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2000 Pts - Ogre Kingdoms - State's Rhinox Riders

Name #
Slaughtermaster (1 , 383 pts) Slaughtermaster



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0. Spinemarrow 1. Bonecrusher 2. Bullgorger 3. Toothcracker 4. Braingobbler

5. Trollguts

6. The Maw

Warrior Bane Armour of Destiny Dragonbane Gem Crown of Command

1 MI 6 4 3 4 5 5 3 4 8 4+ 4+ 4 383 Composition: Lord General; Immune to Poison; Ogre Charge; Level 4 Upgrade; Hand Weapon; Ironfist Bloodgruel; ; Causes Fear; Stomp 1 Roll a D6 after successfully casting a spell from the Lore of the Great Maw. On a 2+ [0] the Wizard that cast the spell regains a lost Wound (up to starting amount), and adds +1 the next time he attempts to cast or dispel a spell. On the roll of 1 he instead suffers a S6 hit. 1 Augment. [0] 6+ Cast. 12" Range, Target is Stubborn until start of the caster's next Magic phase. 9+ Cast. Increase to 24" Range. 1 Magic Missile. [0] 8+ Cast. 18" Range, 2D6 S2 hits with no armour saves. 11+ Cast. Increase to 36" Range. 1 Augment. [0] 7+ Cast. 12" Range, Target has +1 St until start of caster's next Magic phase. 14+ Cast. Targets all friendly units within 12" Range. 1 Augment. [0] 8+ Cast. 12" Range, Target has +1 To until start of caster's next Magic phase. 16+ Cast. Targets all friendly units within 12" Range. 1 Hex. [0] 9+ Cast. 18" Range, Target must take Panic test. Units that are Immune to Psychology cannot be targeted. 12+ Cast. 36" Range 1 Augment. [0] 12+ Cast. 12" Range, Target has Regeneration until start of caster's next Magic phase. {macro Casting 20} Targets all friendly units within 12" Range 1 Direct Damage . [0] 15+ Cast. Place small round template anywhere within 18" Range of caster. Roll Artillery and Scatter dice. Unless a Hit! is rolled, move template distance shown. If Misfire rolled, opponent places template anywhere on battlefield. Roll for scatte r again (re-roll misfires) . All models under template must take Initiative test. Models that pass suffer S3 hit. Models that fail suffer S7 hit with Multiple Wounds(D6). 21+ Cast. Use large template. 1 Monster or character that loses a wound loses 1 Attack per wound. [5] 1 Heavy armour; 4+ Ward Save. [50] 1 2+ Ward Save vs. Flaming Attacks. [5] 1 Wearer is Stubborn. [35]

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Name #
Firebelly (1 , 147 pts)



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Dispel Scroll Kindleflame 0. Fireball

1. Cascading Fire-Cloak 2. Flaming Sword of Rhuin

3. The Burning Head

4. Piercing Bolts of Burning

5. Fulminating Flame Cage

6. Flame Storm

1 MI 6 3 2 4 5 4 2 3/4 7 1 147 Composition: Hero Blessing of the Volcano God; Fire Breath; Ogre Charge; Hand Weapon; Extra Hand Weapon; Kindleflame Causes Fear; Flaming Attacks; Stomp ; 1 One use: Automatically dispels an enemy spell. [25] 1 All spells are flaming attacks. Direct Damage or Magic Missiles cast at a spell that [0] has already been hit by a Damage or Magic Missiles from the Lore of Fire in the same magic phase the casting Wizard adds +3 to his casting total 1 Magic Missile. [0] 5+ Cast. 24" Range, D6 S4 hits. 10+ Cast. 36" Range, 2D6 S4 hits. 18+ Cast. 48" Range, 3D6 S4 hits. 1 Augment. Remains in Play. [0] 5+ Cast. Enemy Unit in base contact with target at the end of the magic phase takes 2D6 S4 hits 1 Augment. [0] +1 when rolling To Wound until next magic phase. Gains Magical and Flaming Attacks. 8+ Cast. 24" Range 11+ Cast. 48" Range 1 Direct Damage . [0] Shoots from the caster in a straight line. Each model in its path suffers an S4 hit. Any unit suffering casualties must take a Panic test. 10+ Cast. 18" Range 13+ Cast. 36" Range 1 Magic Missile. [0] D3 S4 hits per rank of 5 in target unit 10+ Cast. 24" Range 13+ Cast. 48" Range 1 Hex. [0] D6 S4 hits, if the target moves every model takes a S4 hit and the spell ends. If it doesn't move spell ends at the beginning of caster's next magic phase 11+ Cast. 24" Range 14+ Cast. 48" Range 1 Direct Damage . [0] 13+ Cast.Place the small template anywhere within 30" scatter D6". Any models hit suffer S4 hit. 16+ Cast.Place the large template anywhere within 30" scatter 2D6". Any models hit suffer S4 hit.

