere are Lhlngs dolng someLhlng, whlle ln order Lo undersLand Lhe quanLum
mechanlcs, we need a language LhaL sees Lhe compleLe plcLure, as lnLerlocklng
processes. And wlLh LhaL we lmmedlaLely encounLer Lhe blggesL problem: we
can only lmaglne a process as 'Lhlngs dolng someLhlng'. We are unable Lo Lhlnk
ln pure processes - we cannoL exclude 'Lhlngs'.
uavld 8ohm had LhoughL lL all ouL !" $%&'($)'*', Lo hls greaL [oy he dlscovered
LhaL lndlans ln norLh Amerlca (sLlll) speak a language LhaL does noL focus on Lhe
noun, buL on Lhe verb. ln Lhls language, we can speak abouL Lhe baslc ldeas of
quanLum mechanlcs buL unforLunaLely, furLher, Lhe language ls unsulLable for
descrlblng compllcaLed consLrucLlons.
/' LhaL same year, uavld 8ohm dled. 8uL he dld leave us wlLh a new word:
rheomode. A language ls ln rheomode lf Lhe verb Lakes ln Lhe mosL cenLral
place. lnsLead of - whaL we are used Lo - Lhe noun. lf Lhe world lmage LhaL ls
hldden behlnd language ls one of 'lnLerlocklng processes' lnsLead of lnvarlanL
Lhlngs dolng someLhlng. '1hlngs' Lhen are: processes LhaL precede so slowly
LhaL we humans do noL noLlce Lhese changes.
lor us, such a language ls very dlfflculL or even lmposslble Lo lmaglne. ln our
early chlldhood we goL Lo know our body and goL acqualnLed wlLh a language
offered Lo us, and Lhe shapes of boLh body and language - are - lnLegral parLs of
ourselves LhaL are very dlfflculL Lo change. We can say LhaL Lhe language we
speak ls ln Lechnomode
. lL ls a language whereby we can undersLand
Lechnlque, LhaL we can use Lo come up wlLh Lechnlcal Lhlngs. lor example, a
car ls a collecLlon of Lhlngs LhaL - once comblned - make lL posslble for Lhe car
Lo funcLlon. 1he language we now speak ln Lhe WesLern world ls domlnaLed by
Lhe noun. 1he facL LhaL lL ls ln Lechnomode means, among oLher Lhlngs, LhaL
Lhe verb (acLually) should always have a sub[ecL: Lhere are always Lhlngs dolng
someLhlng. We even say: lL ls ralnlng"
, whereby Lhe lL" really ls noL some
ralnmaker wlLh a large waLerlng can hlgh up ln Lhe clouds.
/' Lhe early days, besldes Lhe rheomode, Lhe lndo-Luropean languages already
had a Lechnomode componenL. WhaL we, qulLe presumpLuous, call prlmlLlve
languages, are very ofLen ln rheomode, research lnLo Lhls has only laLely goLLen
under way. 1he Lechnomode: someday, abouL 6000 years ago, someone
lnvenLed Lhls language exLenslon ln Lhe vlclnlLy of Lhe Casplan Sea and lL Lurned
ouL Lo be very useful. 1hls ls also Lhe explanaLlon of Lhe rapld exLenslon of Lhls
language addlLlon. 1he Lechnomode has Lhe large advanLage LhaL lL ls posslble
Lo manlpulaLe nouns ln ones LhoughLs. ?ou can consLrucL someLhlng ln your
As soon as language has a Lechnomode, more can be done wlLh lL. Plram Ablff
was able Lo deslgn Lhe Lemple for Solomon ln hls fanLasy. WlLh Lhe language
Lhey spoke, Lhe lsraells were noL able Lo do LhaL. 1he lsraells knew how Lo bulld
small houses, and Lhls arL was Lransferred from masLer Lo sLudenL. Cnly an
accldenLally found lmprovemenL of 'how Lo handle' could remaln. 1hls sLrongly
remlnds us of Lhe evoluLlon.
very gradually we can see lmprovemenLs comlng abouL ln how someLhlng ls
made, buL Lhe lmprovemenLs remaln Lo be small sLeps. lor Lhe lsraell, Lhe sLep
from a house Lo a Lemple was Loo blg, Lhey dld noL possess Lhe language
resources and Lherefore Lhey wlll have experlenced Plram Ablff as a maglclan.
nowadays sLlll, a maglclan can pronounce a spell and lL wlll be done.

!here does language come from?
8ecause of an anaLomlcal llmlLaLlon, Lhe braln exLenslon LhaL was necessary for
monkeys Lo use Lhelr hands could only Lake place ln Lwo relaLlvely small sLrlps
LhaL run from Lhe area of Lhe ears and Lhen furLher, beLween Lhe Lwo braln
halves. 1he Lwo small sLrlps became longer, buL an addlLlonal resulL was an
lncrease of braln volume behlnd and especlally ln fronL of Lhe sLrlps.

llrsLly, relaLlvely llLLle was done wlLh Lhese exLra bralns. 1he cllmaLe became
dryer. When some monkeys were forced Lo leave Lo Lrees Lo go llve ln Lhe
savannas, Lhey had Lo proLecL Lhemselves agalnsL larger predaLors. Agaln, Lhe
Lwo narrow sLrlps became longer and longer, because alLhough a monkey could
Lhrow Lhlngs, a monkey could noL really hlL anyLhlng. Almed Lhrowlng ls a
dlfflculL Lask: a sLone only spends a mlnlmal amounL of Llme ln Lhe hand and
afLer LhaL lL ls deemed Lo hlL Lhe LargeL, durlng a very small amounL of Llme,
everyLhlng needs Lo be arranged. lor LhaL - agaln - more braln cells were
needed ln Lhe Lwo palrs of small sLrlps LhaL ran up from Lhe ears. And agaln,
more space was cleared ln Lhe fronL and ln Lhe back and agaln, LhaL space was
fllled wlLh braln cells.
1hen someLhlng happened LhaL Lurned Lhe monkey lnLo a human belng. up
unLll LhaL momenL, Lhe braln sLeered one body, Lhe braln were Lhere ln order
Lo leL Lhe body funcLlon.
8uL now, suddenly, Lhere was so much exLra braln volume LhaL a body could be
sLeered LhaL was noL [usL meanL for Lhe slmple locomoLlon, buL was ln favor of
Lhe monkey/human Lhrough an lndlrecL way

1hey were sLlll movemenLs, buL very speclflc movemenLs of Lhe hands,
probably very qulckly followed by muscle movemenL of Lhe muscles behlnd and
aL Lhe fronL, ln Lhe mouLh. 1he monkey/human had galned anoLher body: Lhe
language body.

