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The Ultimate Salad Recipe Collection

24-Hour Slaw
1 2 3/4 cup lg. head lg sugar cabbage -- shredded/not chopped red onions -- thinly sliced Hot Dressing -- see below Place half of the cabbage in a large bowl. "op with the re#aining cabbage. Pour boiling Do not stir. o!er and refrigerate at once. before ser!ing.

Stir sugar into cabbage. o!er with onion slices. hot dressing o!er slowly. hill 24 hours. Stir well H$" D%&SS'()

1 teaspoon celery seeds 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon sugar 1 cup cider !inegar 1 teaspoon dry #ustard 1 cup oil o#bine celery seeds* sugar* #ustard* salt* and !inegar in saucepan. +ring to a rolling boil. ,dd oil* stirring* and return to rolling boil. about two cups.

Adreana's Greek Pasta Salad

1 1 3 1 2 1/4 4 3 10 pound pound stal.s ounces ounces ounces rotini boneless s.inless chic.en breasts celery -- chopped red bell pepper -- chopped blac. oli!es -- sliced feta cheese -- drained / cru#bled green onions -- finely sliced 'talian salad dressing

oo. chic.en in water to co!er with 1 bay leaf. +ring to boil and coo. for 31 #in. or until 2uices run clear. ool and re#o!e s.ins. $r* you can coo. chic.en in frying pan until coo.ed through. ut into bite si3e pieces. oo. noodles and drain. ,dd all ingredients and #i4 well. ' use only about half the bottle of dressing and then put the rest on the table if so#eone wants #ore. Ser!e war# or cold. Ser!es 0

Aegean Artichoke & Penne Pasta Salad

0 1/4 1/2 1/2 cup pound cup tablespoons clo!es tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon cup cup tablespoons cup fresh baby le#on 2uice penne pasta to#ato 2uice oli!e oil 5uice of one le#on garlic -- #inced fresh parsley fresh basil -- or 1 tsp. dried salt blac. pepper fresh to#ato -- chopped oli!es -- 6ala#ata capers feta cheese -- optional

2 2 3 3

1/2 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/2

1. ut ste#s off Peel off tough outer lea!es to re!eal yellow-green hearts. ut into 7uarters. o#bine 1/4 cup le#on 2uice with 2 cups water in a #ediu# bowl. ,dd to le#on water and toss to pre!ent discoloration. Drain. Stea# until tender* about 21 #inutes. chill. 2. 'n a large pot* bring 2 7uarts water to a rapid boil. ,dd 1 teaspoon salt and penne. oo. penne until al dente* about 11 #inutes. Drain and rinse with cold water. 3. "o #a.e salad dressing8 co#bine to#ato 2uice* oli!e oil* le#on 2uice* garlic* parsley* basil* salt and pepper in a food processor or blender and puree for 31 seconds. 4. "oss together* penne* capers* oli!es and feta cheese in a large bowl salad bowl. Pour dressing o!er and toss well.

1 1 10 10 10 10 10 1 4 3 1/2 cup teaspoon cup ounces ounces ounces ounces ounces each each each

Sugar Salt 9inegar )reen beans* can -- drained :ellow beans* can -- drained ;i#a beans* can -- drained )arban3o beans* can -- drained %ed .idney beans -- drained )reen pepper -- sli!ered elery -- sliced $nions* #ediu# -- sliced thin

o#bine sugar* salt !inegar in pan* bring to boil for 1 #in. ool. "oss all other ingredients together and pour the !inegar #i4ture o!er the#. -arinate for 24 hrs in refrigerator* stirring occasionally. al8 313.

Anti$asto Salad
10 4 4 11 = 0 0 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 o3. p.g ounces ounces o3. can o3. pac.age o3. 2ar ounce can cups teaspoon cup ounce 2ar fresh/fro3en cheese tortellini chopped sala#i pro!olone cheese* cut into -- 2 4 1/4< strips corn -- drained fro3en spinach* thawed -- s7uee3ed to drain #arinated articho.e hearts -- drained/chopped pitted ripe oli!es -- drained/sliced prepared crea#y 'talian salad dressing Di2on #ustard grated Par#esan cheese diced pi#iento* drained -- if desired

oo. tortellini to desired doneness as directed on pac.age> drain* rinse with cold water. 'n !ery large bowl* co#bine tortellini* sala#i* pro!olone cheese* corn* spinach* articho.e hearts and 1 cup of the oli!es. 'n s#all bowl* co#bine salad dressing* #ustard and 1/4 cup of the Par#esan cheese> blend well. Pour dressing o!er salad> toss gently. "op with re#aining oli!es and Par#esan cheese. o!er> refrigerate 1 - 2 hours to blend fla!ors. 5ust before ser!ing* garnish with pi#iento

A$$le and %ennel Salad

? 1 2 1 ounces each each each @resh Spinach S#all @ennel Head -- sliced -ediu# )ranny S#ith ,pples S#all %ed $nion -- sliced

A "he )ranny S#ith apples should be peeled and cubed. 6uwait has been liberated. "horoughly wash spinach* re#o!ing fibrous ste#s. Dry and place in salad bowl. ,dd fennel* apples and onions. "oss with elery Seed Dressing. "ri# with fennel tops. 0 ser!ings.

A$$le &ider Salad

2 2 2 1 1/4 1/4 pac.ages cups teaspoon cups cup tablespoon gelatin powder -- unfla!ored apple cider salt apples -- diced blac. walnuts -- chopped chopped parsley oil lettuce lea!es -- for decoration

1. Put 1/2 cup cold water into a s#all bowl. Sprin.le two en!elopes B2 tablespoonsC of unfla!ored gelatin on water. ;et stand ?11 #inutes to soften. 2. Heat 2 cups apple cider until !ery hot> add salt. %e#o!e fro# heat and i##ediately add softened gelatin. Stir until gelatin is co#pletely dissol!ed. Ha!e a 1 7uart #old lightly greased with oil. Do not use oli!e oil. Spoon about 1/2 cup of gelatin #i4ture into #old and place in refrigerator. 3. hill re#aining #i4ture until slightly than consistency of unbeaten egg white. 5ust before large bowl of gelatin is desired consistency* dice apples and chop walnuts and parsley. ,dd this to the gelatin and place into the #old which already has thin botto# layer of gelatin. hill until set. 4. Dn#old onto ser!ing plate which has been decorated with lettuce lea!es> curly endi!e is a good choice.

A$ricot Salad
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3/4 s#all large 2ar can p.g p.g c "bsp "bsp c S"&P 18 or 1 large bo4 of apricot 2ello apricot baby food BE-11 o3C crushed pineapple -- B10 o3C drained Bretain 2uiceFC S"&P 28 crea# cheese -- BE o3C drea#whip B1 en!elopeC S"&P 38 sugar flour BheapingC egg butter pineapple 2uice Badd water to 2uice retained to #a.e a full cupC

Step 18 -i4 2ello with only 3 1/2 cups of water. ,dd baby food and pineapple. hill until @'%- in an 11414 inch pan. Step 28 Prepare drea# whip as directed. on 2ello and chill until @'%-. +eat in crea# cheese. Spread

Step 38 o#bine and coo. until thic.. ool. AAApineapple in own 2uice wor.s the bestF

Spread on top and chill.

Artichoke Salad
4 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 &ach "ablespoon ups "easpoon &ach "easpoons "easpoon "ablespoons "ablespoon @resh articho.e hearts Gine !inegar ,rticho.e hearts* 7uartered ;ouisiana hot sauce S#all garlic clo!e Salt ;ea / Perrins $li!e oil ;e#on 2uice

'n a wooden salad bowl* #ash garlic and salt with a strong for.. ,dd fresh articho.e hearts* and #ash with the garlic and salt. ,dd oli!e oil* stir* add le#on 2uice* stir* add wine !inegar* stir* stir* add hot sauce* stir* add ;ea / Perrins Gorcestershire sauce* -i4 well.Put canned articho.e hearts in dressing and let #arinate for 1 hour* then eat as is or ser!e on a bed of greens.

Autu'n %ruit Salad

2 1 1 2 1 1 1 red delicious apples sliced bananas )ranny S#ith apple +artlett pears red grapes al#ond sli!ers -- toasted !anilla yogurt cinna#on ground ginger nut#eg apple cider

1/2 1/2 1/4 1/2

pound cup cup teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon tablespoon

Gash and core apples and pears* peeling if desired. ut into one inch chun.s. Slice bananas 1/2< thic.. Gash grapes and cut in half. o#bine fruits and al#onds in salad bowl. -i4 yogurt with spices and cider. Pour o!er fruit salad and stir to coat fruits e!enly. hill.

Autu'n (ewels Gelatin Salad

1 2 0 1? 1 2 cup 1/2 cup ounces ounces cup cup cups cranberries apples sugar red gelatin crushed pineapple celery -- diced nuts -- chopped boiling water


A Dse pecans* walnuts* or a #i4ture of both. hop the cranberries* apples and celery into s#all pieces. Drain the pineapple and sa!e 2uice. o#bine cranberries* apples and sugar> co!er and refrigerate while preparing rest of salad. o#bine gelatin with boiling water and stir until dissol!ed. ,dd enough water or fruit 2uice Bapricot nectar* strawberry nectar etc.C to pineapple 2uice to e7ual 1 cup. ,dd this to the gelatin #i4ture. hill in refrigerator until slightly thic.ened. o#bine the cranberry-apple #i4ture with celery* drained pineapple and nuts. Stir into gelatin #i4ture. Pour into lightly greased #old or into indi!idual ser!ing #olds. hill until fir#. Dn#old and ser!e on a bed of lettuce or garnish with sour crea# or slightly sweetened whipped crea# and a !ery light sprin.ling of cinna#on. Ser!ing 'deas 8 Ser!e with your "han.sgi!ing #eal.

A)ocado with Groundnut #ressing

2 1 2 tablespoon tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon a!ocados -- ripe le#on 2uice peanuts -- shelled papri.a cinna#on cayenne -- to taste salt -- to taste fresh chi!es -- to garnish

1/2 1/2

Peel the a!ocados> cut out the stone and cut into cubes. Sprin.le with le#on 2uice and set aside. )rind the peanuts roughly with a rolling pin or in a grinder for a few seconds. -i4 the peanuts and spices well. Sprin.le o!er the a!ocados with finely chopped chi!es. %efrigerate until ready to ser!e.

!acon-A)ocado Potato Salad

0 2 E 1 #ediu# 1/2 1/2 1/4 slices cup tablespoon cup cup boiling potatoes a!ocados -- cubed bacon chopped onions -- chopped fresh li#e 2uice white wine cider !inegar salt blac. pepper papri.a #ustard powder fresh parsley -- chopped fresh cilantro -- chopped

2 1


teaspoon tablespoons tablespoon

+oil potatoes in their s.ins. Ghile potatoes boil* cube a!ocados and toss with li#e 2uice. hop bacon into one inch pieces and fry until crisp in a large s.illet. %e#o!e bacon to paper towels to drain. 'n bacon fat* saute onions until golden. %e#o!e pan fro# heat and stir in wine* !inegar* #ustard* and salt* pepper* and papri.a to taste. Ghen potatoes are tender* drain* peel* and dice. Ghile still war#* pour dressing o!er potatoes and toss. ,llow to cool to roo# te#perature. @old in a!ocado* bacon* parsley* and cilantro. Ser!e at roo# te#perature or chill one hour or longer.


0 1 1 2 2 1 A 3/4 AA 3/4 pound ounces cup cup cup tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon hic.en +reast -- A Dried -i4ed @ruit -- AA %ing -acaroni $r $r3o -- %aw 5ica#a -- ubed )reen $nions/"ops -- Sliced -ayonnaise $r Salad Dressing Sour rea# $r Plain :ogurt %ed hiles -- )round Salt

1/2 1/4

"he chic.en breast should be boneless* s.inless and weigh about :ou should use 1 0-o3 pac.age of diced #i4ed fruit.

Heat enough salted water to co!er the chic.en breast B1/4 tsp salt to 1 cup of waterC to boiling in a 4 7uart Dutch o!en. ,dd the chic.en breast. o!er and heat to boiling* reduce the heat and si##er until the chic.en is done* about 1? to 21 #inutes. %e#o!e the chic.en with a slotted spoon. Heat the water to boiling and add the fruit and ring #acaroni or or3o gradually so that the water continues to boil. +oil* unco!ered* stirring occasionally* 2ust until the ring #acaroni is tender* about 0 to E #inutes or 11 #inutes for the or3o* then drain. %inse with cold water and drain again. ut the chic.en into 1/2-inch pieces and #i4 with the fruit* #acaroni* 2ica#a and onions. -i4 the re#aining ingredients and toss with the chic.en #i4ture. o!er and refrigerate until chilled* at least 2 hours.

!alsa'ic #ressing
3 2 1 1/2 1 3/4 1/4 cup cup teaspoons teaspoons teaspoons tablespoon Gater +alsa#ic !inegar apers Di2on #ustard Dried basil @resh parsley -- chopped BoptC -----P&% "+;SP$$(----Acals A#g sodiu#

o#bine the ingredients. ,d2ust !inegar to taste* since it has a strong fla!or. Store in a co!ered container in the refrigerator. about 1 cup. (ote8 'f you donHt ha!e balsa#ic !inegar* you #ay substitute another .ind. +ut* if this be the case* start with water and !inegar in e7ual proportions.

!ar,ecue &u,es
3 E 1 1/2 1/2 1 3/4 ounces cup ounces teaspoons teaspoon tablespoon ;e#on 5ell-$ -- B1 P.g.C -- +oiling Gater "o#ato Sauce -- B1 canC 9inegar Salt Pepper -- Dash $f Horseradish

Dissol!e 5ell-$ in boiling water. -i4 all other ingredients* and when 5ell-$ is at roo# te#perature* add and #i4 well. Pour into oiled E-inch s7uare pan. hill until fir#. barbecue. ut into cubes and ser!e atop salad to go with your

!asic Potato Salad

2 3 3 3 2 2 1/2 pounds pound stal.s tablespoons 1/4 tablespoons cup new potatoes #ushroo#s green onions celery !inegar hard-boiled eggs Di2on #ustard #ayonnaise Salt* pepper

o!er potatoes in pan with cold water and bring to boil o!er high heat. oo. until potatoes are tender. -eanwhile* thinly slice #ushroo#s* onions and celery and co#bine in #i4ing bowl. Ghen potatoes are tender* drain and hal!e or 7uarter potatoes* depending on si3e and add to bowl. Sprin.le with !inegar. o!er and refrigerate. Ghen cool* chop eggs and add to bowl. ,dd #ustard and #ayonnaise* and season to taste with salt and pepper* #i4ing e!erything together gently.

!a)arian Potato Salad

4 2 1/2 1/4 1/3 1/2 cups cups teaspoon cup cup teaspoon tablespoons Potatoes -- A hic.en broth -- AA Salt 9egetable oil $nion -- chopped Sugar ;e#on 2uice Pepper -- as desired hic.en broth

APotatoes should be peeled and sliced 1/4-inch thic.. AA #ay be either ho#e #ade or co##ercial.

+oil potatoes in broth with 1/4 t salt for ? to E #inutes* until tender. Drain. "oss war# potatoes with !egetable oil and onions. Dissol!e re#aining 1/4 t salt and the sugar in le#on 2uice. Pour o!er potatoes. -arinate salad 1 to 2 hours before ser!ing. Ser!e at roo# te#perature.

!a)arian Sausage Salad

2 1 3 1 2 1/2 pound each each tablespoons tablespoon tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon tablespoon tablespoon 6noc.wurst -- coo.ed / cooled Pic.les -- s#all $nion -- #ediu# 9inegar -ustard -- prepared A 9egetable oil Salt Pepper Papri.a Sugar apers Parsley -- chopped

1 1 A

1/2 1/4 1/4 1/4

-ustard #ust be the strong D2on or )ulden "ype. ut the .noc.wurst into s#all cubes. -ince the pic.les and onion. -i4 together the !inegar* #ustard and oil. ,dd salt* pepper* papri.a and sugar. ,d2ust seasonings if desired. ,dd the capers> #i4 well. Stir in the chopped .noc.wurst* pic.les* and onions. 5ust before ser!ing* garnish with chopped parsley.

!ean and Tuna Salad

3 2 3 1 1 12 1/3 cups cans cup teaspoons teaspoon #ediu# ounces Gater annellini beans $li!e oil %ed wine !inegar Salt @resh pepper to taste %ed onion "una -- drained

Directions8 -i4 together oil* !i!egar* salt and pepper. Pour o!er beans and onion in a shallow bowl. o!er and refrigerate at least 1 hour. "ransfer bean #i4ture to ser!ing platter with slotted spoon. +rea. tuna into chun.s and arrange on bean #i4ture.

!ean Salad
1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1/3 3/4 cup cup cup cup cup tablespoons cup cup teaspoon clo!es teaspoons .idney beans -- dry li#a beans -- dry pinto beans -- dry garban3o beans -- dry green beans red onion -- chopped fresh chopped parsley freshly ground blac. pepper -- to taste -9'(,)%&""&!irgin oli!e oil red wine !inegar dry #ustard garlic -- #inced oregano

1 3 2

Soa. all dry beans o!ernight in water to co!er. %inse and place in a large pot and fill with water to co!er. oo. for 1 hour*or until done* then turn heat off and add green beans. let sit in the hot water for 31 #inutes. Drain. -i4 in the onion* parsley* pepper and !inaigrette. %efrigerate o!ernight. 9inaigrette8 Ghis. all ingredients together and pour o!er salad.

!erried A)ocado Gra$e-ruit Salad

2 2 1 +ibb lettuce Gatercress a!ocados -- seed* peel* slice grapefruit sections fresh raspberries Prepared sweet !inegar and oil dressing

cups cup

;ine ser!ing platter or indi!idual salad plates with lettuce and watercress. ,rrange a!ocado* grapefruit and raspberries o!er and sprin.le with dressing.

!"A&+ & .H*TE !EAN SA"A#

2 2 2 21 2 1/3 1/4 cups tablespoons cup cup tablespoons #illiliters tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon cup cup %ed onions -- finely chopped $li!e or 9egetable $il %ed Gind 9inegar hopped %ed Pepper -inced Parsley )arlic -- -inced (utraSweet BorC Spoonful Bt#C Salt Pepper 1? o3. )reat (orthern +eans -- %insed and 1? o3* +lac. +eans -- %insed and Drained

1 Drained 1

1/4 1/4

Saute $nions in oil until crisp-tender in a #ediu# s.illet> %e#o!e fro# heat and cool until war#. Stir in !inegar* red pepper* parsley* garlic* (utraSweet BorC Spoonfull Bt#C* salt and pepper. 'n a ser!ing bowl put the beans* Bboth typesC and pour the onion #i4ture o!er the#. -i4 well and ser!e. E ser!ings

!"A&+ !EAN &

2 1 1 2 1 1 cups cup cup ounces tablespoon cup tablespoon

*&E SA"A#


oo.ed rice -- cooled to roo# te#pe oo.ed blac. beans hopped fresh to#ato heddar cheese BoptionalC -- - shredded Snipped fresh parsley ;ight 'talian dressing @resh li#e 2uice ;ettuce lea!es

o#bine rice* beans* to#ato* cheese Bif desiredC* and parsley in large bowl. Pour dressing and li#e 2uice o!er rice #i4ture> toss. Ser!e on lettuce lea!es.

!"A&+ !EAN AN# &O N SA"A#

2 31 1 1 2 1/3 1/2 1/E cups ounces cup cup teaspoon teaspoon cups s#all #ediu# Dried blac. beans -- - Bpic.ed o!er and r - anned blac. beans -- - Brinsed and draine @reshly s7uee3ed li#e 2uice $li!e oil )arlic clo!e -- #inced @ine sea salt ayenne pepper &ars corn -- - B.ernals cut offC -BthawedC @ro3en corn ,!ocado -- - peeled* stone re#o cut into 1/2-inch pieces %ed bell pepper -- seeded and cut into 1/2< pieces "o#atoes -- - cut into 1/2-inch )reen onions -- with tops finely chopped @resh hot chile pepper -- - seeded and #inced oarsely chopped cilantro -- - BoptionalC

1 1/2 1 1 2 0 1 1/2


'f using dried beans* place the beans in a large bowl and add enough water to co!er by 2 inches. Place the bowl in a cool place and let the beans soa. for 0 to 12 hours. Drain and rinse the beans. Put the beans into a large pot and add enough fresh water to co!er the beans by 1 inch. +ring to a si##er o!er #ediu# high heat* reduce the heat* co!er* and si##er until the beans are barely tender. 1-1/2 to 2 hours Bdepending on the age of the beansC. "horoughly drain the beans and let the# cool. Put the li#e 2uice* oli!e oil* garlic* salt* and cayenne in a s#all 2ar. o!er with the lid and sha.e until the ingredients are well #i4ed. 'n a salad bowl* co#bine the coo.ed or canned beans* corn* a!ocado* bell pepper* to#atoes* green onions* chile pepper* and cilantro. Sha.e the ;i#e Dressing and pour it o!er the salad. Stir until well coated. B"he salad can be prepared a few hours ahead* but donHt add the a!ocado until ser!ing ti#e. %efrigerate* and ad2ust the seasonings before ser!ing.C 4 to ? #ain-course ser!ings or E to 11 side-dish ser!ings.

!"A&+ !EAN AN#

2 drained c 2 1 1/2 1/4 3/4 1/2 2 cups cups cups cup cup cup

*&E SA"A#

oo.ed or canned blac. beans -- - Brinse / oo.ed rice @resh cilantro ;i#e 2uice $il hopped onion )arlic clo!es -- crushed Salt @reshly ground blac. pepper

-i4 the beans* rice* and cilantro together in a bowl. Place the li#e 2uice in a s#all bowl and whis. in the oil. ,dd the onion and garlic and toss with the rice and beans. ,dd salt and pepper to taste.

!"A&+ !EAN AN#

2 1 1 1 1 cups cup cup cup tablespoon cup tablespoon

*&E SA"A# /0EGAN1

1/2 1/4

oo.ed rice -- cooled oo.ed blac. beans hopped to#atoes heddar cheese* shredded -- op @resh parsley -- snipped ;ow calorie italian salad dr @resh li#e 2uice ;ettuce lea!es and rice co#bine to #a.e a great lowfat* low o#bine rice* beans* to#ato* cheese Bif desiredC* bowl. Pour dressing and li#e 2uice o!er rice on lettuce lea!es.

;efto!er blac. beans cholesterol salad. and parsley in large #i4ture> toss. Ser!e

!"A&+ !EAN AN# SA"SA SA"A#

1/2 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/E 1/E can can cup cup cup ounces cup B1? o3C corn -- drained B1? o3C +lac. beans -- drained elery -- chopped )reen onion -- chopped ilantro -- chopped Salsa %ed wine !inegar

'n a large bowl* co#ine first fi!e ingredients> #i4 well. +lend salsa and !inegar. Pour o!er salad and toss well. o!er and chill. Spoon onto lettuce lea!es.

!"A&+ !EAN
2/3 1/2 1/2 1/3 2 1 2 cup bn cup cup of tablespoons dashes

E"*SH **
+lac. beans -- coo.ed until tender and drained ilantro -- chopped orn %ed bell peppers> seeded -- and diced the si3e the beans $li!e oil ;i#e -- 2uiced "abasco sauce Bor to tasteC Salt Bto tasteC Pepper Bto tasteC

'n a #ediu# bowl place all of the ingredients and stir the# together. ;et the relish sit for 1 hour before ser!ing it.

!lack !ean Salad

2 0 1 1 2 2 1 1 can 1? o3 cup s#all 1/4 1/4 cup cup tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon blac. beans -- rinsed and drained scallions -- thinly sliced cherry to#atoes -- 7uartered yellow bell pepper -- seeded and diced 2alapeno peppers -- seeded and chopped cilantro -- finely chopped sherry !inegar oli!e oil di2on #ustard cu#in -- ground oregano -- dried salt and pepper -- to taste


"oss all together and chill for at least an hour.


3 1/2 1/2 1/2 each each each each teaspoon teaspoons cup each cups tablespoon each )arlic clo!es -- #inced %ed onion -- chopped %ed bell pepper -- diced :ellow bell pepper -- diced u#in oriander 5uice of 4 li#es $li!e oil 5alapeno pepper -- #inced oo.ed blac. beans ilantro $ranges* peeled -- sectioned

1 2 1 2 1 2


o#bine first nine ingredients in order in large bowl. "oss on beans / oranges. -i4 to coat. Season to taste with salt / pepper.

!"A&+ !EAN .*TH PEPPE S & &23*N 0*NA*G ETTE

1 1/4 4 1 1/2 1 1 1/4 1 1 2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 4 cups cups each teaspoon tablespoon each teaspoon teaspoon tablespoon tablespoons each each each each each Dried blac. beans -- soa.ed Gater +ay leaf Salt %ed wine !inegar lo!e garlic -- #inced u#in Hot pepper sauce hopped cilantro $li!e oil %ed pepper -- diced :ellow pepper -- diced )reen pepper -- diced %ed onion -- diced Scallion -- thinly sliced

Drain beans / rinse well. Put in a large pot with the water / bay leaf. +ring to a boil / si##er for 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Drain. o#bine salt* !inegar* garlic* cu#in* hot pepper sauce* cilantro / oli!e oil in a s#all bowl. Pour o!er war# beans. "oss well. ,dd re#aining ingredients. "oss gently* garnish with fresh cilantro / ser!e at roo# te#perature.

!"A&+ENE# &H*&+EN .*TH &AESA

1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1/2 cup tablespoon tablespoon tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon cup can tablespoons tablespoon tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon cup tablespoons cups


1/2 1/2

1 3 1 1 1 1 2 11

1/2 1/4

-----@$% H' 6&(----+ottle prepared 'talian Dressing BEo3C Dry white wine hic.en breasts hal!es S.inned and de-boned Dried #ar2ora# lea!es Dried oregano lea!es Dried thy#e lea!es Salt +lac. pepper -- freshly ground )round red cayenne pepper +utter or #argarine -- #elted -----@$% S,;,D----2 o3 ,ncho!ies @resh le#on 2uice Gorcestershire sauce @resh parsley -- chopped Di2on style #ustard @reshly ground blac. pepper )arlic clo!e -- crushed $li!e oil Par#esan cheese -- grated fresh Salad greens -- #i4ed

+;, 6&(&D H' 6&( Stir dressing and wine in shallow dish to blend> add chic.en> #arinate 1 hour* turning se!eral ti#es. )rind #ar2ora#* oregano* thy#e* salt* blac. pepper and ground red pepper to fine powder in coffee or spice grinder or #ini chop food processor. Spread #i4ture on plate. Heat 12 inch cast iron s.illet o!er high heat until* ? to 11 #inutes. Drain chic.en> dip into seasoning #i4ture to coat both sides* off e4cess. Place in hot s.illet> pour 2 " butter o!er each piece. %educe heat to #ediu#> coo. chic.en 3 to ? #inutes on each side until coo.ed through. Ser!e chic.en* sliced* on top of caesar salad. ,&S,% S,;,D8 Dse a for. to #ash the ancho!ies into a paste in a s#all bowl> stir in the le#on 2uice* worcestershire sauce* chopped fresh parsley* di2on style #ustard* freshly ground blac. pepper and the crushed garlic. Ghis. in the cup oli!e oil* slowly> stir in the freshly grated par#esan cheese. Pour the dressing o!er #i4ed salad greens in a large bowl> toss thoroughly to coat.

!lue &heese Potato Salad

2 ? 1 1 2 bunches stal.s cup cup cup teaspoons cup ------i4 together----green onions -- washed and chopped celery -- chopped fresh dill -- chopped #ayonnaise sour crea# le#on 2uice Salt and pepper to taste ---,dd about----cru#bled blue cheese -- to 3/4* and #i4 well



;et #i4ture sit o!ernight B!ery i#portantC* as the blue cheese needs to blend with the dressing. "hen* toss dressing with about ? pounds of coo.ed* cut potatoes* #ore salt* and a little !inegar. ' use s#all red potatoes* and then cut the# into 7uarters or si4ths if they are larger. ' cut the# first and then coo. the#* 2ust until they are done* and then rinse the# in cold water to stop "hen ' usually toss the# with a little !inegar and salt - re#e#ber* potatoes S$,6 up salt.

!lue &heese Salad

1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 cup cup tablespoon tablespoon tablespoon ounces tablespoon tablespoon each Sour crea# -ayonnaise Dry #ustard $regano @resh ground blac. pepper +lue cheese )arlic oil ;e#on 2uice Pac.age fresh spinach


+lend the sour crea# and #ayonnaise together in a bowl. Stir in the #ustard* oregano and blac. pepper. ru#ble the blue cheese and stir into the dressing. ,dd the garlic oil and le#on 2uice and whis. into the dressing. Pour so#e of the dressing o!er the spinach and ser!e. Ghen we are off our collecti!e diet* we can add other garnishes such as cheese* sprouts* croutons* bacon ....the list of fattening goodies will be endless. :ield 0-E portions


1 1 2 2 E 2 3 1 1/2 cup cup tablespoon tablespoons tablespoons each cup cup each each teaspoon Salad oil Salad dressing -ustard 9inegar Sugar Potatoes coo.ed* peeled -- and $nion-chopped Pic.les-chopped elery-chopped &ggs -- hard-coo.ed and chop elery seed Salt -- to taste Pepper -- to taste

1/2 1/4

'n bowl* #i4 together oil* salad dressing* #ustard* !inegar* and sugar. 'n large bowl* place diced potatoes. ,dd onions* pic.les* celery* celery seed* and eggs. Salt and pepper to taste. ,dd dressing. "oss lightly to coat.


1 1 1 2 1 1? o3 can na!y beans Drained and rinsed 1? o3 can red beans -- drained ,nd rinsed 1? o3 can blac. beans Drained and rinsed Stal.s celery -- sliced Babout upC "hinly sliced green onion 9inegar Ior #oreJ -olasses Di2on-style #ustard Pepper "orn curly endi!e

1 2

1/2 1/2 1/4 1/4

cup cup cup tablespoon teaspoon cups

'n a large bowl* co#bine beans* celery* and green onion. @or dressing* co#bine !inegar* #olasses* #ustard and pepper* and #i4 well. Pour o!er bean #i4ture* stir to coat. o!er and chill for 4 to 24 hours Bthe longer the betterFC* stirring occasionally. 5ust before ser!ing* stir in endi!e.

!roccoli Sesa'e Salad

1 2 2 4 1/4 1/4 head tablespoons cup cup tablespoons tablespoons broccoli oli!e oil rice wine !inegar soy sauce sesa#e oil sesa#e seeds -- toasted

Gash broccoli* discarding lea!es and toughest part of ste#. +lanch entire head in boiling water for one #inute. %inse under cold water. +rea. off florets and cut re#aining ste# Bpeeled* if desiredC into 2< pieces. Preheat o!en to 4?1 degrees. Pour oli!e oil onto a sheet. Spread broccoli pieces in one layer* turning to coat with oli!e oil. %oast at 4?1 degrees for ? #inutes* turn broccoli pieces o!er* and continue roasting until broccoli begins to brown* about ? #inute #ore. Ghis. together soy sauce* !inegar* and sesa#e oil. Stir in 3 tablespoons sesa#e seeds. Ghen broccoli is done* transfer to a bowl and pour dressing o!er it* stirring gently to coat. Sprin.le with re#aining tablespoon sesa#e seeds. Ser!e war# or at roo# te#perature.

!roccoli Salad
1 3/4 1/2 1/2 3/4 each cup cup each each cup pac.age Head of broccoli flowerets Shredded cheddar cheese Drained .idney beans of 1/2Hd cherry to# S#all onion Bcut thinC Sliced fresh #ushroo#s )ood Seasons 'talian salad #i4

1 1

"oss and #arinate 4 hours or o!ernight.

!u--et 3ake-4our-Own Salad

2 4 3 ? 3 11 10 2 1 1 1/2 1 cups cans cups cups ounces cups cup cups cup chic.ens -- coo.ed* A see note coo.ed rice chow #ein noodles -- large cans gra!y -- AA see note celery -- diced green onions -- sliced pineapple chun.s in 2uice -- drained cheddar cheese -- shredded toasted al#onds -- sli!ered toasted coconut blac. oli!es -- chopped

A +roiler-fryer chic.ens. oo.** bone and cut into bite-si3ed pieces. AA Dse chic.en gra!y or co#bination of broth* chic.en soup and gra!y. Heat chic.en and gra!y together. Place in pretty ser!ing or chafing dish. Place other ite#s in a decorati!e fashion on buffet table. )uests can build their own salads using these ingredients. "his can be #ade in ad!ance and stored separately* ready to asse#ble when needed.

&a,,age %ruit Salad .ith Sour-crea'

2 1 1 cups each tablespoon cup cup teaspoons teaspoon tablespoon cup abbage> raw -- shredded ,pple> #ed.* diced -- unpeeled ;e#on 2uice %aisins Pineapple 2uice ;e#on 2uice Salt Sugar Sour crea#

1/2 1/4 1 1/2 1/4 1 1/2

Prepare cabbage and apple. Dse 1 " le#on 2uice to wet diced apple to pre!ent dar.ening. "oss cabbage* raisins* and apple. -i4 fruit 2uices* salt* and sugar. ,dd sour crea#* stir until s#ooth> add to salad and chill.

&aesar Salad #ressing5 "ow cal

1/3 2 1 1/2 1 1 1/4 1 1 2 1 cup tablespoons teaspoons each teaspoon teaspoon pinch pinch tablespoons tablespoon "ofu ;e#on 2uice Di2on #ustard )arlic clo!e -- #inced ,ncho!y paste -- or ancho!y Salt Sugar -- pinch Pepper Par#esan cheese -- grated $li!e oil

'n s#all saucepan of si##ering water* poach tofu for 2 #inutes> drain* chop coarsely and let cool. 'n blender* blend le#on 2uice* #ustard* garlic* ancho!y* salt* sugar and pepper. Gith blender running* gradually add tofu* cheese and oil. "ransfer to s#all 2ar and refrigerate* co!ered* for up to 2 days. 1/2 cup.

&a6un &oleslaw
? 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 4 2 1 tablespoons teaspoon tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons tablespoon teaspoon tablespoon each teaspoons each each each -ayonnaise -- BheapingC ;ouisiana hot sauce :ellow #ustard BheapingC 6etchup $li!e oil Gine !inegar )arlic salt ;ea / perrins 5uice of #ediu#s si3e le#on Salt Bto tasteC +ell peppers -- sliced $nions* #ediu# -- shredded ;arge cabbage -- shredded

Put #ayonnaise and #ustard in a bowl large enough to hold co#plete #i4ture* but shaped so that the #i4ture can be beaten with a for.. +eat #ayonnaise and #ustard until co#bined. ,dd oli!e oil slowly* beating all the ti#e. +eat until #i4ture has returned to the thic.ness of original #ayonnaise. ,dd ;ouisiana hot sauce* continuing to beat. ,dd .etchup and .eep beating. ,dd salt and garlic salt* beating all the ti#e. ,dd wine !inegar Bthis will thin the sauce downC. +eat this thoroughly* adding the le#on 2uice as you do so. "aste for salt and pepper. Place shredded cabbage* peppers* and onions in a large salad bowl. pour sauce o!er and toss well. "his should be done about an hour before ser!ing. "astes e!en better the ne4t day.

&alico Salad
1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 cup each cup each cup can teaspoon can teaspoon can Sugar )reen pepper -- chopped Salad oil -ed. onion -- chopped or rings 9inegar ut green beans Salt %ed .idney beans Pepper :ellow wa4 beans

1 1 1 1 1


Gash and drain .idney* green* and wa4 beans. ,dd chopped pepper and onion. -i4 sugar* oil* !inegar* salt and pepper. Pour o!er salad. hill.

&ali-ornia !ean S$rout Salad

1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 head head cup cups cup teaspoon tablespoon cup %o#aine lettuce -- s#all head leaf lettuce -- s#all head 2ica#a -- cut in 2-inch strips bean sprouts -- coo.ed cider !inegar sugar salt cucu#ber -- diced red pepper a!ocado -- cubed hard-boiled egg sesa#e oil -- optional

1/4 1/4 1/2


Prepare the red pepper by washing* cut in half and re#o!e seeds and #e#branes* cut into s#all strips. Gash lettuce* spin or blot dry and place in plastic bag with a paper towel> seal bag and refrigerate. ut peeled 2ica#a into strips such as @rench fry-si3e and refrigerate until ser!ing ti#e. 'n saucepan* bring 1 7uart water to a boil. ,dd the bean sprouts and blanch for two #inutes. %e#o!e and run under cold water briefly. '##erse in a bowl of ice water for one #inute* drain well. -ash boiled egg or put through a sie!e. %efrigerate. 'n a s#all bowl* blend !inegar* sugar and salt. 'n a large bowl* co#bine bean sprouts* diced cucu#bers* strips of red pepper and a!ocado cubes. ,dd 1 teaspoon of sesa#e oil if desired and blend this #i4ture well. ,dd the !inegar #i4ture to the bean sprout #i4ture and toss to co#bine. o!er bowl tightly and refrigerate 1 hour. "o ser!e* tear lettuce into bite si3ed pieces and di!ide e7ually a#ong 4-0 salad plates. "op with the sprout #i4ture* sprin.le with the chopped egg* and arrange the 2ica#a strips on one side of salad. (eeds no further dressing to be a delicious and healthy dish.

&ali-ornia &hicken Salad

2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/4 cups cup cup cup teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon tablespoons teaspoon teaspoons coo.ed chic.en -- chopped -onterey 2ac. cheese -- shredded cheddar cheese -- shredded a!ocado -- diced oli!es -- chopped to#atillos -- chopped chili powder garlic powder onions -- chopped blac. pepper #ayonnaise green chiles -- #inced sun-dried to#atoes* oil-pac.ed -- #inced

A , to#atillo is also .nown as a -e4ican herry to#ato. AA Dse a dash of onion 2uice instead of #inced onions if preferred. ;ightly #i4 the first 11 ingredients together. -oisten with #ayonnaise* using #ore or less as desired. -ound in 4 decorati!e ser!ing dishes* sprin.le the #inced green chilies and #inced sun-dried to#atoes on top. hill for 1 hour. Ser!e with corn chips or crisp-fried tortillas as a light lunch.

2 1 1 2 "bsp "bsp 1/2 "bsp dash dash

aisin Salad
%aisins ider 9inegar arrots -- coarsely shredded Pineapple hun.s 'n 5uice -- drained Pineapple 5uice -- unsweetened )round inna#on )round (ut#eg

o#bine raisins and !inegar in a #ed. bowl> let stand 1? #in. ,dd carrot and pineapple tidbits> stir well. o#bine pineapple 2uice* cinna#on* and nut#eg> pour o!er carrot #i4ture* and toss well. o!er and chill.

&at-ish and &raw-ish 3old

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/2 up up up "ablespoon Pound "easpoon Pound "ablespoon hopped parsley rea# cheese Dry white wine Salt* to taste ;e#on 2uice atfish #eat* coo.ed ;ouisiana hot sauce rawfish #eat* coo.ed ;ea / Perrins

hop catfish and crawfish in food processor. ,dd wine* parsley* le#on 2uice* and salt. -i4 real well. ,dd hot sauce and ;ea / Perrins Gorcestershire sauce. -i4 well. ,dd crea# cheese. -i4 well. %efrigerate o!ernight in a #old. Ser!e with crac.ers or on a bed of lettuce. :ou can use shri#p if crawfish arenHt a!ailable.

