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3GPP TSG-RAN WG2 Meeting #64 Prague, Czech Repub ic, N!

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C'ANG( R()*(ST 2+,33$ CR 346- re" - Current version: -,$%,%

For HELP on using this form look at the pop-up text over the symbols. Comprehensive instructions on how to use this form can be found at http !!www."!specs!CR.htm. Proposed change affects: Title: Source to W : Source to TS : $ategor%: UICC apps ME . Radio Access Network . Core Network

Correction to DRX and CQI reporting Ericsson R2 #ate: "#$""$2%%& Release: Re' ( /

Wor! ite" code: RANimp C!C

#se one of the following categories #se one of the following releases & $correction% R99 $Release '999% ' $corresponds to a correction in an earlier release% Rel-4 $Release 4% ( $addition of feature%& Rel-( $Release (% $ $functional modification of feature% Rel-) $Release )% # $editorial modification% Rel-* $Release *% Detai'ed e)p'anations o* t+e a,ove categories can Rel-+ $Release +% ,e *ound in -.!! /R 2"01%%0 Rel-9 $Release 9%

Reason for change:

/+e IE 2D/X DRX in*ormation3 t+e 4UE D/X c5c'e 26 is in units o* su,*rames7 w+i'e t+e 4CQI 8eed,ack c5c'e7 k6 is e)pressed in mi''iseconds0 In section &09090-1 it is speci*ied t+at i* t+e D/X c5c'e 2 is not an integer mu'tip'e or a divisor o* t+e va'ue o* t+e CQI 8eed,ack c5c'e k7 t+e UE ,e+avior is unspeci*ied0 :owever t+e D/X c5c'e 2 s+ou'd ,e compared wit+ CQI 8eed,ack c5c'e k divided ,5 27 to make a va'id comparison0 8or *urt+er in*ormation: in 2;02"# t+e parameter k67 de*ined as k$2ms7 +as ,een used *or t+is purpose0

Su""ar% of change: It is c'ari*ied t+at t+e CQI 8eed,ack c5c'e k divided ,5 2 s+ou'd ,e compared wit+ t+e D/X c5c'e 2 in <ection &09090-10 $onse)uences if not appro*ed: $lauses affected: +ther specs affected: A correct D/X con*iguration ma5 ,e re=ected ,5 t+e UE0 &09090-1 0 N . >t+er core speci*ications . /est speci*ications . >?M <peci*ications

+ther co""ents:

1Start !2 #!3i2ie3 4ecti!n5


D/X DRX in*ormation @8DD on'5A

If the IE "DTXDRX information" is included and the UE will be in CELL_DCH state after com letion of this rocedure! the UE shall" #$ store the contents of the IE in the %ariable DTX_DRX_&'R'()* #$ determine the %alue for the DTX_DRX_)T'TU) %ariable and ta+e the corres ondin, actions as described in subclause -./.01* #$ if the %alue of the IE "UE DTX c2cle 3" is not an inte,er multi le of the %alue of the IE "UE DTX c2cle #"* or #$ if the %alue of the IE "UE DTX c2cle 3" is not an inte,er multi le or a di%isor of the %alue of the IE "C4I 5eedbac+ c2cle! +" di%ided b2 3* or #$ if the %alue of the IE "UE D&CCH burst #" is ,reater than the %alue of the IE "UE DTX c2cle #"* or #$ if the %alue of the IE "UE D&CCH burst 3" is ,reater than the %alue of the IE "UE DTX c2cle 3"* or #$ if the IE "UE DTX lon, reamble len,th" is set to 1 or #/ slots and the %alue of the IE "Inacti%it2 Threshold for UE DTX c2cle 3" is less than 1 TTIs 6for #7ms E8DCH TTI9 or - TTIs 6for 3ms E8DCH TTI9* or #$ if the IE "UE DRX c2cle" is not an inte,er multi le or a di%isor of the %alue of the IE "UE DTX c2cle #"* or #$ if the IE "DRX Information" is included in this messa,e while the IE "DTX information" is not included in this messa,e* or #$ if the %alue of the IE "UE DTX c2cle #" is not an inte,er multi le or a di%isor of the %alue of the IE "('C DTX c2cle"* or #$ if the IE "DTX8DRX timin, information" is included in this messa,e and if the CH:ICE "timin," is set to "continue"" 3$ the UE beha%iour is uns ecified. ;:TE" If the IE "U lin+ D&CH info" is included in this messa,e! the UTR'; should ensure that the confi,uration of the u lin+ D&CH does not contradict the u lin+ D&CH confi,uration indicated in the IE "U lin+ D&CCH slot format information".

1(n3 !2 #!3i2ie3 4ecti!n5

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