5. flrsL, Lhls language body was raLher slmple, buL because lL was Lransferred
from generaLlon Lo generaLlon by means of a learnlng process, lmprovemenLs
remalned. Lach naLlon llvlng on Lhe earLh now ls ln Lhe possesslon of a well-
developed language body, buL Lhere are large dlfferences. 1he orlgln can sLlll be
seen: [usL llke wlLh Lhe normal body, noL all movemenLs are posslble and lf
someone makes a serlous grammaLlcal mlsLake, lL hurLs llke a [olnL LhaL ls
Lurned ln Lhe wrong dlrecLlon.
WlLh Lhe language body, no acLual body ls presenL, l call lL a language body
because lL ls sLeered by braln cells LhaL - also ln Lhelr muLual sLrucLure - are a
copy of braln cells LhaL are aLLached Lo an acLual body. 1he language body
ad[usLed lLself Lhe same way a real body has ad[usLed lLself Lo Lhe
clrcumsLances durlng Lhe course of evoluLlon.
Cf course Lhere were shouLs Lo polnL ouL oLher humans, anlmals and ob[ecLs,
we can even see LhaL wlLh anlmals. 1he largesL sLep forward was Lhe verb, Lhe
posslblllLy Lo grasp an enLlre evenL wlLh one word. 1herefore lL ls obvlous LhaL
Lhe verb was glven a cenLral place ln Lhe funcLlonlng of Lhe language body.
6,, how ls lL posslble LhaL aL Lhe momenL, Lhe WesLern languages are
compleLely ln Lechnomode, Lhe rheomode had dlsappeared and Lhe verb has
moved Lo Lhe second place? 1haL we can only lmaglne a process as 'Lhlngs
dolng someLhlng', LhaL a process, an evenL, can no longer funcLlon as Lhe basls
of our language? 1he answer can be found ln Lhe anclenL Creece. 1he Llme-
honored Lhreesome SocraLes, laLo and ArlsLoLle wlll play a key role, buL
wlLhouL Alexander Lhe CreaL, Lhese Lhree mlghL only have been a small
wrlnkllng ln hlsLory.
As we know, ln Lhe anclenL Creece, people spoke an lndo-Luropean language.
8esldes Lhe rheomode, Lhe lndo-Luropean languages also had a Lechnomode
componenL. lL was Lhls exLenslon of Lhe language body - Lhe Lechnomode
componenL - LhaL explalns Lhe lncredlble success of Lhe lndo-Luropean
languages. LlLerally compleLe Lrlbes Look over Lhls language because one could
perform beLLer by Lhlnklng, and speaklng, ln LhaL language.
1he ablllLy Lo manlpulaLe ob[ecLs ln your mlnd and subsequenLly acLually dolng
lL, was an evoluLlonary favorable exLenslon of Lhe language body.
1he worn ouL buL clear example ls Lhe lnvenLlon of Lhe gunpowder ln anclenL
Chlna. 1haL gunpowder was lnvenLed purely by mlsLake and Lhe way Lo obLaln
lL could be passed on by slmply showlng how Lo do lL. lL speaks for lLself: Lhe
old Chlnese was a language LhaL was clearly ln rheomode. 1he sLep Lo a flrearm
was Loo blg, because one could noL dlscover Lhls by mlsLake. ?ou had Lo plcLure
lL ln your mlnd before you could sLarL Lo make lL.
37) oldesL scrlpLs from Creece LhaL we know of are Lhe lllad and Lhe Cdyssey.
WhaL ls sLrlklng when readlng Lhem, ls LhaL Lhe lllad hardly conLalned and Lhe
Cdyssey conLalned very llLLle of whaL we now call absLracL nouns. ln Lhose
scrlpLs of laLo, Lhe absLracL nouns are almosL overly represenLed. So durlng
Lhe course of Llme, Lhe Creek language has galned a loL of absLracL nouns. We
now approach lL wlLh grammar ln Lhe back of our mlnds buL ln Lhose days,
grammar dld noL yeL exlsL, Lhe flrsL grammar would be wrlLLen by ulonyslus
1hrax, around Lhe year of 100 8C ln Alexandrla, ln a Lype of lnLernaLlonal Creek,
Lhe kolne.
1he quesLlon ln Creece Lherefore was: how do we handle Lhese words ln
language? Pow were Lhese words experlenced? SLaLlc? , dynamlc? someLhlng
ln beLween ?, or alLernaLlng one and Lhe oLher? uo we con[ugaLe Lhem as
verbs, as nouns or as some comblnaLlon of Lhe Lwo?
lor surveyablllLy l shall menLlon as llLLle names as posslble and focus on Lhe
maln llnes, LhaL are now sLarLlng Lo become vlslble, buL of course, were noL
seen by Lhose lnvolved.
We are Lalklng abouL Lhe absLracL nouns. PeracllLus clearly saw Lhese words as
dynamlc. Lveryone knows hls saylng: anLa 8el." 1he world lmage of
PeracllLus was one of lnLerlocklng processes, a world lmage ln whlch Lhe verb
was more lmporLanL Lhan Lhe noun and where Lhe nouns also had a dynamlc
characLer. 1hey saw a human belng as a process ln Lhe mldsL of oLher
processes, buL, as a very speclal evenL. 1herefore, he llved ln a Llme when belng
able Lo wrlLe and read was a blg excepLlon. noLhlng ls more sLreamlng Lhan Lhe
spoken word. A word does noL conLaln anyLhlng permanenL unless lL ls wrlLLen
or - especlally - carved ouL
. ln LhaL sense, PeracllLus belonged Lo passed Llmes
- whlch does noL mean LhaL belng able Lo Lhlnk ln processes should also
8)#,9*".:-, Lhe man of Lhe aLomlsm and Lhe herald of whaL was abouL Lo
happen, had a world lmage of 'Lhlngs dolng someLhlng', whereby Lhe noun was
more lmporLanL Lhan Lhe verb. uemocrlLus saw LhaL vlrLually everyLhlng around
hlm was changlng consLanLly, Lhe few Lhlngs LhaL appeared noL Lo change were
already made dlvlne.
ln order Lo come Lo an essenLlally sLaLlc compleLeness, he assumed LhaL all
maLerlals, afLer an exLenslve process of crumbllng, would conslsL of aLoms.
1hese aLoms were deemed Lo be lnvarlanL. llnally, lL were Lhe lnvarlanL Lhlngs
LhaL dld someLhlng. lor mosL WesLern people, nowadays Lhls ls sLlll Lhelr world
lmage. 1hls world lmage ls also anchored ln Lhe language we use nowadays.
Cur language assumes LhaL Lhere are Lhlngs dolng someLhlng, and Lherefore we
see Lhls happenlng all around us. unforLunaLely, we know from quanLum
, LhaL Lhe elemenLary parLlcles and also Lhe aLoms are beLLer
descrlbed as processes
1hlngs do noL exlsL, only processes, and lf changlng a relaLlvely large
someLhlng, goes slow enough, lL looks as lf lL ls a Lhlng. AL aLomlc level, Lhe
evenL wlLhdraws lLself from our percepLlon. lf we force Lhe process lnLo a
cerLaln sLaLe - by measurlng, lL Lurns ouL LhaL Lhe enLlre vlclnlLy lnfluences Lhe
lndlvldual ouLcome ln an unpredlcLable way. A paLLern becomes vlslble only
afLer a large number of measuremenLs.
8ack Lo Lhe anclenL Creece. ln Lhe same Llme, Zeno of Llea comes wlLh hls
famous and noLorlous paradoxes. Achllles wlll never overLake Lhe LurLle, LhaL ls
whaL you geL lf you Lhlnk speed ls a noun. 1he crlLlclsm of Zeno Lherefore
lnvolved Lhe facL LhaL ln language, absLracL concepLs were more and more
LreaLed as Lhe names of people, anlmals and ob[ecLs.
;,4&(&2- people Lhlnk LhaL newLon solved Lhe paradox wlLh Lhe dlfferenLlal
calculus. 1hls ls boLh Lrue and unLrue: maLhemaLlcally, lL ls solved, buL llngulsLlc
lL ls noL. ln maLhemaLlcs, one has Lo go Lhrough a process Lo geL Lo Lhe speed -
dlfferenLlaLlng- , buL LhaL means LhaL we don'L speak of an absLracL noun, buL
of a verb. 1herefore: maLhemaLlcally lL ls Lrue, buL llngulsLlc unforLunaLely lL ls
Cne Lrles Lo Lalk Lhelr way ouL of lL by sLaLlng LhaL speed ln a polnL ls Lhe
ouLcome of dlfferenLlaLlng. 1here ls noLhlng wrong wlLh LhaL ln lLself, as long as
one reallzes LhaL Lhls ls noL reallLy. lL ls Lhe sLaLe- Lhlnklng, we sLop Llme for a
momenL. A flcLlon LhaL works well!
1hlngs really go wrong lf one Lhlnks LhaL reallLy conslsL of a collecLlon of sLaLes.
A sLaLe ls a Lhlnk resource, very pracLlcal, buL sLaLes acLually do noL exlsL ln
reallLy, only ln our mlnds. 1he general feellng ln ALhens wlLh regard Lo absLracL
nouns was LhaL someLhlng dynamlc was absLracLly expressed wlLh lL. 1hls was
noL favorable for SocraLes, laLo and ArlsLoLle and ls concealed as much as
posslble ln Lhe scrlpLs of Lhose lasL Lwo. SLlll, ln Lhe CraLylus - a less well-known
dlalogue of laLo LhaL dlscusses language - people who Lhlnk LhaL, for example,
[usLlce ls dynamlc are mocked aL. SocraLes Lhlnks LhaL Lhe moblllLy ls caused by
Lhe splnnlng lnslde Lhelr heads and noL by Lhe naLure of '[usLlce'.
8y Lhe way, SocraLes was noLorlous from Lhe Lype of quesLlon: whaL ls
[usLlce?" flrsL of all, wlLh Lhls quesLlon we have Lo noLe LhaL Lhe 'ls' ln Lhls
quesLlon appeared much more dynamlc aL LhaL Llme, Lhen lL does wlLh us now.
lor us, 'ls' refers Lo a cerLaln sLaLe, ln ALhens lL also had Lhe meanlng of 'was
and shall be'. 8esldes, lL was a compleLely unexpecLed quesLlon, Lhe quesLlon
people were expecLlng was: WhaL does [usLlce do?"
1o geL a llLLle blL of an ldea abouL how sLrange Lhls quesLlon was, you should
ask someone: WhaL ls a sln?" 1haL quesLlon ls rarely asked, buL Lo be able Lo
forglve a sln lL has Lo be someLhlng. ls lL a sLone ln your backpack LhaL only Cur
Lord or Lhe church can Lake ouL? 1he oLher vlle Lhlng ln Lhls quesLlon ls LhaL Lhe
answer musL lle ln a cerLaln caLegory, lL cannoL be a verb. 1he charge agalnsL
SocraLes LhaL he was spolllng Lhe youngsLers was Lrue ln Lhe sense LhaL he Lrled
Lo change Lhe 'youngsLers' LhoughL paLLern.