&aesar -or Two

1 1 1 4 2 2 2 2 3 each each each each tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons each tablespoons lo!e garlic -- #inced Head ro#aine lettuce "in ,ncho!ies B-illionaresC routons +acon chopped $li!e oil Ghite !inegar Gorcestershire Dash tobasco ;e#on &gg yol.s appers Par#asean cheese

rush garlic in oil with for. in bowl. ,dd 1/2 can ancho!ies*capers / chop #ince with oil. Separate egg yol.s in s#all bowl and add to #i4ing bowl ,dd worcestershire sauce* le#on* tabasco* !inegar and bacon bits #i4 well. ;et stand for ? #inutes. "oss salad and add croutons and cheese.

&aesar Salad
21 1 1 1 1 each each cup each each teaspoon each cup teaspoon cup each ;arge ro#aine lea!es Head lettuce @rench bread cut 1/2 in cube ;arge garlic clo!e &gg Salt 5uice of one le#on $li!e oil Gorcestershire sauce )rated ro#ano cheese @resh ground pepper to taste

1/4 1/2 1/4 1/2 1/4

Gash and dry lettuce. Grap and refridgerate. Gar# bread cubes in 2K? degree @ o!en* tossing until hard and dry but not burnt. -ash garlic into side of large salad bowl. &ase egg into boiling water and boil e4actly 1 #inute* then crac. into bowl* it up with for.. ,dd salt. ,dd le#on 2uice* oli!e oil and worcestershire. -i4 well. about 1/2 cup dressing.C ,dd lettuce lea!es* tossing to coat thoroughly. ,dd %o#ono and pepper. "oss again. ,rrange on 2 dinner plates. )arnish with croutons 2.

&eler7 Seed #ressing

2 1 1 1/2 1/4 1/2 1/2 cup cup teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon cup teaspoon Sugar ;e#on 5uice ider 9inegar Dry -ustard Salt 9egetable $il elery Seed $% Poppy Seed

'n blender container* co#bine all ingredients e4cept oil and seed> blend until s#ooth. $n low speed* continue blending* slowly adding oil. Stir in seed. hill to blend fla!ors. about 1 cup. Suggested Ser!ing is to ser!e with all types of fresh fruit salads.

&herr7 &oke Salad

41 3 21 1 ounces ounces ounces cup cup herries> Dar.* Pitted -- 2 cn 5ello -- herry )elatin B1 p. Pineapple> rushed -- B1 nC oca- ola hopped Pecans


Heat cherries and their 2uice to boiling. %e#o!e fro# heat and add 5ello. Stir. ,dd pineapple* 2uice and all. Pour in co.e and nuts. Pour into an oiled 0-cup #old. ;et cool* then refrigerate at least 2 hours or until set. Ser!e cold.

&herr7 To'ato Salad

1 0 1 2 1 0 2 pint 1/4 1/4 cup tablespoon tablespoons teaspoon tablespoon lea!es tablespoons cherry to#atoes bacon slices #ayonnaise tarragon !inegar oli!e oil salt fresh basil -- chopped ro#aine lettuce chi!es -- chopped oo. bacon until !ery

Gash and ste# to#atoes. Dry co#pletely. crisp> drain thoroughly on paper towels.

-i4 #ayonnaise* !inegar* oli!e oil* salt* and basil. Pour o!er to#atoes* cru#ble bacon o!er all* and stir to coat to#atoes with dressing. Ser!e on lettuce lea!es* sprin.led with chi!es. Ser!e at once or refrigerate until ready to ser!e.

&herr7 .aldor- Gelatin

2 0 1 cups ounces cup cup cups cup cup +oiling Gater B1 p.C erry @la!or )elatin old Gater ;e#on 5uice hopped ored ,pples hopped elery hopped Galnuts $r Pecans ;ettuce ;ea!es )arnishesA

1/4 1 1/2 1 1

)arnishes to include ,pple slices and/or celery lea!es.

'n #ediu# bowl* pour boiling water o!er gelatin> stir until dissol!ed. ,dd cold water and le#on 2uice> chill until partially set. @old in apples* celery and nuts. Pour into lightly oiled 0-cup #old or =-inch s7uare pan. hill until set* 4 to 0 hours or o!ernight. Dn#old on lettuce lea!es and garnish as desired.

&H*&+EN AN# !"A&+ !EAN SA"A#

31 3 0 1 1 2 1 1 11 ounces cups +lac. beans> drain -- rinse hic.en> coo.ed -- cubed )reen onions -- sliced Sweet red pepper -- chop Sweet yellow pepper -- chop "o#atoes -- coarse chop oriander> chop -- fresh -----D%&SS'()----5alapeno pepper -- #inced )rated li#e rind ;i#e 2uice )arlic -- #inced Salt Pepper 9egetable oil


cup teaspoon cup #illiliters teaspoon teaspoon cup

1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4

Dse canned blac. beans B1?o3 B42?#;C per canC 'n large bowl* gently stir together blac. beans* chic.en* onions* red and yellow peppers and to#atoes. Dressing8 in s#all bowl* whis. together 2alapeno pepper* li#e rind and 2uice* garlic* salt and pepper> gradually whis. in oil. Pour o!er salad> add coriander and toss gently.

&H*&+EN ! O&&O"* SA"A#

1/3 cup Dncoo.ed +ulgur B1 . oo.ed +rown %ice -ay +e Substituted @or +ulgur.C +oiling Gater Di!ided hic.en +ouillon )ranules )arlic rushed B11 $3.C hic.en +reast S.inned +roccoli @lowerets -inced )reen $nions ;i#e 5uice Pepper rushed %ed Pepper -inced )ingerroot

2 2/3 1 11 1 2 1 1 1/2 1/4 1/4

cups teaspoon #illiliters cup tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon

o#bine +ulgur / 2/3 . +oiling Gater in , ;arge +owl> ;et Stand 31 "o 4? -in. $% Dntil ;i7uid 's ,bsorbed. Set ,side. o#bine +ouillon )ranules* )arlic* / %e#aining 2 . +oiling Gater in , -ediu# Saucepan. +ring "o , +oil $!er High Heat> ,dd hic.en. o!er* %educe Heat / Si##er 21 -in. $% Dntil hic.en 's "ender. %e#o!e hic.en / ;et ool. Discard +roth. +one hic.en / ut 'nto +ite Side Pieces* o#bine Gith %eser!ed +ulgur. Stea# +roccoli ? -in. $% Dntil risp "ender. ,dd "o hic.en -i4ture. ,dd )reen $nions* ;i#e 5uice Pepper* %ed / )ingerroot "o hic.en -i4ture* "ossing Gell. o!er / hill 2 "o 3 Hours.

4 2 1 1 ?1 = 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/4 1/4 teaspoon pounds cup cup tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon #illiliters cups cup


1 o3. slices @rench bread 9egetable spray )arlic powder +oneless chic.en breasts @resh le#on 2uice %ed wine !inegar $li!e oil ,ncho!y paste @resh ground pepper )arlic %o#aine lettuce )rated par#esan cheese

1. "ri# bread crusts and discard. ut bread into 1 inch cubes. Place cubes in a single layer on a sheet. oat cubes with spray> sprin.le with garlic powder> toss well. +a.e at 3?1@ for 1? #inutes or until lightly browned and set aside. 2. oat a large nonstic. s.illet with spray> place o!er #edhigh heat until hot. ,dd chic.en hal!es> saute 0 #inutes on each side or until well done. %e#o!e chic.en fro# s.illet> let cool. ut chic.en across the grain into thin slices> set aside. 3. o#bine le#on 2uice and ne4t ? ingredients in container of an electric blender. o!er and process until s#ooth. ,dd 1/4 cup of the le#on 2uice #i4ture to the chic.en> toss gently to coat. 4. 'n a large salad bowl* place the lettuce. Dri33le re#aining le#on 2uice #i4ture o!er lettuce and toss well. ,dd the chic.en #i4ture and cheese* and toss gently to coat. Ser!e with croutons.

&H*&+EN &2
3 1 4 3 1 1 2 1/2 1/2 1/4 cup tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon cups 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/4 #ediu# #ediu# cup cup cup cup

*&E SA"A#

Plain yogurt urry powder -- di!ided )arlic clo!e -- #inced Salt )round red pepper hic.en breasts -- - Bboneless* s.inless oo.ed rice -- cooled Bcoo.ed in chic.en brothC %ed pepper -- 2ulienned %ed onion -- sliced Snow peas -- 2ulienned )reen onions -- sliced %aisins Dnsalted peanuts -- chopped ;ight 'talian dressing

o#bine yogurt* 2 tablespoons curry powder* garlic* salt and ground red pepper in #ediu# bowl> #i4 well. Place chic.en in #i4ture> stir to coat. o!er and #arinate 4 to 0 hours in refrigerator. )rill or broil chic.en and cut into strips> refrigerate. o#bine rice* re#aining 1 tablespoon curry powder* red pepper* red onion* snow peas* green onions* raisins and peanuts> #i4 well. o!er and refrigerate one hour. Pour dressing o!er salad> toss. "o ser!e* place chic.en strips o!er salad.

&hicken Salad
1 1 1 1 1 each each each cup teaspoon dash dash S#all sweet pic.le 1-inch piece onion oo.ed chic.en breast -- cubed -ayonnaise Sugar Salt Pepper

1/3 1/2

Place pic.le and onion in blender or food processor. Process until finely chopped. ,dd chic.en and process 3 fast pulses. ,dd re#aining ingredients and process 2 fast pulses. :ield8 1 up


4 hic.en breast hal!es -- coo.ed* s.inned* boneless bro.en into s#all pieces 1 can Gater chestnuts BE o3 canC -- drained* sliced 3 )reen onions with tops -- chopped 1/4 cup Sesa#e seeds -- toasted 1/3 cup Sliced al#onds -- toasted 1 tablespoon Poppy seeds Dressing 1 can how #ein noodles B3 o3 canC 1 -ediu# head iceberg lettuce -- bro.en into s#all pieces 'n large bowl* #i4 together chic.en* water chestnuts* green onions* sesa#e seeds* al#onds and poppy seeds. Pour Dressing o!er chic.en #i4ture> toss gently to #i4 well. %efrigerate salad until chilled* about 2 hours. ,t ser!ing ti#e* #i4 chic.en #i4ture with noodles and lettuce. ser!ings. 0

D%&SS'()8 'n a 1-pint 2ar* #i4 together 4 tablespoons sugar* 4 tablespoons cider !inegar* 1 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper. ,dd 1/2 cup salad oil> sha.e to #i4 well.

&hicken Salad 3ari

2 1 1 1 2 3/4 cup teaspoons tablespoon tablespoon teaspoon tablespoons teaspoon cups pint ---- Dressing8 ----#ayonnaise Gorcestershire sauce fresh parsley -- chopped chi!es -- chopped fresh basil blac. oli!es -- chopped blac. pepper salt -- to taste ---- Salad8 ----chic.en* light #eat -- cubed cherry to#atoes %o#aine lettuce lea!es -- chopped


3 1

"o prepare dressing* co#bine the dressing ingredients* blend well and refrigerate at least 31 #inutes. "o asse#ble salad* tear ro#aine lettuce into bite si3ed pieces and place on indi!idual ser!ing plates. -i4 cubed coo.ed chic.en with chilled dressing> di!ide e!enly on the lettuce. ut cherry to#atoes in half and place around edges of salad. Ser!e with crisp croutons sprin.led on salad if desired. 'f you wish to prepare the salad ahead of ti#e* refrigerate the chic.en* lettuce* to#atoes and dressing in separate co!ered containers and asse#ble 2ust before ser!ing.

&hicken Salad Su$re'e

1 1 4 11 1 1/4 1/4 cup cup teaspoon teaspoon cups ounces cup cup cup -ayo $r Salad Dressing ;i#e 5uice Salt )round (ut#eg ubed hic.en $r "ur.ey B1 cnC -andarin $ranges A Seedless )reen )rape Hal!es hopped elery Sli!ered ,l#onds -- "oasted

3/4 1/2

Drain -andarin $range seg#ents. 'n large bowl* co#bine #ayonnaise* li#e 2uice* salt* and nut#eg. ,dd re#aining ingredients> #i4 well. hill. Ser!e on ;ettuce lea!es. %efrigerate lefto!ers.

&H*&+EN SA"A# .*TH !"A&+ !EANS

1 1 2 2 1 4 3 2 1/4 1/4 cup pound cup cup tablespoons teaspoons tablespoon tablespoons tablespoons bn @er#ented hinese bl.. beans Snow peas Dry sherry ;ow-sodiu# chic.en broth @inely #inced garlic @inely #inced fresh ginger -- L$%L-Powdered ginger hic.en breast hal!es -- BbonedC Salad oil Dar. sesa#e oil BoptionalC ilantro


S$,6 "H& +;, 6 +&,(S '( G,"&% for 1? #inutes. Drain and discard water. -eanwhile* coo. the snow peas in boiling salted water for 31 seconds. '##ediately drain and plunge into ice water to chill. Drain again* dry on a towel* cut lengthwise into thin 2ulienne strips and set aside. 'n a 2-7uart saucepan* co#bine the blac. beans with the sherry and coo. for 1 #inute o!er high heat. ,dd broth* garlic and ginger and bring al#ost to a boil. %educe heat to low* add the chic.en breasts* co!er and si##er 4 #inutes. %e#o!e fro# heat and let the contents of the pan steep* co!ered* for ? #inutes. %e#o!e the chic.en breasts to a plate and return the pan to the sto!e. Place o!er #ediu# heat and coo. unco!ered for ? #inutes* reducing the li7uid by 1/3. Pour the #i4ture into a #i4ing bowl* let cool for 11 #inutes* then transfer the #i4ture to a blender. %unning the blender on #ediu#* slowly add both oils. Ghen itHs ti#e to put dinner on the table* pour the sauce onto a platter* and place a pile of snow peas in the center of the plate. Slice the chic.en diagonally across the grain into thin strips. @an chic.en breasts around the snow peas. ,rrange !egetables around the chic.en and sprin.le with cilantro.

&H*&+EN SA"A# .*TH "E3ON5

1 1/2 1 2 0 0 2 1 1/2 1/3 cups pound 1/3 cup


teaspoons teaspoon cup cup tablespoons teaspoons teaspoons tablespoon teaspoon

2 2 2 1


----- %$D"$(S----@rench bread cubes -- about 1/2-inch cubes $li!e oil spray -- or nonstic. -----S,;,D----hic.en breasts -- boneless and s.inles Stal.s celery -- #inced )olden raisins Peel of 1 le#on -- finely grated %o#aine lea!es %adicchio lea!es -- Bsee noteC ;e#on 2uice $li!e oil -----D%&SS'()----Plain nonfat yogurt ;ight #ayonnaise ;e#on 2uice Di2on-style country #ustard -- or grainy #ustard Honey -inced fresh rose#ary lea!es Salt -- to 1/4 ts @reshly ground blac. pepper -- to taste

1. "$ P%&P,%& "H& %$D"$(S8 Spray a sheet with 3 sprays of the oli!e oil spray or nonstic. spray. Spread the bread cubes on the sheet and spray lightly again 3 ti#es. Place in a preheated 3?1degree @ o!en about 21 #inutes* or until golden. %e#o!e fro# the o!en and cool. 2. "$ P%&P,%& "H& S,;,D8 Place the chic.en in a pan and co!er with water. +ring 2ust to a boil* co!er and reduce the heat to #ediu#-low. oo. 11 #inutes* or until chic.en is coo.ed through. %e#o!e fro# the li7uid and cool. ut into s#all chun.s or pull into shreds. 3. o#bine the chic.en with the celery* raisins and le#on peel.

4. "$ P%&P,%& "H& D%&SS'()8 'n a bowl* stir together the yogurt* #ayonnaise* le#on 2uice* #ustard* honey* rose#ary* salt and pepper. Stir into the salad* co!er and refrigerate until ready to ser!e. ?. Gash the ro#aine and radicchio* pat dry and wrap in paper towels. %efrigerate. 0. Ghen ready to ser!e* stir together 2 teaspoons le#on 2uice and 1 teaspoon oli!e oil. "ear the lettuce into s#all pieces and toss with the le#on-oil #i4ture. Di!ide between plates and top with the chic.en salad. )arnish with the croutons. (ote8 'f radicchio is una!ailable or too e4pensi!e* substitute red leaf lettuce.

&hicken Taco Salad5 "ow %at

1 2 1 1 1/2 pound cup #ediu# can pac.age cup pac.age hic.en #eat -- white s.inless ;ettuce -- torn into pieces "o#atoes -- cut into pieces 6idney beans -- rinsed and Drained B1? o3. si3eC "aco seasoning #i4 heddar cheese -- non fat Hot sauce to taste "ortilla chips -- Aba.edA B1 )- fat per 21 chipsC +ottle 6raft fat free salad Dressing -- atalina

1/2 1/2

Place chic.en in a bowl and co!er with wa4ed paper. oo. in #icrowa!e about ? #inutes. %e#o!e and drain chic.en to re#o!e any fat. Prepare taco #i4 as directed* substituting chic.en for beef. Place lettuce* to#atoes* and chips in a large bowl. ,dd drained beans* grated cheese* and salad dressing. -i4 well. Ser!e i##ediately.

&hicken-Pasta Salad .ith !lue,erries

= 3 3 1 2 3 $3. Pc.g ups ups up up up "ablespoons up up "ablespoons "easpoon "easpoon @ro3en @rench ut )reen +eans -- thawed hic.en +reast -- coo.ed / shredded @usilli Pasta -- coo.ed w/o salt or f @resh +lueberries elery -- thinly sliced )reen $nion -- thinly sliced @resh $regano -- finely chopped Plain ;ow-@at :ogurt -- Bplus 2 "bsp.C -ayonnaise -- Bplus 1 "bsp.C +lueberry 9inegar Salt +lac. Pepper -- coarsely ground ;ettuce ;ea!es -- BoptionalC

3/4 1/4 1/2 1/4 1/2 1/2

Place green beans between paper towels and s7uee3e until barely #oist. o#bine green beans and ne4t 0 ingredients in a large bowl. o#bine yogurt and ne4t 4 ingredients in a bowl> stir well. Pour o!er chic.en #i4ture* toss gently. o!er and chill 2 hours. Ser!e on a lettuce-lined ser!ing plate. :ield8 0 ser!ings

&hicken-Pasta Salad .ith !lue,erries 82

= 3 3 1 2 3 $3. Pc.g ups ups up up up "ablespoons up up "ablespoons "easpoon "easpoon @ro3en @rench ut )reen +eans -- thawed hic.en +reast -- coo.ed / shredded @usilli Pasta -- coo.ed w/o salt or f @resh +lueberries elery -- thinly sliced )reen $nion -- thinly sliced @resh $regano -- finely chopped Plain ;ow-@at :ogurt -- Bplus 2 "bsp.C -ayonnaise -- Bplus 1 "bsp.C +lueberry 9inegar Salt +lac. Pepper -- coarsely ground ;ettuce ;ea!es -- BoptionalC

3/4 1/4 1/2 1/4 1/2 1/2

Place green beans between paper towels and s7uee3e until barely #oist. o#bine green beans and ne4t 0 ingredients in a large bowl. o#bine yogurt and ne4t 4 ingredients in a bowl> stir well. Pour o!er chic.en #i4ture* toss gently. o!er and chill 2 hours. Ser!e on a lettucelined ser!ing plate. :ield8 0 ser!ings

&hili-S$iced !ee- And

1 2 1 3 2/3 1/4 ;b "sp -ed

ice Salad

+oneless +eef "op Sirloin Stea. Spicy Seasoning -i4 -- di!ided %ice $range B$r ,ppleC -- cut in pieces )reen $nions -- thinly sliced "oasted Galnuts -- chopped

oo. rice according to pac.age directions* adding 1 tsp Spicy Seasoning -i4 to the water. Should yield about 2 cups. Heat 11-inch nonstic. frying pan o!er #ediu# heat ? #inutes. -eanwhile rub 1 tsp seasoning into both sides of stea.. Pan broil stea. 12 - 14 #inutes for rare to #ediu#* turning once. Season with salt if desired. -eanwhile co#bine rice* fruit* onions* and walnuts. ar!e stea. into 1/4 inch thic. slices. ,rrange beef and rice #i4ture on indi!idual plates or ser!ing platter.

&H*NESE &H*&+EN SA"A# *N .2N T2N !AS+ETS

1/4 1/4 1/4 2 1/2 1/2 2 shredded 0 1 1 cup cup cup teaspoons teaspoon pounds ounces Sugar 9inegar Salad oil Salt +rown sugar hic.en breasts or thighs -- - coo.ed and Gun tun wrappers Babout 31C Salad oil for frying Head lettuce -- shredded )reen onion -- sliced Sli!ered al#onds -- toasted



o#bine sugar* !inegar* the 1/4 cup oil* the salt* and brown sugar> #i4 well. Pour o!er chic.en* #arinate for at least 21 #inutes or longer. Heat oil to 3K? @. Place one wun tun wrapper in ladle* fit another ladle on top wrapper to hold in place. Deep fry in hot oil until golden brown> drain. %epeat until all wrappers are #ade into #ini bas.ets. Place bas.ets on a platter lined with lettuce. @ill each with lettuce* chic.en* green onion and al#onds. Ser!e i##ediately. 11 ser!ings.

&hinese &hicken-Noodle Salad 82

4 1 2 1 3 2 2 1 $unces up ups up up "ablespoons tablespoons teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon angel hair pasta -- uncoo.ed B1/2-inC diagonally sliced fresh snow peas shredded coo.ed chic.en breast -- appro4 3/4M diced red bell pepper sliced green onions #ediu# cucu#ber* peeled* hal!ed lengthwise* and sliced -- about 3/4 cup low-sodiu# teriya.i sauce rice !inegar sesa#e seeds -- toasted dar. sesa#e oil salt pepper

1/2 1/4

1/2 1/4

+rea. pasta into ?-inch pieces. oo. in boiling water 2 #inutes. ,dd snow peas> coo. an additional #inute. Drain and rinse under cold* running water> drain well. o#bine pasta #i4ture* chic.en* and ne4t 3 ingredients in a bowl> set aside. o#bine teriya.i sauce and ne4t ? ingredients in a bowl> stir well. Pour o!er pasta #i4ture* and toss well. Ser!e at roo# te#perature or chilled. :ield 4 1-1/2 cup ser!ings.

&hinese &oleslaw
4 E 1/4 E 1 1/4 1/4 1 1 cups ounces ounces cup cup cup tablespoon teaspoon hinese cabbage -- shredded Pineapple* crushed -- drainedA Gater chestnuts -- sliced AA Parsley* fresh -- snipped )reen onions -- sliced -ayonnaise -- reduced calor. -ustard -- prepared )ingerroot -- grated

A pac.ed in its own 2uice AA drained o#bine cabbage* pineapple* water chestnuts* parsley* and onion. o!er and chill. @or dressing* co#bine #ayonnaise* #ustard* and gingerroot. o!er and chill. Spoon dressing o!er the cabbage #i4ture> toss to coat.

&hinese &ucu',er Salad

3 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 teaspoon tablespoons 7uarts tablespoon teaspoon tablespoons tablespoon cucu#bers salt soy sauce rice wine !inegar sugar sesa#e oil scallions -- finely chopped fresh ginger root -- finely chopped

Peel cucu#bers. Slice thinly. -i4 re#aining ingredients and pour o!er cucu#bers. Stir carefully. hill.

&hinese Noodle Salad w9

K 3 3 2 1/2 E 3 14 1 1 1 4 3 1 1/2 tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons teaspoons each tablespoons ounces pound tablespoon clo!e ounces pound tablespoons each

oasted Egg$lant

"he (oodles / "he -arinade low sodiu# soy sauce balsa#ic !inegar sugar -- or #ore to taste red pepper oil scallions -- #ostly white part* -- thinly sliced cilantro -- chopped hinese noodles L21 "he &ggplant / "he 9egetable )arnish 5apanese eggplant ginger root -- 1 1/2 o3. peeled / -- #inced garlic -- finely chopped %eser!ed -arinade* fro# abo!e snow peas -- strings re#o!ed* cut -- in narrow strips #ung bean sprouts sesa#e seeds carrot -- #ediu# si3e* cut in -- 2ullienne ilantro lea!es -- for garnish

+egin by the #arinade. o#bine all the ingredients Be4cept the noodlesC in a bowl* stir the# together until the sugar is dissol!ed. (e4t* bring a large pot of water to a boil for the noodles. Ghile it is heating* gently pull apart the strands of noodles with your fingers* loosening and fluffing the# as you do so. ,dd the noodles to the boiling water without any salt* and gi!e the# a 7uic. stir with a for. or a pair of chopstic.s. oo. briefly until they are done but not o!erly soft* a few #inutes at #ost. '##ediately pour the# into a colander and rinse the# in cold water to stop the Sha.e the colander !igorously to get rid of as #uch water as possible* and put the noodles into a bowl. Stir the #arinade again> then pour half of it o!er the noodles and toss the# with your hands to distribute the #arinade. Set the re#aining #arinade aside. 'f the noodles arenHt to be used for a while* co!er the# with plastic and refrigerate the#. "he fla!ors* as well as the heat in the red pepper oil* will de!elop as the noodles sit. Preheat the o!en to 411L+1@. Pierce the eggplants in se!eral places and ba.e the# until they are soft and their s.ins ha!e shri!eled* about 21 #inutes* depending on their si3e. "urn the# o!er after 11 #inutes so they will ba.e e!enly. Ghen the eggplants are done* re#o!e the# to a cutting board and slice the# in half lengthwise. Ghen they are cool enough to handle* peel the away fro# the flesh. DonHt worry about any s#all pieces of that are difficult to re#o!e - the flec.s of dar. purple - brown are pretty. Shred the eggplants* gently tearing the# into 1/4 - inch strips. ,dd the ginger and garlic to the reser!ed #arinade* then the eggplant strips. "urn the pieces o!er se!eral ti#es to #a.e sure all the surfaces are well coated* and set the# aside. +ring a 7uart of water to a boil with a teaspoon of salt. +lanch the snow peas until they are bright green> then re#o!e the# with a strainer and rinse the# in cool water. ut the# into long* narrow strips and set the# aside. (e4t* put the sprouts in the water and coo. the# for about 31 seconds.

Pour the# into a colander* rinse the# with cold water* and lay the# on a clean .itchen towel to dry. %oast the sesa#e seeds in a pan until they are lightly colored and s#ell toasty. 'f the noodles ha!e been refrigerated* allow the# to co#e to roo# te#perature> then toss the# with the eggplant strips and half the sesa#e seeds. -ound the# on a platter* distribute the carrots* snow peas* and #ung bean sprouts o!er the noodles* and garnish with the re#aining sesa#e seeds and the leafy branches of cilantro. Present the salad li.e this* layered and laced with the colorful garnishes* either on a single large platter or on indi!idual plates. $nce ser!ed* guests can toss the noodles and !egetables together to thoroughly #ingle the different colors* te4tures* and tastes.

&hinese $asta salad

1 1/2 2?1 0 131 1 1 2 1/2 cups gra#s each ounces gra#s tablespoon each tablespoons teaspoon teaspoons tablespoons teaspoons teaspoon Snow peas %ice !er#icelli %ed pepper sliced thin &nglish cucu#ber sliced thin oo.ed shri#p rab#eat @ine chopped fresh ginger hopped garlic clo!e Sesa#e oil +lac. pepper Salt ;e#on 2uice 9egetable oil %ed wine !inegar

1/2 1 1/2 2 3 1

Gash and tri# snow peas. Place the# in a bowl and pour in enough boiling water to co!er the#. ;et stand 11 #inutes> drain and set aside. oo. the noodles in plenty of boiling water for 3 to 4 #inutes. Drain in colander* rinse with cold water and set aside. 'n large bowl* co#bine noodles* snow peas* red pepper* cucu#ber* shri#p and crab#eat. 'n a s#all bowl* co#bine ginger* garlic* sesa#e oil* pepper* salt* !egetable oil* le#on 2uice and !inegar. Pour this dressing o!er the other ingredients and #i4 thoroughly. hill before ser!ing.

&hinese Pasta Salad with &rea'7 Ginger #ressing

1 1 2 2 1 1 1/2 1/2 pound each pound pound tablespoons tablespoons tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon tablespoons each each teaspoon teaspoons cup teaspoons tablespoons tablespoon Precoo.ed shanghai noodles Dash sesa#e oil for noodles Snow peas Shri#p -- shelled de!eined oriander -- chopped Scallions -- #inced $il ------shri#p #arinade------Salt Ghite pepper hinese wine ----------dressing---------@resh ginger -- grated S#all garlic clo!e -- crushed &gg yol. &gg white ;e#on 2uice 9egetable oil Bnot oli!eC Soy sauce Sesa#e oil rea#

1/4 1/2

3 1 1 1 2

2/3 1 1/2 2 1/2 1

-i4 the #arinade ingredients in a s#all bowl and add shri#p. +lanch the noodles* rinse under cool water and sprin.le with sesa#e seed oil* toss* and set aside. B:ou #ay want to tri# noodles with scissors to about 4 inches in length* to #a.e ser!ing easier.C +lanch whole snow peas and set aside. Heat wo.* add 1 tablespoon oil* when oil is hot* add shri#p and stir-fry until pin.. Set aside. D%&SS'()8 'n a blender or food processor* #i4 ginger* garlic* egg yol.* egg white* and le#on. Slowly dri33le in oil. -i4 in soy and crea#. Set aside. "oss noodles* shri#ps* and snow peas. -i4 in dressing to taste. )arnish with scallions and coriander. Ser!e at roo# te#perature.

&ilantro Slaw
1 1 2 1 S#all S#all "ablespoons Head $f abbage -- finely shredded $nion -- #inced @resh ilantro -- #inced &uropean ucu#ber -- about 1 pound ;i#e ,nd )arlic Dressing8 1/2 1/3 up up lo!es Salad $il ;i#e 5uice @resh )arlic -- #inced* or pressed

-i4 cabbage* onion* and cilantro. Peel and seed cucu#ber> cut into 3-inch-long stic.s. B,t this point* you #ay co!er and refrigerate cabbage #i4ture and cucu#ber separately for up to 1 day.C Dressing8 Ghis. together 1/2 cup salad oil* 1/3 cup li#e 2uice* and 2 clo!es of #inced or pressed garlic. 'f #ade ahead* co!er and refrigerate for up to 2 days> stir to reblend before using. Stir dressing into cabbage #i4ture> pile into a bowl or onto a platter. )arnish with cucu#ber> season to taste with salt and pepper.

;,SS' 1 K 1/2 1/2 ounces cup cup ounces

-, ,%$(' S,;,D %ecipe $ld-@ashioned &gg &lbow #acaroni -- coo.ed and hopped green pepper -ayonnaise 5ar chopped pi#ientos -- drained

;ettuce lea!es Papri.a* optional 'n a bowl* co#bine egg salad* #acaroni* green pepper* #ayonnaise and pi#ientos. o!er and chill. @or each ser!ing* spoon about 3/4 cup onto a lettuce leaf. Sprin.le with papri.a* if desired.

&o,, Salad
1 2 2 1 diced 0 1 3 1/2 1/2 1/2 head bunch bunch head tablespoons #ediu# whole iceberg lettuce watercress curly endi!e -- s#all bunch ro#aine lettuce chi!es -- #inced to#atoes -- peeled* seeded* dice boneless s.inless chic.en breasts bacon slices -- coo.ed* diced a!ocado -- peeled and diced hard-boiled eggs -- diced %o7uefort cheese -- cru#bled @rench Dressing 1/4 1/4 1/4 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 1/2 1/4 3/4 cup cup teaspoon teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon cup cup water red wine !inegar sugar le#on 2uice salt blac. pepper Gorcestershire sauce dry #ustard garlic clo!e -- #inced oli!e oil !egetable oil

-- coo.ed*



hop lettuce* watercress* endi!e and ro#aine in !ery fine pieces. -i4 in 1 large wide bowl or 0 indi!idual wide shallow bowls. ,dd chi!es. ,rrange to#atoes* chic.en* bacon* a!ocado and eggs in narrow strips or wedges across top of greens. Sprin.le with cheese. hill. -eanwhile* to #a.e dressing* co#bine water* !inegar* sugar* le#on 2uice* salt* pepper* Gorcestershire* #ustard* garlic and oils. hill. ,t ser!ing ti#e* sha.e dressing well. ,t table* pour 1/2 cup dressing o!er salad and toss. Pass re#aining dressing at table.

&oconut &rea' #ressing

3 1 1 1/2 cup tablespoons tablespoon tablespoon Sour rea# @la.ed oconut Honey ;i#e 5uice

'n s#all bowl* co#bine all ingredients* #i4 well. hill before ser!ing. %efrigerate lefto!ers. about 1/2 cup Dressing

&old Noodles .ith Tahini #ressing

1 3 2 2 1 1/2 Pound "ablespoons lo!es "ablespoons "ablespoon "o 3/4 up 9er#icelli "ahini )arlic -- finely #inced ;e#on 5uice Salt ,nd Pepper Gater $li!e $il

-i4 tahini* garlic* le#on 2uice* salt* pepper* and water. +lend until s#ooth. )radually add the oli!e oil* while until s#ooth and #ediu# thic.. +oil the !er#icelli and drain. ool under water and toss with sauce. ,dd fresh !egetables if desired.

&old Potato Salad

0 1 3 1 2 1/2 1/2 each teaspoon each tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoons Potatoes -- large A -- boiling water Salt $nion> #ediu# -- #inced 9inegar -ustard -- prepared Sugar Dillseed

A Potatoes should be peeled and 7uartered. 'n #ediu# saucepan coo. potatoes in boiling salted water until tender. Drain* reser!ing 3/4 cup of potato water. Dice potatoes. ,dd oil and #inced onion> toss gently. 'n s#all saucepan bring the 3/4 cup potato water to a boil> pour o!er potatoes and onion. 6eep at roo# te#perature for 2 to 3 hours. Stir in !inegar* #ustard* sugar* and dillseed. Potato salad will be crea#y. Ser!e at roo# te#perature.

&ole Slaw
? 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 4 2 1 tablespoons teaspoon tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons tablespoon teaspoon tablespoon each teaspoons each each each -ayonnaise -- BheapingC ;ouisiana hot sauce :ellow #ustard BheapingC 6etchup $li!e oil Gine !inegar )arlic salt ;ea / Perrins 5uice of #ediu#s si3e le#on Salt Bto tasteC +ell peppers -- sliced $nions* #ediu# -- shredded ;arge cabbage -- shredded

Put #ayonnaise and #ustard in a bowl large enough to hold co#plete #i4ture* but shaped so that the #i4ture can be beaten with a for.. +eat #ayonnaise and #ustard until co#bined. ,dd oli!e oil slowly* beating all the ti#e. +eat until #i4ture has returned to the thic.ness of original #ayonnaise. ,dd ;ouisiana hot sauce* continuing to beat. ,dd .etchup and .eep beating. ,dd salt and garlic salt* beating all the ti#e. ,dd wine !inegar Bthis will thin the sauce downC. +eat this thoroughly* adding the le#on 2uice as you do so. "aste for salt and pepper. Place shredded cabbage* peppers* and onions in a large salad bowl. pour sauce o!er and toss well. "his should be done about an hour before ser!ing. "astes e!en better the ne4t day.

&oleslaw 2
2 1/2 2 1 1/4 3 1 1 pounds large cup cup tablespoons tablespoon cup cabbage -- green carrots -- B3/4 PoundC -ayonnaise -- Hell#annHs Preferred white !inegar -- ser!e to taste sugar #ustard -- prepared raisins

1C "ri# the tough outer lea!es fro# the cabbage. ut the cabbage into 7uarters and cut away the core fro# the cabbage pieces. finely shred the cabbage. "here should be about E cups. Peel the carrots and tri# the ends. )rate the# on the coarse side of a grater. 2C Stir the #ayonnaise* !inegar* sugar* and #ustard together in a large bowl until blended. ,dd the cabbage* carrots* and raisins and toss to coat with the dressing. ;et stand* tossing occasionally* about 1? #inutes. Store* co!ered* in the refrigerator for at least a few hours and toss well before ser!ing.

&on-etti &hicken Salad

3 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 1/4 cup tablespoons clo!e teaspoon teaspoon cups cup tablespoons cups fresh li#e 2uice oli!e oil garlic -- crushed chili powder salt chic.en -- coo.ed and cubed red bell pepper -- cut into thin strips green onions -- sliced fresh cilantro -- or parsley* chopped 2alapeno peppers -- ste##ed* seeded* #in coo.ed rice -- cooled a!ocados -- seed*peel*cut in chu

1/4 1/3

+lend li#e 2uice* oil* garlic* chili powder and salt in large bowl. ,dd chic.en* red pepper* onions* cilantro and hot peppers. o!er and refrigerate 2 to 3 hours. ,dd rice and a!ocado chun.s> toss lightly* and ser!e.

&on-etti 0egeta,le
3 4 1/2 1/2 cups


1/2 3 1 1/2

teaspoon tablespoons tablespoons

corn -- A see note red bell peppers -- seeded and chopped green bell peppers -- seeded and chopped scallions -- thinly sliced ground cu#in !egetable oil white wine !inegar blac. pepper -- to taste

A Dse freshly coo.ed corn-on-the cob> scrape .ernels fro# cob to #easure 3 cups. Place the corn in ser!ing bowl> add rest of ingredients and #i4 well. :ield8 about 3-1/2 cups.

&o$$er Pennies
2 1 3 1 1 1 1 pounds carrots -- sliced crosswise s#all onion -- chopped celery stal.s -- chopped sweet pepper -- chopped to#ato soup* condensed sugar oil dry #ustard Gorcestershire sauce

3/4 1/4

can cup cup teaspoon tablespoon

oo. carrots in salted water until tender. Drain. ,dd onion* pepper* and celery to drained carrots. -i4 re#aining ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Pour o!er carrots. %efrigerate o!ernight.

&O *AN#E
1 3 2 3 1/4 1/2 1 1 tablespoon tablespoon cup cup cup teaspoons tablespoon teaspoon cup

&H*&+EN SA"A#
oriander -- chopped Scallions Bincluding topsC -- #inced hic.en breasts -- boneless s.inless +utter or #argarine Sesa#e seeds -- toasted )arlic clo!e -- #inced Head of iceberg lettuce -- shredded -----S&S,-& D%&SS'()----Dry #ustard -Gater Sesa#e oil Salad oil Soy sauce Sugar ;e#on 2uice hinese ?-spice powder soa. in soy sauce for one hourC.

tablespoons cup

3 1

1/2 1/2 1/4 1/4

ut chic.en into strips Boptional8

@ry chic.en in butter and garlic until brown. %educe heat and si##er until done. ool in the refrigerator. "oss cooled chic.en with coriander* sesa#e seeds and scallions. "oss in sesa#e dressing Bsee belowC. Ser!e o!er a bed of shredded lettuce. D%&SS'()8 -a.e a paste of #ustard and water. +lend in other ingredients until ho#ogeneous. $ptional8 let dressing sit at roo# te#perature o!er night to get well-blended #i4ture Bbut it tastes fine freshly #ade* tooC

&O N5 !"A&+5 !EAN AN#

2 10 1 4 2 cups ounces tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon tablespoons




orn 6ernels -- coo.ed +lac. +eans > an* rinsed -- drained %ed pepper -- diced $li!e oil Gine !inegar u#in Salt Pepper oriander -- sprin.le chopped

o#bine 2 cups coo.ed corn .ernels* 10 ounce can rinsed and drained blac. beans* 1 diced red pepper* 4 teaspoons oli!e oil* 2 tablespoons wine !inegar* 1/2 teaspoon cu#in and salt and pepper to taste. -i4 well* sprin.le with 2 tablespoons chopped coriander.

