Another Old " in The News" Document Circa 2004-05

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Ichiro Suzuk

Lebron James

Philip A. Kok

Tsunami! George Bush Jr.

& Mustard Seed Ministries


In the !

Tragedy At the Cathedral 12/17/04

Inauguratio n!

Mustard Seed Ministry In the :


(April 2004-September,2005) Unless Otherwise !ted, "In the # is Pr!$ided by %he &!ll!win' (ell Ph!ne )in*ed +ireless +eb Pr!$iders, and is Sele,ted -!r Interest Sa*e . at the /is,reti!n !- 01P1 2!* . Mustard Seed Ministries 3and s!metimes t! hi'hli'ht the auda,ity !- s!me pr!$iders)1 Opini!ns d! !t e,essarily 4e-le,t %he 5iewp!int !r Perspe,ti$e !- Mustard Seed Ministries, !r 6'reement1 67( , MS 7( , ew 8!r* %imes, 8ah!! , US6 %!day, 9am1,!m, 6nan!$a 36 7ritish Pr!$ider), :SP Sp!rts, (7S Sp!rtsline, Sp!rts-eed 3+M)); and 6P $ia "%ell M:# at 1-<00-555-<=55

Mustard Seed Ministry is a Subsidiary of Mustard Seed Ministries Inc., a Christian Organization

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6P4I) 200> 6pril 11, 200> (!nd!lee?a 4i,e S!ny Pi,tures Pur,hases (lar*e 7!!* "6'ainst 6ll :nemies# /!?ens dead1trapped in 4ussian Mine 7last 6l @uaeda mem! sh!ws &7I suspe,ted hiAa,* pl!t 3 7ush was aware by P/7) (!ry Spin*s wins -i'ht 6pril 1B, 200>C11a -an -ell -r!m the baseball standsCtryin' t! ,at,h the hist!ry DD1Es ,areer h!me run hit by 7arry 7!nds11 the -an -ell 20 -eet

landin' !n his wrists11 and su--ered a la,erati!n t! his head11 the ball ended up splashin' int! the San &ran,is,! bay111111111111 <) !n an island in the middle !- the Indian O,ean is the w!rldEs lar'est raised ,!ral at!ll 1000Es !- 'iant t!rt!ises r!am11and hu'e r!bber ,rabs11the w!rldEs lar'est anthr!p!ds up t! = -eet in len'th s,!ur the bea,hes able t! rip !pen ,!,!nut shells with the pin,ersC1 +hite thr!ated rails the last sur$i$in' -li'htless bird !- the Indian O,ean wander the island 11 Faw*sbill and 'reen turtles ,!me in the 1000Es t! breedC 200 plant spe,ies waters teemin' with li-e shar*s 11 stin'rays, 'r!upers11aldabra 11al!n' with the Galapa'!s Island is !ne !- the w!rldEs 'reatest natural treasures 11n!w this is threatened say ,!nser$ati!nist due t! plans !- the Sey,helles '!$ernment t! build C1111111111111tw! -raternity br!thers &riday were senten,ed t! ,!mmunity ser$i,e but es,aped Aail -!r stealin' and eatin' a Aumb! '!ld-ish at the Uni$ersity !- (ali-!rnia Santa (ru?11 11the men were drun* when they snat,hed the 1< in,h 2!i -ish whi,h was re-erred t! b!th as Midas . G!ldie and li$ed in a uni$ersity !- !wned p!nd the men -ried the '!ld -ish and -ed t! -raternity pled'es last year as part !- their senten,e ea,h man will ha$e t! w!r* -!rty h!urs at a 0apanese Cinstitute that has a p!nd -illed with 2!i11 the in,ident was -ilin' -!r the M%5 series -raternity li-e but ne$er aired11 111111111111111 6 &!rt Meyers &l!rida teen has been ,har'ed with hirin' an under,!$er p!li,eman t! sh!!t and *ill his m!ther while instru,tin' the purp!rted hitman n!t t! dama'e the -amily tele$isi!n 1111111111111111111m!re than a ,entury a-ter they died the men !- the (SS Funley are -inally bein' laid t! rest11 the ,!n-ederates had a primiti$e submarine at their disp!sal durin' the (i$il +ar and was the -irst submarine t! sin*

an!ther ship11 but in the pr!,ess it als! Csan* itsel-11 *illin' the < men wh! $!lunteered -!r the missi!n11 a -uneral ,erem!ny will be held -!r the men this wee* at (harlest!nEs hist!ri, Ma'n!lia ,emetery 111111 the a$era'e retail pri,e -!r a 'all!n !- 'as has hit a re,!rd !- H11<0 said 666 !n Saturday while in (ali-!rnia the a$era'e is ,l!ser t! H2115 11111the b!dy !- /ru SA!din 11the Uni$ersity !- !rth /a*!ta student was -!und in Minnes!ta11, 5 m!nths a-ter she disappeared -r!m the par*in' l!t !- a 1 /a*!ta Sh!ppin' mall where she was an empl!yee at 5i,t!riaEs Se,ret11the 7!dy was -!und in a dit,h in (r!!*st!n, M , the h!met!wn !- the suspe,ted *iller1111111an F) player, Mi*e /ant!n !- the St1 )!uis 7lues has been arrested in ,!nne,ti!n with an alle'ed murder--!r-hire s,heme1 a,,!rdin' t! a ,riminal ,!mplaint -iled in -ederal ,!urt, /ant!n, a'e 2=, and a w!man -a,e ,har'es !,!nspirin' and usin' a teleph!ne a,r!ss state lines t! set up a murder1 %he &7I said /ant!n wanted s!meb!dy t! *ill a man hired t! *ill him, and that he hat,hed a pl!t -!r the hitman t! *ill the hitman and ma*e it l!!* li*e tw! bur'lars had br!*en in111111111> 6-ri,an mi'rants dr!wned tryin' t! rea,h SpainEs (anary Islands Saturday when the b!ats ,rashed int! ea,h !ther and ,apsi?ed1 %w! pers!ns were missin' in,ludin' a B m!1 Old babyC 6pril 25, 200> /ru SA!din, &alluAah1:uphrates 4i$er, U1S1 Oil +!r*ers in i'eria German Shepherd /!'12< '!l- balls1 Mi*e +!rdr!p1 1 :n'land 0ane 2ee-e---10 -!!t alli'at!r 9> years !ldC Pat %illmanI*illed in a,ti!n, St1 )!uis (ardinals, :li Mannin'-Peyt!n, 6r,hie, (har'ers, 'iants,

O%F:4 Sad st!ry !- yearI'al in ,!ma a-ter bein' beaten by !thers a-ter she *issed an!ther 'irls b!y-riend !n a dare1 i,!le %!wnes in 7altim!re1 Sad St!ryIthe 'al dra''ed t! death by the slee$e !- her Aa,*et whi,h '!t ,au'ht in the d!!r a-ter she was dr!pped !-- -!r s,h!!l -r!m &resn!11Iman *illed wi-e !r wi$es . ,hildren, s!me !- wh!m were !ne and the same 3s! t! spea*) 1 he was the -ather . 'rand-ather !- s!me !- the ,hildren M68 200> 51210> Supreme (!urt 0usti,e /a$id S!uter 'ets assaulted; 2entu,*y /erby, --Smarty 0!nes wins; :mily 8?a'uirre a'e 9 es,apes -r!m w!uld be *idnapper; %eJas &l!!ds; F!tel &ire-4!meISp!tli'htI !rman 0a,*s!n &li'ht b!mberI)an,aster, F!n!r 2illin'sI %ur*ey11 )a*ers-6n'els, %i'ers, 8an*ees1 9 Fubble <) st!,*s B) +eather , 10 2!r!nebur' K4enaissan,e &aire11 51B10>-L IraMi abuse, /e-ense se,retary 4ums-eld, Psy,h!l!'ists !pini!ns, Philip Nimbard!IStan-!rd Uni$ersity, Pal! 6lt!, 7lue 4!ses 3)i$er :n?yme), Fydr!'en &uel 3,!n$erter), Farry %ruman 3"bu,* st!ps here#), )a*ers, /in!saurI$ernesh!t, the Sasser w!rmI1< year !ld b!y in Germany, F), %ampaPhilly, 6n'elsIbest re,!rd, 511D10>I 6lle'ati!ns !- Pris!ner abuse ,!ntinue111 Pr!stheti, )imbs -!r 6mputated Pris!ners11

7ra?ilI== pers!ns die in plane ,rash, pr!peller air,ra-t /id 6l-NarMuawi behead i,* 7er'L (uban Pr!test a'ainst U1S1 sMuee?e111 /aily Mirr!r admits -raudulent ph!t!s111 :dit!r Piers M!r'an 4esi'ns111 2 /is, 0!,*eys -ired -!r lau'hin' ab!ut beheadin' !- i,* 7er'11 76 Game !- the +ee* )a*ers $1 Spurs last sh!t 1> se,!nds by /ere* &isher 7aseballI6n'els *eep winnin' 512>10> 7ush inAures sel- !n bi*e /id U1S1 b!mb a +eddin' party1,erem!nyL Suspi,i!us a,ti$ity !n the 8IPhilly- +ashin't!n 4ail (!rrid!r 7limp ,rashes in )as 5e'as1 4e''ie 0a,*s!nEs 0ersey retired1 )a*ers beat Spurs, win -irst 'ame a'ainst the %+!l$es1 Pris!ners released in IraM ew /in!saur dis,!$ered in s!uthern M!ntana1 51=010> MeJ!ryl--- a p!wer-ul sunbl!,* ,hemi,al Pat %ilmanI*illed by -riendly -ireL 6meri,an 6irlines attendant Gay +ils!n 6rrested -!r pennin' a b!mb n!te )ibyaIn!t sure where missin' nu,lear parts are Garden Gr!$e Strawberry &esti$al 515 :arthMua*e in Iran = (hildren dead1de,apitated in 7altim!re Smarty 0!nes Pa,ers-Pist!ns 6m Military 5ets1 ew Mem!rial in +ash /1(1

0U : 200>

I4!nald 4ea'an has died at a'e B=I!n Saturday in his 7el-6ir h!me, the nati!ns >0th president t!ld the w!rld in !$ember !- 1BB> that he had been dia'n!sed with early sta'es !- 6l?heimerEs , an in,urable illness that destr!ys brain ,ells1 Fis b!dy was eJpe,ted t! be ta*en t! his presidential library . museum in Simi 5alley, (6 and then -l!wn t! +ashin't!n t! lie in state in the ,apit!l r!tunda1 Fis -uneral is eJpe,ted t! be at the ati!nal (athedral and then the b!dy returned t! (ali-!rnia -!r a sunset burial at the library1 4ea'an li$ed l!n'er than any U1S1 President, and spent his last de,ade in se,lusi!n be,ause !- the disease1 Sur$i$in' eJpresidents t!day in,lude Gerald &!rd, 0immy (arter, Ge!r'e 7ush Sr1, and 7ill (lint!n1 6 m!nth a'! an,y 4ea'an t!ld the media that O4!nnieEs l!n' A!urney has -inally ta*en him t! a pla,e where I ,an n! l!n'er rea,h him# 4ea'anEs !ldest dau'hter, Maureen, -r!m his -irst marria'e t! 0ane +yman died in 6u'ust 2001 at a'e D0 -r!m (an,er1 7y the wayIshe had been s,heduled as a 'uest spea*er at the (are . 2indness ,!n-eren,e at the (rystal (athedral -!r 2002 until her uneJpe,ted death1 %hree !ther ,hildren sur$i$e, ad!pted s!n, Mi,hael, -r!m his -irst marria'e, Patti /a$is and 4!n -r!m his 2nd marria'e , -r!m E<1 t!E<B 4ea'an reshaped the 4epubli,an party reshaped the 4epubli,an party in his ,!nser$ati$e ima'e, -iJed his eyes !n the demise !- the S!$iet Uni!nIand :1 :ur!pe ,!mmunism and tripled the nati!nal debt t! = trilli!n in his sin'leminded ,!mpetiti!n with the !ther super p!wer1 7e-!re 4ea'an be,ame president he had been in$!l$ed in radi! br!ad,astin', a,tin', tele$isi!n per-!rmin' and n!w is a sp!*espers!n

-!r General :le,tri, (!1 as well as a tw! term '!$ern!r -!r the state !- (ali-!rnia1 4e'an was *n!wn -!r his str!n' !pini!n ab!ut needin' t! d!wns,ale '!$ernment sayin' '!$ernment is n!t the s!luti!n, itEs the pr!blem1 Fe ,hallen'ed wel-are and !ther hand!ut pr!'rams that had been started by &/4Es ew /eal1 Fe mana'ed als! t! a,hie$e arms ,!ntr!l a'reement between the U1S1 6nd the S!$iet Uni!n 1 Fe was ,riti,i?ed -!r suspi,i!ns that he had auth!ri?ed se,ret arms sales t! Iran while see*in' their aid t! 'ain release !- 6meri,an h!sta'es in )eban!n1 /espite that, he le-t !--i,e in 1B<B with the hi'hest p!pularity ratin's !- any retirin' president in the hist!ry !- m!dern day publi, !pini!n p!lls 3a,,!rdin' t! 67(), %he reas!n -!r his p!pularity, s!me say, was his ability t! ,!mmuni,ate and ,!nne,t with !rdinary 6meri,ans e$en th!u'h s!me !- his p!li,ies in-uriated the liberals1 6t a'e DB, 4ea'an was the !ldest pers!n e$er ele,ted president1 Fe ,ame ,l!se t! death when he was stru,* by at least !ne !- siJ bullets -iredIwhi,h ,ame ,l!se t! his heart1 On Mar,h =0, 1B<1, 4e'an was lea$in' a +ashin't!n F!tel a-ter addressin' lab!r leaders when a y!un' dri-ter 0!hn Fin,*ley -ired siJ sh!ts at him1 Fis wit e$en in times !- 'ra$ity is sh!wn by his ,!mment t! his wi-e1 Sh!rtly later, sayin', O/ear, I -!r'!t t! /u,*1# 6n!ther time as he was '!in' in -!r sur'ery he Muipped t! the sur'e!ns, " I h!pe y!u are all 4epubli,ans1# &!ur years later he was re-ele,ted, de-eatin' +alter M!ndale, while winnin' >B !- 50 states1 6t the time !his death 4e'an was apparently at a sta'e !li-e when he ,!uld n! l!n'er spea*, -eed himsel-, !r re,!'ni?e his -amily1 President 7ush was in Paris at the time !- his death and said, "ItEs a sad day -!r 6meri,a1# 6ll

'!$ernment buildin's are !rdered t! -ly the -la's at hal--mast -!r thirty days1 4ea'anEs p!liti,s were *n!wn as "4ea'an!mi,s# and was hi'hli'hted by his s!-,alled "%ri,*led!wn the!ry# 1 /espite ,riti,ism, 4ea'an was able t! de-le,t and be,ause !- his thi,* s*in, be,ame *n!wn as the %e-l!n president1 Fis t!u'h tal* a'ainst the "e$il empire# !- the S!$iet Uni!n br!u'ht him supp!rt at h!me and abr!ad1 S!me ,redit him -!r hastenin' the demise !,!mmunism ar!und the w!rld1 4ea'an was b!rn !n &ebruary D, 1B11, in the little t!wn !%ampi,!, Illin!is his -ather was a sh!e salesman wh! dran* his slim pr!-its, and the -amily m!$ed !-ten1 Fis m!ther was $ery reli'i!ns and raised 4!n and his br!ther eil in the /is,iples !- (hrist ,hur,h1 4!nald was athleti,, a li-e'uard, a -!!tball player and parti,ipated in drama1 Fe 'raduated with a ba,hel!rEs de'ree in e,!n!mi,s and s!,i!l!'y1 Fe was a radi! ann!un,er -!r a while and was *n!wn as "/ut,h#, albeit apparently had Irish herita'e 1 )ater, he a,ted in m!$ies su,h as "7edtime -!r 7!n?!# as well as "2in'Es 4!w# and "2nute 4!,*ne: 6ll 6meri,an# whi,h led t! his ni,*name, "%he Gipper# be,ause !- his p!!r eyesi'ht1 4e'an was ineli'ible -!r ,!mbat duty , s! he spent the war years in )!s 6n'eles ma*in' army trainin' -ilms and patri!ti, -eatures, alth!u'h -!r a while he apparently hun' ar!und with a ,!mmunist sympatheti, 'r!up and he was president !- the s,reen a,t!rEs 'uild -r!m 1B>9-1BD01 F!we$er, his se,!nd wi-e, 6,tress, an,y /a$is 4ea'an en,!ura'ed him in the 4epubli,an dire,ti!n and 4ea'an ended up parti,ipatin' with the &7I and Senat!r :u'ene M,(arthy in the bla,*lists !- alle'ed ,!mmunists in F!llyw!!d1 4ea'an was ele,ted '!$ern!r in 1BDD and ser$ed tw! terms1 Fis

bi''est ,!ntr!$ersy was the arran'ement he made with Iran t! sell the army in eJ,han'e -!r release !- h!sta'es -r!m )eban!n 3 !r help in pr!,urin' their release)1 %he army s!ld t! Iran apparently were 'i$en t! ri'ht-win' ,!ntra 'uerilla in i,ara'ua whi,h led t! the in$!l$ement !- Oli$er !rth, 4ea'an ,!ntended he had n! idea what Oli$er !rth was d!in'1 Fe le-t !--i,e at a time !- hi'h pr!sperity -!r the ati!nIand it wasnEt until many years later that the e--e,ts !- a hu'e -ederal de-i,it and sa$in's . l!an ,risis were -elt1 8ah!! rep!rts that early in his ,areer analysts had lau'hed him !-- as a shall!w sh!w business bu--!!nIall 'rin and p!mp1 (lar* Gi--!rd ,alled him an amiable dun,e1 !netheless, 4ea'an was the answer t! ,!nser$ati$e prayers, -!ll!win' in 7arry G!ldwaterEs -!!tsteps 1 Fis partin' ,!mments -r!m the presidentEs !--i,e were "+e meant t! ,han'e a nati!n, instead we ,han'ed a w!rld1# /espite 6l?heimers, he was till able t! write !n !$ember 5, 1BB>, "+hen the )!rd ,alls me h!me I will lea$e with the 'reatest l!$e -!r this ,!untry !- !urs and eternal !ptimism -!r its -uture1 I *n!w that -!r 6meri,a there will always be a bri'ht dawn ahead# 1 I additi!n t! the sur'ery -!r 'unsh!t w!unds1 4ea'an was als! str!n' in his p!siti!n a'ainst terr!rists1 In 6pril , 1B<D he !rdered air stri*es !n )ibya1 Fe als! pr!te,ted 'ul- !il shippin' lanes durin' the Iran-IraM war, by ha$in' warships es,!rt U1S1 &la''ed 2uwaiti tan*ers 1 Fe in$aded Grenada in O,t1 1B<=, !ustin' a MarJist re'ime and res,uin' stranded 6meri,an s!ldiers111!n his -uneral ,rypt the mem!rial will read " I *n!w in my heart that man is '!!d, that what is ri'ht will always e$entually triumph, and thereEs a purp!se and w!rth t! ea,h and e$ery )i-e# Fe attended 7el-6ir

Presbyterian a-ter lea$in' the !--i,e1 %he -uneral ser$i,e will be at the ati!nal (athedral in +ashin't!n /1(1 at 11:=0 est1 4ea'an !n,e said, "I w!nder what the %en (!mmandments w!uld l!!* li*e I- M!ses had run them thr!u'h ,!n'ress -irst Mete!rite hits ew Neeland h!me11 = Peru Men l!st at Sea sur$i$e !n %urtle (assini ears Saturn se$en years a-ter lea$in' earth 11 (assini will release Fuy'ens t! land !n %itan in /e,ember111 at least =500 IraMis ha$e had their ears ,ut !-- by Fussein -!r desertin' the army in 1BB>11 11 )!!* up pipeline A!urney t! US in 8 %imes11S,ient!l!'y li*ened t! San &ran,is,! publi, s,h!!ls %eJas Man thr!ws w!man !-- !$erpass and then Aumps !-himsel-1111 )a*e (hester-ield in St1 )uis dries up111Mal!ne a,,used !- p!*in' %hree !--i,ers *illed in 7irmin'ham , 6)1EEE1111 6meri,an eJe,uti$e *illed in the /!mini,an 4epubli, 0une 1B, 200> they say Paul 0!hns!n was beheaded1 ShaMuille apparently says he wants t! be traded 0une 20, 200>I6l Muaeda ,laims it was Austi-ied in beheadin' Paul 0!hns!n be,ause e$en th!u'h he was n!t a member !- the military he w!r*ed !n military a$iati!n, and there-!re assisted the military, ---)a*ers are eJpe,ted t! !--er 2!be 7ryant 9 year ,!ntra,tI1>0 milli!n d!llarsI20 milli!n per year1 )a*ers say they will a,,!mm!date any trade demands !r reMuests re1 ShaM1 +hat ma*es 2!be di--erent is the -a,t that he 'rew up s!mewhere elseIn!t in 6meri,aIheEs n!t a typi,al !r true 6meri,an bla,*, --with the same semi-$eiled anti-white sentiments as many bla,* 6meri,ans1 --1--6l Muaeda is n!w h!ldin' a S1 2!rean man h!sta'e with demands that S1 2!rea pull !ut !- IraM !r else the s!ldier will be *illed1 IEm !n Fwy 1D, at < pm1 6n adult and tw!

,hildren are -!und deadIwashed up !n the sh!re !)a*e Mi,hi'anIall three tied t!'ether at the waistI whi,h says an !--i,er w!uld be eJpe,ted i- a b!at ,apsi?ed t! *eep ea,h !ther t!'ether1 6 !rthwest &li'ht mista*enly lands at :llsw!rth 6&7 rather than the ,!mmer,ial airp!rt in 4apid (ity1 %here is n! eJplanati!n -!r it1 6n arti,le ab!ut an Internet ,!mpany that $eri-ies Internet mail deli$ery, ,alled "/idtheyread it1,!m#1 In 1B95 there were !nly 250 bears le-t in 8ell!wst!ne, n!w it has d!ubled1 5ass!pressin is released when humans ha$e seJ1 %he siJ day warIanti-Semitism is at its hi'hest sin,e the h!l!,aust1 Man spends < years in an apartment until ele$at!r is -iJed1 7arry 7!nds has had B> wal*s in 59 'ames this year1 F!pe (lar* was arrested -!r alle'edly n!t payin' a -ine she '!t in 8ell!wst!ne -!r n!t ha$in' *ept a Aar !peanut butter and Aelly ,l!sed /ay < %uesday, 0une 22, 200> !n my wirelessIthey repeat that the S1 2!rean man was beheaded 0une 2>, 200> I 'et !n my wireless , 6P tells the st!ry !- the day 0!hn 2erry *illed !ne !- the 5iet,!n' in 5ietnam1 F: was assi'ned t! '! up !ne !- the ri$ers in a b!at with a -ew !ther s!ldiers and suddenly the ,ame up!n a 5iet,!n' with a r!,*et blaster--- !- s!me s!rtIwhi,h, i- laun,hed, w!uld bl!w up the b!at ---s! 2erry apparently 'a$e !rders t! "bea,h the b!at# s! as t! ma*e it imp!ssible -!r the man with the r!,*et laun,her t! arm it--the r!,*et apparently needin' a -ew m!re yards t! build up the speed needed t! -ly, and1!r the pers!n h!ldin' the laun,her unwillin' t! -ire in su,h ,l!se ran'e be,ause it w!uld pr!bably *ill him as well1 S! they bea,hed the b!at, and they say the laun,her man was still tryin' t! arm the thin'Iat whi,h p!int 2erry -elt it was ne,essary t! *ill him1 6nd he pulled !ut his 'un and sh!t him at

,l!se ran'e1 S!unds plausible, but---the Muesti!n is were these li*e the terr!rists we *n!w t!day wh! are willin' t! ,!mmit sui,ide -!r the ,ause1 In!t, it lessens the li*elih!!d that he was still tryin' t! -ire !r arm the 'un at that p!int1 1 0une 2=, 200>, 6P says that the s!ldier wh! a,,identally b!mbed the (anadians will n!t re,ei$e Audi,ial punishment1 Fe will re,ei$e military punishment, pr!bably thirty days !- ,!n-inement !r !ne m!nth !- missed pay1 0une 25, 200>1 a-ter the t!ur !- the t!wnI0ud'e (alabresis !- the 2nd (ir,uit (!urt !- 6ppeals has ap!l!'i?ed -!r ma*in' ,!mments that ,!mpare the ele,ti!n !- Ge!r'e 7ush t! that !- 6d!l- Fitler and Muss!lini1 %he ,!mment he says was meant t! ,!mpare the way 7ush '!t ele,ted n!t s! mu,h 7ush as similar t! Fitler !r Mus!lliniIthe Aud'e says that Muss!lini was app!inted di,tat!r by the 2in' !Italy and Fitler was app!inted by Findenbur'1 6pparently he ma*es the ,!mparis!n be,ause !- the ,l!seness !- the ele,ti!n, whi,h was ultimately determined by the ,!urtIwhi,h ,!n,luded nebul!usly that 7ush w!n1 6ls! 6P rep!rts that /i,* (heny, the $i,e-president, used the "- w!rd# t!wards Senat!r )eahy a-ter a ,!n'ress sessi!n, !$erheard by many1 %hereEs an arti,le !n the wireless ab!ut the 2!be 7ryant trialIand an a,,idental lea* !- a trans,ript -r!m a ,l!sed trial1 %he Aud'e subseMuently issued an !rder pr!hibitin' any publi,ati!n !- that trans,ript1 6nd the press is ,!ntestin' it t! the ,!urt !- appeals !n the basis !- "pri!r restraint# n!t bein' all!wed1 0U : 2D, 200> Saddam Fussein had his -irst appearan,e in (!urt, de,larin' that he is the President !- IraM, sayin' this is all ab!ut theatre

-!r 7ush1 (assini Pr!be d!in' eJa,tly what itEs supp!sed t! says 6S6M111Man with a Milli!n pennies in )!s 6n'eles1 Spain is pr!p!sin' t! d!uble their tr!!ps in 6-'hanistan1 , perhaps a dipl!mati, 'esture -!r heir planned pull!ut !- IraM1 Slept by (astle 7lu--I9-11---new ,!nd!minium ,!mpleJ 0une 29, 200> !n my wireless they say that n!w 6l @uaeda has *idnapped three %ur*ish s!ldiers and are threatenin' t! behead them as well i- they d!nEt with draw -r!m IraM1 %he president !- %ur*ey has $!wed he will n!t ne'!tiate with the terr!rists1 ---0!hn 2erry has ,an,elled a spea*in' en'a'ement -!r a May!rs ,!n$enti!nIbe,ause he re-uses t! ,r!ss a p!li,e pi,*et line1 %hereEs been an!ther Mt1 )i!n atta,* in (ali-!rniaIthis time ,entral1 %hey say there were >< deaths in s,h!!ls a,r!ss the ,!untry this yearI!ne !- the hi'hest years e$er1 %hereEs ab!ut a man ma*in' a new w!rld re,!rd in ta*in' a ph!t! !- 2900 nude pe!ple !n )a*e :rie1 Ge!r'e 7ush is at /r!m!land (astle1

0U)8 200> 0uly 2, 200> Marl!n 7rand! died1

0uly >, 200> Ia man is attemptin' t! '!l- a,r!ss M!n'!lia1 wireless Ithat this &ahrenheit B11 -ilm--- by Mi,hael M!!re is the Mi,hael M!!re wh! pr!du,ed "4!'er . Me# the d!,umentary ab!ut the ,l!sin' !- the aut! plants in &lint , Mi, his h!met!wn 0uly D, 200>- , the 6ustrian president died !n the e$en !- his retirement1 Gay -ilm pr!du,er 5!n Praunheim is ma*in' a m!$ie based !n the li-e !the -ell!w wh! wanted t! ha$e his penis eaten and

then *illed1 %his -ell!w als! made a -ilm entitled :(an I be y!ur bratwurst pleaseL# the runnin' !- the bulls in Pampl!na Spain starts +ednesday in the San &ermin -esti$al and pr!test!rs are strippin' in a nearby t!wn t! 'ain attenti!n , !r ta*e attenti!n away -r!m itI 0uly 9, 200>1 %riple Murder at Sam /!nalds!ns 4an,h1 )e!pards are *illin' pe!ple in 7!mbayIthey *illed ten pe!ple in !ne m!nth1 0uly <, 200> %here was a triple murder at the ran,h !- Sam /!nalds!nIthe %5 news,asterIthe s!n is suspe,ted !- *illin' his -ather, m!ther, and sister1 %hereEs a rep!rt ab!ut le!pards *illin' humans in 7!mbay IndiaI,!min' !ut !- the preser$e and in !ne m!th *illed ten pe!ple1 !w theyEre dumpin' pi's and ,hi,*ens and !ther animals int! the preser$e -!r the Aa'uars1 Ithis has t! be !ne !- the saddest st!ries IE$e heardIa pre'nant lady '!es !ut t! the bars with her -riendsIthey d!nEt *n!w sheEs pre'nant1 SheEs hi'h !n ,!,aine1 She 'i$es birth t! the baby in the bathr!!m unbe*n!wnst t! anyb!dy elseIwhen !ne !- her -riends ,!mes int! the bathr!!m she tells them she passed a *idney st!neIt! eJplain the bl!!d1 She stu--s the baby int! the trash ,an, lea$in' it there t! die1 She '!es h!me with her -riends, ,han'es ,l!thes and '!es !ut partyin' s!me m!re the same e$enin'1 )ater , s!meb!dy -inds the dead baby, and puts the pie,es !- the pu??le t!'ether1 SheEs arrested -!r murder1 %hat was in /en$er, (O, apparently the se,!nd instan,e !- its *ind in a -ew m!nths a 'r!up ,alled &I* -!r &!rests sp!ns!red a li$e seJual a,t !n sta'e at a ,!n,ert t! raise attenti!n t! the pr!blem !- de-!restati!n1 6n!ther sad st!ryIa man sues his wi-e -!r di$!r,e a-ter dis,!$erin' she is baldIapparently she had an illness at an early a'e

that ,aused her t! l!se her hair and w!re a wi' all the way thr!u'h their ,!urtship1 0uly 10, 200> , 6P rep!rts that s!me missin' nu,lear in-!rmati!n has been rep!rted at )!s 6lam!s1 6ls!, the 6ustralians ha$e dis,!$ered the ,hemi,al in sm!*e that ,auses seeds t! 'erminate1 %hereEs a st!ry ab!ut a man raised by ,hi,*ens ---in &iAiIapparently his parents l!,*ed him up in a ,hi,*en ,!!p at a y!un' a'e -!r eJtended peri!ds !- timeI!r permanentlyIand when he was dis,!$ered they t!!* him t! a psy,hiatri, h!spitalIand they l!,*ed him t! a bed in a ,!n-ined r!!mIs! he ,!ntinued t! a,t li*e a ,hi,*en -!r years be-!re a s!,ial w!r*er dis,!$ered him and is n!w d!in' therapy with him I ew 0ersey !- all pla,esIwhere I am ri'ht n!wIhas rati-ied 'ay marria'es1 7ush pr!p!ses an amendment t! st!p 'ay marria'es permanently1 I a'ree1 IthereEs an arti,le ab!ut s!,alled "F!n!r *illin's# in Pa*istan----when brides marry with!ut the permissi!n and arran'ement !-amilyIs!me !- the -amilies '! s! -ar as t! *ill their dau'hter1sisterIbe,ause it was d!ne with!ut permissi!n 1 0uly 12, 200> 4!nald 4ea'an 0r1 is n!w spea*in' !ut a'ainst Ge!r'e 7ush and his p!li,ies -!r '!in' t! war and als! -!r his re-usal t! -ederally -und stem ,ell resear,h1 (!n$i,ted rapist S,!tt Miller is h!ldin' a h!sta'e in a /elaware pris!n ri'ht n!w1 IIraM rebelsIwith the threat !- death i- the 7ul'arians d! n!t withdraw, are n!w h!ldin' s!me !the 7ul'arians h!sta'e 0uly 1>, 200 Ithe $!te !n an amendment t! ban 'ay marria'esIwas turned d!wn 50-><IOrrin Fat,h sp!*e !ut in -a$!r !- the amendment sayin' "I- pr!te,ti!n

!- marria'eI-!r male1-emale !nly d!esnEt deser$e pr!te,ti!n I d!nEt *n!w what d!es1 0uly 15, 200> Ithree *ids sur$i$ed a ,apsi?e but thereEs n! si'n !- their parents and in-ant sisterI they spent se$eral days !n deserted Islands !r in between swimmin' in 6ustraliaEs (ape 8!r* Peninsula near Papua ew Guinea Ka-ter their b!at ,apsi?edI their parents t!ld them t! swim -!r itIand they separated--16ls! IthereEs a st!ry ab!ut a ,!n-li,t in (hina ab!ut ",l!ud seedin'#EIa pr!,ess where they sh!!t s!me s!rt !- ,hemi,als int! the ,l!uds t! ma*e them rainIand n!w di--erent re'i!ns are ,laimin' ri'hts t! ,l!uds !r in-rin'ements !- th!se ri'hts'The (a(y (oomers largely manage% to onvert a histori ally uni)ue a%vantage in prosperity" e%u ation" an%*into nar issisti (light*it will ta+e fifty years to over ome the %amage wrought (y the (a(y (oomers# this -ell!w asserts1 %he writer is a sel- pr!,laimed hyphenated hippie-yuppie wh! 'rew up wanderin' at Fai'ht 6shburyIwhatEs Fai'ht 6shburyL 7!bby &is,her was arrested in 0apan a-ter bein' detained by airp!rt auth!rities -!r passp!rt dis,repan,ies1 6pparently 7!bby &is,her is still wanted in the U1S1 -!r $i!latin' san,ti!ns a'ainst 8u'!sla$ia many years a'!Iand played a ,hess mat,h there despite the then-,urrent san,ti!ns -!r whi,h he is still wanted1 Fe was tryin' t! '! t! the Philippines---n!w they are sendin' him ba,* t! the U1S1 I had ,!me a,r!ss s!methin' ab!ut him in PasadenaIhe p!sted s!methin' !n the internet indi,atin' he had been treated wr!n'ly by the Pasadena P!li,eIwhi,h d!esnEt surprise me +hat I didnEt *n!w is that 7!bby &is,her praised the Sept 11 atta,*sIthat surprises me 0uly 19, 200>--- the (I6 is bein' hi'hly ,riti,i?ed by (!n'ress and the (!mmittee -!rmed t!

!$ersee what went wr!n' that all!wed the B-11-01 atta,* t! !,,urC and it appears that a l!t !- p!wer will be ta*en away -r!m these s!-,alled intelli'en,e 1 0uly 1<, 200> Ithis is the 5th anni$ersary !- the death !- 0&2 0r1 ---wh! ,rashed in a plane with a -ew !thers a-ter ta*in' !-- -r!m MarthaEs 5ineyardI -i$e years a'!Ithey say he did a "death spiral# int! the waterIha$in' be,!me dis!riented in the !$er,ast weather K%im 7erners )eeIthe -!under !the +!rldwide +eb is bein' "*ni'hted# at 7u,*in'ham t!dayI-!r his a,hie$ements as the -!under !- the +eb1 +illiam 7ennetIadmitted t! bein' a hi'h sta*es 'ambler ab!ut a year a'!II didnEt hear ab!ut that thenI7ennet is the !r was the U1S1 Se,retary !:du,ati!n1 6i*en (!unty at 9>B p1m1 6n!ther '!!d !p at <1> pm :$ery 0uly 20 Germany remembers th!se wh! attempted t! *ill Fitler in a ,!up attempt- but -ailed Kthe b!mb *illed many !- th!se ar!und 6d!lbut n!t 6d!l- himsel-Iwh! apparently was uns,athed by itIand this led t! deadly reper,ussi!ns by Fitler a'ainst th!se he suspe,ted !- bein' a'ainst him1 6 si'n !n the side !- the r!ad says "Get us !ut !- the United ati!ns# 0!hn 7ir,h S!,iety1 6t <=> p1m1 %hereEs !ne !- th!se S!ni, /ri$e thru restaurants at <>>11 theyEre tal*in' ab!ut a (i$il +ar -!rt !n an island D< miles west !- 2ey +est &l!ridaI&!rt 0e--ers!n Kapparently bein' ra$a'ed by the seaIbut n!w bein' prepared -!r ren!$ati!nsIthe -!rt itsel- is 'i'anti,Ibi' en!u'h t! h!ld tw! ,!liseumsI!r a pr! -!!tball stadiumIit was used t! h!use pris!ners durin' the (i$il war1 %hereEs been a bi' din!saur b!ne dis,!$er near 6ra'!n Spain1 F!!dia ,a,tus has been dis,!$ered t! be an appetite suppressantI-!und in 6-ri,aIn!w bein' mar*eted11


0uly 1B, 200>--- 6rn!ld S,hwaar?enaa'er ,alls s!me !- th!se le'islat!rs wh! ,ater t! spe,ial interests "'irlie men# I-ire in 1 )!s 6n'eles (!unty *eeps burnin'1 Kin Santa (laritaIand s!methin' ab!ut the S,!tt Peters!n murder trial 6pparently a haw* ele,tr!,uted by a wireIwhi,h then -ell t! the 'r!undIstarted the S!1 (ali-!rnia -ire11 0uly 20, 200>---Ithey say the pr!se,uti!n inter$iewed !r in$esti'ated se$eral hundred seJual !--enders in the area where )a,i Peters!n disappeared1 7ut in s!me ,ases ne$er -!ll!wed thr!u'h !n all the p!tential leads1 I)an,e 6rmstr!n' is d!in' wellIwith -i$e days le-t t! '!1 6nd the &ilipin! h!sta'e has been released Ia st!ry ab!ut 7randy 7ri''s in %eJasIa,,used !- *illin' her in-ant baby by sha*in'--11Iat the time !- the pr!se,uti!nIher att!rney ad$ised her t! plead 'uilty and that there was n! way the Aud'e w!uld 'i$e her pris!n time1 She a'reedIn!t able t! pay the m!untin' le'al ,!sts, but then the Aud'e did, in -a,t, 'i$e her Aail timeI19 years1 !wIse$eral years laterIs!me att!rneys t!!* a ,l!ser l!!* and had s!me !ther ,!r!ners 'i$e their !pini!nsIand se$eral ,!r!ners ,!n,ur that they d!nEt they the baby was sha*en at allIand that there is e$iden,e that h!spital pers!nnel put the !Jy'en tube int! the st!ma,h rather than the lun' -!r a while whi,h ,!uld ha$e ,!ntributed t! the death !- the babyIwh! had been si,* pri!r t! bein' br!u'ht t! the h!spital1 !w theyEre tal*in' ab!ut 7randy 7ri''s bein' released1 6ls! Ithe identity !- the s,ribe -!r Ge!--rey (hau,er ed'es !- that b!ndIin -a,tI when I -irst arri$ed at Seym!ur--r has been identi-ied by mat,hin' si'naturesIthis is the s,ribe wh! helped ,!py "(anterbury %ales# -!r (hau,erIand wh!se name was ne$er *n!wn until n!w1 Muhammad 6liEs dau'hter is a b!JerII didnEt *n!w that and she apparently is unde-eatedP1

0uly 21, 200> IStephen Faw*in's n!w ,!n,edes that bla,* h!les may n!t permanently swall!w up e$erythin'Ia departure -r!m his !ri'inal ,laimI bla,* h!les are -!rmed when stars l!se their ener'y and ,!llapse inward, ,ausin' si'ni-i,ant 'ra$itati!nal pull1 Faw*in's has a de$el!pment dis!rder !- s!me s!rtIalth!u'h it apparently d!es n!t e--e,t his ,!'niti$e abilitiesIand he is als! the -ather !- three ,hildren 0uly 22, 200> Ithe husband !- the missin' Utah A!''er apparently lied ab!ut ha$in' 'raduated -r!m the uni$ersity and apparently lied ab!ut ha$in' been a,,epted int! medi,al s,h!!l at U (Iin (hapel Fill, ( 0uly 2=, 200>--- Ithe eJisten,e !- -rea* wa$esI these wa$es that purp!rtedly rise up Kup t! 100 -eet hi'hI!ut !- a -lat !r ,alm seaI!-ten the t!pi, !- -!l*l!re, in s!me ,ases myth, and !ther ,ases debateIand the purp!rted ,ause !- many shipwre,*s, has n!w been d!,umented by s!me s!rt !- studyI indi,atin' they d! , in -a,t, eJist, albeit the ,auses are n!t yet *n!wn !r underst!!d1 6pparently, t! this day !n a$era'e tw! ships per wee* are l!st1 IEm thin*in' that at the neJt Sears I may pull in and buy s!me new sh!rtsII !nly ha$e this !ne pairIand they are handy but they are thi,* and hea$y t!!1 %hey are ,arpenter sh!rts1 Ital*in' ab!ut the )!s 6n'eles )a*ersIan inter$iew with 0eanne 7ussIthe dau'hter !- )a*ers !wner, /r1 0erry 7ussIand 'irl-riend !- -!rmer )a*ers ,!a,h, Phil 0a,*s!n1 0eanne 7uss says she wants a str!n'er ,!mmitment -r!m PhilIand menti!ns marria'e but that Phil is n!t willin' t! ,!mmit himsel- that -ar1 6nd they as* her i- 2!be 7ryant was at the heart !21

the bi' "sha*eup# in the )a*ers -!ll!win' their l!ss t! the Pist!ns in the ,hampi!nship series and she says she is n!t sureI!nly her -ather *n!ws -!r sure, but she says they did try t! si'n ShaMuille OE eal but that the pri,e he had in mind was m!re than they ,!uld pay, and that they als! !--ered Phil 0a,*s!n a ,!ntra,t but that it wasnEt a matter !- m!ney with himIhe Aust de,ided he was thr!u'h ,!a,hin' -!r the time bein'1 0uly 2>, 200>--there is ,!ntinued tal* ab!ut an intelli'en,e dire,t!r t! !$ersee the 15 a'en,y intelli'en,e ,!mmunity, 6rmstr!n' is n!w =rd in terms !- number !- sta'es w!n at the %!ur de &ran,e, but will be -irst when he wins the %!ur de &ran,e !n Sunday, ma*in' it his siJth ,!nse,uti$e1 Ia r!bber in Milwau*ee tried t! return the m!ney he st!le -r!m a ban* the same dayIand was arrested up!n return Seni!r '!l-er Graham Marsh 'ets tw! h!les-in-!ne in the same t!urnament !n the same h!leIat the 7ritish Seni!rs1 0uly 25, 200> %hereEs a st!ry ab!ut a w!man beaten s! badly by her husbandIan air tra--i, ,!ntr!llerIin +is,!nsinIshe ,ame t! ta*e ,ust!dy !her dau'htersIand he alle'edly beat herIand stu--ed her in s!me s!rt !- 'arba'e bin, le-t her -!r deadI she had a ,ell ph!ne in her p!,*etIand was able t! ,all the p!li,e, but was n!t -!und until the neJt dayIha$in' spent an entire e$enin' in this 'arba'e binIwith n!t mu,h ,l!thes !nIand it was ,l!se t! ?er! de'rees--1 %he p!li,e -!und s!methin' that led them t! the dumpsterIand heard her yellin' -!r helpIwhi,h sa$ed her li-eIbut be,ause !- the -r!stbiteIall !- her t!es had t! be amputatedIand n!w she ,ann!t wal*, !r n!t $ery well1 Fer n me is %eri 0endusa i,!laiIand there is a -und set up

-!r herCat the 1st 7an *in' (enter 9BB< S1 4!ad, +ind )a*e +is,!nsin 5=1<51


+ith the /em!,rati, ati!nal (!n$enti!n this wee* in 7!st!nIthere are ,!n,erns ab!ut +hite Suprema,y 'r!ups bein' in !r ar!und the area11 in,ludin' 5!l*s-r!nt and +hite 4e$!luti!n1 %hereEs a si'n -!r the %eJas Fall !- &ame and the %eJas 4an'ers Museum at <>D a1m1 0!hn 2erry as*s the a'e !ld Muesti!n in an inter$iewIO/!es li-e imitate art !r d!es art imitate li-e# in re'ards t! the pr!bin' Muesti!n by an inter$iewer ab!ut the pr!blem !- in,reasin' $i!len,e in F!llyw!!d and his p!siti!n !n it 'i$en his ,l!ser a--iliati!n with the F!llyw!!d pe!ple than Ge!r'e 7usIand his dau'hter went t! -ilm s,h!!l at US( !r U()61 )an,e 6rmstr!n' wins the %!ur de &ran,e1 Khis siJth ,!nse,uti$e1

0uly 29, 200>/i,* (heney, the $i,e president, says in de-ense !'!in' t! war a'ainst IraMIthat terr!rism " is n!t in,reased by the use !- -!r,e a'ainst terr!rists but is tri''ered by the per,epti!n !- wea*ness# 1 One !- the 2ennedyEs h!we$er su''ests that we were better re'arded by the w!rld sh!rtly a-ter the atta,* despite !ur bein' in a p!siti!n !"wea*ness#--C 0uly 2<, 200> Ian!ther sui,ide b!mbin' '!es !-near a bus and *ills ar!und D0 !r m!re IraMi ,iti?ensIn!t the apparent intent !- the b!mbers1

/a$id 2ay the -!rmer ,hie- weap!ns hunter -!r the U1S1 In IraM says it is -an,i-ul t! *eep h!pin' that we will -ind +M/Es in IraMIhe says there is n!neIand he als! s,!--s at the misn!mer !"intelli'en,e ,!mmunity# sayin' that the $ari!us a'en,ies that 'ather intelli'en,e are n!t ,!!perati$e as the w!rd ",!mmunity# su''estsIhe says they are m!re li*e a bun,h !-eudin' empires n!t wantin' t! be led by any !ther1 0uly 2B, 200> Peters!n (ase: %he Aud'e has denied the de-ense m!ti!n -!r mistrial and dismissal !- ,har'esIand n!w Mar* Gera'!s is sayin' that his ,lient has run !ut !- the -unds t! pay the att!rney -ees1 they say that Stephen 7in' is the Q1 p!liti,al ,!ntribut!r t! the /em!,rati, PartyIha$in' d!nated up t! 1D milli!n d!llarsIand heEs a F!llyw!!d behind-the-s,enes -i'ureIwh! he isIitEs n!t ,learI they d!nEt say what he has d!ne in F!llyw!!d Aust that heEs ,!nne,ted there s!meh!wIbut that he is als! a--iliated with m!bster "/!nnie Sha,*s# wh! is n!w in Aail -!r ra,*eteerin'1 +hat will that ,!ntributi!n lead t! i- 2erry be,!mes presidentL 8!u ,anEt help but belie$e there will be s!me -a$!ritism sh!wn1 they are sayin' that 0!hn 2erry ,an pr!$e heEs n!t an Olympian Orat!rian with his /em!,rati, ati!nal (!n$enti!n address t!ni'ht1 )!n' dri$e d!wn +ashin't!n 7l$d1 MaA!r -l!!ds in /allasItw! days a-ter I passed thr!u'h there1 -1 I thereEs a st!ry ab!ut a dentist by the name !- 0!hn Fall near Me,*lenber' (!untyIa,,used !dis,repan,ies with his patients1 (!n,ernin' the 2!be 7ryant ,aseIthey say the alle'ed $i,tim 3!r a,,user) has already re,ei$ed H20,000 -r!m a $i,timEs ,!mpensati!n -und, whi,h the de-ense says is an in,enti$e t! ma*e up a st!ry1 "On,e in a blue m!!n eJ,!riatin'---atta,*in' that was !ne w!rd

used t! des,ribe the 2erry Spee,hIhe atta,*ed 7ush and all thin's related1 0uly =0, 200> 7ushIpi,*in' up !n 2erryEsE theme !- ",!mmanderin-(hie-# says he will n!t all!w the U1S1 t! appear wea* !n his wat,hI!therwise we will dri-t t!wards tra'edy1 IthereRs a new reality tele$isi!n sh!w in whi,h they wat,h the 6mish in a,ti!nIs!me pe!ple are pr!testin' that it eJpl!its their inn!,en,e Mi*e %ys!nIthe b!JerIthe a'in' b!JerII apparently was *n!,*ed !ut in the >th r!und1 0uly =1, 200> 6 bi' ma-ia -ell!w, Massin!, has been ,!n$i,ted !n numer!us ,har'esIthereEs menti!n !- him bein' ass!,iated with /!nnie 7ras,!Iwh! is ass!,iated with this -ell!w by the name !- Stephen 7in'Ithe Q1 ,!ntribut!r t! the /em!,rati, p!liti,al party1 !w wereE in the 6r*ansas 5alley and $ari!us nati!nal -!rests1 -- 6meri,an s!ldiers admit that they -!r,ed IraMi s!ldiers t! Aump !-- a brid'e int! the water but didnEt thin* they died !r dr!wned 1

A,-,.T 2004 6u'ust 1, 200> ew in-!rmati!n -r!m the husband !- the missin' Utah A!''er apparently has made -urther sear,hin' unne,essary1 Ia man in 5alley Sprin's, (ali-!rniaI paid H10,000 rans!m t! 'et his d!' ba,* 1 %hr!u'h the t!wn !- Olathe at 10>5 a1m1 --&erial Masry, a tea,her in )!s 6n'eles, Is runnin' -!r the assembly-6nd i- she wins will be the -irst -!rei'n-b!rn assembly pers!nIsheEs -r!m Saudi 6rabia

%hereEs an impendin' hurri,ane !r tr!pi,al st!rm !n the east ,!ast ,ausin' -l!!din' and e$a,uati!nsI !nly a wee* !r s! a-ter I le-tI 6u'ust 2, 200>7ush apparently has a'reed t! '! al!n' with the B111 ,!mmissi!ns re,!mmendati!n t! ha$e an intelli'en,e dire,t!rIs!meb!dy wh! !$ersees all !- the s!-,alled "intelli'en,e ,!mmunity# whi,h !thers ay isnEt a ,!mmunity at allIbut a 'r!up !"-eudin' empires# Kapparently the !nly stipulati!n 7ush is ma*in' is the Muesti!n as t! whether the intelli'en,e dire,t!r will be part !- the eJe,uti$e !--i,e1 7ush apparently wants t! retain the aut!n!my !- the intelli'en,e ,!mmunity , whi,h w!uld be p!tentially diminished i- the dire,t!r were p!liti,ally in-luen,ed by the eJe,uti$e !--i,e1 %he arrest !- a terr!r suspe,t in Pa*istan led t! intelli'en,e -r!m his ,!mputerIthat may ha$e ,!ntributed t! the hei'htened terr!r alerts in the -inan,ial distri,ts !- ew 8!r* and ew 0ersey1 %hereEs a military bran,h ,alled the !rthern (!mmand whi,h is dedi,ated s!lely t! de-endin' U1S1 b!undaries1 I>D> pe!ple died in the Para'uay Supermar*et -ire a w!man will apparently testi-y in the 2!be 7ryant trial that he "'r!ped# her at a part at ShaMuille OE ealEs h!use in Orland! se$eral years a'!1 +e Aust passed thr!u'h and !$er the 5ir'in 4i$er and 5ir'in M!untains pri!r t! enterin' MesMuite1 &!r the de-ense in the 2!be 7ryant ,aseI an eJpert will testi-y that she belie$es, based !n tests !- the a,,users panties, that the a,,user had seJual inter,!urse with s!meb!dy else sh!rtly a-ter ha$in' seJual inter,!urse with 2!be 7ryant1 %his is startin' t! s!und m!re and m!re li*e a repeat !"%! 2ill a M!,*in'bird#Ithe !nly thin' 2!be 7ryant may be 'uilty !- is bein' a bla,* man ha$in' seJ

with a white w!man1 I- it is true that she had seJ with s!meb!dy else sh!rtly a-ter the 2!be 7ryant seJual intera,ti!nIit w!uld seem that she was n!t, in -a,t, a that distrau'ht ab!ut the in,ident1 %he pr!se,uti!n says that the sperm !- "Mr1 S#I-!und al!n'side the sperm !- 2!be 7ryant !n the same pair !- panties is !ld and that residue !- sperm ,an remain in panties e$en a-ter bein' washed1 %he de-ense eJpert says that it is unli*ely be,ause !the si'ni-i,ant am!unt -!und !n the pantiesIn!t Aust tra,es1 6u'ust >, 200>1 Ithe 6meri,an bas*etball team '!t beat by the ItaliansIB0 s!methin' t! 9<---w!wI thatEs an upset1 6 thirty--!ur year !ld -emale tea,her wh! has been in pris!n -!r se$en years -!r sedu,in' a Dth 'rader and ha$in' tw! ,hildren -r!m him, is bein' released -r!m pris!n in +ashin't!n1 I Aust saw a mira'e at 12= pm1 Ithe a,,user !- 2!be 7ryant is n!w w!nderin' i- she will be able t! 'et a -air ,riminal ,ase and may, instead, d! a ,i$il suit, S,!tt Peters!n alle'edly sh!pped -!r b!ats !n the internet the day a-ter he was ,!n-r!nted by 6mber &reyEs 'irl-riend -!r bein' married1 In 7eiAin' a man slashed 15 *ids in a *inder'arten ,lassr!!m with a *ni-e1 a Siberian b!y was dis,!$ered apparently raised by a d!'I-!r 5 !r D years1 Ia 4!manian man *eeps a dead ,!w in his apartmentI,uttin' !-- pie,es !- it t! eat when hun'ry1 %hree ban*s are r!bbed in /a$enp!rt, I6 while 2erry . 7ush are ,ampai'nin'1

August /" 2004000 1o((y 2is her wants to renoun e his Ameri an iti3enship" an% he also says that there4s an Ameri an05ewish plot against him6 66

they are still rep!rtin' !n 7!bby &is,herEs dilemma Idetained in 0apan -!r ha$in' an in$alid U1S1 Passp!rt, he is n!w see*in' t! ren!un,e his 6meri,an ,iti?enship and t! be 'i$en re-u'e in 0apan1 61P1 says that he has rep!rtedly praised the B111 atta,* !n 6meri,a and als! denies the a,tuality !- the F!l!,aust1 Spe,ial interest : 6P S,ien,e rep!rts that a new study has dis,!$ered that there is s!methin' in a m!therEs h!rm!nes that ma*es her super-pr!te,ti$e !- her ,hildrenIand that their pr!te,ti$eness is n!t ne,essarily due t! "l!$e# -!r them, alth!u'h I ha$e t! as* i- G!d did n!t wire !ur b!dies s! that the $ari!us me,hani,s !- !ur human bi!l!'y ser$e t! ,reate a,ti!ns and -eelin's whi,h we ,all "l!$e1# )!$e is what l!$e d!esIs! i- a m!ther -ier,ely pr!te,ts her baby be,ause G!d wired !ur b!dies in su,h a manner---he wired m!therEs t! ha$e "superl!$e# -!r their ,hildren1 Sp!rts: )a*ers trade Gary Payt!n and 4i,* &!J t! the (elti,s, -urther ,han'in' the ,hemistry !- the )a*ers team1 Internati!nal : 6n 6meri,an w!man in Oman -a,es death by eJe,uti!n -!r the alle'ed *illin' !- her husband1 S!me say that the w!man had been abused repeatedly by her husband and that there-!re, there sh!uld be s!me lenien,e1 MeJi,an and (anadian b!rder is n!w be,!min' an in,reasin' pla,e !- p!tential entry -!r terr!rists whi,h is di--i,ult t! 'uard say U1S1 !--i,ials1 7en 5ander-!rd pla,ed a tape !n the internet sh!win' him bein' beheaded by terr!rists, but n!w has t!ld the media that he did it as a h!aJ and as a ,!mmentary ab!ut h!w easy it is t! -a*e a beheadin' and ha$e it aired !n the internet1 &7I is in$esti'atin' and may pass it !n t! the /161 -!r pr!se,uti!n1


%al*s between India and Pa*istan ,!ntinue ,!n,ernin' the b!undary line ar!und 2ashmir, Fimalayan area, and the "Sir (ree*# area1 7!th India . Pa*istan ha$e nu,lear ,apability1 %hereEs a se$ere l!,ust pla'ue in +est 6-ri,a1 6-ter a w!man died an aut!psy re$ealed that there had been a t!wel le-t in her b!dy behind the lun' a-ter sur'ery -!r emphysema se$eral years pri!r1 She had mana'ed t! li$e se$eral years with it imbedded in her b!dy, but the att!rney -!r the -amily says that it !b$i!usly ,aused her t! die earlier than she w!uld ha$e had it n!t been in her b!dy1 /anny /e5it! was b!rn in 6sbury Par*, ew 0ersey1 0a,* i,h!ls!n was b!rn in eptune, ew 0ersey, and 7ru,e Sprin'steen was b!rn in &reeh!ld, ew 0erseyI 6P rep!rts in re'ards t! ew 0ersey b!rn ,elebrities and the rise !- m!$ie ma*in' in the state itselAugust 7" 2004 8they thin+ they have %ete te% a ghost in the 9ent :ounty" Marylan% ourthouse6 The story a(out the movie '-ar%en .tate; was (y Reuters" not A!6 Angels have won si< of their last eight6 The son of 5e( 1ush" governor" got marrie% this wee+en%8an% they say that his mother was (orn in Me<i o an% that their gran%father" -eorge .r6 " referre% to the +i%s as 'the (rown ones6; .o the wife of 5e( 1ush is Me<i an0Ameri an= * In the : 4eminder ab!ut Sr1 7ush and his reele,ti!n bid1 7ush Sr1 was n!t re-ele,ted1 %his st!ry says that 7ush 0r1 has planned betterI preparin' -!r the ,ampai'n in ad$an,e1 IthereEs s!methin' ab!ut ",uddle parties# in ew 8!r*1 +estern -lan* !- 5!l,an! in (anary Islands, )a PalmaIi- it brea*s !--, whi,h it will they say

s!meday, it will ,ause a tsunami that will swamp the east ,!astC1 they say that the a,,user in the 2!be 7ryant ,ase has -iled a ,i$il law suit and that her ,han,es are better in that $enue be,ause the ,riteria is "m!re li*ely than n!t# whereas in the ,riminal ,!urt the ,riteria -!r ,!n$i,ti!n is "bey!nd a reas!nable d!ubt# 1 %hereEs a bill bein' pr!p!sed that will ma*e it le'al t! hunt Mute Swans whi,h s!me pe!ple say are !$er-pr!te,ted and be,!min' a nuisan,e1 Peter G!ss has been pr!p!sed as the new (I6 dire,t!r and dire,t!r !intelli'en,e at lar'e by President Ge!r'e 7ush 0r1 %hereEs a new a,r!nym bein' usedI"+endys---+!uld be :n$ir!nmentalists, !t /!in' it 8et# 1 %hey say a ,!mpany has in$ented an edible plasti, wrap I ew 0erseyEs '!$ern!r has admitted t! bein' 'ay, albeit married, and ha$in' had an a--air with a man !n sta-- in the state !--i,e and says he will resi'n be,ause !- it1 In :n'land, a ,!n$i,ted rapist w!n the )!tt!Iab!ut 1= milli!n U1S1 d!llars11 I s!methin' ab!ut the late 0!hn Steinbe,*Ithe auth!r !- "Mi,e 6nd Men# am!n' !thersIhis s!n is still ali$e and is a writer and parti,ipates in $ari!us Steinbe,* -esti$ities that peri!di,ally ta*e pla,e ar!und M!nterey, (ali-!rnia1 Mi,hael Phelps wins the -irst 6meri,an '!ld !- the Olympi, Games and sets a new w!rld re,!rd in the pr!,ess1 Isp!rtsIin a 'i'anti, upsetIPuert! 4i,! de-eated the U1S1 menEs bas*etball teamIand s!undly1 I am ba,* in PasadenaII lea$e a F7 -!r the 'al in the little red ,ar1 the U1S1 7eat the etherlands in menEs $!lleyball1 6tt!rneys -!r Peters!n say bein' a ",ad# d!esnEt ma*e him a *iller1 S,!tt Peters!ns lawyer says S,!tt may be a ",ad# but he is n!t a *iller1 6

",ad# is s!meb!dy wh! is "pi''ish#Ita*es ad$anta'e !- !thers, !ut -!r the "s,!re#It! meet w!men -!r a !ne ni'ht stand, et,1Ithe B111101 plane ,rash in Pennsyl$ania !,,urred near Shan*s$ille, P6 whi,h is s!utheast !- Pittsbur'h they say %ed 2ennedy the senat!r had his name !n a n!--ly list and had t! ,all the /epartment !- F!meland Se,urity three times be-!re he was all!wed !n the plan I0!hn 2erry says 7ush $!wed n!t t! atta,* 2erryEs war re,!rd but he is all!win' !ther 4epubli,ans t! d! it -!r him instead with 7ush ,ampai'n m!ney1 Mar* 2ul*is !wner !- 2i,* 6ss Pi,tures, a p!rn!'raphy ,!mpany, and Mary (arey pr!tested the Militaries !--er !- -ree breast implants -!r itEs -emale military pers!nnel1 Mary (arey eJp!sed her breasts tellin' all ar!und her that hers are the real thin' and that real is better1 %hey held up a si'n that said "F!n* i- y!u l!$e natural breasts1# I(ree* (!unty /istri,t 0ud'e /!nald %h!mps!n has $!luntarily resi'ned a-ter bein' -a,ed with dis,ipline -!r alle'edly masturbatin' himselbehind the Aud'eEs des* and eJp!sin' himsel- t! the ,!urt ,ler* and usin' an ere,ti!n pump !- s!me s!rt Iin O*lah!ma1 IPhelps wins his 5th '!ld medal and de,ides n!t t! swim in the Olympi, teams -inal relayIall!win' his teammate Ian %h!rpe t! d! s! instead1 7!b Perry apparently was the bi''est ,!ntribut!r t! the %eJas 4epubli,an party in 2002 K'i$in' ab!ut HB00,000, and is n!w part !- the 5ietnam 5eterans Swi-t 7!at 'r!up whi,h is pla,in' ads !n tele$isi!n Muesti!nin' the truth ab!ut 0!hn 2erryEs 5ietnam +ar re,!rd1 In SpainIthe pe!ple are ,elebratin' F!ly 8ear with a tre* t! the area whi,h le'end has it that St1 0ames was buried, and where they belie$e they ,an re,ei$e G!dEs -!r'i$eness i- they enter a spe,i-i, (athedral whi,h !nly !pens its

-r!nt d!!rs durin' F!ly 8ear and !nly !n 0uly 25----when 0uly 25 is a Sunday, be,ause thatEs what ma*es it a F!ly 8earIwhen St1 0ames /ay, 0uly 25, is !n a Sunday1 %he last time it happened was in 1BBB, and the neJt time will be 20101 5isit!rs -r!m all !$er :ur!pe ,elebrate it with a tre*Is!metimes a -ew days, -!r !thers a -ew m!nthsIwal*in' t! Santia'! whi,h is in the n!rthwest ,!rner !- Spain1 6u'ust 21, 200> , +illiam 4!!d, an edit!r -!r the (hi,a'! %ribune and a member !- 0!hn 2erryEs 5ietnam 'r!up has ,!n-irmed the a,,!unt by 0!hn 2erry !- what happened in 5ietnam and has said that the Swi-t 7!at 5eterans a,,!unt is ina,,urate and misleadin'1 8!u seeIthere are th!se *ids wh! ne$er were -!r,ed t! under'! the humiliati!n !-rustrati!n that ,!mes with learnin' thin's that reMuire dili'en,e su,h as playin' the pian!1 &!r me that t!!* timeIand humilityIa l!t !- *ids ne$er ha$e t! eJperien,e that1 6u'ust 2=, 200> , the menEs bas*etball team l!ses t! )ithuania1 Mi*e Phelps 'ets his re,!rd-tyin' <th medal1 %hie$es r!b a Museum in Osl! !rway ta*in' :d$ard Mun,hEs "%he S,ream# and "Mad!nna#1 6n,ient Gree* athletes ,!mpeted in the nude1 %hey went t! the "undressin'# r!!m rather than the dressin' r!!m1 %here was an e$ent ,alled the pan,reate!n in whi,h anythin' '!es, brea* -in'ers, brea* le's, what ha$e y!u t! 'et the !pp!nent t! let '!1 %he ar,he!l!'ist Ste$en Miller says he thin*s nudity was the "'reat eMuali?er# re'ardless !- s!,ial standin', e,!n!mi,s, p!liti,s, and he says that he thin*s this is what 'a$e rise t! dem!,ra,y1 Stephen MillerEs pr!Ae,t is at www1nemea1!r'1 Stephen Miller is rebuildin' the temple !- Neus where athletes !n,e made their !--erin's t! '!ds and they !n,e ,ar$ed their initials in the tunnel1 Senat!r Pat 4!berts 4-2ansas and the Senate Intelli'en,e (!mmittee are

dis,ussin' ,!mpletely dismantlin' the (I61 %he d!yenne !- d!mesti,ity, Martha Stewart1 11 at the Peters!n trial, when Mar* Gera'!s '!t up t! ,r!sseJamine the -!rmer mistress !- S,!tt Peters!n he -irst said " ! Muesti!ns# and waited a m!ment while e$eryb!dy be,ame wide-eyed, then he said "0ust *iddin'1# 6u'ust 2>, 200> Peters!n apparently ne$er t!ld 6mber &rye, his mistress, that he l!$ed her, and he ne$er tried t! st!p her -r!m '!in' t! the p!li,e1 %he 'al -r!m &a,ts !- )i-e wh! played 7lair 3and wh! has als! been at the +!menEs (!n-eren,e at the (rystal (athedral) belie$es in usin' "h!t sau,in'# t! dis,ipline her ,hildrenIwith a dr!p !- h!t sau,e !n their t!n'ue -!r bad beha$i!r1 Others $ehemently !bAe,t1 )isa +el,hel played "7lair# !n &a,ts !)i-e1 %w! planes ,rash sh!rtly a-ter ta*in' !--r!m the same airp!rt alm!st simultane!usly1 "Cas h!se !n the autisti, spe,trum may la,* understandin' !- em!ti!nsC!r may ha$e di--i,ulty interpretin' -a,ial eJpressi!ns and b!dy lan'ua'e1C tea,hin' them t! appre,iate theatre is a parti,ular ,hallen'eCI ew 0ersey '!$ern!r admits t! bein' 'ay, says he will resi'n, (!n$i,ted rapist in :n'land wins 1= milli!n d!llar l!tt!1 6n'els sweep the yan*s at the 7r!nJ11 0apan wins the w!menEs marath!n lea$in' a 7ritish runner in tears wh! didnEt ma*e it1 0a,* )alanne, physi,al -itness 'uru, is still ali$e at a'e <B1 S,ientists are tryin' t! de$el!p a r!b!t that will use plan*t!n as -uel 6u'ust 25, 200> they say that at the 4epubli,an (!n$enti!n they will be usin' new te,hn!l!'y that "thr!ws# s!und in a "beam# !- s!rts, they will use it -!r ,r!wd ,!ntr!l as well as a presidential display %he s!n

!- Mar'aret %hat,her was arrested in S!uth 6-ri,a by the S,!rpi!ns !n suspi,i!n !- a mer,enary pl!t a'ainst the president !- :Muat!rial Guinea1 %he == year !ld s!n !- 0!hnny (ash is ,!ntinuin' t! pr!du,e his -atherEs musi, al!n' with !ther ,!untry stars, and he is au,ti!nin' !-- a l!t !- his -atherEs bel!n'in's1 +hy n!t a museumL ItEs hal-time in the Spain-US6 Olympi, bas*etball 'ameC e$entually the U1S1 went !n t! de-eat Spain1 a -ather !- a 20 year !ld Marine *illed in IraM set himsel- and the Marines $an !n -ire 3the $an !- the Marines wh! ,am t! in-!rm him !- the )1 6u'ust 2<, 200> US6 wins '!ld in w!menEs s!,,erC1 hereEs a -esti$al in %!matina, Spain 25 miles west !- 5alen,ia, ar!und late 6u'ust in whi,h the entire day is de$!ted t! a t!mat! thr!win' ,!ntestIat ea,h !ther1 (ar!lyn Parish, a (anadian p!liti,ian, ,alled 6meri,ans "idi!ts# re,ently1 )ast year she ,alled them "damn bastards1# %he (I6, /epartment !- /e-ense, and the ati!nal Se,urity (!unsel was established in 1B>9 at the !utset !- the (!ld +ar1 Sh!,*er: Mens U1S1 7as*etball %eam l!ses t! 6r'entina at the Olympi,s thus eliminatin' them -r!m G!ld Medal ,!mpetiti!n1 (!n,ernin' stem ,ell resear,hIit apparently is p!ssible t! 'et adult stem ,ells -r!m b!dy -atIand they tell a st!ry ab!ut a d!,t!r wh! did lip!su,ti!n !n himsel- t!wards that end1 Italian 0!urnalist /en?el 5ald!nian 3L) was apparently eJe,uted by terr!rists1

6u'ust =1, 200>


On the day she disappeared, S!meb!dy sur-ed the web between <=0 am and <>5 am -r!m the Peters!n F!use -!r a Sun-l!wer umbrella1 )a,i had a sun-l!wer tatt!! !n her an*le1 Pr!se,uti!n says the d!'s pi,*ed up )a,iEs s,ent at 7er*ley Marina, but isnEt it p!ssible that i- )a,i hu''ed S,!tt that he w!uld ha$e her s,ent !n him1 Or i- she had e$en t!u,hed anythin' that Peters!n t!!* al!n' with himL S:P%:M7:4 200> September 1, 200> a -ell!w didnEt ha$e en!u'h m!ney t! pay -!r his -r!nt bi,y,le tire t! 'et -iJed s! e$ery sin,e then he has '!ne ar!und !n the ba,* tire !nly d!in' a "wheelie#Ihe did the l!n'est wheelie K=0 miles, says the rep!rt Ithe 2!be 7ryant trial has been dismissedIthe alle'ed $i,tim 3!r a,,user) de,ided she ,!uld n!t '! !n albeit made !ne ,!nditi!n that 2!be 7ryant ap!l!'i?e and say that he while he may ha$e belie$ed it t! be ,!nsensual she did n!t per,ei$e it t! be that way1 %ur*ey wants t! ma*e adultery a ,rime1 September 2, 200> %hereEs a st!ry ab!ut the s!-,alled "'ira--e w!men# !- 7urma, !r Myanmar, --w!men wh! wear these metal ,!llars !- s!rts ar!und their ne,*s t! el!n'ate them !r 'i$e the appearan,e !- el!n'atin' them, whi,h attra,ts t!urists and pr!$ides in,!me1 6nd there apparently is als! a traditi!n behind it Imythi,al !r partly -i,ti!nalIi1e1 t! pr!te,t the ladies ne,* -r!m the teeth !- ti'ers, et,1 /!,t!rs say the ,!llars d!nEt a,tually el!n'ate the ne,* !- the w!menIbut -!r,es the ,!llarb!ne d!wn thus 'i$in' the e--e,t !- el!n'ati!n; but e$en a-ter the

,!llars are ta*en !--, the ne,*s are n! l!n'er than be-!re1 7ill (lint!n apparently *eeps an !--i,e in Farlem, ew 8!r*1 Fis h!me is in (hapaMua---whereEs thatL -re1 6rn!ld S,hwaar?enaa'erEs 4epubli,an (!n$enti!n Spee,h: ati!nal

In 6nan!$a 3a 7ritish (!rp!rati!n) under their se,ti!n entitled "@uir*ies# there is a st!ry entitled "Fist!rians 7last 6rnieEs 7ush Spee,h#: 6rn!ld S,hwar?ene''er was t!ld t! '! ba,* t! s,h!!l a-ter his spee,h supp!rtin' President 7ushEs ele,ti!n ,ampai'n1 6ustrian hist!rians say the (ali-!rnia '!$ern!r made s!me s,h!!lb!y h!wlers in tal*in' ab!ut his h!meland1 S,hwaar?ene''er, up until n!w, 6ustriaEs -a$!rite s!n, upset p!liti,ians a,r!ss the b!ard with his spee,h t! the 4epubli,an ati!nal (!n$enti!n in ew 8!r*1 Fe t!ld h!w 6ustria be,ame a s!,ialist ,!untry a-ter the Se,!nd +!rld +ar and said he remembered seein' S!$iet tan*s in the street1 7ut when S,hwar?ene''er emi'rated t! the United States in 1BD< 6ustria was ruled by the ,!nser$ati$es Pe!pleEs Party and had n!t had a sin'le s!,ialist ,han,ell!r1 Martin P!las,he*, a le'al hist!rian at the 2arl &ran?en Uni$ersity, a,,used the G!$ern!r !- "tryin' t! use the !ld ,!mmunist threat -!r 7ushEs ele,ti!n ,ampai'n1 Sayin' "6ustria was ruled by a ,!aliti!n '!$ernment1 Fe is 'ettin' a -ree ,!untry miJed up with a s!,ialist !ne1#1 6n!ther 6ustrian hist!rian, Ste-an 2arner, added: "%he ,hild in Styria, he ,!uld n!t ha$e seen S!$iet tan*s1 7y the time S,hwar?ene''er was b!rn in 1B>9, the pr!$in,e was !,,upied by the 7ritish1#

September D, 200> 6t least =50 pers!ns were *illed in the h!sta'e situati!n in s!uthern 4ussiaIitEs related t! their relati!ns with (he,hnya1 /id y!u *n!w the ba,* hal- !- the hurri,ane a-ter the eye is str!n'er than the -irst hal-, !r is supp!sed t! be1 0!hn 2erry has ,ut sh!rt s!me !his ,ampai'n s,hedule t! be with his ailin' wi-e in the h!spitalIwh! appears t! be !*ay a-ter all1 %he name !- that s!uthern 4ussian t!wn is 7eslan1 I,hir! Su?u*i needs =5 hits in 29 'ames t! pass the seas!n hit re,!rd set by Ge!r'e Sisler <> years a'! wh! has 259 hits1 151 'ame winnin' strea* by /ela Salle ,ame t! an end last ni'htIthe l!n'est hi'h s,h!!l -!!tball strea* e$erIthey hadnEt l!st sin,e 1BB11 Sara M,Mann, -emale Olympi, wrestler, was ,har'ed with re,*less dri$in' in the death !- her b!y-riend, an (66 wrestler, as she was dri$in' him -r!m (!l!rad! Sprin's t! +ashin't!n /( where he was a law s,h!!l student1 Ithey say that the h!spital at whi,h (lint!n is s,heduled t! ha$e sur'ery has a hi'her per,enta'e rate !- deaths -!r this *ind !- sur'ery than any !ther h!spital in the areaId!uble that !- any !ther Iat >T whi,h is still $ery l!w, but d!es raise eyebr!ws1 September 9, 200> I7ush said be,ause !- medi,al lawsuits t!! many d!,t!rs ha$e been put !ut !business and t!! many O71G8 Es are " unable t! pra,ti,e their l!$e with w!men all a,r!ss the ,!untry September B, 200>

ew r!b!t is made t! eat -lies -!r -uel, but needs t! attra,t -lies s! it will ha$e t! ,arry 'arba'e !r eJ,rement IS,!tt Peters!nEs -ather testi-ied !n behal- !- his s!n September 10, 200>I they may still be able t! -ul-ill s!me !- the s,ienti-i, !bAe,ti$es $ia the Genesis ,apsule a-ter all, despite it ,rash landin' in the desert, they said that there is still s!me inta,t pie,es September 12, 200> 6 mushr!!m ,l!ud was !bser$ed in 1 2!rea near the b!rder, !n the same day as 1 2!reaEs anni$ersary1 !w 1 2!rea is sayin' it was due t! a dem!liti!n !- a m!untain whi,h is part !- their hydr!ele,tri, plannin'1 U1S1 6irways may -ile -!r ban*rupt,y1 September 1>, 200> 6P rep!rts !n the pli'ht !- animals durin' hurri,ane seas!ns, in,ludin' sMuirrels, but als! /!$e ,hi,*s, and e$en -ishIbe,ause s!metimes t!! mu,h rain ,an deplete the !Jy'en in the p!nd---!r ri'ht a-ter the st!rm when sun shines, al'ae rapidly in,reases thereby als! depletin' !Jy'en1 Oprah +in-rey 'a$e a brand new ,ar t! ea,h member !- the audien,e1 a 7rian /e5ries Kwas ,!n$i,ted as a ,hild m!lester, re,ently released t! li$e in +ashin't!n stateI$!luntarily ,astrated himsel-1 September 1D, 200> 6nd the S,!tt Peters!n ,aseIpr!se,uti!n eJperts ha$e testi-ied that the ,!n,rete used t! ma*e an an,h!r !n the b!at is n!t the same ,!n,rete he used t! -iJ the dri$eway1 7ut the de-ense made the p!int that the samples used -r!m the dri$eway in,luded

lar'e 'ranules miJed in -r!m the !ld part !- the dri$eway11 !r s!methin' li*e that1 IFurri,ane I$an has already ,aused at least 20 deaths, and n!w theyEre tal*in' ab!ut Furri,ane 0eanne and p!ssibly a Furri,ane (arl1 %he interestin' thin' ab!ut the )a,i Peters!n death Idespite her limbs missin' the eJperts testi-ied that there was n! indi,ati!n that the b!nes had been sawed whi,h w!uld be the eJpe,ted meth!d used by a *iller tryin' t! de-limb her s! she may ha$e been pi,*ed apart by marine li-e1 6n!ther adult -emale tea,her has been a,,used !- ha$in' seJ with a -!urteen year !ld male student1 theyEre sayin' the ,ir,adian rhythms !- the b!dy a--e,t sleep and w!r* per-!rman,e in spa,e1 September 1<, 200> "%he w!rst in m!ther nature brin's !ut the best in human nature# said 7etty 2aster 3L) a member !s!me dem!,rati, senate ,!mmittee in re'ards t! the $i,tims !- the hurri,ane bein' neither republi,an n!r dem!,rat at the m!ment, Aust human1 September 1B, 200>

Pan,h! /!ll sear,hes -!r 6meri,as best waterh!les1 September 20, 200> , -!rmer p!p sin'er (at Ste$ens wh! ,!n$erted t! the Muslim reli'i!nIand ,han'ed his name t! "Islam# ,aused a plane t! be di$erted up!n entry t! the U1S1 le :l was n!t all!wed t! enter1 (at Ste$ens wh! ,han'ed his name t! "Islam# ,aused a plane -r!m )!nd!n t! /1(1 t! be di$erted t! Maine and he was sent ba,*1 900 are dead -r!m Furri,ane 0eane in Faiti1 S,!tt Peters!n b!u'ht a b!u'ht -!r ,ash and didnEt re'ister it1 Fe als! t!ld s!meb!dy he went '!l-in' all day and later said he went -ishin' Ipr!se,uti!ns eJpert witness testi-ies that the baby must ha$e died the day

a-ter !r the day that )a,i Peters!n was rep!rted missin'1 7ut an!ther eJpert said the baby must ha$e died !n the 2<th1

S:P%:M7:4 2=, 200> IIntel says multi,!re is the wa$e !- the -uture1 S! there is a series between the 6n'els $s1 6Es ,!min' upIthat ,!uld be the ,lin,her -!r wh! ta*es -irst pla,e !r the wild ,ard1 "Fu'e buildin's re$eal the a?iEs l!$e !- the b!mbasti, and hatred !- indi$iduality# says a arti,le ab!ut this !ld a?i buildin' built as a $a,ati!n h!tel that ,!uld h!ld 20,000 Aust s!ld -!r !nly a -ew H100,0001 ew -ilm in,ludin' -ull sh!ts !- "-ellati!#Iwhat is "-ellati!#L death t!ll !- Furri,ane 0eane in Faiti may rea,h 20001 September 29, 200> "6llad 6lawi is the interim prime minister !IraM# , S,!tt Peters!n said he b!u'ht ,hi,*en wire t! *eep the ,ats -r!m s,rat,hin' his trees1 /ete,ti$es admitted they saw the ,ats s,rat,hin' the trees1 Id!'s are n!w bein' trained t! smell bladder ,an,er1 a man ,han'es his name t! "they#1E8!u ,anEt eat bu,*eyes1# IG!$ern!r S,hwar?enaa'er says ,lassi, ,ars must be sm!''ed; din!,ephal!saurs dis,!$ered l!n' ne,*; M!ntreal :Jp!s mi'ht m!$e t! /1(1 !r 6rlin't!n 1 7!bby Shri$erIthe y!un'er br!ther !- Maria Shri$er is runnin' -!r Santa M!ni,a (ity (!un,il; /!n Faidl O( (!unty Sheri-- resi'ns amid a,,usati!ns ,!n,ernin' s!n1 September 2<, 200>--ministers in PasadenaP6ltadena are tryin' t! pre$ent -urther 'an' $i!len,eIin,ludin' /!r!thy :$ans at the (hristian 4e-u'ee (enter1

September 2B, 200> I,hir! Su?u*i is n!w tw! hits away -r!m the m!st hits in !ne seas!n with three 'ames le-t1 P!rn! 6ut!bi!'raphy by 0enna 0ames!n1 : %he P!pe will beati-y 6nne 2atherine :meri,* 3L) the !ne pers!n wh! inspired Mel Gibs!nEs "%he Passi!n# whi,h s!me pe!ple thin* is ,!ntr!$ersial be,ause Gibs!n based s! mu,h "-a,tual "e$iden,e !n her a,,!unt !- the Passi!nIwith a de$il ,hasin' 0ews and in,itin' them t! be mean t!wards 0esusIthe 0ews thin* this is anti-Semiti, !r en,!ura'e antiSemitism1 M!re ,!ntr!$ersial is the beati-i,ati!n !- 2arl I ---I,hir! Su?u*i needs tw! hits with three 'ames remainin' t! ta*e the m!st hits in !ne seas!n re,!rd1 O(%O7:4 200> O,t!ber 1, 200> I,hir! Su?u*i '!t a sin'leInearin' the sin'le seas!n hits re,!rd1 Milea'e at :dwards 6ir &!r,e 7ase-- 911<> ; O,t!ber 2, 200>, 6n'els w!nIbi'U Su?u*i brea*s SislerEs <5 year !ld re,!rd1 O,t!ber 2-5, 200> : thereEs a headline with!ut eJplanati!n as*in', "Is %una red be,ause !- (arb!n M!n!JideL# (urtis )u,as is the past!r !- Mt1 (armel 7aptist (hur,h in 4i,hm!nd, 5ir'inia 3L) &!rt 7endL Ihe was a,,used !- bitin' a p!li,e !--i,er1 /eep sea trawlers destr!y sea m!unts -!r the sa*e !- ,at,hin' -ish ,!nsidered t! be a deli,atessen su,h as Oran'e 4!u'hy1


O,t!ber 5, 200> I4!dney /an'er-ield died1 +hile the hearin' was pr!,eedin' the 6n'els l!st B-=1 they are sayin' s!methin' ab!ut 7!b /ylan bein' a 'reat p!et Kand n!te that he was b!rn "4!bert Nimmerman#1 O,t!ber 9, 200> ItheyEre tal*in' ab!ut the retirement !- St1 7ernards -r!m the ser$i,e they pr!$ided at a m!nastery in :ur!pe and whi,h is where they !ri'inally '!t their reputati!n as helpin' d!'s1 II listen t! 6P update !n the h!ur and they 'i$e a ,lip !- 0!hn 2erryEs spee,hIand it is the -irst time IE$e e$er heard 2erry spea* s! adamantlyIsayin' "+hen I ta*e !$er in 0anuaryC#I w!w, I thin* t! mysel-IthatEs the m!st asserti$e spee,h IE$e heard s! -ar1 Fe '!es !n t! say " I h!pe I d!nEt inherit a )eban!n#Ire-errin' t! IraM1

n!w they are sayin' there is n! a,tual lin* between Fussein and NarMuawi, despite the asserti!ns !President 7ush !therwise a -ew m!nths pri!r ISammy S!sa was -ined H<9,000 -!r lea$in' their last 'ame early1 +an'ari Maathai wins the !bel Pea,e Pri?e -!r her e--!rts in 6-ri,a t! plant trees am!n' !ther thin's1 1 a y!un' man -r!m (arr!l (!lle'e 3is that in Felena M!ntanaL) apparently ,!mmitted sui,ide a-ter he -!und !ut he was '!in' t! be ,har'ed with rape !- a y!un' lady wh! maintains that she -ell asleep !r passed !ut and w!*e up t! -ind him seJually penetratin' her in his ,ar1 Fe maintains it was ,!nsensualIthe ,!lle'e had been in-!rmed but had de,lined t! d! anythin' -urther sayin' it appeared ,!nsensual, but apparently the p!li,e de,ided t! press ,har'es1 Fe apparently was m!rti-ied that this w!uld be,!me publi, and *illed himsel- instead1

