Kishon River at The Foot of Carmel: 6. Galilee

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Galilee KISHON Jg 4, 7; 13 Jg 5, 13 1 K 18, 40 CARMEL Jr 46, 18 Sg 7, 6 Is 35, 2 1 K 18, 21 - 40 1 K 18, 41 - 45 2 K 2, 15; 4, 25 Is 33, 9 Am 1, 2 Am 9, 3 JEZREEL Judges 1, 27 - 28 2 Kings 23, 28 - 30 1 Kings 21,1 - 24 2 Kings 9, 30 - 37 2 Kings 10 Jos. 17, 16 Jos. 19, 18 NAZARETH Luke 1, 26 - 38 Luke 2, 39 Luke 2, 51 Matt. 2, 22 - 23 Luke 4, 15 - 30 River at the foot of Carmel To encounter you at the Wadi Kishon Song of Deborah: the torrent of Kishon Elijha took them down to the Wadi Kishon (sacrifice) Vine of God - Rorate Coeli et nubes pluant A Carmel high above the Sea Your head is held high like Carmel The splendor of Carmel and Sharon Sacrifice of Elijah at El Muhraqa Cloud over the Valley of Jezreel The Shunamite woman seeks Elisha on Carmel Bashan and Carmel are stripped bare The crown of Carmel withers The fall of the sanctuary - should they hide on Carmel's peak VALLEY OF BEIT SHEAN Settlement of the northern tribes End of the reign of Josias (Meggido) Vineyard of Naboth The assassination of Jezabel Murder of the family of Ahab Land of Canaanites Frontier of the tribe of Issacar THE FLOWER OF GALILEE Annunciation of Jesus The Holy Family return to Nazareth Jesus returns to Nazareth He will be called a Nazarene Preaching of Jesus in the Synagogue

Mark 6,1 - 6 Matt. 13, 53 - 58 Matt. 21, 11 John 19, 19 Mark 14, 67 CANA Jn 21, 2 Jn 2, 1 - 11 Jn 4, 46 NAIM Luke 7, 11 - 17 TABOR Judges 4, 5 - 16 Judges 6, 2 Judges 7 1 Ch. 6, 62 Jer. 46, 18 Ps. 89, 12 Hosea 5, 1 Mark9,2 - 8 Luke9, 28 - 26 Matt. 17. 1 - 9 Luke 9, 37 - 43 SHUNEM Jos. 19, 18 1 Sam. 28, 4 1 Kings 1, 4 2 Kings 4, 8 - 37

The Spirit of God is on Me A prophet is ot respected in his own house This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews You too were with Jesus, the man from Nazareth A FEAST Nathanael was from Cana in Galilee Wedding of Cana in Galilee Cure of the noble man's son at a distance A FUNERAL Resurrection of the son of the widow THE GLORY Victory of Barak under order of Deborah Refuge of the Israelites from Madianites Battle of Gideon Town for the levites Compared with Carmel Tabor sings to You for joy High Place The Transfiguration of Jesus idem idem Jesus cures the epileptic boy at Daburiya Territory of tribe of Issachar Philistines camped near Shunam before battle of Gilboa Home of Abisag Resurrection of the son of the Shunammitess

SEA OF GALILEE Mt 12, 1 - 8 Mk 2, 23 - 28 Lk 6, 1 - 5 Mt 8, 1 - 4

Surroundings Picking corn on the Sabbath idem idem Cure of a leper Cure of the woman with a haemorrhage and the resurrection of the daughter of Jairus Cure of two blind men and one dumb demoniac Cure of the man with a withered hand idem The woman who was a sinner Cure of the blind man of Bethsaida Second prophecy of the Passion The sower idem idem City built on a hill-top: Sa'ad Parable of the seed growing by itself A tree and its fruits The birds and the lilies of the fields The weeds The dragnet The scorpion Can people pick grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles? The Sea of Kinnereth The Grottos of Arbela Call of the first four apostles, also Mt 4, 18

