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JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!

am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No $

Q1. Construct a diagonal scale of R.F.=1/32,00,000 to show kilometers and long enough to measure u to !00 km. "how distances of 2#$km and 333 km on %our scale. Q2. & thin rectangular late of sides #0 mm ' 2# mm has its shorter side in the (.). and inclined at an angle of 300 to the *.). )ro+ect its ,iew when its to ,iew is a erfect s-uare of 2# mm side. Q3. .' lain de,elo ment of surface and its engineering a lication.

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No "
Q1. /he distance 0etween 1elhi and &gra is 200 km and its e-ui,alent distance on ma measures 10 cm. 1raw a diagonal scale to indicate 223 km and 13# km. Q2. & he'agonal late of negligi0le thickness of 2#mm side has a corner on (.). /he diagonal through the corner which is on (), makes 3#0 with *.). 1raw its ro+ections. Q3. .' lain 2i3 ol%hedral solid 2ii3 "olids of re,olution 2iii3 Frustums and /runcated "olids

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No %
Q1. Construct a diagonal scale to read u to 1/100th of a meter gi,en R.F.=1/#0 and to measure u to $m. 4ndicate a distance of #.!#m. Q2. & line C1 measuring 50 mm is inclined at an angle of 300 to () and !#0 to *). /he oint C is 20 mm a0o,e () and 30 mm in front of *). 1raw the ro+ections of straight line. Q3. 6ith s%m0ol of ro+ection, e' lain difference 0etween First angle 7 /hird angle method of ro+ection.

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No '
Q1. Construct a scale of chords. 6ith its aid set8off angle 3#0 and 1!#0. Q2. & circular lamina of 90 mm diameter rests on () on a oint 1 on the circumference. /he lamina is inclined to () such that the to ,iew of its is an elli se of minor a'is 3#mm. /he to ,iew of the diameter through the oint 1 makes an angle of !#0 with *). 2i3 1raw the ro+ections 2ii3 1etermine the angle made 0% the lamina with the (). Q3. 6rite engineering a lication of .lli se and )ara0olic cur,es.

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No *
Q1. Construct a scale of chords. 6ith its aid set8off angle 22#0 and 19#0. Q2. & he'agonal late of 2# mm side is resting on () such that one of its corners touches 0oth () and *). 4t makes 300 with () and 900 with *). 1raw the ro+ections. Q3. 6rite engineering a lication of (% er0olic and C%cloidal cur,es.

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No +
Q1. Construct a lain scale of R.F.=1:#0,000 to show kilometers and hectometers and long enough to measure u to $ kilometers. ;easure a distance of #! hectometers on %our scale. Q2. 1raw the ro+ections of a entagonal sheet of 29 mm side, ha,ing its surface inclined at 300 to *). 4ts one side is arallel to *) and inclined at !#0 to (). Q3. 6rite engineering a lication of 4n,olute 7 " iral cur,es.

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No ,
Q1. Construct an elli se when the distance 0etween the focus and the directri' is 90mm and eccentricit% is <. Q2. 1raw the de,elo ment of the com lete surface of a =.4. c%lindrical drum with lid. 1iameter is 30 cm and the height is 1.9 times the diameter. /ake a suita0le scale. Q3. 6rite engineering a lication of (% er0olic and C%cloidal cur,es.

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No (
Q1. Construct an elli se when the ma+or a'is is 120 mm and the distance 0etween foci is 105 mm. 1etermine the length of the minor a'is. Q2. & line &> is $# mm long. & is #0 mm in front of *) and 1# mm a0o,e (). > is 1# mm in front of *) and is a0o,e (). /o ,iew of &> is #0 mm long. Find the front ,iew length and the true inclinations. Q3. .' lain 4sometric "cale.

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No $#
Q1. Construct an elli se when its ma+or a'is is e-ual to 100 mm and minor a'is is 9# mm using concentric circle method. Find its foci, directri' and eccentricit%. Q2. & thin circular late of #0 mm diameter lies on () such that its surface is inclined at !#0 to (). /he diameter through the oint on which the late lies on () a ears to 0e inclined at !#0 to *) in the to ,iew. 1raw the ro+ections. Q3. .' lain "olid, )lane surface, ?ine 7 oint in conte't of engineering gra hics.

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No $$
Q1. & lot of ground is in the sha e of a rectangle 110m@ #0m. 4nscri0e an elli tical lawn in it. /ake a suita0le scale. Q2. & s-uare rism, side of 0ase 30 mm and a'is !# mm long lies on () such that its a'is is arallel to 0oth () and *). 1raw the to and front ,iew of the rism, when 2i3 it lies with one of its rectangular faces on () and 2ii3 it lies with one of its longer edges on (). Q3. .' lain 2i3 "C&?. 1:1 2ii3 "C&?. @:1 2iii3 "C&?. 1:@

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No $"
Q1. Construct a ara0ola when the distance 0etween focus and the directri' is #0mm. Q2. & s-uare rism, side of 0ase 3# mm and a'is #0 mm long lies with one of its longer edges on () such that its a'is is er endicular to *). &lso one of its rectangular faces containing the longer side is inclined at 300 to *). 1raw its ro+ections. Q3. .' lain Re resentati,e Fraction.