Ia -emale 'uard helped a pris!ner es,ape and the 'uard 3 married and a m!ther ) ran !-- with him1 %hey were ,au'ht sh!rtly later at a h!tel1 :lsewhere, a man was burned ali$e -!r stealin' a 'as ,an in Peru1 %he rural $illa'e where the murder t!!* pla,e apparently has been the site !- s!me !ther atr!,ities as well1 In this ,ase they d!used the man with 'as!line and set him !n -ire as he was atta,hed t! a p!st with r!pes1 +hen the r!pes br!*e l!!se he stumbled away and may ha$e been able t! eJtin'uish himsel- but s!me!ne ,ame al!n' and rei'nited the -ire with m!re 'as1 %hereEs an arti,le ab!ut a b!!* by 6laim (lement ,alled Under'r!und ParisI,!n,ernin' the ,ata,!mbs under the ,ity !ParisIand the ni'ht li-e that ta*es pla,e d!wn bel!w1 FereEs s!methin'IthereEs a "SeJ &air# planned t! ta*e pla,e in +arsaw P!land whi,h in$!l$es S-rated a,t!rs 3and anyb!dy else interested) t! ,!mpete -!r the "seJ master# pri?eIwhi,h they d!nEt elab!rate up!n but apparently is !pen t! anyb!dy interested t! wat,h1 Pr!tests are planned, but they say they intend t! '! !n with it1 O,t!ber 10, 200> Ithey tal* ab!ut a m!$ie made by the pr!du,er !-VVVVVVVVVVVV, (imini, wh! later pr!du,ed an apparent b!J !--i,e b!mb ,alled "Fea$enEs Gate# whi,h they are n!w tryin' t! re-d! a'ain1 %his m!$ieIdespite a l!t !- ne'ati$e ,riti,ism apparently did better !$erseas1 %hey say (imini was 'i$en ",arte blan,he# -!r this m!$ie1 Iin M!r!,,!Ithe imp!rtan,e !- $ir'inity in newlywed -emales is s! $ital that s!me !- them ha$e !perati!ns pri!r t! their h!neym!!n s! that bleedin' will !,,ur1 I- bleedin' d!es n!t !,,ur and the husband suspe,ts they may n!t be $ir'ins, in

s!me ,ases it ,!uld ,!st them 3the wi$es) their li$es1 %hey say the hi'hest pri,ed 'as is in San /ie'!Ithe l!west in F!ust!n1 I(hrist!pher 4ee$e died a day !r s! a'!Ihe was the a,t!r wh! played SupermanIand be,ame paraly?ed in 1BB5 a-ter a h!rseba,* ridin' a,,ident1 FeEs als! l!!min' lar'e in the debate !$er stem ,ell resear,hIwhi,h 7ush is a'ainst but 2erry is in -a$!r 3!-)1 Other I4!bin 5entura, the baseball player, is retirin'1 6pparently he 'rew up in Santa Maria 3where I Aust passed thr!u'h)1 ebras*a (!rnhus*ers l!st 90-10 t! %eJas %e,h1 Other sp!rts I)ebr!n 0ames the r!!*ie bas*etball star had a babyI!r his l!n'-time 'irl-riend didIbut he d!esnEt want t! tal* ab!ut it1 Iin 5ene?uela they t!ppled a statute !- (!lumbus, a,,!rdin' t! the di,tates !- the 5ene?uelan president wh! thin*s that (!lumbus was as bad as Fitler1 %he S,!tt Peters!n ,ase is in 4edw!!d, (ali-!rnia 3n!rthern)1 O,t!ber 15, 200> 67( went t! 5ietnam , t! the spe,i-i, pla,e where this little s*irmish t!!* pla,e in whi,h 0!hn 2erry *illed a 5iet,!n' s!ldier, man, !r b!y1 %here are di--erent a,,!untsIs!me say it is eJa,tly as 2erry t!ld it1 Others say that 2erry sh!t a b!y in the ba,*, runnin' away a-ter bein' w!unded1 Still !thers say he sh!t the s!ldier in the ,hest1 , 2erry menti!ns /i,* (heneyEs dau'hter in the debate tellin' the w!rld that she is lesbian1 %he br!ther !- Sara M,Mann, the -emale Olympi, wrestler, wh! was ,!n$i,ted !- manslau'hter when she a,,identally *illed her b!y-riend in a ,ar a,,ident, was

murdered by s!meb!dy and the murder was ,!n$i,ted yesterday1 , &elipe S!lis is the pers!n !- the wee*1 FeEs the ,urat!r at the Gu''enheim Museum in ew 8!r*, in ,har'e !- the 6?te, :Jhibit-, the lar'est !- its *ind1 %he b!yPman wh! ,ut !-- his !wn arm in the r!,* ,limbin' a,,ident is 6r!n 4alst!nIand n!w he wr!te a b!!* entitled 7etween a 4!,* and a Fard Pla,e1 Fe li$es in 6spen1 6t the time he was ,limbin' in (any!nlands P in Utah1 I the , theyE$e -!und a new -ish in )a*e Mi,hi'an ,alled a "&ran*en-ish# whi,h apparently is an a''ressi$e breed1 %hey are h!pin' s!meb!dy Aust threw it !ut !- their aMuarium and that it has n!t in-iltrated the la*e1 Other predat!r -ish in )a*e Mi,hi'an in,lude the Nebra Mussel, Sea )amprey, the 4!und G!by, and n!w they are ta*in' steps t! pre$ent the 6sian (arp -r!m enterin' in thr!u'h the Mississippi 4i$erIit is !nly -i-ty miles away they sayIs! they are settin' up s!me s!rt !- ele,tri, -ilter at the m!uth !- the ri$er1 %hey are ,elebratin' the anni$ersary !- the %aA MaAal, whi,h was ,!mpleted in 1D5>---=50 years a'!1 ew 7!!* by 6lan %ennant wh! -!ll!wed -al,!ns in their airplane---t! see the e--e,ts that the ,han'es in en$ir!nment had !n the -al,!ns1 41 4ed-!rd has the m!$ie ri'hts t! it, -!r nati!nal 'e!'raphi,1 6 s,ientist is tryin' t! tea,h ba,teria t! eat ,a--eine s! that e$entually it ,an ma*e a better tastin' ,up !- de,a--einated ,!--ee O,t!ber 1D, 200> F!ust!n 6str!s (lemens was the pm1 %he 8an*ees t!p !- the >th series1 O,t!ber 1D, 200>

win, ,uttin' the lead t! 2-11 winnin' pit,her1 (urrently at 909 and 7!st!n are tied at >-> in the innin'1 8an*ees lead 2-0 in the

a$y has n!t beaten !tre /ame sin,e 1BD= when 4!'er Stauba,h led them t! $i,t!ryIthe same year he w!n the Feisman %r!phy 1 %46I a,,ident in +hittier (ali-!rnia ,aused e$a,uati!n !- h!mes1 4iddi,* 7!we , -!rmer hea$ywei'ht ,hampi!n, is -i'htin' a'ain, hasnEt -!u'ht sin,e 1BBDC1 6nd ser$ed 15 m!nths in pris!n -!r *idnappin' his eJ-wi-e1 >1-1 Fe -!u'ht yesterday !n an Indian reser$ati!n and he w!n1 8an*ees win 1B-< O??ie O?b!rne was banned -r!m San 6nt!ni! %eJas -!r twenty years -!r urinatin' in -r!nt !- the 6lam!1 Sheila 7iliyeu li$es in her ,ar in O*lah!ma11 siJ per,ent !- the $!teC %he Gher*in wins ar,hite,tural award in :n'land 1 %he hi'hest ar,hite,tural award is the Prit?*er1 Pierre Salin'er, -!rmer press se,retary -!r 0&2 died, and he apparently insisted that the 1B<< plane ,rash !$er )!,*erbie S,!tland was in -a,t a dru' en-!r,ement !perati!n C that went wr!n'1 6nd that %+6 -li'ht <00 was a,tually sh!t d!wn by an errant a$y Missile in 1BBD 7ush wr!te a letter t! Napater!Ithe new president !Spain11 sayin' -riends sh!uldnEt a,t the way they did pullin' their tr!!ps !ut !- IraM, and Napater! resp!nded that sin,erity is the hi'hest $alue !-riendship1 6str!s and (ardinals tied 5-5 se$enth innin'1 5er!ni,a at &air Oa*s M!bilIn!t Martha, alth!u'h hea$y set li*e MarthaIbut p!lite1 6str!s D-5 b!tt!m 9th1 1 /!nated 0ean 0a,*et t! G!!d will1 6str!s win, tyin' series at 2-21 (arl!s 7eltran has hit 5 h!meruns in 5 'ames -!r 6str!s and < in the p!st seas!n s!n -ar1 4ed S!J win D->, 12 innin's, 3and the neJt ni'ht win in 1> innin's)1 O,t!ber 20, 200>

t1 I$an &rederi,* 'ets ei'ht years in pris!n -!r 6bu Ghraib pris!n abuse s,andal1 6-ter pleadin' 'uilty1 idel (astr! -alls and brea*s his *nee1 theyEre tal*in' ab!ut the deteri!rati!n !- MeJi,an hist!ri,al ruins su,h as the Nap!te, 2in'd!m !M!nte 6lban in MeJi,!Es s!uthern state !- OaJa,a1 %he eJpensi$e ,!st !- dam rem!$al1 %he MatilAa /am has t! be rem!$ed in 5entura (!unty1 S,!tt Peters!ns parents t!!* the stand---S,!ttEs m!ther and -ather t!!* the stand1 S,!ttEs m!ther said that she 'a$e H10,000 t! S,!tt that day be,ause !- s!me s!rt !- ban* a,,!unt ,!n-usi!n1 Fis -ather said that he t!ld S,!tt t! brin' his br!therEs dri$erEs li,ense with him s! that he ,!uld 'et the San /ie'! (!unty '!l- dis,!unt, admittin' he is ",heap#1 6nd she t!ld him t! buy a Mer,edes in her name be,ause !- all the h!!plah '!in' !n ab!ut the murder !)a,iIand the -a,t that the p!li,e w!uld immediately tra,e a $ehi,le in S,!ttEs name and atta,h a GPS t! tra,* him1 6nd they said that S,!tt had been li$in' li*e a n!mad !ut !- his ,ar tryin' t! a$!id the mediaIthus eJplainin' the ,ampin' eMuipment1 %hey ha$e n!t eJplained, h!we$er, the blea,hed hair Iand the dis,repan,y between his testim!ny that it was be,ause he had been swimmin' in a -riendsE p!!l $ersus the testim!ny !- the -riend wh! said that was n!t true1 O5:M7:4 200> 11P>P0> (hen (hun' F! at the ,ity ?!! in %aiwan tried t! ,!n$ert the li!ns t! (hristianityIAumped int! the li!ns pen and said "0esus will sa$e y!u (!me bite me# and they atta,*ed, he es,aped with min!r inAuries1 6t the %aipei ,ity ?!! in Mu,ha1 -armers in India are usin' (!,a ,!la !r ,!la as pesti,ide K sayin' it *ills bu's , (!*e denies the use !- (!*e

as pesti,ide1 %he! 5an G!'h was *illed by Muslims, -!und with *ni$es in his b!dy11 he had been a ,riti, !- Muslim reli'i!n !utsp!*en11 is he any relati!n t! 5in,entL , man at )6S an'ered be,ause he ,!uldnEt buy a plane ti,*et usin' a re,eipt stripped na*ed Aumped the -en,e and ran !$er t! a departin' plane and Aumped in the wheel well 11P5P0> Pa*istan 'al by the name !- Mai C1 +as 'an' raped by her $illa'e me ab!ut 200 wat,hed when she went there t! as* -!r -!r'i$eness -!r her br!ther wh! had been a,,used !- ha$in' seJ with a w!man -r!m an!ther tribe 3whi,h he denied)1 %he !- the st!ry '!t !ut and the w!rld was sh!,*ed1 Mt1 St1 Felens erupts ma'ma1 (!-er 7la,* the p!int man -!r ,!unter terr!rism in 7ush administrati!n resi'ns 11he was embarrassed by a b!t,hed rep!rt he made ab!ut the ,asualties due t! internati!nal terr!rism, and then he ,!mp!unded the mista*e by apparently d!ublin' it with!ut ,he,*in' a,tual statisti,s and -i'ures1 Ia ati!nal Guard pil!t mista*enly sh!t !-- a -ew r!unds at )ittle :'' Intermediate S,h!!l in S!uthern ew 0ersey a -ew days a'!1 PP+hatEs the Sin'ap!re 2indness M!$ementLLPPP , 2 b!ys may ha$e died in a MeJi,an ,a$e a-ter -allin' in11 and then it rained, -l!!din' the ,a$e while res,ue attempts were underway1 : %he Sir (ree* area between Pa*istan and India remains a ,!ntenti!us p!int between the tw! ,!untries and -isherman re'ularly wander !$er the b!undary and 'et arrested either by Pa*istan !r Indian p!li,e1 11PDP0> Grey Seal Pups &!und blud'e!ned !n 7e'inish Island in Ireland, nails in their head1 7aby pups , D0 !r m!re1 &irst spa,eship t! '! int! spa,e in the span !- -i$e days 3minimum all!wed was -!urteen days) !n

a pri$ate le$el '!t a ,he,* -!r 10 milli!n d!llars t!day1 7urt 4utan a,,epted the pri?e m!ney at the St1 )!uis S,ien,e (enter %he Spa,eship was -inan,ed by m!re than 10 milli!n d!llars by Mi,r!s!-tEs ,!--!under Paul 6llen11 Upset Miami de-eated by (lems!n, %ennessee de-eated by !tre /ameI,!lle'e -!!tball1 O--i,ials in IraM are ,!n,erned ab!ut missin' S6MSImaybe as many as D000 S6MS ,ir,ulatin' w!rldwide !utside !'!$t1 ,!ntr!l1 S!me new ar,he!l!'i,al dis,!$eries in 7ul'aria1 In U'anda thereEs been an !utbrea* !Fipp!p!tamus deaths due t! anthraJ p!is!nin'Iwhi,h breeds in dry 'r!und, and in dry weather when the animals eat dry $e'etati!n they s!metimes 'et p!is!ned by the anthraJ Irad!n baths in 0apan Ks!me say they ,ause ,an,er !thers say they d!nEtIinsistin' they are ,urati$e1 Man by the name !- 6ndrew 5eal ,!mmit sui,ide at 'r!und ?er! in pr!test !- the re-ele,ti!n !- 7ush1 %he /ut,h ha$e resp!nded t! the *illin' !- %he! 5an G!'h by atta,*in' s!me !- the m!sMues, and tried t! set -ire t! !ne !- them1 IS!lar Sailin'Ithe wa$e !- the -uture1 )!uis &reedman !- (arl Sa'anEs Planetary S!,iety in Pasadena, (a plans a test al!n' with ,!sm!s studi!s in 0anuary1 M!re Ithe Peters!n Aury may already be deadl!,*ed1 11P<P0> Mi*e /ant!n, F) player was -!und 'uilty !pl!ttin' t! ,!nspire t! murder his a'ent and has been senten,ed t! 9 W years in pris!n1 Fe played -!r the St1 )!uis 7lues1 %ru--les are a -un'us that 'r!w in symbi!sis with tree r!!ts 11PBP0> 1

6 *idPstudent 3,!lle'eLStrie'el -inds a new amphibianInew 'enus, new spe,ies near Pittsbur'h1 /iane Sawyer spend a -ew days inside a w!menEs pris!n, under,!$er, and said B0T !- the inmates ha$e a lesbian relati!nship with !thers1 (ler'y in (anada are A!inin' an 6ut! Uni!n sayin' they need as mu,h pr!te,ti!n as anyb!dy else1 : %heyEre sayin' the 6naheim 6n'els may be,!me the )!s 6n'eles 6n'els1 2ansas 0ayhaw*s are ran*ed Q1 in ,!lle'e pre-seas!n bas*etball1 %hey ha$enEt been ran*ed Q1 sin,e +ilt (hamberlain played -!r them in 1B501 11P10P0> F!sta'e Slau'hter h!uses were -!und in &alluAah1 Mete!r -ield dis,!$ered under the Sahara desertI,raters1 /Aib!uti -emale ,ir,um,isi!n in this :ast 6-ri,an ,!untry1 4apala lures 'ained -ame be,ause !- an arti,le ab!ut them in the Marilyn M!nr!e editi!n !- )i-e Ma'a?ine 6ra-at dies 6uth!r Iris (han' -!und dead apparently -r!m sui,ide1 11P11P0> Peters!n ,!n$i,ted !- *illin' wi-e and baby "-!und 'uilty !- -irst and se,!nd de'ree murder they said that s!meb!dy yelled at S,!tt Peters!nEs M!ther# "I h!pe they -ry y!ur s!n# as she le-t the ,!urt h!use1 6nd that when they p!lled the pe!ple !n the street m!st !- them were "e,stati,# ab!ut the $erdi,t1 =:>0 p1m1 6nd the newspaper had already printed a late-a-tern!!n eJtra editi!n that said "Guilty# !n it1 11P1=P0> :$ander F!ly-ield l!ses t! )arry /!naldIin an apparent embarrassin' -i'ht -!r the -!rmer -!ur time hea$ywei'ht ,hampi!n1 MSU beats +is,!nsin1 %he un,laimed ba''a'e ,enter in S,!tsb!r!u'h 6labama1

O/7 the rapper dies !- an apparent heart atta,* 3Old /irty 7astard) 11P15P0> (!nd!lee?a 4i,e is named Se,retary !- State, (!lin P!well resi'nin'; Man sets himsel- !n -ire !utside the white h!use says they hear him ,ryin' "allah, allah#; Fussein t!!* 21 billi!n -r!m the !il -!r -!!d pr!'ram Ismu''led it1 %heyE$e -!und the )!st (ity !- 6tlantis !-- the ,!ast !- (ypress1 M!rm!ns are the -astest 'r!win' den!minati!n in 6meri,a1 Peru$ian dru' smu''lers are ,au'ht with dru's inside a sMuid1

11P19P0> 6S6 su,,ess-ully laun,hed the S,ram Aet whi,h went 9000 mph !$er the Pa,i-i, O,ean ew translati!n !the Pentateu,h 4!bert 6lter1 6 deer wandered int! the OEFare ba''a'e ,laim area1 %his (I6 a'ent wh! Aust Muit says that at !ne p!int a t!p Osama 7in )aden ass!,iate was trapped and they *new whereIthe h!tel and the eJa,t r!!m and the (I6 t!ld the military but the military de,lined1 6t the 5ibe awards in Santa M!ni,a---at a Santa M!ni,a airp!rt han'arIthere was a -i'ht and s!meb!dy '!t stabbedI apparently a man appr!a,hed /r1 /re and slu''ed him and then /a$id 7u,* a*aVVVVVVVV rapper name stabbed 0!hns!n1 0!hns!n is in stable ,!nditi!n in the h!spital1 /a$id 7u,* is wanted by the p!li,e1 6S6 has a resear,h ,enter in )an'ley and were part !the parti,ipants in the S(46M Aet eJperiment1 I s Mar'aret Fassan /eadL %heyEre startin' t! thin* s!1 Sears and 2-Mart are '!in' t! mer'e1 7!y S,!uts reMuires belie- in G!dL %here-!re the military ,anEt san,ti!n themL

11P1<-11P1BP0> 7illy Graham 1%heyE$e dis,!$ered the s*elet!n !what they n!w ,!nsider t! be the last ,!mm!n an,est!r !- all 'reat apes1 Peyt!n Mannin' is Muarter ba,* -!r the 7altim!re (!lts1 Fis br!ther :li is with the Giants1 %heir -ather is -!rmer Saints @7 6r,hie Mannin' Only 1=T !- 6meri,ans thin* that G!d had n! r!le in the ,reati!n !- the w!rld, but yet we still ha$e e$!luti!n bein' tau'ht in alm!st all the s,h!!ls1 F!we$er, /!$er area s,h!!l distri,t in s!utheastern Pennsyl$ania has de,ided t! tea,h "intelli'ent desi'n1# )ast time U1 !- M1 was nati!nal ,hampi!n was in 1BB9 when they were ,!-,hamps with ebras*a1 OSU has beat U !- M in B>, B<, and 2002; UM w!n in BD and 2002 and is 11->-1 a'ainst OSU in the last -i-teen 'ames1 In 1BB< OSU de-eated UM t! thwart their h!pes !- an unde-eated lea'ue re,!rd1 %his is 7illy GrahamEs >1Dth ,rusade and his neJt t! last1 7!y b!rn -emale twin has had seJ ,han'e and is n!w sa$in' up -!r a phalle,t!myIi1e1 ,reati!n !- a -alse penis1 6S6 laun,hes spa,e,ra-t named "Swi-t# t! sear,h -!r bla,* h!les1 +!rldEs !ldest li$in' man dies at a'e 11=1 Mi,hi'an l!ses t! OSU but will '! t! 4!se 7!wl be,ause +is,!nsin l!st t! I!wa1 (harles Mans!n '!t turned d!wn -!r a re,!rd ,!ntra,t by the s!n !- /!ris /ay wh! died t!day1 Prin,e +illiam !- :n'land says he d!es n!t want t! be "m!lly,!ddled# i- the !rder is -!r him t! '! t! war )!ri 7erens!n has been in pris!n in Peru sin,e 1BB5 based !n terr!rism ,har'es1 : &lash -l!!ds *ill 250 in the Philippines, @ue?!n pr!$in,e1 : 8ale -ans -!!l Far$ard -ans by ma*in' them h!ld up si'ns t! read "we su,*1 2en 0ennin's, 0e!pardy ,hampi!n -inally l!st1 /ianna /eetri, 7erns is subAe,t t! eJ,essi$e -!r,e by 6tlanta p!li,e and it is ,au'ht !n $ide! at the airp!rt1

O--i,er (laren,e 6leJander was the insti'atin' !--i,er, se$en !ther !--i,ers arri$ed therea-ter1 %he distri,t att!rney was 7!b 2eller, 7erns att!rney is Ste$en )ister1 : 6irplane attemptin' t! ma*e -irst r!und the w!rld n!nst!p , n!n-re--ueled -li'ht

/i,* :bers!l the 7( sp!rts ann!un,er was in an airplane that ,rashed in (!l!rad!1 Fe apparently was returnin' -r!m the !tre /ame-US( -!!tball 'ame and has !ne s!n at US( and an!ther s!n at !tre /ame1 Fe and his !lder s!n sur$i$ed but his y!un'est s!n apparently died1 2e$in Grady !r OEGrady, !- :ast Grand 4apids Fi'h S,h!!l, is brea*in' all the Mi,hi'an hi'h s,h!!l -!!tball re,!rds1

/:(:M7:4 200> 12P2P0> Giant (hristmas tree sits !n ele$en bar'es in 4i! /e0aneir!-; %he a$era'e ere,t penis is 5 X in,hes l!n'1 S!uth Fa$en -emale middle s,h!!l tea,her is in Aail -!r alle'edly ha$in' a seJual intera,ti!n with a -emale student1 &riends and -amily testi-y !n behal- !- S,!tt Peters!n t! try t! ,!n$in,e the Aury n!t t! 'i$e him the death senten,e1 6 re,!unt !- the Ohi! results is still slated t! '! -!rward in the presidential ra,e11 theyE$e paid the 11=,000 -eeC i- dem!,rats had w!n the 20 ele,t!ral $!tes in Ohi! they w!uld ha$e w!n the ele,ti!n1 (lass 6 bi!"

terr!irism a'ents in,lude: smallp!J, pla'ue, b!tulism, and tularemia, hem!rrha'i, -e$er, and anthraJ1 12P=P0> =<,000 pe!ple die !- in-luen?a e$ery year1 Spanish -lu !- 1B1<-1B *illed 25 milli!n pe!ple w!rldwide, m!re than all !- ++I1 %hey ha$e -!und a way t! re$erse paralysis in d!'s i- it is inAe,ted in the animal within three days !- the inAury1 S,h!!l bus dri$er near 7u--al! ew 8!r* is -ired -!r tal*in' with the students ab!ut stem ,ell resear,h1 S!me s,ientists are n!w sayin' that the 'l!bal warmin' leads t! 'reater ,hill in the l!n' run1 It ,auses the i,eber's t! thaw and ,auses -resh water t! -l!w int! the salty n!rth 6tlanti, ,han'in' the balmy -l!w !- water in the !rth 6tlanti, Gul- Stream int! ,!ld water and ar!und <200 years a'! ,aused a 'reat ,hill1 2>-year-!ld 6meri,an an,y 4andall is -a$!red t! win the Miss +!rld ,!ntest bein' held in (hina1 %he Irish are the wealthiest !- the :ur!pean ,!untries a,,!rdin' t! 6P1 12P0>P0> (heney and 4ums-eld apparently w!r*ed t!'ether -!r the &!rd administrati!n in 6P des,ribes 4ums-eld as a,id-t!n'ued and haw*ishC O*lah!ma, US(, 6uburn all win11 they all remain unde-eated1 (!lumbia dru' team is eJtradited -r!m (!lumbia t! U1S1 0ail1 %he &!under !- Fabitat -!r Fumanity was under pressure t! resi'n be,ause !- seJual impr!prieties, but then 0immy (arter stepped up and threatened t! re$!*e his supp!rt !- Fabitat and s! they let him remain in an h!n!rary p!siti!n1 Fis name is Millard &uller1 In e$ery pr!-essi!n there are pr!-essi!nals and there are th!se wh! play the part1 12P5P0> %ilman apparently was de-initely *illed by "-riendly -ire1# St!ry ab!ut e-Aun* t!!* nine

minutes t! read1 +hat d! we d! with all the ele,tr!ni, 'ad'ets we n! l!n'er needL +!man passen'er may ha$e -allen !$er the (arni$al (ruise ship =0 miles west !- :nsenada MeJi,!1 Man runs !n ,!urt at the /a$is (up Mat,h between 4!ddi, andC (arl!s M!ya 3put a hat !n t!p !- M!yaEs head)1 7la,* t!mat!es are supp!sed t! be an aphr!disia,1 Mi,hi'an will play %eJas in the 4!se 7!wl, n!t (ali-!rnia1 M!re Peters!n relati$es testi-y !n behal- !- Peters!n1 Fis -ather 'rew up p!!r in Minnes!ta1 Fis m!ther 'rew up an !rphan a-ter -ather was murdered1 (hinaman wins lawsuit ,!n,ernin' manh!le ,!$ers11a-ter brea*in' his le' in h!le, a -ew m!nths a-ter s!meb!dy -ell in and dr!wned11 all be,ause pe!ple steel the manh!le ,!$ers and sell them -!r a ,!uple bu,*s whi,h is a dayEs wa'e -!r a l!t !- them1 In Nimbabwe they steal ,!--ins -!r m!ney1 Fi'h Sui,ide rate in (hina1 M!t!r!la ma*es a ph!ne ,!$er that will 'r!w int! a sun-l!wer1 P!ssibility !predi,tin' earthMua*es $ia ,hemi,al analysis !water in I,elandEs "tin bath#11 %he B1101 tra'edy has been deemed tw! separate atta,*s -!r the sa*e !- insuran,e1 1 St1 MaryEs (!pti, (hur,h !n 4!bins!n is ar,hite,turally impressi$e1 G!!d s!up at the ba'el sh!w d!wn the street -r!m Familt!n1 12P9P0>1 trampled by his !wn wildebeest he was trampled and blud'e!ned t! death in S!uth 7end Indiana1 Cwhite b!ys beat up bla,* b!y in Simi 5alley C white hate in,ident11 !r white suprema,yC S,!tt Peters!n went t! (al P!ly Uni$ersity and 'raduated with a =12< GP61 12P<P0> %he st!ry ab!ut the "Penis %ree " in %us,any Italy apparently used as p!liti,al pr!pa'anda in an ele,ti!n a'ainst the !pp!nent sayin' that i- they

are ele,ted they will brin' per$ersi!n and pr!blems 3!ri'inally this was th!u'ht t! be a symb!l !li-e31 F7 at 12== at s,h!!l1 4esear,hes in the etherlands the!ri?e that s!me !- the ineJpli,able desert disappearan,es is due t! "dry Mui,*sand# whi,h d!esnEt pa,* d!wn but will swall!w y!u up iy!u step in it1 )!ne whale a,,!unts -!r a uniMue spee,h pattern nine years in the Pa,i-i,1 : 4!nald 2eith +illiams!n was ta*en !-- death r!w -i$e days be-!re he was t! be eJe,uted -!r a ,rime they n!w *n!w he didnEt ,!mmit1 12P10P0> pr!'ram )i'hted up -esti$al h!mes a,r!ss the U1S1 in,ludes :l$isE h!me, and the 5anderbilt h!me in 6she$ille, (, and -!r in-!rmati!n ab!ut the 7iltm!re h!me ,all 1<00D2> 15951 %he Fearst (astle is als! lit up ar!und (hristmas1 %he U1S1 (!ast 'uard heli,!pter that res,ued siJ pe!ple -r!m a -rei'hter in the 7erin' sea subseMuently ,rashed and n!w theyEre l!!*in' -!r the heli,!pter1 6rbitrati!n hearin' t!!* pla,e in Manhattan ,!n,ernin' the 76 brawl11 despite 76Es !bAe,ti!n that the arbitrat!r has n! auth!rity11%hey put an i,e s*atin' rin* !n t!p !- :i--el %!wer in &ran,e1 2e$in 2e!'h ,ity -inan,e m'r1 In Ph!eniJ !r S,!ttsdale '!t !n t!p !- his ,ar as it was m!$in' and then -ell !-- and died1 Fis wi-e said he relapsed -r!m a tr!pi,al disease1 Fe was a t!p ,ity mana'er1 7ennin't!n (!lle'e in 5erm!nt is !ne !the m!st liberal ,!lle'es in 6meri,a1 P!ssibility !- predi,tin' earthMua*es is in,reased 11 per the trem!rs beneath the Mua*e11 pri!r t! the Mua*e itsel-11 0!hn Mi,hael Far$ey was released -r!m pris!n a-ter 12 years when alle'ed $i,tim !- ,hild m!lestati!nI wh! was three years !ld at the time Ktesti-ied as

an adult Aust re,ently that, in -a,t, she had n!t been m!lested but had been ,!a,hed t! testi-y a'ainst him by a relati$e with a 'rud'e a'ainst him1 Philip 7ad!ws*i !- %ennessee , 22 years !ld, sh!t and *illed his parents a-ter they s,!lded him up!n return -r!m a missi!n trip t! Faiti1 %hen he tried t! dismember their b!dies with a ,hainsaw1 4!'er (lemens has n!t de,ided whether he will play neJt year !r n!t1 12P11P0> %hey apparently had a Martin )uther 2in' mem!rial mar,h t!day and s!me were ,!n,erned that it was bein' used as an anti-'ay plat-!rm1 %!tal !- 2=B0 pe!ple died in the Pearl Farb!r atta,* !n /e,1 9 1B>11 /urin' summer pea* m!nths the 6ri?!na Mem!rial in Pearl Farb!r re,ei$es up t! >500 pe!ple daily 12P12P0> 7!mb blast in s!uthern Philippines in supermar*et in General Sant!s t!wn1 Saddam Fussein was ,aptured !n /e,1 1=, 200=1 ")i-e a-ter :J!nerati!n " pr!'rams based in (ali-!rnia tries t! help wr!n'ly ,!n$i,ted pers!ns put their li$es ba,* t!'ether a-ter release1 &!unded by att!rneys related t! the "Inn!,en,e Pr!Ae,t# 12P1=P0> Pe!ple are stealin' (y,ads !ut !- yards be,ause theyEre s! $aluable1 0ay 5an6ndel passed away1 %yr!ne +illin'ham -ired by !tre /ame has n!w been hired by +ashin't!n Fus*ies1 Fe als! used t! w!r* -!r Stan-!rd -!!tball1 Matt )einart w!n the Feisman tr!phy beatin' 0as!n +hite wh! w!n it last year 3and ,ame in third this year) but they will -a,e ea,h !ther in the Oran'e 7!wl !n 0an >1 (harlie +eis !- the ew :n'land Patri!ts ta*es the !tre dame p!siti!n and apparently 'raduated -r!m !tre /ame but did n!t play -!!tball there1 +alt

Farris ta*es Stan-!rd -!!tball p!siti!n1 !rm (h!w was ,!nsideredIhe remains !--ensi$e ,!!rdinat!r -!r US(1 %he Aury has rea,hed a senten,e -!r S,!tt Peters!nItba any m!ment n!w 3 22= pm) I heard the at >21 pm 11the Aury senten,ed him t! death1 Mars 4!$er dis,!$ers 'e!thite whi,h is -!rmed by water1 Only ten eJe,uti!ns ha$e ta*en pla,e in (ali-!rnia sin,e 1B9< despite the -a,t that (ali-!rniaEs death r!w is the lar'est and m!st ,r!wded1 %here are ,urrently D>1 pris!ners !n death r!w1 0ud'e :llender !- )!uisiana has been suspended -!r dressin' up as a "bla,*# at a Fall!ween party1 S,!tt Peters!n 0ur!rs in,lude: Ste$e (ard!si !M!!n 7ay1 Fe apparently was the Aury -!repers!n1 6n!ther Aur!r was 4i,helle i,e !- :ast Pal! 6lt!1 6 third Aur!r was Gre' 7ertalis1 %hey all indi,ated that it was Peters!nsE ,!urtr!!m demean!r whi,h made them m!st suspi,i!us sayin' he ne$er sh!wed any em!ti!n1 7ut this ,!ntrasts with the A!urnalists rep!rts that Peters!n at times wept1 %his ma*es me thin* that -!r 6n'l!s in '!!d standin' suddenly up a'ainst the Audi,ial system it ,an !$erwhelm y!u and the -irst rea,ti!n is t! try t! be a "'!!d b!y# t! ,!mply with e$eryb!dy and thin' and ,lam up1 Ir!ni,ally, !neEs "!bedien,e# in su,h re'ards may ultimately w!r* a'ainst them aeb 3as e$iden,ed by) the Aury wh! th!u'ht his silen,e was suspi,i!us1 Mi,hi'an tea,her -!und 'uilty !- murderin' husbandI the Aury was n!t ,!n$in,ed that it was Austi-ied be,ause !- the abuse she eJperien,ed1 6shley M,2athan wears ten ,!mmandments !n his r!be in 6labama ,!urt---an att!rney !bAe,ted 12P15P0> : Mari!n 0!nes is suin' the !wner !- 7al,! -!r a,,usin' her !- ta*in' ster!ids1

12P1DP0> %he 7%2 37ind, %!rture, 2ill) 2iller -r!m +i,hita wh! *illed ten !r m!re in the 1B90Es has reappeared lea$in' ,lues ab!ut himsel%his is the 20th anni$ersary !- the 7ernhard G!et? subway sh!!tin' in ew 8!r* (ityC that ,aused su,h a stir11s!me applaudin' G!et?, !thers ,riti,al11 he was !n a subway , had his !wn 'un 3ille'ally) and was appr!a,hed by -!ur bla,* b!ys with sharpened s,rewdri$ers, and he !pened -ire, lea$in' !ne !- them paraly?ed -r!m the waist d!wn1 Fe ran -!r May!r in 2001 but l!st1 12P19P200> 0!hnny (arl, the !r,hestra ,!ndu,t!r at the (rystal (athedral, ,!mmits sui,ide1 12P1<P0> 6 new buildin' in the 7ra?ilian t!wn !- (ureteba ,an re$!l$e, ea,h r!!m ta*in' an h!ur t! turn ar!und ,!mpletely1 P : 4!ddi,* -ires 7rad Gilbert1 Sear,h -!r 6melia :arhart plan planned t! ,!mmen,e s!!n 3-!r the se,!nd !r third time) near F!wland Island; 12P1BP0> Man at Indiana Uni$ersity ,har'ed with animal abuse a-ter lettin' 'uinea pi' -ly !ut !- his wind!w !n a ball!!n, and '!t ,au'ht in a tree /e-ense att!rneys in the Mi,hael 0a,*s!n ,ase are as*in' -!r a dismissal based !n "$indi,ti$e pr!se,uti!n1# 7!b Sim!nds in his newsletter -!r !$ember says Pr!,t!r and Gamble used h!m!seJuals t! ad$ertise their pr!du,ts, sh!win' them in bed t!'ether, and as*s ,!nsumers t! st!p buyin' %ide, (rest, and Pampers1 %his ad is !n www1p'b!y,!tt1,!m1 6nd he says that 6rn!ld S,hwaar?ena'er si'ned a bill

that l!wered the a'e !- ,!nsensual seJ t! 1>C ma*in' it m!re di--i,ult t! pr!se,ute ,ases !adult-,hild seJual relati!nships1 12P21P0> Settlement made in "G!ld %rain# ,ase !n behal- !0ews r!bbed by 6meri,an s!ldiers near the end !++II1 1 : S!methin' is ,leanin' the s!lar panels !n the Opp!rtunity r!$er1 %his is ati!nal F!meless day1 1 6nd the a,t!r P!eIals! a p!liti,ian ,!ntender at !ne p!int in the Philippines died, the -uneral was t!day1 12P2>P0> /a$id )etterman is in IraM -!r a (hristmas spe,ial1 12P25P0> : Geneti, Sa$in's . (l!an in Sausalit! (6 has ,l!ned a *itten -!r H50,000 and will be'in ,l!nin' pets !n a ,!mmer,ial basis1 1 : Miami Feat and ShaM beat )a*ers . 2!be in !$ertime by 2 p!ints1 (!m 6ir has ,an,elled 1100 -li'hts due t! ,!mputer brea*d!wn, ,ausin' =0,000 passen'ers t! be delayed 6 play in ew 8!r* ,alled "&at Pi'# ab!ut an !bese w!man and the insults she must endure1 ShaMuille O eal says he misses the &!J Fills Mall and the 7e$erly (enter1 (elebrities at the 'ame in,luded (!urtney (!J and /yan (ann!n1 +h! are theyL Others in,luded Fenry +in*ler, Penny Marshall, and Su'ar 4ay )e!nard1 : %hey thin* they may ha$e -!und the Sil!am P!!l where 0esus healed a blind man near 0erusalem1 8 %imes says there is s!me ,!ntr!$ersy ab!ut this new (ali-!rnia web site whi,h all!ws pe!ple t! l!!* up re'istered seJ !--enders t! see ithey li$e in their nei'hb!rh!!d1 12P2DP0> : <15 !r m!re earthMua*e rep!rted t! ha$e hit Ind!nesia 31;=2 a1m1)1 &!rt 2earney neJt ri'ht1 %!!* a nap ar!und 2:=0 and n!w itEs 5:2< am and I

am ba,* !n the r!ad1 India . Sri )an*a ha$e already rep!rted 1000 deaths apie,e due t! the tidal wa$es1 : 4e''ie +hiteIthe de-ensi$e &) star died t!day at a'e >= !- a heart atta,*1 12P29P0> : !w they say the death t!ll -!r the 6sian earthMua*e is at 1>0001 !w the death t!ll -r!m the 6sia earthMua*e is at 2=0001 I t!!* a needed nap at >>< pm 12P2<P0>C%he w!man wh! *illed the pre'nant lady and ,ut the baby !ut !- her w!mb appeared in a Miss!uri (!urt t!day and the Aud'e said she "appeared t! Muali-y -!r a publi, de-ender# 1 My Muesti!n is 3and n!t t! pr!te,t this w!man wh! apparently is !b$i!usly 'uilty) but is a publi, de-ender a -ar,eI a sure -ailureL I w!uld li*e t! *n!w Ste$e 7!ysawEs re,!rd -!r eJ!nerati!ns1 I thin* the publi, de-ender is part !- the e$il system , puttin' !n a display !,arin' -!r the de-endant, but n!t really 11055 am-the earthMua*e death t!ll is n!w at >0,000 12P2BP0> !n P4 a st!ry ab!ut an !r'ani?ati!n ,alled "S!und :J,han'e# whi,h tallies the number !- times a s!n' is played !n the radi!, !r !n an ele$at!r, !r e$en as ba,*'r!und musi, when y!uEre !n h!ld and pays !ut r!yalties t! the sin'er1 2!r- aut! dealer in 8uma, (!l!rad! 3D52 am)1 : %heyEre ma*in' a m!,*ery !- 6meri,an tr!!ps in these sui,ide atta,*s and !ther snea* atta,*sIyesterday s!meb!dy 'a$e the IraM p!li,e a tip that insur'ents were hidin' !ut in a h!use and when they went t! ,he,* the h!use blew up, *illin' 2B pe!ple1 St!rm in S!uthern (ali-!rnia1 1 : %he remar*able thin' they say ab!ut this tsunami tra'edy is that they ha$enEt -!und any dead animals, as i- they had sensed it and had '!ne inland be-!re it hit1

12P=1P0> D20 a1m1 19> pe!ple die in an 6r'entinean ni'ht ,lub -ire 3rep!rts say the -ire eJits ,may ha$e been l!,*ed)1 1 : 6tt!rney General Mi*e Fat,h is suin' (apit!l One (redit ,ards -!r their de,epti$e billin' pra,ti,es11ad$ertisin' a -iJed interest rate and then raisin' them t! 1BT i- y!u are !ne day late in payin' y!ur bills 06 U648, 2005 1P1P05 ew 8ears /ay %hree-year !ld ad!pted ,hild is bein' returned t! itEs bi!l!'i,al parents per ,!urt !rder1 : %he U1S1 in,reased their d!nati!n am!unt -r!m =5 milli!n t! =50 milli!n a-ter Sweden t!pped the U1S with 50 milli!n, but n!w 0apan has pled'ed 500 milli!n1 %he island !- Phi Phi was hit hard by the earthMua*ePtsunami 3and is apparently where the -ilm "%he 7ea,h# was sh!t)1 6P 7l!!per: Sandy (!ssel rep!rted ar!und 10> a1m1 that an a-tersh!,* hit !ne !- the 6sian areas but there is " n! rep!rt !- seri!us ,asualties#1 : %he U1S1 7ased (hristian (hildrenEs &und is in$!l$ed in therapeuti, inter$enti!n in the tsunami areasItryin' t! ,reate spa,e -!r the ,hildren t! re,uperate, $ent, -eel, tal*, play et,1 1P=P05 &l!yd Mayweather 0r1 didnEt sh!w up -!r his ,!urt hearin' in Grand 4apids1 FeEs a b!Jer wh! 'rew up in Grand 4apids and is unde-eated 3=1-0) 1 FeEs s,heduled t! -i'ht !n 0anuary 20 in Miami but n!w thereEs a warrant -!r his arrest 1P>P05 1P1>P05

els!n MandelaEs s!n died !- 6I/S1

%hereEs been a mud slide in 5entura (!unty that *illed at least -i$e, alth!u'h twel$e are still missin'1 +!man wh! dr!$e ar!und barri,ades ended up in ri$er, l!st 'rip !n ,hild while bein' sa$ed, her 2 year !ld ,hild dr!wned1 She may be ,har'ed with manslau'hter1 : 7e,ause they : 6t least 10 *illed in )a (!n,hita Mudslide in 5entura (!unty1 Man sa$ed -r!m i,y ,ree*Ipants pulled !-- by ri$er1 Pulled up at brid'e1 : they are amputatin' rather than tryin' -ine-tuned sur'ery with s!me !- the tsunami $i,tims, whi,h is pr!blemati, in additi!n t! l!ss !- limb is bein' !ut,ast -r!m a lab!r-based s!,iety whi,h d!esnEt ha$e sympathy -!r handi,aps1 %he -!ster h!me nearby where 0!hn )enn!n 'rew up, ,alled Strawberry &ields, and the inspirati!n -!r the 7eatles S!n' is ,l!sin' n!w be,ause smaller h!mes are pre-erable t! instituti!ns1 %he Madden0ullian Os,illati!n is the ,ause !- the st!rms !n the west ,!ast t!dayCdue t! this weather pattern !$er 6sia and India O,ean1 7urmese pers!ns wh! were w!r*in' in %hailand are n!w in hidin' -!r -ear !dep!rtati!n 3be,ause they l!st their papers)1 Prin,e Farry has ,aused a stir by '!in' t! a ,!stume party dressed as a a?i1 S!n !- Mar'aret %hat,her, Mar*, has pled 'uilty t! bein' an unwittin' parti,ipant in a pl!t t! *ill a p!liti,al leader in pr!$in,ial ew Guinea1 Pr!-ess!r 4!nald 0uris,he -r!m /essau in Sa,hsen-6nhalt Germany went t! (!sta 4i,a -!r a $a,ati!n went t! a d!,t!r -!r a s!re -!!t 3s!methin' heEs had be-!re due t! diabetes, but n!thin' seri!us) but the d!,t!r de,ided t! amputate a'ainst his will ---and while still pr!testin' they dru''ed him, did the amputati!n, and he w!*e up at the departure 'ate, and has sin,e had t! ha$e 20 !r m!re -urther sur'eries ba,* in Germany t! ,!rre,t all the pr!blems1 Fe is n!w suin' (!sta 4i,a1

S,hwaar?enaa'er $isited the mudslide s,ene and said they said "+eEll be ba,*66; %he (&O !- O--i,e MaJ is retirin' a-ter tw! m!nths !n the A!b1 6S6 laun,hes a ,!met smashin' spa,e,ra-t s,heduled t! 'et there !n 0uly >1 7ritish 6irways -li'ht turned away due t! suspe,ted militant !n b!ard1 Mild winter in 4ussia1 4adiati!n-pr!!- 45Es1 :6er!'el is n!w bein' used t! warm Aa,*ets 3!ne brand is ,alled "-r!?en sm!*e#)1 I e-mailed H100 t! GM at 1050 pm !n 1P11P05 1 (ard1 %!m (!leman, a -!rmer p!li,e !--i,er suspe,ted !- -ramin' many bla,*s with dru's is n!w bein' put !n trial -!r stealin' 'as and subseMuent perAury1 ew :n'land Patri!ts ha$e been in = !- the last > superb!wlsL Mi*e 5ander 0a't is the !utsp!*en -ield-'!al *i,*er -!r the Indianap!lis (!lts1 6ndrew Gei'er really s,rewed thin's up at OSU1 I had ne$er heard !- the term "-l!ppin'# be-!re used t! des,ribe th!se wh! theatri,ally a,t !ut a ,har'in' -!ul a'ainst them by "-l!ppin'# d!wn1 Spa,eship (assini-Fuy'ens has landed !n %itanI!ne !- SaturnEs m!!ns, and ph!t!s appear t! indi,ate liMuid !n the sur-a,e !- %itanIperhaps methane they say alth!u'h they d! n!t indi,ate why it isnEt -r!?en, it bein' ar!und 200 de'rees bel!w ?er! !n this m!!n1 Se$en year A!urneyIthey le-t in 1BB91 %hey apparently e$a,uated the entire t!wn !- (!r!na , appr!Jimately 2=00 pe!ple be,ause !- a dam seepin' water1 O--i,ials say that i- the dam br!*e it w!uld wipe !ut the entire t!wn in 2 W minutes1 U1S1 O--i,ials ha$e ann!un,ed plans t! 111 Pr!blem in the Pra'ue with taJis !$er,har'in' t!urists, up t! 500 per,ent !$er the -air rate1 )isterine m!uthwash has up t! -!ur times that !- malt liMu!r, 29 per,ent al,!h!l1 Ca lady was ,har'ed with drun* dri$in' a-ter she admitted t! ha$in' dran* -!ur ,ups !- it1 in,rease the tsunami

warnin' system -!r the United States perimeter1 Sli'ht rise in le$el !- Indian O,ean unrelated 0ames (amer!n Aust ,!mpleted a d!,umentary !n the ,reatures !- the deep seaIway d!wnImiles bel!w the sur-a,e, and n!w heEs '!in' t! be'in w!r*in' !n a s,ien,e -i,ti!n pr!Ae,t but says that weE$e l!st real s,ien,e -i,ti!n e$er sin,e Star +ars whi,h he says was "eye ,andy# Fe says he is '!in' t! try t! 'et m!re !- a diat!pian messa'e with this m!$ie ab!ut a ,yb!r' !- s!me s!rt1 t! the tsunami , but due t! 'l!bal warmin' ,!uld ,ause si'ni-i,ant pr!blems in 100 years they say1 1 %hereEs a ban !n U1S sellin' arms t! Ind!nesia 0ets l!se t! Pittsbur'h Steelers1 0ets ,!uld ha$e w!n in !$er time with -ield '!als, !ne -r!m >B , the !ther -r!m >= but he missed b!th, despite bein' 2> !- 2B -!r the seas!n1 St1 )!uis is l!sin' t! 6tlanta1 Miami Feat is in -irst pla,e but )a*ers are in the middle-Aust barely ab!$e the (lippers way behind the Ph!eniJ Suns and 2!be 7ryant is !ut with a sprained an*le -!r 5 days1 Mens (!lle'e 7as*etballI Uni$ersity !- Illin!is is unde-eated1 %he &errari m!t!rsp!rts team is '!in' t! meat with the p!pe1 %sunami relie- ,!n,ert at Minute Maid Par* in F!ust!n %S1 %hree-year K!ld b!y is bein' returned t! his natural parents a-ter li$in' the -irst three : man had nail in s*ull ,ausin' him paint and he didnEt e$en *n!w it was there1 (rimes in$!l$in' pers!ns p!sin' as p!li,e !--i,ers are in,reasin'1 +hen 0ames G!ttlieb didnEt ,!me h!me -!r dinner, his wi-e and ,hildren went l!!*in' -!r him1 %hey went t! his pla,e !- w!r* and then t! a restaurant t! see i- he had st!pped t! eat, then they tra,ed his usual r!ute h!me1 St!ppin' t! see what the ,!mm!ti!n !n the b!ule$ard was all ab!ut, pulled !$er by an imp!ster, G!ttlieb, a -ather !three wh! was ab!ut t! ,elebrate his 25 th weddin' anni$ersary, was dead1 Fe was pulled !$er by

s!me!ne in a $ehi,le with -lashin' li'hts, &ran*lin SMuareC ew 8!r* this wasnEt an !rdinary tra--i, st!pCattempted r!bbery, and he was sh!t and *illed by s!me!ne impers!natin' a p!li,e !--i,er1 %he l!ss has le-t a h!le in the li$es !- his l!$ed !nes1 +e ,an try t! -ill the h!les by ,arin' -!r ea,h !ther but weEre ne$er '!in' t! 'et him ba,*1 Impers!nati!n ,rimes are !n a rise1 %his type !,rime is n!t new but it seems t! be happenin' at an alarmin' rate1 In nearby 5alley Stream a -ew days later a pair !-a*e p!li,e !--i,ers r!bbed tw! men !n a busy r!ad in br!ad dayli'ht1 P!li,e !--i,er 2ir* &ara,?e* was !n patr!l when he sp!tted the r!bbery and went a-ter the ,r!!*s1 "I l!!*ed at the 'uys#, he said, and "I didnEt re,!'ni?e them as any !--i,ers I w!r*ed with1# 6s s!!n as the tw! imp!sters saw &ara,?e* they Aumped in their ,ar and t!!* !--1 6-ter a sh!rt ,hase the suspe,ts ,rashed their ,ar and were arrested1 Outside !- +ashin't!n /1(1 a w!man was pulled !$er by s!me!ne with -lashin' blue li'hts1 +hen she r!lled d!wn her wind!w the -a*e p!li,e !--i,er 'rabbed her shirt1 %he w!man hit the 'as and '!t away1 In Miami a r!bber pretendin' t! be a p!li,e dete,ti$e tal*ed his way int! a -ast -!!d restaurant where unsuspe,tin' sta-- w!r*ers t!!* him behind the ,!unter and int! the !--i,er where they *ept the m!ney1 M!re : %here ha$e been DD0 deaths due t! b!mbin's and dri$e-by sh!!tin's by Muslims in the s!uthern %hailand area in the past year1 years !his li-e with the ad!pti$e parents1 Pri$ate Graner wh! was a,,used !- pris!ner abuse in 6bu Gahraib, IraM has been -!und 'uilty and senten,e t! 10 years in military pris!n 6 -ishin' b!at re,ently sun* Kdr!wnin' -i$e, !-the ,!ast !- ew :n'landIs!me are ,!mparin' it t! the sin*in' !- the 6ndrea Gail !- a de,ade a'!, ab!ut whi,h the m!$ie "%he Per-e,t St!rm# was

based1 %he Indian O,ean tsunami tra$eled at speeds !- 500 MPF and was 1<0 miles wide1 20 !r m!re whales stranded themsel$es !n the Outer 7an*s !!rth (ar!lina, *illin' 191 6 l!t !- the dama'e I saw in %hailand was ab!$e Phu*et in the 2ha! )a* area1 %he m!$ie ,alled "Sideways# was -ilmed, in part, near 7uellt!n, (6, and part !- it at the &ess Par*er +inery 3&ess Par*er played /aniel 7!!ne, /a$y (r!,*ett !r b!th at !ne time)1 5000 m!re ,!rpses -!und in SumatraIan area yet unt!u,hed by re,!$ery e--!rts1 In the U1S there was a tsunami relie- ,!n,ert with Pin* &l!yd et1 al1 and 7rad Pitt, (lint :astw!!d et1 al1 : man had nail in s*ull ,ausin' him paint and he didnEt e$en *n!w it was there1 1P1DP05 (rimes in$!l$in' pers!ns p!sin' as p!li,e !--i,ers are in,reasin'1 +hen 0ames G!ttlieb didnEt ,!me h!me -!r dinner, his wi-e and ,hildren went l!!*in' -!r him1 %hey went t! his pla,e !- w!r* and then t! a restaurant t! see i- he had st!pped t! eat, then they tra,ed his usual r!ute h!me1 St!ppin' t! see what the ,!mm!ti!n !n the b!ule$ard was all ab!ut, pulled !$er by an imp!ster, G!ttlieb, a -ather !three wh! was ab!ut t! ,elebrate his 25 th weddin' anni$ersary, was dead1 Fe was pulled !$er by s!me!ne in a $ehi,le with -lashin' li'hts, &ran*lin SMuareC ew 8!r* this wasnEt an !rdinary tra--i, st!pCattempted r!bbery, and he was sh!t and *illed by s!me!ne impers!natin' a p!li,e !--i,er1 %he l!ss has le-t a h!le in the li$es !- his l!$ed !nes1 +e ,an try t! -ill the h!les by ,arin' -!r ea,h !ther but weEre ne$er '!in' t! 'et him ba,*1 Impers!nati!n ,rimes are !n a rise1 %his type !,rime is n!t new but it seems t! be happenin' at an alarmin' rate1 In nearby 5alley Stream a -ew days later a pair !-a*e p!li,e !--i,ers r!bbed tw!

men !n a busy r!ad in br!ad dayli'ht1 P!li,e !--i,er 2ir* &ara,?e* was !n patr!l when he sp!tted the r!bbery and went a-ter the ,r!!*s1 "I l!!*ed at the 'uys#, he said, and "I didnEt re,!'ni?e them as any !--i,ers I w!r*ed with1# 6s s!!n as the tw! imp!sters saw &ara,?e* they Aumped in their ,ar and t!!* !--1 6-ter a sh!rt ,hase the suspe,ts ,rashed their ,ar and were arrested1 Outside !- +ashin't!n /1(1 a w!man was pulled !$er by s!me!ne with -lashin' blue li'hts1 +hen she r!lled d!wn her wind!w the -a*e p!li,e !--i,er 'rabbed her shirt1 %he w!man hit the 'as and '!t away1 In Miami a r!bber pretendin' t! be a p!li,e dete,ti$e tal*ed his way int! a -ast -!!d restaurant where unsuspe,tin' sta-- w!r*ers t!!* him behind the ,!unter and int! the !--i,er where they *ept the m!ney1 M!re : %here ha$e been DD0 deaths due t! b!mbin's and dri$e-by sh!!tin's by Muslims in the s!uthern %hailand area in the past year1 G!lden Gl!be 6wardsI"%he 6$iat!r# with )e!nard! /i(apri! wins 7est 6,t!r award1 S!uth 6-ri,a is tryin' t! t!ut 0!hannesbur' as a 'reat pla,e -!r t!urists t! $isit1 4!llin' St!nes Ma'a?ine reAe,ts a ad -r!m N!nder$an 7!!*s h!pin' t! ,apture a new audien,e with a di--erent *ind !- 7ible1 Germany is plannin' a %5 sh!w ,alled "sperm ra,e# where men d!nate their sperm and they ha$e the sperm ra,e in a test tubeIwinner 'ets a P!rs,he1 %he p!li,e !--i,er, 0eremy M!rse, wh! was sued !r ,har'ed by the /6 -!r assault !- a bla,* teena'er in In'elw!!d resulted in a hun' Aury, twi,e and s! the ,har'es were dismissed1 M!rse was -ired tw! m!nths a-ter the in,ident1 %he ,hie--!--p!li,e !In'elw!!d is bla,*1 0eremy M!rse and his partner are white1 %hen the p!li,e !--i,er and his partner sued -!r re$erse dis,riminati!n and t!day were rewarded 11D milli!n and 1< milli!n respe,ti$ely in ,i$il dama'es1 %he $ide! tape sh!wed the p!li,e

!--i,er p!undin' the head !- the b!y, but the !--i,er said it was be,ause the b!y had a 'rip !n his testi,les, whi,h the $ide! did n!t sh!w1 %hat l!wIs! there was n! way t! ,!rr!b!rate yes !r n!1 %he 'r!up "&uel# sin'in' at the y!uth inau'ural ,!n,ert in +ashin't!n /1(1 h!sted by the 7ush twins started the ,!n,ert by sayin' "+el,!me t! the 'reatest -u,*in' ,!untry in the w!rld1# 6nd then the lead sin'er, 7rett S,alli!ns Mui,*ly ap!l!'i?ed1 One !- the 6S6 r!$ers -inds a metal mete!rite !n Mars1 6 new plane bein' built in &ran,eIthe 6=<0, has en!u'h r!!m t! par* 90 ,ars !n its win'1 ItEs d!uble-de,*er, with a t!p se,ti!n stret,hin' all the way ba,* t! the tail, n!t Aust a little hump li*e !n the 9>91 7!b 0!nes !- 7!b 0!nes Uni$ersityIis '!in' t! retire as president !- 7!b 0!nes uni$ersity,, endin' a => year rei'n Cthe s,h!!l 'rabbed headlines in 2000 a-ter Ge!r'e 7us,h sp!*e there be,ause !- itEs ra,ist p!li,ies and its -undamentalist $iews and their ban !n interra,ial datin' whi,h has sin,e been ,han'ed1 1 0!nes s!n, Stephen, a'e =5, will ta*e !$er the s,h!!l in May1 %he D5 year !ld 7!b 0!nesE 'rand-ather -!unded the s,h!!l 9< years a'!1 Fe says "It is time -!r s!me!ne y!un'er and ,l!ser t! the present 'enerati!n t! ta*e !$er1 IE$e seen t!! many instituti!ns, ,hur,hes, (hristian ministries su--er when s!meb!dy stays !n t!! l!n'1 I ne$er wanted that t! happen here1 0!nes said he will spend m!re time tra$elin' and prea,hin' but will remain a $isible part !- the ,ampus as ,hairman !- the b!ard !- trustees and perhaps as "'randpa# t! the 5000 student ,ampus1 6 e$ada man ,astrated himsel- t! l!wer his libid!, but ends up in the h!spital1 Senat!r 2e$in Par*er

was arrested -!r alle'edly pun,hin' a tra--i, a'entP!--i,er wh! was writin' him a ti,*et1 %he 7r!!*lyn /em!,rat was ,har'ed with =rd de'ree assault1 100Es !- 'iant sMuid are washin' up !n Oran'e (!unty bea,hes, the Fumb!ldt sMuid1 6ppr!Jimately 500 !- them be'an washin' up !n the sands !- )a'una and ewp!rt 7ea,h, !ne !- them up t! 19 p!unds1 01P1 M!r'an ap!l!'i?es -!r parti,ipatin' in sla$e trade be-!re the (i$il +arI ha$in' ta*en sla$es as ,!llateral -!r unpaid l!ans---their resear,hers dis,!$ered, and s! n!w they are settin' up a s,h!larship -und -!r 6-ri,an 6meri,an students in )!uisiana, with a pr!'ram ,alled Smart Start whi,h will pr!$ide 5 milli!n d!llars -!r -ull tuiti!nC 7attle !- the 6naheim 6n'els baseball team name is '!in' t! O( Superi!r (!urtIthe 6n'els want t! ,han'e their name t! the )!s 6n'eles 6n'els !- 6naheim, but b!th the ,ity !- )!s 6n'eles and the (ity !- 6naheim are ,!ntestin' it1 +hen the 6n'els were -!unded in 1BD1 with Gene 6utry their !wner they were the )!s 6n'eles 6n'els and they played in /!d'er stadium1 In 1BD5 they be,ame the (ali-!rnia 6n'els and m!$ed t! 6naheim1 +hen /isney b!u'ht the ,lub in 1BB9 they ,han'ed the name t! 6naheim 6n'els1 ew study su''ests that pers!n with l!wer I@ are m!re pr!ne t! sui,ide, and pers!ns with l!w I@ as well as hi'hly edu,ated parents are e$en m!re pr!ne t! sui,ide1 4esear,hers -r!m 7rist!l and VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV ,!ndu,ted the test, alth!u'h they n!te pre$i!us ,!n-li,tin' results K!ne !whi,h indi,ated that pers!ns with hi'her I@ were m!re pr!ne t! sui,ide 3 Israel), whereas in 6ustralia they -!und the !pp!site 1 )ady went int! lab!r durin' a para,hute Aump and deli$ered the baby !n the 'r!und minutes a-ter she landed1 )1

1P21P05 6n arti,le says "6n an,ient $ersi!n !'l!bal warmin' may ha$e been the ,ause !- the 'reatest mass eJtin,ti!n in hist!ryCthe e$ent *n!wn as the 'reat dyin' s!me 250 milli!n years a'! B0T !- all marine li-e and nearly X !- all land-based plants and animals went eJtin,t1 S,ientists thin* itEs due t! $!l,ani, a,ti$ity1 %hey thin* s!me animals e$!l$ed t! sur$i$e at l!wer !Jy'en le$els, su,h as birds, ---the atm!sphere ,urrently ,!nsists !- 20T !Jy'en, but at that time it ,!uld ha$e been as l!w as 1DT, !r less1 %he (!Mui &r!' is in-estin' the Fawaiian bi' island and is a pr!blem be,ause !the shrie*in' l!ud n!ise it ma*es at ni'ht, it ,ame !$er -r!m Puert! 4i,!, whi,h is -!nd !- the -r!'1 %he Aud'e re-uses t! 'rant a preliminary inAun,ti!n st!ppin' the 6naheim 6n'els -r!m ,han'in' their name, meanin' it will '! t! trial1 0ud'e /!nald %h!mps!n was arrested and ,har'ed with three ,!unts !- inde,ent eJp!sureC and -!r usin' a seJ t!y ,alled a "Penis Pump# in ,!urtIin Sapulpa, O*lah!ma1 6 real li-e 4!me! . 0uliet St!ry near 5er!na Italy11 a 9< year !ld man, :tt!re, sat by the bed !- his ,!mat!se wi-e -!r -!ur m!nths and -inally in despair t!!* his !wn li-e1 )ess than a day later his wi-e aw!*e and as*ed -!r him, Aust >0 miles -r!m 5er!na1 M!$ies li*e "7ra$eheart# and ")e'ends !- the &all# are !n a 'r!win' list !- m!$ies inspirati!nal t! s!me (hristians that en,!ura'e them t! thr!w !ut the "ni,e 'uy# a,t and emulate warri!rs1 0!hn :ldri'e inspired the m!$ementCwith his b!!* "+ild at Feart# whi,h has already s!ld 115 milli!n ,!pies 1 :ldri'e belie$es that many (hristian men ha$e be,!me b!red really ni,e 'uys and in$ites them t! newly dis,!$er passi!n by thin*in' !- li-e as a battle t! win and a missi!n t! a,,!mplish, in,ludin' s!meb!dy 3su,h as their wi-e) t!

res,ue1 Fe says the m!dern era has br!u'ht up immense ,!n$enien,es but at what pri,eL %he human heart is desperate -!r m!re than a Mui,*er ser$in' !- p!p,!rn1 ":ldri'e ,alls !n men t! be prepared t! ta*e ris*s and redis,!$er their dreams, but d!es n!t pr!$ide a spe,i-i, r!ute t! -ind1 (areer, marria'e, and -amily be,!me her!i, Muests rather than ,hains that bind1 Fe -!,uses !n h!w men ,an be,!me less passi$e and en'a'e th!se ar!und them parti,ularly their wi$es and ,hildren1 %he C wh! sits in -r!nt !- the tele$isi!n is unen'a'ed11they need t! be en'a'ed whether it is playin' !n the -l!!r with their 1 year !ld !r t!u'her 'ames with their -i-teen year !ld1 :ldrid'e has said he has been ast!unded by the resp!nse t! his b!!*, steadily 'atherin' sin,e it was published by els!ns in 20011 Men ha$e been '!in' t! retreats e$en tribes !n the 6ma?!n 4i$er, he said1 One !- these belie$ers in "+ild at Feart# VVVVVVVVVVV says it d!es remind y!u that we are in a battle e$ery day, it mi'ht be b!red!m and r!utine, but 11the m!ral !- the st!ry is that G!d has written a st!ry and we ha$e t! -ind what the st!ry is and li$e it , (hase says1 Fe says the b!!* inspired him t! tea,h his 15 year !ld t! ride a m!t!r,y,le1 :ldrid'e was a trained ,!unsel!r -!r -i-teen years with &!,us !n the &amily, and says we are ,urrently li$in' in a -atherless a'e, with many men ha$in' aband!ned their ,hildren, i- n!t physi,ally then em!ti!nally1 One -ather was an al,!h!li, wh! a-terVVVVV yearsCbe,ame in,reasin'ly distant (hase had l!st his -ather11wh! he des,ribed as $ery ,!ld Aust m!nths be-!re he attended the retreatCand ma*es the anal!'y !- -ather -i'ure t! G!d -i'ure1 S!me w!men ha$e wel,!me re,ei$in' m!re attenti!n -r!m their husband

than -l!wers1 %he m!$ement has stirred ,!ntr!$ersy and ,riti,ism -r!m s!me (hristian leaders wh! -ear he may Aust be rein-!r,in' stere!types1 +hile s!me w!men ha$e wel,!medC1 YitZ they are ,!n,erned ab!ut the l!n'-term impa,t !n marria'esC6 pr!-ess!r at &uller Seminary said that needin' a "prin,ess t! res,ue has set ba,* marria'e and -amily relati!nships in the ,hur,h by =0 years11san,ti-yin' the myth!l!'i,al 1B50 $iew !- manh!!d says (hapman (lar*, ass!,iate pr!-ess!r !- -amily and marria'e at &uller Seminary in Pasadena11 says "It is destru,ti$e t! marria'es in the l!n' run, " (lar* said, that "%reatin' w!men as a -i'urine rather than the pers!nal ima'e !G!d will hurt relati!nships !$er time1# (lar* says :ldrid'e had "tapped int! an an'st am!n' middle-a'ed white men wh! are dissatis-ied with their li$es and -!r wh!m depressi!n had be,!me a $ery seri!us pr!blem1 " :ldrid'e a,*n!wled'es the su,,ess !- it will be Aud'ed by the impa,t it has !n -amily li$esCand whether +ild 6t Feart ma*es li-e better -!r ,hildren andP!r w!men1 +hen I re,ei$e letters -r!m w!men wh! are immensely 'rate-ul YI am happyZ1 %he 6l-al-a (lub is named a-ter the plant whi,h has r!!ts that will '! anywhere -!r a drin*Iand 7ush sp!*e at their ,lub a day a-ter the inau'urati!n1 /!nald %rump 'ets married a'ain -!r the third time his -irst tw! wi$es in,luded I$ana %rump and Marla Maples, Iin Palm 7ea,h &)C 'uests in,luded 2aty (!uri, and 7arbara +alters1 Y St!p at Q21Z n!w he married Melania 2anuss, als! 'uests Star 0!nes and 7illy 0!el . %!ny

7ennet and 4udy Guilianna1 6nd Matt )!uer1 Married at the :pis,!pal (hur,h !- 7ethesda by the Sea1 SheEs => , heEs 5<1 SheEs -r!m Sl!$ania %he Green party in 6ustria is an'ry at G!$ern!r S,hwwaar?enaa'er -!r all!win' a death penalty ,!n$i,ti!n t! pr!,eed1 6rn!ld was b!rn in 1B>9 in the 5illa'e !- %hal, Aust !utside Gra?1 Fe still has 6ustrian ,iti?enship1 %heyEre sayin' he sh!uld be stripped !- his ,iti?enship be,ause !- it1 6 >0 year !ld m!ther in the /en$er area had a party and supplied teena'ers with al,!h!l and metemphatimes and mariAuana and had seJ with -i$e !- the b!ysI her name is Syl$ia 0!hns!n1 She said she wanted t! be a "*!!l m!m1# 6ustrian Gerhard Faderer wr!te a ,!mi, b!!* ,alled "%he )i-e !- 0esus# whi,h sh!ws 0esus ,r!ssin' the Sea !- Galilee na*ed !n a sur-b!ard1 It depi,ts the )ast Supper as a drin*in' bin'e and the late 0immy FendriJ as a hea$enly -riend !- 0esus1 7e,ause !- this a Gree* (!urt has senten,e him t! siJ m!nths in pris!nC6thens pr!se,ut!rs !rdered all ,!pies !- the b!!* t! be ,eased1 !n-al,!h!li, beer ,an redu,e the ris* !,an,er1 S,ientists say it helps pr!te,t li$er, lun's, and *idney a'ainst / 6 dama'e1 6 0apan Uni$ersity 'a$e mi,e 6 beer !n,e a day and -!und it redu,ed ,an,er by <5 T1 It is th!u'ht that a ,!mp!und in the beer bl!,*s harm-ul ,hemi,als and pr!te,ts li$er, lun's, and *idney -r!m / 6 dama'e1 :$ander F!ly-ield $isits Sri )an*a and India t! assess the tsunami dama'e1 Fe,t!r "ma,h!# (ama,h! was released -r!m Aail in Gul-p!rt , Mississippi a-ter bein' ,har'ed with bur'lary !- a Gul-p!rt ,!mputer sh!p1 6ls! ,har'ed with dru' p!ssessi!n a-ter !--i,ers said they -!und him with ten e,stasy pills1 (ama,h! 90-5-2 withChe had been s,heduled -!r a middlewei'ht -i'ht !n 0an1 211 Fe l!st t!

/e)a F!ya in1BB9; (hris M,(arr!n is retirin' -r!m his A!b in administrati!n at Santa 6nita ra,e tra,* Im!$in' t! 2entu,*y t! start a A!,*ey s,h!!l1 4ussel 7a?e m!$ed int! a tie with 7illy Sh!ema*er -!r se,!nd !n the all time $i,t!ry list with <==0 wins 0!hnny (ars!n passes away a'e 9B, due t! ,!mpli,ati!ns -r!m emphysema1 )etterman says a ni'ht d!esnEt '! by that he d!esnEt as* himsel"+hat w!uld 0!hnny d!L# 6 -!rmer amateur ma'i,ian and $entril!Muist, (ars!n started his ,areer in )in,!ln ebras*a in 1B>< a-ter a stint in the a$y durin' +!rld +ar II1 Fe was a writer -!r the 5ariety series , "%he 4ed S*elt!n Sh!w# and h!sted his -irst %5 sh!w "(ars!nEs (ellar# in 1B511 Fe als! h!sted the early 67( 'ame sh!w O+h! ,an 8!u %rustL# where he appeared with M,Mah!n -!r the -irst time in 1B5<1 Fe repla,ed 0a,* Paar as the h!st !- the %!ni'ht Sh!w in O,t 1BD21 Paar died !nly last 0anuary, 200>1 Ste$e 6llen died in O,t!ber 20001 Fe was the -irst h!st !- the %!ni'ht Sh!w1 ! Mem!rial Ser$i,eI$ery pri$ate !-- sta'e1 Fe e$en re-used t! appear !n 7(Es 95 th anni$ersary sh!w1 (ars!n was b!rn in (!rnin' I!wa in 1B251 Fis -amily then m!$ed t! !r-!l* 71 6s he m!$ed int! the nas,ent Yi1e1 pr!misin'Z w!rld !- tele$isi!n at an Omaha stati!n1 %he -ederal ,!urt in Pittsbur'h whi,h the -ederal '!$ernment has been tryin' t! implementI-ederal Aud'e de,lared that the '!$ernmentEs anti-!bs,enity laws were un,!nstituti!nal %he Mi,hi'an elementary s,h!!l tea,her wh! ha,*ed her husband t! death with a hat,het was senten,ed M!nday t! li-e in pris!n with!ut p!ssibility !- par!le1 1P29P05CMan par*ed his train !n train tra,*s in GlendaleIwanted t! *ill himsel-, , ,han'ed his mind

Aust m!ments be-!re the train hit and Aumped !ut11 Manuel 6l$are? !- (!mpt!n, a'e 25, his 0eep Grand (her!*ee, als! stabbed himseland slashed his wrists1 6l$are?E sister t!ld %5 inter$iewer that he had separated -r!m his wi-e C then the wi-e '!t a ,!urt !rder t! *eep him away -r!m her and the ,hildrenChe wanted t! see his wi-e and s!nC he was ha$in' pr!blems with dru's she said and was $i!lentC he went ar!und as i- he wanted t! *ill himsel-11, she said t! him i- y!uEre '!in' t! *ill y!ursel*ill y!ursel- -ar away, d!nEt ,!me by here tellin' that t! my sister Y his wi-eZ she said he had als! threatened sui,ide in -r!nt !his s!n Y y!u see the pr!blem, in part, thereIthey -urther !stra,i?e him in his 'rie-,,11 ma*in' him all the m!re desp!ndent11 ta*in' away his manh!!d1 Z %hey d!nEt ha$e sympathy -!r his 'rieand despair11 the treat him li*e a lunati,, ma*in' him all the m!re deAe,tedC Y,reatin' a *illerZ C at the same time i- y!u indul'e his beha$i!r t!! mu,h y!u all!w him t! manipulate y!u11 is there a happy middleL 8es1 %his was the w!rst train derailment sin,e Mar,h, 1BBBCin this parti,ular ,ase the a,,ident was ,!mp!unded by the -a,t that the l!,!m!ti$e was pushin' the train, n!t pullin' , they said that i- it had been pullin' the train it mi'ht ha$e simply pushed the ,ar !-- the tra,*11 but as it wasIthere was an a,,!rdi!n e--e,t, in,reasin' the dama'e t! the middle ,ars1 6r,hite,t Philip 0!hns!n died at a'e B<1 F: did parti,ipate in the (rystal (athedral dra-tin'1 Fe als! was *n!wn -!r the Glass F!useIthe ,enterpie,e !- his ba,hel!r pad en,la$e in (!nne,ti,ut1 Fe als! was in$!l$ed with the Sea'ram buildin' in ew 8!r*1 Fe did the west win' !- the Museum !- M!dern 6rt11and the library at ew 8!r* Uni$ersityC and the distin,ti$e sta,*ed lipsti,* !$als in ew 8!r*1

)arry Green, a 2B year !ld man , was hit by a, ,ar and de,lared dead 11already in the m!r'ue when an inspe,t!r ,ame by and -!und him barely breathin'1 0P Perdue, the medi,al inspe,t!r wh! -!und him still ali$eCP , se$eral medi,al empl!yees were suspended pendin' an in$esti'ati!n1 6 se$en year !ld 'al was -!und stabbed t! death at a (ath!li, s,h!!l 50 miles n!rth !- ew 8!r* (ityI n! suspe,ts they say3 !ne day later h!we$er they say , in -a,t, the 'al was -!und in the menEs restr!!m and the -ather was arrested)1 0erri,a 4h!des was the dau'hter !- (hris 4h!des, the s!n !a -!rmer p!li,e ,hie-1 6 l!n' arti,le ab!ut detainee interr!'ati!ns and h!w they used w!men t! interr!'ate Muslim pris!ners usin' seJual ta,ti,sI s!me !- them hi'hly !--ensi$e t! Muslim n!rms1 S,ientists ha$e dis,!$ered that hydr!'en -uels mi,r!bes at 8ell!wst!ne, n!t sul-ur Mi,hael 4!ss, the (!nne,ti,ut serial *iller--, was due t! be eJe,uted last ni'htIbut the eJe,uti!n as p!stp!ned at the last m!mentIheEs an I$y )ea'ue 'raduate1 :stes Par* %!wn %rustee /a$id Fabe,*er is bein' ,hallen'ed t! a re,all ele,ti!n be,ause he re-uses t! stand -!r the Pled'e !- 6lle'ian,e and say the w!rds "under G!d1# %h!se alle'edly missin' ,!mputer dis,s at the )!s 6lam!s u,lear Plant ,!mputer labIthey n!w say ne$er a,tually eJisted1 Methamphetamines be,!me a bi''er pr!blemIa,r!ss the US6I,an Mui,*ly ma*e it with ,!ld medi,ine and battery a,id and a -ew !ther in'redients1 1P=0P05 6n'eline 0!lie is am ambassad!r -!r the United nati!ns Fi'h (!mmissi!n !- 4e-u'ees, a G!!d +ill ambassad!r, she says she w!uld Aust as s!!n d! her ambassad!r w!r* -ull time but reali?es she needs t! *eep ma*in' m!$ies -!r the publi,ity and

m!neyC 1 : Stem ,ells ta*en -r!m human embry!s were ,!aJed int! be,!min' m!t!r neur!ns in an eJperiment that mi'ht !ne day help s,ientists t! repair dama'ed ner$!us systemsCresear,hers say they ,an train embry!ni, ,ells t! de$el!p !n demand int! any type !- tissue in the b!dy11 S7( !ne !- the baby bells ,reated with the brea* up !- Ma 7ell is n!w buyin' 6%.% the !ri'inal ma bell 1P=1P05 Phyt!,er!ls in p!tat! ,hipsIsupp!sed t! bl!,* the ,h!lester!l1 Usually the !wnerP-!under maintains ,!ntr!l, but Aust re,ently they said that the -!unders !- Fabitat -!r Fumanity had a,tually been *i,*ed !-- the b!ard !- dire,t!rs and was n! l!n'er part !- the Fabitat 3n!t e$en in an h!n!rary way +ard (hur,hill, a pr!-ess!r at the Uni$ersity !- (!l!rad!, 7!ulder has ,!mpared the $i,tims !- the +!rld %rade (enter atta,* t! a?is and the atta,*ers as '!!dC itEs menti!ned be,ause he was s,heduled t! ma*e a spee,h at a ,!lle'e !n the east ,!ast but there were death threats and it had t! be ,an,elled11 subseMuently he has resi'ned as the department ,hairman11 but his ,!llea'ues de-end his ri'ht t! -ree spee,hC and ha$e n! plans t! -ire him alt!'ether1 &:74U648, 2005 2P1P05 0ames Pitin!I!ne !- the ,asualties -r!m the train wre,* in Glendale and a sheri--Es deputy was m!urned at a -uneral by 1500 pe!ple, in,ludin' letters and ,alls -r!m pris!ners where he was a 'uard1 (ir,us empl!yee was trampled t! death by an elephant a-ter -allin' d!wn inside the tru,*Ppen1 2P2P05 theyEre d!in' a "Minuteman Pr!Ae,t# in 6ri?!na ar!und %umbleweed al!n' the b!rder they are '!in'

t! set up their !wn ,iti?en patr!l, C1(hris Sim,!J is the -!under !- (i$il F!meland /e-ense whi,h runs its !wn b!rder patr!l with >19 pe!ple -r!m >1 states had $!lunteered t! ta*e up p!siti!ns between tw! 6ri?!na t!wns, !ne !- them /!u'lasCthe rally is planned -!r 6pril 1Cwhen !r'ani?ers eJpe,t 2000 pe!ple t! par* their ,ars al!n' the b!rder11 stared by 0ames Gil,hrest !- 6lis! 5ieA!, (6, a retired a,,!untantC,they had a meetin' at the (renshaw (hristian (enterC!ne !- the lar'est )161 (hur,hesC !- ministers wh! ba,*ed the 7ush re-ele,ti!n with an emphasis !n the anti-'ay a'enda11 7ish!p &ran* )1 Stewart, Past!r !- the N!e (hristian (hur,h !)161 said he is a li-e l!n' dem!,rat but ba,*ed 7ush be,ause !- m!ral issuesC%he iJ!n )ibrary is n!w eli'ible -!r -ederal -undsC a y!un' w!man wh! had a -riend ,all in a b!mb threat t! the Philadelphia 6irp!rt in !rder t! a$!id missin' a -li'ht t! )!nd!n was senten,ed +ednesday t! a year in pris!n11(eylan a'e 1B and her -riend Ilays Sa$as was als! !rdered t! reimburse 6meri,an 6irlines B000 d!llars t! and t! pay 100 d!llars t! ea,h !- the 19 pe!ple ab!ard the delayed -li'htCthe tw! were arrested in 0une when they tried t! redeem the unused ti,*ets11 %he 2in'-/rew Medi,al (enter in S!uth )!s 6n'eles is l!sin' its a,,reditati!nC the ,!mmissi!n -!und in,!mpetent sta--, in,!nsistent patient ,are, in,!mplete medi,al ,harts, and !ther pr!blemsC 2P=P05 MaJ S,hmellin' died at a'e BB 11 he was the German wh! -!u'ht 0!e )!uis ba,* in 1B=2 !r thereab!uts and was *n!,*ed !ut in the -irst r!und, but the -i'ht was billed as white $1 bla,* and was intertwined with the a?i n!ti!n !- superi!rity, s! it was a bi' bl!w t! themC he apparently had a de,ent b!Jin' ,areer apart -r!m the 0!e )!uis de-eatI'!in' ab!ut 50 wins !ut !- 90 -i'htsC11 Ossie /a$is died1 6lan 6lda says he was his her!

arti,le ab!ut S!malia1 di--i,ulty !- d!in' tsunami reliethere be,ause S!mali has n! ,entral '!$ernment e$er sin,e the di,tat!r was assassinated in 1BB111 !nly re,ently ha$e all the -a,ti!ns and !utlaws a'reed !n pe!ple t! lead, but the leaders d!nEt e$en dare li$e in their !wn ,!untryIthey li$e in 2enya1 /eli$erin' aid there is dan'er!us On 0an1 B !ne !- the aid $!lunteers was sh!t and *illed by bandits1 Se, !- State 2e$in Shelley steppin' d!wn amid alle'ati!ns !impr!prietiesChe was a dem!,rat1 2P>P05 : 6-'hanistan airplane '!es d!wn in 6-'hanistan *illin' ar!und 1001 6s many as D !- the passen'ers may ha$e been 6meri,ans1 /r1 4i,hard Olney a t!p neur!l!'ist wh! dedi,ated his ,areer t! -i'htin' )!u Gehri'Es disease suddenly be,ame a--li,ted by it himsel-1 Idah!Es m!st -am!us !utlaw, (laude /allas, is s,heduled t! be released -r!m pris!n a-ter 2> years -!r *illin' tw! 'ame warden !--i,ers wh! had ,!me t! his ",amp!ut# and -!und him with b!b,at hides in !ne !- his tentsI therea-ter a 'un-i'ht ensued with /allas ta*in' b!th !- them d!wn, and then puttin' a bullet int! the head !- ea,h -!r '!!d measure1 %hey made it s!und as i-, h!we$er, the 'ame wardens, had tra,*ed him d!wn l!!*in' -!r a -i'ht and that he, /allas, did n!t belie$e he was a,tually p!a,hin'1 6 p!liti,al ass!,iate !- the Ge!r'ia prime minister -!und dead tw! days a'! ,!mmit sui,ide t!day1 Ossie /a$is diedIhe was a bla,* man wh! was in s!me !the Spi*e )ee -ilms, in,ludin' "/! the 4i'ht %hin'#, but pri!r t! that he was in$!l$ed in many many -ilms datin' ba,* t! the D0EsC he was als! a 'uest a,t!r in Sh!wtimeEs "%he ) +!rd# seriesIs! he was a radi,al liberal1 Fe als! wr!te Purie 5i,t!ri!us in 1BD1 whi,h lamp!!ns ra,ial stere!types 1 6lan 6lda wh! appeared in the -ilm $ersi!n !- Purie 5i,t!ri!us said Ossie was his

her!1 Ossie deli$ered a eul!'y -!r Mal,!lm S in 1BD5 and then he repeated it -!r Spi*e )eeEs -ilm, "Mal,!lm S#1 Fe dire,ted a -ilm ,alled "(!tt!n (!mes t! Farlem1# Fe als! did "%he (ardinal# in 1BD=, and "%he (lient " in 1BB>, and "IEm n!t 4appap!rt# in 1B=D1 Fe als! appeared in "12 6n'ry Men# in 1BB91 7urt 4eyn!lds an a'in' a,t!r als! has hi'h praise -!r Ossie /a$is sayin' " O man ,!mes ,l!se t! representin' the man I want t! be "3apart -r!m his late -ather he says)1 Fe '!es !n t! say , "I *n!w heEs sittin' neJt t! G!d and I *n!w G!d en$ies that $!i,e1# Fe spent -!ur years in the war as a sur'i,al te,hni,ian in an army h!spital in )iberia F) F!,*ey Star /any Featley than*ed the -amily !/an Snyder, his teammate, wh! was *illed in a ,ar a,,ident when /any Featley ,rashed his &errari int! a wall, -!rsa*in' the Aud'e t! *eep him !ut !Aail1 Fe ,!uld ha$e '!tten up t! 20 years in pris!n1 Fe '!t three years pr!bati!n1 ! dri$in' eJ,ept under ,ertain ,ir,umstan,es and the ,ar must be siJ ,ylinders !r less and will be ri''ed t! ensure it ,ann!t '! -aster than 90 mph1 Fe als! has t! ma*e 150 spee,hes ab!ut the dan'ers !- speedin'1 6tt!rney /ressb!ld says that a man 'i$en a ti,*et in Pennsyl$ania -!r -!ll!win' t!! ,l!se behind an!ther ,ar was als! 'i$en a ,itati!n -!r a in,!rre,t hand si'nalIwhen he a,tually apparently -lipped the p!li,e !--i,er !--I3i1e1 stu,* his middle -in'er up at him)1 %he att!rney says "either way its an abuse !- his ,!nstituti!nal ri'hts# and that it is "law-ul under the ,!nstituti!n t! 'i$e the middle -in'er# %he tr!!per , assan, says the dri$er, (!rey, 'a$e him a 'esture indi,atin' he was ,han'in' lanes, ma*in' it an impr!per lane ,han'e si'nal1 %he tr!!per a,*n!wled'es (!rey has the ri'ht t! 'i$e him the -in'er under s!me

,ir,umstan,es unless it is in plain $iew !- the m!t!rin' publi,1 )ead sin'er !- 4:M, Mi,hael Stipe, spea*s ab!ut his h!m!seJual pr!pensities sayin' he had his -irst seJual awa*enin' in the bathtub with a br!thersister team1 G!in' thr!u'h PiJley at 112B am1 F!me !- the PiJley nati!nal +ildli-e 4e-u'e1 :$ery year be-!re the Superb!wl apparently they ha$e a -esti$al !- "win's and breasts#In!t ,hi,*en breasts Ihuman -emale breasts in the stadium al!n' with a ,hi,*en win'-eatin' ,!ntestIs,antily ,lad 'als entertain the ,r!wd while ,!ntestants try t! eat the m!st ,hi,*en win's in a spe,i-ied peri!d !time1 %his year there were 2=, 000 spe,tat!rs1 %his is the 1=th annual e$ent1 M!re : In %eJas a w!man ,aused her husbandEs death by 'i$in' him a "Sherry enema#Ibe,ause he ,!uldnEt drin* due t! a s!re thr!at she p!ured tw! 115 liter b!ttles !- Sherry in his butt1 F: was an al,!h!li, and apparently ,ra$ed itIbut it was t!! mu,h t! handle1 Male m!del in San &ran,is,! p!sed -!r %asters (h!i,eP estle and '!t a n!minal payment -!r it but didnEt thin* they a,tually used his pi,tureCuntil !ne day he ,!mes a,r!ss a b!ttle !- %asters (h!i,e in the Supermar*et and -inds his -a,e !n itC the ,!urt awarded him 1D milli!n d!llars1 8!'i 7erra is suin' %7S -!r their ad$ertisements whi,h I in,lude his name -!r the series "SeJ and the (ity# sayin' it ,asts him in a -alse li'ht and dama'es his reputati!n and !--ends his pers!nal sensibilities1 Fis att!rney says he is reli'i!us, and has ,hildren and 'rand,hildren1 Pr!stituti!n was le'ali?ed in Germany in 20011 %hatEs a really bad si'n I thin*Iin terms !- m!rale and m!ralityIwhen the ,!untry le'ali?es s!methin' imm!ral1 ItEs a si'n !- depressi!n1 %heir unempl!yment rate is als! '!in' t! be as hi'h as it has been sin,e the re-uni-i,ati!n !- west and :ast Germany in EB11 2>

miles t! 7a*ers-ield1 6haI4!tterdam Independent &ilm &esti$al is !ne !- the premier sh!w,ase pla,es -!r independent -ilms1 : Prime Minister !%hailand, %ha*sin, '!t his ,!lle'e de'ree at Sam F!ust!n Uni$ersity in %eJas, and has presided !$er %hailand durin' a time !- en!rm!us e,!n!mi, 'r!wth, but ,riti,s are w!rried he is '!in' t! be,!me t!! aut!,rati, and di,tat!rial with a tenden,y t! $i!late human ri'hts, n!tin' the deaths !- numer!us dru' dealers11and als! s!me !the Muslim insur'entsCand say that the tsunami has a,tually helped his p!pularity in the way that he has dealt with itIperhaps sa$in' him -!r the up,!min' ele,ti!nC he has re-used internati!nal aid and started the m!tt! "%hais l!$e %hais# whi,h has in,reased patri!tism1 Sp!rts: %he S*ins Game is in Fawaii this yearIand this will be the -irst time that (rai' Stadler plays in itIal!n'side %!m +ats!n, 6rn!ld Palmer, 0a,* i,h!las, ; 6rn!ld Palmer Aust '!t marriedId!esnEt say i- itEs remarria'e !r n!t, and i,h!las Aust had ba,* sur'ery in !$ember1 6r!und 1B0 pers!n ha$e been *idnapped in IraM in the last year the latest bein' the Italian 0!urnalist *idnapped near 7a'hdad Uni$ersity1 7a,* in the w!rship site area at 502 pm11 eJit -irst street !-- 5 -reeway11 the president !- %!'!, a small 6-ri,an ,!untry, died t!day1 2PDP05 (!uple wanted -!r (hild t!rture in &l!rida ha$e been arrested in Utah1 6li,e 4esni,*, a state supreme ,!urt Austi,e in Ohi!, was arrested -!r drun* dri$in'1 "My '!lly I de,ide all these ,ases in y!ur -a$!r and l!!* what y!u are d!in' t! me# she said t! the tr!!per1 Fer bl!!d al,!h!l ,!ntent was twi,e the le'al limit