Name #
Bruiser (1 , 205 pts) Bruiser (Battle Standard Bearer)



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1 MI 6 5 3 5/7 5 4 3 4 8 5+ Composition: Hero Always Strikes Last; Ogre Charge; Hand Weapon; Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Battle Standard Bearer; Causes Fear; Stomp Rune Maw 1 When any enemy spell targeting unit is successful, roll a D6. On a 2+, caster must choose new target. If none available, spell is wasted but counts as being cast.


Name #
Ironguts (9 , 437 pts)



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8 MI 6 3 2 4/6 4 3 2 3 8 5+ Composition: Core Always Strikes Last; Look Out Gnoblars; Ogre Charge; Bellower ; Standard Bearer ; Lookout Gnoblar (x1); Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Causes Fear; Stomp Gutlord 1 MI 6 3 2 4/6 4 3 2 4 8 5+ Always Strikes Last; Ogre Charge; Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Causes Fear; Stomp Standard of Discipline 1 Unit gains +1 Leadership but cannot use General's Inspiring Presence.

[53] [15]

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Name #
Ogres (3 , 113 pts)



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2 MI 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 3/4 7 6+ 113 Composition: Core Ogre Charge; Bellower ; Hand Weapon; Extra Hand Weapon; Light Armour; Causes Fear; Stomp Crusher 1 MI 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 4/5 7 6+ [41] Ogre Charge; Hand Weapon; Extra Hand Weapon; Light Armour; Causes Fear; Stomp

Name #



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Grimhorn Rhinox Riders (1 , 125 pts) Grimhorn Rhinox Riders 0 MC 6 4 4 5 4 3 3 4/5 8 1+ 6+* 125 Composition: Special Impact Hits(D3+1); Berserk Rage; Broad Backed; - Equipment -; Hand Weapon; Ironfist Heavy ; Armour; Frenzy; Stubborn; Swiftstride Thunderlord 1 MC 6 4 4 5 4 3 3 5/6 8 1+ 6+* [125] Berserk Rage; Hand Weapon; Ironfist Heavy Armour; Frenzy; Stomp Grimhorn Rhinox 1 7 3; 5 5 4 2 4 5 [0] Iron Skinned; Causes Fear; Stomp

Name #



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Grimhorn Rhinox Riders (1 , 125 pts) Grimhorn Rhinox Riders 0 MC 6 4 4 5 4 3 3 4/5 8 1+ 6+* 125 Composition: Special Impact Hits(D3+1); Berserk Rage; Broad Backed; - Equipment -; Hand Weapon; Ironfist Heavy ; Armour; Frenzy; Stubborn; Swiftstride Thunderlord 1 MC 6 4 4 5 4 3 3 5/6 8 1+ 6+* [125] Berserk Rage; Hand Weapon; Ironfist Heavy Armour; Frenzy; Stomp Grimhorn Rhinox 1 7 3; 5 5 4 2 4 5 [0] Iron Skinned; Causes Fear; Stomp

Name #



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Grimhorn Rhinox Riders (1 , 125 pts) Grimhorn Rhinox Riders 0 MC 6 4 4 5 4 3 3 4/5 8 1+ 6+* 125 Composition: Special Impact Hits(D3+1); Berserk Rage; Broad Backed; - Equipment -; Hand Weapon; Ironfist Heavy ; Armour; Frenzy; Stubborn; Swiftstride Thunderlord 1 MC 6 4 4 5 4 3 3 5/6 8 1+ 6+* [125] Berserk Rage; Hand Weapon; Ironfist Heavy Armour; Frenzy; Stomp Grimhorn Rhinox 1 7 3; 5 5 4 2 4 5 [0] Iron Skinned; Causes Fear; Stomp

Name #
Ironblaster (3 , 170 pts)



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1 Ch 5 6 5 4+ 170 Composition: Rare Cannon of the Sky-titans: R36", S10, Multiple Wounds(D6), Move and Fire, Slow to Fire Massive Grapeshot: S10 Volley of Cannonballs: When rolling for bounce, roll Artillery dice twice and use highest. Will only fail to bounce if both are Misfire. Causes Fear; Chariot; Large Target Gnoblar Scrappers ; 1 2 3 2 3 1 5 [0] Hand Weapon Leadbelcher 1 3 3 4 2 3 7 [0] Rhinox 1 6 3 5 2 3 [0] Causes Fear

