CSU Postgrad

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CSU offers courses in...

Agricultural and Wine Sciences Allied Health Animal and Veterinary Sciences Business Communication and Creative Industries Environmental Science and Outdoor Recreation Exercise and Sports Sciences Humanities, Social Work and Human Services Information and Library Studies Information Technology, Computing and Mathematics Medical Science Nursing Policing, Security and Emergency Management Psychology Science Teaching and Education Theology and Religious Studies

Welcome from the Vice-Chancellor and President

Choosing a university is an important step, and there are many factors that will influence your decision. At Charles Sturt University (CSU), we aim to give you the best opportunity in your chosen profession, and it is immensely satisfying to see our graduates set out confidently on their careers. As a member of the CSU community, you will experience first-hand the links we have with the business community, industry, government and the professions. Our focus is on combining knowledge from practice and research with quality teaching and learning. This is central to our success as a university our commitment to industry-aligned, relevant courses ensuring our graduates are well-equipped in the workforce. Charles Sturt University is committed to excellence in the courses it offers, in the experience of our students as part of our community, and in the depth and breadth of our research. We are proud to be a leading player in international research in agricultural and veterinary science, education, biological, environmental and chemical sciences, ethics and philosophy. Graduates of Charles Sturt University are helping to overcome the shortages in the professional workforce not only in regional Australia, but across the country and the world.

Professor Andrew Vann Vice-Chancellor and President

Throughout this prospectus you will come across these boxes. These are QR (quick response) codes, which give you quick access to our online resources on your smart phone. To access our online resources on your smart phone, follow the steps below: 1. Download a free QR code reader 2. Open the QR code reader and scan the code 3. You will then be directed to the relevant website.


You + CSU

Five reasons to study at CSU Graduate highlights Courses information About CSU
CSU's quality educational experience

2 3 5 8

- What is postgraduate study? - Why postgraduate study? - Why CSU? - Your study experience - Single Subject Study - Study in Australia - CSU Study Centres - CSU in Ontario STUDY LINK

10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11

CSU offers courses in...

Agricultural and Wine Sciences Allied Health Animal and Veterinary Sciences Business Communication and Creative Industries Environmental Science and Outdoor Recreation Exercise and Sports Sciences Humanities, Social Work and Human Services Information and Library Studies Information Technology, Computing and Mathematics Medical Science Nursing

How does postgraduate study work? 12

- Choose your level of study - Articulated courses - Course structures - Choose the way you study - Choose when you study - Studying by distance education CSU Training Fitting study into your life
CSU makes it easy

12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14

- CSU Interact - Library services - Other support - Regional and Remote Learning Support - Student Central
Cost of study

16 16 17 17 17

Cost of study and financial assistance - Potential tax benefits - Student Services and Amenities Fee - Fees - Government assistance - Student income support - Postgraduate scholarships CSU Alumni

18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19

Research at CSU


Policing, Security and Emergency Management

21 21 21

How to apply - Closing dates - International applicants

More information

Psychology Science

CSU's postgraduate coursework courses for 2014


Teaching and Education Theology and Religious Studies

CSU offers a wide range of support and assistance to help you make the most of your study. You can access study support, join a club on campus, or receive academic or personal counselling.




Throughout your endeavours at CSU, you will learn and be guided by lecturers who have a wealth of professional experience in the fields they teach. Our staff are in touch with industry requirements and the curriculum is regularly updated, ensuring you are well equipped for your chosen career when you graduate


CSU is recognised as Australia's leading provider of distance education. We understand many of our postgraduate students have jobs, families or other commitments that could make it difficult to study full-time on campus. That's why many of our courses include flexible study options including distance education or part-time study, so you can fit your course into your life

CSU is dedicated to excellence in the delivery of higher education and has a well-earned reputation for providing exceptional education. CSU recently received a five-star rating for getting a job under the Graduate Outcomes category in the Good Universitys Guide

The average starting salary for those with a Master degree is more than


CSU degrees are accredited with relevant government and industry bodies, and these organisations work with the University to ensure that CSU graduates are industry-ready. Some postgraduate courses include workplace learning to allow you to develop and enhance practical skills required for your career

above the starting salary for graduates with work experience alone.

CSU ensures your success with a wide range of support, including extensive library and online resources, academic counselling, and other student support including equity, disability, health and counselling, and religious support. Many of our campus libraries have 24-hour Learning Commons for the convenience of our students.

CharlEs Sturt UniVErsity YOUR NEXT STEP

Andrej Verity Playing a humanitarian role in two of the world's biggest natural disasters, the Haitian earthquake and the tsunami in Japan, Andrej Verity has worked on a global scale since he was awarded his Master of Information Technology, completed by distance education. Mr Verity is an Information Management Officer with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Geneva. By day he provides support to field-based information management officers, employed by the United Nations (UN). In times of crisis, however, he is deployed by the UN to disaster-stricken countries within three to six hours of the event, to carry out vital assessments for the coordination of international relief.

Kuenga Namgay The Universitys Environmental Science program attracts international students from South East Asian countries, such as Nepal, China, Laos and Indonesia. As an example, PhD candidate Kuenga Namgay is the recipient of an AusAid Australian Leadership Award. The aim of his research is to develop a better understanding of the social and institutional barriers to developing better grazing and pasture policy in the developing country of Bhutan.


Amalee McCoy and Astrid Dionisio Being at the forefront of improving the lives of children in South East Asia led Amalee McCoy and Astrid Dionisio to study CSUs Master of Child and Adolescent Welfare. Amalee works for UNICEF in Thailand advising government and community groups on child protection and childrens rights issues, strongly advocating policy reform to prevent trafficking of children. Astrid also works for UNICEF, based in Indonesia, advising on child protection and welfare issues, particularly in the education system.

"As a CSU student, you too will become a valuable member of our global community, making a difference in the world something of which you can be proud. I invite you to read this publication to find out more about how we can work with you as a postgraduate student at Charles Sturt University."
Professor Andrew Vann Vice-Chancellor and President

Cathryn Harris Cathryn Harris, who completed undergraduate and postgraduate Information Studies courses at CSU, won the Telstra Business Womens South Australia Nokia Business Innovation Award. The nomination stated: Believing a library is much more than books in a building, Mount Gambier Library Manager Cathryn Harris has created an exciting community hub that invites discovery. After a $10m revamp, the Mount Gambier Library is now designed on the latest book retailing trends, with a fully integrated caf, giving it the look and feel of a social bookstore, and library visits have increased four-fold since Cathryns changes were implemented.

Telephone: 1800 334 733

Why Charles Sturt University?

Charles Sturt University (CSU) is a progressive and award-winning university that has rapidly gained an international reputation for excellence through its innovative approach to higher education.

CharlEs Sturt UniVErsity YOUR NEXT STEP

Enquire online: www.csu.edu.au/contacts/enquiry

Courses information



If you're not sure what you would like to study, more detailed information on courses is available from page 22.




This course finder will help you to quickly find the course that interests you. The coloured circle indicates the career area/s in which the course can be found.

Accounting Practice Adult and Vocational Education Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Y


37 34 75 75 28 80 23 32 64 34 71 58 43 28 54 34 35 35 32 50 76 80 76 29 48 60 28 35 38 67 67 60 26 36 45 73 73 76 65

CSU's career area colours are:

Agricultural and Wine Sciences (p22) Allied Health (p25) Animal and Veterinary Sciences (p31) Business (p33) Communication and Creative Industries (p41) Environmental Science and Outdoor Recreation (p44) Exercise and Sports Sciences (p47) Humanities, Social Work and Human Services (p49) Information and Library Studies (p53) Information Technology, Computing and Mathematics (p55) Medical Science (p59) Nursing (p61)


Aged Services Management Ageing and Pastoral Studies Agricultural Business Management Animal Science Anti-money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing Applied Finance Applied Science Applied Statistics Arts Practice - with specialisations Asthma and Respiratory Management Audiovisual Archiving Business Administration Business Administration (Computing) Business Leadership Captive Vertebrate Management Child and Adolescent Welfare Classical Arabic

Policing, Security and Emergency Management (p63)

Psychology (p68) Science (p70) Teaching and Education (p72) Theology and Religious Studies (p79)

Child and Family Services


Classroom Technology Clinical Education Clinical Exercise Physiology (Rehabilitation) Clinical Neurophysiology Clinical Practice (Paramedic) Commerce

Courses marked with EPO (exit point only) indicate an award you can exit with, but not enrol into. Students should enrol in the higher level degree but can exit early with the award indicated.


Corruption and Integrity Management

Criminology Dental Implantology Dietetics Dispute Resolution Ecotourism Education - with specialisations Education (Teacher Librarianship) Educational Research Emergency Management

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Environmental Management Ethics and Legal Studies Finance Financial Planning Fire Investigation Fraud and Financial Crime Gerontology GIS and Remote Sensing Health Science Health Services Management Human Nutrition Human Resource Management Human Service - with specialisation Human Services Inclusive Education Inclusive Education Inclusive Education Indigenous Education Industrial Relations Information and Communication Technology in Education Information Studies - with specialisations Information Systems Security Information Technology Information Technology Intelligence Analysis




45 50 34 39 66 66 50 45 26 26 29 36 51 52 73 75







77 77 39 74 54 56 56 58 64 29 74 42 65 81 42 66 77 78 78 36 37 56 36 37

Intensive Care Paramedic Studies I  nternational Education

(School Leadership)

Interpretive Writing Investigations Management


Islamic Studies

Journalism Leadership and Management (Policing) Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Literacy Literacy and Numeracy (Early Years) Management Management (Chartered Marketer) Management (Information Technology) Management (Professional Practice) Marketing

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Mathematics Medical Radiation Science




57 27 60 27 62 62 81

Medical Science - with specialisations


Medical Ultrasound Midwifery Midwifery Ministry Mobile Applications Development Natural Resource Management Networking and Systems Administration Nursing - with specialisations Organisational Change Organisational Communication Ornithology P  aramedic Service Leadership and Management Pastoral Counselling Pharmacy - with specialisations Policing and Security Professional Accounting Professional Accounting (CPA Extension) Project Management Psychology Psychology Psychology Religious and Values Education Respiratory Science River Restoration and Management Small Business Management Social Work (Advanced Practice) Social Work (Professional Qualifying) Sustainable Agriculture Systems Development Terrorism, Safety and Security T  eaching English to Speakers of Other Languages [TESOL] - with specialisation Theology Theology Viticulture and Oenology Water Policy and Governance Water Resource Management


58 46 57 62 39 42 32 30 80 27 64



37 38 38 69 69 69



82 30 46 40 51 51 23 57 65 74 81 82 23 24 46


IMPORTANT Charles Sturt University aims to ensure the information contained in this prospectus is accurate and up-to-date. Persons intending to act on any information contained herein should first check with Charles Sturt University to ascertain whether any later information is available in respect of the relevant material. Charles Sturt University, its representatives and employees will not be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from the possession, publication or use of or reliance on information obtained from this publication. It is provided in good faith without express or implied warranty.

Telephone: 1800 334 733


About CSU
Charles Sturt University (CSU) is a national university with a global focus and is recognised as a leader in the delivery of distance education. The University transcends national and international borders to offer courses throughout the world through on campus, distance education and course provider study options.
CSU is committed to providing an accessible and effective learning environment for all students, regardless of location or mode of study, strengthening learning and teaching partnerships with the professions and industry, and promoting, recognising and supporting good practice in learning and teaching. The University has a network of campuses in Albury-Wodonga, Bathurst, Canberra, Dubbo, Goulburn, Ontario in Canada, Orange, Parramatta, Port Macquarie and Wagga Wagga, the Australian Graduate School of Policing and Security in Manly, and a Regional University Centre in Wangaratta for undergraduate pathway programs. As a vital member of our regions, we are committed to maintaining a course and research profile that meets the needs and supports the aspirations of our communities. The Universitys regional locations enable it to make a distinctive national and international contribution in such fields as agriculture, education, land and water management, and allied health.

CharlEs Sturt UniVErsity YOUR NEXT STEP

Enquire online: www.csu.edu.au/contacts/enquiry

CSU delivers nearly 400 courses to more than 38,000 on campus and distance education students in the areas of: Agricultural and Wine Sciences Allied Health Animal and Veterinary Sciences Business Communication and Creative Industries Environmental Science and Outdoor Recreation Exercise and Sports Sciences Humanities, Social Work and Human Services Information and Library Studies Information Technology, Computing and Mathematics Medical Science Nursing Policing, Security and Emergency Management Psychology Science Teaching and Education Theology and Religious Studies


PRAcTIcAL couRSES wITh A cAREER FocuS As a national university for the professions, CSU prides itself on providing practical, hands-on courses that ensure students graduate with the skills required to enhance their employment opportunities INDuSTRY INvoLvEmENT Our courses are developed in collaboration with industry representatives to ensure that the skills our graduates acquire meet the industry needs of today and the future, and provide nationally recognised qualifications RESPoNSE To woRkFoRcE NEEDS Through our research and teaching pedagogy, CSU responds to regional social, cultural and workforce needs across the globe, particularly in the areas of education, health and science CommITmENT To SuSTAINABILITY CSUs commitment to economic, social and environmental sustainability, including the responsible stewardship of resources, is evident through our facilities, our operations and our particular areas of research focus A GLoBAL FocuS CSU has a background of regionality, yet maintains a global perspective through involvement in international conferences and research teams, and our distance education students who are based all around the world.

Charles Sturt University has extended its on campus offerings to international students at CSU Study Centres located in Sydney and Melbourne, operated in conjunction with Study Group Australia. Study Group is a global leader in international education and training across five continents. Together, CSU and Study Group are committed to the provision of outstanding education opportunities. The CSU courses offered at CSU Study Centres include accounting, business and information technology.

DID YOU KNOW? Many CSU courses incorporate practical experience, either in workplaces or using facilities on campus, to ensure you have all the skills you need for your career.

Telephone: 1800 334 733


CSUs quality educational experience

What is postgraduate study?
Postgraduate study is normally undertaken after a Bachelor degree has been successfully completed. This may be immediately on conclusion of the undergraduate degree, or after a period in the workforce, and sometimes practical work experience is a requirement of entry. Studying at these levels provides students with the opportunity to build their knowledge in a specific area.

Why CSU?
CSUs sense of community, flexibility, focus on individuals and results makes it unique and your number one choice for postgraduate study. At CSU, you can expect educational experiences that are focused, challenging and relevant to your chosen career. CSU degrees are designed in collaboration with academic and industry professionals to ensure quality and rigor. Our courses are taught by lecturers with extensive experience in the fields in which they teach, and the curriculum for our programs is regularly updated to reflect the latest proven concepts, methods and practices.

Your study experience

Whether you enrol in your course on campus or by distance education, you will be part of a quality learning environment from your enrolment through to graduation. This includes highly interactive classes or forums, personalised attention, and support and guidance that will assist you to fit study into your life. You also have access to a full range of online research libraries and services, interacting with other students to share ideas, debate issues and learn from your experiences. Throughout your studies, you will be supported by your lecturers or supervisors who will provide guidance and feedback on your progress.

Why postgraduate study?

Are you interested in advancing your career, opening up a world of possibility in your industry or pursuing an alternative career path? Postgraduate study is your key to unleashing new opportunities in the workforce, allowing you to reach your full potential by upgrading your current qualifications or retraining in a new area of study. CSU is a strong advocate of lifelong learning, believing you are never too old to learn. Through postgraduate study, you can improve your workplace practices, your career and associated rewards, as well as your future prospects. Whether you want to climb the corporate ladder, change careers, revitalise your own business or satisfy a general thirst for knowledge, CSU gives you the opportunity to learn new skills and be exposed to challenging concepts presented by highly regarded researchers and academics.

Single Subject Study

CSUs Single Subject Study and open entry program is designed for students who want flexible study choices. Perhaps you dont want to commit to a full-time degree. You might want to test the waters before you decide which discipline is right for you, or you may just want to update your professional qualifications in a specialised area. Whatever your reason, you can choose to study one subject from the range on offer, either on campus or through our online supported distance education program. Many single subjects are open entry, which means there are no prerequisites for study. You can build your single subjects up to a degree, or you can focus on one area that appeals to you. For more information, visit: www.csu.edu.au/single-subject


CharlEs Sturt UniVErsity YOUR NEXT STEP

Enquire online: www.csu.edu.au/contacts/enquiry

For those returning to study, CSUs STUDY LINK can help prepare you for success at university in your postgraduate studies. STUDY LINK subjects are self-paced and available by flexible delivery, so if you havent studied for a while or just want to brush up on your skills, STUDY LINK subjects will be perfect for you. Subjects are offered in three STUDY LINK terms across the year at different times to the normal CSU sessions to give you more opportunities to enrol and complete subjects. STUDY LINK subjects are available to students seeking to gain or renew skills and knowledge in areas including: Developing Skills in Information Technology Foundation Mathematics Grammar Essentials for Writing at University Introduction to Bioscience Introduction to Chemistry Introduction to Learning Online Introductory Physics Introductory Statistics for the Social Sciences Mathematics for Calculus Mathematics for the Sciences Mathematics for Teachers Stepping into Statistics Transition to University Study Transition to Nursing Studies Transition from TAFE / VET to University Writing at University STUDY LINK subjects are FREE for Commonwealth supported students and not too expensive if you aren't. While the subjects do not give you credit towards your course, they will provide you with skills for success in your university studies and, when you finish each subject, you will receive a Certificate of Successful Completion. For more information, visit: www.csu.edu.au/studylink

CSU welcomes students from all over the world, providing opportunities to travel to Australia to pursue postgraduate study on campus or through our highly regarded distance education options. Wherever you study, you can gain a degree from Australia's fifth largest university.

CSU in Ontario
CSU is working with the Minister for Education in Canada to deliver a range of courses through its Ontario Campus. Located in Burlington, Ontario, the campus includes Australian and Canadian faculty and administration staff. The campus plays a key role in the internationalisation of CSU and enhances post-secondary education in Ontario. In 2005, CSU's Ontario Campus was one of the first foreign universities to be recognised in the Province of Ontario. It then became the first foreign university to start operations and now offers the Bachelor of Primary Education Studies and Bachelor of Early Childhood Studies. CSU also offers the Master of International Education (School Leadership) and a range of Additional Qualification and Additional Basic Qualification courses for teachers through its campus in Ontario, Canada. For more information about the Ontario Campus and its courses, visit: www.charlessturt.ca

Study in Australia
CSU offers international students a range of study options in Australia so they can make the most of studying abroad. Students can study a range of courses on campus in Australia in Albury-Wodonga, Bathurst, Canberra, Orange, Parramatta or Wagga Wagga. International students can also study Accounting, Business and IT at a CSU Study Centre in Sydney or Melbourne. Another great advantage of being an international student at CSU is that you can enjoy the best of city living along with the benefits of lower living costs in regional Australia. For more information about studying in Australia as an international student, visit: www.csu.edu.au/international

CSU Study Centres

International students can choose to undertake postgraduate study at a CSU Study Centre, located in two of Australia's major cities, Sydney and Melbourne. The CSU Study Centres offer courses in accounting, business and information technology in the heart of metropolitan cities, and have three intakes each year in February, July and November to allow students to start when it suits them and finish their studies sooner. As an international student at CSU, you'll enjoy access to a variety of cultural, social and sporting activities, whether you're studying at one of our regional campuses or at a CSU Study Centre. Students who require English language preparation can choose to study at Embassy CES, located within the CSU Study Centres. For more information, visit: www.studygroup.edu.au/csu

Telephone: 1800 334 733



How does postgraduate study work?

Choose your level of study

Postgraduate degrees include Graduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas, Master degrees and doctorates. Students normally study these degrees after completing an undergraduate qualification, and/or after some professional work experience in a given area. Graduate Certificate: gain an initial graduate qualification with one year of study Graduate Diploma: study for two years part-time for a more advanced graduate qualification Master degree: a Master degree provides the opportunity to study a particular field across a wide range of specialisations and usually takes two to four years of part-time study, depending on the discipline Doctorate (PhD): taking up to eight years part-time to complete, depending on the degree, this postgraduate study involves independent research and a written thesis You may be able to apply for credit for previous study or work experience allowing you to complete your postgraduate study in a shorter timeframe.

Articulated courses
This is a set of courses that are nested, meaning the subjects (core or elective) studied in each level of the articulated sequence are included in each successive level, thereby comprising the first component of the next course in the set. Examples of articulated course sets include: Graduate Diploma that incorporates a Graduate Certificate Master degree that incorporates a Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate, or Professional Doctorate that incorporates a Master degree. Articulated courses with multiple entry points - an articulated set of courses in which the student may enrol at any level course in the set (e.g. Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma or Master level) depending on the students academic qualifications at the time of application for admission. Articulated set of courses with a single entry point - an articulated set of courses with a single entry point in which the student is admitted to the highest level or longest duration course in the set (e.g. Master level) on the understanding that the student may exit with a lower level or shorter duration award. The lower level or shorter duration course is then termed an exit point only course in the set.

Course structures:
Postgraduate by coursework This approach enables the combination of coursework or independent study (at least one-third of your program) with a dissertation or project in your specific discipline of interest. Coursework with research component If youre interested in research as a major component of your postgraduate study, you will be supported by CSU staff who are continually developing new approaches to the development of knowledge and solutions that create real global outcomes. For more information on postgraduate study at CSU, contact info.csu on 1800 334 733 or visit: www.csu.edu.au/study/postgraduate Higher degree by research While there is also a coursework component within a higher degree by research, when youre studying a Master degree or Doctorate / PhD, you can spend two-thirds or more of your time on a thesis based on your own original and significant research. For more information about research at CSU, see page 20.

Bachelor degree


Graduate Certificate

Graduate Diploma

Postgraduate Diploma


Doctorate (PhD)


CharlEs Sturt UniVErsity YOUR NEXT STEP

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TESTIMONIAL "Talk about a drop in the water causing ripples in the ocean! I am so grateful to the CSU academic staff for being the inspiration for a proposal I submitted to promote quality and a positive culture of continuous improvement across our health care organisation of more than 5,000 staff. "I like to think this is a significant achievement for our small work unit, for the numbers it hopes to attract (all those lovely ripples). I feel that the Master of Health Services Management at CSU has made a significant difference to my effectiveness as a manager and I will be eternally grateful. Thank you most sincerely to CSU." Jennifer Azurin Master of Health Services Management graduate

Residential Schools Some subjects offered by distance education have residential schools, which are held on the campus that administers your course. Residential schools are designed to provide students with the opportunity to meet with lecturers and fellow students in person, undertake practical work or laboratory sessions, attend lectures and discuss study topics in depth, clarifying any queries. They vary from one to five days in duration and are generally scheduled between 9am and 5pm. For more information, visit: www.csu.edu.au/distance-education

CSU Training
Postgraduate students can gain a competitive advantage in the workforce by adding to their qualifications with CSU Training. CSU Training is a Registered Training Organisation with the NSW Vocational Education and Training Accreditation Board for the purpose of providing accredited training programs for: university staff industry and professionals in niche areas where the University has national standing and recognised academic resources university students, through embedding vocational qualifications within university courses. CSU Training works closely with clients to develop customised training programs that meet the needs of the workplace and consider the attributes of the learners. Training is delivered through work-based programs supported by distance education and qualifications such as the BSB51107 Diploma of Management and the TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment are offered. For more information, visit: www.csu.edu.au/enterprise/csutraining

Choose the way you study

At CSU, we recognise that most postgraduate students are already in the workforce and understand how busy life can be with family and other commitments. That is why CSU offers most of its postgraduate courses by distance education, allowing them to obtain the qualification they need without needing to leave their workplace. Distance education students usually study two subjects per session, with the benefit of student and academic support and interaction that on campus students enjoy throughout their studies. You also have access to on campus facilities during residential schools and whenever you are able to come on campus. For some students, on campus study is possible, and a range of postgraduate courses are also offered by this method. Whether you decide to pursue part-time or full-time study by distance education or on campus, there is a study mode to suit your lifestyle and goals.

Choose when you study

Many postgraduate students need to fit their study around current commitments, so CSU offers flexibility and the support you need to make your postgraduate study work for you. While most postgraduate courses are studied by distance education, some can also be studied on campus, or a combination of both, allowing you to study what you want, and when you want, from anywhere in the world. Our online facilities and CSU's integrated online learning environment, CSU Interact, allow you to access our libraries, submit assignments, access learning resources, participate in discussion groups such as forums, chat rooms, wikis and blogs, and listen to podcasts whenever and wherever it suits you. In collaboration with your lecturers, you set the pace that works for you, your work and your life commitments.

Study by distance education

CSU provides an excellent range of support tools for distance education students with course materials designed to engage and promote active thinking and participation. Lecturers are readily available to assist you by direct telephone and email contact. Online communication tools are also strongly encouraged and often form part of the coursework enabling direct and instant contact with staff and other students. Course materials are generally delivered through CSU Interact. They include activities to encourage you to apply ideas to your workplace; assignments designed to test your understanding of teaching and learning in each subject; and resources containing interesting, practical or contentious views.