2P9P051 s,reen writer !r alle'ed s,reen writer -!r /e$ilsE 6d$!,ate, 0!nath!n )emp*in, a'e >=C '!t l!st hi*in' ar!und Mt1 7aldy al!n' with a -riend (lay Sene,halC Sene,hal is the s!n !- P!tts wh! starred in /esi'nin' +!men and wh! played b! peep in %!y St!ry 211als! his -ather is S,!tt Sene,hall a dire,t!r11 2P<P05 I 6--luent Glen 4id'e ew 0ersey a s!ldier was in$!l$ed in sh!!tin' at his eJ-wi-e 3inAurin' her) as well as a man that was with her and then *illin' himsel-11 Fe was in$!l$ed in a ,ase ba,* in 1B<B in whi,h a 'r!up !- p!pular *ids raped a mentally retarded 'irl with a br!!m and baseball bat1 (!r,h!ran the s!n !- a p!li,e lieutenant was !ne !- se$eral in$!l$ed but was a,Muitted !r n!t ,har'ed Cthree !ther b!ys were senten,e t! AailCin EB9 (!r,h!ran w!n a H200,000 settlementC in a -ederal ,i$il ri'hts lawsuit that ,har'ed :sseJ (!unty with mali,i!us pr!se,uti!nC(!r,h!ran was in 6-'hanistan -!r a year11 P!rn pi,tures pr!du,ed at /isney F!tel !- a B year !ld 'al1 1= year !ld /e$in 7r!wn was sh!t and *illed by p!li,e a-ter he st!le a ,ar and ba,*ed int! the p!li,e $ehi,le11 B year $eteran a'e =1 -ired the sh!ts and siJ year $eteran a'e 2D was als! in$!l$edC7ritainEs :llen Ma,arthur be,ame the w!rldEs -astest pers!n t! sail s!l! ar!und the w!rld11 91 days 1> h!urs1 : Israeli b!rn !--i,er says (hina will ta*e !$er the U1S1 e,!n!mi,ally by 2025C auth!rEs name is Oded Shen*arC b!!* entitled %he (hinese (entury and he is a pr!-ess!r at Ohi! State Uni$1 6 +elsh ru'by -an ,ut !-- his !wn testi,les t! ,elebrate +ales beatin' :n'land in ru'byC a'e 2D was s! ,!n$in,ed that :n'land w!uld

win SaturdayEs mat,h Ge!-- Fush t!ld -ell!w drin*ers at a ,lub that he w!uld ,ut !-- his testi,les i- +ales winsC he is h!spitali?ed in seri!us ,!nditi!n they dis,!$ered a new spe,ies !- m!n*ey in 7ra?il11 hi'hest bidder 'ets the h!n!r !- namin' itC ,arb!n in,reasin' !n all planets11 !tre /ame upsets 7!st!n (!lle'e in %!p 25 bas*etball1 1 man -!und with rusty nail in ne,*C stal*er arrested -!r swimmin' a,r!ss Miami 7ea,h 7ay and layin' spread ea'le na*ed !n the bea,h near her h!useC a -!ur year !ld in Sand )a*e Mi,hi'an dr!$e his m!mEs ,ar t! a $ide! st!re he w!uld Aump d!wn hit the 'as and then Aump ba,* up t! see where he was '!in'11C at 2:00 in the m!rnin' and made it there with!ut in,ident but hit tw! ,ars and then a patr!l ,ar !n the way ba,*1 4e-u'ee ,amps in Sudan1 Man wh! $ide! tapes pr!stitutes -!r publi, awareness is arrested -!r alle'edly payin' the pr!stitutes t! d! their seJual a,ts in -r!nt !- the ,amera1 Fa*eem OlaAuw!n, -!rmer F!ust!n 4!,*ets star, is under in$esti'ati!n -!r ,!ntributi!ns his m!sMue made t! $ari!us terr!rist related !r'ani?ati!nsCresear,hers are n!w sayin' it may be p!ssible t! predi,t s!me tsunamis by wat,hin' the ,!astline 11 a phen!mena ,alled subsiden,e be-!re a Mua*e11as the !,eani, plate di$es under the ,!ntinental plate it pulls the ,!ntinental plate d!wn sl!wly and e$entually s! mu,h s! that it snaps11 there seems t! be a bendin' be-!re it snapsC s! that the sh!relinePtide le$els de,rease sli'htly---by wat,hin' -!r sli'ht de,reases 3whi,h ,an als! be determined by the li-e !mi,r!!r'anisms al!n' the sh!reline) it may be able t! predi,t -uture tsunamis but with!ut any way !sayin' eJa,tly when11 but n!t all earthMua*es m!$e up and d!wn -!r eJample the San 6ndreas -ault m!$es laterallyC they are less ,!n,erned ab!ut this happenin' !n the s!uthwest ,!ast than the (as,adia subdu,ti!n N!ne whi,h stret,hes -r!m !rth

(ali-!rnia t! 7ritish (!lumbia, and als! menti!ned parts !- the !rtheast ,!astC1 %he m!!se p!pulati!n in +est +y!min' has be,!me l!wer than n!rmal11 n!w ab!ut at 2900 s!me studies su''est malnutriti!n and star$ati!n , !thers say it was due t! 'ri??ly bears , <T ,aused by ,ar ,rashes, w!l$es 2T, C !rth 2!rea a,*n!wled'es -!r the -irst time it has nu,lear weap!ns11 y!un' 'als and w!men are bein' seJually abused in (!n'!C new U1 res!luti!n ma*es it unlaw-ul -!r them t! ha$e seJ with the (!n'!nese w!menCNimbabwe arrest man -!r ,!mpetin' as a w!man athlete11 b!y stunned by p!li,e !--i,ers in (hi,a'! with a stun 'un eJperien,ed ,ardia, arrest and has still n!t re'ained -ull ,!ns,i!usnessC the pr!blem !- a,t!r missi!naries11 2P10P05 St!ry ab!ut "0!hn !- G!d " in rem!te 7ra?ilian $illa'e 6bediania wh! ,alls himsel- a healer and has an a$id -aith-ul -!ll!win' !- pe!ple ,!min' t! him -!r healin' 11 s!me say he is su,,ess-ulC a,t!r (!rey &eldman has been subp!enaed t! appear in the Mi,hael 0a,*s!n trial11 1n!w resear,hers are sayin' that e$en s!-,alled "healthy# Aui,es are n!t mu,h better -!r ,hildren 3!r adults) than s!dasIthe Aui,es bein' simply su'ary water, n!t mu,h di--erent than s!daCbetter !-- drin*in' mil*C a newb!rn b!y was t!ssed !ut the ,ar wind!w with umbili,al ,!rd still atta,hed -!und !n the 'rass less than an h!ur !ld 11seri!us ,!nditi!n in h!spital1 &!und in plasti, ba'11 in &!rt )auderdaleMinny Mandela, els!nEs wi-eC was ,!n$i,ted !- -raud in 200=11 ban* l!an s,am11 senten,ed t! = W years !- pris!n in EB1 ,!n$i,ted !- *idnappin' a 1> year !ld S!wet! a,ti$istC later -!und deadC she was senten,ed t! D years in pris!n whi,h was redu,ed t! a -ine !n appealC Y els!nEs s!n died !- aidsZ C %hereEs -i'htin' !n the island !- 0!l! in the PhilippinesC =0 s!ldiers and D0

rebels ha$e been *illed sin,eCM!nday11 tsunamiPearthMua*e was B10 !n 4i,hter s,ale and lar'est t! rattle the earth sin,e the 1BD< 6las*a Mua*e11disrupted the planets r!tati!n and sha$ed 21< mi,r!se,!nds11 -r!m the len'th !- a dayCshi-ted the earthEs n!rth p!le by 1 in,h and made the earth sli'htly less !blate , !r -lattened at the p!les11 Ythis is based !n ,al,ulati!ns rather than measurementsZ1Man'r!$es11and ,!ral reewas destr!yed by the tsunamiC1 )epr!sy in %an?aniaI tryin' t! ,reate awareness that it is p!tentially ,urable in s!me ,asesC!r at least n!t as h!peless as !n,e th!u'ht !r ,!mm!nly belie$edCa ,!uple -r!m Mi,hi'an wh! br!u'ht medi,ine t! a ,!n$ent in (uba were -ined H5000 by a -ederal Aud'e -!r tra$elin' t! (uba with!ut a li,enseCthey sh!uld ha$e applied -!r a li,ense t! $isit (uba -!r humanitarian reas!nsCwhi,h are issued by the O&(611 -!r $ari!us reas!ns* T>? A1A reports that negligent or unprepare% lawyers are lea%ing to faulty onvi tions*an% more serious punishment than shoul% (e given66 la + of training for lawyers for the in%igent most states pay more for prose utors than for pu(li %efen%ers66:alifornia allo ates %efense ounsel @A06B0 for every @C00 prose ution re eives*some %efense attorneys even negotiate% plea agreements the first %ay they meet their lient66 reports of in i%ents of in%igent lients languishing in Dail for months*the stu%y says that the representation of in%igents is in a state of risis* the A1A ommittee wants :ongress66 an% lo al governments to spen% more money66 against sho%%y legal representation* an A1A meeting right now in .alt Ea+e :ity that runs through Tues%ay66 has not put this issue on its agen%a66an Ohio .tate ,niversity !rofessor (y

the name of $oug 1ermin was interviewe% (y A! in regar%s to the A1A rep!rtC 2P11P05 6rthur Miller died1 (hrist! . 0eanne (laude are settin' up an art eJhibit in (entral Par* that ,!st them 20 milli!n d!llars t! ,reate and displayI,alled "%he Gates# It will un-url SaturdayCtheyE$e been w!r*in' !n it -!r a -ew de,adesC2arl Mal!ne has de,ided t! retireIhe ,!nsidered playin' an!ther year -!r the )a*ers and als! tal*ed with the Spurs but -inally said he w!uld ,all it Muits alt!'ether, -inallyIlea$in' the 'ame as the 2nd hi'hest s,!rer in 76 hist!ry Khis !nly re'ret n!t e$er ha$in' w!n a ,hampi!nship rin', l!sin' twi,e in the -inals with the 0a?? t! the 7ulls and M1 0!rdan, and last year l!sin' t! the Pist!ns with the )a*ers /rEs say eatin' %hai (urry ,an help pr!te,t a'ainst ,an,er11 'in'er r!!t ,alled 'alan'al used t! -la$!r the dishes appears t! *ill ,an,er ,ells11and the resear,hers at 2in'Es (!lle'e in )!nd!n als! belie$e it ,an als! pr!te,t healthy ,ellsCGalan'al has already been used as a treatment -!r st!ma,h ,an,er11and has als! been used as an aphr!disia,C9> year !ld 6meri,an nun was sh!t t! death in 7ra?iliaEs 6ma?!n 4ain &!rest C she w!r*ed -!r de,ades t! de-end human ri'hts11 /!r!thy Stan'11was sh!t in the state !- Para11; M!re ab!ut the "Gates# eJhibit in (entral Par* there are 9500 Gates al!n' 2= miles !- pathways in (entral Par*1 4emember the lady wh! sued the tw! 'irls -!r deli$erin' her ,!!*iesC n!w she, 4enee 8!un', and her husband, Ferb, ha$e '!ne !n G!!d M!rnin' 6meri,a and t!ld their side !- the st!ryIsayin' the tw! 'als had t! s,ale tw! -en,es and ,rawl under a third t! 'et t! her d!!r and then they ban'ed !n the d!!r s! hard she was sure that s!meb!dy was tryin' t! brea* in1

%he tw! 'als, %ayl!rs Oster'aard and the !ther )insey Nellitti, n!w 1B years !ldCthe 'irls !n G!!d M!rnin' 6meri,a said they !--ered t! pay them the m!ney with!ut '!in' t! ,!urt but 4enee . Ferb say that is n!t true1 %he 'irls ha$e '!tten all *inds !- ,!ntributi!ns be,ause !- this11 and a ,!!*ie ,!mpany has named a ,!!*ie the "2indness (!!*ie# in re'ards t! it1 4ay 2ur?weil, pr!-ess!r . s,ientist, thin*s he ,an li$e -!re$er11and plans t! d! s!1 a %ennessee ,!mmunityEs ima'e !- a tea,her is shattered a-ter -indin' !ut that this -emale tea,her, Pamela %urner, a physi,al edu,ati!n tea,her, a -!rmer ,!lle'e bas*etball player and bl!nde with "m!$ie star l!!*s# ---tryin' t! re,!n,ile the wh!les!me ima'e with ,har'es that she seJually assaulted !ne !- her male students, a 1= year !ld b!y1 "SheEs abs!lutely '!r'e!us# +arren (!unty Sheri-- 0a,*ie Mathanie saidC# I hate it -!r e$ery!ne# She was ,har'ed with 1= ,!unts !- battery by an auth!rity -i'ure and 1= ,!unts !- statut!ry rape -!r alle'edly ha$in' seJ with the b!y at his h!me and s,h!!l 1 %urner li$ed with the b!y and his -amily -!r a brie- time a-ter her marria'e t! a hi'h s,h!!l bas*etball ,!a,h ended1 S,h!!l superintendent Fale said %urner was adamant in her de-ense C Obasi,ally said she wasnEt 'uilty1 She was sh!,*ed that she had been a,,used1# 2ansas State Uni$ersity :du,ati!n pr!-ess!r 7!b Sh!!p wh! has testi-ied in >0 ,!urt ,ases in$!l$in' seJual abuse in s,h!!ls says pe!ple are always surprised when a w!man is in$!l$ed in su,h ,ases be,ause they assume b!ys are seJually a''ressi$e and ,ann!t be the $i,tim1 %he reality is a ,hild is a ,hild re'ardless !- the 'ender, Sh!!p said1 ItEs imm!ral, ille'al, and unethi,al, -!r any edu,at!r t! ha$e seJ with any student1 %he ,ase is reminis,ent !the !ne in$!l$in' Mary 2ay )et!urneau, an elementary s,h!!l tea,her wh! had seJ with a 12

year !ld student in suburban Seattle1 )et!rneau e$entually 'a$e birth t! tw! !- the b!yEs babies1 She spent se$en years in pris!n1 Senat!r )arry Mumper is a -!rmer hi'h s,h!!l tea,her n!w a 4epubli,an Senat!r -r!m Ohi! 3L)Cis tryin' t! 'et a bill passed that w!uld pre$ent publi, . pri$ate s,h!!l pr!-ess!rs -r!m presentin' !pini!n as -a,t and -!r penali?in' students -!r eJpressin' their $iewp!ints in an attempt t! st!p the liberal a'enda in a,ademia1 Similar le'islati!n -ailed in (ali-!rnia and (!l!rad! last year1 %he (ali-!rnia 7ill that w!uld e--e,t !nly publi, s,h!!ls has been re-intr!du,ed1 2P1=P05 4ed 4!ses are banned in Saudi 6rabia due t! Muslim reli'i!us rules1 e!-na?is mar,hed !n the D0th anni$ersary !- the 6llied b!mbin' in /resden, marrin' an !therwise usually bri'ht m!ment in hist!ry -!r /resden t! re-li$e1 /resden is *n!wn in Germany as the "&l!ren,e !- the !rth# and was unt!u,hed by ++II battles until &eb 1=, 1B>5 !nly a -ew m!nths be-!re the war ended when it was b!mbed by 7ritish and 6meri,an planes1 %he ne!- a?i mar,h was s,heduled by the GermanEs ati!nal /em!,rati, Party 3 /P) and Ud! 5!i'ht !ne !- the leaders !- the rally eJpressed 'reat admirati!n -!r 6d!l- Fitler1 %he leader !- the (hristian Party in IraM was abdu,ted1 )u,ia de 0esus de Sant!s 3Sister )u,ia Mart!s) was !ne !- the three ,hildren wh! saw the $isi!n !- the &atima 5ir'in in 1B1D died1 She was b!rn in 6lAustral, P!rtu'al1 Fer tw! siblin's, 0asunta and &ran,is,!, died sh!rtly a-ter the $isi!n ar!und 1B20, b!th !- them were beati-ied by the p!pe1 One !- )u,iaEs last $isit!rs was Mel Gibs!n wh! br!u'ht her a ,!py !- his d$d in 0uly, 200>1 She says the main theme !- the $isi!ns was the stru''le !6theisti, ,!mmunism a'ainst

(hristianity1 6 -ire in Madrid, Spain destr!ys a s*y s,raper1 2P1>P05 Mi,hael 0a,*s!n is linin' up de-ense witnesses whi,h in,lude 2!be 7ryant, :li?abeth %ayl!r, and 0ay )en!1 Fa$e t! w!nder ab!ut the wisd!m !puttin' 2!be 7ryant as a ,hara,ter witness -!r Mi,hael 0a,*s!n1 Prin,e (harles is 'ettin' remarried11 %he initials F4F mean "Fer 4!yal Fi'hness# and it is a ,!$eted title says 6P ,!n,ernin' the up,!min' marria'e !- Prin,e (harles t! (amila 7!wes wh! will be,!me the 4!yal /u,hess rather than a , and it was "F4FE that was ta*en away -r!m )ady /i when she and (harles '!t di$!r,ed1 : Mi,hael 0a,*s!n ,!mes d!wn with se$ere -lu !n the way t! ,!urt---'!es t! h!spital -!r help Iis in stable ,!nditi!nC delays Aury sele,ti!n pr!,ess1 (up !- ,!--ee per day may be '!!d -!r y!u they say n!wC1 (an help pre$ent li$er ,an,er 2P15P05 100Es m!urn the death !- /e$in 7r!wnIthe teena'e b!y sh!w st!le a ,ar and was sh!t t! death a-ter a ,hase11 subseMuently the )6P/ is re$isin' their sh!!tin' p!li,ies -!r m!$in' $ehi,les1 7aby <1 is re-united with its parents in Sri )an*aIa-ter the baby was swept away -r!m the m!therEs arms in the tsunamiC < ,!uples ,laimed the baby was theirs--but / 6 tests pr!$ed wh!se it wasCenterin' 5a,a$ille at 12> a1m1 11 /epartment !- Interi!r Se,retary Gale !rt!n t!!* a trip thr!u'h 8ell!wst!ne t! see h!w the sn!wm!biles a--e,ted the en$ir!nment and seemed pleased that they did n!t seem t! ha$e a ne'ati$e e--e,t !n the wildli-e1 %he presumed myth !- 4!mulus and 4emusIthe tw! babies wh! l!st their m!ther and were raised by w!l$es, breast-ed by w!l$esC the myth is that these tw! babies -!unded 4!me in 195= 71(1 and 4!mulus and

4emus were the twin s!ns !- the '!d Mars, the '!d !- +ar11 re,ently they -!und ar,he!l!'y that un,!$ered m!re r!yal remnants than pre$i!usly reali?ed11 the pre$i!us ar,he!l!'ists -!und !nly huts11 11 VVVVVVVVVVVVVV dis,!$ered tra,es !- re'al splend!rC at least < passen'ers departed -r!m the (ruise Ship 5!ya'er with br!*en b!nes a-ter wa$es p!unded the ,ruise liner in the Mediterranean Sea near Men!r,a 3whi,h is n!t -ar -r!m Mall!r,a)1 11 pummeled by &!r,e 11 'ales and wa$es u p t! >5 -eet while !n r!ute -r!m %unisia t! 7ar,el!naC Farnessin' the ener'y !- the wa$es is be,!min' a new ,hallen'e -!r ener'y ,!mpanies11 St1 Patri,* was -irst ta*en t! Ireland as a teena'er when raiders *idnapped him -r!m his 4!man parents 7ritish h!meCand used him as a sla$eC he es,aped years later but returned later as a ,ler'ymanCreli'i!n has him intr!du,in' (hristianity t! the pa'an islanders and banishin' sna*esChist!rians dismiss b!th ,laims sayin' there ha$e ne$er been any sna*es in Ireland and thereEs e$iden,e that !ther (hristians had attempted t! ,!n$ert the island pre$i!usly1 F!we$er, Patri,* was an astute ,!n$erter wh! in,!rp!rated pa'an ima'ery int! (hristian e$an'elismC,elebratin' :aster with b!n-iresCand pla,in' a sun at the ,enter !- the ,r!ssCt! pr!du,e a (elti, ,r!ss11Patri,* tried hard -!r >0 years t! ma*e (hristianity w!r*C and truly d!minated Ireland by tar'etin' Irish Gaeli, arist!,ratsC 2P19P05Csh!ts -ired !n bus in Milwau*ee, 1 dead1 C &!rmer prime minister !- )eban!n was laid t! rest t!day a-ter bein' assassinated a -ew days a'!11Giuliana S'rena a 5D year !ld Italian A!urnalist was *idnapped a wee* !r s! a'! and was

n!w -!r,ed t! appear !n $ide!tape t! plea -!r her li-e1 She was a A!urnalist -!r the (!mmunist /aily II Mani-est!1 %w! ships ,!llide in the -!''y p!rt !- F!n' 2!n'1 6t least 100 pe!ple inAured +!man wh! dressed up as a 'iant Fummer in ew 8!r* is suin' the ,ity -!r -alse arrest sayin' she had the ri'ht t! spea* and dem!nstrate a'ainst the sale !- 'iant SU5Es1 Panda bears are eJpandin' their territ!ry a,,!rdin' t! a study !- their -e,es -!und in new areas1 ew emphasis !n -r!' sa-aris1 St!ry ab!ut a 'r!up in ew 8!r* that started spe,i-i,ally t! ,lean up a-ter death s,enesIi1e1 t! ,lean up the 'uts, b!dy parts, brain splatter, et,1 0!urnalists !n the MeJi,an side !- the U1SPMeJi,an b!rder are -a,in' in,reased perse,uti!n by the dru' l!rds11 three A!urnalists *illed re,ently C Uni$ersity !Illin!is is 2D-0 C !n Q1C 11 )an,e 6rmstr!n' de,lares he will ra,e a'ain in the %!ur de &ran,e C 4ussian 6str!naut Sali?han Sharip!$ is t!! tall t! -it int! the seat !- the spa,eship S!yu? t! return h!me11 in !rder t! -it he will ha$e t! sMuee?e int! what they ,all a "pen'uin suit# whi,h will sh!rten him1 Sharip!$ l!st the natural ,ur$e in his spine a-ter -!ur m!nths with n! 'ra$ity, ma*in' him taller1 Sella &ield u,lear plant ,ann!t a,,!unt -!r DD p!unds !- plut!nium but they say itEs n!t ne,essarily an a,tual l!ss but a "paper l!ss1# Italian resear,hers are ur'in' !$er wei'ht *ids t! drin* m!re mil*1 (al,ium in,reased the rate !- -at burnin' and sl!ws the 'r!wth !- -at ,ells1 It -lies in the -a,e !- the n!ti!n that diets sh!uld in,lude less mil* and ,heese11 whi,h a,tually is n!t help-ulC be,ause it n!t !nly pre$ents the burnin' !- -at but als! y!u l!se the bene-it !,al,ium inta*e1 6rlen Spe,t!r, senat!r, has F!d'*ins /isease will under '! (hem!therapy1


&!ndlin' ,har'es a'ainst (!sby are n!t '!in' t! pr!,eed11 pr!se,ut!r says there is insu--i,ient e$iden,e (y,l!ne Ola- is ,ausin' dama'e in the (!!* Island area1 %w! 2enyan b!ys were atta,*ed by s!me s!rt !- tribal 'r!up and had their penises ,ut !-with the intent !- ma*in' an anti-aid p!ti!n1 6 2enyan d!,t!r re,!nstru,ted their penises s! they ,an li$e with!ut a ,atheter1 %he lar'est Presbyterian bran,h !- ,hur,hes is threatenin' t! di$est the m!ney they ha$e in$ested in PalestinePIsrael i- pea,e d!es n!t pre$ail1 F!le in the s*ull !- 2in' %ut spar*in' Muesti!ns ab!ut whether he was murderedIthey are n!w d!in' (at s,ans11t! determine the si'ni-i,an,e !- the h!lein-the-s*ull1 2in' %ut was -!und in 1B22 by 7ritish ar,hae!l!'ist F!ward (arterC2in' %ut ruled durin' a "tr!ubled and ,!n-usin'# peri!d !- :'yptian hist!ry, sh!rtly a-ter the death !- m!n!theist 3L) 6*henaten in 1=D2 71(1 wh! may ha$e been 2in' %utEs -ather1 Mi,hael 0a,*s!nEs e$erland 4an,h is near 5andenber' 6ir &!r,e 7ase1 Mar* %hat,her, s!n !Mar'aret %hat,her, had t! appear in ,!urt and answer m!re Muesti!ns his in$!l$ement in the pl!t t! assassinate the eMuat!rial ew Guinea president 3and he admitted pur,hasin' a heli,!pter with a 'r!up !- pe!ple) ---his wi-e and ,hildren are li$in' in %eJas1 tal*in' ab!ut the plainti-- in the Mi,hael 0a,*s!n ,ase Kde-ense att!rneys are ,allin' "pr!-essi!nal plainti--s# and want the Aury t! *n!w ab!ut their in$!l$ement in lawsuits a'ainst 01(1 Penny and %!wer 4e,!rds in 20011 1000 Oa*s at >=D a1m1 %he man wh! par*ed his SU5 !n the railr!ad tra,* in GlendaleIinitially it was th!u'ht t! be a sui,ide attempt, but n!w pr!se,ut!rs p!int t! the -a,t that he p!ured 'as!line !n the $ehi,le whi,h w!uld n!t be ne,essary i- the man simply wanted t! die, himsel-1 %hey say it indi,ates he was tryin' t! ,ause an eJpl!si!n1 )indsay )!hanIthe 'al wh! played the twins in the re-ma*e !- Parent %rap

31BB< $ersi!n)In!w is 1< years !ldIand is playin' m!re ,!ntr!$ersial , risMu[ -ilms11 2P1<P05 U1S1 is runnin' ad in Pa*istan !n %5 -!r the ,apture !- Osama 7in )aden, dead !r ali$e, 25 milli!n d!llar b!unty1 0ud'e :rnest Murphy, a superi!r ,!urt Aud'e in 7!st!n, sued rep!rter /a$id +ed'e !- the 7!st!n Ferald -!r misMu!tin' him as sayin' "She sh!uld 'et !$er it# in a ,all!us manner ab!ut a 1>-year-!ld rape $i,tim1 0ury awarded 211 milli!n -!r libel sayin' the paper and rep!rter were wr!n'1 %he '!rilla 2!*! in 1 (ali-!rnia11 tw! empl!yees are suin' be,ause they are sayin' the *eeper wh! empl!yed them wanted them t! eJp!se their breasts -!r the '!rilla in $iew !- him sayin' he 3the '!rilla) has a nipple -etish1 %he tsunami un,!$ered an an,ient t!wn in India, ,!$ered by sand near the ,!astal t!wn !- Maha 7alapurumCan!ther earthMua*e hits in Ind!nesia at D1B !n 4i,hter s,ale in Sulawesi re'i!n1 1 (ali-!rnia is !ne !ele$en states all!win' mariAuana -!r medi,al reas!ns1 MeJi,! be'ins a new trial pr!,ess, ,han'in' their system1 &r!m se,reti$e ,!rrupt trial t! !ral trial similar t! the U1S1 system1 M!ther !the /etr!it %i'er pit,her wh! was *idnapped in 5ene?uela and held -!r D milli!n d!llar rans!m was res,ued by a law en-!r,ement team , *illin' !ne !the *idnappers in the pr!,ess1 %hey raided the ,amp 11ta*in' UrbinaEs m!m ba,*1 She had been held -!r 5 m!nths1 Sr1 7ush and (lint!n are in %hailand assessin' the tsunami disaster1 USS (arter, a sea w!l- ,lass submarine is s,heduled t! be ,!mmissi!ned t!m!rr!w, 0immy (arter was a submariner in his military years1 2P1BP05


(hina is be,!min' m!re and m!re an e,!n!mi, p!wer, (hina is attemptin' t! w!! relati!nships with !ther ,!untries away -r!m ri$al %aiwan, (hina has set a -!r,e !- p!li,e t! Faiti t! help the ,!untry in the -irst ,!mmunist depl!yment in the western hemisphere, and they are espe,ially tar'etin' the (aribbean, tw! ,!untries in the (aribbeanI/!mini,a . Granada swit,hed alle'ian,e -r!m %aiwan t! (hina despite %aiwanEs "m!ney dipl!ma,y# and the re,ent !--er !- B milli!n d!llars but (hina ,!unter!--ered 112 milli!n !$er D years11 C(hina still insists that %aiwan is part !- (hina1 %he tw! sides split in the (i$il +ar in 1B>B and 7eiAin' has sin,e re-used t! ha$e ties with any '!$ernment that re,!'ni?es %aiwan1 %he 7ahamas aband!ned %aiwan in 1BB91 6nd it has added 6nti'ua, 7ahamas, 7arbad!s, /!mini,a, 0amai,a, and St1 )u,ia as appr!$ed tra$el destinati!ns -!r (hinese t!urists1 (hina is the leadin' imp!rter !- %rinidadian asphalt used -!r hi'hways and airp!rt runways, Only -!ur ,!untries maintain relati!nships with %aiwan---/!mini,an 4epubli,, Faiti, St1 2its, St1 5in,ent 3Grenadines), but (hina has e,!n!mi, missi!ns in the /!mini,an 4epubli, and Faiti1 +hen (hina be,ame ,!mmunist in 1B>B, the U1S1 supp!rted %aiwan, the island where the -!rmer (hinese '!$ernment had ta*en re-u'e1 U1S tr!!ps -!u'ht (hinese s!ldiers in the 1B50-5= 2!rean +ar1 In 1B9B the U1 1 'a$e 7eiAin' the (hina seat and %aiwan was eJpelled1 In 1B9B the U1S1 4e,!'ni?ed (hinaEs le'itima,y1 I 2001 (hina entered the +!rld %rade Or'ani?ati!n and trade is up ==T sin,e 200=1 %he &ather !- )indsay )!han wh! I Aust menti!ned a -ew days a'! as the start !- the Parent %rap 3rema*e !- 1BB<) was arrested -!r dri$in' under the in-luen,e in ew 8!r* and apparently has had se$eral s,rapes with the law !$er the past -ew

years1 Ge!r'e 7ush 0r1 admits t! ha$in' tried mariAuana1 In audi! tapes be-!re his initial run -!r the presiden,y, in ,!n$ersati!n with a -riend he says " I w!uld ne$er answer Muesti!n t! the press li*e 6l G!re did Yab!ut sm!*in' mariAuanaZ be,ause I w!uld n!t want s!me little *id d!in' what I tried1# %his ,!n$ersati!n was with his -riend /!u' +ead, a -!rmer aid t! Ge!r'e 7ush Sr1 Pennsyl$ania Supreme (!urt Austi,e %h!mas Sayl!r ,!uld be -ined up t! HD000 -!r tryin' t! snea* a small p!,*et*ni-e !n t! the airplane1 Fe was initially t!ld durin' ,he,*-in that he ,!uld n!t ,arry the p!,*et*ni-e !n the plane and that it must be put with st!wed lu''a'e1 Fe apparently then tried t! hide the *ni-e inside a sh!e and was ,au'ht with it at the Farrisbur' Intl1 6irp!rt1 7ush Sr1 and (lint!n are in %hailand assessin' tsunami dama'e and b!th !- them rep!rtedly alm!st ,ame t! tears be,ause !- what they !bser$ed and their intera,ti!ns with s!me !- the ,hildren wh! l!st their parents, espe,ially ar!und 7an am 2hem, where an estimated 1500-2000 pe!ple, m!re than a third !- the $illa'e, l!st their li$es1 I th!u'ht %hailand had re-used any -!rei'n aid1 %hey als! !bser$ed the ruins in 2ha! )a*1 M!re : 6n :'yptian /!,t!r rem!$ed the se,!nd head !- a 10 m!nth !ld 'irl su--erin' -r!m (rani!pa'us Parasiti,us !ne !the rarest birth de-e,ts, the parasiti, head had been ,apable !- smilin' and blin*in', but n!t independent li-e1 (!rre,ti!n ab!ut the 2enyan b!ys wh! had their penises ,ut !--Iit was n!t a 2enyan d!,t!r wh! did the sur'ery it was a d!,t!r -r!m Spain1 Sp!rts: Illin!is ,!ntinues their unbeaten strea* with a win !$er I!wa1 &!rmer baseball player (anse,! !wes H=2, 000 in ba,* taJes t! the state !Massa,husetts but his att!rney says that it is a ,leri,al err!r and that these taJes were dedu,ted -r!m his payr!ll when he was playin' baseball, but that the baseball ,lubs ha$e n!t sent the

a--ida$its t! the state1 I!wa State upsets Q2 2ansas in menEs bas*etball1 I!wa State started the seas!n 0-51 %he )a*ers are 2D-2> this year and ShaMuille OE eal says their re,!rd spea*s -!r itsel-1 %ea,her at &enway Fi'h S,h!!l in 7!st!nIan immi'rant -r!m the I$!ry (!ast is bein' dep!rted in a -ew wee*s but parents, students, tea,hers, and administrat!rs are -i'htin' t! *eep him here1 Fe missed an immi'rati!n hearin' s,heduled -!r 0une 9, 2001, sayin' he th!u'ht it was !n 0uly 9, 2001 and be,ause he missed the s,heduled hearin' he was !rdered dep!rted, in absentia1 Fe spent a -ew m!nths in pris!n later11 and then was !rdered dep!rted1 Fe says that i- he '!es ba,* t! I$!ry (!ast he ,!uld end up in pris!n !r *illed1 Fe has been 'i$en three eJtra wee*s t! -ind a ,!untry t! '! t! that is sa-e -!r him1 Fis name is 6tt!uman, Obain1 Sp!tli'ht St!ry 36P ) "/! 4ed-)i'ht %ra--i, (ameras FelpL# 6re (ameras at %ra--i, Si'nals the 6nswer t! /an'er!us Interse,ti!ns, !r Part !- the Pr!blemL# 6s red-li'ht tra--i, ,ameras sprin' up at interse,ti!ns a,r!ss the ,!untry, ,riti,s are raisin' Muesti!ns ab!ut whether the de$i,es a,tually deter red-li'ht runnin', !r are Aust a way -!r l!,al auth!rities t! ma*e a Mui,* bu,*1 %he ,ameras snap pi,tures !- $ehi,les that run red li'hts1 %he $i!lat!r then re,ei$es a summ!ns in the mail -!r the in-ra,ti!n1 %hereEs n! eJa,t ,!unt !- h!w many ,ameras are bein' used, but !ne re,ent study sh!ws that they are ,urrently used in m!re than a d!?en states and m!re than 90 ,ities a,r!ss the ,!untry1 Pr!p!nents say the ,ameras ma*e r!ads sa-er by

deterrin' red-li'ht runners -r!m brea*in' the rules, but detra,t!rs say dan'er!us interse,ti!ns are the result !- en'ineerin' de-i,ien,ies and the ,ameras are Aust a way t! in,rease re$enue !n the ba,*s !- unsuspe,tin' dri$ers1 /! we eed themL "4ed )i'ht ,ameras Aust reward ,ities -!r bad en'ineerin'# said :ri, S*rum, sp!*esman -!r the ati!nal M!t!rists 6ss!,iati!n, a m!t!rist ad$!,a,y 'r!up that has been ar'uin' a'ainst the use !red-li'ht ,ameras nati!nwide1 %he 'r!up ,!ntends that the best remedies -!r dan'er!us interse,ti!ns are en'ineerin' impr!$ements li*e l!n'er yell!w li'hts and shieldin' si'nals t! pre$ent 'lare and ma*e the li'hts m!re $isible as the sun sets1 6,,!rdin' t! the 'r!upEs web site, the !r'ani?ati!n belie$es that "with pr!perly p!sted speed limits and pr!perly installed tra--i,-,!ntr!l de$i,es there is n! need -!r ,amera-based law tra--i, law en-!r,ement de$i,es1# %he M6 p!ints t! studies !- redli'ht ,ameras that sh!w that while there is 'enerally a de,rease in side-impa,t ,!llisi!ns, there is an in,rease in rear-end ,!llisi!ns as dri$ers slam !n their bra*es t! a$!id runnin' a red li'ht1 4!bert Sin,lair, a sp!*esman -!r the 6ut!m!bile 6ss!,iati!n !- 6meri,aEs ew 8!r* !--i,es, says the ris*s are t!! 'reat n!t t! ha$e the ,ameras in ,ertain areas1 "%he nature !- the ,!llisi!n that ta*es pla,e when s!me!ne runs a red li'ht is a $ery dan'er!us !ne, the s!-,alled Ot-b!neE he said is "the wea*est part !- the $ehi,le is its side1 S! s!me!ne runs a red li'ht and smashes int! the side !- a $ehi,le and l!ts !- bad thin's ,an happen1E 7ut S*rum ar'ues that the ,ameras are n!t the !nly way t! deal with dan'er!us interse,ti!ns1# M!st

dri$ers d!nEt want t! run red li'hts# said S*rum, Obut due t! en'ineerin' -laws at s!me interse,ti!ns they s!metimes ha$e n! ,h!i,e1 Speed up !r sl!w d!wnL 6 number !- studies ha$e sh!wn that by simply in,reasin' the len'th !"amber# !r "yell!w# li'hts dan'er!us interse,ti!ns ,an be made sa-e1 "7y in,reasin' the len'th !- yell!w li'hts,# S*rum eJplained, "y!u ,an ,ut d!wn !n the am!unt !- $i!lati!ns and a,,idents at an interse,ti!n1 "ItEs the m!ment -!r a dri$er when he must ma*e a ,h!i,e1 6s a li'ht turns yell!w he has t! de,ide between speedin' up t! 'et thr!u'h an interse,ti!n and tryin' t! st!p in time t! *eep -r!m runnin' a red li'ht1 Sin,lair said that time !- dilemma is sh!rtened i- a yell!w li'ht is t!! Mui,*1 "It mi'ht a,tually en,!ura'e pe!ple t! try and run the yell!w# he said1 "ItEs that '!, n!-'! de,isi!n time we w!rry ab!ut1# Studies sh!w that len'thenin' the amber li'ht 'i$es dri$ers m!re time t! ma*e that ,h!i,e and m!re time t! bra*e1 7ut in s!me ,ash-strapped ,!mmunities, sh!rter yell!w li'hts at interse,ti!ns eMuipped with red-li'ht ,ameras means m!re ti,*etsIand that means m!re m!ney1 %he 666 supp!rts the use !- ,ameras, but Sin,lair a'rees that their use needs t! be m!nit!red s! dri$ers arenEt ta*en ad$anta'e !-1 O+eE$e seen ambers as sh!rt as a se,!nd in th!se areas where they mi'ht be wantin' t!, lets say, enhan,e re$enue,#he said1 %here needs t! be a nati!nal standard -!r the len'th !- amber li'hts1# 6 study released in 0anuary by the %eJas %ransp!rtati!n Institute ,!n,luded that eJtendin' a yell!w li'ht by 115 se,!nds w!uld de,rease red-li'ht-runnin' by at least 50 per,ent1 %he institute als! -!und that ,ameras

d! ha$e a p!siti$e impa,t: that interse,ti!ns eMuipped with the de$i,es saw a >0- per,ent de,rease in $i!lati!ns !n a$era'e1 %hey als! -!und that the ,ameras had a *ind !- Ohal!E e--e,t where nearby interse,ti!ns als! saw a dr!p in $i!lati!ns1 +h! is pr!-itin'L %he M6 says that t!wns and ,ities that want t! use red-li'ht ,ameras disre'ard studies that Muesti!n the ,ameras e--e,ti$eness, instead turnin' t! studies Mu!ted by 'r!ups li*e the Insuran,e Institute -!r Fi'hway Sa-ety whi,h is supp!rted by many !- the nati!nEs insuran,e pr!$iders1 %he insuran,e instituteEs +eb site sh!ws that it belie$es in the ,ameras and sees them as a p!wer-ul weap!n a'ainst red-li'ht runners1 S*rum ar'ues that insuran,e ,!mpanies ha$e a $ested interest in the su,,ess !- the ,ameras1 "%he insuran,e industry is '!in' t! pr!-it -r!m the ,ameras# he said "be,ause m!re ,ameras means m!re ti,*ets bein' issued and then they ,an raise the dri$erEs insuran,e rates1 " In additi!n , the ,!mpanies that manu-a,ture , install, and maintain the ,ameras 'enerally ma*e their pr!-it -r!m a p!rti!n !- the ti,*et re$enue the de$i,es 'enerate1 7e,ause !- this, S*rum says, anythin' that mi'ht ,ause a de,rease in ti,*ets 'enerated by the ,ameras w!uld mean a de,rease in pr!-its -!r the ,amera manu-a,turers, the insuran,e ,!mpanies and l!,al muni,ipalities1 "In many instan,es en'ineerin' is bein' i'n!red be,ause itEs easier t! put up a ,amera,# S*rum said1 "ItEs m!re lu,rati$e t! put up a ,amera1# M!t!rists 'r!ups !--ers H10,000 ,hallen'e a "pr!$e us wr!n'# type m!$eI M6 is !--erin' a ,ash pri?e -!r pr!!- that dan'er!us interse,ti!ns ,anEt be impr!$ed thr!u'h en'ineerin'1 I ,ertain parts

!- the ,!untry, M6 is !--erin' t! brin' in its !wn en'ineer t! study any interse,ti!n eMuipped with a ,amera and t! ma*e re,!mmendati!ns !n h!w the interse,ti!n ,!uld be made sa-er thr!u'h impr!$ed en'ineerin'1 %he 'r!up says that i- its re,!mmendati!ns are implemented in pla,e !- the ,amera the interse,ti!n will see at least 50 per,ent de,line in red-li'ht $i!lati!ns1 I- n!t, a H10,000 d!nati!n will be made t!ward a r!ad sa-ety !r r!ad impr!$ement pr!'ram !- that ,!mmunityEs ,h!!sin'1 "+eEre puttin' !ut m!ney where !ur m!uth is,# S*rum eJplained, O+eEre sayin' i- y!u address the pr!blem with an en'ineerin' s!luti!n, y!u w!nEt need a ,amera1# S! -ar n! !ne has ta*en the ,hallen'e1 2P20P05 3L) %een &ilm Star Sandra /ee, a'e D2, died1 She starred in "%he Gid'et# and !ther p!pular -ilms su,h as "%ammy and the /!,t!r1# %he /!llar ,!uple was arrested in Salt )a*e (ity and br!u'ht ba,* t! &l!rida -!r trial !n ,hild abuse1 %hey had ad!pted se$eral ,hildren and were seemin'ly !*ay, the s!,ial w!r*ers th!u'ht e$erythin' was !*ay but then suddenly it was dis,!$ered that they had beaten and star$ed their ,hildren and e$en pulled !ut their t!e nails1 )!s 6n'eles has already '!tten 2<155 in,hes !- pre,ipitati!n sin,e 0uly 1, the 9th wettest year !n re,!rd, the re,!rd bein' =<11< in,hes -r!m 0uly 1<<= t! the -!ll!win' 0une1 I)161 'ets 10 m!re in,hes !- rain by the end !- 0une it will beat the re,!rd1 %hai SeJ ,?ar (hu$it 2am!l$isit has been ele,ted t! parliament, and that he has put massa'e parl!rs behind him, n!w in real estate and li$in' an h!nest li-e, he says1 Send tsunami $ide! t! 0ean %hr!,*m!rt!n !n (!untry (lub /r1 in 7urban*1 ; Funter %h!mps!n, e,,entri, writer ,!mmit sui,ide in 6spen (!l!rad!

2P21P05 )e$els !- mer,ury -!und t! be eJtremely hi'h in Salt )a*e 3Salt )a*e (ity U%)1 D1> earthMua*e hits Iran, *illin' maybe up t! >00 !r m!re1 %he Mua*e was ,entered in the ,ity !Narand , in the pr!$in,e !- 2erman1 +inn /iJie has -iled -!r ban*rupt,y pr!te,ti!n1 )!s 6n'eles may!r ele,ti!n ,!min' up s!!nI re,ent e$ents may ha$e lessened his p!pularity, the sh!!tin' !- /e$in 7r!wn and the beatin' !n the head !- the bla,* man 3n! ,har'es -iled a'ainst the !--i,er)1 2P22P05 : Man a,,used !- pl!ttin' t! *ill Ge!r'e 7ush 0r1 in 2002 and 200= was indi,ted by a 'rand Aury t!day in 5ir'inia 1 FeEs -r!m &alls (hur,h1 Fis name is 6hmed Omar 6bu 6li 1 /an'er !- s!,alled "bird -lue#Ithey say it ,!uld be,!me a pandemi,1 )ady in $e'etati$e state -!r se$eral years, debate ,!ntinues whether t! ta*e her !-- the tube and let her die, !r *eep her ali$e but maybe brain dead 315 years !n -eedin' tube)1 Fusband wants her ta*en !--1 &amily wants t! sustain her and ,!ntends she is alert e$en th!u'h she d!esnEt sh!w it1 %hey want husband t! di$!r,e her s! that they ,an be,!me the 'uardians1 Stephen /ale 7arbee was ,har'ed with ,apit!l murder !n %uesday a-ter ,!n-essin' t! the slayin' !- his wi-e, 6lise Underw!!d and s!n 0ayden 3it turns !ut that 6lise !r )isa Underw!!d was n!t his wi-eIshe was his mistressIhe was married t! s!meb!dy else wh! did n!t *n!w ab!ut this relati!nship1 )isa wanted 7arbeeEs wi-e t! *n!wC1they ar'ued ab!ut it and he *illed herIwhile d!in' s!, s!n 0ayden wal*ed in and s! he *illed him t!!)1 Fis wi-e !wned a ba'el sh!p 3in %eJasL)1 M!re rainI1 a1m &eb1 2=1 :ur!pean Spa,e Pr!be has un$eiled a sea !- i,e !n the eMuat!r !- Mars, and that it lies Aust bel!w the sur-a,e1 %!tal !- ==10B in,hes !- rain has -allen

in s!uthern (ali-!rnia sin,e 0uly 1, 200>1 %he re,!rd am!unt is =<11< in,hes set in 1<<=1 2P2>P05 Sur$eys su''est S,hwar?ena'erEs p!pularity is de,linin'1 In Pennsyl$ania a p!li,e tr!!per *illed himsel- a-ter p!li,e sear,hed his h!me -!r ,hild p!rn!'raphy paraphernalia, : /airy (!ws a--e,ted by rainy seas!nI(hin! areaIl!sin' ,!ws mud piles up s! -ast, ,!ws re-use t! lie d!wn in mu,* and die !eJhausti!n, and they ,ann!t let the water run !-be,ause laws re1 Manure water,1 %he dairy -armers say theyE$e l!st at least =< milli!n in mil* pr!du,ti!n be,ause !- dead and si,* ,!ws1 One -armer says heEs l!st at least H2000 per day1 !rmally the re'i!n re,ei$es ab!ut 1> in,hes !rain in the winter, s! -ar this year it has already '!tten =0 in,hes sin,e O,t!ber1 Fe says "(!ws 'i$e less mil* when they ha$e t! eJpend s! mu,h ener'y sl!''in' thr!u'h muddy water1 Gunman sh!t his wi-e and an!ther man with a ri-le be-!re bein' *illed by p!li,e Fernande? 6rr!y! als! w!unded -!ur pe!ple in the rampa'e in %yler %eJas, in,ludin' tw! p!li,e !--i,ers and his !wn s!n1 36U/6(IOUS :S6MP): !- SO-(6)):/ "#, &4OM : G)6 /Es 6 6 O56) o 7reast si?e determines pers!nality1 6n Italian resear,her ,laims he ,an determine a w!manEs pers!nality based !n her breast si?e and shape1 6,,!rdin' t! Italian ewspaper 7ild, Italian seJ!l!'ist Pier! )!ren?!ni said a w!manEs breasts den!te a w!manEs ,hara,ter, li*e her star si'n1 Fe has ,ate'!ri?ed breast types a,,!rdin' t! -ruitsCthe -ruity ,hart starts naturally with the traditi!nal mel!n1 6,,!rdin' t! )!ren?!ni a w!man with lar'e r!und breasts li*e mel!ns may appear m!therly but is -ar -r!m it1 She li*es eatin' and wants

t! be sp!iled and admired but seld!m li*es seJ he ,laims1 Men wh! want s!meb!dy a bit m!re li$ely sh!uld ,h!!se a w!man with lem!n breasts, pert and pr!minent1 %hese w!men are -ull !- li-e and ,an lau'h at themsel$es1 %hey want a balan,ed li-e with!ut surprises1 Pert, !$al shaped breasts are -!r )!ren?!ni li*e pineapples1 6 w!man with pineapple breasts is intuiti$e, !-ten C but still r!manti,1 +h!e$er wins their heart will n!t l!se it Mui,*ly1 Grape-ruit shaped breasts, pert and -irm, are als! n!t a '!!d si'n -!r '!!d seJ, he ,laims1 %his w!man may l!!* er!ti, but she is bash-ul and h!mely, he says1 She pre-ers tenderness !$er seJ1 :$en w!men with !ran'e breasts, he says, are n!t '!in' t! turn up the temperature between the sheets1 +hile she is sel-,!n-ident and *n!ws her C she has little interest in seJ1 She li*es ,!n$ersati!n and partnership1 Small breasted w!men with assets that resemble ,herries are -unny and $ery eJ,itin'1 %hey are entertainin' and intelli'en,e and ma*e 'reat partnersC-!r !rdinary li-e and h!lidays and are m!derately interested in seJ, the resear,her says1 6 w!man with pear shaped breasts l!$es li-e in all its $ariati!n1 She ,an be $ery reli'i!us but is *n!wn t! ha$e a--airs1 %he P!pe is ba,* in the h!spital1 6 (ity empl!yee in )!s 6n'eles !pened -ire with a *illin' tw! -ell!w empl!yees at a ,ity yard1 %he Mi,hael 0a,*s!n ,ase is ready t! be'in !n M!nday with !penin' statements1 )ute Olsen '!t his =0> th Pa, 10 win in menEs ,!lle'e bas*etball with the 6ri?!na +ild,ats, tyin' 0!hn +!!denEs Pa, 10 re,!rd1 1&!rmer Steeler )ynn Swann is ,!nsiderin' a run -!r '!$ern!r -!r 200D1 Fe was with the Steelers wh! w!n -!ur Superb!wls, -r!m E9> t! E<21 FeEs a

4epubli,an1 (riti,ism !- Ge!r'e 7ush in 4ussia -!r n!t ta*in' his 'l!$es !-- t! sha*e hands with Putin P1 /is,!$ery !- a s*ull !- an animal that l!!*s li*e a ,r!ss between a bear and a pit bull in (ali-!rniaEs San 0!aMuin 5alley1 United ati!ns predi,ts there will be B11 billi!n pe!ple !n planet earth by the year 20501 6 drun* pr!se,ut!r M!nr!e (!unty 6sst1 Pr!se,ut!r :dward %as*er, a'e 2<, C strea*ed a,r!ss a m!tel par*in' l!t na*ed and Aumped int! the ,ar !- a pers!n he th!u'ht was a -riend, but turned !ut t! be a w!man waitin' -!r her b!y-riend1 112ey +est P!li,e arrested %as*er 2P25P05 Parale'al wh! w!r*ed -!r the att!rney representin' the m!ther !- the Mi,hael 0a,*s!n a,,userCsays the m!ther lied and t!ld her s!n t! lie and she 3the parale'al) will testi-y ab!ut it1 B0D pm %he ,!urt has all!wed the husband !- the w!man in a $e'etati$e state t! ta*e the -eedin' tube !ut !her m!uth s! that she ,an die, but the parents !the w!man ha$e been 'i$en three wee*s t! appeal1 +i-e !- Funter %h!mps!n said he had menti!ned sui,ide a -ew times in the past -ew m!nths1 Operati!n 7lue 7!!* was supp!sed t! in$esti'ate U&O#s in 1B50-D0 but they say it ne$er be,ame a truly s,ienti-i, inMuiryIbut they menti!n the -a,t that s!me trained 6ir &!r,e empl!yees had e$en rep!rted s!me ineJpli,able si'htin's1 !rwe'ian man ,au'ht a =20-p!und FalibutIalm!st t!! bi' -!r his b!atIhe had t! t!w it in1 Giant Panda s*elet!n -!und in t!mb in (hina-+ide 4e,ei$er 0erry 4i,e has been released -r!m the Seattle Seahaw*sIthe Mississippi 5alley State Uni$ersity 'rad played m!st !- his ,areer with the >Bers, and a -ew years with Oa*land and will de-initely be in the Fall !&ame ha$in' br!*en and h!ldin' many !- the re,epti!n re,!rds1 S!uth (ar!lina Supreme (!urt has

delayed its en-!r,ement !- (harm s,h!!l -!r law s,h!!l 'raduati!n, !r p!st-law s,h!!l reMuirements Paris Filt!nEs ,ell ph!ne a,,!unt '!t ha,*ed 11a list !- ,elebrities, pi,tures !- hersel- t!pless, and !thers stu-- were plastered all !$er the Internet1 6n artist plans t! t!w an i,eber' t! the ,ity where they built the %itani, as a tribute t! the titani,1 Funter %h!mps!n wants his ashes sh!t !ut !- a ,ann!n as a -inal tribute t! himsel-1 /!,t!rs in %hailand are tryin' t! rest!re the eyesi'ht !- a m!n* wh! mista*enly used super'lue !n his eyes, thin*in' it was eye dr!ps1 7!th eyes are apparently !*ay, but they ha$e n!t yet separated the eyelids1 6uth!rities *ill a ti'er in M!!rpar*, near Simi 5alley 34ea'an Presidential )ibrary) , apparently s!meb!dyEs pri$ate pet '!t l!!se1 +!man in 6las*a Aeal!us ab!ut impendin' brea*up with b!y-riend !r husband ,ut !-- the manEs penis and -lushed it d!wn the t!ilet1 %hey re,!$ered the penis and re-atta,hed it sur'i,ally1 Sammy S!sa has been traded -r!m the (ubs t! the 7altim!re Ori!les1 /!wnt!wn )!s 6n'eles has had 291=9 in,hes !- rain1 Sin,e /e,ember 11 beatin' the 2> in,hes re,!rded in 1<<B-B0 %heyE$e -!und a pers!n !- interest in the 7%2 ,ase1 &amily !- pers!n ha$in' heart pr!blems in the emer'en,y r!!m at the F!spital in Santa 7arbara mi'ht sue Mi,hael 0a,*s!n and the h!spital be,ause when he ,ame in they put him 30a,*s!n) in the lar'er r!!m where the heart patient was and m!$ed the heart patient t! an!ther r!!m where he subseMuently had tw! m!re heart atta,*s and died1 +i-e !- Funter %h!mps!n says he tal*ed ab!ut sui,ide -!r a -ew m!nths pri!r1 2P2DP05

%hey ha$e arrested s!meb!dy in +i,hita 2ansas wh! they suspe,t t! be the 7%2 *iller1 2P29P05 %he man arrested as the 7%2 2iller is /ennis 4ader, a (ub S,!ut leader, a,ti$e in his )utheran ,hur,h , married with tw! ,hildren, the muni,ipal ,!des en-!r,er super$is!r -!r the ,ity, 1 5an Orden is suin' t! ha$e the %en (!mmandments m!nument -r!m the %eJas Supreme (!urt state 'r!unds 1 Fe is a -!rmer lawyer, n!w h!meless 5ietnam $eteran1 %hey n!te that the U1S1 Supreme (!urt has a display in their l!bby !- M!ses h!ldin' a marble ,ar$in' !the %en (!mmandments, but 5an Orden reAe,ts the ,!mparis!n n!tin' that the display als! in,ludes !ther hist!ri,al law'i$ers su,h as Fammurabi, (!n-u,ius, and M!hammad, as well as ap!le!n and (esar 6u'ustus1 Fe said he w!uld n!t ha$e sued ithe ,apit!l buildin' paid similar h!ma'e t! !ther law 'i$ersPhist!ri,al -i'ures1 FeEs had his law li,ense suspended se$eral times -!r issues ran'in' -r!m ta*in' m!ney -!r w!r* he didnEt per-!rm CYand !ther thin'sZ heEs alm!st D0 years !ld1 Gatherin' !- '!$ern!rs -r!m many !- the states t! try t! impr!$e hi'h s,h!!l edu,ati!n, absent was 6rn!ld and 0eb1 7enens!n, -!under !- 6mnesty Intl1 /ied at a'e <=, 4!sswell ew MeJi,! Kthey -!und metal a -ew de,ades a'! that s!me insisted was -r!m a U&O, but the '!$ernment insists it was -r!m a h!t air ball!!n pr!Ae,t they had parti,ipated in1 It was a se,ret '!$ernment pr!Ae,t *n!wn as M!'ul1 Same se,urity as at!mi, b!mb1 &!r sur$eillan,e1 0e-- 2entI-!rmer S1&1 Giant player , -!rmer teammate !- 7arry 7!nds, says all the h!!plah ab!ut him and 7!nds bein' enemies is eJa''erated, is n!w with the /!d'ers1 Fe was !n the Giants when they played the 6n'els in

the +!rld Series1 I46@ !r Syria ,aptures Saddam FusseinEs hal--br!ther, Sabawi Ibrahim al-Fusan1 2P2<P05 Sui,ide b!mber *ills m!re than 100 and w!unds 1== in an atta,* s!uth !- 7a'hdad1 6 sui,ide ,ar b!mber blew himsel- up M!nday in a ,r!wd at a p!li,e and nati!nal 'uard re,ruit site s!uth !- 7a'hdad *illin' at least 10D and w!undin' 1==, p!li,e and witnesses said1 I% was !ne !the deadliest insur'ent atta,*s sin,e President 7ush de,lared the war !$er in May 200=1 6P tele$isi!n -!!ta'e sh!wed lar'e p!!ls !- bl!!d !utside the medi,al ,lini,, l!,ated !n a dusty street in Filla, siJty miles s!uth !- 7a'hdad1 S,!r,h mar*s in-used ,!$ered the ,lini, walls and d!?ens !- pe!ple helped t! put b!dy parts in blan*etsCs!les !- sh!es and tattered ,l!thes were piled in a ,!rner1 6 sui,ide ,ar b!mb hit a 'atherin' !- pe!ple wh! were applyin' t! w!r* in the se,urity ser$i,es1 %he in,ident led t! the death !- a 10D pe!ple and inAured 1== ,iti?ens,# 7abil pr!$in,e p!li,e said in a statement released t! rep!rters1 Fe added that se$eral pe!ple were arrested ab!ut the blast but did n!t elab!rate1 IraMi se,urity -!r,es ha$e been re'ularly tar'eted by insur'ents wh! see them as ,!llab!ratin' with U1S1 -!r,es and want t! undermine IraMEs 6meri,an-ba,*ed '!$ernment1 /!?ens !- b!dies ,!uld be seen lyin' !n the 'r!und a-ter the blast and hal- a d!?en ambulan,es -erried ,asualties t! a nearby h!spital, witnesses said1 %he hu'e blast dama'ed nearby sh!ps and par*ed ,ars and sent pani,*ed pe!ple -leein'1 Pe!ple were Mueuin' up t! 'et ,he,*ed medi,ally in !rder t! be,!me p!li,emen1 6 ,ar ,ame and eJpl!ded *illin' m!re than 50 pe!ple, m!re than what y!u eJpe,t 6mmar M!sa, a witness, t!ld :P% 1 6 se,!nd ,ar eJpl!ded M!nday

at a p!li,e ,he,*p!int in Musayyib, ab!ut 20 miles n!rth !- Filla *illin' at least 1 p!li,eman and w!undin' se$eral !thers, p!li,e said !n ,!nditi!n !- an!nymity1 %he twin atta,*s ,ame a day a-ter IraMi !--i,ials ann!un,ed that Syria had ,aptured and handed !$er Sadam FusseinEs hal--br!ther, a m!st wanted leader in the Suni based insur'en,y, in the latest !- a series !- arrests whi,h the U1SPIraM leaders h!pe will deal a ,rushin' bl!w t! $i!lent !pp!siti!n -!r,es 1 %he arrest !- .a(awi F(rahim al0>husan ended m!nths !- Syrian denials that it was harb!rin' -u'iti$es !- the !usted Saddam re'ime1 IraM auth!rities said /amas,us a,ted in a 'esture !- '!!d will1 .a(awai al >usan wh! shared a m!ther with Saddam, was nabbed al!n' with 2B !ther -u'iti$e members !the -!rmer di,tat!rs 7aath party in Fasa*aah, in n!rtheaster Syria, =0 miles -r!m the b!rder, !--i,ials said Sunday !n ,!nditi!n !- an!nymity1 U1S1 military had n! ,!mmentC M!re: Syria is under intense pressure -r!m the United States, United ati!ns, &ran,e . Israel t! dr!p its supp!rt -!r radi,al 'r!ups in the Middle :ast, t! st!p harb!rin' IraMi -u'iti$es and t! rem!$e its tr!!ps -r!m )eban!n1 6 wee* a'! auth!rities 'rabbed a *ey ass!,iate and the dri$er !- 0!rdanian b!rn terr!r leader A(u Musa( Al0Gar)awi (who has not (een aught yet&, a leader !- 6l-@uaeda in IraM, and belie$ed t! be the leader !- the !n'!in' b!mbin's, beheadin's and atta,*s !n IraMi and 6meri,an -!r,es1 IraMi !--i,ials said they eJpe,t t! ta*e al-NarMawi s!!n1 IraMis br!*e the !- al FusanEs ,apture1 "I h!pe all the terr!rists will be arrested s!!n and we ,an li$e in pea,e# said S!phia S!!d, a 5>-year-!ld 7a'hdad h!usewi-e1 "%h!se ,riminals deser$e death -!r the ,rimes they

,!mmitted a'ainst the IraMi pe!ple1# IraMi !--i,ials did n!t spe,i-y when al-Fusan was ,aptured , !nly sayin' he was detained a-ter the &eb 1> assassinati!n !- -!rmer )ebanese Prime Minister 4a-iM Fariri in 7eirut )eban!n, in a r!adside b!mbin' that *illed 1D !thers1 Syria -ell under suspi,i!n in the *illin' be,ause !- its military and p!liti,al d!minati!n !- the ,!untry, where it maintains 15,000 tr!!ps1 Fariri had Muit the premiership !$er SyriaEs ,!ntinued presen,e in )eban!n1 (aptain 6hmed Ismael, an IraMi intelli'en,e !--i,er said al-Fusan was handed t! the IraMis Sunday1 6 O%:F4 IraMi !--i,ial said Syrian se,urity eJpelled al Fusan a-ter he and supp!rters had been turned ba,* in an earlier attempt t! ,r!ss the Syrian b!rder int! )eban!n and 0!rdan1 6lFusan was Q=D , the siJ !- diam!nds, !n the list !- m!st wanted terr!rists in IraM, ,!mpiled by U1S1 6uth!rities a-ter Saddam was t!ppled in 6pril, 200=1 :le$en !- the de,* !- 55 remain at lar'e1 %he U1S1 had !--ered 1 milli!n -!r 6lFusanEs ,apture1 IraMEs p!st-ele,ti!n Shiite Muslim p!wer br!*er united allian,e leader 6bdel 6?i? al-Fa*im t!ld 6P that FusanEs arrest si'naled tr!ubled times -!r insur'en,y1 "th!se ,riminals are !n the run and we will ,hase the rest !- them 1 +e will w!r* !n arrestin' all the ,riminals, either th!se inside IraM !r th!se in !ther nei'hb!rin' ,!untries s! that they ,an stand -air trial and be punished -!r the ,rimes they ha$e ,!mmitted a'ainst the IraMi pe!ple# he said1 6P rep!rter Salah Masrawi in (air! ,!ntributed t! this rep!rt1 =P1P05 ew resear,h and bran s,an te,hn!l!'y sh!ws that s!me brain d!es !ri'inate in the brain,

itEs n!t ima'ined1 (hr!ni, ba,* pain ,an e$en ,ause brain tissue t! shrin* i- it is pr!l!n'ed1 +hen pe!ple say "pain is all in the head# s!me pe!ple thin* they mean itEs n!t real# says 2atherine 7ushnell1 4esear,hers at VVVVVVVVVVVV Uni$ersity Cthr!u'h brain ima'in' 7ushnell has sh!wn that s!methin' as simple as bein' distra,ted has a real e--e,t in de,reasin' the intensity !- pain si'nals in the brain1 %hey had patients listen t! t!nes , while s! their per,epti!n !- pain diminished, and brain s,ans sh!wed the pain did lessen while they listened t! the t!nes1 She says this means that ha$in' -amily ar!und ,!nstantly as*in' h!w !ne is -eelin' ,an a,tually draw m!re attenti!n t! the pain and enhan,e it1 :m!ti!ns ,an either enhan,e !r de,rease pain1 Pleasant !d!rs ease the sensati!n !- pain while unpleasant smells made the pain -eel w!rse1 !w they are l!!*in' -!r ways t! tar'et pathways t! the brain t! st!p s!me !- the pain sensati!ns1 : 6 -ederal Aud'e -!und tw! dead b!dies in her h!me1 U1S1 /istri,t 0ud'e 0!an Fumphrey )e-*!w -!und Ywhat turned !ut t! be, in -a,t, her husband and m!ther, dead in her h!meZ ar!und D pm in the (hi,a'! area1 6n!ther *idnapped A!urnalist pleads -!r help !n a $ide!tape1 &ren,h A!urnalist &l!uren,e 6ubenas appeared !n $ide!tape be''in' -!r help1 She went missin' !n 0anuary 5, 20051 Mi,hi'an State Uni$ersity is ,!nsiderin' m!$in' itEs medi,al s,h!!l t! Grand 4apids1 I,hir! Su?u*i hit 1>2B -r!m the 6ll-Star 7rea* t! the end !- the seas!n1 Ste$e &!ssett wh! sailed ar!und the 'l!be in a ball!!n tw! years a'! t!!* !-- -r!m a 2ansas air-ield !n M!nday tryin' t! ,ir,le the earth in a n!n-st!p, n!n-re-ueled, !ne en'ine plane, s!l! -li'ht1 Fe h!pes t! t!u,h ba,* d!wn in 2ansas in three days, !r less1 It w!uld n!t be the -irst n!n-st!p, n!n-re-ueled -li'ht but

w!uld be the -irst s!l! !- that s!rt1 0eanna 8ea'er and /i,* 4utan did s! in 1B<D but that t!!* nine days1 %he -uel ta*es up <= per,ent !the air,ra-ts wei'ht1 Uni$ersity !- Illin!is is 2<-0 and they are tw! wins away -r!m a per-e,t re'ular seas!n1 %he Aud'e wh! was !n the tribunal that was '!in' t! try Saddam Fussein in ,!urt was assassinated !utside his h!me1 0ud'e 7arwe? M!hammad Mahm!ud, and his s!n, a lawyer, were b!th *illed1 %he 6u'ust OJ-!rd Uni!n has heard wisd!m -r!m +inst!n (hur,hill, 4!nald 4ea'an, M!ther %heresa, am!n' !thers, and n!w they are s,heduled t! hear 4!n 0eremy, a p!rn!'raphy star, spea*1 0eremy has a,ted in 1900 p!rn!'raphy m!$ies in,ludin' "7an' 6l!n' with 4!n1# 6 -ew years a'! the OJ-!rd uni!n heard 0enna 0ames!n , a -emale p!rn! star, spea*1 =P2P05 (lar*, past!r !- (hrist )utheran ,hur,h in 2ansas said /ennis 4adar, the alle'ed 7%2 *iller, will ,!ntinue t! be a member !- their ,!n're'ati!n and will remain !n as president !- the ,hur,h ,!un,il1 +!w1 Martha Stewart is s,heduled t! be released -r!m pris!n this wee*1 1>-year-!ld b!y was ,har'ed with sh!!tin' the bus dri$er in %ennessee1 She had rep!rted the b!y a day earlier -!r usin' sm!*eless t!ba,,! !n the bus1 %he bus ,rashed int! a utility p!le Supreme (!urt Austi,e 6nth!ny 2ennedy su''ested that -!r the ,!urt t! tell the state that it ,ann!t all!w the %en (!mmandments !n state land w!uld re-le,t !n !bsessi$e ,!n,ern with re-eren,es t! reli'i!n1 %hey ha$e n!t yet made a -!rmal de,isi!n yet1 In %he 5an Orden (ase, h!we$er, the h!meless lawyer -r!m %eJas wh! wanted the 10

(!mmandments display rem!$ed -r!m the %eJas Supreme (!urt l!st his bid1 %he name !- !ne !- Mi,hael 0a,*s!nEs att!rneys is /a$id )eGrand1 2!be 7ryant settled the ,i$il ,ase with a,,user wh! is n!w pre'nant and married1 %he name !- the Mi,hael 0a,*s!n a,,user is Ga$in 6r$i?!1%he trial is in Santa Maria1 Sp!rts: Illin!is plays Purdue t!m!rr!w and play Ohi! State !n Mar,h D -!r their -inal tw! 'ames 1 Mari! )emieuJ is !wnerPplayer -!r Pittsbur'h Pen'uins =P=P05 %hermal $ents near middle !- 6tlanti, O,eanI dis,!$ered new ,reatures by these $ents1 ear an area ,alled the ")!st (ity#Ibla,* sm!*ers are ,himney-li*e stru,tures that -!rm when $ery h!t water -r!m the earths interi!r, up t! 900 de'rees &ahrenheit brea*s thr!u'h int! the !,ean water ,!min' int! ,!nta,t with the -ri'id !,ean waterC1minerals ,rystalli?e durin' the pr!,essC and 'i$e the ,himneys their bla,* ,!l!r1 %heyE$e dis,!$ered %ube +!rms that ,an 'r!w as l!n' as ei'ht -eet1 6ls! tiny shrimp and ,rab, !-ten translu,ent, and less than an in,h in si?e1 Pil!t Ste$e &!ssett made a new w!rld re,!rd by -lyin' ar!und the w!rld with!ut re-uelin' !r landin', and d!in' it s!l!1 Fe landed in 2ansas1 It t!!* him D9 h!urs t! ma*e the 2=,000-mile -li'ht1 Fe sur$i$ed !n 12 mil*sha*es and water1 Fis main pr!blems were heada,hes and la,* !sleep1 Fe used b!ttles -!r a bathr!!m1 Fe als! set a ball!!nin' re,!rd in 2002, has swum the :n'lish (hannel, ta*en part in an Iditar!d Sled /!' ra,e, and dri$en in the 2> h!urs !- )eMans aut! ra,e1 Umbili,al ,!rd bl!!d apparently has hi'h healin' p!wersIbut is eJpensi$e t! *eep in a bl!!d ban*1 4esear,h su''ests that th!se wh! per-!rm last in a ,!ntest will 'et better s,!res1 7ruine de 7ruin -r!m etherlands

,!ndu,ted the resear,h1 %hey are '!in' t! sin* the USS 6meri,aIan 6ir (ra-t (arrierI-!r the sa*e !- resear,hIt! study its $ulnerabilities and stren'thsIsin,e it was ready t! be retired anywaysCit will ,!st them 20 milli!n t! sin* it1 Mel Gibs!n appeared in ,!urt t! testi-y ab!ut the eJperien,e he and his -amily had with a stal*er1 Na,* Sin,lair, nati$e !- Idah! is ,har'ed with !ne ,!unt !- -el!ny stal*in'I-!r writin' unwanted letters and sh!win' up at Gibs!nEs ,hur,h and h!me 3t!day, =P>P05, he was ,!n$i,ted)1 6r,huleta1 Gibs!n li$es in Malibu with wi-e and ,hildren 3!r at least !ne ,hild)1 %yler Perry made -ilm ,alled "Mad 7la,* +!man# and despite ha$in' been h!meless -!r a while has re,ently made a number !- su,,ess-ul m!$ies, whi,h ha$e made him wealthy1 (!y!tes are in,reasin' in the +ashin't!n /1(1 area11Illin!is de-eats Purdue in menEs ,!lle'e bas*etball <>-50 and is !ne win away -r!m a per-e,t re'ular seas!n1 In the -i$e m!nth absen,e !- Martha Stewart -r!m her ,!mpany the $alue !- the st!,* has in,reased times -!ur1 She was in 6lders!n &ederal Pris!n1 Shaaban Fi-i? 6hmad 6li-shaaban a'e 52 -r!m Indiana was ,har'ed with a'reein' t! a,t as a -!rei'n a'ent -!r IraM and immi'rati!n $i!lati!nsCand was arrested !n %hursday1 Fe a'reed t! sell the names !- U1S1 Intelli'en,e 6'ents t! Saddam FusseinEs '!$ernment -!r = milli!n d!llars, said Susan 7r!!*s, att!rney -!r s!uthern Indiana1 Uri 2ra$a,hen*! , -!rmer U*ranian interi!r minister, lin*ed t! the murder !- in$esti'ati$e A!urnalist Ge!r'iy Gan'ad?e ,!mmitted sui,ide1 %he bi''est ped!phile ,!urt ,ase in the hist!ry !- &ran,e is underway KD9 pers!ns indi,ted1 S!me !- the $i,tims were as y!un' as D m!nths1 6ls! 7el'ium has been r!,*ed

by ped!philismIa y!un' 'al was alle'edly raped >5 times1 &riday, Mar,h >, 20051 Military death t!ll in IraM is n!w up t! 15001 4ainin' a'ain1 &!ur (anadian M!unties were sh!t and *illed while in$esti'atin' a mariAuana -arm1 : %he 0ury has be'un deliberatin' in the 4!bert 7la*e (ase1 %hey say that the p!wer bein' pr!du,ed in IraM meets less than hal- !- the demand, didnEt 4161 S,huller say they had m!re n!w than durin' the pre-war peri!d1L %he Mall 4apist "0ames Perry# !$er -i$e years ,!mmitted d!?ens !- seJual atta,*s !n ,hildren and w!men, many ar!und Madis!n +is,!nsin, 3but als! Illin!is, Ohi!, and %eJas), and FarryEs wi-e may ha$e been his -irst $i,tim1 Fe made $ide!s !- his atta,*s and put them !n Internet p!rn1 +hen ,!n-r!nted with abuse the typi,al ,hild will shut d!wn and 'ets li*e a small animal, li*e a rabbit !r s!methin', and Aust -ree?es, 3said VVVVVVVVVVV), PerryEs su,,ess depended up!n that blan* -r!?en rea,ti!n -r!m his ,hild $i,tim1 0ames Perry, n!w =5, was senten,ed !n !$ember 200> t! >90 years in pris!n -!r ,reatin' ,hild p!rn!'raphy, ,hild rape, and *idnappin', the l!n'est seJual ,rime senten,e in +is,!nsin hist!ry1 Glen Matl!,*, -!rmer bassist -!r the SeJ Pist!ls, wh! was subseMuently repla,ed by Sid 5i,i!us, --is n!w ,allin' -!r the media t! st!p usin' s! mu,h pr!-anityIir!ni, 'i$en the SeJ Pist!ls pen,hant -!r usin' pr!-anity themsel$es t! sh!,* pe!ple, years a'! "+hen the earth sh!!* and the waters be'an re,edin' -r!m the ,ree* near their settlement, the OnAeEs i- IndiaEs little 6ndaman Island *new nature was tellin' them

s!methin' and the primiti$e hunter-'atherers did n!t wait t! pi,* up their p!ssessi!ns !r passp!rts but instin,ti$ely made -!r hi'her 'r!und, 6ll !- the 100 !r s! OnAe le-t in the w!rld seemed t! ha$e sur$i$ed the tsunamiEs deadly p!wer, n!w they are w!nderin' what t! d! K'i$en their $illa'e has been destr!yed11 they are ,!nsiderin' m!$in' inland whi,h may in -a,t be the best thin' -!r them a-ter allIa blessin' in dis'uise1 G!!d m!rnin' Saturday, Mar,h 5, 2005 ews: ew -i'hter te,hn!l!'y !r de-ense te,hn!l!'y all!ws Israel s!ldiers t! wear wrist wat,h $ide! m!nit!rs with -!!ta'e -r!m unmanned dr!ne planes $ide!-tapin' the 'r!und bel!w durin' battle1 : a )O% O& pe!ple ad!pt in the United States but n!t 6-ri,an 6meri,an b!ysIthey are, -!r s!me reas!n, !$erl!!*edI6meri,ans '! abr!ad t! -ind babies t! ad!pt when there are a l!t !- 6-ri,an 6meri,an babies ri'ht here up -!r ad!pti!nIs! many that !ther ,!untries are ,!min' t! 6meri,an t! ad!pt them1 S!me pe!ple wh! say that )!$e is ,!l!rblind and ra,e is n!t an issue are na\$e says Fu'hes 3-ull name and title n!t pr!$ided), Phil 7ertles!n an 6-ri,an 6meri,an -ilmma*er in ew 8!r* wh! 'rew up in a white -amily in ew 0ersey says his upbrin'in' alm!st ,reated a ,!,!!n !- pr!te,ti!n -r!m the reality !- ra,e in the w!rld ar!und him1 Fe be'an eJaminin' the issue in his new -ilm "Outside )!!*in' In# ab!ut transra,ial ad!pti!n, and the impa,t it had !n his sense !- ,ultural identity1 Fe said it was a ,hallen'e -a,in' the dis,!rd !utside the h!me when all y!u had eJperien,ed was s!methin' else1 %hey say while pr!'ressi$e minded ad!pti$e parents may be well intended in the matter !ra,e it d!esnEt matter 7ertles!n says Kit ,an be dan'er!us and dama'in' be,ause when y!u i'n!re

my ra,e and ethni,ity y!u are essentially ta*in' away a part !- wh! I am &!rmer 2!rn 'uitarist 7rian "%he Fead# +el,h was bapti?ed in the 0!rdan 4i$er wee*s a-ter Muittin' the band and Muittin' dru's1 Fe and ab!ut 20 !thers -r!m his ,hur,h in 7a*ers-ield were bapti?ed by Past!r 4!n 5ietti1 /!lphins bea,hed themsel$es in Marath!n &l!ridaIs!me are w!nderin' i- it is related t! the submarine tests d!ne by the military !-- 2ey +est ar!und the same time11 %he m!ther !- the a,,user !Mi,hael 0a,*s!n is Fispani,1 %hey apparently intera,ted with a l!t !- ,elebrities in,ludin' 2!be 7ryant and a -ell!w by the name !- %u,*er, and 0ay )en! apparently was appr!a,hed by them at !ne p!int---but he ,alled the p!li,e tellin' them he th!u'ht they mi'ht be l!!*in' -!r a mar*1 Mal,!lm Gladwell wr!te a b!!* entitled "%he %ippin' P!int# and ,ites a b!ttle !2et,hup -!r anal!'yIsayin' i- y!u tap it a -ew times it will ,!me !ut little by little but then suddenly it will p!ur !ut---Ysame anal!'y as O,riti,al massE I thin*Z(hie- !- P!li,e 7ratt!n !- )6P/ 3-!rmer 8)said that -!r three years they intenti!nally en-!r,ed e$en the m!st min!r ,rimes and in that same peri!d the $i!lent ,rime rate dr!pped by d!uble di'itsCin ew 8!r*Es m!st murder!us pre,in,t a*a "%he 2illin' &ields# 7ratt!n thin*s the -ailure !- the army t! st!p the l!!tin' in IraM a-ter the initial b!mbin' was a tippin' p!int -!r the terr!rists and insur'ents t! rebel1 %!m &riedman -r!m 8 %imes 'i$es an eJample !- r!,* musi, ha$in' a tippin' p!int in the D0Es with the rise !- p!rtable radi!s and batteries C 7ratt!n h!pes the ele,ti!n in IraM will be a tippin' p!int in the ri'ht dire,ti!nISt!ry by (hris 7ury and %ed 2!ppel !n i'htline 2P22P05 Mar* Saina !- 2enya

wins the 20th annual )161 Marath!n1 Illin!is l!ses D5-D> in -inal 'ame !- the seas!n $s1 OSU Ilast 7i' %en team t! '! unde-eated was the Indiana F!!siers !- 1B9D1 (li--h!use Inn Stea* 4estaurant, hereEs )a (!n,hitaIwhere the mudslides happened1 4i'ht by the sm!*esta,* with the -lames ,!min' !ut1 Sur-ers ,reated new w!rld re,!rd by sur-in' a >0 -!!t 10 -!!t wide sur-b!ard in 6ustraliaI20 t! ,arry it t! the water, >>->9 r!de it beatin' the 200= re,!rd !1> pe!ple1 ew implant -!r w!men wh! ha$e had maste,t!miesIthey use pi' -at ,ellsIthat will 'r!w t! the si?e !- tennis balls in 12 wee*s1 4e''ie 0a,*s!n was hit by an SU5 tra$elin' at a hi'h speedIb!th $ehi,les -lippedI0a,*s!n was treated and released, the !ther dri$er was in ,riti,al ,!nditi!n1 :thi!pian ar,he!l!'ists ha$e dis,!$ered 12 -!ssils that appear t! be !lder than the -am!us -!ssil )u,y1 %he spe,imens, estimated t! be =1< t! > milli!n years !ld will be imp!rtant in terms !- understandin' the early phases !- human e$!luti!n, be-!re )u,y, said 8!hannes Faile Selassie , an :thi!pian ar,he!l!'ist1 %he dis,!$ery !- )u,y, the h!minid s*elet!n estimated t! be ab!ut 1 =12 milli!n years !ld in 1B9> was a landmar* in the sear,h -!r the !ri'ins !- humanityCthe new dis,!$ery was -!und appr!Jimately =9 miles n!rth !- the site where )u,y was dis,!$ered in the eastern re'i!n !- 6-ar1 In my manual ab!ut "Missi!l!'y -!r Islami, +!men# they say t!! !-ten missi!l!'ists ha$e treated w!men and men Muslims as the sameI'ender blind1 : 6 F!m!seJual man, 0ames Maestas a'e 21, was beaten un,!ns,i!us in Santa &e MeJi,! in a "hate ,rime#ISanta &e is se,!nd !nly t! San &ran,is,! in the per,enta'e !- same seJ h!useh!lds1 %he ,!mmunity h!lds a 'ay pride parade ea,h summer, and is *n!w -!r

its pr!'ressi$e p!liti,s1 Gabriel Maturan, a'e 20, Isaiah Medina 1B, and /a$id %rinidad were ,har'ed with assault . battery1 =P9P05 Mi,hael 0a,*s!n (ase %heyEre ,r!ss-eJaminin' the a,,users sister, 7ryan 7land says, -!r 6P 1 (r!ss-eJaminer wants t! *n!w why i- they are su,h a ,l!se-*nit -amily 3whi,h she ,laims) they ha$e ne$er dis,ussed the 1BB= 0( Penney (ase in whi,h her m!ther was awarded H150,000 a-ter ,!ntendin' the 'uards abused herL !w the br!ther !- Mi,hael 0a,*s!nEs a,,user is testi-yin'1 Fe says his m!ther en,!ura'ed them t! sleep in the main h!use with Mi,hael be,ause they w!uld be sa-er with Mi,hael than with their !wn -ather, wh! is n!w her eJ-husband1 Sad st!ry &!rmer Sp!rts Illustrated (!$er Girl M!del was in %hailand when the tsunami hitIher b!y-riend and ph!t!'rapher was swept away by the tsunami1 She was at the 2ha! )a* res!rt when the tsunami hit1 SheEs a'e 25, her b!y-riend, Sim!n 6tlee, was ==1 %he !ther br!ther !- 0a,*s!nEs a,,user, a'e 1>, said he saw 0a,*s!n t!u,hin' his br!ther when they were sleepin' !n his bed t!'ether1 Fe said he twi,e saw 0a,*s!n masturbatin' with !ne hand while 0a,*s!nEs !thers hand was in his br!therEs underwear 3t!day =PBP05 they said he ,laimed 0a,*s!nEs hand was !n t!p !- the br!thers ,r!t,h)1 Fe did n!t state the dates but that it !,,urred tw! days apart1 %he de-ense says the alle'ati!ns are a -i,ti!n ,reated by the ,hildrenEs m!ther in an attempt t! eJt!rt m!ney1 Fe als! des,ribed a time when 0a,*s!n 'rabbed a -emale manneMuin in his bedr!!m and pretended li*e he was ha$in' inter,!urse with it !n a bed -ully ,l!thed while lau'hin'1 0a,*s!nEs m!ther and -ather were present but sh!wed n!

rea,ti!n1 6 pris!n in the /!mini,an 4epubli, with a maJimum ,apa,ity !- 25 had 19< pe!ple in it when a -ire started1 Pris!ners ha$e a,,ess t! *ni$es and dru's, => died, 2 6meri,ans -r!m Puert! 4i,! apparently died in the -ire1 Gar,ia dran* m!re than 50 sh!ts !- teMuila in a drin*in' ,!ntest and died !- al,!h!l p!is!nin' a -ew h!urs later in Santa /!min'!, /!mini,an 4epubli,1 %he G!$ern!r !Ge!r'ia, Perdue, is apparently a li,ensed $eterinarianIand is plannin' t! parti,ipate in neuterin' a d!' -!r s!me s!rt !- awareness ,ampai'n1 7!bby &is,her is still in 0apanI apparently in s!litary -!r a -ew days be,ause !s!me -ra,as he had with pris!n 'uards ab!ut a b!iled e''1 I,eland has !--ered t! 'i$e him ,iti?enship i- 0apan will all!w it 3&is,her wants t! ren!un,e his 6meri,an ,iti?enship but is ,urrently wanted by the U1S1 -!r $i!latin' a ban !n enterin' VVVVVVVVVV a -ew de,ades a'!It! play (hess1 Fis -ian,[, Miy!*! +atai, a -!ur time 0apan w!menEs ,hess ,hampi!n, is supp!rtin' him -r!m the !utside1 Mi,hael 0a,*s!nIthe !ther br!ther is n!w testi-yin'Isays that 0a,*s!n sh!wed him a p!rn!'raphy ma'a?ine entitled "7arely )e'al# but when the de-ense att!rney as*ed him i- this was it 3ha$in' an a,tual ,!py !- "7arely )e'al# ) and the b!y said yesIhe indi,ated the date !n it was a-ter they had been there 3t! whi,h the b!y resp!nded that he did n!t ne,essarily mean that eJa,t ma'a?ine but !ne li*e it , whi,h is p!ssible i- 0a,*s!n subs,ribes t! itIhe w!uld thr!w !ut the !ld !nes), the b!y als! admitted that he lied under !ath when he sw!re his m!ther and -ather ne$er -!u'ht and that his -ather ne$er hit him1 %he lawyer as*ed him i- s!meb!dy t!ld him t! lie in the 0( Penney ,ase and the b!y resp!nded that he

didnEt remember1 %he att!rney then as*ed him ab!ut this alarm system 0a,*s!n has whi,h '!es !-- anytime s!meb!dy enters the hallway !utside his bedr!!m, and the b!y said that is true but that it !nly '!es !-- i- a se,!nd d!!r is !pened1 %he att!rney as*ed him i- in b!th ,ases that he saw 0a,*s!n t!u,hin' his br!ther the alarm went !--L 8es the b!y said, but the pre$i!us day he did n!t menti!n any alarm and that his br!ther slept thr!u'h b!th in,idents, sn!rin' at !ne p!int1 %he /ept1 !- :n'ineers 'i$es the United States a / -!r in-rastru,ture1 Fi'h S,h!!l &!!tball ,!a,h in Ore'!n was a,,used !- li,*in' the s,ab !r ,ut !n the *nee !- !ne !- his players1 Miss!uri apparently has a reputati!n -!r bein' p!rn!'raphy -riendly and the '!$ern!r wants t! ,han'e it1 ew -emale ,hampi!n sur-er in Peru, 21-year-!ld S!phia Mulan!$i,h, puts Peru ba,* !n the map as a sur-in' ,!untry1 %hatEs the -!r t!day1