Mt 9, 20 - 26

Mt 9, 27 - 34 Mt 12, 9 - 14 Mk 3, 1 - 8 Lk 7, 35 - 50 Mk 8, 22 - 25 Mk 9, 30 - 32 PARABLES Mk 4, 1 - 8 Mt 13, 3 - 9 Lk 8, 5 - 8 Mt 5, 14 - 16 Mk 4, 26 - 29 Mt 7, 17 - 20 Mt 6, 26 - 28 Mt 13, 24 - 30 Mt 13, 47 - 50 Lk 11, 11 Mt 7, 16 ON THE SEA OF GALILEE Nb 34, 11 1 M 9, 2 Mk 1, 16 - 20

Mk 3, 7 - 9 Lk 5, 1 - 11 Mt 8, 23 - 27 Mk 4, 35 - 41 Mt 14, 22 - 23 Mk 6, 45 - 52 Mk 6, 54 - 66 Mk 5, 1 - 20 MOUNT OF BEATITUDES Mt 5, 1 - 12 CHORAZIN and BETHSAIDA Mt 4, 23 Mt 11, 20 - 22 Mk 8, 22 - 26 Jn 1, 44 CAPHARNAUM: TOWN OF JESUS Mt 4, 12 - 17 Mk 1, 29 - 31 Mt 9, 1 - 8 Mk 9, 33 Mt 17, 24 - 27 Lk 5, 27 - 32 Mt 11, 20 - 24

Jesus taught from Peter's boat Miraculous draught of fish The calming of the storm idem Jesus walks on the water idem Cures at Gennesaret The Gerasene demoniac The Beatitudes ROSH PINNA Jesus preaches and heals the sick Lament over the lake - towns Cure of a blind man at Bethsaida Bethsaida: Country of Philippe, Andre & Peter

Centre of His preaching in Galilee

Jesus leaves Nazareth and settles in Capharnaum Cure of Simon's mother-in-law Capharnaum becomes his town - Cure of a paralytic Formation of the apostles: the greatest? The Temple tax paid by Jesus and Peter Call of Matthew see also Mt 9, 9 - 12 The unbelieving town A day with Jesus, sermon in the synagogue and the man with the evil spirit The true Kinsmen of Jesus Jesus' mother and brothers Cure of a leper

Mk 1, 21 - 38

Mk 3, 20 - 21 Mt 3, 31 - 35 Lk 5, 12 - 16

Lk 7, 1 - 10 Mk 2, 11 - 12 Lk 5, 17 - 25 Jn 6 TABGHA Mt 14, 13 - 21 Mt 13, 1 - 9 Mk 6, 30 - 44 MAGDALA Lk 8, 1 - 2

Cure of the centurion's servant Cure of a paralytic idem Speech on the Bread of life Primacy of the Apostle Peter Crowds follow Jesus and the multiplication of the bread First miracle of the loaves also Lk 9, 10 - 17 Migdal Country of Mary Magdalene Apparition to Mary Magdalene at the Tomb also Jn 20, 11 - 18 Joshua captures and burns the city of Hazor Strengthened by Solomon Capture of Hazor by Tiglath - Phalasar III The Judges Deborah & Barak fight Jabin Battle between Jonathan and Demetrius BANIAS - DAN Peter's profession of faith idem idem Abraham follows the kings Pestilence of Dan: 70.000 dead Boundaries of the Kingdom of David Jeroboam makes a golden calf at Dan Foundation of the sanctuary of Dan The tribe of Dan Boundaries of David's Kingdom also 2 S 3, 10

Lk 24, 9 - 11

HAZOR Jos 11, 10 - 13 1 K 9, 15 2 K 15, 19 Jg 4, 2 1 M 11, 67 CAESAREA PHILIPPE Mt 16, 13 Mk 8, 27 Lk 9, 18 - 21 Gn 14, 14; Dt 34, 1 2 S 24, 11 1 K 5, 5 1 K 12, 26 - 30 Jg 17; 18 Jos 19, 27; 18, 27 - 28 1 S 3, 20

Jr 4, 15; 8, 16 QUNETRA Ac 9, 1 - 19 Ga 1, 11 - 24

A voice from Dan On the way to Damascus Conversion of St. Paul see also Ac 21, 1 - 6 Paul on the road to Damascus

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