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WATER POLLUTION IN PARIT RAJA Dear participant, You are invited to participate in a research study being conducted by Syariful

Akhbar bin Mohamad Sukor, Mohamad Haikal bin Azizan, Izatul Syazani binti Zahri, Khairunnisah binti Othman, Fazlina Izzati binti Abd Aziz and Amirah binti Ideris, students of Technical Writing Section 56, UWB 20302, students at the Faculty of Technology Management and Business of University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. The purpose of the research is to identify what are the causes that contribute to the contamination of water pollution of water in, to determine where is the worse location of water pollution and to investigate what are the impact of contaminated water to human, plants and animals at Parit Raja. The enclosed questionnaire has been designed to collect information on the water pollution in Parit Raja. You are one of 50 people that are expected to participate in this project.

Your participation in this research project is completely voluntary. You may decline altogether, or leave blank any questions you do not wish to answer. Your responses will be confidential and data from this research will be reported only as a collective combined total. No one other than research group will know your individual answers to this questionnaire.

If you agree to participate in this project, please answer the questions on the questionnaire as best as you can. It should take approximately about 10 minutes to complete. Please return the questionnaire as soon as possible. If you wish, we will send you a summary of the research results.

If you have any questions about this project, feel free to contact Thank you for your assistance in this important endeavour.

Sincerely yours, Syariful Akhbar bin Mohamad Sukor Project Leader

Dear participant, You are invited to participate in a research study being conducted by the students of Technical Writing Section 56, UWB 20302, students at the Faculty of Technology Management and Business of University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. The purpose of the research is to identify what are the causes that contribute to the contamination of water pollution of water in, to determine where is the worse location of water pollution and to investigate what are the impact of contaminated water to human, plants and animals at Parit Raja. The enclosed questionnaire has been designed to collect information on the water pollution in Parit Raja. You are one of 50 people that are expected to participate in this project.

PART A: Background Information Please tick only one (/) on the left box of appropriate answer. 1. Gender Male Female 2. Age 18-21 22-25 26 and above 3. Student year Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

4. Residential area Tun Dr. Ismail / Tun Fatimah Perwira Taman Universiti Melewar / Kelisa Rental house PART B Opinion 5. Do you use the water supply in Parit Raja? Yes No 6. What do you think about the water source that you see in Parit Raja? Dirty Clean Very clean 7. Do you think that water supply in Parit Raja is safe to be consumed? Yes No 8. Do you think that water is very important to all living organism? Not really Maybe Certainly

9. Do you see any rubbish or spillage in any water source such as drain, river or ditch near Parit Raja? Yes No 10. Is there any factory built nearby the water source? Yes No 11. What is the main cause of the contamination of water in Parit Raja? a) Waste products spilled from the nearby factory b) Rubbish thrown by the villagers c) Pesticides from the nearby oil palm estate 12. Do you think that water pollution is the most harmful to the living things? Not really Maybe Certainly 13. Where do think is the worse location of water pollution near Parit Raja? River Ditch Drain

14. What do you think contaminated water can lead to? Human and animals will suffer respiratory infections Crops destroy and die Human will be infected by skin diseases Fatal of the living organisms 15. Please mark a ( / ) on the scale suitable statement below. Key : 1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Average 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly agree 1 2 3 4 5

No. Statement 1. The cleanliness of the water is very bad. 2. The villagers clean the drain or river monthly. 3. The responsible organization did not play their role to ensure the water source is safe and clean.

PART C-Suggestion Please write your answers in the space provided. 1. Who would you suggest to take action and concern about this water pollution matters? 2. In your own words, how would you describe the solution of water pollution in Parit Raja for future benefits? ....

# Thank you for your cooperation #

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