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ARCHANA KANAKAMEDALA Contact: 816-787-7881 Email: archanakanakamedala@ mail!

com "#MMAR$: 7+ Years of IT experience with significant expertise in %e& & %indo'( based application design and Development. Micro(o)t !Net *ro)e((ional with good experience in "o)t'are De+elo,ment Li)e C-cle including analysis re!uirement engineering database design development enhancements testing deployment and maintenance of standalone "ulti#tier web#based portals based ob$ect oriented enterprise applications. %xperience in developing &#tier applications full life cycle development using "icrosoft Technologies !NE. /rame'ork A"*!NE. 01!NE. C2 AD3!NE. Lin4 to "5L Entit- /rame'ork 0i(6al "t6dio !NE. 7818978889788: M0C L;N5 <ML <"L. %e& "er+ice( %in /orm(= %e& /orm(= A>A< and "5L "er+er. 'ood experience in ob$ect oriented design and implementation using () *+.&%T (++ and .&et ,ramewor-. %xtensive experience in implementation of Designing Databases and .rogramming Database ob$ects for "5L "er+er 3racle. %xperience in building and consuming A(,!NE. %e& "er+ice( and %C/ "er+ice( %xpertise in writing "5L "tored *roced6re( /6nction( .ri er( and im,ortin 9e?,ortin data from varied data sources li-e "5L "er+er and 3racle using .-"5L and *L9"5L %xperience in using controllers .eam /o6ndation "er+er /T,01 2n-h 0*&

%xtensive -nowledge of web technologies li-e 3T"4 D3T"4 *+0cript 5ava0cript (00. 6or-ed in 7D+"0 li-e "5L "er+er78889788:97888 3racle 11 and M"Acce((. .repared Technical design document 8ser cases Test cases and 8ser manuals for various pro$ects and good at +ug fixing (ode reviews and 8nit Testing & 0ystem testing. .ECHN;CAL "K;LL" Micro(o)t .echnolo ie( .&%T ,ramewor- /9.: ;.< =.: >.>1 6eb 0ervices 6eb ,orms 2D?.&%T 252@ "*( Lan 6a e(9A*; ( (++ () .&%T *+.&%T 252@ T#0A4 20..&%T 2D?.&%T "cri,tin 9 "t-le( 5ava 0cript *+ 0cript (ascading 0tyle 0heets/ (001 Data&a(e .ech "0 0A4 0erver =::BC=::<C=::: ?racle Bi 2ccess "o6rce Control Team ,oundation 0erver/T,01 2n-h 0*& Tortoise 0*& 3,eratin "-(tem( 6indows 7 6indows 0erver =::B =::; 6indows @.C*ista *R3/E"";3NAL E<*ER;ENCE Client: 2llied Trade 'roup

,eb >; to 0ep >; Role: .&%T 6eb 2pplication Developer Re(,on(i&ilitie(: Involved in interacting with business analysts other developers and management to develop the application. Involved in full li)ec-cle o) the ,ro@ect )rom de(i n= de+elo,ment A .e(tin ! %xtensively 6or-ed on A ile and "cr6m methodology. ,ollowed and developed the N-.ier architect6re for the business presentation and data access layers. Developed web#based applications using A"*!NE. M0C %xtensively wor-ed on AD3!NE. Entit- /rame'ork for developing core data layers for the distributed applications. 8sed C2!NE. to develop code behind logic business layers and data layers. Designed database and system flow programmed in A"*!NE.! Developed the ?rder 'eneration and +illingCInvoicing 0ystem Integrated the applications with .ayment 0ervices from +an-s for (redit (ard and 2(3 Transactions 16(ine(( Lo ic has been implemented using the concepts of (ec6re codin features and ?b$ect ?riented programming B33*C with (ode behind language C2!NE.! .erformed #nit .e(t( on the libraries developed. Implemented A>A< controls in multiple web pages for partial page update. 8sed A>A< )rame'ork do asynchronous calls to the server and improve the performance .rovided all windows based features in 6eb using A>A<! 8sed >a+a"cri,t to create different client side functions that greatly decreased processing time and resource consumption. .erformed client side validation using >a+a"cri,t= >56er-! 8sed >56er- to ma-e it easier to navigate a document select D?" elements create animations handle events and develop 2$ax applications. Developed the &ew A((em&lie( &- 6(in the C2!NE. to im,lement the 16(ine(( lo ic! 6rote "5L 46erie( with >oin( on multiple tables "tored *roced6re(= /6nction(= .ri er(= ;nde?e( using "5L "er+er 7888. .erformed several testing to fix the bugs and ensure the application error#free. %xtensively 8sed ./" /Team ,oundation 0erver1 for the maintenance and status of