=PBP05 M!re ,r!ss-eJaminati!n !- a,,users br!ther wh! ,han'ed his testim!ny sayin' "6,tually there were three times# re-errin' t! s!methin' he saw Mi,hael 0a,*s!n d!in' t! his br!ther1 0a,*s!n (aseIthe a,,users br!ther the !ne wh! said he saw 0a,*s!n masturbatin' himsel- twi,e while t!u,hin' the a,,user1 7ut pre$i!usly the a,,user said he was ,urled up !n a ,!u,h when he n!ti,ed 0a,*s!n masturbatin'1 +hen ,!n-r!nted with the dis,repan,y, the br!ther said "a,tually there were three times1# United ati!ns says that !$er 90,000 ha$e died in /ar-ur1 6 b!y sends br!wnies with semen -r!stin' !n them t! an!ther student and the student and a

-riend eat them n!t *n!win' it is semen1 %he b!y said he was an'ry with !ne !- the !thers -!r puttin' peanut butter !n his sandwi,h be,ause he hates peanut butter1 Mt1 St1 Felens had a small erupti!n1 %he unp!pular leader !- F!n' 2!n' steps d!wnIF!n' 2!n' wants "uni$ersal su--ra'e# and uninhibited dem!,ra,y but 7eiAin'Iis h!ldin' them ba,* they app!inted a leader by the name !- %un' (hee-Fwa wh! is disli*ed by the F!n' 2!n' pe!pleI and ann!un,ed he is steppin' d!wn due t! health ,!n,erns1 Star !- hea$y metal band M!t!rhead Ian 2ilmeister a*a ")enny# spea*s !ut !n ++II---sayin' he d!esnEt thin* it was Aust the Germans wh! were bad and 6meri,ansP7ritish '!!dIsays he didnEt ma*e as mu,h m!ney as Metalli,a and O??y Osb!urneIbe,ause he had warts !n his -a,eIheEs -i-ty nineIand has many 'irl-riends s!me !- wh!m he has shared with his s!n, but draws the line ab!ut sharin' his s!nEs wi-e1 %he 7arnes art ,!lle,ti!n , whi,h has !ne !the lar'est ,!lle,ti!ns !- Pi,ass!s, ([?annes, and Matisse is s,heduled t! m!$e a -ew miles ,l!ser t! Philadelphia t! ma*e them m!re a,,essible t! the publi,1 =P10P05 pr!-ess!r wh! ,!mpared the $i,tims !- the +!rld %rade (enter t! little 6d!l- :i,hmanns at the Uni$1 !- (!l!rad! ----ne'!tiati!ns are under way t! buy !ut his ,!ntra,tIt! 'et him t! lea$e-, pr!-ess!r (hur,hillL1 : Mi,hael 0a,*s!n sh!wed up an h!ur late due t! bad ba,*1 MariAuana usa'es is in,reasin' in (anada1 6,,user !Mi,hael 0a,*s!n testi-ied, Ga$in 6r$i?a!, said 0a,*s!n abused him twi,e under the ,!$ers in the bedr!!m !- 0a,*s!nIGa$in said that when 0a,*s!n tried t! t!u,h him a se,!nd time he als! tried t! 'et Ga$in t! masturbate him 30a,*s!n) in

return, but Ga$in 4e-used1 Ga$in said he eAa,ulated b!th times1 7ut the de-ense ,laims n! / 6 e$iden,e was -!und1 /e-ense 6tt!rney %!m Mesereau a,,used the b!y !- ma*in' up the wh!le st!ry1 %he +!rd 6naheim ,!mes -r!m German KFeim means h!me and 6na ,!mes -r!m Santa 6naIthe ri$erIhen,e "h!me by the ri$er1# %he MeJi,ans ,alled it (amp! 6leman1 It !ri'inally had -!ur 'ates t! *eep the ,attle away -r!m the 'rape $inesIthe 'ates were the )!s 6n'eles, the San /ie'!, 8!rba, and San Pedr!, C%he German -amilies did n!t ,!me t! 6naheim until the 1<5B when the 'rape $ines be'an t! pr!du,e1 %he Missi!n 'rape helped them establish their wineriesC br!u'ht t! (ali-!rnia by the &ran,is,an -athers, but !ther 'rapes in,luded the 7ar,el!na, Mal$i!si,, Nin-andel, and VVVVVVVVVVVV 'rapes; >00, 000 $ines were planted the -irst year1 In 1<D1 95,000 'all!ns !- wine were pr!du,ed; by 1<<> with 50 wineries in !perati!n 6naheim pr!du,ed 1, 250,000'all!ns1 6naheim wine was said t! be better than s!me :ur!pean wines1 7etween 1<<> and 1<<< the $ines were destr!yed by diseaseIthus *illin' the wine industry1 Other ,r!ps t!!* their pla,e in,ludin' walnuts, su'ar beets, lem!ns, apri,!ts, and the 6naheim (hili pepper, but m!st su,,ess-ul was the 5alen,ian Oran'eIs! mu,h s! that they named the new ,!unty a-ter it1 =P11P05 Sh!!tin' at a &ult!n (!unty (!urth!useIin Ge!r'iaI an a,,used rapistPde-endant was bein' es,!rted int! the ,!urt by the baili-- when he 'rabbed the baili--s 'un, sh!t the baili--, the ,!urt ,ler*, and the Aud'e, *illin' all three1 %hen he may ha$e st!len a 'reen F!nda 6,,!rdIand is !n the l!!se1 %w! -!rmer P!li,e O--i,erP/ete,ti$es, )uis :sp!lit!

and Stephen (ara,apa, -r!m ew 8!r* , li$in' in e$ada, were arrested -!r ,!nspirin' with the m!bPma-ia1 Spain is ,!mmem!ratin' the Mar,h 11, 200> b!mbin's !- the trains1 %he a,,user in the Mi,hael 0a,*s!n ,ase says that 0a,*s!n t!ld him ihe d!esnEt masturbate he may be in,lined t! rape s!meb!dy, and he said he !n,e l!!*ed !$er the bal,!ny and saw a b!y ha$in' seJ with a d!'1 == year !ld 7ryan i,h!ls, -!rmer ,!mputer te,hni,al, !n trial -!r rape, st!le a 'un !n the way int! ,!urt, sh!t the baili--, sh!t the ,ler*, sh!t the Aud'e, sh!t a !--i,er, *illed all three but the baili-- 3wh! is in ,riti,al ,!nditi!n) 3and the neJt day =P12P05 sh!t a marshal and st!le his tru,*), !n the l!!se 3n!w ,au'ht =P12P05)1 0ud'e 4!wland 7arnes and (!urt 4ep!rter 0ulie 7randaus were *illed inside and /eputy S't1 F!yt %easley was *illed !utside the ,!urt1 %he baili--Pdeputy, (ynthia Fall, was in ,riti,al ,!nditi!n a-ter bein' sh!t in the -a,eI but will pr!bably sur$i$e1 Fe was n!t hand,u--ed be,ause the law reMuires they d! n!t wear hand,u--s s! as n!t t! un-airly in-luen,e the Aury1 29 *ids died perhaps !- -!!d p!is!nin' !n the Island !- 7!h!l in the Philippines1 State !- +ashin't!n is eJperien,in' a dr!u'ht this yearIdriest sin,e 1B991 Seattle, *n!w -!r bein' !ne !- the rainiest ,ities in the U1S1, a,tually re,ei$es less rain, !n a$era'e, than d!es ew 8!r* (ity1 Seattle a$era'es =9 in,hes whereas 8( a$era'es >9 in,hes1 Far$ard S!ph!m!re Mi,hael 2!p*! has started a d!rm ,leanin' business but !thers are a'ainst it be,ause they say it di--erentiates between the "ha$es# and " ha$e-n!ts# --1 (anadian Marlene 0ennin's 3a,tually hal- 6meri,anV) parliamentary se,retary -!r U1S1 (anadian 4elati!ns wh! rep!rts t! Prime Minister Paul Martin said ")ets

embarrass the hell !ut !- the 6meri,ans# in re'ard t! their rene'in' !n a treatyIwhile they 3the U1S) is attemptin' t! ne'!tiate treaties with !ther ,!untries1 %aJ /e-aulters in S!uthern India ha$e t! put up with drummers assi'ned t! drum !utside their d!!r until they a'ree t! pay their bill1 !rth (ar!lina State upset Q= +a*e &!rest in the 6(( Muarter-inals, <1-D5,---1 /!u' &lutie, a'e >2, is bein' released by the San /ie'! (har'es1 Fe played -!r (hi,a'!, ew :n'land, 7u--al!, and n!w San /ie'!Ihe started !ut with the n!w de-un,t US&), and als! played in the (anadian )ea'ue1 %he m!ther !- Uni$1 Illin!is bas*etball ,!a,h, 7ru,e +ebber, died !- heart pr!blems, and his br!ther is ,!a,h at Glenbr!!* !rth Fi'h S,h!!l in the n!rthern part !- (hi,a'!1 =P1=P05 " in 5apan mass sui i%es are (e oming a pro(lem000people are going on line to ma+e sui i%e pa ts000most often %one (y lighting har oal insi%e a ar an% %ying of ar(on mono<i%e poisoning" most re ently 7 people in .iatama %ie% together" si< in 9anagawa" an% four in >o++ai%o %ie% this way6 -eral%ine M aughrean has (een hosen to write the offi ial se)uel to 56M6 1arrie4s !eter !an" sai% the hospital who hol%s the opyright to the (oo+6 1arrie wille% the (oo+ to this 1ritish hospital in CBH76 The Iew wor+ will (e entitle% :aptain !an6 $isney :ompany is e<pe te% to announ e that Ro(ert Fger is going to repla e Mi hael ?isner as hief e<e utive in .eptem(er6 Team of Ameri an %o tors flew se retly to ,+raine in mi%0$e em(er to assist in the are of Vi tor Yus hen+o an% ma%e the assessment that he ha% (een poisone%6 /6B earth)ua+e hit southern Fran on .un%ay" (ut %amage was minimal to the sparsely populate% area6 A two year ol% was shot (y his four0year0ol% (rother who pulle% a loa%e% pistol out of his mother4s purse6

The (a(y is in riti al on%ition at the 1en Tau( >ospital in >ouston Te<as6 The pope is leaving the hospital 4andy Gre'!ry the past!r, a'e 51 and his s!n, 0ames Gre'!ry a'e 1D !- Gurnee Illin!is b!th died in the sh!!tin' at the h!tel w!rship ser$i,e in +is,!nsin1 =P1>P05 the a,,user !- M1 0a,*s!n went t! 7urr!u'hs Middle S,h!!l1 Fe t!ld dean 0e--rey 6lpert that 0a,*s!n didnEt d! anythin' seJually t! him1 !w the a,,user is bein' ,r!ss-eJamined him -urtherI!ne !- the att!rneys as*ed him ab!ut the ,!in,iden,e between b!th his 'randma and M1 0a,*s!n tellin' him he sh!uld masturbate11 they als! tried t! insinuate that the a,,user was an'ry be,ause 0a,*s!n had ta*en ba,* a SU5 and ,!mputer he had let him b!rr!w1 6t least B tea,hers at 7urr!u'hs had ,!mplained t! the dean ab!ut his beha$i!r1 %he de-ense att!rney als! replayed parts !- the rebuttal $ide! madeIand st!pped and as*ed the b!y i- he was tellin' the truth and he said yes he was--1, It s!unds li*e theyEre tryin' t! paint a pi,ture !- the b!y bein' 'i$en the r!yal treatment -!r a while a-ter whi,h he sent the b!y pa,*in'Iand then the b!y be,ame upset &ilipin! Guards sh!!t dead 19 pris!ners1 In 7eiAin' 2>0,000 manh!le ,!$ers ha$e been st!len, in 200=1 they are '!in' t! repla,e the manh!les with n!n-metalli,, n!n-re,y,lable materials1 =P15P05 7ill (lint!ns h!me in ew 8!r* is in (happaMua >0 miles n!rth !- Manhattan1 "%hese pe!ple are n!t ab!$e the law y!u *n!w, they may -ly !n

pri$ate planes, ma*e milli!ns !- d!llars, and be !n baseball ,ardsIbut a subp!ena is eJa,tly what it says it is and they ha$e t! appear#, 4epresentati$e %!m /a$is said1 /a$is, a republi,an -r!m 5ir'inia, said that (!n'ress w!uld issue ,!ntempt !- (!n'ress i- they did n!t sh!w up1 %he Subp!enas were issued a-ter m!st !the witnesses re-used in$itati!ns t! appear, the panel says1 S!me Muslims bein' held pris!ners by the &ilipin! '!$ernment t!!* the 'uards 'uns and sh!t thr!u'h the 'uardsIas they were bein' ser$ed brea*-ast in a Manila 0ail1 , !ne !- Far$ardEs (!lle'es passes a n! ,!n-iden,e $!te ab!ut the Far$ard President, )awren,e Summers St1 i,h!las was a >th (entury (hristian 7ish!p wh! li$ed and w!r*ed in what is n!w the s!uthern %ur*ish t!wn !- /emare1 Fe was espe,ially re$ered by 4ussiaEs Orth!d!J (hur,h1 %heyE$e ,han'ed the statute -r!m an !ld br!n?e !ne with a 7ible in !ne hand t! the m!dern day Santa (laus ima'eIwith a red . white suit1 S,hia$! spea*s !ut ab!ut his wi-e in a $e'etati$e stateI she had a heart atta,* in 1BB0Iand sheEs been n!n-,!mmuni,ati$e -!r -i-teen years n!w1 Gri??ly bears and P!lar bears are ,lashin' !n Mel$ille Island1 %heyE$e ,reated a hydr!'en-p!wered bi*e in :n'land whi,h ,an rea,h 50 miles per h!ur in 12 se,!nds =P1DP05 4!bert 7la*e was -!und n!t 'uilty !- murder1 %hey say that 0ay )en! will testi-y in the 0a,*s!n ,ase that the a,,user ,alled him but that the b!y s!unded as i- he were rehearsin' s!methin'C and that his m!m handed the ph!ne t! him, whereas the a,,user has said that he !nly '!t thr!u'h t! an answerin' ma,hine1

S,!tt Peters!n m!$ed t! San @uentins death r!w =P19P05 P!li,e (hie- Sam 4!undy wh! !perates a p!li,e stati!n in (!l!rad! (ity 6ri?!na whi,h ,r!sses !$er int! Utah has been re,!mmended t! ha$e his li,ense re$!*ed due t! a p!ly'am!us li-e style1 0ulius (aesar was stabbed t! death by senat!rs in 4!me in >> 7( !n Mar,h 15, the Ides !- Mar,h1 U()6 is plannin' a 20 milli!n d!llar stem ,ell resear,h ,enterI,reatin' 12 new -a,ulty p!siti!ns and a lab1 6 new spe,ies !- shrimp has been -!und in Idah!I!ne !- !nly -!ur spe,ies, am!n' hundreds, that are l!n'er than an in,h and eat their relati$es1 0!hn 6s,hr!-t is '!in' t! tea,h a ,lass ")eadership in %imes !- (risis# at 4e'ents Uni$ersityIwhi,h was started by tele$an'elist Pat 4!berts!n wh! is still the president1 It has =000 under'raduate . 'raduate students 3,!mbinedL), 6sh,r!-tEs -ather . 'rand-ather were 6ssembly !- G!d ministers--, as is the uni$ersity1 In 2002 the Austi,e dept1 spent <000 d!llars -!r blue drapes that were pla,ed !$er a bare breasted statute near the !--i,e1 7e-!re be,!min' att!rney 'eneral 6sh,r!-t ser$ed tw! -ull terms as Miss!uriEs '!$ern!r, and a siJ-year term as a U1S1 Senat!r1 &amily !- murdered 7el-ast man, 4!bert M,(artney, will ta*e their ,ampai'n -!r Austi,e t! a new le$el when they meet president 7ush am!n' 'r!win' !utra'e !- the brutal murder , St1 Patri,*Es day ,elebrati!ns in +ashin't!n ,arry parti,ular res!nan,e as Sinn &ein 3the ,!untryL) battles t! win ba,* $aluable supp!rt -r!m Irish leaders1 )eader Gerry 6dams has been warned by senat!rs that time was runnin' !ut t! ma*e a brea* with the I46, but has n!t d!ne s!,

and there-!re he was eJ,luded -r!m the +hite F!use in$itati!nC-!r the -irst time in a de,ade all !rthern Ireland p!liti,al leaders are banned -r!m the annual shamr!,* ,erem!ny at the white h!use, but the M,(artney -amily has been wel,!med1 %he name !- the br!ther !- the Mi,hael 0a,*s!n a,,user is Star Ga$i?!1 Pr!stitutes in Gr!nin'en etherlands ,!mplain that the p!li,e ha$e been wat,hin' them ha$e seJ with their ,lients Kpr!stituti!n bein' le'al there in the seJ ?!ne Priest in Italy by the name !- (esare )!desert! , -!rmer head !- an Italian -!undati!n that l!!*s a-ter the wel-are !- pr!stitutes, was arrested -!r mistreatin' pr!stitutesIbein' a,,used !- *eepin' them a'ainst their will; but he ,laims he was d!in' it -!r their !wn wel-areI s!me !- them were drun* and i- they had been all!wed t! wander in the streets they w!uld ha$e been ta*e ad$anta'e !-1 6n!ther pers!n ,laimed the s,andal was a setup and that he had been !--ered ,ash t! -ile a ,!mplaint a'ainst the priest1 Milli!naire by the name !- Phil +al*er, a'e 5=, wh! !wns a wareh!use , n!ti,ed a D year !ld 'al with ,erebral palsy and was s! t!u,hed by her physi,al ,hallen'es he b!u'ht a p!!l -!r her -!r H15,000 p!unds1 :mirates Pala,e in 6bu /habi in the United 6rab :mirates is said t! be the m!st eJpensi$e h!tel e$er builtIat an eJpense !- = billi!n d!llars1 %he %en (!mmandments m!nument at the ,enter !,!ntr!$ersy in 6labama 3and 0ud'e 4!y M!!re) has been br!u'ht t! 2alama?!!, MI1 3 &I), 7!y amed Na,h In'els hit a = p!inter at the bu??er t! help :astern 2entu,*y int! the (66 bas*etball t!urnamentIthey tell ab!ut his li-e 'r!win' up in Mi,hi'an 3G!wen !r Green$ille) and the early death !- his m!therIsister le-t in a ,!ma, but
1 '

he had $!wed sh!rtly be-!re she died that he w!uld ma*e it int! the (66 t!urnament, and he didU1 Fis !ther sister w!r*s as a hi'h s,h!!l bas*etball ,!a,h in 7i' 4apids1 Only 2= !- the menEs (66 t!urneyEs D5 mana'ed t! 'raduate at least 50 T !- their athletes 1 %heyEre tal*in' ab!ut ,han'in' the ,!l!r !- the F) i,e -r!m white t! blue, and the lines t! !ran'e1 %ennis t!urnament at Indian +ells is underwayL 7ill 3L) S,hwart?ba,h was the att!rney -!r 4!bert 7la*e, wh! was a,Muitted1 )a*ers play the Feat t!day )ittle 2im the -emale rapper was ,!n$i,ted !perAury and ,!nspira,y1 /ut,h (!urt !pens hearin's !n &riday a'ainst man a,,used !helpin' -!rmer IraM leader Saddam Fussein ,!mmit war ,rimes and 'en!,ide by pr!$idin' him with materials -!r ,hemi,al weap!ns1 &ran? 5an 6iriat, a'e D2, is a,,used !,!mpilin' 1000Es !- t!ns !- raw materials -!r ,hemi,al weap!ns used in the 1B<0-<<war a'ainst Iran and IraMi 2urds, in,ludin' a 1B<< atta,* in whi,h and estimated 5000 pe!ple were *illed1 Far!ld /a$id G!ldstein was ,!n$i,ted !- impers!natin' an att!rney, -alsely representin' himsel- as an att!rney, and was senten,ed t! 12 W years in pris!n 1 G!ldstein, a'e 5B, said he sin,erely did his best -!r ,lients and w!n 25 ,ases1 Fe !perated a busy ewp!rt 7ea,h law pra,ti,e1 G!ldstein represented 100Es !- ,lients, in,ludin' many immi'rants that were dep!rted1 G!ldstein has ,!n$i,ti!ns datin' t! the 90Es when he was -!und 'uilty !- de-raudin' 1=, 000 in$est!rs in a ,!mm!dity s,heme, and sellin' milli!ns !- d!llars in ph!ny ,!ntra,ts1 In 1B<0 )161 /istri,t 6tt!rney ,har'ed him with stealin' > milli!n -r!m small businesses Cand see*in' l!ans with a ph!ny !$erseas ban* that he and a
1 1

partner established1 Fe was senten,ed t! 10 years in pris!n but was released in E<D1

Geneti, mutati!ns and diseases su,h as ,!l!r blindness , autism, and hem!philia , are lin*ed t! the S (hr!m!s!me, and there-!re m!re ,!mm!n in males be,ause they d! n!t ha$e an!ther S t! ,!mpensate -!r the -aults !- the !ther, whereas -emales ha$e tw! S ,hr!m!s!mes , !ne !- whi,h is lar'ely turned !-- be,ause a sin'le S is all they need, whereas males ha$e an S and a 81 %he S ,hr!m!s!me is lar'er than the 8 ,hr!m!s!me1 %here are dispr!p!rti!nate number !- diseases ass!,iated with the S ,hr!m!s!me, said /r1 /a$id 7entley !- the +el,!me %rust San'ar Institute1 :Jperts are n!w su''estin' the ,!ast al!n' the (aribbean Sea is $ulnerable t! an!ther tsunami PearthMua*e1 6t least 10 si'ni-i,ant tsunamis ha$e been d!,umented in the n!rthern (aribbean sin,e 1>B2 Cm!$ement al!n' plate b!undary that runs 2000 miles !-- the n!rth ,!ast !- the island !- Fispani!la, whi,h in,ludes the ,!untries !- Faiti and /!mini,an 4epubli, t! the )esser 6ntilles1 6nd 7ritish eJperts are sayin' that the an!ther earthMua*ePtsunami ,!uld !,,ur in the same area as the !ne !n 7!Jin' /ay 200> within the neJt yearIperhaps e$en !- the same ma'nitude and re!,,urrin' in s!me !- the same pla,es, in,ludin' 7ande 6,eh1 One !- these destr!yed P!rt 4!yal 0amai,a in 1DB2, an!ther *illed at least 10 0amai,ans in 19<01 In 1B>D a ma'nitude <11 earthMua*e hit near the /!mini,an 4epubli, ,ausin' a wa$e that *illed 1<00 pe!ple1 ShaMuille OE eal had 25 p!ints and 12 reb!unds as the Miami Feat beat the )a*ers in the se,!nd meetin' between the tw! teams this seas!n1 In
1 2

the -irst mat,hup the Feat w!n by 2, in this mat,hup they w!n by a s,!re !- 102-<B1 %his was the Feats 11th strai'ht win and their sin'le seas!n re,!rd !- 1> strai'ht at h!me, Aust behind San 6nt!nia -!r the lea'ues best re,!rd 2i*i &!urnier , a -!rmer h!use*eeper -!r Mi,hael 0a,*s!n, was ,alled by the pr!se,uti!n t! testi-y1 She said there was a parade !- b!ys wh! stayed at 0a,*s!nEs estate, am!n' them were the a,,user but !thers su,h as M,(auley (aul*ins , and that s!metimes they ran wild and trashed the li$in' Muarters, t!ward the end !- their stay1 She said she saw 0a,*s!n at the dinner table with s!me ,hildren wh! appeared t! be int!Ji,ated ; !ther times she saw them in an !utbuildin' with l!,al ,hildren, s!me !- wh!m appeared int!Ji,ated1 She des,ribed 0a,*s!n as an indul'ent h!st and su''ested that the ,hildren t!!* ad$anta'e !- him 1 She said that with the absen,e !- an auth!rity -i'ure , the ,hildren be,ame wild and with!ut their parents there it be,ame li*e Pin!,,hi!Es Pleasure Island1 Star %re* a,t!r )e!nard im!y is publishin' a b!!* -eaturin' na*ed -at b!tt!m 'irls, members !- the ,abaret 'r!up, the &at 7!tt!m 4e$ue, are ph!t!'raphed in similar p!ses t! m!dels used by a,,laimed er!ti, ph!t!'raphers 1 im!y a'e 9= pre$i!usly ,aused ,!ntr!$ersy with a b!!* !- ph!t!'raphs -eaturin' w!men wearin' !nly ritual 0ewish prayer items1 %he b!!* was entitled She*inah1 Islami, militants *illed as many as 12 barbers -!r sha$in' their beards !r 'i$in' them western hair,uts1 (66: U()6 l!st t! %eJas %e,h1 Illin!is beat &arlei'h /i,*ins!n and play e$ada !n Saturday1

Gary Firte, a b!y in +euyauwa'a +is,!nsin, at a'e 19 said he had a h!m!seJual en,!unter with his substitute tea,her, Glenn 2!pits*i, and he -elt s! mu,h ra'e ab!ut the in,ident, sh!rtly therea-ter, he went ba,* t! the man and *illed himIsh!!tin' him and stabbin' him1 Fe has been senten,ed t! =2 years in pris!n and will be eli'ible -!r par!le at a'e 511 %he b!y was a strai'ht 6 student, athleti, star, and b!y s,!ut ea'le1 Man named Mr1 &ran* wh! was w!r*in' !n /a$id )ettermanEs ran,h as a painter and hat,hed a pl!t t! *idnap )ettermanEs newb!rn baby and their nannyIand h!ld them -!r 5 milli!n d!llar rans!m1 Fe ,!n-ided in s!meb!dy wh! rep!rted it t! p!li,e1 %he Santa 6nita 4a,e tra,* was used as a rel!,ati!n site -!r 0apanese-6meri,ans durin' ++II1 !w the -eedin' %ube in the S,hia$! ,ase has been rem!$edIthe presidin' Aud'e stepped in and !rdered it rem!$ed1 She ,!uld li$e tw! wee*s with!ut the tube1 the a,,user !- Mi,hael 0a,*s!n and his -ather went t! the h!me !Ge!r'e )!pe?, the ,!median, as 'uests and the b!y le-t his walletIthey ,alled ba,* t! 'et it and said there was H=00 in the wallet, but )!pe? said there was !nly H=1001 %he pr!se,ut!rs said that was the dadEs ,!n, n!t the s!nEsIthe s!n didnEt want t! '! al!n' with it1 &!rmer G!$ern!r !- (!nne,ti,ut, 0!hn G1 4!wland, 'ets a year in pris!n %he '!$ern!r !(!nne,ti,ut was senten,ed t! a year in pris!n -!r a,,eptin' bribes1 6mina +adub a pr!-ess!r !1 !

Islami, studies at 5ir'inia (!mm!nwealth Uni$ersity led a Muslim ser$i,e that in,luded a miJed ,!n're'ati!n, usin' the pr!n!uns it, she, and he -!r 6llah, ,ausin' s!me Muslims l!,ally and ar!und the w!rld t! be,!me $ery upset, --!ne !- the buildin's they had planned t! !ri'inally h!ld their ser$i,e re,ei$ed a b!mb threat -!r,in' them t! m!$e t! a di--erent l!,ati!n1 She said she was tryin' t! address the pr!blem !- w!men bein' treated uneMually in the Muslim reli'i!n but !thers say it is n!t a matter !bein' uneMual, Aust di--erent1 %he 1<BB insurre,ti!n in the Philippines ,!sts 1000Es !m!re U1S1 li$es than the IraM +ar 3s! -ar)1 +hat was this insurre,ti!n in the PhilippinesL %he U1S1 was in ++1 -!r !nly !ne and a hal- years, alth!u'h the number !- 6meri,an li$es l!st was 'reater than IraM1 !w they are sayin' it is p!ssible that we may be in IraM l!n'er than we were in ++II1 %he numbers !- s!ldiers *illed in IraM 3ab!ut 1500 s! -ar) is -ar less than either ++I !r ++II, whi,h was in the 100Es !- 1000Es1 6 7el'ian man is !n trial -!r ha$in' seJ with d!'s, sayin' he did it !ut !- ,!mpassi!n and l!$e -!r the d!'s, s!me !- whi,h ,ann!t ha$e seJ be,ause they are in *ennels, and p!sted pi,tures !- himsel- ha$in' seJ with d!'s !n the internet1

1 "

6 5-year-!ld *inder'arten 'al in &l!rida was arrested by p!li,e and put in plasti, wrist ,u--s and metal an*le ,u--s and put in the ba,* !- the p!li,e ,ruiser -!r ha$in' a temper tantrum1 Syra,use was upset by Uni$1 !- 5erm!nt in (66 ,!lle'e bas*etball t!urnament1 !w they play MSU1 M!re than 900 pe!ple were arrested in Ireland !n St1 Patri,*Es day -!r drun*enness and $andalism1 6ndre 6'assi has pulled !ut !- the Indian +ells t!urnament due t! a s!re t!e1 =P1BP05 %hey -!und the b!dy !- the 0essi,a )unds-!rd 'al1 %ustin Museum One !- the m!st remar*able ph!t!'raphs in that museum was a ph!t! !- an airplane -lyin' ab!$e a ,ar 35+ 7UGL) with a r!pe han'in' d!wn pullin' up bu,*ets !- 'as!line t! re--uel in -li'ht, in !rder t! ma*e a enduran,e -li'ht re,!rd !rmer Pr!se,ut!r, /a$id Masters, died !- dru' !$erd!seIapparently '!t in$!l$ed in dru's a-ter a li-etime !- bustin' dru''ies1 Fis b!dy was -!und by the O?ar* 4i$er in Miss!uri1 Fe had pra,ti,ed law in Ma,!n (!unty 3Ge!r'iaL), , -ather !- se$en, !wed three wee*s rent, had made passes at the w!man in the pla,e he li$ed, 52 years !ld1 %w! arrested -!r murder (!nd!lee?a ri,e is the dau'hter !- a prea,her, and she made a p!int !- attendin' ,hur,h !n Palm Sunday in (hina1 Manila is !n hi'h alert -!r terr!ristPMuslim b!mbin's1 )e7r!n 0ames s,!red 5D p!ints a'ainst the 4apt!rs but they still l!se; their Bth ,!nse,uti$e r!ad 'ame l!ss1 %hree bi' ten teams ma*e it t! the sweet siJteen: +is,!nsin, Illin!is, and Mi,hi'an State
1 #

++II 0apanese submarine -!und !- the ,!ast !Fawaii1 0!hn /el!rean dies at a'e <01 0apan had a 910 earthMua*e, *illin' !ne, inAurin' 500, !n the island !- Gen*aiAima a small island !- the n!rthern ,!ast !- 2yushu1 =P20P05 Fi'h S,h!!l student went !n a sh!!tin' rampa'e !n an Indian reser$ati!n, *illin' his 'randparents at his h!me in Minnes!ta and then *illin' se$en pe!ple 3-i$e students, a tea,her, and a se,urity 'uard; and -i-teen !thers were inAured), at his s,h!!l , as well as himsel-1 %his is the nati!ns w!rst s,h!!l sh!!tin' sin,e the (!lumbine Massa,re in 1BBB that *illed 1= pe!ple1 Fis 'rand-ather was a p!li,e !--i,er with the 4ed )a*e p!li,e /ept1 Midwest . United 6irlines are n!w !--erin' eJtra -reMuent -lyer miles when a passen'er tra$els with his !r her pet1 F!'?illa was ,au'ht in Ge!r'iaIab!ut 9 W -eet l!n', wei'hed up t! <00 p!unds1 %he tus*s !- h!'?illa were 1D t! 1< in,hes1 6nd this was a-ter the pi' had been buried -!r siJ m!nths1 %he !wner !- the land where the pi' was sh!t insisted that it was e$en lar'er than that be-!re it was buried1 F!'?illa was sh!t by 'uide, (hris Gri--in1 )ady librarian at Far$ard tryin' t! 'et a pr!m!ti!n is suin' Far$ard -!r dis,riminati!n, ,!ntendin' that they ha$e n!t pr!m!ted her be,ause !- her ra,e !r the way she dressed and despite the -a,t that she has a masterEs de'ree 1 )aura 2!eni' is d!in' resear,h at the Uni$ersity !- Minnes!ta asserts that s!me !- the reli'i!us di--eren,es between indi$iduals is, in part, 'eneti,1 IsnEt there a 7ru,e 2!eni'L Identi,al twins sh!wed str!n' !$erlap in spiritualityItwi,e as li*ely as -raternal twins t! share as mu,h as !r little -aith 1 6n Indian
1 $

w!man 3-r!m India) *illed hersel- s! that her *ids ,!uld seeIb!th b!rn blind , but /rEs say a ,!rnea transplant may n!t be ,ure them1 : %he (a$aliers -ire head ,!a,h Paul Silas thin*in' they sh!uld be d!in' better , and still stru''lin' -!r a play!-- sp!t1 In the S,hia$! ,aseIa-ter al the dramati,s by ,!n'ress and rushin' the bill t! the President and sendin' it t! the -ederal Aud'e at = amIa-ter all thisIthe Aud'e 3+hittem!re) denied the reMuest, and n!w it '!es t! -ederal appeals, the 11 the (ir,uit (!urt !- 6ppeals in 6tlanta1 6 man in 4ussia had his penis rem!$ed, sewn !n t! his arm s! that it ,!uld 'r!w, and then re-atta,hed t! his 'r!inI supp!sedly it will be -ully -un,ti!nal1 +eise, 0e-- was the !ne wh! *illed the students in Minnes!ta1 )!uise Palan*er is a ,!median wh! said she '!t a ph!ne ,all -r!m the a,,users m!m as ithey were bein' held a'ainst their will1 /id she ,all the p!li,eL &ederal 6ppeals re-uses t! re,!nsider the S,hia$! (ase =P2=P05 !w they are sayin' S!,ial se,urity will pr!bably '! br!*e in the year 20>11 0eb 7ush says a neur!l!'ist thin*s the physi,ians made a mista*e and thin*s that S,hia$! is a,tually in a state !minimal ,!ns,i!usness rather than $e'etati$e1 +!uldnEt that be s!methin' i- they re-insert the tube and later she ,!mes ba,* t! -ull ,!ns,i!usnessL Man a,,used !- p!intin' a laser beam at a small passen'er Aet has been ,har'ed1 /a$id 7ana,h was ,har'ed Che ,laims he was l!!*in' at stars with his dau'hter1 %he pil!t and ,!-pil!t were hit three times as the plane appr!a,hed the airp!rt 3whereL)1 7!bby &is,her has been released -r!m
1 %

pris!n and is !n his way t! I,eland1 FeEs a -eisty pers!nality1 6pparently at !ne p!int he st!pped un?ipped his pants and pretended t! be urinatin' !n the wall in de-ian,e !- 0apan1 Fe re-erred t! President 7ush and 2!i?umi 3the 0apanese President) as war ,riminals and that they sh!uld be hun'1 &is,her, a'e D2, had a l!n' white beard and was wearin' Aeans and a baseball hat1 Fe said the 0apanese rulin' party are "'an'sters# and that 6meri,a is 0ewish,!ntr!lled1 I,eland is where &is,her w!n the ,hess ,hampi!nship in 1B92, de-eatin' Spass*y 37!risL) 1 In 1BB2 &is,her a,,epted a re-mat,h with Spass*y and w!n a'ainIbut did s! in $i!lati!n !- U1S1 san,ti!ns imp!sed !n 8u'!sla$ia t! punish Mil!sle$i, 3the president)1 I- ,!n$i,ted he ,!uld -a,e up t! ten years in pris!n and a H250,000 -ine1 4esear,hers did a test with rhesus m!n*eys t! see i- and h!w they w!uld steal 'rapes when in the presen,e !human bein's1 %hey dis,!$ered alm!st in$ariably that the rhesus m!n*eys were m!re li*ely t! steal when the humanEs eyes were a$erted !r ,!$ered by ,ardb!ard1 State !- minimal ,!ns,i!usness $ersus $e'etati$e state1 Physi,ian by the name !- 7ernat -r!m ew 8!r*Es Presbyterian Medi,al (tr1 Says the *ey parts !the brain are the ,erebral ,!rteJ and the thalamus and the ,!nne,ti!ns between them, dama'e t! these parts ,an strip a pers!n !- his !r her awareness, e$en th!u'h the undama'ed brain stem *eeps the aut!n!m!us -un,ti!ns su,h as breathin', sleep . wa*e ,y,les, and eye m!$ement !peratin' s!mewhat n!rmally1 (erebral ,!rteJ and thalamus are the m!st imp!rtant parts !- the brain in terms !- ,!ns,i!usness1 %his is what di--erentiates us -r!m l!wer animals in terms !- !ur ability t! use lan'ua'e and ,!mmuni,ate1 Su--i,iently preser$ed brain stem
1 &

permits sur$i$al Ki1e1 breathin', with medi,ally assisted b!wel and bladder ,!ntinen,e1 5ariably preser$ed ,ranial l!wer -un,ti!nin' permit spinal re-leJes, the pers!n may blin* !r smile, but 66 ,!nsiders th!se wh! ha$e been in this ,!nditi!n -!r a year !r l!n'er t! ha$e "alm!st n! pr!bability !- re,!$ery# 6 neur!l!'ist at the Uni$ersity !- Minnes!ta says that S,hia$!Es ,erebral ,!rteJ su--ered se$ere dama'e -r!m the siJ minute peri!d in 1BB0 when her heart st!pped and her brain was with!ut !Jy'en1 Fe says e1e1'1Rs and brain-wa$e tests re$eal n! a,ti$ity, and that areas !- her brain ha$e sh!wn shrin*a'e, a si'n !- irre$ersible dama'e1 0ur!rs in the Mi,hael 0a,*s!n ,ase were sh!wn m!re than 95 p!rn!'raphi, ma'a?ines, but the Aud'e did n!t all!w them t! see website p!rn!'raphy that was !n 0a,*s!n ,!mputer sayin' s!me !- it !r all !it ,!uld ha$e been ",a,hed# -r!m p!p-ups1 %hey als! in,luded a -ramed ph!t! !- ,elebrity M,(auley (aul*in wh! the h!use*eeper said 0a,*s!n was ,l!se t! -!r a peri!d !- time1 One !- the att!rneys -!r the de-ense, 7rian OJman, suddenly t!!* ill1 %hey had t! ta*e him by ambulan,e t! the nearby medi,al ,enter1 /r1 Funter 6dams , a*a Pat,h 6dams , dressed up in a ,l!wn suit a t a h!spital in Sri )an*a, where a l!t !- tsunami sur$i$!rs are bein' treated1 Fe thin*s the tsunami has ,han'ed the w!rld -!r the better, -!r a m!ment ma*in' pe!ple -!r'et their 'reed and p!wer and -!r a m!ment thin* !humanity1 Fe is $isitin' re-u'ee ,amps and h!spitals in the 7al*ans, 6-ri,a, 6-'hanistan, and (amb!dia1 %he 2arapitya F!spital he $isited in Sri )an*a handled !$er 1200 b!dies in the a-termath !- the tsunami1 One ,l!wn ra,ed d!wn a dimly lit h!spital ward !n a uni,y,le while Au''lin' !ran'es; an!ther pers!n dressed up li*e a ma,aw, sprayed the wards with s!ap bubbles

while an!ther 'r!up !- three ,l!wns sta'ed a puppet sh!w -!r *ids with ,an,er 1 6 study sh!ws that elephants ,an learn t! mimi, s!undsI!ne elephant learned t! mimi, a tru,* a-ter li$in' near a hi'hway -!r a l!n' time1 6 =9-year !ld man ser$in' a siJ-m!nth senten,e in Aail in the Pra'ue, (?e,h!sl!$a*ia, suddenly eJperien,ed a permanent ere,ti!n, a ,!nditi!n *n!wn as Priapismus1 %hey had t! draw bl!!d !ut !- the penis s! it w!uld n!t be ere,t1 ItEs a rare ,!nditi!n in whi,h bl!!d be,!mes trapped in the penis durin' ere,ti!n1 6nd they sent him h!me sayin' he w!uld be better !-- with his wi-e than anyb!dy else1 6n e'' built with at least 50,000 bars !- ,h!,!late measured <1=2 meters hi'h , ma*in' a new w!rlds re,!rd -!r the lar'est :aster :'', pr!du,ed by 7el'ian ,h!,!late ma*er Guylan1 It t!!* them 525 h!urs t! build the e''1 !t meant t! be eaten they say1 =P2>P05 %he 'al wh! turned in the ,!urth!use sh!!ter in Ge!r'ia re,ei$ed H9B,000 in reward m!ney 4esear,hers -r!m 7er*eley ha$e !bser$ed O,tupi tryin' t! es,ape -r!m predat!rs by tipt!ein' away and wrappin' !ther tenta,les ar!und themsel$es t! dis'uise themsel$es as al'ae1 6meri,an Pris!n 'uards in IraM ha$e dis,!$ered a tunnel leadin' away -r!m !ne !- the PO+ pris!ns, apparently du' by pris!ners1 7ush a'rees t! sell &-1DEs t! Pa*istan1 Mi,hi'an State upsets /u*e 3they l!st t! /u*e in !$ember)1 +is,!nsin wins1 %hat lea$es three bi' ten teams in the :lite <1 6 b!y in a mall hit the :aster 7unny in the n!se 'i$in' him a bl!!dy n!se1 )awyer by the name !- Stephen 51 (!penha$er was appr!a,hed by a -riendIs!meb!dy he *newIas*in' him -!r le'al help, but said she didnEt ha$e any m!ney1

Fe !--ered her le'al help i- he w!uld ha$e seJ with him and an!ther 'al1 FeEs !n the S,h!!l 7!ard1 &!rmer (hie--!--P!li,e, /aryl 7rist!n tried t! eat a re,eipt durin' a hearin', s,u--led with a state tr!!per and elb!wed him1 Fe was -ired last year -r!m 4an*in' P!li,e /ept1 when ,!n$i,ted !stealin' H5000 in ,ash sei?ed by p!li,e, and -alsi-yin' re,eipts1 7a''a'e handler in Milwau*ee tryin' t! put a wheel ,hair int! a ,!mpartment in the plane was l!,*ed int! the ,!mpartment be-!re ta*e!-- and ,!uldnEt 'et !ut1 %hey didnEt -ind him until they landed at their destinati!n1 Fe was !*ay1 4ussel St!$er is pr!du,in' a mil* ,h!,!late ,r!ss, with ,aramel made !- '!atEs mil*1 &!ur times m!re w!men than men were *illed in the tsunami1 6nth!ny UrMui?a , a psy,h!l!'ist spe,iali?in' in seJual abuse, testi-ied in the Mi,hael 0a,*s!n (ase testi-ied that p!rn!'raphy ,an be used as "'r!!min'# material t! ,!aJ a ,hild int! m!lestati!n1 &inallyIin the real we -ind !ut that Pitt, >1, and 0enni-er 6nist!n, =D, are 'ettin' di$!r,ed1 %hey were married !n Malibu 7lu--s1 %hey remain ,!-!wners !- the Plan 7 Pr!du,ti!n (!1 Pr!-ess!r by the name !- (hur,hill at the Uni$ersity !- (!l!rad! wh! ,!mpared the $i,tims !the Sept 11 atta,*s t! "little :i,hmannsE !- the F!l!,aust is bein' in,reasin'ly s,rutini?ed -!r !ther mattersIin,ludin' p!ssibly pla'iarism as well as misleadin' statements !- his nati!nalityIsayin' he was an 6meri,an IndianC an "enr!lled member !the 2eet!wah 7and !- the (her!*ees# but the ,hie!- this band said he is an "h!n!rary ass!,iate# member, n!t an "enr!lled# member1 M!re : @uesti!n ab!ut whether the death !- S,hia$! is pain-ul !r n!tIthey say !$er-hydrati!n ,an be a pr!blem and n!te there is a "death rattle# sh!rtly pre,edin' a,tual death1 Spa,e,ra-t "/eep Impa,t# is s,heduled t! rea,h a ,!met !n 0uly >, at whi,h p!int it will release an "impa,t!r# and study the results !- the

impa,t whi,h ,!uld lea$e a stadium si?ed impa,t1 +hat h!spital is S,hia$! inL +!!dside F!spi,e1 Gar,ia :sparat, a'e >5, in the Philippines was 'unned d!wn by a 'unman in -r!nt !- her ,hildren1 She had been assi'ned tw! p!li,e es,!rts but had let them '! !n lea$e early -!r the :aster F!liday1 She had many enemies be,ause !- her eJp!ses !n ,!rrupti!n 1 &!urteen A!urnalists were *illed in the Philippines last year, m!re than any !ther ,!untry eJ,ept IraM1 /ere* 7run was a se,urity 'uard wh! '!t sh!t and *illed by the hi'h s,h!!l student wh! sh!t se$eral !thers !n the Indian 4eser$ati!n in Minnes!taI7ush ,!mmended his bra$ery be,ause he rushed the *id, despite n!t ha$in' a 'un, and 'i$in' time -!r the !ther students t! ta*e ,!$er1 <9 8ear !ld man is bein' tried -!r "seJ t!urism# whatEs thatL &ren,h w!man r!wed s!l! a,r!ss the Pa,i-i,1 =P29P05 Man by the name !5italmir! 7ast!s /e M!ura suspe,ted !- *illin' /!r!thy Stan', the nun in the rain -!rest in 7ra?il was ta*en int! ,ust!dy 1 =P2<P05 atural serum eye dr!psIbetter than arti-i,ial, ta*e bl!!d -r!m a pers!n miJ it with saline s!luti!n and use as eye dr!psIresear,hers say is superi!r than arti-i,ial1 S!n !- a tribal ,hie-sman was arrested in relati!n t! the teena'e sh!!ter !n the Minnes!ta Indian reser$ati!n, n! -urther details1 In (!l!rad!, a /eath Penalty Senten,e was thr!wn !ut a-ter the Aud'e heard the Aur!rs ,!nsulted the 7ible in

ma*in' their determinati!n t! apply the death penalty1 +!man sur$i$es -all in SU5 !-- brid'e int! Ore'!n 4i$er1 6-ter sin*in' 55 -eet t! the b!tt!m !- the ri$er she br!*e thr!u'h the wind!w and swam t! the t!p with n!thin' but min!r ,uts1 6d!lFitlerEs anti-Semiti, b!!* entitled Mein 2amp- "My Stru''le# has been !n the t!p-ten seller list in the past tw! m!nths in the ,!untry !- %ur*ey1 !w eJperts are sayin' there is a p!tential -!r a third earthMua*e in the tsunami area1 State !- +y!min' has a bud'et surplus lar'er than any !ther stateI m!stly due t! their abundan,e !- natural 'as1 In 1BBB it was H211B per 1000 ,ubi, -!!t !- natural 'as1 7y 200> , it was at H51>B , a 150T in,rease1 +y!min' has in,reased their spendin' !n '!$ernment !perati!ns -r!m 11D billi!n t! 215 billi!n in tw! years, a 5DT Aump1 6 ati!nal Guard O--i,er by the name !(apt1 S,!tt S!uthw!rth in IraM , a (hristian man ad!pted a disabled IraMi b!y with ,erebral palsy and br!u'ht him ba,* t! +is,!nsin1 FeEs a ba,hel!r and is n!w ta*in' ,are !- the b!y ba,* in the U1S1 /!,t!rs say the b!y may wal* a-ter all , despite ,erebral palsy1 %hereEs been at least D00 $ehi,ular sui,ide atta,*s in IraM -r!m May 200> t! 0anuary 20051 =P2BP05 %he stewardess -r!m the -li'hts 0a,*s!n t!!* with the a,,user says she did ser$e wine t! 0a,*s!n in s!da ,ans but says she did n!t ser$e it t! the *ids, n!r see him sharin' it with them1 %he +einsteinsIwh! -!unded MiramaJ whi,h mer'ed with /isney are n!w '!in' independent a'ain, lea$in' MiramaJ under the /isney win', and startin' anewI ,allin' themsel$es the +einstein Gr!up !r s!methin' li*e that1 &!rmer 7!y S,!ut %as* &!r,e Pers!n /!u'las Smith, a'e D>, wh! w!r*ed t! pr!te,t ,hildren -r!m ,hild p!rn!'raphy is n!w bein' indi,ted -!r at the -ederal ,!urt -!r re,ei$in'

ima'es !$er the internet !- ,hildren en'a'in' in seJ1 0erry &alwell is in the h!spital1 Study !n Marm!set M!n*eys indi,ates that they will turn d!wn !pp!rtunity -!r seJ !utside !- marria'e !r their partnership i- they ha$e a ,hild !r ,hildrenC in the study !- these m!n*eyI!nly the m!n*eys with!ut ,hildren were ar!used and a,,epted the !pp!rtunity t! 'et seJually in$!l$ed with a -emale m!n*ey , whereas the male m!n*eys with ,hildren sh!wed n! !r $ery little seJual ar!usal ar!und a third -emale1 %hey w!nder i- this ,r!sses !$er t! humans1 Sh!uld *ids be listed as seJ !--enders1 Shawn Murphy admits he -!r,ed his ele$en year !ld ,!usin t! ha$e seJ with him, but when many !the pe!ple wh! *new him in the eastern I!wa t!wn !- 4ussel -!und !ut ab!ut his ,rime they say that sin,e he has d!ne his time and '!ne thr!u'h therapy he sh!uld be -!r'i$en, maybe thatEs be,ause Murphy, an 1< year !ld seni!r at VVVVVVVVVVVVVV ,!mmunity s,h!!l was 1= when he ,!mmitted the ,rime1 Maybe be,ause Murphy seemed li*e any !ther teena'er until he turned 1< and then, in a,,!rdan,e with I!wa )aw, his name was p!sted !n the state seJ !--ender re'istry website1 S!me parents were an'ry that they did n!t *n!w there was a seJ !--ender wal*in' the halls !- the s,h!!l whi,h is attended by 150 students -r!m pre-2 t! 'rade 121 %hey wanted him thr!wn !ut !- s,h!!l and were -uri!us at s,h!!l !--i,ials1 +hen the s,h!!l !--i,ials held a meetin' t! ,!nsider the issue earlier this m!nth, many !- Murphys ,lassmates sh!wed up wearin' t-shirts supp!rtin' him, and a-ter he sp!*e ab!ut his ,rime s!me hu''ed him in sympathy1 "I -!r,ed my ,!usin t! ha$e seJual inter,!urse with me, "said Murphy1 "I was ,!n$i,ted in Au$enile

,!urt !- =rd de'ree seJual assault, sent t! a seJ !--ender rehabilitati!n -a,ility, and !rdered t! '! t! ,!unselin' and re'ister as a seJ !--ender1 I messed up and I am truly s!rry and n!thin' ,an ,han'e that1 I h!pe y!u 'uys ,an see me -!r wh! I am n!w and n!t my past1 " %hat is a di--i,ulty in dealin' with any ,!n$i,ted seJ !--ender, butCparti,ularly tr!ubles!me when dealin' with teena'ers , espe,ially Au$eniles, whether they are $i!lent rapists !r an !lder teen wh! had ,!nsensual seJ with a y!un'er b!y-riend !r 'irl-riend, and are treated the same as adults and -!r,ed t! ,arry the label "seJ !--enders1# It ,auses a l!t !- pr!blems and d!esnEt ma*e mu,h sense,# says Gail 4yan !- the ati!nal 6d!les,ent Perpetrat!r etw!r*Es 2empe %reatment (enter 1 +ith Au$eniles we ha$e a pretty str!n' ,!nsensus in the -ield that we sh!uldnEt be ,allin' *ids seJ !--enders in their ad!les,en,e when they are still -!rmin' their identities, but se$ere punishment is imp!rtant -!r the $i,tims and their -amilies, says )aura 6hern, a dire,t!r !- Parents -!r Me'anEs )aw, a 5i,tims 4i'ht Or'ani?ati!n -!r (hild SeJual 6buse 5i,tims1 "0usti,e isnEt ser$ed unless there is se$ere punishment -!r a ,rime that ,an ruin a pers!nEs li-e# she said1 F!we$er she said that treatment is als! imp!rtant -!r Au$enile !--enders be,ause there is a ,han,e it ,an ha$e an e--e,t !n their beha$i!r !n,e they are released -r!m pris!n1 Its m!re palatable -!r the -amily !- a ,hild seJual abuse $i,tim t! *n!w the perpetrat!r is 'ettin' treatment when the perpetrat!r is a Au$enile, rather than an adult be,ause Au$enile !--enders ha$e a better ,han,e -!r treatment t! ha$e a result, she said1 M!st pe!ple w!uld a'ree y!u ,anEt ,han'e a seJ pre-eren,e s!

treatment is n!t '!in' t! be e--e,ti$e -!r a ped!phileCway t! ,han'e that11 besides a,tin' as a warnin' t! the publi, , labelin' an adult as a seJ !--ender may be a use-ul rehabilitati!n t!!l be,ause it ,lashes with that pers!nEs idea !- wh! he is, ser$in' as a reminder !- the h!rrible thin' he has d!ne and thus a,tin' as a deterrent1 I the ,ase !- a Au$enile the label ,!uld be,!me his sel--ima'e en,!ura'in' the pers!n t! repeat the ,rime 1 "(allin' Au$eniles seJ !--enders in and !itsel- is n!t pr!du,ti$e# says 4yan1 "It is n!t pr!du,ti$e t! ha$e them thin*in' !- themsel$es as seJ !--enders when that is n!t wh! we want them t! be1# /espite the p!pular per,epti!n that seJual !--enders are eJtremely li*ely t! repeat their ,rimes , studies sh!w that pe!ple ,!n$i,ted !- seJ ,rimes ha$e am!n' the l!west re,idi$ism rates !- any ,ate'!ry !- ,riminal, and th!se numbers are e$en l!wer -!r Au$eniles1 "%he mass maA!rity d!nEt ,!ntinue !--endin' as adults,# 4yan said1 %hey are m!re li*e !ther delinMuents than li*e adult seJ !--enders1 5ari!us studies re$iewed by the -ederal '!$ernments O--i,e !- 0u$enile 0usti,e . /elinMuen,y Pre$enti!n -!und that as -ew as < per,ent , and as many as 1> per,ent !Au$enile seJ !--enders ,!mmit new seJ ,rimes1 %he meta-analysis !- siJty-!ne studies !adult seJ !--ender re,idi$ism put the rate -!r ,hild m!lesters at 1219 per,ent, and -!r rapists at 1<1B per,ent1 %he studies that were in$!l$ed ,!uld !nly ,!nsidered re-,!n$i,ti!n rates1 6n!ther l!n'itudinal study in (anada -!und that sel--rep!rted a,ts that were n!t rep!rted t! p!li,e, h!we$er, -!und hi'her re,idi$ism rates -!r adults1 22T -!r in,est ,hild m!lesters and 1B15T -!r n!n-in,est ,hild m!lesters, and 1911T -!r rapists1 5irtually

all the studies sh!w ,!ntrary t! publi, !pini!n is that relati$ely -ew 0SOEs 30u$enile SeJ O--enders) are ,har'ed with a subseMuent seJ ,rime, the rep!rt said1 +hether this is due t! deterren,e, la,* !- m!ti$ati!n, la,* !!pp!rtunity, ,lini,al treatment, in,reased !r inadeMuate resear,h meth!d!l!'y is di--i,ult t! as,ertain, 4yan has studied Au$enile perpetrat!rs -!r 20 years , said that "M!st Au$enile seJ !--enders ,!mmit their ,rimes the same way s!me *ids sh!pli-t and !thers ,!mmit a,ts !- $andalism, pushin' the limits1# She said that in many ,ases she has l!!*ed at , parti,ularly when the !--ender is eJtremely y!un' , su,h as 12 !r 1=, they did n!t e$en reali?e that what they had d!ne was a'ainst the law, but the a--e,t !n their li$es is s! mu,h 'reater C1ad$!,a,y 'r!ups that w!r* -!r ,hild $i,tims !- seJual abuse a'ree that Au$enile !--enders sh!uld be treated di--erently than adults, at least in part be,ause many su,h !--enders are $i,tims !- abuse themsel$es, and be,ause it is belie$ed that a''ressi$e treatment ,an redu,e the ris* that seJ !--enders will repeat the ,rimes1 6hearn said that "+hile Au$enile seJ !--enders need t! be se$erely punished they sh!uld n!t ha$e their name put !n seJ !--ender re'istry websites1 Instead, she said, "%h!se with the need t! *n!w su,h as s,h!!l !--i,ials sh!uld be in-!rmed ia teena'er is a ,!n$i,ted seJ !--ender s! that appr!priate pre,auti!ns ,an be ta*en1 " /!nna (!leman, dire,t!r !- (hildrenEs 6d$!,a,y 6llian,e, said that t!! many Au$enile seJ !--enders were $i,tims be-!re they be,ame abusers1 "we ha$e a mental health ,risis in this ,!untryC*ids in -!ster ,are, and a l!t !*ids wh! ha$e ,!mmitted seJ ,rimes, C!ut !-!ster ,are, and they are in there be,ause

s!meb!dy has a,ted !ut !n them# she said, "I d!nEt thin* we sh!uld label them 1 +e sh!uld try t! rehabilitate them1# Shawn Murphy wh! was h!pin' t! '! t! ,!lle'e tal*ed li*e s!me!ne wh! had been rehabilitated at the meetin' last wee*C t! de,ide whether he w!uld be thr!wn !ut !- hi'h s,h!!l Aust be-!re he was supp!sed t! 'raduate, and the s,h!!l !--i,ials de,ided t! all!w him t! re,ei$e his de'ree, alth!u'h he was barred -r!m attendin' ,lasses, -!r the rest !- the year1 It was a situati!n where he had t! ma*e a de,isi!n ab!ut his edu,ati!n and heEs entitled t! it said 7!b M,(urdy, superintendent !- the 4ussel S,h!!l /istri,t1# It was a relie- t! parents wh! had anJieties and the dipl!ma ta*es ,are !- the y!un' man1 It was in e$eryb!dyEs best interests, and the b!y was happy t! 'rant that1# &!r !thers wh! were Au$enile seJ !--enders, bein' treated the same way as an adult w!uld mean n!t -ully bein' able t!C1 6,,!rdin' t! the &!undin' /ire,t!r !"Sa$e !ur %eJS!ns# , a %eJas 7ased 'r!up said it is tryin' t! 'et the state t! be m!re -leJible in h!w it deals with y!uth-ul !--enders, dependin' !n the nature !- their ,rime1 Sa$e !ur %eJS!ns is -!,used !n the *ind !- ,ases when a teen-a'er !- 19, 1<, !r 1B has ,!nsensual seJ with a y!un'er teen, either in i'n!ran,e !- his !r her partners real a'e, !r durin' an !n-'!in' relati!nship, and when n! -!r,e !r ,!er,i!n is in$!l$ed1 %he st!ry is p!sted !n the 'r!ups websiteC1 +hen a seJ !--ender is n!w married t! his !r her $i,tim and they ha$e ,hildren, but the seJ !--ender is barred -r!m ta*in' their ,hildren t! day ,are, attendin' s,h!!l meetin's, and in s!me ,ases $isitin' !ther -amily members, be,ause !- where they li$e1 %he 'r!up was started by three l!n'-time -riends a-ter the teena'e s!n !- !ne

!- them was labeled a seJ !--ender be,ause the 'r!up says he had seJ with a -!urteen year !ld wh! t!ld him she was se$enteen1 State law $aries !n h!w Au$enile seJ !--enders are pla,ed !n seJ !--ender re'istries1 In I!wa -!r eJample n!t e$ery Au$enile seJ !--ender is pla,ed !n the seJ !--ender re'istry website1 6nd m!st d! n!t wind up with their names !n the list1 Plus a Aud'e ,an de,ide when a min!r must re'ister1 4!bert 7lin* , a -!rmer I!wa Au$enile ,!urt Aud'e, says se$eral -a,t!rs su,h as a'e !- the !--ender, the relati!nship t! the $i,tim, and the se$erity !- the !--ense went int! the Aud'eEs de,isi!n CseJ !--ender under the a'e !- 20 at the time !- the !--ense, the $i,tim is -!urteen !r -i-teen years !ld , the !--ender ,ann!t be pla,ed !n the re'istryEs website1 , but perhaps the m!st imp!rtant ,!nsiderati!n, 7lin* said, was whether the Au$enile is li*ely t! ,!mmit an!ther seJ ,rime1 67( a--iliate +OI %5 in /es M!ines I!wa ,!ntributed t! this rep!rt1 Study !- M!n*eys . (elebrityism su''ests M!n*eys w!uld rather -!re'! Aui,e despite bein' thirsty in !rder t! $iew d!minant m!n*eys, !r hi'h-status m!n*eys, !r ",elebrity m!n*eys#; while the same m!n*eys w!uld rather drin* Aui,e than $iew pi,tures !- l!w status m!n*eys1 Psy,h!l!'ist Stan 2at? said that ,hildren !$er -i$e years !ld rarely -abri,ate ,laims !- m!lestati!n1 Fe said that a,,users wh! appear t! be truth-ul s!metimes ,han'e their st!ries !r embellish !r eJa''erate, whereas ,hildren wh! ma*e -alse alle'ati!ns are usually ,!nsistent, alm!st s,ripted1 %hursday is (esar (ha$e? /ay in (ali-!rnia, a state h!liday1 " %he withdrawal !- the Ga?a Strip by the 0ewishIa -!r,ed withdrawal is s,heduled -!r 0uly 20, 2005, at whi,h

p!int a l!t !- 0ews are plannin' t! resist the withdrawal1 It ,!uld be,!me a $i!lent s,ene, e$en sui,idal1 6 7eard 'ets a l!t !- respe,t in Saudi 6rabia and !ther Islami, ,!untries1 %here ha$e been pers!ns in A!urnalism ma*in' -un !- pe!ple with beards and in !ne ,ase a Aud'e 'a$e a sti-senten,e t! a A!urnalist -!r his par!dy !- pers!ns with beards, and n!w the Muesti!ns is whether !r n!t the senten,e will sti,*, be,ause !ne !- the r!yal leaders has said it d!es n!t1 %he earthMua*e that tri''ered the tsunami !n /e,ember 2D was a l!n' !neIlastin' < minutes at its pea* p!wer1 !w resear,hers are sayin' that a tsunami -r!m the same -ault area is unli*ely, due t! the uniMue ,hara,teristi,s !- the /e,1 2D Mua*e, but there is a threat !- a tsunami -r!m a -ault se'ment t! the s!uth still remains1 &!rmer wi-e !- senat!r :dward 2ennedy, 0!an, was -!und un,!ns,i!us in the streetI su--ered ,!n,ussi!n and br!*en sh!ulder, -!rmer al,!h!li,1 4i,* Pitin!, ,!a,h !)!uis$ille, is the -irst ,!lle'e ,!a,h t! ta*e three di--erent teams t! the -inal -!ur1 MSU is ,l!se t! a ,hampi!nship in w!menEs bas*etball1 =P=1P05 %eri S,hia$! passed away t!day1 %he husband w!uld n!t all!w the parents in t! the r!!m durin' her dyin' m!ments &!rmer nati!nal se,urity ad$is!r Sandy 7er'er is bein' indi,ted -!r ta*in' ,lassi-ied d!,uments -r!m the ati!nal 6r,hi$es1 7er'er wh! ser$ed under the (lint!n administrati!n will enter a plea !n &riday in U1S1 /istri,t (!urt in +ashin't!n1 0erry &alwell is re,!$erin' in the h!spital a-ter eJperien,in' breathin' di--i,ulties1 &i$e GIEs are under in$esti'ati!n a-ter alle'edly tryin' t! smu''le 25 p!unds !- ,!,aine !ut !- (!lumbia !n a military plane1 %he p!pe apparently su--ered heart -ailure and is n!w in 'ra$e ,!nditi!n says a 5ati,an

sp!*espers!n1 6 new rep!rt se$erely ,riti,i?es b!th the (I6 and the /I6 3/e-ense Intelli'en,e 6'en,y) -!r their -ailures t! 'i$e reliable in-!rmati!n !n IraM pri!r t! the U1S1 in$asi!n1 6t a h!rse ra,e in the h!rses were !n their -inal turn t!ward the -inish line when suddenly a -l!,* !- sea'ulls r!se in the path and -lew dire,tly in t! the runnin' h!rses, ,ausin' se$eral mishaps and s!me inAuries t! A!,*eys, in,ludin' !ne br!*en arm1 0ane &!nda ap!l!'i?es -!r her appearan,e !n a 5ietnam antiair,ra-t stati!n in 1B92 when she $isited 5ietnam, n!w reali?in' it was a bad Aud'ment, alth!u'h she de-ends $isitin' the 6meri,an PO+Es1 )an,e 6rmstr!n'Es -!rmer pers!nal assistant n!w ,laims he !n,e -!und a b!ttle !- ster!ids in the bathr!!m !the h!tel r!!m in whi,h )an,e stayed in Spain -!r a peri!d !- time1 >P1P05 6id w!r*ers are still tryin' t! rea,h s!me !- the !utlyin' areas !- Ind!nesiaEs de$astated ail IslandC1000Es are still h!meless and s!me p!ssibly trapped -!ll!win' the <10 earthMua*e 1 Open )!!p %erminals ta*e in sea water t! warm ) G 3liMue-ied natural 'as) -r!m 2D0 bel!w &ahrenheit until it returns t! 'ase!us state and then return the water t! the 'ul-, the temperature ,han'es 10 t! 20 de'rees &ahrenheit whi,h is sh!,*in' t! sea li-e resear,hers say1 Se$eral !-- sh!re ) G terminals ha$e been pr!p!sed -!r the U1S1 Gul- (!ast1 ati!nal Marine &ishery Ser$i,e says the threat t! wildli-e demands a ,l!sed system that reheats and re,ir,ulates water li*e a radiat!r1 %hey say a ,l!sed l!!p system is w!rth the eJtra eJpense t! pr!te,t -ish1 4ed /rum is the spe,ies that will be m!st impa,ted re-errin' t! the p!pular spe,ies that is re,!$erin' -r!m bein' !$er--ished1 %hey pump 150 milli!n 'all!ns !- water per day whi,h am!unts t! billi!ns !- 'all!ns !- water sterili?ed per

year1 &!rmer presidential ,andidate Pat 7u,hanan sp!*e at +estern Mi,hi'an Uni$ersity and s!meb!dy threw salad dressin' at him, d!usin' his head, and ,ausin' him t! ,ut sh!rt his spee,h1 Fe ,!uld ha$e pressed -el!ny ,har'es but he didnEtIs! the pers!n was ,har'ed with a misdemean!r !- disturbin' the pea,e1 SiJty-nine !--i,ers ,!mbed Mi,hael 0a,*s!nEs 2<00 a,re ran,h all !n !ne day per subp!ena1 7rain implant has 'i$en a man an ability t! thin* what he wants t! happen su,h as turn !n a %5 with rem!teI these are ele,tr!ni, implants ,!nne,ted t! s!-tware1 /ayli'ht Sa$in's: Sprin' ahead, -all ba,*1 : Man in Gallup, ew MeJi,! dra''ed a man by r!pe behind his ,ar ,ausin' se$ere inAuries t! the man1 The pope %ie% at 2H7 pm eastern time" CCH7 am pa ifi time pro(a(ly while F was on the toll roa% 24C south %hey say !ne pla,e a new p!pe will n!t ,!me -r!m is the United States alth!u'h there is mu,h 'reater latitude -!r sele,ti!n -r!m all !$er the rest !the w!rld, in,ludin' )atin 6meri,a1 P!pe 0!hn Paul was the -irst n!n-Italian p!pe in >55 years U +!w1 %hey say that a new p!pe w!uld n!t be ele,ted -r!m the United States be,ause it w!uld n!t appeal t! the rest !- the w!rld, pe!ple w!uld be suspi,i!us !- it bein' a (I6 planned ele,ti!n !r ba,*ed by +all Street1 Man ,!n$i,ted !- *illin' Martin )uther 2in', 0ames :arly 4ay died in 1BB<1 M)2 was *illed in 1BD<1 )6US/ !wns the 6mbassad!r F!tel where $ari!us -am!us 'uests stayed !$er the years in,ludin' 6lbert :instein, &1 S,!tt &it?'erald, and 4ud!lph 5alentin!, and is where 41 &1 2ennedy was assassinated, and alth!u'h the )6US/ plans t! build a >000 student ,ampus -!r =1< milli!n d!llars, ,urrently plans are !n h!ld due t!

preser$ati!nists attempts t! *eep the buildin', as is, !r t! ha$e it ren!$ated rather than t!rn d!wn1 +ill P!pe 0!hn Paul II be made int! a saintL S!me say n!t -!r the bi' thin's he did su,h as supp!rt the d!wn-all !- ,!mmunism, but -!r s!me !- the seemin'ly smaller thin's su,h as -!r'i$in' the man wh! sh!t him1 %he p!peEs birth name was 2ar!l +!Atyla -r!m 2ra*!w P!land1 Fe be,ame p!pe !n O,t!ber 1D, 1B9< when I was ab!ut 11 years !ld1 Fe was a ,!nser$ati$e wh! maintained a stand a'ainst ,!ntra,epti!n, ab!rti!n, married ,ler'y, and w!man ,ler'y, s!metimes anta'!ni?in' the liberals1 (!lle'e bas*etball: Illin!is beats )!uis$ille, 'i$in' them a tie with U )5 and /u*e -!r =9 wins in a seas!n 3/u*e did it twi,e)1 Fllinois %efeate% Eouisville 720/7" (low out6 Iear fatal shooting (y the Tur+ish gunman in CBJC6 !ope was the first pontiff to prea h in a protestant hur h" an% in a synagogue" an% to set foot in a mos)ue6 Mar h 20008he praye% at 5erusalem4s western wall an% as+e% for forgiveness of :atholi sins against 5ews over the enturies6 >e appointe% over B/K of the ar%inals who will ele t his su essor6 6 .portsL >igh02ive wins the 2lori%a $er(y ri%%en (y 5erry 1ailey6 9entu +y $er(y is in five wee+s8ma+ing >igh 2ive the favorite6 M., loses J707C" so it will (e Fllinois v6 Iorth :arolina6 This is a poignant hampionship game pitting the MC team versus M2 Iorth :arolina6 2or ministry to (e effe tive we must thin+ of ea h other as teammates rather than ompetitors8(oth intra hur h an% inter hur h6 6 The a%Duste% s oring margin (asm& is the sum of the offensive )uotient an% the %efensive )uotient6 Ff $u+e4s opponents allow an average of 70 points per game" an% the 1lue $evils average 7/" the offensive )uotient is /6

Ff $u+es opponents s ore 70 an% Eouisville allows A0 points on average the %efensive )uotient is positive ten6 .o their Asm woul% (e C/6 An A.M of positive C0 is typi ally that of a very goo% team6 An A.M of 20 is elite or final four6 .an 1ernar%ino Valley playe% the starring role in the worl%s4 muni ipal power %evelopment6 Nhile many assume the %evelopment of ele tri al power usage was primarily in the east" inlan% empire apitalists an% engineers reate% the worl%s stan%ar%s*the pro(lem is that ?%ison O 1rush relie% on $: power" (ut $: power oul% not (e transmitte% over three miles from the generating sour e6 This meant that generation woul% have to (e lo al6 ?%isons4 light (ul( " in an%es ent" oul% (e run using A: or $:6 1rush starte% the ar light in the late CJ704s (ut it was too (right an% %angerous for in%oor use6 Theo%ore Roosevelt stoppe% in Re%lan%s to visit on e6 The Two .miley 1ros6 were twins (orn in Maine in CJ2J gra%uating from >averfor% :ollege in !hila%elphia* they pur hase% :anyon :rest !ar+*Mar h HC to May 2C is Re%lan%s J wee+ festival ele(ration of the itrus in%ustry6 The area oul% (oast home styles from :alifornia :raftsman" >igh Vi torian" :lassi al Revival" an% Missionary Revival6 A fertili3er venture6 :otton 2armer says he gets C4 (u%s per (ran h with the new fertili3ation" whereas without it" farmers right ne<t to him only get three per (ran h6 !hysio Iutritional Management (2IM&6 Re%hat .o iety for women over fifty who want to have fun6 Re ent earth)ua+e in Fn%onesia was on the .un%a Tren h whi h is what triggere% the tsunami in $e em(er" this tren h ha% previous tsunami reating )ua+es in CJHH an% CJAC6 1oth

earth)ua+es were ause% (y the Australian te toni plate grin%ing un%erneath the Fn%onesian !late" whi h affe ts a 3one running for a(out 2J00 miles from Myanmar to Fn%onesia4s Dava Fslan%6 .eismologists are now loo+ing at the ountry of Tur+ey for lue as to what might happen in Asia6 Tur+ey situate% where the Ara(ian O Afri an plates lash*w as hit (y eleven earth)ua+es in the last entury" the latest was in F3mit at 764 that +ille% H0"0006 C0004s of oil an% natural gas platforms oul% (e turne% in to fishing farms that woul% in lu%e mahi0mahi" re% snapper" yellowfin tuna" an% floun%er un%er a proposal (a +e% (y the 1ush A%ministration6 The solution to pollution is %ilution6 Ale< .an he3 has (een suspen%e% for ten %ays for testing positive for steroi%s" >e plays for the Tampa 1ay $evil Rays6 !astors %on4t nee% unemployment (e ause they an4t %o anything wrong apart from mur%er or something of a giant magnitu%e 7illb!ard says, "50T !- w!men 'et heart disease, thatEs 100Es s,ary# : Physi,ists -r!m the &ederal 4adi!l!'i,al Physi,s (enter dete,ted an err!r !n Mar,h 9 at the )ee M!--itt (an,er (enter 4esear,h InstituteCthey n!ti,ed !n Mar,h 9 that the radiati!n ma,hine was 'i$in' !ut 50T m!re radiati!n than was reMuired1 1 %he resear,h institute did n!t a,*n!wled'e it until &riday1 O--i,ials said 99 patients were a--e,ted, C2 have sin e %ie%1 %he physi,ists ,alibratin' the ma,hine used an in,!rre,t -!rmula1 %hey are supp!sed t! ha$e a se,!nd physi,ist ,!n-irm the settin's, but they apparently did n!t d! s!1 %hey were !nly -ined H1000 !n Mar,h 2>1 Insur'ents 6tta,*ed 6bu Gharaib w!undin' >> 6meri,an s!ldiers




S!n !- !ne !- Mi,hael 0a,*s!nEsE h!use*eepers testi-ied that 0a,*s!n t!u,hed the b!ys 'r!in area in a ti,*lin' sessi!n maybe tw! !r three times %!day is the bi' ,!lle'e bas*etball 'ame , Illin!is $1 !rth (ar!lina Illin!is is l!sin' 1>-12 -irst hal-1 Illin!is is leadin' 1<-191 !rth (ar!lina is leadin' Illin!is =5-29 -irst hal-1 Illin!is is l!sin' >0-29 at hal- time1 Illin!is is l!sin' 52-><, se,!nd hal-1 Illin!is is l!sin' 95-90 !ne minute le-t1 6nd itEs O$er, Illin!is l!ses 95-90U 6t ar!und <20 pm pst1 Illin!is sh!t =< per,ent, 12 -!r >0 -r!m l!n' ran'e1 0ames :arl 4ay died !li$er disease while in pris!n in ash$ille ser$in' a BB year pris!n senten,e1 Fis br!ther is n!w tryin' t! sell a $ide! tape !- the aut!psy !- 0ames :arl 4ay, settin' up a tent ri'ht !utside the (i$il 4i'hts Museum and where 2in' was sh!t, and !n the anni$ersary !- the sh!!tin'1 7!rder Patr!l is ,!mplainin' ab!ut the $!lunteer "minuteman# near !'ales %eJasPMeJi,! b!rder sayin' that s!me !- them are tri''erin' the alarms they ha$e set up1 2ir* Gibs!n is the %i'ers ben,h ,!a,h1 105 year !ld man is ,hallen'in' the 100 meter runnin' re,!rd -!r ,entenarians1 Gu! (airu !- an 0in' (ity, 0ian'su Pr!$in,e1 (urrent ,entenarian re,!rd is held by S!uth 6-ri,an Philip 7ab!n!wit? with a time !- =01<D se,!nds1 +!man is breast-eedin' a pair !- ti'er ,ubs in Myanmar whi,h had t! be separated -r!m their $i!lent m!ther at 8an'!n N!!1 SheEs been breast-eedin' the ,ubs -!r thirty minutes -!ur times per day1 %hey had t! be separated -r!m their m!ther a-ter she *illed a third ,ub1 %he Minuteman 7!rder Patr!l is near !'ales, 6ri?!na, between 8uma and /!u'las1 4!'er +illiams h!lds a de'ree -r!m 0ulliard S,h!!l !- Musi,, Fe has played at the F!llyw!!d 7!wl, the

+hite F!use, and at (arne'ie F!use1 FeEs '!tten the title !- "Pianist t! the Presidents# ha$in' played -!r ei'ht ,hie- eJe,uti$es1 Fe h!lds the re,!rd -!r the l!n'est pian! playin' marath!n1 O,t!ber 1 he ,elebrated his <0th birthday with 0immy (arter at the (arter )ibraryPMuseum l!''in' 1= W h!urs !n the *eyb!ard, with -i$e minute brea*s all!wed !n,e per h!ur1 FeEs per-!rmin' at M,(allum %heatre in Palm /esert !n 6pril 11 Fis -irst de'ree was in Me,hani,al en'ineerin', Fe ser$ed in the a$y in ++II and was sent t! O--i,ers %rainin' S,h!!l1 FeEs als! a -!rmer b!Jer and has tau'ht *arate1 Fe li$es in :n,in!, has tw! dau'hters, a s!n, and -i$e 'rand,hildren :onvi te% Mur%erer an% $eputy war%en4s wife" !ar+er" have (een foun% living together in Te<as" ten years after he +i%nappe% the %eputy war%en4s wife6 The woman sai% she was hel% aptive the whole time staying with the man %ue to fear6 .he was reunite% with her hus(an% an% hil%ren" two %aughters6 They were living outsi%e :ampti near the Eouisiana (or%er6 The man was onvi te% of a CBJC mur%er of a +arate instru tor 6 They li+e% !ar+er4s relationship to him as .to +holm .yn%rome where +i%napping vi tims (e ome sympatheti towar%s their aptors over time6 .ome people note that :alifornia4s su ess is %ue to the phenomena that people who ame to :alifornia were running 'to; the area" not 'from; something else" ma+ing it a more optimisti settlement6 More than C00 prisoners are loose on the islan% of Iais after the earth)ua+e Dolte% the region" the prison (eing one of many (uil%ings affe te%6 Tur+ish offi ials reDe te% the prisoner who shot the pope4s re)uest to (e allowe% to atten% the pope4s funeral6 Fra) ha% name% a presi%ent8a veteran 9ur%ish lea%er" an% a .unni as a V! an%

a .hiite as the other V!" no names provi%e%6 1ritish ta(loi%s reporte% a onversation (etween !rin e :harles an% his wife0to0(e :amile in whi h he purporte%ly sai% that he woul% li+e to (e rein arnate% as her tampon6 A new (lue light instrument may repla e tooth (rushes for leaning the gums8it will +ill the (a% (a teria6 Ea+ers have (een eliminate% from playoff ontention6 . otty .+iles is now the hea% oa h of the :hi ago 1ulls6 2lori%a has passe% a 'stan% your groun%; (ill whi h allows people to self0%efen% themselves with %ea%ly for e if they (elieve they are in %anger of great harm or %eath" rather than fleeing6 An e<perien e alle% 'suspension; where they raise one4s (o%y up off the groun% via fishhoo+s atta he% to the flesh" suppose%ly giving a trans en%ent e<perien e6 5ess Ro((ins a stu%ent from :ana%a hung almost motionless from hoo+s inserte% through the tops of her (reasts6 1loo% poure% %own her (elly an% her legs trem(le%6 20K of ,6.6 Teenagers sai% they have ha% oral se<6 Ft was more ommon for (oys to have performe% oral se< on girls than vi e versa6 They rarely use% on%oms or %ental %ams" even though herpes" hepatitis" gonorrhea" lamy%ia" syphilis" as well as the virus that auses ai%s an (e transmitte% orally6 The reason seems to (e that teens view oral se< not as se< (ut as a way of preserving their virginity while still gaining intima y an% se<ual pleasure6 They are li+ely to thin+ of se<ual health warnings as referring solely to vaginal se<ual inter ourse" sai% 1onnie 2elsher " pe%iatri ian at the ,niversity of :alifornia" .an 2ran is o6 Man in the 1ron< was stu + in an elevator for J0 hours6 The Town of :uatro :ienegas in Me<i o has C70 a tus ringe% lagoons aroun% the town whi h have (een a sour e of intrigue for evolutionary (iologists (e ause

the fish an% turtle spe ies rival the -alapagos Fslan%s6 1aylor %efeats M., (Mi higan .tate ,niversity& for the women4s ollege (as+et(all hampionship6 1e +y Gerlentes too+ a shot to a hea% in the thir% roun% of a women4s4 (o<ing mat h" staggere% forwar% " ollapse%" an% %ie%6 .he was the wife of a :olora%o professor" a +arate instru tor" among other things6 Miami >eat have lin he% the top spot in their %ivision for the playoffs on the same night that the Ea+ers were eliminate% from ontention6 The line to see the pope is over one mile long an% ta+es C2 hours to get to see the (o%y of the former pope6 !eter 5ennings has (een %iagnose% with lung an er an% is %ue to (egin hemotherapy (ut will ontinue to an hor A1: as mu h as he an6

0!hnny (!,hran -uneral t!day 6 ew 8!r* )awer a,,used !- abusin' -!ster ,hildren, *illed himsel- as the Aury was still de,idin' a $erdi,t1 6ndrew /unn, a'e >0 , was a,,used !- s!d!my !n a ten year !ld and a -!urteen year !ld b!y1 Mi hael 5a +son4s4 former se urity guar% tol% Durors that he witnesse% Mi hael 5a +son performing oral se< on a ten year ol% (oy who later re eive% a finan ial settlement from the pop star6 The %efense atta +e% se urity guar% Ralph :ha on as ma+ing the whole thing up" to get even with the singer" an% sai% the other witness A%rian M Manus is a thief an% a liar6 >e a use% :ha on of trying to e<tort CA million from 5a +son in a lawsuit" whi h he" :ha on" an% M Manus (a former 5a +son mai%&" lost6 They en%e% up paying 5a +son C64 million after the A month trial6 M Manus also testifie% that she saw

5a +son +iss M :auley4s hee+ while his (5a +son4s& han% was on M :auley4s (ottom6 M Manus an % her hus(an% were also foun% in a lawsuit to have %efrau%e% three hil%ren of more than @H0"/00 from their estate" an% in the 5a +son ase she (M Manus& was fine% @H0"000 for stealing a s+et h of ?lvis !resley %rawn (y Mi hael 5a +son6 .he sai% she foun% it in the trash an% %i%n4t thin+ it was worth anything6 1erlin Art Museum is hol%ing a live nu%e e<hi(it" with live females nu%es in various poses6 Two men trying to ross the 1ering .trait to set a new re or% were stran%e% on an i e flow an% ha% to (e res ue%6 Ftalian Restaurant 1u a %i 1eppo in the ,nite% .tates has alrea%y (egun removing the (usts of !ogpe 5ohn !aul FF from their restaurants6 .tate .upreme :ourt in Nashington announ e% a two year suspension for attorney aught having Dailhouse se< with her lient" a triple Pmur%er %efen%ant6 Theresa Olson4s suspension (egins 2ri%ay6 FI 2002 guar%s outsi%e a QQQQQQ :ounty 5ail saw Olsen with her %ress pulle% up an% her lient .e(estianQQQQQ 1yrnes(=& stan%ing (ehin% her with his pants %own6 At the time Olson was age 4H an% marrie%6 1yrnes was 2A6 >e was onvi te% last year of (eating a frien%4s sister an% parents to %eath in CBB46 2ri%ay" April J" 200/6 They )uote 1ush as saying he %isagrees with :lintons assessment of the !ope as having left a 'mi<e% lega y6; Noman who washe% her hea% in a stream got a lee h up her nostril6 Man at an airport in Australia (=& ha% a amel uniform in his luggage su%%enly saw a (aggage han%ler for Ruantas wearing it6 H4 year ol% high s hool math tea her was arreste% after two female stu%ents sai% he serve% them vo%+a %rin+s an% smo+e% mariDuana with them at his house6 Mi hael Gieman showe% the gals

how he grew mariDuana in his garage" a .arasota :ounty sheriff4s report sai%6 They foun% a s+eleton of a mammoth elephant in Moorpar+" /0 miles west of Eos Angeles87/K omplete with tus+s up to eightSnine feet long6 The tus+s are (elieve% to (e (etween 400"000 an% C64 million years ol%6 . ientists reate remote ontrol fruit flies using some sort of laser light to trigger the neurons6 .atur%ay" April B"2 00/ Montana (e omes the se on% to last state to (an open al ohol ontainers while %riving6 Mississippi still allows it" in parts6 Arthur 2in+elstein" a prominent Repu(li an onsultant" sai% he marrie% his male partner in ivil eremony in Massa husetts6 One of the 'Minutemen; volunteers patrolling the (or%er in Ari3ona aught a immigrant snea+ing a ross an% ma%e him pose with a t0shirt saying" 'F snu + a ross the (or%er an% all F got was this lousy t0shirt; +ith siJ 'ames le-t in the seas!n, the (a$aliers are tied with Philadelphia -!r the number se$en play!-sp!t in the east1 )ebr!n 0ames had a triple d!uble, 10 assists, 10 reb!unds, and >0 p!ints1 0ane G!!dall wh! is best *n!wn -!r her w!r* with primates n!w wants t! see the eJ!ti, deer in Pt 4eyes ati!nal Seash!re sa$ed, >0 miles n!rth !San &ran,is,!1 %he par* is pr!p!sin' t! *ill ab!ut 1000 !- the n!n-nati$e deer usin' sh!t'un and ,!ntra,epti$es1 %w! pandas at San /ie'! N!! were su,,ess-ully mated a day a'!1 4esear,hers dete,ted li$e sperm in 7ai 8unEs urine1 &emale pandas are in heat -!r !nly a day !r tw! per year1 )ess than tw! d!?en pandas are *ept in ,apti$ity !utside (hina1 6b!ut 1D00 still li$e wild in (hina while 200 are in ,apti$ity in (hina1 6ll !--sprin' !- pandas "b!rr!wed# -r!m (hina must be returned t! the ,!untry when they rea,h maturity1 6riel Shar!n, prime minister !- Israel, is ,!min' t! $isit 7ush at his ran,h1 %i'er +!!ds is -!ur str!*es behind /i