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No $%
Q1. &n aircraft is shot at an angle of !#0 to the horiAontal from the ground le,el. 4t is hit at a ma'imum height of 2## m of the tra+ector%. /race the ath of the shot in s ace using /angent ;ethod or Rectangle method. Bame the cur,e. Q2. 1e,elo the lateral surface of a entagonal rism of side of 0ase 2#mm and height #0mm. Q3. .' lain conic section 7 0% suita0le osition of cutting lanes how circle, elli se ara0ola 7 h% er0ola are generated.

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No $'
Q1. Construct a h% er0ola when the distance 0etween the focus and the directri' is #0 mm. /he eccentricit% is !/3. Q2. 1raw the isometric ,iew of a cone , 0ase !0 mm diameter and a'is ## mm long 2i3 when its a'is ,ertical 2ii3 when its a'is is horiAontal. Q3. Classif% .ngineering Cur,es.

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No $*
Q1. & coin of #0 mm diameter rolls o,er a horiAontal ta0le without sli ing. & oint on the circumference of the coin is in contact with the ta0le surface in the in the 0eginning and after one com lete re,olution. 1raw the ath traced 0% the oint. Q2. 1raw the de,elo ment of the lateral surface of a right s-uare rism of edge of 0ase 30 mm and a'is #0 mm long. Q3. 6ith suita0le sketch e' lain difference 0etween rism and %ramid.

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No $+
Q1. 1raw an eC ic%cloid of rolling circle !0 mm which rolls outside another circle of 1#0 mm diameter for one re,olution. Q2. 1raw the isometric ro+ection of a 3008900 set8 s-uare with its surface arallel to the (.). /he longest edge measures 2#0 mm. Q3. .' lain solids of re,olution.

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No $,
Q1. 1raw a h% oc%cloid of a circle of !0 mm diameter which rolls inside another circle of 200 mm diameter for one re,olution. Q2. 1raw the de,elo ment of the lateral surface of a cone of 0ase diameter !5 mm and altitude #0 mm. Q3. 1raw and write uses of continuous line, hidden line, section lane line, Aig8Aag, continuous thin free end 7 chain thick dou0le dashed lines.

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No $Q1. 1raw a h% oc%cloid when the radius of the directing circle is twice the radius of generating circle. Radius of the generating circle is 3# mm. Q2. 1raw the isometric ,iew of a regular he'agon of 2# mm side when it is laced with its surface 2i3 ,ertical and 2ii3 horiAontal. Q3. .' lain de,elo ment of solid, lateral surface of solid 7 attern.

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No $(
Q1. Construct the in,olute of a entagon of 22 mm side. Q2. 1raw isometric ro+ection of a circle of #0mm diameter with its surface arallel to (). Q3. 6rite: 2i3 "olids 0ounded 0% )lane surfaces: 2ii3 "olids 0ounded 0% "ingle8cur,ed surfaces: 2iii3 "olids 0ounded 0% 1ou0le cur,ed surfaces:

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No "#
Q1. 1raw the cur,e traced out 0% an end of a thin wire unwound from a regular he'agon of side 1# mm, the wire 0eing ke t taught. Q2. 1raw the ro+ections of a regular entagonal rism side of 0ase 30mm and a'is ## mm resting with its 0ase on () such that one of its rectangular face is er endicular to *). Q3. .' lain )arallel line and Radial line de,elo ment of lateral surfaces of solids.

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No "$
Q1. & coir is unwound from a drum of 30 mm diameter. 1raw the locus of the free end of the coir for unwinding through an angle of 3900. Q2. & he'agonal %ramid, side of 0ase 30mm and height 90 mm rests with its 0ase on () such that one of the 0ase is arallel to and 10 mm in front of *). 1raw its ro+ections. Q3. .' lain rinci le of orthogra hic ro+ection.

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No ""
Q1. & oint mo,es awa% from the ole D and reaches a distance of 90mm while mo,ing around it once, its mo,ement from D 0eing uniform with its mo,ement around it. 1raw the cur,e traced out 0% the oint ). Q2. & he'agonal rism side of 0ase 2# mm and a'is 90 mm long, lies with one of its rectangular face on the () such that the a'is is er endicular to *). 1raw its ro+ections. Q3. 6ith s%m0ol of ro+ection, e' lain difference 0etween First angle 7 /hird angle method of ro+ection.