Telephone: 1800 334 733



Fitting study into your life

Scenario 1: FuLL-time worker studying By distance education Monday - Friday 6.30am 9am to 5pm 5pm to 8pm 8pm to 10pm Saturday 10am to 12pm 12pm to 4pm 4pm to 6pm 6pm onwards If you aren't quite sure about university study, consider CSU's Single Subject Study option. This allows you to choose one or two subjects that interest you to test the waters first. Sunday 9am to 4pm 4pm to 6pm 6pm to 7.30pm 7.30pm onwards free time for family, friends or leisure study prepare and eat dinner free evening study lunch, free time, household chores study dinner and free evening wake and get ready for work work free time and dinner study 7.30am to 8.30am study


TESTIMONIAL As I was working full-time in an education system leadership role it was not easy to balance home life, work and study. However, I found the understanding of the pressures of balancing outside commitments and study and corresponding flexibility with assignment dates provided by the lecturers invaluable in helping me keep all the balls in the air. The course has made a significant contribution to my career and as a mature person in the workforce it has been advantageous to demonstrate a willingness to continue to reach out for further learning. Studying by distance education has opened doors for learning that would not otherwise be available when you live a significant distance away from a university. Many mature and first time university people are daunted by university and further study, but CSU provides closer access to learning and more support, as they understand the culture from which many regional students come. Rhonda Hoare Master of Education graduate

Monday - Friday 7am to 1pm 1pm to 3pm 3pm to 4pm 4pm to 6pm 6pm to 7.30pm 7.30pm to 9pm 9pm to 10pm Saturday 9am to 5pm Sunday 9am to 1pm 1pm to 4pm 4pm to 6pm 6pm to 9pm 9pm to 10pm free time for family, friends or leisure, lunch study chores make dinner, put children to bed, free time study free day wake up, family time kids nap study household chores take children to dancing, sport, music or other classes, family time prepare and eat dinner free time and put children to bed study

Scenario 3: studying FuLL-time on campus Monday - Friday 9am to 4pm 4pm to 6pm 6pm to 7pm 7pm to 10pm Saturday 9am to 5pm 5pm to 7pm 7pm onwards Sunday 8am to 12pm 12pm to 1pm 4pm to 6pm 6pm to 7pm 7pm to 9pm get up, free time study free time dinner study
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attend classes on campus (various days) free time dinner study work part-time job study free time, social activities

**note: depending on your course, the number of hours you spend in classes on campus may vary. You may not even have classes every weekday.


CharlEs Sturt UniVErsity YOUR NEXT STEP

GraDUate proFile
Name: Helen Tait Course: Master of GIS and Remote Sensing
I enrolled in CSUs Master of GIS and Remote Sensing because I had taken a short career break from engineering geology and decided that I wanted to take a different direction with my career when I went back to work. I also welcomed the challenge of going back to studying 15 years after I finished my first degree. I enjoyed the flexibility that part-time distance education gave me to study when it was convenient for me and at my own pace. The departmental staff were extremely helpful and approachable. The subject material was interesting and the assignments were stimulating and relevant. There was also some flexibility in subject choice that allowed to me to enrol in a few modules from other related disciplines that I thought would be of benefit to my career development. The course provided me with a very good understanding of the theory underlying GIS and Remote Sensing, experience in implementing that knowledge in practical applications, and the opportunity to explore in detail any topics that were of particular interest to me. Since undertaking the course, I have been successful in gaining employment with state government departments in various mapping and GIS roles, and within private industry processing satellite imagery.

Telephone: 1800 334 733



CSU makes it easy

Testimonial "One of the most impressive aspects of studying by distance education at Charles Sturt University was CSU Interact. "You can set this up to assist you with your learning and to become involved in university life. The links to each subject also give you tips on getting the most out of your study. "CSU Interact allows you access to your current subject/s and access to an online forum. "The major bonus with the subject webpage was the EASTS system of submitting assignments electronically. This allows you the maximum time to complete assignments and post them in via the web." Wendy Rutten Master of Human Resource Management graduate

At Charles Sturt University, we want to make your study experience a positive one. Thats why we have a range of services and support options to help prepare you for university study and make it work for you. CSU Interact
CSU Interact is an online learning and teaching environment for staff and students of the University, where all the learning content and technologies essential to your success are found. Each subject youre enrolled in has its own Interact site, providing a subject outline with subject overview and assessment information; announcements, forums, wikis, blogs and chat features for interaction with lecturers and other students; and facilities to upload assignments and access your grades. Depending on your subject, students have access to a range of resources like reading materials, lecture notes and presentations, eportfolios, podcasts, recorded lessons, online meetings, screen-sharing and news. CSU Interact allows students to engage in debate and discuss views with other students from a range of backgrounds, enriching your study experience.

Library services
All postgraduate students have full access to the CSU Libraries both online and on campus, including: free home delivery and return postage of printed items if studying by distance education return postage applies within Australia only personal assistance through the Ask-a-Librarian service, use live chat, phone, web form or face-to-face access to 600,000 books, 50,000 journal titles, and thousands of online books, journal articles, reference material and other information resources online assistance from videos, interactive tutorials, podcasts and FAQs scanning services helping you keep up-to-date through FaceBook, Twitter and Library blogs. Students also have access to 24-hour Learning Commons at Albury-Wodonga, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange and Wagga Wagga, and a Learning Commons open extended hours at Port Macquarie. These spaces provide group and quiet study areas, wi-fi access, assistive technology rooms, comfortable seating, food and drink, computers, printing and multimedia facilities. For more information about what CSUs libraries can offer you, visit: www.csu.edu.au/division/library


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Other support
Here are just some of the services and support structures available to CSU students: Community and religious connections access to community resources and services, connecting you with the religious and spiritual support available on and off campus Counselling confidential assistance with personal matters Disability support enables a complete university experience through assistance and equity for students who have special needs. Contact Disability Services prior to enrolment if you have any questions or concerns regarding services and resources English language skills support assists any student who has difficulties with reading or writing English, regardless of their language background Financial assistance provides information about financial matters, including budgeting, CSU special assistance loans and scholarships Graduation hire of academic dress and memorabilia sales International student support provides assistance to international students with any issues, including pre-departure materials, orientation workshops, community connections and study support Online learning skills provides assistance using the CSU online environment, or you can go to the STUDY LINK website and enrol in SSS023 Introduction to Learning Online Student equity support provides support, advocacy and advice for students who have been educationally disadvantaged, including those from a rural or isolated region, low socio-economic background, students with a disability, gender inequality issues or a non-English speaking background. Support includes Commonwealth and Equity Scholarships, plus other financial assistance and grants Student Support organises and supports clubs, welfare assistance, student mentoring and social and sporting activities.

Regional and Remote Learning Support

As a postgraduate distance education student you will be supported throughout your studies, no matter where you live. CSUs Regional and Remote Learning Support Program provides support and study assistance to students studying by distance education in regional and remote areas of New South Wales. The Regional and Remote Learning Support Team offers regular one-on-one and group sessions in various parts of the state. Some of the areas we can help you with include: assignment writing note-taking online learning reading skills time management For more information, visit: www.csu.edu.au/distance-education/ student-support/regional-and-remotelearning-support Student Central is the first point of contact for enrolled students to access all non-teaching services. Student Central staff are available at Albury-Wodonga, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Port Macquarie and Wagga Wagga campuses. While students may choose to visit Student Central face-to-face, support is also available by phone, email or web, making it easy for all students to access Student Central. Student Central can help with: accessing your personal records or changing your details applying for leave of absence, grade reviews or withdrawals changing your enrolment SSAF / FEE-HELP problems accessing CSU websites accommodation information questions on your financial balances when you dont know where to go or who to speak to. To contact Student Central phone 1800 ASK CSU (1800 275 278) or email ask@csu.edu.au or visit us in person. www.facebook.com /CSUstudentcentral

Telephone: 1800 334 733



Cost of study and financial assistance

When weighing up the expenses of studying, consider the benefits of having the qualification you need to achieve your personal and professional goals. A postgraduate qualification can have a real impact on your career advancement and salary expectations. Potential tax benefits
There is no doubt that study will enhance your personal growth and facilitate career advancement. If there is a direct connection between your course and your current employment, and the course will enhance your skills in that job, you may be eligible to claim the costs of your study as a tax deduction. Tax deductibility can make a big difference to the costs you bear. You may also be able to claim deductions for other course expenses such as textbooks, special equipment, uniforms, travel expenses and depreciation allowances for equipment such as computers. It is important to remember that the tax deduction is only of value if you are working and paying tax and does not apply to those who are studying with the aim of changing careers or taking up new business opportunities. For more information on whether you may be eligible to claim the costs of your studies as a tax deduction, please contact the Australian Taxation Office (www.ato.gov.au) or speak with your accountant.

Most students enrolled in postgraduate degrees at CSU are fee paying, however some postgraduate courses also have Commonwealth supported places. Commonwealth supported students For Commonwealth supported students, the student contribution for each subject falls within one of three bands. Not all subjects in a course may fall within the one band, so where subjects are chosen from a discipline area in another band, the total cost for your course may be different. Commonwealth supported students who pay their fees upfront are also offered a 10% discount. Band LeveL And SuBJect DiscipLine Band 3 (Accounting, Administration, Commerce, Dentistry, Economics, Law, Medicine, Veterinary Science) Band 2 (Agriculture, Allied Health, Built Environment, Computing, Engineering, other Health, Surveying) Band 1 (Behavioural Science, Clinical Psychology, Education, Foreign Languages, Humanities, Nursing, Social Studies, Visual and Performing Arts) Commencing Study In 2013 AUD$1,224 per 8 point subject

AUD$1,044 per 8 point subject

AUD$732 per 8 point subject

Note: Band costs may vary in 2014. Many subjects are worth 16 points (i.e. twice the above fee per subject)

Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)

The Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) is a fee used to maintain and enhance services and amenities for students. The fee is calculated based on the number of subjects a student is enrolled in for a session. At CSU, this fee is set at AUD$34 per 8 point subject for the 2013 calendar year, with a maximum charge of AUD$272 per year. Subject to eligibility criteria, HELP loans are available to allow you to defer all or part of your SSAF fees to the SA-HELP scheme. If you apply, your SSAF fee amount will be added to any existing HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP debt you may have. In addition to course fees and SSAF charges, be aware of likely costs such as travel, accommodation and meals at residential schools, textbooks and stationery, etc. and plan accordingly. Some courses also require practical / clinical placements, so please discuss these with the Course Coordinator to determine costs and impacts on your working time. For more information, visit: www.csu.edu.au/courses/fees-and-costs

HECS-HELP is a loan scheme that helps eligible Commonwealth supported students pay their student contribution by deferring all or part of their HECS charges to the Australian Taxation Office. For more information on HECS-HELP loans, visit: www.studyassist.gov.au Fee paying students As a fee paying student, the Australian Government does not contribute towards your study costs you pay a tuition fee for each subject in the course. Note that for full-fee paying students, the tuition fee is dependent on the course, rather than individual subject disciplines. SuBJect DiscipLine Arts Business Education Science Commencing Study In 2013 AUD$1,300 - $2,000 per 8 point subject AUD$1,850 - $2,200 per 8 point subject AUD$1,900 - $2,000 per 8 point subject AUD$1,600 - $2,400 per 8 point subject

Note: Band costs may vary in 2014. Many subjects are worth 16 points (i.e. twice the above fee per subject)

FEE-HELP is a loan scheme that helps eligible fee paying students defer all or part of their subject fees to the Australian Taxation Office. For more information on FEE-HELP loans, visit: www.studyassist.gov.au As the above is a guide only, it is important to visit the website for current and specific subject fee information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/fees-and-costs For international students the current course availability and fees list for onshore and offshore offerings are available through the online course brochures at: www.csu.edu.au/courses or www.csu.edu.au/international/fees-and-costs For Canadian students, the current fees list is available through the individual online course brochures: www.csu.edu.au/courses or www.csu.edu.au/international/fees-and-costs


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Government assistance (domestic students only)

Government assistance to help make the financial cost of study more manageable is available to eligible students. HECSHELP is a loan scheme that assists eligible Commonwealth supported students to pay their student contribution. Fee paying students may be eligible for financial assistance in the form of FEE-HELP. Fees may be paid upfront or deferred until you have finished your course and are in employment. Information booklets explaining these schemes are available from Centrelink and the Australian Taxation Office. The Commonwealth Government has a number of assistance schemes that provide financial support to full-time students. Students under the age of 25 can apply for Youth Allowance while students over 25 can apply for AUSTUDY. Indigenous students may be eligible for ABSTUDY. These allowances are income and assets tested. To assess your eligibility, contact: Youth Allowance: 13 2490 AUSTUDY (students over 25): 13 2490 ABSTUDY: 13 2317 or visit: www.humanservices.gov.au

Student income support

The Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) offers student income support to students undertaking study in a number of professionally oriented Master by coursework degrees, allowing students to access Youth Allowance, AUSTUDY and ABSTUDY. The following CSU Master courses have approval for the payment of student income support: Master of Applied Finance Master of Arts (Journalism) Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology (Rehabilitation) Master of Education (Teacher Librarianship) Master of Environmental Management Master of Information Technology Master of Professional Accounting Master of Psychology Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying) Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages [TESOL] - with specialisation For more information, visit: www.innovation.gov.au/highereducation/ studentsupport

Postgraduate scholarships
There are many scholarships open to students who wish to undertake postgraduate study, by coursework or research, including CSUs Residential School Equity Grants for those who must attend residential schools as part of their course requirements. Scholarships for postgraduate study are offered through CSU and external funding bodies, and include Australian Postgraduate Awards, CSU Postgraduate Research Studentship, International Postgraduate Research Scholarships and The Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID). CSU Master Equity Scholarships are available to Master by coursework students enrolled in a Commonwealth supported place and who receive a means tested Centrelink benefit, or who come from a low socio-economic background. These scholarships are valued at $2,000 and awarded for one year. Postgraduate students may also be eligible for Professional Placement Equity Grants to help with costs associated with workplace learning experiences. Depending on your field of study, many government and private organisations will provide scholarships or grants for postgraduate study. For example, NSW Health provides scholarships for allied health practitioners in rural public health services to undertake further study (www.health.nsw. gov.au/rural/alliedhealth/postgraduate.asp). Visit the web and search for scholarships in your field of interest but start looking early, as many close in October / November in the year prior to study commencement. For more information on scholarships, visit: www.csu.edu.au/scholarships

CSU Alumni
CSU aims to build strong and mutually rewarding relationships between our alumni and the University to enhance professional and industry interaction, inspire our graduates to become active advocates of CSU, and to encourage our alumni to contribute back to the University. By making the most of the undergraduate and postgraduate opportunities offered to you at CSU and promoting your course experiences, you are contributing towards the Universitys reputation and consequently enhancing your job prospects. Become a part of our active online alumni community, which provides many opportunities including member benefits, discounts on future study and helps build important professional and friendship networks creating valuable links for life. Register at: www.csu.edu.au/alumni www.facebook.com/charlessturtalumni @CSU Alumni

Telephone: 1800 334 733




Advance your postgraduate studies and make a real difference in the world by choosing to further your study with a higher degree by research at CSU. CSU is committed to excellence in research, and identifies and supports areas and projects that allow the University to undertake internationally competitive research and research training.
The University invests its resources in selected areas of proven and potential strength significant to the Universitys mission. CSU focuses its research effort in those areas where it has particular depth and strength of academic and research capability to offer high quality research and research training opportunities to its staff, students and communities including partners in industry, the professions and the communities of regional and rural Australia. In recognising the complexity and multi-disciplinary nature of issues confronting society, and the fact that many of the most exciting developments occur at the boundaries and intersections of existing disciplines, the University shows its commitment to supporting collaborative, interdisciplinary research.

Fields of research
Fields of research concentrations are those areas identified by the Faculties of the University in which there are concentrations of research and supervision expertise. It is in these areas that the University has established research communities and cohorts of scholars, and around which it encourages applications from potential research students. The extensive range of fields of research is included in our Research prospectus, or visit: www.csu.edu.au/research-csu/ fields-research

Research websites
Higher Degree by Research course listings: www.csu.edu.au/courses/research-higher-degrees Research Centres: www.csu.edu.au/research-csu/research-centres Research Office contacts: www.csu.edu.au/research-csu/contact-research-at-csu Research opportunities at CSU: www.csu.edu.au/research


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How to apply
Applications for both distance education and on campus postgraduate study at CSU are made direct to the University by Online Admission. Visit: www.csu.edu.au/apply Admission codes for each course, and any additional requirements for enrolment are listed in the Online Course Brochures at www.csu.edu.au/courses Further information is available by contacting info.csu: Telephone: 1800 334 733 (free call within Australia)

International applicants
International applicants are those without Australian or New Zealand citizenship, including holders of a humanitarian visa, and who do not have permanent residency status in Australia. International applicants can apply directly to the University online, by downloading an application form at: www.csu.edu.au/international/apply or through a CSU-approved agent. The Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) Provider Numbers are 00005F (NSW), 01947G (Vic) and 02960B (ACT) for Charles Sturt University. More information for international students is available at: www.csu.edu.au/international English language proficiency If you are not sure about your English language proficiency, please call info.csu on 1800 334 733 (free call within Australia) or visit: www.csu.edu.au/apply/englishlanguage-proficiency

Telephone: +61 2 6338 6077 (outside Australia) Facsimile: +61 2 6338 6001

Web enquiry: www.csu.edu.au/ contacts/enquiry

Closing dates
Applications for postgraduate courses are accepted all year round. Applicants are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this continuous assessment scheme by lodging their application as early as possible, taking note of the relevant closing dates for sessions. For further information on session start times, visit: www.csu.edu.au/apply/closing-dates

The University does not usually expect students to repeat study completed at an acceptable standard at a university or college, or to study subjects in which they are already competent because of work or other experience. Certified supporting evidence such as transcripts and subject descriptions will need to be included with the application for credit. The University will advise of the application outcome in writing. For further information, visit: www.csu.edu.au/apply/credit

On the following pages, you will find CSUs postgraduate courses for on campus and distance education study in 2014. To help you find the course thats right for you, the courses are divided into career areas as listed in the contents at the front of this study guide. For more information, please visit our online course brochures at: www.csu.edu.au/courses or contact one of our friendly student advisers on 1800 334 733.

Admission requirements
Applicants must generally hold an undergraduate degree from an approved tertiary institution, relevant to their chosen field of study. In addition, relevant professional experience may also be a requirement with some courses. To see any specific admission requirements for your course, please visit the online course brochure at: www.csu.edu.au/courses

Locations: Albury-Wodonga - AW Auburn - Aub Bathurst - Ba Canberra - Can Dubbo - Du Goulburn - Gbn Ontario - Ont Orange - Or Parramatta - Parr Study Centre Melbourne - SC-M Study Centre Sydney - SC-S Wagga Wagga - WW OTHER: Full-time study - FT Part-time study - PT

Internet access
CSU places great emphasis on services to its students. It is a leader in the provision of online services and, in particular, the use of the internet in the support of teaching, administration and communications with students. The online environment is so integrated into all aspects of student life and the learning experience at CSU that the University now assumes that all students will have ongoing access to an internet connected computer capable of communicating with CSU online systems.

Telephone: 1800 334 733


KEy FoR caMPus LocatIoNs

Agricultural and Wine Sciences

CSUs Agricultural and Wine Sciences courses represent the diversity of the agricultural sector. Whether you want to advance your skills in agricultural production, seek management positions in the agricultural industry or upgrade your knowledge in viticulture and wine science, CSU has a long and proud history of excellence. CSUs Wagga Wagga Campus is co-located with the Department of Primary Industries Wagga Wagga Agricultural Institute and the EH Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation. CSU conducts extensive research in the various fields of agricultural and wine sciences, including: agribusiness, agriculture, agronomy, horticulture, irrigation, wine making, wine science, viticulture, equine management and chemistry. Almost anything is possible for a driven and committed graduate in this vital sector of the jobs market.

Agricultural Business Management Sustainable Agriculture Viticulture and Oenology Water Policy and Governance


NATIONAL LIFE SCIENCES HUB CSUs National Life Sciences Hub (NaLSH) is an innovative facility for scientific research and education at the Wagga Wagga Campus. The $48.6 million facility opened in 2012 and provides opportunities for world-class study of plant and animal sciences, food production and security, animal health, and water and environmental sciences. The facility includes learning and teaching areas, research laboratory spaces, quarantine facilities, a phytotron providing controlled environments, glasshouses and a rhizolysimeter. The NaLSH provides world-class science education and research training for regional Australia. It was designed with sustainability in mind, striving for five star Green Star accreditation.



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Agricultural and Wine Sciences



Including: Graduate Diploma of Agricultural Business Management [exit point only] GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT CSUs Master of Agricultural Business Management aims to provide students with a well developed understanding of agricultural business management by concurrently developing advanced comprehensive skills in business, management and finance.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Or Master: 3 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A


Including: GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE CSUs flexible Sustainable Agriculture program is designed to meet the needs of agriculture by equipping students with the necessary skills to balance the natural resource, human and economic factors that affect agricultural sustainability.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration Or Master: 1.5 years FT Master: 3 years PT Grad Dip: 1 year FT Grad Dip: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 0.5 year FT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education Master: 065836G Grad Dip: 065835G Grad Cert: 065834J


CSUs Master of Viticulture and Oenology provides graduates with the opportunity to obtain advanced knowledge in viticulture and wine science.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus WW 1.5 years FT 3 years PT Distance education 072057J

International students Distance education

About the course This flexible course comprises a combination of coursework and research, allowing students to complete the components as it suits them. The course aims to: promote advanced knowledge in viticulture and wine science promote capacity to identify and solve issues faced by the grape and wine industries promote critical reflection through independent research and analysis encourage scholarship and research within the students discipline area. Students develop their research skills through the preparation of a research dissertation in a specialised area of interest that may include: vine health, vine physiology, wine production and wine sensory science. A diverse range of career opportunities are available to you as a graduate of this Master degree, including: managing a vineyard or winery producing wines technical positions consulting positions grower liaison positions To assist students with their hands-on learning, CSUs facilities include: a state-of-the-art laboratories a 12ha commercial vineyard a fully-operational modern commercial winery that produces a range of award-winning wines. Residential schools Students studying by distance education may have to attend residential schools on Wagga Wagga Campus each session for between two and four days. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ viticulture_oenology

International students Distance education On campus CRICOS Code

About the course Graduates will have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of specific interest areas including agribusiness planning or agribusiness research. Graduates from the Master degree will be industry ready to enter senior management careers. The Master of Agricultural Business Management aims to: teach students to critically analyse farming systems and the agricultural sector within national and global contexts develop a wide understanding of farming systems and be able to apply scientifically sound knowledge to the management of agricultural production systems integrate scientific, economic and business principles to the sustainable management of an agribusiness by applying a rational decision-making framework integrate the financial, human and biophysical resources of an agricultural business, and to plan and design viable, sustainable management systems and practices.

International students

About the course These courses bring together studies in the three key domains of sustainability: agricultural and natural systems, agribusiness, and the humanities. Through the development of creative and critical perspectives on sustainability, the courses focus on innovative ways of enhancing agriculture for the medium to long-term. Graduates are equipped to provide leadership in policy, research and strategic management relevant to a wide range of industry contexts. The program allows students to complete the Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma or Master degree and then receive credit into CSUs Doctor of Sustainable Agriculture when entry requirements are met. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ sustainable_agriculture

Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ agricultural_business_mgt

Telephone: 1800 334 733



Agricultural and Wine Sciences

On campus

Distance education

Agricultural and Wine Sciences

Graduate dipLoma oF Water poLiCy and governanCe
Including: GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN WATER POLICY AND GOVERNANCE CSUs Graduate Diploma of Water Policy and Governance qualification is highly beneficial and widely sought after by professionals.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus WW 2 years PT Distance education N/A

DID YOU KNOW? There are many scholarships open to students who wish to undertake postgraduate study, by coursework or research, including CSUs Residential School Equity Grants for those who must attend residential schools as part of their course requirements. For more information on scholarships, visit: www.csu.edu.au/scholarships

DID YOU KNOW? More than 140,000 former students and staff of CSU or one of our antecedent institutions make up the CSU alumni community. We encourage our graduates, as well as current students, to become a part of our active online Alumni Community. For more information, visit: www.csu.edu.au/alumni

International students Distance education

About the course The Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate in Water Policy and Governance are exciting developments for CSU. These qualifications will be valuable for professionals currently working in the industry and by others seeking to develop their careers in this field. The course aims to: provide a professional development pathway of graduates from natural resources industries and science-based courses offer further skill development and professional development opportunities for industry professionals working in natural resources with links to industries and governance offices optimise industry linkages by providing articulation pathways from industry based training courses provide graduates with the skills and attributes expected by the natural resources and affiliated industries. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ water_policy_governance

Agricultural and Wine Sciences

Other courses that may be of interest Master of Applied Science Graduate Diploma of Applied Science Graduate Certificate in Applied Science 24 CHARLES STURT UNIVERSITY YOUR NEXT STEP Enquire online: www.csu.edu.au/contacts/enquiry

Allied Health
CSUs postgraduate courses in Allied Health have the capacity to meet the diverse needs of students from different professional and occupational groups and backgrounds of employment. Students studying allied health at CSU learn to enhance their analytical and conceptual skills, advance their technological and practical skills and develop the capacity for independent research, preparing them for senior roles in the industry. The University is committed to multi-disciplinary research focusing on excellence in education for professional practice, health and wellbeing throughout the lifespan, and promoting and maintaining healthy regional, rural and remote communities. CSU uses a range of innovative teaching practices which seek to foster graduates ability to excel in the current and future health environment.

Aged Services Management Asthma and Respiratory Management Clinical Education Clinical Practice (Paramedic) Dietetics Health Science Health Services Management Human Nutrition Intensive Care Paramedic Studies Medical Radiation Science Medical Ultrasound Paramedic Service Leadership and Management Pharmacy Respiratory Science


EXTENSIVE RANGE OF SPECIaLISaTIoNS CSU offers a vast variety of Allied Health courses for postgraduate students so they can take their qualification to the next level and gain a competitive advantage by specialising in their chosen field. CSUs Master of Medical Radiation Science now provides five specialisations in Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Nuclear Medicine, Molecular Imaging and Radiographic Image Interpretation, giving students a greater choice of specialisations in the field of medical radiation science. The Master of Pharmacy - with specialisations is another of CSUs courses where students are given the opportunity to pursue study tailored to their interests through eight specialisations.



