7 Powerful Bible Names of God With Meaning

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7 Powerful Bible Names of God with Meaning


Biblical Judgment: What Could it Look Like For the United States? What Do Coptic Christians Belie e? !

7 Powerful Bible Names of God with Meaning

"ctober #$% &'#((2013-10-17T19:31:04+00:00) B) Jack Wellman<http://www.patheos.com/blogs/chr st a!cr er/a"thor/#wellma!/$

*od has man) names mentioned in the Bible+ ,ach one has a particular meaning+ What are some o- the most po.er-ul names o- *od and their associated meaning?

ELOHIM Gods irst Name !e"ealed

/he 0irst name that *od re ealed to us comes in the Book o- *enesis+ 1t is ,L"213 and in *enesis #:# it re-ers to the /rinit) -or ,L2"13 is plural and sa)s 41n the beginning *od 5,L"2136 created the hea ens and the earth+7 We kno. this is plural because .hen *od created mankind% 2e said 4Let Us make man in "ur o.n image% according to "ur likeness7 8*en #:&9a:+ ;otice that *od said let 4Us7 make man in 4"ur7 image+ 1- there .ere onl) "ne *od then 2e .ould surel) ha e said% 4Let 3e make man in 3) image7 but 2e did not+ 1n -act in the account o- creation all /hree <ersons o- the /rinit) .ere in ol ed+ *od=s name% ,L"213 could be thought o- as a -amil) name to gi e )ou the idea that there is more than one+ 3) -amil) name is Wellman+ We are one -amil) but three persons+ Bad analog) 1 kno. but it is hoped that )ou might understand this concept better+ ,L"213 is *od in /hree <ersons and is *od=s name that is associated .ith Creation because the <salmist .rote that 4/he hea ens declare the glor) o- *od5,L"21367 8#>:#:+

#H$H% I &M
/his is the name re ealed to 3oses .hen 3oses asked .hat name he should gi e to the 1sraelites i- the) asked .hat 2is name .as+ /his is the same title that Jesus used man) times in the great 41 ?3=s7 during 2is earthl) ministr)+ 1t is the 4Sel-@,Aistent "ne+7 We are human beings but *od is simpl) 4Being7 meaning 2e had no beginning and .ill 2e ha e no ending+ B2W2 is a /etragrammaton and contains no o.els+ 1n -act% *od=s name .as so hol) that the Je.s .ould not e en dare to sa) it and e en toda)% man) "rthodoA Je.s .ill not e en spell it out but pre-er to spell it 4*Cd7 because o- their re erence -or it+ *od told 3oses to tell them% 41 ?3 that 1 ?37 or 1 am the Sel-@,Aistent% Uncreated "ne meaning that 41 ha e al.a)s been and .ill al.a)s be+7 Some 2ebre. scholars belie e it .as spelled ,2B,2 but no one can sa) -or certain and the pronunciation o- this sacred name has been lost in time+ 1t could also be stated as 41 ?3 2, W2" 1S7 8,D (:#E:+ /he 2ebre. erb -orm o- 2a)ah is 4to be7 so this is closel) related to B2W2+

&'ON&I (he Lord is Master

/he 2ebre. name ?D";?1 in ,nglish means Lord or 3aster+ 1t describes the Lordship o*od o er us as indi iduals+ ?don in the 2ebre. means master% ste.ard% o erseer% or Lord+ 1n the conteAt o- the "ld /estament ?D";?1 could be said to mean that *od is our 3aster% our " erseer and our Lord+ Jesus said that .hoe er )ou obe) is )our lord+ 1 could put it this .a)Fi- 2e is not Lord o- all 2e is not Lord at all+ What 1 mean b) this is that i- )ou obe) 2im then 2e is )our personal Lord but i- )ou don=t obe) 2im% then 2e is not reall) )our Lord and )ou are actuall) a child o- the De il and a essel o- .rath 8Gom &:HI ,ph &:(I John (:(J@(9:+ Bou cannot claim *od as )our Lord i- )ou do not obe) 2im+ 2e is ?D";?1 K )our 3aster K or 2e is not+ 1- 2e is not% then )ou presentl) ha e the .rath o- *od still abiding on )ou+