&ottage &heese Salad

1 1 1 1 12 pac.age c carton container slliced cherry 2ello -- large crushed pineapple cool whip cottage cheese cherries

-i4 dry 2ello with drained pineapple ,dd cottage cheese and cherries @old in cool whip hill and ser!e.

&ounter-eit Tuna Salad

2 2 1 1/2 1/2 1/4 cups s#all cup tablespoons tablespoon cup arrots -- finely shredded $nion -- grated B1 tbC elery -- chopped fine Sweet pic.le relish ;e#on 2uice -ayonnaise Salt / Pepper

'n a #ediu# bowl* co#bine carrots* onion* celery and relish. 'n a s#all bowl* co#bine re#aining ingredients. ,dd to carrot #i4ture* #i4ing well. hill se!eral hours or o!ernight to blend fla!ors.

&raw-ish and Egg Salad

3 1 1 2 2 1 1 &ach "ablespoon Pound "ablespoons "ablespoons "easpoon "easpoon &ggs* hard boiled Dur.eeHs fa#ous sauce hopped crawfish or shri#p -ayonnaise Salt* if needed Dill pic.les* finely chopped %ed cayenne pepper Poupon #ustard

"o coo. crawfish8 'n a saucepan bring 2 7uarts water to boil with 2 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp of red pepper. ,dd peeled crawfish tails to water. +ring to boil and re#o!e fro# heat i##ediately. Drain and cool. hop hard-boiled eggs. hop crawfish and #i4 with eggs. ,dd pic.les. -i4 #ustard* Dur.eeHs* and #ayonnaise and add to egg #i4ture. 'f needed* add #ore pepper and salt.

& EA34 &H*&+EN SA"A# .*TH 3ANGO # ESS*NG

3 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 3/4 cup cup tablespoons 1/2 1/4 cup cup tablespoon tablespoon hic.en breast -- whole boneless hic.en broth %ice -angoes )reen onions -- chopped @rench dressing ------,()$ D%&SS'()-----ango ;ight crea# "housand island dressing -int -- chopped -ango chutney

Place chic.en stoc. in pan* add chic.en> co!er and bring to a boil* reduce heat and si##er 11 #inutes or until chic.en is tender> drain and cool. ,dd rice gradually to a large pan of boiling water. +oil rapidly* unco!ered* for 11 #inutes or until rice is tender> drain and cool. ut #ango into thin strips. ut chic.en into slices. -a.e dressing by co#bining all ingredients in a blender. o#bine rice* onions and @rench dressing in a bowl. Place on plates> top with chic.en and #ango dressing.

&rea'7 %ruit Salad

1 1 0 1 21 cup cup each each each cup cup cups tablespoons Strawberries -- 7uartered antaloupe -- chun.ed Strawberries -- whole ,pple -- cored and chopped )rapes -- seedless green Pineapple -- chun.ed -andarin orange sectionsA "oppingA oconut -- shredded / toasted

1/2 1/2 1 1/2 2

'n 2 7uart bowl co#bine fruits e4cept whole berries> co!er with plastic wrap and refrigerate until well chilled* at least 2 hours. "o ser!e8 into each of 0 parfait or sundae glasses spoon 2 " whipped toppingA thawed fro3en non-dairyC and top each portion with 1/4 c. fruit #i4ture. "op each portion of fruit with 1 " whipped topping* then an e7ual a#ount of re#aining fruit #i4ture. Spoon 1 " whipped topping onto each portion of fruit* sprin.le with 1 t coconut* and granish with 1 berry.

&rea'7 +idne7 !ean Salad

2 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/E 3/E cans cup cup cup teaspoons cup cup teaspoon teaspoon ;ight %ed 6idney +eans $nion -- chopped fine elery -- chopped fine arrot -- chopped fine 9inegar -ayonnaise #ayonnaise-type salad dressing -ustard relish

2 1 1

Place beans in a saucepan* bring to a boil* reduce heat and si##er for fi!e #in. or until desired doneness. Place chopped !egetables in a #icrowa!e safe dish and nu.e for two #in. Drain beans* reser!ing li7uid. ;et beans and !eggies cool to roo# te#perature. o#bine #ayo* salad dressing* !inegar* #ustard* and 0 ". reser!ed li7uid* and #i4 well. o#bine beans* chopped !egetables* relish before ser!ing. and sauce and #i4. hill

1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1/4 cup cup cup teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon cup cup

e-rigerator &oleslaw
cabbage head -- shredded green peppers -- 2ulienned carrots -- shredded +er#uda onions -- #inced 5ica#a sugar --- Dressing8 --sugar celery seed salt blac. pepper dry #ustard cilantro -- #inced fresh parsley ground basil !egetable oil cider !inegar

1/4 3/4

A ,dd 2ulienned or chopped 2ica#a 2ust before ser!ing. 1. Shred the cabbage !ery thin. o#bine with pepper* #inced onion* and carrots. Sprin.le with sugar* being sure to stir and sprin.le so sugar reaches all the cabbage. 2. 'n a saucepan* co#bine all the dressing ingredients. +ring to a boil> re#o!e fro# heat. Ghile still hot* pour this o!er the cabbage #i4ture* blending well. 3. o!er and refrigerate E hours or o!ernight. ,dd 2ica#a and stir again before ser!ing.

&ucu',er and A)ocado Salad

1 1 1 1 each tablespoon teaspoon each &nglish Seedless ucu#ber Salt hili Pepper @resh ;i#e 5uice -inced $nion Slices -- Sweet %ed Pepper ;ettuce %ipe ,!ocado -- sliced @resh Parsley

Peel and slice the cucu#ber paper-thin. Season with salt* chili pepper and li#e 2uice. Sprin.le with onion and red pepper slices. arrange lettuce on 0 ser!ing plates. Pile cucu#ber #i4ture in center of each plate. ,dd a!ocado slices and parsley. 0 ser!ings.

&ucu',er and Onion Salad

1 1 2 2 2 1 #ediu# #ediu# teaspoons tablespoons tablespoons cup teaspoon cucu#ber -- sliced onion -- sliced salt sugar !inegar cold water pepper


-i4 together and chill before ser!ing.

&ucu',er *n Sour &rea' Salad

1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1/2 each teaspoon cup tablespoon each tablespoons teaspoon each -ed cucu#ber thin sl 3 cups Salt Sour crea# Ghite !inegar Drops of tabasco hopped chi!es Dill seed or fresh chop dill Dash of pepper ;et stand 31 #inutes. Drain

Sprin.le the cucu#ber with salt. thoroughly. Dry on paper towel.

o#bine sour crea#* !inegar* tabasco* chi!es* dill seed and pepper. Pour o!er cucu#ber. hill well before using. )arnish with fresh dill.

2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1/2 1/E 1/2 1 each tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon cup tablespoon

elish Salad
ucu#bers -- #ediu# Sugar ider !inegar Salt Pepper Sour crea# Parsley> fresh -- #inced

Slice cucu#bers paper-thin. Sprin.le slices with sugar* !inegar* salt and pepper. -arinate for 21 #inutes* drain off li7uid* and toss lightly with sour crea#. "op with #inced parsley.

&ucu',er Salad
1 1 1 1 1 1 pac.age cup cup cup cup cup cup ;i#e gelatin B3 o3.C Hot water ucu#ber -- scrubbed / grated $nion -- grated Sour crea# ottage cheese -ayonnaise


Dissol!e gelatin in hot water. ;et cool. ,dd cucu#ber and onion to gelatin. @old in sour crea#* cottage cheese* and #ayonnaise. Pour into 0 cup #old and refrigerate at least four hours before ser!ing.

&ucu',er-3int Salad
1 1 1 1 large s#all tablespoon cup teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon cucu#ber onion -- chopped fine fresh #int -- chopped white !inegar sugar salt le#on pepper seasoning

1/4 1/2 1/2

Peel cucu#ber and chop into 1/4-inch cubes. o#bine all ingredients in bowl and #i4. Ser!e at roo# te#perature. Ser!es 4.

&ucu',ers .ith 4ogurt #ressing

1 1/2 0 1/2 1/2 1/2 3 cups tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon lowfat yogurt scallions -- chopped salt blac. pepper #ustard cucu#bers -- sliced dill weed sprigs -- for garnish

'n s#all bowl* co#bine the yogurt* scallions* salt* pepper and #ustard. +lend. ,dd thinly sliced cucu#bers and #i4 well to coat with dressing. ;ay about 2 or 3 dill sprigs on top but do not #i4 in. o!er tightly and refrigerate for one hour.

&23*N & 2STE# &H*&+EN SA"A#

3 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 1/4 cup tablespoons tablespoons tablespoon s#all tablespoon teaspoon tablespoon hopped "o#ato Peeled -- hopped ucu#ber hopped )reen Pepper hopped Purple $nion 5alapeno Pepper hopped )round u#in Pepper B4 $3. C hic.en +reasts +oned ,nd S.inned %ed Gine 9inegar herry "o#atoes B$ptionalC @resh +asil B$ptionalC

o#bine "o#ato* ucu#ber* )reen Pepper* Purple $nion / 5alapeno Pepper in , S#all +owl / Set ,side. o#bine u#in / Pepper. %ub ,ll Sides $f hic.en +reasts Gith "his. Place , ;arge ast 'ron S.illet $!er -ediu# High Heat Dntil Hot. ,dd hic.en / oo. 0 -in. $n &ach Side $% Dntil "ender. %e#o!e @ro# S.illet* %eser!ing Drippings in S.illet. Set hic.en ,side. ,dd 9inegar "o Pan Drippings / oo. 2 -in* Stirring onstantly. Pour $!er %eser!ed 9egetable -i4ture* "ossing Gell. "hinly Slice &ach hic.en +reast Diagonally ,cross )rain / ,rrangeon 'ndi!idual Ser!ing Plates. Ser!e Gith %eser!ed 9egetable -i4ture. )arnish &ach Ser!ing Gith herry "o#atoes / +asil.

2 4 1 1 1 1 4 3/4

*E# &H*&+EN & 3ANGO SA"A#

7uarts cup tablespoon tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon cup Gater B4 $3.C +oneless -- S.inned hic.en +reasts Plain :ogurt ;i#e 5uice Honey urry Powder Salt Pepper Peeled ubed -ango -- Papaya $% Pineapple ;ettuce ;ea!es

1/E 1/2

+ring Gater "o , +oil in , -ediu# Saucepan. ,dd hic.en. %educe Heat / Si##er 1? -in. $% Dntil hic.en 's "ender. %e#o!e hic.en / ;et ool. ut 'nto 1/2 in. Pieces / Set ,side. o#bine :ogurt* ;i#e 5uice* Honey* urry Powder* Salt / Pepper in , -ediu# +owl. -i4 Gell. ,dd -ango / %eser!ed hic.en. "oss Gell. Spoon Salad $nto ;ettuce ;ined 'ndi!idual Ser!ing Plates.

&urried &hicken and !ow Tie Pasta Salad

3 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 pounds each each each each each each each hic.en ----poaching ingredients---Apeppercorns Abay leaf Aparsley stal. Asprig of fresh thy#e Aonion Acarrot Acelery stal. )reen pepper -- finely shred %ed pepper -- finely shred :ellow pepper -- finely shred +ow tie pasta -- coo.ed Salt Pepper ------curry fla!oring-----As#all onion finely diced A!egetable oil Acurry powder Awhite wine Awater ------curry #ayonnaise------ayonnaise Gar# water urry fla!oring Babo!eC Pepper Salt

E 1 1 2 1 2

ounces each each teaspoons tablespoon cup tablespoons cups tablespoons tablespoons each each


1 1/2 2 3 1 1

Poach chic.en by placing in a large pot with enough cold water to barely co!er. ,dd peppercorns* bay leaf* parsley* thy#e and one each8 onion* carrot and celery cut into 7uarters. +ring to a bare boil with lid on> reduce heat to low and si##er for ?1 #inutes. ool in poaching li7uid* then drain* and shred. "o #a.e curry fla!oring* soften diced onion in hot oil* then add curry powder and coo. o!er #ediu#-high heat for a further 3 #inutes. ,dd wine and water. +oil rapidly until reduced to about 3 tablespoons. Strain and let cool. Prepare curry #ayonnaise by co#bining all ingredients until s#ooth. Place peppers in a large bowl Breser!ing a little for garnishC* with chic.en* pasta* salt* pepper and curry #ayonnaise. -i4 gently until well- coated. 'f #ayonnaise #i4ture is too thic.* add war# water gradually until a s#ooth consistency is attained. Place a portion of salad on bed of spinach and sprin.le reser!ed peppers on top. ,sse#ble 2ust before ser!ing* as the #ayonnaise loses its fresh loo..

&urried &hicken Salad

1 2 2 1/2 cup teaspoon tablespoons cups cup cup cup #ayonnaise fresh le#on 2uice curry powder coo.ed chic.en -- chopped diced celery "ho#pson seedless grapes -- hal!ed al#ond sli!ers

1/4 1/2 1/4

+lend #ayonnaise* le#on 2uice* and curry powder. -i4 into re#aining ingredients. hill at least one hour before ser!ing.

&urried Or:o And &hicken Salad

1 chopped 1 1/2 1 2 2 1/2 1/2 2 1/3 0 1/4 Ghole ups "ablespoon "easpoons ups up up $3. 5ar up +oneless S.inless hic.en +reasts -- coo.ed and $r3o -- raw Dnsalted +utter urry hic.en +roth ucu#ber -- peel/seed/dice )reen Pepper -- diced Scallions -- sliced %aw Peas -arinated ,rticho.e Hearts -- undrained -ayonnaise

+rown the or3o in the butter. ,dd the curry powder and the broth and boil until the pasta is coo.ed. Drain Bif necessaryC and chill. -i4 the !egetables and the pasta together. o#bine the #ayonnaise and the articho.e li7uid together to #a.e a dressing. "oss the pasta and the dressing together. ,dd the chic.en and ser!e.

2 strips 2 2 0 1


hic.en breasts> raw* whole -- cut into thin $il Soy sauce -----S,;,D----Spinach -- torn ,pple> tart -- chopped Peanuts %aisins -----D%&SS'()----$il -aple-fla!ored syrup ider !inegar 'nstant #inced onion urry powder Prepared #ustard Salt

tablespoons tablespoons cups cup cup cup cup cup cup tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon

1/4 1/4 2/3 1/2 1/2

1 1 1


@or Dressing8 o#bine all in blender. +lend 1? seconds. hill 4 hours or o!ernight. 1-2/3 cups dressing. 01 calories per tablespoon. Saute chic.en in oil after #arinating in soy sauce. Drain and chill 4 hours or o!ernight. @or Salad8 o#bine spinach with 1 cup dressing or less if desired and toss. Di!ide into 4 plates. Di!ide chic.en* apple* peanuts* raisins and place on top of spinach. Ser!e i##ediately with additional dressing if desired.

E 0 2 4 3 1 1

4 &H*&+EN .*TH G APES

cups cups teaspoons teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon hic.en breast -- hal!es BbonedC )rapes -- seedless less -- !ary a#ount tasteC -ayonnaise urry powder $li!e oil ayenne pepper +lac. pepper -- ground @ruit !inegar


-a.e the sauce by #i4ing together all ingredients e4cept the chic.en and the grapes. Season to taste Bsa#ple by dipping a grape into the sauce and then eating itC. +roil the chic.en breasts B3-? #inutes on each side in a preheated broilerC* then dice or shred into s#all bite-si3ed pieces. -i4 chopped chic.en with about 2 cups of whole grapes. o!er with the sauce. ,dd #ore grapes to taste. -y taste is to add !ast 7uantities of grapes.

#ate5 Goat &heese and 3esclun Salad

2 1 tbsp tbsp. s @or !inaigrette red wine !inegar oy sauce freshly ground pepper e4tra !irgin oli!e oil #esclunB#i4ed bay greens* 3/4 lb.C -dried dates Bpreferably -ed2oolC -- pitted cut lengthwise into thin stripes soft goat cheese* cut into pieces -- roo# te#p

1/2 cup E cups rinsed/spun dry E 0 o3

'n a s#all bowl* whis. together !inegar* soy sauce* pepper and salt to taste and add oil in a strea#* until e#ulsified. -ay be #ade 1 day ahead and chilled* co!ered. +ring to roo# te#p. before ser!ing. 'n bowl* toss #esclun with !inaigrette and di!ide a#ong E salad plates. "op salads with dates and goat cheese.

#a)id 0ano's &aesar Salad

Start with a #ediu# head of ro#aine lettuce. Holding head fir#ly* cut 1/2< off botton and then cut entire head in 1< slices. Put in cold water. ;et sit while preparing dressing. 'n a !ery large wooden bowl add the following8 3< strip of ancho!ies paste> 1 coddled egg Ba #ustC> the 2uice of 1/2 le#on> 4 " balsa#ic !inegar > ? " oli!e oil B' do not use e4tra !irgin because it does not ha!e the taste> the less e4pensi!e* #ore pressed oli!e oil is #y choiceC> 1-2 clo!es or garlic pressed> 1/2 t seasoned salt> 1 " ;ea and Perrin> "obasco to taste* 4? drops> 2-3 " par#asan cheese fresh grated Bne!er out of a bo4C> your fa!orite croutons. Start with the garlic and ancho!y paste. -i4 in bowl with all li7uids> add re#aining ingredients> put in croutons to let sit in li7uid for a few seconds. "horoughly dry lettuce Buse spinner if you ha!e oneC and put in bowl. "oss until all lettuce is coated. ,dd fresh groung pepper B' li.e a lotC and a few #ore croutons. Ser!e i##ediately. $ffer #ore pepper. Please note that you cannot #a.e this ahead> it will be no good in 1-2 hours. ,lso* if you do not eat all salad throw out re#aining. %o#ane lettuce gets !ery bitter and cannot be left o!er.

#iakon and Tuna Salad

3 1/2 11 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 cups Dai.on -- cut into 1 1/2< rub in 1/2 tbls -- of salt and drain cup $nion> thinly sliced -- soa. water for 11 #inutes -- drain $.ura -- rub in 1/2 tb salt coo.* drain -- chopped can "una -- drained B.eep 1 tb o fro# tuna for -- dressing A -----D%&SS'()----tablespoons %ice !inegar tablespoons Soy sauce tablespoon 5uice fro# tunaA -- #i4 well

Put well-drained tuna into a bowl and add dai.on* onion and o.ura> #i4 well. Pour in dressing to the tuna #i4ture and #i4. "oss and put into a ser!ing platter and ser!e.

#iane's !ean Salad

1 1 1 1 1 1/2 pound pound each each each each each Pinto beans )rated cheddar cheese -ed onion +ottle atalina dressing S#all p.g. large fritos Head of lettuce ;arge to#ato


-i4 all together. "op with lettuce and to#ato.

#ieter's Taco Salad

1 E 1 1 pound ounces tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon tablespoon cups 1/4 cup )round beef -- lean $nion -- #ediu# )reen pepper* large -- chopped "o#ato sauce -- no-salt 9inegar -ustard -- dry Pepper* red -- crushed +asil* dried -- crushed )arlic powder Gater "ortillas -- E-inch ;ettuce -- shredded "o#atoes* cherry -- hal!ed arrot* #ediu# -- shredded Par#esan cheese -- grated

1 4

1/2 1/2 1/4

oo. beef* onion* and 1/4 cup of green pepper till beef is brown> drain. ,dd ne4t K ingredients. +ring to boil> reduce heat. Si##er 1? #inutes. Gar# foil-wrapped tortillas in a 3?1@ o!en for 11 #inutes. Spray 4 11-ounce casseroles with nonstic. spray coating> press 1 tortilla into each. +a.e in a 3?1@ o!en for 1? #inutes. di!ide lettuce a#ong 4 plates. Place a tortilla on each plate. Spoon beef #i4ture into tortillas. "op with re#aining green pepper* to#atoes* carrot* and cheese.

#illed &ucu',er Salad

1 1 1 1 3 cup pint tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon tablespoon tablespoons cucu#ber -- peeled seeded* dice sour crea# white wine !inegar salt cayenne onion -- grated fresh dill -- chopped

1/2 1/E

-i4 sour crea#* !inegar* salt* cayenne* and grated onion. Stir in chopped dill and diced cucu#ber. %efrigerate two hours before ser!ing.

#onna's 3arinated !roccoli Salad

2 E 2 3/4 1/3 3/4 bo4es ounces cup cup tablespoon fro3en broccoli spears 'talian salad dressing #ayonnaise sour crea# hard-boiled eggs -- chopped chi!es -- chopped

oo. broccoli according to directions on pac.age. Drain well. -arinate the spears in 'talian Dressing at roo# te#perature for 4-K hours. -eanwhile* #a.e a #i4ture of the #ayo* sour crea#* chopped eggs and chopped chi!es and refrigerate till spears are thru #arinating. Drain spears well* and add the #ayo #i4ture* stirring in gently so as not to brea. spears. Ser!e cold. Ser!es about 4 co#fortably.

1 1 1 1 pac.age cup pac.age can

as$,err7 Salad
%aspberry 5ello +oiling water @ro3en raspberries Ghole cranberries

Dissol!e 5ello in boiling water. -i4 in raspberries and cranberries. hill until fir#.

#ressing -or %ruit Salads

1 1 1 1/2 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/3 tablespoon cup tablespoons cup cup cup flour sugar egg -- lightly beaten le#on 2uice orange 2uice pineapple 2uice whipping crea#

-i4 flour and sugar in top of double boiler. Stir in egg. ,dd fruit 2uices and coo. o!er #ediu# heat* stirring* until thic.. H';;. Ghip crea# and fold into chilled fruit salad* especially those #ade with fruit 2uice and gelatin.

# 2N+EN &H*&+EN SA"A#

4 1 1 1 3 4 cup teaspoon teaspoon cup tablespoons +oned chic.en breasts -- coo. Sherry Salt Sugar Head red leaf lettuce ilantro -- Blea!esC optional Sesa#e seeds -- toasted golden Scallions> w/green -- chopped

1/2 1/2

ut coo.ed chic.en breasts in half. Put in large bowl with wine* salt and sugar. "oss* co!er and #arinate for 24 hours in the refrigerator. (e4t day drain off #arinade. ,rrange lettuce lea!es on ser!ing platter> place chic.en pieces in the center. Sprin.le with sesa#e seed* cilantro lea!es* and scallions.


2 3 2 1 2 3 1/4 1/4 1/4 cup cups cup tablespoons tablespoon cup tablespoons cups $li!e oil hic.en breasts hic.en broth or water +alsa#ic !inegar $range 2uice Di2on #ustard hi!es "arragon -- chopped Salt and pepper %ice Bwild or whiteC

Poach chic.en in broth or water for about 21 #inutes. 'n salad bowl co#bine !inegar* 2uice* and #ustard. )radually whis. in oil. Stir in chi!es and tarragon and season with salt and pepper. ut chic.en into bite si3ed pieces. ,dd chic.en and rice to dressing. "oss well.

Endi)e5 !eet and

3 1 1 1 3 4 1/2 pound each each tablespoon tablespoon tablespoons tablespoons

ed-Onion Salad

%aw +eets -- tri##ed Heads of +elgian &ndi!es -- #d %ed onion Di2on -ustard %ed Gine 9inegar 9egetable oil @inely hopped Parsley

Place the beets in a saucepan and add water to co!er with salt. +ring to a boil until the beets are tender* about 31 #inutes* depending on the si3e or age of the beets. Drain and let cool. %e#o!e the s.ins and slice the beets. "ri# off the botto# of the endi!es and cut the# into 1 1/2 inch strips. Drop the pieces into cold water. Drain and pat dry. Peel and slice the onion. o#bine the #ustard* !inegar* salt and pepper in a salad bowl. ,dd the oil and blend well with a wire whis.. ,dd the beets* endi!e* onion and parsley. "oss well and ser!e. Ser!es 4.

Endi)e- adicchio Salad

1 1 1 3 1 3 2 4 1 head head tablespoons tablespoon tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons tablespoon curly endi!e radicchio +elgian endi!e sesa#e seeds sesa#e oil peanut oil white wine !inegar honey soy sauce salt -- to taste blac. pepper

1. Prepare curly endi!e> re#o!e ste#s and tear into s#all pieces. Prepare radicchio> shred. Prepare +elgian endi!e> 2ulienne. 2. o#bine in a large bowl all the greens and sesa#e seeds. "oss well and set aside. 3. 'n a s#all bowl co#bine the re#aining ingredients> blend thoroughly. 4. Pour the dressing o!er the greens #i4ture and ser!e i##ediately or refrigerate* tightly co!ered* for a few hours.


1 1 1 1 1 cup cup can can cup Drained $% canned coo.ed -- pinto beans Drained coo.ed blac. beans BE-3/4 o3C garban3o beans -- drained BE o3C cut green beans -- drained Drained canned wa4 beans )reen pepper -- cut in thin %ed onion -- thinly sliced 9egetable oil 9inegar I' increased !inegar -- by ?1 percent. Salt Dried leaf oregano -- crushed )arlic powder @reshly ground blac. pepper "o#ato* chopped -- drained -ayonnaise

1/2 1/4

0 3 6.+.J

tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon tablespoons

1/2 1/4 1/E

1 3

'f your own pinto and blac. beans* coo. until fir#-tender and not #ushy. o#bine pinto beans* blac. beans* garban3o beans* green beans and wa4 beans in a large bowl. ,dd green pepper and red onion. 'n a s#all bowl* #i4 oil* !inegar* salt* oregano* garlic powder and blac. pepper to taste. Pour o!er salad and toss gently but thoroughly. o!er and refrigerate o!ernight. 5ust before ser!ing* add to#atoes and #ayonnaise. "oss until well blended.

Essig +rautersauce
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tablespoon tablespoon tablespoon tablespoon tablespoon cup cup teaspoon teaspoon Shallots -- chopped apers -- chopped Parsley -- chopped her!il -- chopped hi!es -- chopped $li!e oil "arragon !inegar Salt Pepper

1/2 1/2

-i4 the first fi!e ingredients with the oil and let stand for at least 1 hour. ,dd the !inegar* salt and pepper. "his dressing #ay be used with #eat* fish* !egetables or salad. %ice one hard-coo.ed egg o!er the dish if desired* or egg #ay be added to the dressing. 2 "b. green onion* chopped #ay be substituted for the shallots. )reat o!er fresh chopped to#atoF 't #ay be ser!ed hot or cold.

%a)orite !ean
,#ount -------2 3/4 3/4 1/2 3/4 1/2 -easure -----------cans cup cup cup cup cup

'ngredient -- Preparation -ethod -------------------------------dar. red .idney beans -- drained diced onions sliced celery -- $% sliced tender stal.s of ;o!age green pi#iento stuffed oli!es -- chopped 9lasicHs Hot Piccalili relish -- to to taste ground white pepper ;owfat #ayonnaise -- to #oisten

o#bine all !egetables and piccalili. Season with pepper. ,dd #ayonnaise to #oisten. -i4 well. hill and ser!e.

%"2%%4 % 2*T SA"A#

2 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 2/3 1/4 cans cup tablespoons cup tablespoons tablespoon cans cans cup B21 o3. ea.C crushed -- pineapple Sugar @lour &ggs -- lightly beaten $range 2uice ;e#on 2uice 9egetable oil B1K o3. ea.C fruit coc.tail -- drained B11 o3. ea.C #andarin -- oranges* drained +ananas -- sliced Hea!y crea# -- whipped

Drain pineapple* reser!ing 1 cup 2uice in a s#all saucepan. Set pineapple aside. "o saucepan* add sugar* flour* eggs* orange 2uice* le#on 2uice and oil. +ring to a boil* stirring constantly. +oil for 1 #inute> re#o!e fro# the heat and let cool. 'n a salad bowl* co#bine the pineapple* fruit coc.tail* oranges and bananas. @old in whipped crea# and cooled sauce. hill for se!eral hours.

%rench Potato Salad with Tarragon 0inaigrette

2 1/2 1 1/2 1/3 1/2 pounds cup cup cup tablespoons tablespoon teaspoon red potatoes -- s#all* unpeeled fresh parsley -- chopped red onion -- chopped Pepper -----"arragon 9inaigrette----wine !inegar oli!e oil Di2on #ustard dried tarragon Pepper

2 1

Scrub potatoes. 'n a large pot of boiling water* coo. potatoes until for.-tender> drain. Sha.e pan o!er #ediu# heat for a #inute to dry potatoes. ut into 1/4-inch B? ##C thic. slices. 'n salad bowl* co#bine potatoes* parsley and onion. "arragon !inaigrette8 'n a s#all bowl whis. together !inegar* oil* #utsrad and tarragon> #i4 well. Pour o!er war# potatoes and toss to #i4. Season with pepper to taste. o!er and let stand at roo# te#perature for at least 1 hour or refrigerate up to 3 days.

%rench St7le Potato Salad

0 1 1/4 1/3 1/3 #ediu# clo!e teaspoon cup cup tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon potatoes -- about 2 lb. garlic -- cut into hal!es instant beef bouillon -- or chic.en hot water dry white wine parsley -- snipped ------"arragon Dressing----oli!e oil -- or !egetable oil tarragon !inegar chi!es -- snipped salt Di2on #ustard dried tarragon pepper

3 3 2 2 1 1

1/2 1/E

"o Prepare Salad8 Heat 1-inch salted water B1/2 teaspoon salt to 1 cup waterC to boiling. ,dd potatoes. Heat to boiling. %educe heat. o!er and coo. until tender* 31 to 3? #inutes. Drain* cool and peel. %ub 27uart bowl with garlic. Discard garlic. ut potatoes into 1/4-inch slices and place in bowl. Dissol!e bouillon in hot water. ,dd wine. Pour o!er potatoes. o!er and refrigerate* stirring once or twice. Drain. "o Prepare Dressing8 Sha.e all ingredients in tightly co!ered 2ar and gently toss with potatoes. Sprin.le with parsley. )arnish with to#ato wedges if desired.

%resh 3arinated 0egeta,les

4 2/3 1/3 1/4 1/2 1/4 1/E cups cup cup cup cup teaspoon teaspoon cup #i4ed !egetables oli!e oil white wine white wine !inegar chopped onions garlic clo!es -- #inced thy#e cayenne pepper blac. pepper -- to taste fresh parsley -- finely chopped

A :ou will need a total of 4 cups fresh !egetables cut into bite-si3ed pieces. So#e good choices are8 green beans* broccoli flowerettes* cauliflower* red and green bell peppers* whole baby carrots* 3ucchini and hearts of celery. 1. o#bine all ingredients e4cept 1/2 cup parsley in a large* hea!y pot. ,dd enough water to co!er !egetables. o!er tightly and coo. o!er #ediu# heat until !egetables are 2ust tender but still crisp. "his will ta.e 11-12 #inutes. 2. %e#o!e fro# heat* re#o!e co!er* and let !egetables cool in the pot. Ghen cool* transfer to ser!ing dish. o!er> chill to allow fla!ors to blend. +ring to roo# te#perature to ser!e> top with re#aining parsley.

%resh S$inach Salad

2 4 tablespoons tablespoons aesar salad dressing ottage cheese @resh spinach

"wo hours before ser!ing* #arinate aesar salad dressing with cottage cheese. Prepare fresh spinach by washing* cutting out large !ein in center of lea!es* and tearing into desired si3e pieces. Drain. Pour dressing o!er spinach* toss* and ser!e.

%rost7 %ruit Salad

2 1 1 1 1 1/E tsp 7uart tsp can can sugar salt butter#il. -- 4 cups !anilla crushed pineapple -- B21 o3C drained fruit coc.tail -- B1K o3C drained

'n large bowl* co#bine sugar* salt* butter#il. and !anilla until well #i4ed. )ently stir in drained fruits. Pour into =< s7uare pan. @ree3e until fir#.

%ro:en &ran,err7 Salad

2 2 2 10 E 1 1 3 tbsp tbsp o3 o3 can cup cup cup tsp crea# cheese -- softened sugar #ayonnaise or salad dressing can 2ellied whole cranberry sauce crushed pineapple -- drained chopped pecans whipping crea# powdered sugar !anilla e4tract lettuce lea!es @resh #int lea!es* fresh cranberries -- to

1/2 1/2


o#bine first 3 ingredients* stirring until s#ooth. Stir in cranberry sauce* pineapple and pecans. +eat whipping crea# until foa#y> gradually add powdered sugar* beating until soft pea.s for#. Stir in 1 tsp. !anilla. @old whipped crea# #i4ture into cranberry #i4ture> spoon into E< s7uare dish. o!er and free3e until fir#. ut into s7uares and ser!e on lettuce lea!es. )arnish with #int and cranberries.

%ro:en Pinea$$le-Al'ond Salad

1/2 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 24 E 1/4 1 cup cups cup cup ounces cup cup blanched al#onds crushed pineapple -- drained #araschino cherries -- drained chopped dates #arsh#allows crea# cheese -- softened #ayonnaise whipping crea#

A+uy blanched* toasted salted al#onds or blanch your own by dropping 1/2 cup al#onds into boiling water. "urn off heat and let al#onds stay in water only one #inute. %e#o!e to paper towels to drain thoroughly. Gith fingers* rub al#onds until peel co#es off. 1. oarsely chop al#onds* set aside. 2. Drain pineapple and reser!e syrup. 3. ut drained cherries into 7uarters and set aside. 4. ut dates Babout 3 ouncesC into sli!ers and set aside. ?. ut #arsh#allows into eighths and set aside. 0. o#bine in bowl 3 tablespoons of pineapple syrup and the softened crea# cheese. +eat until fluffy* then blend in 1/4 cup #ayonnaise. )ently fold in pineapple* cherries* dates* al#onds and #arsh#allows. K. hill bowl and beaters then whip the crea# until it piles softly. )ently fold the crea# into the fruit #i4ture. E. "urn into #old and free3e until fir#* about 3-4 hours.

%ruchtsalat 'it Nussen /%ruit Salad .ith Nuts1

1 2 1 12 E 1 1 1 2 each each cup each ounces tablespoon tablespoon tablespoon tablespoons Honeydew -elon -- S#all $ranges +lue )rapes ;ettuce ;ea!es Galnut Hal!es -----D%&SS'()----:ogurt -- B1 ontainerC ;e#on 5uice $range 5uice "o#ato atsup &!aporated -il. Salt -- Dash Ghite Pepper -- Dash ut peel fro# oranges* re#o!e white

Scoop out #elon with #elon baller. #e#brane* and slice crosswise.

ut grapes in half and re#o!e seeds. ;ine a glass bowl with lettuce lea!es> arrange #elon balls* orange slices* grapes* and walnuts in layers on top of lettuce. -i4 and blend well all ingredients for the dressing. ,d2ust seasonings. Pour dressing o!er fruit. ;et salad ingredients #arinate for 31 #inutes. "oss salad 2ust before ser!ing.

%ruit and Sour &rea' &oleslaw

4 2 1 cups 1/2 1/2 1/2 can cup cup cup cup teaspoons teaspoon dash dash dash shredded cabbage apples -- sliced thinly pineapple chun.s in 2uice -- drained green grapes red grapes --- Dressing8 ----#ayonnaise sour crea# le#on 2uice sugar -- to taste salt pepper ground cinna#on -- to taste

1 4 1 1 1 1

1. Shred cabbage !ery fine* place into co!ered bowl or plastic bag and chill. 2. Dressing8 +lend together the #ayonnaise* sour crea#* sugar* le#on 2uice* salt* pepper and cinna#on. hill. 3. Drain pineapple !ery well* wash grapes and add to pineapple> chill. 5ust before ser!ing* wash* core and slice apples into thin slices* then in half again. -i4 apples along with grapes and pineapple into cabbage. "oss to blend well. 4. ,dd dressing and toss to coat. DonHt add dressing all at once in case you donHt need it all. "his is a little different than the usual coleslaw* but !ery good and easy to prepare. Prepare ingredients ahead of ti#e* then put salad together whene!er you wish.

%ruit Salad
2 4 4 2 2 1 1 2 cups cups cups cups cups can can cans fresh seedless grapes -- whole or cut depending on si3e #elon balls cantaloupe or honeydew nectarines -- peeled / sliced or peaches fresh blueberries fresh strawberries sliced peaches -- B10 o3C drained pineapple spears or chun.s -- B10 o3C pear hal!es -- B10 o3C drained


--Day before-- o#bine fruit and chill. --Day of brunch-- arrange in a large bowl lined with ro#aine lettuce. )arnish with #int sprigs* edible flowers.

%ruit Salad &arousel

10 E E 4 3 E E E E E 2 2 %ed lettuce lea!es Gater#elon slices -- 1/4<thic. antaloupe slices -- 1/4<thic. 6iwis -- peeled and sliced $ranges> peeled -- sectioned ,pples -- center core re#o!ed Scoops sherbet B1/3 c eachC +unches grapes @resh strawberries -- sliced -----H$(&:-;'-& D%&SS'()----;ow-fat plain yogurt Honey ;i#e 2uice Pinch of ginger

s#all ounces tablespoons teaspoons

Place red lettuce lea!es on indi!idual salad plates and arrange the following in a pinwheel pattern> water#elon* cantaloupe* honeydew* diwi. 'n the center of the pinwheel place cored apple. Place sherbet scoop on apple. Put grapes beside the apple. "op with Honey-;i#e Dressing Brecipe followsC and garnish with sliced strawberries. Honey-;i#e Dressing8 o#bine yogurt with honey* li#e 2uice and ginger. Ghip and chill. 1 cup> 1 ser!ing L 2 "ablespoons.

%ruit Salad .ith Nuts

1 2 1 12 E 1 1 1 2 each each cup each ounces tablespoon tablespoon tablespoon tablespoons Honeydew #elon -- s#all $ranges +lue grapes ;ettuce lea!es Galnut hal!es ----------dressing---------:ogurt -- B1 containerC ;e#on 2uice $range 2uice "o#ato catsup &!aporated #il. Salt -- dash Ghite pepper -- dash ut peel fro# oranges* re#o!e white

Scoop out #elon with #elon baller. #e#brane* and slice crosswise.

ut grapes in half and re#o!e seeds. ;ine a glass bowl with lettuce lea!es> arrange #elon balls* orange slices* grapes* and walnuts in layers on top of lettuce. -i4 and blend well all ingredients for the dressing. ,d2ust seasonings. Pour dressing o!er fruit. ;et salad ingredients #arinate for 31 #inutes. "oss salad 2ust before ser!ing.

