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Dangerous Fashion on Pakistans Catwalks Slug: Pakistan catwalk Reporter: Mudassar Shah Date: 10/07/2012 IN R!

"ashion shows are #oo$ing in Pakistan % including in Peshawar& one o' the $ost conser(ati(e cities in the countr)* here+s at least one 'ashion show there each $onth % which is a drea$ co$e true 'or aspiring $odels 'ro$ the local Pashtun co$$unit)* ,ut it+s not eas) 'or wo$en to step onto the catwalk here* In 2002& when a conser(ati(e religious coalition ran the pro(incial legislature& i$ages o' wo$en were #anned 'ro$ #ill#oards* hose parties lost power % #ut $odels still risk a pu#lic #acklash* Mudasssar Shah $eets one o' Peshawar+s )oung 'ashion hope'uls* -. S". 1 o' hospital It+s a hectic schedule 'or 21/)ear old Nagina Na)a0* During the da)& she+s a nurse at a local hospital in Peshawar* ,ut at night& she pursues her drea$ % to #eco$e a singer and a $odel* Nagina Na)a0 1lip 1 2"e$ale& 3rdu 4anguage5 6I shi'ted to Peshawar per$anentl) #ecause people in $) area don+t like wo$en going out and #eco$ing a singer& a dancer& an actress or a $odel* It was (er) di''icult when I was called up 'or the audition* I was all alone and did not ha(e an) o' $) relati(es with $e*7 S". 2 Nagina sings a song o' 8i$aan/o/Das Nagina+s rehearsing 'or tonight+s show where she+ll #e singing and stepping down the catwalk* She li(es alone in Peshawar& a'ter lea(ing her 'a$il) 'our )ears ago in 4akki Marwat in the pro(ince+s south& near a $ilitant strong hold*

Now onl) her $other knows where she is % her location is kept secret 'ro$ her $ale 'a$il) $e$#ers& who $ight react (iolentl) i' the) knew their sister was a $odel* She re$e$#ers her 'irst per'or$ance on the runwa) % 9ust last !cto#er& as part o' Peshawar+s 'irst e(er 'ashion show* Nagina Na)a0 1lip 2 2"e$ale& 3rdu 4anguage5: 6I was e:tre$el) worried and a'raid the 'irst ti$e I walked down the runwa)* here were so $an) people watching& and outside people were protesting against the show* I was a'raid that there would #e a #o$# #last outside the e(ent* ;hat would I tell $) 'a$il) i' I got hurt< Most o' $) 'a$il) do not know an)thing a#out $) 'ashion career*7 S". = sound o' song #e'ore show onight there+s a show at a lu:urious Peshawar hotel % Nagina is getting read) to sing on stage* She uses these last 'ew $inutes to rehearse once $ore* S". > Sound 1o$pare in(ites Nagina 'or a song onight+s $usic and 'ashion show is organised #) ?R-!& a talent school 'or Pashtun singers& actresses and $odels* Nagina is one o' the students there* More than @00 people ha(e gathered on the hotel lawn* S". @ o' clapping and shouting 'or one $ore song Nagina+s singing tonight is a success % and now she+s read) 'or the runwa)* S". A o' walk on ra$p 'or $odeling on $usic ,-D 3ND-R She designed the clothes hersel' % a long #right red dress with a $atching headscar' / and walks with #old con'idence down the catwalk* S". A o' walk on ra$p 'or $odeling on $usic Man) locals disappro(e o' e(ents like this* 2>/)ear old uni(ersit) student 8#dul Ba##ar isn+t at the part) % he+s 9ust passing #) outside the hotel * ,ut he knows a#out the show taking place % and thinks it+s a sin*

8#dul Ba##ar 1lip 1 2Male& Pashtu 4anguage5: 6 hese 'ashion shows and the wo$en walking on the catwalk are against our Pashtun culture and our religion* No one can 9usti') it e(en though the wo$en gi(e thousands o' reasons* ,ad eCuals #ad& it can+t 9ust #e $ade good #) o''ering a 9usti'ication* It+s a sha$e against the wo$an+s 'a$il) 'or her to walk in 'ront o' strangers* he) walk in a wa) that shows their #od) parts to other $ales* Sin re$ains sin e(en i' )ou call it a 'ashion show or whate(er* I a$ against the $ilitants #ut i' the) targeted e(ents like these I would reall) support that #ecause these e(ents should #e stopped #) 'orce*7 Sai$a 8$ir is the organiser o' tonight+s e(ent* She+s also the owner o' ?R-! talent school % the onl) one o' its kind in Peshawar run #) a wo$an* She sa)s she+s 9ust pro(iding a stage 'or Pashtun girls to show their talents in acting& singing and $odelling* Mrs* Sai$a 8$ir 1lip 1 2"e$ale& 3rdu 4anguage5: 6-:tre$ists in Pashtun societ) alwa)s o#9ect to the dresses that $odels wear in 'ashion shows* ,ut I design culturall)/accepta#le clothing 'or $odels so that the) can+t o#9ect* he )oung generation likes $odelling and 'ashion and I tr) to support the$ to e:press what the) like D there is no har$ i' it is in accordance with their culture*7 S". E o' 'ashion show& $usic in the #ackground 8wa) 'ro$ the spotlight Nagina tells $e how serious she is a#out her career* Nagina Na)a0 clip = 2"e$ale& 3rdu 4anguage5: 6I drea$ e(er) night that I will #eco$e one o' the top $odels and singers in the countr)& and that I will ha(e $an) 'ans* I tell $)sel' that I should not lose $) hope and I pra) to 8llah to 'ul'ill $) drea$* I work and struggle hard 'or this* It+s $) drea$& I don+t sing and walk on the catwalk 'or the $one)* It+s $) li'e+s a$#itionF7 "or 8sia 1alling& this Mudassar Shah reporting 'ro$ Peshawar*

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