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GROCERY TAPES: Zehrs is no longer accepting grocery tapes BUT you can continue saving and bringing to the

church grocery tapes from The Independent Grocery McDonalds in St. Marys as well as Valumart in Mitchell. Thanks to everyone over the years for saving the tapes for the elevator fund and now the community dinners. If you have any questions, please contact ollie !rcher "#$%&'(%#)"). YOUTH GROUP GOES FOR A SLEIGH RIDE! *n +unday, ,anuary #$th, we will be going on a one%hour sleigh ride. -e meet at ".)" p.m. at the church and will carpool. *ur sleigh ride is from /.(0 1 '.(0 p.m. and then we will return for a cup of hot chocolate at the church. -e will share more details in ,anuary. SUNDAY MORNING COFFEE 2offee our is held every +unday morning B34*53 the worship service in the 6arthe7. 2ome out for some hot chocolate, tea and coffee8..could be some cookies there as well9 This time of fellowship is prepared by volunteers 1 we are in need of volunteers for ,anuary, 4ebruary and :ay. If you are able to help with this, please contact !nne :arie ;auli at "#$%&'#%/'#<.

Newsletters!! The Office is looking for submissions for the January and February edition!! OUR 11WEEKLY MISSION Dont forget to stop at the Food
Bank table and purchase an item. All food items ha e prices marked. !imply make your choice and place it in a bo" belo#. Then pay by putting the money into the cash bo". !o simple$ but each donation makes such a difference in the li es of those in need.

Minister: 5ev. :ark =edcke "#$ "'" <<#' or by email at mgedcke> Direct r ! M"sic: +u?anne +trahan O!!ice A#$inistr%t r: @athy Baker Tre%s"rer: +hannon !rcher O!!ice: &1'()*1(+,*, kno7s> OFFICE HOURS '%$( 1-$ T"es#%. t/r "0/ Fri#%.

KNO1 PRES2YTERIAN CHURCH Dece$3er )'4 )+1, 11:++ %$ =uest :inister. 5ev :erv Tubb =uest *rganist. :ichel !llard

PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP 1 ;rayer, :editation and Aisiting PRELUDE: WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL TO WORSHIP: Beader. ;raise the Bord, the =od of Israel, because e has visited and redeemed is people. Pe -5e: He /%s sent "s % $i0/t. S%6i "r !r $ t/e r .%5 5ine ! His ser6%nt D%6i#4 7"st %s He -r $ise#8 Beader. :aryCs response was, D*h, how my soul praises the Bord8 and my spirit reEoices in =od my +aviour9 Pe -5e: 9T/e $i0/t. One is / 5.:He s/ ;s $erc. !r $ 0ener%ti n t 0ener%ti n t %55 ;/ / n "r Hi$8< Ffrom Buke &.selected versesG OPENING HYMN: H #)# =ood 2hristians, all reEoice PRAYER OF ADORATION4 CONFESSION = THE LORD>S PRAYER

*ur 4ather who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. =ive us this day our daily bread. 4orgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Bead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. 4or thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever. !men
PASSING OF THE PEACE: Beader. The ;eace of 2hrist be with you Congregation: And also with you. ANTHEM: CHILDREN>S HYMN: H#/# -hat child is this CHILDREN>S TIME: Backpack +unday

SCRIPTURE READING: 5esponsive ;salm. &<.#%&, /%$ =ospel of :atthew &.#(%#", #$%&( SERMON: That In%Between Time HYMN: H #// *nce in royal IavidCs city OFFERING OFFERTORY: OFFERTORY PRAISE: H <(0 ;raise =od 4rom -hom !ll Blessings 4low OFFERING PRAYER PRAYERS OF THE CLOSING HYMN: H<## +tanding at the ;ortal 2ENEDICTION C/"rc/ O-enin0 T #%.: Tim ;auli C/"rc/ O-enin0 Ne?t Wee@: ,im ider Us/ers t/is ;ee@: 5ichard Bast, Baird 2hristie, @irk J Bori +peiran Us/ers ne?t ;ee@: 5ichard Bast, Baird 2hristie, @irk J Bori +peiran Greeters t/is ;ee@. !dam J Iiane ;arker Greeters ne?t ;ee@: 2harles J :argaret Bupton C !!ee: !nne :arie ;auli J @athy Baker WELCOME ! warm welcome to 5ev :erv Tubb as =uest :inister and :ichel !llard who is our guest organist this morning. THE ALLEY The !lley is in need of the following items. % winter boots for both men and women % mitts and gloves for men, women and children 2heck your closets for things you arenCt wearing and we will be happy to sell them.

CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS IN THE SANCTUARY -e will be removing the decorations from the sanctuary on Tuesday, ,anuary 'th at /.(0 p.m. If you are available, please Eoin us for this DfunK activity. -e do have a few laughs and enEoy each otherCs friendship. !gain, many hands make light work . SOMETHING TO THINK A2OUT If you are wondering what to do with all those e7tra gift bags, tissue paper or bo7es, then please donate to the &0#) 2hildrenCs 2hristmas +hopping +pree. -e need these items for ne7t year. !fter 2hristmas, you can drop them off in the 6arthe7 or at the church office. The *utreach Team NEW ELDERS *n +unday, ,anuary #&, &0#), Ffollowing the sermon in our worship serviceG we will be confirming and ordaining the new elders for @no7. The following people have been chosen as elders. -endell !rcher, ,im Iougall, Aivien arding, Bev ider and Bori +peiran. SUNDAY SCHOOL 2IRTHDAY SUNDAY +unday ,anuary #&th is DBirthday +undayK in +unday +chool. 5emember your change for this very special +unday. 3very year the children of @no7 celebrate their birthdays in a special birthday party the first +unday of the new year. +ue *rr will discuss her recent trip to 3thiopia with the children. Ionations are welcome that +unday. HUNGER AND A CHANGING CLIMATE !t least '0L of the people who regularly go to bed hungry are farmers in developing countries. -hile it may be surprising, it is often the people who produce food that do not have enough to eat. 2limate change means higher temperatures, drought, parched crops and flooding. 4or many people, it also means more hunger. ;-+JI and 2anadian 4oodgrains Bank are teaching farmers strategies to adapt to climate change and grow more food. -e also work to end global hunger by influencing public policies. ,oin the !ar"est o# $etters campaign and write a letter to your :;s urging the 2anadian government to provide support to vulnerable populations dealing with climate change. To learn more, visit %&S'D (esponds to hunger and climate change NOTE +unday, ,anuary "th, &0#) will also be a DbackpackK +unday.

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