5*,:'( Lhe Llme of deaLh of SocraLes, laLo leaves ALhens and does noL come
back unLll 12 years afLer SocraLes passed away. laLo opens hls academy and
Lhere, general educaLlon was provlded. Pere, he developed hls Lheory of forms
buL for Lhls Lheory of forms, concepLs such as courage, love and [usLlce have Lo
be real, permanenL Lhlngs. We cannoL flnd ouL lf wlLhouL SocraLes, he would
have come up wlLh hls 1heory of forms. lacL remalns LhaL ln ALhens, Lwelve
years afLer Lhe deaLh of SocraLes, laLo ls lefL undlsLurbed.
AfLer hls deaLh, 39 years laLer, Lhe SLolcs would Lake over Lhe phllosophlcal
sLlck and lmmedlaLely fall back on PeracllLus and - Lo general pleasure - make a
fool of laLo.
1he deaLh of laLo made hls successlon an acuLe problem. ArlsLoLle was by far
Lhe besL sLudenL and afLer hls educaLlon he also remalned connecLed Lo Lhe
Academy, buL now as a Leacher. As a Leacher, he had surrounded hlmself wlLh a
number of oLher Leachers and brllllanL sLudenLs. SocraLes had Lo pay wlLh hls
llfe Lo make Lhe absLracL nouns sLaLlc. laLo was LoleraLed. AfLer hls deaLh
cerLaln cauLlon was advlsed.
5*"-.,.1) now had a dangerous llngulsLlc ldea. lor hls loglc, 'ls'
needed Lo
become sLaLlc, meanlng: deprlved from Lhe connecLlng meanlng of 'was and
shall be'. Lveryone who had read Lhe dlalogues of laLo knows LhaL aparL from
Lhe magnlflcenL sLyle, Lhe argulng lasLs almosL endless. lL really proceeds sLep
by sLep. We Lhlnk: puL all Lhe facLs sLralghL and draw a concluslon. 8uL he
couldn'L, because Lhere was no loglc yeL.
ArlsLoLle had developed a loglc, buL for LhaL, Lhe language needed Lo be
ad[usLed. LvenLually, laLo was succeeded by one of hls famlly members. And
Lhe passed ArlsLoLle and hls clrcle of followers Look refuge ln Lhe WesL CoasL
whlch we now know as 1urkey, where he found proLecLlon wlLh Permlas, a
local klng and old sLudenL. 1hey dld noL have Lhe courage Lo challenge Lhe
rulers ln ALhens agaln.
AL Lhe spoL, ArlsLoLle and hls frlends founded a school and offered educaLlon
wlLh Lhe speclal deLall of: sLaLlc, absLracL nouns and Lhe very flrsL loglc whereby
Lhe verb 'belng' was acLually deprlved of lLs verbal characLer. ArlsLoLle even
marrled Lhe adopLed daughLer of hls paLron.
unforLunaLely, Permlas became lnvolved ln a consplracy agalnsL Lhe erslans
and was cruelly abused and kllled.
ArlsLoLle and hls supporLers had Lo flee agaln. AfLer some wanderlngs Lhey
were broughL Lo Macedonla, Lhe faLher of ArlsLoLle used Lo be Lhe courL
physlclan and conLacL had remalned. 1he asslgnmenL was Lo educaLe a preLLy
large group of youngsLers, Lhe prlmus lnLer pares was Lhe fuLure Alexander Lhe
<7"1"= //, Lhe klng of Macedonla, had a well-Lralned army and began Lo galn
more and more lnfluence ln Creece. Pe envlously looked aL llfe ln ALhens and
compared lL Lo how Lhlngs wenL ln hls counLry. lL boLhered hlm LhaL he dld noL
speak Lhe Creek language very well and LhaL he had llLLle culLural baggage.
WhaL applled Lo hlm, applled even more Lo Lhe upper layer of hls people. Pe
forced hls 'noblllLles' Lo send Lhelr sons Lo Lhe courL. 1o educaLe Lhem ln pure
Creek and Lo Leach Lhem some culLure he needed Lhe club of ArlsLoLle, who ln
hls Lurn, was ln desperaLe need of a paLron.