Allied Health
CSUs Master of Dietetics provides graduates with an advanced knowledge of dietetics and nutrition. Graduates have an understanding of recent developments in the discipline and their area of professional practice.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus WW 3 years PT Distance education N/A


Including: Graduate Diploma of Health Science [exit point only] CSUs Master of Health Science promotes advanced critical reflection on professional practice in the health sciences and equips graduates with advanced analytical and conceptual skills required for work in the senior tiers of health science and related sectors.
Enrolment information


Including: Graduate DipLoMa of HeaLth SerVices ManageMent Graduate Certificate in HeaLth SerVices ManageMent CSUs Master of Health Services Management is designed for practising and aspiring managers in health services who are seeking a formal management qualification to complement their experience and/or undergraduate qualifications.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration Ba Master: 3 years PT Grad Dip: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A

International students Distance education

Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus

WW 3 years PT Distance education N/A

About the course Graduates of CSUs Master of Dietetics will demonstrate mastery of understanding food science, interpreting nutrition science and will be able to reflect critically on theory and professional dietetics practice. Upon completion of the course, graduates will be able to: contribute effectively to the promotion of health and the treatment of illness and disease by optimising the nutrition of communities and individuals apply scientific principles and methods in the study of nutrition influence the wider community about issues affecting food intake and eating behaviour through advocacy, community education and research. As health professionals, graduates will: provide the most appropriate intervention and education for a client communicate effectively with clients, members of the health care team and the public promote good health care to both the individual and the community in which they practice, taking into account the special health care needs of rural, remote and Indigenous communities and those who suffer disadvantage. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ dietetics

International students Distance education

About the course This course aims to promote advanced critical reflection on professional practice in the health sciences by: providing opportunity for the student to continue lifelong learning satisfying the educational needs of professionals working in or aspiring to work in the most senior tiers of the health sciences and related sectors promoting the acquisition of advanced analytical and problem solving skills and conceptual insight that will enhance the capacity of the student to undertake positions of significant responsibility in the health sciences encouraging excellence in scholarship and/or focused research within the students discipline area. Students complete a research component leading to the production of a publishable work. This component can be in either of two formats: a reflection on professional practice, where students conduct an original review and analysis of data already published by others a study generating new data, in the format of many dissertation components currently offered by the Faculty of Science. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ health_science_master

On campus CRICOS Code On campus

International students Distance education

About the course Health service managers play a key role in leading change and managing services strategically. CSUs Health Service Management courses prepare students for these roles by developing their management and leadership capacity with an emphasis on the authentic practice environment. The Health Services Management program includes a Master, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate via distance education through the Bathurst campus. The program is suitable for students from a wide range of disciplines, including nursing, allied health, medical science, medicine, paramedicine, dentistry and business. The interdisciplinary nature of the student population provides a rich resource for learning as students share their experiences through the universitys online teaching resources. Studies of management and leadership theory, dynamics of health care systems, and epidemiology are included in the program. Professional recognition The Master of Health Services Management complies with the core requirements of the Royal Australian College of Medical Administrators. Our courses are designed in consultation with practicing health professionals. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ health_services_management

Allied Health



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Allied Health


Including: Graduate Diploma of Computed Tomography [exit point only] Graduate Diploma of Magnetic Resonance Imaging [exit point only] Graduate Diploma of Medical Radiation Science [exit point only] Graduate Diploma of Molecular Imaging [exit point only] Graduate Diploma of Nuclear Medicine [exit point only] Graduate Diploma of Radiographic Image Interpretation [exit point only] CSUs Master of Medical Radiation Science is designed for practising medical radiation scientists to advance their technological expertise and academic understanding of their chosen specialisation while continuing clinical work in these areas.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus WW 2 - 3 years PT Distance education 077421J


Including: graduate DipLoMa of MedicaL ULtrasound CSUs Master of Medical Ultrasound is designed to produce graduates with the skills and knowledge needed to undertake medical ultrasound at a high standard while supporting them to develop academic skills necessary for ongoing professional development.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus WW Master: 3 years PT Grad Dip: 2 years PT Distance education N/A


CSUs Master of Pharmacy is designed to provide a flexible structure for pharmacists wishing to undertake further studies in the pharmaceutical sciences or pharmacy practice, suited to their individual needs and scope of practice.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Or, WW 1 year FT 2 years PT Distance education 072449D

International students

International students Distance education

Distance education

About the course CSUs Master of Pharmacy is designed to provide qualified pharmacists with the opportunity to undertake research specifically tailored to their interests or scope of practice. Specialisations are available in: Biotechnology Clinical Pharmacy Herbal Medicine Hospital Pharmacy Medicinal Chemistry Pharmaceutical Technology Pharmacology and Therapeutics Rural Pharmacy In coordination with a supervisor, students will develop a topic review and background study covering the recent advances in their chosen area of specialisation. Students are required to write a literature review, present a poster and prepare a seminar on a selected topic. Students will undertake independent research in an aspect of pharmacy related to their specialisation, developed in conjunction with and approved by the supervisory team. The study involves the collection, analysis and interpretation of new data. Students will be expected to relate their study to practical issues affecting their profession. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ pharmacy

About the course CSU is a major provider of medical ultrasound practitioners in Australia. Students have the opportunity to develop their academic skills to enable them to undertake a lifetime of professional development in the field and become familiar with the research methods available in the area of medical ultrasound. The Master degree comprises the Graduate Diploma subjects and an additional year of part-time study involving a dissertation relating to medical ultrasound. CSU and the Australian School of Medical Imaging (ASMI) are collaborating to provide an improved academic and clinical training experience for the students in the course. CSU is the preferred university for graduates of the ASMI to complete their sonography studies. ASMI students who have successfully completed the ASMIs Intensive Sonography Introductory Program (ISIP) or the graduates of Graduate Program of Medical Ultrasound (GPMU) will gain the credit into the CSU course. Professional recognition Students are eligible to become an Accredited Medical Sonographer (AMS) through the Australasian Sonographer Accreditation Registry (ASAR) at the completion of the eight Graduate Diploma subjects. The Master degree has also been accredited by the ASAR. Residential schools There is a non-compulsory five-day residential school held on campus, usually during April of each year. Attendance at this residential school occurs during enrolment in PHY541 Ultrasound Physics and Instrumentation and is primarily to assist students in their physics studies. In addition, there is an optional two-day introductory residential school held on campus in February. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ medical_ultrasound_master

International students

Distance education

About the course The program offers a choice of five specialisations plus a flexible generic stream and is studied by distance education over two to three years (depending on level of entry). The Master of Medical Radiation Science is offered in five specialist areas: Computed Tomography Magnetic Resonance Imaging Nuclear Medicine Molecular Imaging Radiographic Image Interpretation Students may choose to enrol in the generic course rather than one of the specialisations. The generic Master of Medical Radiation Science is aimed at radiographers, radiation therapists and nuclear medicine scientists. On completion of 64 points of study (including any credit granted), students may elect to exit the course with a Graduate Diploma. The Graduate Diploma does not include research project subjects generally found in the Master degree. Note: only the Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging strands are offered on campus. Professional recognition The Australian radiography and nuclear medicine professional bodies recognise the value of postgraduate study as a means of keeping pace with rapidly changing technology in these fields, as well as enhancing research. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ medical_radiation_science
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Allied Health

Allied Health
CSUs Graduate Diploma of Clinical Practice (Paramedic) is designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge, skills and values to be prepared for practice as paramedics.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Ba 2 years PT Distance education N/A


CSUs Graduate Certificate in Aged Services Management is designed to meet the needs of anyone managing or coordinating aged services.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus Ba 1 year PT Distance education N/A


CSUs Graduate Certificate in Asthma and Respiratory Management aims to meet the needs of health professionals involved in respiratory education and management as well as provide them with vocationally directed knowledge.
Enrolment information

Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus

Or 1 year PT Distance education N/A

International students CRICOS Code On campus Distance education

International students Distance education

International students Distance education

About the course The course aims to provide registered nurses with the opportunity to make a successful transition to paramedic practice by producing graduates capable of: becoming reflective practitioners who can analyse complex problems and implement a plan of action that is clinically, ethically and logistically sound developing a sound knowledge base in order to support the clinical decision making process demonstrating positive, caring attitudes towards clients and members of the community operating as an effective member of a multidisciplinary health care team. Students will learn how to: identify and manage the physical, psychological and psychosocial needs of a patient undergoing paramedical assessment, treatment and/or transport examine and critically analyse current developments in paramedic practice, including the professionalisation of the discipline demonstrate professional skills, techniques and knowledge for safe, efficient and effective use of appropriate medications and the operation of medical equipment, technology and procedures in a paramedic environment develop the necessary skills to critically evaluate published research to determine its relevance to paramedic practice. Residential schools Students attend a compulsory five-day residential school. Workplace learning Students undertake 140 hours of clinical placements in an ambulance service. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ clinical_practice_paramedic

About the course With a focus on the leadership of people, aged care organisations and issues associated with ageing, this course aims to provide students with a fundamental understanding of major aspects of the managerial role as it applies within the aged care sector. The subjects cover the academic components of aged services management. There are no practical placement requirements or residential schools in this course. Upon graduation you will be able to analyse the context of ageing, evaluate major reforms and policies, compare and contrast theoretical conceptual frameworks and understand the principles of customer focus and service development as it relates to aged services in Australia. It is expected that you will have a minimum of two years experience in an aged care facility and are currently employed in an aged care related position. If you do not have recent study experience, it is strongly recommended that only a single subject be taken in the first session of enrolment and that a number of study skills subjects (non award) be utilised to develop the important academic skills for success. Please consult with the Course Director in the first instance if you have any concerns about your enrolment pattern. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ aged_services_management_gc

About the course The primary objective of the Graduate Certificate in Asthma and Respiratory Management is to provide students with the knowledge necessary to effectively disseminate information to other health professionals and asthma patients regarding best practice management of respiratory diseases. The course is tailored to meet current and prospective professional development needs and to provide an opportunity for continuing professional education. Upon graduation, you will be able to evaluate asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease management techniques, understand fundamental pharmacological principles with reference to respiratory medications and delivery techniques, and be able to discriminate between asthma and other chronic respiratory pathologies. Students continuing on to the Master of Medical Science will be given credit for subjects completed as part of the Graduate Certificate in Asthma and Respiratory Management. Professional recognition The course has been developed in association with the Asthma Educators Association (NSW) to ensure mutual compatibility of aims. Residential schools Students attend a compulsory four-day residential school on Wagga Wagga Campus in Session 1. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ asthma_respiratory

Allied Health



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Allied Health
CSUs Graduate Certificate in Clinical Education is designed to bridge the gap between the academic literature and day-to-day needs of health professionals interested in setting up and participating in clinical education programs.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus WW 1 year PT Distance education N/A


CSUs Graduate Certificate in Human Nutrition aims to develop in graduates a level of knowledge, understanding and skills in appropriate aspects of food and nutrition and its scientific basis to enable them to work in multidisciplinary teams in a range of health and industrial settings.
Enrolment information Campus WW 1 year PT Distance education N/A


CSUs Graduate Certificate in Intensive Care Paramedic Studies equips graduates with the knowledge, skills and clinical judgement to successfully become an intensive care paramedic.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus Ba 1 year PT Distance education N/A

Course duration On campus

International students Distance education

International students CRICOS Code On campus Distance education

International students CRICOS Code On campus Distance education

About the course The Graduate Certificate in Clinical Education supports a learner-centred view of education and aims to: cultivate educational leadership in clinical education improve clinical teaching and educational planning in health foster an understanding of curriculum research and development. Graduates who wish to continue to Master level will be eligible for 32 points credit towards a number of Master degrees within the Faculty of Science. For example, this equates to one third of the Master of Health Science (all specialisations) and the Master of Nursing. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ clinical_education

About the course This course was developed in consultation with ambulance industry representatives from NSW and other states and territories to meet Australias growing need for paramedics with formal postgraduate qualifications in intensive care. The course aims to: enable paramedics to acquire knowledge, skills, attitudes and values relevant to the provision of intensive care in the pre-hospital environment provide opportunities for the personal and professional development of paramedics working in the pre-hospital environment provide students with the professional foundation to appreciate the linkages between the emergency medical system and the delivery of pre-hospital care develop critical thinking necessary to provide evidence-based judgement in the field of pre-hospital emergency medical care. On completion of the course, graduates will be able to: deliver the specific skills and competencies necessary in intensive care paramedic practice provide clinical leadership and practice expand the capacity for professional reflective practice in the field. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ intensive_care_paramedic

About the course The Graduate Certificate in Human Nutrition aims to develop in students an understanding of food and nutrition within a range of health, education, industrial and research settings. Graduates should be able to: demonstrate an in-depth scientific knowledge of the underlying physiological and biochemical processes relevant to human nutrition apply this knowledge to assist in assessing the nutritional value of natural and manufactured foods demonstrate a scientific understanding of the food processing industry, food manufacturing, food microbiology and food laws and regulation apply this knowledge to develop plans and develop a basic risk management plan for safe and nutritious food supply appreciate the social, cultural, psychological, environmental, economic and political factors of food and food use understand food systems, food use and nutrition policy estimate nutrient intake of individuals using food composition tables or nutrient databases and compare with Nutrient Reference Values or estimated requirements estimate opportunities to improve nutrition and food supply in a community or population group demonstrate an ability to identify and develop nutritional education resource material. This course also provides a pathway to the Master of Dietetics. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ human_nutrition

DID YOU KNOW? There is no doubt that study will enhance your personal growth and facilitate career advancement. If there is a direct connection between your course and your current employment, and the course will enhance your skills in that job, you may be eligible to claim the costs of your study as a tax deduction. For more information, contact the Australian Taxation Office (www.ato.gov.au) or speak with your accountant.
Telephone: 1800 334 733



Allied Health

Allied Health
CSUs innovative Graduate Certificate in Paramedic Service Leadership and Management is designed for practising and aspiring paramedic service managers who seek formal qualifications to complement their paramedic experience and qualifications.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Ba 1 year PT Distance education N/A


The primary aim of the Graduate Certificate in Respiratory Science is to provide a knowledge base and appropriate training for technical, nursing and scientific staff of hospitals, universities, private clinics and associated workplaces involved in respiratory diagnostics.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus WW 1 year PT Distance education N/A

DID YOU KNOW? NSW Health offers scholarships for allied health practitioners in rural public health services to undertake further study. Visit the web and search for scholarships in your field of interest but start looking early as many close in October / November in the year prior to study commencement. For more information, visit: www.health.nsw. gov.au/rural/alliedhealth/postgraduate.asp

International students CRICOS Code On campus Distance education

International students Distance education

About the course The Graduate Certificate in Respiratory Science was the first specialist training course for respiratory professionals in Australasia (rather than exposure to the area through general undergraduate teaching or workplace experience). In addition to training for those currently employed in the industry, there is provision for entry for those wishing to commence a career in respiratory science. Students continuing on to the Master of Medical Science will be given credit for subjects completed as part of the Graduate Certificate in Respiratory Science. Workplace learning Training will be of a practical nature with direct application to the workplace and with significant relevance to health services and respiratory research. Professional recognition The course has been developed in collaboration with the Australian and New Zealand Society of Respiratory Scientists (ANZSRS) to ensure mutual compatibility of aims, and the course has ANZSRS endorsement. Residential schools There is one four-day compulsory residential school held on Wagga Wagga Campus in Session 1. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ respiratory_science_gc

About the course This course provides an international perspective and focuses on paramedic systems, leadership, professional identity and evidence-based management. It seeks to provide graduates with a fundamental understanding of major aspects of the leadership and management role as it applies to the delivery of pre-hospital medical care. The course aims to develop managerial competencies by equipping graduates with the knowledge and skills necessary to facilitate effective and efficient practice at personal, professional and organisational levels. It examines the nature of management functions, roles and the evolution of management thought from behavioural, political and symbolic dimensions in leading and managing emergency medical services by examining decision-making, communication, conflict, power and politics, motivation and job satisfaction, group dynamics, organisational culture, leadership and organisational change. This course articulates into the Master of Health Services Management and the Master of Health Science. Professional recognition To ensure the needs of both students and industry are met, the course was developed in consultation with emergency medical service leaders in Australia, Canada and USA. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ ems_leadership

Allied Health



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Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Australias animal production and export industries make major contributions to the national economy. To ensure a sustainable animal production system, it is essential to offer high quality training in animal and veterinary studies, including the clinical sciences, that addresses the challenges facing our industries. CSUs postgraduate courses in Animal and Veterinary Sciences offer enhanced training with a focus on large production animal research. CSU is also developing novel approaches to curriculum delivery to ensure graduates benefit from leading edge pedagogy informed by our research. The Universitys courses have strong industry links, greatly improving graduates job opportunities. Graduates pursue careers in small and large businesses, the public and private sector, government and non-government organisations in Australia and overseas.

Animal Science Captive Vertebrate Management Ornithology


RESEArCH CSUs expert staff in Animal and Veterinary Sciences are active in research and supervising postgraduate students. Research programs are diverse, providing an exciting environment for graduate studies where students are exposed to cutting-edge research in a range of disciplines. We have a wide range of active programs including animal physiology, reproduction and genetics; parasitology, infectious diseases and animal health; animal welfare, nutrition and production; clinical science; and research in teaching. Our research has both national and international aspects and we work with a wide range of species including farm animals, horses, terrestrial and aquatic wildlife.



Animal and Veterinary Sciences



Including: Graduate Diploma of Animal Science [exit point only] Graduate Certificate in Animal Science [exit point only] CSUs Master of Animal Science aims to promote advanced critical reflection on professional practice in the animal industries, preparing graduates for leadership positions.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus WW 1.5 years FT 3 years PT Distance education 068969C


Including: Graduate Certificate in OrnitHoLogY CSUs Ornithology program caters for both professional and amateur ornithologists who wish to upgrade their skills and knowledge while attaining a recognised tertiary qualification. Graduates have advanced knowledge about the foraging behaviour, breeding ecology, social organisation, and movements of birds.
Enrolment information


CSUs Graduate Certificate in Captive Vertebrate Management was developed in co-operation with industry. This comprehensive course has a large practical component.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus WW 1 year PT Distance education N/A

International students Distance education

Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus

AW Grad Dip: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A

About the course The objectives of the course are to:

International students Distance education

International students Distance education

About the course The Master of Animal Science aims to: meet the educational needs of professionals working in the ever-evolving animal industries promote the acquisition of advanced analytical, problem solving skills and conceptual insights that will enable students to assume positions of leadership within the animal industries encourage excellence in scholarship and/or focused research within the candidates discipline area. Students learn to extend their knowledge of the disciplines that form the basis of their profession while planning and implementing a small research project. The course explores methods for the analysis of data sets and their interpretation. Students develop concepts in animal production to an advanced level of understanding of areas specific to their coursework. Skills in the presentation of material to practitioners within the animal industries are also developed. Students are offered postgraduate training in whole farm consultancy, which is aimed at veterinarians and agricultural graduates who would like to offer consultancy services to their clients. Students can choose to exit the Master degree with the Graduate Certificate in Animal Science after completing 32 points or with the Graduate Diploma of Animal Science after completing 64 points. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ animal_science

About the course CSUs Graduate Certificate in Ornithology consists of four subjects, focusing on the evolutionary history of birds; foraging and breeding ecology; social organisation and migration; and birds as environmental indicators. For each 8 point subject at CSU, students can expect to spend between140-160 hours engaged in the specified learning and assessment activities. The course articulates with the Graduate Diploma of Ornithology, which requires additional subjects of more specialised study. You can choose to focus on a range of specialisations ranging from wetlands and landscape ecology to captive breeding and ecotourism. Students wishing to do further study may be able to articulate with the Master of Environmental Management and undertake further specialised study. Residential schools Some subjects in this course have a compulsory residential school where you are required to travel to Albury-Wodonga Campus for a few days of intensive study during a session. This provides you with the opportunity to meet other students, your lecturers and learn from real life experiences through guest lectures, hands-on study or field trips. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ ornithology

provide an opportunity for staff in the zoo and wildlife park industry and natural resource agencies to upgrade their qualifications, or for those not presently in these industries to undertake a relevant course of study provide the knowledge, understanding and skills for implementing best practices in the management of zoos and wildlife parks based on a thorough understanding of animal behaviour, the requirements of captive reptiles and birds, preventative medicine, reproduction biology, and zoo and exhibit design principles provide an integrated framework for assessing and implementing appropriate management strategies and technologies further develop the problem-solving / thinking / research skills of students to enhance their leadership potential in the zoo and wildlife park industry or natural resource agencies. Professional recognition The Graduate Certificate has been recognised by the Australian Regional Association of Zoological Parks and Aquaria (ARAZPA) and Australasian Society of Zoo Keeping (ASZK) as meeting the advanced training needs of their members. Residential schools The course is structured to incorporate residential schools for each subject, during which students meet with lecturers to discuss the course material as well as a wider range of issues affecting the industry. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ captive_vertebrate_management

Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Other courses that may be of interest Master of Applied Science Graduate Diploma of Applied Science Graduate Certificate in Applied Science 32 CHaRLEs STURT UNIvERsITY YOUR NEXT STEP Enquire online: www.csu.edu.au/contacts/enquiry

Modern business requires sharp skills and a keen understanding of the dynamic global business environment. At CSU, our postgraduate courses range from the core business skills of the versatile MBA, to specialist qualifications. Some courses include industry certifications that will make you an increasingly valuable asset to your current or future organisation. CSU operates at the cutting edge of business practice, producing graduates who are effective and ethical managers, capable of technical and organisational change. As a graduate, you will be equipped with the professional skills and knowledge to work in regional, national and international settings within a diverse range of organisations. Within your course youll learn about people, communication, presenting and researching information, career opportunities and industry alliances that will help you be more effective and efficient in the workplace.

Accounting Accounting Practice Applied Finance Business Administration Business Administration (Computing) Business Leadership Commerce Dispute Resolution Finance Financial Planning Human Resource Management Industrial Relations Management Management (Chartered Marketer) Management (Professional Practice) Marketing Organisational Change Professional Accounting Professional Accounting (CPA Extension) Project Management Small Business Management


PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION CSU has an excellent reputation and an impressive track record of employment for its Business graduates. Postgraduate business degrees are recognised by industry and give graduates a competitive advantage where they can achieve senior roles in their chosen fields. The Master of Business Administration (Computing) incorporates preparation certificates for certifications from ITIL Certification Management Board (ICMB), Project Management Institute, Examination Institute for Information Science (EXIN), and Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA). This ensures graduates will be prepared for a range of international industry certifications in IT service management, project management, IT quality management and IT governance.





The Master of Accounting Practice is a highly specialised program for graduates who already hold an accounting qualification. The course provides comprehensive tuition and support for the CPA Program professional level segments to help candidates prepare for their CPA Program examinations.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus SC-M, SC-S WW (DE only) 2 years FT Distance education 078251C (SC-M) 078264J (SC-S)


Including: GRaDuaTE CERTiFicaTE iN FiNaNcE CSUs Master of Applied Finance and Graduate Certificate in Finance prepare students to operate efficiently in a variety of positions, providing them with essential analytical and decision-making skills.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration AW, Ba Master: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A


Including: GRaDuaTE DipLoma oF BusiNEss ADmiNisTRaTioN GRaDuaTE CERTiFicaTE iN BusiNEss ADmiNisTRaTioN CSUs Master of Business Administration (MBA) equips graduates with knowledge regarding the fundamental disciplines of business; the theoretical frameworks and analytical tools necessary to successfully manage a modern enterprise; the ability to act professionally and ethically in their chosen field; and the ability to add significant value to their organisation.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration SC-M, SC-S WW (DE only) Master: 12 subject: 1.5-4 years PT 16 subject: 2.5-5 years PT Grad Dip: 1-2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education Master: 12 subject: 058831D (SC-M) 045877G (SC-S) 16 subject: 067652K (SC-M) 068168C (SC-S)

International students

On campus CRICOS Code

International students On campus Distance education

Distance education

About the course The Master of Accounting Practice offers domestic and international accounting graduates a pathway for completing a recognised postgraduate qualification while concurrently receiving support and tuition in preparation for the CPA Program professional level examinations. The course requires the completion of 12 subjects: six CSU postgraduate subjects and six subjects (four core and two elective subjects) from the CPA Program that will prepare students for the external CPA Program examinations. The six CSU postgraduate subjects, chosen from a range of subjects available, are designed to advance knowledge gained through prior studies and present new topics not normally covered in an undergraduate degree or the professional level of the CPA Program. CSU elective subjects include: business analysis business valuation forensic accounting international accounting personal financial planning public sector accounting Upon completion, graduates will be able to: demonstrate an advanced knowledge in specialised fields of accounting practice evaluate complex business environments and draw implications for accounting practice understand, develop and communicate accounting solutions to support decision-making requirements of managers and external stakeholders demonstrate an understanding of business and accounting in a multi-national context communicate as an accounting professional at all organisational levels and across professional disciplines transition to a career in professional accounting having acquired all necessary theoretical, practical and interpersonal skills.

