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Subject: ( personal ) reply if you got this body "Keep reading to find out how you're gonna ma e alot of money online" nothing for sale! just a personal email" my arm finally got twisted hard enough # had to listen to my subscribers! and for you to join in! you're gonna need to hit the reply button o ay! but before # e$cite you to much let's ma e this %ery clear! this message is only for people who are serious about ha%ing a real internet business that ma es real money opportunity see ers and those loo ing for the &ne$t big thing& or &magic button& will not be interested in this: (hint: there is no such thing)" so again this message is '()* for people who want to ma e real money with +le$ ,effreys" o ay now #'%e made that %ery clear! here's the e$citing part #'%e been ma ing a full time li%ing online for the past few years! when most fail online! i focused and grabbed myself a mentor -uic ly cashing in! (yes as simple as that) once people found out mi e filsaime was my mentor and i was ma ing lots of money online! people started as ing me to open my %ery own coaching program! (which i did) come on """ i had se%ral hundred people almost begging me to open up my coaching program and mentor them to success"

the whole e%ent did become a success for myself and my students! and it was alot of fun too! you can meet my students any time at .y/oachingStudents"com but get this! since last wee when i released my brand new report (ewbie's (ightmare it has only got worse! this past 0 days has been cra1y! the blog www"mar etingwithyou"com is non stop with hundreds of comments! and e%eryone is loo ing to find this -uestion: "when will the doors to +le$'s coaching program open" but i (223 to weed out the dross! i really do 444 56272 #S (' 8+* +. # 5+K2( (29+5#:2 ;2';)2 567'<96 56#S /'+/6#(9 ;7'97+. 444 not a chance """ 444 # only want people who are willing to 9#:2 #5 + 9' and ma e money with me! it's not that hard you now! #'m loo ing for people who are willing to lea%e there ego on the table letting me show them the rope's with my: ---== profit pulling platforms! and ---== list building machines! showing you just what # do! remember its not what you do - its the way you do it 444 so here it is on a plate # want to now who really wants me +le$ ,effreys to be your mentor """so i can build your online business for you that ma es real money fast> if you want this more than anything else! then

# urge you now to reply to this message! plus you get an 'insider' %ideo """ %iew below! this will be totally limited and the whole thing will run out fast! if your a person that's ready for success! then hit reply and say in the subject line! "yes to success" and #'ll send you a 'insider' %ideo right away to your inbo$ (just recorded in my office 0 mins ago) which by the way! is ('5 for public %iewing but only my most loyal readers"""444 once you reply to this email! i'll not only send the 'insider' %ideo but i'll personally reply %ia email to say hi and tal more +lso if you li e! you can answer these -uestions to help me a little more! in my -uest to help you4 ?@ what does ma ing money on the internet really mean to you> ?A what is the one main thing you want to learn online> ?0 how much money per month would you want to ma e> .y 0 were easy! # wanted to own my own business! (no boss) to do something # was truly passionate about! (means it's not wor ) and to ha%e that amount to wealth which to me B freedom""" whate%er your reasons! # am sure they are great ones! and as long as you are persistent in your -uest you can ma e money" So before i go out! here's an e$tra e$citing bit of information for you but you'll ha%e to act fast the people who reply to this email and say "yes to success" in the subject" # will be ma ing sure to slash the price of my coaching program for just you! - fair4 7emember im loo ing for a %ery focused small group! and im weeding out the ones that we 3'(5 want in our program we're loo ing for people to lea%e there ego

on the table and follow up for a few wee s! and a-C''. 444 money in the ban remember this is '<7 coaching program and we only want people who will listen and become a success with us! to of course ,oint :enture together on our future projects! we'll ha%e fun """ lots of it! so in order to find out more about this early %iewing! let me now by just replying with a "yes to success" in the subject line! and i'll send you a %ideo all about it! 5al soon +le$ ,effreys ps - # loo forward to reading your email so just hit reply and say "yes to success" in the subject line! where #'ll personally be in touch with the 'insider %ideo' which is not for the public %iewing! and just for our loyal readers 444 ""

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