the developers for development of application. En+ironment: .&%T ,ramewor- ;.<C9.: 20..&%T "*( () %ntity ,ramewor- 0?2 *isual 0tudio =:>: 252@ @"4 3T"4 5ava0cript 0A4 0erver =::B T#0A4 *isual 0tudio =:>:C=::B 4I&A 6(, 5Auery T,0 Client: Inter "ountain 3ealth (are /I3(1 0alt 4a-e (ity 8T "ay >> to 5an >; Role: .&%T Developer Re(,on(i&ilitie(:

Involved in the re!uirements gathering and client meetings. 7esponsible for interaction with the client in collecting the re!uirements. 7esponsible for documenting the technical specifications in multiple iterations of the pro$ect 7esponsible for building the bac-end systems to manage the ('itche(= e?ten(ion( of the clients. Designed modeled and architected multi#threaded enterprise n#tier software agent using %indo'( Comm6nication /o6ndation /6(,1 service hosted in a 6indows service to support Distributed computing. 6or-ed with the team to develop the %e& "er+ice( that is used to fetch data or to submit the document and processing it. Developed %C/ "er+ice( for creating and consuming business components in 20..&%T 8nderstand the wor- flow of the /"3A1 application and ma-e the changes in application pages to incorporate the editing. 8sed L;N5 to "5L in the data layer for rapid development of few standalone pro$ects Implemented various features li-e .artial classes 2nonymous types 7ead#?nly .roperties polymorphism and inheritance of C2 in building data entity model. A>A< is established for presentation layer. (oded and created 0tored .rocedures for performing repetitive tas-s in updating related tables using#0A4 0erver =::B %xtensively 8sed ./" /Team ,oundation 0erver1 for the source control.

En+ironment: .&%T ,ramewor- ;.<C9.: 20..&%T "*( () 6(, %ntity ,ramewor- 0?2 *isual 0tudio =:>: 252@ @"4 3T"4 5ava0cript 0A4 0erver =::B 4I&A 4I&A to 0A4 6(, 5Auery T,0 Client: 5 . "organ (hase &ew Yor- (ity &Y "ar >: D "ar >> Role: 20..&%T Developer Re(,on(i&ilitie(: Involved in all the phases of development cycle including 7e!uirements (ollection Design & 2nalysis of (ustomer 0pecifications Development and (ustomiEation of the 2pplication. 8sed 252@ for creating interactive web applications and used 5ava0cript to dynamically display and interact with the information presented in @"4 3TT. re!uest ob$ect to interchange and manipulate with web server. Developed T# 0A4 stored procedures ,unctions manipulation and !uerying data for 0A4 0erver. (omplex Aueries for data

.opulating the data using L;N5 to 0A4 and binding the data to the 8I. (reated %e& "er+ice( /0?2. 60D41 for communicating with other application and components. %ffectively used A"*!NE. (ec6rit- infrastructure for a6thenticatin and a6thoriDin user access as well as performing other security related tas-s using ().&%T.

Integrated the site with 3racle 11 ,ro+ider

database using AD3!NE. 3racle data

8sed Team ,oundation 0erver /T,01 for source version control on a shared team environment. Involved in code review meetings peer to peer code reviews and team meetings. 2D?.&%T 3T"4 252@ T0A4

En+ironment: .&%T ,ramewor- ;.< 20..&%T () 0A40%7*%7 =::B .4C0A4 ?racle >>g 6eb 0ervices.