1he club dld an ouLsLandlng [ob. Cnly LhaL pure Creek language, Lhere were
some small commenLs on LhaL, buL ln LhaL far corner of Lhe Creek world, no
one really noLlced. lL's a facL LhaL absLracL concepLs were deprlved of any Lype
of moblllLy so Lhey could be used ln Lhe loglc of ArlsLoLle. And, for LhaL same
reason, 'ls' was glven a compleLely new sLaLlc meanlng. 1he language LhaL was
LaughL Lo Lhls ellLe class developed lLself Lo whaL would laLer be called Lhe
kolne. llfLy years laLer, everyone who had some poslLlon ln Lhe enLlre conquesL
area of Alexander Lhe CreaL spoke kolne. 1he reason was exacLly Lhe same as
wlLh Lhe spreadlng of Lhe lndo-Luropean languages: one could suddenly do a
loL more wlLh LhaL language Lhan before.
!7"1) for uarlus, maklng war was sorL of a rlLual dance and whlle he normally
won because he had Lhe largesL and besL army. Alexander could plan Lhlngs ln
hls mlnd and have Lhem done as well. Pe could draw a clrcle ln Lhe sand, uslng
hls fooL, and say Lo a general: 1hls ls your army and Lhls ls whaL you are golng
Lo do wlLh lL."
1he fuLure Alexander Lhe CreaL was educaLed by ArlsLoLle from Lhe age of 11
and probably never acLually reallzed LhaL hls lnLernal and exLernal llngulsLlc
usage gave hlm LhaL advanLage, Lhe assumpLlon LhaL he was Lhe son of Cods
sulLed hlm much beLLer. Alexander was educaLed aL an age where one learns
fasL and one easlly assumes Lhe Lhlngs one ls Lold. Lspeclally lf lL came from an
auLhorlLy LhaL was appolnLed by hls faLher. Pe had Lo learn ALLlc Creek, and he
dld noL noLlce Lhe facL LhaL hls menLor smuggled along Lwo Lhlngs LhaL were
noL appreclaLed ln ALhens. 1hose Lwo Lhlngs were: absLracL concepLs are sLaLlc,
and for Lhe loglc of ArlsLoLle, sLaLlc use of Lhe verb 'belng' and especlally 'ls'
was necessary.
lL wasn'L [usL Alexander who was glven Lhls educaLlon, lL was Lhe enLlre club of
half kldnapped guys LhaL learned a language LhaL was sald Lo be of Lhe upmosL
lmporLance for Lhelr developmenL. 1hls way LwenLy years laLer, Lhe enLlre ellLe
of an lmmense emplre would wanL Lo speak Lhls language, because Lhey
undersLood LhaL Lhe success of Alexander Lhe CreaL was connecLed Lo Lhe
language he spoke. 1hls language - Lhe kolne- soon dlffered ln deLall from Lhe
ALhens Creek. 1he new 1esLamenL and also Lhe SepLuaglnL were wrlLLen ln
5>.)* Lhe deaLh of Alexander Lhe CreaL, Lhe emplre fell aparL ln dlfferenL
reglons. Lolemy, a boy from Alexander's class, became Lhe klng of LgypL. Pls
famlly would rule over LgypL up unLll Lhe famous CleopaLra. Alexander Lhe
CreaL had already foreseen LhaL LgypL needed a good harbor and Lherefore, he
founded Alexandrla. Lspeclally under Lolemy ll, Alexandrla developed lnLo Lhe
culLural caplLal of Lhe PellenlsLlc world, here, people also spoke kolne. 8ecause
Alexandrla had a loL of !ewlsh lnhablLanLs, Lhere was a need for a LranslaLlon of
Lhe Cld 1esLamenL. lL ls Lhls LranslaLlon - Lhe SepLuaglnL - LhaL lead Lo Lhe facL
LhaL many !ewlsh people were no longer able Lo undersLand Lhelr own falLh,
buL aL Lhe same Llme, lead Lo lL growlng as a blndlng elemenL.
WhaL ls golng on?
1he old Pebrew ls ln rheomode, whlle ln kolne, Lhe Lechnomode domlnaLes.
1he cenLre of gravlLy of language has shlfLed from Lhe verb Lo Lhe noun. LeL me
clarlfy Lhls wlLh Lwo examples l came across a blL laLer, Lo provlde an ldea of
Lhe problems wlLh Lhe LranslaLlon of rheomode lnLo Lechnomode.
ln Lhe enLaLeuch of Lhe Pebrew Cld 1esLamenL, Lhere ls no word for soul.
1here ls no need and/or posslblllLy Lo have someLhlng LhaL Lhlnks, people Lhlnk,
LhaL's lL. ln rheomode: Lhlnklng happens. 1here ls no necesslLy Lo glve Lhe verb
a sub[ecL.
As a second example Lhere's Lhe word sln, also a word LhaL cannoL be found ln
Lhe enLaLeuch. Slnnlng can be found ln lL, buL ln Lhe meanlng of Lhlngs noL
golng Lhe way Lhey are supposed Lo, Lhe wlll of Cod LhaL dld noL happen.
Parmony had Lo be resLored by brlnglng a sacrlflce. ln Lhe worsL case, Lhe deaLh
penalLy had Lo be carrled ouL. 8uL LhaL was no 'sln' LhaL had Lo be erased. 1he
new-1esLamenL ldea of forglveness of a sln dld noL yeL exlsL. When slnnlng
occurred, Lhe 'dlsrupLlon' LhaL was caused by Lhls slnnlng had Lo be erased. 1he
slnnlng dld noL remaln sLuck Lo Lhe person who had slnned. osslbly, someone
else could also undergo Lhe punlshmenL, Lhe polnL was Lo undo Lhe dlsrupLlon.
37) concepLs of soul and sln, buL also good and bad, are parL of Lhe
eople who spoke Lhe kolne auLomaLlcally goL a dlfferenL world lmage because
of lL.
1hls probably remalned unnoLlced, llke aL Lhe presenL, we do noL noLlce LhaL
our Lhlnklng and speech are llmlLed by Lhe language we use, you can'L know
whaL you don'L know unLll you Lhlnk abouL how Lhls knowlng comes abouL.
ln Alexandrla, Lhe geomeLry of Luclld came Lo be, Lhe clrcumference of Lhe
earLh was deLermlned and a school book was wrlLLen LhaL would deLermlne Lhe
language developmenL of Lhe nexL mlllennlum.
lL was Lhe 1echne of ulonyslus 1hrax, abouL 100 years 8efore ChrlsL: Lhe flrsL
shorL and subsLanLlally wrlLLen grammar, orlglnally meanL Lo make readlng Lhe
lllad and Lhe Cdyssey more accesslble for forelgners, buL soon used as a
sLandard for good llngulsLlc usage.
lL won'L be asLonlshlng LhaL absLracL concepLs were classlfled wlLh Lhe nouns
and Lhe verb 'belng' LhaL had losL lLs verbal characLer (Lhe dynamlc) ln kolne
was sLlll LreaLed as a verb, wlLhouL acLually belng one. AL Lhe momenL, we sLlll
have Lhls classlflcaLlon. unLll Lhe fourLh age afLer ChrlsL, 1echne was used ln
school and who has Lhe youLh, holds Lhe fuLure.
ln ALhens, afLer Lhe deaLh of Alexander Lhe CreaL, Lhe phllosophlcal cenLre of
gravlLy ended up wlLh Lhe SLolcs (acLually, laLo had always been marglnal).
Cne should noL confuse Lhese SLolcs wlLh Lhe laLer 8oman SLolcs, nearly
noLhlng from Lhe Creek SLolcs was kepL. LaLer generaLlons [usL slmply dld noL
undersLand whaL Lhey had wrlLLen.
1he SLolcs dlvlded Lhe language ln Lwo: Lhe concreLe ellglble, llke an ob[ecL, a
person or an anlmal, and LhaL whaL could only be sald, such as absLracL
concepLs and verbs. unforLunaLely for Lhe SLolcs: everywhere, excepL ln
ALhens, people used 1echne.