1 din 4

12/29/2013 12:36 AM

7 Powerful Bible Names of God with Meaning


)EHO*&H )I!EH (he Lord $ill Pro"ide

J,2"L?2 J1G,2 is speci0icall) speaking about sal ation -or in *enesis &&% *od pro ided a ram to be sacri0iced a-ter the ?ngel o- the Lord stopped the kni-e in ?braham=s hand -rom killing 1saac+ /his .as prophetic too because the Lord *od .ould pro ide the <er-ect and Supreme Sacri0ice o- the Lamb o- *od in Jesus Christ+ ?t the same spot .here ?braham .as .illing to sacri0ice his o.n son is the same place that *od did sacri0ice 2is "ne and "nl) UniMue Son% Jesus Christ+ /hat place .as .here Cal ar) .asN 1t is not ironic but intentional+ /he Lord pro ided -or us Jesus Christ so that .e could be restored to a right relationship .ith *od that our sin had caused us to be separated+ *enesis &&:#E is literall) translated in the 2ebre. to read 4?nd ?braham called the place O/he@Lord@Will@<ro ide=5J,2"L?2 J1G,26 as it is said to this da)% 1n the 3ount o- the Lord it shall be pro ided+7 /he 4shall be7 is prophetic and points to Christ Jesus thousands o- )ears later and in that same spot .here the Father .ould pro ide -or us Jesus Christ Who ga e 2is o.n li-e .illingl) Pust as ?braham .as .illing to gi e the li-e o- 1saac+ /his is .h) this is one o- the most po.er-ul names o- *od that 2e gi es us+

EL +H&''I& (he &lmight, God

,L is part o- *od=s name and .hen )ou add S2?DD1? )ou are literall) sa)ing *od ?lmight) or the *od o- the 3ountains+ 3ountains almost al.a)s re-er to the nations in the Bible+ *od is not onl) the *od o- ?braham% 1saac% and Jacob but o- the entire .orldFo- all the nations+ /his eApresses the "mnipotence o- *od+ When ?braham and Sarah .ere past natural child@ bearing age% *od told 2im that 41 ?3 ?lmight) *od 5,L S2?DD1?67 and that 4those .ho d.ell in the secret place o- the 3ost 2igh shall abide under the shado. o- the ?lmight) 5,L S2?DD1?67 8<salm >#:#:+ /his is .here ,L S2?DD1? is used and .h) the translators o- the 2ebre. used the .ord ?lmight)+ ,L S2?DD1? is so ereign o er all the earth% o er all the nations% o er all things in -act+ /he ?lmight) is might) o er all there is in the uni erse and in hea en .hich includes the angels% including Satan and the -allen angels 8demons:+

)EHO*&H +H&LOM (he Lord is Pea-e

1 like this one because it makes me think about Gomans J:# .hich sa)s 4/here-ore% since .e ha e been Pusti0ied through -aith% .e no. ha e peace .ith *od through our Lord Jesus Christ+7 <eace is good+ Wrath is not+ We had the .rath o- *od abiding on us until .e repented% con-essed our sins% and placed our trust in Christ+ /he .rath o- *od .as placed on Jesus -or us i- .e ha e trusted in 2im+ 1- .e ha e not% *od=s .rath still abides on us -or 4Whoe er belie es in the Son has eternal li-eI .hoe er does not obe) the Son shall not see li-e% but the .rath o- *od remains on him7 8John (:(9:+ /hat is .h) 4there is no. no condemnation -or those .ho are in Christ Jesus7 8Gom H:#:+ J,2"L?2 S2?L"3 is used in Judges 9:&E .here 4*ideon built an altar there to the Lord and called it% /he Lord 1s <eace 5J,2"L?2 S2?L"36+ /o this da) it still stands at "phrah% .hich belongs to the ?bieQrites+7 /he Lord is <eace -or those .ho are 2is o.nI other.ise 2e is opposed to )ou 8James E:9:+