About the course The Master of Applied Finance is designed to provide students from a range of educational backgrounds with the opportunity to complete postgraduate education in finance, financial planning and funds management. The Master has specialisations in Banking and Financial Planning. Students who complete the six specialist financial planning subjects are able to apply for advanced standing for the technical units of the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Certification Program through the Financial Planning Association of Australia Limited (FPA). The Graduate Certificate in Finance aims to provide training in finance for graduates of other disciplines, providing analytical and decision-making techniques, and knowledge about the institutional environment within which such decisions are made. Professional recognition Students who complete the Graduate Certificate are eligible for Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) RG146 accreditation. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ applied_finance

On campus CRICOS Code

International students


On campus

Distance education

About the course On completion, graduates will have acquired an understanding of the major areas of knowledge that underpin general management, including: the concepts, processes and institutions in the production and marketing of goods and services and the financing of business enterprise or other organisations the impact of environmental forces on organisations, including ethical, social, economic, and technological change issues, and the effect of international developments management of change the concepts and applications of accounting and finance management theory and human resource management issues the processes and problems of general management at the operational and strategic level. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/mba

Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ accounting_practice

34 Charles STUrT UNiVersiTY YOUR NEXT STEP Enquire online: www.csu.edu.au/contacts/enquiry



CSUs Master of Business Administration (Computing) aims to prepare students to move from management and supervisory positions into senior management, executive and CIO roles within the IT industry.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Ba 2 years PT Distance education N/A


Including: Graduate Diploma of Business Leadership [exit point only] GRaDuaTE CERTiFicaTE iN BusiNEss LEaDERsHip CSUs Business Leadership program aims to prepare managers for transformational leadership within a diverse range of organisations in the highly evolutionary corporate sector.
Enrolment information

Including: GRaDuaTE DipLoma oF commERcE CSUs Master of Commerce equips graduates with knowledge in a set of core management subjects, and enhanced knowledge in a chosen professional management specialisation.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration SC-M, SC-S WW (DE only) Master: 2-4 years PT Grad Dip: 1.5-2 years PT Distance education Master: 12 subject: 058829J (SC-M) 052190C (SC-S) 16 subject: 058830E (SC-M) 052191B (SC-S) Grad Dip: 067651M (SC-M) 065458F (SC-S)

International students Distance education

Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus

Ba Master: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A On campus

About the course As the world moves from an economy of stand-alone companies to interdependent enterprises connected by the products of a global information infrastructure, students of CSUs Master of Business Administration (Computing) will benefit from educational opportunities that will ensure they become integrated information professionals equipped for the 21st Century. The needs of existing IT managers who aspire to move upward into senior management positions will be catered to with the emphasis on exploiting information technologies for productivity and competitiveness. Professional recognition The course incorporates preparation for certifications from the following industry associations: Examination Institute for Information Science (EXIN) Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) ITIL Certification Management Board (ICMB) Project Management Institute Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ mba_computing

International students


International students Distance education

About the course These courses are designed to provide graduates who already occupy senior level positions with access to the latest cutting edge thinking in both the relational and commercial aspects of business leadership at individual, organisational unit and cross-organisational levels. The course aims to: establish the importance of effective leadership across all key areas of the organisation recognise that ensuring successful and ethical implementation of goals is the pivotal responsibility of effective and transformational leadership embed acceptance and an ongoing commitment to leading change that reflects strategic, innovative and quality thinking within an ethical framework. Students may elect to exit from the Master degree after completing eight specified subjects and graduate with the Graduate Diploma of Business Leadership. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ business_leadership

On campus

Distance education

About the course This program serves the needs of students who wish to further their understanding of the management function generally as well as its practice in particular professional or occupational areas. Graduates will develop analytical, problem-solving, and strategic skills that are relevant to management in any professional or occupational area, as well as the technical skills and knowledge required for senior management positions in specialist areas. These skills will be imparted through the delivery of high quality educational material, which will include case studies and assignments focusing on managerial problems. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ master_of_commerce

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Including: GRaDuaTE DipLoma oF DispuTE REsoLuTioN GRaDuaTE CERTiFicaTE iN DispuTE REsoLuTioN CSUs Master of Dispute Resolution provides students with an understanding of the causes of conflict and the availability and suitability of various methods of dispute prevention and resolution. Students learn the principles and skills of mediation and conflict management and will be able to apply these skills in public and private disputes.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration WW Master: 2 years PT Grad Dip: 1.5 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A


Including: Graduate Diploma of Human Resource Management [exit point only] GRaDuaTE CERTiFicaTE iN HumaN REsouRcE MaNagEmENT CSUs Human Resource Management program aims to provide human resource practitioners and others with an increased knowledge base in both practical and theoretical understanding of human resource management (HRM).
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus WW Master: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A

Including: GRaDuaTE DipLoma oF MaNagEmENT (PRoFEssioNaL PRacTicE) GRaDuaTE CERTiFicaTE iN MaNagEmENT (PRoFEssioNaL PRacTicE) CSUs broad based Management programs are designed for practising and potential managers who wish to upgrade their professional qualifications.
Enrolment information Campus Ba Professional Practice courses through AGMC partner TAFEs across Australia Master: 2 years PT Grad Dip: 1.5 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A

Course duration

International students

On campus CRICOS Code On campus

On campus CRICOS Code On campus

International students Distance education

Distance education

International students Distance education

About the course This program is aimed at practising HRM professionals, line managers responsible for human resource management functions and others wishing to enter the HRM profession. The objectives of the Master program are to: provide knowledge and skill development in graduates that permits career advancement to senior and executive roles in HRM within both private and public sector organisations provide a broad range of human resource management subjects that have the capacity to enhance professional practice in and across organisational settings articulate and foster an approach to HRM that integrates and aligns various specialisations, including training and development, industrial relations, staffing and organisational development, into a broad framework that can make a positive contribution to organisational performance. The Graduate Certificate aims to provide human resource practitioners and others with a quality practical and theoretical understanding of human resource management. Professional recognition The Master of Human Resource Management has formal accreditation from the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI). Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ human_resource_master

About the course This program is designed for people engaged in a wide range of business professions, public service, human services and voluntary occupations who desire a knowledge of theories of conflict and methods of conflict resolution. The knowledge of the theory, methods and skills of dispute resolution, together with the processes of negotiation and mediation, will equip students to resolve disputes in a broad range of commercial and non-commercial careers and occupations. The Master of Dispute Resolution provides a framework of specialist areas so graduates will have knowledge and understanding of causes of conflict and processes of dispute resolution applicable to their workplace settings. The Graduate Diploma builds on the Graduate Certificate and extends students knowledge and understanding of conflict in the area of law, industrial relations and human resource management. The Graduate Certificate provides graduates with an understanding of the causes of conflict and the availability and suitability of various methods of dispute prevention and resolution and their differing results. Graduates will also learn the skills and ethics of conflict resolution and be able to apply them to mediation processes in different settings. Residential schools There is a compulsory three-day residential school associated with this course. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ dispute_resolution

About the course These courses provide a broad, comprehensive and forward-looking orientation that equips students to research, analyse and make effective decisions at both strategic and operational levels. Students are provided with the opportunity to develop conceptual tools, knowledge and skills in relevant disciplinary areas, and to understand how these can be applied to practical management situations. Students will also be equipped to evaluate the effectiveness of their managerial assumptions, attitudes and develop the interpersonal skills needed to manage successfully. Professional practice stream The professional practice stream is for students completing the course as part of the Australian Graduate Management Consortium. The Consortium is a partnership between CSU and various TAFE sites across Australia. Students undertaking the Graduate Certificate in Management (Professional Practice) and the Graduate Diploma of Management (Professional Practice) complete their studies through these TAFE sites. For more information please liaise with the Course Director or contact the Australian Graduate Management Consortium (AGMC). Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ management_master




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Including: Graduate Diploma of Management (Chartered Marketer) [exit point only] GRaDuaTE CERTiFicaTE iN MaNagEmENT (CHaRTERED MaRkETER) The Master of Management (Chartered Marketer) is the first of its kind - an industry based, advanced marketing qualification that demonstrates specialist professional knowledge across many areas for marketers working at a senior strategic level.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Ba Master: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A

Including: Graduate Diploma of Marketing [exit point only] GRaDuaTE CERTiFicaTE iN MaRkETiNg CSUs Marketing programs aim to prepare graduates to meet challenges in a broad range of management positions requiring advanced marketing skills.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code Ba Master: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A


Including: GRaDuaTE DipLoma oF AccouNTiNg GRaDuaTE CERTiFicaTE iN PRoFEssioNaL AccouNTiNg CSUs Master of Professional Accounting is designed to build upon previous non-accounting undergraduate studies and work experience, and to add conceptual depth by concentrating on studies in accounting and related disciplines.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration WW, SC-M, SC-S Master: 2 years PT Grad Dip: 1 year PT Grad Cert: .5 year PT Distance education Master: 12 subject: 069161B 070652F (SC-M) 068967E (SC-S) 16 subject: 069162A 070653E (SC-M) 070183G (SC-S) Grad Dip: 070654D (SC-M) 070184G (SC-S)

International students On campus Distance education

On campus CRICOS Code

International students Distance education

About the course The Master of Marketing provides an in-depth program for professionals from marketing and other areas who are looking to enhance their marketing knowledge and skills and respond to changes in the marketing environment. A comprehensive range of marketing subjects is offered with flexibility to enable students to tailor their program to their particular needs. The program is designed to enable students to draw on their workplace experience and enhance their marketing practice through engagement with theoretical frameworks and emerging debates in the marketing discipline. Graduates will be able to: design and implement marketing programs across all types of marketing environments specify, evaluate and interpret information used for addressing marketing problems link their marketing disciplinary knowledge with knowledge in other fields of business and enact this knowledge in specific workplace situations adapt their marketing disciplinary knowledge in a range of subject areas to the changing marketing environment. The Graduate Certificate provides an entry point for graduates from non-business disciplines who wish to undertake a short program of study that will develop their capabilities in foundational areas of marketing. Students who successfully complete the Graduate Certificate in Marketing are eligible to progress to the Master of Marketing. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ master_marketing

International students

About the course The Chartered Marketer is the industrys highest accreditation and is awarded by The Chartered Institute of Marketing in recognition of outstanding practical experience and expertise. The aim of this course is to provide marketing professionals with the skills to promote a proactive and strategic marketing focus within the management structure of an organisation. Graduates will be able to: implement an informed and reflexive perspective of management acquire knowledge of, and have the ability to apply, general management-related principles and practices develop strategic marketing responses to emerging organisational themes acquire and implement advanced skills and perspectives on management principles and practices evaluate and implement strategies to deliver an organisations corporate vision and mission identify and analyse the role of corporate brand and identify how these assist corporate success. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ chartered_marketer

On campus

Distance education

About the course The Master of Professional Accounting is designed for students looking for a change in career, and opens the way to many vocational choices in areas of public practice, commerce and industry, government and semi-government organisations and accounting education. The course will prepare students to: undertake and evaluate the conceptual basis of accounting recognise and analyse the impact of the business environment on accounting theory and its application, including the regulatory requirements controlling the accounting process understand and apply principles and analytical techniques from economics, commercial law, business communications and quantitative methods in the accounting context. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ professional_accounting

Telephone: 1800 334 733






The Master of Professional Accounting (CPA Extension) is designed to build on previous non-accounting undergraduate studies to provide graduates with relevant technical and theoretical knowledge of accounting and related disciplines.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus SC-M, SC-S, WW (DE only) Master: 2 years PT Distance education 078250D (SC-M) 078265G (SC-S)


Including: GRaDuaTE DipLoma oF PRojEcT MaNagEmENT GRaDuaTE CERTiFicaTE iN PRojEcT MaNagEmENT CSUs Project Management degrees prepare students for industry certification from the Project Management Institute (PMI) - the worlds leading association for the project management profession.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration Ba Master: 2 years PT Grad Dip: 1.5 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A


CSUs Graduate Certificate in Commerce is a flexible avenue of further study for those whose educational interests are not met by the Universitys other discipline specific Graduate Certificate or Master programs.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus SC-S, WW 1 year PT Distance education 077478C (SC-S)

International students

International students

Distance education

Distance education

On campus CRICOS Code On campus

About the course

About the course This course is designed for students already working in a business field and seeking to obtain formal qualifications in accounting, or those looking for a change in career. The course opens the way to many vocational choices in areas of financial management, public practice, commerce and industry, government and semi-government organisations, and accounting education. This course will prepare students to: understand and evaluate the conceptual basis of accounting understand, evaluate and apply the principles of current accounting practice demonstrate knowledge of the technical skills essential for the professional accountant in the global environment recognise and analyse the impact of the business environment on accounting theory and its application, including the regulatory requirements controlling the accounting process understand and be able to apply principles and analytical techniques from economics, commercial law, business communications and quantitative methods in the accounting context demonstrate knowledge in core subject areas required for Associate membership of CPA Australia sit the CPA Program professional level examinations. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ professional_accounting_cpa

International students Distance education

About the course The aim of these degrees is to provide project management professionals with an advanced course of study in project management that is current, relevant and integrates the worlds most recognised industry certification in the field of project management. On completion of the Master of Project Management, graduates will be able to: demonstrate a high level of understanding and knowledge of project management direct teams in project delivery perform duties consistent with Project Management Professional (PMP) certification of the Project Management Institute manage large and complex projects effectively and efficiently. Professional recognition The Master and Graduate Diploma prepares students for industry certification from the Project Management Institute (PMI), the Australian Institute of Project Managers (AIPM) and Prince2. The Graduate Certificate in Project Management prepares students for industry certification from the Project Management Institute (PMI) and Prince2. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ project_management_gd

Upon completion of the course, graduates will be able to apply both generic and specific skills relevant to the professional needs of the student and the organisational needs of the relevant business or industry, and be involved in continuous learning and the maintenance of a lifelong commitment to professional development. Subjects are available from the following disciplines: Accounting Economics Finance Human Resource Management Industrial Relations Law Management Marketing Tourism Management The Graduate Certificate in Commerce is also a pathway to the MBA for students without an undergraduate degree. Upon successful completion of the Graduate Certificate in Commerce, students may receive credit for up to four subjects in the MBA. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ commerce




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CSUs Graduate Certificate in Financial Planning prepares students to operate efficiently in a variety of relevant positions and develop the skills necessary to their role as financial planning professionals.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Ba 1 year PT Distance education N/A


CSUs Graduate Certificate in Industrial Relations aims to enable students to analyse and evaluate the place of industrial relations in society, along with the opportunity to hone and develop their research skills within an industrial relations context.
Enrolment information Campus WW 1 year PT Distance education N/A


CSUs Graduate Certificate in Organisational Change is designed for all managers and consultants working in private and public sector organisations.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus Ba 1 year PT Distance education N/A

Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus

International students Distance education

International students

CRICOS Code On campus

International students Distance education

Distance education

About the course In response to the growing pace of economic and social change in Australia and overseas, managers are increasingly required to hone skills in planning, implementing and managing small and large scale changes within their areas of responsibility. The Graduate Certificate is designed to provide prospective and current managers with a foundation of theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as a set of skills they can draw on in their roles as agents for change. increasing the knowledge prospective and current managers have about the management of change in organisational contexts developing their knowledge of and ability to implement organisational development techniques as well as political, symbolic and cultural processes enabling managers to understand the nature and impact of economic and social changes and developing their awareness of ethical issues in the management of change in organisations. Upon completion of this course, graduates will be able to: think critically and exercise sound independent and collaborative judgement about appropriate strategies for change foresee and initiate change within the organisation and its environment understand the principles underlying a range of organisational change strategies and have the ability to apply those principles in an organisational change context lead people in the implementation and maintenance of significant organisational change. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ organisational_change

About the course The Graduate Certificate in Financial Planning provides students with opportunities to obtain the educational and competency skills necessary to operate as leading financial planning professionals for the 21st Century. As this industry expands rapidly, the knowledge and skill levels required to be successful financial planners is expected to expand significantly. Students can choose electives from the following topics: risk management taxation strategies estate planning superannuation and retirement planning property investment Students who complete the Graduate Certificate may articulate into the Master of Applied Finance. Professional recognition Subjects in the Graduate Certificate may provide RG146 compliance in the specified discipline areas. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ financial_planning_gc

About the course The Graduate Certificate in Industrial Relations provides an in-depth study of Australian industrial relations relevant to the needs of teaching and for professionals in the industrial relations arena. The course provides an international context for students to analyse and evaluate theories and practices of Australian industrial relations. Candidates for the Graduate Certificate in Industrial Relations may receive transfer credit for up to 50% of the course for prior study if they can demonstrate that such study was completed at a recognised higher education institution within the past 10 years at the postgraduate level. To apply for credit, candidates are required to submit with their Application for Admission a certified transcript of results and subject outline / curriculum of those subjects. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ industrial_relations

Telephone: 1800 334 733




Objectives of the course include:



CSUs Graduate Certificate in Small Business Management is an industry-focused, flexible and dynamic alternative in postgraduate studies. The course is specifically designed for new and established small business owners and managers who wish to enhance their management knowledge with the latest thinking in small business management.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Ba 1 year PT Distance education N/A


There is no doubt that study will enhance your personal growth and facilitate career advancement. If there is a direct connection between your course and your current employment, and the course will enhance your skills in that job, you may be eligible to claim the costs of your study as a tax deduction. For more information, contact the Australian Taxation Office (www.ato.gov.au) or speak with your accountant.

International students Distance education

About the course The small business sector accounts for 96% of total businesses in Australia, but more than half of small businesses fail within three years of start-up. Research indicates that one of the primary reasons for small business failure is the lack of management expertise. CSUs Graduate Certificate in Small Business Management has a strong emphasis on personal development and industry best practice. It offers students access to industry peers, market leaders and other leading resources. Students are able to build a personalised learning structure via the flexible, online learning platform. The course provides industry-focused, flexible studies for small business operators. You will complete three core subjects in marketing, human resources and strategy, and one elective subject, which enables you to tailor the course to your needs. A key component of study is the linkage of theory with current issues in small business and the students own small business setting. The course offers students a unique opportunity to network with industry peers and to develop alliances. The industry-aligned structure of the course enables students to learn and share processes with others. Students will be assigned to business-cycle clusters (e.g. start-up or growth) within their industry sector, which provides networking opportunities and direct application of knowledge. The use of action learning processes means students can benchmark their current business processes and develop practical insights to create the desired future state of their business. Workplace learning A key feature of the Graduate Certificate in Small Business Management is its applied nature. Students will link theory with their own professional experience as they study each subject. Assessments are directed towards students undertaking projects and assessment tasks they can utilise in their small business. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ small_business_mgt
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Communication and Creative Industries

CSUs Communication and Creative Industries courses offer a combination of creative and practical studies, providing students with access to world-class resources and facilities in an innovative environment strongly supported by industry. CSU has long been considered as one of Australias leaders in journalism, advertising, and organisational communication education, and still retains that pre-eminent position. The University fosters an environment of innovation, creativity and critical thinking in teaching, research and professional practice to enhance society and culture. Our courses produce professionals who know how to ask the right questions, and are skilled in research and contemporary communication practice. Career opportunities are diverse and ensure graduates will have immense personal satisfaction, whatever path they choose to pursue.

Arts Practice Interpretive Writing Journalism Organisational Communication


VARIETY OF SPECIALISATIONS CSUs Master of Arts Practice - with specialisations offers students a vast variety of options to further advance their qualification in their chosen creative field. Students are given the opportunity to direct their studies to a focused area where they will conduct a practice-based project in areas including advertising, circus, fine arts, hybrid arts, new media, performance, photography, physical theatre, publication design, sound, television, text, and theatre. Postgraduate Communication and Creative Industries students are supervised and guided by lecturers who are experienced in their field, ensuring they are supported throughout their study.



Communication and Creative Industries

This course enables students to complete a major piece of writing relating to art curation, exhibition, biography or publication. Students work with a supervisor to devise a writing project in a form appropriate to the medium of intended publication.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus WW 1 year FT 2 years PT Distance education N/A


Including: Graduate Diploma of Journalism [exit point only] Graduate Certificate in JournaLisM CSUs Journalism program is designed for graduates of any discipline who wish to gain a professional qualification in journalism, and aims to prepare students for entry-level positions in journalism.
Enrolment information


Including: Graduate DipLoMa of OrganisationaL CoMMunication Graduate Certificate in OrganisationaL CoMMunication CSUs Organisational Communication courses provide a world-class learning experience for communication professionals to develop their communication management and strategic skills, and prepare them for leadership in a range of industries.
Enrolment information

Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus

Ba Master: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A

International students Distance education

Campus Course duration

Ba Master: 2 years PT Grad Dip: 1.5 year PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A

About the course The Master of Arts (Interpretive Writing) recognises the many forms that art writing may take outside of the traditional thesis, such as biography, catalogue articles, reviews, encyclopedia and dictionary entries, and documentary. Students will have the opportunity to carry out their research on gallery and museum collections, or exhibition planning.

International students Distance education

On campus CRICOS Code On campus

About the course The Master of Arts (Journalism) supports the development of independent research and analysis skills. Graduates are expected to demonstrate critical thinking that will enable them to use a range of research methodologies, focused on the news media and communication industries. Students undertaking the Master degree will complete: foundation subjects in journalism practice, news reporting, media law and ethics specialist journalism subjects designed to prepare students for positions in online, print and broadcast journalism. A dissertation option is also available for students interested in researching journalism theory and/or practice. Graduates of the Master of Arts (Journalism) will have demonstrated their research and news presentation skills through production of a major series of news stories and features for online, print and broadcast media and examination a significant social, cultural or political trend in Australia or overseas. Students in the Master degree are eligible for income support through the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE). The Graduate Certificate in Journalism equips students from a discipline other than journalism with reporting and writing skills. Graduates are encouraged to translate and apply their existing skills and knowledge to a journalism context. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ journalism

International students Distance education

About the course Students learn about contemporary practice and theory, and apply their learning through case studies, problem-solving and strategy development. All subjects include at least one assignment where students can focus on their own work or organisation, helping them to become more confident and productive employees. Subjects in the first two sessions of the course focus on individual and leader communication styles, employee communication and change management, public relations and communication theory, and communication planning, research and audits. Subjects in the third and fourth sessions focus on communication in corporate responsibility, reputation, stakeholder engagement, crisis and issues management, and corporate culture. During the final two sessions, students undertake independent research and apply their learning to a corporate communication issue and case of their choice. Two years is the normal part-time duration of the course, but if you need to balance work or other commitments, you can adapt your rate of progress through the Master of Arts (Organisational Communication). This is supported through CSUs flexible approach to study. Residential schools Residential schools for the course are held at Bathurst Campus twice per year. These schools are popular with students but attendance is not compulsory. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ organisational_communication

Communication and Creative Industries

This course enables students to complete a postgraduate vocational degree of particular appeal to those who have undergraduate studies in art related areas (art history, art theory, or studio-based art) and who wish to extend their skills in the art industry. The three subjects undertaken offer a methodology of theories of criticism, a critical reading and research subject, and a writing for the arts project that utilises the research, critiquing and analytical writing skills gained. The course is designed for teachers and practitioners who will gain direct benefit from these skills, and those who may already be employed in the art sector as gallery assistants and curators. They may currently be called upon in the course of their work to write about the arts, or in media roles where review and critique of the arts is required. The course enables students to develop their skills and complete a substantial project, in particular in the areas of curatorial projects, writing for exhibitions, and museology. Diverse forms of descriptive, analytical, critical and reflective writing for the arts are engaged. Professional recognition The course has been developed in liaison with the art gallery and museum sector to prepare students for professional industry practices. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ interpretive_writing



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Communication and Creative Industries

The aim of this course is to provide students the opportunity to direct their studies to a focused area for investigation and resolution, to critically analyse and reflect on their creative practice and research investigation in national and international contexts.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Ba, WW 1 year FT 2 years PT Distance education N/A

DID YOU KNOW? As a distance education student, you can request books, multimedia or articles via the Librarys catalogue, and have them mailed, or scanned and emailed to you. Students living in Australia will even receive a reply paid label to send items back to the library at no charge. For more information about what CSUs libraries can offer you, visit: www.csu.edu.au/division/library REMEMBER You may be eligible for a scholarship to help fund your postgraduate study at CSU. Some scholarships are offered by the University, while others may be available from government or private organisations. To find out more, visit: www.csu.edu.au/scholarships

International students Distance education

About the course This course provides the opportunity to undertake a supervised creative practice-based project in a range of areas, including; advertising circus fine arts hybrid arts new media performance photography physical theatre publication design sound television text theatre or any other creative discipline that can be exhibited, published, produced, performed or presented. Students will also undertake a writing project, as part of which the student carries out contextual research in creative practices and critical reflection on the practice-based project. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ arts_practice

Telephone: 1800 334 733



Communication and Creative Industries

Environmental Science and Outdoor Recreation

If you choose to study Environmental Science and Outdoor Recreation at CSU you will be joining one of the largest and most vibrant Schools in Australia. With a forcus on professionally relevant applied studies, we have one of the highest graduate employment rates of any university in Australia. The School has a commitment to investing in the student experience, informed by applied research and strong industry links, which guarantees students develop the relevant skills and knowledge employers value. Graduates have the confidence and ability to become innovative leaders in their professions.

Ecotourism Environmental Management GIS and Remote Sensing Natural Resource Management River Restoration and Management Water Resource Management


APPLIED RESEARCH The School of Environmental Science plays a leading role in researching environmental issues, identifying and solving environmental problems, and training environmental management professionals. This was confirmed in the latest Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) ratings which ranked the School as above world standard for its research activity. The School is one of just a few in Australia that has brought a complete range of disciplines from earth science and ecology to social science and psychology together under one banner. CSU is at the forefront of tackling global issues such as climate change, water, ecosystem health, and sustainable development.



