Premananth K: Objectives

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Premananth K

58, Arcot road 1st street Virugambakkam, Chennai-92 Kpremananth1@gmai !com "91 95###$#$22

%b&ecti'es pro*essiona +ummar,

(o ha'e a cha enging career in corporate )or d and to be a success*u

- %'er # .ears o* /0perience in (2123 obus - 4anking product o* (emenos - 5 .ears o* %nsite /0perience 6America, /urope and A*rica regions7 - 8orked in 9u tip e %nsite Pro&ects as +enior (echno:unctiona Consu tant 6;mp ementation2<pgrade23o-=i'e2Post-3o =i'e7 - >e eases )orked? 312 to >15 - @a'ing good :unctiona and (echnica kno) edge in (21 Programming, Accounting, >eporting, =ending A Credit 9odu e, (rade :inance, 3uarantees, Be i'er, P>;C(2+8;:(, Credit >isk 9odu es, 9u ti-4ook A 9u ti-Compan,, +tandard (ab es and +,stem-core - (21 CustomiDation and re ated techno ogies 6&4ase, %:+, (C+er'er7 - %btained (emenos Certi*ied Consu tant Program 6(CCP7 - +;=V/> e'e - >e)arded 3oing /0tra 9i e 63/97 A)ard in (emenos - +pecia iDed in 9ismatch23=2Position Ana ,sis and Corrections - +pecia iDed in C%4 9anagement and associated acti'ities - Cotice Period? 5$ Ba,s +/C /ngineering Co ege 4/, :irst C ass A agappa Po ,technic Co ege Bip oma, :irst C ass )ith @%C%<>+
2$$1 - 2$$5 2$$5 - 2$$#


8ork /0perience Senior Software Engineer at Temenos, India 8orking in 4anking :rame)ork Positions in Temenos India

Apr 2$15 - Present

%ct 2$$E - Fun 2$11

- (echnica Ana ,st 6 %ct 2$$E - %ct 2$$97 - App ication +pecia ist 3roup - A+3 6Co' 2$$9 - 9ar 2$1$7 - %nsite +upport +er'ices - %++ 6Apr 2$1$ - Fun 2$117 Techno-Functional Consultant in Temenos, Fu 2$11 - 9ar 2$15 Netherlands -;ntra Compan, (rans*er to (emenos @o and, Cether ands -+er'iced as (21 %nsite (echno-:unctiona Consu tant in Cether ands, +)itDer and A =u0embourg -8orked in 9u tip e pro&ects in /urope 6;mp ementation2<pgrade2Production2 CustomiDation7 (echnica +ki s %perating +,stems ? =inu0, <ni0 A;G, 8indo)s Programming =anguages? ;n*o-basic Batabase ? F4ase, +H= +er'er, %rac e Be*ect tracking too s ? ;49 - >(C and =otus notes

%C+;(/ Pro&ects .ears in /urope, America, A*rica regions7

Apr 2$1$ - Co' 2$1$ 65 1! Bancoldex Bank, Colom ia >$9 ;mp ementation (echo-:unctiona Consu tant >o e +ing e point o* Contact *or (echnica ;ssues in +;(2<A(23o-=i'e 9odu es )orked - =etter o* Credit, 9B, ;C, Customer, Account, Be i'er,, =imit Co atera re ated setup, Version and /nIuir, CustomiDation >eso 'ed a the issues in the oca de'e opment )hich )ere not meet the :+B pro'ided b, c ient +etup +8;:(2P>;C( message and (esting to meet the 4ankJs reIuirement

!! "arfin Po#ular Bank, C$#rus

Bec 2$1$ - Apr 2$11

>1$ ;mp ementation (echo-:unctiona Consu tant >o e 9odu es )orked - :(, Customer, Account, =imit, Co atera , Be i'er,, 9u ti Compan,, /nIuir, and Version CustomiDation >eso 'ed a the issues in the oca de'e opment )hich )ere not meet the :+B pro'ided b, c ient :i0ed a bugs during +;(2<A( Phase %& NE' Bank (imited, South )frica
9a, 2$11 - Fun 2$11