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Name #
Ironblaster (3 , 170 pts)



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1 Ch 5 6 5 4+ 170 Composition: Rare Cannon of the Sky-titans: R36", S10, Multiple Wounds(D6), Move and Fire, Slow to Fire Massive Grapeshot: S10 Volley of Cannonballs: When rolling for bounce, roll Artillery dice twice and use highest. Will only fail to bounce if both are Misfire. Causes Fear; Chariot; Large Target Gnoblar Scrappers ; 1 2 3 2 3 1 5 [0] Hand Weapon Leadbelcher 1 3 3 4 2 3 7 [0] Rhinox 1 6 3 5 2 3 [0] Causes Fear
Total Cost: 2000

Option Footnotes Bellower Extra Hand Weapon Great Weapon Hand Weapon Heavy Armour Ironfis t Light Armour Standard Bearer Ironblaster Misfire Tabl e Miscast Table Options +1 to combat resolution in a tie +1 Attack, Requires two hands. +2 Strength; Always Strikes Last. Two-handed. 6+ Ward Save in combat when on foot and fighting with a shield; no effect if mounted. 5+ armour save. +1 armour save bonus. 6+ Parry Save (even when mounted). 6+ armour save. +1 to Combat Resolution, Standard can be captured if unit Flees. Roster Notes 1) Krakabooom! The Scraplauncher is destroyed and all units within D6" take 2D6 S5 hits. 2) Krrack! Cannot shoot for rest of battle. 3-4) Squelch! Cannot shoot this turn or next. 5-6) Lurch! Roll scatter dice and face Ironblaster this direction. Cannot shoot this turn. Roll 2D6 on this table: 2-4) Dimensional Cascade: Put large template on the Wizard. Every model (including Wizard) takes a S10 hit. Roll a D6 - 1-3 Remove Wizard, 4-6 Remove D6 dice from Power Pool. 5-6) Calamitous Detonation : Put the small template on the Wizard. Every model (including the Wizard) takes a S10 hit. Remove D6 dice from Power Pool. 7) Detonation: Models in contact with the Wizard (but not the Wizard) take a S10 hit. Remove D6 dice from Power Pool. 8-9) Magical Feedback : The Wizard and every other friendly Wizard takes a S6 hit. Remove D6 dice from Power Pool. 10-12) Power Drain : Wizard Level -D3, minimum 0. For every level lost, randomly forget spell. First spell lost is spell that caused miscast. Wizard cannot cast any more spells this turn. Special Rules Always Strikes Last in Close Combat Must declare charge if able to unless a Leadership test is passed. Cannot choose to restrain pursuit. 4+ Ward Save against attacks with Flaming Attacks rule. Rider may use additional hand weapon at no penalty. Strength 4 Breath Weapon with Flaming Attacks. Causes Fear in War Beasts, Chariots and Cavalry. Re-roll failed wounds when assaulting a building. Poisoned Attacks cannot wound automatically. Any character or champion in unit benefits from 'Look Out, Sir!' rule as long as there are three rank-and-file models remaining. Each MI unit on foot with this rule has Impact Hits (1). Units add their Rank Bonus to Strength. In addition, if when calculating charge distance, the two highest rolls total 10 or more, this becomes Impact Hits (D3). 1 automatic hit at creature's Strength, Always Strikes Last When charging / fleeing, units made entirely of models with Swiftstride roll 3D6 and discard the lowest instead of 2D6 for distance.

Always Strikes Last Berserk Rage Blessing of the Volcano God Broad Backed Fire Breath Flaming Attacks Immune to Poison Look Out Gnoblars Ogre Charge Stomp Swiftstride

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Validation Report Edition: 8th Edition; Game Type: Normal Game; Army Subtype: Ogre Kingdoms Army; Special Rules: Forbid Chaos Dwarfs in WoC, Allow Forge World, Allow Unofficial Units, Allow Warhammer Forge; File Version: 2.65 Roster satisfies all enforced validation rule s Roster Statistics General's Ld: 8 # Models: 24 Total Characters: 735 Total Core: 550 Total Magic Items: 195 Total Rare: 340 Total Special: 375 % Characters: 36.8 % Core: 27.5 % Magic Items: 9.8 % Rare: 17 % Special: 18.8 Fortitude: 4 Group Points of Lords Points of Heroes Points of Core Points of Special Points of Rare Min 0 0 500 0 0 Max 500 500 Unlimited 1000 500 Used 383 352 550 375 340

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