%ruit salad with Nuts 2

1 1 2 12 E 2 1 1 1 ounces tablespoons tablespoon tablespoon tablespoon cup +lue )rapes Honeydew -elon -- S#all ;ettuce ;ea!es $ranges Galnut Hal!es -----D%&SS'()----:ogurt -- B1 ontainerC &!aporated -il. ;e#on 5uice Salt -- Dash $range 5uice Ghite Pepper -- Dash "o#ato atsup

Scoop out #elon with #elon baller. ut peel fro# oranges* re#o!e white #e#brane* and slice crosswise. ut grapes in half and re#o!e seeds. ;ine a glass bowl with lettuce lea!es> arrange #elon balls* orange slices* grapes* and walnuts in layers on top of lettuce. -i4 and blend well all ingredients for the dressing. ,d2ust seasonings. Pour dressing o!er fruit. ;et salad ingredients #arinate for 31 #inutes. "oss salad 2ust before ser!ing.

4 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/4 cups cup cup cup cup tablespoon tablespoon teasoon teaspoon teaspoon

ice Salad on the Hal-

2 1 1 1

1/4 1/4

brown rice* coo.ed raisins dried apricots -- chopped pecans -- chopped a!ocados -----9inaigrette----safflower oil -- or !eg oil le#on 2uice red wine !inegar honey coriander -- ground Di2on #ustard Salt and pepper to taste

hill rice. Pour boiling water o!er raisins and apricots in s#all bowl. ;et stand 11 #inutes* drain and cool. Heat o!en to 3?1@. Place pecans on shallow pan> ba.e ? to E #inutes. %e#o!e fro# o!en* set aside. Prepare 9inaigrette Sha.e all ingredients together in tightly co!ered containerC. "oss rice* raisins* apricots* and pecans with 9inaigrette* refrigerate 1 hour. 5ust before ser!ing* hal!e* seed and peel a!ocados. rice salad and ser!e. @ill each half with

%ruited S$inach Salad

2 3 1 E 1/4 cup tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon cups cups 9inegar -- white wine Honey $il -- salad Poppy seed -ustard -- dry Spinach* fresh -- torn Papaya -- #ediu# A )rapes* seedless -- hal!ed


1 1/2

A papaya* seeded* peeled* and cubed* or 2 #ediu# pears* cored* peeled and cubed. 'n a screw top 2ar co#bine !inegar* oil* honey* poppy seed* and dry #ustard o!er> sha.e well to #i4. o#bine spinach* papaya or pears* and grapes. Sha.e dressing again and pour o!er salad. "oss to coat. Ser!e i##ediately.

Garlick7 Pasta &hicken Salad

0 4 1 E 2 3/4 1/4 heads cup sprigs cup tablespoon ounces cups cup cup cup garlic oli!e oil rose#ary -- optional fresh basil lea!es fresh rose#ary lea!es -- or 1 tsp. dried cor.screw pasta -- coo.ed and drained chic.en -- coo.ed* cut in strip green onion -- sliced par#esan cheese -- freshly grated walnuts -- chopped* optional salt and pepper to taste lettuce lea!es

1/2 1/2 2/3

Separate clo!es of garlic and drop into boiling water for 1 #inute. Drain and peel. Place peeled clo!es in s#all saucepan with oil and optional rose#ary sprigs. oo. gently* co!ered* stirring occasionally* for about 2? #inutes or until garlic is tender. Discard rose#ary sprigs and puree garlic with 1/2 cup of the oli!e oil* basil* and the rose#ary lea!es. Place pasta in large bowl and add garlic puree* chic.en* onion* Par#esan* salt and pepper. -i4 thoroughly. ,dd #ore oli!e oil if needed to #oisten salad. ;et salad sit for 1 hour a roo# te#perature Bpro!ided its not a hot roo# that will in!ite bacteria to go nutsFC or refrigerate* returning #i4ture to roo# te#perature before ser!ing. "oast walnuts in 3K?-degree o!en for 11 #inutes. Stir into the salad and ser!e o!er a #i4 of crisp* chilled lettuces.

Ger'an Potato Salad

1 2 1 4 1 4 1 3 12 pound teaspoons cup cup teaspoons cup teaspoons cup teaspoons cups bacon celery seed onion -- chopped celery -- chopped flour !inegar sugar water salt potatoes -- coo.ed* chopped pepper parsley


oo. bacon til crisp> drain Breser!ing 1/2 cup fatC* and cru#ble. oo. onion and celery in fat til 2ust tender. +lend in flour* sugar* salt* celery seed* and pepper to taste. ,dd !inegar and water. oo. and stir until thic.ened and bubbly. ,dd bacon and potatoes> heat thoroughly* tossing lightly so as not to brea. up the potato slices. )arnish with parsley. an be ser!ed war# or chilled* but you taste the bacon fat a bit #ore when itHs chilled.

Ger'an Slaw
1 1 3/4 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/E lg large cup teaspoon teaspoon lg cup cup teaspoon teaspoon head cabbage -- chopped bell pepper oil #ustard seed salt chopped onion sugar wine !inegar pepper celery seed

1 1

1. +ring to boil* !inegar* oil* #ustard seed* celery seed* salt / pepper 2. ;ayer cabbage* onion* green pepper* then add half the sugar on top. -a.e another layer and add the rest of sugar. 3. Pour +$';'() #i4ture o!er the slaw #i4ture. 4. Put in a sealed container in the refrigerator for at least ? hours. D$ ($" -'NF 5ust before ser!ing* toss the salad. -a.e the day before.

G*NGE E# &H*&+EN SA"A#

2 1 1 1 2 2 1 11 1 1/2 cups cup cup cup cup tablespoons tablespoons tablespoon teaspoon cup #illiliters bn ubed oo.ed hic.en +reast Sliced Scallions Snow Peas -- 5ulienned +ean Sprouts "hinly Sliced -ushroo#s ;ow Sodiu# Soy Sauce @inely -inced )inger $il $riental Sesa#e $il B$ptC ;e#on 5uice )arlic @inely -inced Gatercress B)arnishC

1/2 1/3

Place "he hic.en* Scallions* Peas* +ean Sprouts / -ushroo#s in , ;arge +owl. o#bine "he Soy Sauce* )inger* $il* Sesa#e $il* ;e#on 5uice / )arlic ,nd "oss Gith "he hic.en -i4ture. 'f Desired* "ransfer "o , +ed $f ;ettuce $n , Ser!ing Platter ,nd ,rrange Gatercress ,round 't.

Gingered %ruit Salad

2 3 1 whole whole pound cup teaspoon cup cup fresh peaches #ediu# plu#s cantaloupe honeydew #elon green and red grapes fresh li#e 2uice li#e rind -- grated honey candied ginger root -- chopped finely

1/2 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/2

Prepare all fruit by washing* peeling if desired* re#o!ing pits and slicing into bite-si3e pieces. -elons #ay be scooped out with a #elon baller* if desired. o#bine all fruit in a large cera#ic bowl. -i4 li#e 2uice* rind* honey* and ginger together. Pour o!er fruit* toss* and #arinate for at least si4 hours. Ser!e chilled or at roo# te#perature.


4 0 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 ounces ounces tablespoon -ung bean noodles -ed shri#p -- shelled and de!eined 9egetable oil Ghole chic.en breast -- boned* s.inned* chop Salt @resh ground blac. pepper %ed fresh serrano chile -- chopped )reen fresh serrano chile -- chopped ;i#e 2uice (a# pla B"hai fish sauceC Sugar Shallots -- peeled and thinly sl @resh coriander lea!es ;ettuce for garnish risp fried shallots Bopt.C -- for garnish

tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon 1/4 cup

$9&% ($$D;&S G'"H G,"&% until soft and pliable* about 1? #inutes. Drain. ,dd noodles to a large pot of boiling water. %educe to #ediu# heat and coo. until noodles are plu#p and glass-li.e B2 #inutesC. @or a crunchy te4ture* 2ust dip the# in boiling water for ? to 11 seconds. Drain and rinse with cold water. hill. 'n a large pot of water blanch the shri#p for ? seconds until they curl and turn pin.. %e#o!e and cool. ,dd oil to a wo. or s.illet. ,dd chic.en> saute until it loses its pin. color. +rea. into s#all #orsels. Season with salt and pepper to taste. ool. -i4 together chiles* li#e 2uice* na# pla* sugar* shallots and coriander. ,dd chic.en* shri#p and chilled noodles> #i4 well. Ser!e o!er a bed of shredded lettuce. )arnish with crisp fried shallots.

Golden Glow Salad

3 1 1 1 1/2 1 1/3 3/4 ounces teaspoon dash tablespoon cups cup cup le#on gelatin salt cayenne pepper !inegar crushed pineapple -- drained carrots -- shredded pecans -- chopped lettuce

1. Dissol!e gelatin in 1 cup boiling water. ,dd 1 cup cold water* salt* cayenne and a scant tablespoon of !inegar. %efrigerate until partially set. 2. ,dd crushed pineapple which has been well-drained* grated carrots and chopped pecans. +lend well. 3. %efrigerate at least 3 hours until fir#ly set. and ser!e on lettuce lea!es. ut into s7uares

Greek Or:o Salad

2 2 3 2 1 4 1 3 E "easpoons lo!es up "ablespoons "ablespoons up -----Dressing----Dill )arlic -- #inced $li!e $il ;e#on 5uice %ed Gine 9inegar Pepper -- to taste -----Salad----$r3o %o#a "o#atoes -- seeded and diced ucu#ber -- peel/seed/dice )reen $nions -- sliced @eta heese -- cru#bled



Ghis. all ingredients together* then chill. +oil or3o in water until barely done.

Green and Gold !ean Salad

1 1 1 1 can can cup teaspoon cup cup cup B1lbC cut grn beans -- drained B1lbC cut wa4 beans -- drained Diced celery Dillweed +ottled crea#y onion dressng Sli!ered al#onds BoptionalC Salad croutons

1/2 1/4 1/2

-i4 drained beans* celery and dill* and chill. 5ust before ser!ing add nuts* croutons and dressing.

Green-!ean Salad
1 3 3 2 1 1/4 pound cup tablespoons tablespoons each teaspoon teaspoon )reen beans -- fresh A -- boiling salted water Stoc. -- AA 9inegar 9egetable oil $nions> #ed. -- thinly sliced Dried dillseed Sugar utC. AA Stoc. is


A )reen beans should be sliced lengthwise B@rench the water that the green beans were coo.ed in.

oo. beans in boiling salted water until 2ust tender. %eser!e 1/4 cup of the li7uid and drain off the rest. Prepare sauce by co#bining !inegar* oil* reser!ed !egetable stoc.* onions* dill* and sugar> stir until blended. Pour #i4ture o!er beans> #arinate se!eral hours before ser!ing.

G *""E# &H*&+EN ! EAST AN# !EAN SA"A#

2 4 1 32 1 2 2 2 4 3 3 tablespoons pac.age ounces tablespoons to tablespoons to tablespoons tablespoons Gell-seasoned #ustard -- to 3 tablespoons hic.en breast hal!es -- s.inned and boned @ro3en blac.-eyed peas -- 11-ounce pac.age anned beans co#bined -- .idney* garban3os* w -ediu#-large red onion -- finely chopped -ediu#-large ripe to#atoes -- coarsely chopped @resh thy#e -- chopped 3 tablespoons @resh oregano -- chopped 3 tablespoons Sun-dried to#ato hal!es -- in oil* finely chopp &4tra-!irgin oli!e oil +alsa#ic !inegar +lac. pepper to taste -- freshly ground

Heat broiler or prepare outdoor grill. Spread #ustard on one side of chic.en breasts and broil or grill until they begin to brown. "urn and spread on additional #ustard. oo. until done* then cut into narrow strips and place in ser!ing bowl. oo. peas according to pac.age directions* not #ore than 1? #inutes. Drain. Drain li7uid fro# canned beans and rinse thoroughly. ,dd to bowl with blac.-eyed peas* onion* fresh to#atoes* herbs and dried to#atoes. +eat oil and !inegar and #i4 with salad ingredients. Season with pepper and ser!e at roo# te#perature. 0 ser!ings.

Grilled &hicken #i6on Salad

2 3 1 E 2 2 ? E 1/4 1/4 1/3 cup teaspoons teaspoon tablespoons tablespoon cup teaspoons pound cups cups ounces cup Di2on #ustard Dried tarragon lea!es -- crushed rac.ed blac. pepper "arragon !inegar Sugar Gater $li!e oil Ghole chic.en breasts -- s.inned* boned* and fat re#o!ed @resh #ushroo#s -- hal!ed +roccoli flowerettes +oston lettuce @at-free -uenster heese -- H. .* cubed %ed onion rings



-i4 together #ustard* tarragon and pepper> stir in !inegar and water. )radually add oil* beating until well blended. Pour 1/3 c. of dressing #i4ture o!er chic.en. -arinate #ushroo#s and broccoli in re#aining dressing. Drain chic.en* reser!ing #arinade. )rill chic.en o!er #ediu# coals* 4 #inutes on each side or to desired doneness* brushing with reser!ed #arinade #i4ture. ut chic.en into E strips. o#bine #ushroo#s* broccoli and #arinade AAA Bsee #y noteC with torn greens and cheese in ser!ing bowl> toss lightly. ,rrange lettuce #i4ture on large platter> top with chic.en and onion rings.

G *""E# S;E&H2AN &H*&+EN SA"A#

1 1 1/4 pound teaspoon can hic.en +reast -- boneless* s.inned Seasoned Pepper -- to taste Pineapple* sliced -- drained 2uice -- reser!ed ;ettuce lea!es %ed onion -- sliced %ed +ell Pepper -----S,;,D D%&SS'()----$il -- !egetable Hot Soy Sauce -- HD( 6'() Pineapple 2uice -- fro# reser! Ghoite !inegar Honey )inger -- ground

3 2 2 1 1


tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons tablespoon tablespoon teaspoon

;ightly sprin.le both sides of boneless* s.inned* chic.en breasts with seasoned pepper. )rill> slice into strips. %eser!e 2 tablespoons 2uice fro# can of pineapple slices. Prepare Salad Dressing Bdirections followsC. +rush pineapple slices with so#e Salad Dressing* grill 2-3 #inutes. ,rrange chic.en and pineapple o!er lettuce and !egetables. "op with Salad Dressing. S,;,D D%&SS'()8 'n a co!ered 2ar* co#bine oil* hot soy sauce* 2 tb pineapple 2uice* white !inegar* honey and ground ginger. Sha.e well.

Guaca'ole Salad
? 1 1 4 2 1/2 1 each each each ounces tablespoons teaspoon ;arge a!ocados -ediu# garlic clo!e -- #inced -ediu# to#ato -- chopped an chopped green chili ;e#on or li#e 2uice Salt

Peel and chop a!ocados into a bowl. -ash with garlic and le#on 2uice. ,dd re#aining ingredients* #i4ture will be chun.y. "o prepare indi!idual salads* spoon #i4ture on shredded or whole lettuce lea!es. "op with diced to#ato for garnish and ser!e with tortilla chips. 'f #ade ahead of ti#e* sa!e pit and put in dip until ti#e to ser!e to pre!ent dar.ening.

Gurkensalat /&ucu',er
2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1/2 1/E 1/2 1 each tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon cup tablespoon

elish Salad1

ucu#bers -- -ediu# Sugar ider 9inegar Salt Pepper Sour rea# Parsley> @resh -- -inced

Slice cucu#bers paper-thin. Sprin.le slices with sugar* !inegar* salt and pepper. -arinate for 21 #inutes* drain off li7uid* and toss lightly with sour crea#. "op with #inced parsley.

HA3 AN# !"A&+ !EAN SA"A#

3 2 1 1 cups cups #ediu# cup cup cup cup cup ounces tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon oo.ed rice -- cooled to roo# te#perature anned blac. beans -- - rinsed and drained %ed onion -- chopped ubed 2ica#a -- - Bcut into 1/E-inch Sliced blac. oli!es Diced red pepper Diced green pepper $li!e oil -- di!ided ubed coo.ed ha# %ed wine !inegar )arlic clo!e -- #inced )round cu#in hili powder Salt )round blac. pepper

4 3 1

1/2 1/2 1/2 1/4

1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2

o#bine rice* onion* 2ica#a* oli!es* and peppers in large bowl> set aside. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in large s.illet o!er #ediu# heat. ,dd ha#> coo. 2 to 3 #inutes stirring constantly. ,dd to rice #i4ture. o#bine re#aining oil* !inegar* garlic* cu#in* chili powder* salt and pepper in s#all 2ar with lid. Sha.e to blend. Dri33le dressing o!er salad.

Ha' Salad
2 1 2 2 1 1 2 cups cup teaspoons teaspoon pounds #ediu# s#all stal.s #ayonnaise sweet pic.le relish salt blac. pepper -- freshly ground ha# -- s#o.ed boneless - about 0 cups - -- finely diced onion -- finely diced - about 1/2 cup green bell pepper -- cored seeded - about 1 cup - -- finely diced celery -- finely diced - about 1 cup -


Stir the #ayonnaise* relish* salt* and pepper in a large #i4ing bowl until blended. ,dd the re#aining ingredients and toss until coated. Store the salad* co!ered* in the refrigerator.

Har)est Salad with Hone7 #ressing

--- @ruit8 ----na!el oranges grapefruit sections a!ocados -- sliced green grapes -- seedless red grapes -- seedless berries -- A see note --- Dressing8 ----honey orange 2uice -- or li#e 2uice light whipping crea#

3 3


tablespoons tablespoons cup

A Dse berries of your choice. So#e good ones to use in this salad are strawberries* raspberries* blac.berries. 1. Prepare fruit by peeling oranges and grapefruits* then slice into thin slices* re#o!ing all white pith. ,rrange decorati!ely on a large platter* lea!ing center free for dressing container. 2. Scatter green and red grapes on oranges and grapefruit. Place berries* a few in each group* around edges of salad. "uc. in slices of a!ocado here and there. 6iwi fruit can be used here for a colorful and delicious addition. D%&SS'()8 hill bowl and beaters* then whip chilled crea# until it piles softly. +lend honey and orange 2uice or li#e 2uice. +eat the two #i4tures together* only enough to co#bine well. Pour dressing into a ser!ing container and set in #iddle of fruit platter* or ser!e on the side.

HA.A**AN &H*&+EN SA"A#

3 1 1/2 1/2 1 1/4 1/4 3 4 cups cup teaspoon teaspoon cup cups Ghole chic.en breasts -- s.inned and boned Sour crea# hutney -- finely chopped urry powder B#ore to tasteC )round ginger "oasted shredded coconut antaloupes -- -L$%Lhoneydew #elons-L$%L- -- ;arge papayas Shredded lettuce BoptionalC

Place chic.en on stea#er rac. o!er 1 cup boiling water. o!er and stea# 1? #inutes or until coo.ed through* but still #oist. Dice or shred #eat. o#bine sour crea#* chutney* curry powder and ginger until #i4ed. -i4 dressing with chic.en and coconut. hill. ut cantaloupes* honeydew #elons or papayas in hal!es* re#o!e seeds and fill ca!ities with chic.en salad. $r* spoon chic.en salad on shredded lettuce and garnish with slices of fruit.

HE ! GA #EN &O2S&O2S SA"A#

1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 cup cup cups large s#all #ediu# cup cup tablespoons tablespoons each tablespoons tablespoons ouscous +oiling water +lac. beans -- coo.ed elery rib -- diced %ed bell pepper -- diced "o#atoes -- diced )reen oli!es -- chopped Parsley -- chopped Dill -- chopped -int -- chopped Scallions -- finely chopped ;e#on 2uice $li!e oil Salt / pepper -- to taste

1/4 1/2

'n a large heatproof container* co#bine the couscous / water. o!er / let stand for 1? #inutes. Dnco!er / fluff with a for.. ;et cool until it is 2ust war#. -i4 in the re#aining ingredients. o!er / refrigerate for 1 hour before ser!ing. 9,%',"'$(8 'n place of dill / #int* try a co#bination of fresh herbs such as oregano* thy#e / basil.

Heringsalat /Herring Salad1

E 1 1 2 2 1 4 1/2 $unces &ach &ach &ach "easpoons "ablespoons "ablespoon &ach Pic.led Herring> Drained )reen Pepper> Seed ,nd Dice ,pple> "art* ore ,nd Dice $range> Sectioned ,nd Diced $nion> )rated 9egetable $il 9inegar ;ettuce ;ea!es> upped

o#bine ingredients and #arinate in refrigerator for at least 1 hour. Ser!e on inner tightly cupped lettuce lea!es.

Herring Salad .ith Sour &rea' Sauce

1 1/2 1/4 2 2 E 2 cup cup teaspoon each each each teaspoons teaspoon ------sour-crea# sauce-----Sour crea# :ogurt ;e#on -- 2uice only Sugar -----------salad-----------$nions -- s#all ,pples> #ediu# -- tart Herring fillets -- #arinated Dill -- fresh or Dillweed -- dried


Sauce8 +lend thoroughly sour crea#* yogurt* le#on 2uice and sugar. Salad8 Peel onions and cut into thin slices. Peel and 7uarter apples* re#o!e cores and but into thin wedges. +lend onions and apples with sauce. 'n a dish arrange herring and apple-onion #i4ture in layers. o!er tightly and #arinate in refrigerator for ? hours. Sprin.le with dill before ser!ing.

HO"4 G2A&A3O"E<
2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 #ediu# #ediu# pac.age tablespoons #ediu# 1/2 1/2 1/2 teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon ,!ocados $nion -- chopped "aco seasoning )arlic clo!es -- #inced elery stal. -- chopped ;e#on 2uice "o#ato -- chopped 5alapenos -- seeded / chopped ayenne pepper Gorcestershire sauce "abasco hot sauce Horseradish

Peel and cut a!ocados in half lengthwise. Ouarter one a!ocado half and place in food processor. oarsely process with re#aining ingredients. Ouarter and coarsely chop or #ash re#aining a!ocado. o#bine with processor #i4* stirring only to #i4. Sprin.le top with le#on 2uice* co!er and chill.

Ho'e'ade &routons
1 ? 2 1 1 ? tablespoon tablespoons each teaspoon teaspoon each +utter ;ight $il )arlic clo!es #inced $regano "hy#e Day old bread

-elt butter in s.illet then add oil. -i4 in re#aining ingredients. ut ? slices of day old bread and re#o!e crusts. ut into 1/2< cubes. @ry slowly until lightly brown.

Hone7 and Garlic #ressing 2

1 1/2 1/4 3 2 1 1 1 1 cups cup tablespoons each tablespoon tablespoon teaspoon each -ayonnaise %ed wine !inegar ;i7uid honey )arlic clo!es -- crushed Di2on #ustard Gorcestershire sauce "abasco Salt and pepper to taste

-i4 all the ingredients together with a wire whis. and allow to sit in the fridge o!ernight. Pour the dressing o!er a salad co#posed of iceberg lettuce* red and green pepper strips* sliced radishes* cucu#ber and chopped parsley. :ield 0-E portions

Hone7 garlic dressing

3 4 1 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 3/4 3/4 each cups tablespoon tablespoon tablespoons tablespoon cup cup cup &gg yol.s $li!e oil Papri.a rushed blac. pepper Salt @resh purred garlic Honey "arragon %ed wine !inegar

'n a large bowl* beat the egg yol.s. Slowly add the oil while to #a.e a basic #ayonnaise. 't will wor. only if you add the oil !ery* !ery slowly at first. :ou can also use a food processor to #a.e this dressing* but again* you #ust add the oil e!er so slowly to get the desired consistency. $nce the #ayonnaise is #ade* add all the ingredients e4cept the !inegars. -a.e sure the the dressing is well #i4ed and ingredients are e!enly distributed throughout. Slowly stir in the tarragon !inegar and then the red wine !inegar* sure that they are e!enly blended. "his dressing #ust be stored in the fridge or it will spoil. :ield ? cups


4 3 1 3 1/2 2 2 4 1/2 1/4 teaspoon teaspoon Papri.a Pepper B4 $3.C +oned -- S.inned hic.en +reast Hal!es -- ut 'nto +ite Si3e Dnsweetened ,pple ider Diagonally Sliced arrots B1/2 in.C ubes Dnpeeled )ranny S#ith ,pples B1 ;b.C B2 $3.C )orgon3ola heese Di!ided -inched Shallots Ghite Gine 9inegar "orn @resh Spinach hic.en /

tablespoons cup cups cup teaspoons tablespoons cups

o#bine Papri.a* Pepper / Pinch Salt in , Plastic +ag. ,dd Sha.e "o oat. Set ,side.

Place ider in ,n E 'nch S7uare Dish> -icrowa!e ,t High 31-4? Seconds. ,dd hic.en> o!er Gith Ga4 Paper / -icrowa!e ,t -ediu#-High 0 "o K -in.* Stirring &!ery 3 -in. Drain hic.en / Set ,side.

'n %eser!ed ,pple ider -i4ture* ,dd arrots> o!er Gith Plastic / 9ent. -icrowa!e ,t High 2 -in. Stir in ,pples> -icrowa!e ,t High 1 1/2 "o 2 1/2 -in. $% Dntil ,pples ,re "ender. Drain* %eser!ing 2 ". ,pple ider -i4ture in Dish. o#bine ,pples* ,side. arrots* hic.en / 1/4 . heese in , +owl> "oss/ Set

,dd 9inegar / Shallots "o %eser!ed ,pple ider -i4ture in Dish> -icrowa!e ,t High 1 -in. Dri33le $!er hic.en -i4ture Gith %e#aining 1/4 . heese / Ser!e Gar#.


4 1 1/4 1/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 each each cup cup teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon each Potatoes* #ediu# -- peeled +unch broccoli -- bro.en flore 9egetable or salad oil ;e#on 2uice )arlic powder Salt +asil ;i7uid hot pepper sauce )reen onions -- sliced

1 2

oo. potatoes until tender* then dice> coo. broccoli until tender. 6eep both hot. o#bine re#aining ingredients. +ring to boil* stirring. Pour o!er the !egetables and toss gently. B-ay be ser!ed hot or cold.C

Hot Potato Salad .ith !acon

0 1 3 1 cup tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon cup cup teaspoons cup potatoes -- 2 pounds chopped onions fresh parsley -- chopped salt blac. pepper !inegar water sugar egg salad oil bacon -- coo.ed to crisp

1/4 2/3 1/3 1 1/2 1 1/3

1. Scrub potatoes and coo. with on in enough water to co!er. o!er pan and coo. until tender* about 2?-31 #inutes. Drain potatoes and sha.e pan o!er low heat to dry potatoes. Peel and cut into about 1/4-inch pieces. 2. Place in a large bowl and toss with the 1 cup chopped onions* chopped parsley* salt and blac. pepper. 3. o#bine 2/3 cup !inegar* 1/3 cup water and 1-1/2 teaspoon sugar in a s#all pan> heat to boiling. 4. Place the egg into a s#all bowl and beat slightly with a wire whis.. ontinue beating while slowly pouring in the !inegar #i4ture. Slowly pour in the salad oil* constantly. ?. '##ediately pour this #i4ture o!er the war# potatoes and stir to coat e!enly. Place the potatoes into a large s.illet o!er low heat until heated throughout. oo. the bacon until crisp> drain* cru#ble and sprin.le o!er potatoes. Ser!e i##ediately.

Hot S$inach and 3ushroo' Salad

1 1/2 2 4 1 4 4 2 2 pounds tablespoons ounces cup teaspoons teaspoons teaspoons tablespoons spinach corn oil #ushroo#s -- slice thin onions -- diced le#on 2uice -- fresh white !inegar sugar blac. pepper -- fresh ground yogurt -- plain* low-fat

Gash fresh spinach and re#o!e all tough ste#s> drain well. 'n hot oil* saute #ushroo#s and onions until onions are wilted. ,dd le#on 2uice* !inegar* sugar and pepper> #i4 well. Stir in spinach and coo. only until spinach begins to wilt. %e#o!e fro# heat and stir in yogurt. Ser!e i##ediately.

*'$erial 0alle7 Salad !owl

1 2 3 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 head cup cup cup cup cup %o#aine lettuce cheddar cheese* shredded to#atoes green onions blac. oli!es -- chopped 2ica#a alfalfa sprouts beets -- sliced

1. Gash* dry and tear ro#aine into bite-si3e pieces. Put into a salad bowl. Sprin.le half the shredded cheese e!enly o!er greens. 2. Prepare !egetables8 chop to#atoes into bite-si3e pieces> slice green onions* using part of the green tops> cut 2ica#a into thin strips> drain beets !ery thoroughly and cut into thin strips. 3. ;ayer all the !egetables and then blac. oli!es and alfalfa sprouts. Sprin.le re#aining cheese o!er top. $ptional8 1/2 cup drained red .idney beans* chopped hard-boiled egg and so#e crisp croutons or bro.en corn chips placed on top of salad.

*ndian Salad
2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1/4 up "ablespoons "ablespoons "easpoon Pound "easpoon up up "easpoons -----9inaigrette Dressing----$li!e $il Ghite Gine 9inegar hi!es -- #inced Dry -ustard Pepper -----Salad----;ean Por. -- coo.ed Bin shredsC ucu#bers -- A see note Salt -acaroni -- uncoo.ed -ayonnaise -- BPlus 2 "bsp.C urry Powder

1/4 1 1/4

A peeled* cut lengthwise* seeded* and 2ulienned. -i4 the dressing ingredients and #arinate the por. in the# for 1 hour. oo. #acaroni al dente* drain and cool. o#bine cucu#ber with salt and set aside for 31 #inutes. %inse* drain and pat dry* then co#bine with the por.* #acaroni* #ayonnaise* and curry powder.

*ndian .ells "odge Salad #ressing

1 1 1 1/2 2 1/2 1/2 pound teaspoon 7uart tablespoon teaspoons tablespoons blue cheese -- cru#bled salt Gesson oil papri.a -- heaping !inegar whole oregano

Stir well and ser!e at roo# te#perature. one 7uart.


4 1 0 3 1 2 2 1/2 1/3 2/3 1/4 1/4 cup cup tablespoon cups cups pound cup cup tablespoons cup

*&E SA"A#

Par#esan cheese 'talian-style breadcru#bs hic.en breast hal!es -- - Bboneless* s.inless $li!e oil "orn spinach lea!es -- - ste#s re#o!ed oo.ed rice -- cooled Bcoo.ed in chic.en brothC ,sparagus -- blanched and cut into 1< pieces Plu# to#atoes -- sliced Sliced red onion Galnuts -- toasted hopped fresh basil 9inaigrette salad dressing

o#bine cheese and breadcru#bs in a #ediu# bowl. oat each chic.en breast with breadcru#b #i4ture. Heat oli!e oil in s.illet o!er #ediu#high heat until hot. ,dd chic.en> coo. and stir about ? #inutes until brown. %e#o!e chic.en> place in large bowl. ,dd spinach* rice* asparagus* to#atoes* onion* walnuts* and basil> toss well. 5ust before ser!ing pour dressing o!er salad> toss to coat.

*talian !ean-And-To'ato Salad

1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/4 cups cup cup teaspoon teaspoon tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon ro#aine lettuce -- shredded to#ato -- seeded* coarsely -- chopped* unpeeled great northern beans* canned -- drained dried rose#ary -- crushed pepper -- fresh-ground low sodiu# chic.en broth balsa#ic !inegar oli!e oil

2 2 1

o#bine first 3 ingredients in a bowl> toss gently. o#bine rose#ary and ne4t 4 ingredients> stir well. Pour o!er lettuce #i4ture* and toss gently.

(a',ala7a Salad
3/4 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/2 up up up up "easpoon "easpoon "easpoon &ach ups up $unces up &ach Salad dressing* 'talian elery -- sliced )reen pepper -- chopped $nion -- chopped "hy#e Pepper* red -- ground Salt )arlic clo!e -- #inced %ice -- coo.ed Ha# -- cubed Shri#p* tiny -- coo.ed "o#ato -- chopped +acon slices -- cru#bled

1 1 2 0 1 0

o#bine first eight ingredients. ,dd re#aining ingredients e4cept bacon. hill and add bacon 2ust before ser!ing.

(anet's %rench Salad #ressing

1/2 3/4 1/2 1/2 cup cup cup can teaspoon teaspoon !inegar salad oil sugar -- #ore or less to#ato soup celery seed salt garlic clo!es -#inced or #ashed parsley -- optional

1 1 2

Ghis. together until thic.F

(a7ne's Sesa'e &ucu',er Salad

1 1 1 2 2 1/4 1/2 1/2 tablespoon tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon tablespoons cup #ediu# cup toasted sesa#e seeds -- 3?1P-? #inutes sugar salt cornstarch water rice wine !inegar cucu#bers -- sliced thin or diced finely chopped celery

+lend li7uids and coo. until #i4ture co#es to a boil* coo. one #inute #ore. ,dd sesa#e seeds and cool. chill well. Sprin.le dressing o!er cucu#bers and celery*

(eanette's Straw,err7 (ello 3old

Soften 1 en!elope plain gelatine in 1/4 cup water. Dissol!e it and 2 pac.ages B3 o3C strawberry 2ello in 2 cups boiling water. ,DD8 1 large or 2 s#all pac.ages fro3en strawberries 1 s#all can crushed strawberries 1-2 diced bananas 1 cup fine chopped nuts Boptional-daughter disli.ed the# so ' left the# out.C @';;'()8 1 cup sour crea#Bwill use ;ando; nofatC 1 pac.age Drea# Ghip #ade up o#bine well. -&"H$D8 Pour half of 2ello #i4 into #old and chill to allow to beco#e fairly fir#. Spread filling o!er 2ello and pour o!er that the rest of the 2ello. ,llow to beco#e !ery fir# before un#oldingli.e o!ernight.

(e--'s Potato Salad .ith !eer #ressing

0 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 teaspoon tablespoon teaspoons tablespoon teaspoons tablespoon cup teaspoon tablespoons potatoes #ustard -- or brown bacon slices chopped onions celery stal.s -- chopped salt #argarine flour sugar beer "abasco sauce fresh parsley -- chopped


+oil potatoes until 2ust tender. Peel and slice. @ry bacon until crisp. +rea. into s#all pieces and #i4 with onion* celery and salt> set aside. Stir #elted butter and flour in a s#all saucepan until blended. ,dd #ustard and sugar. Slowly stir in beer and "abasco sauce. +ring to a boil* stirring constantly. Pour o!er potatoes. Sprin.le with parsley. "oss lightly and let stand 1 hour. ,dd bacon #i4ture> toss gently and ser!e.

(ustin's Tuna Salad

3 2 2 1 2 1 each tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon teaspoons each &ggs* hard-boiled -- chopped -ayonnaise Dill relish BheapingC ;ouisiana hot sauce Poupon #ustard 0 1/2 o3 can tuna -- drained

o#bine eggs and dill relish. ,dd the rest of the ingredients* e4cept tuna* and #i4 really well. "hen add tuna. 'f the #i4ture is dry* add so#e #ore #ayonnaise. "his is fine for a sandwich. <Snea. a little on crac.ers before dinner.

+alter +arto--elsalat /&old Potato Salad1

0 1 3 1 2 A 1/2 1/2 each teaspoon each tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoons Potatoes -- ;arge A -- +oiling Gater Salt $nion> -ediu# -- -inced 9inegar -ustard -- Prepared Sugar Dillseed

Potatoes should be peeled and 7uartered.

'n #ediu# saucepan coo. potatoes in boiling salted water until tender. Drain* reser!ing 3/4 cup of potato water. Dice potatoes. ,dd oil and #inced onion> toss gently. 'n s#all saucepan bring the 3/4 cup potato water to a boil> pour o!er potatoes and onion. 6eep at roo# te#perature for 2 to 3 hours. Stir in !inegar* #ustard* sugar* and dillseed. Potato salad will be crea#y. Ser!e at roo# te#perature.

+%& &O"ES"A.
1 1 1/4 1/2 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/2 cup cup teaspoon teaspoon cup cup cup teaspoon drops tablespoons abbage -- shredded Sugar arrots -- shredded Salt Pepper -il. -ayonnaise +utter#il. elery seed "abasco -- or to taste $nions -- dry #inced

1 2 3

Slice cabbage paper thin* and toss lightly with sugar* shredded carrots. Sprin.le with salt and pepper and drench it all with #il.. o!er and refrigerate for about 1? #inutes. -eanwhile* co#bine #ayonnaise Bnot salad dressingC* butter#il.* celery seed* "abasco and #inced onion. -i4 well with cabbage #i4ture. %efrigerate again at least an hour before ser!ing. Drain so#e of the dressing first and ser!e it separately at the table. 't .eeps for 24 hours onlyFF


4 1 1 tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon pound tablespoon teaspoons +oneless chic.en breasts @resh le#on 2uice Salt -- optional Pepper -- fresh ground )rated le#on 3est @resh asparagus -- tri##ed $li!e oil Seasoned dry bread cru#bs Slices low-fat tur.ey ha# ;e#on slices -- for garnish

1 2 4 E

1/2 1/2 3/4

'n #ed. bowl* co#bine chic.en* le#on 2uice* 1/2 of the salt* pepper and le#on 3est. "oss to #i4. $n a large flat plate* coat the chic.en with the seasoned bread cru#bs. Spray Pa# on a non-stic. s.illet and heat o!er #ediu#-high heat. ,dd the chic.en and coo.* turning once* until golden brown outside and white throughout Bbut still 2uicy--about ?-K #inutesC. Place chic.en on a ser!ing platter. -eanwhile* stea# the fresh asparagus for appro4. ?-K #inutes. Ghen done* season the asparagus with the re#aining le#on 3est and salt and pepper. Di!ide asparagus into 4 bundles. Grap each asparagus bundle with a slice of the tur.ey <ha#< and place on top of chic.en. )arnish with le#on slices.

"e'on &oleslaw
1/2 1/2 1/4 cup cup cup tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons tablespoon tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon cups each each each each tablespoons teaspoons -ayonnaise Sour crea# @resh le#on 2uice Di2on #ustard $li!e oil Sugar Ghite wine !inegar Prepared horseradish Salt elery seeds Pepper Shredded cabbage Babout 1 1/ %ed bell pepper Bcut into #a )reen bell pepper Bcut into %ed onion Bcut into #atchsti arrot -- shredded hopped fresh parsley )rated le#on peel in bowl> wis. to blend. %efrigerate prepared 1 day aheadC. o#bine cabbage* parsley and le#on peel in large bowl. season to taste and ser!e.

2 2 2 1 1 1 E

1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/4

1 2 2

o#bine first 11 ingredients dressing until cold. B an be bell peppers* onion* carrot* "oss with enough dressing to

"e'on-&herr7 "a7ered Salad

3 1 21 3 1 3 E 1 2 ounces cup ounces ounces cup ounces cup ounces cup tablespoons cup cherry or raspberry gelatin #i4 boiling water cherry pie filling gelatin -- le#on boiling water crea# cheese #ayonnaise crushed pineapple #arsh#allows -- optional nuts -- chopped hea!y whipping crea#



Dissol!e raspberry or cherry gelatin in 1 cup boiling water. Stir in the cherry pie filling. Pour into a 11-inch deep-dish pie plate. hill until thic.ened partially. Dissol!e le#on gelatin in 1 cup boiling water. +eat the crea# cheese and #ayonnaise together and stir in the unchilled le#on gelatin #i4ture to this. +lend in the undrained pineapple. Ghip 1/2 cup whipping crea# until soft pea.s for#. @old into le#on #i4ture and add the #arsh#allows if desired. Spread this #i4ture on top of the cherry pie #i4ture that has been chilling. Sprin.le the chopped nuts o!er top and let chill until co#pletely set.

