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September 10, 2009 Session Draft Proposed Calendar Agenda Subject to Revision

Nominations (with relevant committee meetings scheduled for September 10th)

Jay Walder, Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Corporations and Authorities Committee: 9 AM, Room 814 LOB
Transportation: 10 AM; Room 124 CAP
Finance: 12 PM; Room 124 CAP

David Mack, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey

Transportation: 10 AM; Room 124 CAP
Finance: 12 PM, Room 124 CAP

James Wrynn, Jr. Insurance Superintendent

Insurance: 11 AM; Room 124 CAP

Conrad Lower, Workers Compensation Board


Bullet Aid: Targeted funding for local school districts, including Special Acts schools.

Capital Reallocation: Distribution of capital funding for local capital projects.

Public Protection Budget Resolutions: Allocates funding from FY09-10 state budget for civil and
criminal legal services, domestic violence and crime prevention and prosecution.

Red Book Resolution: Allocates funding for purchase of “Red Book” for Senate and Assembly

S6064/A9032 (Squadron/Silver): Enacts comprehensive ethics oversight. Passed Assembly.

S XXXX-TBD (Sampson): Chapter Amendments to S6064, including expanding the definition of

lobbying to include resolutions, outcomes or any actions of either chamber and the outcome of any
other official act of the state legislature; creating a program of random reviews of annual
statements of financial disclosure by Legislative Office of Ethics Investigations; requiring public
officers to report business dealings with lobbyists; increases enforcement authority of State Board
of Elections.

Green Jobs/Green Homes
S5888/A9801 (Aubertine/Silver): Establishes a "Green Jobs/Green New York" with a goal of
making 1,000,000 homes, businesses, and not-for-profits in New York more energy efficient while
creating thousands of new green jobs and training the workers to fill them. Passed Assembly.

S6032/A9031 (Aubertine/Cahill): Chapter Amendments to “Green Jobs/Green New York.” Passed


Family Court Judges Expansion

S5968/A8957 (Sampson/Weinstein): Modifies the existing Family Court Act to create 21 additional
family court judgeships outside of NYC, and seven new judgeships for NYC. Has not passed the

Powers of Attorney Technical Corrections

S5910/A8392A (Onorato/Weinstein): Corrects provisions in establishing powers of attorneys for
financial estate planning. Passed Assembly.

Child Protections
S6091/A5080 (Diaz/Lentol):Establishes stronger criminal penalties for the cruel and wanton murder
of a child by authorizing the courts to sentence a person convicted of such offense to life without
the possibility of parole. Passed Assembly.

Aggravated Interference with Health Care

S6112/A8924 (Parker/Hoyt): Establishes the crime of aggravated interference with health care
services in the first and second degrees in order to protect not only providers of reproductive health
care services, but also volunteers who provide or assist others to obtain reproductive health care
services. Passed Assembly.

Climate Protection
S4315/A7572 (Thompson/Sweeney): The Global Warming Pollution Control Act sets enforceable
limits on greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide and methane, and also establishes oversight,
monitoring and enforcement mechanisms. Passed Assembly.

Credit/Debit Protections
S.2550/A7674-A (Diaz/Kavanaugh): Requires the collection of taxes on credit and debit cards to be
paid by card issuers rather than merchants to the State of New York. Has not passed the

Tenant Protection
S2642A/ A1685A (Squadron/Lopez): Expands tenant protections by limiting a landlord's ability to
take possession of units for their own personal use. Passed Assembly.
S2493/A2002 (Klein/Silver): Establishes civil penalties for the harassment of tenants in order to
obtain vacancy of their unit. Passed Assembly.

Election Law Reform

S2443B/A1002-C (Stewart-Cousins/Paulin): Requires local boards of elections to include the
materials necessary for poll inspectors to direct voters to their proper polling locations in the event
they go to the wrong facility. Passed Assembly.

Access to Prenatal Services

S3257A/A8397A (Duane/Gottfried): Requires the Commissioner of Health to develop standards for
the provision of prenatal care under the Medicaid program, and updates the income eligibility
standards for presumptive eligibility of pregnant women under the Medicaid program. Passed

Tax Assessment and Revenue Clean-Up

S6117/A9028 (Kruger/Farrell): Technical “clean ups” which clarify that certain income was intended
to be included as New York source income by nonresident shareholders and relates to the
registration of tax return preparers, among other provisions. Passed Assembly.

