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Surname 1 Name Tutor Course title Date Evolution of New England and Chesapeake New England and Chesapeake

were originally settled by people who were from English origin. The regions however evolved into two different societies by 1700. This split into different societies was occasioned by various factors that influenced the two regions in the 17th century. This paper will discuss the reasons that led to the evolution of these regions into separate societies. Chesapeake and New England were been founded on entirely different principles. This led to a difference in the approaches to work and government in the two regions. Chesapeake was founded on the need for economic gain and the first settlers concentrated their efforts on searching for gold rather than planting crops. New England was founded based on religious and unselfish reasons. Their main aim was helping each other succeed and they were a Christian community. The two regions also operated on different work ethics and this affected the economies of the individual societies. For instance, New England adhered to the puritanical work ethic that encouraged the working together of all people for the success of all people. The puritans were dedicated to hard work and commitment and were interested in the success of all people. Chesapeake did not adhere to the puritanical work ethic. They worked based on the self serving

Surname 2 and self profiting pursuits and every person worked for their personal goals without worrying about the rest of the society. The two regions had different political setups. New England for instance had a political setup that was centered on the community. This was portrayed in the articles of agreement which showed the New England society as being comprised on families that were lead by governors and also by the church. The laws were setup during meetings that included all the community members. Chesapeake on the other hand was governed by a governor who ruled the people and collected taxes. In addition to this, there was a parliament and a king who controlled the entire region. This difference in the political setup contributed to the evolution of these regions. There were geographical differences between the two regions. New England was characterized by rocky soil and this limited the amount of farming that they could engage in. As a result, they turned into alternative economic activities like fishing and Timber. Chesapeake on the other hand was characterized by soil that was very rich and this enabled them to concentrate on farming activities. They engaged in Tobacco farming as well as rice farming. This difference separated the two regions economies and contributed to the eventual evolution. The nature of problems and issues that the two regions were grappling with differed. Chesapeake for instance was dealing with rebellions that were occasioned by the class distinctions between the rich and poor in the society. This rebellion was started by farmers who were unhappy with the mismanagement of treasury as well as the upsurge of wealthy estates. These rebellions affected the Chesapeake society as they tried to find a way to deal with it and contributed to the evolution of the regions into different societies.

Surname 3 The two regions attracted very different kinds of settlers. The people who settled in New England were families; the men were middle aged and had skills in different crafts. The Chesapeake settlers on the other hand were mostly young men who were in the early 20s.They mainly moved to Chesapeake to look for fortunes or adventure.

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