"E3ON4 &H*&+EN SA"A#

1 2 1 1 2 1/2 can each cup can tablespoons teaspoon cups cup cup ;ow-sodiu# chic.en broth B13 3/4 o3C P.g of 5ell-$ ;e#on gelatin Bsugar free -- 4 ser!ing si3eC old water rushed pineapple -- undrained Bin unsweetened 2uiceC ;e#on 2uice Dried tarragon lea!es BcrushedC Dash of white pepper ubed coo.ed chic.en breast hopped parsley hopped red pepper

1 1/2 1/2 1/4

+ring chic.en broth to a boil in s#all saucepan. o#pletely dissol!e gelatin in boiling broth. ,dd water* pineapple* le#on 2uice* tarragon and white pepper. %efrigerate until slightly thic.ened. Stir in chic.en* celery and red pepper. Spoon into 4 indi!idual plastic containers or ser!ing dishes. %efrigerate until fir#* about 2 hours.

"entil Salad
1 1 2 2 1/4 2/3 cup cup teaspoon clo!e cups cup whole fresh le#on 2uice oli!e oil 'talian seasoning garlic -- #ashed dried lentils diced celery red ripe to#atoes -- chopped


Ghis. together le#on 2uice and oli!e oil. +eat in 'talian seasoning and garlic. Gash lentils and boil in a 7uart of water until barely tender* about 31 #inutes. Drain. Ghile war#* toss with le#on dressing. ool to roo# te#perature. ,dd celery and to#atoes. Ser!e i##ediately or chill and ser!e cold.

1 2 2 1 1 bag cups en!elopes large can

ranberry Salad
fresh cranberries -- chopped sugar plain gelatin container ool Ghip crushed pineapple -- drained

hop berries in food processor* but do not pul!eri3e the#. -i4 berries with sugar* 1 1/2 en!elopes gelatin and drained pineapple. o#bine well and let stand at least an hour to allow for the 2uices to #ellow* sugar to dissol!e and gelatin to thic.en. @old in ool Ghip gently but thoroughly. 'f fruit settles to botto# of the bowl* add re#aining gelatin. 5udge the a#ount of sugar by the tartness of the berries.

"ettuce .edge .ith Po$$7 Seed #ressing

1/3 1 1/2 1/2 1 1 1 2 cup tablespoons cup teaspoon teaspoon cup tablespoons 9inegar -- Ghite $nion 5uice Sugar -ustard -- Dry Salt 9egetable $il Poppy Seeds 'ceberg ;ettuce -- Head $f

'n a s#all #i4ing bowl* co#bine !inegar* onion 2uice* sugar* #ustard* and salt. Stir !igorously by hand or with electric #i4er set on low. constantly* pour in oil in a slow thin strea#* and continue to beat until dressing is s#ooth and thic.. Stir in poppy seeds. ut lettuce into 0 wedges and lay each on a chilled salad plate. ;adle on 2 or 3 " of the dressing or to taste.

3/4 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 2 pound #ediu#

&H*&+EN .A"#O % SA"A#

%oasted chic.en breast B2 +oneless -- s.inless hal!esC )ranny S#ith apples -- cored ,nd diced in 1/2-inch pieces %ib celery -- finely #inced %ipe #ango -- peeled and diced -inced -- candied ginger A ;ight #ayonnaise (onfat sour crea# ;i#e 2uice -ango chutney )rainy #ustard oarsely chopped walnuts -inced fresh #int o#bine with the apple* celery* #ango and

1/3 1/3

tablespoons cup cup tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon tablespoons tablespoons

1. Dice the coo.ed chic.en. candied ginger.

2. 'n a #ediu# bowl* co#bine the #ayonnaise* sour crea#* li#e 2uice* chutney and #ustard> #i4 well. ,dd to the salad* #i4ing well. o!er and refrigerate until ready to ser!e. 3. 5ust before ser!ing* stir in the chopped walnuts and #int.

"i'e 0el)et Salad

1 1 3 pac.age cup ounces cup cup cup cup ;i#e 5ello +oiling water P.g crea# cheese rushed pineapple -- w/2uice elery -- chopped fine hopped nuts Hea!y crea# -- whipped herries Boptional garnishC

2/3 1/2 1/4 1/2

Dissol!e gelatin in boiling water. ,dd chun.s of crea# cheese. Dsing #i4er* beat at #ediu# speed until well blended. hill until slightly congealed. ,dd pineapple* celery and nuts. @old in whipped crea#. Pour in 3 cup #old and let set. "urn out on lettuce leaf and garnish with cherries if desired.

"i'e-&ilantro #ressing
1/2 4 1/2 1/4 1/E cup teaspoon teaspoon cup oli!e oil 2uice of 1 li#e garlic clo!es -peeled* ends re#o!ed cilantro -- wash* dry fresh ground blac. pepper sugar -- to taste salt -- to taste

'n a food processor fitted with a #etal blade* co#bine the oli!e oil* li#e 2uice* garlic* cilantro lea!es* and blac. pepper. Process until s#ooth. ,dd sugar and salt to taste. 1/2 cup.

"i:a 3innelli's Salade de Pro)ence

2 1 1 1 2 cups #ediu# cup pound teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon tablespoons cup @ro3en corn Pin. grapefruit Hearts of pal# @resh #ushroo#s Di2on #ustard Salt @resh ground blac. pepper %ed wine !inegar Safflower oil

1/2 1/2 1/4 1/3

"haw corn to roo# te#perature. $!er #oderate heat* coo. corn until tender. Drain and set aside. Peel and re#o!e white pith fro# the grapefruit. Separate sections> cut each section in half and pat dry with paper towels. ut the hearts of pal# into thin slices. Gipe the #ushroo#s clean. "ri# the ends and slcie !ery thinly. 'n large salad bowl* co#bine #ustard* salt* pepper and !inegar> stir until e!erything has dissol!ed. Slowly pour in the oil* constantly until s#ooth. ,ttracti!ely arrange the grapefruit and !eggies in the bowl. +ring to table and toss 2ust before ser!ing.

"ouise's Potato Salad

= new red potatoes*in bite si3ed pieces. "a.e out little blac. dirt spots. Gash well but lea!e unpeeled.

2 #ediu# si3ed white onions chopped s#all. B+uy flat onions* sweeterC E slices coo.ed and cru#bled bacon 1 whole pac.age chopped fresh chi!es B1/2 cup choppedC 1 whole pac.age fresh dill Babout 1/2 cup choppedC D%&SS'() I #a.e separately 3/4 cup good #ayonnaise 3/4 cup sour crea# Blow fat is o.ayC 3 eggs hardboiled E dashes of Gorcestershire sauce 1 le!el teaspoon ,llspice 1/4 teaspoon chili powder 1/2 teaspoon dried dill 1 tablespoon dried chi!es Sweet hungarian papri.a to sprin.le o!er top 1. Prepare and coo. the potatoes until 2ust tender* drain / set aside to cool. 2. Place the cooled potatoes in a large #i4ing bowl and add the cru#bled bacon* onions* fresh chi!es and fresh dill. 3. -i4 the #ayo and sour crea# in food processor or blender. ,dd the Gorcestershire* allspice and chili powder dried dill and dried chi!es. ,dd the hardboiled eggs and whip together at high speed for a fluffy dressing. ,dd freshly ground pepper and salt to taste. 4. @old into the potatoes. Put into a ser!ing dish and sprin.le with papri.a. ' ser!e lots of thinly sliced radishes around the side of the dish.

"ow-&alorie !utter'ilk #ressing

2 1 1 2 11 cups cup tablespoon tablespoons #illiliters teaspoon ;owfat cottage cheese +utter#il. %ed wine !inegar Parsley -- chopped )arlic -- chopped Salt


'n blender or food processor* #i4 cottage cheese until s#ooth. ,dd re#aining ingredients and blend. about 3 cups dressing for green salads. Gill .eep in refrigerator for 2 wee.s.

3acaroni 3edle7 Salad

2 4 1? 11 E 3/4 3/4 cup cup tablespoons cups ounces ounces ounces +utter#il. @at-free #ayonnaise @resh dill* chopped -- or 1 ts dill oo.ed rotini pasta -- cooled anned .idney beans -- drained rinsed @ro3en green beans* coo.ed -- drained and cooled @at-free cheddar cheese -- Healthy hoice* cube Pour o!er co#bined

-i4 together butter#il.* #ayonnaise and dill. pasta* beans and cheese> #i4 lightly. hill. 10 Ser!ings

3A&A ON* SA"A# %O

? ? 3 2 2 2 2 2 E pounds bn large cans 7uarts ounces cup cup cup teaspoons teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon


"o 0 lbs. fully coo.ed ha# -- cubed "o 0 lbs. #acaroni -- coo.ed drained Shredded cheddar cheese +ags B21 o3. ea.C fro3en -- peas* thawed elery -- chopped Babout 12 $nions -- chopped B2 to 2 1/2 B? 3/4 o3. ea.C pitted ripe -- oli!es* Drained and sliced D%&SS'()8 -ayonnaise Gestern or @rench salad -- dressing 9inegar Sugar ;ight crea# $nion salt )arlic salt Salt Pepper

1 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1 S,;,D8

1/4 1/4

o#bine all salad ingredients. o!er the salad #i4ture and toss. %efrigerate.

o#bine all dressing ingredients> pour

3A* %2N &H*&+EN SA"A# .*TH HO*S*N # ESS*NG

3 1 2 2 2 1 2 1/4 tablespoons cup tablespoon teaspoons teaspoons cups cup 1/2 cup -----H$'S'( D%&SS'()----%ice !inegar Salad oil Hoisin sauce Sesa#e seeds -inced fresh gingerroot -----S,;,D----(apa/Sa!oy cabbage lea!es -ai fun A @inely shredded carrots ;g coo.ed chic.en breastsA Sugar snap peas AA 9egetable garnishes AAA

A(ote8 -ai fun should be prepared according to pac.age directions. A hic.en breasts should be s.inned* boned and cut into thin slices. AASnap peas should be blanched and chilled. AAASuggested !egetable garnishes8 5apanese or regular cucu#ber slices* straw #ushroo#s* carrot flowers. o#bine !inegar* oil* hoisin sauce* sesa#e seeds and gingerroot in 2ar with lid. o!er and sha.e well. hill. -eanwhile* to #a.e salad* for each ser!ing* line plate with cabbage lea!es and o!er the# arrange layer of #ai fun. "hen arrange shredded carrots* chic.en slices* sugar snap peas and !egetable garnishes on plates as desired. Sha.e dressing again and pass at table.

3andrin orange and green salad

1 1 1 1/3 1/2 1/2 each each cup each cup cup cup teaspoon teaspoon tablespoons -ed bowl of #i4ed greens ;arge can of #andrin oranges hopped pecans -----),%('SH----Purple onion rings -----D%&SS'()----Gine !inegar Sugar Salad oil Salt Dry #ustard Gater

1 1 1 2

@or #i4ed greens use leaf ro#aine and regular.

3a$le "ea- #ressing

3/4 1 1/2 2 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1 cup cups tablespoons teaspoon teaspoons tablespoon cup can piece !inegar oil worcestershire sauce salt pepper -- crushed dry #ustard sugar to#ato soup garlic -- diced

-i4 together and let stand for 1 day before using

3arinated Three-!ean Salad

1 1 2/3 1/3 pound pound cup cup tablespoon teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon cans green beans -- +lanched wa4 beans -- +lanched salad oil red wine !inegar sugar salt rose#ary dry #ustard pepper -- grated red .idney beans -- 1? o3 cans

1 1 1/2 1 1 1/4 2

blanch beans* in bowl whis. oil* !inegar and spices. add beans and co!er* refrigerate for at least 0 hours.

3arinated 0eggies
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2/3 2/3 1/3 can can can cup cup cup s#all 2ar cup cup cup tsp tsp @rench Style )reen +eans -- drained Shoepeg orn-drained +aby Peas -- drained chopped celery diced onion diced bell peppers pi#entos -,%'(,D& sugar or artificial -- sweetener white !inegar lite oil -- Byour choiceC salt celery seed

1 1

-i4 #arinade and add !eggies* let set at least four hours* o!ernight is best.

3arket Salad .ith &a$ers

1 1 2 2 2 S# &ar -ed "sp "sp "bsp "bsp "o#ato -- diced orn %ed Potatoes -- coo.ed apers -- drained Papri.a $li!e $il %ed Gine 9inegar Salt ,nd Pepper -- to taste

1/4 1/2

Peel potatoes if desired. Dice. oo. corn and re#o!e fro# cob. o#bine to#ato* corn* potatoes* and capers in salad bowl. Stir together papri.a* oil* !inegar* salt* and pepper in s#all bowl. Pour o!er !egetables and toss well. ;et stand ? #inutes for fla!ors to blend.

3A "!O O &O2NT 4 G2A&A3O"E

1 1 1 1/4 1/4 each cup tablespoon tablespoon teaspoon ;arge ripe a!ocado Babout E @inely chopped onion Seeded and finely chopped pi ;e#on 2uice Salt

Peel* pit and #ash a!ocado> add re#aining ingredients and #i4 thoroughly. about a cup.

3a7-air #ressing
3 1 2 3 1 1 1/2 1/4 1/2 #ediu# stal. cups cup ounce tablespoon to 4 clo!es garlic onion celery oil prepared #ustard whole blac. peppercorns -- or #ore eggs ancho!ies -- or 2 o3 ,ccent seasoning #i4 &!ery St. ;ouis coo. has this recipe.

+lend in +lender 'tHs the bestF 4

4 4 2 1 2 2 2/3 pound ounces ounces

ANEAN G *""E# &H*&+EN SA"A#

B2 #ediu#C potatoes -- - cut into 3/4-inch -ushroo#s -- hal!ed )reen beans> hal!ed -- stea#ed until crisp-----9'(,')%&""&----$li!e oil Ghite wine !inegar )arlic clo!e -- #inced -inced fresh tarragon -- $%.. Dried tarragon Di2on-style #ustard Sugar Salt Pepper hic.en breast hal!es -- - Bboned and s.inned Babout 0 ounces eachC hopped red onion Hal!ed cherry to#atoes -- - for garnish


cup tablespoons teaspoons teaspoon teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon cup

3/4 1/4 1/4 1/E 1/4

'n 1-7uart saucepan o!er #ediu# heat coo. potatoes* co!ered* in 2 inches boiling water until tender* about 1? #inutes> drain. -eanwhile* #a.e !inaigrette8 'n bowl whis. together all !inaigrette ingredients. Place potatoes* #ushroo#s and beans in separate piles in large shallow dish> dri33le with 1/3 cup of the !inaigrette to coat. o!er> let stand 1? #inutes. Heat broiler. -eanwhile* in bowl add chic.en to the re#aining !inaigrette> co!er and let stand 1? #inutes. %e#o!e chic.en fro# !inaigrette Bdiscard !inaigretteC> broil 4 to ? inches fro# heat source about E #inutes until 2uices run clear when chic.en is pierced* turning once. "o ser!e* slice chic.en breasts and arrange on 4 plates with potatoes* #ushroo#s and beans* di!iding e7ually. Sprin.le with onion and garnish with cherry to#atoes.

3E?*&AN !EE% SA"A#

3 3 3/4 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/4 1/E 1/E pound teaspoon tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon can 10 +eef top round stea. Dnseasoned #eat tenderi3er -- instant 9egetable oil 9inegar Salt )round cu#in Dried oregano -- crushed )arlic powder )round red pepper :ellow ho#iny -- drained ounce can S#all onion -- sliced separated into rings )reen pepper -- sliced into rings Sliced pitted ripe oli!es "orn lettuce Hal!ed cherry to#atoes ;ettuce lea!es -onterey 5ac. cheese B2 o3C -- finely grated Slice #eat across the grain into bite-si3e

1 1 1 4

1/3 1/2 1/2

cup cups cup cup

Partially free3e #eat. strips.

Sprin.le #eat tenderi3er o!er #eat. 'n a 1 1/2-7uart #icrowa!e-safe casserole* co#bine beef and 1 tablespoon oil. o!er with wa4ed paper. oo. on high B111 percentC power 3 to ? #inutes or until #eat is done* stirring e!ery 2 #inutes. %e#o!e #eat* reser!ing drippings in dish. ,dd re#aining 2 tablespoons oil to drippings. Stir in !inegar* salt* cu#in* oregano* garlic powder and red pepper. oo.* unco!ered* on high power about 31 seconds or until bubbly. ,dd #eat* ho#iny* onions* green pepper and oli!es. "oss gently to coat. 'n a large #i4ing bowl* co#bine #eat #i4ture* torn lettuce and to#atoes. "oss gently to coat. Spoon #i4ture onto lettuce-lined plates. Sprin.le with cheese. 4 to 0 ser!ings.

3e@ican Green !ean Salad

1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1/2 pound cup tablespoon tablespoons tablespoon tablespoon tablespoon green beans oli!e oil 2alapeno peppers -- seeded and chopped !inegar le#on 2uice onion -- #inced parsley -- #inced fresh cilantro -- #inced

Stea# green beans until tender-crisp* about 1? #inutes. Drain. Ghis. together other ingredients and pour o!er war# green beans. ,llow to #arinate at least 1/2 hour. Ser!e at roo# te#perature or chilled.


4 1 1 teaspoon teaspoon cup tablespoon teaspoon s#all cup tablespoons cup large #illiliters ounces cup cup tablespoons B3 $3.C +oneless S.inned hic.en +reasts )round u#in 9egetable $il Gater hili Powder hic.en +ouillon )ranules %ipe ,!ocado hopped @resh ilantro ;i#e 5uice )reen $nions 5alapeno Pepper hopped )arlic Dncoo.ed @ettucine Shredded Qucchini Sliced +lac. $li!es hopped "o#atoes @resh ilantro ;ea!es B$ptionalC

1 1 3 1 11 0 2

1/2 1/4 1/2


1/2 1/4

Sprin.le hic.en Gith u#in / hili Powder. Heat $il in , -ediu# S.illet> ,dd hic.en / oo. $!er -ediu# Heat 3 "o 4 -in. $n &ach Side. ,dd Gater / +ouillon )ranules> %educe Heat / Si##er 1? -in. $% Dntil hic.en 's Done. %e#o!e hic.en @ro# +roth* %eser!ing +roth in S.illet. hic.en. o!er / hill

+ring +roth "o , +oil / oo. Dntil %educed "o 1/4 . %e#o!e @ro# Heat / ool. Strain +roth "hrough , Sie!e / Pour 'nto Processor. ,dd ,!ocado* ilantro* ;i#e 5uice* )reen $nions* Pepper / )arlic. Process Dntil S#ooth. oo. @ettuccine ,ccording "o Pac.age Directions. Drain. %inse Dnder old Gater / Drain ,gain. o#bine @ettuccine / Half $f ,!ocado -i4ture> "oss Gell. Place in enter $f , Ser!ing Platter. ,rrange Qucchini ,round @ettuccine-,!ocado -i4ture. ut hilled hic.en 'nto 1/4 in. Strips / ,rrange $!er @ettuccine> Sprin.le Gith $li!es. Spoon %e#aining ,!ocado -i4ture 'nto enter $f hic.en> Sprin.le Gith hopped ilantro. )arnish Gith @resh ilantro ;ea!es 'f Desired.

3inted &ucu',er Salad

3 2 2 1/2 1/E 1/2 1/4 large teaspoon cups teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon cup tablespoons cucu#bers salt plain yogurt rice wine !inegar white pepper sugar fresh #int -- chopped fresh parsley -- chopped

Peel* seed* and chop cucu#bers. Sprin.le with salt and allow to drain for half an hour. ;ine a sie!e with a coffee filter. Pour yogurt in and allow to drain for half an hour. 'n a glass or pottery ser!ing bowl* co#bine yogurt with re#aining ingredients. Stir in cucu#ber. o!er and refrigerate if not ser!ed at once.

3inted 3elon 3old

1 1/2 3 3 3/4 1/2 1/E 2 cups ounces ounces cup cup teaspoon cups +oiling Gater B1 p.C ;e#on @la!or )elatin B1 p.C ;i#e @la!or )elatin ;i#e 5uice old Gater Pepper#int &4tract -elon +alls A ;ettuce ;ea!es oconut rea# Dressing )arnishes AA antaloupe* or Honeydews*

A etc. AA

-elon balls can include things li.e

)arnishes can be #int lea!es and #ore #elon balls.

'n #ediu# bowl* pour boiling water o!er gelatins> stir until dissol!ed. ,dd li#e 2uice* cold water* and e4tract> chill until partially set. @old in #elon. Pour into lightly oiled ?-cup ring #old. hill until set* about 3 hours or o!ernight. Dn#old onto lettuce. Ser!e with oconut rea# Dressing> garinsh with #int lea!es and/or #elon balls* if desired.

3inted Pasta Salad

2 2 1 2 1/3 1/2 cups cup tablespoons cup teaspoon clo!es pasta -- s#all8or3o*shells*3i Salt oli!e oil -- light red wine !inegar fresh #int lea!es -- chopped fresh oregano -- chopped garlic -- #inced @reshly ground pepper to taste

1. oo. pasta in boiling salted water according to pac.age directions until al dente> drain well. 2. -i4 oil* !inegar* herbs* garlic* salt and pepper in a ser!ing bowl. ,dd pasta and toss gently. Ser!e war# or at roo# te#perature.

3i@ed Green Salad

12 2 1/3 2/3 1/4 1/4 ,ssorted Salad )reens -- to 14 -- leaf* ro#aine* etc. (ectarines -- slic in wedges Galnuts -- toasted* A +alsa#ic 9inaigrette8 $li!e $il +alsa#ic 9inegar $range 5uice Di2on -ustard )arlic -- #ashed Salt +lac. Pepper -- to taste * +oston* red

2 1 1

"bsp "bsp lo!e "sp

, colorful array of greenery tossed with a sa!ory balsa#ic !inaigrette. Ghene!er nectarines are a!ailable* especially during the su##er season* ' slice up 2 of the succulent fruits and add the# to the salad. "hey lend a delightfully refreshing touch. "his recipe won 1st pri3e in a salad contest run by a +oston area newspaper. 1. hoose at least three of the !aried salad greens - ' usually select +oston and red leaf as #y base and add two other types for their color and fla!or.

2. Gash the greens* pat dry* and pile the# into a large salad bowl. ,dorn the greenery with the fruit and toasted walnuts. 3. +eat together the oil* !inegar* orange 2uice* #ustard* garlic* salt* and pepper in a bowl. 4. Pour the dressing o!er the greenery and toss well to coat e!enly. Present at once. 0 portions

3ock Hard-&ooked Eggs

E $3 &gg +eaters. ==R &gg Substitute -- or substitute 'n an E< s.illet* pour &gg +eaters* or substitute. o!er tightly> coo. o!er low heat 11 #in or until 2ust set. %e#o!e fro# heat> let stand* co!ered for 11 #in. %e#o!e fro# s.illet and cool co#pletely. hop and use in your fa!orite egg salad recipe or sprin.le o!er salads or casseroles. ($"&S 8 -,6&S8 1 up chopped #oc. eggs

3os' Nill7 Guaca'ole

1 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 2 2 1 each teaspoons each tablespoon ounces tablespoons tablespoon tablespoon tablespoons cup teaspoons cup ;arge a!ocado ;ea / Perrins lo!e garlic Salt @eta cheese $li!e oil Poupon or creole #ustard ;e#on 2uice Gine !inegar hopped parsley or cilantro ;ouisiana hot sauce hopped to#atoes ;ettuce -- as bed for ser!ing


-ash garlic with salt to #a.e a gritty paste* ,dd a!ocado and #ash so#e #ore. Pour le#on 2uice o!er a!ocado so that it will .eep its color. Stir well. ,dd oli!e oil* add ;ouisiana hot sauce* stir* add ;ea / Perrins Gorcestershire sauce* stir* and add wine !inegar. Stir. ,dd -ustard. Stir. ru#ble a good 7uantity of feta cheese in the dressing. ,dd chopped to#atoes and parsley. Stir well and ser!e o!er lettuce. "his is also good for dipping. about 3 cups.

3rA %ood's !ritish Pe$$er Salad

4 4 1/E 1 1/4 1 1 cup cups can B0o3C clo!e green bell peppers -- cored/in E chun.s red bell peppers -- cored/in E chun.s Gorcestershire sauce .etchup blac. oli!es -- BpittedC* drained garlic -- crushed

@ill a 2-7uart saucepan three 7uarters full with water> bring to a boil then reduce the heat to #ediu#. ,dd the peppers and stir gently once. ,fter 2-3 #inutes* when the peppers are still 7uite fir# and 2ust beginning to soften* re#o!e the# fro# the saucepan* draining any e4cess water. 'n a #ediu#-si3ed bowl* co#bine the re#aining ingredients. ,dd the peppers and toss to coat. o!er and chill for 1 hour or until ready to ser!e.

3rA %ood's Taco Salad

1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 pound pac.age #ediu# cups canB10o3C large cans bagB14.?o3C bottleB10o3C ground beef taco seasoning #i4 -- B1 1/4 o3.C iceberg lettuce -- chopped Babout E .C shredded cheddar cheese -- BE o3.C .idney beans -- rinsed and drained to#atoes -- diced Babout 2 .C sliced blac. oli!es -- B2.2?o3 eaC>drained tortilla chips -- BranchC> crushed french salad dressing -- Bsweet/spicyC

'n a #ediu#-si3ed s.illet* brown the ground beef with the taco seasoning #i4* stirring to brea. up the #eat> drain and cool. 'n an e4tra-large salad bowl* layer half of the lettuce* then half of the cheese* beans* ground beef* to#atoes* and oli!es. %epeat the layers once #ore* then top with crushed tortilla chips. +efore ser!ing* add the dressing and toss well to coat. :ield8 12 ser!ings


2 1 1 1/4 1/2 1/4 cups cup teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon Diced peeled potatoes Babout -- 1 lb.C %ecipe $ld-@ashioned &gg -- Salad Bsee pre!ious %ecipeC -ayonnaise Prepared #ustard Dried #inced onion Salt ;ettuce lea!es Sliced radishes -- optional

'n a saucepan* co!er potatoes with water and coo. until tender but fir#. Drain and cool. 'n a bowl* co#bine egg salad* #ayonnaise* #ustard* onion and salt. Stir in cooled potatoes. o!er and chill. Ser!e on lettuce lea!es> garnish with radishes* if desired.

37 %a)orite &oleslaw
1 1 2 1 tablespoons cup cup tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon cabbage head onion -- #inced salad !inegar sour crea# #ayonnaise -- A see note sugar salt blac. pepper papri.a -- optional green bell peppers* sli!ered -- optional red bell peppers* sli!ered -- optional dry #ustard -- optional celery seed -- optional

1/4 1/4 1/2 1/4

1/2 1/4

teaspoon teaspoon

A Dse only real #ayonnaise* not salad dressing. "his coleslaw #ust be allowed to blend fla!ors in refrigerator for 2 hours or #ore Bo!ernight is bestC for best taste. Shred cabbage in 9&%: thin strands. Sprin.le e!enly with !inegar* #inced onion* fresh ground blac. pepper and sugar. Put into airtight bowl or plastic bag and refrigerator for 1 hour or #ore. -i4 sour crea#* #ayonnaise* dry #ustard Bif desiredC and salt. 'f using green and red sweet peppers* sli!er the# before adding to sour crea# #i4ture. ,dd celery seeds at this ti#e also if you are using the#. ,dd this #i4ture to chilled cabbage and sha.e in plastic bags or stir gently to #i4 thoroughly. Place bac. in refrigerator for 2 hours or #ore.

New England St7le Potato Salad

3 1 ? 2 4 1 1 1 1/2 1/2 1 1/2 pounds cup tablespoons teaspoons pint teaspoon tablespoons clo!e n -- chopped cup potatoes -- coo.ed celery -- diced !inegar salt eggs -- hard-coo.ed* sie!ed sour crea# pepper #ustard garlic -- crushed oli!es -- sliced inch cubes and chill. ,dd celery* 3 tbs. into sour crea#* add re#aining !inegar* onion. Place potato #i4ture in salad bowl* )arnish with oli!es.

Peel potatoes* cut into 1/2 !inegar and salt. @old eggs pepper* #ustard* garlic and add dressing and toss well.

New Potato Salad

2 1 ? pounds each each Potatoes -- new Bappro4i#atelyC Dill crea# dressing recipe )reen onions -- finely chopped Salt / pepper to taste

, local restaurant ser!es a si#ple* but elegant* potato salad as part of their Sunday +runch #enu. "his is #y own atte#pt at duplicating it. Stir the chopped green onions into the Dill rea# Dressing. ,dd salt and pepper to taste. :ou #ay also want to add #ore le#on 2uice or Di2on #ustard at this point* as this produces a fairly bland dressing. Slice potatoes Blea!e s.ins onC about 1/4 inch thic.. Place in a large bowl and fold in the dressing. Ser!e chilled. +est #ade the day before so the fla!ors ha!e a chance to #ingle.

No-%at *talian #ressing

1/4 1/4 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/E 1/E cup cup cup teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon #illiliters teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon ;e#on 2uice ider !inegar ,pple 2uice -- unsweetened $regano Dry #ustard $nion powder )arlic -- cut in half Papri.a +asil "hy#e %ose#ary -----P&% 2 "+;SP$$(S----Acals A#g sodiu#


o#bine all ingredients. hill for an hour or two at least to allow herbs to blend. %e#o!e garlic clo!e pieces before ser!ing. 12 tablespoons.

No-Na'e-4et Salad
1 4 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1/2 1/2 each cup teaspoon each tablespoons each tablespoons tablespoons tablespoon teaspoons teaspoon tablespoon teaspoons teaspoons 10 o3 can peeled to#atoes hopped onion elery seed &ggs -- hard boiled 5uice fro# peeled to#atoes 0 1/2 o3 can tuna -- #ashed Dill relish -ayonnaise BheapingC ;ea / Perrins Poupon or creole #ustard )arlic powder $li!e oil Salt -- to taste ;ouisiana hot sauce Gine !inegar


hop to#atoes* -i4 the 1/2 cup onion* 1/2 tsp celery seed* 4 chopped hard boiled eggs* 2 "bs 2uice fro# drained to#atoes* and 2 "bs dill relish. ,dd sauce Bdirections followC. 'f it is too soupy* add so#e crushed saltine crac.ers. S,D &8 +eat #ayonnaise and #ustard really well* adding oli!e oil. &!ery ti#e you add so#ething* beat. ,dd all ingredients* beat the hell out of the#. ,dd to salad.

Noodles in Sesa'e Sauce

11 1 1/2 3 3 2 3 1/2 2 2 1 1/2 1/2 1 1 1/2 ounces tablespoons each each each teaspoons tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons cup teaspoon tablespoon cup @resh chinese noodles $il -----spicy sesa#e sauce----9egetable oil )reen onions white #inced lo!es of garlic -- #inced Piece of giner -- #inced S#all asian chilli peppers %ice !inegar Soya sauce Sugar hinese sesa#e paste hic.en stoc. or broth Sesa#e oil ----------garnish----------%oasted sesa#e seeds @resh coriander lea!es chop 5ulienned carrots/cucu#bers Drain and rinse in cool*

oo. noodles* fresh or fried* until al dente. then cold* water. Drain well. Sprin.le with !egetable* peanut or sesa#e oil.

B old* oiled coo.ed noodles can be stored in the fridge for se!eral daysC. S,D &8 'n a s#all s.illet* heat !egetable oil and saute onions* garlic* ginger and chili peppers until garlic is soft but not brown. "urn off heat and add !inegar* soy sauce* sugar* sesa#e paste and chic.en stoc.. Heat and si##er sauce* stirring for 2 #inutes. Stir in sesa#e oil. ool to roo# te#perature. Pour sauce o!er chilled noodles and #i4 well. Heap noodles on s platter and garnish with sesa#e seeds* coriander and 2ulienned !egetables.

O+ &orral Salad
4 cups oo.ed Pasta wheels %aw arrot A -ed onion -- chopped %ib elery -- sliced thin )reen pepper -- chopped %adishes -- sliced thin an drained "una -- water pac. Dressing Bsee recipeC

0 1/2 3/4

ounces cup

A Scrubbed and sliced into thin #atchstic.s. "his pasta salad gets its na#e fro# the shape of the pasta* but you could 2ust as easily use shells and rena#e it Seashell Salad* etc. "oss all the ingredients in a large salad bowl and chill. "he salad can be #ade the night before and refrigerated. 'f you want to ta.e it easy* 2ust slice all the !eggies with a food processor. +,S' D%&SS'() 1 c e4tra-!irgin oli!e oil 2t Honey 2/3 c brown rice !inegar freshly ground blac. or 1t Salt 1 garlic clo!e* #ashed o#bine all ingredients and sha.e well or blend. %efrigerate. 6eeps for up to a wee.. a little less than 2 cups.


2 1 0 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/2 cup teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon cup -ayonnaise ;e#on 2uice Dried #inced onion Salt Pepper Hard-coo.ed eggs -- chopped @inely chopped celery ;ettuce lea!es or bread

'n a bowl* co#bine #ayonnaise* le#on 2uice* onion* salt and pepper. Stir in eggs and celery. o!er and chill. @or each ser!ing* spoon about 1/2 cup onto a lettuce leaf or spread on bread.

Oli)e Garden Salad #ressing

1 1/2 2 2 1 2 c tb tb lg tb +ottled italian dressing Par#esan -- grated Sugar or e7ui!alent in -- e7ua %aw egg -- or egg beaters 1 egg -- or -ayonnaise

+lend in blender on high speed 1/2 #inute or until s#ooth. Pour this #i4ture into the top of a double boiler and add 1/4 c oil. Stir gently with a whis. o!er gently boiling water until it begins to thic.en and egg is co#pletely coo.ed. hill se!eral hours or o!ernight before using. 'f the dressing is too thic.* add #ore 'talian dressing as needed. -i4 together e7ual a#ounts of fresh spinach* iceberg and ro#aine lettuce. ,llow 2 for each salad. -oisten lea!es in dressing* do not saturate> let stand ? #inutes. ,dd onion rings* radish* etc.

O$rah's &hicken Salad with #ressing

1 1/2 1 1 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/E cups cup tablespoon cup cup cup cup cup teaspoon cup tablespoon teaspoons tablespoons tablespoon tablespoons hic.en breast -- s.inless boneless Peas )olden raisins arrots -- shredded %ed cabbage -- shredded ,pples -- diced Scallions -- sliced elery -- diced -----D%&SS'()----elery seed (onfat yogurt (onfat #ayonnaise urry powder -- optional ;e#on 2uice Di2on #ustard Shallots -- diced +lac. pepper

1 1 3 3 1 2

"oss salad ingredients. Put dressing ingredients in blender and blend. Ser!e o!er salad.

O$rah's 3ock &aesar Salad

21 )arlic -- #inced ;e#on 2uice ;ow-sodiu# soy sauce @resh crac.ed blac. pepper cups %o#aine lettuce -- torn cups &ndi!e -- torn large "o#ato -- chun.ed tb Par#esan garlic* le#on 2uice* soy sauce and pepper for the dressing. "oss lettuces and to#atoes. 1/4 1/4 #illiliters cup cup

3 3 1 1 -i4 with

Orange and Onion Salad

1 K 1 2 1 2 1 1/2 1/4 1/3 3/4 1/2 each ounces each tablespoons tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon each cup each cup teaspoon Head ro#aine lettuce -andarin oranges -- drained "oasted sliced al#onds ----------dressing---------Sugar Salt "arragon Pepper Dashes tabasco sauce 9inegar &gg yol. 9egetable oil Di2on #ustard

Place sugar* salt* tarragon* pepper* tabasco* #ustard in blender. Slowly add !inegar and blend well. ,dd egg yol.* and with blender running* slowly add oil. +lend until desired consistency. ;et dressing sit in a 2ar for 1 hour before using* to blend fla!ours. Sha.e well before using.

Orange (ello Salad

1 1 1 pac.age pac.age pac.age $range 5ello -- large S#all curd cott cheese -- large ool whip -- large

'n a ser!ing dish BcasseroleC* #i4 a large bo4 of dry 5ello #i4 with a ;arge container of S-,;; curd cottage cheese. -i4 thoroughly until 2ello is dissol!ed. @old in large container of ool Ghip. +lend thoroughly. hill thoroughly. )arnish with #int lea!es or #andarine orange slices. "his recipe is also great with P&, H 2ello. , co#bination of peach and orange is also another alternati!e Ba s#all bo4 of eachC. 'f you #a.e the peach salad* you can add a can of crushed pineapple BD%,'(&DC for a fruity salad.

Orange (ica'a Salad

2 1/4 large #ediu# tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon ro#aine lettuce -or butter lettuce heads -tear into long shreds 2ica#a -- 2ulienned na!el oranges -peeled and sectioned red onion -- chopped radishes -- sliced -or cut into flowers !egetable oil fresh orange 2uice chili powder white !inegar salt fresh ground pepper -- to taste

4 1 E 0 2 1

1/2 1/4

$n E indi!idual salad plates* arrange a bed of shredded lettuce. Sprin.le the 2ica#a on top. ,rrange about ? orange sections in a flower pattern on top of each. Sprin.le with the chopped red onion. Put a radish in the center of each salad. 'n a s#all* tightly lidded 2ar* co#bine the oil* orange 2uice* chili powder* !inegar* salt and pepper. Sha.e to blend well. Sprin.le about 1 tablespoon o!er each salad 2ust before ser!ing.

Orange Po$$7seed #ressing

2 2 2 2 1 2/3 1/4 cup cup tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons tablespoon Safflower or corn oil ;i#e 2uice $range 2uice $range rind -- grated Honey $nion -- #inced Poppy seeds Salt / pepper to taste

AA ' used peanut oil and #inced green onions when ' #ade this. ' ser!ed it on a salad of +oston lettuce with #elon and chopped prosciutto. Slightly toast the poppy seeds B#ethod belowC. Place all ingredients in a screw-top 2ar. Sha.e !igorously. hill until ser!ing. "his dressing co#ple#ents any green salad* but the addition of so#e s#all chun.s of cantelope* honeydew* or star fruit to your greens will enhance the orange-honey fla!or of the dressing. $r try it o!er slices of cold roast por. with nectarine wedges on watercress. Poppy Seeds8 Did you .now that it al#ost a #illion seeds to #a.e a poundS "hese tiny bluish-blac. ge#s co#e fro# the opiu# poppy plant. +ut e!en if you eat a #illion* you wonHt e4perience any narcotic effect. onnoisseurs say those i#ported fro# Holland taste best. @or e!en better fla!or* seeds should be slightly toasted in a 3?1 degree o!en for about ? #inutes.

Orange-(ica'a Salad
1 1 1 1 1 3 1/2 tablespoon each teaspoon cup cup tablespoon tablespoons +utter lettuce lea!es @resh orange 2uice ;arge orange -- peeled/sliced Ghite wine !inegar 5ulienne of peeled 2ica#a Salt / freshly ground pepper hopped red onion -inced fresh cilantro $li!e oil

;ine plates with lettuce. "ob with orange slices. -ound with 2ica#a. Sprin.le with chopped red onion. +lend 2uice* !inegar* salt / pepper in s#all bowl. Ghis. in oil in thin strea#. Spoon o!er salads. garnish with #inced cilantro.


