Success For Employability Initiative That Is Reducing Crime

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Finding ways to !"# !$%o&&!nd!'s g!t (a)* into #aid !+#"oy+!nt is +a*ing "o)a" )o++,niti!s sa&!' (y ),tting )'i+!- R!s,"ts '!"!as!d &'o+ a n!w st,dy on an initiati.! t at is ',nning in t ! East Mid"ands '!gion '!.!a"s t at #a'ti)i#ants/ w o too* #a't w i"st on )o++,nity s!nt!n)!s/ '!d,)!d t !i' #'!di)t!d '!o&&!nding (y +o'! t an 01The initiative, called the REACH Project, is managed by the Leicestershire and Rutland Probation Trust (LRPT) ho are the !rime contractor" They deliver the !roject across the region through a consortium o# other local Probation Trusts and voluntary sector organisations" Nationa" &ig,'!s This analysis indicates that individuals, ho !artici!ated in the !rogramme hilst on community sentences, e$!erienced a reduction in re%o##ending in all geogra!hical areas in England and &ales e$ce!t the 'orth East" (See graph over page) This analysis also indicates that these !artici!ants e$!erienced a reduction in the level o# #re(uency o# their re%o##ending" REACH is jointly #unded by the 'ational )##ender *anagement +ervice Co%,inancing )rganisation (')*+ C,)) and the Euro!ean +ocial ,und (E+,)" G!tting a 2o( is a '!a" +i"!ston! LRPT -irector Carrie Peters e$!lained. /'ational research has !roven that enabling an unem!loyed !erson, ho is on su!ervision, to #ind !aid or0 reduces the ris0 that they ill re%o##end again" To really target re%o##ending e have to loo0 at an individual and their !ersonal circumstances that are !reventing them #rom gaining em!loyment" /-uring the #irst stage o# our !roject e have engaged ith u! to 1,222 !artici!ants, many have not or0ed #or some time and need hel! to a!!ly #or job vacancies and develo! better intervie s0ills" The REACH !rogramme is or0ing ith men and omen ho are determined to turn their lives around" 3etting a job is a real milestone #or them"4

T ! g'a# '!.!a"s (!st !sti+at!s #!' '!gion &o' t ! on! y!a' #'o.!n '!%o&&!nding 'at! &o' o&&!nd!'s in t ! )o++,nity on t ! !+#"oya(i"ity s) !+! % wit a +at) !d )ont'o" g'o,#50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% !o"th West (inc. #orn$all % &sles o' !cilly North West (exc. Merseyside (or)shire and the *"+,er (inc. !. (or)s East Midlands East England London North East * !o"th East West Midlands Merseyside

N-M! #.- /artici0ants

Matched #ontrolled 1ro"0

B'!a*ing down (a''i!'s The REACH !rogramme is o##ered to individuals under !robation su!ervision, as ell as those ho have served less than t elve months in custody and ho are not currently in statutory contact ith the service" Partici!ants receive an intensive and bes!o0e !ac0age o# su!!ort, including training courses and short term em!loyment o!!ortunities" *entoring is a core element o# REACH and there is a large number o# volunteer mentors or0ing across the region, some engaging ith !artici!ants !rior to their release #rom !rison and others are or0ing in the community" E+, in England is investing in jobs and s0ills % #ocusing on !eo!le ho need su!!ort the most and hel!ing them #ul#il their !otential" P'!ss En4,i'i!s Conta)t Co++,ni)ations O&&i)!' Fiona B,) anan on 5336 703 6558 o' 59933 365680-

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