37) flrsL lmporLanL 8oman wrlLers had learned Creek and LaLln by means of
1echne, and Lhelr scrlpLs would hlghly deLermlne Lhe fuLure developmenL of
Lhe LaLln. lL wlll be clear LhaL ln Lhe laLer LaLln Lhe verb 'belng' ls sLaLlc and Lhe
words for absLracL concepLs are classlfled wlLh Lhose for ob[ecLs, people and
anlmals, nowadays we call Lhls: concreLe nouns. lL ls good Lo reallze LhaL Lhls all
had a cerLaln amounL of randomness ln lL. noL one person aL LhaL Llme could
suspecL LhaL Lhese language characLerlsLlcs would make our Lechnlcal socleLy
lL has been sald before: belng able Lo manlpulaLe Lhlngs, people and anlmals ln
our mlnds makes LhaL one ls much less dependenL on Lhose rare, accldenLal
flndlngs LhaL remaln. 1he dlsadvanLage of Lhe sLaLlc 'ls'- use ls Lhlnklng ln
sLaLes, one sees Lhe world as a sequence of sLaLes and sLarLs Lo Lhlnk LhaL
sLaLes acLually exlsL. ln reallLy, Lhere ls only Lhe flux, Lhe consLanL 'anLa 8el'.
1hlnklng ln sLaLes ls a wonderful resource Lo geL a maLhemaLlcal grasp on all
sorLs of Lhlngs LhaL are changlng ln fronL of our eyes. 1he mosL well-known
example ls speed. Lveryone undersLands LhaL alLhough speed ln a polnL ls a
very useful flcLlon, lL doesn'L acLually exlsL, as Lhe Creek Zeno already
undersLood. AcLually, Lhe problem lles ln Lhe facL LhaL speed ls noL a Lhlng,
person or anlmal, buL we have placed lL ln Lhe same caLegory. A LradlLlon LhaL
sLarLed ln Lhe anclenL Creece when people sLarLed Lo wrlLe down Lhe sLreamlng
words, glvlng Lhem someLhlng sLaLlc.