3 4 4 2 3 2 2 ounces cups each tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon cup %a#en w/ chic.en fla!or abbage -- shredded )reen onions -- sliced B1/4 c Sesa#e seed 9inegar Sugar Salad oil )round white pepper Salt ,l#onds -- toasted sli!ered

1/2 1/4 1/2

"his is fro# +etter Ho#es / )ardens for so#eone that had as.ed for this type of salad. rush noodles slightly> Pour boiling water o!er noodles in a colander to soften slightly* drain well* co#bine noodles* cabbage* onions and sesa#e seed. Dressing8 in a screw-top 2ar co#bine seasoning fro# noodles* !inegar* sugar* oil* pepper and salt> sha.e to #i4 well. Pour o!er cabbage #i4ture and toss. o!er and chill se!eral hours or o!ernight. al#onds. +efore ser!ing* stir in

Oriental %la)ored &ucu',er Salad

1 1 1 1 each tablespoon tablespoon tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon each &nglish cucu#ber %ice !inegar Soy sauce 9egetable oil $riental sesa#e oil Salt Sugar Hot chinese chili paste S#all clo!e garlic -- #inced

1/2 1/2 1/2 1/4

"ri# ends off cucu#ber and cut into 1 inch chun.s. o#bine rice !inegar with soya sauce* !egetable oil* sesa#e oil* salt* sugar* hot chili paste and garlic. -i4 dressing with cucu#bers and ser!e at roo# te#perature.

Oriental Green Salad

1 1 1 cup cup cup cup cup cup cup tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon ;eaf lettuce -- torn hinese cabbage -- torn -ung bean sprouts +a#boo shoots> sliced -- cannd arrots -- thinly sliced elery -- thinly sliced +roccoli -- chopped ;ow-sodiu# soy sauce %ice !inegar -- water @resh garlic -- #inced @resh ginger root -- #inced Acals Ag# protein Ag# fat Ag# carbo A#g sodiu# Ag# fiber

3 3 2

1/2 1/4 1/4 1/4

1/4 1/4

Salad8 o#bine all !egetables in a large bowl. "oss to #i4. Set aside. Dressing8 o#bine all dressing ingredients in a blender or s#all 2ar. Process briefly or sha.e well to co#bine ingredients. Pour o!er salad and toss to coat. Ser!e at once. Ser!es 4.

Oriental S$inach Salad

1 1 1 2 each can can each pound cup cup cup cup teaspoon teaspoons +unch of spinach Gater crestnutsBslicedC +ean sproutsBdrainedC Hard boiled eggs +acon Bfried and cru#bledC -----D%&SS'()----$il Ghite !inegar -ed. onion Sugar Salt 6etchup

1/4 1/2 1/E 1/2 1/4

1 3

+lend dressing one day in ad!ance.

Or:o and Artichoke Salad with Prosciutto

3 1 1 2 2 2 2 3/4 1/4 1/2 cup tablespoons cup pac.age tablespoon tablespoon teaspoons tablespoons each cup cup tablespoons or3o oli!e oil chic.en broth -- canned or fresh fro3en articho.e hearts B= o3. p.g.C -- thawed white wine !inegar fresh le#on 2uice Di2on #ustard fresh basil -- #inced green onions -- finely chopped prosciutto -- sliced* chopped fresh par#esan Babout 1 o3.C -- grated fresh parsley -- chopped

1/3 1/3

oo. or3o in large saucepan of boiling salted water until aldente. Drain. %inse under cold water and drain again. "ransfer or3o to large bowl. ,dd 1 tablespoon oli!e oil and toss to co#bine. +ring chic.en broth to si##er in hea!y #ediu# saucepan. and si##er 3 #inutes. Drain. -i4 into or3o. ,dd

Ghis. !inegar* le#on 2uice and #ustard in s#all bowl. Ghis. in re#aining 2 tablespoons oil. Stir in basil. Pour dressing o!er or3o. ,dd all re#aining ingredients and toss well. Season to taste with salt and pepper. o!er and refrigerate. B an be prepared 1 day ahead.C Ser!e chilled.

O)ernight "a7ered Salad

3 2 2 1 1/2 1/2 2/3 1/2 1/4 cups cups cup cups cup cup cup teaspoon teaspoon tablespoons Shredded lettuce Shredded spinach Sliced radishes oo.ed cubed chic.en elery cut diagonally Shredded chedder cheese -ayonnaise Gorcestershore sauce Dry -ustard Sliced green onions

'n salad bowl* layer ingredients in following order> half lettuce* half spinach* radishes* chic.en* celery* re#aining lettuce re#aining spinach and cheese. o#bine #ayonnaise* worcestershire sauce and dry #ustard. Spread e!enly o!er top of salad. o!er and chill se!eral hours or o!ernight. )arnish with sliced green onions. "oss 2ust before ser!ing.


1/4 1/2 1/4 1/4 cup cup cup teaspoon teaspoon -il. -ayonnaise )rated Par#esan cheese Ghite wine !inegar Gorcestershire sauce

)radually blend #il. into #ayonnaise. -i4 in cheese* !inegar and worcestershire sauce. hill. Ser!e on tossed salad greens or on a <#eaty< chef salad. 3/4 cup.

Pasta Salad
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 pound pac.age each each can each each Pasta -- spirals 9i!a 'talian dressing ucu#ber -- cubed @resh +roccoli -- cut up ici beans -- optional arrots -- cut up elery -- cut up ,dd a little 'talian

oo. pasta as directed on the bo4. Drain. dressing to pre!ent together.

ool. Ghile pasta is cooling* cut up all fresh !egetables into bite si3e pieces. ,dd any !egetables that you prefer. 'n a large bowl* add !egetables to pasta. ,dd 'talian dressing and #i4 thoroughly. hill salad. Prior to ser!ing* add re#aining 'talian dressing and #i4 again. Salad is e4cellent when cold. "he longer you chill it* the better it is.

Pasta Salad 82
12 E 1 1 1 2 3 2/3 $unces $unces olored %otini Pasta -- coo./drain/cool @eta heese -- chun.ed "o#ato -- cut up )reen Pepper -- cut up %ed Pepper -- cut up )reen $nion -- chopped -----Dressing----$li!e $il %ed Gine 9inegar @resh +asil -- chopped -orDried +asil Dried $regano Salt ,nd Pepper -- to taste

"ablespoons up "ablespoons up "easpoons "easpoon

1/4 2 1/2 1

Pasta Salad /Good %or Picnics1

1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1/3 2/3 lo!e "sp P.g an arrot -----Salad -a.ings----heese "ortellini ,rticho.e Hearts "hinly Sliced +roccoli @lorets -- Bor asparagusC %ed -- sliced into strips )reen $nions -- sliced thinly Par#esan heese -----Dressing----)arlic Salt ,nd Pepper -ustard +alsa#ic 9inegar $li!e $il +asil

oo. the tortellini according to pac.age directions. Drain and rinse the articho.e hearts and cut the# into 7uarters. ,dd the re#aining salad #a.ings Be4cept the par#esanC and toss with the dressing. )i!e it a generous sprin.ling of par#esan and refrigerate. :ou #ight want to be a little easy on the salt in the dressing because of the par#esan and the cheese in the tortellini.

Pasta Salad Pri'a)era

21 2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/4 #illiliters cups cup cup teaspoon pound cup tablespoon )arlic -- #inced +roccoli flowerettes -- blanch %ed pepper -- thinly sliced / arrot -- sha!ed "o#ato* peeled -- seeded and +asil or.screw pasta -- coo. / drain $li!e oil %ed wine !inegar Salt and pepper

Spray large s.illet with !egetable spray* according to directions. Saute garlic. ,dd broccoli* red pepper* carrot* to#ato and basil>stir to heat through. ,dd sauteed !egetables to coo.ed #acaroni and toss well. Pour on oli!e oil and !inegar. Season with salt and pepper> toss well. Ser!e war# or cold.

Pasta Salad with &hicken and Artichokes

1 2 1 1/2 3 3 1 3 0 1 1 pound tablespoons cups tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon cups ounces each each Pasta shells $il -ayonnaise ;e#on 2uice hopped parsley Dried parsley Diced coo.ed chic.en 5ar chopped and Dash of tabasco "oasted al#onds

oo. pasta in large pot of boiling* salted water until tender* but fir#* E to 12 #inutes* stirring often. Drain well and rinse with cold water. Sha.e out e4cess water and toss pasta with oil. o#bine #ayonnaise* le#on 2uice* parsley and basil. Place pasta in large bowl. ,dd #ayonnaise #i4ture* chic.en* and tabasco. "oss well. )arnish with al#onds. @or a decorati!e presentation* ser!e in a!acado hal!es* in to#ato cups or on lettuce lea!es. :ields 0-E ser!ings. -

Pasta with As$aragus Salad

1 0 1 1 1 E 2 lb tablespoons clo!e lb cup cup to 11 tablespoons asparagus* blanched / cut in 1< pcs. oli!e oil garlic* #inced pasta Blinguini or fettuciniC tuna chun.s ha#* sliced in thin strips blac. oli!es* sliced le#on 2uice Bor wine !inegarC salt and pepper oo. pasta until al dente and


Heat oli!e oil and coo. garlic 1 #in. drain.

o#bine pasta with oil and garlic in large bowl. ,dd re#aining ingredients and toss well. Ser!e at roo# te#p. or refrigerate until cold if desired.

Patriots Salad
2 2 1 1 1 1 E 1 pac.ages cups cup cup cup ounces teaspoon cup cups raspberry gelatin powder water -- boiling gelatin powder cold water half and half sugar crea# cheese !anilla e4tract #i4ed nuts -- chopped blueberries

1/2 1 1/2

1. Dissol!e 1 pac.age raspberry gelatin in boiling water. Pour into = 4 13 4 2-inch pan. hill until fir#. 2. o#bine of unfla!ored gelatin with cold water> set aside.

3. -i4 half and half in saucepan> bring to a boil. %e#o!e fro# heat. ,dd softened crea# cheese and beat until !ery s#ooth. ,dd !anilla e4tract* nuts and unfla!ored gelatin #i4ture. Stir until gelatin is dissol!ed. ool* then pour o!er the chilled layer. hill until fir#. 4. Drain blueberries Bif using cannedC> add enough water to blueberry 2uice to #a.e 2 cups li7uid. +ring this to a boil. ,dd re#aining raspberry gelatin pac.age> stir until dissol!ed. ool this #i4ture then stir in blueberries. ?. Pour this #i4ture o!er cheese layer and chill until fir#. Decorate with sliced strawberries and a few reser!ed blueberries if desired.

Peach Salad
0 ? 3 1 1 1/2 4 each each each each tablespoons each Peaches sliced 1/3 seg#ents 6iwi fruit peeled sliced 5uice of 3 oranges 5uice of 1 le#on Sugar @resh #int lea!es

Place peach and .iwi slices in a #ediu# bowl. ,dd citrus 2uices and sugar to taste. Stir !ery gently to blend. Place #int lea!es on top of fruit and chill se!eral hours.


1/2 4 2 2 1 cup tablespoons tablespoons teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon hic.en breasts Pecans -ed peaches -- ripe -ayonnaise Sour crea# ;e#on 2uice Salt Pepper +rown sugar

3/4 1/4

Place chic.en in a saucepan* breast side down* in 1-1/2 in of water. o!er. Si##er for 21 #ins until chic.en is for.-tender. ool. ut into bite-si3e pieces. During this ti#e* toast pecans at 3?1 for 11 #ins. %e#o!e. oarsely brea. up. Pare peaches* if desired. ut into 3/4in pieces. 'n a s#all bowl* co#bine the #ayonnaise* sour crea#* le#on 2uice* salt* pepper and brown sugar. "oss gently with the chic.en* pecans and peaches. Ser!e on a green leaf lettuce.

Peanut !utter Noodles

E 3 2 1 1 2 1 1/2 ounces teaspoons teaspoon tablespoons tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon Pasta -- linguine B1 pac.ageC Peanut butter -Salt Soy sauce Sesa#e oil Bcan substitute o Sugar 9inegar -- white wine )arlic clo!es -- #inced $nion -- grated or #inced


oo. linguine according to pac.age instructions in boiling water> drain. 'n large bowl* #i4 all the re#aining ingredients together. ,dd linguine to sauce and toss to coat well. %efrigerate.


4 1 2 1 each cup tablespoons tablespoon cup %ib eye stea.s -- 1< Hea!y crea# +utter Peppercorns -- A Sherry


ADrained canned and #ashed "he following green peppercorn sauce can be #ade #any good cuts of stea. but ' prefer a rib eye or (ew :or. cut8 Pat stea.s dry and season with salt and pepper. 'n a hea!y s.illet* heat the butter o!er #oderately high heat until it is hot. Saute the stea.s for 3 #inutes on each each side for #ediu# rare. "ransfer the stea.s to a war# platter and .eep war#* co!ered loosely in the o!en. ,dd sherry to the s.illet* and degla3e it* scraping up the brown bits and boil the sherry* stirring* until it is reduced by half. ,dd crea# and peppercorns and boil the sauce* stirring* until it is thic.ened slightly. ,dd the stea.s* si##er the #i4ture* turning the stea.s to coat the# with the sauce for 1 #inute. "ransfer the stea.s to a heated platter.

Per-ection Salad
2 1/3 2 3/4 1/2 1/4 1/2 2 1 1/2 2 A each cup cups cup cup teaspoon cups cup cup ounces &n!elopes Dnfla!ored )elatin ;e#on 5uice Gater Sugar ider 9inegar Salt @inely Shredded abbage hopped elery hopped )reen Pepper B1 2arC Slice Pi#ientos A

Drain and chop the 2ar of pi#ientos.

'n #ediu# saucepan* soften gelatine in le#on 2uice> to stand 1 #inute. $!er low heat* coo. until gelatine dissol!es. ,dd water* sugar* !inegar and salt> stir until sugar disssol!es. hill until partially set. lightly oiled 0-cup #old. @old in re#aining ingredients> pour into

hill until set* about 3 hours or o!ernight. %efrigerate lefto!ers.

Picnic Potato Salad

11 1 E 1 2 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 2 pounds cup each cup cups pints cup cup cups cups Potatoes elery -- finely chopped &ggs -- hard-boiled @resh parsley -- finely chopped Dill relish -ayonnaise Sweet relish :ellow #ustard Salad oli!es -- chopped Salt -- to taste $nions -- finely chopped ;ouisiana hot sauce

+oil potatoes in their 2ac.ets. ;et cool* then peel and chop into large chun.s. -i4 #ayonnaise* yellow #ustard* ;ouisiana hot sauce* and salt together. ,dd potatoes* along with the rest of the ingredients* and #i4 well. :ou can #a.e this the day before and refrigerate it o!ernight. :ou #ay need to put a little #ore dressing on it if it is a little dry.

Pinea$$le &oleslaw
1 1/4 1/2 1/4 1/2 1/4 can pound pound pound cup tablespoons teaspoon chun. pineapple -- reser!e 2uice green cabbage -- shredded carrots -- shredded red cabbage -- shredded sunflower seeds -- lightly toasted fro3en orange 2uice concentrate -- undiluted salt

Drain pineapple* sa!ing 2 tablespoons 2uice. 'n a bowl* co#bine pineapple cabbage* carrots* and sunflower seeds. 'n separate bowl #i4 fat-free #ayonnaise* orange 2uice* pineapple 2uice and salt. Pour o!er salad #i4ture* toss* and chill.

Pistachio Salad
1 1 1 1 1 lg. p.g lg. cont large can cup cup pistachio pudding #i4 -- dry ool Ghip -- thawed fruit coc.tail nuts chopped cherries cherries hal!es pecan hal!es

-i4 pistachio* cool whip* and fruit coc.tail * and nuts and cherries. Put in a = 41342 inch dish . hill . ut into desired si3e . Put a cherry half or a pecan half on e!ery other .

Pi::a salad
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 Seasons pound can large large large s#all pac.age ounces #acaroni* whole-wheat -- Spirals blac. oli!es -- drained green pepper -- diced to#ato -- diced onion -- diced pepperoni slices heddar cheese -- +arrel 'talian salad dressing* low calorie

-- )ood

-i4 all ingredients together. &at.

Pi::alinni Greek Salad #ressing

1 1 1/4 1 2 0 1 1/2 1 1/2 1/2 teaspoon teaspoon each cups tablespoon tablespoons each teaspoon teaspoon dash Dry -ustard Salt ;arge &gg Salad $il Ghite 9inegar ;e#on 5uice lo!es )arlic -- finely #inced Dried $regano Gorcestershire sauce Pepper Bto tasteC

'n a s#all but deep bowl* #i4 #ustard* salt* egg and !inegar. ,dd oil one drop at a ti#e* beating constantly* until about one-third of the oil ha!e been added. B$nce the #i4ture begins to thic.en* oil can be added se!eral drops at a ti#eC. Slowly beat in re#aining oil and le#on 2uice. Stir in #inced garlic* oregano* worcestershire sauce. ,dd pepper. %efrigerate #i4ture. about 1 1/4 cups.

Potato Salad
2 1/2 2 E 1 1 1 1 1 1/2 pounds tablespoons ounces stal. #ediu# tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon pinch #aine potatoes sweet pic.le relish -ayonnaise -- Hell#annHs +rand celery -- finely chopped onion -- finely chopped green bell pepper -- cored* seeded* chop sugar salt +lac. pepper -- freshly ground cayenne pepper - ;arge pinch* plus #ore for granish

1C Gash the potatoes but donHt peel the#. Place the potatoes in a large pot with enough water to co!er the#. Heat to boiling* then reduce the heat to a si##er. oo. the potatoes until they are tender but not #ushy* about 31 #inutes. Drain the# and cool. 2C Peel the potatoes - a butter .nife wor.s well. @inely chop the potatoes and place the# in a large bowl. ,dd the re#aining ingredients and beat well until blended. "he potato salad should be the consistency of a chun.y puree. "aste it and add #ore cayenne* salt* or pepper if necessary. "ransfer to a ser!ing bowl and sprin.le lightly with cayenne pepper.

Potato Salad .ith !eer #ressing

0 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 each each tablespoon each teaspoon tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon tablespoon cup teaspoon tablespoons Potatoes -- #ediu# +acon -- slices $nion -- chopped elery> stal. -- chopped Salt +utter Dnbleached flour -ustard -- dry Sugar +eer -- any brand "obasco sauce Parsley -- chopped fresh

1/2 1/2

+oil potatoes in #ediu#-si3e saucepan until 2ust tender. Peel and slice. @ry bacon until crisp. +rea. into s#all pieces and #i4 with onion* celery and salt> set aside. Stir #elted butter and flour in a s#all saucepan until blended. ,dd #ustard and sugar. Slowly stir in beer and "abasco sauce. +ring to boil* stirring constantly. Pour o!er potatoes. Sprin.le with parsley. "oss lightly and let stand 1 hour. ,dd bacon #i4ture> toss gently and ser!e.

B2*&+ &H*NESE &H*&+EN SA"A#

2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 3/4 pound teaspoons slice teaspoons teaspoons teaspoon teaspoons teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoons pound tablespoons S.inless chic.en breasts Salt -----S,D &----)arlic clo!e -- peeled @resh ginger -- peeled Scallions -- with green tops tri# hili bean sauce Dar. soy sauce Sugar Ghite rice !inegar Sesa#e paste -- L$%L- peanut butter Salt @reshly ground blac. pepper Sesa#e oil 'ceberg lettuce -- finely shredded -----D%&SS'()----Ghite rice !inegar

1/2 1/2 1/2

%&-$9& "H& S6'( @%$- "H& H' 6&( +%&,S"S and place breasts in a pot. Put in enough cold water to co!er the chic.en* add the salt. +ring the #i4ture to a si##er* coo. for ? #inutes. "urn off the heat and co!er tightly. ;et the chic.en sit in the hot water for 11 #inutes. Ghile the chic.en is sitting* co#bine the sauce #i4ture ingredients together in a blender and set aside. "oss the lettuce with the white rice !inegar and place on a platter. %e#o!e the chic.en and allow to cool. Pull off the #eat* finely shred and toss with the sauce. Place the chic.en with sauce on top of the lettuce and ser!e at once.

Buick S$inach Salad .ith S$routs

1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1/2 1/4 pound cup cup tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons each teaspoon Spinach ,lfalfa Sprouts @eta heese -- cru#bled Sunflower Seeds $li!e $il ;e#on 5uice Gater )arlic lo!e* s#all -- #inced Di2on -ustard Salt @reshly )round +lac. Pepper

&9&%:D,: 9'(,')%&""& A ubed s.i#-#il. #o33arella cheese can be used instead of cru#bled

@eta cheese. %ice !inegar* cider !inegar or balsa#ic !inegar can be used instead of le#on 2uice. "ri#* wash and dry spinach. "ear into bite-si3ed pieces to #a.e about 11 cups* lightly pac.ed. Place in salad bowl. ,dd alfalfa sprouts* cheese and sunflower seeds. 'n s#all #easuring cup* bowl or 2ar with screw top* co#bine oil* le#on 2uice* water* garlic* #ustard* salt and pepper. -i4 well.

Buinoa Su$er Salad

? 1 1 4 3/4 1/4 1/4 1/2 ups cup cup cup clo!es cup cup cup 7uinoa* coo.ed -- Bbasic recipeC carrots -- chopped parsley -- #inced sunflower seeds garlic* #inced -- or to taste oli!e oil -- or less soy sauce or ta#ari -- "ry braggs a#inos le#on 2uice to#atoes blac. oli!es

oo. 7uinoa. let cool. ,dd carrots* parsley sunflower seed and garlic to 7uinoa. -i4 thoroughly. o#bine li7uids* pour o!er 7uinoa and toss well. )arnish with to#ato wedges and oli!es.

a'en Salad
1/2 head green cabbage -- chopped Bas for slaw -or buy a bag of pre-shredded slaw !eggiesC carrot -- shredded green onions -- chopped ra#en noodles B$riental fla!orC sli!ered al#onds -- sunflower seeds* and sesa#e seeds Dressing -- whis. or sha.e together8 salad oil balsa#ic !inegar sugar salt pepper @la!or fro# ra#en noodles

4 1 2

1/2 pac.age "ablespoons

3 3 1



cup tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon

"oast the nuts / seeds in a war# o!en for 0-E #inutes* watching carefully to pre!ent o!er-toasting. ool. o#bine !eggies. +rea. up noodles and add to !eggies. Shortly before ser!ing* add nuts / seeds / dressing* and toss well BdonHt dress too far ahead* because you want the nuts* seeds / noodles to stay crunchyC.

ed and .hite Salad

1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1/4 cup tablespoon cups cup cup cups cup cup cup tablespoon cup cup teaspoon teaspoon --- @irst ;ayer8 ----cold water gelatin cranberry sauce -- 2 cans crushed pineapple blac. walnuts -- chopped --- Second ;ayer8 ----coo.ed chic.en -- cubed celery -- finely chopped fresh parsley -- chopped cold water gelatin #ayonnaise e!aporated #il. salt blac. pepper -- or white


1/4 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/E

ranberry layer8 1. Put into a s#all bowl the 1/4 cup cold water and sprin.le in 1 en!elope gelatin. ;et soften for ? #inutes. 2. +lend in large bowl 4 cups whole cranberry sauce Btwo 10-ounce cansC* drained crushed pineapple and the walnuts. 3. Dissol!e gelatin thoroughly by placing bowl in !ery hot water. Ghen gelatin is dissol!ed* stir it and then blend into the cranberry #i4ture. Put #i4ture into a #old. :ou will need a 3-7uart #old that has been lightly oiled for this recipe. Do not use oli!e oil. hill #i4ture until slightly set. hic.en layer8 4. %epeat for gelatin as in first layer. +lend together the #ayonnaise* e!aporated #il.* salt and pepper. Stir in the dissol!ed gelatin. @old in the chic.en* celery and parsley. ?. Ghen first layer is slightly set Bthe consistency of unbeaten egg whitesC turn the chic.en #i4ture onto the cranberry layer. 0. %efrigerate until fir#. Dn#old onto chilled ser!ing platter* decorated with curly lettuce if you prefer. Ser!e with additional #ayonnaise.

ed &a,,age and A$$le Salad

1 2 2 2 0 0 2 2 head red cabbage carrots -- peel* grate celery ribs -- peel* dice )ranny S#ith apples -- core* dice peanut oil cider !inegar sugar caraway seed salt -- to taste blac. pepper -- to taste

tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons teaspoons

1. ore cabbage and cut in half fro# top downward through ste# end. Shred or slice in !ery thin slices. Place the cabbage in a large bowl and toss with grated carrot* diced celery and apple. 2. 'n another bowl* #i4 oil* !inegar* sugar and caraway seeds. Season liberally with salt and pepper. 3. "oss cabbage #i4ture and dressing then ser!e i##ediately or refrigerate Bco!ered tightlyC up to 24 hours.

ed &a,,age Salad
? 1 2 2 1 &ach "easpoon "ablespoons up &ach "ablespoons "easpoon "easpoon "ablespoon +acon> Slices Sugar 9inegar Gine> %ed or Ghite %ed abbage -- shredded 9egetable $il Salt Pepper araway Seeds

1/4 1/2 1/2 1/4

@ry bacon in #ediu#-si3e fry pan until crisp. %e#o!e and reser!e bacon. ,dd sugar* !inegar* and wine to bacon fat> stir and coo. until sugar is dissol!ed. Pour this hot #i4ture o!er the cabbage. "oss with !egetable oil* salt* pepper* and caraway seeds. Sprin.le cru#bled bacon o!er #i4ture. Ser!e at roo# te#perature.

ed +idne7 !ean Salad

%ecipe +y Ser!ing Si3e ategories ,#ount -------2 4 3 1/4 1/4 2 4 2 8 8 4 Preparation "i#e 81811 8 Salads Side Dish

-easure -----------cups tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon dashes tablespoons tablespoons

'ngredient -- Preparation -ethod -------------------------------.idney beans* canned red wine !inegar oli!e oil $regano Salt Pepper elery -- diced $nion -- chopped

Drain .idney beans* co#bine beans with a #i4ture of wine !inegar* oli!e oil* oregano* salt and pepper. +lend in celery and onion. hill in refrigerator* ser!e in crisp lettuce cups.

ed-,eet Salad
2 2 2 1 2 1 1/4 &ach "ablespoons up "ablespoons "easpoon "ablespoons "easpoon "easpoon "easpoon "easpoon "ablespoons %ed +eets> +unches -----------,%'(,D&---------Gater 9inegar araway Seeds Sugar $nion> -inced Horseradish lo!es> )round Salt Pepper 9egetable $il

1/4 1/2 1/4

Gash beets* tri# off greens* place in #ediu# saucepan* and coo.* without peeling* in salted water to co!er* until beets are tender. Peel and slice. Prepare #arinade dressing by co#bining re#aining ingredients. Pour o!er beets and let stand for se!eral hours before ser!ing. Stir beets occasionally.

ice Salad 3old

1 1/4 1/2 cup cup teaspoons cups long-grain rice salt blac. pepper oli!e oil Di2on #ustard #i4ed !egetables -- coo.ed green bell pepper -- finely diced cucu#ber -- peeled and diced

2 2 1

1. Place rice* salt and pepper in s#all hea!y pan with tight fitting lid. ,dd 2 cups water> bring to a boil* co!er* then si##er for 21 #inutes without lifting lid. 2. Put coo.ed rice in #i4ing bowl* add oil* !inegar and #ustard. "oss with a for. to #i4 well. 3. )ently fold in coo.ed !egetables. :ou will need 2 cups total so use your choice of green peas* carrots* corn* green beans* etc. ,dd the diced green pepper and cucu#ber. 4. ;ightly oil a decorati!e #old> do not use oli!e oil for this. Pac. rice #i4ture into #old and refrigerate until thoroughly chilled. Dn#old 2ust before ser!ing.

ich and &harles Salad

1 1 1 1 1 1 head head 2ar 2ar 2ar large cup cup cup ro#aine lettuce* washed/torn -- bite-si3e pieces iceberg lettuce* washed/torn -- bite-si3e pieces -- B11 o3C drained/cut heart of pal# -- B11 o3C drained diced pi#ento -- B4 o3C red onion -- cut into rings grated Par#esan cheese oli!e oil !inegar

3/4 1/2 1/3

o#bine 1st 0 ingredients in large bowl. Sprin.le with Par#esan cheese. -i4 oli!e oil and !inegar in s#all bowl and pour o!er salad* tossing to coat. Ser!e i##ediately.


3 3 3 1 1 1 3 tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons cup cup teaspoon cup #ediu# tablespoons ;e#on 2uice $li!e oil ilantro -- #inced Sea salt @reshly ground blac. pepper @resh or fro3en corn Ouinoa -- rinsed well u#in seeds -- toasted oo.ed blac. beans "o#ato -- diced %ed onion -- #inced

1/2 1/2

Ghis. together le#on 2uice* oli!e oil* cilantro* and salt and pepper to taste> set aside. 'n a s#all saucepan* bring 1-1/2 cups water to a boil and add corn. %educe heat and let corn si##er until tender. Drain corn* reser!ing 1 cup of li7uid. +ring li7uid to a boil and add 7uinoa and cu#in. o!er* reducing heat* and let si##er until li7uid is absorbed Babout 11 #inutesC. %e#o!e pan fro# heat and lea!e undisturbed for ? #inutes. @luff 7uinoa with a for. and allow to cool slightly. 'n a bowl* co#bine cooled 7uinoa* corn* blac. beans* to#ato and onion. Pour dressing o!er and toss gently to #i4. %efrigerate salad until ready to ser!e.

1 1/4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 cups cups

AN# !"A&+ !EAN SA"A#

Dry blac. beans or +lac. beans -- coo.ed %ed bell peppers :ellow bell peppers -----D%&SS'()----@resh le#on 2uice %ed wine !inegar )round cu#in Sugar )arlic clo!e -- #inced $li!e oil Salt and pepper -- to taste @resh basil -- chopped Scallions -- chopped BgarnishC

1/2 1/3 1/3

tablespoons tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon large cup cup

Half the bell peppers lengthwise* re#o!ing seeds and ste#s. 'f using dry beans* rinse well* drain* and add water to co!er by 3<. ;et soa. o!ernight. Drain and rinse soa.ed beans* discarding water. ,dd fresh water to co!er by 3<. +ring to boil* then loosely co!er pot and si##er for about one hour* until tender but not #ushy> season to taste with salt. Preheat o!en to 4?1 @. Place cut peppers on broiling pan* 3< fro# heat. "urn fre7uently until s.ins are blac.ened. ool. %e#o!e s.ins* and cut into 1< s7uares. o#bine in ser!ing bowl with beans. o#bine dressing ingredients thoroughly> toss with beans and peppers. )arnish with scallions.

1 1 1 1/2 1/3 1/3 each cup cup each cup cup

ed Pe$$er and &hi)e #ressing

Sweet red pepper -- #ediu#-si3e Prepared roasted red peppers %ed wine !inegar )arlic clo!e -- #ediu# #inced $li!e oil @inely chopped fresh chi!es Salt Ghite pepper -- freshly ground

Hold red pepper o!er a fla#e* turning it until e!enly charred. $r cut it in half* rub with oil* and place under the broiler until blac.ened. Grap in a plastic bag and set aside to cool. Scrape off the burned and re#o!e seeds and ste#. 'n bowl of blender or food processor fitted with a steel blade* place red pepper* !inegar* and garlic. Process until pepper is pureed. Gith #achine running* slowly dri33le in oli!e oil until fully co#bined. Stir in chi!es and season with salt and pepper to taste.

ohkostsalat-&a,,age %ruit Salad .ith Sour-crea' #ressing

2 1 1/4 1/4 1/2 cups tablespoon cup teaspoon cup each cup teaspoons tablespoon abbage> %aw -- Shredded ;e#on 5uice Pineapple 5uice Salt Sour rea# ,pple> -ed.* Diced -- Dnpeeled %aisins ;e#on 5uice Sugar

1/2 1 1/2 1

Prepare cabbage and apple. Dse 1 " le#on 2uice to wet diced apple to pre!ent dar.ening. "oss cabbage* raisins* and apple. -i4 fruit 2uices* salt* and sugar. ,dd sour crea#* stir until s#ooth> add to salad and chill.

oCue-ort5 Pear and .atercress Salad

2 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 tbsp tbsp tbsp tbsp tsp cups cups o3 tbsp strong brewed tea -- pref.&arl )rey white-wine !inegar or ha#pagne !inegar walnut oil #inced shallots Di2on #ustard salt and freshly ground blac. pepper washed* dried and torn red leaf lettuce washed / dried watercress lettuce ripe pear* pref. red -- cored/thinly sliced %o7uefort cheese -- cru#bled chopped toasted walnuts

'n s#all bowl* whis. together tea* !inegar* oil* shallots* #ustard* salt and pepper. Bcan be prepared 2 days ahead* and stored in fridge.C 'n large bowl*toss lettuce and watercress together with the dressing. Di!ide a#ong 4 salad plates* decorati!ely arranging pear slices o!er lettuce #i4ture. Sprin.le cheese and walnuts on top and garnish with a grinding of blac. pepper.

2 2 2 1 2 1 1/4 each

u,ensalat / ed-,eet Salad1

%ed +eets -- +unches ------,%'(,D&------ Gater 9inegar araway Seeds Sugar $nion -- -inced Horseradish lo!es -- )round Salt Pepper 9egetable $il and coo.* are tender. re#aining hours before

1/4 1/2 1/4

tablespoons cup tablespoons teaspoon tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon tablespoons

Gash beets* tri# off greens* place in #ediu# saucepan* without peeling* in salted water to co!er* until beets Peel and slice. Prepare #arinade dressing by co#bining ingredients. Pour o!er beets and let stand for se!eral ser!ing. Stir beets occasionally.

otkrautsalat / ed &a,,age Salad1

? 1 2 2 1 each teaspoon tablespoons cup each tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon tablespoon +acon -- Slices Sugar 9inegar Gine -- %ed or Ghite %ed abbage> Head -- Shredded 9egetable $il Salt Pepper araway Seeds

1/4 1/2 1/2 1/4

@ry bacon in #ediu#-si3e fry pan until crisp. %e#o!e and reser!e bacon. ,dd sugar* !inegar* and wine to bacon fat> stir and coo. until sugar is dissol!ed. Pour this hot #i4ture o!er the cabbage. pepper* and caraway seeds. Sprin.le cru#bled bacon o!er #i4ture. "oss with !egetable oil* salt* Ser!e at roo# te#perature.

S&. &H*&+EN %A(*TA SA"A#

4 1 1 4 1/2 1/4 can can cups cup cup +oneless -- s.inless hic.en breast hal!es B1?-o3.C S/G Pin7utos or +lac. beans -- undrained B14-1/2 o3.C S/G %eady ut "o#atoes -- drained well Shredded salad greens Diced bell pepper &ach chopped green onion %ed onion -- cilantro S/G -es7uite Sauce / -arinade S/G 9intage ;ites %ed Gine 9inegar Dressing )arnish BoptionalC8 )uaca#ole / sour crea#

+rush chic.en with -es7uite Sauce. +roil or ++O 3-? #in. per side or until done* basting with #ore Sauce> slice into thin strips. o#bine re#aining ingredients with chic.en strips and toss with 1 tablespoon Sauce / 2 tablespoons 9intage lites dressing. )arnish with guaca#ole and sour crea#* if desired.

Sadie's Shri'$ Salad

2 4 24 2 1 2 2 pounds pounds each cups cup cups cups -acaroni -- coo.ed Shri#p -- boiled and peeled &ggs* hard boiled -- chopped $nion -- finely chopped elery -- finely chopped +lac. oli!es -- finely chopped Dill pic.les -- chopped

See SadieHs Shri#p Salad Dressing BbelowC for directions

Sadie's Shri'$ Salad #ressing

1 2 2 1 1 2 1/2 7uart cup tablespoons tablespoons tablespoon tablespoon tablespoons -ayonnaise $li!e oil ;ouisiana hot sauce ;e#on 2uice ;ea / Perrins Gorcestershire -ustard 6etchup

oo. #acaroni* drain* and cool. 'n a large bowl* #i4 #acaroni* shri#p* eggs* onions* celery* oli!es* and pic.les and toss well. -a.e dressing out of #ayonnaise* oli!e oil* hot sauce* le#on 2uice Gorcestershire sauce* and #ustard* and .etchup. Pour o!er other ingredients and #i4 well. %efrigerate 1 hour before ser!ing. :ou #ay ha!e to #a.e #ore dressing if the salad it up.

Salad #ionne .arwick

1 1 1 2 2 pound pound teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon tablespoons cup cup #ediu# Qiti +roccoli Di2on #ustard Salt @resh ground blac. pepper %ed wine !inegar $li!e oil Par#esan cheese -- fresh gratd "o#aotes -- garnish

1/2 1/4 1/3 1/4

'n a large pot of boiling salted water* coo. the 3iti according to pac.age directions. Drain and rinse under cold water. Drain again and set aside. +ring a large pot of slated water to boiling. Separate the broccoli into s#all flowerets* discarding the ste#s. ,dd the broccoli to the pot* bring bac. to a boil and coo. rapidly for 2-3 #inutes. Drain and refresh under cold running water. Drain again and spread out on paper towles to dry. 'n large bowl* stir the #ustard* salt* pepper and !inegar until e!erything is dissol!ed. Slowly add the oil* until s#ooth. ,dd the pasta* broccoli* and cheese* but do not toss. o!er and refrigerate. 5ust before ser!ing* gently toss until the all are coated with the sauce. ore the to#atoes> cut into wedges and use to garnish the salad.

Salad -ro' the Orient

1 2 1 1/2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 0 1 1 4 1 pound tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons tablespoon tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon dash ounces cup cup tablespoon por. tenderloin --- -arinade8 ----brown sugar soy sauce* low sodiu# sherry Hoisin sauce --- Dressing8 ----oil -- Asee note sugar soy sauce ginger root -- grated "abasco sauce -- optional ---Salad8 ----!er#icelli carrots -- 2ulienned pea pods green onions sesa#e seeds

A Dse oli!e oil or a #i4ture of oli!e and peanut oil. 1. ut the por. into !ery thin slices* suitable for stir-frying. -i4 brown sugar* 1-1/2 teaspoons soy sauce* sherry BoptionalC and Hoisin sauce. Pour o!er the por. strips in hea!y plastic bag. "ie bag and put #i4ture into refrigerator to #arinate up to 1 hour* turning bag occasionally. 2. "o prepare the dressing* co#bine oil* sugar* 2 tablespoons soy sauce* ginger root and "abasco or other hot sauce. +lend and put into refrigerator to chill. 3. oo. !er#icelli to desired doneness. ,dd the pea pods and carrots during last 2 #inutes of Drain and i##ediately rinse with cold water. Put into large bowl. Pour the dressing o!er !er#icelli #i4ture* add the green onions Bslice into thin rounds* tops includedC. Set aside while preparing por.. 4. %e#o!e the por. fro# refrigerator and put into a wo. or large hea!y s.illet. 'nclude so#e of the #arinade. Stir por. strips until browned and coo.ed through* about ?-K #inutes. Drain and add to the salad #i4ture. -i4 the salad well. o!er and refrigerate 1 hour to allow the fla!ors to blend. 'f desired* sprin.le with toasted sesa#e seeds 2ust before ser!ing.