S5861-A/A8865-B (Dilan/Espaillat): Adds livery, as defined by section 6-01 of the rules and
regulations of the New York City taxi and limousine commission, to those transportation services to
be excluded under paragraph 34 of subdivision (b) of section
1101 of the tax law.

Air Quality Protection

S1145A/A8642 (Perkins/Sweeney): Limits the sulfur content in home heating oil. Passed

Homeownership Development Program

S6150 (Espada): Chapter Amendment that will allow SONYMA to work with Fannie Mae and
develop a homeownership program slated to begin in January. No matching bill in Assembly.

Support for Volunteer Firefighters

S4982/A2733A (Foley/Sweeney): Establishes the volunteer firefighting and volunteer emergency
services recruitment and retention fund and authorizes gifts to such fund through a state income
tax check-off. Passed Assembly.

Consumer Protection
S3141A/6933A (Monserrate/Pheffer): Makes changes to New York's "Children's Product Safety
and Recall Effectiveness Act of 2008" to conform to federal law. Passed Assembly.
Support for NY Farms
S1329/A4277 (Serrano/Cook): Authorizes the Commissioner of Economic Development to develop
a program to promote and distribute statewide and regional guides to farms, farmers markets and
other agriculturally significant tourist destinations. Passed Assembly.

Bioscience Database
S5419/A7229 (Stachowski/Schimminger): Creates a database of research materials in the area of
bioscience intended to assist in the development of research and product development with the
ultimate goal of increasing economic development. Passed Assembly.

Hospital Closure Planning Act

S5802A/A8461C (Huntley/Lancman): Ensures that the Department of Health engages in adequate
planning to minimize the health care impact of a hospital closure upon the surrounding community.
Passed Assembly.

Off Track Betting Corporation

S2595/A6916 (Adams/Pretlow): Revises the hold harmless provisions related to OTB payments to
harness tracks, and boosts OTB payments to local governments. Has not passed Assembly.

Interstate Compact
S3022/A8183 (Adams/Pretlow): Relates to authorizing the participation in an interstate compact for
occupational horse race licenses. Has not passed the Assembly

Life Settlements
S3655A/A7131A (Breslin/Morelle): Establishes disclosure requirements, regulation and oversight
of life insurance sales transactions, outlaws fraudulent or exploitative practices, and sets
enforcement procedures and penalties. Passed Assembly.

Ban on Airport Hustling

S5643 (Dilan/Aubry): Provides that unlawful solicitation of ground transportation at an airport shall
be a class B misdemeanor. Passed Assembly.

Parking Program in the City of Albany

S396/A1039 (Breslin/McEneny): Authorizes the city of Albany to adopt a residential parking permit
system. Passed Assembly.

Humane Destruction of Animals
S4962B/A999B (Oppenheimer/Paulin): Provides for the humane destruction or disposition of
certain animals. Passed Assembly.

Female Inmate Rehabilitation Programs

S5993/A4809A (Hassell-Thompson/Weinstein): Requires that rehabilitation programs for female
inmates in state correctional facilities be equivalent to those provided to male inmates of
correctional facilities elsewhere in the state. Passed Assembly.

Town Court Mergers

S4375/A7782 (Griffo/Scozzafava): Permits the election of one Town Justice for a group of
adjacent municipalities. Has not passed the Assembly.

County Clerk Pay

S2190/A5643 (Golden/Farrell): Raises County Clerk pay in New York City to match that of
Supreme Court judges rather than Civil Court judges. Has not passed Assembly.

OGS sale of land in the town of Lansing

S508a/A8971 (Nozzolio/Lifton): Authorizes the Commissioner of the Office of General Services to
sell certain lands in the town of Lansing. Passed Assembly.

PTSD (Timothy’s law)

S185/A4572 (Morahan/Rivera): Relates to the definition of "biologically based mental illness" and
post traumatic stress disorder. Has not passed the Assembly.

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