)EHO*&H !OHI (he Lord is m, +he.herd

1- )ou are not sa ed% then the Lord is not )our Shepherd+ Jesus kno.s .hose sheep are 2is o.n and 2e kno.s them b) name and the) kno. 2is oice 8John #':(@E:+ 1- )ou are not o2is 0lock% then 2e is not )our Shepherd+ /his is the name gi en b) Da id .hen he .rote the &(rd <salm+ 1- the Lord is )our Shepherd 5J,2"L?2 G"216% then 2e .ill make )ou to lie do.n in green pastures and not bro.n patches+ 2is rod 8-or protection: and 2is sta-- 8-or keeping the sheep in the 0lock: .ill com-ort )ou+ 1- J,2"L?2 G"21 is )our Shepherd% then 2e .ill lead )ou to still 8calm: .aters and )ou can drink -rom the li ing .ater and )ou .ill ne er thirst again 8John $:($@(>:+ 1- 2e is )our Shepherd then 2e .ill take )ou through the alle)s o- the shado. o- darkness+ 1- there are shado.s that means at least there is light some.here

2 din 4

12/29/2013 12:36 AM

7 Powerful Bible Names of God with Meaning


near+ Bour Shepherd .on=t take )ou out o- the alle)s% 2e .on=t keep )ou -rom the alle)s or 2e .on=t make )ou pass around the alle)s but 2e .ill take )ou through the alle)s and not lea e )ou there+ /hat is .hat the &(rd <salm sa)s+ 2e .on=t keep us out o- the alle)s but 2e .ill take us through them and go .ith us through them in the path o- 2is righteousness 8& Cor J:&#: and goodness and merc) .ill -ollo. us as .e .alk in this path and this path .ill e entuall) bring us into the house o- the Lord and there shall .e d.ell .ith 2im -ore er and e er+ /hat is i- he is )our J,2"L?2 G"21 or )our Shepherd+

3a)be )ou ha e names o- *od .hich )ou pre-er abo e those 1 ha e gi en+ 1- )ou do% )ou likel) ha e personal reasons -or them+ /ell us .hat the) are and .h)+ Whiche er name )ou pre-er -or *od% )ou can pra) to a *od that is al.a)s .illing to -orgi e )ou and to cleanse )ou -rom all )our sins 8# John #:>: ho.e er this -orgi eness is conditional+ *od gi es merc) to those .ho repent o- their sins and li-est)le% turn to 2im and con-ess their sins% see their desperate need -or the Sa ior% and place their trust in Christ Who alone can sa e 8?cts E:#&:+ /here is no other .a) to be sa ed+ 2e is the onl) .a) to the Father 8John 9:EE:+ 1n )our pra)er li-e% .h) not pra) to 2im in the man) names gi en .hich are all descripti e attributes o- 2is 2oliness% "mnipotence 8all po.er-ul:% "mnipresence 8present e er).here: and "mniscience 8all kno.ing:+ Whate er )our name is% Jesus .ill sa e )ou+ 2e is .aiting+ Will )ou come to 2im toda) and be sa ed .hile it is still called 4toda)7 8& Cor 9:&:?

<http://wp.patheos.com.s3.amazonaws.com/blogs /christiancrier/ iles/2013/03/JackWellman.jpeg &rti-le b, Pastor )a-0 $ellman

Jack Wellman is Senior Writer at What Christians Want to Rno.<http://www.whatchr st a!swa!tto%!ow.com/$ .hose mission is to eMuip% encourage% and energiQe Christians and to address Muestions about the belie er=s dail) .alk .ith *od and the Bible+ Bou can -ollo. Jack on *oogle <lus<https://pl"s.google.com/11&3379'1(&43(2(732(&/posts$ or check out his book Blind Chance or 1ntelligent Design<www.ama)o!.com/e*ec/ob +os/,-.//144'(77947/$

#ou ma, also li0e %



Biblical Judgment: What Could it Look Like For the United States? What Do Coptic Christians Belie e? ! &bout )a-0 $ellman
3 din 4 12/29/2013 12:36 AM

7 Powerful Bible Names of God with Meaning


1 comment



This is very good information, in particular for those who are looking to name a child. It is a limited list though. For a more extensive list offering many more names and their meanings and see the Book of Baby Names www.book of baby names.com

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4 din 4

12/29/2013 12:36 AM

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