Production >$# Assigned to insta and test (ransaction Fourna ing A so, @and ed Accounting and Be i'er, re ated issues in Production Pro'ided technica support to enhance their oca de'e opments *& 'eutsche Bank, Swit+erland
Fu , 2$11

Production >$8 Assigned as Accounting +pecia ist to Correct :inancia 9ismatch and Asset =iabi it, Bi**erence Comp eted ana ,sis and Corrected 9ismatch and 3= Bi**erence in short span o* time A so, )orked in other issues in Production 3ot acco ades *rom the 4ank and (emenos (op 9anagements in /urope and ;ndia ,& -eiffeisen Bank, (uxem ourg
Aug 2$11 - %ct 2$11

>1$ ;mp ementation (echno-:unctiona ro e *or +;(2<A( 9odu es )orked - =imit, Co atera , Be i'er,, %:+ and a core /4 issues /nIuir, and Version routines customiDations >eso 'ed a the issues in the oca de'e opment )hich )ere not meet the :+B pro'ided b, C ient .& Commerce Bank International, (uxem ourg
Co' 2$11 - Bec 2$12

Production >1$ (echnica Ana ,st ro e *or C%4 per*ormance issues >eso 'ed +ecurities modu e archi'a issues and archi'a per*ormance tuning

> es o' ed %: + an d oc a de 'e op m en t re at ed tec hni ca iss ue s

A so, )orked on Production issues in +ecurities 9odu e

/& Centric FSS, Netherlands <pgrade *rom 315 to >1$ (echno-:unctiona Consu tant A so, hand ed 3o-=i'e 4 ocking critica issues in ;CA 9odu e >eso 'ed a the issues in the oca de'e opment 0& 'elta (lo$ds Bank, Netherlands

Fanuar, 2$12

:ebruar, 2$12

>1$ +/PA 9odu e imp ementation (echnica Ana ,st ro e *or a issues re ated to +/PA A so, reso 'ed a the issues in the oca de'e opment )hich )ere not meet the :+B pro'ided b, C ient 1& 2arantiBank International, Netherlands
9ar 2$12 - 9ar 2$15

<pgrade *rom >$# to >11 (echno-:unctiona ro e during +;(2<A(23o-=i'e2Post 3o-=i'e +ing e point o* contact *or a the (echnica issues 9odu es )orked - =etter o* Credit, =oans and Beposits, :ore0, 9one, 9arket, Cetting, =imits, Co atera , Be i'er,, Accounting, >eporting, :unds (rans*er, Bata Capture, +ecurities, C%4 @ang2Crash, Archi'ing, :i e corruption and reco'er, Be'e opment and support *or =oca Be'e opment and core 9odu es (esting2app ,ing <ti ities and Corrections in Production A*ter <pgrade, a so )orked on 9ismatch and 3= di**erence accumu ated *or the past 1# ,ears ;ndependent , reso 'ed =C, =B, AC, +C and 99 prob ems due to mismatches and 3= and pro'ided correction to c ear a the e0isting 3= and mismatch imba ance 3ot acco ades *rom the 4ank and (emenos (op 9anagement in /urope and ;ndia %::+@%>/ Pro&ects 3& Pro4ect5 -etail Banking Products hand ed? 3uarantees 69B7 (rade :inance 6=C7 =oans and Beposits 6=B7 Be i'er, 6B/7 !& Pro4ect5 Banking Framework Products hand ed? Accounting 6AC7 =imits 6=;7 Co atera 6C%7 +tandard (ab es 6+(7 >eporting 6>/7
9ar 2$15 - Present %ct 2$$E - %ct 2$$9