/. should now be clear LhaL our language ls ln need of an exLenslon. lL would be
such a wasLe Lo leave Lhe Lechnomode, buL a reLurn of Lhe rheomode, LhaL
descrlbes reallLy beLLer, ls deslred. 8oLh modes should acLually exlsL slde by
slde, ln harmony. Llke Lhe passlve volce exlsLs besldes Lhe acLlve volce: he hlLs
and he ls hlL. Cf course, quesLlon ls: whaL can be done wlLh Lhe rheomode LhaL
cannoL be done wlLh Lhe Lechnomode? ln Lechnomode, Lhere ls always
someLhlng dolng someLhlng. 1he acLlon ls never [usL Lhe acLlon, Lhere ls always
a duallsLlc approach, Lhls ls lnevlLable, because whaL ls sald, wlll and shall have
a sub[ecL. 1he only excepLlon ls Lhe lmperaLlve mood, buL LhaL ls noL sulLable
for Lhe descrlpLlon of a process.
An answer could be LhaL we, because we Lhlnk ln Lechnomode, slmply cannoL
see Lhe problems LhaL are ln need of Lhe rheomode. Where do we flnd
problems LhaL sclence cannoL solve? An up unLll now unsaLlsfacLory solved
problem area concerns Lhe 'me' and 'self' or Lhe more evolvlng concepL of

1he braln acLlons can easlly be descrlbed ln Lechnomode, buL experlenclng
Lhese acLlons of Lhe braln falls. We know reasonably well whaL happens lnslde
our bralns when we look aL a red rose, buL Lhe experlence of Lhe red rose does
noL come up.