Mar,! at the Masters with 29 h!les t! '! !n Sunday1 Update: %i'er +!!ds is leadin' at the Masters by three str!*es !$er /i-Mar,! , at >:=0 pm1 :astern time1 %i'er has a tw! str!*e lead !$er /iMar,! %i'er +!!ds wins Masters with a birdie in the play!-- h!le, the -irst play!-- h!le1 M!!se in Massa,husetts 'ettin' hit by ,ars m!re !-ten1 %hree ,!lle'e students *illed in a Miami !- Ohi! h!use -ire1 Undersea earthMua*e near SumatraIn! dama'e, n! tsunami1 1000Es !- $illa'ers ri!ted in :astern (hina inAurin' d!?ens !- p!li,e a-ter 2 !- ab!ut 200 elderly w!men were *illed by p!li,e durin' a pr!test !$er -a,t!ry p!lluti!n1 4i!tin' in Fuan 2an %!u 5illa'e in the wealthy ,!astal pr!$in,e !NheAian' ,!in,ided with $i!lent anti 0apanese pr!test Cin (hinas ,apit!l 7eiAin'1 50 p!li,e were inAured and rushed t! h!spitals, with -i$e listed in ,riti,al ,!nditi!n1 %w! w!men were run !$er by p!li,e ,ars1 Smu''lers ha$e re,ently *illed at least 50 bald ea'les in (anada, and as many as 500 annually in s!uthwestern 7ritish (!lumbia1 Smu''lers sell the :a'les b!dy parts !n the bla,* mar*et1 Man with tw! bla,* suit,ases may ha$e eJpl!si$es at the (apit!l 7ld' in +ash /(1 %he m!ther !- !ne !- 0a,*s!nEs a,,users testi-ied that 0a,*s!n be''ed her at !ne p!int t! all!w him t! sleep with her s!n, and a-ter she a,Muies,ed, she re,ei$ed la$ish 'i-ts1 %he de-ense att!rney as*ed her ab!ut bein' ,!unter-sued -!r eJt!rti!n but she said she *new n!thin' ab!ut that, and that they ne$er paid 0a,*s!n any m!ney1 %he w!man said her s!n is n!w 25 and she has n!t sp!*en t! him in ele$en years1 0a,*s!n stayed at the residen,e !this lady and her s!n "m!re than =0 times1# %he m!ther testi-ied that they stayed in "her s!nEs bedr!!m1#


It ,!st 900000 d!llars t! build that 'iant therm!meter in 7a*er (6 !r 51 6t !ne p!int , sh!rtly a-ter it was builtIit was *n!,*ed !$er by hi'h windsC s! they rebuilt it rein-!r,ed with ,!n,rete1 It was built in 1BB11 Man -r!m (hina with n! I/, had tw! bla,* suit,ases, was as*in' t! spea* with President 7ushC the p!li,e th!u'ht he mi'ht ha$e a b!mb, t!!* the suit,ases, blew up !ne, dis,!$ered it was !nly a (/ player11 the man was arrested, and did n!t resist Oysters -r!m (hesapea*e 7ay used t! a,,!unt -!r hal- !- the !yster har$est, but t!day !nly = per,ent are ta*en -r!m the (hesapea*e1 11 but new breedin' eJperiments may in,rease the ,r!p1 Mt1 %halan' in Ind!nesia near where the tsunami hit is nearin' erupti!n !r at least hi'hly a,ti$e !r turbulentC 6ndre )!pe? Obrad!rIthe may!r !- MeJi,! (ity and ,hallen'er t! the President 5i,ent &!J in the up,!min' ele,ti!n is in Aail due t! a land disputeI and n!w says he wants t! stay there1 MeJi,! has Aust be,!me dem!,rati, in 2000 and this pla,es in Muesti!n the h!nesty !- the intenti!ns t! be truly dem!,rati,1 6riel Shar!n -r!m Israel is meetin' with 7ush at his ran,h dis,ussin' the up,!min' planned withdrawal -r!m the +estban* and Ga?a Strip I21 settlements in Ga?a and > in the +est 7an*1 P!rn!'raphy pi!neer G!ldsteinI-!under !- S,rew Ma'a?ine a-ter '!in' -r!m milli!naire t! bein' !n the street h!meless11 and w!r*in' at a ba'el sh!p is n!w ba,* in p!rn!'raphy as a mar*etin' dire,t!r -!r S!n/emand1(!mIan internet p!rn!'raphy site1 +is,!nsin is tryin' t! pass a bill t! all!w the sh!!tin' !- wild ,atsIalready all!wed in Minnes!ta . S!uth /a*!taIthey say these ,ats *ill milli!ns !S!n' 7irds e$ery year1 %hey *ill up t! !$er 100 milli!n S!n'erbirds per year1 6 7elu'a +hale was -!und in the /eleware 4i$er near %rent!n ew 0ersey Iha$in' had t! swim past Philadelphia t! 'et there1 Mi*e %ys!n, 50-5-5 is '!in' t! -i'ht Irishman 2e$in

M,7ride11 %ys!n has l!st his last tw! -i'hts1 0!an ri$ers, a'e 91, ,alled 7rid'ette iels!n a ",unt# !n a tal* sh!w ,ausin' eils!n t! st!rm !-- the set, but later she returned1 %he M!ther !- Mi,hael 0a,*s!nEs a,,user pled the 5th amendment in re'ards t! wel-are payments she re,ei$edIthe de-ense su''estin' she ,!mmitted wel-are -raud >P1>P05 M!ther !- the 0a,*s!n a,,user testi-ied that she !bser$ed 0a,*s!n li,*in' her s!nEs head !n the -li'ht -r!m Miami t! )!s 6n'eles1 Man by the name Gerhard Faderer made a ,!mi, b!!* ab!ut 0esus (hrist bein' a drin*in' buddy !- 0immy FendriJ and a mariAuana sm!*in' na*ed sur-er Kthe ,!mi, b!!* was !ri'inally ,!nsidered t! be mali,i!us publi, blasphemy and the b!!* was banned, and he was 'i$en a siJ m!nth suspended senten,e, but the appeals ,!urt !$er-turned the de,isi!n sayin' it was n!t blasphemyC ew bill t! put a state taJ !n pr!stituti!n is bein' pr!p!sed1 Pr!p!sal t! le'ali?e *illin' !- -eral ,ats in +is,!nsin is n!t '!in' t! su,,eed said the '!$ern!r 1 (l!ned ,attle are -!und t! be alm!st identi,al in terms !- meat . mil* as the natural ,!ws, but they ha$enEt tried eatin' them yet 6 %ea,her, )inda +al*er, a'e ><, was Aailed -!r siJ m!nths -!r -irin' a starters pist!l at the 'r!und t! s,are a -ew alle'ed teen $andalsC sheEs n!w !n a hun'er stri*e, '!!d -!r her1 She des,ribed the *ids as a "'an' !- y!bs1# She had re,ei$ed nuisan,e ph!ne ,alls, her 'arden shed had been br!*en int!, and a ,ar and a 'arden had been $andali?ed1 Fer husband 0!hn (a$anau'h said her wi-e is re-usin' t! eat and was eJtremely disapp!inted she w!uld n!t re,ei$e bail1 SheEs been in Aail in Man,hester (r!wn (!urt sin,e Mar,h 2B and is senten,ed t! siJ m!nths1 4!'ers /ept1 St!re in +y!min' MI is '!in' !ut !- business1 )!rd Sha-tesbury was -!und murdered, his third wi-e is a

suspe,t1 Fe was the 10th early !- Sha-tesbury, his real name is 6nth!ny 6shley--VVVVVVVVV, -!und dead al!n' the &ren,h 4i$iera near (annes1 :ri, 4ud!lph pled 'uilty t! the 1BBD Olympi, blast in 6tlantaIhe appeared in tw! ,!urts t!dayC 6tlanta . 7irmin'hamC he ,!n-essed t! plantin' the nail b!mbsC whi,h *illed tw! pe!ple and w!unded m!re than 150 !thers1 Under a plea bar'ain t! admittin' 'uilty , pr!se,ut!rs a'reed t! dr!p the death penalty, and will be senten,ed t! multiple terms !- li-e in pris!n with!ut par!le1 4ud!lph said that the U1S1 G!$ernment t!leran,e t!wards ab!rti!n was the dri$in' -!r,e behind three !- the -!ur b!mbin's1 Fe was !n the run -!r -i$e years be-!re he was ,au'ht in 200=1 Fe said the >th atta,* !n 0uly 29 was t! ",!n-!und, an'er, and :mbarrassment the U1S1 G!$ernment in the eyes !- the w!rld -!r its ab!minable san,ti!nin' !- ab!rti!n !n demand#, sayin' 7ush was a ,!ward -!r -ailin' t! put an end t! the pra,ti,e1 Fe eJpressed n! rem!rse -!r the b!mbin's that eJpl!ded !utside an ab!rti!n ,lini, in Sandy Sprin's, Ge!r'ia, in 1BB9 and !ne in 7irmin'ham 1 F!ward Sanders!n, an !---duty p!li,e !--i,er, was *illed in the eJpl!si!n in 7irmin'ham1 :mily )y!ns, a nurse was blinded and dis-i'uredC !thers su--ered hearin' l!ss . $ari!us inAuries, a-ter the Sandy Sprin's blast1 Fis distaste -!r 'ay ri'hts was his rati!nale -!r the -inal b!mbin' Kthe 1BB9 eJpl!si!n at the Otherside )!un'eIa lesbian establishment in 6tlanta Ge!r'ia1 S!me thin* that pers!ns in +estern !rth (ar!lina helped him hide -r!m the law -!r se$eral years, a str!n' anti'!$ernment area 1 Pr!se,ut!rs were a-raid that the Aury in 6labama, whi,h has a si'ni-i,ant number !(hristians !pp!sed t! ab!rti!n w!uld n!t senten,e 4ud!lph t! deathIs! they de,ided t! bar'ain with 4ud!lph1 %w! m!re ,ar b!mbin's in 7a'hdad1 St!re !wner was sure a lady had st!len a ,ell ph!ne, but p!li,e patted her d!wn and said they ,!uld n!t

-ind itIs! he dialed the number !- the ph!ne and sure en!u'hIthey heard a mu--led rin' !- the ,ell ph!ne ,!min' -r!m the lady1 %hey t!!* her t! the p!li,e stati!n, did a strip sear,h and -!und it in her $a'ina1 Paris F!tel &ire *ills 151 S't1 a,,used !- murderin' -ell!w s!ldiers in the be'innin' days !- the IraM +arIby hand 'renadeI6*bar, a Muslim, is suspe,ted !- ha$in' d!ne s! due t! his Muslim l!yalties Kstr!n'er than his l!yalty t! his -ell!w s!ldiers and military !ath : Mar* Fa,*in' in Utah pled 'uilty t! the murder !- his wi-e--111 they -!und a new din!saur in M!nt'!mery 6labamaI'a$e the new din!saur the name 6ppala,hiusaurus M!nt'!meriensusC >P15P05 dress ,!de %he 6ppala,hian )i?ard -r!m M!nt'!mery (!unty 25 -!!t l!n' ,reature r!amed the earth tw! milli!n years be-!re % 4eJ and was smaller and m!re primiti$e with a narr!wer sn!ut1 6O) internet ,hat r!!m m!nit!r by the name !- VVVVVVVVV 11 eJ,han'ed seJually eJpli,it ph!t!s !himselwith a se$enteen year !ld 'al !$er the internet and she sent s!me ba,* t! him and they en'a'ed in !r'asmi, ph!ne seJ and a,tually planned t! meet ea,h !ther1 !w she, )eslie 7rennan, li$in' in )!s 6n'eles is suin' him and 6O)1 6 95 year-!ld 5ir'inia w!man 'ets stu,* in a bathtub -!r -i$e daysIuntil s!meb!dy brea*s d!wn the d!!r and -inds her there1 0ane &!rmal ,!uldnEt 'et !ut be,ause !- bad le's1 (amel at Idah! N!! 'i$es birth t! a baby ,amelI ?!!*eepers didnEt e$en *n!w she was pre'nant1 1= p!li,e !--i,ers in Milwau*ee are -a,in' dis,ipline -!r beatin' up a bla,* man at a p!li,e !--i,erEs party1 6 whale-d!lphin miJ in ,apti$ity is 'i$in' birth t! a play-ul -emale ,al-1 %he ,al- was b!rn !n /e,ember 2= t! 2e*aimalu a miJ !- a -alse *iller whale and an 6tlanti, 7!ttle-n!sed d!lphin1 ItEs ,alled a "+!lphin1# It is ] -alse *iller whale and

X 6tlanti, b!ttle-n!sed d!lphin1 7%2 *iller apparently d!es n!t intend t! plead 'uilty says ,hie- publi,-de-ender Ste$e Osburn1 %he a,,used *iller is married with tw! ,hildren and was president !- the ,hur,h ,!un,il at his l!,al )utheran (hur,h1 Fe w!r*ed -!r thirteen years as a ,!de ,!mplian,e !--i,er -!r Par* (ity, a +it,hita suburb1 (elti,s beat the Miami Feat 101-BB despite => p!ints by ShaMuille OE eal1 Prin,e 4anier !M!na,! diedIhis unmarried s!n 6lbert is the new prin,e1 S!uth 6-ri,aEs 7l!en-!ntaine N!! is tryin' t! persuade its star ,himpan?ee t! *i,* a sm!*in' habit1 %he ,himp has been pi,*in' up $isit!rs ,i'arette butts and sm!*in' them (ardinals 'athered in 4!me -!r the ,!n,la$e, ,!ndu,tin' an an,ient ritual ---the destru,ti!n !the p!peEs -isherman rin' and his lead seal, tw! symb!ls !- his auth!rity1 /urin' 0!hn PaulEs 2Dth year rei'nI,!untless pil'rims *issed the '!ld si'net rin'1 On M!nday 115 ,ardinals under the a'e !- <0 with the ri'ht t! ,h!!se a new p!pe will -ile in s!lemn pr!,essi!n int! the Sistine (hapel1 %hey will h!ld up t! -!ur ball!ts a day Ktw! in the m!rnin', tw! in the a-tern!!n until the ele,t the 2D5th p!nti-- in the 2000 year hist!ry !- the ,hur,h1 %hey will send sm!*e up twi,e a dayI!n,e at n!!n and !n,e at se$en pm1 7la,* sm!*e si'nalin' n! de,isi!n, white sm!*eIa new p!pe has been ele,ted1 %he new p!pe is ,h!sen by a 2P= maA!rity, but i- n! !ne has been ele,ted a-ter == ball!ts the ,ardinals ,an de,ide t! m!$e t! an abs!lute maA!rity !r a run!-- between the tw! t!p ,!ntenders1 S!me pe!ple are bettin' !n ,ardinal 0!seph 4at?in'er , a'e 9<, !- GermanyIa ,l!se aid !- 0!hn Paul II, as a -r!ntrunner1 /em!,rats are ,!untin' !n G!$1 S,hwaar?enaa'er p!ll ratin's '!in' d!wnIas the neJt ele,ti!n ,!mes up11 Phil 6n'elides State treasurer is intendin' !n runnin' -!r '!$ern!r1

S,hwaar?enaa'er has re,ei$ed a l!t !- ,riti,ism -r!m the state tea,hersE uni!ns re1 S,h!!l -undin',---his per-!rman,e ratin' has slipped t! 55T d!wn ten p!ints sin,e /e,ember 200>1 S,hwaar?enaa'er als! -!u'ht the stateEs nursin' uni!n a-ter he suspended the bill whi,h w!uld ha$e made (ali-!rnia the -irst state t! reMuire a spe,i-i, nurse:patient rati!1 Fe als! retreated -r!m plans t! ,all -!r a spe,ial ele,ti!n that w!uld ha$e re-!rmed state pensi!ns al!n' the lines President 7ush is pr!p!sin' -!r s!,ial se,urity1 6ssemblyw!man 0udy (hu said that pe!ple in this state ha$e su--ered -r!m S,hwaare?enaa'erphrenia a hypn!ti, disease in whi,h n! matter what 6rn!ld says pe!ple belie$e him1 6tt!rney General 7ill )!,*yer has als! ann!un,ed his ,andida,y -!r '!$ern!r1 !netheless, 6rn!ld still has d!uble di'it lead !$er all !thersIand !nly !ne in,umbent has l!st an ele,ti!n in the last 100 years1 %hailand is usin' pil!ts and planes and air war-are t! ma*e it rainIt! ,!mbat the dr!u'ht ,!nditi!nsC they spray s!dium ,hl!ride int! the ,l!uds , thatEs sta'e !ne1 %hey ha$e t! ,reate m!re ,l!uds by -!rmin' a s*eletal stru,ture -!r water $ap!r t! ,lin' !n t!1 6 -ew h!urs later pil!ts use a smaller air,ra-t t! ma*e a bumpy run thr!u'h the l!wer layers !- the ,l!uds and spray !ut dry i,e t! -atten the ,l!uds with 'reater humidity1 In the -inal run, ,hemi,als are sprayed t! l!wer the ,l!uds temperature whi,h is supp!sed t! tri''er rain1 %he dr!u'ht has dama'ed 512 milli!n a,res !-armland and has ,aused 1B0 milli!n in e,!n!mi, l!ss1 %hey ha$e a rainma*in' ,enter set up at Fua Fin where the *in's pala,e is l!,ated, 1>0 miles s!uth !- 7an'*!*, >P15P05 7la,* ,!lle'e student was *i,*ed !ut !- a bar in ew Orleans be,ause he did n!t meet the dress ,!de and they ended up s,u--lin' hey ended up

s,u--lin'Iand the b!y died -r!m su--!,ati!n1 Study indi,ates that there is a tenden,y t! be dis,riminat!ry t!wards bla,*s in ew Orleans restaurants1 0ane &!nda is ba,* a,tin' a-ter a absen,e while married t! %ed %urner--, n!w di$!r,ed1 9 sin,e 2001 she re,ently starred al!n'side 0enni-er )!pe? in a m!$ie ,alled "M!nster In )aw#1 6 man wants t! ,han'e the name !- a m!untain -r!m /iabl! sayin' it is burdens!me t! ha$e su,h a diab!li, name !- a maA!r m!untain in the ,!mmunity be,ause names ha$e si'ni-i,an,e1 President 7ush thr!ws the -irst pit,h -!r the +ashin't!n (apit!ls1 %%1 Aust ,ame !ut at B>0 pm1 1= year !ld pit,her -!r little lea'ue team 6n'els playin' /!d'ers in PalmdaleIpit,her l!st , was teased by a "-riend# the pit,her '!t mad , hit the b!y with a baseball bat in the *nee and then in the head and the b!y died1 )ady st!le s!meb!dyEs ,ell ph!neIthe a,,user %he a,,user said he was sure she had it, but p!li,e patted her d!wn and said they ,!uld n!t -ind itIs! he dialed the number !- the ph!ne and sure en!u'hI they heard a mu--led rin' !- the ,ell ph!ne ,!min' -r!m the lady1 %hey t!!* her t! the p!li,e stati!n, did a strip sear,h and -!und it in her $a'ina1 Paris F!tel &ire *ills 151 S't1 Fasan 6*bar was a,,used !- murderin' -ell!w s!ldiers in the be'innin' days !- the IraM +arIby hand 'renadeI 6*bar, a Muslim, is suspe,ted !- ha$in' d!ne s! due t! his Muslim l!yalties Kstr!n'er than his l!yalty t! his -ell!w s!ldiers and military !ath %hey -!und a new din!saur in M!nt'!mery 6labamaI 'a$e the new din!saur the name 6ppala,hiusaurus M!nt'!meriensusC >P15P05 %he 6ppala,hian )i?ard -r!m M!nt'!mery (!unty1 25 -!!t l!n' ,reature r!amed the earth tw!

milli!n years be-!re % 4eJ and was smaller and m!re primiti$e with a narr!wer sn!ut1 6O) internet ,hat r!!m m!nit!r by the name !- VVVVVVVVV 11 eJ,han'ed seJually eJpli,it ph!t!s !himselwith a se$enteen year !ld 'al !$er the internet and she sent s!me ba,* t! him and they en'a'ed in !r'asmi, ph!ne seJ and a,tually planned t! meet ea,h !ther1 !w she, )eslie 7rennan, li$in' in )!s 6n'eles is suin' him and 6O)1 6 95 year-!ld 5ir'inia w!man 'ets stu,* in a bathtub -!r -i$e daysIuntil s!meb!dy brea*s d!wn the d!!r and -inds her there1 0ane &!rmal ,!uldnEt 'et !ut be,ause !- bad le's1 (amel at Idah! N!! 'i$es birth t! a baby ,amelI ?!!*eepers didnEt e$en *n!w she was pre'nant1 1= p!li,e !--i,ers in Milwau*ee are -a,in' dis,ipline -!r beatin' up a bla,* man at a p!li,e !--i,erEs party1 6 whale-d!lphin miJ in ,apti$ity is 'i$in' birth t! a play-ul -emale ,al-1 %he ,al- was b!rn !n /e,ember 2= t! 2e*aimalu a miJ !- a -alse *iller whale and an 6tlanti, 7!ttle-n!sed d!lphin1 ItEs ,alled a "+!lphin1# It is ] -alse *iller whale and X 6tlanti, b!ttle-n!sed d!lphin1 7%2 *iller apparently d!es n!t intend t! plead 'uilty says ,hie- publi,-de-ender Ste$e Osburn1 %he a,,used *iller is married with tw! ,hildren and was president !- the ,hur,h ,!un,il at his l!,al )utheran (hur,h1 Fe w!r*ed -!r thirteen years as a ,!de ,!mplian,e !--i,er -!r Par* (ity, a +it,hita suburb1 (elti,s beat the Miami Feat 101-BB despite => p!ints by ShaMuille OE eal1 Prin,e 4anier !M!na,! diedIhis unmarried s!n 6lbert is the new prin,e1 S!uth 6-ri,aEs 7l!en-!ntaine N!! is tryin' t! persuade its star ,himpan?ee t! *i,* a sm!*in' habit1 %he ,himp has been pi,*in' up $isit!rs ,i'arette butts and sm!*in' them >P1DP05 511 earthMua*e stri*es near 7a*ers-ieldI -elt in )!s 6n'eles but n! rep!rts !- dama'e !r inAuries yet

>P19P05 %hey are tryin' t! in,rease the m!!se p!pulati!n in Mi,hi'anEs Upper PeninsulaIestimates are that there are been 100 and >00 m!!se1 %hey ha$e shipped m!!se in -r!m (anada t! try t! Aumpstart the p!pulati!n %hey say it is 'r!win' at 5 t! 10 per,ent per year1 %his (ali-!rnia Audi,ial system hates per-e,ti!n : :instein was married twi,eCand seemed indi--erent t!ward his ,hildren while !bsessed with physi,s1 In Mar,h 1B05 :instein said ,!n$enti!nal physi,s des,ribed li'ht as a wa$e and ,!uld n!t eJplain h!w li'ht ,!uld *n!,* ele,tr!ns !--^111:instein sh!wed that li'ht is made !- tiny pa,*ets !- ener'y !r Muanta, that ,an beha$e li*e indi$idual parti,les t!!1 %his duality is the basis !- Muantum the!ry, a pillar !- m!dern physi,s1 It was s! parad!Ji,al that e$en :instein did n!t ,!mpletely buy int! it1 In May he sh!wed h!w parti,les li*e p!llen appeared t! be independently m!$in' in water are bein' A!stled by at!ms and water that are m!$in' ,ha!ti,ally1 :insteinEs ,al,ulati!ns ,!n-irmed the at!ms eJisten,e and by eJtensi!n !- the ma*eup !- ,hemi,al elements1 In 0une :insteinEs paper !n spe,ial relati$ity separates him -r!m the mainstream physi,s ,r!wd1 Fe ,!nsidered 'ra$ity t! be abs!lute mass1 Mass attra,ts mass1 Its what ma*es 'as and dust -!rm stars and debris -!rm planets but :instein s!u'ht t! eJplain an!malies in isC S,ientists had ,!n,luded that li'ht was Aust !ne !- many *inds !ele,tr! ma'neti, wa$es m!$in' thr!u'h an unseen medium they ,all ether 1 %he speed !- li'ht is always the sameC:instein ,all the teena'e dream !ra,in' a li'ht beam1 6,,!rdin' t! the Physi,s !his day he m!$ed as -ast as the li'ht and the beam w!uld be stati!nery in spa,e1 :instein1 Said the speed !- li'ht is ,!nstant at 1<D, 2<2 miles per

se,!nd, but it will appear di--erent a,,!rdin' t! h!w l!n' y!uE$e been there and h!w -ast y!uEre tra$elin'1 &!r eJample ,l!,*s !n !rbitin' satellites run a bit sl!wer be,ause the satellites are !rbitin' at 1900 miles per h!ur1 %hey ha$e pr!'rams that help them ali'n with ,l!,*s !n earth1 Supp!se y!u are t! witness a star eJpl!din' int! a super n!$aIthe eJpl!si!n !,,urred 1000s !- years a'! but it has ta*en that l!n' t! rea,h y!u here1 In !$ember :instein publishes an eJtensi!n !spe,ial relati$ity re'ardin' the ,!n$ersi!n !- mass int! ener'y1 %he mass !- a b!dy is the measure !its ener'y ,!ntent1 In 1B09 he abbre$iated it t! what w!uld be,!me the m!st -am!us eMuati!n in s,ien,eI: eMuals M( SMuared1 (2---!r M(2 is su,h a hu'e number that e$en small am!unts !- mass pa,* a t!n !- p!wer1 :a,h !- these papers was a landmar* in physi,s says said Uni$ersity !- Maryland physi,ist 0ames Gates1 6nd yet all !- his w!r* in 1B05 was a prelude t! his 'reatest ,!mp!siti!nIthe the!ry !- 'eneral relati$ity1 Spe,ial relati$ity was in,!mplete be,ause it did n!t deal with 'ra$ity1 %! ewt!n 'ra$ity was a ,!nstant abs!lute -!r,eIdr!p an apple and it hits the 'r!und1 %he planet tra,es a ,ur$ed !rbit be,ause the sunEs 'ra$ity tu's at the planet1 In :insteinEs relati$e w!rld matter warps the time and spa,e ar!und it s! the sunEs mass dents and dist!rts the spa,e time -abri, ,ur$in' the planetEs traAe,t!ry a reas!n that e$en parti,les !- li'ht, a $ery tiny mass, sh!uld be e--e,ti$e in this way1 In 1B1B astr!n!mers wat,hin' a s!lar e,lipse !bser$ed the li'ht -r!m a distant star bein' de-le,ted by the dar*enin' sunEs mass, a -ew 100Es !- a millimeter1 General relati$ity laid the -!undati!n -!r all *inds !- dis,!$eries su,h as the "bi' ban'# :Jpansi!n !- the uni$erse and bla,* h!les1 /id bi' ban' really happenL :instein des,ribed relati$ity this wayIput y!ur hand !n a h!t st!$e -!r a minute

and it seems li*e an h!ur1 Sit with a pretty 'al -!r an h!ur and it seems li*e a minute1 %hatEs relati$ity1 :instein had an a--air with his German ,!usin :lsa )!wenthal1 She nursed him ba,* t! health in 1B19 1 Fe married tw! years later C se,!nd maA!r relati!nshipIshe died in 1B=D when they were at Prin,et!n1 Fe died in 6pril 1B551 Fe had tw! ,hildren -r!m the -irst relati!nship in 6ustria, but seemed t! be an unhappy relati!nship, alth!u'h he 'a$e the -irst 'al the H=D,000 he re,ei$ed -!r the !bel Pea,e pri?e1 Glen Stassen was the !ne wh! 'a$e the "turn the !ther ,hee*# reeJplanati!n1 )!s 6n'eles 6n'els are D-5 !n the seas!n s! -ar (!uple !- amateur h!,*ey players in (anada are '!in' t! ,!urt t! ha$e them all!w the Stanley (up t! be rewarded t! any ,!mpetiti$e h!,*ey lea'ue ,hampi!nship, 'i$en the F) did n!t play this year1 %hey ,laim that )!rd Stanley wanted the ,up awarded t! s!meb!dy in h!,*ey e$ery year1 Is there a pr!-essi!nal w!menEs h!,*ey lea'ueL %he name !- the tw! b!ys in the (!lumbine hi'h S,h!!l sh!!tin' were /ylan 2leb!ld and :ri, Farris1 Cthere were tw! sui,ides in the (!lumbine ,!mmunity a-ter that sh!!tin' and tw! *ids were *illed in a nearby sandwi,h sh!p in 20001 (!lumbine be,ame a t!ur bus attra,ti!nIwith pe!ple ,!min' by and snappin' ph!t!s1 0!hnny 2elley died at a'e B9 a-ter winnin' the 7!st!n Marath!n twi,e and ,!mpletin' it 5< times1 6s they prepare -!r the 10B th 7!st!n Marath!n pe!ple -eel his absen,e1 (entre (!unty /istri,t 6tt!rney 4ay &1 Gri,ar dri$in' a white mini (!!per was sp!tted Saturday in a par*in' l!t a,r!ss -r!m an antiMues mar*etIn! si'n !- the pr!se,ut!rIhe disappeared and n!b!dy *n!ws where he is1 ! si'ns !- -!ul play1 !t -ar -r!m 7u,*nell Uni$ersity1 2aspar!$ the 4ussian ,hess ,hampi!n was hit !$er the head with a ,hessb!ard a-ter si'nin'

it -!r a presumed -anIwh! then said, "I thin* y!u Ore a 'reat ,hess player but I hate y!ur p!liti,s1# 2aspar!$ is intendin' t! run in the up,!min' ele,ti!n -!r president1 I didnEt li*e their ,!mment, >P1<P05 ,!n-irmed Sara )undeEs b!dy in the p!nd in &l!rida : (ardinals 'athered in 4!me -!r the ,!n,la$e, ,!ndu,tin' an an,ient ritual ---the destru,ti!n !- the p!peEs -isherman rin' and his lead seal, tw! symb!ls !- his auth!rity1 /urin' 0!hn PaulEs 2Dth year rei'nI,!untless pil'rims *issed the '!ld si'net rin'1 On M!nday 115 ,ardinals under the a'e !- <0 with the ri'ht t! ,h!!se a new p!pe will -ile in s!lemn pr!,essi!n int! the Sistine (hapel1 %hey will h!ld up t! -!ur ball!ts a day Ktw! in the m!rnin', tw! in the a-tern!!n until the ele,t the 2D5th p!nti-- in the 2000 year hist!ry !- the ,hur,h1 %hey will send sm!*e up twi,e a dayI!n,e at n!!n and !n,e at se$en pm1 7la,* sm!*e si'nalin' n! de,isi!n, white sm!*eI a new p!pe has been ele,ted1 %he new p!pe is ,h!sen by a 2P= maA!rity, but i- n! !ne has been ele,ted a-ter == ball!ts the ,ardinals ,an de,ide t! m!$e t! an abs!lute maA!rity !r a run!-- between the tw! t!p ,!ntenders1 S!me pe!ple are bettin' !n ,ardinal 0!seph 4at?in'er , a'e 9<, !- GermanyIa ,l!se aid !- 0!hn Paul II, as a -r!ntrunner1 /em!,rats are ,!untin' !n G!$1 S,hwaar?enaa'er p!ll ratin's '!in' d!wnIas the neJt ele,ti!n ,!mes up11 Phil 6n'elides State treasurer is intendin' !n runnin' -!r '!$ern!r1 S,hwaar?enaa'er has re,ei$ed a l!t !,riti,ism -r!m the state tea,hersE uni!ns re1 S,h!!l -undin',---his per-!rman,e ratin' has slipped t! 55T d!wn ten p!ints sin,e /e,ember 200>1 S,hwaar?enaa'er als! -!u'ht the stateEs nursin' uni!n a-ter he suspended the bill whi,h w!uld ha$e made (ali-!rnia the -irst state t! reMuire a

spe,i-i, nurse:patient rati!1 Fe als! retreated -r!m plans t! ,all -!r a spe,ial ele,ti!n that w!uld ha$e re-!rmed state pensi!ns al!n' the lines President 7ush is pr!p!sin' -!r s!,ial se,urity1 6ssemblyw!man 0udy (hu said that pe!ple in this state ha$e su--ered -r!m S,hwaare?enaa'erphrenia a hypn!ti, disease in whi,h n! matter what 6rn!ld says pe!ple belie$e him1 6tt!rney General 7ill )!,*yer has als! ann!un,ed his ,andida,y -!r '!$ern!r1 !netheless, 6rn!ld still has d!uble di'it lead !$er all !thersIand !nly !ne in,umbent has l!st an ele,ti!n in the last 100 years1 %hailand is usin' pil!ts and planes and air war-are t! ma*e it rainIt! ,!mbat the dr!u'ht ,!nditi!nsC they spray s!dium ,hl!ride int! the ,l!uds , thatEs sta'e !ne1 %hey ha$e t! ,reate m!re ,l!uds by -!rmin' a s*eletal stru,ture -!r water $ap!r t! ,lin' !n t!1 6 -ew h!urs later pil!ts use a smaller air,ra-t t! ma*e a bumpy run thr!u'h the l!wer layers !- the ,l!uds and spray !ut dry i,e t! -atten the ,l!uds with 'reater humidity1 In the -inal run, ,hemi,als are sprayed t! l!wer the ,l!uds temperature whi,h is supp!sed t! tri''er rain1 %he dr!u'ht has dama'ed 512 milli!n a,res !-armland and has ,aused 1B0 milli!n in e,!n!mi, l!ss1 %hey ha$e a rainma*in' ,enter set up at Fua Fin where the *in's pala,e is l!,ated, 1>0 miles s!uth !- 7an'*!*, The mother of the 5a +son A user says '5a +son %i%n4t really are a(out hil%ren" he are% a(out what he was %oing with hil%ren6; .he loo+e% straight at him an% sai%" '>e manage% to fool the worl% now (e ause of this riminal ase people +now who he really is6; .he sai% one of the ways they wante% to ma+e her an% her family %isappear was with a hot air (alloon6 There4s an a ount set up for the (enefit of her son4s an er8an% the %efense

attorney as+e% her if she with%rew thousan%s of %ollars from that a ount 'yes; an% was it for me%i al e<penses8she answere% 'Io6; At one point she sai% she tol% a reporter that ea h hemo therapy treatment ost @C2"000 (ut that this was a typographi al error an% it woul% a tually ost @C2006 1ut she a +nowle%ge% ultimately that she was paying nothing (e ause the father4s health insuran e overe% the treatment6 The A users mother4 may (e right8may(e she4s got him6 1ush sai% the retirement age may nee% to (e raise% as one answer to so ial se urity pro(lems !hone te hnology will allow users to have something onne te% straight to their vo al hor%s8aroun% their ne +66 another one alle% 'Daw(one;* the purpose is to eliminate (a +groun% noise (ut the voi e will (e omputer generate%66 Resear hers note that T?R: annot pi + up fri atives i6e6 the 's; soun% in ?nglish for e<ample6 Ior an it pi + up 'plosives;8 the 'p; soun% in pit for e<ample6 Ft4s alle% apa itan e* as a person spea+s the tiny movement of the vo al or%s hanges the ollars apa itan e66 two ele tro magneti resonan e ollars * alle% the A%van e .pee h ?n o%ing !roDe t6 Nilliam 5ensen :orrel former :al Te h stu%ent was senten e% to J years in prison for (urning .,V4s O >ummers at a ar %ealership in southern :alifornia6 The +i% (egge% for lenien e saying 'There4s no way F4% ever (e involve% in something li+e this6; >e rie%" 'F4ll never even D0 wal+ again6; >e4s only 24 years ol% an% was a %o toral an%i%ate in the physi s %ept at the :al Te h6 Two other former :al Te h stu%ents were also apparently involve% an% fle% the ountry6 They tra e% :orrel (y the e0mails he sent to the E6A6 Times using an alias6 The $istri t Attorney (y the name of -ri ar who %isappeare%8his (rother Roy %isappeare% un%er similar ir umstan es in May CBBA in Ohio8his (o%y was foun% in a river8an% it was

rule% sui i%e6 The $6A4s ar has (een foun% (y a .us)uehanna River in Ohio 4S20S0/ Iew pope ele te%8from -ermany8 alling himself 1ene%i t TVF6 the reason why some pop orn see%s %on4t pop is (e ause their hulls are %efe tive6 A pop orn see% nee%s to retain a(out C/K moisture in its enter8(ut if the hull is %efe tive it annot ontain it6 >P22P05 &idel (astr! d!ubles the m!nthly minimum wa'e t! H10Pm!1 : (hinese men ha$e n! reas!n t! -eel in-eri!r ab!ut the si?e !- their penis a,,!rdin' t! a F!n' 2!n' Study whi,h sh!wed l!,al men measured up t! !thers elsewhere in the w!rld bel!w the belt, said (han )eun'-+ai, dire,t!r !the ur!l!'y ,enter at the Uni!n F!spital 1 %he a$era'e len'th !- their -la,,id penis was =1== in,hes 1 Germans ha$e a$era'e len'ths !- =1>, Israelis =129, %ur*s =109 , &ilipin!s 21<B, Italians =15>, 6meri,ans =1>D1%he study did n!t measure ere,t penises1 %hey -!und that a manEs hei'ht b!re n! relati!nship t! the len'th !- his member, but that th!se with hi'her b!dy mass indeJes !r -at ,!ntent appeared t! ha$e sh!rter penises1 S,!tt Ma,innes set an 6las*a re,!rd this wee* by be,!min' the stateEs -irst pers!n t! sur$i$e tw! bear atta,*s1 %he 51 year !ld bi!l!'ist was mauled durin' his early m!rnin' A!' when he met up with a br!wn bear and !ne !r tw! ,ubs near his h!me in the 2enai Peninsula in the t!wn !S!ld!t!na1 7an'ladesh w!man, She-ali 7e'um has put up !ne !- her eyes -!r sale be,ause she is s! p!!r and has a 2 W year !ld dau'hter, P;;; the new p!pe was brie-ly a member !- the Fitler 8!uth !r'ani?ati!n, but it was re$ealed that Fitler 8!uth was ,!mpuls!ry -!r b!ys !- his a'e at the time, and

n!t $!luntary1 San 6nt!ni! p!li,e !--i,er went t! the restr!!m and as he t!!* his pants d!wn his 'un belt slipped and as he 'rabbed -!r the 'un it -ired twi,e at the 'r!und, !ne !- the sh!ts reb!unded !-the -l!!r and hit a pers!n washin' his hands in the le'Iwh! was subseMuently ta*en t! the h!spital1 +!man apparently dissatis-ied with her hair,ut r!bbed a hair sal!n at 'un p!int, then sh!t at her stylists ,ar, and used part !- the m!ney t! 'et a hair,ut elsewhere1 0ulie 6nders!n, a'e ><, was b!!*ed -!r in$esti'ati!n !- 1st de'ree r!bbery, 2nd de'ree mali,i!us mis,hie-1 0!se &ran,is,! Martine? a'e1B '!t stu,* in a ,himney at a h!me in the )a*e %ah!e areaIas he was attemptin' t! '! d!wn the ,himney t! r!b the h!use1 Fe had t! yell -!r help1 %he p!li,e had t! dismantle the ,himney bri,* by bri,* t! 'et him !ut, d!in' ab!ut H20,000 in dama'e t! 'et him !ut1 %hirty years a-ter Phn!m Penh -ell t! the 2hmer 4!u'e D> year !ld (amb!dian 7!u Mein' ta*es a trip d!wn mem!ry lane1 Fe is returnin' t! %u!l S!en', the hi'h s,h!!l whi,h be,ame (amb!diaEs 6us,hwit? where 1000Es !- P!l P!tEs enemies were impris!ned and t!rtured be-!re bein' ,lubbed t! death in the (he!un' :* 2illin' &ields !utside the ,apit!l1 7!u Mein' was !ne !- the lu,*y !nes wh! did n!t 'et *illed1 +hen the bla,* ,lad 2hmer 4!u'e !$er ran %hn!mpenh !n 6pril 19, 1B95 the sie'ed ,ityEs residents wel,!med them with !pen arms h!pin' it meant the end !- (amb!diaEs ,i$il war, a tra'i, side sh!w t! the U1S1 anti-(!mmunist ,!n-li,t in nei'h b!rin' 5ietnam1 F!we$er, the real ni'htmare was ab!ut t! be'in---, within h!urs !!,,upyin' the sleepy ,apit!l nestled !n the ban*s !- the Me*!n' and drippin' in &ren,h ,!l!nial 'randeur, P!l P!t started year ?er! !- !ne !- the m!st $i!lent s!,ial eJperiments in human hist!ry1 %!wns . ,ities were emptied as the entire p!pulati!n was -!r,ed !ut int! the -ields1 S!me say the p!pulati!n !- Phn!m Penh went -r!m 2 milli!n t!

25, 200 in Aust = days1 %h!se with s!-t hands, sp!*e a -!rei'n lan'ua'e, !r w!re 'lasses were ,!nsidered t! be edu,ated !r b!ur'e!is and there-!re enemies !- P!l P!tEs peasant re$!luti!n1 :$en ,hildren were n!t spared1 %he re$!luti!n was ended by 5ietnamese tr!!ps in 0anuary 1B9B a-ter a t!tal !- 119 milli!n (amb!dians, ab!ut 1P= !- the p!pulati!n were *illed1 %! this day n! 2hmer 4!u'e has e$er -a,ed Austi,e -!r the atr!,ities1 %he +endyEs ,ust!mer said she -!und the tip !- a -in'er in her b!wl !- ,hili has been arrested C n! -urther details yet >P2>P05 6 man by the name !- :lw!!d "+!!dy# !rris has in$ented tw! new de$i,esI!ne is the air s,!!terIa pers!nal air transp!rtati!n de$i,e barely ten -eet tall small en!u'h n!t t! reMuire a li,ense, and als! a "hypers!ni,# ,!mmuni,ati!n de$i,e whi,h 6ll!ws a pers!n t! ,!mmuni,ate indi$idually t! an!ther pers!n in a ,r!wd s! that !nly the pers!n at wh!m the de$i,es is aimed ,an hear itIwith!ut the need -!r headph!nes !r earplu'sC %he S!yu? spa,e ,apsule landed sa-ely !n earth t!day &alse 6larmIplane in restri,ted air spa,e President . 51P1 rushed t! se,ure areas >P2BP05 %he laun,h !- the spa,e shuttle has been delayed until 0uly 121 %hey want t! ma*e sure the 'as tan* is !*ayIw!nEt shed parts !n li-t!-- 1Missin' 6tlanta 0!''er was a bride t! be, n! eJplanati!ns yet11 but s!unds li*e they may ha$e dis,!$ered s!me hair

Saturday, 6pril =0, 2005 : %he missin' bride-t!-be , 0enni-er +ilban*s, sh!wed up in 6lbuMuerMue ew MeJi,!1 She said he was *idnapped but that the *idnappers released her be,ause !- the intense media s,rutiny, but then admitted she had run away, ha$in' '!tten ,!ld -eet1 Miami Feat are leadin' =-0 in the play!--s1 Pist!ns are leadin' 2-11 6n'els l!st1 Oil is bel!w H50 -!r the -irst time in a -ew m!nths1 : Pa,ers lead (elti,s 2-11

/SCS0/ (ar b!mb in IraM *ills 25 IraMis1 +!unded 501 %hree pers!ns arrested in re'ard t! the Mar'aret Fusan murder in IraM1 = b!ys l!st at sea -!r three days prayed that they w!uld die rather than ,!ntinue as they wereCthey tra$eled !$er 100 miles in a sun-ish sailb!at1 4unaway bride may be ,har'ed a-ter all1 Miami Feat win sweepin' the series1 (elti,s Pa,ers tied at 2 'ames apie,e1 /S2S0/ )indy :n'land has pled 'uilty11 l!wers her maJimum senten,e t! 11 years -r!m 1D years11 they say her att!rney will intr!du,e e$iden,e re1 Fer mental health whi,h will pr!bably redu,e it t! 2 W years maJ 5P=P05 !w they are sayin' that the 'uilty plea by )indy :n'land is n!t '!in' t! be a,,eptedC: 6tt!rneys -!r Mi,hael 0a,*s!n are ar'uin' -!r a m!ti!n t! dismiss1 O$er )a*e (hapin and St1 0!seph 4i$er1 (ar

!n &ire1 I sh!uld remar* t! 2e$in . 0ulie that 6ndyEs nei'hb!rs d!nEt e$en *n!w wh! 6ndy is 5PDP05 +i?ards beat 7ulls B>-B1, ,lin,hin' the series1 %i'ers are playin' the 6n'els1 5P9P05 7ush is in )at$ia1 Gia,!m! wins the 1=1st 2entu,*y /erby, a 50-1 l!n'sh!t, ridden by 0!,*ey Mi*e Smith1 7ush is at a ,emetery !n the etherlandsPGerman 7!rderC anni$ersary !- the end !- ++II and the $i,t!ry !$er a?i GermanyCp!i'nant be,ause I had Aust menti!ned the lin'erin' reality !- the +ar t! i$e* a -ew days a'!Ithe daily reminder -r!m ,emeteries and m!numents, am!n' !ther thin's1 1 6 ,emetery in the etherlands has <000 U1S1 s!ldiers buried there1 %w! %eena'e 'als were detained -!r siJ wee*s in a detenti!n ,enter in Pennsyl$aniaIsuspe,ted !- bein' re,ruits - !r a sui,ide b!mbin' pl!t1 Prayer reMuires presen,e, prayer reMuires presen,eCSui,ide b!mbin' *ills 22 in 7a'hdad1 Feisman %r!phy +inner 0as!n +hite went undra-tedL Fe w!n the Feisman tw! years a'! as a Muarterba,* -!r O*lah!ma1 Fe tried !ut -!r the (hie-s but they didnEt want him1 +!rld F!,*ey (hampi!nshipI6meri,ans play Sweden neJt 5P11P05 !lan 4yan pit,hed se$en shut !ut innin's1 11 heEs 2-1 -!r the seas!ns s! -arC &i$e sui,ide atta,*s already t!day K*illin' D0 in IraMC M,(auley (aul*in is s,heduled t! testi-y in the Mi,hael 0a,*s!n trialC : %he (apit!l 7ld' was emptied !ut t!day due t! plane s,are1 M,(auley (aul*in t!!* the stand in the Mi,hael 0a,*s!n trial1 Sayin' 0a,*s!n ne$er t!u,hed him1 Pist!ns beat Pa,ers in the last 'ame BD-<1 and n!w they are leadin' ri'ht n!w, se,!nd hal-C1 5P1>P05

Paris Filt!n is '!in' t! d! an ad -!r (arls 0r1 :ri, (!!per ar!und F!ust!n %eJas duped at least B w!men int! marryin' him under pretense !- bei'e a$y Pil!t , ha$in' an M76 and ha$in' inherited -r!m his m!ther 11 (!mpleted 6,ts 1111 lea$in' /eGraa- ature (enter11 )161 p!li,e sh!t 120 r!unds at an unarmed pers!nIsuspe,ted !- murder11s!me !the errant sh!ts hit h!uses11 -!ur sh!ts hit the suspe,t, +inst!n Fayes, !ne sh!t hit an!ther deputy in his bullet pr!!- $est11the p!li,e appeared in plain ,l!thes the neJt day in ,!urt with their att!rney Gre'!ry :mers!n t! ap!l!'i?e1 :dmund 5iesturs be,!mes !ne !- !nly twel$e pers!ns in the w!rld t! rea,h the summit !- all the w!rlds tallest pea*s11 Fe rea,hed the summit !- 6napurna t! attain his '!alC !- ,limbin' all -!urteen m!untains that are hi'her than <000 meters11 %he pil!t, Fayden 0im S,hae-er 0r, wh! en,r!a,hed the area !$er the +hite F!use11 -r!?e up a-ter appr!a,hed 11 the student pil!t had t! ta*e !$er %r!y martin wh! !nly had =0 h!urs !- -li'ht time had t! ta*e !$erCt1 Mar* Gera'!s testi-ied !n behal- !- Mi,hael 0a,*s!n sayin' that he was ,!n,erned when hired that Mi,hael 0a,*s!n was bein' made a mar*--1 %he y!un' 'al seen in eJpli,it p!ses !n ph!t!'raphs ta*en in the /isney area has been l!,ated1 She was -!und and ad!pted by s!meb!dy else1 %he man wh! ,!er,ed her int! th!se p!ses 3her 'uardian at the time) is n!w ser$in' a -i-teen year pris!n senten,e1 %he -in'er tip alle'edly -!und in a b!wl !- (hili has n!w been tra,ed t! a man in e$ada wh! 'a$e it t! the husband !- the w!man wh! said she -!und itC1n! e$iden,e that the -in'er had been ,!!*ed11 %i'er +!!ds misses the ,ut -!r the -irst time in 1>2 t!urnaments, se$en years11 at the 7yr!n els!n (lassi,5 years1 Mi,hael 4!ss was

eJe,uted in ew :n'land earlier t!dayIthe -irst t! be eJe,uted in ew :n'land in 4!nnie 6rtest was suspended -!r an entire seas!n -!r his parti,ipati!n in the Pa,ersPPist!ns brawl1 Miami Feat win, despite ShaM sittin' !utI6l!n?! M!urnin' t!!* his pla,eC 2inder'arten %ea,hers -ilmed ha$in' seJ parties in the nursery s,h!!l in 4!maniaIsh!win' semi-na*ed w!men wearin' ,hildrenEs ,arni$al ,!stumes while drin*in', sm!*in', . playin' seJ 'amesC (!uple in 4!mania K!ne by the name !- &ilip and his 'irl-riend 6ndrea P!pes,u a'e 1< were s! ,arried away in their seJual a,tIshe was 'i$in' him !ral seJ at the timeIthey ,rashed their ,ar but despite ha$in' ,rashed and despite ,!n,erned !nl!!*ers peerin' in t! see i- they were !*ayIthey ,!ntinued with their seJual a,ti$ity t! ,!mpleti!n1 /atin' ser$i,e -!r ,elibates is n!w !--ered1 7ra?ilian t!wn n!w !--ers an "!r'asm day# C ab!ut seJ, imp!ten,e, and the imp!rtan,e !!r'asm 5P1DP05 (!nd!lee?a 4i,e made a $isit t! IraM1 M!nster-in-)aw with 0ane &!nda is the t!p m!$e at the b!J !--i,es this wee*end1 It is her -irst m!$ie in -i-teen years1 ewswee* is retra,tin' a st!ry re the mistreatment !- the 2!ran by 6meri,an tr!!ps !r pris!n 'uards1 %hey initially said that 6meri,ans had -lushed 2!rans d!wn the t!ilet1 %he alle'ed and n!w ,!n$i,ted *iller !- Samantha 4uni!n has been senten,ed by a Aury t! death1 5P19P05 Usin' ma'nets -!r depressi!n therapy1 Pist!ns lead Pa,ers =-21 /SCJS0/

)atin!s ma*e up >9 T !- )!s 6n'eles1 6n'l!s ma*e up =0T1 Fahn l!ses the ele,ti!n t! the )atin!1 In the 0a,*s!n ,ase 0ay len! is s,heduled t! testi-y !n M!nday1 0a,*s!nEs y!un' ,!usin testi-ied that he saw the a,,user and his ,!usin snea*in' a b!ttle !wine !ut !- the *it,hen1 an!ther ,!usin ! M1 0a,*s!n testi-ied sayin' that he saw the a,,user and his br!ther masturbatin' while wat,hin' a sh!w with na*ed w!men !n it11 and als! saw them stealin' thin's G!$ern!r !- Illin!is says he has "testi,ular $erility# meanin' he is able t! ma*e t!u'h ,h!i,es1 (amera -!und in under'r!und tunnel aimed up t!ward the streets purp!rtedly t! l!!* up s*irts1 11 ,reated a b!mb s,are in ew 8!r*1 +!r*ers -ind 1B= year !ld whis*ey b!ttle1 ew 8!r* ,!urt t!sses !ut a "-!r,ible t!u,hin'# ,har'e ,!n,ernin' a man wh! t!u,hed a 'al !n the b!tt!m twi,e1 +!man ,ut her husbands penis11 he was br!u'ht t! the ew )!nd!n &amily Medi,al (enter1 +aupa,a (!unty (ir,uit (!urt-11 4iA! 0a,*s!n--, y!un' ,!usin !- Mi,hael, said he saw the a,,user and his br!ther -!ndlin' themsel$es as they wat,hed na*ed w!men !n tele$isi!n1 F: als! testi-ied that he saw them stealin' thin's 11 in,ludin' m!ney bel!n'in' t! a ,he- as well as t! 0esus Sala?ar, a ran,h mana'er1 6ls! s!,ial w!r*er Irene )a$ern Peters said she met with the a,,user and his -amily durin' the time they said they were *ept ,apti$e and they praised 0a,*s!n and denied any seJual abuse1 Gal at a 4!man (ath!li, hi'h s,h!!l in 6labama be,ame pre'nant be-!re 'raduati!n1 She was all!wed t! 'raduate but n!t t! parti,ipate in ,erem!nies1 S! she wal*ed in !n her !wn and ann!un,ed hersel-1 Fer b!y-riend and -ather !- the baby was als! a seni!r and was all!wed t! wal*1 11 man by the name !- 7r!wn said he re,ei$ed di$ine inspirati!n t! start his ,!mpany

Ni!n Oil and is di''in' in Israel tryin' t! help them be,!me ener'y independent1 Sin,e 1B>9 >90 wells ha$e been drilled in IsraelIn!ne !- them si'ni-i,ant11 alth!u'h they ha$e dis,!$ered natural 'as1 &l!!d in 6las*a washes !ut r!ad t! the airp!rt11 in $illa'e !- :mm!na*11 the 8u*!n 4i$er is !$er-l!win'1 11 the (I6 *illed Faitham 6l-8emeni al!n' the Pa*istan-6-'hanistan b!rder with a predat!r missile11 he was !ne !- the t!p 6l @uaeda !--i,ials1 %hey had been tra,*in' him -!r a while1 11 but they -eared he was '!in' t! '! int! hidin' s! they eliminated him1 6nthr!p!l!'ists ha$e d!ne a study and determined that the ,!l!r red is ,!rrelated with winnin' teams m!re than any !ther ,!l!r1 4ussel Fill and 4!bert 7art!n , !Uni$ersity !- /urham in :n'land did the study 5P1BP05 Ph!t!'rapher in (hina ,riti,i?ed -!r ta*in' ph!t!s !- pe!ple wh! hit a p!th!le submer'ed under water11 the ph!t!'rapher waited -!r the a,,ident t! happen1 %he Aud'e w!uld n!t all!w %al*sh!w h!st )arry 2in' t! testi-y -!r the de-ense in the Mi,hael 0a,*s!n ,aseIin re'ards t! his 3*in'Es) ,!n$ersati!n with an att!rney !- 0a,*s!nEs11 the Aud'e said it was irrele$ant

5P20P05 Pris,illa Owens, an appeals ,!urt n!minee, is bein' debated in ,!n'ress11dem!,rats plan a "-ilibuster# but n!w the 4epubli,ans are ,!nsiderin' de,larin' -ilibusters -!r appeals . supreme ,!urt n!minees t! be ille'al11 whi,h the dem!,rats are ,allin' the "nu,lear !pti!n1# Sp!rts: Spurs ,lin,h the western ,!n-eren,e semi--inals1 Pist!ns ta*e !n Miami Feat

5P21P052ay )eternea!u, the -!rmer elementary s,h!!l tea,her wh! was impre'nated by !ne !- her twel$e year !ld studentsIa-ter spendin' se$en years in pris!n she married the b!y 3n!w a'e 22) at a winery, and tw! !- her ,hildren -r!m her -irst marria'e attended, as well as the tw! that she has be'!tten -r!m her new husband11 : ew Study sh!ws that animals may be m!re intelli'ent than we thin* , espe,ially pi's and lambs, but als! ,!wsI !ne study indi,ated that they appeared t! sh!w eJ,itement when they learned s!methin' new : )ady 7ush -a,ed pr!test!rs in 0erusalem and in the Muslim temple she $isited11 s!me !- her 'uards had t! ,reate a rin' !- held hands ar!und her t! *eep the pr!test!rs at bay1 S!me !- them were yellin' "&ree P!llardU# 0!nath!n P!llard is an 6meri,an 0ew wh! was ,!n$i,ted !- spyin' -!r Israel and is d!in' a li-e senten,e in pris!n1 Fe was in the a$y C 5P22P05I5P2>-05 <90,000 '!$ernment !--i,ials in (hina were ,!n$i,ted -!r ,!rrupti!n in 200>1 P!li,e in 7a'hdad 7ra?il 3n!t IraM) under !rders -r!m the ,!urt t! destr!y a sMuatters $illa'e, ended up destr!yin' the wr!n' $illa'eU 6 p!nd in 7!l!tni*!$!, 4ussia disappeared !$erni'ht su,*in' e$erythin' d!wn with it1 6tt!rney 4!n Miller !- 5an uys (6 w!r*s as a p!rn!'raphy star at ni'ht with his 'al -riend 7r!!*e Funter 3her p!rn name) %hey li$e in San &ernand! 5alleyIthe "heart !- 6meri,aEs thri$in' p!rn industry# where he '!es by the name !- "/!n F!llyw!!d# %w! b!dies -!und !n Mt1 4anierI%im Star* a'e 59, and Gre' Star* a'e 29, --went hi*in' and a -rea* sn!wst!rm hitIdespite ha$in' tents and sleepin'

ba's their b!dies were -!und with!ut any indi,ati!n that they had tried t! use them1 11 She Sian'in in (hina was released -r!m pris!n in (hina a-ter ele$en years be,ause the wi-e he had been ,!n$i,ted !- *illin' suddenly appeared in the $illa'e1 6uth!rities had a,,used him !- *illin' his brideIhe says he was brutally beaten -!r ten days by p!li,e sh!rtly a-ter she disappearedIand he made a -alse ,!n-essi!n whi,h he later retra,ted1 Fe was senten,ed t! death by immediate eJe,uti!n but the ,!urt later de,ided there was n!t en!u'h e$iden,e t! supp!rt the death penalty1 %hey say the "%he p!li,e ma*e the meal, the pr!se,ut!rs ,arry the meal, and the ,!urts eat the meal# Pris,illa Owens w!n ,!n-irmati!n as ,!nser$ati$e Aud'e in ew Orleans1 0enni-er +ilban*s will be indi,ted -!r -alse rep!rt !- *idnappin' as a pretense -!r n!t '!in' thr!u'h with the weddin'--she ,!uld 'et up t! siJ years in Aail1 %he 4i$ers are !$er-l!win' in s!uthwest (!l!rad!I where I Aust was a -ew days a'!, in,ludin' the 6nimas 4i$er1 %he de-ense rests in the Mi,hael 0a,*s!n ,ase, last witness, (hris %u,*er, the ,!median1 Fe said the m!ther seemed "P!ssessed# 1 United States has ,l!sed its dipl!mati, missi!ns in Ind!nesiaI,itin' unspe,i-ied threats 1 %he U1S1 Fas re-pr!mised itEs pled'e t! Ind!nesia !appr!Jimately >00 milli!nIwhi,h is alm!st hal- !the entire am!unt pled'edI<59 milli!n t! the ,!untries a--e,ted by the tsunami1 &!rmer Stam-!rd p!li,e !--i,er has been senten,ed t! 20 days in AailI6rthur 7ertanaIa'e D= C he had a t!y banana in his pants and -lashed passersby in a lewd mannerI his se,!nd arrest -!r lewd ,!ndu,t1 &!rmer dentist, 0!hn Fall, ,!n$i,ted !- usin' a syrin'e t! inAe,t his !wn semen int! the m!uths !- -emale patients has been senten,ed t! pr!bati!n !n se$en assault ,har'esIbut re-used t! plead 'uiltyIalth!u'h he

admitted there is en!u'h e$iden,e -!r a ,!n$i,ti!n in -r!nt !- superi!r ,!urt Aud'e 4!bert :r$in1 %hree m!nths h!use arrest and 120 h!urs !,!mmunity ser$i,e1 / 6 tests !syrin'es ,!n-is,ated -r!m the dentists !--i,e sh!w that they ,!ntained the dentists semen1 %he (essna air,ra-t that inad$ertently wandered int! +ashin't!n /1(1 airspa,e was apparently within se,!nds !- bein' sh!t d!wn a,,!rdin' t! the +ashin't!n P!st1 C &ather !the tw! missi!n Idah! ,hildren -ailed a part !- a p!ly'raph test but is n!t a suspe,t in the ,ase1 /a$id Gr!ene admitted in a %5 inter$iew that he la,*ed an alibi and -ailed a part !- the lie dete,t!r test1 1 Miami Feat beats the Pist!ns tyin' the series at 1-11 Italian Parents w!ndered why their s!n was still 'ainin' wait despite bein' !n a diet and it turns !ut he was stealin' the d!'Es -!!d1 ew medi,ati!n -!r premature eAa,ulati!n ,alled /ap!Jetine1a 0erry 4i,e has been si'ned by the /en$er 7r!n,!sIhis 21st seas!n in the &)1 6l KNarMuawi may ha$e been inAured1%he w!rst earthMua*e e$er ,!uld happen ri'ht under d!wnt!wn )!s 6n'elesIa newly dis,!$ered tembl!r !n the Puente Fills -ault11 ,!uld ,ause 1<,000 -atalities and 250 billi!n in dama'es /S2AS0/ IraMi G!$ernment plans t! depl!y >0,000 p!li,e . tr!!ps ar!und the ,ity t! -!rm a human rin' ar!und the ,ity1 Cwith 100Es !- ,he,*p!ints1 0ustin utbr!wn, a'e 1=, and his y!un'er br!ther 0!shua utbr!wn, a'e 11, al!n' with 6lis!n Fans!n, a'e 11, were -!und dead in a ri$er in 5erm!nt1 It appears that they all slipped in and were de-eated by the i,y ,!ld water1 %he Penta'!n is ma*in' plans in ,ase !rth 2!rea ,!ntinues t! d! nu,lear tests1 %he pr!se,uti!n in the Mi,hael 0a,*s!n ,ase wanted t!

sh!w ph!t!s !- Mi,hael 0a,*s!nEs 'enitalia in !rder t! pr!$e that the a,,user had intimate *n!wled'e !Mi,hael 0a,*s!nEs penis, apparently there is s!me s!rt !- uniMue blemish !n 0a,*s!nEs penis1 %he Aud'e re-used sayin' the pr!bati$e $alue !- the e$iden,e is !utwei'hed by the preAudi,ial $alue1 &i$e A!urnalists ha$e been *illed this year in the Philippines1 &!rt /eS!t! Par*Es !rth 7ea,h in &l!rida near St1 Petersbur' re,ei$ed Q1 !- the t!p ten bea,hes in the United States1 San /ie'!Es (!r!nad! 7ea,h re,ei$ed Q91 /ri$er in M!r'an-ield 2entu,*y was st!pped -!r a tra--i, $i!lati!n at whi,h p!int the p!li,e reali?ed he had a suspended li,enseIleadin' t! a 1>> mile ,hase !- the> man in the 1< wheeler1 6uth!rities laid plasti, spi*e de$i,es in se$eral sp!tsIde-latin' m!st !- the tiresIredu,in' the speed !- the tru,* -r!m <5 mph t! =5 mph1 Fe was ridin' !n the rims by the time he rea,hed +illiams!n (!unty1 %hen he tried t! run but was ,au'ht1 Study sh!ws that pre'nant m!thers eJp!sed1 t! ,hemi,al ,alled Phthalates will ha$e a 'reater ,han,e !- harm t! their male babies repr!du,ti$e system1 %hey said this w!uld in,rease the !dds by ten times that their s!ns will ha$e a sh!rter than eJpe,ted distan,e between the anus and the base !- the penisIthe s!-,alled 6G/ measurement is a sensiti$e indi,at!r !- the impa,ts !n their repr!du,ti$e systems1 (arl :dward 4!land , a murder suspe,t, ,limbed an 1< st!ry ,rane in 6tlanta yesterday and is still !n t!p !- it1 (!n,erns ab!ut m!thers bein' held a,,!untable -!r the beatin' !r *illin' !- their ,hildren by their husbandsIithey, the wi-ePm!thers, d!nEt inter$ene, they themsel$es ,!uld be ,!n$i,ted !- murder !r abuse1 +hen G!$ern!r 6rn!ld denied par!le t! a battered w!man last wee* he unders,!red a

messa'e that ,!urts impressed C in,reasin'ly 'i$in' m!thers that they ,!uld be pr!se,uted -!r murder and impris!ned i- they -ail t! pre$ent their ,hildren -r!m bein' *illed1 )illy 3L) Smith, a'e 52, spent >> years in pris!n -!r the murder !- her tw! year !ld dau'hter, 6my1 %he par!le b!ard has de,lared her suitable -!r release siJ times sin,e 1B<B but the state '!$ern!rs ha$e de,ided !therwise1 Smith was ,!n$i,ted !- se,!nd de'ree murder in San )uis Obisp! (!unty in 1B<0 and senten,ed t! 15 years t! li-e a-ter she did n!t st!p her b!y-riend -r!m -atally beatin' 6my1 +hether Smith parti,ipated in 6myEs abuse was h!tly disputed at the trial1 Pr!se,uti!n ar'ued that by n!t a''ressi$ely inter$enin' she ,!nd!ned the $i!len,e 1 %hat Smith may ha$e been a $i,tim !- d!mesti, $i!len,e is n! de-ense G!$1 6rn!ld said in his May 1< letter denyin' par!le1 "Smith still p!ses an unreas!nable threat t! publi, sa-ety#1 SmithsE situati!n is n!t uniMue 1 S,h!lars and ,!urt d!,*ets a,r!ss the nati!n su''est that durin' the past tw! de,ades m!thers ha$e in,reasin'ly been blamed and pr!se,uted -!r n!t pr!te,tin' their ,hildren -r!m harm1 %hat in,ludes w!men wh! ha$e been $i,tims !- d!mesti, $i!len,e !r ha$e used dru's while they were pre'nant1 "%hatEs the sense !- the n!!se bein' ti'htened# said Mi,helle O$erman, a Santa (lara Uni$ersity )aw Pr!-ess!r and ,!-auth!r !- the b!!* , M!thers +h! 2ill their (hildren1 "+e want t! try t! -ind s!me way t! thin* we are pr!te,tin' ,hildren# says 7enAamin +!l-, ass!,iate

dire,t!r !- the 6meri,an (i$il )iberties Uni!n in Illin!is1 " &iJin' s!,ial pr!blems is t!! ,!mpli,ated# he says1 "7lamin' the m!ther is the easy way !ut1# S!me pr!se,ut!rs say w!men are merely bein' held t! the same standards as men1 I- we are n!t '!in' t! h!ld the m!ther a,,!untable then wh! is '!in' t! be resp!nsible -!r pr!te,tin' the ,hildL# says +endy M,&arlane a deputy distri,t att!rney in 5entura (!unty, (ali-!rnia1 It is n!t always ,lear pre,isely h!w many m!thers are bein' pr!se,uted and ,!n$i,ted !- -ailin' t! pr!te,t their ,hildren ea,h year1 %hey are ,har'ed under a ,!mpleJ web !- state laws whi,h are en-!r,ed di--erently in $ari!us Aurisdi,ti!ns1 !b!dy tra,*s the number !pr!se,uti!ns a,r!ss the state1 O$erman and !ther le'al s,h!lars say there is n! d!ubt that pr!se,uti!ns and ,!n$i,ti!ns !m!thers -!r ,hildrenEs deaths are !n the rise1 6ne,d!tal e$iden,e -r!m ,!urt d!,*ets supp!rt this1 In )a*e (!unty Indiana the ,!unty pr!se,ut!r is n!t eJ,usin' &eli,ia G!rd!n -!r n!t inter$enin' in the -atal beatin' !- her s!n Ge!r'e, a'e 9 in Mar,h1 G!rd!n, a'e 29, !Gary Indiana was ,har'ed with murder a-ter her b!y-riend repeatedly hit, pun,hed, and *i,*ed the b!y t! death1 She admitted t! p!li,e that she ,!uld hear beatin' and s,reamin' -!r ten minutes1 Fer att!rney, )emuel Stie'ler, said she stayed in an!ther r!!m durin' m!st !- the in,ident be,ause she was tryin' t! pr!te,t her !ther s!n, a !ne-year !ld1 She said her b!y-riend p!inted at her a-ter the beatin' and threatened t! hurt her i- she

,alled the p!li,e1 I- ,!n$i,ted, she ,!uld -a,e m!re than D5 years in pris!n1 In a ,ase this wee*, 6rlene Faynes, 2>, !Ulysses, P6 , pled 'uilty t! ,hild endan'erment be,ause she ,!uldnEt st!p her b!y-riend -r!m -atally abusin' her 2-year!ld dau'hter, Serena, last year1 Fad a plea a'reement n!t been stru,* , Faynes ,!uld ha$e been senten,ed t! up t! se$en years1 Pre$entin' harm ,an e$en in,lude n!t d!in' en!u'h t! pre$ent the ,hildEs sui,ide1 I O,t 200=, 0udith S,ru''s was -!und 'uilty !- ,!ntributin' t! her s!nEs sui,ide,Ca (!nne,ti,ut Aury ,!n$i,ted S,ru''s !- C inAury t! a min!r be,ause she *ept su,h a -ilthy h!me and all!wed her s!nEs hy'iene t! deteri!rate s! mu,h that he was bullied at s,h!!l1 She re,ei$ed pr!bati!n 1 Same m!nth the U1S1 Supreme (!urt re-used t! hear an appeal !- a S!uth (ar!lina m!ther ,!n$i,ted !- murder thr!u'h an interpretati!n !- the stateEs h!mi,ide by ,hild abuse law 1 4e'ina M,2ni'ht was pr!se,uted -!r ha$in' ,!,aine in her bl!!d when she was su--erin' a still birth1 She is ser$in' twel$e years in pris!n1 Mary 7e,*er, an Illin!is att!rney in$!l$ed in pr!te,ti!n ,ases says "M!thers are bein' treated di--erently under the law be,ause they are assumed t! be the ,hildEs natural pr!te,t!r1 &atherEs rarely are ,har'ed# she says1 In 1BB2, Illin!is be,ame the -irst state t! st ,!nsider parents a,,!mpli,es t! 1 de'ree murder ithey d!nEt pr!te,t their ,hildren1 %hatEs when an appellate ,!urt upheld a ,!n$i,ti!n !- 2imberly !$i !Shil!h Illin!isIsayin' alth!u'h she may ha$e been battered by her husband and may

ha$e ,aused her step s!nEs -atal inAury her a,ti!ns and ina,ti!n ma*e her resp!nsible -!r the ,hildEs murder1 She is ser$in' =0 years1 %he -!ll!win' year Illin!is pr!se,uted 2athy (e,il !- +!!d 4i$er -!r the -irst de'ree murder !- her tw!-year-!ld s!n, Mi,hael1 She did n!t parti,ipate in his -atal beatin' and had repeatedly been pun,hed, ,h!*ed, and raped by her l!$er -!r m!nths1 (e,il, n!w =1, was senten,ed t! =5 years in Aail1 7attered w!men d! n!t 'et mu,h sympathy in these ,ases pr!se,ut!rs say1 6buse !the m!ther is irrele$ant1 ItEs n!t an eJ,use -!r standin' by and lettin' s!me!ne beat y!ur ,hild t! death1 Says %erry Patt!n the stateEs att!rney in Fenry (!unty, Illin!is1 6d$!,ates !- battered w!man say itEs n!t that simple1 %hese w!men may be unable t! help be,ause itheir husband !r b!y-riend is beatin' a ,hild they are pr!bably beatin' the m!ther t!!1 %hat was happenin' in )inda )ee SmithEs ,ase said her sur$i$in' dau'hter 7ethany M,/erm!tt said in an inter$iew last wee*1 She said her m!ther did n!t inter$ene in 6myEs beatin' be,ause she was paraly?ed with -ear1 She said Smith had been battered and seJually t!rtured -!r m!nths by her b!y-riend /a$id &!ster wh! was ,!n$i,ted !- 2nd de'ree murder and is still in pris!n Fer m!ther had been se$erely beaten when she tried t! st!p &!ster -r!m harmin' M,/erm!tt C a -ew wee*s earlier11standin' ba,* and n!t d!in' anythin' was h!rrible said M,/erm!tt, a'e 2B1 7ut su,h a harsh punishment was n!t the ri'ht answer1

%hree burned ,r!sses were -!und in /urham, (1 %hatEs where Sandra 5anderlinde li$es1P!li,e were ,alled in t! st!p a -i'ht at 0e--ers!n Fi'h in )!s 6n'eles1 %he murder suspe,t remains !n t!p !- the ,rane in 6tlanta -!r the =rd day n!wIthe =1 year !ld man Muit his A!b as a s!-tware salesman, -iled -!r ban*rupt,y, and tal*ed ab!ut m!$in' t! )as 5e'as1 6 %ennessee state senat!r has been pla,ed under h!use arrest -!r bribery 5P29P05 Paula (reamer, a'e 1<, w!n her -irst )PG6 t!urnament CsheEs already w!n H=50,000 !n the )PG6 t!ur1 Fer ni,*name is Pin* Panther1 4as,all &latts *i,*ed !-- the summer ,!n,ert series in 7ryant Par* in mid-t!wn Manhattan1 7ritish en'ineers ha$e in$ented the Indi p!dIan in-latable in ,ar t!ilet p!wered by a ,i'arette li'hter11 it in-lates t! an area !- -!ur -eet hi'h and three -eet wideI su--i,ient t! a,,!mm!date tw! pe!ple 3h!w -unI'! t! the bathr!!m with s!meb!dy)1 /eni,e +illiams su--ered an embarrassin' =rd r!und de-eat by a 15 year !ld 7ul'arian Spi,e Girls -an1 %he 6meri,ans -!rtunes withered at the &ren,h Open !n &riday1 She l!st t! B<th ran*ed Sesil 2arant,he$aC+!!dpe,*er in Syra,use ew 8!r* sees itsel- in the mirr!rs !,ars and pe,*s at them as i- his re-le,ti!n were an enemy birdIbrea*in' se$eral ,ar mirr!rs1 6n !--duty p!li,e !--i,er in 0ersey (ity had t! -i'ht !-- a na*ed man wh! Aumped !ut !- the w!!ds wearin' !nly a ,!nd!m1 0!hn /1 2elly, a'e =B, a $i,epresident -!r a ew 8!r* ban*in' ,!rp!rati!n, surrendered t! the p!li,e ei'ht days a-ter the in,ident1 %he w!man he attempted t! a,,!st happened t! be an !---duty p!li,e !--i,er1 6 p!li,e !--i,er in 7!ulder, (!l!rad! -!und mariAuana 'r!win' al!n'side s!me tulips at the Pearl St1 Mall and

pulled them1 %he auth!r !- a b!!* entitled /yin' t! +in s!!n t! be released ab!ut sui,ide b!mbers says there ha$e been thirteen sui,ide b!mber ,ampai'ns !$er time C and !- th!se thirteen, se$en ha$e pr!du,ed su,,ess1 I )eban!n in 1B<=, 2>1 Marines were *illed by sui,ide b!mber dri$in' a tru,*C subseMuently 4!nald 4ea'an withdrew all military -!r,es -r!m )eban!n $irtually aband!nin' the ,!untry1 %he arti,les n!tes, h!we$er, that the $i,tims !- the sui,ide b!mbin's in IraM ha$e been lar'ely IraMi ,iti?ens, n!t U1S1 s!ldiers , ma*in' it less p!tent t! the war1 C they als! n!te that a l!t !- the sui,ide b!mbers in IraM are n!t -r!m IraMIsays 7ru,e F!--man !- the 4and (!rp!rati!n , a p!li,y thin* tan*, there-!re the sui,idal b!mber has less ,han,e !- be,!min' a -am!us martyr, whi,h happens m!re !-ten apparently in Israel1 11%hereEs n! ",ult !- the martyr# in IraM1 %he ,ause remains 'reater than the indi$idual1 5P2<P05 Interestin' ,ase ab!ut a ,!uple by the name !- Mar* . )inda 6danalian in &resn!, (61 twel$e years married, -!ur ,hildren, apparently had s!me s!rt !ar'ument !r ar'uments !$er time C and Mar* was dia'n!sed with Multiple S,ler!sisC then suddenly, n!t t!! l!n' a'!, )inda Aust ,!llapsed and died1 %hey said, subseMuently, due t! a p!st eJhumed aut!psy that she died !- selenium t!Ji,ityC but it was n!t initially in$esti'ated as a p!tential h!mi,ide, but s!me -riends . -amily !- )inda say there were indi,ati!ns pri!r t! her death that he mi'ht ha$e the desire and will t! *ill her1 %emperatures in Seattle are unseas!nably hi'h1 6n'els win, beatin' the 4!yals in ten innin's a-ter bein' d!wn <-= in the t!p !- the Bth, all!win' them t! remain tied -!r -irst in the west1 Min!r lea'ue pit,her, 4i,* Fellin', a -!rmer ten year maA!r lea'uer, was impaled by a shard !- a br!*en bat in

his n!n-pit,hin' armC 76 play!--s Ph!eniJ-San 6nt!ni!, Miami-/etr!it1 C -!rmer president (lint!n $isits a part !- Sri )an*a that was hit by the tsunami1 %he Puente Fills -ault that runs under )!s 6n'eles has ,aused Mua*es !- 912 t! 915 ma'nitude at least -!ur times in the past 11, 000 years says the team at the U1S Ge!l!'i,al Sur$ey in the s!uthern (ali-!rnia earthMua*e ,enter at the Uni$ersity !- S!uthern (ali-!rnia1 %hey say the neJt Mua*e -r!m the Puente Fills -ault is n!t a matter !- i- but when1 C 5!ya'er I has been !n a 2D year A!urney -r!m earth and is 'ettin' ,l!ser t! the sun, '!in' thr!u'h a re'i!n *n!wn as terminati!n sh!,*Cbut still s!me <19 billi!n miles away -r!m the sun, Cn!w enterin' a se,ti!n ,alled the "heli! sheath#C-urther than twi,e the distan,e !- Plut!Ithe -urthest planet in !ur system1 5!ya'er I . II were laun,hed in 1B99, !n a missi!n t! eJpl!re the 'iant planets 0upiter and Saturn1 %he pair *ept '!in', h!we$er, and the missi!n was eJtended1 5!ya'er II went !n t! eJpl!re Uranus . eptuneC the !nly spa,e,ra-t t! ha$e $isited these !uter planets1 7!th spa,e,ra-t are n!w part !- the 5!ya'er Interstellar Missi!n C t! eJpl!re the !uter-m!st ed'e !- the sunEs d!main1 %hey are able t! *eep !peratin' until the year 20201 +here$er they '! they ,arry a '!lden ph!n!'raph re,!rd whi,h has messa'es -r!m earth su,h as sur-, wind, thunder, and animalsCals! s!me musi,al sele,ti!ns, sp!*en 'reetin's in 55 lan'ua'es, al!n' with instruments, instru,ti!ns and eMuipment !n h!w t! play the re,!rds1 :ddie 6lbertsIan a,t!r in the sh!w Green 6,res died at a'e BB1 Oli$er St!ne, -ilm ma*er, was arrested -!r /UI and dru' p!ssessi!n in )!s 6n'eles1 MS 7( l!,al editi!n says that there ha$e been bear si'htin's in +est Mi,hi'an1 Manar Ma'ed , an :'yptian baby, was b!rn with tw! headsI d!,t!rs su,,ess-ully separated the se,!nd head and the baby has been dis,har'ed -r!m the h!spital1

0!hn &!rd, State Senat!r !- %ennesseeI!ne !%ennesseeEs m!st p!wer-ul p!liti,al -amilies has been pla,ed !n h!use arrest C member !- senate -!r =0 years11 ,har'ed with ta*in' pay!--s and threatenin' t! *ill a witness11 br!ther Far!ld &!rd ser$ed 11 years in (!n'ress11 durin' his tenure in Senate11 &!rd l!st paternity law suits, 'a$e a p!liti,al A!b t! a 'irl-riend, used ,ampai'n m!ney -!r his dau'hterEs weddin', and was su,,ess-ully sued -!r seJual harassment, C &!rd and !ther lawma*ers t!!* HB2, 000 t! usher e-,y,le bills thr!u'h ,!n'ress1 &!rd himsel- is a,,used !- ta*in' H55, 0001 11 0uni!r 6llenIspent =5 years in pris!n -!r stealin' a bla,* . white %5 set11 n!w a'e D5 he has been released11 ha$in' wat,hed pers!ns ,!n$i,ted !murder, rape, and ,hild m!lestati!n ,!me and '! be-!re him1 In !rth (ar!lina1 I /1 (1 r!llin' thunder rallyIPO+ MI6 situati!ns11 bene-its -!r $eterans 5P2BP05 Feat beat Pist!ns1 )ead series 2-11 ShaM had 2< p!ints and was < -!r 12 -r!m the -!ul line at the Pala,e1 Fe als! had -i$e assists1 (!a,h Stan 5an Gundy t!!* him !ut in the -irst Muarter despite his pr!testati!ns1 %he -inal s,!re was 11=-10>1 Small plane ,rashed Kpil!t in seri!us ,!nditi!nIres,uer died a-ter -allin' !-- ba,* !pi,* up tru,* !n way there1 6rti,le re1 (!tt!n pi,*in' in U?be*istan1 G!$t1 pre$ents pri$ati?ati!n1 "Milli!n /!llar 7aby# was ab!ut -emale b!Jin'Iand in India Muslim w!men are 'ettin' int! it1 %he thawin' !the perma-r!st in 6las*aIis '!in' t! ,han'e thin'sI the methane releasedIwill a,,ellerate 'reenh!use a--e,t11 /an +helden w!n the Indy 500, the -irst 7rit t! win the Indy sin,e 1BDD1 %he -emale ra,e1&%

/ani,a Patri,* ,ame in >th1 6n'els beat 4!yals1 M! (hee*s hired as 9DEers head ,!a,h1 (hee*s was -!ur time all-star, -i-teen seas!ns, led SiJers t! ,hampi!nships !$er )a*ers in 1B<=1 Fe played with /r1 01 and M!ses Mal!ne1 (hee*s was -ired as P!rtland %railbla?ers ,!a,h a-ter -!ur years there and leadin' them t! their -!urth hi'hest win title in 7la?er hist!ry but he was pla'ued by his players wh! had dru' pr!blems1 %w! teens *ill h!meless man "-!r -un# in /ayt!na 7ea,h1 5P=0P05 Pist!ns beat Feat, series tied at 2-21 S,!tt M!!dy !n the Ohi! &arm *illed 'randparents, m!ther, and tw! -riends be-!re himsel-11 his sister was sh!t in the ne,* and is in the h!spital1 6 d!?en male students in the Philippines stripped !-- their ,l!thes in the ,i$i, ,enter in the Philippines11 t! pr!test edu,ati!nal pr!blemsC4e$1 2eith 2imber at St1 0!hns 4e,t!ry (hur,h in the ,ity !- (ardi-- had a h!t sp!t h!!*ed up in his ,hur,h s! that parishi!ners ,an sur- the web durin' the ser$i,e !r send an e-mail1 Fe says he has n! pr!blem with it1 %hatEs in +ales1 /ean (rai' =D year !ld man set his !wn h!me !n -ire in !rder t! 'et tw! $isit!rs t! lea$e1 DP1P05 /eep %hr!at has been re$ealed as Mar* &elt, a'e B1, se,!nd in ,!mmand at &7I at the time, passed !$er by iJ!n t! ta*e 01 :d'ar F!!$ers pla,es1 DP2P05 (l!sin' ar'uments be'in t!day in the M1 0a,*s!n ,ase1 0enni-er +ilban*s, 4unaway 7ride senten,ed t! ,!mmunity ser$i,e and pr!bati!n 7uddy 7ell hired t! mana'e the 2( 4!yals neJt year

Miami Feat win !$er the Pist!ns t! ma*e it =-2 1 ShaM had 20 p!ints1 Ge!r'e Mi*an -!rmer 76 starI -!rmer Minneap!lis )a*ers player died t!day1 Fe was the -irst bi' man t! d!minate the sp!rt at siJ -!!t ten in,hes1 +hen they ,ame t! ew 8!r* in /e,ember 31B>B), the Madis!n SMuare Gardens said Mi*an $1 2ni,*s C(!lle'e bas*etball started the '!altendin' rule be,ause !- him1 %he 76 d!ubled the width !the -ree thr!w lane be,ause !- him1 1 +hen )a*ers l!st t! the &!rt +ayne Pist!ns in 1B50 11 it was the l!west s,!rin' 'ame in 76 hist!ry 1B-1< 11 be,ause !- the stallin' ta,ti,s in that 'ame11 the 2> se,!nd ,l!,* was started1 ShaMuille OE eal said he wanted t! pay -!r the -uneral, apparently he had been -riend with Mi*an and he said that with!ut Mi*an there w!uld be n! ShaMuille1 11 Mi*anEs sur$i$in' s!n said he appre,iated the !--er but said it was up t! his m!ther whether !r n!t she w!uld a,,ept it1 %r!y (ates, a ,!rre,ti!ns !--i,er, a'e =9, was arrested +ednesday -!r se,retly tapin' members !his !wn -amily while they used the bathr!!mC O$er <0 pers!ns were res,ued !-- a (!sta 4i,an island1 C a-ter sendin' a messa'e in a b!ttle as*in' -!r help11 they had been !n the island -!r ten days a-ter their b!at sun* and their res,uers ,ame within 2> h!urs !- the b!ttle bein' sent %hey n!w ha$e a thin' ,alled "P!rn Sunday# 11 a lar'e !ne was ,!ndu,ted at Mars Fill 7ible (hur,h in Grand 4apidsI1=,000 attended11and has be,!me a p!pular seminar -!r ,hur,hes C tw! -ell!ws11 ma*er !- the -ilm 7ill /ay did n!t !ri'inally d! it -!r ,hur,hes n!r is he !utsp!*enly (hristian i- at all11 but tw! !ther -ell!ws pi,*ed up !n it !ne !- them ha$in' seen the -ilm at a -ilm -esti$al1


%he name !the p!rn!'raphy -ilmIthe antip!rn!'raphy -ilm is "Missi!nary P!siti!ns# and &!ster . 'r!ss are the !nes sh!win' it alth!u'h they didnEt ma*e it11 7ill /ay made it1 (rai' &!ster and mi*e Gr!ss1 %hree in-ant b!dies -!und in -ree?er in 6ustriaIb!dy parts ,ut up1 +!man ,!n-essed t! *illin' them -!r -ear they w!uld dri$e her male partner away and be,ause !- m!untin' bills1 4ed %ide in ew :n'land is !ne !- the lar'est e$er , ,ausin' shell-ish t! be unsuitable -!r eatin'1 DP=P05 (hi,a'! Marath!n was set a mile l!n'er than it was supp!sed t! be 291 2 milesIthey didnEt reali?e it until it was !$er1 DP>P05 8!un' artist by the name !- 6*iane 2ramari*11 "G!d 'i$es me the ideas I Aust paint them# she says1 Fer paintin's -et,h 1000Es !d!llars says the arti,le1 I thin* she was a 'uest at the (rystal (athedral1 Gal -r!m 6labama was 1< years !ldIan h!n!rs student -r!m M!untain 7r!!* Fi'h S,h!!l in 7irmin'ham1 7a's ready t! '!, -ull ride s,h!larship t! 11 t! Uni$ersity !- 6labama11 pre-med1 %hree men said they t!!* her t! the tip !- the island and ba,* t! the h!tel but se,urity d!esnEt sh!w them !n ,amera returnin'11 4i,h /e5!s has ann!un,ed he will run -!r '!$ern!r11 the -!rmer president !- 6lti,!r Sn!!p 0a,*s!n writes an interestin' arti,le ab!ut ShaMuille OE eal1 6ddressin' the n!ti!n !him bein' !$errated but then he re$erses and ,!n,ludes with hi'h praise -!r the ShaM1 ShaMuille !n,e re-erred t! 2!be 7ryant as an Un,le %!m !n a radi! tal* sh!w Sn!!p 0a,*s!n 4esides in (hi,a'!Itw! ,hildren11