Client: (og node 3ouston T@ 5an :F D ,eb >: Role: 5unior () Developer Re(,on(i&ilitie(: 2nalyEed business re!uirements and software specification documents. Implemented the pro$ect modules with A ile Methodolo - in a timely manner (reated #ML diagrams/#(e Ca(e Cla(( and "e46ence Dia ram(1 using *isio as a part of ?b$ect ?riented 2nalysis and Design /??2D1 (reated classes and core modules in C2 for implementing business layer Implemented validations on the client side using the *alidation (ontrols and 5ava0cript. Implemented 0tate "anagement using 2pplication *ariables. 0ession and *iew 0tate

'rid *iewG 8sed Template (olumns. Implemented .aging 0orting and (aching concepts. Developed A"*!NE. pages to meet the business re!uirements and also involved in replace 20. pages with redesigned 20..&%T pages. 6rote the 0A4 statements using .-"5L executed and tested stored procedures on "5L "er+er. Designed and developed the system using M0C .attern. 8sed *isual 0ource 0afe and Team ,oundation 0erver for application code repository and versioning. Implemented 8nit Testing Integration Testing tested using various test cases. and 7egression Testing and also

En+ironment: &%T ,ramewor- ;.< "*( ().&%T 2D?.&%T 5ava0cript @"4 @04 6eb 0ervices *isual 0tudio =::B. Client: 4oan"od.?rg Dearborn "I ?ct :7 D Dec :B Role: 20..&%T Developer Re(,on(i&ilitie(: (ommunicated and coordinated with business users for re!uirements gathering and understanding the re!uirements. (reated and updated the existing application support documents with new enhancements with detail explanations and wor- flow diagrams with versioning.

6ritten T#0A4 Aueries (reated Tables *iews 0tored .rocedures Indexes database diagrams using "5L "er+er Mana ement "t6dio.


(onsumed %e& "er+ice( within 20..&%T. (reated classes and core modules in C2 for implementing business layer Implemented validations on the client side using the *alidation (ontrols and 5ava0cript. Implemented ,orms 2uthentication in A"*!NE. to authenticate the users. 8sed Erid 0ie' control in 20..&%T to .opulate 8pdate %dit and Delete the data in the tables. 8sed Data database. rid controls and data &indin to display data obtained from the

(reated classes and core modules in C2 for implementing business layer Involved in Designing "aster .ages and developed their reusable functionalities and used them while developing front end screens. %xtensively used (ascading 0tyle 0heets / C""1 and >a+a "cri,t while developing web pages. 8sed Team ,oundation 0erver /T,01 =::< as versionCchange management control. .articipated in code review presentations coordination and -nowledge transfer. %xtensively used "0 *isio as part of documents preparation. Implemented 6aterfall processes for development 5ava0cript 2D?.&%T () 6eb

En+ironment: .&%T ,ramewor- ;.<C;.: 20..&%T 0ervices 0A4 0erver =::< *isual 0tudio =::< T,0. Client: Infosys /(iti+an- Dallas T@1

5un :H D 0ep :7 Role: .&%T Developer Re(,on(i&ilitie(: Involved in the design and development of the application. Designed and developed the student and faculty modules using 20..&%T (00 0-ins and Data (ontrols. (reated A"*!NE. %e& )orm( and (er+er control( to display dynamic data obtained through the use of Micro(o)t AD3!NE. and Data &indin . Design and develop a user interface in the form of rich web forms for file uploadCdownload 8sed (00 /Ca(cadin "t-le "heet(1 for application loo- and feel. 3eavily used !NE. %e& Control(= 0alidation Control( and #(er Control(. .articipated in code review sessions and peer#peer code review and modified the code as per the coding standards and best practices. 8sed Cookie(= "e((ion( and 0ie' (tate to store user information.

6rote "5L (cri,t( and (tored ,roced6re( /6nction( to execute various database routines. 6ritten an email system which allows the users to communicate with each other. (reated a media player control to play video and audio files in the web browser. Designed and implemented the bac-end database re!uired for the faculty and student modules.

En+ironment: 20..&%T =.: 2D?.&%T 0A4 0erver =::< *+.&%T *isual 0tudio =::< (00 6aterfall development. ED#CA.;3N +achelor of Technology in (omputer 0cience 8niversity. 5awaharlal &ehru Technological

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