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No "% 1 Q1. 1raw an &rchimedian s iral of 1 con,olution when the greatest and shortest radii are $# mm and 1# mm 2
res ecti,el%. Q2. & he'agonal rism, edge of 0ase 20 mm and a'is #0 mm long, rests with its 0ase on () such that one of its rectangular face is arallel to *). 4t is cut 0% a lane er endicular to *), inclined at !#0 to () and assing through the right corner of the to face of the rism. 2i3 1raw the sectional to ,iew. 2ii3 1e,elo the lateral surfaces of the truncated rism. Q3..' lain rinci le of isometric ro+ection. 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No "'
Q1. & line &> measuring $0 mm has its end & 1# mm in front of *.). and 20 mm a0o,e (.). and other end > is 90 mm in front of *.). and #0 mm a0o,e (.). 1raw the ro+ections of the line and the inclination of line with 0oth the reference lane of ro+ections.

Q2. 1raw a ara0ola when the distance of focus from the directri' is 9 cm.
Q3. 6ith s%m0ol of ro+ection, e' lain difference 0etween First angle 7 /hird angle method of ro+ection.

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No "*
Q1. & line )Q has its end ), 10 mm a0o,e the () and 20 mm in front of *). /he end Q is 3# mm in front of *.) and the front ,iew of line measures $# mm. /he distance 0etween the end ro+ectors is #0 mm. 1raw the ro+ections of line and its length and true inclination with *) and (). Q2. Construct a conic when the distance of a oint ) 0etween the directri' and focus is a constant of 90mm. 1raw the cur,e if the eccentricit% is #/3. Q3. 6hat do %ou mean 0% de,elo ment of surfacesE

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No "+
Q1. 1raw the de,elo ment of the com lete surface of a c%lindrical coil drum. /he diameter of the drum is ## mm and height is 50 mm. Q2. & oint ) mo,es in such a wa% that its distance from a fi'ed straight line is F units while its distance from a fi'ed oint is alwa%s $ units. 1raw the cur,e 0% choosing at least 10 oints. &ssume that the distance 0etween the fi'ed straight line is 30 mm from the fi'ed oint. Q3. 6hat are different methods of de,elo mentE

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No ",
Q1.1raw the isometric ,iews of a rectangle )QR" of siAe 30mm'90mm. Q2. & circle of !# mm diameter rolls along the inside of another circle of 150 mm diameter. 1raw the ath descri0ed 0% a oint on the circumference of rolling circle for one com lete re,olution. Q3. 6hat are the relati,e osition of o0+ect, lane of ro+ection and e%e, in anticlockwise s%stem of ro+ection.

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No "Q1.1raw the isometric ,iews of a circular lamina of 90 mm diameter when the surfaces is laced 2i3 horiAontal and 2ii3 ,ertical. Q2. & circle of #0 mm diameter rolls on the circumference of another circle of 1$# mm diameter and outside it. &ssuming there is no sli , trace the locus of the oint on the circumference of the rolling circle for one com lete re,olution. Q3. .' lain 2i3 "C&?. 1:1 2ii3 "C&?. @:1 2iii3 "C&?. 1:@

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No "(
Q1. 1raw the isometric ,iew of a c%linder of diameter !0mm and length 90 mm, if it is resting on one of its circular 0ases. Q2. 1raw an in,olute of a triangle &>C whose sides ha,ing lengths of &>=!0 mm, >C=30 mm and C&= #0mm.. Q3. 6rite engineering a lication of .lli se and )ara0olic cur,es.

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No %#
Q1. & cone of diameter #0 mm and height 90mm is laced on the horiAontal lane with its a'is ,ertical. 1raw its isometric ,iew. Q2. 1raw an in,olute of a regular he'agon of side 30mm. Q3. 6rite engineering a lication of (% er0olic and C%cloidal cur,es.

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No %$
Q1. 1raw the de,elo ment of the surface of a rectangular rism 0ase 30 mm ' !# mm sides and a'is 90 mm long, ha,ing a shorter edge of the 0ase arallel to *). Q2. 1raw an in,olute of circle of #0 mm diameter. Q3. .' lain 2i3 ol%hedral solid 2ii3 "olids of re,olution 2iii3 Frustums and /runcated "olids

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No %"
Q1. 1raw the de,elo ment of the lateral surface of a entagonal rism of 20 mm 0ase and $# mm height, resting on the ground with one of its 0ase arallel to *). Q2. 1raw an &rchimedian s iral of 1 res ecti,el%. Q3. .' lain 4sometric "cale.

1 con,olution when the greatest and shortest radii are $# mm and 1# mm 2

JODHPUR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & Technology B.Tech I Sem pract cal E!am "#$%&$' $#() Pract cal Geometry Set No %%
Q1. & cone of 0ase !0 mm diameter and a'is $0mm long has one of its generators on the (). & lane containing that generator and the a'is is er endicular to (). 1raw its ro+ections. Q2.& oint mo,es awa% from the ole D and reaches a distance of 90mm while mo,ing around it once, its mo,ement from D 0eing uniform with its mo,ement around it. 1raw the cur,e traced out 0% the oint ). Q3. 6hat are the use of c%cloidal and s iral cur,esE

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