-ole5 ;n'o 'ed in ana ,Ding the prob em reported b, the c ients and categoriDe the bug and *unctiona discrepanc, Pro'iding e0treme , inno'ati'e and Iuick so utions *or the 4ug :i0 and )ork around to o'ercome the prob em 9o'ing issues to maintenance )ith comp ete code ana ,sis and suggestion *or code *i0 Pro'iding initia K( and mentoring the ne) resources in their propagation period and pro'ided training to them re ated to basic concepts in (21 9odu es 6andled Issues5 Customer Creation and re ated issues Customer charges and GG!3/C!C%CB;(;%C, Condition priorit, and re ated issues Compan,24ranch Creation and re ated issues Account creation and its re ated basic setup *or Account c osure re ated prob ems +ub account creation setup and its re ated prob em Accounting /ntries re ated prob em across a modu es =imit setup and re ated prob ems Co atera and setup re ated prob ems =imit2Co atera +chedu es and /0pir, re ated prob ems Currenc, creation and setup prob ems (a0 re ated prob ems /0port2;mport =C open2amend29aturit, re ated issues Bra)ings and =C - Accounting re ated issues =C schedu es, =C - 9ismatch re ated issues =C and Bra)ings - =imit and re ated issues =C Charges2pro'ision2Biscounting2AmortiDation re ated issues =C and Bra)ings - Be i'er, re ated issues both +8;:( and Print 9essages 9B parameteriDation and issue2recei'e 3uarantees +hipping guarantees re ated issues 9B charges, Commission, Pro'ision, AmortiDation, Accrua re ated issues 9B Accounting and 9B 9ismatch re ated issues 9B +chedu es and /0pir, re ated issues 9B Be i'er, re ated issues both +8;:( and Print 9essages A +tandard (ab es in (21 and setup issues 9anageria ;n*ormation- 4a ance 9o'ement rebui d and re ated issues Be i'er, re ated issues +8;:(2P>;C( across a modu es and CustomiDation =oans and Beposits open2amend29aturit,2+chedu ing2 Accounting re ated issues Commitment t,pe =B open2amend29aturit,2+chedu ing2 Accounting re ated issues =B interest2*ees2rate change re ated issues 9ismatch and 3= ana ,sis and correction

%& Pro4ect5 )##lication S#ecialist 2rou# 7)S28

Co' 2$$9 - 9ar 2$1$

Products hand ed? C ose o* 4usiness 6C%47, /nd o* Ba, 6/%B7, Core 6/47,

-ole5 @and ed /%B2C%4 crash reported b, c ient, pro'iding e0treme , inno'ati'e and Iuick so utions and make the s,stem go on ine *or the ne0t da, business @and ed %C=;C/ prob ems reported b, c ient, ana ,Ded the cause *or the prob em and guided them to reco'er *rom the %C=;C/ prob em @and ed *i e corruptions during %C=;C/ and /%B2C%4 Ana ,Ded C%>/ issues reported b, the c ients and categoriDe the bug and *unctiona Biscrepanc, Pro'iding e0treme , inno'ati'e and Iuick so utions *or the 4ug :i0! Pro'iding support *or the c ient *or the *unctiona discrepancies *ound 6andled Issues5 C%4 crash )ith :ata /rror

C%42/%B hang :i e corruption during C%42/%B and on ine and reco'er the same to continue the C%42/%B and on ine process ;ssues re ated to dead ock, stea ock situation during C%42/%B Version, enIuir, re ated prob ems C%42/%B and on ine per*ormance re ated issues Certi*ications? (emenos Certi*ied Consu tant Program in the be o) modu es 9isce aneous Bea s (21 C%4 9anagement (21 Administration +ecurit, 9anagement +,stem Be i'er, (21 CustomiDation %pen :inancia +er'ice

Persona Betai s :atherJs Came ? Kannan Bate o* 4irth ?122$121981 Cationa it, ? ;ndian Passport Cumber ? 311519$$ Pan card Cumber ? A(@PP1129C

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