/a$id %!ms hit a h!le-in-!ne in the Mem!rial G!l(lassi, in /ublin Ohi!1 %he -irst G!!d 8ear 7limp was named Pil'rim and was laun,hed !n 0une =, 1B251 %!day G!!dyear has -!ur blimpsIthree in US6 and !ne in 7ra?il1 ! ,lues t! whereab!uts !missin' Idah! 2ids, /ylan and Shasta Gr!ene1 %hey say the 76 may ha$e a l!,*!ut neJt seas!n i- they ,anEt ,!me t! an a'reement1 11 DP5P05 :thni, (leansin' in Sudan has alle'edly ,laimed 1<0 milli!n li$es1 %hey say it is !ne !- the w!rldEs w!rst humanitarian ,risis1 1 Shei* Musa Fallal is ,laimed t! be the !ne resp!nsible -!r a l!t !- the deaths in Sudan and is !n a list !- m!st wanted by the U1S1 Kwith re,!mmendati!ns that Sudan arrest him1 7ut that appears unli*elyI'i$en 67( inter$iewed him !penly at n!ne !ther than the p!li,e ,lub1 6nni$ersary !- %ianhamen SMuare Massa,re 1Dth anni$ersary ,!mmem!rati!n1 %he Mars 4!$er Opp!rtunity was stu,* in s!-t sand -!r se$eral days11 -inally '!t it t! brea* -ree1 7!th r!$ers are still !perati!nal !n Mars1 Spirit . Opp!rtunity1 6rrested tw! men re1 %he missin' 6labama 'al in 6ruba1 11 they -!und a bl!!dy mattress but it has been eliminated as ha$in' t! d! with missin' 'al1 %hey ha$e arrested tw! se,urity 'uards11 and ha$e reMuested a di$in' team1 1D0 +hales stranded !n bea,h in Perth 6ustralia 11,l!ser t! the t!wn !7usselt!n11 :SP tele$ised the Spellin' 7ee this year1 %w! m!$ies made ab!ut Spellin' 7ees: "7ee Seas!n# with 4i,hard Gere and the !ther "Spellb!und# Kan Os,ar !minated d!,umentary -ilm ab!ut ei'ht ,!mpetit!rs in the 1BBB spellin' bee, in,ludin' the winner1 11 Se$eral :ur!pean ,!untries led by 6ustralia are plannin' t! pr!test

0apanEs endea$!r t! eJpand its whalin' industryI wantin' t! in,rease their ta*eC :ri, +an'I!wner !- a %aiwanese restaurant11 in whi,h the -!!d is ser$ed in miniature t!ilet b!wls11 the name is Mart!n whi,h means t!ilet in (hinese11 urinals de,!rate the wall , and y!u sit in t!ilet lid seats11 <0 year !ld w!man by the name !- 11 5era %ursi was arrested -!r bein' the rin'leader !- a pr!stituti!n rin'11 as best as I ,an tell in ewar* ew 0ersey1 Paris is tryin' t! win the 2012 Olympi, 'ames11 %he %!ny 6wards are in ew 8!r*--1 Missin' 6labama %eena'er in 6ru was last seen !n May =0 a-ter attendin' a ,!n,ert -eaturin' "7!ys II Men#Cand )ilian Fill !n Sunset 7ea,h in 6ruba11 = rd 6nnual S!ul 7ea,h Musi, &esti$alC <000 attended Cshe then ate at (arl!s . (harlieEs 7ar . 4estaurant11 Mi,hael 0a,*s!nEs e$erland 4an,h is -i$e minutes -r!m the Santa 8ne? 5alley (!tta'e F!spital1 DPDP05 4ed /eli,i!us pa,* the m!st p!tent anti!Jidant pun,h, !rthernCQ2 , (!rtland Q=, G!ld /eli,i!us Q5, Ma,int!sh . :mpire11the s*ins !- the apples ha$e m!re anti!Jidant11 pe!ple turned !ut -!r a ,!n-ederate mem!rial ser$i,e11 sin'in' /iJie11 under a rebel battle -la'11 ,!n-ederate m!nument11 t! the east 1 pr!testers $!i,ed their disappr!$al by mar,hin' !utside the Miss!uri G!$ern!rEs Mansi!n I0e--ers!n (ity 3aha) 11G!$ern!r Matt 7lunt all!wed a !ne day -lyin' !- the -la' at the reMuest !- a 'r!up11 11the ,!mmem!rati!n t!!* pla,e in Fi''ins$ille1 Missin' %eJas 6.M Student11 7randy Stahr Kwh! disappeared in O,t1 1BB<C has been -!undC w!r*in' at SamEs (lub in 2entu,*yIdid n!t want t! be -!und1 SheEs n!w a'e 29C she le-t a-ter

she '!t in an ar'ument with her -amily and the -amily st!pped payin' -!r her student bills1 SheEs been w!r*in' under her real name and s!,ial se,urity Q but p!li,e were unable t! l!,ate her be,ause they d! n!t ha$e a,,ess t! I4S re,!rds 3they ,!uld 'et them with a subp!ena)1 7abe 4uth ,!ntra,t sellin' the 7abe -r!m the 4ed S!J t! the 8an*ees is '!in' !n au,ti!n at S!thebyEs1 6ssemblyman (rai' Stanley -r!m ew 0ersey wants the ew 0ersey /e$ils h!,*ey team t! ,han'e their name sayin' their name has satani, impli,ati!ns1 Stanley is a 7aptist dea,!n1 %he /e$ils say, h!we$er, that the name !- their team ,!mes -r!m a 1B<2 -an namin' ,!ntest11 and "de$ils# ,!mes -r!m the mythi,al 0ersey de$il n!t the (hristian symb!l !- the anti-(hrist 3a,,!rdin' t! +eird ew 0erseyEs %ra$el Guide t! the StateEs M!st O--beat 6ttra,ti!ns)Cthe mythi,al Aersey de$il with batli*e win's and !$er-si?ed ,laws was said th t! terr!ri?e Pine VVVVV dwellers in the 1< ,entury a-ter bein' b!rn the 1=th ,hild !- a s!uth 0ersey -amily and m!rphin' int! a din!saur-li*e beast1 %he !wner !- the /e$ils is 0e-- 5anderbee* and he apparently stands !pp!sed t! a name ,han'e1 &!rmer ew 8!r* May!r 4udy Guiulanni is tal*in' ab!ut startin' a new h!,*ey lea'ue i- the F) ,!ntinues its l!,*!ut1 (alled the Internati!nal F!,*ey 6ss!,iati!n11 w!uld rely !n GuilanniEs ew 8!r* (!nsultin' (!1 t! raise up t! 5 billi!n in seed m!ney1 0ulia (easar (ha$e? has a ,areer re,!rd !10D-5-2 with << *n!,*!uts11plannin' !n returnin' t! Staples in )6 11 with his s!n, 0uli! (aesar (ha$e? 0r1 i- Sr1 wins there may be an adi!s II1 0r1 is 1<-0 with 1> *n!,*!uts1 St!rms in s!utheast Mi,hi'an *n!,*in' lines d!wn1 &l!!din' in S!uthern (hina has *illed at least 200 pe!ple, 9B still missin'1 Funan pr!$in,e hit hard1 =9 *illed a-ter

landmine hits bus in ,!mmunist rebels C

epal planted by suspe,ted

Inter$iew with 7rad Pitt by /iane Sawyer at 67(11 he said he d!esnEt li*e all the -!,us !n him heEs ,!n,erned ab!ut death in 6-ri,a11 !pen t! ad!ptin' ,hildren1 6nythin' t! 'et -!,us !-- mysel- why pe!ple sh!uld listen t! him IEm n!t sure they sh!uld he says1 Mar* Fa,*in'Ithe Utah man wh! ,!n-essed t! *illin' his wi-e while she slept, 'ets siJ years t! li-e -!r his ,rime, the maJimum all!wed by Utah law1 B1-year-!ld w!man beats !-- a purse snat,her ,hasin' him awayIthey 'et the li,ense plate number and arrest him 3:n'land)1 O-/uty p!li,e !--i,er in (harlest!n ( sees his st!len ,ar bein' dri$en and apprehends the suspe,ts1 Peanuts (art!!n ,reat!r (harles S,hult? li$ed in Santa 4!sa until his death a -ew years a'! at the a'e !- 991 %he t!wn is de,!rated with (harlie 7r!wn statues, !ne !- whi,h was st!len yesterday1 5!l,an! in (iudad Gu?man 3Gu?man (ity) in (ulima MeJi,! is sh!win' s!me a,ti$ity1 Isabel /upe , a'e =D, was *illed by a 'ri??ly bear 55 miles east !(al'ary (anada while A!''in'11 this was a bear that had been rem!$ed -r!m a nei'hb!rh!!d -!r threatenin' pe!ple !nly ei'ht days earlier--, the bear was subseMuently tra,*ed and *illed1 %!mmy F!!* was beaten up at a bar , apparently in re'ard t! s!me whistle bl!win' he did at the )!s 6lam!s )ab 3le-t with br!*en Aaw)1 DP9P05 Pr!-ess!r 7enAamin 7renner writes in the 0!urnal !- %hr!mb!sis and Faem!stasis that 0esus pr!bably died !- bl!!d ,l!t that rea,hed his lun's rather than bl!!d l!ss1 C Si,ilian (!urt ,!ndemned r!ad

auth!rities !n M!nday -!r suspendin' a dri$erEs li,ense be,ause he was 'ay1 C a ,!urt !n the Mediterranean Island said that bein' 'ay was merely a pers!nality disturban,e whi,h had n! bearin' !n his ability t! dri$e1 116rti,le ab!ut ra,ism ar!und the w!rld1 C in 7ra?il still a l!t !- ra,ism they say1 Cs!metimes when they ad$ertise -!r pr!spe,ti$e empl!yees they say they want pers!ns with "'!!d presen,e# whi,h is a $eiled way !sayin' "white1# C5i,ente &!J , president !- MeJi,!, blundered, in sayin' that "MeJi,an immi'rants d! A!bs that n!t e$en bla,*s want t! d! in the United States#1 11 arti,le by )!rraine 6rlende 3MeJi,! (ity), :dward! Or!?,! 3)ima Peru), )arry Milli*an 3)a Pa?), )!uise :'an 37uen!s 6ires) 386FOO )1 4epubli,ans are -i'htin' ba,* in F!llyw!!dIthey say Star +ars 5I in,ludes a $eiled insult ab!ut Ge!r'e 7ush1 6nd !ther -ilmsI4epubli,ans are startin' their !wn -ilm pr!du,ti!n studi!s su,h as 6meri,an Pride &ilm Gr!up 36P&G), 4i'ht Side 5ide!, C 4epubli,ans n!t !nly yearn -!r eMual a,,ess in -ilm ma*in' Cin the -am!usly le-t-leanin' F!llyw!!d, but als! ,!nsiders themsel$es at war a'ainst the h!stile le-t-leanin' maA!rity in the industry, e$en !r'ani?in' 'r!ups su,h as F!llyw!!d (!n'ress !4epubli,ans, whi,h sp!ns!rs lun,he!ns at whi,h ,elebrities in,ludin' 7en Stine and M!r'an 7rittany !--er m!ral supp!rt -!r li*e-minded p!liti,al min!rity1 %hey are tired !- bein' m!,*ed by the Industry1 VVVVVVV4h!ads1 wh! played title r!le in ,!mpilati!n "M!ther G!!se %reasury# is writin' a b!!* ab!ut bein' ,!nser$ati$e in F!llyw!!dCshe tells st!ries su,h as ab!ut the time she was !n a %5 etw!r* sh!w-the pr!du,er yelled "6nyb!dy wh! $!tes 4epubli,an is -ired1# 11and says that i- she said the same thin' ab!ut h!m!seJuals there w!uld be lawsuits1 11they are set t! hash !n their di--eren,es !n 0une 21 at the )e$el One 4estaurant in )!s 6n'eles, an e$ent sp!ns!red by C ew

F!llyw!!d (!nser$ati$e &!rum1 Cas*ed -!r eJamples !- F!llyw!!dEs liberal slantChe '!es !n endlesslyI the upti'ht prea,her in the 1B<> m!$ie "&!!tl!!se#Ca ,!nser$ati$e 6meri,an t!wn s! Aui,ed up it !utlaws dan,in'Ca ,hara,ter representin' a U1S1 Marine in 1BBBEs "6meri,an 7eauty# is p!rtrayed m!stly as a h!m!ph!bi, lunati,1 (!mmunism is li!ni?ed in m!$ies su,h as 1B<1Es "4eds# and 200> "M!t!r,y,le /iaries# Cempl!yees always ,!me !-- as her!es su,h as in 1B9B # !rma 4ae#C the system is always e$il 1B<9Es "+all Street#, 1B<9Es "/irty /an,in'# eJt!ls the $irtues !- ab!rti!n, 1BB0Es "Pretty +!man# 'l!ri-ies pr!stituti!n1 11and 7rian /e PalmaEs ,lassi, E9D h!rr!r -ilm "(arrie#I(arrie is made a 'ee* by the m!therEs !$er-pr!te,ti$eness and wa,*iness, , deri$ed -r!m reli'i!n , spe,i-i,ally (hristianity1 %hey als! menti!n that n! F!llyw!!d eJe,uti$e t!day is willin' t! 'reen li'ht a m!$ie that p!rtrays eJtreme Islamists as the enemy, alth!u'h s!me p!int t! 1BB> "%rue )ies# whi,h p!rtrays n!ne !ther than G!$ern!r S,hwaar?enaa'er '!in' head t! head with ,ra?y 0ihads11 but they say thatEs a pra,ti,al de,isi!n, n!t p!liti,alIm!re due t! -ear -!r their li-e than anythin' else1 4esear,hers say there is s!methin' hereditary ab!ut -emales ability t! a,hie$e !r'asm11 12 t! 15 T !- w!men d! n!t ha$e !r'asms ,!mpared t! ab!ut 2T !- men1 %he a$era'e w!man ta*es ab!ut 12 minutes t! rea,h !r'asm ,!mpared t! man at 215 minutes1 M!re w!men were able t! !r'asm durin' masturbati!n1 =2T said they ne$er had an !r'asm, 1>T said they always had an !r'asm1 /urin' inter,!urse1 11 1 Study by %im Spe,t!r, %win 4esear,h Unit St1 %h!mas F!spital in )!nd!n1 &ather and S!n in )!di, (ali-!rniaIs!uth !Sa,rament! were arrested !n suspi,i!n !- ha$in' terr!rist a--iliati!ns1


ASJS0/ 6nn 7an,r!-t wh! played the sultry Mrs1 4!bins!n inVVVVVVVVVVVVVVwith the theme s!n'#FereEs t! y!u, Mrs1 4!bins!n# died yesterday1 1 6,t!r 4ussel (r!we ap!l!'i?es !n /a$id )etterman -!r thr!win' ph!ne at ,!n,ier'e1 Sur-er may ha$e been bit by 'reat white shar* !-- ,!ast !- ew 0ersey 3!r sand bar shar*)1 %w! pil!ts, /ennis (l!yd and (hrist!pher Fu'hes, were arrested -!r drun* !perati!n !- a ,!mmer,ial airplane 0uly 1, 2002 as their Ph!eniJ b!und Aet was pushed ba,* -r!m the 'ateC they had drun* -!urteen beers between them the ni'ht be-!re, siJ h!urs be-!re their -li'ht was t! depart1 7!th in Aail until 0uly 20 -!r senten,in'1 %hey ,!uld 'et up t! -i$e years in pris!n1 Pre$i!usly un*n!wn 6ria by German ,!mp!ser 0!hann Sebastian 7a,h has been dis,!$ered in eastern t!wn !- +eimarI!ne !- the -ew sur$i$in' pie,es -r!m 7a,hEs early peri!d1 Substitute tea,her is a,,used !- ,h!*in' a 12 year !ld b!y until he l!st ,!ns,i!usness in an eJperiment t! see h!w l!n' it w!uld ta*e t! rea,h un,!ns,i!usnessC at 0!hn Marshall :lementary S,h!!l11 in /!r,hester ei'hb!rh!!d 3in 7!st!nL)11 Man wanted -!r t!u,hin' nude sunbathers !n a nude bea,h at Odir!ne 7ea,h 11 ,!min' up behind a lady and -!ndlin' her breasts (hie- 6lan G!uld said1 Uni$ersity !- Mi,hi'an wins w!menEs s!-tball ,hampi!nship, beatin' U()6 in ten innin's in O*lah!ma (ity1 %he s!n !- -!rmer S!,,er star, Pele, was arrested -!r dru' tra--i,*in' admitted a tearyeyed Pele, in Sa! Pa!l! 7ra?ilIthe s!n was a se,!nd strin' '!al *eeper -!r ei'ht years -!r Sant!s, PeleEs -!rmer ,lub1 Fe retired in 1BBB1 %hat same year he was ,!n$i,ted !- $ehi,ular h!mi,ide while parti,ipatin' in a r!ad ra,e that *illed a m!t!r,y,list1 Fe was senten,ed t! siJ years !- w!r* release1 DP10P05

%an'ipah!a Parish S,h!!l /istri,tInear 7at!n 4!u'e )6, pe!ple are $ery sin,ere and ,!mmitted t! prayer and 7ible tea,hin' in the publi, s,h!!ls1 %hey ha$e $i!lated ,!urt !rders tellin' them t! st!p, and n!w It may '! t! the Supreme (!urt1 2100 A!urnalists ha$e ,redentials t! ,!$er the Mi,hael 0a,*s!n trial, but n!t all are there e$ery day1 %!mmy F!!* , a'e 52, !ri'inally ,!ntended he was beaten -!r whistle bl!win' at the )!s 6lam!s (lub, n!w p!li,e say it ws n!t related t! whistle bl!win' but that he ba,*ed int! a pedestrian while lea$in' the ,lub1 6nd then they beat him up1 F!!* sti,*s t! his st!ry, al!n' with his wi-e and lawyer1 %his is an !b$i!us -rame A!bI'et him t! ,!me t! a disreputable pla,e , ,ause a ,!ntr!$ersy, and then try t! ma*e him l!!* bad, by ass!,iati!n, in the press1 +!man h!sta'e, Italian (lementina (ant!ni, a'e =2, held by terr!rists in 6-'hanistan has been released in 2abul, unharmed1 :J K-!rest ran'er was tryin' t! sh!w *ids in a ,lassr!!m h!w t! li'ht a -ire with!ut mat,hesIthe 'unp!wder spar*ed, the s,h!!l had t! be e$a,uated and the ran'er was ta*en t! the h!spital with burn inAuries1 %w! 'al ,!usins hit a h!le-in-!ne !n the same h!le, ,!nse,uti$ely, at (henan'! 5alley State Par* +!menEs G!l- 6ss!,iati!n1 &!rmer Stripper /iana Fampt!n, a'e =B, has been ele,ted t! the muni,ipal ,!urt in Fenders!n, 5 as a Aud'e beatin' her !pp!nent by 19D $!tes1 She a,*n!wled'es she w!r*ed at a )as 5e'as strip tease ,lub in !rder t! w!r* her way thr!u'h ,!lle'e 1> years a'!1 Man held in 0ail at )6P/Rs 99th St1 Stati!n !n suspi,i!n !r!bbin' a h!meless man, du' a h!le in the Aail wall and es,aped1 Spurs beat Pist!ns <>-9B, 'ame !ne !,hampi!nship series1 Plan t! sh!!t a bullet , a bi' ,!pper bullet int! a ,!met !n 0uly > by 6S6E s /eep Impa,t pr!be , impa,t at 152 a1m1 est whi,h is 1052 pm pst !n >th !- 0uly1 %hirteen )161

sheri--Es deputies will be dis,iplined -!r -irin' ab!ut 120 sh!ts at an unarmed dri$er last m!nth1 One will be suspended -!r -i-teen days, !thers less, s!me !nly written reprimands1 G!$1 6rn!ld is tryin' t! pass a bill that will ma*e it harder -!r tea,hers t! 'et tenureI-r!m tw! years t! -i$e years1 6nd 'i$e '!$ern!rs $ast new p!wers t! ,ut spendin'1 6nd %! strip le'islatures the ability t! draw their !wn distri,ts1 Fe says "I ha$e -aith in tea,hers and nurses but n!t their uni!ns1# Part !6rn!lds three year planI-irst st!p the bleedin', 2nd heal the patient, =rd rebuild (ali-!rnia1 Q> run -!r re-ele,ti!n in 200D1 Fe didnEt say1 Still n! si'n !- missin' 6labama 'al1 %r!pi,al St!rm 1 2im Pee* was the subAe,t !- the m!$ie "4ain Man# K2im Pee* was an autisti, sa$ant1 6n!ther st!ry here ab!ut an autisti, sa$ant Kthey ,an d! in,redible intelle,tual thin'sIre,itin' pi -!r -i$e h!urs, -!r eJample, but !-ten an inability t! d! basi, thin'sIthis !ne ,anEt wal* with!ut bein' ,!ns,i!us11 ,anEt '! t! the bea,h Kt!! many pebbles t! ,!unt1 It b!thers him !w they are sayin' in st!ry ab!ut Missin' 6labama 'al that she met a /ut,h teen at !ne p!int and was *issin' him at !ne p!int in the ,ar11 they said they dr!pped her !-- at the h!telIshe re-used assistan,e -r!m /ut,h es,!rt11 she stumbled, and they said they le-t as they saw a se,urity 'uard appr!a,hin' her1 %hey say s!me se,urity 'uards patr!l the area l!!*in' -!r w!men as prey1 7ritish bus ,!mpany is testin' a new se,ret weap!nIt! redu,e p!llutin' emissi!nsIsheep urine, a sta'e ,!a,h has -itted a bus with a tan* ,!ntainin' the urine, sprayed int! the eJhaust t! redu,e emissi!ns, as rep!rted by 6nan!$aEs @uir*ies1 Phil 0a,*s!n is ,!nsiderin' a return as ,!a,h t! the

)a*ersIhe is represented by %!dd Musber'er, br!ther !- 67(Es 7rent Musber'erIa ,!mmentat!r11 DP11P05 12,000 uni$ersity students in 1 2!rea ha$e been !rdered int! the ri,e -ieldsIuni$ersities are ,l!sed until -!!d ,risis is !$er1 %hey als! ,laim t! ha$e a nu,lear b!mb !r b!mbs but w!nt say h!w many1 &ren,hman by the name !- 6lain 4!bert ,allin' himsel- "SpidermanE s,aled a D2 st!ry s*ys,raper usin' !nly his bare hands1 Fe '!t t! the t!p where p!li,e !--i,er were waitin' -!r him1 %hey ,he,*ed his passp!rt but did n!t arrest him1 Fe has pre$i!usly s,aled %aiwanEs %aipei 101Ithe w!rldEs tallest bld'Iit t!!* him -!ur h!urs be,ause it was rainin'1 1D9B -eet1 FeEs als! ,limbed MalaysiaEs Pedr!na %!wers in 2uala )umpur, the :i--el %!wer in Paris and the :mpire State 7ld'1 Mi*e %ys!n l!ses -i'ht t! 2e$in M,7ride in Dth r!und11 7ride is D -!!t 5 wei'hs 291, %ys!n wei'hs 2==I%ys!n was the hea$y -a$!rite1 )aila 6li dau'hter !- Muhammad w!n the -i'htIthe under,ard !- the %ys!n -i'htIshe remains unde-eated -irst w!man t! win +7( title1 )arry 7r!wn ,!a,hed the Spurs -r!m E<< t! EB21 6t the time Gre'' P!pp!$i,h, n!w the Spurs head ,!a,h, was 7r!wnEs assistant1 Spurs ha$e w!n tw! titles sin,e then: in EBB and in E0=1 (!nd!lee?a ri,e played a pian! duet with a y!un' pers!n wh! had a disease then played s!me !- her !wnIshe !ri'inally planned t! be a ,!n,ert pianist1 Arti le a(out use of Vi%eo Tape against !oli eL A1: # '.ome Turn to Vi%eo Tape to :hallenge !oli e; 66 East .ummer IY :ity poli e were fa e% with C004s of C0004s of protestors planning on protesting the -O!

onvention at Ma%ison .)uare -ar%en6 1y the en% of the onvention wee+ the IY!$ ha% ma%e CJ0A arrests6 Ten months later" Dust C70 people have (een onvi te% or have entere% guilty pleas6 Nhile many ases ontinue to win% through the ourt system" many potential prose utions have (een %roppe%6 .ome of them (e ause of vi%eo tape% evi%en e6 !eople with vi%eo ameras su h as $ennis 9yne66 ame from :alifornia planning a whole wee+ of protesting against the -O!6 OI the Hr% %ay he an% %o3ens others were arreste% in front of the Iew Yor+ !u(li Ei(rary6 9yn%e sai% that (efore the poli e move% in 'Ft was totally harmonious6 ?very(o%y was assem(ling pea ea(ly an% ongregating )uietly; >e also noti e% that 'There were a lot of people with vi%eo ameras6 A lot of people ta+ing pi tures6; That ame in han%y when 9yne was arreste% for allege% rioting an% resisting arrest (e ause it turne% out that at least one %o umentary filmma+er4s amera was aime% at him6 .he %o umente% that at this parti ular para%e there *all the way to the time when the poli e pushe% me %own to the groun% an% a use% me of a ting violently" in iting a riot" an% resisting arrest6; The tape" part of a large ar hives olle te% (y the Iational Eawyers -uil%" a ivil rights group that monitore% the protests" showe% $ennis 9yne shouting insults an% getting into poli e offi ers fa es" (ut nothing worse than that6 The tape showe% no tra e of the offi ial arresting offi er" an a(sen e that le% authorities to %ropping harges against 9yne6 The in i%ent is still un%er investigation (y the IY!$ whi h refuse% further omment6 !oli e vi%eo8the offi er oul% show up on poli e %epartment vi%eos of the event (e ause there are plenty

of them6 Vi%eo overage of pu(li events has (een stan%ar% operating pro e%ure for the IY!$ sin e the year of what then poli e ommission 1en Nar% alle% the poli e riot in Tomp+ins .)uare !ar+6 Miami !oli e :hief 5ohn Timoney was a mi%0level IY :ity poli e offi er when %emonstrators an% poli e s)uare% off6 'Aroun% mi%night all hell (ro+e lose6 There was a rapi% mo(ili3ation from every pre in t within Iew Yor+ :ity6 A lot of onfrontations were aught on vi%eotape6; 2rom that %ay forwar% more an% more protestors were arme% with these vi%eo ameras6 Timoney a%%e% 'to the point where now a %o3en years or so later it4s very har% to fin% a protestor without a amera6 An% the poli e are very aware of that6; An% they are rea%y with am or%ers of their own6 After Tomp+ins .)uare !ar+ 'F thin+ all (ets were off; Timoney sai% *protestors were going to get ameras to show their si%e an% poli e thought they ought to have ameras to show their si%e of the event6 ,nfair e%its= .ometimes when ameras ta+e si%es Dusti e gets short hange%6 Attorney Ro(ert Anello su essfully %efen%e% a native Ameri an protestor harge% with atta +ing IY state poli e %uring a %emonstration on the Onon%aga Reservation near .yra use in CBB7" a %emonstration the poli e ha% vi%eotape%6 The poli e vi%eo oul%n4t ma+e things happen that %i%n4t happen (ut ertainly avoi%e% ertain of the s enes" Anello sai%6 2ortunately" for Anellos4 lient a lo al organi3ation amera saw things that the poli e amera %i% not6 The poli e who sai% that they were not using (atons were using (atons )uite li(erally" Anello sai%6 At trial it was pretty apparent that the %ifferen e (etween what poli e weren4t showing an% what the me%ia was a(le to

at h on tape" (efore the ameras were remove% ma%e the %ifferen e (etween the harges an% ultimately the a )uittal6 1rian M Iamara who tea hes future poli e offi ers" prose utors" an% %efense attorneys at 5ohn 5ay :ollege in Iew Yor+ :ity (elieves vi%eo tape an (ring (etter Dusti e6 ' F thin+ poli e offi ers always have to +eep in the (a + of their min% that anything they %o8 anytime they are out on patrol is su(De t to (eing vi%eotape%; M Iamara sai%6 'F thin+ it is a step forwar%6 Ft is +in% of a trite saying" (ut a pi ture is worth a C000 wor%s; 66 (ut still the (ottom line is that the Dury an see it6 An% ma+e their own %etermination6; A )uitte% (y Vi%eo8Ale<an%er $unlop sai% he was Dust wal+ing out to eat when he was swept up in the %emonstration an% arreste%6 !oli e harge% him with a whole laun%ry list of mis%emeanors6 Ft woul% have arrie% up to a years senten e if F was onvi te% of all the harges6 !rose utors tol% $unlop an% his attorney Mi hael :onroy they ha% him %ea% to rights on IY!$ vi%eo tape6 'F was tol% (y the $A4s offi e on several o asions that this was the omplete une%ite% tape; .ai% :onroy6 1ut it turne% out it wasn4t6 The tape that prose utors planne% to use was an e%ite% version6 Ft left out images that supporte% $unlop4s story" an% un%er ut poli e laims that he ha% (een resistant6 Again " the Iational Eawyers -uil% tape olle tion save% an inno ent man6 An% again authorities sai% they annot omment on the way the poli e an% prose utors han%le% the evi%en e (e ause the ase is un%er investigation6 'F4m ertain there are people out there who were arreste%; :onroy sai%" 'who are still (eing prose ute% in this ase who

are a(solutely inno ent" who %on4t have the vi%eo tape to prove it; 1ut Miami !oli e hief Timoney says that vi%eo ameras help the offi ers too (y remin%ing them that at any moment the worl% oul% (e wat hing6 Timoney sai% 'This generation of protestors ten% to (e mu h more restraine% than their pa rents or gran%parents66may(e in part (e ause they too want to loo+ (etter on vi%eo tape6; A1: 4 $avi% Marash ontri(ute% to this story on 5une 7" 200/ on Iightline Mi,hael 0a,*s!n 'rew up in Gary Indiana DP1=P05 %he Aury has rea,hed a $erdi,t in the Mi,hael 0a,*s!n ,ase1 Fe is !n the way t! the ,!urt1 2>> pm1 0a,*s!n a,Muitted !- all ,har'es =0< pm1 11th anni$ersary !- the murder !- 4!n G!ldman and i,!le Simps!n1 Ind!nesian president 'a$e the entire ,!untry a,,ess t! his ,ell ph!ne as a 'esture !- '!!d will, but the line ,rashed be,ause !- s! many ,alls1 4ain @ueen !- 6-ri,a dies at a'e 291+!man in Pennsyl$ania wins milli!n d!llar l!ttery twi,e in the same year1 7aby alli'at!r -!und in the ba,*yard !- a apa 5alley h!me1 4i,hard 2atte re,ei$ed the distin'uished (al$in 6lumni award1 Fe als! tea,hes at /en$er (hristian Fi'h1 DP1DP05 -la*1 Gay statute in %!r!nt! draws

1oth for the a tions of the man it %epi ts an% for the somewhat graphi %es ription of the CBth :entury se< s an%al that ma%e him famous" (ut %eni3ens of Toronto4s *6 Often irreverent

gay neigh(orhoo%" home of the ities hugely popular annual gay pri%e ele(ration say the s ulpture is not offensive an% fits with the spirit of the ommunity6 CH U foot (ron3e an% granite monument %epi ts Ale<an%er Noo% famous for (oth owning the lan% on whi h the ommunity now sits an% for (eing run out of town un%er a lou% of se<ual s an%al in the early CJ004s6 Ft shows a %apper young man wearing a long oat an% hol%ing a top hat an% ane6 'it4s ni e to have the statute in the ommunity (ut F %on4t thin+ it4s well %one; sai% one resi%ent referring to a pla)ue at the statue4s (ase that outlines the s an%al6 'F thin+ it4s mislea%ing" the sensationalisti si%e of homose<uality is not the norm6 ' Noo% immigrate% from . otlan% in the C7B04s *a mer hant" militia man" an% a well respe te% magistrate" (efore running into trou(le in CJC0 when a woman reporte% a rape an% reporte% that she ha% s rat he% the atta +ers genitals6 Noo% too+ matters into his own han%s lining up the suspe ts" %eman%ing that they %rop their pants so he oul% inspe t them6Nhen wor% of the in i%ent got aroun% Noo% was wi%ely (ran%e% a 'molly; a %erogatory term for homose<ual" an% he agree% to leave town" in e< hange for not (eing prose ute% for a(using his position6 The in i%ent is ommemorate% on the statute4s granite (ase with a (ron3e pla)ue %epi ting a man4s rear en% with his pants aroun% his +nees" an% Noo%4s outstret he% han% %oing an e<amination V of the genitalsW6 >ero or pervert= 'Eet4s get something straight6 Ale<an%er Noo% was not a hero6 >e was a pervert" ' says :olumnist Ra hel Mars%en" in the onservative Iational !ost Iewspaper" a%%ing that the (ron3e pla)ue was something that oul% pass for a s ene out

of the Mi hael 5a +son trial6 'This is in the mi%%le of the suppose%ly family0frien%ly tourist %istri t";she wrote6 The (a +ers of the monument say Noo% is an important lin+ to the era4s olorful history an% the QQQQQQ is unli+ely to offen% many in the area where pu(li %isplays of affe tion (etween same se< partners is ommonpla e6 9yle Rae" a ity ounselor for the area" says Noo%s signifi an e in the ommunity is not %ue to his a tions or se<ual orientation6 Ft is not ertain whether he was a tually gay (ut (e ause of the perse ution he suffere% Rae sai% he a )ui + glan e at the te<t on the statute e<plains the onte<t to passer(ys6 'That4s the pro(lem when people %on4t rea%; he sai%6 ' F thin+ it4s always goo% for a person to have to e<plain things an% not loo+ the other way6; The statute ost :ana%ian @200"000 (Ameri an @CA0"000&" split (etween pu(li fun%s an% lo al (usiness %evelopment" at the south en% of the main66 an% :hur h .t6 line% with offee (ars an% em(lemati flags6 (Reporte% (y ReutersL O%%ly ?nough& Sean Penn, the a,t!r, a'e >>, is w!r*in' -!r the san &ran,is,! (hr!ni,le in Iran as a rep!rter ,!$erin' the presidential ele,ti!ns1 :a'le with -ish in its m!uth -lies thr!u'h a pi,ture wind!w !a h!me in 6las*a, 11 and a-ter a -ew stunned m!ments -lies ba,* !ut1 %he w!man inside hears a ,rash, -inds a -ish ,ar,ass and br!*en 'lass all !$er the pla,e and has n! idea what Aust happened, n!t seein' the bird1 !t until a nei'hb!r ,!mes by wh! !bser$ed it d!es she -ind !ut1 She initially thin*s s!meb!dy threw a -ish ,ar,ass thr!u'h her wind!w1 %een ,har'ed with battery a-ter intenti!nally $!mitin' !n his Spanish tea,her at

the Olathe !rthwest Fi'h S,h!!l 1 (!urt p!li,e !--i,er 3baili--) lea$es her 'un, a >> ,aliber Gl!,* pist!l, in the restr!!m inside the 7in'hampt!n ,!urth!use, in 7r!!m (!unty1 Philippines president Gl!ria 6rr!y! is !ne !- the m!st unp!pular presidents e$er, a-ter !nly bein' in !--i,e a year !r s!1 )eatherba,* turtles are -a,in' eJtin,ti!n be,ause !- the l!ss !- !ne !- their -ew 3!ne !- -!ur)nestin' 'r!unds -!ll!win' the tsunami, whi,h washed !ut the bea,h !n the i,!bar Islands1 %hey ha$e $ery imp!rtant Muali-i,ati!ns -!r nestin' bea,hes1 Galathea 7ea,h !n Great i,!bar has $irtually been washed away1 Pist!ns beat Spurs at h!me1 Phil 0a,*s!n is returnin' t! ,!a,h the )a*ers, /isney w!rld in Oran'e (!unty &l!ridaL !w they are sear,hin' the h!me !- the /ut,h %een in 6ruba in re'ards t! disappearan,e !- 6labama 'al &l!rida ,ity is usin' ,ell ph!ne te,h t! pay -!r par*in'Ithey 'i$e the meters a numberIy!u ,all it inIthe ,har'e be'ins when y!u tell it t! and st!ps when y!u return1 Stephen G!u'h wal*ed a,r!ss :n'land na*ed 11 arrested 1> times and spent 5 m!nths in Aail, and n!w he plans t! d! it a'ain with his 'al -riend Melanie 4!berts1 Mi*e %ys!n says he will retire n!w endin' with 50-D re,!rd, l!ts !- *n!,*!uts early in his ,areer, the bi''est !ne a'ainst Mi,hael Spin*s in << se,!nds1 Plane ,rashes near 8uma 6N,--!ne !- th!se that ,an ta*e !-- li*e a heli,!pter and then -ly li*e a plane1 &!ur b!mbs !n b!ard1 !b!dy *illed, but the pil!t was inAured, se$eral h!mes dama'ed1 &!ur 2eller Fi'h S,h!!l ,heerleaders were sent h!me early -r!m summer ,amp a-ter alle'edly puttin' human -e,es !n a pi??a and tryin' t! -rame ri$al ,heerleaders -!r d!in' it1 &!rmer F!lly Fill P!li,e !--i,er, Mar* +ri'ht a'e =D, ,har'ed -!r ma*in'

deals with -emale tra--i, ,itati!n re,ipients Khe w!uld let them '! i- they stripped -!r him In 0uly EBB and /e,ember 200>, +ri'ht initiated tra--i, st!ps !n w!men wh! were dri$in' under suspensi!n1 Fe all!wed them t! dri$e t! the p!li,e stati!n, C !n,e inside he !--ered t! dr!p the ,har'es i- the w!men all!wed him t! $ide!tape them ta*in' their ,l!thes !--1 In EB< he st!pped a w!man and !--ered t! dr!p the ,har'e i- she pulled up her shirt 1 1=year-!ld b!y Aumped int! a Publi, +!r*s tru,* and led p!li,e !n a ,hase -!r at least 20 miles1, ar!und Miami, /ade (!unty1 Fe ran !$er a p!li,e !--i,erL 6nd ,aused at least tw! ,rashes1 6 1> year !ld b!y st!le a (essna airplane and went !n a late ni'ht A!y ride, despite ha$in' ne$er -l!wn a plane be-!re, ta*in' !-- and landin' twi,e be-!re bein' arrested1 Strip ,lubs be,!me in,reasin'ly bi' business n Manhattan ew 8!r*, Pist!ns win 102-91, tyin' the series at 2-21 C a )!s 6n'eles w!man was stru,* in the head by a stray bullet while standin' in line with her -ian,[ at a ,hi,*en stand1 She died1 D=-year !ld ped!phile /ean 6rthur S,hwart?miller has n!teb!!*s . ,!mputer -iles with lists !- b!ys names and seJual a,ts neJt t! them 3apparently his intended a,t with them i- he was able t! m!lest them)Cn!w they are sayin' he may ha$e had 1000Es !- $i,tims1 P!li,e dis,!$ered ,hild p!rn and numer!us l!'s with =D,000 ,hildrenEs names !n it1 /e-ense 6tt!rney Mari /ee (astan?! made a reputati!n -!r hersel- as an a''ressi$e att!rney is n!w -a,in' ,har'es !- tryin' t! hire s!meb!dy t! *ill her husband1 She pled 'uilty, 38!un'st!wnL St1 Petersbur', &)L)C1 Olympi, Sprinter 6sa-a P!well has be,!me the w!rlds -astest man ,l!,*in' B199 se,!nds in the 100 meter in 6thens Olympi, Stadium German man, %h!mas Mennin'er, a'e =B, near &ran*-urt Germany, -ell !-- buildin' a-ter

sleepwal*in' !ut his bedr!!m wind!w up a drain pipe t! the r!!-1 7e-!re -allin' 20 -eet1 Fe was n!t seri!usly inAured1 111 )ei'h 6nn Fester !- the 2entu,*y ati!nal 'uard, -r!m ash$ille % , be,ame the -irst -emale s!ldier t! re,ei$e Sil$er Star sin,e ++II -!r 'allantry in -i'htin' thr!u'h an ambush in IraM !n Mar,h 20, 2005I*illin' at least = insur'ents1 She is a retail st!re mana'er when she isnEt -i'htin' -!r the army1 6ruba auth!rities sear,hed the apartment !- %he /ut,h %een, 0!ran 5andersl!!t, as well as the adA!inin' residen,e !- his -ather /ut,h !--i,ial, Paul 5andersl!!t,1 %hey say the -ather is n!t a suspe,t in the disappearan,e !- the 6labama 'al, but the s!n is, alth!u'h n! ,har'es ha$e been -iled1 %he a,,!mpli,e in a series !- rapes . murders !- teena'e 'als, !ne !- (anadaEs m!st in-am!us ,riminals, will wal* -ree in a -ew wee*s, 2arla F!m!l*a, a'e =5, has -inished her 12 year senten,e -!r her r!le in the seJual slayin' !- tw! pubes,ent 'als in the early B0Es1She als! t!!* part in the slayin' !- her sister, %anna, but wasnEt ,har'ed in her death1 Many pe!ple th!u'ht she sh!uld ha$e been put in Aail -!r li-e, but in !rder t! 'et her t! testi-y a'ainst her a,,!mpli,e and -!rmer husband, (anadian auth!rities a'reed t! a plea bar'ain1 She pled 'uilty t! manslau'hter, 'i$in' her a d!?en years in Aail1 1 she ,laims that her husband at the time beat her until she a'reed t! dru' . rape her sister, and that her husband said he w!uld *ill her and her -amily i- she did n!t1 On (hristmas :$e 1BB0 the ,!uple dra''ed her y!un'er sister %anna t! *n!,* her un,!ns,i!us while they seJually assaulted her and $ide!taped it1 %he epis!de ended h!rri-i,ally with %ammy ,h!*in' t! death !n her !wn $!mit1 It was ,!nsidered an a,,ident

at the time1 &!ll!win' that the tw! !- them '!t married in 1BB1,Ctw! wee*s be-!re their weddin' day they abdu,ted , assaulted, and stran'led 1> year-!ld )eslie Maha--y1 I 6pril EB2 (hristian &ren,h a'e 15 disappeared1 %hey *idnapped the teena'er and raped her day and ni'ht, with the $ide! ,amera r!llin'1 )ater, they dumped her b!dy by the side !- the r!ad and dr!$e !--1 She went t! the p!li,e and ,!n-essed, and arran'ed a plea bar'ain, but then durin' the trial in 1BB5 the $ide!tapes suddenly sur-a,ed and they sh!wed that 2arla did n!t appear t! ha$e been -!r,ed by her husband but seemed t! be enA!yin' the slayin's and seJual assaults1 Fe '!t li-e in pris!n with!ut par!le1 %he Mi'hty /u,*s ha$e been s!ld -!r 95 milli!n t! Fenry . Susan Samueli1

ASC7S0/ G!$ern!r 7ush has !rdered an in$esti'ati!n int! the ,!llapse !- %eri S,hia$! be-!re she went int! a ,!ma1 Mar,us +ess!n, the -ell!w wh! either *illed all his ,hildren and 'rand,hildren !r made his dau'hter d! s!, was -!und 'uilty !- murder, and ,!uld be senten,ed t! death1 %his is the in,ident that happened !n the -irst day !- the (are . 2indness -esti$al, 200>Iand they suspe,ted that he was b!th the -ather and 'rand-ather !- s!me !- the ,hildren 6 O%F:4 p!tential suspe,t in the missin' 6labama 'al in 6rubaIa dis, A!,*ey by the name !Ste$e Gre'!ry (r!es, a'e 2D, C6n!ther heli,!pter ,rashed in ew 8!r*, thatEs tw! in tw! wee*s, this time the heli,!pter san*, but e$eryb!dy sur$i$ed, !nly !ne

seri!us inAury1 %he heli,!pter had Aust ta*en !--r!m the =>St helip!rt1 (!ntestants will 'ather at the 7!ttle Inn in s!uthwest :n'land 3Marshw!!d) Saturday i'ht t! ta*e part in the B th annual +!rld ettle :atin' (hampi!nship1 %hey must plu,* . eat as many lea$es as they ,an -r!m the -eathery stin'in' plants in !ne h!ur, the results are measured in -eet . in,hes1 )ast year the winner ate >2 -eet !- nettles1 %he w!rld re,!rd is 9> -eet1 6 w!man, +endy (!bb, a'e =<, sear,hin' -!r aluminum ,ans in a trash bin, was dumped int! the ba,* !- a 'arba'e tru,* unbe*n!wnst t! the dri$er wh! heard her s,reams Aust be-!re he was ab!ut t! hit the ,!mpa,t!r butt!n 3&ramin'hamL), 2an'ar!! !n the l!!se !utside (harlest!n +1 5ir'iniaI= -!!t *an'ar!! ,!mes !ut at ni'ht1 7!!* ab!ut behind the s,enes in a ,riminal ,!urth!use by Ste$e 7!'ira, :ntitled O(!urtr!!m =02, a 8ear 7ehind the S,enes in an 6meri,an (riminal (!urth!use# he says the (!!* (!unty Aail is s! !$er,r!wded and !$erwhelmed there are pe!ple wh! are ,!n$i,ted wh! are inn!,ent and pe!ple wh! are inn!,ent wh! plead 'uilty1 Fe says that s!me pe!ple wh! 'et int! the system d!nEt l!!* at it -r!m the standp!int !- I didnEtE d! this but psy,h!l!'i,ally they -i'ure !*ay IEm in the system h!w d! I 'et !ut with the least harm p!ssible1 In$esti'at!rs -!und that dete,ti$es r!utinely used ele,tri, sh!,* and !ther meth!ds !- t!rture t! eJtra,t ,!n-essi!ns1 6n'els relie$er 7rend!n /!nnelly was suspended -!r ten 'ames -!r bein' ,au'ht with pine tar in his mitt1 6'ainst the +ashin't!n ati!nals1 7!th mana'ers were als! suspended -!r !ne 'ame apie,e -!r Muarrellin'1 G!$ern!r 7ush has !rdered an in$esti'ati!n int! the S,hia$! ,aseIwhy the lapse between the time she ,!llapsed and the time the husband ,alled B11LUShe ,!llapsed !n &eb 25, 1BB01

One !- the Aur!rs, Pauline (!,,!?, wh! a,Muitted Mi,hael 0a,*s!n sh!wed up -!r a party at a ,asin!, as did !ne !- his att!rneys , 4!bert San'er, and numer!us -ans, as well as 0a,*s!nEs m!ther, and his br!ther %it!, but n!t Mi,hael himsel-1 0!urnalists were n!t all!wed in1 6 2!rean ,!uple ,r!ssed !$er -r!m !rth 2!rea t! S!uth 2!rea by sailb!atIwith the intent !- de-e,tin'1 %he ,!uple, last name (h!i, ha$e been determined t! lea$e 1 2!rea sin,e the husbandEs m!ther and br!ther were eJe,uted in 200> -!r eJperiments !n human b!dies1 DP1<P05 )e!nard! /i(apri! was stru,* in the head by a b!ttle at a party !- the -!rmer b!y-riend !Paris Filt!n, 4i,* Salam!n, Ihe re,ei$ed 12 stit,hes in the head1 Serial M!lester alle'edly le-t de,ades l!n' trail !- th!usands !- y!un' b!ys in = ,!untries, despite bein' arrested at least B times -!r m!lestin' b!ys1 6rthur S,hwart?miller mana'ed t! a$!id len'thy pris!n terms, ,!a,hed y!uth -!!tball, and m!$ed in with an!ther seJual !--ender, is n!w ,!nsidered by auth!rities t! be !ne !- the m!st Kpr!li-i, ,hild m!lest!rs in hist!ry1 Fis ,riminal re,!rd be'an =5 years a'! but he ne$er re'istered as a seJ !--ender, and spent Aust 12 years in pris!n, 11 time !n the !utside p!li,e suspe,ted he m!lested as many as =D, 000 ,hildren in se$eral states as well as MeJi,! and 7ra?il1 Fis lawyer , 0ames 2e$an, says he was hi'hly ,harismati, and smarter than he,*1 Fis de-ense att!rneys said S,hwart?miller ,!uld write up le'al d!,uments better than m!st lawyers, !-ten de-endin' himsel- in ,!urtIhe '!t 2 !- his -!ur ,!n$i,ti!ns !$erturned, e$en th!u'h the Idah! Supreme (!urt ,alled him a repeat !--ender wh!

uses his intelli'en,e t! ta*e ad$anta'e !- the wea* , !ppressed, and th!se wh! are in need1 %he D= year !ld man is bein' held with!ut bail !n ,har'es in$!l$in' tw! San 0!se b!ys1 P!li,e and the &7I are tryin' t! retra,e his m!$ements !$er the last =0 years, a sear,h !- his h!me turned up spiral b!und n!teb!!*s with n!tes !n m!re than =D, 000 ,hildren with ,ate'!ries su,h as "bl!nd b!ys#, ",ute b!ys,# "b!ys wh! say n!# t!'ether with ,!des indi,atin' !r appearin' t! indi,ate h!w he abused themY !r h!w he planned t! abuse themZSan 0!se p!li,e lieutenant S,!tt (!rn-ield said C his publi, de-ender w!uld n!t return ,alls -!r ,!mmentsC,!urt re,!rds released &riday indi,ated that S,hwart?miller li$ed -!r -i$e years with an!ther ,!n$i,ted seJ !--ender, &reddie :$arts a'e =>, wh!m he met in Aail1 %!'ether they alle'edly lured b!ys t! their h!me with 'i-ts !- s*ateb!ards, $ide! 'ames and a m!t!rbi*e1 :$arts said S,hwart?miller ,laimed t! be dyin' !- an un*n!wn disease, and was *eepin' n!tes !n his en,!unter with b!ys -!r a manus,ript , a,,!rdin' t! ,!urt re,!rds1 :$arts is in Aail -!r -ailin' t! re'ister as a seJ !--ender1 2e$an, the -!rmer att!rney, wh! was later disbarred a-ter ha$in' dru' pr!blems, said he *new S,hwart?miller as %im Miller, !ne !- his many aliases, when they b!th li$ed in M!untain F!me, Idah!, a small t!wn near the Sawt!!th Mts1 "+hen I -irst met him he was ,!a,hin' a little lea'ue -!!tball team# said 2e$an, "and I helped him ,!a,h1# %hey all th!u'ht he was 'reat1 !b!dy suspe,ted a thin'Iin retr!spe,t there were thin's that seemed wr!n', li*e the time he t!!* the team t! a 'ame in 7!ise and they st!pped in the desert YwhereEs the desert ar!und Idah!LZ t! d! a A!,*strap ,he,*1 2e$an

was n!t !n the bus at the time and it was n!t until later that he reali?ed that S,hwart?miler was pi,*in' !ut p!tential $i,tims1 7y that time S,hwart?miller had already been ,!n$i,ted !m!lestin' b!ys1 Fis re,!rd appears t! date ba,* t! 1B90 when he was ,!n$i,ted in 6las*a !lewd . las,i$i!us ,!ndu,t with three teen b!ys1 Fe was senten,ed t! tw! years pr!bati!n and then he did it a'ain years later -!r m!lestin' an!ther b!y but apparently -led the state be-!re he ,!uld be tried1 O$er the years S,hwart?miler was ,!n$i,ted !- m!lestati!n at least -!ur times but was a,Muitted !n,e and a$!ided pr!se,uti!n !n !ther ,har'es1 +hen it -irst ,ame t! auth!rities attenti!n there was n! Me'anEs law !r %hree Stri*es )aw, and 6meri,ans were less aware !- the rami-i,ati!ns and se$erity !- seJual abuse1 Fe ,alled in 2e$an when he was -a,in' trial in Idah! !n in the 1B90Es !n ,har'es he m!lested tw! thirteen year !ld b!ys1 "8!uE$e '!t t! tell me whatEs '!in' !n# he demanded !- S,hwart?miller1 2e$an said he !utlined a hist!ry !- m!lestin' b!ys -r!m 6las*a and d!wn the west ,!ast1 :$en then S,hwart?miller had been *eepin' n!teb!!*s !his $i,tims with a ,!uple hundred b!ys names -!ll!wed by numbers that des,ribed the b!ys anat!my1 In$esti'at!rs did n!t *n!w what they meant1 %hey didnEt ta*e them1 I t!ld him t! 'et rid !- them1 M!untain F!me p!li,e (apt1 Ste$e Pur,ell was !n the -!r,e at the time, had n! in-!rmati!n ab!ut the n!teb!!*1 Fe says that there is a l!t !- ,ase law in Idah! with S,hwart?millers name !n it1 Fe spent ab!ut tw! years in pris!n !n the Idah! ,har'es1 )ater tw! !ther b!ys said he m!lested them and he -led t! Ore'!n1 )ater he was a,,used !- -!r,in' a b!y int! pr!stituti!n but the U1S1 6tt!rneys O--i,e de-erred pr!se,uti!n t! auth!rities in

Idah! where he spent an!ther siJ years in pris!n -!r m!lestin' b!ys1 7y that time 2e$an had been disbarred1 C Spurs beat Pist!ns BD-B5 in !$ertime1 %!m (ruise '!t sMuirted in the -a,e with a water 'un1 Fe ,alled the 'uy a Aer* and rude DP21P05 6 sur'e in (hristian b!!* sales, in,ludin' (hristian ",hi,* lit1# F!ust!n 6str!s !ut-ielder, 0as!n )ane3L), ,au'ht a -ly ball and th!u'ht that made the third !utIs! he -lipped the ball ,asually int! the stands -!r a -an1 7ut as it turned !ut, there were !nly tw! !utsCs! the !ther team s,!red !n his mista*e1 2illen -!und 'uilty !- manslau'hter, the "Mississippi 7urnin'# was based !n his li-e m!$ie

Suspe,ted 7%2 *illerI/ennis 4ader, says he is n!t bein' treated ri'ht by his att!rneys1 %heyEre n!t 'i$in' him the -iles1 +i-e ,!ntemplatin' di$!r,e1 Pr!stituti!n is le'al in &ran,e1 !t ille'al in :n'land but s!li,itin' it is1 %hailand it is ille'al but payin' -!r seJ is n!t ille'al1 7illy Graham is !n last re$i$al in United States1 Kin ew 8!r* 1 &ire in M!Aa$e /esert1 Parents !- /ut,h %een in 6ruba say they thin* he is inn!,ent1 Prin,e +illiams 'raduates -r!m (!lle'e1 M!re sui,ide b!mbin's in 7a'hdad1 Nimbabwe '!$ernment is pl!win' d!wn h!uses whi,h they say are ille'al !r that ille'al tradin' is '!in' !n in themIlea$in' 120,000 h!meless durin' a time when unempl!yment is at 90 T C 9= year !ld 2enyan 'rand-ather rea,hed int! the m!uth !- an atta,*in' le!pard and pulled !ut its t!n'ue, *illin' it1 Snapple tried t! ere,t the lar'est P!psi,le e$er but it melted s! -ast in a

ew 8!r* par* they had t! ta*e it d!wn be-!re it e$er '!t all the way up1 DP22-DP2=P05 Spurs beat Pist!ns t! win the (hampi!nship1 4!'er :bert '!t a star !n the wal* !- -ame1 !w the /ut,h %een in 6ruba says he did n!t dr!p the 'al !-- at the h!tel but le-t her at the bea,h1 +ild-ires in 6ri?!na . (ali-!rnia1 =rd (hampi!nship in 9 seas!ns -!r Spurs in,ludin' EBB , and E0=1 4!'er (lemens leads maA!r lea'ues with :46 !- 1151 his l!west e$er at this p!int !- the seas!n1 Fis ==>th ,areer $i,t!ry -!r 6str!s1 FeEs D-= !n the seas!n and ,!uld be unde-eated but 6str!s are stru''lin' FeEs >2 years !ld1 %!day is %a*e y!ur /!' t! +!r* day1 0!hn (!uey, a'e >D, says he -ed 0essi,a )unds-!rd -!r 2 !r = days in a ,l!set in his m!bile h!me 11 and when in$esti'at!rs ,ame they didnEt sear,h the premises but that she was still in there, ali$e1 Fe then buried her ali$e1 Medi,al eJaminati!n determined death by 6sphyJiati!n1 Fer -in'ers stu,* thr!u'h the ba'1 "She was ali$e I buried her ali$e# he said1 Fe said he snea*ed thr!u'h an unl!,*ed d!!r a-ter a ni'ht !- sm!*in' ,ra,* and drin*in' beer1 Fe t!ld the 'al t! -!ll!w him t! his sisters h!use1 &!r the neJt three days he raped the 'al and seJually assaulted her at least tw! !ther times in his bedr!!m Fe said 0essi,a ne$er yelled !r ban'ed !n the walls t! draw attenti!n1 :$en th!u'h he admits all this he has pled n!t 'uilty1 Fe has ,!ntradi,ted himsel- th!u'hIat !ne p!int he said he *ept her ali$e -!r !ne day, an!ther time -!r siJ days, and n!w three days1 MeJi,! be,ame the -irst state t! reMuire i'niti!n interl!,* systems -!r drun* dri$er !--enders1 I,anEt pass breathaly?er the ,ar will n!t start1 Snappin' turtle in Germany bites a b!y !n the penis1 %hey thin* the snappin' turtle was

s!meb!dyEs pet1 %im /un,an M5P !- (hampi!nship series1 One !- the belie-s !- S,ient!l!'y is that earthlin's were in$aded milli!ns !- years a'! by alien s!uls sent -r!m !uter spa,e1 S,ient!l!'y ,hur,h has < milli!n membersI!ne !the -astest 'r!win' !n earth1 ew,!mers start with "auditin'# whi,h is a ,r!ss between an inter$iew and ,!n-essi!n empl!yin' a rudimentary lie dete,t!r 1 1the '!al is t! learn ab!ut, tar'et, and shed ne'ati$e -!r,es that blunt p!tential 11 -!r a re'ular pers!n the -irst step may be a -ree stress test1 Iy!u are Aust startin' !ut y!u '! thr!u'h a "pre-,lear# whi,h is what 2aty F!lmes isI-ian,[ !- %!m (ruise1 I- y!u *eep '!in' y!u be,!me a %hetan, *n!wled'e !- ,!n-idential tea,hin's !s,ient!l!'y1 %ra$!lta is O%9, (ruise is O%D1 One !- the se,rets re$ealed is the in,ident that led t! the ,urrent e$ils !- the earthI p!sted !n internet11 a 'ala,ti, sha*eup 95 milli!n years a'! when an alien ruler sent billi!ns !- subAe,ts t! the planet t! s!l$e an !$erp!pulati!n pr!blem C these thetan s!uls dispersed and in$aded humans11 s,ient!l!'y is the means by whi,h !neEs b!dyEs thetans are pur'ed1 S,ient!l!'y $ehemently !bAe,ts psy,hiatry and psy,hiatri, dru's1 Fen,e %!m (ruiseEs ,riti,ism !- 7r!!*e Shields -!r ta*in' PaJil -!r p!st-partum depressi!n1 It ,an ,!st up t! H100,000 in d!nati!ns t! attain a le$el !- O%C1 6t ati!nal (hampi!nships a $!lunteer, Paul Su?u*i, a'e 99, was hit in the head by a pra,ti,e sh!t put and died1 6 twel$e Kyear !ld :thi!pian 'al was *idnapped and beaten by s!me men and s!me li!ns

atta,*ed the men, dr!$e them away and then pr!te,ted the 'al1 Is that a mira,leL 7at bites -r!m rabid bats ha$e *illed 11 pe!ple in 7ra?il in the last wee*1 1 AS24S0/ %!m (ruise %!ld Matt )auer -r!m 67(Es %!day Sh!w that he 3Matt) did n!t *n!w the hist!ry !psy,hiatry but (ruise d!es1 )auer said he *new pe!ple wh! had been helped by the medi,ati!n 4italin -!r attenti!n de-i,it dis!rder, (ruise resp!nded t! )auer that he 3matt) was bein' "'lib# , and t!ld Matt that he 3Matt) did n!t e$en *n!w what 4italin is i- he was tal*in' ab!ut ,hemi,al imbalan,eCand t!ld him that he had e$aluated the resear,h !n the subAe,t11Fe als! t!ld Matt that !ne ,!uld be b!th (hristian and S,ient!l!'istCand that S,ient!l!'y is a reli'i!n be,ause it is dealin' with the spirit and that that it pr!$ides t!!ls -!r li-eC 11he tal*ed ab!ut his en'a'ement t! 2aty F!lmes and pre$i!us marria'es Mimi 4!'ers and i,!le 2idman whi,h ended in di$!r,e1 Pr!-ess!r Stephen 2ent !- Uni$ersity !- 6lberta in (anada has written eJtensi$ely ab!ut s,ient!l!'y, and that the spa,e in$asi!n in the +ar !- the +!rlds has s!me similarities t! s,ient!l!'yEs tea,hin' !- the Mar,ab (!n-edera,y whi,h he says is des,ribed in a ,hur,h d!,ument as a 'r!up !- planets 11a $ast ,i$ili?ati!n Cw!rse !-- than earth in many ways1 %he ,hur,hEs website says that s,ient!l!'ists belie$e that the human s!ul is eternal and a-ter death it is rein,arnated1 2ent says s,ient!l!'ists als! tea,h the st!ry !- Senu, a 'ala,ti, warl!rd -r!m 95 milli!n years a'! wh! buried billi!ns !- pe!ple -r!m !ther planets in earths $!l,an!es1 %he s!uls !these spa,e ,reatures ,!nstantly inter-ere with

the humans1 One !- the missi!ns !- s,ient!l!'y is t! help shed these spirits1 %he website als! menti!ns "Spa,e Opera# whi,h s,ient!l!'y says is the ,!n,ept h!w !$er the ,!urse !- milli!ns !- years, human rein,arnati!ns has been e--e,ted by spa,e ,reatures1 " Spa,e Opera has spa,e tra$el, spa,eships, spa,emen, inter'ala,ti, tra$el, wars, ,!n-li,ts, and !ther bein's, !ther ,i$ili?ati!ns and s!,ieties, planets . 'alaJies1 It is n!t -i,ti!n and ,!n,erns a,tual in,idents1# (ruise says, " I thin* it is supreme arr!'an,e t! thin* we are the !nly li-e -!rm in the entire uni$erse1# : %hree missi!n ew 0ersey 7!ys: Manny 0esstin Pa'an a'e 5, /anny 6'!st!, a'e D, and 6nnibal 0uni (ru? a'e 11, $anished -r!m their yard neJt t! 6nnibals h!me !n M!nday e$enin'1 %he ,ar where they were -!und was par*ed in a dri$eway neJt t! the yard1 %hey were in the trun*Iall three died -r!m su--!,ati!n1 (amden (!unty, ew 0ersey1 7illy Grahams last U1S1 (rusade be'ins t!ni'ht in &lushin' Mead!ws1 M!ther with Muintuplets has been ,har'ed with endan'erin' their wel-are, lea$in' them al!ne with the -!ur year !ld t! ta*e ,are !- them -!r an h!ur and 20 minutes1 &ather is a tru,* dri$er, says that it is hard t! ma*e ends meet1 &ire ra'es at St1 )!uis -a,t!ry, h!mes e$a,uated1 4ussian spa,e (ar'! Ship -r!m Intl1 Spa,e Stati!n plun'ed int! the Pa,i-i, O,ean a-ter und!,*in' -r!m the state stati!n1 6n!ther w!man has ,!me -!rward ,laimin' that 7ill (!sby was dru''ed and seJually assaulted by (!sby11 she has lined up ele$en !ther w!men wh! will ,laim the same1 7eth &errier -r!m /en$er ,laims that 21 years a'! she had a brie- -lin' with (!sby1 She said he 'a$e her ,!--ee and then w!*e up in the ba,* !- her ,ar al!ne, bra und!ne, C Ms1 (anstane had already
2 '

-iled a ,i$il suit sayin' (!sby dru''ed and assaulted her in 0anuary 200> in his Philadelphia mansi!n1 +!men wh! eat S!ya mi'ht lessen their ,han,e t! be,!me pre'nant1 S!ya ,an be -!und in e$eryday -!!ds su,h as mar'arine, sau,es, ,h!,!late, meat substitutes, in,ludin' $e'etarian -!!ds1 7illy 'raham has -luid in the brain, pr!strate ,an,er, and Par*ins!ns disease St!ry !- M!!nli'ht Graham: On DP2BP05 6r,hibald +ri'ht Graham made his l!ne appearan,e in the maA!rs, ne$er '!t t! hit, le-t !n de,*, played !nly tw! innin's, may n!t ha$e e$en t!u,hed the ball, he went t! ri'ht -ield as a late substitute1 "went t! ri'ht -ield -!r ew 8!r*C# 20 year !ld r!!*ie11 li*e a -lash !- m!!nli'ht he was '!ne11 st!ry t!!* a while t! 'et ar!und1 6uth!r +1P 2insella t! ma*e su,h a part !- the p!etry and r!man,e that ,elebrates the l!re and lure !- baseball11m!re than a de,ade a-ter Graham died in 1BD5, the pri?e winnin' auth!r was l!!*in' thr!u'h his 7aseball :n,y,l!pedia that his -ather had 'i$en him11 it had stats -!r all maA!r lea'ue players11 I was intri'ued by the n!tati!n -!r Graham11 his 1B<2 n!$el "Sh!eless 0!e# was adapted int! the E<B -ilm "&ield !- /reams# and M!!nli'ht was reb!rn11 e$entually a ,!uple !- websites were dedi,ated t! him and a s,h!larship -und dedi,ated t! his h!n!r1 _ 2insella said he did n!t anti,ipate this ,!uld happen in a %5 inter$iew with in 7ritish (!lumbia1 1 +hen the C s,!reb!ard -li,*ers with Graham see*in' !ne at bat, he as*s "Cis there en!u'h ma'i, !ut there in the m!!nli'ht t! ma*e dreams ,!me trueL# 5eta P!ni*$ar *new Graham -!r alm!st hal- a ,entury in Minnes!ta11 he arri$ed ar!und 1B12 a-ter the
2 1

t!wn pla,ed an ad -!r a s,h!!l d!,t!r1 She said he ne$er b!asted ab!ut his ball playin', n!r his en,hantin' ni,*name1 I 'uessed that it was be,ause by the li'ht !- the m!!n that he pra,ti,ed baseball1 S!me pe!ple said be,ause he m!!nli'hted as a d!,t!r1 ! matter , she said that 7ert )an,asterEs *indly p!rtrayal was per-e,t1 "I remember pr!bably in =rd 'rade when he in!,ulated me -!r s,arlet -e$er# she said1 "I still ha$e the mar* !n my arm1 Gr!win' up I th!u'ht it was the m!st h!rrible thin'1 )ater I th!u'ht Oh /!, Graham y!u are pretty pre,i!us1 8!u le-t y!ur mar*1 !w in her mid <0Es she will be at the Metr!d!me this +ednesday t! thr!w !ut the -irst ball be-!re 2ansas (ity plays Minnes!ta !n M!!nli'ht Graham /ay1 0ust be,ause !- sheer lu,*C when 2insella -lipped thr!u'h the en,y,l!pedia he ,!uld ha$e easily turned t! a pa'e -!r any !- the !ther B00 players wh! !nly played in !ne maA!r lea'ue 'ame 1 "I had n! ba,* up " 2insella said1 "+hen I appr!a,h -i,ti!n writin' and need -a,ts, I in$ent them, s! I w!uld ha$e in$ented a ba,*'r!und -!r M!!nli'ht Graham, but I am sure that n!thin' is as w!nder-ul as the truth1 It was a '!ldmine1# S! what i- he didnEt play in the last 'ame !- the seas!n1 6nd what i- he didnEt bat le-t handed rather than ri'ht1L Or that he '!t sent d!wn a-ter his !ne bi' lea'ue 'ame and spent three m!re years in the min!rs1 %h!se blue hats he b!u'ht -!r his wi-e, 6li,iaI abs!lutely true11he said1 Fe patted ,hildren t! ,lear -!!d stu,* in their thr!ats1 6n!ther -a,t: Fis y!un'er br!ther, &ran* P!rter 'raham was a U1S1 Senat!r -!r !rth (ar!lina1 ItEs a st!ry that -ans e$erywhere embra,ed, alm!st e$ery!ne1 7arry 7!nds, the slu''er -!r the 8 Giants says he d!esnEt wat,h m!$ies ab!ut what he d!es1 F!we$er, /arrin :rstadt, 6n'els Star,
2 2

says he has wat,hed "&ield !- /reams# twenty t! thirty times1 "ItEs a spe,ial thin'# he said, "7e,ause it is the dream !- a l!t !- *ids !ut there1 " 7!b Fe'manEs !ne bi' lea'ue 'ame ,ame in 6u'ust !- E<5 when he repla,ed Ge!r'e 7rett in the 2ansas (ity in-ield in the Bth innin'1 "8!u wait -!r s! l!n'CAust runnin' !n t! the -ield was surreal# said Fe'man, n!w an ad$an,e s,!ut -!r the %wins1 %he 4!yals went !n t! win the +!rld Series that year and they remembered him, s!rt !- anyways, e$eryb!dy as*s did y!u 'et a rin'L Fe,* n!, all I '!t was a H100 ,he,*1 I wished I had *ept it and -ramed it but I needed t! eat1 " (alled up in Sept1 E9B Far'us made his l!ne appearan,e -!r Pittsbur'h !n the neJt-t!-last day !- the seas!n 1 "8!u *eep thin*in', Aust let me in !ne 'ame, s! my name ,an 'et in the b!!*# he said1 "+hen y!u d!, itEs Aust li*e the m!$ie1 8!ur eyes li'ht up1 8!u ne$er want that ni'ht t! end1 8!u Aust want t! play ball li*e when y!u were a *id1# 6t least 2e$in M!r'an '!t t! batC a-ter -l!atin' t! the plate he p!pped up in EB9 -!r the ew 8!r* Mets1 "/e-initely I th!u'ht there w!uld be m!re !pp!rtunities "said M!r'an, n!w the dire,t!r !- min!r lea'ue !perati!ns1 "7ut as it turned !ut that was the !nly !ne1# +hi,h is m!re than Mi,*ey Farrin't!n '!t in his l!ne !utin' with Philadelphia in ED=1 "I was eJpe,tin' t! at least 'et an at bat# he said, " I was DE>, 205 p!unds, and it was disapp!intin' t! be used as a pin,h runner1 I -i'ured s!me!ne else w!uld pi,* me1 I th!u'ht I w!uld 'et an!ther ,han,e but I ne$er did1# 6r,hie Graham ne$er '!t t! bat in the maA!rs either but he was a pretty '!!d hitter -!r three years in the min!rsCmana'er 0!hn M,Graw in$ited him t! Sprin' %rainin' in 1B05 but Graham de,lined be,ause he wanted t! -inish medi,al s,h!!l1

6,,!rdin' t! eJtensi$e resear,h by bill M!!se 3L) -!r S!,iety !- 7aseball 4esear,h, Graham -inally made his debut in +ashin't!n Par* built be-!reCn!w a dep!t -!r the (!n :dis!n P!wer (!1 Kin a 'ame a'ainst the Superbas 3the -!rerunners !- the /!d'ers) Graham repla,ed Stuart 7r!wn in ri'ht -ield -!r the b!tt!m !the <th innin'1 !thin' was hit his way and he was le-t !n de,* in the Bth when Pit,her (laude :lli!t -lied !ut1 7!tt!m Fal- Graham may ha$e '!tten a play when batter sin'led presumably t! ri'ht -ield1 Fe was battin' le-t a'ainst the ri'ht :lli!t and perhaps he pulled it in GrahamEs dire,ti!n, but there is simply n! re,!rd !- where the ball went1 It is p!ssible that he may ha$e t!u,hed it, M!!se said1 ! tellin' -!r sure th!u'h1 6P Sp!rtswriter 0amie M,(auley and 6P &reelan,e +rite 0!el 4esni,* ,!ntributed t! this st!ry1 M!nday, 0une 29, 2005 /ennis 4adar suddenly ,han'ed his plea t! 'uilty when he appeared in ,!urt1 6nd he des,ribed in detail the *illin' !- the $i,tims, in -r!nt !- s!me !- the -amily members !$ari!us $i,tims1 Fe did s! ,almly and unap!l!'eti,ally1 11 !ne !- the +alt!n 7!ys died in an ultra li'ht airplane ,rashI!ne !- the +al-Mart Feirs1 6n!ther pers!n atta,*ed by shar* in the &l!rida panhandle, le' bit !--, <0 miles -r!m the -irst atta,* , tw! days pri!r1 In an a,,!unt utterly de$!id !- em!ti!n, /ennis 4ader des,ribed h!w he used a "hit *it# ,!nsistin' !- 'uns, r!pe, hand,u--s, and tape, and a brie-,ase with a b!wlin' ba'1 Fe
2 !

des,ribed his *illin's as "pr!Ae,ts# and his $i,tims as "tar'ets1# Fe tal*ed t! his -irst -!ur $i,tims alm!st as animals, sayin' he de,ided t! "put them d!wn# and he said he !--ered !ne $i,tim a 'lass !- water t! ,alm her d!wn be-!re puttin' a ba' !$er her head and stran'lin' her1 Un-ailin'ly ,!urte!us and helpin' t! ,!rre,t the Aud'e !n s!me !- the matters, he ,lari-ied C and at !ne p!int laun,hed int! an alm!st C dis,!urse !n the mind and habits !- a serial *illerC#i- y!uE$e read mu,h ab!ut serial *illers they '! thr!u'h what they ,all di--erent phases11 1 tr!llin' sta'e basi,ally l!!*in' -!r a $i,tim at the timeC# he t!ld the Aud'e1 " 8!u ,an be tr!llin' -!r m!nths !r years, but !n,e y!u l!,* in !n a ,ertain pers!n then y!u be,!me a stal*er1# %he man wh! ,alled himsel- 7%2 -!r his pre-erred meth!d "bind, t!rture, *ill# ,ann!t 'et the death penalty, be,ause the *illin's !,,urred be-!re they ad!pted ,apit!l punishment but he will alm!st ,ertainly '! t! pris!n -!r the rest !- his li-e1 Yalm!st ,ertainlyLZ Fe has n!t been ,har'ed with seJually assaultin' any !the $i,tims but he has admitted that he masturbated !$er s!me !- them1 4adar spent alm!st his entire li-e in the +i,hita area, 'ettin' a ,riminal Austi,e de'ree at a l!,al uni$ersity1 FeEs been married -!r => years and has tw! adult ,hildren and was president !- his ,hur,h ,!un,il1 Fe w!r*ed in suburban Par* (ity as a ,!de inspe,t!r handlin' stray d!'s and l!!*in' -!r $i!lati!ns su,h as !$er'r!wn 'rass1 Fe said he let s!me w!men sm!*e t! put them at ease be-!re he *illed them1 Fe t!ld h!w he l!,*ed !ne $i,tims ,hildren in the bathr!!m and 'i$in' them t!ys and blan*ets t! ma*e them ,!m-!rtable1 Fe hun' an 11 year !ld -r!m a sewer pipe in the basement and stran'led a D2
2 "

year !ld with pantyh!se and dumped her b!dy under a brid'e in 1BB11 Fe assi'ned numbers t! ea,h !- his $i,tims1 7illi!naire 0!hn +alt!n, se,!nd s!n !- Sam +alt!n the -!under !- +al Mart, and a +al-Mart b!ard member died M!nday when his small ultra li'ht airplane ,rashed sh!rtly a-ter ta*e!-- -r!m the 0a,*s!n F!le, +8 airp!rt1 +alt!n was ran*ed 11th !n &!rbes m!st re,ent list !- w!rlds ri,hest pe!ple1 Fe was listed as bein' w!rth 1<12 billi!n1 Fe had ser$ed in the U1S1 6rmy Green 7erets as a medi, and had been 'i$en a Sil$er Star in 5ietnam1 Man wins sauna ,!ntest by stayin' in a sauna -!r -!ur minutes and -i-ty-tw! se,!nds at a temperature !110 (elsius !r 2=0 &ahrenheit1 6ndreas 2ramp -r!m )em'!, +estern Germany1 Spielber' has se$en ,hildren1 6n'els win their 9th strai'ht 'ame and h!ld a 9 1P2 lead in the 6) west1 Supreme (!urt rules that reli'i!us symb!ls su,h as statutes, m!numents, plaMues, et,1 in -ederal ,!urth!uses are all!wed !nly i- they are n!t pr!m!tin' a spe,i-i, reli'i!n !r -aith1 Sim!ne Simm!ns wr!te a b!!* ,alled /iana: %he )ast +!rd ab!ut Prin,ess /iana and says that she had an relati!nship with 0&2 0r1 and als! ,laims that /iana !n,e tried ,!,aine and hated it s! mu,h she $!wed t! help dru''ies !$er,!me their addi,ti!ns1 0une 2<, 2005 (anada has thr!u'h!ut ,!untry in a-ter the $!ted t! all!w same seJ marria'es the ,!untry, ma*in' it !nly the third the w!rld t! all!w same seJ marria'es etherlands and 7el'ium1

+ednesday, 0une C2B, 2005

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%hey e$a,uated the ,apit!l be,ause !- a plane in restri,ted air spa,e1 4e,!rd -!r l!n'est li-e li$ed is 122 year !ld 0eanne )!uise (alment wh! died in 1BB91 Sur-ers made a new re,!rd in (arlsbad (6 by sur-in' the same wa$e simultane!usly Cthey had t! stay up -!r at least 5 se,!nds simultane!usly , >0 sur-ers at same time, n!w Spain is all!win' h!m!seJuals ri'ht t! 'et married, eJpe,ted t! pass int! law by the end !- 0uly1 +!man wh!se marria'e was ,an,elled 12 days pri!rI*new they were '!in' t! be billed s! they threw a party -!r the h!meless, menu !- bee-, salm!n, shrimp ,!,*tail1 United (hur,h !- (hrist is p!ised t! be,!me the lar'est (hristian den!minati!n t! end!rse same seJ marria'es11 !$er 1000 ,ler'yPseminarians are 'ay in the U((, !ut !- 10,000 t!tal1 4e$erend )ibby %i'ner minister !- the 1st (!n're'ati!nal United (hur,h !(hrist in )!n' 7ea,h sp!ns!red the measure1 She said many !- the members !- the ,hur,h went t! San &ran,is,! a-ter the may!r there all!wed 'ay marria'es1 1 0uly 1 is (anada /ay1 (!uple ta*in' a sh!rt hi*e in the 6n'eles ati!nal &!rest near the San Gabriel 4eser$!ir -ell t! their deaths C tumblin' =00 -eet !n a enban*ment11 4aul Urrutia a'e 22 !- %emple (ity and atalie %!rres a'e 19 !- 7aldwin Par*11 the 'al had initially -allen !nly a sh!rt ways and they had br!u'ht her ba,* up t! sa-ety, but she went t! sear,h -!r her -riend and -ell a'ain, this time t! her death1 15 year !ld b!y !n bi,y,le was sh!t t! death while ar'uin' with a man sittin' in a ,ar in the Sylmar area, 4!mer! Gurrdad! was 'unned d!wn at ab!ut 915 pm1 On 7radley 6$e1 6n'els l!se t! 4an'ers 1<05, 34an'ers had < h!mers)1 0uly 1= Shuttle date1 9P1P05
2 $

Sandra /ay O (!nn!r has submitted her resi'nati!n1 Sandra /ay O (!nnerEs retirement is the -irst in ele$en years -!r the a'in' Supreme (!urt1 She was a "m!derate# , s!unds li*e she was pr! ,h!i,e1 )uther 5andr!ss, the sin'er, dies in ew 8!r*1 Fe s!ld !$er 25 milli!n albums in his ,areer1 Shar* bit an*le !- 6ustrian t!urist, 6rmin %!aAa 3L) in &l!rida as he st!!d ,hest deep in the Gul- !MeJi,! and was br!u'ht t! &!rt Myers h!spitalIthis in,ident happened 200 miles -r!m where the shar* t!!* a b!ys le' and =50 miles -r!m where a shar* t!!* a 'als li-e1 %he 7%2 serial *iller will be all!wed t! re,ei$e letters -r!m the media and will be all!wed t! tal* t! a w!man wh! is writin' a b!!* ab!ut his li-e st!ry1 Mustan' 4an,hI"7est little wh!reh!use in the west# is re-!penin' west !- 4en! with the name "+!rld -am!us 7r!thel: +ild F!rse 4es!rt . Spa# K-i$e miles east !- the !ld mustan' site1 0!di Fuisentruit, an,h!r !- the m!rnin' in Mas!n (ity I!wa 3n!rthern I!wa) , disappeared ten years a'!, p!li,e ha$e ne$er -!und her1 O 0une 29, 1BB5 she did n!t sh!w up at the studi! at 5 a1m1 as s,heduled a-ter her assistant had ,alled her and w!*e her up1 %he assistant waited and waited but didnEt ,all the p!li,e until a -ew h !urs later when she didnEt sh!w up at all 39 a1m1), the p!li,e went t! her apartment and in the par*in' l!t there was e$iden,e !- a stru''le1 11)i$e < (!n,ert is in )!nd!n, Philadelphia, 0!hannesber', 7erlin, %!*y!, and !ther pla,es a,r!ss the w!rld raisin' awareness -!r p!$erty and debt in 6-ri,aIname 'i$en t! mimi, the G< 'atherin' !- the w!rldEs wealthiest ,!untries 3ta*in' pla,e this wee*)1 %he '!al is t! 'et 25 billi!n in relie- aid -!r 6-ri,a K-r!m the ,!untries leaders11 7!b Geld!- is leadin' the e--!rts1 &!rmer '!$ern!rs Gray /a$is, 0erry 7r!wn,
2 %

and Pete +ils!n were at the may!ral inau'urati!n1 7r!wn is n!w the may!r !- Oa*land1 &!rmer se,retary !- state +arren (hrist!pher was als! present at the inau'urati!n1 +hen pe!ple b!!ed G!$1 6rn!ld, the new may!r said "6n'elen!s, there will be ,i$ility t!day1# (hase !- a drun*en dri$er ended at 7ell-l!wer 7l$d3. Sprin' St1 , the dri$er died1 _Man in ri$erside ,!unty *idnapped tw! destitute !r h!meless !r mentally ,hallen'ed w!men with the pr!mise !- -ree r!!m and b!ard and then used them as seJ sla$es, 'i$in' them dru's11 and h!ldin' them ,apti$es until !ne br!*e away and ,alled the p!li,e %he (FP in-!rmati!n number is <00->29-9D2=1 Man is ma*in' a ,!mi, b!!* based !n the name !- the ,ity, Fell, in Mi,hi'an Saturday, 0uly 2, 2005- %hey -!und !ne !- the missin' Idah! *ids, Shasta Gr!ene11 at a /ennyEs 4estaurant with a re'istered seJ !--ender, but they ha$enEt -!und her br!therC &ederer will play 4!ddi,* in the -inals at +imbled!n !n Sunday1 &ederer, -r!m Sweden, de-eated 4!ddi,* in last years -inal1 &ederer needs this $i,t!r t! A!in Pete Sampras and 7A!rn 7!r' as the !nly men sin,e 1B=D t! win three ,!nse,uti$e +imbled!n titles1 4!ddi,* w!n the 200= U1S1 Open, his !nly maA!r s! -ar1 FeEs 1-< a'ainst &ederer in,ludin' l!sses in the past -!ur mat,hes1 6rn!ld has a ,i'ar tent !utside the ,apit!l bld' and the le'islat!rs tried t! shut it d!wn, t! whi,h he resp!nded by ,allin' them ",hildish1# 5enus +illiams beat )indsay /a$enp!rt at +imbled!n -!r her =rd +imbled!n (hampi!nship1 6t !ne p!int they had a 25 sh!t eJ,han'e, the l!n'est p!int in the l!n'est w!menEs +imbled!n -inal in re,!rds1 5enus is ran*ed Q1> !r was be-!re +imbled!n1 She hadnEt w!n a t!urnament in 1= m!nths1 SheEs l!st
2 &

the last -i$e 'rand slam -inals all t! her sister1225 pm1 +ereE passin' thr!u'h San 0uan (apistran!1 ItEs been sl!w '!in' s!uth1 +ashin't!n M!nument is set t! re-!pen n!w that theyE$e built a b!mb barri,ade ar!und itIt! pre$ent sui,ide b!mbers -r!m dri$in' int! it1 9P=P05 San /ie'! (!n'ressman is bein' in$esti'ated -!r rule $i!lati!ns1 )an,e 6rmstr!n' is 2nd !$erall in the %!ur de &ran,e11 !$er 2000 miles t! '!11 his 'irl-riend is Sheryl (r!w, the r!,* star1 0im &ury* wins the +estern Open in Illin!isIh!ldin' !-- %i'er +!!dsE late ,har'e1

9P>P05 7ush was in +est 5ir'inia !n 0uly > m!rnin'1 6S6 $enture t! hit the ,!met was su,,ess-ul but pi,tures are n!t in yet1 Mysteri!us ,!lumn !- water $ap!r sh!t up !ut !- the sea near Iw! 0ima 0apanC they thin* it is an underwater $!l,an!1 O,eani, s,ientists in Fawaii were '!in' t! a ree- area t! retrie$e nets whi,h ,!uld inad$ertently ,apture seals and in s! d!in' their b!at hit a ree- and sun*C all pers!ns !n b!ard were res,ued1 Cand the b!at started lea*in' !il1 2Aell In'e 4!e**e a billi!naire industrialist 3 !rwayL) is 'ettin' =0 days in Aail -!r -raudulently !btainin' a b!at ,aptainEs li,ense1 C Mi,hi'an -amily s,!res hi'h in the ,herry pit spittin' ,hampi!nship in :u (laire Mi,hi'an 3s!uthwest MI)Ithe 2rause -amilyI all w!n !r were !n t!p !- their di$isi!nsC 4edne,* Games in Ge!r'ia "b!bbin' -!r pi' -eet, mud pit belly -l!p, armpit serenade, " B5, 000 attended in the -irst de,adeC in :ast /ublin Ge!r'ia1 7etween Ma,!n . Sa$anaah1 15,000 attended last year1 eJt