?). us now aLLempL Lo Lhlnk ln rheomode. 'Consclousness' musL Lhen be
replaced by 'Lo consclous'. 1he Lrlck ln Lechnomode LhaL has been played slnce
newLon ls LhaL one deflnes a sLaLe, arblLrary enlarges Lhe number of sLaLes and
decreases Lhe connecLlng Llme, and allows Lhls compleLeness of sLaLes Lo
approach reallLy ln an arblLrary way. WheLher Lhls can be done wlLh
consclousness ls Lhe quesLlon, because lL appears from all sorLs of research,
LhaL consclousness needs, 0,3 Lo 2 seconds Lo develop lLself. 1hls means LhaL
we can'L speak of a consclous sLaLe. WlLh a qulck move of an eye we don'L see
Lhls movemenL because Lhere ls Loo llLLle Llme Lo bulld up an experlence, Lo
consclous lL. 1he especlally ln Amerlcan llLeraLure used 'sLaLe of consclousness'
Lherefore ls a meanlngless phrase. ln Lechnomode, we wlll choose a rheomode
approach, Lhls ls a blL dlfflculL of course. 1he problem wlLh Lhls ls LhaL Lhe
evenL, Lhe process, ls Lhe only Lhlng.
1o consclous ls Lhe only Lhlng, buL ln Lechnomode Lhere ls always someLhlng
LhaL has consclousness, ln rheomode lL's Lhe consclousslng lLself. lf you are
consclous, you are consclousslng and you are LhaL consclousslng.
@%)*2.7"'A now polnLs Lo consclousslng belng a braln process. So leL us
examlne Lhe funcLlon of Lhe braln and neurons ln general, wlLhouL becomlng
Loo speclflc. An anlmal or a planL needs llghL, so Lhe sLlmulus llghL needs Lo be
LranslaLed lnLo: move Lowards Lhe llghL, because Lhen, Lhere wlll be more llghL.
When Lhe anlmals became larger, lL was more compllcaLed Lo geL Lo Lhe llghL.
1he speclallzed Lask Lo arrange Lhls was meanL for Lhe neurons. WlLh us people,
Lhe knee-[erk reflex ls sLlll a clear example of Lhls. A Lype of sLlmulus, and a
sLandard reacLlon and consclousslng ls hard Lo flnd, Lhe sLlmulus dlsappears
lnLo Lhe splnal marrow and lmmedlaLely comes ouL, Lowards Lhe muscle. WlLh
our breaLhlng, Lhlngs are a blL more dlfflculL - we can do Lhls boLh wlLh and
wlLhouL consclousslng. An ldeal slLuaLlon Lo use modern measurlng equlpmenL.
WhaL appears: when noL consclousslng, only Lhe lnner, oldesL parLs of Lhe braln
are used. WlLh consclous breaLhlng, Lhe cerebral corLex, on Lhe ouLslde, also
[olns ln. WlLh people who can easlly malnLaln an abnormal way of breaLhlng,
Lhe corLex flrsL clearly [olns ln, buL afLer a whlle, [olns less and less, wlLhouL
becomlng compleLely absenL. eople, anlmals - anlmals wlLh a cerebral corLex
anyway - know Lhe vlrLual movemenL. 1hls movemenL can be percelved as soon
as you wanL Lo perform an unusual movemenL. ?ou wlll flrsL perform Lhls ln
your mlnd and Lhen, when vlrLually lL was a success, you acLually make Lhe
movemenL. 1he mosL lmporLanL componenL of Lhe vlrLual movemenL ls a
reclprocaLlng of sLlmulanLs beLween Lhe corLex and Lhe lnner parL of Lhe braln
(Lhe Lhalamus)
- evenLually a splnnlng moLlon . As soon as Lhe splnnlng has
reached cerLaln lnLenslLy, Lhe sLlmulanLs shooL lnLo Lhe splnal marrow and Lhe
movemenL ls performed.

B,:* language body also knows Lhe vlrLual movemenL. lf someone suddenly
sLops Lalklng ln Lhe mldsL of a senLence, you can lmmedlaLely flnlsh mosL parL
of LhaL senLence. Lven lf you speak yourself, you are consLanLly busy wlLh
vlrLual movemenLs. 8ulldlng up Lhose vlrLual movemenLs Lakes Llme - Lhe knee-
[erk reflex ls pracLlcally Llmeless. lf Lhere are vlrLual movemenLs, we are
consclous and we are also consclousslng. 1he large dlfference beLween
consclousslng of a person and an anlmal ls LhaL a person has a language body.
WlLh a person, boLh bodles are lnvolved ln consclousslng, and a well-developed
language body glves a large moblllLy ln Llme. An anlmal can only call on
movemenLs from Lhe pasL very selecLlve, and noL Lhlnk ahead Lo more Lhan a
couple of mlnuLes ln Llme. A person can also explaln whaL wenL on durlng hls
consclousslng, of course, for as far as Lhe language body was lnvolved ln lL of
course. So whaL abouL our vlsual consclousslng? lL appears as lf we have our
enLlre fleld of vlslon conscloussed ln fronL of us all Lhe Llme. WlLhouL becomlng
Loo deLalled: our eyes are a speclallzed plece of skln. We llLerally explore wlLh
our eyes. 1he enLlre backslde of Lhe braln ls reserved for Lhls. 1he lmage we see
conslsLs of counLless vlrLual movemenLs made by Lhe dlfferenL parLs of Lhe
vlsual corLex. 1he reclprocaLlng of Lhe sLlmulanLs beLween Lhe dlfferenL parLs of
Lhe vlsual corLex and Lhe kern of Lhe braln wlll soon auLomaLlcally flnlsh
wlLhouL an exLra sLlmulus. 1herefore, Lhe eyeball makes a small movemenL
abouL Lhree Llmes per second, Lhe so-called saccade movemenL, because of
Lhls, sllghLly dlfferenL nerve cells are sLlmulaLed and we malnLaln Lhe llluslon
LhaL Lhe lmage ls consLanLly presenL.
/> Lhe eyes are flxaLed - and even Lhe smallesL saccade movemenLs can no
longer be performed - Lhe consclous seelng ls over wlLhln a few seconds, Lhe
lmage fades fasL. lrom LesLs we know LhaL one can however sLlll see. lf we leL
someone guess wheLher he sees a cross or a clrcle, he wlll say: l can'L see
anyLhlng, how am l supposed Lo know!" 8uL whlle guesslng lL appears Lo be
correcL for over elghLy percenL. 1hls 'bllnd slghL' also appears Lo occur wlLh
people whose vlsual corLex ls funcLlonlng less well.
1he lmporLance of rheomode ls LhaL we can explaln Lhlngs LhaL fall ln
Lechnomode. !usL Lhe replacemenL of consclousness by 'Lo consclous' alone
offers unprecedenLed posslblllLles. 8emalns Lhe quesLlon how Lhe rheomode
can be lnLerlaced ln our currenL language. We are hardly or noL aL all able Lo
become famlllar wlLh Lhe rheomode, ln our early chlldhood, noL only dld we
become acqualnLed wlLh Lhe flnesses of our own bodles, buL also wlLh Lhose of
Lhe language body forced upon us. Learnlng a fundamenLally dlfferenL language
body ls a very dlfflculL Lask for almosL everyone and Lhe quallLy of Lhe flrsL
language body ls almosL never obLalned. 8esldes, Lhe language body wlLh Lhe
rheomode does noL yeL exlsL. 1he only hope lles ln Lhe phenomenon of Lhe
Creole languages. Slaves LhaL were broughL LogeLher from dlfferenL areas made
a grammaLlcally very slmple hoLchpoLch of all Lhe languages around Lhem, wlLh
Lhelr masLers as a sLarLlng polnL. ApparenLly, a frame alone ls enough Lo creaLe
a full-fledged language body wlLh young chlldren ln Lhe llngulsLlcally senslLlve