Environmental Science and Outdoor Recreation

Master oF ECotourism
Including: Graduate Diploma of Ecotourism [exit point only] Graduate Certificate in Ecotourism [exit point only] CSUs Ecotourism courses enable you to pursue a range of exciting opportunities in the ecotourism industry including employment within existing businesses, as consultants to the wider tourism sector, or in a variety of government agencies providing policy, planning and management advice.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus AW 1.5 years FT 3 years PT Distance education N/A

Master oF EnVironmentaL Management

Including: Graduate Diploma of Environmental Management [exit point only] Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management [exit point only] CSUs Environmental Management courses provide you with the ability to make sound independent judgments about managing the environment. Graduates are employed within existing businesses as consultants in natural resource management or in a variety of government agencies.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration AW 1.5 years FT 3 years PT Distance education N/A

Master oF GIS and Remote Sensing

Including: Graduate Diploma of GIS and Remote Sensing [exit point only] Graduate Certificate in GIS and Remote Sensing [exit point only] CSUs GIS and Remote Sensing courses provide specialised training in using spatial science to help make critical decisions about the physical and built environment.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus WW 1.5 years FT 3 years PT Distance education N/A

International students

International students Distance education

On campus CRICOS Code On campus

International students Distance education

Distance education

About the course Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) have become key technological tools for the collection, storage and analysis of spatially referenced data. Industries that utilise these spatial technologies include agriculture, forestry, mining, market research, environmental analysis as well as the social and medical sciences. Exit points from the Master program are provided at the Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma levels. This structure provides considerable flexibility allowing students to quickly gain the GIS and RS knowledge and qualification they need today, with opportunities to add to their credentials at a later date. The Graduate Certificate focuses on GIS, remote sensing, image analysis, and data applications. The Graduate Diploma builds on these concepts and introduces more advanced skills in topics such as algorithms, modeling, and computational geometry. The Master course provides students with the opportunity to pursue special interests or research topics. Software and licensing agreements enable the University to use the latest GIS and remote sensing software. Access to all software is provided for each subject along with appropriate licences. Students need to have access to an IBM compatible computer to undertake the course. Residential schools It is possible to complete these courses without attending a residential school. Some subjects, particularly those teaching technical skills, have compulsory residential schools. If you choose these subjects you will be required to travel to Albury-Wodonga Campus for two to four days to learn these skills. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ gis_remote_sensing

About the course CSU offers a Master program in Ecotourism with exit points at the Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma levels. This structure provides considerable flexibility allowing students to quickly gain credentials at a later date. The Graduate Certificate consists of four subjects, the Graduate Diploma eight subjects and the Master 12 subjects. Students studying part-time by distance education usually enrol in two subjects per session, however you can vary your enrolment to suit your lifestyle. At the Graduate Certificate level the focus is on the principles of ecotourism, interpretation and education, and sustainable development and design. The Graduate Diploma and Master courses build on this knowledge and focus on specific contexts within the ecotourism industry such as new venture development, policy and planning, or specific markets within the ecotourism industry (e.g. ornithology). For each subject, students can expect to spend between 140-160 hours engaged in the specified learning and assessment activities. The emphasis is generally on applied and problem based learning. Residential schools Some subjects in this course have a compulsory residential school. If you select one of these subjects, you are required to travel to Albury-Wodonga Campus for a few days of intensive study or field work during a session. This provides you with the opportunity to meet other students, your lecturers and learn from real life experiences through guest lectures, hand-on study or field trips. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ ecotourism

About the course CSUs program provides you with advanced knowledge and skills about managing our environment, particularly landscape rehabilitation and restoration, ecosystem management and conservation. Graduates are able to innovate and creatively use their mastery of environment management techniques to address a range of novel and complex problems and create healthy and resilient ecosystems. Exit points from the Master are provided at the Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma levels. The Graduate Certificate consists of four subjects, the Graduate Diploma eight subjects and the Master 12 subjects. Students studying part-time by distance education usually enrol in two subjects each session, however you can vary your enrolment to suit your lifestyle. This structure provides considerable flexibility, allowing students to quickly gain the environmental management knowledge and qualification they need today, and to add to their credentials at a later date. The Graduate Certificate focuses on understanding the competing needs for using a resource, what this impact might be, and ways to balance these needs. The Graduate Diploma and Master courses build on this knowledge and focus on specific contexts such as policy and planning, specific issues such as climate change or techniques such as spatial science or community development. Residential schools Some subjects in this course have a compulsory residential school held at Albury-Wodonga Campus. This involves a few days of intensive study or field work during a session in order to provide you with hands-on, practical experience in environmental management. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ environmental_management

Telephone: 1800 334 733



Environmental Science and Outdoor Recreation

Environmental Science and Outdoor Recreation

Master oF NaturaL ResourCe Management
Including: Graduate Diploma of Natural Resource Management [exit point only] Graduate Certificate in Natural Resource Management [exit point only] CSUs Natural Resource Management courses provide you with the advanced knowledge and skills required to implement sustainable natural resource management. Graduates are employed by a range of businesses and companies involved in natural resource management.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus AW 1.5 years FT 3 years PT Distance education N/A

Master oF WATER ResourCe Management

Including: Graduate Diploma of Water Resource Management [exit point only] Graduate Certificate in Water Resource Management [exit point only] CSUs Water Resource Management courses provide you with the advanced knowledge and skills required to sustainably manage our water resources. Achieving a reasonable balance between social, economic, and environmental outcomes in water management has become the most complex environmental problem in our country.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration AW 1.5 years FT 3 years PT Distance education N/A

graduate CertiFiCate in RiVer Restoration and Management

CSUs Graduate Certificate in River Restoration and Management is aimed at professionals already involved in river management (e.g. state and local government, catchment management) and people with tertiary environmental science qualifications wishing to move into a career in river management.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus AW 1 year PT Distance education N/A

International students Distance education

About the course

International students Distance education

On campus CRICOS Code On campus

International students Distance education

About the course Natural resource managers oversee and implement conservation and sustainability projects for publicly and privately owned land, including nature reserves, waterways, historic sites, mining operations, and agricultural landscapes. Their work covers a range of human activities that may benefit, influence, or harm the natural environment. They make an important contribution to human welfare and the health of our planet. The program is flexible with exit points from the Master program at the Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma levels. This structure allows students to quickly gain the natural resource management knowledge and qualification they need today, and to add to their credentials at a later date. You are also able to choose a variety of subjects to suit your interests and career aspirations. The Graduate Certificate focuses on understanding the competing needs of people using a resource, what their impact might be, and ways to balance these. The Graduate Diploma and Master degree build on this knowledge and focus on specific contexts such as policy and planning, issues such as climate change and techniques such as spatial science or community development. Residential schools Some subjects, particularly those teaching technical skills, have compulsory residential schools. If you choose these subjects you will be required to travel to Albury-Wodonga Campus for two to four days to learn these skills. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ natural_resource_management

About the course Future predictions regarding the frequency of droughts, climate variability, increased population growth, and the decline in value of farm production means robust decisions about the ways we use water are urgently needed. A course in water resource management can provide you with the knowledge and skills to analyse and help resolve our most complex environmental problem. Due to its location in the Murray-Darling Basin, CSU is uniquely placed to offer the knowledge and skills to address the nationally significant issues facing Australia with respect to water use and sustainability. Exit points from the Master program are provided at the Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma levels. This structure provides considerable flexibility, allowing students to quickly gain the water resource management related knowledge and qualification they need today, and to add to their credentials at a later date. The Graduate Certificate focuses on how rivers and floodplains function, the ways people use water, effects on the environment, and how we can reduce these impacts. Building on this knowledge, Graduate Diploma and Master degrees focus on specific contexts such a water policy, the design of restoration programs and the design of more efficient agricultural uses. Residential schools Some subjects, particularly those teaching technical skills, have compulsory residential schools. If you choose these subjects you will be required to travel to Albury-Wodonga Campus for two to four days to learn these skills. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ water_resource_management

This course aims to provide natural resource managers with a sound theoretical background and practical experience in river hydrology, ecology, restoration and water policy. It is ideal for retraining professionals to redirect or enhance their existing capabilities. The development of this course was initiated by Land and Water Australia after the identification of an urgent need for improved education and training programs for professionals involved in river management and restoration projects. The Course Advisory Committee, established to oversee development of the course curriculum, includes representatives from government, industry, community and academic staff. Graduates possess skills in the prioritisation, design, implementation and evaluation of river restoration projects by undertaking subjects covering river hydrology, ecology, restoration and water policy. Upon completion of the course, graduates will be able to: apply knowledge about physical, chemical and ecological processes in aquatic ecosystems to Australian rivers and their floodplains understand the basic principles of river hydrology and hydraulic processes sample and identify biota from communities in aquatic environments understand the conceptual and practical framework that underpins restoration of riverine environments following disturbance by humans explain the current status of water policy in Australia from the farm to the catchment scale. Residential schools Some subjects, particularly those teaching technical skills, have compulsory residential schools. If you choose these subjects you will be required to travel to Albury-Wodonga Campus for two to four days to learn these skills. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ river_restoration

Environmental Science and Outdoor Recreation



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Exercise and Sports Sciences

Studies in Exercise and Sports Sciences offer opportunities for students seeking to advance their careers in the exercise area, especially exercise rehabilitation, a field targeted as an emerging profession. CSU is a national leader in providing programs in exercise science and our graduates have a distinguished record in all facets of the sports and exercise industries. CSU graduates have a strong track record of finding employment in all facets of the sports and exercise industries and are highly sought-after in the world market, providing many opportunities to expand your career while exploring the world. Courses are designed to give CSU students the edge in a modern, dynamic employment environment, providing them with access to high class teaching and learning facilities as well as practical education.

Clinical Exercise Physiology (Rehabilitation)


PROFESSIONAL ACCREDITATION The Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology (Rehabilitation) has recently been accredited by Exercise and Sports Sciences Australia (ESSA) under the National University Course Accreditation Program (NUCAP). This course is the only accredited Master level degree in clinical exercise physiology delivered by distance education. The importance of this accreditation for students is that from 2014, only graduates from courses accredited by NUCAP will be eligible to apply to ESSA for registration as an accredited exercise physiologist (AEP). Once a graduate is accredited, they can offer their services under Medicare through general practitioner referrals therefore the course has immediate benefits for the way AEPs can work and be remunerated.



Exercise and Sports Science

CSUs Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology (Rehabilitation) aims to offer students a flexible set of professional development and employment pathway options.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Ba 1 year FT 2 years PT Distance education N/A

DID YOU KNOW? There is no doubt that study will enhance your personal growth and facilitate career advancement. If there is a direct connection between your course and your current employment, and the course will enhance your skills in that job, you may be eligible to claim the costs of your study as a tax deduction. For more information, contact the Australian Taxation Office (www.ato.gov.au) or speak with your accountant.

International students Distance education

About the course Students graduating from this course will possess a postgraduate qualification in Clinical Exercise Physiology, a field of work in which a three-year undergraduate qualification is increasingly seen as insufficient. The objective of the Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology (Rehabilitation) is to develop exercise rehabilitation knowledge and competencies in the following areas: cardiorespiratory metabolic musculoskeletal neurological mental health cancer The course is also designed to achieve a generic set of knowledge and competencies. These include: ethics pathophysiology evidenced-based practice communicating with patients In addition to preparing students for an Exercise Rehabilitation specialisation, this course provides a context in which students are expected to develop competencies proposed by Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA). Residential schools Students are required to attend compulsory residential schools for all subjects. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ exercise_science_rehab

Exercise and Sports Sciences



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Humanities, Social Work and Human Services

CSUs postgraduate courses in Humanities, Social Work and Human Services provide an advanced inquiry, enhancing students skills in critical thinking, academic argument, research and communication, all of which are required to make a significant contribution to and engage with contemporary society. CSU offers a range of highly regarded courses recognised by industry, producing graduates who are prepared to make a difference in regional or remote communities as well as metropolitan settings. The very latest theory and research is applied to real-life practice, with the courses also offering students a challenging intellectual climate, which encourages them to widen their sense of what is humanly possible.

Child and Adolescent Welfare Ethics and Legal Studies Gerontology Human Services Social Work (Advanced Practice) Social Work (Professional Qualifying)


YOUR COURSE IS RECOGNISED BY INDUSTRY CSUs Social Work degrees are accredited with the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW), so graduates are ready to further advance their career. While studying the Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying), you will complete 980 hours of workplace learning, giving you exposure to real life social work issues and a greater understanding of the scope of the profession. This workplace learning is designed to meet the requirements of the AASW, providing full accreditation for graduates.



Humanities, Social Work and Human Services

CSUs Master of Child and Adolescent Welfare provides a professional program in child and adolescent welfare that meets the needs of both government and non-government sectors.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus WW 2 years PT Distance education N/A


Including: Graduate DipLoMa of Ethics and LegaL Studies Graduate Certificate in Ethics and LegaL Studies CSUs Ethics and Legal Studies program is designed to meet the demand for the study of ethics and legal studies across various vocations in a way that is broad in scope and provides the specialist expertise that particular professions require.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration WW Master: 3 years PT Grad Dip: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A

Including: Graduate Certificate in GerontoLogY CSUs Master of Gerontology is designed to provide an enhancement of knowledge and skills relevant to promoting the health and wellbeing of older people.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus AW 2 years PT Distance education N/A

International students Distance education

International students Distance education

About the course This course is designed to meet the requirements of people working or proposing to work in the child and adolescent welfare field who are graduates but do not have a specific qualification in this area. The development of this program has been driven by the demands of the marketplace and the need for practitioners to develop specialist skills. This course takes into account the requirements of social work and social welfare graduates in particular. Graduates should be able to: display a child-centred approach to all practice and policy that deals with children and adolescents exercise critical judgement on behalf of the child in relation to options and alternatives in the care of children and adolescents reflect on their own professional practice in order to develop new positive, child-centred strategies that will improve the lives of children in difficulties critically evaluate policies regarding the needs of children and adolescents use research evidence to inform both practice and policy apply ideas and evidence from other welfare systems concerning children and adolescents to inform the practice and policy of the welfare agency (or other system) in which they work or intend to work apply policy from an inter-agency perspective and undertake collaborative inter-agency practice demonstrate an appreciation of ethical practice particularly in regard to the perspective of the child or adolescent develop skills of team leadership in the context of child and adolescent welfare. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ child_adolescent_welfare_master

About the course

On campus CRICOS Code On campus

International students Distance education

CSUs Master of Gerontology provides a pathway into postgraduate study for graduates of CSU as well as non-CSU graduates currently employed in health professions. It satisfies the educational needs of health professionals and professionals in related fields by: providing advanced theoretical foundations for professionals in developing health care sectors encouraging the acquisition of skills and knowledge promoting excellence in scholarship and research within the field of gerontology promoting the skills needed for high quality applied research in gerontology. This course uses a variety of strategies to assess students. These include assignments, critical reviews, literature reviews, project proposals and, in some instances, a dissertation. Each subject is assessed according to guidelines set out in the subject outlines. Care is taken to ensure the relevance of assessment items for graduate performance. Industry-based projects, critical thinking, reflective exercises, and analysis form the basis of the assessment philosophy adopted in this course. Applicants with the Graduate Certificate in Gerontology or other relevant postgraduate qualifications will be eligible for credit. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ gerontology_master

About the course The successful completion of these courses enables individuals to bring to bear on their professional life a significantly developed sense of its ethical and legal character. Students will complete core subjects in ethics and in legal studies, and select additional elective subjects in accordance with their particular needs and interests. Subjects may be selected from a comprehensive, vocation-directed list of subjects dealing in ethical and legal issues. In the Graduate Diploma and Master degrees, students may choose a vocationally-specific specialisation, gaining postgraduate expertise in ethics and legal studies that is highly specific to their particular profession. Specialisations can be chosen from: Business Corrections Dispute Resolution Government Health and Welfare Human Resource Management Industrial Relations Justice Studies Professional Studies Social Work Technology

Humanities, Social Work and Human Services

Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ ethics_legal



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Humanities, Social Work and Human Services



CSUs Master of Human Service offers students the opportunity to develop high level research and critical analysis skills in the areas of social welfare and human services, culminating in the development of a dissertation.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus WW 2 years PT Distance education N/A


CSUs Master of Social Work (Advanced Practice) aims to provide opportunities for advanced study and practice in specialised fields of social work.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus WW 2 years PT Distance education N/A


CSUs Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying) leads to professional accreditation with the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW).
Enrolment information Campus Course duration WW 2 years PT Distance education N/A

On campus CRICOS Code On campus

International students CRICOS Code On campus Distance education

International students Distance education

International students Distance education

About the course Students of the Master of Social Work (Advanced Practice) will acquire highly developed knowledge and skills required to enhance the quality of their practice. The course prepares practitioners for management, policy and practice leadership roles, while developing a better understanding of contemporary issues and challenges, and future directions in social work practice and profession. The course is offered by coursework or by dissertation and comprises two core subjects and restricted electives. This course is only available for students with an undergraduate degree in Social Work and who already meet the requirements for AASW accreditation. Students of the Master of Social Work (Advanced Practice) may be eligible for student income support from the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE). Students may be eligible for Youth Allowance, AUSTUDY and the Pensioner Education Supplement. For more information, contact Centrelink. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ social_work_master

About the course The course aims to meet the diverse needs of managers, planners and others working within the broad field of human services management and social policy analysis, development and implementation, in public or non-government, community or business sectors. Students can specialise in Management and Policy. The completion of the course enables human services management and policy practitioners to: demonstrate that they have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively and efficiently manage their organisations analyse, plan and implement social policies to enhance the quality of human services demonstrate advanced practice knowledge in human services management and social policy demonstrate critical, analytical and reflective management and policy analysis skills demonstrate a high level of understanding of contemporary issues and challenges, and future directions in human services. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ human_services_master

About the course The Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying) aims to produce graduates who are committed to advancing social justice and human rights. The course requires previous study in psychology, sociology, government / politics and research. On completion of the course, graduates will be able to: critically assess key aspects of Australian society, including its history and its social, political and economic arrangements, as they relate to the profession of social work analyse behaviours of individual groups, communities and organisations demonstrate competence in the theories and practice of social work engagement, assessment, intervention and evaluation with individuals, groups, communities and organisations demonstrate an understanding of the contexts of social work practice at local, national and international levels exercise skills of critical thinking, reflection and judgement recognise, think through and reflect upon ethical issues arising in practice, including the AASW Code of Ethics articulate the principles of social justice, human rights and non-oppressive practice that inform professional social work and apply these in practice demonstrate commitment to personal and professional self-development. Workplace learning Students are required to complete a total of 140 days (980 hours) of field education under the supervision of a qualified social worker. The 140 days are divided into two subjects, with flexible arrangements of placement days in each. Residential schools This course includes four compulsory one-week residential schools. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ social_work_professional_qualifying

Telephone: 1800 334 733



Humanities, Social Work and Human Services

Humanities, Social Work and Human Services

CSUs Graduate Certificate in Human Services provides an introduction to tertiary level study for experienced practitioners in the field of human services who do not have an undergraduate qualification, or who need to complete prerequisite knowledge requirements for entry to the Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying).
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus WW 1 year PT Distance education N/A

MORE INFORMATION Dont hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions about postgraduate study at CSU. Speak to a student adviser by calling: Within Australia: 1800 334 733 International: +61 2 6338 6077 You can also submit an online enquiry at: www.csu.edu.au/contacts/enquiry

International students Distance education

About the course The degree also provides an entry level qualification into Master programs in the human services where the applicant either has no prior undergraduate qualification or has an undergraduate qualification but in a non-related field. The course consists of four restricted electives. Entry is available to those applicants without a relevant tertiary degree and/or who have substantial industry experience and whose employing body attests to their likely academic and vocational success, or other relevant experience. By the end of their studies, students will be able to demonstrate one or more of the following: that they can produce academic work at the graduate level that they can demonstrate their understanding of the individual, society and the field of human services. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ human_services_gc

Humanities, Social Work and Human Services



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Information and Library Studies

Information and Library Studies is a constantly evolving field. The changing nature of society has brought a growing demand for knowledge and information at work, in education and in leisure. Knowledge managers, librarians, archivists, information architects and many other information professionals are meeting that demand by providing effective access to information resources and services. Postgraduate courses in this field will allow you to become a highly skilled professional in senior positions in information agencies of all types. Graduates will form a vital link between information resources and the people who use them. CSUs distance education delivery for Information and Library Studies courses ensures students can study at their own pace and fit a degree around work or lifestyle commitments.

Audiovisual Archiving Information Studies


PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION CSU is one of only a handful of institutions across the country to offer an Information Studies degree recognised by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). CSUs Master of Information Studies with specialisations is accredited with ALIA, enabling graduates to find employment across the full range of library and information sectors. Additionally, ALIA accreditation is recognised by the American Library Association (ALA), meaning our graduates are also qualified to work in North America. As well as ALIA recognition, the Master, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate are also recognised by the Records and Information Management Professionals Australasia as a professional qualification. The Records and Archives Management specialisation is also recognised by the Australian Society of Archivists.



Information and Library Studies

Master oF InFormation Studies WitH speCiaLisations
Including: Graduate Diploma of Information Studies [exit point only] GRaduate CeRtiFicate iN INFORmatiON Studies The Master of Information Studies is designed to reflect the critical importance of information processing and knowledge management across a wide range of fields and institutions. The course provides students with an in-depth understanding of the creation, evaluation, collection, organisation, utilisation and dissemination of information in the contemporary world.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration WW Master: 1.5 years FT Master: 3 years PT Grad Cert: 1 years PT Distance education N/A

Graduate CertiFiCate in AudioVisuaL ArCHiVing

The Graduate Certificate in Audiovisual Archiving consists of four subjects developed jointly by The National Film and Sound Archive and CSU. It provides formal, university-level education for those working or aiming to work in the audiovisual archiving industry or related areas.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS code On campus WW 1 year PT Distance education N/A


CSU is a leader in flexible delivery and distance education. With most study materials provided online for distance education students, many of our courses can be studied from anywhere in the world. For more information, visit: www.csu.edu.au/distance-education

International students Distance education

About the course By providing audiovisual archivists with a distinctive professional identity and a distinctive ethical and philosophical base, this course makes available what is now recognised by the industry as a necessary requirement for improving professionalism in that industry. Audiovisual media have given rise to entirely new forms of expression through recording, communicating and entertaining. While sharing intellectual, physical and contextual characteristics with traditional media, they have distinctive physical formats and storage needs and can only be comprehended via appropriate technology. Their management must take into account traditional principles and methods of managing information resources, and new principles, methods and paradigms arising from the nature of the audiovisual media themselves. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ audiovisual_archiving_gc

On campus CRICOS code On campus

International students Distance education

About the course Graduates of the Master of Information Studies are highly skilled and adaptable information processing and knowledge professionals. Graduates will enter the workforce at the forefront of the evolving information professions. With this background, the range of opportunities open to them is broad, covering public and academic libraries; research, government and corporate information centres; and the cultural heritage sector. Depending on the specialisation studied, graduates may also be qualified to work as information professionals in areas such as libraries, records management, archives, information brokerage, knowledge management, information architecture or community information services. Following completion of nine core subjects, students can choose from four elective subjects to complete a specialisation. Workplace learning The course includes a professional study visit, comprising four days of visits to a range of information agencies, and a three-week professional work placement in an information processing agency. Professional recognition This degree is recognised by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) as a professional qualification, enabling graduates to work in the full range of library and information sectors. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ information_studies_master

Information and Library Studies

Another course that may be of interest Master of Education (Teacher Librarianship) 54 CHaRLEs STURT UNiVERsiTY YOUR NEXT STEP Enquire online: www.csu.edu.au/contacts/enquiry

Information Technology, Computing and Mathematics

Information Technology and Computing spans a huge range of human endeavour, and is a critical component across every organisation and almost every industry. Information technology (IT) and computing graduates will achieve a number of the worlds premium IT industry certifications. With a postgraduate qualification from CSU, you will be well placed to take a leading role in the development of IT and computing related aspects in your career. Mathematics graduates will have advanced analytical skills considered valuable in diverse industries. Secondary teachers who are looking to retrain as mathematics teachers to meet the increasing demand for qualified secondary mathematics teachers will also find CSU courses meet their needs.

Applied Statistics Information Systems Security Information Technology Management (Information Technology) Mathematics Mobile Applications Development Networking and Systems Administration Systems Development


INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIPS CSU values its strong relationships with industry, providing students with great opportunities to develop professional contacts and gain impressive experience in the workplace. Within the information technology (IT) and computing Master courses there is integrated vendor certification. These vendor certification options are world leaders and earn the courses an enviable reputation, as well as being highly sought after. They incorporate achievement of the worlds premium IT industry certifications from major IT organisations such as Cisco, ITIL, Microsoft, Novell and Oracle as an integral part of the Master course. CSU also has an Academic Alliance agreement with the EMC storage corporation.