Saturday is the 10th annual Mudpit 7elly-l!p Aud'es pe!ple !n their -labby -!rm and s!ni, splat as they dr!p 'ut -irst in the muddy water1 6rmpit serenade rates ,hildren !n their musi,al s*ills pumpin' air with a damp hand beneath their underarm1 %hereEs als! hub,ap hurlin', and redne,* h!rsesh!es played with t!ilet seats1 %he publisher !- 4edne,* ma'a?ine sees this e$ent as an eJample, al!n'side the p!pularity !- ,!untry musi,, and the ,!medy tele$isi!n sh!w 7lue (!llar %5, !- -!l*s embra,in' their inner '!!d !lE b!y with!ut the ba''a'e !ra,ist stere!types1 Fe said when he started a redne,* was a 'uy wh!se h!bby was han'in' pe!ple -r!m trees but "n!w m!st redne,*s I *n!w are Aust hard w!r*in' pe!ple wh! li*e 77@Es and the !utd!!rs# %he t!p rim !r d!me !- Mt1 St Felens -ell int! the ,rater t!day /eep Impa,t (!llisi!n supp!sed t! ta*e pla,e at 1052 pm pst1 On 0uly =C ten minutes be-!re 111 One pers!n li*ened the ,!llisi!n between standin' in the middle !- the r!ad and bein' hit by a semi tru,* '!in' 2=,000 mph1 I- the ,!met is p!r!us li*e a sp!n'e the impa,t sh!uld ,reate a stadium si?ed ,raterCthis w!uld su''est that the ,!mets interi!r h!lds s!me !- the pristine materials !- the early s!lar systemC1but i- the ,!met is pa,*ed li*e a sn!wballCthe ,rater -!rmed w!uld be mu,h smaller1 6n!ther s,enari! is that the ,!met is s! p!r!us that m!st !- the impa,tEs ener'y is abs!rbed, ,reatin' an e$en smaller but deeper ,rater1 %hey ha$e less than 15 minutes t! snap ima'es -r!m the ,!smi, ,!llisi!n be-!re it is b!mbarded by a desert !- debris11 the ,!met whi,h is supp!sed t! be hit by deep impa,t is tra$elin' at 2=, 000 mph, the eMui$alent !- tra$elin' -r!m ew 8!r* t! )!s 6n'eles in less than D15 minutes1 %he Fubble,

(handra, Spit?er, GaleJ, SwasCand !ther spa,e teles,!pes will all be re,!rdin' the e$ent1 :ur!peEs 4!setta spa,e,ra-t will als! be !bser$in'1 11 the best pla,e t! $iew the impa,t is in Fawaii1 6 ,!met is di--erent -r!m an aster!id Can aster!id is ,!mp!sed !- metal . r!,*y material, C-!rmed mu,h ,l!ser t! the sun1 Can aster!id is als! *n!wn as a "min!r planet# 11 ,!mets are -urther -r!m the sun1 %hree restaurants in Pasadena r!bbedI4!s,!es F!use !- (hi,*en . +a--les11 2e$in Fall Pasadena P!li,e )t said11 thirty minutes later they were at Marie (allendars11 says three but they !nly spe,i-y tw!1 ew "&a,eb!!*# !nline student dire,t!ryC (anadian 'al wh! parti,ipated in rape *illin's with her husband11 the $ide! tape that sh!ws her and her husband *illin' her sister11 says it was her (hristmas 'i-t t! 7ernard! 11 in 1BB011 sh!ws F!mul*a per-!rmin' !ral seJ !n her un,!ns,i!us sister1 11a-ter slippin' sleepin' pills in her al,!h!l1 Fer sister died ,h!*in' !n her !wn $!mit1 11the ,!uple $ide!taped the *idnappin', rapePmurder !- 15 year !ld 2ristin and 1> year !ld )eslie wh! was stran'led by 7ernard! with an ele,tri, ,!rd while the teen held a teddy bear F!mul*a had 'i$en her -!r ,!m-!rt 9P5P05 )an,e 6rmstr!n' ta*es lead1 )!n' standin' 4!,* -!rmati!n *n!wn as the "12 ap!stles# !-- the ,!ast !- 6ustraliaI,rumbled be-!re t!urists eyes11ne$er t! be ba,* a'ain in S!uthern O,ean1 6n'eline 0!lie, a'e =0, is ad!ptin' a baby :thi!pian 'irl1 She already has a s!n by the name !- Madd!J , a'e =, wh! she ad!pted -r!m (amb!dia1 %he new baby 'al will be named Nahara1 President !- the Philippines -a,es ele,ti!n -raud ,har'es1

9PDP05 )!nd!n is ,h!sen -!r 2012 Olympi,s, Paris is runner up1 )ast time )!nd!n had the Olympi,s was in 1B><, but Paris hasnEt had them sin,e 1B2<1 l!!*ed li*e it was ParisE turn1 6n'els win1 %i'ers win F!meless eJ-,!n$i,t is a,,used !- *illin' a 5D year !ld w!man in a par*in' 'ara'e, suburban mall, wh! said he *illed her be,ause he is -i'htin' a ra,e war and she was white1 %he man, Philip Grant, a'e >=, appeared at a ,!urt hearin' %uesday in sha,*les and a bullet Kpr!!- $est C6 >5 minute $ide! tape played durin' the hearin' CGrant t!ld p!li,e "6ll I *new was that she had bl!nde hair, blue eyes, and she had t! die11# Grant said (!nnie 4uss! (arrier! was n!t an inn!,ent $i,tim be,ause she was white1 4uss! (arrier!, a le'al se,retary, and m!ther !- tw! 'r!wn ,hildren was stabbed t! death last +ednesday a-tern!!n while wal*in' t! her ,ar in a par*in' 'ara'e, neJt t! the Galleria Mall1 She was buried %uesday1 Grant was ,har'ed with se,!nd de'ree murder and weap!ns p!ssessi!n1 Grant said he was si,* !- bein' harassed !n the street -!r bein' a re'istered seJ !--ender1 Fe als! ,laimed that +est,hester (!unty ne$er helped him with his mental pr!blems1 Fe said he was n!t rem!rse-ul -!r his a,ti!ns and w!uld hurt !ther white pe!ple i- he ,!uld &i'ht at O0 Simps!nEs h!use ,laimin' his 'irl-riend was beatin' O011!n %a*e!-- thereEs a thin' ,alled the 7ern!ulli :--e,t11thatEs the wind in the win'sC sh!uld pr!du,e li-t1 7ut until the win's are ,anted upwards 7ern!ulliEs :--e,t w!ntE pr!du,e en!u'h upward -!r,e t! li-t the plane !-- the 'r!und1 Pil!ts ,!mpute a ,ertain speed -!r e$ery ta*e!-based !n the wei'ht !- the plane and !ther -a,t!rs in !rder t! determine the best p!ssible time t!

raise the n!se !- the plane1 11the instrument appr!a,h is the way they land and it is a series !pathways and pre,ise altitudes and dire,ti!ns !n a pie,e !- paper ,alled the appr!a,h plate3L) !r plane 3L) whi,h i- -!ll!wed ,are-ully will abs!lutely 'uarantee a sa-e appr!a,h t! the airp!rtEs runway1 Pe!ple are ,!mparin' 0!hnny /epp in (harlie and the (h!,!late &a,t!ry t! Mi,hael 0a,*s!n11sayin' /epp l!!*s li*e a w!man t!!1 I Germany a plane inad$ertently landed !n t!p !- a speedin' P!rs,he at a l!,al airp!rt %he dri$er slammed !n the bra*es up!n -eelin' impa,t !n t!p !the $ehi,le ,ausin' b!th the plane and the ,ar t! ,rash1 7rush -ire in Palmdale1 SiJ blasts r!,*ed )!nd!nEs under'r!und t! ,!in,ide with the be'innin' !- the G-< Summit1 %he nati!nal Guard in Sa,rament! has been a,,used !- spyin' !n pe!pleIthe unit *n!wn as In-!rmati!n Syn,hr!ni?ati!n 2n!wled'e Mana'ement Intelli'en,e &usi!n Pr!'ram 1 9P9P05 St1 mar* United (hur,h !- (hrist in 2n!J P6 has s! many bees in the walls there is h!ney !!?in' thr!u'h the walls1 Supp!rt -!r Gl!ria 6rr!y!, president !- the Philippines, is si'ni-i,antly wea*enin' 9P10P05 One !- 7illy GrahamEs dau'hters, 5ir'inia Graham &!reman, a'e 5B, was arrested and ,har'ed with d!mesti, abuse a-ter witnesses said she ,h!*ed her husband in the par*in' l!t1 Fer husband said the !bser$ers misunderst!!d the in,ident1 On 0uly 111 +hy (al$in . Seminary sh!uld be sued1 6nd %%1 is part !- that1 &irst !ne tur*ey Aumped t! its death and then 1500 !thers -!ll!wed !$er the ,li--I -!ur hundred !- them dyin' !n impa,t1 %he !thers -all was s!-tened by the pile up and sur$i$edIin %ur*ey1


210 &reewayI,ar-t!-,ar sh!!tin'1 F!llyw!!d subway shut d!wn -!r a -ew h!urs due t! a b!mb s,are1 %w! planes ,!llide in (anadaIimitatin' d!' -i'ht in an air sh!wIb!th pil!ts died1 +i-e !- a man last name Gehrin' tw! *ids Philip . SaraIthe man *illed and buried them s!mewhere al!n' the I-<0 maybe ar!und I!wa (ity1 %hen the man ,!mmit sui,ide in Aail while waitin' -!r trial1 She has n!t -!und the burial site yet1 1 St!ry ab!ut MatriJ database used by p!li,e in s!me states1 (!n,erns ab!ut in$adin' pri$a,y be,ause it miJes and mat,hes in-!rmati!n -r!m all !$er1 It ,an speed up in$esti'ati!ns but may in$ade pri$a,y !- pe!ple wh! are n!t ,riminals1 2arl 4!$e under -ire at the +hite F!use !n suspi,i!n that he lea*ed the name !- a ,!$ert (I6 !perati$e1 9-11-05 t! 9-1D-05 Fist!ry Pr!-ess!r Peter de 6'!stin! was beaten t! death in Oa* Par* I), n! suspe,ts1 6nd then Aust a -ew days a'! a ,!lle'e student in Illin!is was beaten t! death by tw! !ther studentsIapparently beaten t! death with a bi*e l!,*1 %!mb!l Mali*, a'e 2=, was beaten t! death near the Uni$ersity !- Illin!is +im 2!* -!rmer president !- the etherlands was blamed -!r sendin' unprepared and n!t en!u'h tr!!ps t! Srebreni,aC the etherlands tr!!ps ended up Aust wat,hin' the Serbs ta*e Muslim b!ys and -athers t! be eJe,uted1 <000 Serbs were *illed in an a,t !- 'en!,ide Cthat was in 0uly !- EB5 and was !ne !- the reas!ns there was pressure !n 2!* t! retire1 > year !ld b!y 0a,!b /eats ,limbed in a du--le ba' by the ,urb and was t!ssed int! the tru,* in +is,!nsin, the dri$er heard him Aust be-!re the ,!mpa,t!r went in t! a,ti!n1

%eena'er has heart atta,* !n /isney Shuttle )aun,h delayed inde-initely 'au'e pr!blems %err!rist says he was the law that ,!mmands him t! ,ut !-anyb!dy wh! insults 6llahC

+!rld ride1 due t! -uel m!ti$ated by the head !-

7rad Pitt was dia'n!sed with mild ,ase !- 5iral Menin'itis1 G!$1 6rn!ld ma*es <115 milli!n !$er 5 years t! ser$e as edit!r !- tw! mus,le ma'a?ines1 (rai' Futt! , a'e 19, wh! l!st his le' while -ishin' in (ape San 7lasIdue t! a shar* atta,*, is !n the way h!me a-ter tw! wee*s in the h!spital1 Pr!minent Islami, s,h!lar in 6leJandria 5ir'inia wh! eJh!rted his -!ll!wers a-ter the Sept 11, 2001atta,*s t! A!in the %aliban and -i'ht U1S1 %r!!ps was senten,ed +ednesday t! li-e in pris!n1 6li altimimi was ,!n$i,ted in 6pril !- s!li,itin' treas!n and indu,in' !thers t! aid the %aliban and !thers t! use -irearms in $i!lati!n !- &ederal law1 Che was a U1S1 ati$e, b!rn here and -reMuently sp!*e at a small m!sMue in &alls (hur,h, 5ir'inia1 +!man in (anada -ell !-- a sailb!at and swam -!r nine h!ursIsa$ed with -i-teen minutes !- 'i$in' up she said1 ear the &raser 4i$er in 5an,!u$er1 "(!!ter# !ne !- the stars -r!m the !ld /u*es !Fa?ard sh!w , is ur'in' /u*es !- Fa?ard -ans n!t t! '! t! the m!$ie be,ause it ,!ntains pr!-anity and seJual ,!ntent1 F!usin' b!!m in S!uth (entral )!s 6n'eles where the ri!ts were in EB2 11apparently a l!t !- h!uses and ,!nd!miniums are bein' built1 S!uth (entral has been !--i,ially renamed S!uth )!s 6n'eles (riminal (ase a'ainst 0!hn 4utter -!r alle'edly tryin' t! eJt!rt m!ney -r!m (amer!n /ia? 11 threatenin' t! eJp!se her with t!pless ph!t!s !2!#

hersel- be-!re she be,ame a real star1 7!ise Idah! Kw!man pled 'uilty t! s,alpin' a M!haw* wearin' teena'e 'al11 blamin' the atta,* !n mental illness and dru' addi,ti!n1 Pr!se,ut!rs said she tied up the 15-year !ld 'al and used a > in,h *ni-e t! ,ut away the entire ,r!wn and ba,* p!rti!n !- the 'als s,alp1 %he 'al spent tw! wee*s in a h!spital while d!,t!rs used s*in -r!m her thi'h t! ,!$er the pat,h !- missin' s*in1 %he perpetrat!r t!!* the 'al t! the h!spital a-ter s,alpin' her1 C %r!pi,al St!rm :mily is near /!mini,an 4epubli,1 (!uld t!u,h in s!uthern %eJas1 4apper :minemEs t!ur bus turned !$er !n the hi'hway in Odessa Miss!uri, hittin' tw! tru,*s, 1111 pe!ple were inAured1 :minem was n!t in the bus at the time1 Fis "6n'er Mana'ement "%!ur was eJpe,ted t! ,!ntinue n!netheless Man in ew Neeland was -ined -!r rem!$in' a ,!nd!m while ha$in' seJual inter,!urse with a pr!stitute1 Pr!stituti!n apparently is le'al but pr!te,ti!n is reMuired by law1 )!nd!n 7!mbin's Kthe pers!n they belie$e t! be the mastermind -!r buildin' the b!mbs has been ,aptured in (air! :'ypt1 7astille /ay in &ran,e is a ,elebrati!n !- the 19<B st!rmin' !- the -!rmer 7astille Pris!n in Paris by 6n'ry ,r!wds spar*in' the re$!luti!n that rid &ran,e !- its m!nar,hy1 I 2002 a 'unman tried t! sh!!t President (hira, !n a 0uly 1> 7astille /ay parade1 %he president was n!t hurt1 %he p!tential assassin was senten,ed t! ten years in pris!n 3!nly ten yearsL)1 7SCAS0/ Furri,ane :mily !rtheast MeJi,! appr!a,hin' S!uthern %eJas

)an,e 6rmstr!n' has a 1 W minute lead in the %!ur de &ran,eC 4ed shirt -reshman in Miss!uriI,!llapsed in a pre-seas!n w!r*!ut11 n! reas!n *n!wn1 4um!rs ab!ut Pat 4iley, the ,urrent Feat president,

returnin' t! the ,!a,hin' p!siti!n, but he says he is n!t1 Stan 5an Gundy remains the ,!a,h1 4iley has w!n 1, 110 re'ular seas!n 'ames, 155 play!-- 'ames, and led the )a*ers t! ,hampi!nships in <2, E<5, <9, , and E<<1 FeEs als! ,!a,hed the 2ni,*s -r!m EB1 t! EB5 , and the Feat -r!m EB5 t! 200= %he !ri'inal p!li,eman in the 1B90Es r!,* 'r!up "%he 5illa'e Pe!ple# was arrested -!r dru' and 'un p!ssessi!n and dri$in' with!ut a li,ense in /aly (ity s!uth !- San &ran,is,!1 1 %here was als! a H15,000 !utstandin' warrant -!r his arrest1 F: tried t! lie ab!ut his name and residen,e1 P>5 ,aliber hand'un, r!,* ,!,aine and dru' paraphernalia1 Fe p!sted H100,000 bail1 Man is bein' sued in Miss!uri -!r alle'edly sendin' 'arba'e and -e,es t! :bay ,ust!mers wh! th!u'ht they were !rderin' used ,l!thes1 Fis wi-e says he is disabled with a rare bl!!d disease, is unempl!yed and has ne$er s!ld anythin' !$er the internet1 6tt!rney Gerry Spen,e is representin' the Islami, lawyer wh! is n!w suin' the -ederal '!$ernment in re'ards t! him bein' arrested and detained -!r tw! wee*s as they in$esti'ated the Madrid b!mbin's1 Spen,e says the &eds intenti!nally m isled the Aud'e in !rder t! 'et a warrant -!r his arrest 9P19P05 %rinity Site in )!s 6lam!s MeJi,! mar*s the sp!t st where the 1 at!mi, b!mb was tested in 0uly, 1B>51 %ee ball ,!a,h alle'edly paid !ne !- his players t! hurt an <-year-!ld disabled b!y in !rder t! *eep him !ut !- the 'ame1 )ea'ue rules reMuire that all players play at least tw! innin's1 %he ,!a,h alle'edly '!t s! ,!mpetiti$e he wanted the disabled b!y !n the sidelines1 Mar* /!wns 0r1 !- /unbar a'e 29, was the ,!a,h1 Fillary (lint!n is tryin' t! 'et s!me le'al a,ti!n a'ainst the $ide! 'ame ,alled

"Grand %he-t 6ut!# be,ause !- the seJual ,!ntent11 3and its -!r *ids)1 7ibli,a se'ment 3par,hment) -!und in IsraelI$erses -r!m )e$iti,us !n it1 ew Me'a (hur,h ,an handle 1D,000 at a time11in the F!ust!n 4!,*ets -!rmer arena 3)a*ew!!d (hur,h 0!el Osteen, in %eJas, the -!rmer (!mpaM (enter1 6$era'es m!re than =0,000 wee*ly, H95 milli!n t! ,!mplete ren!$ati!ns, added -i$e m!re st!ries t! ma*e r!!m1 116rti,le by 2risty 4ie*en (i$ilian 7!rder Patr!l in (ali-!rnia based in :l (amp! >0 miles east !- San /ie'!1 7ethany (hristian Ser$i,es in Mississippi is under -ire -!r n!t all!win' (ath!li, parents t! ad!pt -r!m them1 %his man by the name !- /un,an 3last name) wh! *illed the -amily members in Idah! and *idnapped the y!un'est b!y . 'al *illin' the b!y and -inally bein' ,au'ht with the 'al at a /ennyEs apparently had been impris!ned be-!re -!r m!lestati!nIhe raped a b!y at 'unp!int when he was se$enteen years !ld, and11 1 )ater he de$el!ped a h!m!seJual relati!nship with a man in +ashin't!n wh! wr!te t! the par!le b!ard and tried t! ,!n$in,e them that /un,an was !*ay, a de,ent -ell!w1 )ater a -ell!w by the name !- +a,*smanIwh! was married with tw! y!un' ,hildren, tried t! ,!n$in,e the par!le b!ard t! all!w /un,an t! li$e with his -amily1 S!me pe!ple 'a$e him m!ney -!r bail a-ter he '!t !ut and was arrested a'ain11 s!meb!dy wr!te a H15,000 ,he,* -!r him1 6nd then he did this and -inally '!t ,au'ht a'ain1 Fe sh!uld 'et death1 6n'els win1 Miss 6meri,a (!ntest has had a si'ni-i,ant de,line in %5 audien,e K-r!m =0 milli!n ten !r -i-teen years a'!11t! B milli!n a -ew years a'!1 6nd n!w the etw!r*s are n!t e$en h!stin' the pa'eant1 (!untry Musi, %5 3(M%) is ta*in' it and will ,han'e the date t! 0anuary1 %i'er +!!ds wins the 7ritish Open , his 10th MaA!r title, and se,!nd Grand Slam1

0a,* i,!laus is the !nly !ther pr! '!l-er t! ha$e w!n tw! 'rand slams and als! leads all '!l-ers with 1< ,areer maA!rs, whi,h many pe!ple th!u'ht n!b!dy w!uld e$er brea* !r e$en ,!me ,l!se t!IC (areta*ers !- 'ardens in )eland, MI wanted an attenti!n-'ettin' way t! raise m!ney1 %hey had twel$e men p!se nude Kwith ,are-ully pla,ed pr!ps11 in,ludin' the s,h!!l superintendent Mi,haelVVVVVVVVV3near %ra$erse (ity, MI)1 :stimated 15B0 wild pandas in (hina1 105 year !ld sur$i$!r !a?is /a,hua ,!n,entrati!n ,amp and his wi-e ha$e earned the title !- w!rlds !ldest li$in' ,!uple1 Ferbert and Ma'da 7r!wn li$e in Philadelphia 9P1<P05 /eb!rah )a-a$e, a middle s,h!!l readin' tea,her ar!und %ampa 7ay , is pleadin' insanity t! ha$in' seJ numer!us times with a 1> year !ld male student1 C!n,e in a ,lassr!!m , !n,e at her h!use, and !n,e in a $ehi,le while his ,!usin dr!$e the ,ar1 %hailand is ab!ut ready t! de,lare a state !emer'en,y be,ause !- Muslim uprisin's in the ,!untry1 %w! na$y &i'hter Aets ,!llided in mid-air !$er the M!Aa$e /esert1 7!th pil!ts sur$i$ed apparently but were h!spitali?ed in seri!us ,!nditi!n1 +hirlp!!l wants t! buy Mayta' -!r 11=9 billi!n 1 Furri,ane :mily r!ars thr!u'h (an,un, (!?umel1 :t,1 6,ura Inte'raEs are the m!st hi'hly st!len ,ar1 /!'s at (apit!l Fill t! raise awareness ab!ut the dan'er !- ,!!lant and anti-ree?eIand the sweet s!da-li*e taste it hasIbut ,an be deadly t! d!'s and !ther animals wh! drin* it1 10,000 d!'s are *illed annually and 1>00 *ids si,*ened ea,h year be,ause !- it1 (ali-!rnia . Ore'!n already ha$e laws ,!n,ernin' usin' a "bitter# additi$e t! 'i$e it a bad taste1 /enat!nium ben?!ate ma*es it bitter1

Mi,hael Nu,,het, San /ie'!Es a,tin' may!r, was -!und 'uilty !- ,!nspira,y, eJt!rti!n, and -raud !n his -irst business day in !--i,e1 San /ie'! has l!st a -ew may!rs in su,,essi!n1 Nu,,het and a ,!un,ilman was ,!n$i,ted !- ta*in' ille'al ,ampai'n ,ash -r!m a strip ,lub !wner t! help repeal a n! t!u,h law1 %hey als! returned 'uilty $erdi,ts a'ainst -!rmer (lar* (!unty e$ada )an,e Mal!ne wh! w!r*ed -!r strip ,lub !wner Mi,hael Galardi in their e--!rt t! repeal San /ie'!Es n! t!u,h law1 Nu,hett and the ,!un,ilman were a,,used !- ta*in' H=>,000 in ,ash bribes1 7!th a'e =51 Murphy , a D2 year !ld -!rmer Aud'e, wh! ser$ed > W years as May!r , resi'ned in the -a,e !- Muesti!ns re'ardin' his handlin' !- the de-i,it-ridden pensi!n -und1 (ity !--i,ials in (hi,a'! are n!w bein' ,har'ed with ,!rrupti!n and -alsi-yin' test s,!res t! ma*e sure ,ertain pe!ple 'et hired1 F!t in Ph!eniJ 11D de'rees yesterday1 125 in eedles (61 7!y in Minnes!ta wh! sh!t and *illed tw! !ther b!ys in a s,h!!l was ,!n$i,ted !- 1st /e'ree Murder despite his insanity plea1 Pie,e !- tape in 6ruba -!und with bl!nd hair !n it C they are sendin' it t! the etherlands -!r testin' and t! the &7I in the US1 %he -ather !- atalie F!ll!way is plannin' !n lea$in' 6ruba and returnin' t! Mississippi1 Fe 'a$e the -ather !- 0!ran 5andersl!!t a 7ible and s!me inspirati!nal (hristian literature1 9P1BP05 < year !ld b!y *ills his in-ant sisterIhittin' her with a 2 by > 11 !n May 22, Fe ,!uld be sent t! Au$enile until a'e 211 Fe said he didnEt li*e her 'ettin' all the attenti!n and she w!uldnEt st!p ,ryin'1 (!unsel!rs at a state-run wilderness ,amp -!r tr!ubled b!ys are ,har'ed with murder -!r restrainin' a b!y t! the eJtent that he died1 +hite (!unty1 6ppala,hian +ilderness (amp in (le$eland,

!rth Ge!r'ia Mts1 %h!se three new 0ersey 7!ys wh! su--!,ated in the ,ar trun* may ha$e been trapped ali$e -!r at least 1= h!urs1 /ar* ,h!,!late is '!!d -!r !neEs health as l!n' as it has -la$!n!ids1 &la$!n!ids ,an als! be -!und in tea, !ni!ns, s!y, and wine1 It sh!uld ha$e ,!,!a in it11 and n!t "/ut,h pr!,essed1# Man !n 'reyh!und bus -r!m /allas t! )61 On the -reeway in Ontari!, (6 as*ed the bus dri$er t! pull !$er s! he ,!uld 'et !--1 %he bus dri$er re-used t! pull !$er s! the man went ba,* t! his seat, !pened the emer'en,y wind!w and Aumped !ut while the bus was '!in' D5 mph1 Fe was immediately *illed by tra--i,1 Pist!ns d!nEt want (!a,h 7r!wn ba,*1 %heyEre lettin' him '!1 FeEs been there -!r tw! years, 'a$e them a ,hampi!nship the -irst year1 Stephen white sin'le-handedly de-eated the push t! m!$e all maA!r p!rt business -r!m )161 t! Santa M!ni,a1 Fe !pened the way -!r the -ederally ,!nstru,ted brea*water that trans-!rmed the eJtensi$e mud -lats !- San Pedr!11 leadin' t! the p!rt !)161 &irst :ur!pean eJpl!rer t! see the ,!ast (ali-!rnia1 0uan 4!driMue? (abrill! C landed in 1522 !n the bea,h that bears his name1 9P21P05 &lip Saunders repla,es )arry 7r!wn as ,!a,h !- the Pist!ns1 +!man 'i$es birth !n -li'ht -r!m %rinidad t! ew 8!r*1 (andy Midtlyn' had the baby ten minutes be-!re landin' in ew 8!r*1 7!th are healthy1 (hi,a'! area eJperien,in' dr!u'ht1 Man a,,used !- m!lestin' a 'al !n a /isneyw!rld ele$at!r was a -!rmer Middle S,h!!l %ea,her, (arl M!!re, a'e =DC , had been arrested be-!re 2002 -!r alle'edly 'r!pin' a 'al at a h!tel p!!l1 6ls! in 20021 rea,hin' under the shirt !- a t!urist under 12 years !ld !n a h!tel ele$at!r1 11 /en$er has a t!tal ban !n pit bulls1 , e$en i- they Aust l!!* li*e it11 they ,an ta*e them with!ut Muesti!n11 and they are d!in' s! at a rate !- three

per day11 puttin' them t! death1 Fillary (lint!n was su,,ess-ul in 'ettin' the $ide! 'ame "Grand the-t 6ut!# ,lassi-ied as "adult !nly1# Supreme (!urt n!minee 0!hn 4!berts 'rew up a st!neEs thr!w away -r!m )a*e Mi,hi'an1 =0 miles !utside (hi,a'!1his dad w!r*ed at a steel mill11he w!r*ed there t!! as part !- the "eJe,uti$es ,hildren " pr!'ram1 !t an elitist i$y lea'ue blue bl!!d, "Aust a re'ular Midwest 'uy#11 )!n' 7ea,h (hi,a'!L Fis dad was an ele,tri,al en'ineer wh! later be,ame a plant mana'er1 4!berts eJ,elled in a,ademi,s, played -!!tball, and was edit!r !- the s,h!!l newspaper1 Fe 'raduated in E9=11 -r!m hi'h s,h!!l, attended Far$ard -!r under'rad and law de'ree1 Indiana P!li,e Muesti!ned Ma'dalena )!pe? , a'e =0, a-ter her tw! s!ns were -!und , !ne a'e B, the !ther a'e 2, b!th died !- multiple head inAuries1 +ild d!'s ha$e been maraudin' animals at the Indianap!lis N!!11 at least !ne !- the d!'s, h!we$er, had a ,!llar1 ar!und 11this time11 (!nd!lee?a 4i,e went t! Sudan and s!me !- her pe!ple were r!u'hed up by s!me !- SudanEs se,urity at the presidents h!use1 She $isited /an-ur where thereEs been a massa,re !- p!!r rural pe!pleI 'en!,ide1 %eena'er was plannin' a massa,re at his hi'h s,h!!l 6ndrew Osant!ws*i C (hippewa 5alley Fi'h1Isenten,ed t! > W years in pris!n1 Man arrested a-ter sh!!t-!utI-atal sh!!t !ut, p!li,e say he admitted that he threw a hand 'renade at President 7ush K5ladimir 6retyunian Cin$esti'at!rs -!und 'renades in his h!me in %bilisiIin the ,!untry !- Ge!r'iaI!ne !- the p!li,e !--i,ers was *illed in the sh!!t!ut1 7rad Pitt, the a,t!r, a,,epted a ,he,* -!r H250,00 !n behal- !- the &ilm &!undati!n In,1 at the F!llyw!!d &!rum Press 6ss!, in 7e$erly Fills1 1 Other stars in,luded 2e$in 7a,!n, 0esse 7rad-!rd, Peter &al*, C Sally &ield1 )an,e 6rmstr!n' h!lds the lead with three

days remainin'1 :li?abeth +allenber', a'e 2<, -ell !-- her s*ateb!ard in ew 8!r* KManhattan, and !n t! a manh!leIwhi,h apparently was $ery h!tIa ,!$er !$er a steam pipe at 2nd and 1=th in :ast 5illa'e, ,ausin' permanent burn mar*s !n her le-t arm, ab!ut whi,h she is suin' the ,ity1 Man in Philadelphia was wal*in' ar!und na*ed at Bth . Mar*et at 5 pm1 6,,!sted by p!li,e !--i,er, !--i,er sh!t the man a-ter he atta,*ed the !--i,er1 %he man then t!!* the !--i,ers ,ar and hit a bus1 6ndre 2ase,hen*in, a ,y,ler in the %!ur /e &ran,e, was hit in the -a,e by a spe,tat!r durin' the 1Dth sta'e !- the %!ur de &ran,e !n %uesdayCun,lear whether it was intenti!nal !r !therwise1 Fis n!se started bleedin' but he was able t! ,!ntinue1 9P22P05 S,ientists n!w say the earthMua*e that ,aused the Ind!nesian tsunami C they estimate the Indian plate slipped == t! 50 -eet and that it lasted 11 the -ault sh!!* -!r at least < minutes, whereas the typi,al earthMua*es lasts ab!ut < se,!nds1 6n'els beat 8an*eesIse,!nd 'ame in a r!w1 9P2=P05 %he terr!r suspe,t in )!nd!n wh! was *illed by )!nd!n p!li,e, turned !ut n!t t! be lin*ed t! terr!r at allIthe )!nd!n p!li,e treated him as suspi,i!us be,ause he ,ame !ut !- a h!use they had under sur$eillan,eIwas wearin' a !$er,!at and they ,hased him !n t! the subwayIbut despite the -a,t that the man was already in the 'rasp !- the p!li,e Ithey sh!t him in the head and t!rs! and *illed him1 ew system used by )6P/ t! identi-y bad ,!psI de$el!ped by Sierra Systems Gr!up al!n' with 7earin' P!intC it ,!mbines databases !- ,!mplaints,

pursuits, lawsuits , use !- -!r,e11and !ther re,!rds that mi'ht be !$erl!!*ed !r i'n!red by super$is!rs !r Aud'es 11 in the past mu,h !- that data !nly eJisted !n paper spread a,r!ss bureaus, ma*in' it di--i,ult t! ,!mpile11 9P2>P05 )an,e 6rmstr!n' wins his 9th %!ur de &ran,e1 9P2DP05 6ruba is drainin' a la*e in h!pes !- -indin' atalie F!ll!wayEs b!dy1 22 year !ld man married a 1= year !ld 'al in 2ansas, but then when they went t! ebras*aIand he is bein' ,har'ed and pr!se,uted -!r ha$in' seJ with a min!r1 FeEs married t! the 'al1 O0 Simps!n has been !rdered t! pay H25,000 t! /ire,%5 -!r b!!tle''in' br!ad,astsIhe was ,au'ht usin' the b!!tle' de$i,es at his h!me in Miami1 Garli, &esti$al in Gilr!y (6 this wee*end1 In 0anuary there are lettu,e days in 8uma 3(6 !r 6N)1 In :n,in!L %!mat! mania1 St!,*t!n has aspara'us -esti$al1 %esti,al -esti$al in Miss!ula &esti$alI ,elebratin' 4!,*y Mt Oysters1 On Sept 1D1 +is,!nsin has a nati!nal Mustard Museum1 Mt1 F!reb Mustard Museum1 Ohi! has sauer*raut -esti$al !n O,t <1 +ashin't!n has the lentil -esti$al 6u' 1B1 I 6pril I!n wee*ends thereEs the salsa -esti$al in S,!tland 6N1 (!llins$ille I) has a *et,hup ,elebrati!n, e$ery 0une1 Mi,helle 2ramer was a 25 year !ld 'raduate student when she met Mar* +einber'er, an I$y lea'ue edu,ated d!,t!r wh! had been married twi,e be-!re11 he had a medi,al pra,ti,e, seemed t! be d!in' well, he was ta*in' her !n trips11 and then !n a trip t! Gree,e !n Sept 2>, 200> she w!*e up t! dis,!$er he

was '!ne, and it turns !ut, +einnber'er, a'e >2, is ali$e and is !n the run1 Fis patients had -iled !$er ==0 medi,al malpra,ti,e suits1 Fis ,lini, was m!re than D milli!n d!llars in debt1 Fis physi,ians li,ense in Indiana was re$!*ed in May, 20051 Pr!stituti!n is le'al in 6ustria . Salsbur'1 :stran'ed ,!uple with 12 ,hildren has split up a-ter husband admitted he was 'ay1 Mum 6lina )!!* dumped her husband, Fannes, a-ter the sh!,*in' re$elati!n1 Fannes had ann!un,ed he was lea$in' the -amily h!me -!r an!ther man1 Fe t!ld his wi-e that he made her pre'nant !nly s! that she w!uld ha$e s!methin' t! d!1 Under arrest -!r ,hild endan'erment, a-ter auth!rities said she aband!ned her s!n !n the (apit!l 7eltway in +ashin't!n /1(1 and then stru,* the baby with the ,ar when he tried t! 'et ba,* in1 (hann!ah 6le, Green, a'e 22, !- ewp!rt 5ir'inia, aband!ned the b!y al!n'side the hi'hway1 6s she attempted t! dri$e !--, the b!y tried t! 'et ba,* in but was *n!,*ed d!wn, leadin' t! the hitand-run-,har'es1 %he shuttle dis,!$ery l!st a lar'e ,hun* !- -!am debris up!n ta*e!-- despite the len'thy e--!rts sin,e the (!lumbia disaster t! pre$ent su,h a mishap1 %he same pr!blem ,!uld ha$e !,,urred had the ,hun* !- debris hit the /is,!$ery in the same way it hit the (!lumbia1 %here were n! si'ns yet that the /is,!$ery was dama'ed by the -allin' debris1 6S6 n!w says, h!we$er, that there will be n! -uture -li'hts until that ha?ard is -iJed1 %he dama'e ,aused durin' the (!lumbia li-t !-- led t! a plate-si?e h!le in !ne !- the win's, whi,h all!wed super-heated 'as int! the win' 3I th!u'ht pre$i!usly they said it was a dime-si?ed h!le)1 &!rmer ,ity ,!mmissi!ner in Miami re,ently indi,ted !n ,!rrupti!n ,har'es sh!t himsel- in the l!bby !2"#

the Miami Ferald !n +ednesdayIsh!t in the m!uth1 Fe ,ame t! the Miami Ferald and t!ld s!meb!dy t! pass !n a messa'e t! a rep!rter tellin' the rep!rter 0im /e-ede t! pass !n t! his wi-e that he l!$es her1 %he Aud'e wai$ed the usual D0 day waitin' peri!d and 'ranted a di$!r,e t! the wi-e !- the 7%2 serial *iller, /ennis 4ader, a'reein' that her mental health was in dan'er1 /ennis did n!t ,!ntest the di$!r,e1 Fe si'ned the ,!uples pr!perty and all !his retirement bene-its !$er t! his wi-e1 %hey had been married -!r => years1 9P29P05 7!ys,!uts -all si,* as they wait -!r the president t! spea* at a lun,he!n1 %he president had t! p!stp!ne the en'a'ement be,ause !- li'htnin'1 11a -ew days pri!rIs!me b!ys,!ut leaders were *illed when a tent was set up by an ele,tri,al wire that subseMuently ,aused the tent t! start !n -ire1 In 6las*aL 9P2<P05 7!y with the baseball bat wh! *illed the !ther b!y has been senten,ed t! y!uth detenti!n until a'e 251 %he ,!a,h wh! !--ered !ne !- his players H25 t! hit a disabled teammate t! 'et him !-- the -ield -r!m the t-ball 'ame has been ,har'ed and will stand trial 9P2BP05 7!y s,!ut leaders 11 were ele,tr!,uted while settin' up a tent underneath p!wer lines11 Mi,hael Shi$e a'e >B,Mi,hael )e (r!iJ a'e >2, 6nd 4!nald 7it?er a'e 5<, and S,!tt P!well, a'e 59, in 5ir'inia Yn!t 6las*aZ Cand n!w elsewhere li'htnin' has stru,* s!me b!ys,!uts wh! were ta*in' shelter -r!m a st!rm, *illin' tw! and lea$in' a 1= year !ld b!y brain dead at SeMu!ia ati!nal Par*1 :$en

th!u'h they t!!* pr!per pre,auti!nsIma*in' sure they didnEt ha$e metal p!les and they werenEt !n a hi'h p!int !w they are di''in' thr!u'h a land-ill1 11tryin' t! -ind the b!dy !- atalie F!ll!way, and they are tryin' t! 'et a ,!urt !rder all!win' them t! 'et a / 6 sample !- the 5andersl!!t b!y, whi,h the Aud'e s! -ar has denied1 (ath!li, Priest :u'ene OESulli$an has been senten,ed t! pr!bati!n a-ter he admitted s!d!mi?in' a 1=-year !ld altar b!y, !ne !the ,!nditi!ns !- his pr!bati!n was that he w!uld n!t w!r* with ,hildren, but later OESulli$an was assi'ned t! -!ur di--erent new 0ersey parishes1 Fe was re,alled t! 7!st!n in 1BB2 a-ter an!ther alle'ati!n a'ainst him 1 %he 5ati,an has n!w de-r!,*ed OESull$ian meanin' he may n! l!n'er -un,ti!n as a priest in any ,apa,ity eJ,ept t! !--er abs!luti!n t! the dyin', and is ,ut !-- -r!m any supp!rt -r!m any !- the di!,esC Fear my prayer -!r 1D<2< (hi,a'! 6$e1 7ell-l!wer, (6 11and -!r %%121 6 w!man sh!t her tw! y!un' s!ns and herselat the -amily h!me 11*illin' tw!-year !ld 7r!dy G!ll!b, and three year !ld 7rayden G!ll!bCthe tw! !lder siblin's, a'e 10 . 1=, ran neJt d!!r t! ,all p!li,e1 +hen they ,ame ba,* they -!und their m!ther, 4a,hella Star*, lyin' w!unded in an upstairs bedr!!mC she was ta*en t! a /esM!ines F!spital where she later died1 Prayin' -!r %%12, 7ell-l!wer, %%1211 %his 6-ri,an 6meri,an , %eale, an in-luential pers!n -!r the 4epubli,ans -!r transp!rtati!n -!r bla,* pe!ple11 durin' the 4ea'an administrati!n11 wh! re,ently was under atta,* -!r ,!rrupti!n11 t!!* his li-e at the Miami Ferald 7uildin' this wee*C sh!!tin' himsel- in the m!uth1 11prayer $i'il all ni'ht in 7ell-l!wer1 /an'er !- the ,h!*in' 'ameI *ids tryin' t! 'et a rush in their head by

sMuee?in' !-- the !Jy'en C pr!blem that s!me are usin' r!pes and strin's11 and d!nEt 'et the strin' !-- in time1 +hen their b!dies are -!und it l!!*s li*e sui,ide

Saturday 0uly =0, 2005 "Pe!ple ,an str!ll al!n' Mi,hi'anEs =200 miles !- Great )a*es 7ea,hes whether they are la*e-r!nt pr!perty !wners !r n!t11 Supreme ,!urt ruled unanim!usly, sidin' with 0!an M1 Glass, Cwh! sued the nei'hb!rs -!r a,,ess t! the )a*e Fur!n water-r!nt, Cthe nei'hb!rs said she was trespassin'C 1 %he Austi,es disa'reed !$er the appr!priate b!undary !- the publi, area but a -i$e member maA!rity held that the publi, ,an wander anywhere between the waters ed'e and the !rdinary hi'h water mar*1 %he de,isi!n !$erturned an appeals ,!urt rulin' that the state !wns the land but that !wners !- adAa,ent pr!perty ha$e eJ,lusi$e use !it and ,an *i,* !thers !ut1 ItEs a tremend!us $i,t!ry -!r the publi, interest and -!r Mi,hi'anEs e,!n!my, mu,h !- whi,h is based !n t!urism and a,,ess t! Great )a*e 7ea,hes said 2eith S,hneider, deputy dire,t!r !- the Mi,hi'an )and Use Institute1 %he 7!tt!m line is that there is a stret,h that the publi, has a ri'ht t! use said Pamela 7urt, att!rney -!r Glass1 Cst!ry by 0!hn &lesher 6 riptide is ,aused by a sandbar that ,reates an arti-i,ial p!ndIbetween the sandbar and the sh!reI but when thereEs a brea* in the sandbar11 the water ,an -l!w !ut ba,* t! sea11s!metimes as -ast as < mph11when the ,urrent starts pullin' them !ut s!metimes they pani,1 In +alt!n (!unty &l!ridaIa panhandle bea,h11 !n a Sunday in 200=11 whi,h they n!w ,all "7la,* Sunday# ei'ht pe!ple died -r!m a riptide %eena'e b!y disappeared -r!m the 8an*eesP6n'els 'ame11 in ew 8!r*11 p!li,e sear,hed the stadium,

nearby st!res and restaurants but did n!t -ind him1 Fe disappeared durin' the 9th innin' stret,h1 MaAeliMue )ewis !- Stam-!rd 6 Suspe,t in the )!nd!n terr!rist atta,* b!mbin's Saturday admitted t! a r!le in the b!mbin' but said it was !nly intended t! be an attenti!n 'rabbin' stri*e1 !t a deadly !ne1 Osman Fussain t!ld interr!'at!rs he wasnEt ,arryin' en!u'h eJpl!si$e e$en t! harm pe!ple nearby1 6 sister-in-law and her b!y-riend were arrested -!r murder !- a =B year !ld businessman wh! w!n a H20 milli!n d!llar l!ttery a -ew years a'!Iand wh! had m!$ed t! &l!rida and !pened a p!p,!rn sh!p K(assies P!p,!rn Sh!p1 &amine in i'er1 Pr!stituti!n is le'al in Germany in s!me pla,es11 and they are 'earin' up -!r the +!rld (up neJt year11 in,ludin' a D0 r!!m br!thel near the stadium1 SaraAe$! (hristians are -l!,*in' t! a n!rthwestern 7!snia t!wn t! $iew an ima'e !- 0esus (hristIthat apparently appeared in a part !- a ,ut tree bran,hC pil'rims ha$e been streamin' t! the treeIlea$in' m!ney, ,uttin' !-- bar*11 and li'htin' ,andles1 1111 )yri, sheet -!r "6ll y!u need is l!$e# used by 0!hn )enn!n in 1BD9 was s!ld -!r 110> milli!n at an au,ti!n !n M!nday1 Gal w!r*in' -!r the 77( at the time 0!hn )enn!n dr!pped it !n the sta'eIretrie$ed the manus,ript -r!m beneath his musi, stand at the time and pr!$ided a letter !- authenti,ity -!r the sale1 7SHCS0/ an interestin' study d!ne re1 F!w mu,h methan!l and ethan!l a ,!w emits11 the reper,ussi!ns bein' similar t! that !- a ,ar that emits t!! mu,h sm!'I it ,!uld ,!st the -armer per ,!w1 2ara Furt in Ohi! I,!n$i,ted !- the-t by de,epti!nIre,ei$ed m!ney -r!m pe!ple a-ter -alsely tellin' them she had

,an,er1 11 she set hersel- !n -ire yesterday and died1 M!re m!sMuit!es -eed !n 4!bins than (r!wsIa surprisin' study11 -!r +est ile 5irus reper,ussi!ns11

7ush spea*in' t! b!ys,!uts 6l '!reI11 is startin' a new tele$isi!n netw!r*, ,alled (urrent %51 K ,!ntributi!ns -r!m $iewers usin' their !wn $ide! eMuipment, Sin'h wins the 7ui,* Open in Grand 7lan, Mi,hi'anIde-eatin' %i'er w!!ds by a -ew str!*es1 11 "+hat the Fa,*L# (!n-eren,e in the etherlands -!r ,!mputer pr!'rammers11 6'assi w!n his >th )!s 6n'eles title de-eatin' Gyles Muller in strai'ht setsIthe Mer,edes 7en? (up -inal1 6'assiEs D0th ,areer title11 6n'els l!se -!r the Dth time in 9 'ames11t! the 8an*ees11 7!y ,!n$i,ted !intenti!nally $!mitin' !n his tea,her has been senten,ed t! ,leanin' !ut p!li,e ,ars anytime s!meb!dy $!mits in !ne -!r -!ur m!nths1 `4!bin /!ulin 2ansas (ity suburb a'e =1 leaned !ut !her -ast m!$in' ,ar t! spit11 and went tumblin' !ut !n t! the US 9111 and t! the ama?ement !- !ther dri$ers she h!pped up and ,hased her ,ar as it went d!wn the emban*ment t!wards a ,!nstru,ti!n site11I released with min!r inAuries1 11 <P1P05 Spa,ewal* -!r repairsL Palmer! , -irst baseman -!r the 7altim!re Ori!les, wh! Aust '!t his =000th hit a -ew wee*s a'!11 has n!w been suspended -!r 10 'ames -!r testin' p!siti$e t! ster!ids1 7!lt!n eJpe,ted t! 'et ambassad!r n!minati!n1 Far$ard b!ard member resi'ns in pr!test !- the salary raise !- the Far$ard President1 Man wh! spent 1B years in pris!n -!r a rape he did n!t ,!mmit was released t!day a-ter / 6 tests ,leared him !- wr!n' d!in'1 %he Aud'e dismissed ,har'es

a'ainst %h!mas 61 /!swell wh! had been ,!n$i,ted !- the rapeCthirty minutes later he wal*ed !ut !the Aail, eJpressin' than*s n!t bitterness sayin' the ,!urt system is n!t per-e,t but it w!r*s, Austi,e has been ser$ed11 /!swell, a'e >D , was ,!n$i,ted !- the1B<D rape !- a >< year !ld w!man at a h!spital in Pittsbur'h1 6t the time he was the -ather !- tw! y!un' ,hildren,1 ,,, he was senten,ed -r!m 1= t! 2D years in pris!n and was denied par!le -!ur times be,ause he re-used t! a,,ept resp!nsibility -!r the ,rime1 &isherman -!und the lapt!p ,!mputer in the ri$er where the ,!urt pr!se,ut!r, Gri,ar, disappeared1 :mbattled n!minee 0!hn 7!lt!n has -inally been installed as the ambassad!r -!r the United ati!ns !n M!ndayI 7ush app!intin' him durin' a ,!n'ressi!nal re,ess a-ter a -i$e m!nth stand!-- with dem!,rats1 Cwh! th!u'h the t!u'h tal*in' ,!nser$ati$e was un-it -!r the A!b1 7ush has made 10D re,ess app!intments, many !- the Aud'es1 7!lt!n is the hi'hest !- the re,ess app!intees, and the -irst re,ess app!intee -!r U ambassad!r1 0!an 7a,all says %!m (ruiseEs beha$i!r is $ul'arIusin' his pri$ate pers!nal li-eI up,!min' marria'e t! 2atie F!lmes t! sell his m!$ie1 Matthew Fu-- says a sea li!n bit a ,hun* !ut !- his b!!'ie b!ard11 ridin' b!ard !-- the n!rthern end !- the M!rr! Strand state bea,h1 G!lden retrie$er ma*es 112 mile swim -r!m 6l,atra? t! the sh!reIthe !nly d!' am!n' 500 swimmers1 Stabbin' !utside /!d'er Stadium11 se,urity 'uards ,!n-r!nted pers!ns sellin' ille'al shirtsIand s!meb!dy pulled a *ni-e, and a -ew were stabbed1 <P2P05 %ru,* meltedIburned t! pie,e, ,,ar,ass !- 1< wheeler al!n' D05 at +hittier11 (hi,a'! (arpenter sh!uld be stripped !- U1S1 (iti?en ship be,ause he was a member !- a p!li,e

unit that helped a?is r!und up U*ranian 0ews 1 0ud'e Samuel /er-ye'hiayan is ,!ndu,tin' the trial !- OS8P &I4ISF(F62, a'e <D1 C1 0et ,rash in %!r!nt! In! -atalities =0B passen'ers1 1> hurt1 1D year !ld 'irl missin' sin,e &riday was -!und stabbed t! death Cand dismembered, and p!li,e say that the *iller li$ed neJt d!!rC 0!nath!n Narati, a'e 1< 11wh! appeared in M!rris (!unty (!urt, 4and!lph, ew 0ersey1 Fubert Fumphrey (!mprehensi$e Fealth (enter at Slaus!n . Maine <P>P05 thr!u'h <P9P05 6str!naut Stephen 4!bins!n rem!$ed tw! pie,es !-iller material -r!m the shuttles belly !n +ednesday, but n!w may ha$e t! -iJ an!ther tr!uble sp!tIa t!rn thermal blan*et near the ,!,*pit wind!w ,!uld ,ause pr!blems 3alth!u'h n!w , a day later, 6S6 says they ,!nsider it "ne'li'ible1# ) C 1 7aby Giant Panda b!rn at San /ie'! ?!!Iwei'hed -!ur !un,es, the si?e !- a sti,* !- butter, 'ender un*n!wn1 %he !ther !ne died1 ItEs di--i,ult t! breed pandas in the ?!! be,ause they are !nly in heat !ne !r tw! days per year1 Man pullin' his in-ant dau'hter !ut !- the ,ar was *illed in an apparent ,ase !- r!ad ra'e by a m!t!rist wh! "eJpl!ded# and sh!t at him -!ur times at ,l!se ran'e in -r!nt !- a d!?en witnesses1 %he tw! m!nth !ld 'irl was ,!$ered with bl!!d but unharmed1 %he man with the 'un, a'e D0, wh! was ta*in' medi,ati!n -!r depressi!n was ,har'ed with 1st /e'ree murder -!r the death !- 29 year !ld VVVVVVV 6ndrade1 %he man t!ld in$esti'at!rs that he was dri$in' his wi-e t! the train stati!n when 6ndradeEs $ehi,le ba,*ed t!ward him !n Main St1 %he tw! eJ,han'ed heated w!rds1 6-ter dr!ppin' his wi-e !-- he returned t! the s,ene !- the ,!n-r!ntati!n p!int, p!inted the hand'un at 6ndrade thr!u'h an !pen wind!w and -ired -!ur sh!ts 3t!wn !- 7r!,*t!n, state n!t 'i$en, maybe M6), Martha StewartEs h!me

,!n-inement has been eJtended three wee*sIreas!n n!t 'i$en1 S!me s,ientists are h!pe-ul that they ,an, in the -uture, ,han'e the weatherIsu,h as hurri,ane weatherC !ne -ar--et,hed n!ti!n has t! d! with beamin' mi,r!wa$e ener'y -r!m satellites t! the waterIwarmin' the water s! that it d!es n!t a,t as a ,atalyst t! the hurri,ane 3whi,h miJes with the waterIand the water a,tually "-uels# the hurri,ane t! a ,ertain eJtentIbut ,ann!t i- it is n!t the ri'ht temperature)1 , the !ther idea is t! layer the water with a ,!at !- !il thereby ma*in' it di--i,ult -!r the hurri,ane t! pi,* up water K be,ause the !il sl!ws the e$ap!rati!n pr!,ess1 7er*ley s,ientists say that there is an interestin' lin* between st!rmy seas!n and hi'h windsIas the winds sweep up dr!plets !- water Cand eJpends them in the air , that layer !- wet air a,ts as a lubri,ant , a,,!rdin' t! the m!del, thus all!win' wind t! pi,* up speed1 Cthe way t! redu,e that e--e,t, says mathemati,ian 6leJandre (h!rin , is t! redu,e the si?e !- the water dr!pletsIthatEs what the pr!$erbial seamen were d!in' whether they *new it !r n!t when they ,!ated the water with !il1 Cit may be p!ssible -!r a -leet !- air,ra-t t! spray the !,ean with s!me harmless, bi!de'radable !il ---li*e s!apy water11 , t! depri$e the winds !- the ener'y they need t! rea,h hurri,ane status1 6 (anadian 0ud'e has ruled that /r1 4!'er Perrault, wh! is si,* and elderly, a'e D<, and wh! was at the ,enter !- a tainted bl!!d tra'edy that le-t 1000Es !- (anadians in-e,ted with FI5 !r hepatitis (, must n!netheless stand trial1 Perrault is the -!rmer ati!nal Medi,al /ire,t!r -!r the (anadian 4ed (r!ss1 Fe had a heart atta,* in 1B<01 ItEs n!t ,lear h!w many pe!ple ha$e l!st their li$es be,ause !- the tainted bl!!d, but the *n!wn t!ll was =000 as !- 1BB91 %his d!,t!r al!n' with three !ther d!,t!rs and ew 0ersey based 6rm!ur pharma,euti,al ,!mpany , are a,,used !- alle'edly all!win' an FI5

in-e,ted bl!!d-,l!ttin' pr!du,t t! be 'i$en t! hem!philia patients1 %he ,har'e is that they -ailed t! s,reen bl!!d pr!du,ts and ta*e adeMuate measures t! pre$ent pe!ple in-e,ted with FI5 -r!m d!natin' bl!!d1 6n'els beat Ori!les !n %uesday and +ednesday1 0imi FendriJ, the 'reat r!,*-n-r!ller, lied t! 'et !ut !- the army, a,,!rdin' t! a new bi!'raphy, 6 4!!m -ull !- Mirr!rs by (harles (r!ss, published by Fyperi!n1 Missin' 4an'er in (!l!rad!Es Mummy 4an'e n!rth !/en$er-(hristiansenIan eJperien,ed ran'er with ba,*pa,* and radi!, and 'un1 11 last thin' they heard were 'un sh!ts and ,li,*in' !n radi!11 a h!pe-ul si'nI3i1e1 attempted transmissi!nI'un sh!ts perhaps a si'nal)1 %w! small planes ,!llided !$er a Seattle suburbC a plane under,ut a p!nt!!n planeI dama'in' the p!nt!!nsIbut the p!nt!!n plane mana'ed t! land sa-ely11 with!ut inAuries11 the !ther plane ,rashed int! an empty s,h!!l, *illin' b!th !n b!ard1 6 s!ldier wh! returned -r!m IraM nine days a'!Ish!t and *illed his wi-e and himsel-Iin the &!rt (!llins, (!l!rad! area1 11Stephen Sherw!!d, a'e =D, and his wi-e, were -!und dead1 %heir baby was bein' ta*en ,are !- by a nei'hb!r1 Fe had been in IraM -!r a year1 11(riti,s demanded an ap!l!'y -r!m 0ames /!bs!n-, -!under !- &!,us !n the &amily, -!r his ,!mment that ,!mpared the use !- embry!ni, stem ,ells t! a?i eJperiments !n F!l!,aust $i,tims1 6n'els l!st t! the Ori!les1 --4ussian mini-sub ,au'ht in a netI!r a underwater antenna11Ithey are waitin' -!r help11 U1S1 is settin' a mini-sub ,alled the S,!rpi! by plane then ship11 n!w tryin' t! dra' the sub 11 n!te -!und !n airplane in F!ust!n area airplaneIsays there is a b!mb !n b!ardIthey t!!* it seri!usly11 and sear,hed

the plane 3n! b!mb -!und)1 M!ther !-- a 5 year !ld 'irl wh! died in a ,!in-!perated washin' ma,hine is suin' the ma,hine !perat!rs1 %he 'al, 4ebe,,a F!pe +a''!ner, su--!,ated !n 0une 19 a-ter be,!min' trapped in the triple l!ad ma,hine-the suit ,!ntends the ma,hine started with!ut ,!ins and she had t! use a r!,* t! !pen the d!!r11 F!peEs 1> year !ld hal--br!ther has been ,har'ed with in$!luntary manslau'hterC a Man named 4!berts in a Miss!uri pris!nIwas ,!n$i,ted !- a restaurant r!bbery t! whi,h an!ther man subseMuently ,!n-essed1 +hile 4!berts was in Aail a ri!t br!*e !ut and a 'uard by the name !- 0a,*s!n, siJ m!nths -r!m retirement, was stabbed t! death1 4!berts was a,,used as bein' the !ne wh! held the 'uard d!wn1 Fe ,!ntends he did n!t--, n!netheless he was -!und 'uilty and senten,ed t! death1 6 -ew days be-!re his eJe,uti!n he reMuested a p!ly'raph testIhe passed, but it didnEt ,han'e anythin'1 %he (hie- in$esti'at!r !the murder says he is ,ertain that 4!berts is 'uiltyIthe !nly pr!blem is that an!ther witness testi-ied that 4!berts was elsewhere at the time11 als! there was n! bl!!d !n 4!berts shirtIdespite the -a,t that the pers!ns wh! stabbed the 'uard did s! repeatedly in the 'uards eyes and heart am!n' !ther pla,esIma*in' it unli*ely that 4!berts ,!uld ha$e remained unstained by the bl!!d1 4!berts last w!rds were "8!uEre *illin' an inn!,ent man and y!u ,an all *iss my ass1# :ddie MurphyEs wi-e -iled -!r di$!r,eItheyE$e been married sin,e 1BB=-they ha$e -!ur dau'hters and !ne s!n, a'es = t! 151 +ild-ires in M!ntana ,l!se interstate B011 11 !w thereEs an!ther a,,usati!n a'ainst +illiam 7la*eIthe a,t!r -r!m 7arettaIhis -irst wi-e is sayin' that 7la*e als! tried t! 'et a ,!ntra,t !n her t! ha$e her *illedIthis is part !- a ,i$il suit by the 7!nnie 7la*ely ,hildrenCIn the Mi,hael 0a,*s!n ,aseItw! -!rmer Aur!rs are n!w ,!n$in,ed that he is 'uilty11 :lean!r (!!* is writin' a b!!* entitled Guilty as

Sin, &ree as a 7ird1 +ith the help !- her 'randdau'hter1 %he se,!nd b!!* entitled %he /eliberat!r written by -!rmer Aur!r 4ay Fultman1 Oa*land 6Es are n!w tied with the 6n'els in the 6) +est -!r 1st1 Peter 0ennin's died1 59 years !ld , lun' ,an,er1 Fe had re,ently retired1 Fe was a nati$e (anadian Fe w!n the Ge!r'e &!ster Peab!dy 6ward as well as the ati!nal Feadline 6ward1 Fe was a sm!*er -!r a while, als! a hi'h s,h!!l dr!p!ut1 6nd a ban* teller -!r se$eral years1 6t a'e 2D he was pi,*ed t! an,h!r 67( but turned it d!wn sayin' he needed m!re eJperien,e in the -ield1 +asnEt it his ran,h where the murder t!!* pla,eL S,ientists ha$e -!und a lar'e am!unt !- ,!,aine residue in an Italian ri$er, su''estin' that ab!ut >0,000 d!ses !,!,aine are ,!nsumed e$ery day in the P! 5alley1 %he ri$er ,arried the eMui$alent !- -!ur *il!'rams !- ,!,aine e$ery day1 Ne4re sai% to ommit a 'Type One; error when we reDe t truth" an% a 'Type Two; error when we a ept falsehoo%6 Nhen listening to reports people have an in lination to suspen% their %is(elief in or%er to (e heere% an% ris+ ma+ing a type two error6 Fn evaluating me%i al laims resear hers have a ten%en y to ma+e an opposite error000suspen%ing their initial (elief in or%er not to (e (eguile% an% there(y ris+ ma+ing a type one error6 JSJS0/ 4i!t at San @uentin1 4an'er (hristiansen apparently died !- a head inAury while hi*in' in the ba,* ,!untry 1 7aseball mana'er Gene Mau,h died1 Grammy winnin' sin'er and husband !- 67( rep!rter :li?abeth 5ar'as was sh!t thr!u'h a wind!w !- a $an durin' an attempted ,arAa,*in' -!ll!win' a

per-!rman,e1 Fe was treated at a h!spital and released 1 Mar* (!hn, wh! had a hit with the s!n' "+al*in' in Memphis# +ild-ires in +ashin't!n burn d!wn at least 100 ,abins, =5000 a,res1 <PBP05 thr!u'h <P12P05 Girl dies at b!ys,!ut !utin' when a tree -ell !n their tent, at a -irst-aid ,lass1 +!man Aumped t! her death -r!m a Fummer lim!usine at 5 a1m1 !n the >05 -reeway a-ter a ni'ht !utInear (!sta MesaI appeared t! be sui,ide150 year !ld retired airline pil!t, %im M,/!nald, married a -emale pris!ner, %heresa /ei!n Smith Farris, a'e =>, wh! is in pris!n -!r murder with!ut the p!ssibility !par!le, in a %ennessee pris!n -!r w!men in ash$ille1 0enni-er Fyatt, a -!rmer pris!n nurse pra,titi!ner in %ipt!n$ille, % , 3n!rthwest ,!rre,ti!nal ,!mpleJ), was -ired -!r ha$in' a relati!nship with pris!ner Ge!r'e Fyatt wh! was ser$in' a =5 year senten,e -!r r!bbery and assault-, --she subseMuently married him while he was still in pris!n and !n %uesday alle'edly *illed !ne !- the 'uards transp!rtin' him !utside the ,!urth!useIand es,aped with him11 they were ,au'ht the neJt day in Ohi!1 Se$eral male *illersI!n death r!w, ha$e married while in pris!n1 2enneth 7ian,i and ,!usin 6n'el! 7u!n!, better *n!wn as the "Fillside Stran'lers#, wh! *illed ten 'irls in )!s 6n'eles11 while in pris!n b!th !- them married t! pers!ns !utside the pris!n1 Serial *iller 0!hn +ayne Ga,y and %ed 7undy b!th had ,!mmitted relati!nships with w!men be-!re they were put t! death1 i'ht stal*er 4i,hard Marmire?, !n death r!w -!r a strin' !- brutal murders in (ali-!rnia ar!und 1B<5 , married a pen pal in 1BBD1 )yle Menende? and his br!ther, 4i,*, wh! are ser$in' li-e senten,es -!r *illin' their parents in 1B<B b!th married a-ter bein' in,ar,erated1 )yle Menende? married

pen pal 6nna :ri,*s!nCin 1BB91 %hey split up a-ter a year but then he married an!ther ,!rresp!ndent in a pris!n ,erem!ny in 200=1 C S,!tt Peters!n, !n death r!w in San @uentin, has rep!rtedly been -l!!ded by letters -r!m admirers1 O*lah!ma b!mber %im!thy M,5ei'h re,ei$ed marria'e pr!p!sals be-!re he was eJe,uted1 (hildren in 7!ulder (!l!rad! -!und HB<,000 in a du--el ba'Irep!rted it t! p!li,eI n!b!dy ,laimed it, n!r was it ,!nne,ted t! a r!bbery !r dru' m!ney and s! the *ids '!t t! *eep it1 6rti,le ab!ut the "Gri??ly ManE %readwell11 tried t! ma*e it in F!llyw!!d but -ailed as an a,t!r, went t! 6las*a and be,ame in-atuated with Gri??lies, '!in' there e$ery summer until 200= when he and his 'irl-riend were *illed by an an'ry 'ri??lyC they als! ,alled him the "bear whisperer1# Museum !- :arth Fist!ryI:ure*a Sprin's 6r*ansas11 i- I wanted t! d! s!methin' $i!lent t! the ,ust!dians I w!uld ha$e d!ne s! l!n' a'!I!r t! their ,ar11 they ,ann!t retaliate a'ainst me -!r a lawsuit a'ainst /M6Iand the p!li,e sh!uld n!t help them retaliate1 U1S1 /istri,t (!urt 0ud'e )inda 4eade was ,alled up -!r Aury duty, but reAe,ted11 Prayin' -!r the ,ust!dians1 Gan' !- pris!ners tunneled !ut !- a 7ra?ilian Aail !nly t! emer'e in the pris!n yard, Aust =0 ,entimeters sh!rt !- the pris!n wall1 Prin,e Farry is !n t!ilet ,leanin' duty at Sandhurst, part !- the 6rmy trainin' ,!lle'e <P1=P05 %hey -!und a 5 -!!t alli'at!r in Ma,had! la*e1 <P1>P05

Marine by the name !- /aniel (!tn!ir, a'e ==, was awarded Marine !- the 8ear by the Marine (!rps %imes1 6nd was a marine ,!rps m!rti,ian wh! a,tually prepared the b!dies -!r !pen ,as*et -unerals11 heEs been ba,* li$in' in Mass1 +ith his wi-e and tw! dau'hters11 +y!min' w!man *illed in her -irst s*ydi$e, a tandem di$e with an instru,t!rC 0ulia 3L) 7!nd !- :$anst!n +8 died in a h!spital a-ter the Aump11 and 0!hn 5an(lea$e was in stable but seri!us ,!nditi!n11they hit a buildin' !n the way d!wn ma*in' the ,hute ,!llapse,,,and they -ell 20 -eet t!'ether t! the 'r!und1 6 7ul'arian student wh! apparently dr!wned in the (!nne,ti,ut 4i$er may ha$e been parti,ipatin' in what /artm!uth students ,all the )edyard (hallen'eC %!d!r!$ 5al*!$ a student -r!m %rinity (!lle'e in Fart-!rd (% was -!und in the ri$er11 the traditi!n !- swimmin' na*ed a,r!ss the ri$er is well *n!wn by /artm!uth studentsC itEs le'al t! be na*ed in 5erm!nt but n!t in ew Fampshire11 the ,hallen'e is t! run a,r!ss the )edyard brid'e na*ed t! 5erm!nt and then swim ba,* and 'et y!ur ,l!thes !n be-!re 'ettin' ,au'ht 1 O--i,er &ran,is,!VVVVVVVVV a'e 25, pled 'uilty t! smu''lin' ,!,aine int! the United States -r!m (!lumbia usin' military air,ra-t1 <P19P05 +illiam %a-t, G!$ern!r !- Ohi!, is bein' ,riminally ,har'ed -!r n!t rep!rtin' 'i-ts re,ei$ed while '!$ern!r, espe,ially '!l- !utin's, am!n' !ther thin's1 >0 T !- s,h!!l tea,hers plan t! eJit the pr!-essi!n in the neJt -i$e years1 , the hi'hest rate sin,e 1BB0, and it is eJpe,ted t! be e$en hi'her am!n' hi'h s,h!!l tea,hers1 >2T !- tea,hers are a'e 50 !r !lder1 7%2 *iller, /ennis 4ader, ,alled himsel- a "m!nster# and t!ld auth!rities ab!ut a ,hillin' ,!n$ersati!n with an 11 year !ld 'irl he said he tar'eted be,ause !- seJual attra,ti!n1 6-ter he had *illed her parents and

br!ther , he t!!* the 'irl t! the basementC0ud'e Gre'!ry +aller 'a$e /ennis 4ader 10 ,!nse,uti$e li-e senten,es, 195 years in Aail with n! p!ssibility !- par!le1 C(indy Sheehan, the m!ther !- the b!y-s!ldier wh! was *illed in IraM, and wh! has been ,amped !utside President bushEs (raw-!rd 4an,h -!r se$eral wee*s, had t! lea$e t! return t! )!s 6n'eles a-ter she -!und !ut her m!ther had a str!*e1 11Gal a'e 19, Filderbrand, was *illed by a Siberian %i'er wh! was p!sin' -!r ph!t!s at a -amily run animal san,tuary in s!utheast 2ansas1 ati$e 6meri,ans---ha$e started their -irst sui,ide h!tlineIbe,ause !- the hi'h rate !- sui,ide espe,ially am!n'st teens in the ati$e-6meri,an p!pulati!n1 Pris!n 4i!t in (alipatria state pris!n near San /ie'!11 7r!thels are n!w reMuired t! issue health ,erti-i,ates -!r their pr!stitutes in %iAuana1 <P1BP05 Man in San Mate! (6 *illed his wi-e and tw! ,hildren and himsel-11 6nth!ny 4i,hards, a'e 5=, *illed his wi-e i,!le, 5=, and tw! dau'hters,-6leJa, a'e 19, and %essa, a'e 1=1 1< t!rnad!es hit +is,!nsin !n %hursday ni'ht1 (!urtney l!$e $i!lated her pr!bati!n , is addi,ted t! dru's and is bein' sent t! a ,hemi,al dependen,y ,lini,1 <P20P05 /!n 7eatty !- M!ntana '!t stu,* in p!wer lines as he des,ended in his p!wer para,hute, a -!rm !ultralite air,ra-t11 al!n' US <9 near Great &alls !n Saturday,,C man named 4!nny Perris a'e 22wh! t!ld -riends he did n!t want his = year !ld s!n t! be a sissy was senten,ed t! =0 years in pris!n -!r *illin' the b!y by slammin' his head int! a

*it,hen wall, Aust wee*s a-ter the ,hild returned -r!m -!ster ,are1 San &ran,is,! >Ber O--ensi$e lineman %h!mas Ferri!n ,!llapsed and died in the l!,*er r!!m yesterday a-ter the >Bers preseas!n 'ame a'ainst the /en$er 7r!n,!s1 %ed %urner is am!n' a 'r!up !- pe!ple wh! is interested in intr!du,in' li!ns and elephants and !ther 6-ri,an spe,ies int! the Great Plains t! li$e wild1 6n !ri'inal manus,ript !- 6lbert :instein was dis,!$ered in a library in :ur!peIha$in' t! d! with "m!n!-at!ms#- 3!r nan!-at!msL)1 +ashin't!n 4eds*ins are the wealthiest &) %eam1 )an,e 6rmstr!n' and Ge!r'e 7ush r!de t!'ether at 7ushEs (raw-!rd 4an,hI a-ter a 19 mile bi,y,le ride they t!!* a swim in his p!!l1 6rmstr!n' is a'ainst the war in IraM but they didnEt spea* ab!ut thatIthey did spea* ab!ut ,an,er resear,h, h!we$er1 (!n$i,ted -el!n, 0!se 7etan,!urt, a'e 52, must -!r-eit 219 milli!n in %eJas l!ttery winnin's be,ause !- his dru'-related ,!n$i,ti!n11 the ,!urt said that be,ause he b!u'ht the ti,*et with dru' m!neyC11 <P21P05 Plane ,rashes at Pal!s 5erde11 sur- sp!t ,alled )!n's11 ,rashed while pullin' banner, pil!t was n!t hurt1 11Mail!m!, 0!hn11 name !- pil!t11 than* y!u )!rd11 raMueteerin', m!bster 0!hn G!tti11 stands trial be'innin' t!m!rr!w11 -!r !rderin' a hit !n Sliwa a radi! tal*s h!w h!st and -!rmer 'uardian an'el leader11 <P2=P05 Uni$ersity !- +is,!nsin, Madis!n, is ran*ed as the t!p drin*in' s,h!!l1 5 dead in In'lew!!d Csuspe,t *illed sister-in-law, her husband and tw! ,hildren, and himsel-1 Fuey )ewis !wns land in M!ntana near Mit,hel Sl!u'h11 '!!d -ishin'11M!ntana has law

sayin' any ri$ers !r streams are publi, pr!perty1 7ut Fuey and !ther nearby pr!perty !wners ,!ntend they st!,*ed the area and re-$itali?ed it at their !wn eJpense s! it sh!uld be pri$ate1 6 Aud'e and a -ew !thers made a p!int !- '!in' t! -ish there t! pr!$e it was publi, land1 Interned 0apanese 6meri,an s -r!m ++II 'et h!n!rary hi'h s,h!!l dipl!mas1 In )!s 6n'eles1 11 5ir'inia 7ea,h reli'i!us br!ad,aster Pat 4!berts!n ,alled !n M!nday -!r the assassinati!n !- 5ene?uela President Fu'h (ha$e? sayin', "I d!nEt *n!w anythin' ab!ut this d!,trine !- assassinati!n but i- he thin*s we are tryin' t! assassinate him I thin* we really !u'ht t! '! ahead and d! it1 ItEs a wh!le l!t ,heaper than startin' a war1 +e ha$e the ability t! ta*e him !ut and I thin* the time has ,!me that we eJer,ise that ability#Oli$ia ewt!n 0!hnEs b!y-riend, Patri,* 2im M,/erm!tt, a'e ><, is missin' a-ter a !$erni'ht -ishin' trip in San Pedr!1 2= passen'ers and = ,rewman1 Oli$ia is a'e 5D1 M,/erm!tt was a ,ameraman U1S1 0ud'e !n M!nday !$erturned a ban imp!sed by ,ity !--i,ials ruled in -a$!r !- -ashi!n ,!mpanies ri'ht t! h!ld street party -eaturin' 'ra--iti artists paintin' m!,* subway ,ars11 &ree land in the Feartland draws new,!mers11 :llsw!rth 2ansas11 rainst!rm !r hail st!rm11 Plane (rash1 B0 pe!ple !n b!ard 50 sur$i$ed1 )andin' in a swamp in Peru11 b!y-riend !- Oli$ia ewt!n 0!hn wh! disappeared had -iled -!r ban*rupt,y in 2000 !win' H=0,000 t! ,redit!rs 3thatEs n!t mu,h)1 6nd !wed H<00 Pm! in ,hild supp!rt t! eJ-wi-e11 they are w!nderin' i- he sta'ed his disappearan,e1 Fis eJwi-e was 8$ette ipar11 &!ur in,hes !- rain in s!uthern 6ri?!na ,auses -l!!din' and

e$a,uati!ns11 11 %u,s!n11 6nth!nyVVVV a'e =D ta*en int! ,ust!dy %uesday ni'ht in San Pedr! (61 where they -!und remnants !- a ma*eshi-t alli'at!r habitat, tw! snappin' turtles, and s!me dru's1 %hey suspe,t he was the !ne wh! dumped the alli'at!r int! )a*e Ma,had!1 11 and then they arrested %!dd at!w1 6'e >2, and -!und three alli'at!rs, -!ur piranhas, three desert t!rt!ises, siJ t!rt!ise e''s, !ne rattle sna*e, s,!rpi!n and s!me mariAuana at his h!use1 <P2>P05 Swelterin' heat and l!ss !- a *ey transmissi!n line ,aused p!wer !--i,ials t! imp!se r!llin' bla,*!uts11 hal- a milli!n with!ut p!wer -!r halan h!ur at a time1 2atrinaIst!rmPhurri,ane headin' t!wards &l!ridaC min!r lea'ue player 4i,* !r Gre' Sh!rt is h!$erin' ar!und 1>00 battin' a$era'e11 ma*es 10,000 per m!nth -!r min!rs11 -eed team -!r +ash ati!nals11 last time s!meb!dy hit 1>00 in min!rs was 1BD1 6ar!n P!inter hit 1>02 -!r Salisbury11 but was better *n!wn -!r his sisters, the P!inter Sisters11 last time s!meb!dy hit 1>00 in the maA!rs was 1B>111 6n'els l!st, 6Es w!n1 %he %sunami whi,h hit 6sia, 11 the wa$e was -elt all !$er the w!rld11 in 6las*a the wa$es were 10 in,hes hi'her, Pt1 4eyes (6 15 in,hes hi'her <P25P05 6nth!ny Su*t! 11 a year a'!11 wat,hed his -ather stab his m!ther t! death in %a,!ma +611 then the -ather turned the *ni-e up!n 6nth!nyC the < year !ld was stabbed D times, but mana'ed t! ,all B111 ,,C "My daddy *illed me with a *ni-e and IEm '!ne1 (an y!u please send an ambulan,eL " Fe 'a$e the address and hun' up1 %he !perat!r ,alled ba,* and 6nth!ny said "My daddy *illed me with a but,her *ni-eL# She said "F!w did that happen i- y!u are tal*in' t! meL " Fe said "My dad was *illin' my m!m

and t!ld me t! '! int! the !ther r!!m and said y!uEre neJt# IEm still ali$e1 I *ind !- sur$i$ed1 Musi, pr!du,er missin' a-ter bein' ,hasedC ,alled -riend !n ,ell ph!ne 11 said he was runnin' in a ,ree* with n! sh!es !n11 =>5 in the m!rnin' <P2DP05 hamster p!wered ph!ne re,har'er11 man ,au'ht with =95 t!rt!ises in a (!lumbia airp!rt, many !- them already dead1 %w! 6r'entina ,!uplesI-!und !ut siJ years a-ter the birth !- their ,hildren that the babies were miJed up at the h!spital, and they '!t the wr!n' ,hild1 %he ,!uples a'reed with ea,h !ther that they w!uld *eep the babies rather than swap them 'i$en they had had them -!r siJ years1 /a$id Smith Sr1 was sh!t in a ,ann!n ball -r!m %iAuana t! the U1S1 !$er the b!rder1 1 0!hn +!!den is B> years !ld1 Fe w!n 10 bas*etball ,hampi!nships in his last twel$e years !- ,!a,hin' at U()6 tw! br!thers wh! were !ri'inally arrested in the 6ruba ,ase, ha$e been arrested a'ain11new in-!rmati!n <P29P05 ass!,iati!n !- (hristian s,h!!ls Intl1 Is suin' (ali-!rnia Uni$ersity sayin' they ha$e been dis,riminated a'ainstIthe s,h!!ls that tea,h ,reati!nism, re-usin' t! ,erti-y teJtb!!*s that ,hallen'e /arwinEs the!ry !- e$!luti!n1Iranian m!t!r,y,le darede$il died in an attempt t! Aump !$er 22 m!t!r,y,les lined up side by side11 he landed !n the 1=th !ne1 C1apparently died instantly pali?banian @uentin %arantin! t!!* his -irst ride in a as,ar ra,e ,ar11 '!in' !$er 100 mph 11seemed t! be eJ,ited ab!ut it1


%w! br!thersIin 6ruba 11 n!w bein' held -!r murder and rape11 they had been arrested be-!re1 7ut released1 !w 6ruba says they ha$e new e$iden,e1 11 al!n' with a third man unidenti-ied1 1 0ulian :li?nd!11 re,alls es,apin' -r!m a shar* hittin' it in the h!se and li-tin' it -r!m the head t! 'et its ,len,hed teeth !-- his an*le11 Aust a -ew -eet !-sh!re in the Gul- !- MeJi,!11 6n'els l!se, 6Es win1 (!untry Star Gret,hen +ils!n was warned by %ennessee 6tt!rney General Paul Summers1 %hat her sm!*eless t!ba,,! S*!al11 ,an mi'ht $i!late state law1 SheEs a'reed n!t t! use it in ,!n,erts1 11 /eputy +arden at the 4!ss (!rre,ti!nal Instituti!n was suspended -!r 5 days a-ter he mista*enly sh!wed inmates a seJually eJpli,it %5 sh!w1 7reast-eedin' m!ther was err!ne!usly arrested in a mista*en identity ,ase1 Mer,edes 6r,huleta was breast-eedin' her baby at the time she was st!pped with her husband dri$in' -!r a tra--i, $i!lati!n1 %he P!li,e -irst made a mista*e in tellin' the husband he ,!uldnEt dri$e be,ause !- a suspended li,ense11 3they were wr!n')1 %hey t!ld the wi-e t! dri$e and as*ed -!r her li,ense and s!meb!dy with the same name 3!r st!len identity) was !n a warrant -!r arrest, s! they yan*ed her !ut !- the ,ar 11 with!ut e$en 'i$in' her time t! butt!n up her bl!use11 put her up a'ainst the wind!w with her bl!use !pen and her *ids starin' at the wind!w11 and re-used t! listen t! her at all11 arrested her1 &!und !ut they made a mista*e later !n1 )6P/ a,,used !- an unpr!$!*ed atta,* at a Muslim $i'il11 they had been m!urnin' the death !- !ne !their -!ll!wers wh! had been sh!t t! death the ni'ht be-!re1 11 VVVVMuhammad was !ne there and apparently p!li,e !--i,ers said they as*ed s!meb!dy t! m!$e a ,ar, there was s!me ar'uin' and Muhammad was beaten up1 )e-t with bl!!dy lip1 S!uth )!s 6n'eles has >2T !- the murders in all !- )!s 6n'els

(!unty1 ati!nal &!l* Fer! 4!manian 5lad %epes11 15th ,entury C wh! su,,ess-ully sta$ed !-- in$asi!n by the %ur*ish empire ,alled himsel- 5lad /ra,ula11 a,,!rdin' t! s,h!lar :li? Miller11 11 it was a ni,*name deri$ed -r!m his -ather wh! went by /ra,ul11 the 4!manian w!rd -!r "%he dra'!n# /ra,ula meant %he )ittle /ra'!n !r "S!n !- the /ra'!n# s! )a /ra,ula11 wh! 11 s! 5lad /ra,ula11 led the -am!us stand at the P!enari &!rtress a'ainst in$adin' %ur*s was *n!wn as b!th a 'reat warri!r and a brutal tyrant Miller said1 11 als! *n!wn as 5lad the Impaler -!r his pre-erred meth!d !eJe,uti!n11 a t!!l !- psy,h!l!'i,al war-are11 +illiam +il*ins!n1 "6,,!unts !- the Prin,ipalities !- +alli,hia . M!lda$ia# 11+il*ins!n said /ra,ula als! meant /e$il1 /ram St!*er, the !ri'inal auth!r !- +il*ins!nC pre$i!usly had used the name (!unt +ampyr11 then he read +il*ins!ns b!!* and -!und the name /ra,ula 11 !r de$il11 6ustrian t!wn !&u,*in' has ere,ted the-t-pr!!- r!ad si'ns, embedded in ,!n,rete bl!,*s, -ed up with :n'lish t!urists stealin' them1 St!ry ab!ut a man in )!uisiana wh! was ,har'ed with murder11 didnEt ha$e en!u'h m!ney t! pay -!r an att!rney s! he had t! wait -!r a publi, de-ender1 Fe ended up waitin' -!r ei'ht years1 &inally, his m!ther '!t H500 t! pay -!r an att!rney wh! '!t the ,har'es dr!pped1 ati!nal )e'al 6id . /e-ender 6ss!,iati!n in +ashin't!n /1(1 -!und in a nati!nwide sur$ey !- indi'ent le'al ser$i,es11 -!und that su,h pr!'rams a,r!ss the nati!n are sh!rt !n lawyers, in$esti'at!rs, and !ther sta--, and that they -reMuently -ail t! in$esti'ate the ,har'es a'ainst the ,lient, hire ne,essary eJperts and ma*e appr!priate m!ti!ns in ,!urt1 One !- the w!rst eJamples the ass!,iati!n -!und was the ,ase !- a )!uisiana man, 0!hnny )ee 7ell, wh!

was ,!n$i,ted !- 2nd de'ree murder and senten,ed t! li-e in pris!n with the p!ssibility !- par!le, last year, a-ter meetin' with a publi, de-ender -!r !nly ele$en minutes pri!r t! trial, a,,!rdin' t! 7ell1 "%hereEs a real dis,!nne,t in this ,!untry between what pe!ple per,ei$e is the state !- indi'ent de-ense and what it is# says C/a$id (arr!ll, the 'r!ups resear,h dire,t!r1 Fe says t!! many pe!ple wat,h sh!ws li*e ")aw and Order# where a de-endant says he !r she wants a publi, de-ender and all !- a sudden le'al aid appears in the ,ell1 %hatEs what pe!ple thin*1 6meri,an bar 6ss!,iati!n eJamined le'al ser$i,es -!r the p!!r in 22 states this year and ,ame t! a similar ,!n,lusi!n1 /ale +hitehurst, an 6ustin lawyer wh! led the e--!rts says the 676 study re$eals system mired in ,risis in whi,h inadeMua,ies in -undin' , eJ,essi$e ,asel!ads ,arried by lawyers, and a la,* !- le'al eJperien,e ha$e be,!me r!utine1 " I d!nEt *n!w h!w many pe!ple are wr!n'ly behind bars be,ause !- pr!blems in publi, de-ender pr!'ramsE +hitehurst says, "but itEs ,lear there are s!me1# " !t !nly is it inadeMuate itEs a tra'edy, +hitehurst says !- the publi, de-ender system1 %he w!rst thin' that ,an happen is when an inn!,ent pers!n '!es t! Aail1 Cwe ha$e been d!in' this with s!me re'ularity1(anEt turn !n the %5 n!w with!ut )arry 2in' tal*in' ab!ut s!me 'uy wh! was ,!n$i,ted Cand was -!und t! be inn!,ent1 P!!r pe!ple wh! ha$e been ,har'ed with ,rimes that ,!uld result in Aail time ha$e been entitled t! lawyers sin,e the U1S1 Supreme (!urt de,isi!n in VVVVVV $1 +ainri'ht in 1BD=1 Massa,husetts eluded a ,risis earlier this summer when le'islature appr!$ed a =0 milli!n d!llar pa,*a'e t! raise the pay -!r ,!urtapp!inted lawyers a-ter m!re than >00 lawyers

in the 7!st!n area had st!pped ta*in' indi'ent ,ases t! pr!test h!urly pay rates that hadnEt been raised in tw! de,ades1 )awma*ers $!ted t! raise the rates t! H100Ph!ur -!r murder ,ases and HD0Ph!ur -!r lesser ,har'es1 0ud'es were warned that m!re than D00 de-endants ,!uld be released -r!m Aail i- they did n!t 'et lawyers s!!n1 I 5ir'inia ,aps !n -ees paid t! ,!urtapp!inted lawyers are the l!west in the nati!n, (arr!ll says1 &ees !n a -el!ny that ,arries a senten,e !- 20 years !r less are ,apped at H>2<, while de-enders wh!se ,lients -a,e -el!nies !- a senten,e !- m!re than 20 years ,an be paid n! m!re than H11<D1 In +is,!nsin m!re than 11,000 pe!ple '! t! ,!urt annually with!ut representati!n be,ause anyb!dy wh! ma*es m!re than H=000Pyear is ,!nsidered able t! a--!rd a lawyer1 e$ada ,aps de-enders -ees !n death penalty ,ases at H12,0001 In that s,h!!l that was b!mbed in the terr!rist atta,* in 4ussiaI ur-Pashi 2ulaye$ was the !nly !ne !- =2 atta,*ers wh! sur$i$ed the in,identCthat ended the 52 h!ur stand!-- at 7eslans umber 1 s,h!!lC !ne !- the witnesses , a lady by the name !- Nem-ira 6'aye$a, a'e =5, ri$eted the trial with her a,,!unt !- bein' held in the swelterin' s,h!!l 'ym with her husband and tw! s!ns !n the -irst day !- the s,h!!l year1 %here was n! -!!d and $ery little water1 Fer breasts were sw!llen with mil* -!r her 9 m!nth !ld dau'hter she had le-t at h!me , s,ari-ied her di'nity -!r th!se su--erin' ar!und her, shared her breasts with 12 and 1> year !ld b!ys1 4ep!rt says middle s,h!!ls are -lawed !r'ani?ati!nally and they are n!w eradi,atin' s!me middle s,h!!ls and ma*in' it 2 t! B1 Mauri,e (larett will be released -r!m the 7r!n,!s1

