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No sign of flagging Evening Post, Saturday, July 25, 2009 5+

Jay, four,
told ‘you’re
● From Page 1
The club’s treasurer
Aubrey Simpson said:
“There have been numerous
complaints in which the par-
ents have been asked to keep
the child under control. The
reason they were finally 1 4 7
asked not to bring the child
in was that he was climbing
on railings and the heating
unit in the patio area – it was
a disaster waiting to happen.
“They have been repeat-
edly asked, but what can
you do if they can’t be re-
sponsible? We are liable un-
If the club decided to re- 3 2 5 6 8
port Jay to the town’s Pub-

A dozen parks land

watch scheme, he could be by Suzanne Harvey
banned from every licensed
premises in the area.
Mr Simpson said the par-
ents, whose memberships
expired this year, have re-
ceived two letters of warn-
ing and “verbal requests” to
parks are among the
greenest in the country.
prestigious award
control their son. Twelve parks have landed
He added: “It’s a real enth consecutive year. Cuerden
shame really. We do have
children in this club – there’s
a prestigious Green Flag
Award by the Civic Trust for
their “exceptional public
WINNERS Valley Park in Bamber Bridge
is celebrating after scooping the
award for the first time.
not an awful lot and they are
well-behaved. But they are space”. The park is managed by a
running around and we Parks and cemeteries in Pre- trust who oversee the manage-
can’t have it, especially if ston, South Ribble, Lancaster ment and keep it open for the
someone pulls a cue out. and Chorley have scooped the public all year round.
“Jay comes in and he’s a awards, with two achieving it for Jim Longbottom, manager of
bit of a gang leader and more than a decade. Cuerden Valley Park, said:
Worden Park in Leyland is And the winners are:
leads them all to join in.” Worden Park, Leyland (pic- “We’re very pleased. It reflects
Mr Simpson said Jay is one of only five in the country to the hard work by the staff and
receive the award every year ture 1 above)
the second child to be Avenham and Miller Parks, volunteers to improve the
barred from the club after since 1996. And Longton Brick- park.”
croft has landed its 12th con- Preston (2)
another youngster aged be- Longton Brickcroft Nature
tween “four and seven” was secutive award.
Reserve (8) Standards
banned several years ago. Hurst Grange in Pen-
wortham was awarded the ac- Hurst Grange Park, Chorley’s three Green Flag
Mrs Cadwallader added: Penwortham (6) parks are Yarrow Valley Coun-
“He is only a baby and does- colade for a sixth year.
Torrisholme Cemetery, try Park, Tatton Recreation
n’t really understand.” Visitors Morecambe Ground and Withnell Nature
Conservative spokesman Fishwick Bottoms (5) Reserve.
Giles Kenningham said the Coun Phil Smith, South Rib-
ble Council cabinet member Grange Park, Ribbleton (4) Torrisholme Cemetery in
party did not know of any- Haslam Park, Ashton (3) Morecambe retained a flag for
one younger being banned with responsibility for leisure
and cultural services, said: Tatton Rec Ground, Chorley the second year running.
from a Tory social club. Cuerden Valley Park,
He said: “I’m not aware “Year on year South Ribble’s Coun David Kerr, cabinet
parks and green spaces attract Bamber Bridge (7) member for health and wellbe-
of any other cases like this.” Withnell Nature Reserve,
visitors from miles around. ing said: “I would like to con-
“The council considers its Chorley gratulate all the cemeteries staff

previous green spaces to be among the Yarrow Valley Country and members of the Friends
borough’s best assets and we Park, Chorley Group for all their hard work

are committed to working with
the community to maintain and
previous stories over the last year in maintain-
ing the Green Flag standards.”
develop them further.” A record 1,013 winners were The council has also prom-
ised to continue to improve his-
● Take pride in our ‘garden city’ announced this year, with the
number of Green Flag parks in
● Revamped parks win green
● Pub's Blackpool FC toric Worden Park, despite los- award England and Wales increasing
shrine barred ing out for a £2m Heritage Lot- by 36%.
● Boy, 12, given asbo tery Fund grant. The North West retained the
as last resort In Preston, the city’s four status, with Grange Park in Rib- highest number of award win-
Green Flag parks retained their bleton achieving it for the sev- ning parks with 225.

A MAN convicted
twice of drink driv-
ing has been given a
licence to operate
as a taxi driver.
Wyre Council’s
licensing commit-
tee granted the pri-
vate hire taxi li-
cence to the man,
despite the convic-
tions. The new driv-
er was not named
and is known only
as Mr H.

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