Information Technology, Computing and Mathematics



Including: GRAduAtE CERtiFicAtE iN INFORmAtiON SYstEms SEcuRitY The Master of Information Systems Security provides professionals in the information technology (IT) industry with study in the design, implementation and management of secure computer networks and infrastructure.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus WW Master: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A


Including: GRAduAtE DipLOmA OF INFORmAtiON TEcHNOLOgY CSUs Information Technology program aims to provide advanced and flexible training for graduates with either IT or non-IT backgrounds.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus WW, SC-M, SC-S Master: 2-4 years PT Grad Dip: 1-2 years PT Distance education Master: 12 subject: 075298A (SC-M) 074616M (SC-S) 16 subject: 058832C (SC-M) 074615A (SC-S) Grad Dip: 067650A (SC-M) 074727D (SC-S)


Including: Graduate Diploma of Management (Information Technology) [exit point only] GRAduAtE CERtiFicAtE iN MANAgEmENt (INFORmAtiON TEcHNOLOgY) Preparation for the worlds premium Information Technology industry certifications from major IT vendors such as Cisco, Microsoft, Novell, Oracle, and the Project Management Institute (PMI) are included as an integral part of this course.
Enrolment information

Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus

Ba Master: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A

International students CRICOS Code

International students Distance education

International students Distance education

About the course These courses provide professionals in the IT industry with advanced courses of study that are current, relevant and integrate industry certification in this field. They incorporate significant components of industry training, including preparation for formal industry-stream certifications from the SANS Institute, GIAC, EC Council, (ISC), Cisco and Check Point. Upon completion, graduates will possess: an informed and reflexive perspective on IT security issues advanced skills in the design, implementation and management of secure computer networks skills in IT risk management issues skills in identifying and producing solutions to threats that endanger information system resources competence in determining common best practices to secure a computing enterprise problem-solving skills and methodologies when troubleshooting and documenting complex computing security problems the ability to analyse complex client business security requirements and select appropriate solutions skills in the development of leading edge security solutions that meet customer business objectives for functionality and performance. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ information_systems_security

About the course The aim of these courses is to prepare students to succeed in management positions that leverage computing technology to operate and expand business endeavours. These courses will provide educational opportunities to information professionals for the 21st Century, as the world moves from an economy of stand-alone companies to interdependent enterprises connected by the products of a global information infrastructure. The needs of existing IT managers, programmers, developers, network engineers, and other IT workers who aspire to move upward into technical management positions will be catered to, with the emphasis on exploiting information technologies for productivity and competitiveness. After completion of four specified subjects, students may elect to graduate with the Graduate Certificate in Management (Information Technology), or exit after completion of eight specified subjects with the Graduate Diploma of Management (Information Technology). Upon completion of this course, graduates will possess: an informed and reflexive perspective on management preparedness for certification from major IT vendors such as Cisco, Microsoft, Novell, Oracle, and the Project Management Institute (PMI) advanced skills in the development of computer systems or the design, implementation and management of networks higher order system administration knowledge and skills problem-solving skills and methodologies when troubleshooting and documenting complex computing problems. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ management_information_technology

On campus

Distance education

About the course For those without an undergraduate degree, entry to the Master of Information Technology (12 subjects) is through the Graduate Diploma of Information Technology. The Graduate Diploma articulates with the Master and full credit is awarded in the Master degree for successful completion of Graduate Diploma subjects. The Master of Information Technology (16 subjects) is designed for those with tertiary qualifications in another discipline or with little information technology background and who seek to gain a qualification to pursue an IT career. The course is also designed to meet the needs of practising information technology professionals, to enable them to further develop their level of expertise in particular and cutting edge areas of the profession. The Graduate Diploma provides students with detailed knowledge of the design, implementation, and management issues involved in the application of IT. Students without IT knowledge will be given a general coverage of the IT discipline before proceeding on to more advanced material. All students will be encouraged to undertake a specialisation, and a project is possible. Professional recognition The Master of Information Technology has been accredited by the Australian Computer Society as meeting the academic requirements for full professional membership. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ information_technology

Information Technology, Computing and Mathematics



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Information Technology, Computing and Mathematics

Including: GRAduAtE CERtiFicAtE iN NEtwORKiNg ANd SYstEms AdmiNistRAtiON Preparation for the worlds premium IT industry certifications from Cisco, Microsoft or Novell are included as an integral part of CSUs Master of Networking and Systems Administration.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus WW Master: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A


Including: GRAduAtE CERtiFicAtE iN SYstEms DEVELOpmENt Preparation for a range of Microsofts premium information technology (IT) industry certifications for systems developers is included as an integral part of CSUs Master of Systems Development.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration WW Master: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A


Including: GRAduAtE CERtiFicAtE iN MAtHEmAtics CSUs postgraduate Mathematics programs are intended to provide a mechanism for people with a non-mathematical background to upgrade their quantitative and problem-solving skills.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration WW Grad Dip: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A

On campus CRICOS Code On campus

International students Distance education

On campus CRICOS Code On campus

International students Distance education

International students Distance education

About the course The aim of these courses is to provide professionals in the IT industry with an advanced course of study in Networking and Systems Administration that is current, relevant and which prepares students for industry certification in these fields. Upon completion of the Master degree, graduates will possess: advanced skills in the design, implementation and management of networks higher order system administration knowledge and skills preparedness for industry certification from Microsoft, Cisco or Novell advanced skills in identifying network security risk profiles, defining network security policies and maintaining secure global networks problem-solving skills and methodologies when trouble-shooting and documenting global inter-networking problems the ability to analyse complex client business and technical requirements and select appropriate internetwork technologies and topologies skills in the development of solutions that meet customer business objectives for functionality, performance, and cost. Upon completion of the Graduate Certificate graduates should satisfy a subset of the objectives of the Master degree, depending on which subjects have been completed. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ networking_systems

About the course The aim of these courses is to provide professionals in the IT industry with an advanced course of study in Systems Development that is current, relevant and which prepares students for industry certification in this field. Upon completion of the Master degree, graduates will possess: advanced skills in the design, implementation and management of computer systems higher order systems development knowledge and skills a broad business knowledge base that includes areas such as project management, management and ethics advanced skills in identifying requirements and defining solution architectures problem-solving skills and methodologies when troubleshooting and documenting systems problems the ability to analyse complex client business and technical requirements and select appropriate solutions skills in the development and deployment of solutions that meet customer business objectives for functionality, performance, and cost. Upon completion of the Graduate Certificate, graduates should satisfy a subset of the objectives of the Master degree, depending on which subjects have been completed. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ systems_development

About the course These programs are designed for students who did not have mathematics as their major undergraduate study. The courses will supplement the knowledge and skills base of the graduate who has found their previous mathematical training is now limiting. They provide a flexible, tailored program of study to meet the varied needs of graduates in fields such as secondary education, technical, research and extension work. As these courses provide mathematical training for people who do not have a university background in mathematics, graduates in other disciplines who find they need to know and use mathematics to progress in their career will find the courses meet their needs. In addition, those graduates working in a technical area who find they need to broaden and deepen their understanding of mathematics to deal with the problems they meet in their work will benefit from these courses. These degrees also provide an opportunity for permanent secondary teachers in another discipline wishing to retrain as secondary mathematics teachers, or current secondary mathematics teachers who feel they need to upgrade their mathematics qualifications. Professional recognition A secondary teacher who has completed the teaching stream of this course will have met the minimum requirements of eligibility for accreditation to teach mathematics as a second discipline in a NSW secondary school. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ mathematics

Telephone: 1800 334 733



Information Technology, Computing and Mathematics

Information Technology, Computing and Mathematics

CSUs Graduate Certificate in Applied Statistics is designed to train scientists in modern techniques associated with their biometrical requirements.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus WW 1.5 years PT Distance education N/A


CSUs Graduate Certificate in Information Technology aims to provide flexible training in information technology for graduates with either IT or non-IT backgrounds.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration Ba 1 year PT Distance education N/A


CSUs Graduate Certificate in Mobile Applications Development is designed for developers who are interested in creating applications for the Android, Apple iOS or Windows Mobile development platforms.
Enrolment information

On campus CRICOS Code On campus

Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus

Ba 1 year PT Distance education N/A

International students Distance education

International students Distance education

International students Distance education

About the course The specific aim of the Graduate Certificate in Applied Statistics is to target the statistical requirements of scientists and technicians and to train these users in modern techniques that are now available on various software platforms. The course emphasis is on the specific and necessary skills required by a scientist / user to make best use of modern statistical techniques with the current software available, thus increasing the value-added input of statistics to research findings. Subjects are taught using a range of blended learning techniques which include distance study materials, video-captured lectures, online meetings, subject forums and additional study resources. The flexible learning environment allows students to study this course by distance education from anywhere in the world. Students are introduced to a statistical package in the core subject and this is used extensively in all subsequent subjects to solve more advanced problems. Residential schools Some subjects may have residential school requirements. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ applied_statistics

About the course The Graduate Certificate in Information Technology will allow students to develop skills and knowledge in an IT area appropriate to their professional needs, to upgrade their qualifications prior to further study in IT, or to prepare themselves for further study in IT. You will be able to choose subjects to suit your needs from across a wide range of information technology discipline areas. As with all our courses, the Graduate Certificate in Information Technology is designed and delivered with study flexibility in mind. You could choose to study just one subject in an academic session or with approval, fast-track degree completion by undertaking four subjects per session. The course will allow students to: develop skills and knowledge in an IT area appropriate to their professional needs upgrade their qualifications prior to further study in IT prepare themselves for further study in IT. Students can select subjects from the range of computing subjects available, to tailor a program of study to their individual interest. On completion of the Graduate Certificate in Information Technology, graduates may further their study by applying to enter the Graduate Diploma of Information Technology or Master of Information Technology. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ information_technology_gc

About the course: The Graduate Certificate in Mobile Applications Development instructs students on how to create their own software for the burgeoning mobile device market. Graduates of the course will be able to analyse and design applications for Android, Apple or Windows mobile devices. As with all our courses, the Graduate Certificate in Mobile Applications Development is designed and delivered with study flexibility in mind. You can choose between full-time and part-time study options to fit in with work and lifestyle commitments. You could choose to study just one subject in an academic session or, with approval, fast-track degree completion by completing four subjects per session. Graduates of this course will be able to: describe the workings of a fundamental mobile development architecture, platform framework and emulator set up an environment for the development of applications for mobile devices. The course will allow students to: analyse and design an application for mobile devices describe the implementation and use of abstract data types and classical data structures describe stages of the computer game design process. Many corporations are now exploring opportunities to integrate mobile devices into their workplace and realising these can add value to their workflows. Demand for employees with mobile application development skills and experience will grow in future, as more companies adopt mobile technologies. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ mobile_applications

Information Technology, Computing and Mathematics



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Medical Science
CSU is committed to the provision of quality health care in regional, rural and remote communities and has developed a range of programs to address the needs of regional Australia. A postgraduate degree in the medical sciences will provide you with skills in management, research, literature review, analysis and scientific / clinical communication, equipping you to work across a broad spectrum of careers in national and international settings. As a Medical Science graduate, you will benefit from new opportunities to take your career to senior levels with an expanded knowledge and advanced technical skills. Studying postgraduate Medical Science courses by distance education provides the opportunity to develop knowledge while remaining in the workforce, and study at your own pace in a supported environment.

Clinical Neurophysiology Dental Implantology Medical Science


STATE-OF-THE-ART FACILITIES Students completing the Graduate Diploma of Dental Implantology at CSU have the chance to learn in some of the most impressive facilities in the country. Students gain valuable practical experience through workplace learning during didactic and clinical sessions, completing several cases on their own patients. Impressive facilities on campus include state-of-the-art laboratories and a $65.1 million School of Dentistry and Health Sciences, with purpose-built facilities. Dental and Oral Health Clinics operate at Albury-Wodonga, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange and Wagga Wagga campuses.



Medical Science

Master oF MediCaL SCienCe WitH speCiaLisations

Including: Graduate Diploma of Medical Science [exit point only] Graduate Certificate in Medical Science [exit point only] Graduate Diploma of Medical Science (Pathology) [exit point only] Graduate Certificate in Medical Science (Pathology) [exit point only] CSUs Master of Medical Science with specialisations provides a pathway for advanced study in medical science including the opportunity to complete a small research project. The Pathology specialisation provides a means for managers and scientific staff in pathology services to expand their knowledge and understanding in areas of medical science and health services management.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus WW 3 years PT Distance education N/A

graduate DipLoma oF DentaL ImpLantoLogy

CSUs Graduate Diploma of Dental Implantology aims to produce graduates capable of including implant dentistry as an integral element of their practice.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Or 2 years PT Distance education N/A

Graduate CertiFiCate in CLiniCaL NeuropHysioLogy

CSUs Graduate Certificate in Clinical Neurophysiology aims to further develop the underpinning neurophysiological background of practising clinical neurophysiology technicians and develop academic skills in literature review, analysis and scientific / clinical communication.
Enrolment information

Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus

Or 1 year PT Distance education N/A

International students Distance education

International students Distance education

About the course The use of dental implants has revolutionised dentistry. Designed in consultation with the Australian Dental Association (ADA) NSW Centre for Professional Development, this course aims to develop graduates who are confident in incorporating dental implant supported prostheses into general dental practice. The course will teach students how to place and restore dental implants from single teeth to full arch cases. The course will cover the following aspects of dental implantology: history and development anatomical structures involved, including hard and soft tissues various radiographic techniques used in treatment planning limitations and the implications of various medical conditions. Students will be assessed through a series of assignments, the submission of four case presentations, and subject examinations. Workplace learning Integral to the course is its practical component. Focusing on the surgical and prosthetic aspects of implant dentistry, CSUs Graduate Diploma of Dental Implantology includes didactic and clinical sessions, with students completing several cases on their own patients under the guidance of mentors. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ dental_implantology

About the course CSUs Graduate Certificate in Clinical Neurophysiology is primarily designed to allow currently practising neurophysiology technicians to enhance their level of academic qualification. This course is offered by distance education to maximise access for students who will be working in clinical neurophysiology laboratories across Australia and New Zealand. Upon completion, graduates are able to: conduct clinical neurological assessment using recommended best practice explain the neuroanatomical and neurophysiological basis of clinical assessment describe the pattern of change in neurological assessment with disease process undertake research and effectively communicate the results. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ clinical_neurophysiology

International students

Medical Science

Distance education

About the course The Master of Medical Science is designed to meet the need for high-level education in medical science that does not focus exclusively on research. it also provides an opportunity for the development of skills in laboratory administration and management. The dissertation component enables the evolution of research skills culminating in the preparation of a publishable journal article. Available study areas for the dissertation include, but are not restricted to: endocrine physiology haematology histopathology and cytology medical and clinical biochemistry molecular pathology immunohaematology immunology medical aspects of molecular biology medical microbiology neuroscience oncology reproductive physiology Students may elect to exit the course following the completion of the first four subjects and graduate with the Graduate Certificate in Medical Science or elect to exit following the completion of the first eight subjects and graduate with the Graduate Diploma of Medical Science. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ pathology_master

Other courses that may be of interest Master of Medical Science Graduate Certificate in Clinical Education Enquire online: www.csu.edu.au/contacts/enquiry


Nurses and midwives form the largest group of health care professionals worldwide, with good job security. CSU is committed to regional, rural and remote students, as well as Indigenous nursing students, through our range of postgraduate courses. The University offers courses that allow you to specialise in your chosen area, whether you are interested in management, mental health nursing, nursing education, rural nursing, or wish to further advance your skills in midwifery. CSU holds affiliation agreements with a number of other education providers, and has a strong link with both Western NSW and Murrumbidgee Local Health Districts, as well as neighbouring Local Health Districts. CSU also has interstate and international affiliations for both nursing and midwifery students.

Midwifery Nursing


FLEXIBLE STUDY CSUs postgraduate Nursing degrees are delivered by distance education, allowing you flexibility to balance study and other lifestyle commitments. As a distance education student, you will have access to online forums and will be able to connect with staff and other students to ensure you have all the support you need while advancing your professional skills. The Master of Nursing with specialisations has been redesigned with industry needs in mind offering postgraduate students a greater choice of specialisations. Areas of study include chronic and complex nursing, clinical education, emergency nursing, leadership and management, mental health, palliative care, primary health care, and professional nursing studies.




The Master of Midwifery at CSU aims to prepare graduates for leadership roles in their profession. It also aims to prepare Registered Midwives (RMs) to develop innovative midwifery models of care and be confident and competent in their teaching of preregistered midwives.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS code On campus WW 1.5 years FT Distance education N/A

Master oF Nursing - witH speCiaLisations

Including: Graduate Diploma of Nursing (with specialisations) [exit point only] Graduate Certificate in Nursing (with specialisations) [exit point only] CSUs Master of Nursing offers registered nurses the opportunity to build on their undergraduate learning, extend their clinical focus and develop research skills.
Enrolment information

graduate DipLoma oF MidwiFery

CSUs Graduate Diploma of Midwifery combines theory and practice in a hands-on one-year distance education course aimed at allowing registered nurses in all midwifery settings (both rural and urban) to remain in their environment, while achieving their midwifery qualification.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus WW 1 year FT Distance education N/A

International students Distance education Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS code On campus WW 1.5 years FT Distance education N/A

International students CRICOS code On campus Distance education

About the course The aims of the course are to: equip RMs to work to their full scope of practice develop a RM workforce that will prevent the closure of maternity units in rural areas and reopen many that have closed offer RMs living in rural and remote areas the opportunity to study at Master level by distance education enhance the profile of midwifery. Students entering the course with an undergraduate midwifery degree (or equivalent) and an additional related qualification, such as a Bachelor of Nursing, receive 24 points credit. An additional maximum of eight points credit is available for students enrolling with extra qualifications / experience such as the Lactation Consultant Certification or experience as a midwifery facilitator for midwifery students. Students entering the course with CSUs Graduate Diploma of Midwifery (or equivalent) receive 64 points credit. This course is studied full-time (four subjects per session). CSUs Master of Midwifery articulates with the Graduate Diploma of Midwifery, allowing students the option of exiting the Master degree after successful completion of 64 points and graduating with the Graduate Diploma of Midwifery. Scholarships Information on scholarships is available from: Australian College of Midwives Royal College of Nursing Australia State Health Department State Nurses Association State Midwives Association

International students Distance education

About the course CSU has many years of experience in educating student midwives to the level required for registration as midwives with the Nurses and Midwives Board of NSW (NMB NSW). The CSU Graduate Diploma model is unique. It has been designed to allow registered nurses to work in a maternity unit for 12 months of clinical midwifery practice while studying the theoretical component through distance education. This course is studied full-time (four subjects per session). Workplace learning The course has substantial workplace learning with more than 50 maternity services in ACT, NSW, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria partnering CSU in midwifery education. Applicants must negotiate a position in an approved maternity service of their choice. This unit is required to be accredited by CSU as a partnership hospital for the purposes of midwifery education. Professional recognition Upon successful completion of the two components (midwifery practice and academic study), students are eligible to apply for registration as a midwife. Residential schools Students are required to attend two compulsory residential schools at CSU in Wagga Wagga. The first six-day residential school is held at the beginning of the course, while the second is held at the commencement of the second session. Registered midwives wishing to complete the degree will not need to complete any practical component or attend residential schools. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ midwifery

About the course Students may tailor their study to suit their particular areas of interest and experience by selecting from eight areas of specialisation: Chronic and Complex Nursing Clinical Education Emergency Nursing Leadership and Management Mental Health Palliative Care Primary Health Care Professional Nursing Studies The Master of Nursing has been designed to allow for flexibility. In the first year of study students undertake coursework in their specialised strand and then have three options to complete the Master of Nursing. They can: study four elective subjects study two elective subjects and a project related to their clinical specialisation formulate a viable research question and develop a research proposal that will lead to the design, conduct and reporting of original research under supervision, which will contribute to the knowledge base in their discipline (including dissertation). This course is studied full-time (four subjects per session). Students may exit the program with a Graduate Certificate after completing 32 points or a Graduate Diploma after completing 64 points. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ nursing_master


Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ midwifery_master



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Policing, Security and Emergency Management

Studies in Policing, Security and Emergency Management are designed to enhance the knowledge and professional capacities of people wishing to pursue a career related to the operation and administration of justice, social justice and emergency management. CSUs Australian Graduate School of Policing and Security (AGSPS) has a global reputation as a leading provider of postgraduate research and education for professionals in law enforcement, emergency management, and security. Our staff are leaders in their fields, combining significant professional experience with academic expertise. The Facultys teaching and research interests range across a broad spectrum of key global issues including international terrorism, intelligence analysis, transnational crime, fraud and financial crime, corruption, cyber-crime, and natural disaster emergency management.

Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing Corruption and Integrity Management Criminology Emergency Management Fire Investigation Fraud and Financial Crime Intelligence Analysis Investigations Management Leadership and Management (Policing) Policing and Security Terrorism, Safety and Security


PROTECTING NSW Everyone wanting to become a police officer in the NSW Police is required to study at CSU. In partnership with NSW Police, CSU trains aspiring police officers at the NSW Police College at Goulburn. CSU has a strong relationship with the NSW Police Force and has trained thousands of police officers who now work in Local Area Commands across the state. CSU provides a range of degrees for police officers who want to upgrade their knowledge or specialise in their career through the Australian Graduate School of Policing and Security (AGSPS). AGSPS is globally recognised as a leading provider of postgraduate research and education for professionals in counterterrorism and safety, emergency management, investigations, law enforcement, leadership and security.



Policing, Security and Emergency Management


DoCtor oF PoLiCing and SeCurity

CSUs Doctor of Policing and Security is a coursework doctorate designed for law enforcement and other government security and emergency personnel. It provides the opportunity for personal development and the in-depth exploratory study of a professional area of practice.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Man 6 years PT Distance education 070678G

Master oF Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist FinanCing

Including: GRaDuate DipLoma of ANti-MoNeY LauNDeRiNg aND CouNteR TeRRoRist FiNaNciNg GRaDuate CeRtificate iN ANti-MoNeY LauNDeRiNg aND CouNteR TeRRoRist FiNaNciNg The Master of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing is the only course of its kind offered at an Australian university. The course was developed with extensive industry consultation in the law enforcement, intelligence, regulatory, banking and finance sectors.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration Man Master: 3 years PT Grad Dip: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A

Master oF Arts (InteLLigenCe anaLysis)

Including: GRaDuate DipLoma of iNteLLigeNce aNaLYsis GRaDuate CeRtificate iN iNteLLigeNce aNaLYsis CSUs Intelligence Analysis program is intended to provide intelligence professionals, whether they are in law enforcement, national security, public or private sectors, with the opportunity to undertake studies at postgraduate level in the area of intelligence.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration Man Master: 3 years PT Grad Dip: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A

International students

Distance education

About the course The course provides practitioners the opportunity to develop research in their own area of expertise and experience, which will also add to the body of knowledge in the area of law enforcement and security. Upon successful completion of this course, graduates will be able to: demonstrate an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of a wide range of research methods develop and write a research proposal, ethics approval application, and literature review demonstrate an understanding of, and analyse, a range of current and emerging issues in policing and security analyse and evaluate a range of Australian and international case studies in policing and security demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the utility of a range of theoretical and practical approaches to best practice in policing and security analyse differences and similarities that exist in best practice within law enforcement and other government security and emergency roles analyse a range of approaches for implementing change to achieve best practice in policing and security demonstrate an understanding of the research and preparation of a research dissertation including a review of relevant literature, thorough research and advanced analysis conduct research and reflect on policing problems. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ policing_security

On campus CRICOS Code

International students

On campus CRICOS Code On campus

On campus

Distance education

International students Distance education

About the course These courses are designed particularly to meet the growing needs of the public and private sectors that increasingly require effective intelligence analysis to support decision-making in a rapidly changing security environment. The subjects cover a range of areas relevant to promoting sound industry relevant practice in the intelligence officer. Specific areas include but are not limited to an understanding of criminology and criminal justice, strategic, operational and tactical intelligence theory and practice, crime analysis, critical thinking, analytical tools and tradecraft, contemporary professional debates, advanced research skills, imagery and geo-spatial intelligence, risk management and national security issues. Students will generally have a vocational background or qualifications in the intelligence field or research-based disciplines aligned to law enforcement, national security and other intelligence practice areas, however, those who hold an undergraduate degree or other relevant qualifications from other disciplines are also encouraged to apply. These courses will provide specialised education in the area of intelligence, building on existing skills and increasing the professionalism of officers engaged in this field. CSU also recognises academic achievement and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) of some industry-run courses. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ intelligence_analysis

About the course CSUs Master of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing provides students working in the field with the opportunity to conduct research and contribute to knowledge and practice in their discipline. CSUs Australian Graduate School of Policing and Security is ideally positioned to provide education in the anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing field, due to its extensive level of industry collaboration and engagement and the academic and professional profile of teaching staff. Depending on your existing qualifications and career aspirations, you can choose to complete a Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma or Master degree. Students who have successfully completed the Association of Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS) certification examination will be awarded 8 points credit (equivalent to one standard CSU subject). Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ counter_terrorist_financing

Policing, Security and Emergency Management



Enquire online: www.csu.edu.au/contacts/enquiry

Policing, Security and Emergency Management

Master oF Arts (InVestigations Management)
Including: GRaDuate DipLoma of INVestigatioNs MaNagemeNt Graduate Certificate in Investigations Management [exit point only] CSUs Investigations Management program is designed to meet the educational needs and enhance the skills of experienced investigators, and to help prepare investigators for management roles.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Man Master: 3 years PT Grad Dip: 2 years PT Distance education N/A

Master oF Arts (Terrorism, SaFety and SeCurity)

Including: GRaDuate DipLoma of TeRRoRism, SafetY aND SecuRitY GRaDuate CeRtificate iN TeRRoRism, SafetY aND SecuRitY CSUs Terrorism, Safety and Security program aims to develop and increase the knowledge base of practitioners in the fields of counterterrorism, safety and security.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration Man Master: 3 years PT Grad Dip: 2 years PT Grad Cert:1 year PT Distance education N/A

Master oF EmergenCy Management

Including: Graduate Diploma of Emergency Management [exit point only] Graduate Certificate in Emergency Management [exit point only] CSUs Emergency Management program is designed to respond to all sectors of industry, commerce and government that have an interest in asset management and asset protection, through furthering educational opportunities for those working in the disciplinary field of risk management.
Enrolment information Campus Man 3 years PT Distance education N/A

On campus CRICOS Code On campus

Course duration On campus

International students Distance education

International students Distance education

International students CRICOS Code On campus Distance education

About the course These courses are designed to provide university recognition for industry training and university accredited programs that are industry relevant and designed in collaboration with the industry. An important aim of the Master is the creation of portable qualifications for the industry. This allows investigators with skills in a particular aspect of their industry to gain a nationally recognised qualification relevant to the whole industry. Applicants must be currently employed in an investigation management role (either police or private sector) and have one of the following: an undergraduate degree in a relevant field more than five years experience as a police designated detective with associated in-service training more than five years of non-police investigative experience and associated training. The Graduate Diploma of Investigations Management fully articulates with the Master of Arts (Investigations Management). Students who enrol in the Graduate Diploma or Master may elect to exit after one year of study with the Graduate Certificate in Investigations Management. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ investigations_management

About the course The primary aim of the Master of Arts (Terrorism, Safety and Security) is to produce graduates capable of successfully completing research or coursework that will enable them to contribute to knowledge in the fields of counterterrorism, safety and security. Graduates should be capable of performing a range of research, policing and planning roles within their respective professional domains. The Graduate Diploma of Terrorism, Safety and Security allows students to deepen their understanding of the specific social and political effects of terrorist activity and counterterrorism measures. In particular, the course will enable students to critique their own professional practice in light of the impact that terrorism and counterterrorism have on key societal and political institutions and values. The Graduate Certificate in Terrorism, Safety and Security seeks to improve professional standards by deepening students understanding of the history and motivators of terrorism, and thereby developing their ability to critique current, and anticipate future, terrorist threats and possible counterterrorist measures. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ terrorism_safety_security

About the course Emergency management has become recognised as a distinct field of study that is required for progression to senior and executive levels of management in statutory emergency services, community and health services and local government. Students undertake a study of recent advances influencing emergency and risk management through a comprehensive literature search and analysis. Students develop their independent study proposals under the guidance of a supervisor and their findings are presented in the form of a training or education report. Various credit arrangements exist for previously completed postgraduate subjects. Applicants are advised to discuss any potential credit applications with the Course Coordinator. Applicants who wish to be considered for admission to the course are required to meet the following criteria: the successful completion of an undergraduate degree, preferably but not restricted to emergency management, risk management or an allied field at least five years experience in an emergency risk management related industry or field evidence of continuing professional education and development evidence of project management of emergency management issues within their organisation / community preferably have current roles and responsibilities related to emergency risk management within their industry, organisation or enterprise area. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ emergency_management