SA"A# O% &H*&+EN & 3E"ON

3 1 1 1 3 3 1/2 1/2 1/2 pound pound cup cup tablespoons tablespoons 1/4 1/4 1/4 cup cup cup hic.en breasts> whole -- boneless antaloupe +lac. grapes ,sparagus hic.en broth Dry white wine )arlic clo!e -- crushed apers Par#esan cheese -- coarsely grated -----D%&SS'()----;e#on 2uice $il Dry white wine )arlic clo!e -- crushed

ut cantaloupe into chun.s. Hal!e and seed grapes. "ri# asparagus* boil* stea# or #icrowa!e until 2ust tender. ut asparagus into 2 inch lengths. o#bine broth* wine and garlic in a pan* add chic.en> bring to a boil* reduce heat and si##er for ? #inutes on each side* or until tender. Drain chic.en* cool* and shred finely. o#bine chic.en* #elon* grapes* asparagus and capers with dressing. Ser!e with par#esan cheese. Dressing8 o#bine all ingredients in a 2ar* sha.e well.


1 1 3 3/4 1/4 1/2 1/2 cup cup teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon 9egetable oil Ghite wine !inegar Salt Dry #ustard Sugar )arlic powder "o 4 drops hot pepper sauce

<"he dressing really gi!es the lettuce and !egetables nice 3ip.< Salad greens +ell peppers* #ushroo#s* to#atoes* and/or other !egetables of your choice 'n a 2ar with a tight-fitting lid* co#bine the first se!en ingredients and sha.e well. "oss salad greens and !egetables in a large bowl or arrange on indi!idual salad plates. Ser!e with dressing.

? 3 2/3 1/4 2/3 cup tablespoons teaspoon cup each cup cups each cup teaspoon teaspoon cup pound cup cup each each Gater +utter or #argarine Salt ,ll-purpose flour &ggs Shredded Swiss cheese S#all spinach lea!es herry to#atoes -----&))-9&)&",+;& S,;,D-----ayonnaise Di2on #ustard )round cu#in %aw cauliflower -- sliced %aw #ushroo#s -- thinly sliced @ro3en peas BthawedC elery -- thinly sliced )reen onions / tops -- sliced Hard-coo.ed eggs

3/4 1 1/2 E 1 1 1 1 2 0 1/2 1/4 1/4

'n a 2-7uart pan* bring water* butter* and salt to a boil. Ghen butter #elts* re#o!e pan fro# heat and add flour all at once. +eat until well blended. %eturn pan to #ediu# heat and stir rapidly for 1 #inute or until a ball for#s in #iddle of pan and a fil# for#s on botto# of pan. %e#o!e pan fro# heat and beat in eggs* one at a ti#e* until #i4ture is s#ooth and glossy. ,dd cheese and beat until well #i4ed. Spoon into a greased =-inch round pan with re#o!able botto# or spring-release sides. Spread e!enly o!er botto# and up sides of pan. +a.e crust in a 411 degree o!en for 41 #inutes or until puffed and brown> turn off o!en. Gith a wooden pic.* pric. crust in 11 to 12 places> lea!e in closed o!en for about 11 #inutes to dry. %e#o!e pan fro# o!en and cool co#pletely. %e#o!e crust fro# pan. Prepare egg!egetable salad. 'n a bowl* stir all ingredients e4cept eggs together as listed. oarsely chop the 0 hard-coo.ed eggs> gently fold into !egetable #i4ture. ;ine botto# and sides of boat with spinach lea!es. ut each to#ato in half. Pile egg salad o!er spinach and garnish with cherry to#atoes. ut boat in thic. wedges.

1 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/2 3/4 teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon cup cup Sugar Papri.a Salt Dry #ustard elery seed -- crushed Pepper "arragon !inegar $li!e oil

Stir all of the ingredients together e4cept the oil. )radually add the oil* stirring constantly. $r* you can sha.e all the ingredients in a bottle until well blended. about 1 1/4 cups.

Salatsauce 8=
1E 1 3 1 1/2 1/4 each teaspoon teaspoon tablespoons tablespoons Peppercorns -- blac. Dry #ustard Salt $li!e oil "arragon !inegar ;ettuce lea!es

'n a wooden salad bowl crush the peppercorns into a coarse powder. ,dd the salt and #ustard. Stir in the oil and !inegar. Put the lettuce on top of the #i4ture and chill in the refrigerator. ,t ser!ing ti#e* stir until all the lea!es are coated. )our#etHs $ld 9ienna

Salatsauce 82
1 1/2 1 1/2 1/4 1 1/4 3/4 teaspoons teaspoons teaspoon each cup cup Salt Prepared #ustard Pepper -- blac. )arlic clo!e -- large/crushed "arragon !inegar $li!e oil

-i4 the first 4 ingredients together and add the garlic* !inegar and salt. Stir until the salt is dissol!ed. )radually add the oil* stirring constantly. $r* sha.e all the ingredients in a bottle until well blended.


1 1 1 canC 1 1 1 1 1/3 1/3 cup cup cup teaspoon can can can cup cup -----D%&SS'()----"hic. and chunc. salsa @resh li#e 2uice -- about 2 li#es 9egetable oil hili powder -----S,;,D----;ight $% dar. .idney beans -- drained B1?.?o3 +lac. beans B1? ounce canC -- drained and rinsed )arban3o beans B1? o3 canC -- drained hopped red bell pepper Sliced green onions -ediu# carrot -- thinly sliced


'n s#all bowl* co#bine all dressing ingredients> blend well. 'n large bowl* co#bine all salad ingredients. Pour dressing o!er salad> toss to coat. o!er> refrigerate se!eral hours to blend fla!ors.


2 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/4 large cup teaspoon teaspoon cup tablespoons cup Ghole chic.en breasts -- split* boned and s.i Pace Picante Sauce )round cu#in Salt Dairy sour crea# -ayonnaise %ipe a!acado Sliced celery +ibb or leaf lettuce lea!es risply coo.ed bacon slices -- cru#bled

2 1 1 4

ut chic.en into 1/2< cubes. o#bine Pace Picante sauce* cu#in and salt in 11< oo. chic.en in Pace Picante Sauce #i4ture* stirring fre7uently* until coo.ed through - about 4 #inutes. "ransfer contents of s.illet to #i4ing bowl> co!er and chill thoroughly. "o ser!e* co#bine chic.en #i4ture* sour crea# and #ayonnaise> #i4 well. Peel* seed and coarsely chop a!acado. ,dd a!acado and celery to chic.en #i4ture> #i4 lightly. Spoon onto lettuce-lined salad plates> sprin.le with bacon. Ser!e with additional Pace Picante Sauce.


4 1 1 1 1/2 1/4 1/2 1/4 1/4 cups Pac.ed torn spinach lea!es an B1? o3C blac. beans %insed and drained %ed bell pepper into stirps "hin sliced red onion -- rings Sliced #ushroo#s anadian bacon -- strips Pace Picante Sauce +ottled 'talian dressing )round cu#in Hard-coo.ed eggs -- cut into Gedges or sliced BoptionalC

cup cup cup cup cup teaspoon

o#bine !egetables* beans and bacon in large bowl. o#bine Pace Picante Sauce* dressing and cu#in in s#all bowl> #i4 well. Pour Pace Picante Sauce #i4ture o!er !egetables> toss lightly to coat with dressing. hill. "oss again and garnish with eggs* if desired. Ser!e with additional Pace Picante Sauce. about K 1/2 cups of salad.

Sauerkraut Salad .ith 4ogurt #ressing

1 0 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/4 pound pound ounces cup teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon Sauer.raut -- B1 lb canC +lue grapes Ha# -- coo.ed ----------dressing---------:ogurt Salt Pepper -- white Honey

%inse and drain sauer.raut> chop coarsely. Gash grapes and cut in half> re#o!e seeds if desired. ut ha# in 2ulienne strips. )ently #i4 these 3 ingredients. +lend dressing ingredients and stir into sauer.raut #i4ture. -arinate for 11 #inutes> ad2ust seasoning before ser!ing* if necessary.

0 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 1/4 cup #ediu# tablespoon

to#atoes oli!e oil onion -- sliced garlic clo!es -- #inced fresh parsley -- chopped eggplant -- 1-inch slices 3ucchini -- sliced red bell pepper wine !inegar fresh parsley -- chopped blac. pepper

tablespoons tablespoons

A 'nstead of parsley for garnish* use basil or oregano BfreshC if you prefer. Prepare !egetables before beginning recipe. Slice onion* cut garlic into sli!ers or #ince* chop parsley* cut eggplant into 1-inch rounds* cut 3ucchini into 1/4-inch rounds* seed and chop red pepper. +lanch to#atoes by placing in boiling water for 11 seconds. Drain* and when cool enough to handle* peel* seed and chop. %eser!e 2uice fro# to#atoes. 1. Heat oil in a deep* hea!y saucepan. ,dd onion* garlic and 1 tablespoon parsley. Saute about 3 #inutes or until onion is soft. ,dd eggplant* 3ucchini and red sweet pepper and #i4 well. 2. o!er pan and si##er o!er low heat until the !egetables are tender> about 31-3? #inutes. ,dd to#atoes with the 2uice* stir well* co!er again and si##er 11 #inute #ore. 3. %e#o!e fro# heat and let stand* co!ered* for 11 #inutes. 4. ,dd wine !inegar and blac. pepper to taste. Stir well. Place into ser!ing dish and garnish with fresh parsley* basil or oregano. Ser!e war# or at roo# te#perature.

Sa)o7 &oleslaw
1 1 1 1 3 4 3 1/2 pound head bacon sa!oy cabbage carrot -- peeled* grated red bell pepper -- roasted celery stal. -- diced sugar cider !inegar sour crea# salt -- to taste blac. pepper -- to taste

tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons

1. Prepare !egetables. a. abbage8 "ri# off outer lea!es and re#o!e the ste#. ut into half fro# top to botto# Bthrough the ste# endC and cut each half into paper-thin slices. b. elery8 Peel and dice finely. c. %ed pepper8 roast* re#o!e seeds and ste# then dice. d. arrot8 Peel and grate. 2. oo. bacon until crisp. Drain well and reser!e the grease. Set aside to cool. 3. Place the cabbage in a large bowl and toss with the carrot* bell pepper and celery. ru#ble the bacon slices and add to the #i4ture. Set aside. 4. Dressing8 o#bine 1/4 cup of the bacon fat* sugar* !inegar and sour crea#. Season with pepper and salt. Dse a wire whis. to #i4 until s#ooth. ?. "oss dressing with cabbage #i4ture. Ser!e i##ediately or refrigerate up to 24 hours. ;et stand 31 #inutes before ser!ing if it has been refrigerated.

Schnitt,ohnensalat /Green-!ean Salad1

1 3 3 2 1 1/4 pound cup tablespoons tablespoons each teaspoon teaspoon )reen +eans -- @resh A -- +oiling Salted Gater Stoc. -- AA 9inegar 9egetable $il $nions> -ed. -- "hinly Sliced Dried Dillseed Sugar


A )reen beans should be sliced lengthwise B@rench utC. AA Stoc. is the water that the green beans were coo.ed in. B(ot regular oo. beans in boiling salted water until 2ust tender. %eser!e 1/4 cup of the li7uid and drain off the rest. Prepare sauce by co#bining !inegar* oil* reser!ed !egetable stoc.* onions* dill* and sugar> stir until blended. Pour #i4ture o!er beans> #arinate se!eral hours before ser!ing.


3 2 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 1/2 1/4 1/4 cups cups pound #ediu# #ediu# cup tablespoons cup tablespoon tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon oo.ed rice oo.ed chic.en breast -- - Bsli!eredC @resh snow peas -- tri##ed cut into 2ulienne strips ucu#ber> peeled* seeded -- - and cut into 1-1/2 4 1/4-inch strips %ed pepper -- cut into 1-1/2 4 1/4-inch strips Sliced green onion -- - Bincluding topsC Sesa#e seeds BoptionalC -- - toasted -----S&S,-& D%&SS'()----hic.en broth Peanut oil %ice or white wine !inegar Soy sauce Sesa#e oil Ser!e at roo# te#perature

Salad8 o#bine all ingredients> stir well. or slightly chilled.

Sesa#e Dressing8 o#bine all ingredients in 2ar> co!er tightly and sha.e !igorously. about 3/4 cup.

SH E##E# &H*&+EN SA"A# .*TH &*"ANT O

3 2 1/4 pounds cup cups cup cup cup cups Ghole chic.en breasts Salt ;ight !egetable oil hopped 9idalia onions Galnuts -- lightly toasted @inely chopped scallions @inely chopped cilantro Ho#e#ade #ayonnaise :ou #ay use co##ercial #ayo @resh ground blac. peppe

3/4 1/4 3/4 1 1/3

Place the chic.en breasts in a saucepan with enough water to co!er. +ring to a boil* add 1/2 teaspoon salt* reduce the heat* and si##er until the chic.en is coo.ed through* about 1? #inutes. Drain the chic.en and allow to cool. %e#o!e and discard the %e#o!e the chic.en fro# the bones and tear the #eat into shreds. Place in a salad bowl and set aside. Heat the oil in a #ediu#-si3e s.illet o!er #ediu#-high heat. Saute the onions* stirring* until deep golden brown* about 21 #inutes. Drain the onions and add the# to the chic.en. ool to roo# te#perature. ,dd the walnuts* scallions* and cilantro to the chic.en. "oss with the #ayonnaise and season with salt and pepper. Ser!e the salad at roo# te#perature.


2 1 1/2 1/2 1/3 cups pound cup cup cup tablespoons tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon cups cup cup tablespoons %otini #acaroni -- uncoo.ed hic.en breasts -- boneless s.inned Dry white wine Gater $li!e oil or !egetable oil Ghite wine !inegar ;e#on 2uice lo!es garlic -- #inced Salt oarsely ground blac. pepper "hinly sliced sweet red -- pepper* cut in 2-inc hopped fresh parsley Sliced green onion apers

2 2 2

1/2 1/4 1 1/2 1/2 1/2

oo. pasta according to pac.age directions> drain. %inse with cold water to cool> drain well. 'n a s#all saucepan* place chic.en breasts> co!er with wine and water. Si##er* unco!ered* about 21 #inutes or until done> discard li7uid. Set chic.en aside to cool. ut chic.en into strips. 'n a s#all bowl* whis. together oil* !inegar* le#on 2uice* garlic* salt and pepper. 'n a large bowl* co#bine pasta* chic.en and oil #i4ture. ,dd red pepper* parsley* onion and capers> #i4 thoroughly. o!er> refrigerate.

Si'$le *ranian Salad

1 1 1 1 1 #ediu# s#all tablespoon tablespoon cucu#ber -- peeled and chopped to#ato -- chopped onion -- chopped parsley -- #inced oli!e oil 2uice of one li#e salt and pepper to taste

-i4 together.

hill before ser!ing.


3 1 12 = 3 tablespoons tablespoon tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons %ed wine or tarragon !inegar Di2on #ustard Salt and pepper -- to taste Safflower or anola oil -- L$%L-Safflower or anola ,(D -$li!e oilC

-'N "H& 9'(&),% G'"H "H& -DS",%D* salt and pepper. ,dd the oil gradually* #i4ing !igorously by hand or electric blender.

S* "O*N &*T 2S SA"A#

1 1 4 2 1/4 2 2 2 1 1/4 cup tablespoons tablespoons teaspoons teaspoons pound tablespoon cups "op sirloin stea. -- 1< thic. boneless $li!e oil %o#aine -- torn in bite-si3e pieces $ranges> peeled -- separated into seg#ents Galnuts -- toasted Strawberries> optional -- sliced ----- '"%DS 9'(,')%&""&----$range 2uice %ed wine !inegar Honey Di2on #ustard itrus 9inaigrette by

Preparation ti#e8 24 #inutes Prepare the thoroughly co#bining all ingredients. about 1/3 cup.

Prepare the salad8 ut the beef into 1/E< strips> cut each strip in half. Heat oil in a large nonstic. s.illet o!er #ediu# high heat. Stir fry beef B1/2 at a ti#eC 1 to 2 #inutes. %e#o!e with a slotted spoon> season with salt* if desired. "oss lettuce* beef and oranges in a large bowl. Sprin.le with walnuts and dri33le with the itrus 9inaigrette. )arnish with strawberries* if desired. Ser!e i##ediately. Ser!ing suggestions8 Sesa#e bread stic.s.

Sliced &ucu',ers in 4ogurt

1/2 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/E 1/E 1/E teaspoon cup teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon ucu#bers Salt ;ow-fat plain yogurt Sugar ;e#on 2uice elery seeds )round cu#in Pepper

Pare and thinly slice cucu#bers. Place in s#all bowl. Sprin.le with salt> stir. ;et stand 11 #inutes. Stir together yogurt* sugar* le#on 2uice* celery seeds* cu#in and pepper in s#all bowl to #i4 well. "ransfer cucu#bers to colander> rinse with cold water. S7uee3e with hands to e4tract as #uch li7uid as possible. %eturn to bowl. Stir in yogurt #i4ture. %efrigerate co!ered until ser!ing. 4 ser!ings.

40 1 11 1? ounces s#all #illiliters cup cup ounces

"o#ato 2uice -- canned %ed onion -- finely chopped )arlic -- #inced -- water orn .ernels -- fresh or fro3en +lac. beans -- rinsed / drained ucu#ber -- seeded and finely %ed bell pepper -- seeded / chopped )reen bell pepper -- seeded / chopped Qucchini -- finely chopped elery stal. -- finely chopped Scallions -- finely chopped Diced green chilies -- canned 5ica#a -- finely chopped @resh cilantro -- or parsley %ed wine !inegar ;i#e 2uice Pepper>

1/4 1/2

4 1 2 2


ounces cup cup tablespoons tablespoons

4 Hot pepper sauce> to taste 1 ts Prepared horseradish> 4 blac. to taste 10 4 -elba rounds> for garnish

Sour &rea' #ressing

2 2 3 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 each pint each tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon tablespoon &ggs -- hard boiled Sour crea# Spring onions 9inegar B4S... to tasteC Dry #ustard Salt Sugar %ed pepper or papri.a

-ash egg yol.* add salt and #ustard* sugar and papri.a or red pepper. ,dd sour crea# and enough !inegar to #a.e it thic. and soupy. hop and add egg whites and chopped spring onions. &specially good o!er Spring leaf lettuce.

11 1/3 1 1/2 1 4 1/2 1 1 1/2 1 1 1/4 1/3 cup


-ediu# red potatoes -- coo.ed 2ac.ets lear -- bottled 'talian Sliced celery Sliced green onions Hard boiled eggs Sour crea# -ayonnaise Horseradish sauce :ellow #ustard elery seed Diced cucu#ber Salt / pepper to taste

cups cup cup cup teaspoons teaspoon teaspoons cup

Ghile potatoes are war#* pour on the dressing. hill 2 hours. ,dd celery and onion. ,dd the egg whites* chopped. Sie!e egg yol.s* co#bine with #ayonnaise* sour crea#* horseradish* #ustard* and celery seed. hill 2 hours and add diced cucu#ber.

Southwest &hicken5 !ean and

1 1 1/4 1 1/2 0 1 1/2 2 2 1 1/2 1/4 3 2 pint cups cups tablespoons teaspoons 1? o3 cans cup tablespoons large

ice Salad

water chic.en broth long-grain rice chic.en breasts -- boned* s.inned oli!e oil ground cu#in blac. beans -- rinsed and drained bell pepper -- chopped red onion -- chopped cilantro -- lightly pac.ed li#e 2uice -- fresh garlic clo!es

+ring 2 cups of water and 1 cup of chic.en broth to boil in a hea!y #ediu# sauce pan. ,dd rice. Season with salt and pepper> reduce heat to low. o!er and si##er until rice is tender and li7uid is absorbed* about 21 #inutes. "ranfer rice to large bowl and cool. Preheat broiler. Place chic.en on hea!y broilerproof pan. +rush chic.en with 1/2 tbs of oli!e oil. Season with salt and pepper sprin.le with 1 tsp. cu#in. +roil chic.en until coo.ed through* about 11 #inutes. ool and cut into 1 inch pieces. ,dd chic.en* blac. beans* corn* bell pepper* red onion and cilantro to rice in boil. o#bine re#aining 1/4 cup chic.en broth* re#aining tablespoon oli!e oil* re#aining teaspoon cu#in* li#e 2uice and garlic in blender. Process until garlic is finely #inced. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Pour dressing o!er salad in bowl and toss well.

Southwestern Three-!ean Salad

1? 1? 1? 3 3 2 $unces $unces $unces "bsp "bsp head +lac. +eans* anned -- rinsed and drained Pinto +eans* anned -- rinsed and drained hic.peas* anned -- rinsed and drained hipotle Pepper 'n ,dobo Sauce -- finely chopped ider 9inegar anola $il ilantro -- chopped Salt and pepper to taste 'ceberg ;ettuce -- shredded 9idalia $nion -- thinly sliced

1/4 1/2 1/2

'n a large bowl* co#bine blac. beans* pinto beans or blac.-eyed peas* chic.peas* chipotles* !inegar* oil and cilantro. "oss until well #i4ed. Season with salt and pepper. ,rrange lettuce on a ser!ing platter* #ound the bean #i4ture o!er top and garnish with sliced onions. Ser!es 0 as a side dish.

S$aghetti Salad
1 1/2 1 1 1 2 1 +oneC 1 1 SeasonsC pounds thin spaghetti onion -- chopped cucu#ber -- chopped green or red bell pepper -- chopped to#atoes -- chopped 'talian salad dressing or @at @ree -- BGish Salad seasoning -- B-c or#ici.HsC 'talian salad dressing #i4* dry -- B)ood

#ediu# 12 o3. bottl 2ar p.g

oo.* drain and rinse spaghetti. hop all !egetables 7uite fine. -i4 together bottled salad dressing* salad seasonings and dry salad dressing #i4. Sha.e to #i4 well. Pour o!er spaghetti. ;et chill o!ernight in refrigerator.

S$aghetti SCuash and A)ocado Salad

1 0 4 2 #ediu# 1/2 1/2 spaghetti s7uash #ushroo#s -- sliced red bell pepper -- 2ulienned green bell pepper -- 2ulienned sliced blac. oli!es -- drained a!ocados -- seed*peel*slice -----,!ocado $il 9inaigrette----a!ocado oil -- or light !egetable o white wine !inegar garlic -- crushed oregano basil rose#ary dry #ustard Gorcestershire sauce Salt and pepper to taste

ounces cup cup clo!es teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon

3 1 1 1 1 1

3/4 1/4

Prepare ,!ocado $il 9inaigrette at least 24 hours before ser!ing ti#e. Sha.e all ingredients together in tightly co!ered container. ;et 9inaigrette stand at least 24 hours. Hal!e s7uash lengthwise* scoop out seeds. Place hal!es cut side down in large saucepan> add water to a depth of two inches> co!er and bring to a boil. %educe heat> si##er s7uash 21 #inutes. Drain off water> cool s7uash and shred into strands. -i4 s7uash* #ushroo#s* peppers* oli!es and a!ocados in ser!ing bowl. Pour 9inaigrette o!er* toss gently and ser!e.

S$arkling Salad
1 1 K 1 pac.age cup ounces cup li#e gelatin powder water le#on-li#e soda applesauce --- )arnish8 --grapes -- frosted* A see note #int sprigs

A "o #a.e frosted grapes for decorations8 +eat an egg white until frothy. Dip the grapes into egg white then i##ediately roll in sugar* preferably superfine* and then lay on wa4ed paper until dry. Dse tinted sugar for #ore color !ariety. S,;,D8 1. Place li#e-fla!ored gelatin into bowl> add 1 cup !ery hot water and stir until gelatin is co#pletely dissol!ed. +lend in a K-ounce bottle of le#on-li#e carbonated soft drin.. hill this #i4ture until consistency of unbeaten egg whites. 2. ;ightly oil a decorati!e 1-7uart #old with !egetable oil> do not use oli!e oil. 'n!ert #old to drain off any e4cess oil. 3. Ghen gelatin is so#ewhat thic.ened* add 1 cup thic. applesauce. +lend Pour #i4ture into #old and chill until fir#. 4. Dn#old onto ser!ing plate and surround #old with frosted grapes and sprigs of #int.

SP*&4 !"A&+ !EAN & "ENT*" SA"A#

2 2 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 cups cups teaspoon tablespoons tablespoon cup teaspoon tablespoons teaspoon s#all large large cup oo.ed blac. beans oo.ed red lentils Dry #ustard -inced garlic @resh parsley -- #inced %ice !inegar 5uice fro# 1 le#on Salt $li!e oil rushed red peppers +utterhead lettuce -- torn %ed bell peppers -- sliced %ed potatoes* coo.ed -- sliced )rated carrots



Put legu#es in separate bowls. Ghis. together #ustard* garlic* parsley* !inegar* le#on 2uice* salt* oil / red pepper. Di!ide #i4ture e!enly between legu#es. -arinate co!ered in the fridge for 1 hour. ;ine salad plates with lettuce* top with peppers. ,rrange s#all piles of potatoes* carrots / legu#es on each plate. Dri33le #arinade o!er the #eal.

SP*&4 &O N AN# !"A&+ !EAN SA"A#

2 1? 4 1/2 1/2 1/2 2 1/3 1/4 1/4 1/2 1/4 cans ounces ounces cup cup tablespoons cup cup cup teaspoon teaspoon cup tablespoon teaspoons AAAAAAS,;,DAAAAAA -e4icorn -- Bcorn and red and peppersC* 11o3 -- drained +lac. beans> drained -- rinsed Sliced -ushroo#s -- drained )reen $nions -- sliced ucu#bers> peeled -- slice @resh 5alapeno Pepper -- finely chopped AAAAAAD%&SS'()AAAAAA $il %ice Gine 9inegar or Ghite -- 9inegar $range 5uice )arlic -- #inced Salt AAAAA+&@$%& S&%9'()AAAAA @resh ilantro -- chopped $range Peel -- grated u#in seed Bor 1 tsC ;ettuce ;ea!es

1 2

'n large bowl* co#bine all salad ingredients> blend well. 'n s#all bowl using wire whis.* blend oil* !inegar* orange 2uice* garlic and salt. Pour o!er salad> toss gently. o!er> refrigerate 1 to 2 hours to blend fla!ors. 5ust before ser!ing* drain salad. Stir in cilantro* orange peel and cu#in seed. Ser!e in lettuce-lined bowl or on lettuce-lined plates. Store in refrigerator.

S$inach and A$$le Salad w9 !acon #ressing

11 4 1 1 2 1 ounces tablespoon s#all tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon fresh spinach -- torn in bite si3ed pieces bacon slices !egetable oil onion -- diced cider !inegar brown #ustard sugar salt pepper apple -- cored and thinly sliced

1/2 1/4 1/E

Place spinach in large bowl. oo. bacon in large s.illet o!er #ediu# high heat until crisp. %e#o!e to paper toweling to drain. Discard all but 3 "ablespoons drippings fro# s.illet. ,dd oil to drippings in s.illet and heat. ,dd onion> coo. until tender* about 3 #inutes. Stir in !inegar* #ustard* sugar* salt and pepper. +ring to boiling. %e#o!e fro# heat. ,dd apple to spinach. Pour hot dressing o!er spinach and apple> toss well to coat. ru#ble bacon and sprin.le o!er salad. Ser!e i##ediately.

S$inach and Gra$e-ruit Salad

2 3 0 2 2 1 1/2 tsp clo!es tbsp tbsp tbsp tsp lb s#all poppy seeds red onion -- thinly sliced grapefruit -- pin. or red garlic -- peeled white wine !inegar oli!e oil -- e4tra-!irgin coarse-grain #ustard -- pref. Po##ery honey salt and freshly ground pepper fresh spinach* washed and torn -- B10 cupsC 2ica#a* peeled / cut -- in #atchstic.s

1/2 3/4 1/2

Heat a s#all s.illet o!er #ediu# heat. ,dd poppy seeds and toast* stirring constantly* until aro#atic* 1-2 #inutes> set aside Place onion slices in s#all bowl> add cold water to co!er and soa. for 11 #inutes. Drain. -eanwhile* with a sharp .nife* re#o!e and white pith fro# grapefruit and discard. o!er a s#all bowl to catch the 2uice* cut the grapefruit seg#ents fro# their surrounding #e#branes> reser!e the seg#ents in a s#all bowl. -easure 1/3 cup of the 2uice and set aside. +ring garlic clo!es in a s#all saucepan and add water to co!er. +ring to a si##er o!er #ediu# heat> coo. until tender* about 3 #inutes. Drain. 'n a blender* co#bine !inegar* oil* #ustard* honey* coo.ed garlic and reser!ed grapefruit 2uice. +lend until crea#y. Season with salt and pepper. 'n a salad bowl* co#bine spinach* 2ica#a* and reser!ed onions and grapefruit sections. Dri33le with the dressing and toss. ,rrange on salad plates and garnish with the toasted poppy seeds.

S$inach And 3andarin Oranges

12 11 1/2 1/2 $3 $3 @resh Spinach -- wash* re#o!e thic. -- ste#s Scallions -- thin sliced -andarin $ranges -- drained Sli!ered ,l#onds -- toasted* A Honey--ustard 9inaigrette8 Dry -ustard Salt -- to taste +lac. Pepper Honey ider 9inegar 9egetable $il

1 1 2 1/E 1/2

"sp tsp tbsp tbsp

@resh greenery is dotted with !i!id orange seg#ents and toasted al#onds before being coated with a honey-#ustard dressing. 1. 2. 3. 4. Heap the spinach lea!es in a large bowl. ,dorn the greenery with the scallions* fruit* and nuts. 'n a s#all bowl* whis. together the dressing ingredients. Pour the !inaigrette o!er the salad* toss well* and ser!e.

How to toast nuts8 Spread nuts out on a sheet and ba.e in a 3?1o o!en for ? to 11 #inutes until golden. Different si3es and types of nuts toast at !arying ti#es> the s#aller the nut* the faster it browns* so you ha!e to .eep a watchful eye on the o!en.

S$inach and 3ushroo' Salad

11 11 4 0 1 ounces whole slices cup cup cup teaspoon tablespoon tablespoon teaspoon fresh spinach -- washed / chopped fresh #ushroo#s -- sliced hard-boiled eggs -- chopped bacon -- coo.ed / cru#bled oli!e oil sour crea# red wine !inegar dry #ustard sugar salt blac. pepper

1/4 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/4

"oss spinach* #ushroo#s* chopped egg* and cru#bled bacon. Ghis. re#aining ingredients together. "oss with !egetables to coat spinach.

S$inach Salad
2 2 1/4 1/2 1/2 pounds each cup each cup @resh spinach Hard boiled eggs hopped pitted blac. oli!es %ed onion sliced ru#ble feta cheese

,dd !inegar and oil dressing

S$inach Salad Par'esan

? 1 4 1 cups pint ounces cup tablespoon @resh spinach lea!es -- washed well / tri##e +er#uda onion -- thinly sliced herry to#atoes @resh #ushroo#s -- sliced %adishes -- thinly sliced )rated Par#esan cheese Ser!e with your fa!orite no- or low-fat


"oss together all ingredients. dressing. about 0 cups.

S$inach Salad with Pears and &ran,erries

1 1/2 1/2 1/3 tsp cup cup cup finely shredded orange peel orange 2uice seasoned rice !inegar dried cranberries fir#-ripe pears -- B3/4 lb. totalC thinly sliced red onion -- rinsed baby spinach lea!es* rinsed* crisped -- in

3/4 cup 1 lb bite-si3ed pieces

o#bine orange peel* orange 2uice* seasoned rice !inegar* and dried cranberries. ore and thinly slice pears> add pears and onion to dressing. 5ust before ser!ing* pour o!er spinach> gently #i4.

S$ring Salad
0 1 1 2 4 1/2 1/2 1/2 pound pound each pound cup cup each each each teaspoon each each cups tablespoon each teaspoon tablespoon tablespoon Snow peas -i4ed green and yellow beans (ew red s.inned potatoes arrots @ro3en sweet corn @resh or fro3en peas "o#atoes Hard coo.ed eggs ----------dressing---------;arge egg yol.s Di2on #ustard Salt Pepper Saflower oil ;e#on 2uice Shallots -- finely chopped Honey @inely chopped fresh #int @inely chopped fresh parsley

3 1 1 1 1 1/2 1 1 1 1 1

"op and tail beans. oo. in lightly salted boiling water for 3 to ? #inutes or until tender crisp. Drain and refresh under cold running water. ,dd potatoes to boiling salted water* oo. gently for 1? #inutes or until tender. Drain. Place peeled corrots in a saucepan with enough cold water to co!er. Salt lightly* bring to a boil* then reduce heat and si##er until tender. Drain. ,dd corn and peas to s#all a#ounts of lightly salted boiling water coo. for 3 to ? #inutes. Drain. Place beans* corn and peas on tea towel to drain while preparing dressing. Peel and seed to#atoes and cut into s#all dice. D%&SS'()8 Ghis. together egg yol.s* Di2on #ustard* salt and freshly ground pepper. Ghen #i4ture begins to thic.en* add 2 tablespoons of oil drop by drop* beating well. "hin with a 1/2 teaspoon le#on 2uice. ,dd re#aining oil in a slow* steady strea#. ,s #ayonnaise thic.ens* thin by adding up to 2 tablespoons of le#on 2uice. Stop adding oil when #ayonnaise is desired thic.nessC Stir in shallots* honey* #int add parsley. ,d2ust seasoning. ,rrange !egetables on one large plater or indi!idual plates* and garnish with egg wedges. "hin #ayonnaise with boiling water and lightly coat salad.

S$ringti'e &hicken Salad

3 3/4 1/4 1 1/2 2 2 ounces cup cup teaspoons tablespoons cups crea# cheese hea!y crea# orange 2uice curry powder salt and pepper -- to taste chutney coo.ed chic.en -- cubed fla.ed coconut #andarin oranges

Place first 0 ingredients in blender and blend until s#ooth. "oss with coo.ed cubed chic.en* fla.ed coconut* and 1 to 2 cans BdrainedC -andarin oranges. hill. Ser!e on a bed of lettuce* sprin.le with sli!ered al#onds and papri.a. "his salad tastes wonderful ser!ed in a #elon.

SP *NGT*3E &H*&+EN SA"A#

1 pound hic.en breast hal!es @resh asparagus Head iceberg lettuce ;e#on slices for garnish -----;&-$(-H&%+ D%&SS'()----;e#on 2uice ;e#on 2uice S# clo!e garlic -- pressed $regano +asil Salt Pepper Sli!ered toasted al#onds

2 1 1 1


cup tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon cup

1/4 1/4

9,%',"'$(8 1lb of boneless chic.en breasts can be poached with 1/4 c le#on 2uice and water or broth to co!er in a =-in s.illet. Place o!er #ed heat. +ring to a boil slowly. %educe heat. Si##er for 1 #in. %e#o!e fro# heat. o!er. ;et stand 21 #ins. %e#o!e chic.en* pat dry and shred. P%&P,%,"'$(8 Place chic.en in a saucepan. o!er with water. Si##er for 21 #in. until done. %e#o!e. ool. Gash asparagus. Snap off stal.s at the point of tenderness. Partially fill a large s.illet with water. +ring to boil. ,dd asparagus. o!er and heat until water co#es bac. to a boil. Dnco!er. +oil slowly for 4-? #ins until spears bend a little when lifted. Drain. ool. Gith a .nife* shred half of the lettuce. Place in a large salad bowl. co#bine the dressing ingredients. Sha.e until blended. Dri33le half of the dressing o!er the lettuce. Shred the chic.en. Slice the asparagus into 2-in diagonal pieces. o#bine with the lettuce. Dri33le with re#aining dressing. )arnish with le#on slices. Ser!e* sprin.led with al#onds* if desired.

Stir-%ried !ee- Salad

1 2 E pound tablespoons ounces +eef round stea. -- boneless $il -- )arlic clo!e -- #inced -ushroo#s* fresh -- sliced ucu#ber -- chopped )reen pepper -- strips $nion -- sliced A 'talian seasoning Salt -- seasoned Pepper* red -- ground "o#ato -- large AA Spinach lea!es -- fresh

1 1 E


teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon ounces

A Separated into rings AA cut into wedges Partially free3e beef> slice thinly across the grain into bite-si3e strips. 'n wo. or large s.illet coo. half the beef in hot oil till browned on all sides. %e#o!e fro# pan. %epeat with re#aining beef and garlic> re#o!e fro# pan. ,dd #ushroo#s* cucu#ber* green pepper strips* onions rings* 'talian seasoning* salt* and red pepper to wo.. Stir-fry 3 #inutes or till !egetables are crisp-tender. %eturn beef to wo.> add to#ato. oo. 1 to 2 #inutes or till heated through. %e#o!e #eat-!egetable #i4ture to ser!ing bowl> .eep war#. ,dd spinach lea!es to wo.> co!er and coo. for 1 #inute or till slightly wilted. "o ser!e* arrange spinach on four bowls or plates> spoon #eat #i4ture atop.

Straw,err7 (ello Salad

1 2 3 1 31 1 pac.age cups each can ounces pac.age Strawberry 5ello +oiling water +ananas -- #ashed BlgC crushed pineapple @ro3en strawberries -- undrain Sour crea# -- large

-i4 5ello and 2 cups boiling water and let cool. ,dd #ashed bananas* pineapple* and undrained fro3en strawberries. Put half the #i4ture into 13< N =< N 2< pan and chill 31-4? #inutes. Spread sour crea# on top. ,dd re#aining fruit / 5ello #i4ture* chill* and cut into s7uares.

2 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 cups tablespoons

ice Salad
coo.ed rice --- 9inaigrette ----fresh le#on 2uice red bell pepper -- finely diced scallions -- chopped carrot -- chopped fresh parsley -- A chopped Bsee noteC cucu#ber -- peeled and diced to#ato -- peeled and chopped celery stal.s -- peeled and diced


A Substitute dill or basil for the parsley if preferred. 1. Put rice in a ser!ing bowl and pour 2 tablespoons le#on 2uice and 4 tablespoons 9inaigrette o!er. ,dd freshly ground blac. pepper to taste. "oss well with for.. 2. Prepare all the re#aining ingredients* e4cept to#atoes and cucu#bers* and blend. -i4 well and let cool. 3. ,dd onions and cucu#bers 2ust before ser!ing to #aintain best te4ture and taste for those two !egetables.

Sunshine Orange5 Onion and A)ocado Salad

1 2 3 1 4 1 1/2 1 1 head cups %o#aine lettuce -- chopped arugula na!el oranges 9idalia onion fresh parsley -- chopped --- Dressing8 ----oli!e oil red wine !inegar fresh orange 2uice blac. pepper a!ocados -- sliced

tablespoons tablespoons tablespoon

@or salad base* wash* dry and tear into bite-si3ed pieces the ro#aine and arugula or watercress. Place a portion on each of 4 ser!ing plates and place in refrigerator while preparing dressing. Peel the oranges and re#o!e as #uch of the white pith as possible. Slice into thin slices* then into half. Place orange slices into bowl. Slice onions !ery thin then place in bowl with oranges. ,dd the parsley and gently toss to co#bine. Slice the a!ocado but do not toss with onions and oranges. ,rrange the oranges* onions and sliced a!ocado on plates in a decorati!e design. D%&SS'()8 'n s#all bowl* co#bine the oli!e oil* !inegar* orange 2uice and blac. pepper to taste. Ghis. well. Pour dressing o!er salad and ser!e i##ediately.