!7, could now lnlLlaLe Lhe lnLegraLlon of Lhe rheomode? 8ecause agaln: Lhere
ls no reason Lo dlscharge Lhe Lechnomode. noL some lnLellecLuals who can see
Lhe necesslLy buL don'L mean anyLhlng numerlcal. WhaL we need ls a large
dlverslLy of rheomodlcal experlmenLs, because LhaL wlll lncrease Lhe chances of
a laLer success. Compare lL Lo Lhe evoluLlon, mosL experlmenLs wlll dlsappear
agaln, only Lhe real successes sLay, buL lL ls dlfflculL Lo predlcL ln advance, whaL
wlll survlve. Who could - on a large scale- come up wlLh experlmenLs LhaL
would preferably end up wlLh relaLlvely young chlldren - Lhlnk abouL Alexander
Lhe CreaL who learned a mosLly new language, whlch flfLy years laLer was
spoken Lhrough Lhe enLlre emplre, aL exacLly Lhe rlghL age. 1he answer
announces lLself: pop muslclans. 1he only rebels of Lhe momenL wlLh an
enormous charlsma, who could conslder lL a challenge Lo Lurn as many nouns
as posslble lnLo verbs and place Lhem lnLo some Lype of obsLlnaLe grammar.
LnLlre groups of young people would Lhen sLarL Lo pracLlce a Lype of slave
language nexL Lo Lhelr Lechno-Lalk, even lf lL was [usL Lo provoke. 1helr chlldren
would plck up Lhls babble and LwenLy Lo LhlrLy years laLer, all sorLs of dlalecLs
would come abouL, of whlch a couple would survlve. 1he blg problem of course
ls: how does one seL such a process ln moLlon.
lor now we wlll [usL have Lo make shlfL wlLh: 'Lo consclous', 'Lo l' and 'Lo self'.
1he sower cannoL see how deep Lhe earLh ls.


?ou won'L flnd Lhe man from Lhe norLh ln Lhe blble. ln a prevlous verslon of Lhls arLlcle, noL Plram Ablff was
used, buL Moses aL Lhe burnlng bush. When Moses asked Lhe quesLlon of who Cod acLually was, he goL Lhe
answer: l am who l am". lor us, Lhls ls a useless LauLology - sLlll, more musL have been meanL by Lhls. 1he
anclenL Pebrew had someLhlng LhaL we now mlss ln our language.

unforLunaLely, Lhls book ls very dlfflculL Lo read. Lspeclally Lhe chapLer abouL Lhe appllcaLlon of Lhe rheomode
ls very unpracLlcal buL Lhe ldea ls clear.


1echnomode comes from Lhe Creek Lechne, whlch relaLes Lo Lhe crafLsmanshlp of someone, l sLlll chose Lhls
word because of Lhe lnLulLlonal connecLlon wlLh Lechnlque and Lechnlcal knowhow ln general.

WhaL we mean ls: ralnlng happens

1o my knowledge Lhere has been llLLle LhoughL abouL dynamlc leLLers - meanlng leLLers LhaL can change
shape. SLlll, wlLh modern Lechnology, Lhls could be easy Lo brlng abouL. 8eadlng Lhem of course ls a separaLe
problem. lL ls posslble Lo make 'conLacL' wlLh a leLLer on a monlLor by means of small eye movemenLs. Cne can
make a cross. A clrcle clockwlse, counLerclockwlse and so on. 1wo, or even beLLer, Lhree cameras aL Lhe edges
of Lhe monlLor can deLermlne exacLly whaL ls looked aL. 1hls way, orders can be glven Lo whaL someone can
see. Zoom ln, zoom ouL, nexL lmage, Lhere are an lncredlble amounL of opLlons - lL [usL has Lo be made and

ln Lhls arLlcle, lL ls absoluLely noL Lhe lnLenLlon Lo sLaLe LhaL quanLum mechanlcs ls no good. l only wanL Lo
make lL clear LhaL our Lalklng abouL quanLum mechanlcs glves problems, Lhe maLhemaLlcal self ls perfecLly flne.

1hls ls mosL obvlous from Lhe facL LhaL lnsLead of numbers, operaLors - Lhose are lnsLrucLlons Lo do cerLaln
Lhlngs - have Lo be compleLed ln Lhe comparlsons. lf one sLlll wanLs Lo geL numbers ouL of lL, one has Lo
'collapse' Lhe 'wave funcLlon' and someLhlng we are able Lo undersLand wlll come ouL, buL Lhen we can'L flnd
ouL whaL acLually happened.

ln languages such as Lngllsh, uuLch and Cerman, one can sLlll Lell from Lhe verb 'belng' LhaL lL dld noL geL lLs
currenL shape by lLself. Lspeclally 'ls' LhaL clearly comes from Creek and LaLln, musL have llLerally been shoved
down our LhroaLs.

unforLunaLely, reallLy ls a blL more dlfflculL. 1he Lhalamus ls noL Lhe only core, lL ls however, Lhe largesL, ln Lhe
depLh of Lhe braln. 1here are a loL more clrculLs and Lhe corLex conLalns lnLernal clrculLs as well. l do wanL Lo
menLlon an lmporLanL clrculL for Lhe shorL-Lerm memory: lL runs Lhrough Lhe hlppocampus, an elongaLed
double sLrucLure ln Lhe shape of a seahorse LhaL ls cruclal for Lhe creaLlon of memorles.

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