Telephone: 1800 334 733



Policing, Security and Emergency Management

Policing, Security and Emergency Management


Master OF Fire InVestigation

Including: GRaDuate DipLoma of FiRe INVestigatioN GRaDuate CeRtificate iN FiRe INVestigatioN CSUs Fire Investigation courses aim to develop and increase the knowledge and professionalism of fire investigation practitioners and related professions. The focus is on investigative practice through the industry standard NFPA 1033 Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator with specific reference to NFPA 921 Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigation.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration Man Master: 3 years PT Grad Dip: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A

Master oF Fraud and FinanCiaL Crime

Including: GRaDuate DipLoma of FRauD aND FiNaNciaL cRime GRaDuate CeRtificate iN FRauD aND FiNaNciaL cRime CSUs Fraud and Financial Crime program is a series of courses aiming to meet the educational needs of those with responsibility for fraud investigation and prevention in the police, public and corporate sectors.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration Man Master: 3 years PT Grad Dip: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A

Master oF LeadersHip and Management (PoLiCing)

Including: GRaDuate DipLoma of LeaDeRsHip aND MaNagemeNt (PoLiciNg) GRaDuate CeRtificate iN LeaDeRsHip aND MaNagemeNt (PoLiciNg) CSUs Leadership and Management (Policing) program further develops students high-level professional practice by analysing the challenges of contemporary executive leadership, and equipping graduates with the skills to meet them.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration Man Master: 3 years PT Grad Dip: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A

On campus CRICOS Code On campus

International students

On campus CRICOS Code On campus

On campus CRICOS Code On campus

International students Distance education

International students Distance education

Distance education

About the course These courses have been developed in consultation with law enforcement and financial regulators, with significant input from the finance and banking industry. Students will study investigative processes, fraud prevention and investigation, forensic accounting, risk management, operational intelligence, ethics and asset tracing, depending on the program they undertake. A degree in a relevant field or its equivalent in professional experience and qualifications are necessary for admission to the course. Examples of equivalence include: police service detective training and more than three years investigative experience more than three years investigative experience and associated industry training in a non-police investigator role. The Graduate Certificate in Fraud and Financial Crime fully articulates with the Graduate Diploma of Fraud and Financial Crime, which fully articulates with the Master of Fraud and Financial Crime. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ fraud_investigation

About the course The Master of Leadership and Management (Policing) examines national and international policing and related regulatory professions in the context of their theoretical, conceptual and empirical foundations. The Graduate Diploma of Leadership and Management (Policing) enhances practitioners leadership and management skills and knowledge by encouraging reflection on the changing policing and regulatory professional environment through a focus on corporate governance, organisational change and policy and practice issues. The Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Management (Policing) provides a pragmatic and comprehensive understanding of the practical challenges of leadership and management in complex contemporary policing and regulatory professional environments. These courses make up an articulated set of courses and credit is given in each higher level course for the subjects completed in the lower level course. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ management_policing

About the course Initially course participants are exposed to current investigative best practice, the physics of fire behaviour and theories of deviance associated with fire setting. Later studies include gaining specialist knowledge in areas such as ship / marine fires, vehicular fires, electrical incidents and the specialised dynamics and investigative practice involved with explosion investigation. The assessment process encourages students in the application of theory to practice and wherever possible mirrors reality in relation to report writing and assessing evidence. Applicants should hold an appropriate undergraduate degree or qualification from a recognised tertiary institution and/or have industry experience in an appropriate investigative or firefighting field, or be able to clearly demonstrate the requirement for a fire investigation qualification. Credit is available for experience or previous study in areas relating to fire investigation. Applicants are welcome to discuss potential credit arrangements with the Course Coordinator. Given the sensitive nature of material contained in this course, admission is limited to those who have a demonstrated vocational need to undertake the program. This may include such occupations as loss assessors, insurance investigators, park rangers, firefighters and police officers, as well as current or aspiring fire investigators. The Graduate Certificate in Fire Investigation fully articulates with the Graduate Diploma of Fire Investigation, which fully articulates with the Master of Fire Investigation. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ fire_investigation

Policing, Security and Emergency Management


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Policing, Security and Emergency Management


Graduate CertiFiCate in Corruption and Integrity Management

The Graduate Certificate in Corruption and Integrity Management is designed to meet the educational needs of people seeking a greater understanding of the importance of anti-corruption and corruption oversight strategies within public and private sector organisations.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Man 1 year PT Distance education N/A

Graduate CertiFiCate in CriminoLogy

CSUs Graduate Certificate in Criminology is intended for those interested in the study of crime in contemporary Australian society.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Ba 1 year PT Distance education N/A

DID YOU KNOW? CSU is a leader in flexible delivery and distance education. With most study materials provided online for distance education students, many of our courses can be studied from anywhere in the world. Visit: www.csu.edu.au/distance-education to find out more.

International students Distance education

About the course The course examines the criminal justice system as an institution and seeks to develop sophisticated consumers of criminological data and theory. Topics addressed by this course include: why certain acts are proscribed under law why the law interferes in voluntary activities like drug taking how much crime is reported and what the real role of police is in combating crime the importance or otherwise of police response time the role of a prison and its effectiveness whether the media contributes to crime what crime statistics tell us what policing is all about the effect of policing on the police and their families. Applicants should hold: an undergraduate degree or equivalent in a non-related field, from a recognised tertiary institution relevant industry experience deemed suitable by the Course Coordinator. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ criminology_gc

International students Distance education

About the course This course is designed to professionalise the integrity sector by providing students with specialised knowledge of integrity systems and the environment in which they operate, including a theoretical and practical foundation that instills in graduates best practice approaches to corruption prevention. This course is suitable for those with careers in law enforcement, police service internal affairs, domestic and international integrity assurance and anti-corruption agencies, and any organisation or agency that has an integrity or anti-corruption unit. The program has been designed to fill the gap between ethics and police / legal studies and students will complete three subjects, including an elective. The three subjects will be completed over two sessions, providing specialised knowledge of corruption prevention systems and the environment in which they operate. The program will be delivered through distance education utilising e-learning support, including online tuition, feedback, forums, assignment submission and access to resources. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ integrity_management

Telephone: 1800 334 733



Policing, Security and Emergency Management

At CSU, we are proud of the relevance of our psychology courses, the breadth of experience in our psychology staff and the intellectual development of our students. CSUs postgraduate courses offer a range of options for those who wish to upgrade their qualifications by building on existing skills and knowledge in psychology including clinical psychology, school counselling, business and human resource management, and marketing. Postgraduate study in psychology will give you a competitive advantage in your field and open up opportunities for senior roles in the workforce. Graduates learn to advance their knowlege of ethical issues in their chosen area of specialisation.



ACCESS TO RESOURCES A range of resources and tools are available from the Psychology Resource Office, located at Bathurst Campus. Psychology students can contact the Resource Office to access and borrow psychological tests, such as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales (WAIS), the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), and the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS), among many others. Students also have access to CSU psychology student dissertations and education materials like reference books, journals, videos and DVDs through the Resource Office. This facility ensures students have access to everything they need to succeed at their studies and prepare for a rewarding career.



Master oF PsyCHoLogy
CSUs Master of Psychology provides four-year trained psychologists with the opportunity to upgrade their qualifications, knowledge and skills.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Ba 4 years PT Distance education N/A

Postgraduate DipLoma oF PsyCHoLogy

CSUs Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology is designed to provide fourth-year training in psychology and an avenue to professional registration.
Enrolment information Campus Ba 2 years PT Distance education N/A

Graduate DipLoma oF PsyCHoLogy

CSUs Graduate Diploma of Psychology is designed for graduates in fields other than psychology who wish to obtain the equivalent of an accredited undergraduate psychology major.
Enrolment information Campus Ba 2 years PT Distance education N/A Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus

Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus

International students Distance education

International students Distance education

International students Distance education

About the course The course provides specialist training in clinical psychology, with a specific focus on the needs of rural and remote communities. In addition, it aims to instill an awareness of the importance of research in the development of professional psychology, and develop skills to undertake this research. The Master of Psychology aims to meet two needs: the provision of better psychological services in rural Australia provide training for psychologists who wish to study part-time or by distance education. The course involves coursework, a dissertation reporting the results of an empirical research project and four professional placements. It is structured to be completed part-time over four years, but may be completed in a shorter time-frame if students are able to study full-time. Applicants must possess: personal suitability to undertake professional practice as a psychologist a four-year APAC-accredited qualification in psychology at Honours 2A level or better (or an equivalent qualification) registration as a psychologist. Workplace learning Students will complete four professional placements in a range of settings during this course, with a total of 250 hours duration in each of the four years of enrolment. Professional recognition The course is accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC). Residential schools Students must attend compulsory residential schools in each session (approximately three to five days each). Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ psychology_master

About the course This course will suit individuals who will commence professional work as intern psychologists after receiving their fourth-year qualification. In addition to its focus on education in core theoretical areas (e.g. psychological assessment, ethics and professional issues, and treatment and intervention approaches) and research competencies, the course offers training in the foundations of counselling theory and practice as well as elective units of study in several common areas of psychological practice (health, forensic and industrial / organisational psychology). Applicants must have: a degree with a major in psychology accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) completed within the last 10 years completed PSY301 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology, or its equivalent grades of Credit average or better in Level 2 and 3 Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) accredited psychology subjects. Professional recognition Graduates will be able to apply for provisional registration as a psychologist in NSW and most other Australian states and territories and work as a psychologist under supervision. Residential schools Distance education students must attend compulsory residential schools in each session (approximately three to five days per school), which may be held on the Bathurst and/or Wagga Wagga campuses. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ psychology_postgraduate

About the course This course gives students the opportunity to obtain the equivalent of an accredited undergraduate psychology major over two or three years of part-time study by distance education. The Graduate Diploma of Psychology is not a fourth year in Psychology and does not enable registration as a psychologist. This course meets the needs of geographically isolated students, as well as those in full-time employment seeking a career change while remaining in their present occupation. The course specifically enables school teachers seeking the necessary psychology major to enrol in the Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology in order to train as school counsellors. It also enables students with an outdated psychology major to update their qualifications. Applicants must hold an appropriate undergraduate degree from a recognised tertiary institution and must have completed subjects PSY101 and PSY102 or their equivalents. These subjects are available through Single Subject Study at CSU. Pathways Graduates who successfully complete the Graduate Diploma are eligible to apply for postgraduate courses offering a fourth year in psychology. Two courses on offer at CSU are the Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology and the Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) (Honours), both of which are accredited as fourth-year psychology courses by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC). Residential schools There are compulsory residential schools for some subjects. Residential schools are normally held on Bathurst Campus, although some may be held on Wagga Wagga Campus. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ psychology_gd

Telephone: 1800 334 733




Through its Science courses, CSU demonstrates commitment to the practical application of science to solve problems and make new discoveries in industry, the environment and commerce. We produce graduates with expertise in their chosen field, who are prepared to contribute to research and scientific endeavours all around the globe. Science graduates possess a unique blend of generic and advanced discipline-related skills that give them the ability to tackle problems with initiative and resourcefulness, to plan and execute projects and to work alone or as part of a team. CSUs postgraduate study in Science will allow you to develop your capacity for independent research and enhance your problem analysis and solution skills. We are seeing a focus on scientific research, largely due to societal and environmental pressures, meaning that the need for skilful and innovative employees is greater than ever before.

Applied Science


FLEXIBLE STUDY Postgraduate Science study by distance education gives you flexibility to ensure a balance for your work, study and lifestyle commitments. As a distance education student, you will have access to academic support, a variety of learning materials, library and other teaching facilities, online forums and contact with lecturers and other university staff. CSUs Master of Applied Science allows flexibility, giving students the freedom to choose the order in which they undertake subjects, depending on the availability of subjects and the meeting of prerequisites, particularly in the students chosen area of study.



Master oF AppLied SCienCe
Including: GRADuAtE DiPLOMA OF APPLiED SciENcE GRADuAtE CERtiFicAtE iN APPLiED SciENcE CSUs Applied Science program is an articulated sequence of courses providing students with the flexibility to select subjects from the vast range available to tailor course content that matches their individual needs and aspirations in the fields of science and agriculture.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration AW Master: 4 years PT Grad Dip: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A

DID YOU KNOW? As a distance education student, you can request books, multimedia or articles via the Librarys catalogue, and have them mailed, or scanned and emailed to you. Students living in Australia will even receive a reply paid label to send items back to the library at no charge. For more information about what CSUs libraries can offer you, visit: www.csu.edu.au/division/library

DID YOU KNOW? Many of CSUs distance education students fit study around their family or work commitments. For some ideas about how you could fit study into your life, see our sample timetables on page 14.

On campus CRICOS Code On campus

International students Distance education

About the course This suite of courses allows you to plan your own program of study. The range and breadth of subjects means you have the ability to choose subjects that are suited to advancing your career. Students of these courses develop a capacity for independent research and problem analysis and solution through formal coursework and a program of independent reading. Research, analytical and problem-solving skills will be developed through analysis and review of research literature and the completion of a research project in the students dissertation. Under the guidance of the Course Director, these courses offer graduates the opportunity to develop their own content in their chosen field of study, relevant to their career and personal goals. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ applied_science

Another course that may be of interest Master of GIS and Remote Sensing

Telephone: 1800 334 733




Teaching and Education

Teaching is the largest single profession in Australia, and provides rewarding opportunities to play an influential role in the lives of students of all ages. Postgraduate study in education will continue to build learning and teaching practice, producing better educators with greater depth of knowledge through the exploration of new methods of enhancing curriculum teaching. Educators are valuable assets to the school and institutions that employ them, and also to their wider communities. New roles in collaborative teaching, using information technology to teach, remote area programs, and a variety of administrative, management and planning roles within increasingly self-managing schools are some ways in which teachers can maximise the positive effect they can have on their students, work environments and colleagues.

Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Adult and Vocational Education Child and Family Services Classroom Technology Education Educational Research Education (Teacher Librarianship) Inclusive Education Indigenous Education Information and Communication Technology in Education International Education (School Leadership) Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Literacy Literacy and Numeracy (Early Years) Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages [TESOL]


INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE The Master of International Education (School Leadership) has been designed by academics and practitioners in Canada and Australia. Delivered fully online by lecturers from both countries, and with students enrolled from around the globe, this course is truly an international collaboration. As a graduate of this course you will be able to bring a global perspective to teaching, learning and leading your educational organisation. You will be more capable to strengthen learning outcomes in your current professional setting and more confident to explore other contexts within which to practice. The course is recognised by many international credentialing agencies, making your learning meaningful, relevant, and beneficial.



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Teaching and Education

Master oF EduCation WitH speCiaLisations
Including: Graduate Certificate in Education [exit point only] CSUs flexible Master of Education provides a coursework program for professionals associated with the practice of education and who wish to advance their skills, knowledge and qualifications.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus WW 2 years PT Distance education N/A

Master oF EduCation (teaCHer LiBrariansHip)

CSUs Master of Education (Teacher Librarianship) is targeted to meet the needs of teachers who wish to become teacher librarians, and practising teacher librarians without a full specialist qualification in teacher librarianship.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code WW 2 years PT Distance education N/A

Master oF InCLusiVe EduCation

CSUs Master of Inclusive Education has been designed to graduate highly skilled inclusive educators capable of acting as agents of change in the context in which they work. The course is designed for graduates with qualifications in human development services including teaching, speech pathology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, psychology and nursing.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Ba 2 years PT Distance education N/A

International students On campus Distance education

International students Distance education

About the course The changing nature of schools and education has brought a growing demand for a wide range of information resources, and for guidance and support in the effective use of those resources. Teacher librarians provide efficient access to information resources and services, playing a vital role in facilitating the management and use of information within teaching and learning, leading in the development of information literacy, and effectively managing people and resources. With a respected history of academic excellence, the teacher librarianship team at CSU is committed to the development of teacher librarians as: dynamic leaders, committed to enriching teaching and learning across the school successful collaborators, working with teachers to incorporate information literacy, literature and technologies into the curriculum skilful practitioners, providing information services to support programs within schools information specialists, developing and implementing resource and enquiry based processes and strategies to improve student learning. Students may be eligible for student income support through the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE). Professional recognition Graduates are eligible for admission as Associates of the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). Workplace learning The development of practical skills is a vital part of the course and includes a professional study visit, comprising four days of visits to a range of information agencies, and a two-week professional placement. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ teacher_librarianship_education

International students Distance education

About the course The Master of Inclusive Education rests on a conceptual framework whereby change agency is at the very core of the theory, pedagogy and content applied within the course. The Master aims to build professional capacity in graduates that scales up, going beyond their own base of experience, classroom space and students to influence the communities of practice within the schools in which they work. Subjects within the course are designed to build personal capacity, collaborative problem solving skills and an understanding of the systems and context in which individuals are situated. Students will develop the core knowledge and skills required to teach, consult, collaborate, advocate and evaluate in an inclusive service delivery model. The course has been designed to cover international and Australian theory as well as best practice in the field of inclusion. Three pathways (teaching, leadership and project) are offered to students enrolled in the course. These pathways are chosen in the second year of study and enable students to develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary for change agency in their current or future work setting. All CSU qualifications in the area of special education bear nomenclature related to inclusion. This reflects contemporary practice in the field and positions graduates at the forefront of current thinking while retaining a broad-based focus on the traditional scope of preparation in special education. Workplace learning The development of practical skills is a vital part of the course. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ inclusive_education_master

About the course The Master of Education is designed to: encourage and permit critical appraisal of policy, theory and practice in the education professions improve the educators professional competence and enhance the capacity for personal development provide the basis for leadership in the educators chosen educational venture increase awareness of the importance of educational research permit highly qualified graduates to proceed to higher degrees by research. This degree has specialisations in: Contemporary Literacies Educational Leadership Educational Research Information Technology The course has many key features and is aimed at practising educators wishing to achieve promotion, travel the world or change their career direction. Subjects allow students to focus on a range of educational contexts appropriate to their areas of interest and expertise. Commonwealth government supported places are available. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ education

Telephone: 1800 334 733



Teaching and Education

Teaching and Education

Master oF inFormation and CommuniCation TeCHnoLogy in eduCation
Including: GradUate Certificate in InforMation and CoMMUnication TecHnoLogY in EdUcation CSUs Master of Information and Communication Technology in Education aims to provide teachers with a broad range of information and communication technology skills and pedagogical knowledge, allowing them to integrate technology into teaching, implement professional development models, and provide leadership in technology integration within their learning context.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus AW Master: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A

Master oF InternationaL EduCation (SCHooL LeadersHip)

Available online to educators from around the world, the Master of International Education (School Leadership) blends theory, practice and international perspectives, providing graduates with the capacity to apply global perspectives to local educational leadership issues.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Ont, WW 3-5 years PT Distance education N/A


Including: GradUate Certificate in TESOL [TeacHing EngLisH to SpeaKers of OtHer LangUages] CSUs Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) produces graduates capable of critically appraising TESOL research, theory, policy and practice, and teaching and mentoring TESOL colleagues in an informed and proactive way.
Enrolment information

International students Distance education

Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus

Ba Master: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A

About the course The Master of International Education (School Leadership) provides:

International students Distance education

International students Distance education

About the course A unique aspect of the course is an industry partnership allowing the inclusion of subjects focusing on the applications of the Adobe digital publishing suite and the Microsoft Office suite in the classroom. Upon completion graduates will be able to: demonstrate a comprehensive theoretical and conceptual background and associated skills in the area of information technology demonstrate sufficient skills to explore new ideas, strategies and specific tools for integrating ICT into the curriculum effectively use a range of software to assess, diagnose and support learning develop and apply information technology based interventions designed to meet the needs of students in the classroom compare and contrast alternative approaches to the use of ICT in the classroom critically evaluate the potential educational applications of a range of software tools available to teachers in a school context. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ ict_education

a distinctive postgraduate qualification, developed through consultation with practising principals, that meets the professional needs of contemporary school leaders an international perspective throughout the program that supports candidates to understand and respond to local policy and practice through a broader global perspective candidates with a set of theoretical, intellectual and methodological tools that allows them to base their professional practice and growth on well-founded reading, critical enquiry and research opportunities for candidates, particularly through assessment practices, to apply research in school leadership within the context of their work environment course materials and tasks that are theoretically and intellectually challenging, but are grounded in practice and relevance the highest levels of social and ethical responsibility permeating all subjects and areas of enquiry. Graduates of CSUs Master of International Education (School Leadership) have the opportunity to: develop a global perspective gain an internationally recognised degree change career direction improve student outcomes at their school.

About the course CSUs Master of TESOL and Graduate Certificate in TESOL aim to: provide strong orientation to the key concepts and practices in the field of TESOL encourage reflective and critical appraisal of TESOL theory, policy and practice improve professional competence and disciplinary knowledge provide the basis for developing leadership in the TESOL field increase awareness of the importance of TESOL research and research methods and their application permit highly qualified graduates to proceed to higher degrees by research. Upon completing the Master degree, graduates will be able to: teach and mentor TESOL colleagues in an informed and proactive way direct and manage their own professional development exercise leadership at an appropriate level in TESOL settings use the findings of TESOL research to inform practice engage in classroom-based TESOL research assist in the transformation of TESOL practice and policy to meet the changing needs of society. The Graduate Certificate articulates with the Master degree and all subjects completed in the lower award are credited in the higher award. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ tesol_master

Teaching and Education

Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ international_education_leadership



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Teaching and Education


Graduate DipLoma oF aduLt and VoCationaL EduCation

Including: Graduate Certificate in Adult and Vocational Education [exit point only] Adult and Vocational Education courses at CSU offer a dedicated focus on delivery of adult and vocational education in industry, TAFE institutes, adult and community education providers and private providers.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus WW 1-2 years PT Distance education N/A

Graduate DipLoma oF aduLt Language, LiteraCy and numeraCy

Including: Graduate Certificate in Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy [exit point only] The Graduate Diploma of Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy at CSU offers a dedicated focus on delivery of language, literacy and numeracy teaching and support in adult education in TAFE institutes, adult and community education providers, industry settings and private providers.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus WW 1-2 years PT Distance education N/A

Graduate DipLoma oF InCLusiVe EduCation

CSUs Graduate Diploma of Inclusive Education is designed for teachers who have a desire to develop expertise in the inclusive education field.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Ba 2 years PT Distance education N/A

International students Distance education

About the course The course provides teachers with basic training in inclusive education and the opportunity to increase their status in the teaching profession, increase eligibility for promotion and gain recognition as a teacher with inclusive education professional qualifications. Candidates may choose to apply to enrol in the Master of Inclusive Education after having completed the first four subjects at Credit average or higher.

International students Distance education

About the course This course aims to meet the professional needs of students with vocational qualifications to teach in their discipline area in an adult learning environment. The Adult and Vocational Education courses have been developed in consultation with major stakeholders to ensure their vocational relevance, and informed by recent field research. This course provides students with the opportunity for 100% credit into the TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment through the Universitys Registered Training Organisation, CSU Training. CSUs Adult and Vocational education courses are available solely by distance education with extensive online support. They are staffed exclusively by highly experienced adult and vocational education and training academics, practitioners, researchers and consultants. Adult and Vocational Education courses are studied by a diverse range of students in a variety of locations. All students have one thing in common; the desire for a program that provides material that will help them in their current workplace, or a future position, and will equip them with the expertise they require to be effective practitioners in a changing field. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ vocational_education

International students Distance education

About the course This course provides students with skills to teach in a range of discrete and integrated adult language, literacy and numeracy programs within the adult and vocational education sector including TAFE, other Registered Training Organisations, community colleges and industry. CSUs adult language, literacy and numeracy course is available solely by distance education with extensive online support. The course is staffed by highly experienced adult and vocational education and training academics, practitioners, researchers and consultants. Adult language, literacy and numeracy courses are studied by a diverse range of students in a variety of locations. All students have one thing in common; the desire for a program that provides material that will help them in their current workplace, or a future position, and will equip them with the expertise they require to be effective adult language, literacy and numeracy teachers. CSUs courses are popular due to the flexibility associated with distance education and the level of support CSU provides for this kind of learning. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ adult_language_literacy

Workplace learning The development of practical skills is a vital component of this course. Students already employed in some capacity in the field may complete the practicum requirements within their current teaching role if there are children requiring special education in the class. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ inclusive_education_gd

Telephone: 1800 334 733



Teaching and Education

All CSU qualifications in the area of special education bear nomenclature related to inclusion. This reflects contemporary practice in the field and positions graduates at the forefront of current thinking while retaining a broad-based focus on the traditional scope of preparation in special education.

Teaching and Education

Graduate CertiFiCate in CHiLd and FamiLy serViCes
CSUs Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Services is designed to offer candidates enrolled in undergraduate teacher education, nursing, social work or social science programs the opportunity to undertake a course of study with a focus on Child and Family Services.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Ba 1 year PT Distance education N/A Enrolment information

Graduate CertiFiCate in CLASSROOM teCHnoLogy

CSUs Graduate Certificate in Classroom Technology offers students the opportunity to study classroom technology in great detail. It aims to extend the teaching abilities of students, create opportunities for critical reflection on practice, and enhance the employment prospects of participants through an innovative use of workplace learning.