<P2BP05 /ri$er !- 6l Sharpt!n a-ter he $isited (indy Sheehan was st!pped and arrested -!r '!in' 110 !n a D5 mph hi'hway and e$adin' arrest1 Fe was arrested, while Sharpt!n ,au'ht a ride with a passer-by1 &red (renshaw wh! li$ed a,r!ss the street -r!m the Sash 6ssembly !- G!d (hur,h eJ,han'ed w!rds in the par*in' l!t with a ,hur,h'!er +es 7r!wn3L)11 wh! as*ed (renshaw t! lea$e1 (renshaw returned a sh!rt time later and sh!t 7r!wn, a'e D1, at ,l!se ran'e and then sh!t the past!r, 6rmstr!n', a'e >21 6nd he *illed tw! w!men t!win' a h!rse trailer wh! appeared t! be simply rand!m $i,tims1 Sah is a small t!wn ab!ut 120 miles n!rth !- /allas1 <P=0P05 +!rlds Oldest pers!n dies at a'e 115 in the etherlands 11 Fendri*Ae 5an6ndel S,hipper died pea,e-ully in her sleep 11 her husband /i,* 5an 6ndel died in 1B5B1 She had n! ,hildren and n! immediate -amily1 6rt Gar-un*el was arrested -!r p!ssessi!n !- mariAuana near +!!dst!,* 81 Fe was arrested a year a'! -!r the same thin'1 S!nny 7!n! died in 1BB< in a s*iin' a,,ident and his wi-e Mary 7!n! !ri'inally -r!m S!uth Pasadena t!!* his ,!n'ressi!nal seatIrunnin' -!r !--i,e and winnin'1 Military ,haplain ,har'ed in seJual assaults1 4!man ,ath!li, (haplain by the name !- Gre'!ry 6r-le,*, a'e >>, is bein' ,har'ed with -!r,ible s!d!my and assault 11 stati!ned at 29Bth 7ase Supp!rt 7attali!n in 7amber' Germany


()I(2 O S%64 %O GO %O SP:(I6) I S:4% O FU44I(6 : 26%4I 6U

BP1P05 an,y 6nn 2issell was ,!n$i,ted !- murderin' her husband by puttin' sedati$es in his mil*sha*e and then beatin' him t! death with a hea$y metal h!useh!ld !rnament1 %he trial t!!* pla,e in F!n' 2!n'1 She re,ei$ed a mandat!ry li-e senten,e1 6n'els w!n the -inal tw! 'ames !- the = 'ames series with the 6Es t! remain tied with the 6Es !n the t!p !- the 6) west1 0ud'e in 6ruba is all!win' 0!ran 5andersl!!t t! be released under the ,!nditi!n that he remains a$ailable1, 4e1 +M/ in IraM1 In 6pril 2002, +!r*ers in the western desert were busy smeltin' d!wn the last C -r!m a l!n' de-un,t uranium enri,hment pr!Ae,t11inspe,t!rs learned, and ar!und this time U1S1 Satellite re,!nnaissan,e were d!ubled ar!und suspe,ted +M/ sites1:C Su''estin' renewed pr!du,ti!n at ,hemi,al pr!du,ti!n -a,ilities, but what they didnEt reali?e was that the a,ti$ity was bein' ph!t!'raphed m!re -reMuently, n!t that there was m!re a,ti$ity1 St!ry ab!ut the uranium sale -r!m i'er t! IraM---it appeared t! be untrueIthe d!,ument a -!r'ery, and

s!me !- his ad$is!rs warned him n!t t! use it in his state !- the uni!n spee,h1 !netheless, he did use it in the spee,h1 Fe als! menti!ned "tubesE that they belie$ed were t! be used -!r nu,lear warheads1 On 0anuary <, 200=, 7ush deli$ered his annual address sayin', "%he 7ritish '!$ernment has learned that Saddam Fussein re,ently s!u'ht si'ni-i,ant Muantities !- uranium -r!m 6-ri,aC# and he said, OOur intelli'en,e s!ur,es tell us that he has attempted t! pur,hase hi'h stren'th aluminum tubes suitable -!r nu,lear pr!du,ti!n1# Fe als! made menti!n !- m!bile bi!-weap!ns lab and a man ni,*named ",ur$eballE wh! was apparently in ,har'e !- su,h1 )ater , the I6:6 publi,ly eJp!sed the i'er d!,ument as a -!r'ery and -!und the aluminum tubes p!!r ,andidates -!r ,entri-u'es1 %hey als! debun*ed (ur$eballEs tale as well1 On Mar,h 19 7ush t!ld the 6meri,an pe!ple that "%here was n! d!ubt that IraM had s!me !- the m!st lethal weap!ns e$er de$ised1# 1 6ll !- the suspe,ts bein' held in the 6ruba ,ase ha$e been released !r !rdered released1 11 BP=P05 %he Mars 4!$er Spirit as,ended t! the pea* !Fusband Fill part !- the l!w ran'in' (!lumbian Fills1 %he 4!$er rea,hed the 290 -!!t hi'h summit, ab!ut the hei'ht !- the Statute !- )iberty !n 6u'ust 211 %his is day 5B1 !- the !ri'inally planned B0 day missi!n1 atural ,!ral brid'e in 6ruba ,!llapsed be-!re dawn !n &riday, destr!yin' !ne !- the islands bi''est t!urist attra,ti!ns1 %he brid'e is the lar'est !its *ind in the (aribbean, 25 -eet hi'h and 100 -eet l!n', a -!rmati!n !- ,!ral limest!ne ,ut !ut -r!m 100Es !- years !- p!undin' wa$es and str!n'

winds1 100Es !- $isit!rs wal*ed a,r!ss it ea,h year1 BP5P05 0usti,e 4enMuist diesIa-ter == years !n Supreme (!urt, a'e <0, surr!unded by = ,hildren, app!inted in 1B9111 ele$ated t! ,hie- Austi,e by 4ea'an in 1B<D1 6meri,a1 Ma*es it int! w!rld ,up by beatin' MeJi,! 2-011-irst time sin,e 1B<> sin,e 6meri,a has been the -irst team int! the w!rld ,up -!r n!rth and ,entral 6meri,a and the (aribbean 11 5th strai'ht w!rld ,up -!r the 6meri,ans wh! are ran*ed Dth in the w!rld !ne sp!t behind MeJi,! 6uth!r !- ":du,ati!n Myths# in his b!!* says# that sin,e 1B90 we ha$e d!ubled student spendin' a-ter in-lati!n yet test s,!res and 'raduati!n rates ha$e remained essentially -lat1 " Fe says arenEt w!rst but the billi!ns !- d!llars ha$enEt made them better either1 SiJ years a-ter (ali-!rnia hired 50T m!re tea,hers t! redu,e ,lass si?e a 46 / ,!rp!rati!n study -!und that test s,!res were in,reasin' Aust as mu,h in lar'e ,lasses as in small ,lasses and ,!n,luded that smaller ,lassr!!m made n! a,ademi, di--eren,e1 %ea,her MualityIresear,h sh!ws that hi'h Muality tea,hers are $ery imp!rtant, but that ,erti-ied tea,hers are n!t, espe,ially1 Fe p!ints !ut that !- the == best desi'ned studies n!t a sin'le !ne sh!wed any impa,t between tea,hers ,redentials and student per-!rman,e1 6,ademi, ability mattersI dili'en,e, m!ti$ati!n, and enthusiasm mattersI masters de'rees in edu,ati!n simply d! n!t1 %his arti,le Kthe writer says there is n! !ther Supreme (!urt Austi,e s! l!aded with ra,ism, !r tremend!us insensiti$ity t! ra,ial

dis,riminati!n, than +illiam 4enMuist1 In the early 1B50Es when the ,!urt was ,!nsiderin' the hist!ri, 7r!wn $1 7!ard !- :du,ati!n S,h!!l dese'rati!n ,ase , 4enMuist wr!te a mem! de-endin' the in-am!us 1B<D de,isi!n, Plessey $1 &er'us!n whi,h established the separate but eMual d!,trine1 4enMuist n!ted that "%he de,isi!n was ri'ht and sh!uld be a--irmed1# 4enMuist was in -a$!r !- se're'ati!n1 In1BD> 4enMuist testi-ied a'ainst a pr!p!sed !rdinan,e in Ph!eniJ whi,h w!uld ban ra,ial dis,riminati!n in publi, h!usin'1 4enMuist wr!te at the time that "It is imp!ssible, I belie$e, t! Austi-y the sa,ri-i,e !- e$en a p!rti!n !- !ur hist!ri, indi$idual liberty -!r a purp!se su,h as this1# Fe was the !nly Austi,e t! say that 7!b 0!nes Uni$ersity, the h!tbed !- ra,ial dis,riminati!n . reli'i!us bi'!try had a le'al ri'ht t! *eep 6-ri,an 6meri,ans !-- the ,ampus1 %he writer says that "ItEs n!t that 4enMuist had a blind sp!t ,!n,ernin' ra,e, he was an a,ti$e pr!p!nent !dis,riminati!n1# 6rti,le in "%he ati!n# by /a$id (!rn 3as best as I ,an tell)1 6lan /ersh!wit?, a Far$ard )aw Pr!-ess!r, writes an arti,le entitled "%ellin' the %ruth 6b!ut (hie- 0usti,e +illiam 4enMuist# sayin' O(hie- 4enMuist set ba,* liberty, eMuality, and human ri'hts perhaps m!re than any !ther 6meri,an Aud'e !- this 'enerati!n1# 4enMuist bra''ed ab!ut bein' -irst in his ,lass at Stan-!rd )aw S,h!!l , a 'reat law s,h!!l t!day, but in the late >0Es and early 50Es it dis,riminated a'ainst 0ews and !ther min!rities b!th in the admissi!n !- students and als! in the sele,ti!n !- -a,ulty1 /ersh!wit? says that 4enMuist n!t !nly bene-ited in his ,lass

ran*in' -r!m this dis,riminati!n , he was als! part !- that bi'!try when he was n!minated t! be an ass!,iate Austi,e in 1B9111 and learned -r!m se$eral s!ur,es wh! had *n!wn him as a student that he had !utra'ed 0ewish students by '!!se-steppin' and Feil Fitlerin' in -r!nt !- a d!rm that h!used the -ew 0ewish students1 Fe was als! in-am!us -!r ra,ist and anti-Semiti, A!*es1 /ersh!wit? repeats the st!ry ab!ut the ,ase !- s,h!!l se're'ati!n in whi,h 4enMuist ,!n,luded Plessey was ri'ht and sh!uld be a--irmed 11 meanin' that there sh!uld n!t be inte'rati!n1 7ut when he was Muesti!ned in 1B91 and 1B<D ab!ut it , 4enMuist pla,ed the blame !- the mem! !n the 0usti,e 0a,*s!n, n!w de,eased, under wh!m 4enMuist was w!r*in' at the time1 7ut 0usti,e 0a,*s!n $!ted in 7r!wn al!n' with a unanim!us ,!urt t! stri*e d!wn s,h!!l se're'ati!n1/ersh!wit? ,laims that 4enMuist !bstru,ted the $!tin' ri'hts !6-ri,an 6meri,ans and )atin!s at a p!llin' site in Ph!eniJ1 6nd Fe b!u'ht a h!me in 5erm!nt that in,luded a restri,ted ,!$enant that barred sale !- the pr!perty t! any member !- the Febrew ra,e1 /ersh!wit? says 4enMuists ,areer was Ore'ressi$e1# 7atb!y i,* (arill!, a'e 1B, -!r the &l!rida Marlins was suspended -!r siJ 'ames a-ter a,,eptin' a bet -r!m pit,her 7rad Penny that he ,!uldnEt drin* a 'all!n !- mil* in !ne h!ur with!ut $!mitin'1 %he b!y dran* the entire 'all!n in 5B minutes but did $!mit later !n1 /a$id )etterman in$ited him t! the sh!w as a 'uest1 0erry 4i,e has ann!un,ed his retirement1 4i,e h!lds alm!st e$ery &) re,!rd -!r re,ei$ers in,ludin' 15>B re,epti!ns, 22<B5 re,ei$in' yards, 1B9 t!u,hd!wns, and the re,!rd -!r t!tal t!u,hd!wns

with 20<1 Fe w!n three Super7!wl titles1 Spent VVV- seas!ns with San &ran,is,! >Bers1 6nd was the M5P !- the >Bers Superb!wl SSIII1 6'ainst (in,innati ,at,hin' 11 passes -!r 215 yards1 1500 p!und ,hun* !- ,!n,rete bein' ,arried by a heli,!pter -!r a s*i res!rt ,!nstru,ti!n pr!Ae,t hit a '!nd!la -ull !- alpine t!urists M!nday, *n!,*in' it !ut !- the s*y and *illin' B pe!ple1 %w! !ther '!nd!las were r!,*ed and pe!ple were eAe,ted -r!m the '!nd!la, at least -!ur were inAured1 In the t!wn !- S!lden , 25 miles west !Innsbru,*1 %he a,,ident e$!*ed mem!ries !- EB< s*i li-t tra'edy in nei'hb!rin' Italy where a l!w-lyin' U1S1 Marine 0et sli,ed a s*i li-t ,able *illin' twenty pe!ple1 BP9P05 Man ,!n-essed t! *illin' tw! ,!n$i,ted ,hild seJ !--enders (ali-!rnia appr!$ed a bill t! all!w same seJ marria'es1but 6rn!ld may $et! it11 6rn!ld says it sh!uld be a ,!urt de,isi!n and he will uph!ld whate$er the ,!urt de,ides11 Mar'it %h!mps!n, a '!$ern!r sp!*espers!n said !n %uesday1 %!wn !0ulianID0 miles n!rtheast !- San /ie'! is bein' threatened by a wild-ire11 thatEs where the pies are isnEt it11 internet s,ams p!ppin' up !n the internetI!ne -!r the 4ed (r!ss1 Same standardi?ed -!rms11 se,urity l!'11 ma*in' y!u belie$e it is a se,ured site11 but it is n!t11 it is an in'eni!us -a*e,, tra,ed t! s,ammers in 7ra?il11 s!phisti,ated11 with !ne -inal twist11a-ter ma*in' a d!nati!n it sends y!u t! the authenti, 4ed (r!ss site1 11 !ther ph!ne sites ha$e been tra,ed t! 2!rea, and the U1S1 , and (hina in the last -ew days1 4ed (r!ss ne$er sends !ut e-mail s!li,itati!ns11 67( /a$id S,!tt . 6$ni Pat! ,!ntributed t! this rep!rt1

BP10P05 4ep!rter 2arstenIa -!rmer ,!lle'e -!!tball sideline rep!rter was -!und dead at his h!me Aust be-!re he was s,heduled t! rep!rt t! -ederal pris!n -!r taJ e$asi!n 11he was >5 years !ld11 he had pre$i!usly pled 'uilty t! -ailin' t! -ile -ederal in,!me taJ returns !n in,!me t!talin' H=D0,000 -r!m 2001-2002I was supp!sed t! rep!rt t! a 11 year senten,e 11 n! -!ul play indi,ated1 11 M!$ie by 6n' )ee ab!ut the h!m!seJual l!$e between tw! ,!wb!ys set in the ,!nser$ati$e west !- the 1BD0Es w!n the 5eni,e &ilm &esti$alEs t!p award Saturday 4estaurant in 1:1 (hinaIad$ertised %i'er Meat dishes was -!und instead t! be sellin' d!n*ey meat marinated in %i'er urine1 Fu- Ul!u 4estaurant l!,ated beside the Feida!he?i %i'er 4eser$e near the ,ity !- Failan ad$ertised "Stir -ried ti'er meat with ,hilies# -!r B5 d!llars 6'assi -a,es &ederer in the US Open &inal1 6'assi is the !ldest 'rand slam -inalist in =1 years1 Fe w!n the US Open in EB> and EBB1 6'assi is married t! Ste-i Gra-1 I didnEt *n!w that1 Fe used t! be ,l!se t! 7r!!*e Shields1 Fe has tw! ,hildrenI0aden and 0a?1 1 &irst time in his 20 year ,areer that he has had t! play three -i$e set mat,hes in a r!w1 FeEs als! played a'ainst M,:nr!e, (!nners, )endl, . :dber'1 Fe has an !lder br!ther named Philip1 !tre /ame hasnEt beat U !- M at h!me sin,e 1BB=1 Glenn Grit?ner is the spe,ial assistan,e t! superintendent 4!y 4!mer, ,!mmented t! the press re1 the 6mbassad!r F!tel and the )6US/Rs planned

use !- it, -!r whi,h they paid 9D milli!n d!llars1 %hey plan t! build -!ur s,h!!ls !n the ,ampus and preser$e part !- itIin,ludin' an audit!rium and a library whi,h en,!mpasses the ,urrent buildin'1 %he 1000 r!!m 6mbassad!r F!tel whi,h !pened in 1B21 and h!sted siJ a,ademy award ,erem!nies was ,!nsidered a hist!ri, 'em by preser$ati!nists1 It ,l!sed in 1B<B1 :$ery U1S1 President -r!m Ferbert F!!$er t! 4i,hard iJ!n stayed at the h!tel, as well as &1 S,!tt &it?'erald, 5alentin!, . 6lbert :instein1 It be,ame in-am!us when Sirhan Sirhan sh!t 2ennedy t! death in the h!tel pantry m!ments a-ter the ,andidate de,lared $i,t!ry in the 1BD0 (ali-!rnia dem!,rati, presidential primary1 1 )6US/ has a'reed t! re,reate the ballr!!m where 2ennedy 'a$e his -inal spee,h and turn it int! a library1 St!ry by 6li,ia (han'1 Student at U2Es 4!yal (!lle'e !- 6rt, Peter 7ruin, desi'ned a sh!wer that re,y,les dirty waterIre,ir,ulates and ,leans used water-OU98a BP11P05 (entral 6meri,an 'an' *n!wn as Mara Sal$atru,ha SIII meanin' "%he Sal$ad!ran Gan', &ear Us# has been terr!ri?in' +ashin't!n /1(1 suburbs rapin' )atin! -emales and atta,*in' pe!ple1 )inda Pa?, a 19 year !ld pre'nant 'al in the area was nearly beheaded a-ter the 'an' learned she was helpin' p!li,e in a murder in$esti'ati!n1 6 l!t !- these members !- the 'an' are ille'al immi'rants -r!m (entral 6meri,a1 %hey are suspe,ted !- 100Es !murders and 1000Es !- assaults1 M!st !- them ,!me -r!m :l Sal$ad!r1 6dam Gadahn !- Oran'e (!unty (6 taped a messa'e sayin' that )!s 6n'eles is a p!tential pla,e -!r terr!rist atta,*s1 Gadahn, a n!rmal teen !nly a -ew years a'!, be'an attendin' an Islami, M!sMue where he was re,ruited by

militants and sent t! Pa*istan -!r terr!rist trainin' 6n'els win, 8an*ees win, 6Es l!se1 Sunday1 ew Orleans Saints w!n, winnin' with a >9 yard -ield '!al in the last = se,!nds, beatin' (ar!lina---the (harl!tte Panthers1 %hey 'a$e !ne !- the 'ame balls t! May!r 4ay a'in, and the !ther t! the $i,tims1 I$an )endl was indu,ted int! the US (!urt !(hampi!ns !n Sunday be-!re the -inal between 6'assi . &ederer1 0ames %ayl!r san' "6meri,a the 7eauti-ul# with his s!n, 7en1 0immy (!nn!r, (hris :$ert, 7illy 0ean 2in', Ste-i Gra-, 0a,* 2ramer, . 0!hn M,:nr!e, 4!d )a$er, 7ill %ilden, Felen +ils, Mar'aret (!urt 3L) are the pre$i!us indu,tees int! the US (!urt !- (hampi!ns1 %he 6Es l!st1 6n'els l!st1 %he bla,*!ut in )!s 6n'eles was the lar'est -!r the ,!unty sin,e the !rthrid'e earthMua*e in 1BB>1 (ha*a 2hanEs s!nI li$ed in the +est,hester area !- )!s 6n'elesIis bein' ,har'ed with murder1 Senat!r (harles S,humer said t! the n!minee 4!berts that "+hen y!u add it all up y!u are bein' less -!rth,!min' with this ,!mmittee than Aust ab!ut any !ther pers!n wh! has ,!me be-!re us1# S,humer is a ew 8!r* /em!,rat1 4!berts said that he thin*s the (!nstituti!n a--!rds 6meri,ans the ri'ht t! pri$a,y whi,h apparently is the *ey le'al underpinnin' !the landmar* rulin' ,!n,ernin' ab!rti!n1 /elta . !rthwest 6irlines -iled -!r ban*rupt,y1 %he le'al a'e -!r marria'e in India is 1< -!r 'irls and 21 -!r b!ysIs! a 1B year !ld 'irl married her b!y-riends !lder br!ther temp!rarily s! that she ,!uld li$e in the same h!use as her b!y-riend1 11 BP19P05


5i,e-president /i,* (heny is ha$in' sur'ery t!day -!r an aneurism behind !ne !- the *nees1 1 4epubli,an -r!m Mi,hi'an---Peter F!e*straIis ,allin' !n Peter G!ss !- the (I6 t! 'i$e as mu,h p!ssible in-!rmati!n ab!ut B11 as p!ssible1 )ea$in' )!bster--est1112>< pm11 5ietnamese manI6sian man1 11 in +is,!nsin 3Fawyard +I), was ,!n$i,ted !1st de'ree murder in the sh!!tin' !- siJ deer hunters--11 (hai S!ua 5an'I-r!m Fm!n' 3L) C wh! ,ame -r!m s!utheast 6sia m!re than twenty years a'! I-a,es mandat!ry li-e in pris!n a-ter sh!!tin' and *illin' siJ deer hunters and w!undin' tw! !thers1 11 5an', a'e =D, de-ended himsel- sayin' he was sh!t at and heard ra,ial slurs, but the Aury didnEt buy it 8ah!! says as -ar ba,* as ei'ht years a'!I,!n'ress !rdered the &:M6 t! !rder a plan -!r e$a,uati!n ew Orleans durin' a massi$e hurri,ane, but the m!ney instead went t! studyin' the (auseway 7rid'e whi,h spans the ,ityEs )a*e P!nt,hartrain1 %hey ne$er used the m!ney -!r its intended purp!se, said -!rmer representaati$e 7illy %au?in, 4-)!uisanaIin 1BB9 (!n'ress set aside H500,000 -!r &:M6 t! ,reate a ,!mprehensi$e analysis and plan !- e$a,uati!n alternati$es -!r the ew Orleans area11 tw! years later, a-ter n!thin' happened, (!n'ress stren'thened its dire,ti$e1 %his time it !rdered an e$a,uatin plan -!r a (ate'!ry = !r 'reater st!rm, a le$ee brea* -l!!d !r !ther natural disaster -!r the ew Orleans area1 %he H500,000 that (!n'ress appr!priated -!r this plan went t! a (!mmissi!n that studied -uture !pti!ns -!r the 2> mile brid'e !$er )a*e P!nt,hartrain1 I pi,*ed up a burrit! at the /el %a,!I112 pmC,ruisin' thr!u'h (ars!nI-inally '!t the answer t! why ew Orleans ,emetaries are uniMue---m!st !- the b!dies are in ab!$e-'r!und t!mbsIthey d!nEt di' 'ra$es there be,ause they are

s! ,l!se t! sea le$el1 (!ntrary t! -ears---they did n!t -ind that many b!dies !r t!mbs -l!atin' away -r!m the ,emetaryI alth!u'h they did -ind !ne t!mbst!ne !r ,as*et !n !r near the train tra,*s 11Muesti!ns ab!ut what t! d! with all the debris11 Mariana (ru?, a'e =2, was 'ettin' int! her ,ar in a par*in' l!t %hursday , and she released the emer'en,y brea* Kand the ,ar r!lled -!rwardIpinnin' her a'ainst the wall---she died at the h!spital but n!t until her baby was deli$ered by (aesarean se,ti!n1 6n'els ha$e ei'ht m!re h!me 'ames le-t1 Is /i,* P!undIthe 'uy in$!l$ed in the )an,e 6rmstr!n' a,,usati!n -! d!pin'11Iand wh! is the head !- the 11 11 +6/6I+!rld 6nti-/!pin' 6'en,y1 May!r 5illarai'!sa is '!in' t! m!$e int! the Getty F!use1 11 whi,h has n!t been used -!r a may!rEs residen,e sin,e %!m 7radley1 %an*er ,arryin' ab!ut 9500 'all!ns !- Aet -uel !$erturned %hursday !n the 6ntel!pe 5alley &reeway near 6,t!n1 %he 11 trial re1 Oran'e (!unty Sheri--IandP!r assistant sheri-----is that the sheri-- wh! was a 'uest !n the FOPL C ew sur$ey !- w!men by the ati!nal (enter -!r Featlh Statisti,s 3(/(Es ati!nal (enter) -!und that 1115T !- w!men a'es 1<->> said they had at least !ne seJual eJperien,e with an!ther w!man in their li-etime, ,!mpared with ab!ut >T a de,ade earlier1 2at &!wler, 29 year !ld art student at the Uni$ersity !- &l!rida, dates b!th men . w!men1 9= year !ld w!man Aailed -!r l!!tin' has been released Merlene Maten has n!w been releasedIwanted t! $isit her <0 year !ld husband1 Gri??ly bear atta,*s tw! hi*ers in 8ell!wst!ne, Pat M,d!nald a'e 52 !- 7ismar* / and Gerald F!l?er a'e 51 !2&1

!rth-ield M were hi*in' near Sh!sh!ne )a*e Cthe bear swatted at them11 but they had bear repellant whi,h they sprayed in the bearEs -a,e and it ran away11 neither were seri!usly inAured11 -!rmer edu,atin !--i,ial, Matthias 5heru a'e 55, is a,,used !- usin' his p!st t! se,retly buy alm!st >D,000teJtb!!*s and tea,hin' aids that he, himsel-, had written, brin'inin' him nearly 1 milli!n d!llars in r!yalties1 Fe has been sued by the )6US/----wh! says that 5heru ille'ally11 ,!$ered m!re than = milli!n !- the > milli!n d!llar ,!st by usin' -ederal edu,ati!n -unds that had been earmar*ed -!r pr!'rams that assist n!n-nati$e :n'lish spea*ers1 %hey said 5heru s*irted the pur,hase appr!$al pr!,ess and ma*in' the !rders when he was temp!rarily ser$in' as the distri,tEs math ,urri,ulum dire,t!r last year1 Man in the t!wn !- +arrnamb!!l , s!uthern state !- 5i,t!ria in 6ustralia, name !- &ran* (lewer, was !bli$i!us t! the 'r!win' ele,tri,al ,urrent that was buildin' up as his ,l!thes rubbed t!'ether1 11the ele,tri,al ,har'e i'nited the ,arpetIli*e a -ire,ra,*er (lewer t!ld 6ustralian radi! %hursday1 11he als! s,!r,hed a pie,e !- plasti, !n the -l!!r !- his ,ar1 &ire-i'hters tested his ,l!thes, and -!und there was a ,urrent !- >0,000 $!lts '!in' thr!u'h his ,l!thes1 /a$id G!sden, a Sr1 le,turer in :le,tri,al :n'ineerin' at Sydney Uni$ersity t!ld 4euters that -!r stati, ele,tri,ity t! i'nite the ,!nditi!ns had t! be per-e,t1 "Stati, ele,tri,ity is a similar me,hanism t! li'htnin', where y!u ha$e ,l!uds rubbin' t!'ether whi,h are spar*ed by dry air ab!$e them#11 C (!urtney )!$e is bein' sued -!r dama'es -r!m an assault t! whi,h she pled 'uilty--11 in whi,h she alle'edly p!!ured whis*ey all !$er s!meb!dy and then threw a ,andle at herIas well as hit her and pin,hed her breasts1 11 she is n!w ser$in' time in

a dru' ,lini,, rehab1 S!n !- G!$ern!r 0eb 7ush was arrested -!r publi, int!Ji,ati!n and resisstin' arrestI0!hn 7ush, a'e2111 their dau'hter !elleIwas arrested pre$i!usly -!r tryin' t! pass a -raudulent subs,ripti!n t! 'et SanaJ at a pharma,yIshe ,!mpleted dru' rehab and the ,har'es were dismissed1 G!$ern!r :le,ti!n is in !$ember 200D1 11 pris!ners at the Aa,*s!n$ille (!rre,ti!n ,enter spent -!ur days in l!,*d!wn a-ter an assistant +arden l!st the *eys1 Man th!u'ht he mi'ht 'et a Pr!te,ti!n Order li-ted by se,retly $ide!tapin' him ha$in' seJ with the w!man he was t!ld t! lea$e al!ne1 0ustin +1 &raase, a'e 2D, 'a$e the $ide! t! an !--i,er, eJpe,tin' it t! sh!w that the w!man did n!t -ear him1 Instead, the tape re$ealed m!re than en!u'h e$iden,e -!r his arrest1 "I'uess he didnEt wat,h it be-!re he 'a$e it t! us# )ieutenant %!dd /ahle said1 Fe was ,har'ed with seJually assaultin' the w!man, bail set at H50,0001 <22 a1m1 at F!me /ep!t11 %eena'e Indianap!lis 'al may be ,har'ed with murder t!day a-ter dri$in' int! his eJ-b!y-riends new 'irl-riend, 6mber Steele, a'e 19, lea$in' her in ,riti,al ,!nditi!n, with massi$e head inAuries1 7!JerIlast name 0!hns!nIre-eree st!pped the -i'ht in the 11th r!und---he wal*ed !--Ibut then he ,!llapsedIis in the h!spital in ,riti,al ,!nditi!n, 11 BP1<P05 &!rmer '!$ern!r Ge!r'e 4yan w!n a,,!lades -!r ,learin' the stateEs /eath 4!wC s,andal that destr!yed his p!pularityIma*in' him unele,table in 2002 has n!w br!u'ht him t! a ,riti,al ,!n-r!ntati!n1 11 a-ter billin' !ut bi' m!ney state ,!ntra,ts and leases t! p!liti,al insidersIthe 91 year !ld p!liti,ian is s,heduled t! '! !n trial !n

M!nday -!r raMueteerin', ,!nspira,y, mail -raud, lyin' t! the &7I, and taJ -raud1 S,!tt &awell, '!$ern!r 4yanEs -!rmer ,ampai'n mana'er and ,hie!- sta-- is already ser$in' a siJ year senten,e, and is pen,iled in as the '!$ernmentEs lead !-witness1 4yan ser$ed tw! -!ur year terms as se,retary !- state, and was ele,ted '!$ern!r in 1BB<1 Fe retired a-ter Aust !ne term1 7!nds hit an!ther h!merIn!w nine behind 7abe 4uthI -i-ty behind Fan* 6ar!n1 Sin,e bein' re-a,ti$ated 7!nds is 5 -!r 1D, with 2 h!mers, = rbiEs, three runs s,!red, !ne d!uble, three wal*s, three stri*e!utsC7!nds played -!r the Pirates -r!m 1B<D t! 1BB2C 1= 'ames le-t in the re'ular seas!n1 1 Giants trail Padres by 5 W 'ames1(an 7!nds hit B h!mers in 1= 'amesL 11 U()6 beat Q21 ran*ed O*lah!ma >1-2>1 U !- M beat :ast Mi,h 55-01 11 ewar* ew 0ersey---d!in' a test !n mi,eIat a labI inAe,ted them with bub!ni, pla'ueIand n!w Kthree !these mi,e are una,,!unted -!r1 %he 7ub!ni, pla'ueI als! *n!wn as the 7la,* /eath, is what *illed ] !:ur!peEs p!pulati!n1 4is* !- transmissi!n is l!wI e$en i- the mi,e did 'et !ut1 4aises Muesti!ns ab!utItestin'I-ederal -undin' -!r testin' !- this s!rt1 BP1BP05 6rti,le ab!ut the dan'er !- 6$ian -lue1 On 67( news1 Sayin' i-1 6n epidemi, br!*e !ut , !r pandemi,, n!b!dy w!uld be ready -!r it, in,ludin' the US6---thereEs !ne anti-bi!ti,, and !ne $a,,ine11 d!ses are l!w 11a$ailablility is l!w11 in terms !- a pandemi,11 i- the "tippin' p!int# is rea,hedImeanin' transmissi!n thr!u'h humans be'insI it ,!uld be,!me $ery seri!usIri'ht n!w it is transmitted by birds1 1, and has *illed a -ew 1001 11 11 !n,e it 'ets transmitted it ,an *ill a

pers!n in a -ew daysIit '!es strai'ht t! the lun's1 %rain that derailed in (hi,a'!Iwas '!in' D0 mph !$er the speed limitIit sh!uld ha$e !nly been '!in' 10 mphIit was '!in' 90 mph1 11 <9 year !ld Mari!n Indiana wheel-,hair b!und w!man was $i,i!usly atta,*ed by d!'s at her dau'hters h!meC the dau'hter stated that wild d!'s entered the h!me and atta,*ed the m!ther11 pr!se,ut!rs say the dau'hter lied and the dau'hter and her husband are set t! '! !n trial t!dayIi,!n$i,ted they ,!uld 'et D t! 20 years in pris!n1 )inda 2it,hen said she was w!r*in' in the ba,*yard !- her h!me when she heard a ,!mm!ti!nIshe said she -!und her m!ther 0ulia 7e,* bein' atta,*ed by tw! d!'s1 P!li,e ,!n,luded that it was the 2it,hens !wn d!'s that mauled the w!man1 Insuran,e adAust!rs are n!w ma*in' de,isi!ns ab!ut whi,h h!mes they will pay -!r11 a l!t !- insuran,e11 pe!ple with insuran,e that ,!$ers hurri,anes but n!t -l!!dsI and these pe!ple are ar'uin' that the -l!!d was part !- the hurri,aneIthey were wind-dri$en waters1 6Es w!n, 8an*ees w!n, an'els had day !--

BP1BIBP21P05 6 way t! 'et y!ur law de'ree with!ut '!in' t! law s,h!!lIitEs ,alled bein' a "law reader#Isu,h as w!r*in' -!r a Aud'e !r pr!se,ut!rIand y!uEre all!wed t! ta*e the bar eJam i- y!u ha$e been a law reader1 (ali-!rnia, 5erm!nt, 5ir'inia, . +ashin't!n all!w law readers t! ta*e the bar eJame a-ter three !r -!ur years in apprenti,eships re'istered with the state 1 ew 8!r*, Maine b. +y!min' let n!n-law s,h!!l 'raduates ta*e th e bar eJam i- they ha$e a ,!mbinati!n !- !--i,e, study, . law s,h!!l

eJperien,e1 Only !ne law reader passed the 5ir'inia bar !- nine attempts1 8!u d!nEt need a ba,hel!rs de'ree t! ta*e the bar eJam1 +ashin't!n is the !nly state where law readers pass the bar at a hi'her rate than traditi!nal students1 6Es w!n, 6n'els w!n, 8an*ees w!n1 4esear,$hers at 7er*ely ha$e -!und a way t! a,!usti,ally, essentially spy !n pe!ple !n ,!mputersIby listenin' t! the ,li,*s and the ,la,*s !- the *eyb!ardIit ,an be as a,,urate as BDT --Nhuan'Ithe auth!r !- the eJperiment1 11 in the endIa-ter impr!$ements it ,!uld a,,urately predi,t BDT !- ,hara,ters and <0T !- w!rds 4!sh Fashana literally translates as "head !- the year# --11 ,elebrati!n !- ,reati!n !- the w!rld1 Obser$ed !n the -irst day !- the Febr!w M!nth !%ishrei, whi,h usually -alls in September !r O,t!ber, 11mar*s the be'innin' !- a ten day peri!d !- prayer1 %en days are re-erred t! as 8amim !raim !r "%he days !- 6we# , !r the Fi'h F!lidays, , Seli,h!t--L Means "-!r'i$enessEV pentitenial prayers re,ited by 0ews pri!r t! the !nset !- the hi'h h!lidays, 11 prepares -!r ten days !re-le,ti!n and sel--eJaminati!n1 %ashli,aL Usually per-!rmed !n -irst day !- 4!sh Fashana a-ter a-tern!!n ser$i,eIthe symb!li, ,astin' away !trans'ressi!ns, usually per-!rmed near a b!dy !water as*in' -!r -!r'i$ness and thr!win' bread int! a b!dy !- water 3 !r s!metimes r!,*s)1 +hy dip an apple int! h!ney !n 4!sh FashanaL Sweet apples dipped int! sweet h!ney eMuals a sweet year1 umer!us seeds !- the p!mene'ranats whi,h Aust happen t! rea,h ripeness at this time !- year symb!li?e !ur '!!d deeds1 +hat is 8!m 2ippurL /ay !- 6t!nement1 )e$iti,us 2=1291 +hat is 2!l idreL Ser$i,es ere$ y!m *iupper be'in with 2!l idreIthe

!penin' prayer and als! the name !- the e$enin' ser$i,eIan 6ramai, de,larati!n that null-ies all the $!ws and pr!mises !ne ma*es t! G!d !r him !r hersel-Ian a,*n!wled'ment !- the wea*ness !- human res!luti!n1 8i?*!rL Ka ser$i,e that re,alls l!$ed !nes that ha$e died and is re,ited !n 8!m 2ippur1 6rti,le by 4abbi 0!nath!n 2rausIentitled the ")!wd!wn !n 4itual and +!rship#1 It says "+e as* -!r -!r'i$eness and repent alm!st eJ,lusi$ely in the -irst pers!n plural, this emphasis !n we $s1 I re-le,ts 0udaisms emphasis !n ,!mmunity1 "4i,hard Sherman, a ,lini,al and ,!nsultin' psy,h!l!'ist in %ar?ana is president !- the )161 (hapter !- the 4epubli,an 0ewish (!aliti!n went t! )!uisiana as a 4ed (r!ss $!lunteer1 0ewish 0!urnal !- Greater )!s 6n'eles 5!l 20, !1 =0, Sept 1D-22-, 20051 BP22P05 0ud'e 4!bertsIis appr!$ed -!r Supreme (!urt1 11 0et 7lue made an emer'en,y landin' yesterdayI11 passen'ers were able t! wat,h their !wn landin'I be,ause they ha$e %5 !n their -li'hts1 1 small earthMua*e in )161 t!day->191 11r!,*et ,arryin' military resear,h satellite blast!-- %hursday, da??lin' spe,tat!rs -r!m (ali-!rnia t! 6ri?!na with a rainb!w !- ,!l!rs as it strea*ed a,r!ss the s*y1 Min!taur r!,*et ,arryin'11 at 92> pm1 -r!m 5andenber' 6ir &!r,e base, said MaA!r %!dd &lemin'1 4esear,h . de$el!pment arm !- the Penta'!n1 B20 p!und payl!ad11 will stay in !rbit -!r a yearI 'atherin' in-!rmati!n ab!ut the earthEs en$ir!nment at l!w !rbit1 6-ter blast!-- the r!,*et made -r!m de,!mmissi!ned 1st and 2nd sta'es !- a Minuteman II missle 11 !$er the Pa,i-i,11 "ne$er seen anythin' li*e it " said 2en 7a*er wh! was dri$in' al!n' P(F -r!m :l Se'und! t! Manhattan bea,h11 "saw the r!,*et strea*in' a'ainst the ni'ht s*yC# Man -r!m

4ialt! (a- alle'edly intenti!nally ran d!wn pedestrians !n the sidewal* in )as 5e'as1 11

ew Orleans -l!!ds a'ain1 2> pe!ple *illed !n a bus ,arryin' ursin' h!me e$a,ueesI,au'ht -ire in a tra--i, Aam1 MaJ May-ield, dire,t!r !- the ati!nal Furri,ane (enter said "Pe!ple are '!in' t! die ar!und 7eaum!nt, P!rt 6rthur %eJas, and )a*e (harles )!uisianaIwith a p!ssible 20 -!!t st!rm sur'e1 11 S!me say Furri,ane 4ita ,!uld ,ause 'as!line pri,es t! '! up t! > d!llars per 'all!n1 6b!ut B0T !- Gal$est!nEs 5<000 residents ha$e e$a,uated1 6P arti,le be, %im +hitmire, (!ntributi!n by 7rett Martell1

4!senber'Iele,ted new president !- the S,reen 6,t!rs Guild 3S6G), ta*in' the pla,e !- Melissa Gilbert, wh! de,ided n!t t! run -!r a third term1 4!senber' beat M!r'an &air,hild and 4!bert (!nrad1 %he !ther maA!r entertainment uni!n is the 6meri,an &ederati!n !- %ele$isi!n . 4adi! 6rtists16n'els ha$e a se$en 'ame winnin' strea* '!in' with a -ew 'ames t! '!1 %hey l!!* b!und t! win the 6) west1 /etr!it l!st its <th strai'ht 'ame1

F!w d! they de,ide !n namin' -!rmati!ns !n MarsIthe uni!n de,ided that lar'e ,raters w!uld be named a-ter de,eased s,ientiests11 c auth!rs wh! wr!te ab!ut Mars su,h as F1G1 +ells and C small ,ratersa-ter t!wns with p!p with -ewer than 100,000

pe!ple1 11 lar'e $alleys named -!r Mars in n!n:n'lish lan'ua'es1 Small $alleys named a-ter ri$ers, n!thin' smaller than ==0 -eet w!uld 'et an !--i,ial name unless it had eJ,epti!nal s,ienti-i, interest, Internaai!nal 6str!n!mi,al Uni!n Said1 Saturday Sept 2>, 20051 w!r*in' !n Philippins $ide! Iputtin' t!'etherIalm!st a year later1 1 4!mer!, (FP O--i,er, married -ather !- -i$e ,hildrenI st!pped at red li'ht !n his m!t!r,yleIsaw a ,ar appr!a,hin' behind him at a -ast speedIhe had time t! put !n his -lashin' li'hts and warn the ,ar t! sl!w d!wn but the ,ar ran him !$erIi- he had time t! put !n his si'nals why didnEt he use that time t! Aump !ut !- the way1 (FP !--i,er1 11 L dri$er !,ar may ha$e been drun*114!mer! was pr!n!un,ed dead at the US( medi,al ,enter1 20 years as a m!t!r,yle !--i,er -!r the (FP1 1 "help us rebuildC# Iair-!r,e base in (!l!rad! 37ush)11 MSU beat Illin!is D1 t! 1>1 7rian +ils!n !- the 7ea,h 7!ys will pers!nally ,all any pers!n wh! d!nates H100 !r m!re t! the 2atrina re,!$ery -undI$ia his website BP25P05 Mi,r!s!-t%eamin' up with Palm In,1 t! ma*e a new smart ph!ne,wind!ws based $ersi!n !- the %ri!I !--ered thru 5eri?!n1 1 US( wins >5-1> !$er Ore'!n1 )einart threw -!r =15 yards and = t!u,hd!wns1 4e,!rd ,r!wd !- 5B000 in Ore'!n1 /i'ital (amera AammersItryin' t! st!p pe!ple -r!m usin' ,amph!nes1 +is,!nsin beat U !- M1 (!uple -r!m Ireland $isitin' the United States were am!n' th!se wh! were hit by the dri$er in )as $e'as1 6idan !lan . his wi-e, 4a,hel 7ur*e a'e 2>, were wal*in' d!wn the strip h!ldin' hands, when the dri$er hit b!th !- them1

%hey are b!th h!spitali?ed1 %he wi-e su--ered -ra,tures t! b!th hands 1 !lan, a'e =0, disl!,ated ri'ht sh!ulder, br!*en b!ne in his le-t arm, and -ra,tured *nee1 %hey had !nly been married three wee*s1 6rti,le by (hristina 6lmeida -!r 5N+ ews1 (ases !- rep!rted ,!rp!ral punishment is up in ew 8!r* Publi, s,h!!lsId!ublin' -r!m the year be-!reI many !- the alle'ati!ns in$!l$e -a,ulty and sta-pushin', sh!$in', and 'rabbin' arms1 One !- the ,!mplaints in$!l$es a student wh! was put !utside t! ",!!l !--# in /e,ember -!r ten minutes with!ut a Aa,*et1 6n!ther in$!l$ed a %ea,her wh! alle'edly ta,*led a student wh! rea,hed -!r a pen,il !n the -l!!r1 6nd se$eral ,ases !- a studentEs m!uth bein' taped shut1 ew 8!r*Es :du,ati!n /ept had di--erent resp!nses t! the $ari!us alle'ati!ns in$!l$in' tea,hers, substitute tea,hers, bus dri$ers, tea,her aides, et,1 11 s!me !- them were 'i$en a ,!unselin' sessi!n, s!me suspended, !ne -ired1 6rti,le by Mi,hael G!rmley 5N+1 !rthwest 6irplane -li'ht -r!m U1S1 t! %!*y! was delayed -!r >= h!ursI due t! a la,* !- a -li'ht ,rew1 Passen'ers were *ept !n the plane -!r a t!tal !- nine h!urs !$er a 2> h!ur peri!d1 In s!uthwest )!uisianaIwater s! r!u'h it ,apsi?ed re,ue b!ats1 2athleen 7lan,!, '!$ern!r !- )!uisiana, said as many as 250 pe!ple were res,ured but there may be !$er 1000 wh! need help1 %he hardest hit parish11 was in additi!n t! 5ermilli!n, (amer!n, and (al,asieu parish said )!uisiana ati!nal Guard sp!*esman MaA :d 7ush1

BP2DP05 4ally a'ainst the war in iraM !n Saturday br!u'ht !ut 100Es !- 1000Es in +ashin't!n /1(1 but the the rally -!r the war !n Sunday br!u'ht !ut !nly a -ew 1001 11 appr!$al -!r the war has been de,linin'

steadily1 :arthMua*e !- ma'nitude 9 hits n!rthern Peru1 Getty Museum is bein' a,,used !- *n!win'ly pur,hasin' st!len Italian art w!r*1 Getty Museum ,urat!r Mirian %rue has been ,har'ed by Italian auth!rities !- ,!nspirin' t! tra--i, l!!ted Italian antiMuities1 %he Getty a,*n!wled'es they pur,hased st!len Italian art but said they did n!t d! s! *n!win'ly1 %rial is pr!,eedin' in 4!me1 4ep!rts !$i!lent ,rime in the United States are at the l!west le$el sin,e the '!$ernment be'an maintainin' statisti,s =2 years a'!1 St!ry ab!ut the p!wer and presen,e !- Samsun' ,!rp!rati!n in S1 2!rea1 One !e$ery tw! S1 2!reans uses a Samsun' ph!ne1 Samsun' has 2500 PF1/Es !n its payr!ll1 Samsun' p!sted a pr!-it !- ab!ut 10 billi!n last year1 %hey ha$e als! been a,,used !- bribin' p!liti,ians, but als! hirin' -!rmer p!liti,ians as ad$is!rs1 %he a$era'e pay at Samsun' is m!re than H90,000 m!re than triple *!reaEs per ,apital in,!me1 %hey d! ,hemi,als, ele,tr!ni,s, %5 pi,ture tubes, et,1 et,1 insuran,e, -inan,e, ,redit ,ards, se,uriies, ,!mmuni,ati!ns, 1 %he ,hairman !- Samsun' is )ee 2un Fee11with an estimated -!rtune !- > billli!n d!llars1 "+ill-ul blindness# is !ne aspe,t !- determinin' ne'li'en,e1 6rti,le ab!ut the w!man wh! had FI5 K had tw! ,hildrenIre-used t! ha$e either !- them tested -!r FI5, and als! breast-ed themI,laimin' she d!es n!t belie$e FI5 ,auses 6I/S1 Suddenly her dau'hter died1 +!manEs last name is Ma''i!re1 (indy Sheehan was arrested in +ashin't!n /1(1 -!r a sitd!wn pr!test by the +hite h!use with!ut a permit1 :dward Fale a'e D> '!es by the name Papa Pil'rimI wh! li$es in 6las*aIhas been ,har'ed with seJual

assault and in,estIhe has a wi-e and 15 ,hildren--1 FeEs !n the run1 =0 -el!ny ,!unts in,ludin' 10 seJual ,!unts , < ,!unts !- in,est, = ,!unts !assault11 &ired empl!yee in ew 8!r* wal*ed int! a nail p!lish -a,t!ry M!nday and sh!t the ,!-!wners and the mana'er in the head be-!re *illin' himsel-1 6ll three sh!t by 5i,t!r Pia??a sur$i$ed the sh!!tin'sIalth!u'h !ne is in ,riti,al ,!nditi!n1 Pia??a was -ired by 5erla Internati!nal a-ter bein' arrested in 200> !n ,har'es he had ,hild p!rn!'raphy !n his ,!mpany ,!mputer1 Fe was senten,ed t! ten years pr!bati!n1 &a,t!ry ,!-!wner Mari! Ma--ei , a'e 59, and 4!bert 4!th, a'e D5, were in stable ,!nditi!n1 0!6nn Obrien a'e >B, was in ,riti,al ,!nditi!n1 6n'els need tw! m!re wins t! ,lin,h the di$isi!nU1 &en' Shui Kthe pra,ti,e !- usin' spa,e and pla,ement !- -urniture et,1 has its r!!ts in %a!ism s!me sayIit is pra,ti,ed in (hina but n!t end!rsed by the '!$ernmentIn!w !pp!nents are raisin' an !ut,ry be,ause a '!$ernment run uni$ersity is tea,hin' it1 1 bi' debt relie- pa,*a'e is bein' planned in (!n'ressIal!n' with a -ew !ther ,!untries 3i1e1 "bi' ei'ht#) t! ,an,el the debt !- s!me !- the m!st p!$ertydstri,*en nati!ns 1 %reasurey Se,reatry 0!hn Sn!w said "%he plan is an eJtra!rdinary !pp!rtunity as well as an en!rm!us ,hallen'e1# It ,!uld win appr!$al within a wee* -r!m $ari!us w!rld ban*s and IM& 7!ard, and w!uld -!r'i$e an estimated H>0 billi!n d!llars in debt, m!st !- them 6-ri,an ,!untries1 :i'hteen in all1 Gr!up !- e,!n!mi, p!wers are !--erin' t! pay the debt1 It w!uld push the am!unt !- debt ,an,ellati!n t! m!re than H55 billi!n1 6rti,le by 0eanninne 6$irsa1 5eri?!n

ews,1 (indy Sheehan met with Sen 0!hn M,(ain wh! is als! a 5ietname 5et, st!ry by 0enni-er %alhelm BP29P05 M!ther !- the missin' F!ll!way 'irl in 6ruba ,!ntends the /ut,h b!y in 6ruba 35andersl!!t) is lyin'--1 6nd said that she is '!in' t! '! t! the etherlands t! *eep the st!ry ali$e1 /ut,h b!y is '!in' t! the uni$ersity there n!w )ady wh! was a,,used ! -hai$n' seJ with teena'e b!ys wh! wanted t! be a ",!!l m!m# in /en$erIis s,heduled t! be senten,ed t!m!rr!w1 She was !ut dri$in' in an SU5 with a 1> year !ld dri$erIthe dri$er ,rashedIr!lled !$er the $anIinAurin' the m!ther and her tw! ,hildenIwh! are all n!w in seri!us ,!nditi!n in the h!spital1 >1 year !ld Syl$ia 0!hns!n1 )indy :n'land is senten,ed t! three years in pris!n -!r her in$!l$ement in the abuse !IraM pris!ners-!--war BP2<P05 11 %!m /elay has been indi,ted !n a ,!nspira,y ,har'e -!r ille'ally -unnellin' ,!rp!rate ,ash t! 4ep!ubli,ans in 20021 /elay says he is a $i,tim !partisan $endetta by the dem!,rati, /istri,t 6tt!rney in 6ustin, 4!nny :arle1 /elay said, "My de-ense in this ,ase will n!t be te,hni,al !r le'alisti, 1 It will be ,ate'!ri,al and abs!lute1# "Mr1 :arle . his sta-- *n!w it, and I will pr!$e it1# :arle denied p!liti,al m!ti$ati!n sayin' in 6ustin 12 !- the 15 ,ases he has pr!se,uted ha$e been a'ainst /em!,rats1 In 1BB> a ,ase pr!se,uted by :arle a'ainst 2ay 7ailey Fut,hins!n was t!ssed !ut !- ,!urt !n the -irst day !- trial1 I,!n$i,ted /elay ,!uld -a,e upt t! tw! years in pris!n and a -ine !- H10,0001 Gl!bal warmin' seems

t! be a--e,tin' 6las*a m!re than !ther pla,es in the w!rld1 11 temperatures ha$e risen =1D t! 51> de'rees -arenheit !$er the past -i$e de,ades in 6las*a, ,!mpared t! !nly 1 de'ree in the rest !the w!rld !$er the last ,entury1 Man wh! used his ,ar t! m!w d!wn tw! d!?en pe!ple in tw! in,idents in mid-t!wn Manhattan three years a'! *illin' !ne pedestrian durin' a ,rime rampa'e pled 'uilty t! murder +ednesday1 4!nald P!pa$i,h, a'e >2, was in$!l$ed in a hit-and-run, , then returned a -ew days later !n &ebruary 1> and did the same thin'I this time he was ,au'ht1 Se$eral pers!ns were inAured in the -irst rampa'e, in,ludin' !ne wh! later died1 6 -ew days later P!pa$i,h inAured se$en !thers1 Fe als! pled 'uilty last year t! *illin' his nei'hb!r, )isa Gut*in, a'e >0, a-ter she rebu--ed his seJual ad$an,es1 P!pa$i,h sh!t her siJ times1 &eb 10, 20021 In an!ther ,rime durin' the same peri!d he sh!t and w!unded a ew 8!r* (ab dri$er !n &ebruary 1=1 Museum !ri'inally planned t! be in,luded at the +!rld %rade (enter siteIhas n!w been aband!ned1 Plans -!r the Internati!nal &reed!m Museum has been dr!pped due t! pr!tests , m!stly by -amilies !- the $i,tims !B111 San /ie'! Padres ,lin,h the ) west title1 6rti,le ab!ut (ali-!rnia %ea,hers 6ss!,iati!n 3(%6), and G!$1 S,hwaar?enaa'erEs attempt t! de-eat the in-luen,e and p!wer they ha$e held -!r s! l!n'1 1 %he p!wer (%6 has held t! Muash bills that they d!nEt li*e1 %hey used 21 milli!n d!llars t! -i'ht a'ainst Pr!p!siti!n =< whi,h w!uld ha$e all!wed ,iti?ens the ,h!i,e !- a pri$ate s,h!!l with a s,h!!l $!u,her, and the pr!p!siti!n was de-eated1 6rti,le ab!ut h!w they 'rade restaurants in )!s 6n'elesI( is the l!west 'rade---meanin' it ,!uld be ,l!sed d!wn i- it 'ets a little bit w!rse1 S,!tt Pe,* , auth!r !- %he 4!ad )ess %ra$elled died at a'e DB in (!nne,ti,ut1 6n'els l!st t! 6Es1 @ui,*sand d!esnEt a,tually swall!w a prs!n up this arti,le

saysIbut ,an en$el!pe y!u up t! waist deep1 %hey say the best way t! 'et !ut is t! 'et water int! the sand near y!ur -eet1 7ut d!nEt wi''le, that ma*es it w!rse BP2BP05 11 b!ys -!und star$in' in ew 0erseyIare set t! re,ei$e 121 5 milli!n -!r 11the abuse they su--ered be,ause s!,ial ser$i,es did n!tew h!p pr!perly in$esti'ate11 1B year !ld b!y was -!und wei'hin' !nly >5 p!unds11 7ru,e 0a,*s!nIappeared t! be 9 years !ld 11 when p!li,e -!und him rumma'in' thr!u'h a nei'hib!rs trash ,an in (!llin'sw!!d11 the11in O,t!ber 200=11three !- his y!un'er ad!pti$e br!thers were similarly underwei'ht1 11 the ad!pti$e parents withheld -!!d while the b!ys sur$i$ed !n 'ypsum wallb!ard and un,!!*ed pan,a*e batter1 %he rep!rter 3Miller) wh! was bein' held in pris!n until her s!ur,e was re$ealed has been released with permissi!n -r!m her s!ur,e t! answer any Muesti!ns ab!ut him and t! identi-y him 11 the s!ur,e turned !ut t! be $i,e-president /i,* (heneyEs ,hie--!--sta-- )ewis "s,!!ter# )ibbyIwh! 'a$e her assuran,es that she ,!uld re$eal the ,!ntents !- their ,!n$ersati!n1 ew 8!r* (ity &ire /eptEs new Muslim (haplain abruptly resi'ned a-ter ma*in' ,!mments ,!n,ernin' his d!ubts ab!ut the B11 atta,*s bein' s!lely the w!r* !- al @uaeda hiAa,*ersIn!tin' that he heard pr!-essi!nals say that -ire ,!uld n!t ma*e a t!wer -all apart li*e the +!rld %rade (enter t!wers didIindi,atin' he belie$ed there was a ,!nspira,y '!in' !n, whi,h reMuried ,!llab!rati!n -r!m within1 &ire ,!mmissi!ner i,h!las S,!ppetta t!ld rep!rters an h!ur be-!re Imam Inti*ab Fabib was t! be !--i,ially sw!rn in 1 Imam was -r!m Saudi 6rabiaIwhere many !the B11 hiAa,*ers were -r!m1 Fe apparently reali?ed himsel- that his $iews were ,!ntrary t! what w!uld

be eJpe,ted -r!m a ew 8!r* &ire /ept ,haplain1 , ,up Saturday O,t!ber 1, 2005 4!y 4!mer '!t a !ne year ,!ntra,t eJtensi!nIs!me were a'ainst him1 7ut n!t en!u'h1

11 Miss!uri S!uthern &!!tball (!a,h,* a'e >D, died !- heart atta,* in 0!plin Miss!uri1 Passen'ers at Philippine airp!rt saw a rat in the plbane as they b!ardedIthey t!!* e$erb!dy !--, sear,hed the plane -!r 1= h!urs11 ne$er -!und it11 'rands!ns !- ++II leaders, 4!!se$elt, (hur,hill, and Stalin debated the merits !- the 8elta (!n-eren,e----D0 years a-ter the de,isi$e summit whi,h drew b!rders -!r the ,!untries -!ll!win' the war1 Grands!nsIn!w elderly themsel$es lau'hed !-ten durin' their -irst meetin' e$er1 11 "my 'rand-ather had the hi'hest re'ard -!r y!ur 'rand-ather as a war time leader ,# 7ritish auth!r and p!liti,ian +inst!n S1 (hur,hill t!ld 8$etny /?hu'ash$ili, StalinEs 'rands!n11a retired ,!l!nel and military hist!rian--1 11 the 8alta (!n-eren,e t!!* pla,e as StalinEs 6rmy was p!ised -!r the -inal atta,* !n 7erlin a-ter !,,upyin' P!land1 1 Stalin had the lar'est army with 12 milli!n s!ldiers, =00 di$isi!ns1 :isenh!wers > milli!n men and <5 di$isi!ns were still west !- the 4hine at the time1 %he three 'rands!ns met at the Uni$ersity !- Maastri,ht in the etherlands1 (hur,hills 'rands!n a'reed that 4ussia '!t m!st -r!m the a'reement1 "P!ssessi!n is BP10 !- the law1 Marshal Stalin p!ssesed hal- !:ur!pe at the time !- the meetin' and there was n!thin' (hur,hhill !r 4!!se$elt ,!uld d! ab!ut that# StalinEs 'rands!n said the di$isi!ns made at 8elta were -air be,ause !- the sa,ri-i,es by the s!$iet uni!n in beatin' Germany1 4ussiaEs l!ss !tr!!ps was in the milli!ns1 Fe added that there

were als! s!me '!!d thin's that happened at 8altaI the united ati!ns was -!rmed1 6rti,le by %!by Sterlin'1 6rti,le ab!ut 'un ,!ntr!l in the d!mini,an 4epubli, IitEs le'al t! ,arry them alth!u'h they are supp!sed t! be ,!n,ealed, albeit many ,arry them !penly anyways1 7ut pe!ple are 'ettin' *illed and stray bullets are *illin' pe!ple, in,ludin' ,hildrenIat least 25 ,hildren ha$e been *illed by stray bullets sin,e 0anuary1 191B h!mi,ides in the -irst ei'ht m!nths !- the year, 95 T by 'uns1 %! 'et a 'un le'ally in the /!mini,an y!u ha$e t! under '! a dru' test, ba,*'r!und ,he,*, and a psy,h!l!'i,al e$aluati!n and train at a sh!!tin' 'allery -!r a day1 One eJample !- a stray bullet d!in' harm is the ,ase !%ania in a t!wn 50 miles s!uth !- Santa /!min'!Ithe bullet hit her in the temple and eJited her ri'ht eye, se$erin' her !pti, ner$es and lea$in' her blind1 22 *illed and 50 w!unded in 7ali eJpl!sii!nsIthe blast hit simultane!usly in t!urist areas1Ia m!nth be-!re the president had warned !- p!ssible atta,*s1 %w! 6meri,ans were w!unded1 One eJpl!si!n t!!* pla,e in tw! pa,*ed sea -!!d restaurants in 0imbaran 7ea,hI and in a bustlin' d!wnt!wn sh!ppin' ,enter 1 %he atta,*s t!!* pla,e nearly three years t! the day that b!mbin's in 2uta *illed 202 pe!ple1 6str!n!mers wh! ,laimed t! ha$e dis,!$ered the 10th planet ha$e an!ther intri'uin' ann!un,ement1 %hey ha$e als! dis,!$ered the planetEs m!!n in the 2uiper belt-, dis, !- i,y b!dies bey!nd eptune1 %he m!!n is 150 miles wide, D0 times -ainter than Sena whi,h is what the planet has been ni,*named1 10P1P05 U1S1 Milli!naire and s,ientist Gre'!ry Olsen is !n the 4ussian spa,e,ra-t '!in' t! the Internati!nal

Spa,e Stati!n1 Olsen is the D0 year !ld -!under !an in-ra-red ,amera ma*er based in Prin,et!n 0, Fe rep!rtedly paid 20 milli!n -!r a seat !n the the eJpediti!n 12 -li'ht1 Olsen is the third n!nastr!naut t! -inish the !rbitin' stati!n1 (ali-!rnia businessman /ennis %it! t!!* a trip -!r 20 milli!n in 2001 and S1 6-ri,an Mar* Shuttlew!rth -!ll!wed a year later1 4ussia is n!w sayin' they eJpe,t the U1S1 t! ma*e payments !r s!me s!rt !(apit!l in$estment in eJ,han'e -!r -uture U1S1 parti,ipati!n !n 4ussian -li'hts1 %he )aw passed in 2000 penali?es ,!untries that sell un,!n$entin!al weap!ns and missile te,hn!l!'y t! Iran1 4ussia is helpin' Iran build an <00 milli!n d!llar u,lear P!wer plant1 1 %he U1S1 Senate has a'reed t! amend the measure and li-t the ban !n 6S6Es s!yu? seats until 2012, but the F!use has n!t yet a,ted !n it1 US(#s win !$er 6ri?!na State was their 2Dth ,!nse,uti$e $i,t!ry1 6ri?!na State led 21-= at hal-time1 B9 de'rees there1 !1 15 6labama beat !1 5 &l!rida =1-=1 O0 Simps!n si'ned aut!'raphs at a F!rr!r M!$ie (!n$enti!n in !rthrid'e (61 6n'els ha$e w!n 1= !- their last -i-teen 'amesIthey are !ne 'ame behind the 8an*ees -!r the se,!nd best re,!rdIPadres w!n their di$isi!n with a re,!rd !<1-<0, the l!west winnin' per,enta'e in a n!nstri*e year1 +illiam 7ennet -!rmer edu,ait!n se,retary made s!me ,!mments !n his radi! tal* sh!w Kthat i- he ab!rted all the bla,* male babies the ,rime rate w!uld '! d!wnIhe said he was bein' -a,eti!us, but the ,!mment d!es seem inappr!priate11 7ennet was the auth!r !- the 7!!* !- 5irtues1 Fe was ,riti,i?ed -!r his pen,hant -!r 'amblin' and is a "pre-erred ,ust!mer# in 6tlanti, (ity and 5e'as1 G!$1 S,hwaar?enaa'er $et!ed the 'ay marria'e bill and he als! supp!rts parental n!ti-i,ati!n -!r undera'e ab!rti!ns1 Fe praised the Minuteman1 Fe dumped state re,lamati!n b!ard members wh! !--ended de$el!pers and has tried t!

p!int an industry l!bbyist t! a *ey en$ir!nmental p!st1 Fe supp!rts stem ,ell resear,h1 Fal- !- his app!intees ha$e been 4epubli,ans , ] dem!,rat, !thers independent1 Pr!p!siti!n 9= w!uld ban ab!rti!ns -!r min!rs unless parents were n!ti-ied1 Fe als! supp!rts the $!,atii!nal edu,ati!nIthey say this stems -r!m his y!uth in 6ustriaIa tw! tiered system that prepares s!me -!r ,!lle'e and !thers -!r trades1 S,hwar?enaa'er was !n the trade tra,*I he s!ld w!!d at a ,!nstru,ti!n materials ,!mpany at G46N be-!re ma*in' it in b!dy buildin'1 %he b!at that ,apsi?ed in ew 8!r* !n )a*e St1 Ge!r'eI*illin' se$eral elderly passen'ers did n!t ha$e the reMuired number !- ,rew members !n b!ardI there sh!uld ha$e been !ne m!re1 M!st !- the passen'ers were -r!m %rent!n, Mi,hi'an1 :than 6llen was the name !- the b!at1 K*illed 2011 %he !nly ,rew member ab!ard was (apt 4i,hard Perris1 6P writer (anda,e (h!i ,!ntributed t! this st!ry 11 0ud'e ruled M!nday that a r!man (ath!li, priest wh! hun' himsel- in /e,ember alm!st ,ertainly *illed tw! pe!ple in a -uneral h!me three years a'!1 0ud'e :ri, )undell1 /eterminati!n re1 4e$ 4yan :ri,*s!n wh! ,!mmitted sui,ide a-ter bein' Muesti!need by p!li,e11 &uneral h!me dire,t!r -!und !ut that the priest was seJually abusin' s!meb!dy and pr!$idin' min!rs with al,!h!l1 St1 (r!i (!unty /161 :ri, 0!hns!n C1hearin' a dea,!n testi-ied that he ,!n-ided that he sh!t t! death -uneral h!me dire,t!r /an OE(!nnel , a'e =B, and empl!yee 0ames :llis!n , a'e 221 /ea,!n 4ussel )und'ren1 :ri,*s!n, a'e =1, was -!und han'in' -r!m a -ire es,ape at St1 Marys (hur,h !n /e,ember 1B1 St!ry by 4!bert Imrie, 5N+ news1


%rent!n Mi is 25 miles s!uth !- /etr!itIthe pi,* !Ge!r'e 7us -!r Supreme (!urt is Farriet :llen Miers cI,1e myers)11 was 7ushEs pers!nal lawyer in %eJas and his sat-- se,retary in +ashin't!n-wh! ,!ntr!ls $ery pie,e !- paper that ,r!sses 7ushEs des*1 &irst w!man hired by her law -irm in 1B921 &irst w!an preisdent 1-irst w!man president !- /allas 7ar 6ss!, 1B<51 &irst+!man president !- %eJas State 7ar 1BB21 1st +!man president !- her law -irm 1BBD1 She went t! S!uthern Meth!dust Uni$1 K'!t her 76 and law de'ree -r!m there1 She was ,!-mana'in' partner !- >00 lawyer !- )!,*e , )ittle, and Sapp1 11)iddlel, Sapp, n!t married1 11 st!ry by an,y 7ena, 5N+ ewsIsheEs ne$er been a Aud'e11 A!ins ruth Ginsbur' i- a,,epted1 /urin' 7ushEs -irst term !-as '!$ern!r in %eJas, 6lbert! G!n?ale?,, Miers intr!du,ed 6lbert! G!na?les t! 7ush11 1G!n?ale? used in-!rmati!n turned up by Miers t! eJ,use 7ush -r!m 0ury dutyIa ,i$i, test whi,h w!uld ha$e -!r,ed 7ush t! dis,l!se his 1B9D arrest -!r drun* dri$in' in Maine1 %he in,iden twas n!t di$ul'ed until the wanin' days !- his term 11 ,ampai'n11 200 ,ampia'n11 (!nser$at!rs are ,!n,erned ab!ut Miers n!tin' that S!utherm Meth!distu,s are n!t!ri!usly pr!-ab!rti!n1 %ryin' t! rebut ,r!nyism +hite F!use sta-- intr!du,ed 11 statisti,s sh!win' that 10 !the 1= 10 !- => n!t 1= 1 !- the Austi,es ,!n-rimed sin,e 1B== had w!r*ed -!r the president that pi,*ed them1 St!ry by 4i,hemann; and 6p +riter 4!n &!urnier ,!ntributed11 5N+ news1 /elays lawyers are tryin' t! 'et the ,har'e !- ,!nspirin' t! $i!late ,ampai'n -inan,e laws thr!wn !ut be,ause a statute en-!r,in' that law didnEt ta*e e--e,t until 200=, a year a-ter the alle'ed a,ts1 SubseMuently /istri,t 6tt!rney 4!nny :arle re-,!n$ened a new 'rand Aury and had them endi,t /elay a'ain ---!n m!ney launderin' ,har'es1 +hi,h ,arries a penalty !- up t! li-e in pris!n, 6 ,!nspira,y ,!n$i,ti!n up t! 20 years1 /elay is 5< years !ld1 6P writer Susanne

Gamb!a and VVVVVVV )ester +ash /1(1 as well as 2elly Shand!n in 6ustin (!ntributed t! this rep!rt1 %i'ers are dismissin' 6lan %rammel 11 !--erin' him a p!siti!n !- spe,ial assistant t! the GM1 %i'ers ended the seas!n l!sin' 2B !- its -inal =5 'ames1 %rammels re,!rd as mana'er !- the %i'ers was 1<D wins and =00 l!sses1 Fe hired 2ir* Gibs!n, )an,e Parrish, and a -ew !ther eJ-ti'ers t! be !n the ,!a,hin' sta--1 In 200= they went >=-11B, settin' an 6meri,an lea'ue re,!rd -!r l!ssesIand ,!min' within !ne l!ss !- the maA!r lea'ue re,!rd set by the Jpansi!n 1BD2 Mets1 St!ry by 0as!n 7e,* M)71(!m1 7rad Pitt and 0enni-er 6nist!n are puttin' their 7e$erly Fills mansi!n !n the mar*et -!r 2< milli!n d!llars1 %hey b!u'ht it -!r 1=15 milli!n in 2001 and spent tw! years re-urbishin' it1 Pitt and 6nist!n were married in a star studded weddin' in Malibu in 0uly 20001 In 0anuary 2005 they ann!un,ed their separati!n and -iled -!r di$!r,e !n Mar,h 25, 2005, ,itin' irre,!n,iable di--eren,es1 4e,ently, Pitt and 0!lie ha$e been ph!t!'raphed t!'ether in (anada where Pitt is -ilmin' "%he 6ssasinati!n !0esse 0ames by (!ward 4!bert &!rd# ine pe!ple were ,har'ed with bil*in' the 4ed (r!ss !- ab!ut H25,00011 suspe,ts were ,!ntra,t w!r*ers at a ati!nal 4ed (r!ss (all (enter in ba*ers-ield, Said U1S1 6tt!rney M,Gre'!r +1 S,!tt1 &i$e pe!ple alle'edly pi,*ed up ,he,*s they were n!t entitled t!1 &ran*lin' Graham, s!n !- 7illy Graham, said hurri,ne 2atrina ,!uld lead t! a spiritual rebirth !- a sin-ul ew Orleans1 Graham said he d!es n!t belie$e the st!rm was a punishment by G!d -!r what he says is the ,ityEs ties t! Satani, w!rship and seJual per$ersi!n1 "IEm n!t sayin' that G!d is usin' the st!rm as a Aud'ment1# 7ut that the ,ityEs Mardi Gras re$elry and ties t! and $!!d!! were

,!ntrary t! (hristian belie-s1 Fe said ew Orleans has str!n' ties t! the 'ay and lesbian m!$ement 11 "%hereEs been Satani, w!rship, thereEs been seJual per$ersi!n1 G!d is '!in' t! use that st!rm t! brin' re$i$al1 G!d has a plan1 G!d has a purp!se# Fe said, "%he '!!d news is that G!d l!$es sinners1# FeEs been busy with the ''r!up he -!unded ,alled Fis Samaritans Purse# 11 %heyE$e been distrubutin' 200 trailer h!mes1 6nd theyE$e been ,riti,i?ed -!r distrubtin' (hristian material t! ,hilderen in,ludin' a stu--ed lamb that plays "0esus l!$ersE8!u# al!n' with (hristian tra,ts1 1= -!!t pyth!n sna*e tried t! swall!w a D -!!t alli'at!r in :$er'lades ati!nal Par*1 It eJpl!dedd -r!m the mid-se,ti!n1 %he 7urmse Pyth!nIa-ter an < billi!n rest!rati!n pr!Ae,t in the :$e'lades the pyth!n threatens the rest!rati!n--1 Said &ran* Ma??!tti Uni$ !- &l!riday wildli-e pr!-ess!r1 Pyth!n be blew up1 Pyth!n was -!und with the alli'at!rs hindMuarters pr!trudin' -r!mits midse,ti!n1 Its st!ma,h still surr!unded the alli'at!rs head, sh!ulders and -!relimbs1 St!ry by /enise 2i!le 2alette 5N+ news1 Other wild-ire erupted al!n' the D0 -reeway 1 11 O,t!ber D, 2005 6nni$ersary !- Or$ille +ri'htEs -irst airplaneIthis yearI100th anni$ersary in Ohi!1 6n!ther Muesti!n that arises -r!m the 6manda Steele ,ase Kis i- I was intent !n harrassin' her !r hurtin' her, why w!uld I '! !ut !- my way t! ma*e mysel- *n!wnImy name, my address, et,1 eJt hearin' date is &riday O,t 1> = pmIis the time !the neJt hearin'1 Filt!n F!tel is as*in' 2atrina e$a,uees t! lea$eIs! they ,an h!n!r reser$ati!ns1 +!man *i,*ed !-- airplane be,ause !- a t-shirt that said "&11* 7ush# and (heney and 4i,e--1 )!rrie Feasley , !- +!!dland +ash, says she plans t! -ile

a suit a'ainst the airlinesIwhi,h t!!* pla,e at the 4en! airp!rt1 Feasley is a =2 year !ld lumber salesw!man1 She a'reed t! wear a sweatshirt !$er the t-shirtIbut when it slipped !-- she was !rdered t! wear the shirt inside !ut !r lea$e1 %hey ,h!se t! lea$e1 <5 year !ld al?heimers patient wh! wandered away -r!m her h!me was -!und raped and sh!t an h!ur a-ter she was rep!rted missin' YS6/ S%O48 O& %F: 8:64LZ11 she had sur'ery and is re,!$erin'Ishe did n!t remember the atta,*1 7e-!re dawn her dau'hter helped her 'et dressed 1 %he dau'hter went t! an!ther r!!m -!r a while and when she returned the m!ther was '!ne1 6 deputy patr!llin' !utside a nearby Aail -!und the m!ther lyin' !n the sidewal* -ully ,l!thed but with a br!*en le' and 'un sh!t w!und t! her pel$i, area1F!spital eJaminati!n sh!wed e$iden,e !- a seJual assasult1 6s many as >00 s!n'birds were *illed in !ne ni'ht, a-ter they -lew int! wires h!ldin' up a tele$isi!n t!wer1 %hey were *illed !n the ni'ht !- Sept 1=-1> at the +M%5 t!wer--11 192 dead birds -!und ar!und the base1 (r!ws and ,ats t!!* an!ther 200 1 5N+ :+S1 In-!rmati!n -r!m +is,!nsin State 0!urnal, n! auth!r listed1 +hiteh!use empl!yee suspe,ted !bein' a spy1 +hen 0!seph :strada was president !the PhilippinesIhe ,ame t! the +hite F!use t! 5isit President 7ush1 +hile here they used lures !- small am!unts !- m!ney and appeals t! ethni, l!yalty t! re,ruit )eandr! 3L) 6ra'!n,ill!1 Fe was a halmilli!n d!lalrs in debt1 Mi,hael :isner has stepped d!wn as (:O -r!m /isney and als! resi'ned -r!m the b!ard, sayin' he has se$ered all ties t! /isney1 Fe will n!t ser$e as a ,!nsultant1 :isner had been president -!r 21 years1

10P<P05U1 2ansas Supreme (!urt !n &riday !usted a trial ,!urt ,!unty Aud'e -!r $iewin' p!rn!'raphy !n the internet in his !--i,e1 Saline (!unty /istri,t (!urt 0ud'e Ge!r'e 4!berts!n, a'e 5D, had been !n the ben,h -!r ten years1 (!unty ,!mputer te,hni,ian dis,!$ered it and rep!rted it1 4!berts!n said he was an elder in his ,hur,h and used the p!rn!'raphy as a di$ersi!n !$er the nine m!nth 11 St!ry by 0!hn Milburn1 5N+ ews1 &7I eJamined ,!mputers in 5P /i,* (heneyEs !--i,e in their in$esti'ati!n !- the Philippin-6meri,an wh! w!r*ed in the whiteh!use wh! may ha$e 'i$en ,lassi-ied material t! the Phillippined '!$t1 :ri, 3L) 6ra'!n,ill!, a'e >D, !ew 0ersey is ,urrently ,!n-ined in Aail1 6dam S,hi--, ,urrent Pasadena rep 11 is a -!rmer -ederal pr!se,ut!r wh! ran a &7I Spy ,ase1 &r!m May t! 6u'ust 15 !- this yearI6ra'!n,ill! d!wnl!aded 101 ,lassi-ied d!,uments 11 !- whi,h =9 were ,lassi-ied as se,ret1 C 11 st!ry by Mar* Sherman, 5N+ ews1 6n'els w!n 11-9 in ew 8!r*U1 (h!ne &i''ins hit a tie brea*in' sin'le and made a '!!d de-ensi$e play while Garret 6nders!n had > hits and 5 rbiEs t! lead them t! the win in the 7r!nJ1 +hiteS!J beat 4ed S!J sweepin' the seriesIwinner !- 8an*ees 6n'els willl play the white s!J1 +ashin't!n M!nument was e$a,uated t!day be,ause !- a b!mb threatIa-ter they sear,hed the premises and n!thin' was -!undIthe m!nument was re-!pened1 )andslides and -l!!din' eJa,erbated by Furri,ane Stan *illed 299 pe!ple a,r!ss the re'i!nI!- (entral 6meri,a0I with Guatemla bearin' the brunt !- it1 6ls! a str!n' earthMua*e shuddered thr!u'h Guatemala and :l Sal$ad!r !n &riday1 %he Mua*e measured 51<1 7!y Ge!r'e arrested !n dru' ,har'es in ew 8!r* (ityIa-ter he ,alled the p!li,e ar!und = a1m1 t!

rep!rt a bur'lary they -!und ,!,aine by his ,!mputer1 Fe ,laims it was n!t his ,!,aine1 Fis real name is Ge!r'e OE/!wd1 Said /ete,ti$e 2e$in (?art!rys*i1In 1B<D he was ,!n$i,ted !- p!ssessi!n !- her!in in :n'land1 %w! !- his -riends !$erd!sed in that in,ident1 %his led t! the disinte'rati!n !his 'r!up, "%he (ulture (lub# 1 4e'istered seJ !--ender wh! -ashi!ned a l!in ,l!th -r!m a pie,e !- r!pe and a pie,e !- lawn -urniture was arrested near a hi'h s,h!!l when he as*ed -!ur 'irls -!r a ride t! the mall !r a m!tel, p!li,e said1 4ay 0ames 7ailey, a'e ==, -r!m +ashin't!n was wearin' !nly the r!pe when he sh!,*ed a C w!man , appearin' in her ba,*yard1 7e-!re he le-t, 7ailey, wh! appeared t! be ,!$ered in -e,es ran away with a le!pard print pie,e !- $inyl -r!m a lawn,hair1 6b!ut an h!ur later -!ur Med-!rd Fi'h S,h!!l 'als waitin' in a ,ar were appr!a,hed by 7ailey wh! was n!w wearin' Aeans but still ,!$ered in the -e,al matter1 6uth!rities ann!un,ed plans t! !pen a multimilli!n d!llar seJual theme par* near )!nd!nEs Pi,adilly (ir,us1 %he )!nd!n 6,ademy !- SeJ . 4elati!nships will n!t be a slea?y seJ museum but an edu,ati!nal multi-media attra,ti!n that will tea,h $isit!rs t! be,!me better l!$ers1 ItEs Aust ar!und the ,!rner -r!m S!h!I)!nd!nEs red li'ht distri,t1 G!$ern!r %im Pawlenty !- Minnes!taIat the !peninin' !- the Minnes!ta +ildEs F!,*ey Seas!nIwas supp!sed t! say "ItEs time t! dr!p the pu,*, letEs play h!,*ey# Instead the &-w!rd ,ame !ut !- his m!uth instead1 Fe ap!l!'i?ed later sayin' it was a slip !- the t!n'ue (hur,h is ha$in' *ids swall!w li$e '!ld -ish as a way !- tea,hin' them t! de-eat -ear1 Paula 2eat!n

an empl!yee at Pet /ep!t wh! s!ld the '!ld-ish ,!nsiders it ,ruelty t! animals and said they w!uldnEt ha$e s!ld them i- they *new the (hur,h, &irst 6ssembly !- G!d in 6labama, was '!in' t! use them in su,h a manner1 (!y!tes in Massa,hussets are be,!min' a''ressi$e Ka -ew rep!rts !- atta,*s !n humans1 S,h!!l hist!ry tea,her t!!* the shirt !-- his ba,* t! ,at,h a baby as a w!man with triplets 'a$e birth in a stairwell1 )!nitta )ewis , a'e =0, was !n her way t! a d!,t!rs app!intment !n M!nday when she -elt the -irst birth pain 1 She ,ried !ut -!r help but was lar'ely i'n!red until 7i*! :isen Martin t!!* n!ti,e1 Fe was a tea,her !n a brea* -r!m 7er*ely Fi'h, ran t! a nearby ,a-[, ,alled -!r an ambulan,e and returned in time with his tshirt t! ,at,h a = p!und baby 'al1 %he !ther tw! 'irls were deli$ered by (aesarean Se,ti!n1 /istributin' p!rn!'raphy and p!ssessi!n !p!rn!'raphy is ille'al in India 3'!!d -!r themU), +hen a nei'hb!r ,!mplained that s!meb!dy was wat,hin' a p!rn! m!$ie t!! l!udly the p!li,e ,ame and arrested them1 %hey ,!uld ser$e as l!n' as three m!nths in pris!n1 St!ry by eelesh- isra 5N+ Stran'e ews1 0e--rey 2atenber'er, -!und s!me samples !- the &lu !- 1B1< in tissue samples in a wareh!use where human preser$es are *ept datin' ba,* t! the (i$il +ar1 &r!m tissue samples !s!ldiers he was able t! eJtra,t the -lu !- 1B1< whi,h ,!uld help ,!mbat the p!tential bird -lu pandemi,Ii- it e$er be,!mes an a,tuality1 %he -lu !- 1B1< als! be'an with birds1 !t l!n' a'! Paula Paine seemed t! be !n t!p !- the w!rld 1 She was the t!ast !- the F!ust!n s!,ial s,ene1 She was beauti-ul and brilliant,

a -!rmer m!del1 She had w!r*ed -!r three years at the +hite F!use1 Fer husband 0e-- was a su,,ess-ul businessman1 She was startin' a -amily with three ,hildren1 7ut she wasnEt happy1 She was addi,ted t! sh!pli-tin'1 ItEs n!t un,!mm!n, they say, --p!intin' t! the ,ase !- +yn!na 4yder as well as 0enni-er +ilban*sI wh! had been arrested three times -!r sh!pli-tin'1 %hey say psy,hiatrists are -indin' e$iden,e that sh!pli-tin' ,an be truly a ,!mpulsi$e, sel--destru,ti$e beha$i!r1 VVVVV Grant 6 psy,hiatrist at the Uni$ersity !Miness!ta said "%he brains !- *lept!mania,s are di--erent than n!rmal pe!ple# sh!win' tw! pi,tures t! Prime %ime ews1 %he ner$e tra,* -ibers in the -r!nt !- the brain were n!t as dense in the brains !- *lept!mania,s as they were in the brains !- n!rmal pe!ple1 %he -r!nt !- the brain is what tells us essentially n!t t! d! thin's1 Grant and !ther psy,hiatrists say that sh!pli-ters are essentially sel-medi,atin' when they steal1 Grant says "+hen we learn m!re ab!ut the bi!l!'y !- sh!pli-tin' addi,it!n it will be,!me m!re a,,epted as an a,tual illness1# ati!nal S!,iety -!r Sh!pli-tin' Pre$enti!n +ebsite1 %he 6sian earthMua*e has t!pped 900 in deaths s! -ar1 (!ntest t! ,reate a w!r*able unmanned $ehi,le is startin' in Primm and endin' in PrimmI3(ali-!rniaL) K2 milli!n d!lllar reward1 )ast yearIn!ne !- the $ehi,les made it !$er the 1>0 mile ,!urseIthe -arthest any!ne !- them went was se$en miles1 4em!te ,!ntr!l is n!t all!wed1 %he $ehi,le must be able t! na$i'ate usin' GPS, ,!mputer data, ,amera and sens!rs1 %w! h!urs be-!re the ra,e be'ins they

will be handed a (/ 4!m that 'i$es the ,!!rdinates -!r the eJa,t r!ute the $ehi,le is t! ta*e1 %hey will lea$e the startin' 'ate at sta''ered times1 6 ,hase ,ar will -!ll!w ea,h !ne1 6nd a 0ud'e ,an st!p any !- them i- they '! t!! -ar astray1 Furri,ane 2atrina initially *n!,*ed !ut 21< milli!n ph!ne lines, 1D00 ,ell ph!ne t!wers1 M!re than 2>,000 ,able %5 ,!nne,ti!ns1 7ible S!,iety laun,hed a $ersi!n that ,an be read in SMSIi1e1 ,ell ph!ne teJt messa'in'1 %hey used the Internati!nal (!ntemp!rary :n'lish 5ersi!n !- the 7ible -r!m whi,h t! translate Shanise 21 a'e B, stabbed @ueen +ashin't!n a'e 11 in the ,hest with a *it,hen *ni-e, !n Mem!rial /ay a-ter the tw! y!un'sters -!u'ht !$er a rubber ball in 7r!!*lyn ew 8!r*1l %he 'irls m!thers were best -riends1 &ran,e 'ets m!re alli'at!r s*ins -r!m the U1S1 than any !ther ,!untry1 =00 ,hildren inU*raine were -!und si,* and s!me !- them h!spitali?ed a-ter ha$in' dran* 2e-ir, a p!pular drin* made !- -ermented mil*1 &!ur !- the *ids are in ,riti,al ,!nditi!n1

:ompilation :ourtesy of Mustar% .ee% Ministry Organi3ation O 56!6 9o+


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