1 1? 1? 1 2 3 1/3 1/3 1/4 1/3 pac.age ounces ounces bn tablespoons cup cup cup cup


&D&( 6a#ut Spirals an &D&( 6idney +eans -- - drained an &D&( +lac. +eans -- - drained %ed pepper -- diced )reen onions -- diced Dried basil -----D%&SS'()----&D&( +rown %ice 9inegar $% &D&( %ed Gine 9inegar &D&( &4tra 9irgin $li!e $il &D&( +arley -alt Syrup &D&( Shoyu

oo. Spirals as pac.age directs. %inse and drain. ,dd drained beans* diced red pepper* green onions and basil. Prepare dressing. -i4 into salad and ser!e.


1 3 E 1/2 1/2 1/3 pound cup cup tablespoons cup each Sweet potatoes -- ba.ed )reen peas -- cold coo.ed rushed unsweetened pineapple Parsley -- chopped fresh @a!orite dressing ;ettuce lea!es -- BoptionalC

Peel and slice sweet potatoes and place in a s#all bowl. ,dd re#aining ingredients> toss lightly. 'f desired* ser!e on lettuce lea!es.

Sweet 4ogurt #ressing

1 1/4 1/4 1 1/2 cup cup cup tablespoons Plain* nonfat yogurt %aisins -- Bgolden are niceC hopped nuts> Bwalnuts -- pecans* or otherC Honey

-i4 all ingredients* and chill o!ernight. Ser!e cold. about 1.? cups. ,uthorHs (ote8 @resh chopped fruit beco#es a special salad or a light dessert with this dressing.

S7rian Salad
1 1 ? 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 1/4 1 1 head ro#aine lettuce cucu#ber -- thinly sliced radishes -- thinly sliced red bell pepper -- seeded and sliced green bell pepper -- seeded and sliced to#atoes -- cut into wedges scallions -- chopped red onion -- sliced feta cheese -- sliced or cru#bled fresh parsley -- ste#* coarsley chopped se!eral blac. oli!es capers -- optional -----Dressing----oli!e oil 2uice of one le#on wine !inegar garlic clo!e -- pressed salt to taste fresh-ground blac. pepper to taste pinch of dried #int

large s#all ounces cup tablespoons cup tablespoon


%inse the roa#aine* tear it into bite-si3ed pieces* and put in salad bowl. ,rrange other !egetables attracti!ely o!er the ro#aine*topping with the feta* parsley* oli!es and capers. o#bine the dressing ingredients and dri33le o!er the salad.


1 2 1 2 0 2 1 1 1 1/2 1/2 cup pound 3/4 1/4 1/4 pound cup cup cups tablespoon cup "hin noodles Soy sauce Peanut oil -ayonnaise Di2on #ustard $riental-style sesa#e oil Ghole boneless -- s.inless hic.en breasts )reen onions -- thinly sliced arrots -- peeled / coarsely hopped %ed sweet pepper -- chopped BE-o3.C can sliced ba#boo Shoots -- drained B0-o3.C 2ar #ini corn on the ob -- drained and thinly Sliced hopped -- fresh cilantro @resh snow peas* tri##ed ut into 2ulienne -- blanched "hen cooled in cold water Drained ;ightly toasted sesa#e seeds S3echuan chili oil ut into bite-si3ed pieces and reser!e.

Poach and cool chic.en breasts.

oo. noodles. Drain and toss into a large bowl with 1/2 cup soy sauce* then peanut oil. ool to roo# te#perature* occassionally stirring the noodles to coat thoroughly. o#bine #ayonnaise with #ustard* sesa#e oil and the re#aining 1/4 cup soy sauce and chili oil to taste. %efrigerate until ready to use. ,dd chic.en* green onions* carrots* sweet pepper* ba#boo shoots* #ini corn and chopped cilantro to noodles. -i4 gently. ,dd #ayonnaise #i4ture and blend well. o!er and refrigerate until ready to ser!e* preferable o!ernight. 5ust before ser!ing add 2ulienned snow peas* adding a little e4tra soy sauce and peanut oil or #ayonnaise if noodles see# dry. )arnish with sesa#e seeds.

Ta,,ouleh /!ulgur and Her, Salad1

1 1 1 1/2 1/4 1/4 1/4 E 2 cup #ediu# cups cup cup cup #ediu# bulgur -- fine onion -- finely chopped parsley -- finely chopped fresh #int -- chopped oli!e oil le#on 2uice salt ro#aine lettuce lea!es to#atoes -- cut in wedges

Soa. bulgur in cold water 21 #inutes. Drain the bulgur and s7uee3e out as #uch #oisture as possible with your hands. o#bine the bulgur* onion Bor scallionsC* parsley and #int in a bowl. Sprin.le with oil* le#on 2uice and a little salt* and #i4 thoroughly. "aste and ad2ust the seasoning. o!er and chill in the refrigerator. "o ser!e* #ound the salad in the center of a plate. Decorate with the lettuce lea!es and to#ato wedges. "he lettuce lea!es #ay be used to scoop up the salad.

Ta,,ouleh with
1 2/3 1/2 2 2/3 3/E 1 1/3 1 1/3 cup cup cup tablespoons cup tablespoons tablespoons


bulgur scallions -- sliced fresh parsley -- lightly pac.ed fresh le#on 2uice seedless raisins corn oil sesa#e oil blac. pepper -- to taste

1. 'n a large #i4ing bowl* pour boiling water o!er bulgur 2ust enough to co!er. ;et set for 21 #inutes until water is absorbed and bulgur is tender. 2. Drain e4cess water fro# bulgur and s7uee3e out any re#aining water* using your hands. 3. ,dd sliced scallions* chopped parsley and fresh le#on 2uice to bulgur. -i4 well* then add re#aining ingredients and blend.

Ta,,ouli Salad
1 2 2 1 3 2 0 2 1/3 1/3 1/2 cup cups cup cup teaspoons teaspoon cup tablespoons teaspoons each each +ulgur wheat -- uncoo.ed +oiling water 9egetable oil ;e#on 2uice Salt Pepper Parsley -- chopped -int* fresh chopped or -int -- dry cru#bled )reen onions / tops -- #inced "o#atoes -- chopped

Pour boiling water o!er wheat in a bowl. ;et stand one hour. Drain well and return to bowl. ,dd re#aining ingredients and blend well. hill at least two hours. Ser!e on a bed of lettuce.

1 2 1 1 2 1 1/4 1/2 1/2 pound cup cup clo!es cup cup cup #ediu# s#all coo.ed bulgur fresh le#on 2uice oli!e oil garlic -- finely #inced fresh #int lea!es -- #inced fresh parsley -- chopped scallions -- chopped salt blac. pepper fresh to#atoes -- chopped cucu#ber -- peeled*seeded*chopped

Prepare bulgur according to pac.age directions. Ghis. together oli!e oil and le#on 2uice. ,dd garlic* scallions* #int* and parsley. Season with salt and pepper to taste. -i4 dressing with bulgur and chill o!ernight. Stir in chopped to#atoes and cucu#ber i##ediately before ser!ing.

Tang7 &oleslaw with &ooked #ressing

1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 tablespoon tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon dash cup cup teaspoon tablespoon cup cup cup cup flour sugar salt celery seed pepper -- fresh-ground cider !inegar water yellow #ustard grated onions egg yol.s -- beaten #argarine sour crea# cabbage head -- shredded shredded carrots green peppers -- #inced 2ica#a

1/2 1/3 1/4

1/4 1/2 1/4

A 5ica#a is a -e4ican !egetable root* the te4ture of a turnip or potato but with its own uni7ue taste. Peel 2ica#a and cut into strips about 1/2 by 3 inches long to ser!e with the coleslaw after it is prepared and chilled. o#bine flour* sugar* salt* celery seed and pepper in pan. Stir in !inegar gradually. ,dd water* #ustard and onion. oo. o!er #ediu# heat* stir constantly. oo. until #i4ture thic.ens BdonHt undercoo. or it will ha!e a starchy tasteC. Stir s#all a#ount into beaten egg yol.s> stir egg yol. #i4ture into the hot #i4ture. oo.* stirring constantly for 1 to 1-1/2 #inutes #ore. ,dd #argarine and stir until thoroughly incorporated. hill thoroughly. @old in sour crea#. o#bine cabbage* carrots and green peppers Bred peppers if you wishC. "oss lightly to blend.

2 1 1/2 1 2 1 1/2 1/4 1/E 1 1 3 1


hic.en breasts A ,sparagus AA Gater -ayonnaise ;e#on 2uice "arragon -- dried crushd Salt Pepper arrot -- shredded %ed pepper -- chopped )reen onions -- #inced &gg +read -- o!al loaf unslice ut diagnally in 1/2 inch pieces

pounds pound cup cup tablespoons teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon


A +oned* s.inned and split AA

1. 'n 13 4 = 4 2-inch #icrowa!e-safe dish* arrange chic.en breasts with portions toward outside. o!er with plastic wrap> turn bac. one corner to !ent. oo. on H')H 11 #inutes* turning chic.en o!er after ? #inutes. ;et cool in dish. 2. 'n #ediu# glass bowl* co#bine asparagus and water. o!er> !ent. on H')H 3 #inutes> drain. %ince with cold water> drain. Set aside. oo.

3. 'n bowl* whis. #ayonnaise with le#on 2uice* tarragon* salt and pepper until blended. Stir in asparagus* carrot* red pepper and onions. ut chic.en into 1-inch pieces. Stir into #ayonnaise #i4ture. 4. Gith serrated .nife* cut off a thin slice fro# top of bread> re#o!e inside Breser!e for other useC* lea!ing a 1/2-inch shell. Spoon salad into bread shell* #ounding slightly. 'f desired* garnish with fresh tarragon. "o ser!e* cut into wedges. E to 11 ser!ings.


4 1 1 3 3 1 2 1 2 2 "o#atoes -- chopped )reen pepper -- cubed :ellow pepper -- cubed Hot pepper -- chopped $li!e oil %ed wine !inegar lo!e garlic -- #inced hopped parsley hili powder oo.ed pasta 5ac. cheese -- cubed Sunflower seeds


tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons tablespoon cups cup tablespoons


o#bine !egetables in large bowl. o#bine oil* !inegar* garlic* parsley* chili powder* salt / pepper to taste. Pour o!er !egetable #i4ture. Stir in coo.ed pasta* sprin.le with cheese and sunflower seeds* toss. hill.

TE?-3E? SA"A#
1 4 1 1 1/4 3/4 1 1? 1/4 1 1 K 1/2 $nion -- chopped "o#atoes -- chopped Head lettuce -- chopped heddar cheese -- grated 'talian dressing )round #eat* beef* tur.ey -- or chic.en 6idney beans -- drained 9egetable seasoning +ag tortilla chips -- crushed ,!ocado -- sliced $li!es

cups cup pound ounces teaspoon large ounces

"oss onion* to#atoes* lettuce and cheese with 'talian dressing> set aside. +rown #eat> add drained beans and !egetable seasoning> si##er 11 #inutes. -i4 with cold salad. "oss in crushed tortilla chips and a!ocado slices. )arnish with oli!es* if desired.

Te@-3e@ Tuna Salad

B 2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2/3 1/2 cans cup cup cup cup cup teaspoon Solid white tuna in water -- drained and fla.ed Sliced ripe oli!es Sliced green onions w/tops "hinly sliced celery Pace Picante Sauce Dairy sour crea# )round cu#in ;ettuce lea!es -- $% Shredded lettuce "aco shells -- $% "ortilla chips

1 12 3


o#bine tuna* oli!es* green onions and celery in #ediu# bowl. o#bine Pace Picante Sauce* sour crea# and cu#in> #i4 well. Pour o!er tuna #i4ture> toss lightly. "o ser!e* line taco shells with lettuce lea!es> spoon tuna #i4ture into shells. $r* line indi!idual ser!ing plates with shredded lettuce> top with tuna #i4ture and surround with tortilla chips. Dri33le with additional Pace Picante Sauce> top with additional sour crea#* if desired.


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 follow 1/4 0 1 Po#elo -- -L$%L-)rapefruit Bsweet ruby redC Ghole coo.ed chic.en breast -- hand-shredded hopped red chili -- Bor to tasteC @ish sauce Bna# plaC Sugar ;i#e -- 2uiced Head of leaf lettuce -- Bfor garnishC hopped fresh coriander risp @ried Shallot -- B'nstructions hopped roasted peanuts ----- %'SP @%'&D SH,;;$" @;,6&S----Shallots -- thinly sliced 9egetable oil

teaspoon tablespoon teaspoon s#all tablespoon tablespoons cup cup

Po#elo loo.s li.e a thic.-s.inned* o!ersi3ed grapefruit* and it is sweeter than the nor#al grapefruit. P&&; ,(D S&P,%,"& po#elo seg#ents. %e#o!e and discard #e#branes. )ently fla.e the flesh. 'f using grapefruit* drain e4cess 2uice. hill. 'n large bowl* co#bine po#elo and shredded chic.en. -i4 together the chopped red chili with fish sauce* sugar and li#e 2uice> toss with chic.en #i4ture. ,rrange on a bed of lettuce* garnish with coriander lea!es* peanuts* and 2 teaspoons of the risp @ried Shallot %'SP @%'&D SH,;;$" @;,6&S8 Slice shallots into thin slices. +e sure they are all the sa#e thinness to ensure e!en Heat a pan with the !egetable oil o!er #ediu# heat. ,dd shallots and fry slowly until browned and crisp* about ? to 11 #inutes. "he #oisture in the shallots should be co#pletely coo.ed out. Drain on paper towel. Stored in an air-tight container* the shallots will .eep se!eral wee.s.


1/4 1/4 1/4 2 4 1 4 1 4 3 3 1 cup tablespoons teaspoon tablespoons bn teaspoon pound pound pound ------&," '()%&D'&("S----hic.en breasts -- boneless Por. -- diced lean Shri#p* s#all -- peeled de!eined / -- rinsed in cold water Sausages* hinese -- coo.ed -----S,;,D D%&SS'()----;i#es -- peeled 9inegar -- white (a# Pla Bfish sauceC Salt Sugar -- brown ilantro hilies -- Serrano )arlic -- "hai pic.led $il -- $li!e BoptionalC


'n a large pot add all of the #eat ingredients and bring it to a boil. +oil for about 21 #inutes or until the por. is thoroughly coo.ed. Drain the water and set the #eats aside. Place all of the salad dressing ingredients into a food processor or blender. +lend until ingredients beco#e li7uid. Dsing your choice of salad greens* place the coo.ed #eats on top of the greens and top with the salad dressing.

The *slands
1 1 1 1 1 1 cup pac.age cup cup cup cup cup tablespoon

ice-%ruit Salad

1/2 1/2

glutinous rice le#on gelatin powder -- 3.? ounces crushed pineapple whipped crea# confectionerHs sugar chopped nuts -- A see note #iniature #arsh#allows orange #ar#alade strawberries -- for garnish #int lea!es -- for garnish le#on slices -- garnish

A Dse your choice of chopped nuts. Galnuts and pecans are good choices. 1. oo. the 1 cup raw rice according to pac.age directions.

2. -i4 2 cups boiling water with gelatin. ;ightly grease a large gelatin #old or appropriately si3ed dish. Pour in the dissol!ed gelatin and chill until partially set. 3. ,dd coo.ed cooled rice* drained pineapple* whipped crea#* sugar* walnuts or pecans and #arsh#allows. -i4 well and chill until fir#. 4. "urn gelatin onto large ser!ing plate and #a.e a decorati!e pattern with a few whole strawberries* #int lea!es and le#on slices #ade into a le#on twist shape.

The 2lti'ate Salad #ressing

1 1/2 1/4 1/2 teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon tablespoons tablespoons tablespoon tablespoon teaspoons teaspoons cup Dry #ustard Salt Pepper Sugar Dried $regano Parsley -inced onions -inced )arlic clo!es -inced Sweet %ed peppers ;e#on 2uice Ghite wine !inegar ;ight $il

1 2 2 1 1 4 4


'n s#all bowl* whis. together all ingredients e4cept oil. Ghis. #i4ture while slowly dri33ling in oil. ;et stand for 31 #inutes to blend fla!ors. Ghis. again before using. Dressing can also be #ade in food processor. Buse pulseC

To'atensalat /To'ato Salad1

? 1 1 1 each tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon cup tablespoons tablespoon each "o#atoes> -ed. -- hopped Sugar Salt +asil -- Dried "hy#e -- Dried Pepper -- @reshly )round 9egetable $il 9inegar Gorcestershire Sauce $nion> ;arge -- Diced

0 1 1

1/4 1/4 1/2

+lend all ingredients together and chill for 1 hour before ser!ing. Ser!e on lettuce lea!es.

To'ato As$ic
1 1/3 1/3 2 1/2 1 1 1/E 1/2 2 2 1/2 7uart cup cup tablespoons teaspoon ounce cup pac.ets tablespoons to#ato 2uice -- A see note celery lea!es -- chopped chopped onions sugar salt bay leaf peppercorns cold water gelatin powder -- 1 tbsp each !inegar Gorcestershire sauce -- optional

A @or spicier aspic use 3 cups to#ato 2uice and 1 cup Spicy 9-E 2uice. ,dd Gorcestershire sauce for a uni7ue taste* but be careful not to add too #uch -- try 1/2 teaspoon at first. 1. 'n a saucepan place the 2uice* celery lea!es* onion* sugar* salt* bay leaf and peppercorns. Heat and si##er* unco!ered* for 11 #inutes. 2. Place the gelatin into 1/2 cup cold water and let stand to soften* about ? #inutes. 3. %e#o!e 2uice #i4ture fro# heat and strain li7uid into large bowl* discarding other ingredients. 4. '##ediately add the gelatin #i4ture into the 2uice and stir until gelatin is co#pletely dissol!ed. ,dd the !inegar and stir to co#bine. ?. Place the #i4ture into a #old and chill until fir#. :ou #ay want to lightly grease the #old for ease in re#o!ing. Dn#old onto a bed of lettuce and ser!e i##ediately.

Tortellini and Artichoke Pasta Salad

11 4 2 4 1 1 2 2 ounces tablespoons tablespoons tablespoon tablespoon tablespoons tablespoons tortellini* cheese-filled -- or chic.en #arinated articho.e hearts red bell pepper -- roasted or pi#ento* #ayonnaise Di2on #ustard par#esean cheese -- grated basil -- chopped parsley -- chopped salt and pepper

oo. tortellini* rinse and drain well. "oss with 1 tbs. of the #arinated articho.e li7uid to .eep fro# together. -ore #ay be added for fla!oring of desired. Drain ut into chun.s. o#bine re#aining ingredients and toss gently in a large bowl to co#bine. %efrigerate if not ser!ed i##ediately.

Tortellini Pesto Salad

1 1 1/4 1/3 1/4 cup cup clo!e cup cup ounces ounces ounces ounces #ediu# cup parsley sprigs -- lightly pac.ed* ste# fresh basil garlic Par#esan cheese -- grated oli!e oil broccoli cheese tortellini blac. oli!es -- slice* drained pro!olone cheese -- cubed to#atoes -- seeded and chopped pine nuts -- toasted

E 14 2 1/4 0 2 1/3

@or pesto8 in food processor bowl or blender container co#bine parsley* basil and garlic. o!er and process or blend till finely chopped. ,dd par#esan cheese. o!er and process or blend until co#bined. Gith lid a2ar* add oil a little at a ti#e* processing or blending after each addition till well co#bined> set aside. %e#o!e the outer lea!es and tough parts of stal.s fro# broccoli. ut stal.s crosswise into 1/4 inch thic. slices and brea. floweretts into s#aller pieces> set aside. 'n a large co!ered saucepan coo. tortellini according to pac.age directions> add broccoli during the last ? #inutes of Drain. 'n a large salad bowl co#bine pesto* broccoli* tortellini and oli!es. "oss lightly. o!er> chill for 4 hours or o!ernight. "o ser!e* add pro!olone cheese* to#atoes* and nuts to tortellini #i4ture* toss lightly.

Tortellini Salad
2 1/2 3/4 1/3 1/E 1/E 1/2 1/2 pounds pound pound cup cup cup cup cup tablespoon each cup teaspoon tortellini* spinach-filled Prosciutto -- thinly sliced peas* fro3en basil* fresh -- washed / torn parsley -- fresh* chopped Par#esan cheese D%&SS'() white wine !inegar le#on 2uice Di2on #ustard garlic clo!es -- peeled / pressed oli!e oil Pepper

1 3 1


+oil pasta until al dente* and rinse with cold water. "ri# fat fro# prosciutto and cut into s#all s7uares. Stea# peas until 2ust tender and cool rapidly with cold water. 'n a s#all bowl blend all of the dressing ingredients &N &P" oli!e oil. -i4 well with wire whis.. Ghile still* add oli!e oil until dressing is well blended. o#bine tortellini* prosciutto* and peas in a large bowl. ,dd half of the dressing. "oss gently. ,dd basil and toss until well #i4ed. hill. 5ust before ser!ing #oisten with re#aining !inagrette and put in ser!ing dish. Sprin.le with parsley and par#esan cheese.

Tro$ical &hicken Salad

2 1 1/3 1/2 1/4 3/4 cups cup cup cup cup tablespoons teaspoons cup hic.en* white #eat -- A ,pples -- peeled and diced Pineapple hun.s hopped al#onds Shredded oconut Ghite %aisins Bopt.C hopped hutney urry Powder -ayonnaise

3 2 A

oo.ed and cubed

'n a bowl* co#bine chutney* curry* and #ayonnaise. o#bine all other ingredients in a separate bowl. Stir curry* chutney* and #ayonaisse #i4ture into the chic.en #i4ture. Ser!e on watercress or lettuce lea!es* with slices of a!ocado.

Tro$ical &o'$ote with Hone7 "i'e #ressing

2 2 1 1 a!ocados -- seed* peel* cube .iwi fruit -- peel* slice banana -- peel* slice papaya -- peel* slice coconut -- sweetened -----Honey ;i#e Dressing----plain yogurt li#e 2uice honey li#e peel -- grated

1/2 3/4 1/4 1/4

cup cup tablespoons cup teaspoon

Prepare Honey ;i#e Dressing by #i4ing all those ingredients together. -i4 fruit together in ser!ing bowl> pour Honey ;i#e Dressing o!er top. Sprin.le with coconut and ser!e.

Tuna and A)ocado Salad

2 2 1 1 2 2 each teaspoons cup cup each tablespoons tablespoons ;arge hard-boiled eggs ;ouisiana hot sauce ,!ocado -- #ashed $nion -- chopped 0 1/2 o3 can tuna Bin waterC -ayonnaise B#aybe 3 "bsC Dill relish @resh le#on 2uice Salt to taste


Peel eggs and #ash real well with a regular dinner for. B#ore or less #ince the#C. Peel a!ocado and s7uee3e 1/2 le#on on it to .eep fro# discoloring. "hen #ash real well with for.. -i4 these two ingredients real well. Drain water fro# tuna and #i4 with onions* eggs* a!ocado* dill pic.les or relish* salt* ;ouisiana hot sauce* and #ayonnaise. Ser!e o!er lettuce.

Tuna *taliano *nsalata

3 1 1 tablespoons large teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoons cups 1/2 2 1 cup ounces cup cup cup cup cup cup -----D%&SS'()----%ed wine !inegar lo!e garlic -- #inced Dried basil Salt Sugar @reshly ground pepper $li!e oil -----S,;,D----oo.ed* drained -- bow tie or Spiral pasta Drained* fla.ed -- water-pac.d "una ;ow-fat 2ac. or cheddar heese -- diced in 1/4 inch ubes Hal!ed cherry to#atoes "hinly sliced red onion "hinly sliced celery Stea#ed broccoli flowerettes Sliced* canned or thawed @ro3en articho.e hearts hopped parsley +elgian endi!e

1/2 1/4

4 2

1/4 1/4 3/4 1/2 1/4

1. "o #a.e dressing8 'n s#all container with tightly fitting lid* co#bine dressing ingredients. 2. o!er tightly and sha.e thoroughly to #i4.

3. "o #a.e salad8 'n large bowl co#bine salad ingredients* e4cept endi!e. 4. Pour dressing o!er all and toss to #i4. ?. hill at least 1 hour.

0. "o ser!e* arrange salad in ser!ing bowl lined with endi!e spears.

Tuna Part7 Salad

2 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1/2 cup cup tablespoons cup cup cup cup cans &n!elopes of gelatin old water hili sauce ;e#on 2uice -ayonnaise Ghipping crea# -- whipped %ipe oli!es -- 7uartered elery -- finely diced "una -- drained

Soften gelatin. Heat sauce to boiling. %e#o!e fro# heat and add softened gelatin and stir until dissol!ed. ,dd le#on 2uice. hill until partly congealed. @old in #ayonnaise* crea#* oli!es* celery and tuna. Pour into a two 7uart casserole. %efrigerate until fir#.

Tuna Ta7lor Salad

1 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/4 cup cup tablespoons cup cup slices 0-1/2 o3 can "una Drained / fla.ed Swiss cheese -- shredded elery -- chopped $nion -- finely chopped -ayonnaise Sour crea# Pepper %ye bread


'n a bowl co#bine the tuna* cheese* celery* onion* #ayonnaise* sour crea#* and pepper Bto tasteC. Spread on the bread and ser!e at once. E sandwiches.

Tuna-3acaroni Su$$er Salad

1/2 1 2 1 1/2 1/2 1/4 1 1/E 14 1 E 1 ounces cup cup tablespoon cups cups cup cup teaspoon teaspoon ounces &lbow #acaroni -ayonnaise 'talian-style dressing Prepared #ustard "hin -- pared cucu#ber slice Diced to#ato Diced green pepper oarsely chopped green onion Salt Pepper Solid-pac. tuna B2 cansC -- drained/bro.en into Hard-coo.ed egg -- chopped hopped parsley

oo. #acaroni as label directs. Drain> rinse with cold water. 'n large bowl co#bine #ayonnaise* 'talian dressing and #ustard> #i4 well. ,dd cucu#ber* to#ato* green pepper* green onion* salt* pepper* tuna* and #acaroni> toss to #i4 well. %efrigerate* co!ered* until well chilled about 4 hours. 5ust before ser!ing garnish with hard-coo.ed egg and parsley.

1 1 3/4 1 1/2 1/2 1 4 1/3 pound pound cup cups cup can B2 cup


B3 #ediu#C potatoes -- - cut into 3/4-inch hic.en breasts -- - Bboneless and cut into 1/3-inch strips %ed wine !inaigrette -- dressing BpreparedC reduced calorie Hal!ed cherry to#atoes hopped red onion Sliced ripe oli!es -- drained 1/4 ounce canC %o#aine lettuce lea!es ru#bled blue cheese

'n 3-7uart saucepan o!er #ediu# heat coo. potatoes* co!ered* in 2 inches boiling water ? #inutes. ,dd chic.en> bring to boil* reduce heat* co!er and coo. about 11 #inutes until potatoes are tender and 2uices run clear when chic.en is pierced. Drain thoroughly. ,dd re#aining ingredients to potatoes and chic.en e4cept lettuce and cheese. "oss gently o!er low heat 2ust until war#. ;ine platter with lettuce> spoon #i4ture onto lettuce. "op with cheese. BSalad also can be ser!ed chilled.C

0er'icelli Salad
12 0 2 1 1 1 1/2 ounces cup ounces tablespoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon pound bunch cup !er#icelli sweet pic.le 2uice @rench salad dressing garlic clo!es -- #ashed poppy seeds celery seed caraway seed cayenne pepper salt diced celery green onions -- chopped fresh parsley -- chopped

1/4 1/2 1/2 1/4

+rea. !er#icelli into 1< pieces* and coo. according to pac.age directions. -i4 pic.le 2uice* @rench dressing* garlic* and seasonings and pour o!er war# !er#icelli. hill. $ne hour before ser!ing* add celery* green onions and parsley.

0idalia Onion and &arrot Salad

3/4 1/2 1 1 1 1/2 pound cup cup tablespoon tablespoon tablespoon teaspoon carrots -- grated 9idalia onions -- finely chopped --- Dressing8 ----oli!e oil fresh le#on 2uice wine !inegar blac. pepper -- to taste fresh #int cu#in seed


A Dse 9idalia onions or other sweet onions such as Galla Galla* -aui* '#perial Sweet or "e4as 111?. 1. )rate carrots coarsely> place in ser!ing bowl along with chopped onions. 2. 'n a s#all bowl co#bine oli!e oil* le#on 2uice* wine !inegar and blac. pepper to taste. -i4 with wire whis. until blended. ,dd chopped fresh #int and #i4 well. 3. Pour dressing o!er carrots and onions and toss well.

0idalia Onion5 To'ato5 and !asil Salad

1 2 0 2 1/2 1/4 1/2 pound tablespoons tablespoons cup teaspoon 9idalia onion -- large to#atoes -- large #o33arella cheese* part s.i# #il. -- sliced oli!e oil wine !inegar fresh basil lea!es -- chopped blac. pepper garlic -- finely #inced

A )arlic is optional. Slice the to#atoes and cheese into thic. slices. Slice the 9idalia onion into thin slices> chill for best fla!or. 'f 9idalias are not a!ailable substitute Galla Galla* -aui Sweet or "e4as 111?. $n salad plates* arrange the to#atoes* onion and cheese in o!erlapping design. 'n a large #easuring cup co#bine the oil* !inegar* garlic and blac. pepper. Dse a whis. to blend well. Ghile still stirring* pour o!er the !egetables. )arnish with chopped basil. Ser!e i##ediately.


1 1 1 1 = 1/4 1/2 1/3 1/2 1/2 cup cup teaspoon pound each cup each teaspoon ounces cup $li!e oil @resh Pesto sauce Seasoned salt hic.en breasts*s.inned -- bone Sliced blanched 3ucchini @resh le#on 2uice &gg yol. Ghite pepper @resh ,ngelHs Hair pasta Pine nuts

'n a #ediu# bowl*place oil*le#on 2uice*pesto sauce*egg yol.*seasoned salt and pepper. Ghis. together until well blended. %eser!e 1/4 cup #i4ture. +roil chic.en breast hal!es on both sides until tender. Slice chic.en*crosswise*unto 1< wide strips. "oss re#aining oil #i4ture with hot coo.ed*drained pasta and 3ucchini. ,rrange on a ser!ing platter. Place chic.en slices o!er pasta>sprin.le with pine nuts. Pour reser!ed oil #i4ture o!er salad. Ser!e i##ediately or chill.

.ar' !ean and To'ato Salad with !asil

3 2 1 1 2 2 1 1/2 pound tablespoons each tablespoon cup each tablespoons tablespoon )reen +eans -- ends re#o!ed $li!e $il ;arge Dry Shallots -- chopped +alsa#ic or %ed Gine 9inegar hic.peas -- drained 1=o3 "o#atoes* seeded -- chopped @resh +asil -- chopped ;e#on 5uice -- fresh Salt @reshly )round +lac. Pepper

A :ou can use 1 teaspoon of dried basil instead of the fresh stuff. %e#o!e the ends fro# the beans and cut into 1 12 inch lengths. oo. in boiling water until 2ust tender* about ? - K #inutes. Drain well. -eanwhile heat one tablespoon of oil in a large frypan o!er #ediu# heat> coo. the shallots until softened* about 2 #inutes. ,dd balsa#ic !inegar and coo. until li7uid is reduced. Drain chic.peas and stir in chic.peas and green beans> coo. until heated through* about 2 #inutes. 'n a ser!ing bowl* co#bine the bean #i4ture with to#atoes* oli!es and basil. Ghis. together the re#aining oil with le#on 2uice and pour o!er salad> season with salt and pepper to taste. Ser!e war# or at roo# te#perature. Ser!es 2 as #ain course* 4 as side dish.

.ar' Goat &heese Salad

1 1 1 1/2 3 2 2 2 3 3 head head ounces tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons +oston lettuce red leaf lettuce goat cheese -- per person pine nuts -- chopped bread cru#bs oli!e oil -----Dressing----le#on 2uice red wine !inegar oli!e oil !egetable oil

@or the dressing* 2ust #i4 the le#on 2uice and !inegar and add the oils while o#bine the pinenuts and bread cru#bs in a s#all bowl. ut the goat cheese into 1.? o3 slices. oat the slices with oli!e oil and roll the# in the pinenut #i4ture. ,dd any e4tra ha3elnut #i4ture to the dressing. +rea. the lettuce into bite si3e pieces and dress. Place the goat cheese slices on a oiled sheet and ba.e at 3?1 degrees until they begin #elting. "hen toast the goat cheese until the tops are brown. Ser!e in indi!idual dishes with one goat cheese slice per bowl.

1 1 1 2 2 1/2 1 4 1 1/2 s#all

ed &a,,age Salad
red cabbage -- about 1E o3 red apple -- crisp garlic -- finely chopped balsa#ic !inegar oli!e oil red onion -- 7uartered and thinly goat cheese -- bro.en into large pi parsley -- chopped fresh #ar2ora# -- finely chop*or 1/E t salt* pepper

clo!e tablespoons tablespoons ounces tablespoon teaspoon

Ouarter and core the cabbage. ut the wedges into thin pieces* 2 to 3 inches long and set aside. ut apple lengthwise into si4ths* cut out the core* then slice the pieces thinly* crosswise. Put the garlic* !inegar* and oil in a wide saute pan o!er a #ediu#-high fla#e. ,s soon as they are hot* add the onion and saute for 31 seconds. ,dd the cabbage* and coo. for about 2 #inutes. Season with salt* freshly ground blac. pepper* and #ore !inegar* if necessary. ,dd the goat cheese* apple* and herbs. "oss briefly and carefully before ser!ing.

.ar'er +arto--elsalat /Hot Potato Salad1

3 3 1 2 1/4 each each cup tablespoon teaspoons teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon cup tablespoons Potatoes>-ed -- +oiled 'n S.ins +acon -- Slices $nion -- hopped Dnbleached @lour Sugar Salt elery Seeds Pepper -- Gater 9inegar

3/4 1/4 1/4 3/E 2 1/2

Peel potatoes and slice paper thin. Saute bacon slowly in a frypan* then drain on paper towels. Saute onion in bacon fat until golden brown. +lend in flour* sugar* salt* celery seeds* and pepper. oo. o!er low heat* stirring until s#ooth and bubbly. %e#o!e fro# heat. Stir in water and !inegar. Heat to boiling* stirring constantly. +oil for 1 #inute. arefully stir in the potatoes and cru#bled bacon bits. %e#o!e fro# heat* co!er and let stand until ready to ser!e.

4A3 SO3-O /THA* PO3E"O-&H*&+EN SA"A#1

1 1 1 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/4 s#all cup teaspoon tablespoons teaspoons tablespoons s#all cup Po#elo or ruby red -- grapefruit Ghole coo.ed chic.en breast oo.ed shri#p hopped red chile "hai fish sauce Sugar 5uice fro# 1 large li#e hopped fresh coriander Head red leaf lettuce -- for %oasted peanuts -- chopped @resh red chile -- 2ulienned garnish ----- %'SP: @%'&D SH,;;$" @;,6&S----Shallots -- thinly sliced 9egetable oil

0 1


Peel and separate po#elo or grapefruit into seg#ents. %e#o!e the #e#branes. Seed. )ently fla.e the flesh apart into a bowl. hill. Hand shred the chic.en. ,dd chic.en and shri#p to po#elo. 'n a s#all bowl #i4 together the chopped red chile with fish sauce* sugar* li#e 2uice and coriander> toss with po#elo chic.en #i4ture. ,rrange the lettuce on a ser!ing platter. Put the fruit #i4ture o!er the lettuce. "op with peanuts and 2 tablespoons of risp @ried Shallot* and garnish with red chile sli!ers. %'SP @%'&D SH,;;$" @;,6&S8 Slice shallots into thin slices. +e sure they are all of the sa#e thinness to ensure e!en Heat a pan with the !egetable oil o!er #ediu# heat. ,dd shallots and fry slowly until browned and crisp* ? to 11 #inutes. "he #oisture in the shallots should be co#pletely coo.ed out. Drain on paper towel. Store in an airtight container. Gill .eep se!eral wee.s.

;ucchini and 3ushroo' Salad

1 E 2 1 2 1/4 pound s#all cup tablespoons teaspoon sprigs cup cup button #ushroo#s 3ucchini wine !inegar oli!e oil salt fresh tarragon water dry white wine

1/4 1/4

lean the #ushroo#s. ut the 3ucchini into 1 inch lengths. Place all ingredients in a pot. Si##er until the 3ucchini is 2ust tender. "urn off heat. Place lid on pot and lea!e for 1? #inutes. Place the drained !egetables in a bowl* reser!ing the li7uid. Place this li7uid bac. in the pot and coo. until reduced to about 1/3 cup. Discard the tarragon. Pour o!er the !egetables and lightly chill BdonHt o!er-chill or it will .ill the fla!orC. "hrow on a little finely chopped parsley before ser!ing.

;2&&H*N* AN# TO3ATO SA"A#

1/4 cup Qucchini "o#atoes 'talian dressing

ube 3ucchini and wedge to#atoes. ,dd 'talian dressing to lightly co!er !egetables. @or a 3estier taste* add 'talian seasonings and garlic powder.

Qucchini @iesta Salad 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/2 1/3 1/3 pound pound tablespoons cup teaspoon each cup cup pac.age each S#all 3ucchiniA S#all s7uashA ;e#on 2uice Salad oil Salt Dash of pepper -- ground cu#in )reen onion -- thinly sliced Diced green chilies Pi#ento-stuffed oli!esAA B3 o3.C crea# cheeseAAA S#all a!ocado ;ettuce lea!es @resh coriander BcilantroC ut in half crosswise.

1 1 1


ut crosswise in 1/4 inch-thic. slices. AA ut in 3/4-inch cubes.

Stea# 3ucchini and s7uash o!er boiling water until crisptender Babout 3 #inutesC. Plunge into ice water to cool> drain well. 'n a large bowl* co#bine le#on 2uice* oil* salt pepper* and cu#in. ,dd drained s7uash and stir lightly> chill for 31 #inutes. ,dd onion* chilies* oli!es* and cheese. Peel and pit a!ocado> cut into s#all cubes. ,dd to salad and #i4 lightly. "o ser!e* arrange lettuce lea!es on 4 salad plates. -ound e7ual portions of salad on each plate. )arnish each salad with a sprig of coriander.

;ucchini Salad
2 2 1 1 1 2 #ediu# teaspoons cup tablespoon teaspoon tablespoons 3ucchini -- shredded salt sour crea# fresh li#e 2uice cu#in seed blac. pepper papri.a onion -- grated

'n a colander* sprin.le 3ucchini with salt and allow to stand 1? #inutes. S7uee3e as #uch #oisture as possible fro# 3ucchini. o#bine re#aining ingredients in cera#ic bowl. Stir in 3ucchini. hill at least one hour.

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