Graduate CertiFiCate in EduCationaL ResearCH

This course provides an introduction to educational research. It consists of an overview of common educational research methods, followed by a more in-depth focus on qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.
Enrolment information Campus Ba 1 year PT Distance education N/A Course duration On campus

Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus

WW 1 year PT Distance education N/A

International students Distance education

International students

CRICOS Code On campus

International students Distance education

Distance education

About the course This course offers existing teachers, particularly early-career teachers and those working in the birth to five sector and the early years of school, the opportunity to undertake further study to build their professional knowledge in the area of Child and Family Services. The Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Services provides students with the opportunity to:

About the course The course prepares students who want to undertake a research project and dissertation and provides a pathway for entry into the Bachelor of Educational Research (Honours). The Graduate Certificate in Educational Research seeks to foster: an appreciation of the nature and diversity of educational research an understanding of commonly used methodologies in educational research and their strengths and limitations an awareness of ethical issues and other challenges facing educational researchers an appreciation of ways in which research can enhance professional practice skills in critically reviewing research literature critical reflection on assumptions about research. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ educational_research_gc

About the course This course offers existing teachers, particularly early-career teachers, the opportunity to undertake further study to build their professional knowledge in technology education. Graduates will be able to: plan, implement and evaluate teaching strategies that incorporate a broad range of technologies and online resources reflect on their practice, and in particular on the integration of technologies and their tools in classroom settings engage in the process of developmental improvement in terms of planning, teaching and assessing using technologies and online resources research their own practice through the use of research methodologies that are appropriate to their own teaching contexts make considered judgements about changes in practice and implement and evaluate these changes with a focus on developing their teaching skills. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ classroom_technology

Teaching and Education

explore the complexities of relationships in early childhood explore the concept of community as it relates to early childhood reflect on their own practice in order to inform their professional lives examine collaborative practices to enhance inclusion. The Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Services responds to a trend toward the delivery of integrated early years services to children and families that incorporates collaborative practice across early education, health and welfare. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ child_family_services



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Teaching and Education

Graduate CertiFiCate in InCLusiVe EduCation
CSUs Graduate Certificate in Inclusive Education is designed for teachers who would like to develop professional expertise in the inclusive education field.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Ba 1 year PT Distance education N/A

Graduate CertiFiCate in indigenous eduCation

CSUs Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Education offers students the opportunity to extend their teaching abilities and enhance their employment prospects through an innovative use of fieldwork / placements, research and in-depth study in the Indigenous education discipline area.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Du 1 year PT Distance education N/A

Graduate CertiFiCate in Learning and TeaCHing in HigHer eduCation

This course will provide candidates with a qualification in learning and teaching in higher education that will provide opportunities for strengthening learning and teaching practice.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus AW 1.5 year PT Distance education N/A

International students Distance education

International students CRICOS Code On campus Distance education

About the course As education in Australia undergoes considerable reorganisation, there is a renewed emphasis on professional development to prepare the teacher for new roles and responsibilities. In addition, the award restructuring process and related change to salary scales is producing demands for professional upgrading in specific areas. The Graduate Certificate in Inclusive Education provides an opportunity for special educators to position themselves successfully in relation to these demands. The development of practical skills is a vital component of this course. Students already employed in some capacity in the field may complete the practicum requirements within their current teaching role if there are children requiring special education in the classroom. All CSU qualifications in the area of special education bear nomenclature related to inclusion. This reflects contemporary practice in the field and positions graduates at the forefront of current thinking while retaining a broad-based focus on the traditional scope of preparation in special education. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ inclusive_education_gc

International students Distance education

About the course The course will provide candidates with the knowledge and skills required to teach and support student learning in the higher education sector. Students will engage in critical examination of their roles and responsibilities in view of issues confronting learning and teaching in higher education nationally and internationally, their disciplines and professional practice. These will also include issues of particular relevance to learning and teaching at CSU such as blended and flexible learning, and professional and practice-based education. Graduates of the course will be able to demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement in tertiary learning and teaching and a deep level of knowledge, understanding and integration into their practice of: issues confronting learning and teaching at their organisation including its location and student intake, approach to learning and teaching, institutional strategy, curriculum principles and good practice guidelines issues confronting learning and teaching in higher education in light of contemporary research in the area, their perspectives on learning and teaching, and discipline and professional practice-based imperatives processes and perspectives on designing blended and flexible learning environments in higher education including the use of educational technologies for optimising the student learning experience professional and practice-based education (PBE) and the integration of PBE principles into course and subject design and development processes pedagogical content knowledge and educational technology affordances in the development of their scholarship in learning and teaching. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ university_teaching

About the course The aim of the Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Education is to offer students enrolled in undergraduate teacher education programs the opportunity to undertake a course of study that has a focus on Indigenous culture, learning and teaching. This course also offers existing teachers, particularly early-career teachers, the opportunity to undertake further study to build their professional knowledge in the area of Indigenous education. Graduates will be able to: build cultural competence by developing a greater understanding of Indigenous communities demonstrate appropriate teaching strategies based on the acquisition of knowledge in the area of Indigenous Studies reflect on their own practice in order to inform their professional lives and professional growth. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ indigenous_education_gc

Telephone: 1800 334 733



Teaching and Education

Teaching and Education

Graduate CertiFiCate in LiteraCy
CSUs Graduate Certificate in Literacy offers to extend the teaching abilities of students, create opportunities for critical reflection on practice, and enhance the employment prospects of participants through an innovative use of workplace learning, research and in-depth study in the literacy discipline area.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus WW 1 year PT Distance education N/A

Graduate CertiFiCate in LiteraCy and numeraCy (EarLy Years)

CSUs Graduate Certificate in Literacy and Numeracy (Early Years) extends the teaching abilities of students, creates opportunities for critical reflection on practice, and enhances the employment prospects of participants through an innovative use of workplace learning, research and in-depth study.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration AW 1 year PT Distance education N/A

DID YOU KNOW? More than 140,000 former students and staff of CSU or one of our antecedent institutions make up the CSU alumni community. We encourage our graduates, as well as current students, to become a part of our active online Alumni Community. For more information, visit: www.csu.edu.au/alumni

On campus CRICOS Code On campus

International students Distance education

International students Distance education

About the course The aim of the Graduate Certificate in Literacy is to offer candidates enrolled in undergraduate teacher education programs the opportunity to undertake a course of study that has a focus on developing knowledge and helping children develop literacy skills. This course also offers existing teachers, particularly early-career teachers, the opportunity to undertake further study to build professional knowledge in the area of literacy education. Graduates will be able to: explore the impact of information and communication technology on young peoples literacy development develop an individual learning plan in an area of specialisation that combines work experience, self-driven study and participation in learning activities. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ literacy_gc

About the course This course enables students enrolled in undergraduate teacher education programs to complete a specialised study program to enhance their knowledge of literacy and numeracy in the early years. This course also offers existing teachers, particularly early-career teachers, the opportunity to undertake further study to build their professional knowledge in the area of early years literacy and numeracy education. Graduates will have the opportunity to: explore the transition from home to various education settings examine the influences on literacy and numeracy (early years) learning reflect on their own practices in order to inform their professional lives. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ literacy_numeracy_early_years

Teaching and Education



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Theology and Religious Studies

Whether you are interested in pursuing ministry or simply looking for a greater understanding of faith and practice, CSU provides excellent opportunities through Theology and Religious Studies courses. Postgraduate courses allow students to advance their knowledge and understanding to further pursue career paths including work in the social welfare sector of churches, foreign aid with church-based agencies, and in religious education in schools or privately. CSUs School of Theology has developed a vigorous research focus and is committed to fostering a scholarly theological community that engages with contemporary society. CSUs Islamic Studies programs were developed in response to the growing need for an understanding of the Islamic faith in Australian communities, and are the first formally recognised training programs in Australia relating to the Islamic traditions.

Ageing and Pastoral Studies Classical Arabic Islamic Studies Ministry Pastoral Counselling Religious and Values Education Theology


CONTEMPORARY FOCUS CSUs Theology and Religious Studies courses have a focus on applying faith and practice to our communities. Teaching and research encourages engagement with contemporary society, and explores theologys role in our lives. CSU also offers the Master of Islamic Studies, providing opportunities for students to gain a greater understanding of Islam within the Australian context. Theological study at CSU is not just about discussing ideas and concepts, but prepares graduates to apply their knowledge to the real world in a diverse range of careers.



Theology and Religious Studies


Master oF arts (ageing and pastoraL studies)

Including: GraDuatE DipLOMa OF AgEiNg aND PastOraL StuDiEs GraDuatE CErtiFicatE iN AgEiNg aND PastOraL StuDiEs CSUs Ageing and Pastoral Studies courses are intended to prepare graduates from a variety of backgrounds in aged care, including health professionals, pastoral workers and clergy, to be able to provide appropriate holistic care to older adults.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration Can Master: 4 years PT Grad Dip: 2 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education 072701G

Master oF arts (CLassicaL AraBic)

Including: GraDuatE DipLOMa OF Arts (CLassicaL AraBic) GraDuatE CErtiFicatE iN Arts (CLassicaL AraBic) CSUs Master of Arts (Classical Arabic) enables students to develop proficiency in reading, writing and speaking Arabic so they can understand the Quran in its original Arabic language, and enhance other Islamic studies.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration Parr Master: 2 years PT Grad Dip: 1.5 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A


Including: GraDuatE DipLOMa OF PastOraL COuNsELLiNg Graduate Certificate in Pastoral Counselling [exit point only] CSUs Pastoral Counselling courses are designed to provide an opportunity for people working in pastoral and clinical counselling or ministry settings, including clergy and laity, to upgrade their counselling skills and academic qualifications.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration Can Master: 4 years PT Grad Dip: 2 years PT Distance education 072676D

On campus

On campus CRICOS Code On campus

On campus CRICOS Code On campus

International students CRICOS Code On campus Distance education

International students

International students Distance education

Distance education

About the course CSUs Master of Arts (Classical Arabic) was developed in response to demand from students and the Islamic community for a dedicated program of study focusing on developing skills in reading, writing and speaking the Arabic language in addition to analysing classical Arabic Islamic text. The Classical Arabic program aims to enable students to read and recite the Quran in its original Arabic using recitation rules, study Arabic grammar and textual structures so they can access and understand classical primary Islamic texts, provide exposure to Arabic terminology in core Islamic disciplines, and develop a proficiency in modern standard Arabic so students can access contemporary Islamic scholarly discourse. You will study core subjects focusing on different aspects of Arabic language, including one subject offering the opportunity to study at a respected Arabic university. You can also select an elective enabling you to focus on Arabic language and Quran reading, or Arabic language and Tajweed (Quran recitation). Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ classical_arabic

About the course These courses will prepare graduates to take leadership positions in their disciplines in parishes and the aged care industry related to the provision of pastoral and spiritual care. On completion of this course, graduates will be able to: take on leadership roles in developing strategic plans for pastoral care in aged care work within the structures of churches to provide optimum care for older people work in a multidisciplinary team to produce best practice in aged care work with government agencies to provide care for frail older people function within an ethical framework to maximise well-being for all older people, honouring the personhood of frail and mentally disabled people effectively apply research findings to pastoral practice actively engage in continuous professional and vocational development. Students may graduate after the completion of five specified subjects with the Graduate Certificate in Ageing and Pastoral Studies, or after nine specified subjects with the Graduate Diploma of Ageing and Pastoral Studies. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ ageing_pastoral

About the course Pastoral care and counselling skills are exercised in a variety of institutional settings within the overall framework of churches in Australia at the corporate and congregational levels of denominations, universities, military, corrective services, police, ambulance, trade and industry, and similar situations. These courses are a response to community expectations for professionally trained pastoral counsellors in the church and community. This course is open to applicants holding an undergraduate degree in any discipline. Residential schools Distance education students attend residential schools in each session of between two and five days in duration. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ pastoral_counselling

Theology and Religious Studies



Enquire online: www.csu.edu.au/contacts/enquiry

Theology and Religious Studies


Master oF isLamic studies

Including: GraDuatE DipLOMa OF IsLaMic StuDiEs GraDuatE CErtiFicatE iN IsLaMic StuDiEs CSUs Islamic Studies courses cover theological, historical, practical, contemporary and spiritual aspects of Islam.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration Aub Master: 2 years PT Grad Dip: 1.5 years PT Grad Cert: 1 year PT Distance education N/A

Master oF ministry
Including: Graduate Diploma of Ministry [exit point only] CSUs Master of Ministry aims to assist practising clergy and other church leaders to upgrade their knowledge and skills at an advanced level. The course includes specialist study in particular fields of ministry, and a research option may also be undertaken.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration Can, Parr 1.5 years FT 3 years PT Distance education 064849K (Can) 042758F (Parr)

Master oF tHeoLogy
CSUs Master of Theology builds on previous theological study and provides a pathway to higher degrees by research.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Can, Parr 1 year FT 2 years PT Distance education 063875E (Can) 025512C (Parr)

International students

Distance education

On campus CRICOS Code On campus

On campus CRICOS Code On campus

About the course CSUs Master of Theology is designed to:

International students Distance education

International students

About the course These courses provide a unique combination of the traditional Islamic sciences, study disciplines and contemporary discourse on religion and Islam to provide a balanced perspective of Islamic Studies in todays world. They are designed for students holding an undergraduate degree in a discipline other than Islamic Studies. The Master of Islamic Studies provides students with knowledge and analytical skills in the study of Islam, developing their ability to analyse information about Islamic matters. Students will be provided with an all-encompassing understanding of Islam at an advanced level, covering theological, legal, social, contemporary and spiritual aspects of Islam. Students will develop extensive knowledge of Islamic history and develop skills in Arabic language. Graduates of the Master of Islamic Studies will be able to: relate traditional Islam to contemporary subjects demonstrate a grounded introduction to Islamic scientific disciplines demonstrate a good understanding of Islamic history approach Islamic studies via critical analysis method demonstrate research skills in religious and Islamic studies demonstrate a good understanding of contemporary and traditional scholarship in Islamic Studies demonstrate extensive knowledge within a particular topic area of Islamic Studies. Residential schools In each session there will be a two-day residential school supplementing the course material. Optional weekly lectures are also held at the ISRA Centre in Auburn, Sydney. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ islamic_studies

Distance education

About the course This course aims to: provide opportunities for professional development in the field of professional ministry engender a higher order of critical, creative, scholarly, sound and informed investigation of the profession engender the application of advanced knowledge of theoretical and applied topics to a specialised field of professional ministry engender creativity and flexibility in the application of knowledge and skills to new situations engender the ability to solve complex problems and think rigorously and independently enable students through critical analysis, systematic, practical and professional application to plan and execute a project or a piece of scholarship or research. Upon completion of the course, graduates will be able to demonstrate advanced competence in one of the following fields: Ageing and Pastoral Studies Christian Education Church Leadership and Management Cross Cultural Ministry Institutional Chaplaincy Ministry Studies Mission and Evangelism Pastoral Counselling Research in Ministry

Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ theology_master

Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ ministry_master

Telephone: 1800 334 733



Theology and Religious Studies

build on previous theological study in order to develop an in-depth understanding of major issues in contemporary theology establish a sound knowledge base and critical skills in the use of the appropriate methods in theological study develop an advanced knowledge of at least one major theological sub-discipline provide a pathway to higher degrees by research in theology. The course consists of four 16 point subjects, comprising one core subject and three restricted electives.

Theology and Religious Studies


graduate dipLoma oF tHeoLogy

CSUs Graduate Diploma of Theology is designed for people holding an undergraduate degree or equivalent in a discipline other than theology, who wish to upgrade their knowledge and skills in this field.
Enrolment information Campus Course duration On campus CRICOS Code On campus Can, Parr 1 year FT 2 years PT Distance education 063883E (Can) 025511D (Parr)

graduate certiFicate in reLigious and VaLues education

CSUs Graduate Certificate in Religious and Values Education is designed to provide teachers of religious and values education with a grounding in biblical, philosophical, ethical, and multi-faith disciplines within religious studies.
Enrolment information Campus Can 1 year PT Distance education N/A

DID YOU KNOW? A limited number of scholarships for postgraduate study are offered through CSU and external funding bodies. For more information on scholarships, visit: www.csu.edu.au/scholarships

Course duration On campus CRICOS Code

International students

International students

Distance education

On campus

Distance education

About the course This course has been designed to allow people to improve their professional performance and personal satisfaction in theology. On completion of the course, graduates will be able to: demonstrate and articulate a broad understanding of the scope and disciplines of theological study demonstrate skills of theological reflection. Graduates will be able to demonstrate competence in one of the following theological fields: Biblical Studies Church History Practical Theology Systematic Theology Students will normally complete eight subjects. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ theology_gd

About the course This course offers opportunities for the development of pedagogical skills in the teaching of religious and values education. It also offers opportunities for professional development for teachers of Religious Education (K-12) from all educational backgrounds. The course arises from recent theoretical and practical movements in Australia and the United Kingdom to develop a broad-based religious and values curriculum incorporating the above discipline areas. Upon completion of the course, graduates will be able to: provide knowledge of basic scholarship in biblical studies, philosophy, ethics and world religions develop skills appropriate to the teaching of religion and philosophy foster a critical appreciation of the nature and purpose of religious values and philosophical education in the school curriculum provide materials for the development of subjects that incorporate academic rigour, philosophical reasoning and opportunities for spiritual development examine assessment issues particular to the teaching of religion and philosophy. Further information: www.csu.edu.au/courses/postgraduate/ values_education

Theology and Religious Studies



Enquire online: www.csu.edu.au/contacts/enquiry

Do you have any further questions about postgraduate study at Charles Sturt University? Receive support and guidance on everything you need to know about CSU including courses, fees, accommodation and flexible study options by contacting one of our friendly student advisers on 1800 334 733 or make an online enquiry at: www.csu.edu.au/contacts/enquiry

Telephone: 1800 334 733






Enquire online: www.csu.edu.au/contacts/enquiry

Useful websites
CSU ESSENTIAL Accommodation off campus www.csu.edu.au/oncampus/accommodation/off-campus Accommodation on campus www.csu.edu.au/oncampus/accommodation/on-campus Alumni www.csu.edu.au/alumni Applying to CSU www.csu.edu.au/apply Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) www.csu.edu.au/apply/credit CSU home page www.csu.edu.au CSU Interact interact.csu.edu.au CSU Study Centres www.studygroup.edu.au/csu Disability support service www.csu.edu.au/oncampus/student-support/disability-support Distance education study www.csu.edu.au/distance-education Fees, financial advice and assistance www.csu.edu.au/oncampus/help-with-costs Handbook and subjects www.csu.edu.au/handbook Indigenous Student Services www.csu.edu.au/for/indigenous-students info.csu www.csu.edu.au/contacts
This document is published by the Division of Marketing, Charles Sturt University. Manager and Senior Editor: Monique Shephard Editors: Laura Davies, Brooke Durigo Design: Amy Felke, Bridie Watts Print House: Blue Star Print This publication is intended as a general guide. Information in this publication is current as at December 2012. Prospective students should contact the University to confirm fees, admission requirements and availability of courses. The University reserves the right to alter any courses or admission requirements herein without prior notice. The Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) Provider Numbers for Charles Sturt University are 00005F (NSW), 01947G (VIC) and 02960B (ACT). ISSN 2201-1005 Charles Sturt University, 2013.

International www.csu.edu.au/international Library services www.csu.edu.au/division/library Scholarships www.csu.edu.au/scholarships Single Subject Study www.csu.edu.au/single-subject Student Central student.csu.edu.au/support/student-central STUDY LINK www.csu.edu.au/studylink CaMpus cities Albury-Wodonga www.alburycity.nsw.gov.au
Auburn www.auburn.nsw.gov.au

Bathurst www.bathurstregion.com.au Canberra www.visitcanberra.com.au Dubbo www.dubbotourism.com.au Manly www.manlyaustralia.com.au

Melbourne www.melbourne.vic.gov.au

Orange www.orange.nsw.gov.au
Ontario www.ontario.ca/welcome-ontario
For this publication, we have chosen to use paper that is accredited under ISO 14001 environmental systems and practices. Our selection contains paper pulp that is bleached without the use of elemental chlorine, and the manufacturing company adopts business processes that ensure environmental matters are addressed through a documented system. Cover: 250gsm Impress Satin Contents: 100gsm Impress Satin When you have finished with this prospectus please recycle it.

Parramatta www.parracity.nsw.gov.au
Sydney www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au

Wagga Wagga www.tourismwaggawagga.com.au OtHeR Allied Health scholarships www.health.nsw.gov.au/rural/alliedhealth/postgraduate.asp Allowances (ABSTUDY / AUSTUDY / Youth Allowance) www.humanservices.gov.au
Student income support www.innovation.gov.au/highereducation/studentsupport

For the full range of our publications, please visit: www.csu.edu.au/about/publications


For the full range of our publications, please visit: www.csu.edu.au/about/publications


For the full range of our publications, please visit: www.csu.edu.au/about/publications


For the full range of our publications, please visit: www.csu.edu.au/about/publications

CHARLES STURT UNIVERSITY Your first degree | Undergraduate guide for study 2014



Your first degree


Your honours degree


Your research degree

QR CODE For the full range of our publications, please visit: www.csu.edu.au/about/publications QR CODE For the full range of our publications, please visit: www.csu.edu.au/about/publications

Take the first step and call a student advisor at info.csu to discuss how you can make study affordable for you. 1800 334 733 (free call within Australia)
For the full range of our publications, please visit: www.csu.edu.au/about/publications


CSU offers courses in...

Agricultural and Wine Sciences

CSU offers courses in...


CSU offers courses in...

For the full range of our publications, please visit: www.csu.edu.au/about/publications QR CODE For the full range of our publications, please visit: www.csu.edu.au/about/publications

CSU offers courses in...
Agricultural and Wine Sciences Allied Health Animal and Veterinary Sciences Business Communication and Creative Industries Environmental Science Exercise and Sports Sciences Humanities, Social Work and Human Services Information Technology, Computing and Mathematics Library and Information Studies Medical Science Nursing Policing, Security and Emergency Management Psychology Science Teaching and Education Theology and Religious Studies





Agricultural and Wine Sciences

Your first degree


Your honours degree


CSU offers courses in...

Agricultural and Wine Sciences

Agricultural and Wine Sciences

Your next step

Your research degree


CSU offers courses in...

Agricultural and Wine Sciences

CSU offers courses in...

Agricultural and Wine Sciences

Your first degree | Undergraduate guide for study 2014

Your honours degree | Honours guide for study

Your next degree | Postgraduate coursework guide for study 2014

Your research degree | Higher degrees by research at CSU

Your honours degree | Honours guide for study

Your research degree | Higher degrees by research at CSU

Allied Health Animal and Veterinary Sciences Business Communication and Creative Industries Environmental Science Exercise and Sports Sciences Humanities, Social Work and Human Services Information Technology, Computing and Mathematics Library and Information Studies Medical Science

Allied Health Animal and Veterinary Sciences Business Communication and Creative Industries Environmental Science

Allied Health Animal and Veterinary Sciences Business Communication and Creative Industries Environmental Science Exercise and Sports Sciences Humanities, Social Work and Human Services Information Technology, Computing and Mathematics Library and Information Studies Medical Science

Allied Health Animal and Veterinary Sciences Business Communication and Creative Industries Environmental Science Exercise and Sports Sciences Humanities, Social Work and Human Services Information Technology, Computing and Mathematics Library and Information Studies Medical Science

Allied Health Animal and Veterinary Sciences Business Communication and Creative Industries Environmental Science and Outdoor Recreation Exercise and Sports Sciences Humanities, Social Work and Human Services Information Technology, Computing and Mathematics Library and Information Studies Medical Science

Allied Health
Exercise and Sports Sciences Humanities, Social Work and Human Services Information Technology, Computing and Mathematics Library and Information Studies Medical Science

connect with us
1800 334 733 (free call within Australia) +61 2 6338 6077 (callers outside Australia) facebook.com/charlessturtuni twitter.com/CharlesSturtUni www.youtube.com/user/CharlesSturtUni

connect with us
1800 334 733 (free call within Australia) +61 2 6338 6077 (callers outside Australia) facebook.com/charlessturtuni twitter.com/CharlesSturtUni www.youtube.com/user/CharlesSturtUni

Nursing Policing, Security and Emergency Management Psychology Science Teaching and Education Theology and Religious Studies

connect with us
1800 334 733 (free call within Australia) +61 2 6338 6077 (callers outside Australia) facebook.com/charlessturtuni twitter.com/CharlesSturtUni www.youtube.com/user/CharlesSturtUni

Nursing Policing, Security and Emergency Management Psychology Science Teaching and Education

connect with us
1800 334 733 (free call within Australia) +61 2 6338 6077 (callers outside Australia) facebook.com/charlessturtuni twitter.com/CharlesSturtUni

Nursing Policing, Security and Emergency Management Psychology Science Teaching and Education

Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Theology and Religious Studies Theology and Religious Studies


open day everyBusiness day

CSUs open day every day campus tour program lets you take a personalised tour of aCommunication CSU campus at aand timeCreative that suits you, any working day of the year*.
*Three working days notice is required for booking.


Environmental Science and Outdoor Recreation

Telephone: Facsimile: Web enquiry:

1800 334 733 (free call within Australia) +61 2 6338 6077 (callers outside Australia) +61 2 6338Exercise 6001 and Sports Sciences www.csu.edu.au/campustour

Humanities, Social Work and Human Services Information Technology, Computing and Mathematics Library and Information Studies Medical Science

connect with us
1800 334 733 (free call within Australia) +61 2 6338 6077 (callers outside Australia) facebook.com/charlessturtuni twitter.com/CharlesSturtUni www.youtube.com/user/CharlesSturtUni

connect with us
1800 334 733 (free call within Australia) +61 2 6338 6077 (callers outside Australia) facebook.com/charlessturtuni twitter.com/CharlesSturtUni www.youtube.com/user/CharlesSturtUni

Nursing Policing, Security and Emergency Management Psychology Science Teaching and Education Theology and Religious Studies

connect with us
1800 334 733 (free call within Australia) +61 2 6338 6077 (callers outside Australia) facebook.com/charlessturtuni twitter.com/CharlesSturtUni www.youtube.com/user/CharlesSturtUni

Nursing Policing, Security and Emergency Management Psychology Science Teaching and Education Theology and Religious Studies

connect with us

1800 334 733 (free call within Australia) +61 2 6338 6077 (callers outside Australia)


Policing, Security facebook.com/charlessturtuni


and Emergency Management

Psychology Science


The Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) Provider Numbers for Charles Sturt University are 00005F (NSW), 01947G (VIC) and 02960B (ACT). Charles Sturt University, January 2013 JB F2456

Teaching and Education

Theology and Religious Studies

connect with us
1800 334 733 (free call within Australia) +61 2 6338 6077 (callers outside Australia) facebook.com/charlessturtuni twitter.com/CharlesSturtUni www.youtube.com/user/CharlesSturtUni

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